
What’s new in cost management

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Cost Management Service 1-latest

Learn about new features and updates

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Learn about important updates and features in cost management. Cost management is part of the Red Hat Insights portfolio of services. The Red Hat Insights suite of advanced analytical tools helps you to identify and prioritize impacts on your operations, security, and business.


These following updates highlight the latest features and improvements in cost management. For information about what is new in other parts of Red Hat Insights, see the Red Hat Insights release notes.

Chapter 1. August 2024

1.1. Major updates to Azure integrations

Based on customer feedback, the instructions for how to create an integration with Microsoft Azure were updated. The new version of the documentation reflects the latest changes to the Azure UI and aims to resolve customer pain points by being more clear and easy to follow.

There are two options when you create an integration: a basic path where you use unfiltered data, and an advanced path with filtered data. The instructions for both sections are updated.

To learn more about Azure and explore the new updates, go to Integrating Microsoft Azure data into cost management.

1.2. Attribute the cost of node attached storage to OpenShift Projects

Unattributed Storage is a type of project that gets created when cost management is unable to correlate a portion of the cloud cost to an OpenShift namespace.

There are two scenarios where Unattributed Storage can happen:

  1. Volumes without a claim

    • A persistent volume (PV) exists, but there are no persistent volume claims (PVCs) that use the volume. Without a claim, the cloud cost cannot be associated with a node or namespace.
  2. Unutilized disk space

    • In some situations, cost management creates its own project because it cannot determine which project should be charged with the money from Azure.

To learn more about how to calculate Unattributed Storage in Azure, see Unattributed Storage project for Azure.

Chapter 2. June 2024

2.1. Node networking costs for OpenShift on cloud

Costs associated with ingress and egress network traffic for individual nodes are now separated. A new project called network unattributed shows costs related to network traffic. You can use a cost model to distribute theses network costs in a similar way to platform and worker unallocated costs.

2.2. Default to AWS savings plan

If you have an AWS savings plan for the EC2 instances running on OpenShift nodes, cost management uses the savings plan cost by default.

Chapter 3. April 2024

3.1. Cluster info

Customers noticed that cloud and OpenShift costs in cost management do not always match the data that is in the cloud provider’s console. Most of the time, this discrepancy is because there is a missing integration between the Hybrid Cloud Console and either the OpenShift cluster, or the cloud customer account. This missing integration creates discrepancies in billing and cluster data.

To help solve this discrepancy, we added two new views in the OpenShift details page of cost management:

  • The Cluster information view shows details about your cluster such as the cluster ID, the Cost Management Metrics Operator version and if there is an update available, and links to your integrations.
  • The Data details view shows your data processing states. These states inform you if data is already processed, is currently processing, or has errors. If you have a linked cloud integration for a cluster, it also displays the processing states for supported clouds.

3.2. Tag mapping

You can now unify your tags by mapping ones that have similar or related meanings. This functionality offers greater flexibility and control over how you categorize and track your resources. Tag mapping reduces complexity, helps you have accurate reporting and analysis, and enhances consistency across your resources.

For example, imagine that you are tracking your environment spending across different platforms, each with its own naming conventions:


  • GCP
  • OpenShift
  • AWS

Variations in your key values:

  • env
  • environment
  • Environment

With the tag mapping feature, you can seamlessly convert these key values under a single expected key, such as environment, to ensure that you are consistent in tracking your spending.

To learn about tag mapping, see Enabling and creating a tag mapping.

Chapter 4. March 2024

4.1. IBM Power®, IBM Z, IBM LinuxONE, and ARM Support

The Cost Management Metrics Operator is now supported on IBM Power® (ppc64le), IBM Z® (s390x), IBM® LinuxONE (s390x), and ARM (aarch64) architectures. Cost management for OpenShift on IBM Z® is not IFL aware.

Chapter 5. October 2023

5.1. Changes to settings

We made several changes to the UI that affect how to update your cost management settings. Before, you updated your settings in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console settings page. With this update, cost management has its own settings page.

5.1.1. Configuring cost management

You can configure cost management from a few different locations on Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console:

From the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console Settings, you can configure the following:

  • Adding and editing cloud integrations
  • Notifications

From the Identity & Access Management settings, you can configure the following:

  • User access
  • Authentication policy

From the cost management settings, you can configure the following:

  • Enablement, grouping, and filtering of Tags and Labels
  • Enablement of AWS cost categories
  • Your preferred currency calculation
  • Your preferred savings plan or subscription fee calculation for AWS

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