3.0.3 Release Notes
Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3
Release Notes for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3
These release notes contain important information related to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3.0. Read these Release Notes in their entirety before installing JBoss Web Server 3.0.3
1. Introduction to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3
Welcome to Red Hat JBoss Web Server, formerly known as JBoss Enterprise Web Server. These Release Notes detail information about new features, as well as known and resolved issues. Use this document in conjunction with the entire JBoss Web Server 3 documentation suite, available on the Red Hat Customer Portal: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/.
1.1. About Red Hat JBoss Web Server
Red Hat JBoss Web Server is a fully integrated and certified set of components for hosting Java web applications. It is comprised of a web server (Apache HTTP Server), application server (Apache Tomcat Servlet container), load balancers (mod_jk and mod_cluster), and the Tomcat Native Library.
2. New Features
The following is a list of new and updated features available in Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3:
- Inclusion of Tomcat 8.
- Apache HTTP Server has been updated to version 2.4.
- Updated version of Tomcat 7.
- Updated version of Hibernate.
- Updated version of mod_cluster.
- Support for Java 8.
- The addition of mod_security for Apache HTTP Server.
- FIPS 140/140-2 compatibility on Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms.
3. Supported Operating Systems and Configurations
For information on supported operating systems and configurations for Red Hat JBoss Web Server, see https://access.redhat.com/articles/1377603.
4. Changes and Resolved Issues
- JWS-319 - Periodic 400s on keepalive http connections
- JWS-304 - Restrict another manager servlet - CVE-2016-0706 low
- JWS-303 - Avoid useless session creation for manager webapps - CVE-2015-5351 moderate
- JWS-302 - Path parameters handling in Request.getContextPath
- JWS-290 - ASF Bug 57621 - RE: Chunked encoding bug in tomcat embedded/spring MVC
- JWS-287 - README.CVE-2007-1355.tomcat8 patch refers to Tomcat7
- JWS-279 - CheckCaseOnly On does not stop Multiple Choices based on common basename
- JWS-277 - Welcome File processing refactoring - CVE-2015-5345 low
- JWS-276 - Welcome File processing refactoring - CVE-2015-5345 low
- JWS-272 - User submitted session ID
- JWS-271 - User submitted session ID
- JWS-203 - RHEL: mod_security: lua scripts not supported
- JWS-183 - Use of ProxyErrorOverride causes slow response time for error status code (4xx)
5. Known Issues
- JWS-398 - Solaris 11: Apache HTTP Server SSLProxyEngine: [proxy_http:error] End of file found
- JWS-365 - Socked bind failed on link-local [IPV6]
- JWS-364 - LD_LIBRARY_PATH entries exported in unix session are overriden in apachectl script
- JWS-362 - ProxyErrorOverride=On causes workers in error state after 500 errors
- JWS-360 - LDAP authentized connection with mod_authnz_ldap SSL connection not estabilished
- JWS-357 - [ASF BZ 59247] Security manager not working [Tomcat, IBM JDK]
- JWS-325 - Ssl handshake error with LDAP secure
- JWS-285 - Websocket deadlock on unexpected connection close
- JWS-284 - Websocket deadlock on unexpected connection close
- JWS-254 - StickySessions don't work in mod_cluster for ProxyPass from unenabled context
- JWS-250 - /error/noindex.html is missing
- JWS-221 - CVE-2012-1148 CVE-2012-0876 expat: various flaws [jbews-3.0.0]
- JWS-204 - Solaris tomcat bin contains wrong commons-daemon.jar symlink
- JWS-186 - [ASF BZ 48674] /host-manager application doesn't persist newly created virtual hosts
- JWS-185 - IPv6 :: address slowing down Tomcat6/7 on MS Windows
- JWS-165 - ASF Bug 57592 - numberwriter example: Response status 500, asyncOperation() not valid for request with state DISPATCHED Correctly handle the case where an AsyncContext is used for non-blocking I/O and is completed during a write operation.
- JWS-156 - replace init scripts for tomcat7 and 8 on RHEL7 by systemd units
- JWS-132 - JON Tomcat: NullPointerException when Tomcat Web Application (WAR) config change
- JWS-126 - JON Httpd: Windows: Httpd server can't be stopped
- JWS-125 - JON Httpd: Update configuration of An IfModule updates conf files and apache can't be restarted
- JWS-124 - JON Httpd: IfModule can't be created
- JWS-123 - JON Httpd: Directory inventory empty
- JWS-122 - JON Httpd: Creation of Directory does not create directory in FS + dir. duplicites shown in JON
- JWS-120 - JON Httpd: start failed after configuration new Listen port in JON
- JWS-109 - hibernate c3p0 mchange-commons-java raises error on IBMJDK
- JWS-99 - httpd apxs utility needs EWS_HOME var. set
- JWS-87 - JWS: VirtualHosts share pointer to mod_proxy configuration, results in: CreateBalancers behave the same with option 0 or 2
- JWS-86 - Upgrading Tomcat plugin, metric names not updated
- JWS-68 - Windows: Tomcat7/8 - catalina.out contains warning and errors (after shutdown)
- JWS-67 - Windows: Tomcat8 WebDAV move operation fails
- JWS-63 - Tomcat mod_cluster integration does not allow one to choose a connector
- JWS-61 - Tomcat7/8 breaks session stickyness with ;jsessionid= followed by /
- JWS-54 - JON Tomcat8: Not discovered default web app config values
- JWS-27 - Windows: private key before PEM certificate causes Segfault
- JWS-8 - Apache configuration cannot be retrieved in case when Augeas is enabled but /tmp folder has "no exec" permissions (edit)
- JWS-7 - Mask or encrypt keystore passwords used in the tomcat server.xml
- JWS-6 - hibernate c3p0 mchange-commons-java raises error on IBMJDK
A. Revision History
Revision History | |||
Revision 3.0.3-4 | Friday 06 May 2016 | ||
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