3. Resolved Issues
3.1. BPMN2 Modeler 1.2.4.Final
- Bug 462928 - Latest commit on luna (changes from Flavio) make diagram unsaveable after reopening.
- Bug 466765 - Manual and Automatic Connection Routers cause NPE.
- Bug 466529 - Association link starting form message flow's message figure make diagram unsaveable
- Bug 462970 - SubProcess added via menu displayed on elements absorbs inner elements.
- RH Bug 1211611 - Duplicated column "Name" in list of errors
- RH Bug 1189454 - Multiple-Instance Loop Characteristics and process variables are not linked. Added a Java typespec field editor to support parameterized Java types.
- RH Bug 1213445 - User can't specify Interface for Service Task. Added ability to edit Interface name and implementation from ServiceTask, ReceiveTask and SendTask Operation editor.
- Bug 467747 - ObjectPropertyProvider does not cleanup it's resource
- Bug 471357 - target runtime refactoring
- BPMSPL-124 - Task metadata being improperly stored in I18NText database table.
- Bug 1253594 - Diagram Editor does not allow to use a variable for "called element" in CallActivity
- JBPM-4753 - Selection change handler in DesignEditor class should be filtering out events that do not apply to the current editor instance.
- Bug 477003 - UI should use EMF Enumerator class' getName() instead of literal value for string externalization.
- Bug 476672 - jBPM Process ID validation is incorrect
- RH Bug 1235689 - Custom Service Task is losing information after round-tripping from Web Designer to JBDS
- Bug 477103 - Incorrect use of "targetNamespace" to identify the Target Runtime of a bpmn2 file
- RH Bug 1263526 - Conditional boundary event can't be edited. Caused by a regression during TargetRuntime refactoring.
- Bug 479972 - fix palette viewer labels for translations
- Bug 480775 - DND of an Activity onto a Connection does not position the new Activity correctly
- Bug 479851 - Context menu Documentation Dialog does not store correct Documentation object
- RH Bug 1227392 - Second level sub-process connections not rendering correctly
- RH Bug 1265413 - Multi Instance subprocess not valid when validated
- RH Bug 1263551 - Missing General tab in 'Edit Lane' popup. This always forces the display of a Tab in the popup dialog, even if there is only one Tab.
- Bug 480881 - Morph element that involves a compound feature causes ClassCastException
- RH Bug 1211647 - Definition of 'Data Type' in 'Create New Error' dialog fails
- Bug 465939 - Call activity loop cause StackOverflowException
- Bug 464052 - Adding a 3rd Pool element is not working correctly when Full-Profile is active
- RH Bug 1218267 - Using escalation discards data type of process variable
- Bug 481761 - Regression: Message selection for MessageFlow should be a combo box
- RH Bug 1249658 - Input parameters of throw event affect process variables
- RH Bug 1232661 - Property "independent" is set to 'false' when CallActivity is created by jBDS
- Bug 482083 - bindAttribute - ObjectEditor is not working in some scenarios
- RH Bug 1188592 - Mapping Message from Receive Task to process variable
- Bug 485268 - The editor directly fetches the dtd from internet without looking into the XLM catalog
- JBTIS-471 - Updated license and provider for Red Hat/JBoss
- JBTIS-172 - Renamed the jBPM5 feature to just jBPM to avoid confusion
- JBPM-4860 - Can not save file because "No targetNamespace defined"
- RH Bug 1288044 - Scroll bar does not change size dynamically making content inaccessible
- Bug 486289 - NPE when adding list items
- RH Bug 1279289 - Multiple "None StartEvent"s should be validated by BPMN2 editor in JBDS
- RH Bug 1141619 - Boundary event should not be attached to Script Task in JBDS for jBPM
- Bug 486320 - Validation Error for an Property Fully qualified name
- Bug 429639 - Scan classpath for .wid/.conf files to add Custom Task to the palette
- Bug 486970 - Only Group name should be exposed by Group Property page for jBPM
- Bug 484071 - Drag and drop of call activity is corrupting the sequence flow
- Bug 483689 - ScriptTasks allow only 255 characters
- Bug 487503 - Switching from one editor to the other produces a SWTException
- RH Bug 1293238 - Not possible to add metadata entry
- Bug 393034 - Map Interface to ServiceTask
- Bug 488131 - Select All + Delete causes NPE when Boundary Event is involved
- Bug 488219 - 'I/O Parameters' tab not rendered correctly
- RH Bug 1309950 - MetaData Tag Introduces Bad Namespace
- RH Bug 1309953 - Improve property page redrawing by using a UIJob
- Bug 488503 - ResourcePropertyTester NPE prevents proper validation
- Bug 488792 - Tool Palette extension point not working as expected
- Bug 488717 - wrong layout of property tabs in property Dialog - createBindings() method
- Bug 488889 - MultInstanceLoopCharacteristics input and output data objects are not handled properly for Tasks
- Bug 489223 - Exception while opening bpmn Editor After Mars.2 Update
- Bug 489375 - Regression: Create Connection feature throws NPE when called from Java code
- Bug 489266 - Unable to add text annotation association
- Bug 489265 - Unable to add data object association
- Bug 489442 - Activity with Boundary Events not moved correctly when contained in a Group
- Bug 489441 - Multiline text fields behaving badly
- Bug 461614 - Unable to create/edit jBPM MetaData elements.
- Bug 489619 - bindAttribute did not work in case of copy and paste
- RH Bug 1308969 - Manual Task - missing data type for "task name" and "actor id"
- RH Bug 1188592 - Mapping Message from Receive Task to process variable.
- Bug 490300 - NPE thrown when WID files contain duplicate entries
3.2. Drools 6.4.1.Final
- DROOLS-1157 - New Drools/jBPM Project Wizards are broken
- DROOLS-1154 - Add drools runtime dialog doesn't support version naming of the product
- DROOLS-1153 - Version detection when adding drools runtime doesn't work
- DROOLS-1149 - Missing dependencies in new jBPM project
- DROOLS-1134 - Business central items are not visible in Kie navigator when other than default git path is used
- DROOLS-1133 - Drools project wizard does not provide an option for code compatible with Drools 6.1.x
- DROOLS-1132 - New Drools Project Wizard should automatically create a default Drools Runtime OOTB
- DROOLS-1079 - Kie navigator cannot show organizational units content
- DROOLS-1076 - Initial opening of kie navigator server properties shows error dialog
- DROOLS-911 - Kie Navigator does not recognize running EAP server
- DROOLS-910 - Kie Navigator Server Property dialog does not save user creds
3.3. Fuse 8.0.0.Beta2
- FUSETOOLS-1743 - Camel editor can't draw a route using a try catch finally
- FUSETOOLS-1682 - On Windows, provide a UI without border in "Edit Conditional breakpoint" dialog
- FUSETOOLS-1671 - Replace custom manual layout with automated layout system
- FUSETOOLS-1654 - Display error in Problem view without requiring manual "Validate" call
- FUSETOOLS-1630 - Provide information decorator on focus for properties having a description
- FUSETOOLS-1621 - An incomplete route is lost after saving
- FUSETOOLS-1620 - The whole route is lost if you manually corrupt the xml
- FUSETOOLS-1587 - Displays Error in Problems view
- FUSETOOLS-1586 - Sort properties in property sheets with mandatory at the top
- FUSETOOLS-1578 - Improve Expression and Dataformat properties UI
- FUSETOOLS-1562 - MavenUtils.java : NPE when versions are specified using Managed dependencies in parent Maven Module
- FUSETOOLS-1548 - Camel Context File node should be expandable into route nodes
- FUSETOOLS-1527 - Data transformation editor is not opened by dbl clicking on a transformation component
- FUSETOOLS-1512 - Fuse server adapter unable to save password
- FUSETOOLS-1504 - blueprint validation error after converting fuse project to jpa
- FUSETOOLS-1503 - Typing in text fields in New Transformation Wizard leads to unexpected results
- FUSETOOLS-1486 - Remove comparator from ModelViewer
- FUSETOOLS-1484 - Make use of collapsable figures for eips with children
- FUSETOOLS-1480 - Fuse tooling doesn't inform about wrong deployment
- FUSETOOLS-1474 - CNFE from JavaPage and OtherPage if class selected is not in project
- FUSETOOLS-1472 - Create preferences page
- FUSETOOLS-1470 - NPE changing property in function to one with different type
- FUSETOOLS-1469 - Make function dialog arg section look like table
- FUSETOOLS-1466 - Replace index dialog with editable fields with default indexes
- FUSETOOLS-1461 - Camel XML file is disturbed by loop flow
- FUSETOOLS-1453 - NewTransformationWizard should only display files in pickers with XML content
- FUSETOOLS-1423 - xml-to-json and starter example missing approvalCode in json schema
- FUSETOOLS-1417 - Camel parts disappear when editing Camel route from SwitchYard
- FUSETOOLS-1413 - provide a Camel on EAP archetype in new project wizard
- FUSETOOLS-1409 - switching between "design view" and "source view" rewrite camel context xml file
- FUSETOOLS-1406 - Transformation Editor remains open after project is deleted
- FUSETOOLS-1405 - Not visible error icons in New Fuse Transformation Wizard
- FUSETOOLS-1393 - Namespaces are removed by editor
- FUSETOOLS-1390 - upgrade to graphiti 0.12 in Mars from 0.11.2 in Luna broke the Camel editor
- FUSETOOLS-1389 - use new license feature
- FUSETOOLS-1383 - Cannot download Fuse runtime without deleting the downloaded archive
- FUSETOOLS-1371 - Route changes on save if using onException
- FUSETOOLS-1367 - Source content is lost after switch to Design tab (Camel Blueprint XML)
- FUSETOOLS-1365 - Keyboard navigation/shortcuts
- FUSETOOLS-1338 - Route Editor Diagram Grid Color does not work
- FUSETOOLS-1327 - Status of containers is not refreshed
- FUSETOOLS-1311 - Advanced tab in Properties view is sometimes linked to other component
- FUSETOOLS-1283 - Runtime JRE Environments displays wrong items
- FUSETOOLS-1276 - Refresh JMX Navigator cause problems (collapsing)
- FUSETOOLS-1255 - Extend the editor model for use with the data mapper
- FUSETOOLS-1247 - Graphical Editor: Split grouping not supported
- FUSETOOLS-1233 - New Project Wizard should open Camel Editor in Fuse Integration perspective
- FUSETOOLS-1225 - New page for global / context wide configurations on Camel Multipage Editor
- FUSETOOLS-1224 - introduce a collapsable route figure
- FUSETOOLS-1223 - Run as / Debug as Local Camel Context available on project
- FUSETOOLS-1221 - Add Search Filter to Camel Editor Tools Palette
- FUSETOOLS-1220 - No launcher is created after running a camel route
- FUSETOOLS-1200 - Make camel context file expandable node
- FUSETOOLS-1164 - do better handling with dirty flag
- FUSETOOLS-1101 - Fuse Tooling Route Editor does not follow user specified XML indentation
- FUSETOOLS-1097 - Switching between Source and Design change the source
- FUSETOOLS-1075 - Fuse project is created with errors (camel-component, camel-data-format)
- FUSETOOLS-949 - Create new Camel component - Wizard has no input fields for component name and class name
- FUSETOOLS-926 - From endpoints getting duplicated when camel route had <onCompletion> and or <interceptFrom>
- FUSETOOLS-884 - Camel editor weirdly indicates that the file has been changed
- FUSETOOLS-771 - GUI editor - May reorder multicast EIP
- FUSETOOLS-674 - GUI editor issue when using route scoped onException
- FUSETOOLS-427 - Fuse IDE settings - Front panel should have explanation text
- FUSETOOLS-308 - Content Based Router EIP - Should not accept multiple input arrows
- FUSETOOLS-259 - Aggregate EIP - Adds by default empty correlation expression in generated source
- FUSETOOLS-189 - Properties panel for EIP - Ordering of options
3.4. SwitchYard 2.1.0.Beta3
- SWITCHYARD-2872 - Update bpm tooling to match upstream bpmn2 modeler changes
- SWITCHYARD-2767 - SY Editor throws NPE at startup with already open diagram
3.5. Teiid Designer 10.0.0.Beta3
- TEIIDDES-2783 - Need to add support for parsing OPTIONS in procedure statements
- TEIIDDES-2775 - Provide automated way to convert a old functional model into relational model
- TEIIDDES-2771 - Cannot edit Native Type extension property for procedure parameter with OUT direction
- TEIIDDES-2770 - Illegal argument exception opening function builder with projected "constant"
- TEIIDDES-2769 - NPE when trying to edit a Data Role created in older teiid designer version
- TEIIDDES-2768 - Transform from Source Model" doesn't copy Descriptions to new view model
- TEIIDDES-2767 - Illegal argument exception if explorer context menu launched prior to explorer view fully functional
- TEIIDDES-2766 - Remove CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE from built-in templates
- TEIIDDES-2764 - Change DDL importer framework to use refactored Teiid DDL parser source
- TEIIDDES-2763 - User cannot delete last parameter on REST connection profile while editing
- TEIIDDES-2750 - Cannot launch the Create Data Source in the Guides
- TEIIDDES-2745 - Extension properties not imported from dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-2743 - Return parameter not created when importing UDF from dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-2738 - REST procedure not imported correctly from dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-2736 - Expose all the materialized properties that Teiid supports for configuration
- TEIIDDES-2723 - Properties lost when importing from dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-2722 - User Defined properties are exported in each model in Dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-2719 - DDL for UDF in exported dynamic VDB contains RETURN parameter
- TEIIDDES-2711 - WS Create Operation - Wrong Label Name For Output Message
- TEIIDDES-2710 - WS Create Operation Wizard - Creating a method with no input message
- TEIIDDES-2709 - REST WAR Generation - Index.html contains wrong View name in url
- TEIIDDES-2706 - Constraint value ignored in Row Filter dialog
- TEIIDDES-2700 - DDL Export logic does not add non-relational extension properties to the DDL OPTIONS() clause
- TEIIDDES-2674 - When deleting project with read-only model TD produces 4 warnings instead of 1
- TEIIDDES-2644 - Cannot launch the Create View Table Wizard in Create multi-source VDB Cheat Sheets.
- TEIIDDES-2641 - Copying Model problem
- TEIIDDES-2625 - User can access import dialogues after clicking "Cancel" in New project dialogue
- TEIIDDES-260 - Add some default values to importer properties in Teiid Connection Importer
- TEIIDDES-2600 - DDL Importer does not yet support GLOBAL or LOCAL TEMP TABLE
- TEIIDDES-2589 - The model extension definition "relational" found in model is a different version than the one in the registry.
- TEIIDDES-2558 - Unable to import attached DDL, invalid cardinality
- TEIIDDES-2493 - Check for spaces in the parent directory Flat File connection importer
- TEIIDDES-2469 - [Usability] Problem importing SOAP web service via URL
- TEIIDDES-2437 - Enable specifying VDB Version when using VDB RE-USE feature
- TEIIDDES-2435 - [Usability] The default user when connecting to server should be blanked out
- TEIIDDES-2427 - Add Geometry Type
- TEIIDDES-2414 - Large transformation SQL is not exported to INDEX file.
- TEIIDDES-2389 - Add ui support for whole texttable no trim
- TEIIDDES-2152 - Adding source table with quoted name results in wrong generated SQL statement