Negotiation User Guide

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5

for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5

Edition 5.2.0

Darran Lofthouse

Eva Kopalová

Edited by

Petr Penicka

Edited by

Russell Dickenson

Edited by

Scott Mumford


The JBoss Negotiation Guide is aimed at system administrators and developers, who wish to set up the SPNEGO authentication on their JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. This guide provides instructions for its configuration and additional details on the setup of the AdvancedLdapLoginModule, which allows integration of the SPNEGO authentication with an LDAP server.

Chapter 1. Introduction

JBoss Negotiation is a component of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, which provides the SPNEGO-based (Simple and Protected Negotiation) SSO (Single Sign On) mechanism.
JBoss Negotiation is located in $JBOSS_HOME/jboss-as/common/lib/jboss-negotiation.jar
SPNEGO is a Generic Security Services Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) mechanism for client-server authentication. It allows silent authentication to remote systems and access to security services. It can also delegate user credentials to a remote system so the remote system can contact further systems on behalf of the user.

1.1. SPNEGO Authentication Process

Generally, the client sends the input credentials to the server and the login module of the server verifies the credentials against its credential store when a user is authenticating to a server. SPNEGO authentication differs in several aspects:
  1. The application server authenticates itself against the KDC and obtains a ticket before it can authenticate the user.
  2. Only then, the server prompts the client to authenticate. The client responds with a SPNEGO token and the server uses its own ticket to decode client's ticket and then responds to the client.
  3. A client can request the server to authenticate itself if required.
  4. A client can delegate its credentials to the server so that the server can call other systems on behalf of the calling client.
JBoss Negotiation is typically useful in the following scenario:
  • The user logs into a desktop computer with a log in that is governed by an Active Directory domain or FreeIPA.
  • The user launches a web browser and accesses a web application that uses JBoss Negotiation.
  • The web browser transfers the desktop credentials to the web application.


You can configure Active Directory and FreeIPA to use JBoss Negotiation (refer to Chapter 6, Configuring FreeIPA and Chapter 5, Configuring Microsoft Active Directory ).

1.2. Configuration Overview

To have your environment configured to use JBoss Negotiation, you need to do the following:


Before you configure your applications to use JBoss Negotiation test the setup with Negotiation Toolkit (refer to Chapter 8, Negotiation Toolkit).

Chapter 2. Application Server Configuration

To configure JBoss Negotiation to run on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, you need to do the following:
  • Extend the core authentication mechanism to support JBoss Negotiation (add the SPNEGO authenticator).
  • Define the application security domain, which allows an application to communicate with the application server through the SPNEGOLoginModule.
  • Define the server security domain, which allows the application server to authenticate itself to the KDC for the first time.
You may also need to configure the realm properties to allow the server to locate the authentication realm (Kerberos realm) if the server was not previously configured to do so.
JBoss Negotiation comes with Negotiation Toolkit, a web application, which allows you to test your SPNEGO setup. Consider using the application before testing on your own web applications (refer to Chapter 8, Negotiation Toolkit).

2.1. Adding the SPNEGO Authenticator

To add the SPNEGO authenticator to the core authentication mechanism, do the following:
  1. Open the $JBOSS_HOME/server/PROFILE/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml file for editing.
  2. Locate the property authenticators.
  3. Add the following entry to the property:
    <property name="authenticators">
      <map class="java.util.Properties" keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
    The key value is arbitrary; however, if you want to use the Negotiation Toolkit to test your server setup, make sure you use the SPNEGO value as the tool works only with the SPNEGO authenticator with this name.

2.2. Defining Server Security Domain

The application server must define a security domain to be able to authenticate to the KDC for the first time.


Krb5LoginModule can use a local credentials cache; however, this option is incompatible with the storeKey option, which is required by SPNEGO. Make sure the module does not use the local credentials cache.
To define a server security domain, do the following:
  1. Open the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml file for editing.
  2. Define the application policy element with the authentication element with the following options:
    If true the private key is cached in the Subject (set to true).
    If true the key is loaded from a keyTab file (set to true).
    The attribute needs to state the full name of the principal to obtain from the keyTab file.
    The attribute defines the full path to the keyTab file with the server key (key for encrypting the information between the server and KDC).
    If true password prompting is turned off (as this is a server, set to true).
    If true the system logs additional debug information to STDOUT.

Example 2.1. Server security domain

<application-policy name="host">
      <login-module code=""
         <module-option name="storeKey">true</module-option>
         <module-option name="useKeyTab">true</module-option>
         <module-option name="principal">HTTP/testserver@KERBEROS.JBOSS.ORG</module-option>
         <module-option name="keyTab">/home/jboss_user/testserver.keytab</module-option>
         <module-option name="doNotPrompt">true</module-option>
         <module-option name="debug">true</module-option>

2.3. Defining Application Security Domain

To allow an application to communicate with the application server through the SPNEGOLoginModule, you need to define the application security domain on the application server.
To define the application security domain, do the following:
  1. Open the $JBOSS_HOME/jboss-as/server/$PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml file for editing.
  2. Define a new application policy with the following chained configuration:
    • The SPNEGOLoginModule and its configuration with the following options:
      <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
      The password-stacking option activates client-side authentication of clients with other login modules. Set the password-stacking option to useFirstPass, so the module looks first for a shared user name and password with and respectively (for further information refer to Password Stacking in the Security Guide).
      <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain">DomainName</module-option>
      The serverSecurityDomain option defines the server security domain, which defines the authentication module (Kerberos) and server authentication properties (refer to Section 2.2, “Defining Server Security Domain”).
    • The login module which returns the roles of the authenticated user and its configuration options. You can make use of the UsersRolesLoginModule that obtains the user roles from a properties file or AdvancedLdapLoginModule, which obtains user roles from an LDAP server following GSSAPI. For further information refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping”.

Example 2.2. Application Security Domain

<application-policy name="SPNEGO">
         <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
         <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
         <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
         <module-option name="usersProperties">props/</module-option>
         <module-option name="rolesProperties">props/</module-option>
In Example 2.2, “Application Security Domain” we have defined an application security domain called SPNEGO with two login modules:
  • provides SPNEGO user authentication;
  • returns the roles of the user authenticated by the SPNEGOLoginModule (the roles are filtered from a users properties file).

2.4. Role Mapping

Once the user has been authenticated against the KDC (this occurs through, the application server needs to obtain the user roles. The authentication can use either the to obtain user roles from a file or the to obtain user roles from an LDAP server.

2.4.1. Setting up Role Mapping with a Roles Properties File

To allow SPNEGO to obtain the roles of an authenticated user from a file, do the following:
  1. In the application security domain, set the second login module of the SPNEGO authentication to (refer to Example 2.2, “Application Security Domain”) and provide the module options. Refer to UsersRolesLoginModule in the Security Guide).
  2. If the application security domain is defined in the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/login-config.xml file, define the user roles in the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/props/ file. Use the following pattern: fullyQualifiedUserName=comma-separatedListOfRoles

    Example 2.3. file

    # A file for use with the UsersRolesLoginModule

2.4.2. Setting up Role Mapping with an LDAP Server

The AdvancedLdapLoginModule allows you to obtain the roles of a user, who was previously authenticated against a KDC with the SPNEGOLoginModule. The AdvancedLdapLoginModule is based on the LdapExtLoginModule and follows GSSAPI.


In this chapter we discuss the module in chained configuration with the SPNEGOLoginModule; however, you can use the module for both authentication and role look up from an LDAP server. For further details on such configuration, refer to Appendix A, Advanced LDAP Login Module: Full LDAP Authentication.
To make use of the AdvancedLdapLoginModule in the chained configuration with the SPNEGOLoginModule, you need to chain it with the SPNEGOLoginModule in the SPNEGO application security domain: set the second login module of SPNEGO authentication to (refer to Example 2.2, “Application Security Domain”).
To set up the role mapping to an LDAP server, you need to do the following:
The properties set on the login mode are passed into the InitialLdapContext constructor; that means you can make use of any of the options supported by the LdapCtxFactory. Defining Initial LDAP Context with GSSAPI

To obtain the initial LDAP Context, define the following module properties for the AdvancedLdapLoginModule in the application security domain (Section 2.3, “Defining Application Security Domain”):
defines the authentication type (set the property value to GSSAPI to use GSSAPI-based authentication).
defines the security domain that is used to obtain the subject required for the connection (refer to Section 2.2, “Defining Server Security Domain” for information defining the required jaasSecurityDomain).

2.4.3. Examples of LDAP Configuration with the SPNEGO Module

The following configurations of the SPNEGO authentication uses the SPNEGOLoginModule and LDAP login module. This chained configuration is identical for FreeIPA and Active Directory with the exception of the baseFilter value, which defines the name to search for in LDAP identified by the SPNEGOLoginModule (for the relevant ldiff dump refer to Section A.2.1, “Full LDAP Authentication for Active Directory” and Section A.2.2, “Full LDAP Authentication for Free IPA”).
Note that the password-stacking property is set to useFirstPass on both login modules to allow the SPNEGOLoginModule to pass the name of the authenticated user to the AdvancedLdapLoginModule. Chained Configuration on FreeIPA

The following configuration shows the AdvancedLdapLoginModule chained after the SPNEGOLoginModule for FreeIPA:
<application-policy name="SPNEGO_FREEIPA">
       <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
       <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
      <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
      <module-option name="bindAuthentication">GSSAPI</module-option>
      <module-option name="jaasSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
      <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url">ldap://</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseCtxDN">cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseFilter">(krbPrincipalName={0})</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeID">memberOf</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN">true</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleNameAttributeID">cn</module-option>
      <module-option name="recurseRoles">true</module-option>
</application-policy> Chained Configuration on Active Directory

The following configuration shows the AdvancedLdapLoginModule chained after the SPNEGOLoginModule for Active Directory:
<application-policy name="SPNEGO_AD">
      <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
      <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain">host</module-option>

      <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
      <module-option name="bindAuthentication">GSSAPI</module-option>
      <module-option name="jaasSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
      <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url">ldap://VM104:3268</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseCtxDN">CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseFilter">(userPrincipalName={0})</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeID">memberOf</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN">true</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleNameAttributeID">cn</module-option>
      <module-option name="recurseRoles">true</module-option>

Chapter 3. TRACE Logging

To enable logging for JBoss Security and so also for the authenticator of JBoss Negotiation, do the following:
  1. Open the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/jboss-log4j.xml
  2. Add the following to enable full TRACE logging for
    <category name="">
      <priority value="TRACE"/>
  3. Optionally allow additional logging for the login module. To do so, set the debug option to true:
    <module-option name="debug">true</module-option>
  4. Set the system property to get verbose output of the entire GSSAPI negotiation process.

3.1. Configuring Message Tracing

You can log the exchanged messages selectively at TRACE level. Both, the Request and Response messages, can be logged and that either as Hex or as Base64 or both.
The base category for message tracing is If you enable TRACE logging for this category, all request and response messages are logged at the TRACE level in both Hex and in Base64 encoding.

Example 3.1. Configuration for tracking all messages

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>
To reduce the logging to either just request or just response messages, append .Request or .Response to the category value.

Example 3.2. Configuration for tracking only request messages (messages are logged in both Hex and Base64)

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

Example 3.3. Configuration for tracking only response messages (messages are logged in both Hex and Base 64)

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>
To have messages logged in a particular encoding, append .Hex or .Base64 to the category value.

Example 3.4. Message tracking with defined encoding

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

<category name="">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

Chapter 4. Passing Authentication Properties to the Server

After you have set up JBoss Negotiation, you need to make sure to pass the Kerberos realm properties to JBoss Application Server:
the Kerberos realm the server authenticates against
KDC hostname


Skip this step if you are running your JBoss installation on a host which is already configured to authenticate against a KDC.
For further information about the properties, refer to Java Generic Security Services (Java GSS) and Kerberos.
You can pass the properties to the server either from the command line or add them to the server properties.

4.1. Passing the Properties from the Command Line

To send the properties to the server from the command line, substitute KERBEROS.JBOSS.ORG with your realm and issue the run command with the respective Java properties:
  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, run the following command:
  • On Windows, run the following command:
These properties are valid only until the server shutdown and you need to pass them to the server on every start.

4.2. Adding the Properties to the System Properties

To make the properties permanent and have an application server start always with the SPNEGO mechanism, define the properties in the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/deploy/properties-service.xml descriptor. Make sure the properties are loaded before the first authentication attempt (JBoss does not allow any incoming HTTP connections before the server has started up fully).
Open the descriptor and add the following attribute to the jboss:type=Service,name=SystemProperties MBean:
<attribute name="Properties">

4.2.1. Multiple KDCs

If you are using one or more slave KDCs in addition to your master KDC, list the KDCs in a colon-separated list after the system property. The system will use the provided alternative KDC if the master KDC is not available.

Example 4.1. Running a server with multiple KDCs


Chapter 5. Configuring Microsoft Active Directory


The domain details in this chapter differ from the domain details used in the rest of this guide.
To configure Active Directory to authenticate user through JBoss Negotiation you need to do the following:
  • Create a server user account and configure it as a Service Principal Name (SPN) account: the user of the Service Principal Name account (SPN account) acts as a connection between the Kerberos server, the Active Directory and the JBoss web server.
  • Generate a keytab file for the server user and export it to the application server. The application server uses the keytab to authenticate to KDC in AD.


Make sure you are using an Active Directory domain controller. It is not possible to use a Windows machine with accounts managed locally.


Instructions in this guide apply to Windows 2003 and may differ from the instructions relevant for your Windows operating system.

5.1. User Account for the Application Server

To configure an SPN account for the application server on the AD domain controller, you need Setspn and Ktpass. The command line utilities are part of Windows Server 2003 Support Tools and serve for mapping the server user name to the application server and its HTTP service.
The utilities are available on Microsoft web pages.
You need to create a regular user account for the server in the AD domain (make sure it is a user account, not a computer account) and map the account to the service account.

5.1.1. Creating Server User

To create a new user for the server, do the following:
  1. Go to StartAdministrative ToolsActive Directory Users and Computers
  2. In the Active Directory Users and Computers window, go to ActionNewUser
    New User

    Figure 5.1. New User

  3. In the New User window, enter the user details and click Next. Figure 5.1, “New User” uses the server and defines a user called testserver.
  4. Enter the password for the user and select the User cannot change password and Password never expires.


    Make sure you have entered a valid password as changing the password later can invalidate the keytab file and break your JBoss installations.
    New User Password

    Figure 5.2. New User Password

  5. Click Next and Finish.
    New User Finish

    Figure 5.3. New User Finish

  6. In the Active Directory Users and Computers window, right-click the user and click Properties.
  7. In the user properties window, click the Account tab and make sure the Do not require Kerberos preauthentication and Use DES encryption types for this account are selected under Account Options.
    User Properties

    Figure 5.4. User Properties

Now you need to create and export the keytab file for the created user.

5.2. Exporting Keytab

Once you have created the user account for the application server, use the Ktpass utility to map the SPN account as a trusted host and export the keytab for the server:
  1. Issue the ktpass command to map the created user as a trusted host and generate the keytab file. The -princ option defines the service principal that is being mapped to and the -mapuser option defines the user account being mapped to.
     ktpass -princ <service principal mapping> -out <target keytab file> -pass * -mapuser <user mapping> 

    Example 5.1. ktpass command

     ktpass -princ host/ -out C:\ -pass * -mapuser KERBEROS\testserver 
  2. When prompted, enter the user password.
  3. Issue the following command to display the available mappings and check if the new mapping is enlisted:
     setspn.exe -l <user mapping> 

    Example 5.2. setspn command

     setspn.exe -l testserver 

Chapter 6. Configuring FreeIPA

Before you configure FreeIPA to use JBoss Negotiation, make sure you have FreeIPA installed and configured correctly, and the clients are able to obtain Kerberos tickets. Detailed FreeIPA documentation is available on


Due to the supported encryption types of FreeIPA, the JBoss application server must run on a Java 6 JVM with unlimited cryptography enabled.
To configure FreeIPA to authenticate users through JBoss Negotiation you need to do the following:
  • Create a service principal for the server and add the HTTP service to it. The server user acts as a connection between FreeIPA and the JBoss web server.
  • Generate a keytab file for the server user and export it to the application server. The application server uses the keytab to authenticate to KDC in FreeIPA.


These instructions apply to FreeIPA 1.1.

6.1. Creating Service Principal

You need to create the service principal, which represents the HTTP service of your JBoss Application Server to allow the clients to request the ticket for this service.


Full information on service principal creation is available on
  1. The simplest way to create a service principal is through the FreeIPA WebUI: access the tool as an administrator.
  2. Click the Add Service Principal link.
    Adding Service Principal

    Figure 6.1. Adding Service Principal

  3. Set the hostname to the host name of your server ( and the service type to HTTP, and click Add Principal.
    View Service Principal

    Figure 6.2. View Service Principal


    Creating the service principal requires the host name to be mapped with DNS. If this procedure fails, on the command line, issue the following command to create the principal: ipa-addservice HTTP/ --force

6.2. Exporting keytab


Exporting a new keytab resets the secret associated with the service principal and invalidates any keytabs created previously for the principal.
To export a keytab for the server, do the following:
  1. Obtain the Kerberos ticket-granting ticket for an administrator: issue the command kinit <admin>.
  2. To obtain the keytab, issue the command ipa-getkeytab with the options:
    FreeIPA server to obtain the keytab from
    Non-realm part of the full principal name
    File to append the keytab
    Get Keytab

    Figure 6.3. Get Keytab

Once you have set up the service principal and exported the keytab, make sure your server security domain uses the output keytab file (refer to Section 2.2, “Defining Server Security Domain”) and configure the second login module to allow the client to load the roles assigned to the authenticated user (refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping”).

Chapter 7. Configuring Web Browsers


Web browsers need to trust the application server they communicate with. To add the application server to trusted resources, add the IP address of the JBoss application server to trusted hosts: on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, edit the /etc/hosts file and make sure the file is used for host name lookups; on Windows edit C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts). You can make this change either on your DNS server or locally on the client machine.
If the Kerberos realm is KERBEROS.JBOSS.ORG and the server hosting JBoss is testserver then the IP address you need to add as a trusted host is

7.1. Configuring Internet Explorer

The instructions on how to enable JBoss Negotiation in Internet Explorer (IE) apply to Internet Explorer 6 on Microsoft Windows 2003.
By default Internet Explorer only performs SPNEGO authentication against sites in the Local intranet zone. To enable the SPNEGO negotiation, add the server URL to the Local intranet sites:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
    Tools - Internet Options

    Figure 7.1. Tools - Internet Options

  2. In the Internet Options dialog, click the Security tab label.
  3. In the Security tab, make sure the Local intranet icon is selected and click the Sites button.
    Internet Options

    Figure 7.2. Internet Options

  4. In the Local intranet dialog, enter the URL of the server with the JBoss installation and click Add.
    Local Intranet

    Figure 7.3. Local Intranet

The server appears in the Web sites list below. Internet Explorer now trusts the JBoss installation and performs the SPNEGO negotiation. Make sure to test the Negotiation with the Basic Negotiation servlet (refer to Section 8.2, “Basic Negotiation”).

7.2. Configuring Firefox

The instructions on how to enable SPNEGO negotiation in Mozilla Firefox apply to Mozilla Firefox on Microsoft Windows 2003 and to Firefox 3.0.1 on Fedora 9 .
To enable the SPNEGO negotiation, change the Mozilla Firefox configuration as follows:
  1. Navigate to the about:config URL with the configuration options for Firefox.
  2. Set the filter to network.negotiate to display the relevant options.
    Firefox Configuration

    Figure 7.4. Firefox Configuration

  3. Double-click the network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris and in the Enter string value dialog, enter the URI for SPNEGO negotiation. The URI can be entered as a partial URI, for example http:// or testserver or a full URI, for example
    Firefox Configuration

    Figure 7.5. Firefox Configuration


    The network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris option specifies the URI the users credentials will be delegated to. In the JBoss Negotiation version, delegation is not yet supported.
The URI appears in the Value column. Firefox now trusts the JBoss installation and performs the SPNEGO negotiation. Make sure to test the Negotiation with the Basic Negotiation servlet (refer to Section 8.2, “Basic Negotiation”.
Firefox Negotiation Toolkit

Figure 7.6. Firefox Negotiation Toolkit

Chapter 8. Negotiation Toolkit

The Negotiation Toolkit is a web application for testing of the SPNEGO configuration so you do not need to test your configuration with your application. The jboss-negotiation-toolkit.war file is available at Copy the file to the $JBOSSHOME/server/$PROFILE/deploy directory to have the Negotiation Toolkit deployed.
The toolkit assumes that the authenticator has the name SPNEGO and that the application security domain is named SPNEGO. If either of these have other names, deploy the web application as an exploded archive and modify web.xml and jboss-web.xml:
  • In the WEB-INF/web.xml file, update the authenticator key in auth-method (<auth-method>SPNEGO</auth-method>.
  • In the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file, update the name of the security domain in security-domain (<security-domain>SPNEGO</security-domain>.
Once deployed, access the Negotiation Toolkit web application at


Make sure you have set the DNS entry as described in Prerequisite: DNS Setting in Section 2.3, “Defining Application Security Domain”.

8.1. Front Page

The main page for the Negotiation Toolkit contains links to the toolkit utilities, which test the mechanisms of SPNEGO authentication. It is recommended that you follow the links from top to bottom.
Negotiation Toolkit Front Page

Figure 8.1. Negotiation Toolkit Front Page


Make sure you have completed the installation before you use the Negotiation Toolkit as the toolkit tests involve communication with the application server, web browser, and the KDC.

8.2. Basic Negotiation

The Basic Negotiation servlet tests if the web browser trusts the application server: it prompts the web browser to negotiation and checks if the application server received a negotiation token.
If the web browser failed to send a negotiation token, the servlet displays a web page similar to Figure 8.2, “Basic Negotiation Failure”
Basic Negotiation Failure

Figure 8.2. Basic Negotiation Failure

If the web browser successfully sends a negotiation token, the servlet displays a web page similar to Figure 8.3, “Basic Negotiation Success”
Basic Negotiation Success

Figure 8.3. Basic Negotiation Success

The web page shows some of the information contained within the negotiation token.

8.3. Security Domain Test

The Security Domain Test tests if the application server can authenticate against the KDC through its security domain.
First, the servlet prompts you to enter the name of the security domain (we have been using the domain host throughout this guide; the page is shown in Figure 8.4, “Security Domain Test”).
Security Domain Test

Figure 8.4. Security Domain Test

If the servlet establishes the authentication successfully, it displays a page similar to Figure 8.5, “Security Domain Test - Authenticated”.
Security Domain Test - Authenticated

Figure 8.5. Security Domain Test - Authenticated

8.4. Secured

The Secured servlet is configured to require full SPNEGO authentication. If the servlet returns a page similar to Figure 8.6, “Secured”, its run was successful and your SPNEGO authentication is configured correctly.

Figure 8.6. Secured

Chapter 9. Configuring Web Applications

Once you have configured JBoss Negotiation on your server and the connection to FreeIPA or Active Directory, you need to configure your web application to use JBoss Negotiation authentication.
To configure your web application to use JBoss Negotiation authentication, do the following:
  1. Add the SPNEGO security domain to the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file:
  2. Configure the login-config.xml file to use the SPNEGO authenticator:
    The auth-method maps the key used for the authenticator.

Appendix A. Advanced LDAP Login Module: Full LDAP Authentication

The JBoss Negotiation project includes the AdvancedLdapLoginModule to handle the LDAP role searching requirements.
The AdvancedLdapLoginModule is based on the LdapExtLoginModule; however, AdvancedLdapLoginModule differs in the following aspects:
  • The accumulated subject roles do no include the role name of the first matching context.
  • When the roleAttributeIsDN module property is set to false, the recursive role search is disabled even if the recurseRoles module option is set to true.
You can use the AdvancedLdapLoginModule module in a chained configuration with the SPNEGOLoginModule to allow a GSSAPI authentication to allow authentication through LDAP (refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping” or use the module for a full authentication through LDAP. You can also configure it to skip the user search, the authentication, or the role search if required.

A.1. Configuration

The fully qualified classname of the new login module is


In Beta releases the class name was The login module is still available under this name; however, it has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
The AdvancedLdapLoginModule supports password-stacking: if you want to use the module in conjunction with other login modules, make sure the password-stacking property is set to useFirstPass.

A.1.1. Defining Initial LDAP Context

First, you need to define the user credentials, which are used to obtain the InitialLdapContext and then used to search for the user and the user roles.


The login module supports obtaining this InitialLdapContext using a username and credential or using GSSAPI for a previously authenticated user. Here we use the user credentials. For configuration with GSSAPI, refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping”.
To authenticate with a username and password the following define the following settings:
defines the DN used to bind to the LDAP server. This is a DN with read/search permissions to the defined baseCtxDN and rolesCtxDN.
defines the bindDN password. The password can be encrypted if the jaasSecurityDomain is specified.
defines the JMX ObjectName of the jaasSecurityDomain. This is the jaasSecurityDomain used to decrypt the The JaasSecurityDomain#encrypt64(byte[]) method of the domain returns the encrypted form of the password. You can use also to generate the encrypted form.

A.1.2. Defining DN Search

After the module has created the LDAP initial context, it takes the provided username and searches for the user DN. To define the properties of the search, provide the following properties:
defines the fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. Consider that this is not the Distinguished Name of where the actual roles are located but the DN of where the objects containing the user roles are located (that is, for active directory, this is the DN with the user account).
defines the search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username/userDN as obtained from the login module callback substitutes the {0} expression. This substitution behavior comes from the standard DirContext?.search(Name, String, Object[], SearchControls? cons) method. An common example search filter is "(uid={0})
defines the timeout for the user and role searches in milliseconds (defaults to 10000, that is 10 seconds).


To disable the user DN search omit the baseCtxDN property: the provided username will be used as the DN in this login module.

A.1.3. User Authentication


If the LDAP login module is not the first login module and a previous login module has already authenticated the user, the user authentication is skipped.
If no previous login module has authenticated the user this step takes the User DN from the User DN search and their provided credential and attempts to create a new InitialLdapContext and verify that the User DN and credential combination is valid.
For user authentication, you can define the following property:
If empty (length==0) passwords are passed to the LDAP server. An empty password is treated as an anonymous log in by an LDAP servers. Set the property to false to reject empty passwords or to true to allow the LDAP server to validate an empty password (the default is false).

A.2. Examples of Full LDAP Authentication

The following example configurations show the full LDAP authentication with AdvancedLdapLoginModule for Active Directory and FreeIPA.The configuration differ in the baseFilter attribute as this is the name identified by the SPNEGOLoginModule.
The options bindAuthentication, jaasSecurityDomain, and java.naming.provider.url configure how the login module connects to LDAP and how the authentication occurs.
The baseCtxDN option is the DN to start the search for the user and the baseFilter attribute in these examples searches for the user using the sAMAccountName attribute on Active Directory and uid attribute on FreeIPA.
The memberOf attribute is read directly from the user, therefore there is no need to specify the rolesCtxDN or roleFilter property: the attribute defined for the roleAttributeID option is read directly from the user.
The roleAttributeIsDN option specifies that this value is a DN so the group object is retrieved and the roleNameAttributeID option specifies that the attribute cn is read from the group. The login module returns this role.
The recurseRoles is set to true so the DN from the located group is used to repeat the process so if a group is configured with the memberOf attribute then this is recursively used to locate all the roles.

A.2.1. Full LDAP Authentication for Active Directory

The following is an extract of the dumped ldiff from the example Active Directory domain:
dn: CN=Darran Lofthouse,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Darran Lofthouse
 CN=Darran Lofthouse,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
memberOf: CN=Banker,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
name: Darran Lofthouse
sAMAccountName: darranl

dn: CN=Banker,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: group
cn: Banker
 CN=Darran Lofthouse,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
memberOf: CN=Trader,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
name: Banker
sAMAccountName: Banker

dn: CN=Trader,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: group
cn: Trader
member: CN=Banker,CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com
name: Trader
sAMAccountName: Trader
The following configuration requires a username and password to be provided for the authentication process:
<application-policy name="SPNEGO">
      <module-option name="bindAuthentication">GSSAPI</module-option>
      <module-option name="jaasSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
      <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url">ldap://VM104:3268</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseCtxDN">CN=Users,DC=vm104,DC=gsslab,DC=rdu,DC=redhat,DC=com</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseFilter">(sAMAccountName={0})</module-option>        
      <module-option name="roleAttributeID">memberOf</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN">true</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleNameAttributeID">cn</module-option>
      <module-option name="recurseRoles">true</module-option>

A.2.2. Full LDAP Authentication for Free IPA

The following is an extract of the dumped ldiff from the example FreeIPA domain:
dn: uid=darranl,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
displayName: Darran Lofthouse
uid: darranl
title: Mr
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: krbPrincipalAux
objectClass: radiusprofile
sn: Lofthouse
krbPrincipalName: darranl@JBOSS.ORG
givenName: Darran
cn: Darran Lofthouse
initials: DL
memberOf: cn=banker,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
memberOf: cn=Trader,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org

dn: cn=Banker,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofnames
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: inetUser
cn: Banker
memberOf: cn=trader,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
member: uid=darranl,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org

dn: cn=Trader,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofnames
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: inetUser
cn: Trader
member: cn=Banker,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org
The following configuration requires a username and password to be provided for the authentication process:
<application-policy name="SPNEGO">
      <module-option name="bindAuthentication">GSSAPI</module-option>
      <module-option name="jaasSecurityDomain">host</module-option>       
      <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url">ldap://</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseCtxDN">cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=jboss,dc=org</module-option>
      <module-option name="baseFilter">(uid={0})</module-option>        
      <module-option name="roleAttributeID">memberOf</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN">true</module-option>
      <module-option name="roleNameAttributeID">cn</module-option>
      <module-option name="recurseRoles">true</module-option>

Appendix B. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 5.2.0-100.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 5.2.0-100Wed 23 Jan 2013Russell Dickenson
Incorporated changes for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.2.0 GA. For information about documentation changes to this guide, refer to Release Notes 5.2.0.
Revision 5.1.2-109Wed 18 Jul 2012Anthony Towns
Rebuild for Publican 3.
Revision 5.1.2-100Thu 8 Dec 2011Russell Dickenson
Incorporated changes for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 GA. For information about documentation changes to this guide, refer to Release Notes 5.1.2.

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