13.8.2. RESTEasy Internally Thrown Exceptions
Exception | HTTP Code | Description |
BadRequestException | 400 | Bad Request. The request was not formatted correctly, or there was a problem processing the request input. |
UnauthorizedException | 401 | Unauthorized. Security exception thrown if you are using RESTEasy's annotation-based role-based security. |
InternalServerErrorException | 500 | Internal Server Error. |
MethodNotAllowedException | 405 | There is no JAX-RS method for the resource that can handle the invoked HTTP operation. |
NotAcceptableException | 406 | There is no JAX-RS method that can produce the media types listed in the Accept header. |
NotFoundException | 404 | There is no JAX-RS method that serves the request path/resource. |
ReaderException | 400 | All exceptions thrown from MessageBodyReaders are wrapped within this exception. If there is no ExceptionMapper for the wrapped exception, or if the exception is not a WebApplicationException , then RESTEasy will return a 400 code by default. |
WriterException | 500 | All exceptions thrown from MessageBodyWriters are wrapped within this exception. If there is no ExceptionMapper for the wrapped exception, or if the exception is not a WebApplicationException , then RESTEasy will return a 400 code by default. |
JAXBUnmarshalException | 400 | The JAXB providers (XML and Jettison) throw this exception on reads. They may be wrapping JAXBExceptions. This class extends ReaderException . |
JAXBMarshalException | 500 | The JAXB providers (XML and Jettison) throw this exception on writes. They may be wrapping JAXBExceptions. This class extends WriterException . |
ApplicationException | N/A | Wraps all exceptions thrown from application code. It functions in the same way as InvocationTargetException . If there is an ExceptionMapper for wrapped exception, then that is used to handle the request. |
Failure | N/A | Internal RESTEasy error. Not logged. |
LoggableFailure | N/A | Internal RESTEasy error. Logged. |
DefaultOptionsMethodException | N/A | If the user invokes HTTP OPTIONS and no JAX-RS method for it, RESTEasy provides a default behavior by throwing this exception. |