Transactions Development Quick Start Guide

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JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5

Getting Started with JBoss Transaction Service

Edition 5.2.0

Andrew Dinn

Mark Little

Jonathan Halliday

Edited by

Eva Kopalova

Edited by

Misty Stanley-Jones

Edited by

Petr Penicka

Edited by

Russell Dickenson

Edited by

Scott Mumford


This guide is a quick introduction aimed at Java developers who want to write applications using the JBoss Transaction Service APIs.

Chapter 1. Getting Started with JTA

This chapter summarizes the key features required to construct a Java Transactions API (JTA) application. If you are not familiar with the JTA, please begin by reading the first section of the Transactions Development Guide, provided as part of the Enterprise Application Platform documentation suite..

1.1. Package Layout

Everything you need to write basic JTA applications is included in the Enterprise Application Platform. The key packages are detailed in Packages Relating to the JTA.

Packages Relating to the JTA

Contains the JBoss Transaction Service implementation of the JTS and JTA APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
Contains local and remote JTA implementation support.
Contains transactional JDBC 2.0 support.

1.2. Setting Properties

You can configure JBossJTA at runtime by setting various property attributes, either at run-time on the command line, or through a properties file. The initial properties file is located at $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/jbossts-properties.xml.

1.2.1. Specifying the Object Store Location

JBossJTA uses an object store to persistently record the outcomes of transactions, to be used in the event of failures. To customize the location of the object store, you need to pass the location when you are executing the application, as shown in Example 1.1, “Specifying the Object Store”.

Example 1.1. Specifying the Object Store

	  java –Dcom.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreDir=/location/of/objectstore myprogram
By default, the object store is located in a a directory beneath the current execution directory.
By default, all object states are stored within the defaultStore sub-directory of the object store root. You can change the sub-directory by setting the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.localOSRoot property variable.

1.3. Demarcating Transactions

The JBossJTA API consists of three elements:
  • A high-level application transaction demarcation interface
  • A high-level transaction manager interface intended for application server
  • and a standard Java mapping of the X/Open XA protocol intended for transactional resource manager
All of the JTA classes and interfaces are located in the javax.transaction package, and the corresponding JBossJTA implementations in the com.arjuna.ats.jta package.

1.3.1. UserTransaction

The UserTransaction interface allows applications to control transaction boundaries.
You can obtain UserTransaction implementations via JNDI.

Example 1.2. Controlling Transactions

	  // Initialize the context and get UserTransaction
	  InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
	  UserTransaction utx = ic.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction")
	  // start transaction work..
	  .. do work

1.3.2. TransactionManager

The TransactionManager interface allows the application server to control transaction boundaries on behalf of the application being managed.
You can obtain TransactionManager implementations via JNDI.
	// Initialize the context and get the TransactionManager
	InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
	TransactinoManager utm = ic.lookup("java:/TransactionManager")

1.3.3. Transaction

The Transaction interface allows operations to be performed on the transaction associated with the target object. Every top-level transaction is associated with one Transaction object when the transaction is created. The Transaction object has several uses, as described in Transaction Interface uses.

Transaction Interface uses

  • Enlists the transactional resources in use by the application.
  • Register for transaction synchronization call backs.
  • Commit or roll back the transaction.
  • Obtain the status of the transaction.
You can obtain a Transaction object by invoking the getTransaction method of the TransactionManager interface, as shown in Example 1.3, “Obtaining a Transaction”.

Example 1.3. Obtaining a Transaction

	  Transaction txObj = TransactionManager.getTransaction();

1.4. Local versus Distributed JTA Implementations

You should rely on the JTS/OTS specifications for transaction propagation among transaction managers, to ensure interoperability between JTA applications.

Procedure 1.1. Selecting the Local JTA Implementation

  1. Set the om.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaTMImplementation property to com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.TransactionManagerImple.
  2. Set the com.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaUTImplementation to com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.UserTransactionImple.

Procedure 1.2. Selecting the Distributed JTA Implementation

  1. Set the com.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaTMImplementation property to com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionManagerImple.
  2. Set the com.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaUTImplementation property to com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.UserTransactionImple.

1.5. JDBC and Transactions

JBossJTA supports the construction of both local and distributed transactional applications which access databases using the JDBC 2.0 APIs. JDBC 2.0 supports two-phase commit of transactions, and is similar to the XA X/Open standard. The JDBC 2.0 support is found in the com.arjuna.ats.jdbc package.
JBossJTA incorporates JDBC connections within transactions by providing transactional JDBC drivers through which all interactions occur. These drivers intercept all invocations and ensure that they are registered with, and driven by, appropriate transactions. There is a single type of transactional driver through which any JDBC driver can be driven. This driver is com.arjuna.ats.jdbc.TransactionalDriver, and it implements the java.sql.Driver interface.
One way to establish the connection is through the java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection method. After establishing the connection, JBossJTA monitors all operations. You can use such connections in the same way as any other JDBC driver connection.
JBossJTA connections can be used within multiple different transactions simultaneously. Different threads, with different notions of the current transaction, may use the same JDBC connection. JBossJTA performs connection pooling for each transaction within the JDBC connection. Although multiple threads may use the same instance of the JDBC connection, internally a different connection instance may be used per transaction. With the exception of the close method, all operations performed on the connection at the application level are only performed on this transaction-specific connection.
JBossJTA automatically registers the JDBC driver connection with the transaction via an appropriate resource. When the transaction terminates, this resource either commits or rolls back any changes made to the underlying database, through appropriate calls on the JDBC driver.

1.6. Configurable Options

Important Configurable Options shows the most important configuration features, along with possible values and defaults. For more information, consult the Transactions Development Guide.

Important Configurable Options


Possible Values

  1. Yes (default)
  2. No

Possible Values

  1. com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.TransactionManagerImple
  2. com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionManagerImple

Possible Values

  1. com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.UserTransactionImple
  2. com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.UserTransactionImple

Possible Values

  1. Time in seconds

Possible Values

  1. Any supported JDBC isolation level

Chapter 2. Getting Started with JTS / OTS

This chapter discusses the key features required to construct a basic OTS (Object Transaction Service) application using the raw OTS interfaces defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) specification. This work focuses on implementation details. Refer to the Transactions Development Guide for a conceptual overview.

2.1. Package Layout

Table 2.1. Important Packages Needed To Create OTS Applications
this package contains the classes which constitute the ORB portability library and other useful utility classes.
this package contains the classes which make up the CosTransactions.idl module.
this package contains the JBoss Transaction Service implementations of the JTS and JTA.
this package contains further classes necessary for the JBoss Transaction Service implementation of the JTS.
this package contains local and remote JTA implementation support.
this package contains transactional JDBC 2.0 support.

2.2. Setting Properties

JBoss Transaction Service is configurable at runtime through the use of various property attributes, which are described in subsequent sections. You can provide these attributes at run-time on the command line. However, it often more convenient to specify them through the jbossts-properties.xml, which may be in any of the locations mentioned, in search order, in Possible Locations of the jbossts-properties.xml File. properties file.

Possible Locations of the jbossts-properties.xml File

  1. The current working directory.
  2. The home directory of the executing user.
  3. The CLASSPATH, by means of the getResource method.
If the properties file is found, all entries within it added to the system properties, and override the defaults. You can also specify other properties not specific to the Transaction Service.

2.3. Starting and Stopping the ORB and BOA/POA

BOA refers to Basic Object Adapter, and POA refers to Portable Object Adepter.
JBoss Transaction Service needs to be correctly initialized before any application object is created. To guarantee this, you must use the initORB method, and either of the initBOA or initPOA methods of the ORBInterface class, which is described in the ORB Portability Manual. Do not use the ORB_init, BOA_init, or create_POA methods provided by the underlying ORB, because they may lead to incorrectly operating applications.

Example 2.1. ORB Initialization

public static void main (String[] args)
    ORBInterface.initORB(args, null);
    . . .

ORBInterface Methods

Returns references to the ORB
Returns references to the BOA
Returns references to the POA
Returns references to the root POA
Shut down the BOA. Run this before shutdownORB, and before terminating the application.
Shut down the ORB. Use this after shutdownOA. Run this before terminating the application.
Use the shutdownOA and shutdownORB methods, in sequence, before terminating an application. This allows JBoss Transaction Service to perform necessary cleanup routines. The shutdownOA routine either shuts down the BOA or the POA, depending upon the ORB being used.

Example 2.2. Shutting Down the ORB

public static void main (String[] args)
    . . .
Do not use more CORBA objects after you call shutdown. You need to reinitialize the BOA/POA and ORB before using more CORBA objects.


The term Object Adapter is used in the rest of this guide to refer to either the BOA or the POA, interchangeably. Where possible, this guide uses the ORB Portability classes to mask the differences between POA and BOA.

2.4. Specifying the Object Store Location

JBoss Transaction Service uses an object store to persistently record the outcomes of transactions, for failure recovery. You can specify the location of the object store using the objectStoreDir property.

Example 2.3. Specifying the Object Store at Application Execution

	java Dcom.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreDir=/var/tmp/ObjectStore myprogram
By default, the object store is located in a directory under the current execution directory. In the default configuration, all object states are stored within the defaultStore. However, this sub-directory can be changed by setting the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.localOSRoot property variable.

2.5. Implicit Transaction Propagation and Interposition

You can create transactions within one domain and use them within another. Therefore, information about a transaction, called the transaction context, needs to be propagated between these domains.

Propagating the Transaction Context

Explicit propagation
An application passes context objects as explicit parameters. These objects are either instances of the Control interface or the PropagationContext structure, and are defined by the Transaction Service. It is more efficient to use the PropagationContext structure, rather than the Control interface.
Implicit propagation
Requests on objects are implicitly associated with the client’s transaction, and share the client’s transaction context. The context is transmitted implicitly to the objects, without direct client intervention.
OTS objects supporting the Control interface are standard CORBA objects. When the interface is passed as a parameter in an operation call to a remote server, only an object reference is passed. Any operations that the remote object performs on the interface are performed on the real object.
This behavior can impose substantial penalties on an application which frequently uses these interfaces due to the overheads of remote invocation. To avoid this overhead, JBoss Transaction Service supports interposition. In interposition, the server creates a local object which acts as a proxy for the remote transaction, fielding all requests that would normally be passed back to the originator. This local object registers itself with the original transaction coordinator, so that it can correctly participate in the termination of the transaction. Interposed coordinators effectively form a tree structure with their parent coordinators, as shown in Figure 2.1, “Interposition”.

Figure 2.1. Interposition


implicit transaction propagation does not imply that interposition is also used at the server. Instead, interposition typically requires implicit propagation.
If you require implicit context propagation and interposition, ensure that JBoss Transaction Service is correctly initialized before creating any objects. The client and server need to agree whether implicit propagation or interposition, or neither, is used. Implicit context propagation is only possible on those ORBs which support filters and interceptors, or which support the CosTSPortability interface. JacORB and the JDK miniORB both provide the required support.

Enabling Propagation

Implicit context propagation
Set the com.arjuna.ats.jts.contextPropMode property variable to CONTEXT.
Set the com.arjuna.ats.jts.contextPropMode property variable to INTERPOSITION.


To use the JBoss Transaction Service advanced API, you must use interposition.

2.6. Obtaining Current

You can obtain the Current pseudo-object from the com.arjuna.ats.jts.OTSManager class by using its get_current method.

2.7. Transaction Termination

How long a Control can access a terminated transaction is implementation-specific. In JBoss Transaction Service, if you are using the Current pseudo-object, all information about a transaction is destroyed when it terminates. For this reason, you should not use any Control references to the transaction after issuing the commit or rollback operation.
However, if you terminate the transaction explicitly, using the Terminator interface, information about the transaction is only removed when all the outstanding references to it have been destroyed. You can signal that the transaction information is no longer required, by using the destroyControl method of the OTS class, which is found in the com.arjuna.CosTransactions package. After the program indicates that the transaction information is no longer required, you should not use any Control references to the transaction.

2.8. Transaction Factory

By default, JBoss Transaction Service does not use a separate transaction manager when creating transactions through the Current interface. Each transactional client essentially has its own transaction manager, the TransactionFactory, which is co-located with it. To override this behavior at run-time, set the com.arjuna.ats.jts.transactionManager property variable to YES. To execute the Transaction Factory, execute the start-transaction-service script, located in the ATS_ROOT/bin directory.
Current typically locates the factory using the CosServices.cfg file located in the $JBOSS_HOME/etc directory. This file is similar to the resolve_initial_references file, and is automatically created or updated when the transaction factory is started on a particular machine. This file must be copied locally to each machine which needs to share the same transaction factory.


The information about CosServices.cfg refers to the default name and location of the configuration file. To change the name of the file, use the com.arjuna.orbportability.initialReferencesFile variable. To change its location, set the com.arjuna.orbportability.initialReferencesRoot variable.

Example 2.4. Customizing the Initial References File

	java –Dcom.arjuna.orbportability.initialReferencesFile=ref –Dcom.arjuna.orbportability.initialReferencesRoot=c:\\temp prog
You can override the default location mechanism by setting the com.arjuna.orbportability.resolveService property variable with any of the parameters listed in ResolveService Parameters.

ResolveService Parameters

The system uses the CosServices.cfg file. This is the default behavior.
JBoss Transaction Service attempts to use a name service to locate the transaction factory. If this is not supported, an exception is thrown.
JBoss Transaction Service uses the ORB-specific bind mechanism. If this is not supported, an exception is thrown.
If com.arjuna.orbportability.resolveService is specified when the transaction factory is run, the factory registers itself with the specified resolution mechanism.

2.9. Recovery Manager

You need to start the recovery manager subsystem to ensure that transactions are recoverable in the event of a failure. To start the recovery manager, run the start-recovery-manager script in $ATS_ROOT/bin.

Chapter 3. Getting Started with Web Services Transactions and XTS

3.1. Configuring the Web Services Component

For in-depth information about JBoss Transactions XTS, see the XTS section of the Transactions Development Guide, which ships as part of the documentation suite for the Enterprise Application Platform.
Table 3.1. Web Services Configuration
Possible Values
The directory containing the file
System specific license.
Any location that the application can write to.
No timeout
120000000 microseconds



distributed JTA, Getting Started with JTA


implicit transaction propagation, Getting Started with JTS / OTS
interposition, Getting Started with JTS / OTS


javax.transaction package, Getting Started with JTA
JDBC, Getting Started with JTA
JDBC driver, Getting Started with JTA
Java Transactions API, Getting Started with JTA


Recovery Manager, starting and stopping, Getting Started with JTS / OTS
ResolveService parameters, Getting Started with JTS / OTS
run-time, Getting Started with JTA


Transaction Factory, Getting Started with JTS / OTS
TransactionManager, Getting Started with JTA


UserTransaction, Getting Started with JTA

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 5.2.0-100.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 5.2.0-100Wed 23 Jan 2013Russell Dickenson
Incorporated changes for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.2.0 GA. For information about documentation changes to this guide, refer to Release Notes 5.2.0.
Revision 5.1.2-100Thu 8 December 2011Russell Dickenson
Incorporated changes for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 GA. For information about documentation changes to this guide, refer to Release Notes 5.1.2.

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