12.4. Cartridge Management Commands
Manage cartridges with the client tools using the
rhc cartridge
command, with the following syntax:
$ rhc cartridge Action Cart_Type -a App_Name
The following table describes the available cartridge management actions:
Action | Details |
list | List supported cartridges. |
add | Add a cartridge. |
remove | Remove a cartridge. |
stop | Stop a cartridge. |
start | Start a cartridge. |
restart | Restart a cartridge. |
status | Return the current status of a cartridge. |
reload | Reload the configuration of a cartridge. |
show | Show information about a cartridge. |
storage | View and manipulate storage on a cartridge. |
scale | Set the scaling range of a cartridge. |
The following table describes the available options with cartridge management commands:
Option | Description |
-n, --namespace [NAME] | Name of a domain. |
-a, --app [NAME] | Name of an application. |
-c, --cartridge [CART_TYPE] | Name of cartridge. |
-l, --rhlogin [LOGIN] | OpenShift Enterprise user account. |
-p, --password [PASSWORD] | OpenShift Enterprise account password. |
Example 12.2. Stopping a Cartridge
$ rhc cartridge stop php -a mynewapp
Using php-5.4 (PHP 5.4) for 'php'
Stopping php-5.4 ... done