
8.7. Backup and Restoration of XFS File Systems

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XFS file system backup and restoration involves two utilities: xfsdump and xfsrestore.
To backup or dump an XFS file system, use the xfsdump utility. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 supports backups to tape drives or regular file images, and also allows multiple dumps to be written to the same tape. The xfsdump utility also allows a dump to span multiple tapes, although only one dump can be written to a regular file. In addition, xfsdump supports incremental backups, and can exclude files from a backup using size, subtree, or inode flags to filter them.
In order to support incremental backups, xfsdump uses dump levels to determine a base dump to which a specific dump is relative. The -l option specifies a dump level (0-9). To perform a full backup, perform a level 0 dump on the file system (that is, /path/to/filesystem), as in:
# xfsdump -l 0 -f /dev/device /path/to/filesystem


The -f option specifies a destination for a backup. For example, the /dev/st0 destination is normally used for tape drives. An xfsdump destination can be a tape drive, regular file, or remote tape device.
In contrast, an incremental backup will only dump files that changed since the last level 0 dump. A level 1 dump is the first incremental dump after a full dump; the next incremental dump would be level 2, and so on, to a maximum of level 9. So, to perform a level 1 dump to a tape drive:
# xfsdump -l 1 -f /dev/st0 /path/to/filesystem
Conversely, the xfsrestore utility restores file systems from dumps produced by xfsdump. The xfsrestore utility has two modes: a default simple mode, and a cumulative mode. Specific dumps are identified by session ID or session label. As such, restoring a dump requires its corresponding session ID or label. To display the session ID and labels of all dumps (both full and incremental), use the -I option:
# xfsrestore -I
This will provide output similar to the following:

Example 8.4. Session ID and labels of all dumps

file system 0:
	fs id:		45e9af35-efd2-4244-87bc-4762e476cbab
	session 0:
		mount point:	bear-05:/mnt/test
		device:		bear-05:/dev/sdb2
		time:		Fri Feb 26 16:55:21 2010
		session label:	"my_dump_session_label"
		session id:	b74a3586-e52e-4a4a-8775-c3334fa8ea2c
		level:		0
		resumed:	NO
		subtree:	NO
		streams:	1
		stream 0:
			pathname:	/mnt/test2/backup
			start:		ino 0 offset 0
			end:		ino 1 offset 0
			interrupted:	NO
			media files:	1
			media file 0:
				mfile index:	0
				mfile type:	data
				mfile size:	21016
				mfile start:	ino 0 offset 0
				mfile end:	ino 1 offset 0
				media label:	"my_dump_media_label"
				media id:	4a518062-2a8f-4f17-81fd-bb1eb2e3cb4f
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS

Simple Mode for xfsrestore

The simple mode allows users to restore an entire file system from a level 0 dump. After identifying a level 0 dump's session ID (that is, session-ID), restore it fully to /path/to/destination using:
# xfsrestore -f /dev/st0 -S session-ID /path/to/destination


The -f option specifies the location of the dump, while the -S or -L option specifies which specific dump to restore. The -S option is used to specify a session ID, while the -L option is used for session labels. The -I option displays both session labels and IDs for each dump.

Cumulative Mode for xfsrestore

The cumulative mode of xfsrestore allows file system restoration from a specific incremental backup, for example, level 1 to level 9. To restore a file system from an incremental backup, simply add the -r option:
# xfsrestore -f /dev/st0 -S session-ID -r /path/to/destination

Interactive Operation

The xfsrestore utility also allows specific files from a dump to be extracted, added, or deleted. To use xfsrestore interactively, use the -i option, as in:
xfsrestore -f /dev/st0 -i
The interactive dialogue will begin after xfsrestore finishes reading the specified device. Available commands in this dialogue include cd, ls, add, delete, and extract; for a complete list of commands, use help.
For more information about dumping and restoring XFS file systems, refer to man xfsdump and man xfsrestore.
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