
Security Guide

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Red Hat JBoss A-MQ

Making Red Hat JBoss A-MQ secure

Red Hat

Version 6.0
13 Oct 2017
Revision History
Updated so that JMX config is only for distro releases.


This guide describes how to configure the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ subsystem.

Chapter 1. Security Architecture


In the OSGi container, it is possible to deploy applications supporting a variety of security features. Currently, only the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is based on a common, container-wide infrastructure. Other security features are provided separately by the individual products and components deployed in the container.

1.1. OSGi Container Security


Figure 1.1, “OSGi Container Security Architecture” shows an overview of the security infrastructure that is used across the container and is accessible to all bundles deployed in the container. This common security infrastructure currently consists of a mechanism for making JAAS realms (or login modules) available to all application bundles.

Figure 1.1. OSGi Container Security Architecture

OSGi Container Security Architecture

JAAS realms

A JAAS realm or login module is a plug-in module that provides authentication and authorization data to Java applications, as defined by the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) specification.
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ supports a special mechanism for defining JAAS login modules (in either a Spring or a blueprint file), which makes the login module accessible to all bundles in the container. This makes it easy for multiple applications running in the OSGi container to consolidate their security data into a single JAAS realm.

karaf realm

The OSGi container has a predefined JAAS realm, the karaf realm. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ uses the karaf realm to provide authentication for remote administration of the OSGi runtime, for the Web Console, and for JMX management. The karaf realm uses a simple file-based repository, where authentication data is stored in the InstallDir/etc/ file.
You can use the karaf realm in your own applications. Simply configure karaf as the name of the JAAS realm that you want to use. Your application then performs authentication using the data from the file.

Console port

You can administer the OSGi container remotely either by connecting to the console port with a Karaf client or using the Karaf ssh:ssh command. The console port is secured by a JAAS login feature that connects to the karaf realm. Users that try to connect to the console port will be prompted to enter a username and password that must match one of the accounts from the karaf realm.

JMX port

You can manage the OSGi container by connecting to the JMX port (for example, using Java's JConsole). The JMX port is also secured by a JAAS login feature that connects to the karaf realm.

Application bundles and JAAS security

Any application bundles that you deploy into the OSGi container can access the container's JAAS realms. The application bundle simply references one of the existing JAAS realms by name (which corresponds to an instance of a JAAS login module).
It is essential, however, that the JAAS realms are defined using the OSGi container's own login configuration mechanism—by default, Java provides a simple file-based login configuration implementation, but you cannot use this implementation in the context of the OSGi container.

1.2. Apache ActiveMQ Security


Figure 1.2, “Apache ActiveMQ Security Architecture” shows an overview of the Apache ActiveMQ security architecture. The main security features supported by Apache ActiveMQ are the SSL/TLS security layer and the JAAS security layer. The SSL/TLS security layer provides message encryption and identifies the broker to its clients, while the JAAS security layer identifies clients to the broker.

Figure 1.2. Apache ActiveMQ Security Architecture

Apache ActiveMQ Security Architecture

SSL/TLS security

Apache ActiveMQ supports the use of SSL/TLS to secure client-to-broker and broker-to-broker connections, where the underlying SSL/TLS implementation is provided by the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). When deploying brokers and clients in an OSGi container, you cannot configure SSL/TLS security using JSSE system properties, however. You must either use XML configuration (for example, in a Spring or a blueprint file) or set the security properties by programming.
For more details, see Chapter 6, SSL/TLS Security.

JAAS security

Apache ActiveMQ also supports JAAS security, which typically requires clients to log on to the broker by providing username and password credentials. When deployed in an OSGi container, the broker's JAAS security must be integrated with the container's JAAS security (as described in Section 1.1, “OSGi Container Security”).

Chapter 2. Securing the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Container


The Red Hat JBoss A-MQ container is secured using JAAS. By defining JAAS realms, you can configure the mechanism used to retrieve user credentials. You can also refine access to the container's administrative interfaces by changing the default roles.

2.1. JAAS Authentication


The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) provides a general framework for implementing authentication in a Java application. The implementation of authentication is modular, with individual JAAS modules (or plug-ins) providing the authentication implementations.
For background information about JAAS, see the JAAS Reference Guide.

2.1.1. Default JAAS Realm

This section describes how to manage user data in a for the default JAAS realm in a standalone container.
Default JAAS realm
The Red Hat JBoss A-MQ container has a predefined JAAS realm, the karaf realm, which is used by default to secure all aspects of the container.
How to integrate an application with JAAS
You can use the karaf realm in your own applications. Simply configure karaf as the name of the JAAS realm that you want to use.
Default JAAS login modules
When you start JBoss A-MQ for the first time, the container is configured as a standalone container and uses the karaf default realm. In this default configuration, the karaf realm deploys two JAAS login modules, which are enabled simultaneously. To see the deployed login modules, enter the jaas:realms console command, as follows:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> jaas:realms
Index Realm                Module Class                                                                    
    1 karaf                        
    2 karaf                org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.publickey.PublickeyLoginModule
In a standalone container, both the properties login module and the public key login module are enabled. When JAAS authenticates a user, it tries first of all to authenticate the user with the properties login module. If that fails, it then tries to authenticate the user with the public key login module. If that module also fails, an error is raised.
Configuring the properties login module
The properties login module is used to store username/password credentials in a flat file format. To create a new user in the properties login module, open the InstallDir/etc/ file using a text editor and add a line with the following syntax:
For example, to create the jdoe user with password, topsecret, and role, admin, you could create an entry like the following:
Where the admin role gives full administrative privileges to the jdoe user.
Configuring the public key login module
The public key login module is used to store SSH public key credentials in a flat file format. To create a new user in the public key login module, open the InstallDir/etc/ file using a text editor and add a line with the following syntax:
For example, you can create the jdoe user with the admin role by adding the following entry to the InstallDir/etc/ file (on a single line):
Do not insert the entire contents of an file here. Insert just the block of symbols which represents the public key itself.
Encrypting the stored passwords
By default, passwords are stored in the InstallDir/etc/ file in plaintext format. To protect the passwords in this file, you must set the file permissions of the file so that it can be read only by administrators. To provide additional protection, you can optionally encrypt the stored passwords using a message digest algorithm.
To enable the password encryption feature, edit the InstallDir/etc/org.apache.karaf.jaas.cfg file and set the encryption properties as described in the comments. For example, the following settings would enable basic encryption using the MD5 message digest algorithm:
encryption.enabled = true = basic
encryption.prefix = {CRYPT}
encryption.suffix = {CRYPT}
encryption.algorithm = MD5
encryption.encoding = hexadecimal
The encryption settings in the org.apache.karaf.jaas.cfg file are applied only to the default karaf realm in a standalone container. The have no effect on a fabric container and no effect on a custom realm.
For more details about password encryption, see Section 2.1.8, “Encrypting Stored Passwords”.
Overriding the default realm
If you want to customise the JAAS realm, the most convenient approach to take is to override the default karaf realm by defining a higher ranking karaf realm. This ensures that all of the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ security components switch to use your custom realm. For details of how to define and deploy custom JAAS realms, see Section 2.1.2, “Defining JAAS Realms”.

2.1.2. Defining JAAS Realms

When defining a JAAS realm in the OSGi container, you cannot put the definitions in a conventional JAAS login configuration file. Instead, the OSGi container uses a special jaas:config element for defining JAAS realms in a blueprint configuration file. The JAAS realms defined in this way are made available to all of the application bundles deployed in the container, making it possible to share the JAAS security infrastructure across the whole container.
The jaas:config element is defined in the namespace. When defining a JAAS realm you will need to include the line shown in Example 2.1, “JAAS Blueprint Namespace”.

Example 2.1. JAAS Blueprint Namespace

Configuring a JAAS realm
The syntax for the jaas:config element is shown in Example 2.2, “Defining a JAAS Realm in Blueprint XML”.

Example 2.2. Defining a JAAS Realm in Blueprint XML

<blueprint xmlns=""

    <jaas:config name="JaasRealmName"
        <jaas:module className="LoginModuleClassName"
        <!-- Can optionally define multiple modules -->

The elements are used as follows:
Defines the JAAS realm. It has the following attributes:
  • name—specifies the name of the JAAS realm.
  • rank—specifies an optional rank for resolving naming conflicts between JAAS realms . When two or more JAAS realms are registered under the same name, the OSGi container always picks the realm instance with the highest rank.
Defines a JAAS login module in the current realm. jaas:module has the following attributes:
  • className—the fully-qualified class name of a JAAS login module. The specified class must be available from the bundle classloader.
  • flags—determines what happens upon success or failure of the login operation. Table 2.1, “Flags for Defining a JAAS Module” describes the valid values.
    Table 2.1. Flags for Defining a JAAS Module
    requiredAuthentication of this login module must succeed. Always proceed to the next login module in this entry, irrespective of success or failure.
    requisiteAuthentication of this login module must succeed. If success, proceed to the next login module; if failure, return immediately without processing the remaining login modules.
    sufficientAuthentication of this login module is not required to succeed. If success, return immediately without processing the remaining login modules; if failure, proceed to the next login module.
    optionalAuthentication of this login module is not required to succeed. Always proceed to the next login module in this entry, irrespective of success or failure.
The contents of a jaas:module element is a space separated list of property settings, which are used to initialize the JAAS login module instance. The specific properties are determined by the JAAS login module and must be put into the proper format.
You can define multiple login modules in a realm.
Converting standard JAAS login properties to XML
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ uses the same properties as a standard Java login configuration file, however JBoss A-MQ requires that they are specified slightly differently. To see how the JBoss A-MQ approach to defining JAAS realms compares with the standard Java login configuration file approach, consider how to convert the login configuration shown in Example 2.3, “Standard JAAS Properties”, which defines the PropertiesLogin realm using the Apache ActiveMQ properties login module class, PropertiesLoginModule:

Example 2.3. Standard JAAS Properties

PropertiesLogin {
    org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required"""";
The equivalent JAAS realm definition, using the jaas:config element in a blueprint file, is shown in Example 2.4, “Blueprint JAAS Properties”.

Example 2.4. Blueprint JAAS Properties

<blueprint xmlns=""

    <jaas:config name="PropertiesLogin">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule"

You do not use double quotes for JAAS properties in the blueprint configuration.
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ also provides an adapter that enables you to store JAAS authentication data in an X.500 server. Example 2.5, “Configuring a JAAS Realm” defines the LDAPLogin realm to use JBoss A-MQ's LDAPLoginModule class, which connects to the LDAP server located at ldap://localhost:10389.

Example 2.5. Configuring a JAAS Realm

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <jaas:config name="LDAPLogin" rank="1">
    <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule"
      connection.url = ldap://localhost:10389
      user.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
      user.filter = (uid=%u) = true
      role.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
      role.filter = (uid=%u) = ou = true
      authentication = simple
For a detailed description and example of using the LDAP login module, see Section 2.2, “Enabling LDAP Authentication”.

2.1.3. JAAS Properties Login Module

The JAAS properties login module stores user data in a flat file format (where the stored passwords can optionally be encrypted using a message digest algorithm). The user data can either be edited directly, using a simple text editor, or managed using the jaas:* console commands.
For example, a standalone container uses the JAAS properties login module by default and stores the associated user data in the InstallDir/etc/ file.
Supported credentials
The JAAS properties login module authenticates username/password credentials, returning the list of roles associated with the authenticated user.
Implementation classes
The following classes implement the JAAS properties login module:
Implements the JAAS login module.
Must be exposed as an OSGi service. This service makes it possible for you to manage the user data using the jaas:* console commands from the Apache Karaf shell (see chapter "JAAS Console Commands" in "Console Reference").
The JAAS properties login module supports the following options:
Location of the user properties file.
Format of the user properties file
The user properties file is used to store username, password, and role data for the properties login module. Each user is represented by a single line in the user properties file, where a line has the following form:
Sample Blueprint configuration
The following Blueprint configuration shows how to define a new karaf realm using the properties login module, where the default karaf realm is overridden by setting the rank attribute to 2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

        <bean class=""/>

    <!-- Allow usage of System properties, especially the karaf.base property -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className=""
            users = $[karaf.base]/etc/

    <!-- The Backing Engine Factory Service for the PropertiesLoginModule -->
    <service interface="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.BackingEngineFactory">
        <bean class=""/>

Remember to export the BackingEngineFactory bean as an OSGi service, so that the jaas:* console commands can manage the user data.

2.1.4. JAAS OSGi Config Login Module

The JAAS OSGi config login modules leverages the OSGi Config Admin Service to store user data. This login module is fairly similar to the JAAS properties login module (for example, the syntax of the user entries is the same), but the mechanism for retrieving user data is based on the OSGi Config Admin Service.
The user data can be edited directly by creating a corresponding OSGi configuration file, etc/PersistentID.cfg or using any method of configuration that is supported by the OSGi Config Admin Service. The jaas:* console commands are not supported, however.
Supported credentials
The JAAS OSGi config login module authenticates username/password credentials, returning the list of roles associated with the authenticated user.
Implementation classes
The following classes implement the JAAS OSGi config login module:
Implements the JAAS login module.
There is no backing engine factory for the OSGi config login module, which means that this module cannot be managed using the jaas:* console commands.
The JAAS OSGi config login module supports the following options:
The persistent ID of the OSGi configuration containing the user data. In the OSGi Config Admin standard, a persistent ID references a set of related configuration properties.
Location of the configuration file
The location of the configuration file follows the usual convention where the configuration for the persistent ID, PersistentID, is stored in the following file:
Format of the configuration file
The PersistentID.cfg configuration file is used to store username, password, and role data for the OSGi config login module. Each user is represented by a single line in the configuration file, where a line has the following form:
This is the same format that is used in a users property file.
Sample Blueprint configuration
The following Blueprint configuration shows how to define a new karaf realm using the OSGi config login module, where the default karaf realm is overridden by setting the rank attribute to 2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.osgi.OsgiConfigLoginModule"
            pid = org.jboss.example.osgiconfigloginmodule

In this example, the user data will be stored in the file, InstallDir/etc/org.jboss.example.osgiconfigloginmodule.cfg, and it is not possible to edit the configuration using the jaas:* console commands.

2.1.5. JAAS Public Key Login Module

The JAAS public key login module stores user data in a flat file format, which can be edited directly using a simple text editor. The jaas:* console commands are not supported, however.
For example, a standalone container uses the JAAS public key login module by default and stores the associated user data in the InstallDir/etc/ file.
Supported credentials
The JAAS public key login module authenticates SSH key credentials. When a user tries to log in, the SSH protocol uses the stored public key to challenge the user. The user must possess the corresponding private key in order to answer the challenge. If login is successful, the login module returns the list of roles associated with the user.
Implementation classes
The following classes implement the JAAS public key login module:
Implements the JAAS login module.
There is no backing engine factory for the public key login module, which means that this module cannot be managed using the jaas:* console commands.
The JAAS public key login module supports the following options:
Location of the user properties file for the public key login module.
Format of the user properties file
The user properties file is used to store username, public key, and role data for the public key login module. Each user is represented by a single line in the user properties file, where a line has the following form:
Where the PublicKey is the public key part of an SSH key pair (typically found in a user's home directory in ~/.ssh/ in a UNIX system).
For example, to create the user jdoe with the admin role, you would create an entry like the following:
Do not insert the entire contents of the file here. Insert just the block of symbols which represents the public key itself.
Sample Blueprint configuration
The following Blueprint configuration shows how to define a new karaf realm using the public key login module, where the default karaf realm is overridden by setting the rank attribute to 2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

    <!-- Allow usage of System properties, especially the karaf.base property -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.publickey.PublickeyLoginModule"
            users = $[karaf.base]/etc/

In this example, the user data will be stored in the file, InstallDir/etc/, and it is not possible to edit the configuration using the jaas:* console commands.

2.1.6. JAAS JDBC Login Module

The JAAS JDBC login module enables you to store user data in a database back-end, using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to connect to the database. Hence, you can use any database that supports JDBC to store your user data. To manage the user data, you can use either the native database client tools or the jaas:* console commands (where the backing engine uses configured SQL queries to perform the relevant database updates).
Supported credentials
The JAAS JDBC Login Module authenticates username/password credentials, returning the list of roles associated with the authenticated user.
Implementation classes
The following classes implement the JAAS JDBC Login Module:
Implements the JAAS login module.
Must be exposed as an OSGi service. This service makes it possible for you to manage the user data using the jaas:* console commands from the Apache Karaf shell (see chapter "JAAS Console Commands" in "Console Reference").
The JAAS JDBC login module supports the following options:
The JDBC data source, specified either as an OSGi service or as a JNDI name. You can specify a data source's OSGi service using the following syntax:
The ServiceInterfaceName is the interface or class that is exported by the data source's OSGi service (usually javax.sql.DataSource).
Because multiple data sources can be exported as OSGi services in a container, it is usually necessary to specify a filter, ServicePropertiesFilter, to select the particular data source that you want. Filters on OSGi services are applied to the service property settings and follow a syntax that is borrowed from LDAP filter syntax.
The SQL query that retrieves the user's password. The query can contain a single question mark character, ?, which is substituted by the username at run time.
The SQL query that retrieves the user's roles. The query can contain a single question mark character, ?, which is substituted by the username at run time.
The SQL query that creates a new user entry. The query can contain two question marks, ?, characters: the first question mark is substituted by the username and the second question mark is substituted by the password at run time.
The SQL query that adds a role to a user entry. The query can contain two question marks, ?, characters: the first question mark is substituted by the username and the second question mark is substituted by the role at run time.
The SQL query that deletes a user entry. The query can contain a single question mark character, ?, which is substituted by the username at run time.
The SQL query that deletes a role from a user entry. The query can contain two question marks, ?, characters: the first question mark is substituted by the username and the second question mark is substituted by the role at run time.
The SQL query that deletes multiple roles from a user entry. The query can contain a single question mark character, ?, which is substituted by the username at run time.
Example of setting up a JDBC login module
To set up a JDBC login module, perform the following main steps:
Create the database tables
Before you can set up the JDBC login module, you must set up a users table and a roles table in the backing database to store the user data. For example, the following SQL commands show how to create a suitable users table and roles table:
  username varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  password varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (username)
  username varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  role varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (username,role)
The users table stores username/password data and the roles table associates a username with one or more roles.
Create the data source
To use a JDBC datasource with the JDBC login module, the correct approach to take is to create a data source instance and export the data source as an OSGi service. The JDBC login module can then access the data source by referencing the exported OSGi service. For example, you could create a MySQL data source instance and expose it as an OSGi service (of javax.sql.DataSource type) using code like the following in a Blueprint file:
<blueprint xmlns:xsi=""
    <bean class="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource" id="mysqlDatasource">
        <property name="serverName" value="localhost"></property>
        <property name="databaseName" value="DBName"></property>
        <property name="port" value="3306"></property>
        <property name="user" value="DBUser"></property>
        <property name="password" value="DBPassword"></property>

    <service id="mysqlDS" interface="javax.sql.DataSource" ref="mysqlDatasource">
            <entry key="" value="jdbc/karafdb"/>
The preceding Blueprint configuration should be packaged and installed in the container as an OSGi bundle.
Specify the data source as an OSGi service
After the data source has been instantiated and exported as an OSGi service, you are ready to configure the JDBC login module. In particular, the datasource option of the JDBC login module can reference the data source's OSGi service using the following syntax:
Where javax.sql.DataSource is the interface type of the exported OSGi service and the filter, (, selects the particular javax.sql.DataSource instance whose service property has the value, jdbc/karafdb.
For example, you can use the following Blueprint configuration to override the karaf realm with a JDBC login module that references the sample MySQL data source:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

    <!-- Allow usage of System properties, especially the karaf.base property -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.jdbc.JDBCLoginModule" 
            datasource = osgi:javax.sql.DataSource/(
            query.password = SELECT PASSWORD FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME=?
            query.role = SELECT ROLE FROM ROLES WHERE USERNAME=?
            insert.user = INSERT INTO USERS VALUES(?,?)
            insert.role = INSERT INTO ROLES VALUES(?,?)
            delete.user = DELETE FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME=?
            delete.role = DELETE FROM ROLES WHERE USERNAME=? AND ROLE=?
            delete.roles = DELETE FROM ROLES WHERE USERNAME=?

    <!-- The Backing Engine Factory Service for the JDBCLoginModule -->
    <service interface="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.BackingEngineFactory">
        <bean class="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.jdbc.JDBCBackingEngineFactory"/>

The SQL statements shown in the preceding configuration are in fact the default values of these options. Hence, if you create user and role tables consistent with these SQL statements, you could omit the options settings and rely on the defaults.
In addition to creating a JDBCLoginModule, the preceding Blueprint configuration also instantiates and exports a JDBCBackingEngineFactory instance, which enables you to manage the user data using the jaas:* console commands.

2.1.7. JAAS LDAP Login Module

The JAAS LDAP login module enables you to store user data in an LDAP database. To manage the stored user data, use a standard LDAP client tool. The jaas:* console commands are not supported.
For more details about using LDAP with Red Hat JBoss A-MQ, see Chapter 8, LDAP Authentication Tutorial.
Supported credentials
The JAAS LDAP Login Module authenticates username/password credentials, returning the list of roles associated with the authenticated user.
Implementation classes
The following classes implement the JAAS LDAP Login Module:
Implements the JAAS login module.
There is no backing engine factory for the LDAP Login Module, which means that this module cannot be managed using the jaas:* console commands.
The JAAS LDAP login module supports the following options:
The LDAP connection URL—for example, ldap://hostname.
Admin username to connect to the LDAP server. This parameter is optional: if it is not provided, the LDAP connection will be anonymous.
Admin password to connect to the LDAP server. Used only if the connection.username is also specified.
The LDAP base DN used to look up roles—for example, ou=role,dc=apache,dc=org.
The LDAP filter used to look up a user's role—for example, (member:=uid=%u).
If true, the user lookup is recursive (SUBTREE). If false, the user lookup is performed only at the first level (ONELEVEL).
The LDAP base DN used to look up roles—for example, ou=role,dc=apache,dc=org.
The LDAP filter used to look up a user's role—for example, (member:=uid=%u).
The LDAP role attribute containing the role value used by Apache Karaf—for example, cn.
If true, the role lookup is recursive (SUBTREE). If false, the role lookup is performed only at the first level (ONELEVEL).
Define the authentication back-end used on the LDAP server. The default is simple.
Define the initial context factory used to connect to the LDAP server. The default is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
If true or if the protocol on the connection.url is ldaps, an SSL connection will be used.
Specifies the SSL provider.
The protocol version to use. You must set this property to TLSv1, in order to prevent the SSLv3 protocol from being used (POODLE vulnerability).
The algorithm to use for the KeyManagerFactory and the TrustManagerFactory—for example, PKIX.
The ID of the keystore that stores the LDAP client's own X.509 certificate (required only if SSL client authentication is enabled on the LDAP server). The keystore must be deployed using a jaas:keystore element (see the section called “Sample Blueprint configuration”).
The keystore alias of the LDAP client's own X.509 certificate (required only if there is more than one certificate stored in the keystore specified by ssl.keystore).
The ID of the keystore that stores trusted CA certificates, which are used to verify the LDAP server's certificate (the LDAP server's certificate chain must be signed by one of the certificates in the truststore). The keystore must be deployed using a jaas:keystore element.
Sample Blueprint configuration
The following Blueprint configuration shows how to define a new karaf realm using the LDAP login module, where the default karaf realm is overridden by setting the rank attribute to 2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

    <!-- Allow usage of System properties, for example the karaf.home property -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="${" placeholder-suffix="}"/>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule"
            connection.url = ldaps://localhost:10636
            user.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
            user.filter = (uid=%u)
   = true
            role.base.dn = ou=groups,ou=system
            role.filter = (uniqueMember=uid=%u)
   = cn
   = true
            authentication = simple

    <jaas:keystore name="ks"
               keystorePassword="secret" />

You must set ssl.protocol to TLSv1, in order to protect against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566)

2.1.8. Encrypting Stored Passwords

By default, the JAAS login modules store passwords in plaintext format. Although you can (and should) protect such data by setting file permissions appropriately, you can provide additional protection to passwords by storing them in an obscured format (using a message digest algorithm).
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ provides a set of options for enabling password encryption, which can be combined with any of the JAAS login modules (except for the public key login module, where it is not needed).
Although message digest algorithms are not easy to crack, they are not invulnerable to attack (for example, see the Wikipedia article on cryptographic hash functions). Always use file permissions to protect files containing passwords, in addition to using password encryption.
Password encryption for JAAS login modules can optionally be enabled by setting the following login module properties:
Set to true, to enable password encryption.
Name of the encryption service, which has been registered as an OSGi service.
Prefix for encrypted passwords.
Suffix for encrypted passwords.
Specifies the name of the encryption algorithm—for example, MD5 or SHA-1. You can specify one of the following encryption algorithms:
  • MD2
  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
Encrypted passwords encoding: hexadecimal or base64.
encryption.providerName (Jasypt only)
Name of the instance that is to provide the digest algorithm.
encryption.providerClassName (Jasypt only)
Class name of the security provider that is to provide the digest algorithm
encryption.iterations (Jasypt only)
Number of times to apply the hash function recursively.
encryption.saltSizeBytes (Jasypt only)
Size of the salt used to compute the digest.
encryption.saltGeneratorClassName (Jasypt only)
Class name of the salt generator.
Specifies the policy for identifying role principals. Can have the values, prefix or group.
Specifies the discriminator value to be used by the role policy.
Encryption services
An encryption service can be defined by inheriting from the org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.EncryptionService interface and exporting an instance of the encryption service as an OSGi service. Two alternative implementations of the encryption service are provided:
Basic encryption service
The basic encryption service is installed in the standalone container by default and you can reference it by setting the property to the value, basic. In the basic encryption service, the message digest algorithms are provided by the SUN security provider (the default security provider in the Oracle JDK).
Jasypt encryption
The Jasypt encryption service can be installed in the standalone container by installing the jasypt-encryption feature. For example, you can install Jasypt encryption by entering the following console command:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install jasypt-encryption
This command installs the requisite Jasypt bundles and exports Jasypt encryption as an OSGi service, so that it is available for use by JAAS login modules. To access the Jasypt encryption service, set the property to the value, jasypt.
For more information about Jasypt encryption, see the Jasypt documentation.
Example of a login module with Jasypt encryption
Assuming that you have already installed the jasypt-encryption feature, you could deploy a properties login module with Jasypt encryption using the following Blueprint configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

        <bean class=""/>

    <!-- Allow usage of System properties, especially the karaf.base property -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="2">
        <jaas:module className=""
            users = $[karaf.base]/etc/
            encryption.enabled = true
   = jasypt
            encryption.algorithm = SHA-256
            encryption.encoding = base64
            encryption.iterations = 100000
            encryption.saltSizeBytes = 16

    <!-- The Backing Engine Factory Service for the PropertiesLoginModule -->
    <service interface="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.BackingEngineFactory">
        <bean class=""/>


2.2. Enabling LDAP Authentication


Red Hat JBoss A-MQ supplies a JAAS login module that enables it to use LDAP to authenticate users. The JBoss A-MQ JAAS LDAP login module is implemented by the org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule class. It is preloaded in the container, so you do not need to install its bundle.


To enable JBoss A-MQ to use LDAP for user authentication you need to create a JAAS realm that includes the JBoss A-MQ LDAP login module. As shown in Example 2.6, “Red Hat JBoss A-MQ LDAP JAAS Login Module”, this is done by adding a jaas:module element to the realm and setting its className attribute to org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule.

Example 2.6. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ LDAP JAAS Login Module

<jaas:config ... >
  <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule"
You will also need to provide values for the properties described in Table 2.2, “Properties for the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ LDAP Login Module”.

LDAP properties

Table 2.2, “Properties for the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ LDAP Login Module” describes the properties used to configure the JBoss A-MQ JAAS LDAP login module.
Table 2.2. Properties for the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ LDAP Login Module
connection.url Specifies specify the location of the directory server using an ldap URL, ldap://Host:Port. You can optionally qualify this URL, by adding a forward slash, /, followed by the DN of a particular node in the directory tree.
connection.username Specifies the DN of the user that opens the connection to the directory server. For example, uid=admin,ou=system.
connection.password Specifies the password that matches the DN from connection.username. In the directory server, the password is normally stored as a userPassword attribute in the corresponding directory entry.
user.base.dn Specifies the DN of the subtree of the DIT to search for user entries.
user.filter Specifies the LDAP search filter used to locate user credentials. It is applied to the subtree selected by user.base.dn. Before being passed to the LDAP search operation, the value is subjected to string substitution such that all occurrences of %u are replaced by the user name extracted from the incoming credentials. Specifies if the user entry search's scope includes the subtrees of the tree selected by user.base.dn.
role.base.dn Specifies the DN of the subtree of the DIT to search for role entries.
role.filter Specifies the LDAP search filter used to locate roles. It is applied to the subtree selected by role.base.dn. Before being passed to the LDAP search operation, the value is subjected to string substitution such that all occurrences of %u are replaced by the user name extracted from the incoming credentials. Specifies the attribute type of the role entry that contains the name of the role/group. If you omit this option, the role search feature is effectively disabled. Specifies if the role entry search's scope includes the subtrees of the tree selected by role.base.dn.
Specifies the authentication method used when binding to the LDAP server. Valid values are
  • simple—bind with user name and password authentication
  • none—bind anonymously
initial.context.factory Specifies the class of the context factory used to connect to the LDAP server. This must always be set to com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
ssl Specifies if the connection to the LDAP server is secured via SSL. If connection.url starts with ldaps:// SSL is used regardless of this property.
ssl.provider Specifies the SSL provider to use for the LDAP connection. If not specified, the default SSL provider is used.
ssl.protocol Specifies the protocol to use for the SSL connection. You must set this property to TLSv1, in order to prevent the SSLv3 protocol from being used (POODLE vulnerability).
ssl.algorithm Specifies the algorithm used by the trust store manager.
ssl.keystore Specifies the keystore name.
ssl.keyalias Specifies the name of the private key in the keystore.
ssl.truststore Specifies the trust keystore name.
All of the properties are mandatory except the SSL properties.


Example 2.7, “Configuring a JAAS Realm that Uses LDAP Authentication” defines a JAAS realm that uses the LDAP server located at ldap://localhost:10389.

Example 2.7. Configuring a JAAS Realm that Uses LDAP Authentication

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="1">
    <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule"
      connection.url = ldaps://localhost:10636
      user.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
      user.filter = (uid=%u) = true
      role.base.dn = ou=roles,ou=system,dc=jbossfuse
      role.filter = (uid=%u) = cn = true
      authentication = simple
You must set ssl.protocol to TLSv1, in order to protect against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566)

2.3. Configuring Roles for the Administrative Protocols


By configuring each of the administrative functions to use a different role for authorization, you can provide fine grained control over who can monitor and manipulate running containers.

Administration protocols

You can independently configure roles for the following different administrative protocols:
  • SSH (remote console login)
  • JMX management
  • Web console

Default role

The default role name for all of the administration protocols is set by the karaf.admin.role property in the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ's etc/ file. For example, the default setting of karaf.admin.role is:
You have the option of overriding the default admin role set by karaf.admin.role for each of the administrative protocols.

Changing the remote console's role

To override the default role for the remote console add a sshRole property to the PID. The following sets the role to admin:

Changing the JMX role

To override the default role for JMX add a jmxRole property to the PID. The following sets the role to jmx:

2.4. Using Encrypted Property Placeholders


When securing a container it is undesirable to use plain text passwords in configuration files. They create easy to target security holes. One way to avoid this problem is to use encrypted property placeholders when ever possible.
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ includes an extension to OSGi Blueprint that enables you to use Jasypt to decrypt property placeholders in blueprint files. It requires that you:
  1. Create a properties file with encrypted values.
  2. Add the proper namespaces to your blueprint file.
  3. Import the properties using the Aries property placeholder extension.
  4. Configure the Jasypt encryption algorithm.
  5. Use the placeholders in your blueprint file.
  6. Ensure that the Jasypt features are installed into the JBoss A-MQ container.

Encrypted properties

Encrypted properties are stored in plain properties files. They are identified by wrapping them in the ENC() function as shown in Example 2.8, “Property File with an Encrypted Property”.

Example 2.8. Property File with an Encrypted Property
You will need to remember the password and algorithm used to encrypt the values. You will need this information to configure Jasypt.


To use encryted properties in your configuration, you will need to add the following namespaces to your blueprint file:
  • Aries extensions—
  • Apache Karaf Jasypt—
Example 2.9, “Encrypted Property Namespaces” shows a blueprint file with the required namespaces.

Example 2.9. Encrypted Property Namespaces

<blueprint xmlns=""

Placeholder extension

In order to use encrypted property placeholders in a blueprint file you need to include an Aries property-paceholder element to you blueprint file. As shown in Example 2.10, “Aries Placeholder Extension”, it must come before the Jasypt configuration or the use of placeholders.

Example 2.10. Aries Placeholder Extension

<blueprint xmlns=""


The Aries property-paceholder element's location child specifies the location of the property file that contains the properties to use for the configuration. You can specify multiple files by using multiple location children.

Jasypt configuration

You configure Jasypt using the Apache Karaf property-placeholder element. It has one child, encoder, that contains the actual Jasypt configuration.
The encoder element's mandatory class attribute specifies the fully qualified classname of the Jasypt encryptor to use for decrypting the properties. The encoder element can take a property child that defines a Jasypt PBEConfig bean for configuring the encryptor.
For detailed information on how to configure the different Jasypt encryptors, see the Jasypt documentation.
Example 2.11, “Jasypt Blueprint Configuration” shows configuration for using the string encryptor and retrieving the password from an environment variable.

Example 2.11. Jasypt Blueprint Configuration

<blueprint xmlns=""


    <enc:encryptor class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor">
      <property name="config">
        <bean class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.EnvironmentStringPBEConfig">
          <property name="algorithm" value="PBEWithMD5AndDES" />
          <property name="passwordEnvName" value="FUSE_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD" />


The placeholder you use for encrypted properties are the same as you use for regular properties. The use the form ${}.

Example 2.12. Jasypt Blueprint Configuration

<blueprint xmlns=""


    <enc:encryptor class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor">
      <property name="config">
        <bean class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.EnvironmentStringPBEConfig">
          <property name="algorithm" value="PBEWithMD5AndDES" />
          <property name="passwordEnvName" value="FUSE_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD" />

  <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="1">
    <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule" flags="required">
        userBase = ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system,dc=jbossfuse,dc=com
        roleBase = ou=Group,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system,dc=jbossfuse,dc=com
        roleSearchMatching= (member:=uid={1})

The ${ldap.password} placeholder will be replaced with the decrypted value of the ldap.password property from the properties file.

Installing the Jasypt features

By default, JBoss A-MQ does not have the Jasypt encryption libraries installed. In order to use encrypted property placeholders, you will need to install the jasypt-encryption feature using JBoss A-MQ's features:install command as shown in Example 2.13, “Installing the Jasypt Feature”.

Example 2.13. Installing the Jasypt Feature

JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install jasypt-encryption

Chapter 3. Securing the Web Console


You can configure the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Web console to use SSL/TLS security by adding the relevant configuration properties to the etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg configuration file.


The Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Web console is not enabled by default. You can install the web console feature into OSGi by entering the following console command:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install webconsole

Create X.509 certificate and private key

Before you can enable SSL, you must create an X.509 certificate and private key for the Web console. The certificate and private key must be in Java keystore format. For details of how to create a signed certificate and private key, see Appendix A, Managing Certificates.
If you want to run a quick demonstration of SSL/TLS security, you could use a demonstration certificate from one of the examples (see ???).

Enabling SSL/TLS

To enable SSL/TLS:
  1. Open etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg in a text editor.
  2. Disable the insecure HTTP port by adding the org.osgi.service.http.enabled and setting it to false as shown in Example 3.1, “Pax Web Property for Disabling the HTTP Port”.

    Example 3.1. Pax Web Property for Disabling the HTTP Port

  3. Enable the secure HTTPS port by adding the and setting it to true as shown in Example 3.2, “Pax Web Property for Enabling the HTTPS Port”.

    Example 3.2. Pax Web Property for Enabling the HTTPS Port
  4. If you followed the preceding instructions, the etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg file should now have the following contents:
    # Configures the SMX Web Console to use SSL
  5. Edit the etc/jetty.xml file and add the following Call element to configure the SSL connector for Jetty:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//
    DTD Configure//EN" "">
    <Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
        <!-- =========================================================== -->
        <!-- Set connectors                                              -->
        <!-- =========================================================== -->
        <!-- One of each type!                                           -->
        <!-- =========================================================== -->
        <Call name="addConnector">
                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSocketConnector">
                      <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl.SslContextFactory">
                          <!-- in Fuse 6.0, please replace above FQN with "org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory" -->
                          <Set name="ExcludeProtocols">
                              <Array type="java.lang.String">
                   <Set name="Port">8183</Set>
                   <Set name="keystore">/home/jdoe/Documents/server.keystore</Set>
                   <Set name="password">mykeystorepass</Set>
                   <Set name="keyPassword">mykeypass</Set>
        <Call name="addConnector">
        <Call name="addBean">
    The preceding configuration explicitly disables the SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.
  6. Customize the properties of the SslSocketConnector instance defined in the etc/jetty.xml file, as follows:
    The secure HTTPS port number.
    The location of the Java keystore file on the file system. Relative paths are resolved relative to the KARAF_HOME environment variable (by default, the install directory).
    The store password that unlocks the Java keystore file.
    The key password that decrypts the private key stored in the keystore (usually the same as the store password).

Connect to the secure Web console

After configuring the Web console and installing the webconsole feature, you should be able to open the Web console by browsing to the following URL:
Remember to type the https: scheme, instead of http:, in this URL.
Initially, the browser will warn you that you are using an untrusted certificate. Skip this warning and you will be prompted to enter a username and a password. Log in with the username smx and the password smx.

Chapter 4. Securing an Apache ActiveMQ Broker


Apache ActiveMQ provides two layers of security: an SSL/TLS security layer, which can authenticate the broker to its clients, encrypt messages, and guarantee message integrity, and a JAAS security layer, which can authenticate clients to the broker. This chapter describes the approach you should take to enable both of these security layers, when the broker is deployed in the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ OSGi container.

4.1. Programming Client Credentials


Currently, for Java clients of Red Hat JBoss A-MQ, you must set the username/password credentials by programming. The ActiveMQConnectionFactory provides several alternative methods for specifying the username and password, as follows:
ActiveMQConnectionFactory(String userName, String password, String brokerURL);
ActiveMQConnectionFactory(String userName, String password, URI brokerURL);
Connection createConnection(String userName, String password);
QueueConnection createQueueConnection(String userName, String password);
TopicConnection createTopicConnection(String userName, String password);
Of these methods, createConnection(String userName, String password) is the most flexible, since it enables you to specify credentials on a connection-by-connection basis.

Setting login credentials for the Openwire protocol

To specify the login credentials on the client side, pass the username/password credentials as arguments to the ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createConnection() method, as shown in the following example:
// Java
public void run() {
  user = "jdoe";
  password = "secret";
  ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url);
 Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(user, password);

4.2. Configuring Credentials for Broker Components


Once authentication is enabled in the broker, every application component that opens a connection to the broker must be configured with credentials. This includes some standard broker components, which are normally configured using Spring XML. To enable you to set credentials on these components, the XML schemas for these components have been extended as described in this section.

Command agent

You can configure the command agent with credentials by setting the username attribute and the password attribute on the commandAgent element in the broker configuration file, InstallDir/etc/activemq.xml. By default, the command agent is configured to pick up its credentials from the activemq.username property and the activemq.password property as shown in the following example:
  <commandAgent xmlns=""
 username="Username" password="Password" />


Apache Camel

The default broker configuration file contains an example of an Apache Camel route that is integrated with the broker. This sample route is defined as follows:
  <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
      <from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
      <to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
The preceding route integrates with the broker using endpoint URIs that have the component prefix, activemq:. For example, the URI, activemq:example.A, represents a queue named example.A and the endpoint URI, activemq:example.B, represents a queue named example.B.
The integration with the broker is implemented by the Camel component with bean ID equal to activemq. When the broker has authentication enabled, it is necessary to configure this component with a userName property and a password property, as follows:
  <bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent" >
    <property name="connectionFactory">
      <bean class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
        <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost?create=false&amp;waitForStart=10000" />
 <property name="userName" value="Username"/> <property name="password" value="Password"/>

4.3. Broker-to-Broker Authentication


If you are deploying your brokers in a cluster configuration, and one or more of the brokers is configured to require authentication, then it is necessary to equip all of the brokers in the cluster with the appropriate credentials, so that they can all talk to each other.

Configuring the network connector

Given two brokers, Broker A and Broker B, where Broker A is configured to perform authentication, you can configure Broker B to log on to Broker A by setting the userName attribute and the password attribute in the networkConnector element, as follows:
<beans ...>
    <broker ...>
            <networkConnector name="BrokerABridge"

If Broker A is configured to connect to Broker B, Broker A's networkConnector element must also be configured with username/password credentials, even if Broker B is not configured to perform authentication. This is because Broker A's authentication plug-in checks for Broker A's username.

4.4. Tutorial I: JAAS Authentication


This tutorial shows you how to communicate with the JBoss A-MQ broker using example producer and consumer JMS clients. The JMS clients must first be modified, however, to provide the requisite username/password JMS credentials.


The following prerequisites are needed for this tutorial:
  • Apache Ant—Apache Ant is a free, open source build tool from Apache. You can download the latest version from (minimum is 1.8).
  • Apache ActiveMQ installation—the standalone installation of Apache ActiveMQ has some demonstration code that is not available in Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. The Apache ActiveMQ distribution is provided in the InstallDir/extras directory in an archive format. Uncompress and extract the archive to a convenient installation location, ActiveMQInstallDir.

Tutorial steps

To test the example JMS clients with JBoss A-MQ, perform the following steps:

Install the consumer and producer JMS clients

The Apache ActiveMQ distribution is provided in the InstallDir/extras directory in an archive format. Uncompress and extract the archive to a convenient installation location, ActiveMQInstallDir (the consumer and producer clients can be accessed by running ant targets under the ActiveMQInstallDir/example directory).

Customize the file

The karaf JAAS realm can be administered by editing the InstallDir/etc/ file, where the file contains entries in the following format:
For example, the default file shows a sample entry (which is commented out) for the user, admin, with password, admin, as follows:
Customize the file by adding at least one user entry with the admin role. For example:

Start the JBoss A-MQ container

Change directory to InstallDir/bin and enter the following command:

Run the consumer with JMS credentials

To connect the consumer tool to the tcp://localhost:61616 endpoint, change directory to ActiveMQInstallDir/example and enter the following command:
ant consumer -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dmax=100
You should see some output like the following:
Buildfile: build.xml
     [echo] Running consumer against server at $url = tcp://localhost:61616 for subject $subject = TEST.FOO
     [java] Connecting to URL: tcp://localhost:61616 (admin:admin)
     [java] Consuming queue: TEST.FOO
     [java] Using a non-durable subscription
     [java] Running 1 parallel threads
     [java] [Thread-2] We are about to wait until we consume: 100 message(s) then we will shutdown

Run the producer with JMS credentials

To connect the producer tool to the tcp://localhost:61616 endpoint, open a new command prompt, change directory to example and enter the following command:
ant producer -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dmax=100
In the window where the consumer tool is running, you should see some output like the following:
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 0 sent at: Mon Mar 18 17:12:16 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 1 sent at: Mon Mar 18 17:12:16 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 2 sent at: Mon Mar 18 17:12:16 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 3 sent at: Mon Mar 18 17:12:16 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 4 sent at: Mon Mar 18 17:12:16 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)

4.5. Tutorial II: SSL/TLS Security


This tutorial shows you how to enable an SSL/TLS endpoint on the broker and how to configure the example JMS consumer and producer clients so that they can connect to the secure endpoint.

Tutorial steps

To configure SSL/TLS security for a broker deployed in the OSGi container, perform the following steps:

Install sample keystore files

The broker requires the following keystore files:
  • Key store containing broker's own certificate and private key—used to identify the broker during an SSL handshake.
  • Trust store containing CA certificate—used to verify that a received client certificate is correctly signed (strictly speaking, the trust store file is only needed by the broker, if the transport.needClientAuth options is set to true on the broker URI).
For this tutorial, you can use the demonstration certificates provided with the Apache ActiveMQ distribution, in ActiveMQInstallDir.
Copy the broker.ks and broker.ts files from the Apache ActiveMQ distribution's conf directory, ActiveMQInstallDir/conf, to the InstallDir/etc directory of JBoss A-MQ.
The demonstration broker key store and broker trust sture are provided for testing purposes only. Do not deploy these certificates in a production system. To set up a genuinely secure SSL/TLS system, you must generate custom certificates, as described in Appendix A, Managing Certificates.

Configure the broker

Use your favorite text editor to edit the file, InstallDir/etc/activemq.xml, adding the highlighted XML fragments:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans ...>

    <broker xmlns=""
 <transportConnector name="ssl" uri="ssl://,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2&amp;maximumConnections=1000"/>
        </transportConnectors>    </broker>

Note the following key aspects of the broker configuration:
  • The Openwire network connector is configured to use SSL, ssl://localhost:61617?....
  • The enabled protocols are specified explicitly, using the transport.enabledProtocols option. This setting effectively disables the SSLv3 protocol, which must not be used because of the POODLE security vulnerability.
  • The key store and trust store file locations and passwords are specified by the broker's sslContext element.
If you are planning to enable SSL/TLS security, you must ensure that you explicitly disable SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.

Start the JBoss A-MQ container

Change directory to InstallDir/bin and enter the following command:

Configure the consumer and the producer clients

To test the broker configured in the OSGi container, you are going to use the example consumer tool and producer tool supplied with the Apache ActiveMQ installation.
Configure the consumer and the producer clients to pick up the client trust store. Edit the Ant build file, ActiveMQInstallDir/example/build.xml, and add the and JSSE system properties to the consumer target and the producer target as shown in the following example:
<project ...>
        <target name="consumer" depends="compile" description="Runs a simple consumer">
                <java classname="ConsumerTool" fork="yes" maxmemory="100M">
                        <classpath refid="javac.classpath" />
                        <jvmarg value="-server" />
                    <sysproperty key="activemq.home" value="${activemq.home}"/>
                    <sysproperty key=""
                    <sysproperty key=""
                        <arg value="--url=${url}" />

        <target name="producer" depends="compile" description="Runs a simple producer">
                <java classname="ProducerTool" fork="yes" maxmemory="100M">
                        <classpath refid="javac.classpath" />
                        <jvmarg value="-server" />
                    <sysproperty key="activemq.home" value="${activemq.home}"/>
                    <sysproperty key=""
                    <sysproperty key=""
                        <arg value="--url=${url}" />
In the context of the Ant build tool, this is equivalent to adding the system properties to the command line.

Run the consumer with the SSL protocol

To connect the consumer tool to the ssl://localhost:61617 endpoint (Openwire over SSL), change directory to ActiveMQInstallDir/example and enter the following command:
ant consumer -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Durl=ssl://localhost:61617 -Dmax=100
You should see some output like the following:
Buildfile: build.xml
     [echo] Running consumer against server at $url = ssl://localhost:61617 for subject $subject = TEST.FOO
     [java] Connecting to URL: ssl://localhost:61617 (admin:admin)
     [java] Consuming queue: TEST.FOO
     [java] Using a non-durable subscription
     [java] Running 1 parallel threads
     [java] [Thread-2] We are about to wait until we consume: 100 message(s) then we will shutdow

Run the producer with the SSL protocol

To connect the producer tool to the ssl://localhost:61617 endpoint, open a new command prompt, change directory to example and enter the following command:
ant producer -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Durl=ssl://localhost:61617 -Dmax=100
In the window where the consumer tool is running, you should see some output like the following:
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 0 sent at: Tue Mar 19 10:07:25 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 1 sent at: Tue Mar 19 10:07:25 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 2 sent at: Tue Mar 19 10:07:26 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 3 sent at: Tue Mar 19 10:07:26 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)
[java] [Thread-2] Received: 'Message: 4 sent at: Tue Mar 19 10:07:26 CET 2013  ...' (length 1000)

Chapter 5. Securing the Camel ActiveMQ Component


The Camel ActiveMQ component enables you to define JMS endpoints in your routes that can connect to an Apache ActiveMQ broker. In order to make your Camel ActiveMQ endpoints secure, you must create an instance of a Camel ActiveMQ component that uses a secure connection factory.

5.1. Secure ActiveMQ Connection Factory


Apache Camel provides an Apache ActiveMQ component for defining Apache ActiveMQ endpoints in a route. The Apache ActiveMQ endpoints are effectively Java clients of the broker and you can either define a consumer endpoint (typically used at the start of a route to poll for JMS messages) or define a producer endpoint (typically used at the end or in the middle of a route to send JMS messages to a broker).
When the remote broker is secure (SSL security, JAAS security, or both), the Apache ActiveMQ component must be configured with the required client security settings.

Programming the security properties

Apache ActiveMQ enables you to program SSL security settings (and JAAS security settings) by creating and configuring an instance of the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory JMS connection factory. Programming the JMS connection factory is the correct approach to use in the context of the containers such as OSGi, J2EE, Tomcat, and so on, because these settings are local to the application using the JMS connection factory instance.

Defining a secure connection factory

Example 5.1, “Defining a Secure Connection Factory Bean” shows how to create a secure connection factory bean in Spring XML.

Example 5.1. Defining a Secure Connection Factory Bean

<bean id="jmsConnectionFactory"
  <property name="brokerURL" value="ssl://localhost:61001" />
  <property name="userName" value="admin"/>
  <property name="password" value="admin"/>
  <property name="trustStore" value="/conf/client.ts"/>
  <property name="trustStorePassword" value="password"/>
The following properties are specified on the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class:
The URL of the remote broker to connect to.
userName and password
Any valid JAAS login credentials. This example shows the sample user, admin, with the password, admin, but you should customize the JAAS credentials to use a robust password.
Location of the Java keystore file containing the certificate trust store for SSL connections. The location is specified as a classpath resource.
The password that unlocks the keystore file containing the trust store.
It is also possible to specify keyStore and keyStorePassword properties, but these are only needed, if SSL mutual authentication is enabled (where the client presents an X.509 certificate to the broker during the SSL handshake).

Chapter 6. SSL/TLS Security


You can use SSL/TLS security to secure connections to brokers for a variety of different protocols: Openwire over TCP/IP, Openwire over HTTP, and Stomp.

6.1. Introduction to SSL/TLS


The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol was originally developed by Netscape Corporation to provide a mechanism for secure communication over the Internet. Subsequently, the protocol was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and renamed to Transport Layer Security (TLS). The latest specification of the TLS protocol is RFC 5246.
The SSL/TLS protocol sits between an application protocol layer and a reliable transport layer (such as TCP/IP). It is independent of the application protocol and can thus be layered underneath many different protocols, for example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and so on.

SSL/TLS security features

The SSL/TLS protocol supports the following security featues:
  • Privacy—messages are encrypted using a secret symmetric key, making it impossible for eavesdroppers to read messages sent over the connection.
  • Message integrity—messages are digitally signed, to ensure that they cannot be tampered with.
  • Authentication—the identity of the target (server program) is authenticated and (optionally) the client as well.
  • Immunity to man-in-the-middle attacks—because of the way authentication is performed in SSL/TLS, it is impossible for an attacker to interpose itself between a client and a target.

Cipher suites

To support all of the facets of SSL/TLS security, a number of different security algorithms must be used together. Moreover, for each of the security features (for example, message integrity), there are typically several different algorithms available. To manage these alternatives, the security algorithms are grouped together into cipher suites. Each cipher suite contains a complete collection of security algorithms for the SSL/TLS protocol. />.

Public key cryptography

Public key cryptography (also known as asymmetric cryptography) plays a critically important role in SSL/TLS security. With this form of cryptography, encryption and decryption is performed using a matching pair of keys: a public key and a private key. A message encrypted by the public key can only be decrypted by the private key; and a message encrypted by the private key can only be decrypted by the public key. This basic mathematical property has some important consequences for cryptography:
  • It becomes extremely easy to establish secure communications with people you have never previously had any contact with. Simply publish the public key in some accessible place. Anyone can now download the public key and use it to encrypt a message that only you can decrypt, using your private key.
  • You can use your private key to digitally sign messages. Given a message to sign, simply generate a hash value from the message, encrypt that hash value using your private key, and append it to the message. Now, anyone can use the public key to decrypt the hash value and check that the message has not been tampered with.
Actually, it is not compulsory to use public key cryptography with SSL/TLS. But the SSL/TLS protocol is practically useless (and very insecure) without it.

X.509 certificates

An X.509 certificate provides a way of binding an identity (in the form of an X.500 distinguished name) to a public key. X.509 is a standard specified by the IETF and the most recent specification is RFC 4158. The X.509 certificate consists essentially of an identity concatenated with a public key, with the whole certificate being digitally signed in order to guarantee the association between the identity and the public key.
But who signs the certificate? It has to be someone (or some identity) that you trust. The certificate signer could be one of the following:
  • Self—if the certificate signs itself, it is called a self-signed certificate. If you need to deploy a self-signed certificate, the certificate must be obtained from a secure channel. The only guarantee you have of the certificate's authenticity is that you obtained it from a trusted source.
  • CA certificate—a more scalable solution is to sign certificates using a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. In this case, you only need to be careful about deploying the original CA certificate (that is, obtaining it through a secure channel). All of the certificates signed by this CA, on the other hand, can be distributed over insecure, public channels. The trusted CA can then be used to verify the signature on the certificates. In this case, the CA certificate is self-signed.
  • Chain of CA certificates—an extension of the idea of signing with a CA certificate is to use a chain of CA certificates. For example, certificate X could be signed by CA foo, which is signed by CA bar. The last CA certificate in the chain (the root certificate) is self-signed.
For more details about managing X.509 certificates, see Appendix A, Managing Certificates.

Target-only authentication

The most common way to configure SSL/TLS is to associate an X.509 certificate with the target (server side) but not with the client. This implies that the client can verify the identity of the target, but the target cannot verify the identity of the client (at least, not through the SSL/TLS protocol). It might seem strange that we worry about protecting clients (by confirming the target identity) but not about protecting the target. Keep in mind, though, that SSL/TLS security was originally developed for the Internet, where protecting clients is a high priority. For example, if you are about to connect to your bank's Web site, you want to be very sure that the Web site is authentic. Also, it is typically easier to authenticate clients using other mechanisms (such as HTTP Basic Authentication), which do not incur the high maintenance overhead of generating and distributing X.509 certificates.

6.2. Secure Transport Protocols


Red Hat JBoss A-MQ provides a common framework for adding SSL/TLS security to its transport protocols. All of the transport protocols discussed here are secured using the JSSE framework and most of their configuration settings are shared.

Transport protocols

Table 6.1, “Secure Transport Protocols” shows the transport protocols that can be secured using SSL/TLS.
Table 6.1. Secure Transport Protocols
ssl://Host:PortEndpoint URL for Openwire over TCP/IP, where the socket layer is secured using SSL or TLS.
https://Host:PortEndpoint URL for Openwire over HTTP, where the socket layer is secured using SSL or TLS.
stomp+ssl://Host:PortEndpoint URL for Stomp over TCP/IP, where the socket layer is secured using SSL or TLS.
mqtt+nio+ssl://Host:PortEndpoint URL for MQTT over Java NIO, where the socket layer is secured using SSL or TLS.

6.3. Java Keystores


Java keystores provide a convenient mechanism for storing and deploying X.509 certificates and private keys. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ uses Java keystore files as the standard format for deploying certificates


The Java keystore is a feature of the Java platform Standard Edition (SE) from Oracle. To perform the tasks described in this section, you will need to install a recent version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) and ensure that the JDK bin directory is on your path. See Java SE.

Default keystore provider

Oracle's JDK provides a standard file-based implementation of the keystore. The instructions in this section presume you are using the standard keystore. If there is any doubt about the kind of keystore you are configured to use, check the following line in your file (located either in JavaInstallDir/lib/security or JavaInstallDir/jre/lib/security):
The jks (or JKS) keystore type represents the standard keystore.

Customizing the keystore provider

Java also allows you to provide a custom implementation of the keystore, by implementing the class. For details of how to do this see the following references:
If you use a custom keystore provider, you should consult the third-party provider documentation for details of how to manage certificates and private keys with this provider.

Store password

The keystore repository is protected by a store password, which is defined at the same time the keystore is created. Every time you attempt to access or modify the keystore, you must provide the store password.
The store password can also be referred to as a keystore password or a truststore password, depending on what kind of entries are stored in the keystore file. The function of the password in both cases is the same: that is, to unlock the keystore file.

Keystore entries

The keystore provides two distinct kinds of entry for storing certificates and private keys, as follows:
  • Key entries—each key entry contains the following components:
    • A private key.
    • An X.509 certificate (can be v1, v2, or v3) containing the public key that matches this entry’s private key.
    • Optionally, one or more CA certificates that belong to the preceding certificate’s trust chain.
    The CA certificates belonging to a certificate’s trust chain can be stored either in its key entry or in trusted certificate entries.
    In addition, each key entry is tagged by an alias and protected by a key password. To access a particular key entry in the keystore, you must provide both the alias and the key password.
  • Trusted certificate entries—each trusted certificate entry contains just a single X.509 certificate.
    Each trusted certificate entry is tagged by an alias. There is no need to protect the entry with a password, however, because the X.509 certificate contains only a public key.

Keystore utilities

The Java platform SE provides two keystore utilities: keytool and jarsigner. Only the keytool utility is needed here.

6.4. How to Use X.509 Certificates

Revision History
changed supported status of mutual auth to address MB-1216


Before you can understand how to deploy X.509 certificates in a real system, you need to know about the different authentication scenarios supported by the SSL/TLS protocol. The way you deploy the certificates depends on what kind of authentication scenario you decide to adopt for your application.

Target-only authentication

In the target-only authentication scenario, as shown in Figure 6.1, “Target-Only Authentication Scenario”, the target (in this case, the broker) presents its own certificate to the client during the SSL/TLS handshake, so that the client can verify the target's identity. In this scenario, therefore, the target is authentic to the client, but the client is not authentic to the target.

Figure 6.1. Target-Only Authentication Scenario

Target-Only Authentication Scenario
The broker is configured to have its own certificate and private key, which are both stored in the file, broker.ks. The client is configured to have a trust store, client.ts, that contains the certificate that originally signed the broker certificate. Normally, the trusted certificate is a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.

Mutual authentication

In the mutual authentication scenario, as shown in Figure 6.2, “Mutual Authentication Scenario”, the target presents its own certificate to the client and the client presents its own certificate to the target during the SSL/TLS handshake, so that both the client and the target can verify each other's identity. In this scenario, therefore, the target is authentic to the client and the client is authentic to the target.

Figure 6.2. Mutual Authentication Scenario

Mutual Authentication Scenario
Because authentication is mutual in this scenario, both the client and the target must be equipped with a full set of certificates. The client is configured to have its own certificate and private key in the file, client.ks, and a trust store, client.ts, which contains the certificate that signed the target certificate. The target is configured to have its own certificate and private key in the file, broker.ks, and a trust store, broker.ts, which contains the certificate that signed the client certificate.

Selecting the authentication scenario

Various combinations of target and client authentication are supported by the SSL/TLS protocols. In general, SSL/TLS authentication scenarios are controlled by selecting a specific cipher suite (or cipher suites) and by setting the WantClientAuth or NeedClientAuth flags in the SSL/TLS protocol layer. The following list describes all of the possible authentication scenarios:
  • Target-only authentication—this is the most important authentication scenario. If you want to authenticate the client as well, the most common approach is to let the client log on using username/password credentials, which can be sent securely through the encrypted channel established by the SSL/TLS session.
  • Target authentication and optional client authentication—if you want to authenticate the client using an X.509 certificate, simply configure the client to have its own certificate. By default, the target will authenticate the client's certificate, if it receives one.
  • Target authentication and required client authentication—if want to enforce client authentication using an X.509 certificate, you can set the NeedClientAuth flag on the SSL/TLS protocol layer. When this flag is set, the target would raise an error if the client fails to send a certificate during the SSL/TLS handshake.
  • No authentication—this scenario is potentially dangerous from a security perspective, because it is susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack. It is therefore recommended that you always avoid using this (non-)authentication scenario.
    It is theoretically possible to get this scenario, if you select one of the anonymous Diffie-Hellman cipher suites for the SSL/TLS session. In practice, however, you normally do not need to worry about these cipher suites, because they have a low priority amongst the cipher suites supported by the SunJSSE security provider. Other, more secure cipher suites normally take precedence.

Custom certificates

For a real deployment of a secure SSL/TLS application, you must first create a collection of custom X.509 certificates and private keys. For detailed instructions on how to go about creating and managing your X.509 certificates, see Appendix A, Managing Certificates.

6.5. Configuring JSSE System Properties


Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) provides the underlying framework for the SSL/TLS implementation in Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. In this framework, you configure the SSL/TLS protocol and deploy X.509 certificates using a variety of JSSE system properties.

JSSE system properties

Table 6.2, “JSSE System Properties” shows the JSSE system properties that can be used to configure SSL/TLS security for the SSL (Openwire over SSL), HTTPS (Openwire over HTTPS), and Stomp+SSL (Stomp over SSL) transport protocols.
Table 6.2. JSSE System Properties
System Property NameDescription of the Java keystore file containing an application process's own certificate and private key. On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes, \.
Password to access the private key from the keystore file specified by This password is used twice:
  • To unlock the keystore file (store password), and
  • To decrypt the private key stored in the keystore (key password).
In other words, the JSSE framework requires these passwords to be identical. For Java keystore file format, this property has the value jks (or JKS). You do not normally specify this property, because its default value is already jks.
Location of the Java keystore file containing the collection of CA certificates trusted by this application process (trust store). On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes, \.
If a trust store location is not specified using this property, the SunJSSE implementation searches for and uses a keystore file in the following locations (in order):
  1. $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/jssecacerts
  2. $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts to unlock the keystore file (store password) specified by For Java keystore file format, this property has the value jks (or JKS). You do not normally specify this property, because its default value is already jks. switch on logging for the SSL/TLS layer, set this property to ssl.
The default trust store locations (in the jssecacerts and the cacerts directories) present a potential security hazard. If you do not take care to manage the trust stores under the JDK installation or if you do not have control over which JDK installation is used, you might find that the effective trust store is too lax.
To be on the safe side, it is recommended that you always set the property for a secure client or server, so that you have control over the CA certificates trusted by your application.

Setting properties at the command line

On the client side and in the broker, you can set the JSSE system properties on the Java command line using the standard syntax, -DProperty=Value. For example, to specify JSSE system properties to a client program, com.redhat.Client:
java com.redhat.Client
To configure a broker to use the demonstration broker keystore and demonstration broker trust store, you can set the SSL_OPTS environment variable as follows, on Windows:
Or on UNIX platforms (Bourne shell): 
export SSL_OPTS
You can then launch the broker using the bin/activemq[.bat|.sh] script
The SSL_OPTS environment variable is simply a convenient way of passing command-line properties to the bin/activemq[.bat|.sh] script. It is not accessed directly by the broker runtime or the JSSE package.

Setting properties by programming

You can also set JSSE system properties using the standard Java API, as long as you set the properties before the relevant transport protocol is initialized. For example:
// Java
import java.util.Properties;
Properties systemProps = System.getProperties();

6.6. Setting Security Context for the Openwire/SSL Protocol


Apart from configuration using JSSE system properties, the Openwire/SSL protocol (with schema, ssl:) also supports an option to set its SSL security context using the broker configuration file.
The methods for setting the security context described in this section are available exclusively for the Openwire/SSL protocol. These features are not supported by the HTTPS protocol.

Setting security context in the broker configuration file

To configure the Openwire/SSL security context in the broker configuration file, edit the attributes in the sslContext element. For example, the default broker configuration file, conf/activemq.xml, includes the following entry:
<beans ...>
    <broker ...>
            <sslContext keyStore="file:${activemq.base}/conf/broker.ks"
Where the activemq.base property is defined in the activemq[.bat|.sh] script. You can specify any of the following sslContext attributes:
  • keyStore—equivalent to setting
  • keyStorePassword—equivalent to setting
  • keyStoreType—equivalent to setting
  • keyStoreAlgorithm—defaults to JKS.
  • trustStore—equivalent to setting
  • trustStorePassword—equivalent to setting
  • trustStoreType—equivalent to setting

6.7. Securing Java Clients

ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class

To support SSL/TLS security in Java clients, Red Hat JBoss A-MQ provides the org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class. Use the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class in place of the insecure ActiveMQConnectionFactory class in order to enable SSL/TLS security in your clients.
The ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class exposes the following methods for configuring SSL/TLS security:
Specifies the location of the client's trust store file, in JKS format (as managed by the Java keystore utility).
Specifies the password that unlocks the client trust store.
(Optional) Specifies the location of the client's own X.509 certificate and private key in a key store file, in JKS format (as managed by the Java keystore utility). Clients normally do not need to provide their own certificate, unless the broker SSL/TLS configuration specifies that client authentication is required.
(Optional) Specifies the password that unlocks the client key store. This password is also used to decrypt the private key from in the key store.
For more advanced applications, ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory also exposes the setKeyAndTrustManagers method, which lets you specify the[] array and the[] array directly.

Specifying the trust store and key store locations

Location strings passed to the setTrustStore and setKeyStore methods can have either of the following formats:
  • A pathname—where no scheme is specified, for example, /conf/client.ts. In this case the resource is loaded from the classpath, which is convenient to use when the client and its certificates are packaged in a JAR file.
  • A Java URL—where you can use any of the standard Java URL schemes, such as http or file. For example, to reference the file, C:\ActiveMQ\conf\client.ts, in the filesystem on a Windows O/S, use the URL, file:///C:/ActiveMQ/conf/client.ts.

Sample client code

Example 6.1, “Java Client Using the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory Class” shows an example of how to initialize a message producer client in Java, where the message producer connects to the broker using the SSL/TLS protocol. The key step here is that the client uses the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class to create the connection, also setting the trust store and trust store password (no key store is required here, because we are assuming that the broker port does not require client authentication).

Example 6.1. Java Client Using the ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory Class

import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Session;

import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory;
String url = "ssl://localhost:61617" // The broker URL
// Configure the secure connection factory.
ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory(url);

// Create the connection.
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();

// Create the session
Session session = connection.createSession(transacted, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Destination destination = session.createQueue(subject);

// Create the producer.
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);

Chapter 7. Authorization


Red Hat JBoss A-MQ authorization implements group-based access control and allows you to control access at the granularity level of destinations or of individual messages.

7.1. Simple Authorization Plug-In


In a security system without authorization, every successfully authenticated user would have unrestricted access to every queue and every topic in the broker. Using the simple authorization plug-in, on the other hand, you can restrict access to specific destinations based on a user's group membership.

Configuring the simple authorization plug-in

To configure the simple authorization plug-in, add an authorizationPlugin element to the list of plug-ins in the broker's configuration, as shown in Example 7.1, “Simple Authorization Plug-In Configuration”.

Example 7.1. Simple Authorization Plug-In Configuration

  <broker ... >
              <authorizationEntry queue=">"
                                  admin="admins" />
              <authorizationEntry queue="USERS.>"
                                  admin="users" />
              <authorizationEntry queue="GUEST.>"
                                  admin="guests,users" />
              <authorizationEntry topic=">"
                                  admin="admins" />
              <authorizationEntry topic="USERS.>"
                                  admin="users" />
              <authorizationEntry topic="GUEST.>"
                                  admin="guests,users" />

The simple authorization plug-in is specified as a map of destination entries. The map is entered in the configuration using a authorizationMap element wrapped in a map element.
The authorization map is made up of two elements:
  • authorizationEntries—a collection of authroizationEntry elements that define the permissions assigned to authorized users have for destinations whose name matches the selector
  • tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry—defines the permissions assigned to authorized users have for temporary destinations

Named destinations

A named destination is an ordinary JMS queue or topic.The authorization entries for ordinary destinations are defined by the authorizationEntry element, which supports the following attributes:
  • queue or topic—specifies the name of the queue or topic to which you are assigning permissions. The greater-than symbol, >, acts as a name segment wildcard. For example, an entry with, queue="USERS.>", would match any queue name beginning with the USERS. string.
    In order for the > wildcard to match multiple segments, it must be preceded by the . segment-delimiter character. Hence, USERS.> matches any queue name beginning with USERS., but USERS> does not match.
  • read—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to consume messages from the matching destinations.
  • write—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to publish messages to the matching destinations.
  • admin—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to create destinations in the destination subtree.

Temporary destinations

A temporary destination is a special feature of JMS that enables you to create a queue for a particular network connection. The temporary destination exists only as long as the network connection remains open and, as soon as the connection is closed, the temporary destination is deleted on the server side. The original motivation for defining temporary destinations was to facilitate request-reply semantics on a destination, without having to define a dedicated reply destination.
Because temporary destinations have no name, there is only one entry in the map for them. This entry is specified using a tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry element the contains a tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry child element. The permissions set by this entry are for all temporary destinations. The attributes supported by the inner tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry element are:
  • read—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to consume messages from all temporary destinations.
  • write—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to publish messages to all temporary destinations.
  • admin—specifies a comma-separated list of roles that have permission to create temporary destinations.

Advisory destinations

Advisory destinations are named destinations that Red Hat JBoss A-MQ uses to communicate administrative information. Networks of brokers also use advisory destinations to coordinate between the brokers.
The authorization entries for advisory destinations are, like ordinary named destinations, defined by the authorizationEntry element. For advisory destinations, however, the topic attribute is always used and the name is always starts with ActiveMQ.Advisory.
Because advisory destinations are used by networks of brokers and a few other broker services, it is advised that full access permissions be granted for all of the advisory destinations by using an entry similar to Example 7.2, “Setting Access Permissions for Advisory Destinations”.

Example 7.2. Setting Access Permissions for Advisory Destinations

<authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>"
                   admin="guests,users" />
If you have specific advisories that you want to secure, you can add individual entries for them.

7.2. Cached LDAP Authorization Plug-In


Using the cached LDAP authorization plug-in, you can configure a broker to retrieve its authorization data from an X.500 directory server. For better efficiency, this plug-in caches authorization data in the broker and provides support for updating the cached data at regular intervals.

Updating the cache

Two alternative mechanisms for updating the authorization cache are supported:
  • Push mechanism—some LDAP directory server implementations support a persistent search feature, which enables applications to receive live updates from the LDAP server (push mechanism). By default, the cached LDAP authorization plug-in attempts to register with the LDAP server to receive these updates.
  • Pull mechanism—if your LDAP directory server does not support live updates, you can configure the cached LDAP authorization plug-in to poll the LDAP server at regular intervals instead (pull mechanism). To enable the pull mechanism, you must set the refreshInterval property on the cached LDAP authorization plug-in.

Sample configuration

Example 7.3, “Cached LDAP Authorization Plug-In Configuration” shows an example of how to configure the cached LDAP authorization plug-in. The authorizationPlugin element must be added as a child of the plugins element.

Example 7.3. Cached LDAP Authorization Plug-In Configuration

<beans ... >
  <broker ... >

Configuration properties

The cached LDAP authorization plug-in supports the following properties:
Specifies the location of the directory server using an LDAP URL, ldap://Host:Port.
Default is ldap://localhost:1024.
The DN of the user that opens the connection to the directory server.
Default is uid=admin,ou=system.
The password that matches the DN from connectionUsername. In the directory server, the password is normally stored as a userPassword attribute in the corresponding directory entry.
Default is secret.
The connection protocol to use when connecting to the LDAP server.
Default is s.
The authentication method to use when connecting to the LDAP server.
Default is simple.
The base DN of queue authorization entries.
Default is ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
The base DN of topic authorization entries.
Default is ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
The base DN of authorization entries for temporary destinations.
Default is ou=Temp,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
Time interval between refreshes of the cache, expressed in milliseconds (where the cache is refreshed by pulling data from the LDAP server). The special value, -1, disables the pull mechanism for refreshing the cache (but does not affect the push mechanism, if the LDAP server supports it).
Default is -1.
If true, specifies that the role members of a privilege group must be specified using just the Common Name RDN, cn=CNValue, of the role group; or if false, specifies that the role members of a privilege group must be specified using the full Distinguished Name.
Default is true.
Base DN of the directory sub-tree that contains data for Apache ActiveMQ.
Default is ou=system.
Type of the class that implements the role principal. For example, in order to reuse roles defined for the Apache Karaf JAAS authentication plug-in, you would need to set this property to org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot.principal.RolePrincipal.
Default is org.apache.activemq.jaas.GroupPrincipal.

7.3. LDAP Authorization Plug-In


Using the LDAP authorization plug-in, you can configure a broker to retrieve its authorization data from an X.500 directory server. This plug-in does not support caching and contacts the LDAP server every time an authorization needs to be checked.

Configuring the LDAP authorization plug-in

To configure the LDAP authorization plug-in, add the authorizationPlugin element to the list of plug-ins in the broker configuration and configure it to use the LDAPAuthorizationMap authorization map, as shown in Example 7.4, “LDAP Authorization Plug-In Configuration”.

Example 7.4. LDAP Authorization Plug-In Configuration

<beans ... >
  <broker ... >
          <bean id="lDAPAuthorizationMap" class=""
            <property name="initialContextFactory" value="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"/>
            <property name="connectionURL" value="ldap://localhost:10389"/>
            <property name="authentication" value="simple"/>
            <property name="connectionUsername" value="uid=admin,ou=system"/>
            <property name="connectionPassword" value="secret"/>
            <property name="connectionProtocol" value=""/>
            <property name="topicSearchMatchingFormat"
            <property name="topicSearchSubtreeBool" value="true"/>
            <property name="queueSearchMatchingFormat"
            <property name="queueSearchSubtreeBool" value="true"/>
            <property name="advisorySearchBase"
            <property name="tempSearchBase"
            <property name="adminBase" value="(cn=admin)"/>
            <property name="adminAttribute" value="member"/>
            <property name="readBase" value="(cn=read)"/>
            <property name="readAttribute" value="member"/>
            <property name="writeBase" value="(cn=write)"/>
            <property name="writeAttribute" value="member"/>

LDAP authorization plug-in properties

The LDAP authorization plug-in supports the following properties:
Must always be set to com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
Specify the location of the directory server using an ldap URL, ldap://Host:Port. You can optionally qualify this URL, by adding a forward slash, /, followed by the DN of a particular node in the directory tree. For example, ldap://ldapserver:10389/ou=system.
Specifies the authentication method used when binding to the LDAP server. Can take either of the values, simple (username and password) or none (anonymous).
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication is currently not supported.
The DN of the user that opens the connection to the directory server. For example, uid=admin,ou=system.
The password that matches the DN from connectionUsername. In the directory server, in the DIT, the password is normally stored as a userPassword attribute in the corresponding directory entry.
Currently, the only supported value is a blank string. In future, this option will allow you to select the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for the connection to the directory server.
This option must be set explicitly to an empty string, because it has no default value.
Specifies the DN of the node whose children provide the permissions for the current topic. Before passing to the LDAP search operation, the string value you provide here is subjected to string substitution, as implemented by the java.text.MessageFormat class. Essentially, this means that the special string, {0}, is substituted by the name of the current topic.
For example, if this property is set to cn={0},ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system and the current topic is TEST.FOO, the DN becomes cn=TEST.FOO,ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
Specify the search depth for permission entries (admin, read or write entries), relative to the node specified by topicSearchMatchingFormat. This option can take boolean values, as follows:
  • false(default) try to match one of the child entries of the topicSearchMatchingFormat node (maps to
  • true—try to match any entry belonging to the subtree of the topicSearchMatchingFormat node (maps to
Specifies the DN of the node whose children provide the permissions for the current queue. The special string, {0}, is substituted by the name of the current queue.
For example, if this property is set to cn={0},ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system and the current queue is TEST.FOO, the DN becomes cn=TEST.FOO,ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
Specify the search depth for permission entries (admin, read or write entries), relative to the node specified by topicSearchMatchingFormat. This option can take boolean values, as follows:
  • false(default) try to match one of the child entries of the topicSearchMatchingFormat node (maps to
  • true—try to match any entry belonging to the subtree of the topicSearchMatchingFormat node (maps to
Specifies the DN of the node whose children provide the permissions for all advisory topics. In this case the DN is a literal value (that is, no string substitution is performed on the property value).
For example, a typical value of this property is cn=ActiveMQ.Advisory,ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
Specifies the DN of the node whose children provide the permissions for all temporary queues and topics (apart from advisory topics). In this case the DN is a literal value (that is, no string substitution is performed on the property value).
For example, a typical value of this property is cn=ActiveMQ.Temp,ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system.
Specifies an LDAP search filter, which is used when looking up the admin permissions for any kind of queue or topic. The search filter attempts to match one of the children (or descendants, if SUBTREE_SCOPE is enabled) of the queue or topic node.
For example, if this property is set to (cn=admin), it will match any child whose cn attribute is set to admin.
Specifies an attribute of the node matched by adminBase, whose value is the DN of a role/group that has admin permissions.
For example, consider a cn=admin node that is a child of the node, cn=TEST.FOO,ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system, as shown:
The cn=admin node might typically have some attributes, as follows:
If you now set the adminAttribute property to member, the authorization plug-in grants admin privileges over the TEST.FOO queue to the cn=admins group and the cn=users group.
Specifies an LDAP search filter, which is used when looking up the read permissions for any kind of queue or topic. The search filter attempts to match one of the children (or descendants, if SUBTREE_SCOPE is enabled) of the queue or topic node.
For example, if this property is set to (cn=read), it will match any child whose cn attribute is set to read.
Specifies an attribute of the node matched by readBase, whose value is the DN of a role/group that has read permissions.
Specifies an LDAP search filter, which is used when looking up the write permissions for any kind of queue or topic. The search filter attempts to match one of the children (or descendants, if SUBTREE_SCOPE is enabled) of the queue or topic node.
For example, if this property is set to (cn=write), it will match any child whose cn attribute is set to write.
Specifies an attribute of the node matched by writeBase, whose value is the DN of a role/group that has write permissions.

7.4. Programming Message-Level Authorization


In the preceding examples, the authorization step is performed at the time of connection creation and access is applied at the destination level of granularity. That is, the authorization step grants or denies access to particular queues or topics. It is conceivable, though, that in some systems you might want to grant or deny access at the level of individual messages, rather than at the level of destinations. For example, you might want to grant permission to all users to read from a certain queue, but some messages published to this queue should be accessible to administrators only.
You can achieve message-level authorization by configuring a message authorization policy in the broker configuration file. To implement this policy, you need to write some Java code.

Implement the MessageAuthorizationPolicy interface

Example 7.5, “Implementation of MessageAuthorizationPolicy” shows an example of a message authorization policy that allows messages from the WebServer application to reach only the admin user, with all other users blocked from reading these messages. This example presupposes that the WebServer application is configured to set the JMSXAppID property in the message's JMS header.

Example 7.5. Implementation of MessageAuthorizationPolicy

package com.acme;

public class MsgAuthzPolicy implements MessageAuthorizationPolicy {

  public boolean isAllowedToConsume(ConnectionContext context, Message message)
    if (message.getProperty("JMSXAppID").equals("WebServer")) {
      if (context.getUserName().equals("admin")) {
        return true;
      else {
        return false;
    return true;

The class stores details of the current client connection and the org.apache.activemq.command.Message class is essentially an implementation of the standard javax.jms.Message interface.
To install the message authorization policy, compile the preceding code, package it as a JAR file, and drop the JAR file into the $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/lib directory.

Configure the messageAuthorizationPolicy element

To configure the broker to install the message authorization policy from Example 7.5, “Implementation of MessageAuthorizationPolicy”, add the following lines to the broker configuration file, conf/activemq.xml, inside the broker element:
    <bean class="com.acme.MsgAuthzPolicy"

Chapter 8. LDAP Authentication Tutorial


This tutorial explains how to set up an X.500 directory server and configure the OSGi container to use LDAP authentication.

8.1. Tutorial Overview


In this tutorial you will:
  • install Apache Directory Studio
  • add user entries into the LDAP server
  • add groups to manage security roles
  • configure Red Hat JBoss A-MQ to use LDAP authentication
  • configure JBoss A-MQ to use roles for authorization
  • configure SSL/TLS connections to the LDAP server

Tutorial stages

The tutorial consists of the following stages:

8.2. Set-up a Directory Server and Browser


In this stage of the tutorial you will install an X.500 directory server and browser client from the Apache Directory project. These applications will be used throughout the rest of this tutorial.

Install Apache Directory Studio

To install Apache Directory Studio:
  1. Download the Apache Directory Studio RCP Application (Eclipse-based, standalone executable) for your platform:
  2. Follow the Installation instructions on the relevant download page.
  3. Start Apache Directory Studio by double-clicking the relevant icon to launch the application.

Create an embedded Directory Server instance

Apache Directory Studio is able to create embedded Directory Server instances. This is a convenient way to access a Directory Server for the purpose of running examples and tutorials. To create an embedded Directory Server instance:
  1. Start up Apache Directory Studio.
  2. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the LDAP Server tab to access the LDAP Server view.
  3. While hovering your mouse over the LDAP Server view, open the context menu and select New | New Server. The Create an LDAP Server dialog opens, as shown. Select Apache 2.0.0 and click Finish.
  4. To start the new Directory Server instance, select Apache 2.0.0 in the LDAP Server view and click the Run icon (or select Run from the context menu).

Connect the LDAP browser to the server

To connect the LDAP browser to the LDAP server:
  1. Right-click inside the Connections view.
  2. Select New Connection....
    The New LDAP Connection wizard opens.
  3. In the Connection name field, enter Apache Directory Server.
  4. In the Hostname field enter localhost.
  5. In the Port field, enter 10389.

    Figure 8.1. New LDAP Connection Wizard

    LDAP connection wizard
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Bind DN or user field, enter uid=admin,ou=system).
  8. In the Bind password field, enter secret).

    Figure 8.2. Authentication Step of New LDAP Connection

    form for adding LDAP connection information
  9. Click Finish.
If the connection is successfully established, you should see an outline of the Directory Information Tree (DIT) in the LDAP Browser view.

8.3. Add User Entries to the Directory Server


The basic prerequisite for using LDAP authentication with the OSGi container is to have an X.500 directory server running and configured with a collection of user entries. For many use cases, you will also want to configure a number of groups to manage user roles.


In this portion of the tutorial you will

Adding user entries

Perform the following steps to add user entries to the directory server:
  1. Ensure that the LDAP server and browser are running.
  2. In the LDAP Browser view, drill down to the ou=users node.
    directory information tree in the LDAP browser
  3. Select the ou=users node.
  4. Open the context menu.
  5. Select NewNew Entry.
    The New Entry wizard appears.
  6. In the Entry Creation Method pane, check Create entry from scratch.
  7. Click Next.
    The Object Classes pane opens.
  8. In the Object Classes pane, select inetOrgPerson from the list of Available object classes on the left.
  9. Click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes.

    Figure 8.3. New Entry Wizard

    form for adding a new object
  10. Click Next.
    The Distinguished Name pane opens.
  11. In the the RDN field, enter uid in front and jdoe after the equals sign.

    Figure 8.4. Distinguished Name Step of New Entry Wizard

    form for adding a DN to an object
  12. Click Next.
    The Attributes pane opens.
  13. Fill in the remaining mandatory attributes in the Attributes pane.
    1. Set the cn (common name) attribute to John Doe
    2. Set the sn (surname) attribute to Doe.

    Figure 8.5. Attributes Step of New Entry Wizard

    form for adding attributes to a new object
  14. Add a userPassword attribute to the user entry.
    1. Open the context menu in the Attributes pane.
    2. Select New Attribute.
      The New Attribute wizard appears.
    3. From the Attribute type drop-down list, select userPassword.
    4. Click Finish.
      The Password Editor dialog appears.
    5. In the Enter New Password field, enter the password, secret.
    6. Click OK.
      The userPassword attribute will appear in the attributes editor.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. Add a user Jane Doe by following Step 3 to Step 15.
    In Step 11, use janedoe for the new user's uid.
  17. Add a user Camel Rider by following Step 3 to Step 15.
    In Step 11, use crider for the new user's uid.

Adding groups for the roles

To add the groups that define the roles:
  1. Create a new organizational unit to contain the role groups.
    1. In the LDAP Browser view, select the ou=system node.
    2. Open the context menu.
    3. Select NewNew Entry.
      The New Entry wizard appears.
    4. In the Entry Creation Method pane, check Create entry from scratch.
    5. Click Next.
      The Object Classes pane opens.
    6. Select organizationalUnit from the list of Available object classes on the left.
    7. Click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes.
    8. Click Next>.
      The Distinguished Name pane opens.
    9. In the the RDN field, enter ou in front and roles after the equals sign.
    10. Click Next>.
      The Attributes pane opens.
    11. Click Finish.
    This step is required because Apache DS only allows administrators access to entries in ou=system,ou=groups.
  2. In the LDAP Browser view, drill down to the ou=roles node.
  3. Select the ou=roles node.
  4. Open the context menu.
  5. Select NewNew Entry.
    The New Entry wizard appears.
  6. In the Entry Creation Method pane, check Create entry from scratch.
  7. Click Next.
    The Object Classes pane opens.
  8. Select groupOfNames from the list of Available object classes on the left.
  9. Click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes.
  10. Click Next.
    The Distinguished Name pane opens.
  11. In the the RDN field, enter cn in front and admin after the equals sign.
  12. Click Next.
    The Attributes pane opens and you are presented with a DN editor.
  13. Enter uid=jdoe.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. Add a sshConsole role by following Step 3 to Step 15.
    In Step 11, use sshConsole for the new group's cn.
    In Step 13, use uid=janedoe.
  17. Add a webconsole role by following Step 3 to Step 15.
    In Step 11, use webconsole for the new group's cn.
    In Step 13, use uid=janedoe.
  18. Add a jmxUser role by following Step 3 to Step 15.
    In Step 11, use jmxUser for the new group's cn.
    In Step 13, use uid=crider.

8.4. Enable LDAP Authentication in the OSGi Container


In this part of the tutorial you will configure an LDAP realm in the OSGi container. The new realm overrides the default karaf realm, so that the container authenticates credentials based on user entries stored in the X.500 directory server.


To enable LDAP authentication:
  1. Ensure that the X.500 directory server is running.
  2. Start Red Hat JBoss A-MQ by entering the following command in a terminal window:
  3. Create a Blueprint configuration file called ldap-module.xml.
  4. Copy Example 8.1, “Blueprint JAAS Realm” into ldap-module.xml.

    Example 8.1. Blueprint JAAS Realm

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint xmlns=""
      <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="1">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule"



    This login module creates a JAAS realm called karaf, which is the same name as the default JAAS realm used by Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. By redefining this realm with a rank attribute value greater than 0, it overrides the standard karaf realm which has the rank 0. For more information on configuring a JAAS realm see Section 2.1.2, “Defining JAAS Realms”.
    For a detailed description of configuring JBoss A-MQ to use LDAP see Section 2.2, “Enabling LDAP Authentication”.
    When setting the JAAS properties above, do not enclose the property values in double quotes.
    If you use OpenLDAP, the syntax of the role filter is (member:=uid=%u).
  5. To deploy the new LDAP module, copy the ldap-module.xml into the JBoss A-MQ deploy/ directory.
    The LDAP module is automatically activated.
  6. Test the new LDAP realm by connecting to the running container using the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ client utility.
    1. Open a new command prompt.
    2. change directory to the JBoss A-MQ InstallDir/bin directory.
    3. Enter the following command to log on to the running container instance using the identity janedoe:
      client -u janedoe -p secret
      You should receive the following message:
      Authentication failure
      This fails because janedoe does not have the admin role which is required for using the remote console.
    4. Enter the following command to log on to the running container instance using the identity jdoe:
      client -u jdoe -p secret
      You should successfully log into the container's remote console because jdoe does have the admin role.
    5. Log off the remote console by entering the logout command.

8.5. Configuring Access to OSGi Administrative Functions


This tutorial explains how to configure the OSGi administrative functions to use specific roles for authorization. By configuring each of the administrative functions to use a different role for access, you can provide fine grained control over who can monitor and manipulate running containers.
When LDAP is enabled, the OSGi container expects the user role data to be stored along with the user authentication data in the LDAP directory server. The LDAP search query to extract the role data is specified by the role.* properties in the jaas:module element.
The JAAS LDAP login module used in this tutorial, shown in Example 8.1, “Blueprint JAAS Realm”, is configured to extract the role name from the cn property of all entries selected by the filter member=uid=%u which is run on the tree selected using the base DN uo=roles,ou=system. In the section called “Adding groups for the roles”, you added three groups to the uo=roles,ou=system tree. The filter will match with any group that has a member specified by uid=%u.
For example, when you attempted to connect to the remote console as user jdoe the filter searched for a group with a member uid=jdoe and matched on the group cn=admin,uo=roles,ou=system. The LDAP module extracted the cn property's value of admin and used it as the role for authorizing user jdoe.


You will change the role used for each of the administrative functions:


Before you can perfrom any of the following tutorials, you must ensure that the ApacheDS server is running.

Configure a role for the remote console

To configure a role for the remote console:
  1. Open InstallDir/etc/ in a text editor.
  2. Add the following line:
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Start Red Hat JBoss A-MQ by entering the following command in a terminal window:
  5. Open a new command prompt.
  6. Change directory to the JBoss A-MQ InstallDir/bin directory.
  7. Enter the following command to log on to the running container instance using the identity janedoe:
    client -u janedoe -p secret
    You should successfully log into the container's remote console because janedoe does have the sshConsole role.

Configure a role for JMX access

To configure a role for JMX access:
  1. Open InstallDir/etc/ in a text editor.
  2. Add the following line:
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Start JBoss A-MQ by entering the following command in a terminal window:
  5. Start JConsole or another JMX console.
  6. Connect to JBoss A-MQ's JMX server using the following settings:
    • JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi://localhost:44444/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/karaf-root
    • User: jdoe
    • Password: secret
    The connection will fail because jdoe user does not have the jmxUser role.
    To test security, you must log on using the Remote process option (even though you are logging on to a JVM instance that is running on your local machine). If you log on using the Local process option, JConsole bypasses the authentication check.
  7. Connect to JBoss A-MQ's JMX server as using the following settings:
    • JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi://localhost:44444/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/karaf-root
    • User: crider
    • Password: secret
    The connection will succeed because crider user does have the jmxUser role.

More information

For more information on configuring the JBoss A-MQ LDAP login module see Section 2.2, “Enabling LDAP Authentication”.
For more information on configuring the JBoss A-MQ administrative functions see Section 2.3, “Configuring Roles for the Administrative Protocols”.

8.6. Tutorial: Add Authorization Entries


Before enabling LDAP authorization in the broker, you need to create a suitable tree of entries in the directory server to represent permissions. You need to create the following kinds of entry:
Queue entries
Each queue entry has a Common Name (cn), which can be the name of a specific queue or a wildcard pattern that matches multiple queues. Under each queue entry, you must create sub-entries for the admin, read, and write permissions.
Topic entries
Each topic entry has a Common Name (cn), which can be the name of a specific topic or a wildcard pattern that matches multiple topics. Under each topic entry, you must create sub-entries for the admin, read, and write permissions.
Advisory topics entry
In particular, you must define one topic entry with the Common Name, ActiveMQ.Advisory.$, which is a wildcard pattern that matches all advisory topics.
Temporary queues entry
A single Temp entry contains the admin, read, and write permissions that apply to all temporary queues.

Using wildcards in queue and topic entries

When setting the common name of queue and topic entries in the directory server, you can use any of the wildcards shown in Table 8.1, “Destination Name Wildcards in LDAP” to match one or more segments of a destination name.
Table 8.1. Destination Name Wildcards in LDAP
.Separates segments in a path name.
*Matches any single segment in a path name.
$Matches any number of segments in a path name.
For example, the pattern, FOO.*, will match FOO.BAR, but not FOO.BAR.LONG; whereas the pattern, FOO.$, will match FOO.BAR and FOO.BAR.LONG.
In the context of LDAP entries, the $ character is used instead of the usual > character to match multiple destination name segments.

Steps to add authorization entries

Perform the following steps to add authorization entries to the directory server:
  1. The next few steps describe how to create the ou=ActiveMQ node.
    1. Right-click on the ou=system node and select NewNew Entry. The New Entry wizard appears.
    2. In the Entry Creation Method pane, select the Create entry from scratch radiobutton. Click Next.
    3. In the Object Classes pane, select organisationalUnit from the list of Available object classes on the left and then click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes. Click Next.
    4. In the Distinguished Name pane, complete the RDN field, putting ou in front and Destination after the equals sign. Click Next and then click Finish.
  2. The next few steps describe how to create the ou=Destination, ou=Queue, ou=Topic, and ou=Temp nodes.
    1. Right-click on the ou=ActiveMQ node and select NewNew Entry. The New Entry wizard appears.
    2. In the Entry Creation Method pane, select the Create entry from scratch radiobutton. Click Next.
    3. In the Object Classes pane, select organisationalUnit from the list of Available object classes on the left and then click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes. Click Next.
    4. In the Distinguished Name pane, complete the RDN field, putting ou in front and Destination after the equals sign. Click Next and then click Finish.
    5. In a similar manner to the preceding steps, by right-clicking on the ou=Destination node and invoking the New Entry wizard, create the following organisationalUnit nodes as children of the ou=Destination node:
  3. In the LDAP Browser window, you should now see the following tree:

    Figure 8.6. DIT after Creating Destination, Queue, Topic and Temp Nodes

    DIT after Creating Destination, Queue, Topic and Temp Nodes
  4. The next few steps describe how to create the following nodes:
    These nodes represent name patterns that match queue names and topic names, respectively. The cn=$ queue node defines an entry that matches all queue names, so it can be used to define access rights for all queues. The cn=ActiveMQ.Advisory.$ node defines a topic entry that matches all advisory topics.
    1. Right-click on the ou=Queue node and select NewNew Entry. The New Entry wizard appears.
    2. In the Entry Creation Method pane, select the Create entry from scratch radiobutton. Click Next.
    3. In the Object Classes pane, select applicationProcess from the list of Available object classes on the left and then click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes. Click Next.
    4. In the Distinguished Name pane, complete the RDN field, putting cn in front and $ after the equals sign (where $ represents the wildcard that matches any queue name). Click Next and then click Finish.
    5. In a similar manner to the preceding steps, by right-clicking on the ou=Topic node and invoking the New Entry wizard, create the following applicationProcess node as a child of the ou=Topic node:
  5. In the LDAP Browser window, you should now see the following tree:

    Figure 8.7. DIT after Creating Children of Queue and Topic Nodes

    DIT after Creating Children of Queue and Topic Nodes
  6. The next few steps describe how to create nodes that represent admin, read, and write permissions for the queues and topics.
    1. Right-click on the cn=$ node and select NewNew Entry. The New Entry wizard appears.
    2. In the Entry Creation Method pane, select the Create entry from scratch radiobutton. Click Next.
    3. In the Object Classes pane, select groupOfNames from the list of Available object classes on the left and then click Add to populate the list of Selected object classes. Click Next.
    4. In the Distinguished Name pane, complete the RDN field, putting cn in front and admin after the equals sign. Click Next.
    5. You are now prompted to provide a value for the mandatory member attribute, through the DN Editor dialog. In the text field, enter cn=admin,ou=roles,ou=system. Click Ok.
      The cn=admin,ou=roles,ou=system references a role that was created for the Apache Karaf JAAS authentication plug-in in a previous tutorial. These roles can be reused by the Apache ActiveMQ authorization plug-in, under certain conditions. See the section called “Compatibility with Apache Karaf principals” for details.
    6. Click Finish, to close the New Entry wizard.
    7. In a similar manner to the preceding steps, by right-clicking on the cn=$ node and invoking the New Entry wizard, create the following additional groupOfNames nodes as children of the cn=$ node:
  7. Copy the cn=admin, cn=read, and cn=write permission nodes and paste them as children of the cn=ActiveMQ.Advisory.$ node, as follows.
    Using a combination of mouse and keyboard, select the three nodes, cn=admin, cn=read, and cn=write, and type Ctrl-C to copy them. Select the cn=ActiveMQ.Advisory.$ node and type Ctrl-V to paste the copied nodes as children.
  8. Similarly, copy the cn=admin, cn=read, and cn=write permission nodes and paste them as children of the ou=Temp node.
  9. In the LDAP Browser window, you should now see the following tree:

    Figure 8.8. DIT after Creating Children of Queue, Topic and Temp Nodes

    DIT after Creating Children of Queue, Topic and Temp Nodes

8.7. Tutorial: Enable LDAP Authorization in the Broker


This section explains how to enable LDAP authorization in the broker, so that the broker obtains its authorization data from the directory server.

Compatibility with Apache Karaf principals

In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of user data, this LDAP authorization example reuses the user and role data already created for the Apache Karaf JAAS authentication plug-in (as described in Section 8.3, “Add User Entries to the Directory Server”). This affects the broker's LDAP authorization plug-in configuration, as follows:
  • When you create authorization entries in the LDAP server (as described in Section 8.6, “Tutorial: Add Authorization Entries”), you must specify the full DN of the roles that are being authorized. This enables you to specify roles from any location in the LDAP tree (previously, the LDAP authorization plug-in could only read roles from a fixed location under the ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system node).
  • To enable the use of full DNs when specifying roles, you must set the legacyGroupMapping property to false in the LDAP authorization plug-in (the default is true).
  • Because the Apache Karaf roles are of a different type from the roles natively supported by the LDAP authorization plug-in, you must also specify the type of the Karaf roles, by setting the groupClass property.

Enable LDAP authorization in the broker

Perform the following steps to enable LDAP authorization:
  1. Shut down the JBoss A-MQ container, if it is currently running. In the console window, enter the following command:
    JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> shutdown -f
  2. Add the LDAP authorization plug-in to the broker configuration. Open the broker configuration file, InstallDir/etc/activemq.xml, with a text editor and add the authorizationPlugin element, as follows:
    <beans ...>
      <broker ...>
  3. Ensure that the X.500 directory server is running. If necessary, manually restart the X.500 directory server—see Section 8.2, “Set-up a Directory Server and Browser”. If the server is not running, all broker connections will fail.
  4. Restart the JBoss A-MQ container. Open a new command prompt and start the broker by entering the following command:

Install the Apache ActiveMQ kit

For testing purposes, it is useful to install the Apache ActiveMQ example producer and consumer clients. These example clients are not provided directly in the JBoss A-MQ package. But you can obtain the sample clients by installing the Apache ActiveMQ kit,, provided in the extras/ directory of the JBoss A-MQ installation.
Install the Apache ActiveMQ kit as follows:
  1. Find the Apache ActiveMQ kit at the following location:
  2. Using a suitable archive utility on your platform, unzip the file and extract it to a convenient location, ActiveMQInstallDir.

Test the new configuration

To test the new configuration, run the example consumer and producer clients as follows:
  1. Run the consumer client with the jdoe user credentials. Open a new command prompt, change directory to ActiveMQInstallDir/example, and enter the following Ant command:
    ant consumer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dmax=100 -Duser=jdoe -Dpassword=secret
  2. Run the producer client with the jdoe user credentials. Open a new command prompt, change directory to ActiveMQInstallDir/example, and enter the following Ant command:
    ant producer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dmax=100 -Duser=jdoe -Dpassword=secret
  3. Run a negative test, to demonstrate that unauthorized users are blocked from accessing the broker queues.
    Run the consumer client with the janedoe user credentials. Open a new command prompt, change directory to ActiveMQInstallDir/example, and enter the following Ant command:
    ant consumer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dmax=100 -Duser=janedoe -Dpassword=secret
    This time, the consumer client fails, because janedoe does not belong to the admin group.

8.8. Enable SSL/TLS on the LDAP Connection


This tutorial explains how to enable SSL/TLS security on the connection between the LDAP login module and the Apache Directory Server.
The Apache Directory Server is already configured with an SSL endpoint. The default configuration creates an LDAPS endpoint that listens on the IP port 10636. The directory server automatically generates a self-signed X.509 certificate which it uses to identify itself during the SSL/TLS handshake.
You can use the default SSL configuration for simple demonstrations, but it is not suitable for real deployments. For advice on how to configure a real deployment, see the section called “Tightening up security”.


To enable SSL/TLS security on the connection to the Apache Directory Server:
  1. Obtain a copy of the server's self-signed certificate.
    1. Using a Web browser , navigate to the following URL:
      Remember to specify the scheme as https, not just http.
      The Web browser now signals an error, because the certificate it receives from the server is untrusted. In the case of Firefox, you will see the following error in the browser window:

      Figure 8.9. Obtaining the Certificate

      invalid certificate warning
    2. Click I Understand the Risks.
    3. Click Add Exception.
      The Add Security Exception dialog opens.
    4. In the Add Security Exception dialog, click Get Certificate.
    5. Click View.
      The Certificate Viewer dialog opens.
    6. In the Certificate Viewer dialog, select the Details tab.
    7. Click Export.
      The Save Certificate To File dialog opens.
    8. In the Save Certificate To File dialog, use the drop-down list to set the Save as type to X.509 Certificate (DER).
    9. Save the certificate, ApacheDS.der, to a convenient location on the filesystem.
  2. Convert the DER format certificate into a keystore.
    1. From a command prompt, change directory to the directory where you have stored the ApacheDS.der file.
    2. Enter the following keytool command:
      keytool -import -file ApacheDS.der -alias server -keystore truststore.ks -storepass secret
  3. Copy the newly created keystore file, truststore.ks, into the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ etc/ directory.
  4. Open the ldap-module.xml file you created in Section 8.4, “Enable LDAP Authentication in the OSGi Container” in a text editor.
  5. Edit the connection.url to use ldaps://localhost:10636.
  6. Example 8.2. LDAP Configuration for Using SSL/TLS

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint xmlns=""
      <!-- Example configuration for using LDAP based authentication.
      	   This example uses an JAAS LoginModule from Karaf. 
      	   It supports authentication of users and also supports
      	   retrieving user roles for authorization.
           Note, this config overwrite the default karaf domain
    	   that is defined inside some JAR file
           by using a rank > 0 attribute.
      <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="1">
        <jaas:module className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule" flags="required">
          connection.url = ldaps://localhost:10636
          user.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
          user.filter = (uid=%u)
 = true
          role.base.dn = ou=users,ou=system
          role.filter = (uid=%u)
 = ou
 = true
          authentication = simple
      <jaas:keystore name="truststore"
            path="file:///InstallDir/etc/truststore.ks" keystorePassword="secret" />
  7. Copy the ldap-module.xml file into the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ deploy/ directory.
    The LDAP module is automatically activated.
  8. Test the new LDAP realm by connecting to the running container using the JBoss A-MQ client utility.
    1. Open a new command prompt.
    2. Change to the JBoss A-MQ install directory.
    3. Enter the following command to log on to the running container instance using the identity jdoe:
      client -u jdoe -p secret
      You should successfully log into the container's remote console because jdoe does have the admin role.

Tightening up security

The SSL set-up described here is suitable only as a proof-of-concept demonstration. For a real deployment, you must make the following changes to tighten up security:
  • Delete all entries from the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ's etc/ file.
    If the ldap-module.xml bundle fails to start up properly, JAAS authentication reverts to the built-in file-based karaf realm, which takes its user data from the file.
  • Disable the insecure LDAP endpoint on the Apache Directory Server.
  • Create and deploy a properly signed X.509 certificate on the Apache Directory Server.
  • Make sure that the LDAP server is configured to use the TLSv1 protocol (POODLE vulnerability). Do not enable the SSLv3 protocol. For more information, see Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566).

Apache Directory Server Reference

For more details of how to configure SSL/TLS security on the Apache Directory Server, see How to enable SSL.

Appendix A. Managing Certificates


TLS authentication uses X.509 certificates—a common, secure and reliable method of authenticating your application objects. You can create X.509 certificates that identify your Red Hat JBoss A-MQ applications.

A.1. What is an X.509 Certificate?

Role of certificates

An X.509 certificate binds a name to a public key value. The role of the certificate is to associate a public key with the identity contained in the X.509 certificate.

Integrity of the public key

Authentication of a secure application depends on the integrity of the public key value in the application's certificate. If an impostor replaces the public key with its own public key, it can impersonate the true application and gain access to secure data.
To prevent this type of attack, all certificates must be signed by a certification authority (CA). A CA is a trusted node that confirms the integrity of the public key value in a certificate.

Digital signatures

A CA signs a certificate by adding its digital signature to the certificate. A digital signature is a message encoded with the CA’s private key. The CA’s public key is made available to applications by distributing a certificate for the CA. Applications verify that certificates are validly signed by decoding the CA’s digital signature with the CA’s public key.
The supplied demonstration certificates are self-signed certificates. These certificates are insecure because anyone can access their private key. To secure your system, you must create new certificates signed by a trusted CA.

Contents of an X.509 certificate

An X.509 certificate contains information about the certificate subject and the certificate issuer (the CA that issued the certificate). A certificate is encoded in Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), a standard syntax for describing messages that can be sent or received on a network.
The role of a certificate is to associate an identity with a public key value. In more detail, a certificate includes:
  • A subject distinguished name (DN) that identifies the certificate owner.
  • The public key associated with the subject.
  • X.509 version information.
  • A serial number that uniquely identifies the certificate.
  • An issuer DN that identifies the CA that issued the certificate.
  • The digital signature of the issuer.
  • Information about the algorithm used to sign the certificate.
  • Some optional X.509 v.3 extensions; for example, an extension exists that distinguishes between CA certificates and end-entity certificates.

Distinguished names

A DN is a general purpose X.500 identifier that is often used in the context of security.
See Appendix B, ASN.1 and Distinguished Names for more details about DNs.

A.2. Certification Authorities

A CA consists of a set of tools for generating and managing certificates and a database that contains all of the generated certificates. When setting up a system, it is important to choose a suitable CA that is sufficiently secure for your requirements.
There are two types of CA you can use:
  • commercial CAs are companies that sign certificates for many systems.
  • private CAs are trusted nodes that you set up and use to sign certificates for your system only.

A.2.1. Commercial Certification Authorities

Signing certificates
There are several commercial CAs available. The mechanism for signing a certificate using a commercial CA depends on which CA you choose.
Advantages of commercial CAs
An advantage of commercial CAs is that they are often trusted by a large number of people. If your applications are designed to be available to systems external to your organization, use a commercial CA to sign your certificates. If your applications are for use within an internal network, a private CA might be appropriate.
Criteria for choosing a CA
Before choosing a commercial CA, consider the following criteria:
  • What are the certificate-signing policies of the commercial CAs?
  • Are your applications designed to be available on an internal network only?
  • What are the potential costs of setting up a private CA compared to the costs of subscribing to a commercial CA?

A.2.2. Private Certification Authorities

Choosing a CA software package
If you want to take responsibility for signing certificates for your system, set up a private CA. To set up a private CA, you require access to a software package that provides utilities for creating and signing certificates. Several packages of this type are available.
OpenSSL software package
One software package that allows you to set up a private CA is OpenSSL, OpenSSL is derived from SSLeay, an implementation of SSL developed by Eric Young (). The OpenSSL package includes basic command line utilities for generating and signing certificates. Complete documentation for the OpenSSL command line utilities is available at
Setting up a private CA using OpenSSL
To set up a private CA, see the instructions in Section A.5, “Creating Your Own Certificates” .
Choosing a host for a private certification authority
Choosing a host is an important step in setting up a private CA. The level of security associated with the CA host determines the level of trust associated with certificates signed by the CA.
If you are setting up a CA for use in the development and testing of Red Hat JBoss A-MQ applications, use any host that the application developers can access. However, when you create the CA certificate and private key, do not make the CA private key available on any hosts where security-critical applications run.
Security precautions
If you are setting up a CA to sign certificates for applications that you are going to deploy, make the CA host as secure as possible. For example, take the following precautions to secure your CA:
  • Do not connect the CA to a network.
  • Restrict all access to the CA to a limited set of trusted users.
  • Use an RF-shield to protect the CA from radio-frequency surveillance.

A.3. Certificate Chaining

Certificate chain

A certificate chain is a sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the chain is signed by the subsequent certificate.
Figure A.1, “A Certificate Chain of Depth 2” shows an example of a simple certificate chain.

Figure A.1. A Certificate Chain of Depth 2

a certificate chain of depth 2 has only one CA signature

Self-signed certificate

The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate—a certificate that signs itself.

Chain of trust

The purpose of a certificate chain is to establish a chain of trust from a peer certificate to a trusted CA certificate. The CA vouches for the identity in the peer certificate by signing it. If the CA is one that you trust (indicated by the presence of a copy of the CA certificate in your root certificate directory), this implies you can trust the signed peer certificate as well.

Certificates signed by multiple CAs

A CA certificate can be signed by another CA. For example, an application certificate could be signed by the CA for the finance department of Progress Software, which in turn is signed by a self-signed commercial CA.
Figure A.2, “A Certificate Chain of Depth 3” shows what this certificate chain looks like.

Figure A.2. A Certificate Chain of Depth 3

a certificate chain of depth 3 has two CA signatures

Trusted CAs

An application can accept a peer certificate, provided it trusts at least one of the CA certificates in the signing chain.

A.4. Special Requirements on HTTPS Certificates


The HTTPS specification mandates that HTTPS clients must be capable of verifying the identity of the server. This can potentially affect how you generate your X.509 certificates. The mechanism for verifying the server identity depends on the type of client. Some clients might verify the server identity by accepting only those server certificates signed by a particular trusted CA. In addition, clients can inspect the contents of a server certificate and accept only the certificates that satisfy specific constraints.
In the absence of an application-specific mechanism, the HTTPS specification defines a generic mechanism, known as the HTTPS URL integrity check, for verifying the server identity. This is the standard mechanism used by Web browsers.

HTTPS URL integrity check

The basic idea of the URL integrity check is that the server certificate's identity must match the server host name. This integrity check has an important impact on how you generate X.509 certificates for HTTPS: the certificate identity (usually the certificate subject DN’s common name) must match the host name on which the HTTPS server is deployed.
The URL integrity check is designed to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.


The HTTPS URL integrity check is specified by RFC 2818, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) at

How to specify the certificate identity

The certificate identity used in the URL integrity check can be specified in one of the following ways:

Using commonName

The usual way to specify the certificate identity (for the purpose of the URL integrity check) is through the Common Name (CN) in the subject DN of the certificate.
For example, if a server supports secure TLS connections at the following URL:
The corresponding server certificate would have the following subject DN:
C=IE,ST=Co. Dublin,L=Dublin,O=Progress,
Where the CN has been set to the host name,
For details of how to set the subject DN in a new certificate, see the section called “Generate a certificate and private key pair”.

Using subjectAltName (multi-homed hosts)

Using the subject DN’s Common Name for the certificate identity has the disadvantage that only one host name can be specified at a time. If you deploy a certificate on a multi-homed host, however, you might find it is practical to allow the certificate to be used with any of the multi-homed host names. In this case, it is necessary to define a certificate with multiple, alternative identities, and this is only possible using the subjectAltName certificate extension.
For example, if you have a multi-homed host that supports connections to either of the following host names:
Then you can define a subjectAltName that explicitly lists both of these DNS host names. If you generate your certificates using the openssl utility, edit the relevant line of your openssl.cfg configuration file to specify the value of the subjectAltName extension, as follows:,
Where the HTTPS protocol matches the server host name against either of the DNS host names listed in the subjectAltName (the subjectAltName takes precedence over the Common Name).
The HTTPS protocol also supports the wildcard character, *, in host names. For example, you can define the subjectAltName as follows:
This certificate identity matches any three-component host name in the domain
You must never use the wildcard character in the domain name (and you must take care never to do this accidentally by forgetting to type the dot, ., delimiter in front of the domain name). For example, if you specified *, your certificate could be used on any domain that ends in the letters fusesource.

A.5. Creating Your Own Certificates


If you choose to use a private CA you will need to generate your own certificates for your applications to use. The OpenSSL project provides free command-line utilities for setting up a private CA, creating signed certificates, and adding the CA to your Java keystore.

OpenSSL utilities

You can download the OpenSSL utilities from
This section describes using the OpenSSL command-line utilities to create certificates. Further documentation of the OpenSSL command-line utilities can be obtained at


To create your own CA and certificates:
  1. Add the OpenSSL bin directory to your path.
  2. Create your own private CA.
    1. Create the directory structure for the CA.
      The directory structure should be:
      • X509CA/ca
      • X509CA/certs
      • X509CA/newcerts
      • X509CA/crl
      Where X509CA is the name of the CA's home directory.
    2. Copy the openssl.cfg file from your OpenSSL installation to your X509CA directory.
    3. Open your copy of openssl.cfg in a text editor.
    4. Edit the [CA_default] section to look like Example A.1, “OpenSSL Configuration”.

      Example A.1. OpenSSL Configuration

      [ CA_default ]
      dir        = X509CA            # Where CA files are kept
      certs      = $dir/certs  # Where issued certs are kept
      crl_dir    = $dir/crl          # Where the issued crl are kept
      database   = $dir/index.txt    # Database index file
      new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts  # Default place for new certs
      certificate   = $dir/ca/new_ca.pem # The CA certificate
      serial        = $dir/serial        # The current serial number
      crl           = $dir/crl.pem       # The current CRL
      private_key   = $dir/ca/new_ca_pk.pem  # The private key
      RANDFILE      = $dir/ca/.rand
      # Private random number file
      x509_extensions = usr_cert  # The extensions to add to the cert
      You might decide to edit other details of the OpenSSL configuration at this point. For more details, see the OpenSSL documentation.
    5. Initialize the CA database as described in the section called “CA database files”.
    6. Create a new self-signed CA certificate and private key with the command:
      openssl req -x509 -new -config X509CA/openssl.cfg -days 365 -out X509CA/ca/new_ca.pem -keyout X509CA/ca/new_ca_pk.pem
      You are prompted for a pass phrase for the CA private key and details of the CA distinguished name as shown in Example A.2, “Creating a CA Certificate”.

      Example A.2. Creating a CA Certificate

      Using configuration from X509CA/openssl.cfg Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key ....+++++ .+++++ writing new private key to 'new_ca_pk.pem' Enter PEM pass phrase: Verifying password - Enter PEM pass phrase: ----- You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank. For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) []:IE
      State or Province Name (full name) []:Co. Dublin
      Locality Name (eg, city) []:Dublin
      Organization Name (eg, company) []:Red Hat
      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Finance
      Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Gordon Brown
      Email Address []
      The security of the CA depends on the security of the private key file and the private key pass phrase used in this step.
      You must ensure that the file names and location of the CA certificate and private key, new_ca.pem and new_ca_pk.pem, are the same as the values specified in openssl.cfg during Step 2.d.
  3. Create signed certificates in a Java keystore.
    1. Generate a certificate and private key pair using the keytool -genkeypair command.
      For details on the options to use when using keytool -genkeypair see the section called “Generate a certificate and private key pair”.
    2. Create a certificate signing request using the keystore -certreq command.
      Example A.3, “Creating a CSR” creates a new certificate signing request for the fusesample.jks certificate and exports it to the fusesample_csr.pem file.

      Example A.3. Creating a CSR

      keytool -certreq -alias fuse -file fusesample_csr.pem -keypass fusepass -keystore fusesample.jks -storepass fusestorepass
    3. Sign the CSR using the openssl ca command.
      You will prompted to enter the CA private key pass phrase you used when creating the CA in Step 2.f).
      See the section called “Signing a CSR” for details on the options to use when signing the CSR.
    4. Convert the signed certificate to PEM only format using the openssl x509 command with the -outform option set to PEM.
      Example A.4, “Converting a Signed Certificate to PEM” converts the signed certificate fusesigned.pem.

      Example A.4. Converting a Signed Certificate to PEM

      openssl x509 -in fusesigned.pem -out fusesigned.pem -outform PEM
    5. Concatenate the CA certificate file and the converted, signed certificate file to form a certificate chain.
      The CA certificate file is stored in the CA's ca directory. For example, the certificate file for the CA created in Step 2.f would be ca/new_ca.pem.
    6. Import the new certificate's full certificate chain into the Java keystore using the keytool -import command.
      Example A.5, “Importing a Certificate Chain” imports the chain fusesample.chain into the fusesample.jks keystore.

      Example A.5. Importing a Certificate Chain

      keytool -import -file fusesample.chain -keypass fusepass -keystore fusesample.jks -storepass fusestorepass
  4. Repeat Step 3 to create a full set of certificates for your system.
  5. Add trusted CAs to your Java trust store.
    1. Assemble the collection of trusted CA certificates that you want to deploy.
      The trusted CA certificates can be obtained from public CAs or private CAs. The trusted CA certificates can be in any format that is compatible with the Java keystore utility; for example, PEM format. All you need are the certificates themselves—the private keys and passwords are not required.
    2. Add a CA certificate to the trust store using the keytool -import command.
      Example A.6, “Adding a CA to the Trust Store” adds the CA certificate cacert.pem, in PEM format, to a JKS trust store.

      Example A.6. Adding a CA to the Trust Store

      keytool -import -file cacert.pem -alias CAAlias -keystore truststore.ts -storepass StorePass
      truststore.ts is a keystore file containing CA certificates. If this file does not already exist, the keytool command creates one. StorePass is the password required to access the keystore file.
    3. Repeat Step 5.b to add all of the CA certificates to the trust store.

CA database files

The CA uses two files, serial and index.txt to maintain its database of certificate files. Both files must be stored in the X509CA directory.
When you first create your CA the OpenSSL tools require that they have very specific initial contents:
  • serial
    The initial contents of this file must be 01.
  • index.txt
    Initially this file must be completely empty. It cannot even contain white space.

Generate a certificate and private key pair

To generate a certificate and private key pair you use the keytool -genkeypair command. For example, Example A.7, “Creating a Certificate and Private Key using Keytool” creates a certificate and key pair that are valid for 365 days and is stored in the keystore file fusesample.jks. The generated key store entry will use the alias fuse and the password fusepass.

Example A.7. Creating a Certificate and Private Key using Keytool

keytool -genkeypair -dname "CN=Alice, OU=Engineering, O=Progress, ST=Co. Dublin, C=IE" -validity 365 -alias fuse -keypass fusepass -keystore fusesample.jks -storepass fusestorepass
Because the specified keystore, fusessample.jks, did not exist prior to issuing the command implicitly creates a new keystore and sets its password to fusestorepass.
The -dname and -validity flags define the contents of the newly created X.509 certificate.
The -dname flag specifies the subject DN. For more details about DN format, see Appendix B, ASN.1 and Distinguished Names. Some parts of the subject DN must match the values in the CA certificate (specified in the CA Policy section of the openssl.cfg file). The default openssl.cfg file requires the following entries to match:
  • Country Name (C)
  • State or Province Name (ST)
  • Organization Name (O)
If you do not observe the constraints, the OpenSSL CA will refuse to sign the certificate (see Step 2.f ).
The -validity flag specifies the number of days for which the certificate is valid.

Signing a CSR

To sign a CSR using your CA, you use the openssl ca command. At a minimum you will need to specify the following options:
  • -config—the path to the CA's openssl.cfg file
  • -in—the path to certificate to be signed
  • -out—the path to the signed certificates
Example A.8, “Signing a CSR” signs the fusesample_csr.pem certificate using the CA stored at /etc/fuseCA.

Example A.8. Signing a CSR

openssl ca -config /etc/fuse/openssl.cfg -days 365 -in fusesample_csr.pem -out fusesigned.pem
For more details on the openssl ca command see

Appendix B. ASN.1 and Distinguished Names


The OSI Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and X.500 Distinguished Names play an important role in the security standards that define X.509 certificates and LDAP directories.

B.1. ASN.1


The Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) was defined by the OSI standards body in the early 1980s to provide a way of defining data types and structures that are independent of any particular machine hardware or programming language. In many ways, ASN.1 can be considered a forerunner of modern interface definition languages, such as the OMG’s IDL and WSDL, which are concerned with defining platform-independent data types.
ASN.1 is important, because it is widely used in the definition of standards (for example, SNMP, X.509, and LDAP). In particular, ASN.1 is ubiquitous in the field of security standards—the formal definitions of X.509 certificates and distinguished names are described using ASN.1 syntax. You do not require detailed knowledge of ASN.1 syntax to use these security standards, but you need to be aware that ASN.1 is used for the basic definitions of most security-related data types.


The OSI’s Basic Encoding Rules (BER) define how to translate an ASN.1 data type into a sequence of octets (binary representation). The role played by BER with respect to ASN.1 is, therefore, similar to the role played by GIOP with respect to the OMG IDL.


The OSI’s Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) are a specialization of the BER. The DER consists of the BER plus some additional rules to ensure that the encoding is unique (BER encodings are not).


You can read more about ASN.1 in the following standards documents:
  • ASN.1 is defined in X.208.
  • BER is defined in X.209.

B.2. Distinguished Names


Historically, distinguished names (DN) are defined as the primary keys in an X.500 directory structure. However, DNs have come to be used in many other contexts as general purpose identifiers. In Apache CXF, DNs occur in the following contexts:
  • X.509 certificates—for example, one of the DNs in a certificate identifies the owner of the certificate (the security principal).
  • LDAP—DNs are used to locate objects in an LDAP directory tree.

String representation of DN

Although a DN is formally defined in ASN.1, there is also an LDAP standard that defines a UTF-8 string representation of a DN (see RFC 2253). The string representation provides a convenient basis for describing the structure of a DN.
The string representation of a DN does not provide a unique representation of DER-encoded DN. Hence, a DN that is converted from string format back to DER format does not always recover the original DER encoding.

DN string example

The following string is a typical example of a DN:
C=US,O=IONA Technologies,OU=Engineering,CN=A. N. Other

Structure of a DN string

A DN string is built up from the following basic elements:


An OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) is a sequence of bytes that uniquely identifies a grammatical construct in ASN.1.

Attribute types

The variety of attribute types that can appear in a DN is theoretically open-ended, but in practice only a small subset of attribute types are used. Table B.1, “Commonly Used Attribute Types” shows a selection of the attribute types that you are most likely to encounter:
Table B.1. Commonly Used Attribute Types
String RepresentationX.500 Attribute TypeSize of DataEquivalent OID


An attribute value assertion (AVA) assigns an attribute value to an attribute type. In the string representation, it has the following syntax:
For example:
CN=A. N. Other
Alternatively, you can use the equivalent OID to identify the attribute type in the string representation (see Table B.1, “Commonly Used Attribute Types” ). For example: N. Other


A relative distinguished name (RDN) represents a single node of a DN (the bit that appears between the commas in the string representation). Technically, an RDN might contain more than one AVA (it is formally defined as a set of AVAs). However, this almost never occurs in practice. In the string representation, an RDN has the following syntax:
<attr-type>=<attr-value>[+<attr-type>=<attr-value> ...]
Here is an example of a (very unlikely) multiple-value RDN:
Here is an example of a single-value RDN:



Abstract Syntax Notation One (see ASN.1)
ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory, ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory class
OpenSSL command-line utilities, OpenSSL utilities
namespaces, Namespaces
placeholder extension, Placeholder extension
ASN.1, Contents of an X.509 certificate, ASN.1 and Distinguished Names
attribute types, Attribute types
attribute value assertion (see AVA)
authentication, LDAP properties
temporary destinations, Temporary destinations
authorizationEntries, Configuring the simple authorization plug-in
authorizationEntry, Named destinations
authorizationMap, Configuring the simple authorization plug-in
authorizationPlugin, Configuring the simple authorization plug-in


Basic Encoding Rules (see BER)


CA, Integrity of the public key
choosing a host, Choosing a host for a private certification authority
commercial CAs, Commercial Certification Authorities
index file, CA database files
list of trusted, Trusted CAs
multiple CAs, Certificates signed by multiple CAs
private CAs, Private Certification Authorities
private key, creating, Procedure
security precautions, Security precautions
self-signed, Procedure
serial file, CA database files
setting up, Procedure
certificate signing request, Procedure
signing, Procedure
chaining, Certificate chain
peer, Chain of trust
public key, Contents of an X.509 certificate
self-signed, Self-signed certificate, Procedure
signing, Integrity of the public key, Procedure
signing request, Procedure
X.509, Role of certificates
chaining of certificates, Certificate chain
connection.password, LDAP properties
connection.url, LDAP properties
connection.username, LDAP properties
CSR, Procedure


Distinguished Encoding Rules (see DER)
distinguished names
definition, Overview
definition, Overview
string representation, String representation of DN


index file, CA database files
initial.context.factory, LDAP properties


configuration syntax, Configuring a JAAS realm
converting to blueprint, Converting standard JAAS login properties to XML
namespace, Namespace
jaas:config, Configuring a JAAS realm
jaas:module, Configuring a JAAS realm
configuration, Jasypt configuration
libraries, Installing the Jasypt features
namespaces, Namespaces
jasypt-encryption, Installing the Jasypt features
roles, Changing the JMX role


authentication, LDAP properties
configuration, LDAP properties
connection.password, LDAP properties
connection.url, LDAP properties
connection.username, LDAP properties
enabling, Enabling LDAP Authentication
initial.context.factory, LDAP properties
properties, LDAP properties
role.base.dn, LDAP properties
role.filter, LDAP properties, LDAP properties, LDAP properties
ssl, LDAP properties
ssl.algorithm, LDAP properties
ssl.keyalias, LDAP properties
ssl.keystore, LDAP properties
ssl.protocol, LDAP properties
ssl.provider, LDAP properties
ssl.truststore, LDAP properties
user.base.dn, LDAP properties
user.filter, LDAP properties, LDAP properties
LDAPLoginModule, Enabling LDAP Authentication


Aries, Namespaces
Jasypt, Namespaces


OpenSSL, OpenSSL software package
OpenSSL command-line utilities, OpenSSL utilities


peer certificate, Chain of trust
private key, Procedure
Apache Karaf placeholder extension, Jasypt configuration
Aries placeholder extension, Placeholder extension
encrypted, Encrypted properties
LDAP, LDAP properties
placeholder, Placeholders
property-placeholder, Placeholder extension, Jasypt configuration
public keys, Contents of an X.509 certificate


relative distinguished name (see RDN)
remote console
roles, Changing the remote console's role
role.base.dn, LDAP properties
role.filter, LDAP properties, LDAP properties, LDAP properties
default, Default role
JMX, Changing the JMX role
LDAP configuration, LDAP properties
remote console, Changing the remote console's role
root certificate directory, Trusted CAs


self-signed CA, Procedure
self-signed certificate, Self-signed certificate
serial file, CA database files
signing certificates, Integrity of the public key
ssl, LDAP properties
ssl.algorithm, LDAP properties
ssl.keyalias, LDAP properties
ssl.keystore, LDAP properties
ssl.protocol, LDAP properties
ssl.provider, LDAP properties
ssl.truststore, LDAP properties
SSLeay, OpenSSL software package


tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry, Configuring the simple authorization plug-in, Temporary destinations
temporary destinations
authorization, Temporary destinations
trusted CAs, Trusted CAs


user.base.dn, LDAP properties
user.filter, LDAP properties, LDAP properties


X.500, ASN.1 and Distinguished Names
X.509 certificate
definition, Role of certificates

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