
Administration and Configuration Guide

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Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2

For use with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.1

Misha Husnain Ali

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Gemma Sheldon

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Mandar Joshi

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Rakesh Ghatvisave

Red Hat Engineering Content Services


This guide presents information about the administration and configuration of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.1

Chapter 1. Setting up Red Hat JBoss Data Grid

1.1. Prerequisites

The only prerequisites to set up Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is a Java Virtual Machine and that the most recent supported version of the product is installed on your system.

1.2. Steps to Set up Red Hat JBoss Data Grid

The following steps outline the necessary (and optional, where stated) steps for a first time basic configuration of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. It is recommended that the steps are followed in the order specified and not skipped unless they are identified as optional steps.

Procedure 1.1. Set Up JBoss Data Grid

  1. Set Up the Cache Manager

    The first step in a JBoss Data Grid configuration is a cache manager. Cache managers can retrieve cache instances and create cache instances quickly and easily using previously specified configuration templates. For details about setting up a cache manager, see Part I, “Set Up a Cache Manager”
  2. Set Up JVM Memory Management

    An important step in configuring your JBoss Data Grid is to set up memory management for your Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JBoss Data Grid offers features such as eviction and expiration to help manage the JVM memory.
    1. Set Up Eviction

      Use eviction to specify the logic used to remove entries from the in-memory cache implementation based on how often they are used. JBoss Data Grid offers different eviction strategies for finer control over entry eviction in your data grid. Eviction strategies and instructions to configure them are available in Chapter 3, Set Up Eviction.
    2. Set Up Expiration

      To set upper limits to an entry's time in the cache, attach expiration information to each entry. Use expiration to set up the maximum period an entry is allowed to remain in the cache and how long the retrieved entry can remain idle before being removed from the cache. For details, see Chapter 4, Set Up Expiration
  3. Monitor Your Cache

    JBoss Data Grid uses logging via JBoss Logging to help users monitor their caches.
    1. Set Up Logging

      It is not mandatory to set up logging for your JBoss Data Grid, but it is highly recommended. JBoss Data Grid uses JBoss Logging, which allows the user to easily set up automated logging for operations in the data grid. Logs can subsequently be used to troubleshoot errors and identify the cause of an unexpected failure. For details, see Chapter 5, Set Up Logging
  4. Set Up Cache Modes

    Cache modes are used to specify whether a cache is local (simple, in-memory cache) or a clustered cache (replicates state changes over a small subset of nodes). Additionally, if a cache is clustered, either replication, distribution or invalidation mode must be applied to determine how the changes propagate across the subset of nodes. For details, see Part IV, “Set Up Cache Modes”
  5. Set Up Locking for the Cache

    When replication or distribution is in effect, copies of entries are accessible across multiple nodes. As a result, copies of the data can be accessed or modified concurrently by different threads. To maintain consistency for all copies across nodes, configure locking. For details, see Part V, “Set Up Locking for the Cache” and Chapter 12, Set Up Isolation Levels
  6. Set Up and Configure a Cache Store

    JBoss Data Grid offers the passivation feature (or cache writing strategies if passivation is turned off) to temporarily store entries removed from memory in a persistent, external cache store. To set up passivation or a cache writing strategy, you must first set up a cache store.
    1. Set Up a Cache Store

      The cache store serves as a connection to the persistent store. Cache stores are primarily used to fetch entries from the persistent store and to push changes back to the persistent store. For details, see Part VI, “Set Up and Configure a Cache Store”
    2. Set Up Passivation

      Passivation stores entries evicted from memory in a cache store. This feature allows entries to remain available despite not being present in memory and prevents potentially expensive write operations to the persistent cache. For details, see Part VII, “Set Up Passivation”
    3. Set Up a Cache Writing Strategy

      If passivation is disabled, every attempt to write to the cache results in writing to the cache store. This is the default Write-Through cache writing strategy. Set the cache writing strategy to determine whether these cache store writes occur synchronously or asynchronously. For details, see Part VIII, “Set Up Cache Writing”
  7. Monitor Caches and Cache Managers

    JBoss Data Grid includes two primary tools to monitor the cache and cache managers once the data grid is up and running.
    1. Set Up JMX

      JMX is the standard statistics and management tool used for JBoss Data Grid. Depending on the use case, JMX can be configured at a cache level or a cache manager level or both. For details, see Chapter 19, Set Up Java Management Extensions (JMX)
    2. Set Up Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (JON)

      Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (JON) is the second monitoring solution available for JBoss Data Grid. JBoss Operations Network (JON) offers a graphical interface to monitor runtime parameters and statistics for caches and cache managers. For details, see Chapter 20, Set Up JBoss Operations Network (JON)
  8. Introduce Topology Information

    Optionally, introduce topology information to your data grid to specify where specific types of information or objects in your data grid are located. Server hinting is one of the ways to introduce topology information in JBoss Data Grid.
    1. Set Up Server Hinting

      When set up, server hinting provides high availability by ensuring that the original and backup copies of data are not stored on the same physical server, rack or data center. This is optional in cases such as a replicated cache, where all data is backed up on all servers, racks and data centers. For details, see Chapter 26, High Availability Using Server Hinting
The subsequent chapters detail each of these steps towards setting up a standard JBoss Data Grid configuration.

Part I. Set Up a Cache Manager

Chapter 2. Cache Managers

A Cache Manager is the primary mechanism to retrieve a cache instance in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, and is a starting point for using the cache.
In JBoss Data Grid, a cache manager is useful because:
  • it creates multiple cache instances on demand using a provided standard.
  • it retrieves existing cache instanced (i.e. caches that have already been created).

2.1. Types of Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers the following Cache Managers:
  • EmbeddedCacheManager is a cache manager that runs within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by the client. Currently, JBoss Data Grid offers only the DefaultCacheManager implementation of the EmbeddedCacheManager interface.
  • RemoteCacheManager is used to access remote caches. When started, the RemoteCacheManager instantiates connections to the Hot Rod server (or multiple Hot Rod servers). It then manages the persistent TCP connections while it runs. As a result, RemoteCacheManager is resource-intensive. The recommended approach is to have a single RemoteCacheManager instance for each Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

2.2. Creating CacheManagers

2.2.1. Create a New RemoteCacheManager

Use the following configuration to configure a new RemoteCacheManager:
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;

Configuration conf = new 
RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf);
RemoteCache defaultCache = manager.getCache();
Configuration Explanation

An explanation of each line of the provided configuration is as follows:

  1. Use the ConfigurationBuilder() method to configure a new builder. The .addServer() property adds a remote server, specified via the .host(<hostname|ip>) and .port(<port>) properties.
    Configuration conf = new 
  2. Create a new RemoteCacheManager using the supplied configuration.
    RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf);
  3. Retrieve the default cache from the remote server.
    RemoteCache defaultCache = manager.getCache();

2.2.2. Create a New Embedded Cache Manager

Use the following instructions to create a new EmbeddedCacheManager without using CDI:

Procedure 2.1. Create a New Embedded Cache Manager

  1. Create a configuration XML file. For example, create the my-config.file.xml file on the classpath (in the resources/ folder) and add the configuration information in this file.
  2. Use the following programmatic configuration to create a cache manager using the configuration file:
    EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("my-config-file.xml");
    Cache defaultCache = manager.getCache();
The outlined procedure creates a new EmbeddedCacheManager using the basic configuration specified.

2.2.3. Create a New Embedded Cache Manager Using CDI

Use the following steps to create a new EmbeddedCacheManager instance using CDI:

Procedure 2.2. Use CDI to Create a New EmbeddedCacheManager

  1. Specify a default configuration:
    public class Config {
        public Configuration defaultEmbeddedConfiguration () {
            return new ConfigurationBuilder()
  2. Create a clustered or a non-clustered cache.
  3. Invoke the method to create an EmbeddedCacheManager.
    EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager;

2.3. Multiple Cache Managers

Cache managers are an entry point to the cache and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows users to create multiple cache managers. Each cache manager is configured with a different global configuration, which includes settings for things like JMX, executors and clustering.

2.3.1. Create Multiple Caches with a Single Cache Manager

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows using the same cache manager to create multiple caches, each with a different cache mode (synchronous and asynchronous cache modes).

2.3.2. Using Multiple Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows multiple cache managers to be used. In most cases, such as with replication and networking components, cache instances share internal components and a single cache manager is sufficient.
However, if multiple caches are required to have different network characteristics, for example if one cache uses the TCP protocol and the other uses the UDP protocol, multiple cache managers must be used.

2.3.3. Create Multiple Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows users to create multiple cache managers of various types by repeating the procedure used to create the first cache manager (and adjusting the contents of the configuration file, if required).
To use the declarative API to create multiple new cache managers, copy the contents of the infinispan.xml file to a new configuration file. Edit the new file for the desired configuration and then use the new file for a new cache manager.

Part II. Set Up JVM Memory Management

Chapter 3. Set Up Eviction

3.1. About Eviction

Eviction is the process of removing entries from memory to prevent running out of memory. Entries that are evicted from memory remain in cache stores and the rest of the cluster to prevent permanent data loss.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid executes eviction tasks by utilizing user threads which are already interacting with the data container. JBoss Data Grid uses a separate thread to prune expired cache entries from the cache.
Eviction occurs individually on a per node basis, rather than occurring as a cluster-wide operation. Each node uses an eviction thread to analyze the contents of its in-memory container to determine which entries require eviction. The free memory in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is not a consideration during the eviction analysis, even as a threshold to initialize entry eviction.
In JBoss Data Grid, eviction provides a mechanism to efficiently remove entries from the in-memory representation of a cache and push them to a persistent store. This ensures that the memory can always accommodate new entries as they are fetched and that evicted entries are preserved in the cluster instead of lost.
Additionally, eviction strategies can be used as required for your configuration to set up which entries are evicted and when eviction occurs.

3.2. Eviction Strategies

Each eviction strategy has specific benefits and use cases, as outlined below:
Table 3.1. Eviction Strategies
Strategy Name Operations Details
EvictionStrategy.NONE No eviction occurs. -
EvictionStrategy.LRU Least Recently Used eviction strategy. This strategy evicts entries that have not been used for the longest period. This ensures that entries that are reused periodically remain in memory.  
EvictionStrategy.UNORDERED Unordered eviction strategy. This strategy evicts entries without any ordered algorithm and may therefore evict entries that are required later. However, this strategy saves resources because no algorithm related calculations are required before eviction. This strategy is recommended for testing purposes and not for a real work implementation.
EvictionStrategy.LIRS Low Inter-Reference Recency Set eviction strategy. LIRS is Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's default eviction algorithm because it suits a large variety of production use cases.

3.2.1. LRU Eviction Algorithm Limitations

In the Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction algorithm, the least recently used entry is evicted first. The entry that has not been accessed the longest gets evicted first from the cache. However, LRU eviction algorithm sometimes does not perform optimally in cases of weak access locality. The weak access locality is a technical term used for entries which are put in the cache and not accessed for a long time and entries to be accessed soonest are replaced. In such cases, problems such as the following can appear:
  • Single use access entries are not replaced in time.
  • Entries that are accessed first are unnecessarily replaced.

3.3. Using Eviction

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, eviction is disabled by default. If an empty <eviction /> element is used to enable eviction without any strategy or maximum entries settings, the following default values are automatically implemented:
  • Strategy: If no eviction strategy is specified, EvictionStrategy.NONE is assumed as a default.
  • max-entries/maxEntries: If no value is specified, the max-entries/maxEntries value is set to -1, which allows unlimited entries.

3.3.1. Initialize Eviction

To initialize eviction, set the eviction element's max-entries attributes value to a number greater than zero. Adjust the value set for max-entries to discover the optimal value for your configuration. It is important to remember that if too large a value is set for max-entries, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid runs out of memory.
The following procedure outlines the steps to initialize eviction in JBoss Data Grid:

Procedure 3.1. Initialize Eviction

  1. Add the Eviction Tag

    Add the <eviction> tag to your project's <cache> tags as follows:
    <eviction />
  2. Set the Eviction Strategy

    Set the strategy value to set the eviction strategy employed. Possible values are LRU, UNORDERED and LIRS (or NONE if no eviction is required). The following is an example of this step:
    <eviction strategy="LRU" />
  3. Set the Maximum Entries

    Set the maximum number of entries allowed in memory. The default value is -1 for unlimited entries.
    1. In Library mode, set the maxEntries parameter as follows:
      <eviction strategy="LRU" maxEntries="200" />
    2. In Remote Client Server mode, set the max-entries as follows:
      <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="200" />

Eviction is configured for the target cache.

3.3.2. Eviction Configuration Examples

Configure eviction in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid using the configuration bean or the XML file. Eviction configuration is done on a per-cache basis.
  • A sample XML configuration for Library mode is as follows:
    <eviction strategy="LRU" maxEntries="2000"/>
  • A sample XML configuration for Remote Client Server Mode is as follows:
    <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="20"/>
  • A sample programmatic configuration for Library Mode is as follows:
    Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().eviction().strategy(EvictionStrategy.LRU)


JBoss Data Grid's Library mode uses the maxEntries parameter while Remote Client-Server mode uses the max-entries parameter to configure eviction.

3.3.3. Eviction Configuration Troubleshooting

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, the size of a cache can be larger than the value specified for the max-entries parameter of the configuration element. This is because although the max-entries value can be configured to a value that is not a power of two, the underlying algorithm will alter the value to V, where V is the closest power of two value that is larger than the max-entries value. Eviction algorithms are in place to ensure that the size of the cache container will never exceed the value V.

3.3.4. Eviction and Passivation

To ensure that a single copy of an entry remains, either in memory or in a cache store, use passivation in conjunction with eviction.
The primary reason to use passivation instead of a normal cache store is that updating entries require less resources when passivation is in use. This is because passivation does not require an update to the cache store.

Chapter 4. Set Up Expiration

4.1. About Expiration

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid uses expiration to attach one or both of the following values to an entry:
  • A lifespan value.
  • A maximum idle time value.
Expiration can be specified on a per-entry or per-cache basis and the per-entry configuration overrides per-cache configurations. If expiration is not configured at the cache level, cache entries are created immortal (i.e. they will never expire) as a default. Conversely, if expiration is configured at the cache level, the expiration defaults apply to all entries which do not explicitly specify a lifespan or maxIdle value.
Expired entries, unlike evicted entries, are removed globally, which removes them from memory, cache stores and the cluster.
Expiration automates the removal of entries that have not been used for a specified period of time from the memory. Expiration and eviction are different because:
  • expiration removes entries based on the period they have been in memory. Expiration only removes entries when the life span period concludes or when an entry has been idle longer than the specified idle time.
  • eviction removes entries based on how recently (and often) they are used. Eviction only removes entries when too many entries are present in the memory. If a cache store has been configured, evicted entries are persisted in the cache store.

4.2. Expiration Operations

Expiration in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows you to set a life span or maximum idle time value for each key/value pair stored in the cache.
The life span or maximum idle time can be set to apply cache-wide or defined for each key/value pair using the cache API. The life span (lifespan) or maximum idle time (maxIdle in Library Mode and max-idle in Remote Client-Server Mode) defined for an individual key/value pair overrides the cache-wide default for the entry in question.

4.3. Eviction and Expiration Comparison

Expiration is a top-level construct in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, and is represented in the global configuration, as well as the cache API.
Eviction is limited to the cache instance it is used in, whilst expiration is cluster-wide. Expiration life spans (lifespan) and idle time (maxIdle in Library Mode and max-idle in Remote Client-Server Mode) values are replicated alongside each cache entry.

4.4. Cache Entry Expiration Notifications

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid does not guarantee that an eviction occurs immediately upon timeout. Instead, a number of mechanisms are used in collaboration to ensure efficient eviction. An expired entry is removed from the cache when either:
  • A user thread requests an entry and discovers that the entry has expired.
  • An entry is passivated/overflowed to disk and is discovered to have expired.
  • The eviction maintenance thread discovers that an entry it has found is expired.

4.5. Configure Expiration

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, expiration is configured in a manner similar to eviction.

Procedure 4.1. Configure Expiration

  1. Add the Expiration Tag

    Add the <expiration> tag to your project's <cache> tags as follows:
    <expiration />
  2. Set the Expiration Lifespan

    Set the lifespan value to set the period of time (in milliseconds) an entry can remain in memory. The following is an example of this step:
    <expiration lifespan="1000" />
  3. Set the Maximum Idle Time

    Set the time that entries are allowed to remain idle (unused) after which they are removed (in milliseconds). The default value is -1 for unlimited time.
    1. In Library mode, set the maxIdle parameter as follows:
      <expiration lifespan="1000" maxIdle="1000" />
      • In Remote Client Server mode, set the max-idle as follows:
        <expiration lifespan="1000" max-idle="1000" />

Expiration is now configured for the cache implementation.

4.6. Mortal and Immortal Data

In addition to storing entities, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows you to attach mortality information to data. For example, using the standard put(key, value) creates an entry that will never expire, called an immortal entry. Alternatively, an entry created using put(key, value, lifespan, timeunit) is a mortal entry that has a specified fixed life span, after which it expires.
In addition to the lifespan parameter, JBoss Data Grid also provides a maxIdle parameter used to determine expiration. The maxIdle and lifespan parameters can be used in various combinations to set the life span of an entry.
As a default, newly created entries do not have a life span or maximum idle time value set. Without these two values, a data entry will never expire and is therefore known as immortal data.
Entry mortality (or its expiration values) can be set by setting the life span and maximum idle time values for the entry. After being set, these values must be persisted in the cache stores to ensure that they survive eviction and passivation.

4.7. Troubleshooting Expiration

If expiration does not appear to be working, it may be due to an entry being marked for expiration but not being removed.
Multiple-cache operations such as put() are passed a life span value as a parameter. This value defines the interval after which the entry must expire. In cases where eviction is not configured and the life span interval expires, it can appear as if Red Hat JBoss Data Grid has not removed the entry. For example, when viewing JMX statistics, such as the number of entries, you may see an out of date count, or the persistent store associated with JBoss Data Grid may still contain this entry. Behind the scenes, JBoss Data Grid has marked it as an expired entry, but has not removed it. Removal of such entries happens in one of two ways:
  • Any attempt to use get() or containsKey() for the expired entry, causes JBoss Data Grid to detect the entry as an expired one and remove it.
  • Enabling the eviction feature causes the eviction thread to periodically detect and purge expired entries.

Part III. Monitor Your Cache

Chapter 5. Set Up Logging

5.1. About Logging

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides highly configurable logging facilities for both its own internal use and for use by deployed applications. The logging subsystem is based on JBoss LogManager and it supports several third party application logging frameworks in addition to JBoss Logging.
The logging subsystem is configured using a system of log categories and log handlers. Log categories define what messages to capture, and log handlers define how to deal with those messages (write to disk, send to console, etc).
After a JBoss Data Grid cache is configured with operations such as eviction and expiration, logging tracks relevant activity (including errors or failures).
When set up correctly, logging provides a detailed account at what occurred in the environment and when. Logging also helps track activity that occurred just before a crash or problem in the environment. This information is useful when troubleshooting or when attempting to identify the source of a crash or error.

5.2. Supported Application Logging Frameworks

Red Hat JBoss LogManager supports the following logging frameworks:

5.2.1. About JBoss Logging

JBoss Logging is the application logging framework that is included in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. As a result of this inclusion, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6 also uses JBoss Logging.
JBoss Logging provides an easy way to add logging to an application. Add code to the application that uses the framework to send log messages in a defined format. When the application is deployed to an application server, these messages can be captured by the server and displayed and/or written to file according to the server's configuration.

5.2.2. JBoss Logging Features

JBoss Logging includes the following features:
  • Provides an innovative, easy to use typed logger.
  • Full support for internationalization and localization. Translators work with message bundles in properties files while developers can work with interfaces and annotations.
  • Build-time tooling to generate typed loggers for production, and runtime generation of typed loggers for development.

5.3. Boot Logging

The boot log is the record of events that occur while the server is starting up (or booting). Red Hat JBoss Data Grid also includes a server log, which includes log entries generated after the server concludes the boot process.

5.3.1. Configure Boot Logging

Edit the file to configure the boot log. This file is a standard Java properties file and can be edited in a text editor. Each line in the file has the format of property=value.
In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, the file is available in the $JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration folder.

5.3.2. Default Log File Locations

The following table provides a list of log files in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid and their locations:
Table 5.1. Default Log File Locations
Log File Location Description
boot.log $JDG_HOME/standalone/log/ The Server Boot Log. Contains log messages related to the start up of the server.
server.log $JDG_HOME/standalone/log/ The Server Log. Contains all log messages once the server has launched.

5.4. Logging Attributes

5.4.1. About Log Levels

Log levels are an ordered set of enumerated values that indicate the nature and severity of a log message. The level of a given log message is specified by the developer using the appropriate methods of their chosen logging framework to send the message.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid supports all the log levels used by the supported application logging frameworks. The six most commonly used log levels are (ordered by lowest to highest severity):
  1. TRACE
  2. DEBUG
  3. INFO
  4. WARN
  5. ERROR
  6. FATAL
Log levels are used by log categories and handlers to limit the messages they are responsible for. Each log level has an assigned numeric value which indicates its order relative to other log levels. Log categories and handlers are assigned a log level and they only process log messages of that numeric value or higher. For example a log handler with the level of WARN will only record messages of the levels WARN, ERROR and FATAL.

5.4.2. Supported Log Levels

The following table lists log levels that are supported in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Each entry includes the log level, its value and description. The log level values indicate each log level's relative value to other log levels. Additionally, log levels in different frameworks may be named differently, but have a log value consistent to the provided list.
Table 5.2. Supported Log Levels
Log Level Value Description
FINEST 300 -
FINER 400 -
TRACE 400 Used for messages that provide detailed information about the running state of an application. TRACE level log messages are captured when the server runs with the TRACE level enabled.
DEBUG 500 Used for messages that indicate the progress of individual requests or activities of an application. DEBUG level log messages are captured when the server runs with the DEBUG level enabled.
FINE 500 -
CONFIG 700 -
INFO 800 Used for messages that indicate the overall progress of the application. Used for application start up, shut down and other major lifecycle events.
WARN 900 Used to indicate a situation that is not in error but is not considered ideal. Indicates circumstances that can lead to errors in the future.
ERROR 1000 Used to indicate an error that has occurred that could prevent the current activity or request from completing but will not prevent the application from running.
SEVERE 1000 -
FATAL 1100 Used to indicate events that could cause critical service failure and application shutdown and possibly cause JBoss Data Grid to shut down.

5.4.3. About Log Categories

Log categories define a set of log messages to capture and one or more log handlers which will process the messages.
The log messages to capture are defined by their Java package of origin and log level. Messages from classes in that package and of that log level or higher (with greater or equal numeric value) are captured by the log category and sent to the specified log handlers. As an example, the WARNING log level results in log values of 900, 1000 and 1100 are captured.
Log categories can optionally use the log handlers of the root logger instead of their own handlers.

5.4.4. About the Root Logger

The root logger captures all log messages sent to the server (of a specified level) that are not captured by a log category. These messages are then sent to one or more log handlers.
By default the root logger is configured to use a console and a periodic log handler. The periodic log handler is configured to write to the file server.log. This file is sometimes referred to as the server log.

5.4.5. About Log Handlers

Log handlers define how captured log messages are recorded by Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. The six types of log handlers configurable in JBoss Data Grid are:
  • Console
  • File
  • Periodic
  • Size
  • Async
  • Custom
Log handlers direct specified log objects to a variety of outputs (including the console or specified log files). Some log handlers used in JBoss Data Grid are wrapper log handlers, used to direct other log handlers' behavior.
Log handlers are used to direct log outputs to specific files for easier sorting or to write logs for specific intervals of time. They are primarily useful to specify the kind of logs required and where they are stored or displayed or the logging behavior in JBoss Data Grid.

5.4.6. Log Handler Types

The following table lists the different types of log handlers available in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid:
Table 5.3. Log Handler Types
Log Handler Type Description Use Case
Console Console log handlers write log messages to either the host operating system’s standard out (stdout) or standard error (stderr) stream. These messages are displayed when JBoss Data Grid is run from a command line prompt. The Console log handler is preferred when JBoss Data Grid is administered using the command line. In such a case, the messages from a Console log handler are not saved unless the operating system is configured to capture the standard out or standard error stream.
File File log handlers are the simplest log handlers. Their primary use is to write log messages to a specified file. File log handlers are most useful if the requirement is to store all log entries according to the time in one place.
Periodic Periodic file handlers write log messages to a named file until a specified period of time has elapsed. Once the time period has elapsed, the specified time stamp is appended to the file name. The handler then continues to write into the newly created log file with the original name. The Periodic file handler can be used to accumulate log messages on a weekly, daily, hourly or other basis depending on the requirements of the environment.
Size Size log handlers write log messages to a named file until the file reaches a specified size. When the file reaches a specified size, it is renamed with a numeric prefix and the handler continues to write into a newly created log file with the original name. Each size log handler must specify the maximum number of files to be kept in this fashion. The Size handler is best suited to an environment where the log file size must be consistent.
Async Async log handlers are wrapper log handlers that provide asynchronous behavior for one or more other log handlers. These are useful for log handlers that have high latency or other performance problems such as writing a log file to a network file system. The Async log handlers are best suited to an environment where high latency is a problem or when writing to a network file system.
Custom Custom log handlers enable to you to configure new types of log handlers that have been implemented. A custom handler must be implemented as a Java class that extends java.util.logging.Handler and be contained in a module. Custom log handlers create customized log handler types and are recommended for advanced users.

5.4.7. Selecting Log Handlers

The following are the most common uses for each of the log handler types available for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid:
  • The Console log handler is preferred when JBoss Data Grid is administered using the command line. In such a case, errors and log messages appear on the console window and are not saved unless separately configured to do so.
  • The File log handler is used to direct log entries into a specified file. This simplicity is useful if the requirement is to store all log entries according to the time in one place.
  • The Periodic log handler is similar to the File handler but creates files according to the specified period. As an example, this handler can be used to accumulate log messages on a weekly, daily, hourly or other basis depending on the requirements of the environment.
  • The Size log handler also writes log messages to a specified file, but only while the log file size is within a specified limit. Once the file size reaches the specified limit, log files are written to a new log file. This handler is best suited to an environment where the log file size must be consistent.
  • The Async log handler is a wrapper that forces other log handlers to operate asynchronously. This is best suited to an environment where high latency is a problem or when writing to a network file system.
  • The Custom log handler creates new, customized types of log handlers. This is an advanced log handler.

5.4.8. About Log Formatters

A log formatter is the configuration property of a log handler. The log formatter defines the appearance of log messages that originate from the relevant log handler. The log formatter is a string that uses the same syntax as the java.util.Formatter class.

5.5. Logging Sample Configurations

5.5.1. Sample XML Configuration for the Root Logger

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for the root logger.

Procedure 5.1. Configure the Root Logger

  1. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log message that the root logger records.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
          <level name="INFO"/>
  2. List handlers

    handlers is a list of log handlers that are used by the root logger.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
            <level name="INFO"/>
               <handler name="CONSOLE"/>
               <handler name="FILE"/>

5.5.2. Sample XML Configuration for a Log Category

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for a log category.

Procedure 5.2. Configure a Log Category

  1. Define the Category

    Use the category property to specify the log category from which log messages will be captured.
    The use-parent-handlers is set to "true" by default. When set to "true", this category will use the log handlers of the root logger in addition to any other assigned handlers.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <logger category="" use-parent-handlers="true">
  2. Set the level property

    Use the level property to set the maximum level of log message that the log category records.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <logger category="" use-parent-handlers="true">
          <level name="WARN"/>
  3. List handlers

    handlers is a list of log handlers.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <logger category="" use-parent-handlers="true">
          <level name="WARN"/>
             <handler name="accounts-rec"/>

5.5.3. Sample XML Configuration for a Console Log Handler

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for a console log handler.

Procedure 5.3. Configure the Console Log Handler

  1. Add the Log Handler Identifier Information

    The name property sets the unique identifier for this log handler.
    When autoflush is set to "true" the log messages will be sent to the handler's target immediately upon request.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
  2. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log messages recorded.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
          <level name="INFO"/>
  3. Set the encoding Output

    Use encoding to set the character encoding scheme to be used for the output.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
          <level name="INFO"/>
          <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Define the target Value

    The target property defines the system output stream where the output of the log handler goes. This can be System.err for the system error stream, or System.out for the standard out stream.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
          <level name="INFO"/>
          <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <target value="System.out"/>
  5. Define the filter-spec Property

    The filter-spec property is an expression value that defines a filter. The example provided defines a filter that does not match a pattern: not(match("JBAS.*")).
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
          <level name="INFO"/>
          <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <target value="System.out"/>
          <filter-spec value="not(match(&quot;JBAS.*&quot;))"/>
  6. Specify the formatter

    Use formatter to list the log formatter used by the log handler.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2">
       <console-handler name="CONSOLE" autoflush="true">
          <level name="INFO"/>
          <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <target value="System.out"/>
          <filter-spec value="not(match(&quot;JBAS.*&quot;))"/>
             <pattern-formatter pattern="%K{level}%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>

5.5.4. Sample XML Configuration for a File Log Handler

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for a file log handler.

Procedure 5.4. Configure the File Log Handler

  1. Add the File Log Handler Identifier Information

    The name property sets the unique identifier for this log handler.
    When autoflush is set to "true" the log messages will be sent to the handler's target immediately upon request.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
  2. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log message that the root logger records.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
        <level name="INFO"/>
  3. Set the encoding Output

    Use encoding to set the character encoding scheme to be used for the output.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
        <level name="INFO"/>
        <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Set the file Object

    The file object represents the file where the output of this log handler is written to. It has two configuration properties: relative-to and path.
    The relative-to property is the directory where the log file is written to. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 file path variables can be specified here. The jboss.server.log.dir variable points to the log/ directory of the server.
    The path property is the name of the file where the log messages will be written. It is a relative path name that is appended to the value of the relative-to property to determine the complete path.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
        <level name="INFO"/>
        <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
        <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-rec-trail.log"/>
  5. Specify the formatter

    Use formatter to list the log formatter used by the log handler.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
        <level name="INFO"/>
        <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
        <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-rec-trail.log"/>
            <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
  6. Set the append Property

    When the append property is set to "true", all messages written by this handler will be appended to an existing file. If set to "false" a new file will be created each time the application server launches. Changes to append require a server reboot to take effect.
    <file-handler name="accounts-rec-trail" autoflush="true">
        <level name="INFO"/>
        <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
        <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-rec-trail.log"/>
            <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
        <append value="true"/>

5.5.5. Sample XML Configuration for a Periodic Log Handler

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for a periodic log handler.

Procedure 5.5. Configure the Periodic Log Handler

  1. Add the Periodic Log Handler Identifier Information

    The name property sets the unique identifier for this log handler.
    When autoflush is set to "true" the log messages will be sent to the handler's target immediately upon request.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
  2. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log message that the root logger records.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
  3. Set the encoding Output

    Use encoding to set the character encoding scheme to be used for the output.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Specify the formatter

    Use formatter to list the log formatter used by the log handler.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
  5. Set the file Object

    The file object represents the file where the output of this log handler is written to. It has two configuration properties: relative-to and path.
    The relative-to property is the directory where the log file is written to. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 file path variables can be specified here. The jboss.server.log.dir variable points to the log/ directory of the server.
    The path property is the name of the file where the log messages will be written. It is a relative path name that is appended to the value of the relative-to property to determine the complete path.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="server.log"/>
  6. Set the suffix Value

    The suffix is appended to the filename of the rotated logs and is used to determine the frequency of rotation. The format of the suffix is a dot (.) followed by a date string, which is parsable by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. The log is rotated on the basis of the smallest time unit defined by the suffix. For example, yyyy-MM-dd will result in daily log rotation. See
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="server.log"/>
       <suffix value=".yyyy-MM-dd"/>
  7. Set the append Property

    When the append property is set to "true", all messages written by this handler will be appended to an existing file. If set to "false" a new file will be created each time the application server launches. Changes to append require a server reboot to take effect.
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
          <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="server.log"/>
       <suffix value=".yyyy-MM-dd"/>
       <append value="true"/>

5.5.6. Sample XML Configuration for a Size Log Handler

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for a size log handler.

Procedure 5.6. Configure the Size Log Handler

  1. Add the Size Log Handler Identifier Information

    The name property sets the unique identifier for this log handler.
    When autoflush is set to "true" the log messages will be sent to the handler's target immediately upon request.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
  2. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log message that the root logger records.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
  3. Set the encoding Output

    Use encoding to set the character encoding scheme to be used for the output.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Set the file Object

    The file object represents the file where the output of this log handler is written to. It has two configuration properties: relative-to and path.
    The relative-to property is the directory where the log file is written to. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 file path variables can be specified here. The jboss.server.log.dir variable points to the log/ directory of the server.
    The path property is the name of the file where the log messages will be written. It is a relative path name that is appended to the value of the relative-to property to determine the complete path.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-debug.log"/>
  5. Specify the rotate-size Value

    The maximum size that the log file can reach before it is rotated. A single character appended to the number indicates the size units: b for bytes, k for kilobytes, m for megabytes, g for gigabytes. For example: 50m for 50 megabytes.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-debug.log"/>
       <rotate-size value="500k"/>
  6. Set the max-backup-index Number

    The maximum number of rotated logs that are kept. When this number is reached, the oldest log is reused.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-debug.log"/>
       <rotate-size value="500k"/>
       <max-backup-index value="5"/>
  7. Specify the formatter

    Use formatter to list the log formatter used by the log handler.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-debug.log"/>
       <rotate-size value="500k"/>
       <max-backup-index value="5"/>
            <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
  8. Set the append Property

    When the append property is set to "true", all messages written by this handler will be appended to an existing file. If set to "false" a new file will be created each time the application server launches. Changes to append require a server reboot to take effect.
    <size-rotating-file-handler name="accounts_debug" autoflush="false">
       <level name="DEBUG"/>
       <encoding value="UTF-8"/>
       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="accounts-debug.log"/>
       <rotate-size value="500k"/>
       <max-backup-index value="5"/>
            <pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
       <append value="true"/>

5.5.7. Sample XML Configuration for a Async Log Handler

The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration for an async log handler

Procedure 5.7. Configure the Async Log Handler

  1. Add the Async Log Handler Identifier Information

    The name property sets the unique identifier for this log handler.
    <async-handler name="Async_NFS_handlers">
  2. Set the level Property

    The level property sets the maximum level of log message that the root logger records.
    <async-handler name="Async_NFS_handlers">
       <level name="INFO"/>
  3. Define the queue-length

    The queue-length defines the maximum number of log messages that will be held by this handler while waiting for sub-handlers to respond.
    <async-handler name="Async_NFS_handlers">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <queue-length value="512"/>
  4. Set Overflow Response

    The overflow-action defines how this handler responds when its queue length is exceeded. This can be set to BLOCK or DISCARD. BLOCK makes the logging application wait until there is available space in the queue. This is the same behavior as an non-async log handler. DISCARD allows the logging application to continue but the log message is deleted.
    <async-handler name="Async_NFS_handlers">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <queue-length value="512"/>
       <overflow-action value="block"/>
  5. List subhandlers

    The subhandlers list is the list of log handlers to which this async handler passes its log messages.
    <async-handler name="Async_NFS_handlers">
       <level name="INFO"/>
       <queue-length value="512"/>
       <overflow-action value="block"/>
          <handler name="FILE"/>
          <handler name="accounts-record"/>

Part IV. Set Up Cache Modes

Chapter 6. Cache Modes

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides two modes:
  • Local mode is the only non-clustered cache mode offered in JBoss Data Grid. In local mode, JBoss Data Grid operates as a simple single-node in-memory data cache. Local mode is most effective when scalability and failover are not required and provides high performance in comparison with clustered modes.
  • Clustered mode replicates state changes to a small subset of nodes. The subset size is sufficient for fault tolerance purposes but not large enough to hinder scalability. Before attempting to use clustered mode, it is important to first configure JGroups for a clustered configuration. For details about configuring JGroups, see Section 24.3, “Configure JGroups (Library Mode)”

6.1. About Cache Containers

Cache containers are used in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode as a starting point for a cache. The cache-container element acts as a parent of one or more (local or clustered) caches. To add clustered caches to the container, transport must be defined.
The following procedure demonstrates a sample cache container configuration:

Procedure 6.1. How to Configure the Cache Container

  1. Specify the Cache Container

    The cache-container element specifies information about the cache container using the following parameters:
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
    1. Set the Cache Container Name

      The name parameter defines the name of the cache container.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
      	<cache-container name="default" />
    2. Specify the Default Cache

      The default-cache parameter defines the name of the default cache used with the cache container.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
      	<cache-container name="default" 
      			 default-cache="default" />
    3. Enable/Disable Statistics

      The statistics attribute is optional and is true by default. Statistics are useful in monitoring JBoss Data Grid via JMX or JBoss Operations Network, however they adversely affect performance. Disable this attribute by setting it to false if it is not required.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
      	<cache-container name="default" 
    4. Define the Listener Executor

      The listener-executor defines the executor used for asynchronous cache listener notifications.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
      	<cache-container name="default" 
      			 listener-executor="infinispan-listener" />
    5. Set the Cache Container Start Mode

      The start parameter indicates when the cache container starts, i.e. whether it will start lazily when requested or "eagerly" when the server starts up. Valid values for this parameter are EAGER and LAZY.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
      	<cache-container name="default" 
  2. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.0" 
    	<cache-container name="default" 
    		<local-cache name="default"

6.2. Local Mode

Using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's local mode instead of a map provides a number of benefits.
Caches offer features that are unmatched by simple maps, such as:
  • Write-through and write-behind caching to persist data.
  • Entry eviction to prevent the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running out of memory.
  • Support for entries that expire after a defined period.
JBoss Data Grid is built around a high performance, read-based data container that uses techniques such as optimistic and pessimistic locking to manage lock acquisitions.
JBoss Data Grid also uses compare-and-swap and other lock-free algorithms, resulting in high throughput multi-CPU or multi-core environments. Additionally, JBoss Data Grid's Cache API extends the JDK's ConcurrentMap, resulting in a simple migration process from a map to JBoss Data Grid.

6.2.1. Configure Local Mode (Remote Client-Server Mode)

A local cache can be added to any cache container. The following example demonstrates how to add the local-cache element.

Procedure 6.2. The local-cache Element

The local-cache element specifies information about the local cache used with the cache container using the following parameters:
  1. Add the Local Cache Name

    The name parameter specifies the name of the local cache to use.
    <cache-container name="local"
             <local-cache name="default" >
  2. Set the Cache Container Start Mode

    The start parameter indicates when the cache container starts, i.e. whether it will start lazily when requested or "eagerly" when the server starts up. Valid values for this parameter are EAGER and LAZY.
    <cache-container name="local"
             <local-cache name="default"
                              start="EAGER" >
  3. Configure Batching

    The batching parameter specifies whether batching is enabled for the local cache.
    <cache-container name="local"
             <local-cache name="default"
                              batching="false" >
  4. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <cache-container name="local"
             <local-cache name="default"
  5. Specify Indexing Type

    The indexing parameter specifies the type of indexing used for the local cache. Valid values for this parameter are NONE, LOCAL and ALL.
    <cache-container name="local"
             <local-cache name="default"
                      <indexing index="NONE">
    	                <property name="default.directory_provider">ram</property>
Alternatively, create a DefaultCacheManager with the "no-argument" constructor. Both of these methods create a local default cache.
Local and clustered caches are able to coexist in the same cache container, however where the container is without a <transport/> it can only contain local caches. The container used in the example can only contain local caches as it does not have a <transport/>.
The cache interface extends the ConcurrentMap and is compatible with multiple cache systems.

6.2.2. Configure Local Mode (Library Mode)

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode, setting a cache's mode parameter to local equals not specifying a clustering mode at all. In the case of the latter, the cache defaults to local mode, even if its cache manager defines a transport.
Set the cluster mode to local as follows:
<clustering mode="local" />

6.3. Clustered Modes

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers the following clustered modes:
  • Replication Mode replicates any entry that is added across all cache instances in the cluster.
  • Invalidation Mode does not share any data, but signals remote caches to initiate the removal of invalid entries.
  • Distribution Mode stores each entry on a subset of nodes instead of on all nodes in the cluster.
The clustered modes can be further configured to use synchronous or asynchronous transport for network communications.

6.3.1. Asynchronous and Synchronous Operations

When a clustered mode (such as invalidation, replication or distribution) is used, data is propagated to other nodes in either a synchronous or asynchronous manner.
If synchronous mode is used, the sender waits for responses from receivers before allowing the thread to continue, whereas asynchronous mode transmits data but does not wait for responses from other nodes in the cluster to continue operations.
Asynchronous mode prioritizes speed over consistency, which is ideal for use cases such as HTTP session replications with sticky sessions enabled. Such a session (or data for other use cases) is always accessed on the same cluster node, unless this node fails.

6.3.2. Cache Mode Troubleshooting Invalid Data in ReadExternal
If invalid data is passed to readExternal, it can be because when using Cache.putAsync(), starting serialization can cause your object to be modified, causing the datastream passed to readExternal to be corrupted. This can be resolved if access to the object is synchronized. About Asynchronous Communications
In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, the local, distributed and replicated modes are represented by the local-cache, distributed-cache and replicated-cache elements respectively. Each of these elements contains a mode property, the value of which can be set to SYNC for synchronous or ASYNC for asynchronous communications.
An example of this configuration is as follows:
<replicated-cache name="default" 


This configuration is valid for both JBoss Data Grid's usage modes (Library mode and Remote Client-Server mode). Cluster Physical Address Retrieval
How can the physical addresses of the cluster be retrieved?

The physical address can be retrieved using an instance method call. For example: AdvancedCache.getRpcManager().getTransport().getPhysicalAddresses().

6.4. State Transfer

State transfer occurs automatically in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid whenever a node joins or leaves the cluster.
The new node receives the cache state from the existing nodes when it joins the cluster in both distribution and replication mode. State Transfer also occurs to nodes in redistributing the state after a node leaves the cluster in distribution mode.
The State transfer can occur regardless of whether the cache is in-memory state or persistent state.
  • In replication mode, the node joining the cluster receives a copy of the data currently on the other nodes in the cache. This occurs when the existing nodes push a part of the current cache state.
  • In distribution mode, each node contains a slice of the entire key space, which is determined through consistent hashing. When a new node joins the cluster it receives a slice of the key space that has been taken from each of the existing nodes. State transfer results in the new node receiving a slice of the key space and the existing nodes shedding a portion of the data they were previously responsible for.

6.4.1. Non-Blocking State Transfer

Non-Blocking State Transfer in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid aims to minimize the time in which a cluster or node is unable to respond due to a state transfer in progress.
In JBoss Data Grid, Non-Blocking State Transfer
  • allows state transfer to occur without a drop in the performance of the cluster. However, if a drop in performance does occur during the state transfer it will not throw an exception, and will allow processes to continue.
  • does not add a mechanism for resolving data conflicts after a merge, however it ensures it is feasible to add one in the future.

6.4.2. Suppress State Transfer via JMX

State transfer can be suppressed using JMX in order to bring down and relaunch a cluster for maintenance. This operation permits a more efficient cluster shutdown and startup, and removes the risk of Out Of Memory errors when bringing down a grid.
When a new node joins the cluster and rebalancing is suspended, the getCache() call will timeout after stateTransfer.timeout expires unless rebalancing is re-enabled or stateTransfer.awaitInitialTransferis set to false.
Disabling state transfer and rebalancing can be used for partial cluster shutdown or restart, however there is the possibility that data may be lost in a partial cluster shutdown due to state transfer being disabled.

6.4.3. The rebalancingEnabled Attribute

Suppressing rebalancing can only be triggered via the rebalancingEnabled JMX attribute, and requires no specific configuration.
The rebalancingEnabled attribute can be modified for the entire cluster from the LocalTopologyManager JMX Mbean on any node. This attribute is true by default, and is configurable programmatically.
Servers such as Hot Rod attempt to start all caches declared in the configuration during startup. If rebalancing is disabled, the cache will fail to start. Therefore, it is mandatory to use the following setting in a server environment:

Chapter 7. Set Up Distribution Mode

7.1. About Distribution Mode

When enabled, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's distribution mode stores each entry on a subset of the nodes in the grid instead of replicating each entry on every node. Typically, each entry is stored on more than one node for redundancy and fault tolerance.
As a result of storing entries on selected nodes across the cluster, distribution mode provides improved scalability compared to other clustered modes.
A cache using distribution mode can transparently locate keys across a cluster using the consistent hash algorithm.

7.2. Distribution Mode's Consistent Hash Algorithm

Distribution mode uses a consistent hash algorithm to select a node from the cluster to store entries upon. The consistent hash algorithm is configured with the number of copies of each cache entry to be maintained within the cluster.
The number of copies set for each data item requires balancing performance and fault tolerance. Creating too many copies of the entry can impair performance and too few copies can result in data loss in case of node failure.

7.3. Locating Entries in Distribution Mode

The consistent hash algorithm used in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's distribution mode can locate entries deterministically, without multicasting a request or maintaining expensive metadata.
A PUT operation can result in as many remote calls as specified by the num_copies parameter, while a GET operation executed on any node in the cluster results in a single remote call. In the background, the GET operation results in the same number of remote calls as a PUT operation (specifically the value of the num_copies parameter), but these occur in parallel and the returned entry is passed to the caller as soon as one returns.

7.4. Return Values in Distribution Mode

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's distribution mode, a synchronous request is used to retrieve the previous return value if it cannot be found locally. A synchronous request is used for this task irrespective of whether distribution mode is using asynchronous or synchronous processes.

7.5. Configure Distribution Mode (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Distribution mode is a clustered mode in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Distribution mode can be added to any cache container using the following procedure:

Procedure 7.1. The distributed-cache Element

The distributed-cache element configures settings for the distributed cache using the following parameters:
  1. Add the Cache Name

    The name parameter provides a unique identifier for the cache.
    <cache-container name="clustered" 
    	<transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000"/>
     	<distributed-cache name="default" />
  2. Set the Clustered Cache Start Mode

    The mode parameter sets the clustered cache mode. Valid values are SYNC (synchronous) and ASYNC (asynchronous).
    <cache-container name="clustered" 
    	<transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000"/>
    	<distributed-cache name="default"
    			   mode="SYNC" />
  3. Specify Number of Segments

    The (optional) segments parameter specifies the number of hash space segments per cluster. The recommended value for this parameter is ten multiplied by the cluster size and the default value is 80.
    <cache-container name="clustered" 
    	<transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000"/>
    	<distributed-cache name="default"
    			   segments="20" />
  4. Set the Cache Start Mode

    The start parameter specifies whether the cache starts when the server starts up or when it is requested or deployed.
    <cache-container name="clustered" 
    	<transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000"/>
    	<distributed-cache name="default"
  5. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <cache-container name="clustered" 
    	<transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000"/>
    	<distributed-cache name="default"


JGroups must be appropriately configured for clustered mode before attempting to load this configuration.
For details about the cache-container, locking, and transaction elements, see the appropriate chapter.

7.6. Configure Distribution Mode (Library Mode)

The following procedure shows a distributed cache configuration in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.

Procedure 7.2. Distributed Cache Configuration

  1. Set the Clustered Mode

    The clustering element's mode parameter's value determines the clustering mode selected for the cache.
    <clustering mode="dist">
  2. Specify the Remote Call Timeout

    The sync element's replTimeout parameter specifies the maximum time period in milliseconds for an acknowledgment after a remote call. If the time period ends without any acknowledgment, an exception is thrown.
    <clustering mode="dist">
            <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
  3. Define State Transfer Settings

    The stateTransfer element specifies how state is transferred when a node leaves or joins the cluster. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Specify State Transfer Batch Size

      The chunkSize parameter specifies the size of cache entry state batches to be transferred. If this value is greater than 0, the value set is the size of chunks sent. If the value is less than 0, all states are transferred at the same time.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}" />
    2. Set fetchInMemoryState Parameter

      The fetchInMemoryState parameter when set to true, requests state information from neighboring caches on start up. This impacts the start up time for the cache.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             fetchInMemoryState="{true/false}" />
    3. Define the awaitInitialTransfer Parameter

      The awaitInitialTransfer parameter causes the first call to method CacheManager.getCache() on the joiner node to block and wait until the joining is complete and the cache has finished receiving state from neighboring caches (if fetchInMemoryState is enabled). This option applies to distributed and replicated caches only and is enabled by default.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             awaitInitialTransfer="{true/false}" />
    4. Set timeout Value

      The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) the cache waits for responses from neighboring caches with the requested states. If no response is received within the the timeout period, the start up process aborts and an exception is thrown.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
  4. Specify Transport Configuration

    The transport element defines the transport configuration for the cache as follows:
    1. Specify the Cluster Name

      The clusterName parameter specifies the name of the cluster. Nodes can only connect to clusters that share the same name.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}" />
    2. Set the distributedSyncTimeout Value

      The distributedSyncTimeout parameter specifies the time to wait to acquire a lock on the distributed lock. This distributed lock ensures that a single cache can transfer state or rehash state at a time.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                         distributedSyncTimeout="${TIME}" />
    3. Set the Network Transport

      The transportClass parameter specifies a class that represents a network transport for the cache.
      <clustering mode="dist">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                         transportClass="${CLASS}" />

7.7. Synchronous and Asynchronous Distribution

Distribution mode only supports synchronous communication. To elicit meaningful return values from certain public API methods, it is essential to use synchronized communication when using distribution mode.

Example 7.1. Communication Mode example

For example, with three caches in a cluster, cache A, B and C, and a key K that maps cache A to B. Perform an operation on cluster C that requires a return value, for example Cache.remove(K). To execute successfully, the operation must first synchronously forward the call to both cache A and B, and then wait for a result returned from either cache A or B. If asynchronous communication was used, the usefulness of the returned values cannot be guaranteed, despite the operation behaving as expected.

7.8. GET and PUT Usage in Distribution Mode

In distribution mode, the cache performs a remote GET command before a write command. This occurs because certain methods (for example, Cache.put()) return the previous value associated with the specified key according to the java.util.Map contract. When this is performed on an instance that does not own the key and the entry is not found in the L1 cache, the only reliable way to elicit this return value is to perform a remote GET before the PUT.
The GET operation that occurs before the PUT operation is always synchronous, whether the cache is synchronous or asynchronous, because Red Hat JBoss Data Grid must wait for the return value.

7.8.1. Distributed GET and PUT Operation Resource Usage

In distribution mode, the cache may execute a GET operation before executing the desired PUT operation.
This operation is very expensive in terms of resources. Despite operating in an synchronous manner, a remote GET operation does not wait for all responses, which would result in wasted resources. The GET process accepts the first valid response received, which allows its performance to be unrelated to cluster size.
Use the Flag.SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP flag for a per-invocation setting if return values are not required for your implementation.
Such actions do not impair cache operations and the accurate functioning of all public methods, but do break the java.util.Map interface contract. The contract breaks because unreliable and inaccurate return values are provided to certain methods. As a result, ensure that these return values are not used for any important purpose on your configuration.

Chapter 8. Set Up Replication Mode

8.1. About Replication Mode

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's replication mode is a simple clustered mode. Cache instances automatically discover neighboring instances on other Java Virtual Machines (JVM) on the same network and subsequently form a cluster with the discovered instances. Any entry added to a cache instance is replicated across all cache instances in the cluster and can be retrieved locally from any cluster cache instance.
In JBoss Data Grid's replication mode, return values are locally available before the replication occurs.

8.2. Optimized Replication Mode Usage

Replication mode is used for state sharing across a cluster. However, the cluster performance is optimal only when the target cluster contains less than ten servers.
In larger clusters, the fact that a large number of replication messages must be transmitted results in reduced performance.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid can be configured to use UDP multicast, which improves performance to a limited degree for larger clusters.

8.3. Configure Replication Mode (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Replication mode is a clustered cache mode in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Replication mode can be added to any cache container using the following procedure.

Procedure 8.1. The replicated-cache Element

The replicated-cache element configures settings for the distributed cache using the following parameters:
  1. Add the Cache Name

    The name parameter provides a unique identifier for the cache.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<replicated-cache name="default">
  2. Set the Clustered Cache Start Mode

    The mode parameter sets the clustered cache mode. Valid values are SYNC (synchronous) and ASYNC (asynchronous).
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<replicated-cache name="default" 
  3. Set the Cache Start Mode

    The start parameter specifies whether the cache starts when the server starts up or when it is requested or deployed.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<replicated-cache name="default" 
  4. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<replicated-cache name="default" 
  5. Set Up Transactions

    The transaction element sets up the transaction mode for the replicated cache.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<replicated-cache name="default" 
    		<transaction mode="NONE" />


JGroups must be appropriately configured for clustered mode before attempting to load this configuration.
For details about the cache-container, locking, and transaction elements, see the appropriate chapter.

8.4. Configure Replication Mode (Library Mode)

The following procedure shows a replication mode configuration in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.

Procedure 8.2. Replication Mode Configuration

  1. Set the Clustered Mode

    The clustering element's mode parameter's value determines the clustering mode selected for the cache.
    <clustering mode="repl">
  2. Specify the Remote Call Timeout

    The sync element's replTimeout parameter specifies the maximum time period in milliseconds for an acknowledgment after a remote call. If the time period ends without any acknowledgment, an exception is thrown.
    <clustering mode="repl">
            <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
  3. Define State Transfer Settings

    The stateTransfer element specifies how state is transferred when a node leaves or joins the cluster. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Specify State Transfer Batch Size

      The chunkSize parameter specifies the size of cache entry state batches to be transferred. If this value is greater than 0, the value set is the size of chunks sent. If the value is less than 0, all states are transferred at the same time.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}" />
    2. Set fetchInMemoryState Parameter

      The fetchInMemoryState parameter when set to true, requests state information from neighboring caches on start up. This impacts the start up time for the cache.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             fetchInMemoryState="{true/false}" />
    3. Define the awaitInitialTransfer Parameter

      The awaitInitialTransfer parameter causes the first call to method CacheManager.getCache() on the joiner node to block and wait until the joining is complete and the cache has finished receiving state from neighboring caches (if fetchInMemoryState is enabled). This option applies to distributed and replicated caches only and is enabled by default.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             awaitInitialTransfer="{true/false}" />
    4. Set the timeout Value

      The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) the cache waits for responses from neighboring caches with the requested states. If no response is received within the the timeout period, the start up process aborts and an exception is thrown.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
  4. Specify Transport Configuration

    The transport element defines the transport configuration for the cache as follows:
    1. Specify the Cluster Name

      The clusterName parameter specifies the name of the cluster. Nodes can only connect to clusters that share the same name.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}" />
    2. Set the distributedSyncTimeout Value

      The distributedSyncTimeout parameter specifies the time to wait to acquire a lock on the distributed lock. This distributed lock ensures that a single cache can transfer state or rehash state at a time.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                         distributedSyncTimeout="${TIME}" />
    3. Set the Network Transport

      The transportClass parameter specifies a class that represents a network transport for the cache.
      <clustering mode="repl">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"                       
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                         transportClass="${CLASS}" />

8.5. Synchronous and Asynchronous Replication

Replication mode can be synchronous or asynchronous depending on the problem being addressed.
  • Synchronous replication blocks a thread or caller (for example on a put() operation) until the modifications are replicated across all nodes in the cluster. By waiting for acknowledgments, synchronous replication ensures that all replications are successfully applied before the operation is concluded.
  • Asynchronous replication operates significantly faster than synchronous replication because it does not need to wait for responses from nodes. Asynchronous replication performs the replication in the background and the call returns immediately. Errors that occur during asynchronous replication are written to a log. As a result, a transaction can be successfully completed despite the fact that replication of the transaction may not have succeeded on all the cache instances in the cluster.

8.5.1. Troubleshooting Asynchronous Replication Behavior

In some instances, a cache configured for asynchronous replication or distribution may wait for responses, which is synchronous behavior. This occurs because caches behave synchronously when both state transfers and asynchronous modes are configured. This synchronous behavior is a prerequisite for state transfer to operate as expected.
Use one of the following to remedy this problem:
  • Disable state transfer and use a ClusteredCacheLoader to lazily look up remote state as and when needed.
  • Enable state transfer and REPL_SYNC. Use the Asynchronous API (for example, the cache.putAsync(k, v)) to activate 'fire-and-forget' capabilities.
  • Enable state transfer and REPL_ASYNC. All RPCs end up becoming synchronous, but client threads will not be held up if a replication queue is enabled (which is recommended for asynchronous mode).

8.6. The Replication Queue

In replication mode, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid uses a replication queue to replicate changes across nodes based on the following:
  • Previously set intervals.
  • The queue size exceeding the number of elements.
  • A combination of previously set intervals and the queue size exceeding the number of elements.
The replication queue ensures that during replication, cache operations are transmitted in batches instead of individually. As a result, a lower number of replication messages are transmitted and fewer envelopes are used, resulting in improved JBoss Data Grid performance.
A disadvantage of using the replication queue is that the queue is periodically flushed based on the time or the queue size. Such flushing operations delay the realization of replication, distribution, or invalidation operations across cluster nodes. When the replication queue is disabled, the data is directly transmitted and therefore the data arrives at the cluster nodes faster.
A replication queue is used in conjunction with asynchronous mode.

8.6.1. Replication Queue Usage

When using the replication queue, do one of the following:
  • Disable asynchronous marshalling; or
  • Set the max-threads count value to 1 for the transport executor. The transport executor is defined in standalone.xml as follows:
    <transport executor="infinispan-transport"/>
To implement either of these solutions, the replication queue must be in use in asynchronous mode. Asynchronous mode can be set, along with the queue timeout (queue-flush-interval, value is in milliseconds) and queue size (queue-size) as follows:
<replicated-cache name="asyncCache" 
The replication queue allows requests to return to the client faster, therefore using the replication queue together with asynchronous marshalling does not present any significant advantages.

8.7. About Replication Guarantees

In a clustered cache, the user can receive synchronous replication guarantees as well as the parallelism associated with asynchronous replication. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides an asynchronous API for this purpose.
The asynchronous methods used in the API return Futures, which can be queried. The queries block the thread until a confirmation is received about the success of any network calls used.

8.8. Replication Traffic on Internal Networks

Some cloud providers charge less for traffic over internal IP addresses than for traffic over public IP addresses, or do not charge at all for internal network traffic (for example, GoGrid). To take advantage of lower rates, you can configure Red Hat JBoss Data Grid to transfer replication traffic using the internal network. With such a configuration, it is difficult to know the internal IP address you are assigned. JBoss Data Grid uses JGroups interfaces to solve this problem.

Chapter 9. Set Up Invalidation Mode

9.1. About Invalidation Mode

Invalidation is a clustered mode that does not share any data, but instead removes potentially obsolete data from remote caches. Using this cache mode requires another, more permanent store for the data such as a database.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, in such a situation, is used as an optimization for a system that performs many read operations and prevents database usage each time a state is needed.
When invalidation mode is in use, data changes in a cache prompts other caches in the cluster to evict their outdated data from memory.

9.2. Configure Invalidation Mode (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Invalidation mode is a clustered mode in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Invalidation mode can be added to any cache container using the following procedure:

Procedure 9.1. The invalidation-cache Element

The invalidation-cache element configures settings for the distributed cache using the following parameters:
  1. Add the Cache Name

    The name parameter provides a unique identifier for the cache.
    <cache-container name="local" 
     <invalidation-cache name="default">
  2. Set the Clustered Cache Start Mode

    The mode parameter sets the clustered cache mode. Valid values are SYNC (synchronous) and ASYNC (asynchronous).
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<invalidation-cache name="default"
  3. Set the Cache Start Mode

    The start parameter specifies whether the cache starts when the server starts up or when it is requested or deployed.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<invalidation-cache name="default"
  4. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <cache-container name="local" 
    	<invalidation-cache name="default"


JGroups must be appropriately configured for clustered mode before attempting to load this configuration.
For details about the cache-container, locking, and transaction elements, see the appropriate chapter.

9.3. Configure Invalidation Mode (Library Mode)

The following procedure shows an invalidation mode cache configuration in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.

Procedure 9.2. Invalidation Mode Configuration

  1. Set the Clustered Mode

    The clustering element's mode parameter's value determines the clustering mode selected for the cache.
    <clustering mode="inv">
  2. Specify the Remote Call Timeout

    The sync element's replTimeout parameter specifies the maximum time period in milliseconds for an acknowledgment after a remote call. If the time period ends without any acknowledgment, an exception is thrown.
    <clustering mode="inv">
            <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
  3. Define State Transfer Settings

    The stateTransfer element specifies how state is transferred when a node leaves or joins the cluster. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Specify State Transfer Batch Size

      The chunkSize parameter specifies the size of cache entry state batches to be transferred. If this value is greater than 0, the value set is the size of chunks sent. If the value is less than 0, all states are transferred at the same time.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}" />
    2. Set fetchInMemoryState Parameter

      The fetchInMemoryState parameter when set to true, requests state information from neighboring caches on start up. This impacts the start up time for the cache.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             fetchInMemoryState="{true/false}" />
    3. Define the awaitInitialTransfer Parameter

      The awaitInitialTransfer parameter causes the first call to method CacheManager.getCache() on the joiner node to block and wait until the joining is complete and the cache has finished receiving state from neighboring caches (if fetchInMemoryState is enabled). This option applies to distributed and replicated caches only and is enabled by default.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             awaitInitialTransfer="{true/false}" />
    4. Set timeout Value

      The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) the cache waits for responses from neighboring caches with the requested states. If no response is received within the the timeout period, the start up process aborts and an exception is thrown.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
  4. Specify Transport Configuration

    The transport element defines the transport configuration for the cache as follows:
    1. Specify the Cluster Name

      The clusterName parameter specifies the name of the cluster. Nodes can only connect to clusters that share the same name.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}" />
    2. Set the distributedSyncTimeout Value

      The distributedSyncTimeout parameter specifies the time to wait to acquire a lock on the distributed lock. This distributed lock ensures that a single cache can transfer state or rehash state at a time.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                                  distributedSyncTimeout="${TIME}" />
    3. Set the Network Transport

      The transportClass parameter specifies a class that represents a network transport for the cache.
      <clustering mode="inv">
              <sync replTimeout="${TIME}" />
              <stateTransfer chunkSize="${SIZE}"
                             timeout="${TIME}" />
              <transport clusterName="${NAME}"
                                  transportClass="${CLASS}" />

9.4. Synchronous/Asynchronous Invalidation

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode, invalidation operates either asynchronously or synchronously.
  • Synchronous invalidation blocks the thread until all caches in the cluster have received invalidation messages and evicted the obsolete data.
  • Asynchronous invalidation operates in a fire-and-forget mode that allows invalidation messages to be broadcast without blocking a thread to wait for responses.

9.5. The L1 Cache and Invalidation

An invalidation message is generated each time a key is updated. This message is multicast to each node that contains data that corresponds to current L1 cache entries. The invalidation message ensures that each of these nodes marks the relevant entry as invalidated.

Part V. Set Up Locking for the Cache

Chapter 10. Locking

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides locking mechanisms to prevent dirty reads (where a transaction reads an outdated value before another transaction has applied changes to it) and non-repeatable reads.

10.1. Configure Locking (Remote Client-Server Mode)

In Remote Client-Server mode, locking is configured using the locking element within the cache tags (for example, invalidation-cache, distributed-cache, replicated-cache or local-cache).
The following is a sample procedure of a basic locking configuration for a default cache in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.

Procedure 10.1. Configure Locking (Remote Client-Server Mode)

  1. Define the Isolation Level

    The isolation parameter defines the isolation level used for the local cache. Valid values for this parameter are REPEATABLE_READ and READ_COMMITTED.
    	<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ" />
  2. Set the acquire-timeout Parameter

    The acquire-timeout parameter specifies the number of milliseconds after which lock acquisition will time out.
    	<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ" 
    	         acquire-timeout="30000" />
  3. Set Number of Lock Stripes

    The concurrency-level parameter defines the number of lock stripes used by the LockManager.
    	<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ" 
    	         concurrency-level="1000" />
  4. Set Lock Striping

    The striping parameter specifies whether lock striping will be used for the local cache.
    	<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ" 
    	         striping="false" />

10.2. Configure Locking (Library Mode)

For Library mode, the locking element and its parameters are set within the optional configuration element on a per cache basis. For example, for the default cache, the configuration element occurs within the default element and for each named cache, it occurs within the namedCache element. The following is an example of this configuration:

Procedure 10.2. Configure Locking (Library Mode)

  1. Set the Concurrency Level

    The concurrencyLevel parameter specifies the concurrency level for the lock container. Set this value according to the number of concurrent threads interacting with the data grid.
    		<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}" />
  2. Specify the Cache Isolation Level

    The isolationLevel parameter specifies the cache's isolation level. Valid isolation levels are READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ. For details about isolation levels, see Section 12.1, “About Isolation Levels”
    		<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}"
    				isolationLevel="${LEVEL}" />
  3. Set the Lock Acquisition Timeout

    The lockAcquisitionTimeout parameter specifies time (in milliseconds) after which a lock acquisition attempt times out.
    		<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}"
    			lockAcquisitionTimeout="${TIME}" />
  4. Configure Lock Striping

    The useLockStriping parameter specifies whether a pool of shared locks are maintained for all entries that require locks. If set to FALSE, locks are created for each entry in the cache. For details, see Section 11.1, “About Lock Striping”
    		<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}"
    			useLockStriping="${TRUE/FALSE}" />
    • Set writeSkewCheck Parameter

      The writeSkewCheck parameter is only valid if the isolationLevel is set to REPEATABLE_READ. If this parameter is set to FALSE, a disparity between a working entry and the underlying entry at write time results in the working entry overwriting the underlying entry. If the parameter is set to TRUE, such conflicts (namely write skews) throw an exception.
      		<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}"
      			writeSkewCheck="${TRUE/FALSE}" />

10.3. Locking Types

10.3.1. About Optimistic Locking

Optimistic locking allows multiple transactions to complete simultaneously by deferring lock acquisition to the transaction prepare time.
Optimistic mode assumes that multiple transactions can complete without conflict. It is ideal where there is little contention between multiple transactions running concurrently, as transactions can commit without waiting for other transaction locks to clear. With writeSkewCheck enabled, transactions in optimistic locking mode roll back if one or more conflicting modifications are made to the data before the transaction completes.

10.3.2. About Pessimistic Locking

Pessimistic locking is also known as eager locking.
Pessimistic locking prevents more than one transaction being written to a key by enforcing cluster-wide locks on each write operation. Locks are only released once the transaction is completed either through committing or being rolled back.
Pessimistic mode is used where a high contention on keys is occurring, resulting in inefficiencies and unexpected roll back operations.

10.3.3. Pessimistic Locking Types

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes explicit pessimistic locking and implicit pessimistic locking:
  • Explicit Pessimistic Locking, which uses the JBoss Data Grid Lock API to allow cache users to explicitly lock cache keys for the duration of a transaction. The Lock call attempts to obtain locks on specified cache keys across all nodes in a cluster. This attempt either fails or succeeds for all specified cache keys. All locks are released during the commit or rollback phase.
  • Implicit Pessimistic Locking ensures that cache keys are locked in the background as they are accessed for modification operations. Using Implicit Pessimistic Locking causes JBoss Data Grid to check and ensure that cache keys are locked locally for each modification operation. Discovering unlocked cache keys causes JBoss Data Grid to request a cluster-wide lock to acquire a lock on the unlocked cache key.

10.3.4. Explicit Pessimistic Locking Example

The following is an example of explicit pessimistic locking that depicts a transaction that runs on one of the cache nodes:

Procedure 10.3. Transaction with Explicit Pessimistic Locking

  1. When the line cache.lock(K) executes, a cluster-wide lock is acquired on K.
  2. When the line cache.put(K,V5) executes, it guarantees success.
  3. When the line tx.commit() executes, the locks held for this process are released.

10.3.5. Implicit Pessimistic Locking Example

An example of implicit pessimistic locking using a transaction that runs on one of the cache nodes is as follows:

Procedure 10.4. Transaction with Implicit Pessimistic locking

  1. When the line cache.put(K,V) executes, a cluster-wide lock is acquired on K.
  2. When the line cache.put(K2,V2) executes, a cluster-wide lock is acquired on K2.
  3. When the line cache.put(K,V5) executes, the lock acquisition is non operational because a cluster-wide lock for K has been previously acquired. The put operation will still occur.
  4. When the line tx.commit() executes, all locks held for this transaction are released.

10.3.6. Configure Locking Mode (Remote Client-Server Mode)

To configure a locking mode in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, use the locking parameter within the transaction element as follows:
<transaction locking="OPTIMISTIC/PESSIMISTIC" />

10.3.7. Configure Locking Mode (Library Mode)

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode, the locking mode is set within the transaction element as follows:
<transaction transactionManagerLookupClass="{TransactionManagerLookupClass}"
Set the lockingMode value to OPTIMISTIC or PESSIMISTIC to configure the locking mode used for the transactional cache.

10.4. Locking Operations

10.4.1. About the LockManager

The LockManager component is responsible for locking an entry before a write process initiates. The LockManager uses a LockContainer to locate, hold and create locks. The two types of LockContainers generally used in such implementations are available. The first type offers support for lock striping while the second type supports one lock per entry.

10.4.2. About Lock Acquisition

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid acquires remote locks lazily by default. The node running a transaction locally acquires the lock while other cluster nodes attempt to lock cache keys that are involved in a two phase prepare/commit phase. JBoss Data Grid can lock cache keys in a pessimistic manner either explicitly or implicitly.

10.4.3. About Concurrency Levels

Concurrency refers to the number of threads simultaneously interacting with the data grid. In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, concurrency levels refer to the number of concurrent threads used within a lock container.
In JBoss Data Grid, concurrency levels determine the size of each striped lock container. Additionally, concurrency levels tune all related JDK ConcurrentHashMap based collections, such as those internal to DataContainers.

Chapter 11. Set Up Lock Striping

11.1. About Lock Striping

Lock Striping allocates locks from a shared collection of (fixed size) locks in the cache. Lock allocation is based on the hash code for each entry's key. Lock Striping provides a highly scalable locking mechanism with fixed overhead. However, this is at the cost of potentially unrelated entries being blocked by the same lock.
Lock Striping is disabled as a default in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. If lock striping remains disabled, a new lock is created for each entry. This alternative approach can provide greater concurrent throughput, but also results in additional memory usage, garbage collection churn, and other disadvantages.

11.2. Configure Lock Striping (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Lock striping in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode is enabled using the striping element to true.
For example:
<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"
	 striping="true" />

11.3. Configure Lock Striping (Library Mode)

Lock striping is disabled by default in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Configure lock striping in JBoss Data Grid's Library mode using the useLockStriping parameter as follows:
			<locking concurrencyLevel="${VALUE}"
				 writeSkewCheck="${TRUE/FALSE}" />
The useLockStriping parameter specifies whether a pool of shared locks are maintained for all entries that require locks. If set to FALSE, locks are created for each entry in the cache. If set to TRUE, lock striping is enabled and shared locks are used as required from the pool.
The concurrencyLevel is used to specify the size of the shared lock collection use when lock striping is enabled.
The isolationLevel parameter specifies the cache's isolation level. Valid isolation levels are READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ.
The lockAcquisitionTimeout parameter specifies time (in milliseconds) after which a lock acquisition attempt times out.
The writeSkewCheck check determines if a modification to the entry from a different transaction should roll back the transaction. Write skew set to true requires isolation_level set to REPEATABLE_READ. The default value for writeSkewCheck and isolation_level are FALSE and READ_COMMITTED respectively.

Chapter 12. Set Up Isolation Levels

12.1. About Isolation Levels

Isolation levels determine when readers can view a concurrent write. READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ are the two isolation modes offered in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.
  • READ_COMMITTED. This is the default isolation level because it is applicable to a wide variety of requirements.
  • REPEATABLE_READ. This can be configured using the locking configuration element.
For isolation mode configuration examples in JBoss Data Grid, see the lock striping configuration samples:


READ_COMMITTED is one of two isolation modes available in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.
In JBoss Data Grid's READ_COMMITTED mode, write operations are made to copies of data rather than the data itself. A write operation blocks other data from being written, however writes do not block read operations. As a result, both READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ modes permit read operations at any time, regardless of when write operations occur.
In READ_COMMITTED mode multiple reads of the same key within a transaction can return different results due to write operations modifying data between reads. This phenomenon is known as non-repeatable reads and is avoided in REPEATABLE_READ mode.


REPEATABLE_READ is one of two isolation modes available in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.
Traditionally, REPEATABLE_READ does not allow write operations while read operations are in progress, nor does it allow read operations when write operations occur. This prevents the "non-repeatable read" phenomenon, which occurs when a single transaction has two read operations on the same row but the retrieved values differ (possibly due to a write operating modifying the value between the two read operations).
JBoss Data Grid's REPEATABLE_READ isolation mode preserves the value of a row before a modification occurs. As a result, the "non-repeatable read" phenomenon is avoided because a second read operation on the same row retrieves the preserved value rather than the new modified value. As a result, the two values retrieved by the two read operations will always match, even if a write operation occurs between the two reads.

Part VI. Set Up and Configure a Cache Store

Chapter 13. Cache Stores

The cache store connects Red Hat JBoss Data Grid to the persistent data store. The cache store is used to:
  • fetch data from the data store when a copy is not in the cache.
  • push modifications made to the data in cache back to the data store.
Caches that share the same cache manager can have different cache store configurations, as cache stores are associated with individual caches.

13.1. File System Based Cache Stores

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes one file system based cache store: the SingleFileCacheStore.
The SingleFileCacheStore is a simple, file system based implementation and a replacement to the older file system based cache store: the FileCacheStore.
SingleFileCacheStore stores all key/value pairs and their corresponding metadata information in a single file. To speed up data location, it also keeps all keys and the positions of their values and metadata in memory. Hence, using the single file cache store slightly increases the memory required, depending on the key size and the amount of keys stored. Hence SingleFileCacheStore is not recommended for use cases where the keys are too big.
To reduce memory consumption, the size of the cache store can be set to a fixed number of entries to store in the file. However, this works only when Infinispan is used as a cache. When Infinispan used this way, data which is not present in Infinispan can be recomputed or re-retrieved from the authoritative data store and stored in Infinispan cache. The reason for this limitation is because once the maximum number of entries is reached, older data in the cache store is removed, so if Infinispan was used as an authoritative data store, it would lead to data loss which is undesirable in this use case
Due to its limitations, SingleFileCacheStore can be used in a limited capacity in production environments. It can not be used on shared file system (such as NFS and Windows shares) due to a lack of proper file locking, resulting in data corruption. Furthermore, file systems are not inherently transactional, resulting in file writing failures during the commit phase if the cache is used in a transactional context.

13.1.1. Single File Store Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is an example of a Single File Store configuration for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode:

Procedure 13.1. Configure the Single File Store

  1. Add the Cache Name

    The name parameter of the local-cache attribute is used to specify a name for the cache.
    <local-cache name="default">
  2. Per-cache Statistics

    If statistics are enabled at the container level, per-cache statistics can be selectively disabled for caches that do not require monitoring by setting the statistics attribute to false.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
  3. Configure the file-store Element

    The file-store element specifies configuration information for the single file store.
    The name parameter of the file-store element is used to specify a name for the file store.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore" />
  4. Set the passivation Parameter

    The passivation parameter determines whether entries in the cache are passivated (true) or if the cache store retains a copy of the contents in memory (false).
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
                    passivation="true" />
  5. Set the purge Parameter

    The purge parameter specifies whether or not the cache store is purged when it is started. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
                    purge="true" />
  6. Set the shared Parameter

    The shared parameter is used when multiple cache instances share a cache store. This parameter can be set to prevent multiple cache instances writing the same modification multiple times. Valid values for this parameter are true and false. However, the shared parameter is not recommended for file-store.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
                    shared="false" />
  7. Specify the Directory Path Within the relative-to Parameter

    The relative-to property is the directory where the file-store stores the data. It is used to define a named path.
    The path property is the name of the file where the data is stored. It is a relative path name that is appended to the value of the relative-to property to determine the complete path.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
                    path="{DIRECTORY}" />
  8. Specify the maximum number of entries

    The maxEntries parameter provides maximum number of entries allowed. The default value is -1 for unlimited entries.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
  9. Set the fetch-state Parameter

    The fetch-state parameter when set to true fetches the persistent state when joining a cluster. If multiple cache stores are chained, only one of them can have this property enabled. Persistent state transfer with a shared cache store does not make sense, as the same persistent store that provides the data will just end up receiving it. Therefore, if a shared cache store is used, the cache does not allow a persistent state transfer even if a cache store has this property set to true. It is recommended to set this property to true only in a clustered environment. The default value for this parameter is false.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
  10. Set the preload Parameter

    The preload parameter when set to true, loads the data stored in the cache store into memory when the cache starts. However, setting this parameter to true affects the performance as the startup time is increased. The default value for this parameter is false.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"
  11. Set the singleton Parameter

    The singleton parameter enables a singleton store cache store. SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used when only one instance in a cluster can interact with the underlying store. However, singleton parameter is not recommended for file-store.
    <local-cache name="default" statistics="true">
        <file-store name="myFileStore"

13.1.2. Single File Store Configuration (Library Mode)

In Red Hat JBoss Grid's Library mode, configure a Single File Cache Store as follows:.

Procedure 13.2. Configuring the Single File Store in Library Mode

The singleFile element is used to configure the Single File Cache Store. Configure the following in infinispan.xml.
  1. Add the name value to the namedCache element. The following is an example of this step:
    <namedCache name="writeThroughToFile">
  2. In the persistence element, set the passivation parameter to false. Possible values are true and false.
    <namedCache name="writeThroughToFile">
          <persistence passivation="false" />
  3. Set up a single file configuration using the singleFile element:
    • fetchPersistentState - If set to true, the persistent state is fetched when joining a cluster. If multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property set to true . The default for this value is false.
    • The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether operations that modify the cache (e.g. put, remove, clear, store, etc.) do not affect the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache.
    • The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache store is purged when initially started.
    • The shared parameter is set to true when multiple cache instances share a cache store, which prevents multiple cache instances writing the same modification individually. The default for this attribute is false. However, the shared parameter is not recommended for file-store.
    • The preload parameter sets whether the cache store data is pre-loaded into memory and becomes immediately accessible after starting up. The disadvantage of setting this to true is that the start up time increases. The default value for this attribute is false.
    • The location parameter points to the location of file store.
    • The maxEntries parameter provides maximum number of entries allowed. The default value is -1 for unlimited entries.
    • The maxKeysInMemory parameter is used to speed up data lookup. The single file store keeps an index of keys and their positions in the file using the maxKeysInMemory parameter. The default value for this parameter is -1.
    <namedCache name="writeThroughToFile">
          <persistence passivation="false">
             <singleFile fetchPersistentState="true" 
  4. Add the async element to configure the asynchronous settings:
    • The enabled parameter determines whether the file store is asynchronous.
    • The threadPoolSize parameter specifies the number of threads that concurrently apply modifications to the store. The default value for this parameter is 5.
    • The flushLockTimeout parameter specifies the time to acquire the lock which guards the state to be flushed to the cache store periodically. The default value for this parameter is 1.
    • The modificationQueueSize parameter specifies the size of the modification queue for the asynchronous store. If updates are made at a rate that is faster than the underlying cache store can process this queue, then the asynchronous store behaves like a synchronous store for that period, blocking until the queue can accept more elements. The default value for this parameter is 1024 elements.
    • The shutdownTimeout parameter specifies the time to stop the cache store. Default value for this parameter is 25 seconds.
    <namedCache name="writeThroughToFile">
          <persistence passivation="false">
             <singleFile fetchPersistentState="true" 
                <async enabled="true" 

13.1.3. Migrating data from FileCacheStore to SingleFileCacheStore

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2 stores data in a different format than previous versions of JBoss Data Grid. As a result, the newer version of JBoss Data Grid cannot read data stored by older versions. Use rolling upgrades to upgrade persisted data from the format used by the old JBoss Data Grid to the new format. Additionally, the newer version of JBoss Data Grid also stores persistence configuration information in a different location.
Rolling upgrades is the process by which a JBoss Data Grid installation is upgraded without a service shutdown. In Library mode, it refers to a node installation where JBoss Data Grid is running in Library mode. For JBoss Data Grid servers, it refers to the server side components. The upgrade can be due to either hardware or software change such as upgrading JBoss Data Grid.
Rolling upgrades are available in JBoss Data Grid's Library and Remote Client-Server modes.

13.2. Remote Cache Stores

The RemoteCacheStore is an implementation of the cache loader that stores data in a remote Red Hat JBoss Data Grid cluster. The RemoteCacheStore uses the Hot Rod client-server architecture to communicate with the remote cluster.
For remote cache stores, Hot Rod provides load balancing, fault tolerance and the ability to fine tune the connection between the RemoteCacheStore and the cluster.

13.2.1. Remote Cache Store Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a sample remote cache store configuration for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.

Procedure 13.3. Configure the Remote Cache Store

The parameters of the remote-store element define the following information:
  1. The cache parameter defines the name for the remote cache. If left undefined, the default cache is used instead.
    <remote-store cache="default">
  2. The socket-timeout parameter sets whether the value defined in SO_TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) applies to remote Hot Rod servers on the specified timeout. A timeout value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.
    <remote-store cache="default" 
  3. The tcp-no-delay sets whether TCP_NODELAY applies on socket connections to remote Hot Rod servers.
    <remote-store cache="default" 
  4. The hotrod-wrapping sets whether a wrapper is required for Hot Rod on the remote store.
    <remote-store cache="default" 
  5. The single parameter for the remote-server element is as follows:
    1. The outbound-socket-binding parameter sets the outbound socket binding for the remote server.
    <remote-store cache="default" 
    	<remote-server outbound-socket-binding="remote-store-hotrod-server" />

13.2.2. Remote Cache Store Configuration (Library Mode)

Procedure 13.4. Remote Cache Store Configuration

The following is a sample remote cache store configuration for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.
  1. Configure the Persistence Element

    Create a persistence element, with the passivation set to false.
    <persistence passivation="false" />
  2. Create a remoteStore element within the persistence element to configure the attributes for the Remote Cache Store.
    <persistence passivation="false">
    	<remoteStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:remote:6.0"
    • Add the fetchPersistentState attribute. If set to true, the persistent state is fetched when the remote cache joins the cluster. If multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property set to true . The default for this value is false.
    • Add the shared attribute. This is set to true when multiple cache instances share a cache store, which prevents multiple cache instances writing the same modification individually. The default for this attribute is false.
    • Add the preload attribute. When set to true, the cache store data is pre-loaded into memory and becomes immediately accessible after starting up. The disadvantage of setting this to true is that the start up time increases. The default value for this attribute is false.
    • Add the ignoreModifications attribute. When set to true, this attribute prevents cache modification operations such as put, remove, clear, store, etc. from affecting the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache. The default value for this attribute is false.
    • Add the purgeOnStartup attribute. If set to true, the cache store is purged during the start up process. The default value for this attribute is false.
    • Add the tcpNoDelay attribute. If set to true, this triggers the TCP NODELAY stack. The default value for this attribute is true.
    • Add the pingOnStartup attribute. If set to true, a ping request is sent to a back end server to fetch the cluster topology. The default value for this attribute is true.
    • Add the keySizeEstimate attribute. This value is the class name of the driver user to connect to the database. The default value for this attribute is 64.
    • Add the valueSizeEstimate attribute. This value is the size of the byte buffers when serializing and deserializing values. The default value for this attribute is 512.
    • Add the forceReturnValues attribute. This attribute sets whether FORCE_RETURN_VALUE is enabled for all calls. The default value for this attribute is false.
  3. Create a servers element within the remoteStore element to set up the server information. Add a server element within the general servers element to add the information for a single server.
    <persistence passivation="false">
    	<remoteStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:remote:6.0"
    			<server host="" 
    • Add the host attribute to configure the host address.
    • Add the port attribute to configure the port used by the Remote Cache Store.
  4. Create a connectionPool element to the remoteStore element.
    <persistence passivation="false">
    	<remoteStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:remote:6.0"
    			<server host="" 
    		<connectionPool maxActive="99" 
    				maxTotal="98" />
    • Add a maxActive attribute. This indicates the maximum number of active connections for each server at a time. The default value for this attribute is -1 which indicates an infinite number of active connections.
    • Add a maxIdle attribute. This indicates the maximum number of idle connections for each server at a time. The default value for this attribute is -1 which indicates an infinite number of idle connections.
    • Add a maxTotal attribute. This indicates the maximum number of persistent connections within the combined set of servers. The default setting for this attribute is -1 which indicates an infinite number of connections.

13.2.3. Define the Outbound Socket for the Remote Cache Store

The Hot Rod server used by the remote cache store is defined using the outbound-socket-binding element in a standalone.xml file.
An example of this configuration in the standalone.xml file is as follows:
    <socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" 
        <outbound-socket-binding name="remote-store-hotrod-server">
            <remote-destination host="remote-host" 

13.3. Custom Cache Stores

Custom cache stores are a customized implementation of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid cache stores.


Custom Cache Stores are not supported in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.

13.3.1. Custom Cache Store Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for a custom cache store in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode:
<local-cache name="default"
     <store class="my.package.CustomCacheStore">
             <property name="customStoreProperty" value="10" />


To allow JBoss Data Grid to locate the defined class, create a module using the module of another (relevant) cache store as a template and add it to the module dependencies.


Custom Cache Stores are not supported in JBoss Data Grid.

13.3.2. Custom Cache Store Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for a custom cache store in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode:
	<store class="org.infinispan.custom.CustomCacheStore" 
			<property name="customStoreProperty" 
				  value="10" />


Custom Cache Stores are not supported in JBoss Data Grid.

13.4. About Asynchronous Cache Store Modifications

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, modifications to asynchronous cache stores are coalesced or aggregated for the interval that is being applied by the modification thread. This ensures that multiple modifications for the same key are detected, only the last state of the key is applied. This improves efficiency by reducing the number of calls to the cache store.

13.5. LevelDB Cache Store

LevelDB is a key-value storage engine that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
The LevelDB Cache Store uses two filesystem directories. Each directory is configured for a LevelDB database. One directory stores the non-expired data and the second directory stores the expired keys before a purge.

13.5.1. Configuring LevelDB Cache Store

Procedure 13.5. To configure LevelDB Cache Store:

  1. Obtain the leveldbjni-all-1.7.jar file from and copy it to the modules/system/layers/base/org/fusesource/leveldbjni-all/main directory.
  2. Modify the module.xml file to include JAR files in the resources:
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.fusesource.leveldbjni-all">
          <property name="jboss.api" value="private"/>
          <resource-root path="leveldbjni-all-1.7.jar"/>
            <!-- Insert resources here -->
  3. Add the following to a cache definition in standalone.xml to configure the database:
    <leveldb-store path="/path/to/leveldb/data"
        purge="false" >
        <expiration path="/path/to/leveldb/expires/data" />


The LevelDB library and JNI connector are not part of the JBoss Data Grid 6.2 distribution. To use the tested version, add the file leveldbjni-all-1.7.jar from to your JBoss Data Grid deployment.

13.5.2. LevelDB Cache Store Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample programmatic configuration of LevelDB Cache Store.

Procedure 13.6. LevelDB Cache Store programmatic configuration

  1. Create a New Configuration Builder

    Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
    Configuration cacheConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence()
  2. Add the LevelDBStoreConfigurationBuilder Store

    Add the store to the LevelDBCacheStoreConfigurationBuilder instance to build its configuration.
    Configuration cacheConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence()
  3. Set Up Location

    Set the LevelDB Cache Store location path. The specified path stores the primary cache store data. The directory is automatically created if it does not exist.
    Configuration cacheConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence()
  4. Set Up Expired Location

    Specify the location for expired data using the expiredLocation parameter for the LevelDB Store. The specified path stores expired data before it is purged. The directory is automatically created if it does not exist.
    Configuration cacheConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence()


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

13.5.3. LevelDB Cache Store Sample XML Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample XML configuration of LevelDB Cache Store.

Procedure 13.7. LevelDB Cache Store Sample XML Configuration

  1. Add the namedCache Element

    Specify the LevelDB Cache Store's name using the name parameter in the namedCache element as follows:
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
  2. Add the persistence Element

    Specify the value for passivation parameter in the persistence element as follows. Possible values are true and false.
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
        <persistence passivation="false">
  3. Add the leveldbStore Element

    Specify the location to store the primary cache store date using the location parameter in the leveldbStore element as follows. The directory is automatically created if it does not exist. The following is an example of this step:
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
          <persistence passivation="false">
              <leveldbStore location="/path/to/leveldb/data" />
  4. Set the Expired Value

    Specify the location for expired data using the expiredLocation parameter as follows. The directory stores expired data before it is purged. The directory is automatically created if it does not exist.
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
          <persistence passivation="false">
              <leveldbStore location="/path/to/leveldb/data"  
                         expiredLocation="/path/to/expired/data" />
  5. Set the Shared Parameter

    Specify the value for shared parameter in the leveldbStore element as follows. Possible values are true and false.
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
          <persistence passivation="false">
              <leveldbStore location="/path/to/leveldb/data"  
                         expiredLocation="/path/to/expired/data" shared="true" />
  6. Set the Preload Parameter

    Specify the value for preload parameter in the leveldbStore element as follows. Possible values are true and false.
    <namedCache name="vehicleCache">
          <persistence passivation="false">
              <leveldbStore location="/path/to/leveldb/data"  
                         expiredLocation="/path/to/expired/data" shared="true" preload="true"/>

Chapter 14. Datasource Management

14.1. About JDBC

The JDBC API is the standard that defines how databases are accessed by Java applications. An application configures a datasource that references a JDBC driver. Application code can then be written against the driver, rather than the database. The driver converts the code to the database language. This means that if the correct driver is installed, an application can be used with any supported database.
The JDBC 4.0 specification is defined here:
To get started with JDBC and datasources, see the section about JDBC Drivers.

14.2. Types of Datasources

The two general types of resources are referred to as datasources and XA datasources.
Non-XA datasources are used for applications which do not use transactions, or applications which use transactions with a single database.
XA datasources are used by applications whose transactions are distributed across multiple databases. XA datasources introduce additional overhead.
You specify the type of your datasource when you create it in the Management Console or Management CLI.

14.3. Using JDBC Drivers

14.3.1. Install a JDBC Driver as a Core Module


Before performing this task, you need to meet the following prerequisites:

Procedure 14.1. Install a JDBC Driver as a Core Module

  1. Create a file path structure under the EAP_HOME/modules/ directory. For example, for a MySQL JDBC driver, create a directory structure as follows: EAP_HOME/modules/com/mysql/main/.
  2. Copy the JDBC driver JAR into the main/ subdirectory.
  3. In the main/ subdirectory, create a module.xml file. The following is an example of a module.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.mysql">
        <resource-root path="mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar"/>
        <module name="javax.api"/>
        <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
  4. Start the Server.
  5. Start the Management CLI.
  6. Run the following CLI command to add the JDBC driver module as a driver:

    Example 14.1. Example CLI Command


The JDBC driver is now installed and set up as a core module, and is available to be referenced by application datasources.

14.3.2. JDBC Driver Download Locations

The following table gives the standard download locations for JDBC drivers of common databases used with JBoss EAP 6. These links point to third-party websites which are not controlled or actively monitored by Red Hat. For the most up-to-date drivers for your database, check your database vendor's documentation and website.
Table 14.1. JDBC driver download locations
Vendor Download Location

14.3.3. Access Vendor Specific Classes


This topic covers the steps required to use the JDBC specific classes. This is necessary when an application uses a vendor specific functionality that is not part of the JDBC API.


This is advanced usage. Only applications that need functionality not found in the JDBC API should implement this procedure.


This process is required when using the reauthentication mechanism, and accessing vendor specific classes.


Follow the vendor specific API guidelines closely, as the connection is being controlled by the IronJacamar container.

Procedure 14.2. Add a Dependency to the Application

    • Configure the MANIFEST.MF file

      1. Open the application's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in a text editor.
      2. Add a dependency for the JDBC module and save the file.
        Dependencies: MODULE_NAME

        Example 14.2. Example Dependency

        Dependencies: com.mysql
      1. Create a jboss-deployment-structure.xml file

        Create a file called jboss-deployment-structure.xml in the META-INF/ or WEB-INF folder of the application.

        Example 14.3. Example jboss-deployment-structure.xml file

              <module name="com.mysql" />

Example 14.4. Access the Vendor Specific API

The example below accesses the MySQL API.
import java.sql.Connection;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.WrappedConnection;

  Connection c = ds.getConnection();
  WrappedConnection wc = (WrappedConnection)c;
  com.mysql.jdbc.Connection mc = wc.getUnderlyingConnection();

14.4. Datasource Configuration

14.4.1. Datasource Parameters

Table 14.2. Datasource parameters common to non-XA and XA datasources
Parameter Description
jndi-name The unique JNDI name for the datasource.
pool-name The name of the management pool for the datasource.
enabled Whether or not the datasource is enabled.
Whether to bind the datasource to global JNDI.
Enable spy functionality on the JDBC layer. This logs all JDBC traffic to the datasource. Note that the logging category jboss.jdbc.spy must also be set to the log level DEBUG in the logging subsystem.
use-ccm Enable the cached connection manager.
new-connection-sql A SQL statement which executes when the connection is added to the connection pool.
One of the following:
url-delimiter The delimiter for URLs in a connection-url for High Availability (HA) clustered databases.
url-selector-strategy-class-name A class that implements interface org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.URLSelectorStrategy.
Contains child elements which are security settings. See Table 14.7, “Security parameters”.
Contains child elements which are validation settings. See Table 14.8, “Validation parameters”.
Contains child elements which are timeout settings. See Table 14.9, “Timeout parameters”.
Contains child elements which are statement settings. See Table 14.10, “Statement parameters”.
Table 14.3. Non-XA datasource parameters
Parameter Description
jta Enable JTA integration for non-XA datasources. Does not apply to XA datasources.
connection-url The JDBC driver connection URL.
driver-class The fully-qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
Arbitrary connection properties passed to the method Driver.connect(url,props). Each connection-property specifies a string name/value pair. The property name comes from the name, and the value comes from the element content.
Contains child elements which are pooling settings. See Table 14.5, “Pool parameters common to non-XA and XA datasources”.
Table 14.4. XA datasource parameters
Parameter Description
A property to assign to implementation class XADataSource. Specified by name=value. If a setter method exists, in the format setName, the property is set by calling a setter method in the format of setName(value).
The fully-qualified name of the implementation class javax.sql.XADataSource.
A unique reference to the classloader module which contains the JDBC driver. The accepted format is driverName#majorVersion.minorVersion.
Contains child elements which are recovery settings. See Table 14.11, “Recovery parameters”.
Table 14.5. Pool parameters common to non-XA and XA datasources
Parameter Description
min-pool-size The minimum number of connections a pool holds.
max-pool-size The maximum number of connections a pool can hold.
prefill Whether to try to prefill the connection pool. An empty element denotes a true value. The default is false.
use-strict-min Whether the pool-size is strict. Defaults to false.
Whether the pool is flushed in the case of an error. Valid values are:
  • FailingConnectionOnly
  • IdleConnections
  • EntirePool
The default is FailingConnectionOnly.
allow-multiple-users Specifies if multiple users will access the datasource through the getConnection(user, password) method, and whether the internal pool type accounts for this behavior.
Table 14.6. XA pool parameters
Parameter Description
is-same-rm-override Whether the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRM(XAResource) class returns true or false.
interleaving Whether to enable interleaving for XA connection factories.
Whether to create separate sub-pools for each context. This is required for Oracle datasources, which do not allow XA connections to be used both inside and outside of a JTA transaction.
Using this option will cause your total pool size to be twice max-pool-size, because two actual pools will be created.
pad-xid Whether to pad the Xid.
Whether to wrap the XAResource in an instance.
Table 14.7. Security parameters
Parameter Description
user-name The username to use to create a new connection.
password The password to use to create a new connection.
security-domain Contains the name of a JAAS security-manager which handles authentication. This name correlates to the application-policy/name attribute of the JAAS login configuration.
reauth-plugin Defines a reauthentication plug-in to use to reauthenticate physical connections.
Table 14.8. Validation parameters
Parameter Description
An implementation of interface org.jboss.jca.adaptors.jdbc.ValidConnectionChecker which provides a SQLException.isValidConnection(Connection e) method to validate a connection. An exception means the connection is destroyed. This overrides the parameter check-valid-connection-sql if it is present.
check-valid-connection-sql An SQL statement to check validity of a pool connection. This may be called when a managed connection is taken from a pool for use.
Indicates whether connection level validation is performed when a connection factory attempts to match a managed connection for a given set.
Specifying "true" for validate-on-match is typically not done in conjunction with specifying "true" for background-validation. Validate-on-match is needed when a client must have a connection validated prior to use. This parameter is false by default.
Specifies that connections are validated on a background thread. Background validation is a performance optimization when not used with validate-on-match. If validate-on-match is true, using background-validation could result in redundant checks. Background validation does leave open the opportunity for a bad connection to be given to the client for use (a connection goes bad between the time of the validation scan and prior to being handed to the client), so the client application must account for this possibility.
background-validation-millis The amount of time, in milliseconds, that background validation runs.
If true, fail a connection allocation on the first attempt, if the connection is invalid. Defaults to false.
An instance of org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionChecker which provides a Boolean isStaleConnection(SQLException e) method. If this method returns true, the exception is wrapped in an org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionException, which is a subclass of SQLException.
An instance of org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.ExceptionSorter which provides a Boolean isExceptionFatal(SQLException e) method. This method validates whether an exception is broadcast to all instances of javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener as a connectionErrorOccurred message.
Table 14.9. Timeout parameters
Parameter Description
use-try-lock Uses tryLock() instead of lock(). This attempts to obtain the lock for the configured number of seconds, before timing out, rather than failing immediately if the lock is unavailable. Defaults to 60 seconds. As an example, to set a timeout of 5 minutes, set <use-try-lock>300</use-try-lock>.
blocking-timeout-millis The maximum time, in milliseconds, to block while waiting for a connection. After this time is exceeded, an exception is thrown. This blocks only while waiting for a permit for a connection, and does not throw an exception if creating a new connection takes a long time. Defaults to 30000, which is 30 seconds.
The maximum time, in minutes, before an idle connection is closed. The actual maximum time depends upon the idleRemover scan time, which is half of the smallest idle-timeout-minutes of any pool.
Whether to set the query timeout based on the time remaining until transaction timeout. Any configured query timeout is used if no transaction exists. Defaults to false.
query-timeout Timeout for queries, in seconds. The default is no timeout.
allocation-retry The number of times to retry allocating a connection before throwing an exception. The default is 0, so an exception is thrown upon the first failure.
How long, in milliseconds, to wait before retrying to allocate a connection. The default is 5000, which is 5 seconds.
If non-zero, this value is passed to method XAResource.setTransactionTimeout.
Table 14.10. Statement parameters
Parameter Description
Whether to check for unclosed statements when a connection is returned to a pool and a statement is returned to the prepared statement cache. If false, statements are not tracked.
  • true: statements and result sets are tracked, and a warning is issued if they are not closed.
  • false: neither statements or result sets are tracked.
  • nowarn: statements are tracked but no warning is issued. This is the default.
prepared-statement-cache-size The number of prepared statements per connection, in a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache.
Whether asking for the same statement twice without closing it uses the same underlying prepared statement. The default is false.
Table 14.11. Recovery parameters
Parameter Description
recover-credential A username/password pair or security domain to use for recovery.
An implementation of the org.jboss.jca.core.spi.recoveryRecoveryPlugin class, to be used for recovery.

14.4.2. Datasource Connection URLs

Table 14.12. Datasource Connection URLs
Datasource Connection URL
Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@ORACLE_HOST:PORT:ORACLE_SID
Microsoft SQLServer jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://SERVER_NAME:PORT;DatabaseName=DATABASE_NAME

14.4.3. Datasource Extensions

Datasource deployments can use several extensions in the JDBC resource adapter to improve the connection validation, and check whether an exception should reestablish the connection. Those extensions are:
Table 14.13. Datasource Extensions
Datasource Extension Configuration Parameter Description
org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.ExceptionSorter <exception-sorter> Checks whether an SQLException is fatal for the connection on which it was thrown
org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.StaleConnection <stale-connection-checker> Wraps stale SQLExceptions in a org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionException
org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.ValidConnection <valid-connection-checker> Checks whether a connection is valid for use by the application
JBoss EAP 6 also features implementations of these extensions for several supported databases.

Extension Implementations

  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullExceptionSorter
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullStaleConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.JDBC4ValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLReplicationValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ExceptionSorter
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2StaleConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ValidConnectionChecker
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseExceptionSorter
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseValidConnectionChecker
Microsoft SQLServer
  • org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mssql.MSSQLValidConnectionChecker

14.4.4. View Datasource Statistics

You can view statistics from defined datasources for both the jdbc and pool using appropriately modified versions of the commands below:

Procedure 14.3. 

  • /subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS/statistics=jdbc:read-resource(include-runtime=true)


Ensure you specify the include-runtime=true argument, as all statistics are runtime only information and the default is false.

14.4.5. Datasource Statistics

Core Statistics

The following table contains a list of the supported datasource core statistics:

Table 14.14. Core Statistics
Name Description
The number of active connections. Each of the connections is either in use by an application or available in the pool
The number of available connections in the pool.
The average time spent blocking on obtaining an exclusive lock on the pool. The value is in milliseconds.
The average time spent creating a connection. The value is in milliseconds.
The number of connections created.
The number of connections destroyed.
The number of connections currently in use.
The maximum time it took to create a connection. The value is in milliseconds.
The maximum number of connections used.
The maximum number of requests waiting for a connection at the same time.
The maximum time spent waiting for an exclusive lock on the pool.
The number of timed out connections.
The total time spent waiting for an exclusive lock on the pool. The value is in milliseconds.
The total time spent creating connections. The value is in milliseconds.
The number of requests that had to wait for a connection.
JDBC Statistics

The following table contains a list of the supported datasource JDBC statistics:

Table 14.15. JDBC Statistics
Name Description
The number of times that the statement cache was accessed.
The number of statements added to the statement cache.
The number of prepared and callable statements currently cached in the statement cache.
The number of statements discarded from the cache.
The number of times that statements from the cache were used.
The number of times that a statement request could not be satisfied with a statement from the cache.

14.5. Example Datasources

14.5.1. Example PostgreSQL Datasource

Example 14.5. 

The example below is a PostgreSQL datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/PostgresDS" pool-name="PostgresDS">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="postgresql" module="org.postgresql">
The example below is a module.xml file for the PostgreSQL datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.postgresql">
    <resource-root path="postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.2. Example PostgreSQL XA Datasource

Example 14.6. 

The example below is a PostgreSQL XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/PostgresXADS" pool-name="PostgresXADS">
    <xa-datasource-property name="ServerName">localhost</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="PortNumber">5432</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="DatabaseName">postgresdb</xa-datasource-property>
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker">
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter">
    <driver name="postgresql" module="org.postgresql">
The example below is a module.xml file for the PostgreSQL XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.postgresql">
    <resource-root path="postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.3. Example MySQL Datasource

Example 14.7. 

The example below is a MySQL datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/MySqlDS" pool-name="MySqlDS">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="mysql" module="com.mysql">
The example below is a module.xml file for the MySQL datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.mysql">
    <resource-root path="mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.4. Example MySQL XA Datasource

Example 14.8. 

The example below is a MySQL XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/MysqlXADS" pool-name="MysqlXADS">
    <xa-datasource-property name="ServerName">localhost</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="DatabaseName">mysqldb</xa-datasource-property>
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="mysql" module="com.mysql">
The example below is a module.xml file for the MySQL XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.mysql">
    <resource-root path="mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.5. Example Oracle Datasource


Prior to version 10.2 of the Oracle datasource, the <no-tx-separate-pools/> parameter was required, as mixing non-transactional and transactional connections would result in an error. This parameter may no longer be required for certain applications.

Example 14.9. 

The example below is an Oracle datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:/OracleDS" pool-name="OracleDS">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name=""></valid-connection-checker>
      <stale-connection-checker class-name=""></stale-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name=""></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="oracle" module="">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Oracle datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="ojdbc6.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.6. Example Oracle XA Datasource


Prior to version 10.2 of the Oracle datasource, the <no-tx-separate-pools/> parameter was required, as mixing non-transactional and transactional connections would result in an error. This parameter may no longer be required for certain applications.


The following settings must be applied for the user accessing an Oracle XA datasource in order for XA recovery to operate correctly. The value user is the user defined to connect from JBoss to Oracle:
  • GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_pending_transactions TO user;
  • GRANT SELECT ON sys.pending_trans$ TO user;
  • GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_2pc_pending TO user;
  • GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_xa TO user; (If using Oracle 10g R2 (patched) or Oracle 11g)
    GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_system TO user; (If using an unpatched Oracle version prior to 11g)

Example 14.10. 

The example below is an Oracle XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:/XAOracleDS" pool-name="XAOracleDS">
    <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:oracle:oci8:@tc</xa-datasource-property>
      <no-tx-separate-pools />
      <valid-connection-checker class-name=""></valid-connection-checker>
      <stale-connection-checker class-name=""></stale-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name=""></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="oracle" module="">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Oracle XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="ojdbc6.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.7. Example Microsoft SQLServer Datasource

Example 14.11. 

The example below is a Microsoft SQLServer datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:/MSSQLDS" pool-name="MSSQLDS">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mssql.MSSQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
    <driver name="sqlserver" module="">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Microsoft SQLServer datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="sqljdbc4.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.8. Example Microsoft SQLServer XA Datasource

Example 14.12. 

The example below is a Microsoft SQLServer XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:/MSSQLXADS" pool-name="MSSQLXADS">
    <xa-datasource-property name="ServerName">localhost</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="DatabaseName">mssqldb</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="SelectMethod">cursor</xa-datasource-property>
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mssql.MSSQLValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
    <driver name="sqlserver" module="">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Microsoft SQLServer XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="sqljdbc4.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.9. Example IBM DB2 Datasource

Example 14.13. 

The example below is an IBM DB2 datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:/DB2DS" pool-name="DB2DS">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <stale-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2StaleConnectionChecker"></stale-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="ibmdb2" module="">

The example below is a module.xml file for the IBM DB2 datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="db2jcc4.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.10. Example IBM DB2 XA Datasource

Example 14.14. 

The example below is an IBM DB2 XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:/DB2XADS" pool-name="DB2XADS">
    <xa-datasource-property name="DatabaseName">ibmdb2db</xa-datasource-property>
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <stale-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2StaleConnectionChecker"></stale-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
      <recover-plugin class-name="org.jboss.jca.core.recovery.ConfigurableRecoveryPlugin">
        <config-property name="EnableIsValid">false</config-property>
        <config-property name="IsValidOverride">false</config-property>
        <config-property name="EnableClose">false</config-property>
    <driver name="ibmdb2" module="">
The example below is a module.xml file for the IBM DB2 XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">
    <resource-root path="db2jcc4.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="db2jcc_license_cu.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.11. Example Sybase Datasource

Example 14.15. 

The example below is a Sybase datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/SybaseDB" pool-name="SybaseDB" enabled="true">
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="sybase" module="com.sybase">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Sybase datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.sybase">
    <resource-root path="jconn2.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

14.5.12. Example Sybase XA Datasource

Example 14.16. 

The example below is a Sybase XA datasource configuration. The datasource has been enabled, a user has been added, and validation options have been set.
  <xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/SybaseXADS" pool-name="SybaseXADS" enabled="true">
    <xa-datasource-property name="NetworkProtocol">Tds</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="ServerName">myserver</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="PortNumber">4100</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="DatabaseName">mydatabase</xa-datasource-property>
      <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseValidConnectionChecker"></valid-connection-checker>
      <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.sybase.SybaseExceptionSorter"></exception-sorter>
    <driver name="sybase" module="com.sybase">
The example below is a module.xml file for the Sybase XA datasource above.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.sybase">
    <resource-root path="jconn2.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

Chapter 15. JDBC Based Cache Stores

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers several cache stores for use with common data storage formats. JDBC based cache stores are used with any cache store that exposes a JDBC driver. JBoss Data Grid offers the following JDBC based cache stores depending on the key to be persisted:
  • JdbcBinaryStore.
  • JdbcStringBasedStore.
  • JdbcMixedStore.

15.1. JdbcBinaryStores

The JdbcBinaryStore supports all key types. It stores all keys with the same hash value (hashCode method on the key) in the same table row/blob. The hash value common to the included keys is set as the primary key for the table row/blob. As a result of this hash value, JdbcBinaryStore offers excellent flexibility but at the cost of concurrency and throughput.
As an example, if three keys (k1, k2 and k3) have the same hash code, they are stored in the same table row. If three different threads attempt to concurrently update k1, k2 and k3, they must do it sequentially because all three keys share the same row and therefore cannot be simultaneously updated.

15.1.1. JdbcBinaryStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for JdbcBinaryStore using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode with Passivation enabled.

Procedure 15.1. Configure the JdbcBinaryStore for Remote Client-Server Mode

  1. The binary-keyed-jdbc-store Element

    The binary-keyed-jdbc-store element specifies the configuration for a binary keyed cache JDBC store.
    1. The datasource parameter defines the name of a JNDI for the datasource.
    2. The passivation parameter determines whether entries in the cache are passivated (true) or if the cache store retains a copy of the contents in memory (false).
    3. The preload parameter specifies whether to load entries into the cache during start up. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    4. The purge parameter specifies whether or not the cache store is purged when it is started. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
  2. The binary-keyed-table Element

    The binary-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store binary cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
    	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<binary-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
  3. The id-column Element

    The id-column element specifies information about a database column that holds cache entry IDs.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<binary-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
  4. The data-column Element

    The data-column element contains information about a database column that holds cache entry data.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<binary-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
                   		<data-column name="datum" 
  5. The timestamp-column Element

    The timestamp-column element specifies information about the database column that holds cache entry timestamps.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<binary-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
                   		<data-column name="datum" 
                  		<timestamp-column name="version" 

15.1.2. JdbcBinaryStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcBinaryStore:

Procedure 15.2. Configure the JdbcBinaryStore for Library Mode

  1. The binaryKeyedJdbcStore Element

    The binaryKeyedJdbcStore element uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether the persistent state is fetched when joining a cluster. Set this to true if using a replication and invalidation in a clustered environment. Additionally, if multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property enabled. If a shared cache store is used, the cache does not allow a persistent state transfer despite this property being set to true. The fetchPersistentState parameter is false by default.
    2. The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether operations that modify the cache (e.g. put, remove, clear, store, etc.) do not affect the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache.
    3. The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache store is purged when initially started.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
  2. The connectionPool Element

    The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the username used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
  3. The binaryKeyedTable Element

    The binaryKeyedTable element defines the table that stores cache entries. It uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The dropOnExit parameter specifies whether the database tables are dropped upon shutdown.
    2. The createOnStart parameter specifies whether the database tables are created by the store on startup.
    3. The prefix parameter defines the string prepended to name of the target cache when composing the name of the cache bucket table.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
  4. The idColumn Element

    The idColumn element defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
  5. The dataColumn Element

    The dataColumn element specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
  6. The timestampColumn Element

    The timestampColumn element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
    			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
    					 type="BIGINT" />

15.1.3. JdbcBinaryStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcBinaryStore:

Procedure 15.3. JdbcBinaryStore Programmatic Configuration (Library Mode)

  1. Create a New Configuration Builder

    Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  2. Add the JdbcBinaryStoreConfigurationBuilder

    Add the JdbcBinaryStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  3. Set Up Persistence

    fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  4. Set Modifications

    ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  5. Configure Purging

    purgeOnStartup specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  6. Configure the Table

    1. Set Drop Table On Exit Method

      dropOnExit determines if the table will be created when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. Set Create Table On Start Method

      createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. Set the Table Name Prefix

      tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. idColumnName

      The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. dataColumnName

      The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. timestampColumnName

      The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  7. The connectionPool Element

    The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the user name used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

15.2. JdbcStringBasedStores

The JdbcStringBasedStore stores each entry in its own row in the table, instead of grouping multiple entries into each row, resulting in increased throughput under a concurrent load. It also uses a (pluggable) bijection that maps each key to a String object. The Key2StringMapper interface defines the bijection.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes a default implementation called DefaultTwoWayKey2StringMapper that handles primitive types.

15.2.1. JdbcStringBasedStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a sample JdbcStringBasedStore for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode with Passivation enabled.

Procedure 15.4. Configure JdbcStringBasedStore in Remote Client-Server Mode

  1. The string-keyed-jdbc-store Element

    The string-keyed-jdbc-store element specifies the configuration for a string based keyed cache JDBC store.
    1. The datasource parameter defines the name of a JNDI for the datasource.
    2. The passivation parameter determines whether entries in the cache are passivated (true) or if the cache store retains a copy of the contents in memory (false).
    3. The preload parameter specifies whether to load entries into the cache during start up. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    4. The purge parameter specifies whether or not the cache store is purged when it is started. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    5. The shared parameter is used when multiple cache instances share a cache store. This parameter can be set to prevent multiple cache instances writing the same modification multiple times. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    6. The singleton parameter enables a singleton store cache store. SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used when only one instance in a cluster can interact with the underlying store.
    	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
  2. The string-keyed-table Element

    The string-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store string based cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
    	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
  3. The id-column Element

    The id-column element specifies information about a database column that holds cache entry IDs.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the ID column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the ID column.
    	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
  4. The data-column Element

    The data-column element contains information about a database column that holds cache entry data.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
    			<data-column name="datum" 
  5. The timestamp-column Element

    The timestamp-column element specifies information about the database column that holds cache entry timestamps.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
                   	<string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
                   		<id-column name="id" 
    			<data-column name="datum" 
    			<timestamp-column name="version" 

15.2.2. JdbcStringBasedStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore:

Procedure 15.5. Configure JdbcStringBasedStore in Library Mode

  1. The stringKeyedJdbcStore Element

    The stringKeyedJdbcStore element uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether the persistent state is fetched when joining a cluster. Set this to true if using a replication and invalidation in a clustered environment. Additionally, if multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property enabled. If a shared cache store is used, the cache does not allow a persistent state transfer despite this property being set to true. The fetchPersistentState parameter is false by default.
    2. The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether operations that modify the cache (e.g. put, remove, clear, store, etc.) do not affect the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache.
    3. The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    4. The key2StringMapper parameter specifies the class name of the Key2StringMapper used to map keys to strings for the database tables.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
  2. The connectionPool Element

    The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the user name used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
  3. The stringKeyedTable Element

    Add the stringKeyedTable element defines the table that stores cache entries. It uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The dropOnExit parameter specifies whether the database tables are dropped upon shutdown.
    2. The createOnStart parameter specifies whether the database tables are created by the store on startup.
    3. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true"
  4. The idColumn Element

    The idColumn element defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the ID column.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the ID column.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true"
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
  5. The dataColumn Element

    The dataColumn element specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the database column.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the database column.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true"
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
  6. The timestampColumn Element

    The timestampColumn element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true"
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
    			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
    					 type="BIGINT" />

15.2.3. JdbcStringBasedStore Multiple Node Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode. This configuration is used when multiple nodes must be used.

Procedure 15.6. JdbcStringBasedStore Multiple Node Configuration for Remote Client-Server Mode

  1. The string-keyed-jdbc-store Element

    The string-keyed-jdbc-store element specifies the configuration for a string based keyed cache JDBC store.
    1. The fetch-state parameter determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache when joining a cluster. If multiple cache stores are chained, only one of them can have this property enabled.
    2. The datasource parameter defines the name of a JNDI for the datasource.
    3. The passivation parameter determines whether entries in the cache are passivated (true) or if the cache store retains a copy of the contents in memory (false).
    4. The preload parameter specifies whether to load entries into the cache during start up. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    5. The purge parameter specifies whether or not the cache store is purged when it is started. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    6. The shared parameter is used when multiple cache instances share a cache store. This parameter can be set to prevent multiple cache instances writing the same modification multiple times. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    7. The singleton parameter enables a singleton store cache store. SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used when only one instance in a cluster should interact with the underlying store.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:5.2" default-cache-container="default">
    	<cache-container ... >
    	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
  2. The string-keyed-table Element

    The string-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store string based cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:5.2" default-cache-container="default">
    	<cache-container ... >
    	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
    	         <string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
  3. The id-column Element

    The id-column element specifies information about a database column that holds cache entry IDs.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the ID column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the ID column.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:5.2" default-cache-container="default">
    	<cache-container ... >
    	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
    	         <string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
    	             <id-column name="id" 
  4. The data-column Element

    The data-column element contains information about a database column that holds cache entry data.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:5.2" default-cache-container="default">
    	<cache-container ... >
    	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
    	         <string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
    	             <id-column name="id" 
    	             <data-column name="datum" 
  5. The timestamp-column Element

    The timestamp-column element specifies information about the database column that holds cache entry timestamps.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the timestamp column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the timestamp column.
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:5.2" default-cache-container="default">
    	<cache-container ... >
    	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
    	         <string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
    	             <id-column name="id" 
    	             <data-column name="datum" 
    	             <timestamp-column name="version"

15.2.4. JdbcStringBasedStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore:

Procedure 15.7. Configure the JdbcStringBasedStore Programmatically

  1. Create a New Configuration Builder

    Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  2. Add JdbcStringBasedStoreConfigurationBuilder

    Add the JdbcStringBasedStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  3. Set Up Persistence

    fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  4. Set Modifications

    ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  5. Configure Purging

    purgeOnStartup specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  6. Configure the Table

    1. Set Drop Table On Exit Method

      dropOnExit determines if the table will be created when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. Set Create Table On Start Method

      createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. Set the Table Name Prefix

      tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. idColumnName

      The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. dataColumnName

      The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. timestampColumnName

      The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  7. The connectionPool Element

    The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the username used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

15.3. JdbcMixedStores

The JdbcMixedStore is a hybrid implementation that delegates keys based on their type to either the JdbcBinaryStore or JdbcStringBasedStore.

15.3.1. JdbcMixedStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for a JdbcMixedStore for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode with Passivation enabled.

Procedure 15.8. Configure JdbcMixedStore in Remote Client-Server Mode

  1. The mixed-keyed-jdbc-store Element

    The mixed-keyed-jdbc-store element specifies the configuration for a mixed keyed cache JDBC store.
    1. The datasource parameter defines the name of a JNDI for the datasource.
    2. The passivation parameter determines whether entries in the cache are passivated (true) or if the cache store retains a copy of the contents in memory (false).
    3. The preload parameter specifies whether to load entries into the cache during start up. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    4. The purge parameter specifies whether or not the cache store is purged when it is started. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
                 <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
  2. The binary-keyed-table Element

    The binary-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store mixed cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
          <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
    	         <binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		                 <timestamp-column name="version" 
  3. The string-keyed-table Element

    The string-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store string based cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
          <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
    	         <binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		                 <timestamp-column name="version" 
                <string-keyed-table prefix="MIX_STR2">
  4. The id-column Element

    The id-column element specifies information about a database column that holds cache entry IDs.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the ID column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the ID column.
           <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
    	         <binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		                 <timestamp-column name="version" 
                <string-keyed-table prefix="MIX_STR2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
  5. The data-column Element

    The data-column element contains information about a database column that holds cache entry data.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the database column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the database column.
            <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
    	         <binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		                 <timestamp-column name="version" 
                     <string-keyed-table prefix="MIX_STR2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
  6. The timestamp-column Element

    The timestamp-column element specifies information about the database column that holds cache entry timestamps.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the timestamp column.
    2. The type parameter specifies the type of the timestamp column.
          <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
    	         <binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		                 <timestamp-column name="version" 
                     <string-keyed-table prefix="MIX_STR2">
                         <id-column name="id" 
    		                 <data-column name="datum" 
    		             <timestamp-column name="version" 

15.3.2. JdbcMixedStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the mixedKeyedJdbcStore:

Procedure 15.9. Configure JdbcMixedStore in Library Mode

  1. The mixedKeyedJdbcStore Element

    The mixedKeyedJdbcStore element uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether the persistent state is fetched when joining a cluster. Set this to true if using a replication and invalidation in a clustered environment. Additionally, if multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property enabled. If a shared cache store is used, the cache does not allow a persistent state transfer despite this property being set to true. The fetchPersistentState parameter is false by default.
    2. The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether operations that modify the cache (for example put, remove, clear, store, etc.) do not affect the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache.
    3. The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    4. The key2StringMapper parameter specifies the class name of the Key2StringMapper used to map keys to strings for the database tables.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
  2. The binaryKeyedTable and stringKeyedTable Elements

    The binaryKeyedTable and the stringKeyedTable element defines the table that stores cache entries. Each uses the following parameters to configure the cache store:
    1. The dropOnExit parameter specifies whether the database tables are dropped upon shutdown.
    2. The createOnStart parameter specifies whether the database tables are created by the store on startup.
    3. The prefix parameter defines the string prepended to name of the target cache when composing the name of the cache bucket table.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
  3. The idColumn Element

    The idColumn element defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored. It uses the following parameters:
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
  4. The dataColumn Element

    The dataColumn element specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
  5. The timestampColumn Element

    The timestampColumn element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    1. Use the name parameter to specify the name of the column used.
    2. Use the type parameter to specify the type of the column used.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
    			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
    					 type="BIGINT" />
  6. The string-keyed-table Element

    The string-keyed-table element specifies information about the database table used to store string based cache entries.
    1. The prefix parameter specifies a prefix string for the database table name.
    	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
    		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
    		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
    			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
    					 type="BIGINT" />
    		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
    			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
    				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
    			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
    				    type="BINARY" />
    			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
    					 type="BIGINT" />

15.3.3. JdbcMixedStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcMixedStore:

Procedure 15.10. Configure JdbcMixedStore Programmatically

  1. Create a New Configuration Builder

    Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  2. Add JdbcMixedStoreConfigurationBuilder

    Add the JdbcMixedStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  3. Set Up Persistence

    fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  4. Set Modifications

    ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  5. Configure Purging

    purgeOnStartup specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  6. Configure the Table

    1. Set Drop Table On Exit Method

      dropOnExit determines if the table will be created when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. Set Create Table On Start Method

      createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. Set the Table Name Prefix

      tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. idColumnName

      The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. dataColumnName

      The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. timestampColumnName

      The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  7. The connectionPool Element

    The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the username used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

15.4. Cache Store Troubleshooting

15.4.1. IOExceptions with JdbcStringBasedStore

An IOException Unsupported protocol version 48 error when using JdbcStringBasedStore indicates that your data column type is set to VARCHAR, CLOB or something similar instead of the correct type, BLOB or VARBINARY. Despite its name, JdbcStringBasedStore only requires that the keys are strings while the values can be any data type, so that they can be stored in a binary column.

Chapter 16. Cache Loaders

The cache loader provides Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's connection to a persistent data store. The cache loader retrieves data from a data store when the required data is not present in the cache. If a cache loader is extended, it can be used as a cache store and can copy the modified data to the data store.
Cache loaders are associated with individual caches. Different caches attached to the same cache manager can have different cache store configurations.

16.1. Cache Loaders and Cache Stores

JBoss Cache originally shipped with a CacheLoader interface and a number of implementations. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid has divided these into two distinct interfaces, a CacheLoader and a CacheStore. The CacheLoader loads a previously existing state from another location, while the CacheStore (which extends CacheLoader) exposes methods to store states as well as loading them. This division allows easier definition of read-only sources.
JBoss Data Grid ships with several high performance implementations of these interfaces.

16.2. Cache Loader Configuration

16.2.1. Configuring the Cache Loader

Cache loaders can be configured in a chain. Cache read operations will check each of the cache loaders in the order configured until a valid non-null element of data has been located. Write operations affect all cache loaders unless the ignoreModifications element has been set to "true" for a specific cache loader.

16.2.2. Configure the Cache Loader using XML

The following example demonstrates cache loader configuration using XML.

Procedure 16.1. Configure the Cache Loader Using XML

  1. Create a New Cache Loader

    Create a new cache loader, specifying passivation, shared, and preload settings.
    1. passivation affects the way in which Red Hat JBoss Data Grid interacts with loaders. Passivation removes an object from in-memory cache and writes it to a secondary data store, such as a system or database. Passivation is false by default.
    2. shared indicates that the cache loader is shared by different cache instances. For example, where all instances in a cluster use the same JDBC settings to talk to the same remote, shared database. shared is false by default. When set to true, it prevents duplicate data being written to the cache loader by different cache instances.
    3. preload is set to false by default. When set to true the data stored in the cache loader is preloaded into the memory when the cache starts. This allows data in the cache loader to be available immediately after startup and avoids cache operations delays as a result of loading data lazily. Preloaded data is only stored locally on the node, and there is no replication or distribution of the preloaded data. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid will only preload up to the maximum configured number of entries in eviction.
    <persistence passivation="false" shared="false" preload="true">
  2. Set Up Persistence and Purging

    1. fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
    2. purgeSynchronously controls whether expiration occurs in the eviction thread. When set to true, the eviction thread will block until the purge is finished, rather than bring returned immediately. The purgeSychronously property is set to false by default. If the cache loader supports multi-thread purge, purgeThreads are used to purge expired entries. purgeThreads is set to 1 by default. Check cache loader configuration to determine if multi-thread purge is supported.
    3. ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
    <persistence passivation="false" shared="false" preload="true">
               location="${}" />
  3. Asynchronous Settings

    These attributes configure aspects specific to each cache loader. For example, the location attribute points to where the SingleFileStore keeps files containing data. Other loaders may require more complex configuration.
    <persistence passivation="false" shared="false" preload="true">
               location="${}" >
               threadPoolSize="5" />
  4. Configure Singletons and Push States

    1. singletonStore enables modifications to be stored by only one node in the cluster. This node is called the coordinator. The coordinator pushes the caches in-memory states to disk. This function is activated by setting the enabled attribute to true in all nodes. The shared parameter cannot be defined with singletonStore enabled at the same time. The enabled attribute is false by default.
    2. pushStateWhenCoordinator is set to true by default. If true, this property will cause a node that has become the coordinator to transfer in-memory state to the underlying cache loader. This parameter is useful where the coordinator has crashed and a new coordinator is elected.
    <persistence passivation="false" shared="false" preload="true">
               location="${}" >
               threadPoolSize="5" />
               pushStateTimeout="20000" />

16.2.3. Configure the Cache Loader Programmatically

The following example demonstrates how to configure the cache loader programmatically.

Procedure 16.2. Configure the Cache Loader Programatically

  1. Create a New Configuration Builder

    Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  2. Set Passivation

    passivation affects the way Red Hat JBoss Data Grid interacts with loaders. Passivation removes an object from in-memory cache and writes it to a secondary data loader, such as a system or database. Passivation is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  3. Set Up Sharing

    shared indicates that the cache loader is shared by different cache instances. For example, where all instances in a cluster use the same JDBC settings to talk to the same remote, shared database. shared is false by default. When set to true, it prevents duplicate data being written to the cache loader by different cache instances.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  4. Set Up Preloading

    preload is set to false by default. When set to true the data stored in the cache loader is preloaded into the memory when the cache starts. This allows data in the cache loader to be available immediately after startup and avoids cache operations delays as a result of loading data lazily. Preloaded data is only stored locally on the node, and there is no replication or distribution of the preloaded data. JBoss Data Grid will only preload up to the maximum configured number of entries in eviction.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  5. Configure the Cache Loader

    addSingleFileStore() adds the SingleFileStore as the cache loader for this configuration. It is possible to create other stores, such as a JDBC Cache Store, which can be added using the addLoader method.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  6. Set Up Persistence

    fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache loader when joining the cluster. If the cache loader is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache loader. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  7. Set Up Purging

    purgeSynchronously controls whether expiration occurs in the eviction thread. When set to true, the eviction thread will block until the purge is finished, rather than bring returned immediately. The purgeSychronously property is set to false by default. If the cache loader supports multi-thread purge, purgeThreads are used to purge expired entries. purgeThreads is set to 1 by default. Check cache loader configuration to determine if multi-thread purge is supported.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  8. Set Modifications

    ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  9. Asynchronous Settings

    These attributes configure aspects specific to each cache loader. For example, the location attribute points to where the SingleFileStore will keep files containing data. Other loaders may require more complex configuration.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  10. Configure Singletons

    singletonStore enables modifications to be stored by only one node in the cluster. This node is called the coordinator. The coordinator pushes the caches in-memory states to disk. This function is activated by setting the enabled attribute to true in all nodes. The shared parameter cannot be defined with singletonStore enabled at the same time. The enabled attribute is false by default.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  11. Set Up Push States

    pushStateWhenCoordinator is set to true by default. If true, this property will cause a node that has become the coordinator to transfer in-memory state to the underlying cache loader. This parameter is useful where the coordinator has crashed and a new coordinator is elected.
    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

16.3. Shared Cache Loaders

A shared cache loader is a cache loader that is shared by multiple cache instances.
A cache loader is useful when all instances in a cluster communicate with the same remote, shared database using the same JDBC settings. In such an instance, configuring a shared cache loader prevents the unnecessary repeated write operations that occur when various cache instances attempt to write the same data to the cache loader.

16.3.1. Enable Shared Cache Loaders

Library Mode

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode, toggle cache loader sharing using the shared parameter within the loader element. This parameter is set to FALSE as a default. Enable cache loader sharing by setting the shared parameter to TRUE.

Remote Client-Server Mode

In JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, toggle cache loader sharing using the shared parameter within the store element. This parameter is set to FALSE as a default. Enable cache loader sharing by setting the shared parameter to TRUE. For example:

<jdbc-store shared="true">

16.3.2. Invalidation Mode and Shared Cache Loaders

When used in conjunction with a shared cache loader, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's invalidation mode causes remote caches to see the shared cache loader to retrieve modified data.
The benefits of using invalidation mode in conjunction with shared cache loaders include the following:
  • Compared to replication messages, which contain the updated data, invalidation messages are much smaller and result in reduced network traffic.
  • The remaining cluster caches look up modified data from the shared cache loader lazily and only when required to do so, resulting in further reduced network traffic.

16.3.3. The Cache Loader and Cache Passivation

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, a cache loader can be used to enforce the passivation of entries and to activate eviction in a cache. Whether passivation mode or activation mode are used, the configured cache loader both reads from and writes to the data store.
When passivation is disabled in JBoss Data Grid, after the modification, addition or removal of an element is carried out the cache loader steps in to persist the changes in the store.

16.3.4. Application Cacheloader Registration

It is not necessary to register an application cache loader for an isolated deployment. This is not a requirement in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid because lazy deserialization is used to work around this problem.

16.4. Connection Factories

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, all JDBC cache loaders rely on a ConnectionFactory implementation to obtain a database connection. This process is also known as connection management or pooling.
A connection factory can be specified using the ConnectionFactoryClass configuration attribute. JBoss Data Grid includes the following ConnectionFactory implementations:
  • ManagedConnectionFactory
  • SimpleConnectionFactory.

16.4.1. About ManagedConnectionFactory

ManagedConnectionFactory is a connection factory that is ideal for use within managed environments such as application servers. This connection factory can explore a configured location in the JNDI tree and delegate connection management to the DataSource. ManagedConnectionFactory is used within a managed environment that contains a DataSource. This Datasource is delegated the connection pooling.

16.4.2. About SimpleConnectionFactory

SimpleConnectionFactory is a connection factory that creates database connections on a per invocation basis. This connection factory is not designed for use in a production environment.

Part VII. Set Up Passivation

Chapter 17. Activation and Passivation Modes

Activation is the process of loading an entry into memory and removing it from the cache store. Activation occurs when a thread attempts to access an entry that is in the store but not the memory (namely a passivated entry).
Passivation mode allows entries to be stored in the cache store after they are evicted from memory. Passivation prevents unnecessary and potentially expensive writes to the cache store. It is used for entries that are frequently used or referenced and therefore not evicted from memory.
While passivation is enabled, the cache store is used as an overflow tank, similar to virtual memory implementation in operating systems that swap memory pages to disk.
The passivation flag is used to toggle passivation mode, a mode that stores entries in the cache store only after they are evicted from memory.

17.1. Passivation Mode Benefits

The primary benefit of passivation mode is that it prevents unnecessary and potentially expensive writes to the cache store. This is particularly useful if an entry is frequently used or referenced and therefore is not evicted from memory.

17.2. Configure Passivation

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, add the passivation parameter to the cache store element to toggle passivation for it:
	<file-store passivation="true"
		    ... />
In Library mode, add the passivation parameter to the loaders element to toggle passivation:
<persistence passivation="true"
         ... />

17.3. Eviction and Passivation

To ensure that a single copy of an entry remains, either in memory or in a cache store, use passivation in conjunction with eviction.
The primary reason to use passivation instead of a normal cache store is that updating entries require less resources when passivation is in use. This is because passivation does not require an update to the cache store.

17.3.1. Eviction and Passivation Usage

If the eviction policy caused the eviction of an entry from the cache while passivation is enabled, the following occur as a result:
  • A notification regarding the passivated entry is emitted to the cache listeners.
  • The evicted entry is stored.
When an attempt to retrieve an evicted entry is made, the entry is lazily loaded into memory from the cache loader. After the entry and its children are loaded, they are removed from the cache loader and a notification regarding the entry's activation is sent to the cache listeners.

17.3.2. Eviction Example when Passivation is Disabled

The following example indicates the state of the memory and the persistent store during eviction operations with passivation disabled.
Table 17.1. Eviction when Passivation is Disabled
Step Key in Memory Key on Disk
Insert keyOne Memory: keyOne Disk: keyOne
Insert keyTwo Memory: keyOne, keyTwo Disk: keyOne, keyTwo
Eviction thread runs, evicts keyOne Memory: keyTwo Disk: keyOne, keyTwo
Read keyOne Memory: keyOne, keyTwo Disk: keyOne, keyTwo
Eviction thread runs, evicts keyTwo Memory: keyOne Disk: keyOne, keyTwo
Remove keyTwo Memory: keyOne Disk: keyOne

17.3.3. Eviction Example when Passivation is Enabled

The following example indicates the state of the memory and the persistent store during eviction operations with passivation enabled.
Table 17.2. Eviction when Passivation is Enabled
Step Key in Memory Key on Disk
Insert keyOne Memory: keyOne Disk:
Insert keyTwo Memory: keyOne, keyTwo Disk:
Eviction thread runs, evicts keyOne Memory: keyTwo Disk: keyOne
Read keyOne Memory: keyOne, keyTwo Disk:
Eviction thread runs, evicts keyTwo Memory: keyOne Disk: keyTwo
Remove keyTwo Memory: keyOne Disk:

Part VIII. Set Up Cache Writing

Chapter 18. Cache Writing Modes

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid presents configuration options with a single or multiple cache stores. This allows it to store data in a persistent location, for example a shared JDBC database or a local file system. JBoss Data Grid supports two caching modes:
  • Write-Through (Synchronous)
  • Write-Behind (Asynchronous)

18.1. Write-Through Caching

The Write-Through (or Synchronous) mode in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid ensures that when clients update a cache entry (usually via a Cache.put() invocation), the call does not return until JBoss Data Grid has located and updated the underlying cache store. This feature allows updates to the cache store to be concluded within the client thread boundaries.

18.1.1. Write-Through Caching Benefits

The primary advantage of the Write-Through mode is that the cache and cache store are updated simultaneously, which ensures that the cache store remains consistent with the cache contents. This is at the cost of reduced performance for cache operations caused by the cache store accesses and updates during cache operations.

18.1.2. Write-Through Caching Configuration (Library Mode)

No specific configuration operations are required to configure a Write-Through or synchronous cache store. All cache stores are Write-Through or synchronous unless explicitly marked as Write-Behind or asynchronous. The following procedure demonstrates a sample configuration file of a Write-Through unshared local file cache store.

Procedure 18.1. Configure a Write-Through Local File Cache Store

  1. Identify the namedCache

    The name parameter specifies the name of the namedCache to use.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
  2. Configure the Cache Loader

    The shared parameter is used when multiple cache instances share a cache store. This parameter can be set to prevent multiple cache instances writing the same modification multiple times. Valid values for this parameter are true and false.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
  3. Specify the Loader Class

    The class attribute defines the class of the cache loader implementation.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
    		<store class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore"
  4. Configure the fetchPersistentState Parameter

    The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether the persistent state is fetched when joining a cluster. Set this to true if using a replication and invalidation in a clustered environment. Additionally, if multiple cache stores are chained, only one cache store can have this property enabled. If a shared cache store is used, the cache does not allow a persistent state transfer despite this property being set to true. The fetchPersistentState parameter is false by default.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
    		<store class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore" 
  5. Set the ignoreModifications Parameter

    The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether operations that modify the cache (e.g. put, remove, clear, store, etc.) do not affect the cache store. As a result, the cache store can become out of sync with the cache.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
    		<store class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore" 
  6. Configure Purge On Startup

    The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
    		<store class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore" 
  7. The property Element

    The property element contains information about properties related to the cache store.
    1. The name parameter specifies the name of the property.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <infinispan xmlns:xsi="" 
    	<global />
    	<default />
    	<namedCache name="persistentCache">
    		<persistence shared="false">
    		<store class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore" 
    					<property name="location" 
    						  value="${}" />

18.2. Write-Behind Caching

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Write-Behind (Asynchronous) mode, cache updates are asynchronously written to the cache store. Asynchronous updates ensure that cache store updates are carried out by a thread different from the client thread interacting with the cache.
One of the foremost advantages of the Write-Behind mode is that the cache operation performance is not affected by the underlying store update. However, because of the asynchronous updates, for a brief period the cache store contains stale data compared to the cache.

18.2.1. About Unscheduled Write-Behind Strategy

In the Unscheduled Write-Behind Strategy mode, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Data Grid attempts to store changes as quickly as possible by applying pending changes in parallel. This results in multiple threads waiting for modifications to conclude. Once these modifications are concluded, the threads become available and the modifications are applied to the underlying cache store.
This strategy is ideal for cache stores with low latency and low operational costs. An example of this is a local unshared file based cache store in which the cache store is local to the cache itself. Using this strategy the period of time where an inconsistency exists between the contents of the cache and the contents of the cache store is reduced to the shortest possible interval.

18.2.2. Unscheduled Write-Behind Strategy Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

To set the write-behind strategy in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, add the write-behind element to the target cache store configuration as follows:

Procedure 18.2. The write-behind Element

The write-behind element uses the following configuration parameters:
  1. The modification-queue-size Parameter

    The modification-queue-size parameter sets the modification queue size for the asynchronous store. If updates occur faster than the cache store can process the queue, the asynchronous store behaves like a synchronous store. The store behavior remains synchronous and blocks elements until the queue is able to accept them, after which the store behavior becomes asynchronous again.
    <file-store passivation="false" 
        <write-behind modification-queue-size="1024" />
  2. The shutdown-timeout Parameter

    The shutdown-timeout parameter specifies the time in milliseconds after which the cache store is shut down. When the store is stopped some modifications may still need to be applied. Setting a large timeout value will reduce the chance of data loss. The default value for this parameter is 25000.
    <file-store passivation="false" 
        <write-behind modification-queue-size="1024" 
                      shutdown-timeout="25000" />
  3. The flush-lock-timeout Parameter

    The flush-lock-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) to acquire the lock that guards the state to be periodically flushed. The default value for this parameter is 15000.
    <file-store passivation="false" 
        <write-behind modification-queue-size="1024" 
                      flush-lock-timeout="15000" />
  4. The thread-pool-size Parameter

    The thread-pool-size parameter specifies the size of the thread pool. The threads in this thread pool apply modifications to the cache store. The default value for this parameter is 5.
    <file-store passivation="false" 
        <write-behind modification-queue-size="1024" 
                      thread-pool-size="5" />

18.2.3. Unscheduled Write-Behind Strategy Configuration (Library Mode)

To enable the write-behind strategy of the cache entries to a store, add the async element to the store configuration as follows:

Procedure 18.3. The async Element

The async element uses the following configuration parameters:
  1. The modificationQueueSize parameter sets the modification queue size for the asynchronous store. If updates occur faster than the cache store can process the queue, the asynchronous store behaves like a synchronous store. The store behavior remains synchronous and blocks elements until the queue is able to accept them, after which the store behavior becomes asynchronous again.
        <fileStore location="${LOCATION}">
            <async enabled="true" 
                        modificationQueueSize="1024" />
  2. The shutdownTimeout parameter specifies the time in milliseconds after which the cache store is shut down. This provides time for the asynchronous writer to flush data to the store when a cache is shut down. The default value for this parameter is 25000.
        <fileStore location="${LOCATION}">
            <async enabled="true" 
                        shutdownTimeout="25000" />
  3. The flushLockTimeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) to acquire the lock that guards the state to be periodically flushed. The default value for this parameter is 15000.
        <fileStore location="${LOCATION}">
            <async enabled="true" 
                        flushLockTimeout="15000" />
  4. The threadPoolSize parameter specifies the number of threads that concurrently apply modifications to the store. The default value for this parameter is 5.
        <fileStore location="${LOCATION}">
            <async enabled="true" 

Part IX. Monitor Caches and Cache Managers

Chapter 19. Set Up Java Management Extensions (JMX)

19.1. About Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Java Management Extension (JMX) is a Java based technology that provides tools to manage and monitor applications, devices, system objects, and service oriented networks. Each of these objects is managed, and monitored by MBeans.
JMX is the de facto standard for middleware management and administration. As a result, JMX is used in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid to expose management and statistical information.

19.2. Using JMX with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid

Management in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instances aims to expose as much relevant statistical information as possible. This information allows administrators to view the state of each instance. While a single installation can comprise of tens or hundreds of such instances, it is essential to expose and present the statistical information for each of them in a clear and concise manner.
In JBoss Data Grid, JMX is used in conjunction with JBoss Operations Network (JON) to expose this information and present it in an orderly and relevant manner to the administrator.

19.3. JMX Statistic Levels

JMX statistics can be enabled at two levels:
  • At the cache level, where management information is generated by individual cache instances.
  • At the CacheManager level, where the CacheManager is the entity that governs all cache instances created from it. As a result, the management information is generated for all these cache instances instead of individual caches.


In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, statistics are enabled by default. While statistics are useful in assessing the status of JBoss Data Grid, they adversely affect performance and must be disabled if they are not required.

19.4. Enable JMX for Cache Instances

At the Cache level, JMX statistics can be enabled either declaratively or programmatically, as follows.
Enable JMX Declaratively at the Cache Level

Add the following snippet within either the <default> element for the default cache instance, or under the target <namedCache> element for a specific named cache:

<jmxStatistics enabled="true"/>
Enable JMX Programmatically at the Cache Level

Add the following code to programmatically enable JMX at the cache level:

Configuration configuration = ...

19.5. Enable JMX for CacheManagers

At the CacheManager level, JMX statistics can be enabled either declaratively or programmatically, as follows.
Enable JMX Declaratively at the CacheManager Level

Add the following in the <global> element to enable JMX declaratively at the CacheManager level:

<globalJmxStatistics enabled="true"/>
Enable JMX Programmatically at the CacheManager Level

Add the following code to programmatically enable JMX at the CacheManager level:

GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = ...

19.6. Disabling the CacheStore via JMX

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows the CacheStore to be disabled via JMX by invoking the disconnectSource operation on the RollingUpgradeManager MBean.

19.7. Multiple JMX Domains

Multiple JMX domains are used when multiple CacheManager instances exist on a single virtual machine, or if the names of cache instances in different CacheManagers clash.
To resolve this issue, name each CacheManager in manner that allows it to be easily identified and used by monitoring tools such as JMX and JBoss Operations Network.
Set a CacheManager Name Declaratively

Add the following snippet to the relevant CacheManager configuration:

<globalJmxStatistics enabled="true" cacheManagerName="Hibernate2LC"/>
Set a CacheManager Name Programmatically

Add the following code to set the CacheManager name programmatically:

GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = ...

19.8. MBeans

An MBean represents a manageable resource such as a service, component, device or an application.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides MBeans that monitor and manage multiple aspects. For example, MBeans that provide statistics on the transport layer are provided. If a JBoss Data Grid server is configured with JMX statistics, an MBean that provides information such as the hostname, port, bytes read, bytes written and the number of worker threads exists at the following location:


A full list of available MBeans, their supported operations and attributes, is available in the Appendix

19.8.1. Understanding MBeans

When JMX reporting is enabled at either the Cache Manager or Cache level, use a standard JMX GUI such as JConsole or VisualVM to connect to a Java Virtual Machine running Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. When connected, the following MBeans are available:
  • If Cache Manager-level JMX statistics are enabled, an MBean named jboss.infinispan:type=CacheManager,name="DefaultCacheManager" exists, with properties specified by the Cache Manager MBean.
  • If the cache-level JMX statistics are enabled, multiple MBeans display depending on the configuration in use. For example, if a write behind cache store is configured, an MBean that exposes properties that belong to the cache store component is displayed. All cache-level MBeans use the same format:
    In this format:
    • Specify the default name for the cache using the cache-container element's default-cache attribute.
    • The cache-mode is replaced by the cache mode of the cache. The lower case version of the possible enumeration values represents the cache mode.
    • The component-name is replaced by one of the JMX component names from the JMX reference documentation.
As an example, the cache store JMX component MBean for a default cache configured for synchronous distribution would be named as follows:
jboss.infinispan:type=Cache,name="default(dist_sync)", manager="default",component=CacheStore
Each cache and cache manager name is within quotation marks to prevent the use of unsupported characters in these user-defined names.

19.8.2. Registering MBeans in Non-Default MBean Servers

The default location where all the MBeans used are registered is the standard JVM MBeanServer platform. Users can set up an alternative MBeanServer instance as well. Implement the MBeanServerLookup interface to ensure that the getMBeanServer() method returns the desired (non default) MBeanServer.
To set up a non default location to register your MBeans, create the implementation and then configure Red Hat JBoss Data Grid with the fully qualified name of the class. An example is as follows:
To Add the Fully Qualified Domain Name Declaratively

Add the following snippet:

<globalJmxStatistics enabled="true" mBeanServerLookup="com.acme.MyMBeanServerLookup"/>
To Add the Fully Qualified Domain Name Programmatically

Add the following code:

GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = ...

Chapter 20. Set Up JBoss Operations Network (JON)

20.1. About JBoss Operations Network (JON)

The JBoss Operations Network (JON) is JBoss' administration and management platform used to develop, test, deploy and monitor the application life cycle. JBoss Operations Network is JBoss' enterprise management solution and is recommended for the management of multiple Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instances across servers. JBoss Operations Network's agent and auto discovery features facilitate monitoring the Cache Manager and Cache instances in JBoss Data Grid. JBoss Operations Network presents graphical views of key runtime parameters and statistics and allows administrators to set thresholds and be notified if usage exceeds or falls under the set thresholds.


In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, statistics are enabled by default. While statistics are useful in assessing the status of JBoss Data Grid, they adversely affect performance and must be disabled if they are not required.

20.2. Download JBoss Operations Network (JON)

20.2.1. Prerequisites for Installing JBoss Operations Network (JON)

In order to install JBoss Operations Network in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, the following is required:
  • A Linux, Windows, or Mac OSX operating system, and an x86_64, i686, or ia64 processor.
  • Java 6 or higher is required to run both the JBoss Operations Network Server and the JBoss Operations Network Agent.
  • Synchronized clocks on JBoss Operations Network Servers and Agents.
  • An external database must be installed.

20.2.2. Download JBoss Operations Network

Use the following procedure to download Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (JON) from the Customer Service Portal:

Procedure 20.1. Download JBoss Operations Network

  1. Access the Customer Service Portal

    Log in to the Customer Service Portal at
  2. Locate the Product

    Mouse over Downloads and navigate to JBoss Enterprise Middleware.
  3. Select the Product

    Select JBoss Operations Network for JDG from the menu.
  4. Download JBoss Operations Network

    • Select the latest version of JBoss Operations Network Base Distribution and click the Download link.
    • Select the latest JBoss Data Grid Plugin Pack for JBoss Operations Network and click the Download link.

20.2.3. Remote JMX Port Values

A port value must be provided to allow Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instances to be located. The value itself can be any available port.
Provide unique (and available) remote JMX ports to run multiple JBoss Data Grid instances on a single machine. A locally running JBoss Operations Network agent can discover each instance using the remote port values.

20.2.4. Download JBoss Operations Network (JON) Plugin

Complete this task to download the JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

Procedure 20.2. Download Installation Files

  1. Open in a web browser.
  2. Click Downloads in the menu across the top of the page.
  3. Click Downloads in the list under JBoss Enterprise Middleware.
  4. Enter your login information.
    You are taken to the Software Downloads page.
  5. Download the JBoss Operations Network Plugin

    If you intend to use the JBoss Operations Network plugin for JBoss Data Grid, select JBoss ON for JDG from either the Software Downloads drop-down box, or the menu on the left.
    1. Click the JBoss Operations Network VERSION Base Distribution download link.
    2. Click the Download link to start the Base Distribution download.
    3. Repeat the steps to download the JDG Plugin Pack for JBoss ON VERSION

20.3. JBoss Operations Network Server Installation

The core of JBoss Operations Network is the server, which communicates with agents, maintains the inventory, manages resource settings, interacts with content providers, and provides a central management UI.


For more detailed information about configuring JBoss Operations Network, see the JBoss Operations Network Installation Guide.

20.4. JBoss Operations Network Agent

The JBoss Operations Network Agent is a standalone Java application. Only one agent is required per machine, regardless of how many resources you require the agent to manage.
The JBoss Operations Network Agent does not ship fully configured. Once the agent has been installed and configured it can be run as a Windows service from a console, or run as a daemon or init.d script in a UNIX environment.
A JBoss Operations Network Agent must be installed on each of the machines being monitored in order to collect data.
The JBoss Operations Agent is typically installed on the same machine on which Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is running, however where there are multiple machines an agent must be installed on each machine.


For more detailed information about configuring JBoss Operations Network agents, see the JBoss Operations Network Installation Guide.

20.5. JBoss Operations Network for Remote Client-Server Mode

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, the JBoss Operations Network plug-in is used to
  • initiate and perform installation and configuration operations.
  • monitor resources and their metrics.
In Remote Client-Server mode, the JBoss Operations Network plug-in uses JBoss Enterprise Application Platform's management protocol to obtain metrics and perform operations on the JBoss Data Grid server.

20.5.1. Installing the JBoss Operations Network Plug-in (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following procedure details how to install the JBoss Operations Network plug-ins for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.
  1. Install the plug-ins

    • Copy the JBoss Data Grid server rhq plug-in to $JON_SERVER_HOME/plugins.
    • Copy the Wildfly 7 plug-in to $JON_SERVER_HOME/plugins.
    The server will automatically discover plug-ins here and deploy them. The plug-ins will be removed from the plug-ins directory after successful deployment.
  2. Obtain plug-ins

    Obtain all available plug-ins from the JBoss Operations Network server. To do this, type the following into the agent's console:
    plugins update
  3. List installed plug-ins

    Ensure the Wildfly 7 plug-in and the JBoss Data Grid server rhq plug-in are installed correctly using the following:
    plugins info
JBoss Operation Network can now discover running JBoss Data Grid servers.

20.6. JBoss Operations Network for Library Mode

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode, the JBoss Operations Network plug-in is used to
  • initiate and perform installation and configuration operations.
  • monitor resources and their metrics.
In Library mode, the JBoss Operations Network plug-in uses JMX to obtain metrics and perform operations on an application using the JBoss Data Grid library.

20.6.1. Installing the JBoss Operations Network Plug-in (Library Mode)

Use the following procedure to install the JBoss OperationsNetwork plug-in for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.

Procedure 20.3. Install JBoss Operations Network Library Mode Plug-in

  1. Open the JBoss Operations Network Console

    1. From the JBoss Operations Network console, select Administration.
    2. Select Agent Plugins from the Configuration options on the left side of the console.
    JBoss Operations Network Console for JBoss Data Grid

    Figure 20.1. JBoss Operations Network Console for JBoss Data Grid

  2. Upload the Library Mode Plug-in

    1. Click Browse, locate the InfinispanPlugin on your local file system.
    2. Click Upload to add the plug-in to the JBoss Operations Network Server.
    Upload the InfinispanPlugin.

    Figure 20.2. Upload the InfinispanPlugin.

  3. Scan for Updates

    1. Once the file has successfully uploaded, click Scan For Updates at the bottom of the screen.
    2. The InfinispanPlugin will now appear in the list of installed plug-ins.
    Scan for Updated Plug-ins.

    Figure 20.3. Scan for Updated Plug-ins.

  4. Import the Platform

    1. Navigate to the Inventory and select Discovery Queue from the Resources list on the left of the console.
    2. Select the platform on which the application is running and click Import at the bottom of the screen.
    Import the Platform from the Discovery Queue.

    Figure 20.4. Import the Platform from the Discovery Queue.

  5. Access the Servers on the Platform

    1. The jdg Platform now appears in the Platforms list.
    2. Click on the Platform to access the servers that are running on it.
    Open the jdg Platform to view the list of servers.

    Figure 20.5. Open the jdg Platform to view the list of servers.

  6. Import the JMX Server

    1. From the Inventory tab, select Child Resources.
    2. Click the Import button at the bottom of the screen and select the JMX Server option from the list.
    Import the JMX Server

    Figure 20.6. Import the JMX Server

  7. Enable JDK Connection Settings

    1. In the Resource Import Wizard window, specify JDK 5 from the list of Connection Settings Template options.
    Select the JDK 5 Template.

    Figure 20.7. Select the JDK 5 Template.

  8. Modify the Connector Address

    1. In the Deployment Options menu, modify the supplied Connector Address with the hostname and JMX port of the process containing the Infinispan Library.
    2. Specify the Principal and Credentials information if required.
    3. Click Finish.
    Modify the values in the Deployment Options screen.

    Figure 20.8. Modify the values in the Deployment Options screen.

  9. View Cache Statistics and Operations

    1. Click Refresh to refresh the list of servers.
    2. The JMX Servers tree in the panel on the left side of the screen contains the Infinispan Cache Managers node, which contains the available cache managers. The available cache managers contain the available caches.
    3. Select a cache from the available caches to view metrics.
    4. Select the Monitoring tab.
    5. The Tables view shows statistics and metrics.
    6. The Operations tab provides access to the various operations that can be performed on the services.
    Metrics and operational data relayed through JMX is now available in the JBoss Operations Network console.

    Figure 20.9. Metrics and operational data relayed through JMX is now available in the JBoss Operations Network console.

20.6.2. Manually Adding JBoss Data Grid Instances in Library Mode

To add Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instances to JBoss Operations Network manually, use the following procedure in the JBoss Operations Network interface.
  1. Select Resources > Platforms > localhost > Inventory.
  2. At the bottom of the page, open the drop-down menu next to the Manually Add section.
  3. Select Infinispan Cache Manager and click Ok.
  4. Select the default template on the next page.
  5. Manually add the JBoss Data Grid instance

    1. Enter both the JMX connector address of the new JBoss Data Grid instance you want to monitor, and the Cache Manager Mbean object name. For example:
      Connector Address:
    2. Object Name:


The object name remains the same, however the connector address varies depending on the host and the JMX port assigned to the new instance. In this case, instances require the following system properties at start up:

20.7. JBoss Operations Network Remote-Client Server Plugin

20.7.1. JBoss Operations Network Plugin Metrics

Table 20.1. JBoss Operations Network Traits for the Cache Container (Cache Manager)
Metric Name Display Name Description
cache-manager-status Cache Container Status The current runtime status of a cache container.
cluster-name Cluster Name The name of the cluster.
coordinator-address Coordinator Address The coordinator node's address.
local-address Local Address The local node's address.
Table 20.2. JBoss Operations Network Metrics for the Cache
Metric Name Display Name Description
cache-status Cache Status The current runtime status of a cache.
number-of-locks-available [LockManager] Number of locks available The number of exclusive locks that are currently available.
concurrency-level [LockManager] Concurrency level The LockManager's configured concurrency level.
average-read-time [Statistics] Average read time Average number of milliseconds required for a read operation on the cache to complete.
hit-ratio [Statistics] Hit ratio The result (in percentage) when the number of hits (successful attempts) is divided by the total number of attempts.
elapsed-time [Statistics] Seconds since cache started The number of seconds since the cache started.
read-write-ratio [Statistics] Read/write ratio The read/write ratio (in percentage) for the cache.
average-write-time [Statistics] Average write time Average number of milliseconds a write operation on a cache requires to complete.
hits [Statistics] Number of cache hits Number of cache hits.
evictions [Statistics] Number of cache evictions Number of cache eviction operations.
remove-misses [Statistics] Number of cache removal misses Number of cache removals where the key was not found.
time-since-reset [Statistics] Seconds since cache statistics were reset Number of seconds since the last cache statistics reset.
number-of-entries [Statistics] Number of current cache entries Number of entries currently in the cache.
stores [Statistics] Number of cache puts Number of cache put operations
remove-hits [Statistics] Number of cache removal hits Number of cache removal operation hits.
misses [Statistics] Number of cache misses Number of cache misses.
success-ratio [RpcManager] Successful replication ratio Successful replications as a ratio of total replications in numeric double format.
replication-count [RpcManager] Number of successful replications Number of successful replications
replication-failures [RpcManager] Number of failed replications Number of failed replications
average-replication-time [RpcManager] Average time spent in the transport layer The average time (in milliseconds) spent in the transport layer.
commits [Transactions] Commits Number of transaction commits performed since the last reset.
prepares [Transactions] Prepares Number of transaction prepares performed since the last reset.
rollbacks [Transactions] Rollbacks Number of transaction rollbacks performed since the last reset.
invalidations [Invalidation] Number of invalidations Number of invalidations.
passivations [Passivation] Number of cache passivations Number of passivation events.
activations [Activations] Number of cache entries activated Number of activation events.
cache-loader-loads [Activation] Number of cache store loads Number of entries loaded from the cache store.
cache-loader-misses [Activation] Number of cache store misses Number of entries that did not exist in the cache store.
cache-loader-stores [CacheStore] Number of cache store stores Number of entries stored in the cache stores.


Gathering of some of these statistics is disabled by default.
JBoss Operations Network Metrics for Connectors

The metrics provided by the JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid are for REST and Hot Rod endpoints only. For the REST protocol, the data must be taken from the Web subsystem metrics. For details about each of these endpoints, see the Getting Started Guide.

Table 20.3. JBoss Operations Network Metrics for the Connectors
Metric Name Display Name Description
bytesRead Bytes Read Number of bytes read.
bytesWritten Bytes Written Number of bytes written.


Gathering of these statistics is disabled by default.

20.7.2. JBoss Operations Network Plugin Operations

Table 20.4. JBoss ON Plugin Operations for the Cache
Operation Name Description
Clear Cache Clears the cache contents.
Reset Statistics Resets statistics gathered by the cache.
Reset Activation Statistics Resets activation statistics gathered by the cache.
Reset Invalidation Statistics Resets invalidations statistics gathered by the cache.
Reset Passivation Statistics Resets passivation statistics gathered by the cache.
Reset Rpc Statistics Resets replication statistics gathered by the cache.
Remove Cache Removes the given cache from the cache-container.
JBoss Operations Network Plugin Operations for the Cache Backups

The cache backups used for these operations are configured using cross-datacenter replication. In the JBoss Operations Network (JON) User Interface, each cache backup is the child of a cache. For more information about cross-datacenter replication, see Section 27.1, “About Cross-Datacenter Replication”

Table 20.5. JBoss Operations Network Plugin Operations for the Cache Backups
Operation Name Description
status Display the site status.
bring-site-online Brings the site online.
take-site-offline Takes the site offline.
Cache (Transactions)

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid does not support using Transactions in Remote Client-Server mode. As a result, none of the endpoints can use transactions.

20.7.3. JBoss Operations Network Plugin Attributes

Table 20.6. JBoss ON Plugin Attributes for the Cache (Transport)
Attribute Name Type Description
cluster string The name of the group communication cluster.
executor string The executor used for the transport.
lock-timeout long The timeout period for locks on the transport. The default value is 240000.
machine string A machine identifier for the transport.
rack string A rack identifier for the transport.
site string A site identifier for the transport.
stack string The JGroups stack used for the transport.

20.8. Monitor JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 Applications Using Library Mode

20.8.1. Prerequisites

  • A correctly configured instance of JBoss Operations Network (JON) 3.1.x or better.
  • A running instance of JBoss Operations Network (JON) Agent on the server where the application will run. For more information, see Section 20.4, “JBoss Operations Network Agent”
  • An operational instance of the RHQ agent with a full JDK. Ensure that the agent has access to the tools.jar file from the JDK in particular. In the JBoss Operations Network (JON) agent's environment file (bin/, set the value of the RHQ_AGENT_JAVA_HOME property to a full JDK.
  • The RHQ agent must have been initiated using the same user as the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance. As an example, running the JBoss Operations Network (JON) agent as a user with root privileges and the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform process under a different user does not work as expected and must be avoided.
  • An installed JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin for Library Mode. For more information, see Section 20.6.1, “Installing the JBoss Operations Network Plug-in (Library Mode)”
  • A custom application using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Library mode. This application must have jmxStatistics enabled (either declaratively or programmatically). For more information, see Section 19.4, “Enable JMX for Cache Instances”
  • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) must be configured to expose the JMX MBean Server. For the Oracle/Sun JDK, see
  • A correctly added and configured management user for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

20.8.2. Monitor an Application Deployed in Standalone Mode

Use the following instructions to monitor an application deployed in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 using its standalone mode:

Procedure 20.4. Monitor an Application Deployed in Standalone Mode

  1. Start the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Instance

    Start the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance as follows:
    1. Enter the following command at the command line to add a new option to the standalone configuration file (/bin/standalone.conf):
      JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.rhq.resourceKey=MyEAP"
    2. Start the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance in standalone mode as follows:
  2. Run JBoss Operations Network (JON) Discovery

    Run the discovery --full command in the JBoss Operations Network (JON) agent.
  3. Locate Application Server Process

    In the JBoss Operations Network (JON) web interface, the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 process is listed as a JMX server.
  4. Import the Process Into Inventory

    Import the process into the JBoss Operations Network (JON) inventory.
  5. Deploy the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Application

    Deploy the WAR file that contains the JBoss Data Grid Library mode application with globalJmxStatistics and jmxStatistics enabled.
  6. Optional: Run Discovery Again

    If required, run the discovery --full command again to discover the new resources.

The JBoss Data Grid Library mode application is now deployed in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform's standalone mode and can be monitored using the JBoss Operations Network (JON).

20.8.3. Monitor an Application Deployed in Domain Mode

Use the following instructions to monitor an application deployed in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 using its domain mode:

Procedure 20.5. Monitor an Application Deployed in Domain Mode

  1. Edit the Host Configuration

    Edit the domain/configuration/host.xml file to replace the server element with the following configuration:
    	<server name="server-one" group="main-server-group">
    		<jvm name="default">
    				<option value="-Dorg.rhq.resourceKey=EAP1"/>
    	<server name="server-two" group="main-server-group" auto-start="true">
    		<socket-bindings port-offset="150"/>
    		<jvm name="default">
    				<option value="-Dorg.rhq.resourceKey=EAP2"/>
  2. Start JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

    Start JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 in domain mode:
  3. Deploy the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Application

    Deploy the WAR file that contains the JBoss Data Grid Library mode application with globalJmxStatistics and jmxStatistics enabled.
  4. Run Discovery in JBoss Operations Network (JON)

    If required, run the discovery --full command for the JBoss Operations Network (JON) agent to discover the new resources.

The JBoss Data Grid Library mode application is now deployed in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform's domain mode and can be monitored using the JBoss Operations Network (JON).

20.9. JBoss Operations Network Plug-in Quickstart

For testing or demonstrative purposes with a single JBoss Operations Network agent, upload the plug-in to the server then type "plugins update" at the agent command line to force a retrieval of the latest plugins from the server.

20.10. Other Management Tools and Operations

Managing Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instances requires exposing significant amounts of relevant statistical information. This information allows administrators to get a clear view of each JBoss Data Grid node's state. A single installation can comprise of tens or hundreds of JBoss Data Grid nodes and it is important to provide this information in a clear and concise manner. JBoss Operations Network is one example of a tool that provides runtime visibility. Other tools, such as JConsole can be used where JMX is enabled.

20.10.1. Accessing Data via URLs

Caches that have been configured with a REST interface have access to Red Hat JBoss Data Grid using RESTful HTTP access.
The RESTful service only requires a HTTP client library, eliminating the need for tightly coupled client libraries and bindings.
HTTP put() and post() methods place data in the cache, and the URL used determines the cache name and key(s) used. The data is the value placed into the cache, and is placed in the body of the request.
A Content-Type header must be set for these methods. GET and HEAD methods are used for data retrieval while other headers control cache settings and behavior.


It is not possible to have conflicting server modules interact with the data grid. Caches must be configured with a compatible interface in order to have access to JBoss Data Grid.

20.10.2. Limitations of Map Methods

Specific Map methods, such as size(), values(), keySet() and entrySet(), can be used with certain limitations with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid as they are unreliable. These methods do not acquire locks (global or local) and concurrent modification, additions and removals are excluded from consideration in these calls. Furthermore, the listed methods are only operational on the local data container and do not provide a global view of state.
If the listed methods acted globally, it would result in a significant impact on performance and would produce a scalability bottleneck. As a result, it is recommended that these methods are used for informational and debugging purposes only.

Part X. Command Line Tools

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes command line tools for interacting with the caches in the data grid. The first of these tools is the Infinispan Command Line tool.

Chapter 21. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Command Line Interface (CLI) that is used to inspect and modify data within caches and internal components (such as transactions, cross-datacenter replication sites, and rolling upgrades). The JBoss Data Grid CLI can also be used for more advanced operations such as transactions.
The CLI consists of a server-side module and a client command tool. The server-side module (infinispan-cli-server-$VERSION.jar) includes an interpreter for commands and must be included in the application.

21.1. Start the CLI (Server)

Start the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI's server-side module with the standalone and cluster files. For Linux, use the or script and for Windows, use the standalone.bat or clustered.bat file.

21.2. Start the CLI (Client)

Start the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI client using the ispn-cli file at bin/. For Linux, run bin/ and for Windows, run bin/ispn-cli.bat.
When starting up the CLI client, specific command line switches can be used to customize the start up.

21.3. CLI Client Switches for the Command Line

The listed command line switches are appended to the command line when starting the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI command:
Table 21.1. CLI Client Command Line Switches
Short Option Long Option Description
-c --connect=${URL} Connects to a running Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instance. For example, for JMX over RMI use jmx://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]] and for JMX over JBoss Remoting use remoting://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]]
-f --file=${FILE} Read the input from the specified file rather than using interactive mode. If the value is set to - then the stdin is used as the input.
-h --help Displays the help information.
-v --version Displays the CLI version information.

21.4. Connect to the Application

Use the following command to connect to the application using the CLI:
[disconnected//]> connect jmx://localhost:12000


The port value 12000 depends on the value the JVM is started with. For example, starting the JVM with the command line parameter uses this port, but otherwise a random port is chosen. When the remoting protocol (remoting://localhost:9999) is used, the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid server administration port is used (the default is port 9999).
The command line prompt displays the active connection information, including the currently selected CacheManager.
Use the cache command to select a cache before performing cache operations. The CLI supports tab completion, therefore using the cache and pressing the tab button displays a list of active caches:
[[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/> cache
___defaultcache  namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/]> cache ___defaultcache
Additionally, pressing tab displays a list of valid commands for the CLI.

21.5. Stopping a Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Instance with the CLI

Library Mode

When running a Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instance in a container as a library mode deployment, the life cycle of JBoss Data Grid is bound to the life cycle of the user deployment.

Stop or undeploy the user deployment using you container's management interfaces. For example, in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, use the Management CLI. See the Management Interfaces chapter in the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Administration and Configuration Guide for more information.
Remote Client-Server Mode

A remote client-server JBoss Data Grid instance can be stopped using the following script:

jboss-datagrid-6.2.0-server/bin/init.d/ stop
Alternatively, you can use the kill commands directly:
kill -15 $pid # send the TERM signal
If after a period of time the PID is still there, use the following:
kill -9 $pid

21.6. CLI Commands

21.6.1. The abort Command

The abort command aborts a running batch initiated using the start command. Batching must be enabled for the specified cache. The following is a usage example:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> abort
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

21.6.2. The begin Command

The begin command starts a transaction. This command requires transactions enabled for the cache it targets. An example of this command's usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit

21.6.3. The cache Command

The cache command specifies the default cache used for all subsequent operations. If invoked without any parameters, it shows the currently selected cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache ___defaultcache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/___defaultcache]> cache

21.6.4. The clear Command

The clear command clears all content from the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> clear
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

21.6.5. The commit Command

The commit command commits changes to an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit

21.6.6. The container Command

The container command selects the default cache container (cache manager). When invoked without any parameters, it lists all available containers. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container
MyCacheManager OtherCacheManager
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container OtherCacheManager

21.6.7. The create Command

The create command creates a new cache based on the configuration of an existing cache definition. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> create newCache like namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache newCache

21.6.8. The disconnect Command

The disconnect command disconnects the currently active connection, which allows the CLI to connect to another instance. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> disconnect

21.6.9. The encoding Command

The encoding command sets a default codec to use when reading and writing entries to and from a cache. If invoked with no arguments, the currently selected codec is displayed. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding --list
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding hotrod

21.6.10. The end Command

The end command ends a running batch initiated using the start command. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

21.6.11. The evict Command

The evict command evicts an entry associated with a specific key from the cache. An example of it usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> evict a

21.6.12. The get Command

The get command shows the value associated with a specified key. For primitive types and Strings, the get command prints the default representation. For other objects, a JSON representation of the object is printed. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

21.6.13. The info Command

The info command displaysthe configuration of a selected cache or container. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> info
GlobalConfiguration{asyncListenerExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@98add58}, asyncTransportExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@7bc9c14c}, evictionScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@7ab1a411}, replicationQueueScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@248a9705}, globalJmxStatistics=GlobalJmxStatisticsConfiguration{allowDuplicateDomains=true, enabled=true, jmxDomain='jboss.infinispan',, cacheManagerName='local', properties={}}, transport=TransportConfiguration{clusterName='ISPN', machineId='null', rackId='null', siteId='null', strictPeerToPeer=false, distributedSyncTimeout=240000, transport=null, nodeName='null', properties={}}, serialization=SerializationConfiguration{advancedExternalizers={1100=org.infinispan.server.core.CacheValue$Externalizer@5fabc91d, 1101=org.infinispan.server.memcached.MemcachedValue$Externalizer@720bffd, 1104=org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ServerAddress$Externalizer@771c7eb2}, marshaller=org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller@6fc21535, version=52, classResolver=org.jboss.marshalling.ModularClassResolver@2efe83e5}, shutdown=ShutdownConfiguration{hookBehavior=DONT_REGISTER}, modules={}, site=SiteConfiguration{localSite='null'}}

21.6.14. The locate Command

The locate command displays the physical location of a specified entry in a distributed cluster. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> locate a

21.6.15. The put Command

The put command inserts an entry into the cache. If a mapping exists for a key, the put command overwrites the old value. The CLI allows control over the type of data used to store the key and value. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b 100
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put c 4139l
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put d true
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put e { "package.MyClass": {"i": 5, "x": null, "b": true } }
Optionally, the put can specify a life span and maximum idle time value as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10s
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10m maxidle 1m

21.6.16. The replace Command

The replace command replaces an existing entry in the cache with a specified new value. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b c
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b d
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

21.6.17. The rollback Command

The rollback command rolls back any changes made by an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> rollback

21.6.18. The site Command

The site command performs administration tasks related to cross-datacenter replication. This command also retrieves information about the status of a site and toggles the status of a site. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --offline NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --online NYC

21.6.19. The start Command

The start command initiates a batch of operations. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end

21.6.20. The stats Command

The stats command displays statistics for the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> stats
Statistics: {
  averageWriteTime: 143
  evictions: 10
  misses: 5
  hitRatio: 1.0
  readWriteRatio: 10.0
  removeMisses: 0
  timeSinceReset: 2123
  statisticsEnabled: true
  stores: 100
  elapsedTime: 93
  averageReadTime: 14
  removeHits: 0
  numberOfEntries: 100
  hits: 1000
LockManager: {
  concurrencyLevel: 1000
  numberOfLocksAvailable: 0
  numberOfLocksHeld: 0

21.6.21. The upgrade Command

The upgrade command implements the rolling upgrade procedure. For details about rolling upgrades, see the Rolling Upgrades chapter in the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Developer Guide.
An example of the upgrade command's use is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --synchronize=hotrod --all
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --disconnectsource=hotrod --all

21.6.22. The version Command

The version command displays version information for the CLI client and server. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> version
Client Version 5.2.1.Final
Server Version 5.2.1.Final

Part XI. Other Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Functions

Chapter 22. Set Up the L1 Cache

22.1. About the L1 Cache

The Level 1 (or L1) cache stores remote cache entries after they are initially accessed, preventing unnecessary remote fetch operations for each subsequent use of the same entries. The L1 cache is only available when Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's cache mode is set to distribution. In other cache modes any configuration related to the L1 cache is ignored.
When caches are configured with distributed mode, the entries are evenly distributed between all clustered caches. Each entry is copied to a desired number of owners, which can be less than the total number of caches. As a result, the system's scalability is improved but also means that some entries are not available on all nodes and must be fetched from their owner node. In this situation, configure the Cache component to use the L1 Cache to temporarily store entries that it does not own to prevent repeated fetching for subsequent uses.
Each time a key is updated an invalidation message is generated. This message is multicast to each node that contains data that corresponds to current L1 cache entries. The invalidation message ensures that each of these nodes marks the relevant entry as invalidated. Also, when the location of an entry changes in the cluster, the corresponding L1 cache entry is invalidated to prevent outdated cache entries.