Red Hat AMQ 2021.q4
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AMQ Documentation Note
Starting from 2022, documentation for each Red Hat AMQ component is versioned and published independently.
AMQ Broker
Documentation for the most recent release of AMQ Broker
AMQ Clients
Documentation for the most recent release of AMQ Clients
Streams for Apache Kafka
Documentation for the most recent release of Streams for Apache Kafka (previously called AMQ Streams)
Welcome to Red Hat AMQ 7
Red Hat AMQ provides fast, lightweight, and secure messaging for Internet-scale applications.
Red Hat AMQ 7 Quarterly Publication Cycle
Starting from 2022, documentation for Red Hat AMQ 7 is no longer published in quarterly cycles
AMQ Components Released in the other quarters
AMQ Broker 7.9
Documentation for AMQ Broker 7.9
AMQ Clients 2.11
Documentation for AMQ Clients 2.11
AMQ Streams on OpenShift
Documentation for the previous release of AMQ Streams on OpenShift (now called Streams for Apache Kafka)
AMQ Streams on RHEL
Documentation for the previous release of AMQ Streams on RHEL (now called Streams for Apache Kafka)
AMQ Interconnect 1.x
Documentation for the most recent LTS release of AMQ Interconnect