multicluster engine operator with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 2.12

multicluster engine operator with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management integration


If you are using multicluster engine operator and then you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, you can access more multicluster management features.

Chapter 1. multicluster engine operator with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management integration

If you are using multicluster engine operator and then you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, you can access more multicluster management features, such as Observability and Policy.

For integrated capability, see the following requirements:

See the following procedures for multicluster engine operator and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management multicluster management:

1.1. Discovering multicluster engine operator hosted clusters in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

If you have multicluster engine operator clusters that are hosting multiple hosted clusters, you can bring those hosted clusters to a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster to manage with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management management components, such as Application lifecycle and Governance.

Those hosted clusters can be automatically discovered and imported as managed clusters.

Note: Since the hosted control planes run on the managed multicluster engine operator cluster nodes, the number of hosted control planes that the cluster can host is determined by the resource availability of managed multicluster engine operator cluster nodes, as well as the number of managed multicluster engine operator clusters. You can add more nodes or managed clusters to host more hosted control planes.

Required access: Cluster administrator

1.1.1. Prerequisites

  • You need one or more multicluster engine operator clusters.
  • You need a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management cluster that is set as your hub cluster.
  • Install the clusteradm CLI by running the following command:

    curl -L | bash

1.1.2. Configuring Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management to import multicluster engine operator clusters

multicluster engine operator has a local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed. The following default addons are enabled for this local-cluster in the open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace:

  • cluster-proxy
  • managed-serviceaccount
  • work-manager Configuring add-ons

When your multicluster engine operator is imported into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management enables the same set of add-ons to manage the multicluster engine operator.

Install those add-ons in a different multicluster engine operator namespace so that the multicluster engine operator can self-manage with the local-cluster add-ons while Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management manages multicluster engine operator at the same time. Complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management with the CLI.
  2. Create the addonDeploymentConfig resource to specify a different add-on installation namespace. See the following example where agentInstallNamespace points to open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery:

    kind: addonDeploymentConfig
      name: addon-ns-config
      namespace: multicluster-engine
      agentInstallNamespace: open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery
  3. Run oc apply -f <filename>.yaml to apply the file.
  4. Update the existing ClusterManagementAddOn resources for the add-ons so that the add-ons are installed in the open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery namespace that is specified in the addonDeploymentConfig resource that you created. See the following example with open-cluster-management-global-set as the namespace:

    kind: ClusterManagementAddOn
      name: work-manager
        displayName: work-manager
        - name: global
          namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
            type: All
        type: Placements
    1. Add the addonDeploymentConfigs to the ClusterManagementAddOn. See the following example:

      kind: ClusterManagementAddOn
        name: work-manager
          displayName: work-manager
          - name: global
            namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
              type: All
            - group:
              name: addon-ns-config
              namespace: multicluster-engine
              resource: addondeploymentconfigs
          type: Placements
    2. Add the addonDeploymentConfig to the managed-serviceaccount. See the following example:

      kind: ClusterManagementAddOn
        name: managed-serviceaccount
          displayName: managed-serviceaccount
          - name: global
            namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
              type: All
            - group:
              name: addon-ns-config
              namespace: multicluster-engine
              resource: addondeploymentconfigs
          type: Placements
    3. Add the addondeploymentconfigs value to the ClusterManagementAddOn resource named, cluster-proxy. See the following example:
    kind: ClusterManagementAddOn
      name: cluster-proxy
        displayName: cluster-proxy
        - name: global
          namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
            type: All
          - group:
            name: addon-ns-config
            namespace: multicluster-engine
            resource: addondeploymentconfigs
        type: Placements
  5. Run the following command to verify that the add-ons for the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management local-cluster are re-installed into the namespace that you specified:

    oc get deployment -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery

    See the following output example:

    NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE    AGE
    cluster-proxy-proxy-agent             1/1     1            1           24h
    klusterlet-addon-workmgr             1/1     1            1           24h
    managed-serviceaccount-addon-agent   1/1     1            1           24h Creating a KlusterletConfig resource

multicluster engine operator has a local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed. A resource named klusterlet is created for this local-cluster.

When your multicluster engine operator is imported into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management installs the klusterlet with the same name, klusterlet, to manage the multicluster engine operator. This conflicts with the multicluster engine operator local-cluster klusterlet.

You need to create a KlusterletConfig resource that is used by ManagedCluster resources to import multicluster engine operator clusters so that the klusterlet is installed with a different name to avoid the conflict. Complete the following procedure:

  1. Create a KlusterletConfig resource using the following example. When this KlusterletConfig resource is referenced in a managed cluster, the value in the spec.installMode.noOperator.postfix field is used as a suffix to the klusterlet name, such as klusterlet-mce-import:

    kind: KlusterletConfig
      name: mce-import-klusterlet-config
        type: noOperator
           postfix: mce-import
  2. Run oc apply -f <filename>.yaml to apply the file. Configure for backup and restore

Since you installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, you can also use the Backup and restore feature.

If the hub cluster is restored in a disaster recovery scenario, the imported multicluster engine operator clusters and hosted clusters are imported to the newer Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster.

In this scenario, you need to restore the previous configurations as part of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster restore.

Add the backup=true label to enable backup. See the following steps for each add-on:

  • For your addon-ns-config, run the following command:

    oc label addondeploymentconfig addon-ns-config -n multicluster-engine
  • For your hypershift-addon-deploy-config, run the following command:

    oc label addondeploymentconfig hypershift-addon-deploy-config -n multicluster-engine
  • For your work-manager, run the following command:

    oc label clustermanagementaddon work-manager
  • For your `cluster-proxy `, run the following command:

    oc label clustermanagementaddon cluster-proxy
  • For your managed-serviceaccount, run the following command:

    oc label clustermanagementaddon managed-serviceaccount
  • For your mce-import-klusterlet-config, run the following command:

    oc label KlusterletConfig mce-import-klusterlet-config

1.1.3. Importing multicluster engine operator manually

To manually import an multicluster engine operator cluster from your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management cluster, complete the following procedure:

  1. From your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management cluster, create a ManagedCluster resource manually to import an multicluster engine operator cluster. See the following file example:

    kind: ManagedCluster
      annotations: mce-import-klusterlet-config 1
      name: mce-a 2
      hubAcceptsClient: true
      leaseDurationSeconds: 60
    The mce-import-klusterlet-config annotation references the KlusterletConfig resource that you created in the previous step to install the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management klusterlet with a different name in multicluster engine operator.
    The example imports an multicluster engine operator managed cluster named mce-a.
  2. Run oc apply -f <filename>.yaml to apply the file.
  3. Create the auto-import-secret secret that references the kubeconfig of the multicluster engine operator cluster. Go to Importing a cluster by using the auto import secret in Importing a managed cluster by using the CLI to add the auto import secret to complete the multicluster engine operator auto-import process.

    After you create the auto import secret in the multicluster engine operator managed cluster namespace in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management cluster, the managed cluster is registered.

  4. Run the following command to get the status:

    oc get managedcluster

    See following example output with the status and example URLs of managed clusters:

    local-cluster  true           https://<>  True     True        44h
    mce-a          true           https://<>    True     True        27s

Important: Do not enable any other Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management add-ons for the imported multicluster engine operator.

1.1.4. Discovering hosted clusters

After all your multicluster engine operator clusters are imported into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, you need to enable the hypershift-addon for those managed multicluster engine operator clusters to discover the hosted clusters.

Default add-ons are installed into a different namespace in the previous procedures. Similarly, you install the hypershift-addon into a different namespace in multicluster engine operator so that the add-ons agent for multicluster engine operator local-cluster and the agent for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management can work in multicluster engine operator.

Important: For all the following commands, replace <managed-cluster-names> with comma-separated managed cluster names for multicluster engine operator.

  1. Run the following command to set the agentInstallNamespace namespace of the add-on to open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery:

    oc patch addondeploymentconfig hypershift-addon-deploy-config -n multicluster-engine --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"agentInstallNamespace":"open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery"}}'
  2. Run the following command to disable metrics and to disable the HyperShift operator management:

    oc patch addondeploymentconfig hypershift-addon-deploy-config -n multicluster-engine --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"customizedVariables":[{"name":"disableMetrics","value": "true"},{"name":"disableHOManagement","value": "true"}]}}'
  3. Run the following command to enable the hypershift-addon for multicluster engine operator:

    clusteradm addon enable --names hypershift-addon --clusters <managed-cluster-names>
  4. You can get the multicluster engine operator managed cluster names by running the following command in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

    oc get managedcluster
  5. Log into multicluster engine operator clusters and verify that the hypershift-addon is installed in the namespace that you specified. Run the following command:

    oc get deployment -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon-discovery

    See the following example output that lists the add-ons:

    NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    cluster-proxy-proxy-agent            1/1     1            1           24h
    klusterlet-addon-workmgr            1/1     1            1           24h
    hypershift-addon-agent              1/1     1            1           24h
    managed-serviceaccount-addon-agent  1/1     1            1           24h

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management deploys the hypershift-addon, which is the discovery agent that discovers hosted clusters from multicluster engine operator. The agent creates the corresponding DiscoveredCluster custom resource in the multicluster engine operator managed cluster namespace in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster when the hosted cluster kube-apiserver becomes available.

You can view your discovered clusters in the console.

  1. Log into hub cluster console and navigate to All Clusters > Infrastructure > Clusters.
  2. Find the Discovered clusters tab to view all discovered hosted clusters from multicluster engine operator with type MultiClusterEngineHCP.

Next, visit Automating import for discovered hosted clusters to learn how to automatically import clusters.

1.2. Automating import for discovered hosted clusters

Automate the import of hosted clusters by using the DiscoveredCluster resource for faster cluster management, without manually importing individual clusters.

When you automatically import a discovered hosted cluster into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, all Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management add-ons are enabled so that you can start managing the hosted clusters with the available management tools.

The hosted cluster is also auto-imported into multicluster engine operator. Through the multicluster engine operator console, you can manage the hosted cluster lifecycle. However, you cannot manage the hosted cluster lifecycle from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console.

Required access: Cluster administrator

1.2.1. Prerequisites

  • You need Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management installed. See the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Installing and upgrading documentation.
  • You need to learn about Policies. See the introduction to Governance in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management documentation.

1.2.2. Configuring settings for automatic import

Discovered hosted clusters from managed multicluster engine operator clusters are represented in DiscoveredCluster custom resources, which are located in the managed multicluster engine operator cluster namespace in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. See the following DiscoveredCluster resource and namespace example:

kind: DiscoveredCluster
  creationTimestamp: "2024-05-30T23:05:39Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: hosted-cluster-1 clusters
  name: hosted-cluster-1
  namespace: mce-1
  resourceVersion: "1740725"
  uid: b4c36dca-a0c4-49f9-9673-f561e601d837
  cloudProvider: aws
  creationTimestamp: "2024-05-30T23:02:45Z"
  credential: {}
  displayName: mce-1-hosted-cluster-1
  importAsManagedCluster: false
  isManagedCluster: false
  name: hosted-cluster-1
  openshiftVersion: 0.0.0
  status: Active
  type: MultiClusterEngineHCP

These discovered hosted clusters are not automatically imported into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management until the spec.importAsManagedCluster field is set to true. Learn how to use a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy to automatically set this field to true for all type.MultiClusterEngineHCP within DiscoveredCluster resources so that discovered hosted clusters are immediately automatically imported into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

Configure your Policy to import all your discovered hosted clusters automatically. Log in to your hub cluster from the CLI to complete the following procedure:

  1. Create a YAML file for your DiscoveredCluster custom resource and edit the configuration that is referenced in the following example:

    kind: Policy
      name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport
      namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
      annotations: NIST SP 800-53 CM Configuration Management CM-2 Baseline Configuration Discovered clusters that are of
          type MultiClusterEngineHCP can be automatically imported into ACM as managed clusters.
          This policy configure those discovered clusters so they are automatically imported.
          Fine tuning MultiClusterEngineHCP clusters to be automatically imported
          can be done by configure filters at the configMap or add annotation to the discoverd cluster.
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: mce-hcp-autoimport-config
                - complianceType: musthave
                    apiVersion: v1
                    kind: ConfigMap
                      name: discovery-config
                      namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
                      rosa-filter: ""
              remediationAction: enforce 1
              severity: low
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport
              remediationAction: enforce
              severity: low
              object-templates-raw: |
                {{- /* find the MultiClusterEngineHCP DiscoveredClusters */ -}}
                {{- range $dc := (lookup "" "DiscoveredCluster" "" "").items }}
                  {{- /* Check for the flag that indicates the import should be skipped */ -}}
                  {{- $skip := "false" -}}
                  {{- range $key, $value := $dc.metadata.annotations }}
                    {{- if and (eq $key "")
                               (eq $value "true") }}
                      {{- $skip = "true" }}
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- /* if the type is MultiClusterEngineHCP and the status is Active */ -}}
                  {{- if and (eq $dc.spec.status "Active")
                             (contains (fromConfigMap "open-cluster-management-global-set" "discovery-config" "mce-hcp-filter") $dc.spec.displayName)
                             (eq $dc.spec.type "MultiClusterEngineHCP")
                             (eq $skip "false") }}
                - complianceType: musthave
                    kind: DiscoveredCluster
                      name: {{ $ }}
                      namespace: {{ $dc.metadata.namespace }}
                      importAsManagedCluster: true 2
                  {{- end }}
                {{- end }}
    To enable automatic import, change the spec.remediationAction to enforce.
    To enable automatic import, change spec.importAsManagedCluster to true.
  2. Run oc apply -f <filename>.yaml -n <namespace> to apply the file.

1.2.3. Creating the placement definition

You need to create a placement definition that specifies the managed cluster for the policy deployment. Complete the following procedure:

  1. Create the Placement definition that selects only the local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed. Use the following YAML sample:

    kind: Placement
      name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport-placement
      namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
        - key:
          operator: Exists
        - key:
          operator: Exists
        - global
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                - key: local-cluster
                  operator: In
                    - "true"
  2. Run oc apply -f placement.yaml -n <namespace>, where namespace matches the namespace that you used for the policy that you previously created.

1.2.4. Binding the import policy to a placement definition

After you create the policy and the placement, you need to connect the two resources. Complete the following steps:

  1. Connect the resources by using a PlacementBinding resource. See the following example where placementRef points to the Placement that you created, and subjects points to the Policy that you created:

    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport-placement-binding
      namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
      name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport-placement
      kind: Placement
      - name: policy-mce-hcp-autoimport
        kind: Policy
  2. To verify, run the following command:

    oc get policy policy-mce-hcp-autoimport -n <namespace>

Important: You can detach a hosted cluster from Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management by using the Detach option in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, or by removing the corresponding ManagedCluster custom resource from the command line.

For best results, detach the managed hosted cluster before destroying the hosted cluster.

When a discovered cluster is detached, the following annotation is added to the DiscoveredCluster resource to prevent the policy to import the discovered cluster again.

  annotations: "true"

If you want the detached discovered cluster to be reimported, remove this annotation.

1.3. Automating import for discovered OpenShift Service on AWS clusters

Automate the import of OpenShift Service on AWS clusters by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy enforcement for faster cluster management, without manually importing individual clusters.

Required access: Cluster administrator

1.3.1. Prerequisites

  • You need Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management installed. See the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Installing and upgrading documentation.
  • You need to learn about Policies. See the introduction to Governance in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management documentation.

1.3.2. Creating the automatic import policy

The following policy and procedure is an example of how to import all your discovered OpenShift Service on AWS clusters automatically.

Log in to your hub cluster from the CLI to complete the following procedure:

  1. Create a YAML file with the following example and apply the changes that are referenced:

    kind: Policy
      name: policy-rosa-autoimport
      annotations: NIST SP 800-53 CM Configuration Management CM-2 Baseline Configuration OpenShift Service on AWS discovered clusters can be automatically imported into
    Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management as managed clusters with this policy. You can select and configure those managed clusters so you can import. Configure filters or add an annotation if you do not want all of your OpenShift Service on AWS clusters to be automatically imported.
      remediationAction: inform 1
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: rosa-autoimport-config
                - complianceType: musthave
                    apiVersion: v1
                    kind: ConfigMap
                      name: discovery-config
                      namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
                      rosa-filter: "" 2
              remediationAction: enforce
              severity: low
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-rosa-autoimport
              remediationAction: enforce
              severity: low
              object-templates-raw: |
                {{- /* find the ROSA DiscoveredClusters */ -}}
                {{- range $dc := (lookup "" "DiscoveredCluster" "" "").items }}
                  {{- /* Check for the flag that indicates the import should be skipped */ -}}
                  {{- $skip := "false" -}}
                  {{- range $key, $value := $dc.metadata.annotations }}
                    {{- if and (eq $key "")
                               (eq $value "true") }}
                      {{- $skip = "true" }}
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- /* if the type is ROSA and the status is Active */ -}}
                  {{- if and (eq $dc.spec.status "Active")
                             (contains (fromConfigMap "open-cluster-management-global-set" "discovery-config" "rosa-filter") $dc.spec.displayName)
                             (eq $dc.spec.type "ROSA")
                             (eq $skip "false") }}
                - complianceType: musthave
                    kind: DiscoveredCluster
                      name: {{ $ }}
                      namespace: {{ $dc.metadata.namespace }}
                      importAsManagedCluster: true
                  {{- end }}
                {{- end }}
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: policy-rosa-managedcluster-status
              remediationAction: enforce
              severity: low
              object-templates-raw: |
                {{- /* Use the same DiscoveredCluster list to check ManagedCluster status */ -}}
                {{- range $dc := (lookup "" "DiscoveredCluster" "" "").items }}
                  {{- /* Check for the flag that indicates the import should be skipped */ -}}
                  {{- $skip := "false" -}}
                  {{- range $key, $value := $dc.metadata.annotations }}
                    {{- if and (eq $key "")
                               (eq $value "true") }}
                      {{- $skip = "true" }}
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- /* if the type is ROSA and the status is Active */ -}}
                  {{- if and (eq $dc.spec.status "Active")
                             (contains (fromConfigMap "open-cluster-management-global-set" "discovery-config" "rosa-filter") $dc.spec.displayName)
                             (eq $dc.spec.type "ROSA")
                             (eq $skip "false") }}
                - complianceType: musthave
                    kind: ManagedCluster
                      name: {{ $dc.spec.displayName }}
                      namespace: {{ $dc.spec.displayName }}
                        - type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
                          status: "True"
                  {{- end }}
                {{- end }}
    To enable automatic import, change the spec.remediationAction to enforce.
    Optional: Specify a value here to select a subset of the matching OpenShift Service on AWS clusters, which are based on discovered cluster names. The rosa-filter has no value by default, so the filter does not restrict cluster names without a subset value.
  2. Run oc apply -f <filename>.yaml -n <namespace> to apply the file.

1.3.3. Creating the placement definition

You need to create a placement definition that specifies the managed cluster for the policy deployment.

  1. Create the placement definition that selects only the local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed. Use the following YAML sample:

    kind: Placement
      name: placement-openshift-plus-hub
      - requiredClusterSelector:
            - key: name
          	    operator: In
          	    - local-cluster
  2. Run oc apply -f placement.yaml -n <namespace>, where namespace matches the namespace that you used for the policy that you previously created.

1.3.4. Binding the import policy to a placement definition

After you create the policy and the placement, you need to connect the two resources.

  1. Connect the resources by using a PlacementBinding. See the following example where placementRef points to the Placement that you created, and subjects points to the Policy that you created:

    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: binding-policy-rosa-autoimport
      kind: Placement
      name: placement-policy-rosa-autoimport
    - apiGroup:
      kind: Policy
      name: policy-rosa-autoimport
  2. To verify, run the following command:

    oc get policy policy-rosa-autoimport -n <namespace>

1.4. Observability integration

With the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Observability feature, you can view health and utilization of clusters across your fleet. You can install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and enable Observability.

1.4.1. Observing hosted control planes

After you enable the multicluster-observability pod, you can use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Observability Grafana dashboards to view the following information about your hosted control planes:

  • ACM > Hosted Control Planes Overview dashboard to see cluster capacity estimates for hosting hosted control planes, the related cluster resources, and the list and status of existing hosted control planes. For more information, see: Introduction to hosted control planes.
  • ACM > Resources > Hosted Control Plane dashboard that you can access from the Overview page to see the resource utilization of the selected hosted control plane. For more information, see Installing the hosted control planes command-line interface.

To enable, see Observability service.

Chapter 2. SiteConfig

The SiteConfig operator offers a template-driven cluster provisioning solution, which allows you to provision clusters with various installation methods.

The SiteConfig operator introduces the unified ClusterInstance API, which comes from the SiteConfig API of the SiteConfig generator kustomize plugin.

The ClusterInstance API decouples parameters that define a cluster from the manner in which the cluster is deployed.

This separation removes certain limitations that are presented by the SiteConfig kustomize plugin in the current GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) flow, such as agent cluster installations and scalability constraints that are related to Argo CD.

Using the unified ClusterInstance API, the SiteConfig operator offers the following improvements:

Separates the cluster definition from the installation method. The ClusterInstance custom resource captures the cluster definition, while installation templates capture the cluster architecture and installation methods.
The SiteConfig operator unifies both Git and non-Git workflows. You can apply the ClusterInstance custom resource directly on the hub cluster, or synchronize resources through a GitOps solution, such as ArgoCD.
Maintains a consistent API across installation methods, whether you are using the Assisted Installer, the Image Based Install Operator, or any other custom template-based approach.
Achieves greater scalability for each cluster than the SiteConfig kustomize plugin.
Provides you with more power to deploy and install clusters by using custom templates.
Offers insightful information regarding cluster deployment status and rendered manifests, significantly enhancing the troubleshooting experience.

For more information about the Image Based Install Operator, see Image Based Install Operator.

For more information about the Assisted Installer, see Installing an on-premise cluster using the Assisted Installer

2.1. The SiteConfig operator flow

The SiteConfig operator dynamically generates installation manifests based on user-defined templates that are instantiated from the data in the ClusterInstance custom resource.

You can source the ClusterInstance custom resource from your Git repository through ArgoCD, or you can create it directly on the hub cluster manually or through external tools and workflows.

The following is a high-level overview of the process:

  1. You create one or more sets of installation templates on the hub cluster.
  2. You create a ClusterInstance custom resource that references those installation templates and supporting manifests.
  3. After the resources are created, the SiteConfig operator reconciles the ClusterInstance custom resource by populating the templated fields that are referenced in the custom resource.
  4. The SiteConfig operator validates and renders the installation manifests, then the Operator performs a dry run.
  5. If the dry run is successful, the manifests are created, then the underlying Operators consume and process the manifests.
  6. The installation begins.
  7. The SiteConfig operator continuously monitors for changes in the associated ClusterDeployment resource and updates the ClusterInstance custom resource’s status field accordingly.

To learn more about how to use SiteConfig operator, see the following documentation:

For advanced topics, see the following documentation:

2.2. Installation templates overview

Installation templates are data-driven templates that are used to generate the set of installation artifacts. These templates follow the Golang text/template format, and are instantiated by using data from the ClusterInstance custom resource. This enables dynamic creation of installation manifests for each target cluster that has similar configurations, but with different values.

You can also create multiple sets based on the different installation methods or cluster topologies. The SiteConfig operator supports the following types of installation templates:

Templates that must reference only cluster-specific fields.
Templates that can reference both cluster-specific and node-specific fields.

For more information about installation templates, see the following documentation:

2.2.1. Template functions

You can customize the templated fields. The SiteConfig operator supports all sprig library functions.

Additionally, the ClusterInstance API provides the following function that you can use while creating your custom manifests:

The toYaml function encodes an item into a YAML string. If the item cannot be converted to YAML, the function returns an empty string.

See the following example of the .toYaml specification in the ClusterInstance.Spec.Proxy field:

{{ if .Spec.Proxy }}
{{ .Spec.Proxy | toYaml | indent 4 }}
{{ end }}

2.2.2. Default set of templates

The SiteConfig operator provides the following default, validated, and immutable set of templates in the same namespace in which the operator is installed:

Installation methodTemplate typeFile nameTemplate content

Assisted Installer

Cluster-level templates



Node-level templates



Image-based Install Operator

Cluster-level templates



Node-level templates



For more information about the ClusterInstance API, see ClusterInstance API.

2.2.3. Special template variables

The SiteConfig operator provides a set of special template variables that you can use in your templates. See the following list:

The SiteConfig operator explicitly controls the iteration of the node objects and exposes this variable to access all the content for the current node being handled in templating.
Contains the merged networkType, cpuPartitioningMode and installConfigOverrides content.
Consists of the number of control plane agents and it is automatically derived from the ClusterInstance node objects.
Consists of the number of worker agents and it is automatically derived from the ClusterInstance node objects.

Capitalize the field name in the text template to create a custom templated field.

For example, the ClusterInstance spec field is referenced with the .Spec prefix. However, you must reference special variable fields with the .SpecialVars prefix.

Important: Instead of using the .Spec.Nodes prefix for the spec.nodes field, you must reference it with the .SpecialVars.CurrentNode special template variable.

For example, if you want to specify the name and namespace for your current node by using the CurrentNode special template variable, use the field names in the following form:

name: "{{ .SpecialVars.CurrentNode.HostName }}"
namespace: "{{ .Spec.ClusterName }}"

2.2.4. Customization of the manifests order

You can control the order in which manifests are created, updated, and deleted by using the annotation. The annotation takes an integer as a value, and that integer constitutes as a wave.

You can add one or several manifests to a single wave. If you do not specify a value, the annotation takes the default value of 0.

The SiteConfig operator reconciles the manifests in ascending order when creating or updating resources and it deletes resources in descending order.

In the following example, if the SiteConfig operator creates or updates the manifests, the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment custom resources are reconciled in the first wave, while KlusterletAddonConfig and ManagedCluster custom resources are reconciled in the third wave.

apiVersion: v1
  AgentClusterInstall: |-
    ... "1"
  ClusterDeployment: |-
    ... "1"
  InfraEnv: |-
    ... "2"
  KlusterletAddonConfig: |-
    ... "3"
  ManagedCluster: |-
    ... "3"
kind: ConfigMap
  name: assisted-installer-templates
  namespace: example-namespace

If the SiteConfig operator deletes the resources, KlusterletAddonConfig and ManagedCluster custom resources are the first to be deleted, while the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment custom resources are the last.

2.2.5. Configuration of additional annotations and labels

You can configure additional annotations and labels to both cluster-level and node-level installation manifests by using the extraAnnotations and extraLabels fields in the ClusterInstance API. The SiteConfig operator applies your additional annotations and labels to the manifests that you specify in the ClusterInstance resource.

When creating your additional annotations and labels, you must specify a manifest type to allow the SiteConfig operator to apply them to all the matching manifests. However, the annotations and labels are arbitrary and you can set any key and value pairs that are meaningful to your applications.

Note: The additional annotations and labels are only applied to the resources that were rendered through the referenced templates.

View the following example application of extraAnnotations and extraLabels:

Example application of extraAnnotations and extraLabels

kind: ClusterInstance
  name: "example-sno"
  namespace: "example-sno"
  clusterName: "example-sno"
  extraAnnotations: 1
      myClusterAnnotation: success
  extraLabels: 2
      common: "true"
      group-du: ""
    - hostName: ""
      role: "master"
      extraAnnotations: 3
          myNodeAnnotation: success
      extraLabels: 4
          "testExtraLabel": "success"

1 2
This field supports cluster-level annotations and labels that the SiteConfig operator applies to the the ManagedCluster and ClusterDeployment manifests.
3 4
This field supports node-level annotations and labels that the SiteConfig operator applies to the BareMetalHost manifest.
  • You can verify that your additional labels are applied by running the following command:

    oc get managedclusters example-sno -ojsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' | jq

    View the following example of applied labels:

    Example applied labels

      "common": "true",
      "group-du": "",

  • You can verify that your additional annotations are applied by running the following command:
oc get bmh -n example-sno -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations}' | jq

View the following example of applied annotations:

Example applied annotation

  "myNodeAnnotation": "success",

2.3. Enabling the SiteConfig operator

Enable the SiteConfig operator to use the default installation templates and install single-node OpenShift clusters at scale.

Required access: Cluster administrator

2.3.1. Prerequisites

  • You need a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management version 2.12 hub cluster.

2.3.2. Enabling the SiteConfig operator from the MultiClusterHub resource

Patch the MultiClusterHub resource, then verify that SiteConfig operator is enabled. Complete the following procedure:

  1. Set the enabled field to true in the siteconfig entry of spec.overrides.components in the Multiclusterhub resource by running the following command:

    oc patch multiclusterhub -n rhacm --type json --patch '[{"op": "add", "path":"/spec/overrides/components/-", "value": {"name":"siteconfig","enabled": true}}]'
  2. Verify that the SiteConfig operator is enabled by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc -n rhacm get po | grep siteconfig

    See the following example output:

    siteconfig-controller-manager-6fdd86cc64-sdg87                    2/2     Running   0             43s
  3. Optional: Verify that you have the default installation templates by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc -n rhacm get cm

    See the following list of templates in the output example:

    NAME                                DATA   AGE
    ai-cluster-templates-v1             5      97s
    ai-node-templates-v1                2      97s
    ibi-cluster-templates-v1            3      97s
    ibi-node-templates-v1               3      97s

2.4. Image Based Install Operator

Install the Image Based Install Operator so that you can complete and manage image-based cluster installations by using the same APIs as existing installation methods.

For more information about, and to learn how to enable the Image Based Install Operator, see Image-based installations for single-node OpenShift.

2.5. Installing single-node OpenShift clusters with the SiteConfig operator

Install your clusters with the SiteConfig operator by using the default installation templates. Use the installation templates for the Image-Based Install Operator to complete the procedure.

Required access: Cluster administrator

2.5.1. Prerequisites

Complete the following steps to install a cluster with the SiteConfig operator:

2.5.2. Creating the target namespace

You need a target namespace when you create the pull secret, the BMC secret, extra manifest ConfigMap objects, and the ClusterInstance custom resource.

Complete the following steps to create the target namespace:

  1. Create a YAML file for the target namespace. See the following example file that is named clusterinstance-namespace.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: example-sno
  2. Apply your file to create the resource. Run the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc apply -f clusterinstance-namespace.yaml

2.5.3. Creating the pull secret

You need a pull secret to enable your clusters to pull images from container registries. Complete the following steps to create a pull secret:

  1. Create a YAML file to pull images. See the following example of a file that is named pull-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: pull-secret
      namespace: example-sno 1
      .dockerconfigjson: <encoded_docker_configuration> 2
    Ensure that the namespace value matches the target namespace.
    Specify the base64-encoded configuration file as the value.
  2. Apply the file to create the resource. Run the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc apply -f pull-secret.yaml

2.5.4. Creating the BMC secret

You need a secret to connect to your baseboard management controller (BMC). Complete the following steps to create a secret:

  1. Create a YAML file for the BMC secret. See the following sample file that is named example-bmc-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
      password: <password>
      username: <username>
    kind: Secret
      name: example-bmh-secret
      namespace: "example-sno" 1
    type: Opaque
    Ensure that the namespace value matches the target namespace.
  2. Apply the file to create the resource. Run the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc apply -f example-bmc-secret.yaml

2.5.5. Optional: Creating the extra manifests

You can create extra manifests that you need to reference in the ClusterInstance custom resource. Complete the following steps to create an extra manifest:

  1. Create a YAML file for an extra manifest ConfigMap object, for example named enable-crun.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: enable-crun
      namespace: example-sno 1
      enable-crun-master.yaml: |
        kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
          name: enable-crun-master
            defaultRuntime: crun
      enable-crun-worker.yaml: |
        kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
          name: enable-crun-worker
            defaultRuntime: crun
    Ensure that the namespace value matches the target namespace.
  2. Create the resource by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc apply -f enable-crun.yaml

2.5.6. Rendering the installation manifests

Reference the templates and supporting manifests in the ClusterInstance custom resource. Complete the following steps to render the installation manifests by using the default cluster and node templates:

  1. In the example-sno namespace, create the ClusterInstance custom resource that is named clusterinstance-ibi.yaml in the following example:

    kind: ClusterInstance
      name: "example-clusterinstance"
      namespace: "example-sno" 1
      holdInstallation: false
      extraManifestsRefs: 2
        - name: extra-machine-configs
        - name: enable-crun
        name: "pull-secret" 3
      clusterName: "example-sno" 4
      templateRefs: 5
        - name: ibi-cluster-templates-v1
          namespace: rhacm
          bmcCredentialsName: 6
            name: "example-bmh-secret"
          templateRefs: 7
            - name: ibi-node-templates-v1
              namespace: rhacm
    Ensure that the namespace in the ClusterInstance custom resource matches the target namespace that you defined.
    Reference the name of one or more extra manifests ConfigMap objects.
    Reference the name of your pull secret.
    Ensure that the value of the clusterName field in the ClusterInstance custom resource matches the value of the namespace field.
    Reference the name of the cluster-level templates in the spec.templateRefs field. If you are using a default installation template, the namespace must match the namespace where the Operator is installed.
    Reference the name of the BMC secret.
    Reference the name of the node-level templates in the spec.nodes.templateRefs field. If you are using a default installation template, the namespace must match the namespace where the Operator is installed.
  2. Apply the file and create the resource by running the following command:

    oc apply -f clusterinstance-ibi.yaml

    After you create the custom resource, the SiteConfig operator starts reconciling the ClusterInstance custom resource, then validates and renders the installation manifests.

    The SiteConfig operator continues to monitor for changes in the ClusterDeployment custom resources to update the cluster installation progress of the corresponding ClusterInstance custom resource.

  3. Monitor the process by running the following command:

    oc get clusterinstance <cluster_name> -n <target_namespace> -o yaml

    See the following example output from the status.conditions section for successful manifest generation:

    message: Applied site config manifests
    reason: Completed
    status: "True"
    type: RenderedTemplatesApplied
  4. Check the manifests that SiteConfig operator rendered by running the following command:

    oc get clusterinstance <cluster_name> -n <target_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.status.manifestsRendered}'

For more information about status conditions, see ClusterInstance API.

2.6. Deprovisioning single-node OpenShift clusters with the SiteConfig operator

Deprovision your clusters with the SiteConfig operator to delete all resources and accesses associated with that cluster.

Required access: Cluster administrator

2.6.1. Prerequisites

  • Deploy your clusters with the SiteConfig operator by using the default installation templates.

2.6.2. Deprovisioning single-node OpenShift clusters

Complete the following steps to delete your clusters:

  1. Delete the ClusterInstance custom resource by running the following command:

    oc delete clusterinstance <cluster_name> -n <target_namespace>
  2. Verify that the deletion was successful by running the following command:

    oc get clusterinstance <cluster_name> -n <target_namespace>

See the following example output where the (NotFound) error indicates that your cluster is deprovisioned.

Error from server (NotFound): "<cluster_name>" not found

2.7. Creating custom templates with the SiteConfig operator

Create user-defined templates that are not provided in the default set of templates.

Required access: Cluster administrator

Complete the following steps to a create custom template:

  1. Create a YAML file named my-custom-secret.yaml that contains the cluster-level template in a ConfigMap object:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: my-custom-secret
      namespace: rhacm
      MySecret: |-
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: "{{ .Spec.ClusterName }}-my-custom-secret-key"
          namespace: "clusters"
   "1" 1
        type: Opaque
          key: <key>
    The annotation controls in which order manifests are created, updated, or deleted.
  2. Apply the custom template on the hub cluster by running the following command:

    oc apply -f my-custom-secret.yaml
  3. Reference your template in the ClusterInstance custom resource named clusterinstance-my-custom-secret.yaml:

        - name: ai-cluster-templates-v1.yaml
          namespace: rhacm
        - name: my-custom-secret.yaml
          namespace: rhacm
  4. Apply the ClusterInstance custom resource by running the following command:

    oc apply -f clusterinstance-my-custom-secret.yaml

2.8. Scaling in a single-node OpenShift cluster with the SiteConfig operator

Scale in your managed cluster that was installed by the SiteConfig operator. You can scale in your cluster by removing a worker node.

Required access: Cluster administrator

2.8.1. Prerequisites

2.8.2. Adding an annotation to your worker node

Add an annotation to your worker node for removal.

Complete the following steps to annotate worker node from the managed cluster:

  1. Add an annotation in the extraAnnotations field of the worker node entry in the ClusterInstance custom resource that is used to provision your cluster:

       - hostName: ""
          role: "worker"
          ironicInspect: ""
  2. Apply the changes. See the following options:

    1. If you are using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management without Red Hat OpenShift GitOps, run the following command on the hub cluster:
    oc apply -f <clusterinstance>.yaml
    1. If you are using GitOps ZTP, push to your Git repository and wait for Argo CD to synchronize the changes.
  3. Verify that the annotation is applied to the BaremetalHost worker resource by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc get bmh -n <clusterinstance_namespace> -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations}' | jq

    See the following example output for successful application of the annotation:

  "": "assisted-service-controller",
  "": "",
  "": "true"
  "": "master",
  "": "disabled",
  "": "1",

2.8.3. Deleting the BareMetalHost resource of the worker node

Delete the BareMetalHost resource of the worker node that you want to be removed.

Complete the following steps to remove a worker node from the managed cluster:

  1. Update the node object that you want to delete in your existing ClusterInstance custom resource with the following configuration:

         - hostName: ""
             - apiVersion:
               kind: BareMetalHost
  2. Apply the changes. See the following options.

    1. If you are using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management without Red Hat OpenShift GitOps, run the following command on the hub cluster:
    oc apply -f <clusterinstance>.yaml
    1. If you are using GitOps ZTP, push to your Git repository and wait for Argo CD to synchronize the changes.
  3. Verify that the BareMetalHost resources are removed by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc get bmh -n <clusterinstance_namespace> --watch --kubeconfig <hub_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                        STATE                        CONSUMER         ONLINE   ERROR   AGE    provisioned                  true             81m    deprovisioning               true             44m    powering off before delete   true             20h    deleting                     true             50m
  4. Verify that the Agent resources are removed by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc get agents -n <clusterinstance_namespace> --kubeconfig <hub_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                       CLUSTER                  APPROVED   ROLE     STAGE   <managed_cluster_name>   true       master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>   true       master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>   true       master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>   true       worker   Done
  5. Verify that the Node resources are removed by running the following command on the managed cluster:

    oc get nodes --kubeconfig <managed_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                       STATUS                        ROLES                  AGE   VERSION   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   worker                 19h   v1.30.5   Ready                         worker                 19h   v1.30.5   Ready                         control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5   Ready                         control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5   Ready                         control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5

2.9. Scaling out a single-node OpenShift cluster with the SiteConfig operator

Scale out your managed cluster that was installed by the SiteConfig operator. You can scale out your cluster by adding a worker node.

Required access: Cluster administrator

2.9.1. Prerequisites

2.9.2. Adding a worker node

Add a worker node by updating your ClusterInstance custom resource that is used to provision your cluster.

Complete the following steps to add a worker node to the managed cluster:

  1. Define a new node object in the existing ClusterInstance custom resource:

        - hostName: "<host_name>"
          role: "worker"
            - name: ai-node-templates-v1
              namespace: rhacm
          bmcAddress: "<bmc_address>"
            name: "<bmc_credentials_name>"
          bootMACAddress: "<boot_mac_address>"
  2. Apply the changes. See the following options:

    1. If you are using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management without Red Hat OpenShift GitOps, run the following command on the hub cluster:
    oc apply -f <clusterinstance>.yaml
    1. If you are using GitOps ZTP, push to your Git repository and wait for Argo CD to synchronize the changes.
  3. Verify that a new BareMetalHost resource is added by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc get bmh -n <clusterinstance_namespace> --watch --kubeconfig <hub_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                        STATE          CONSUMER   ONLINE   ERROR   AGE    provisioned               true             81m    provisioning              true             44m
  4. Verify that a new Agent resource is added by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc get agents -n <clusterinstance_namespace> --kubeconfig <hub_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                       CLUSTER                   APPROVED    ROLE     STAGE   <managed_cluster_name>    true        master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>    true        master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>    true        master   Done   <managed_cluster_name>    false       worker   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Starting installation   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Installing   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Writing image to disk   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Waiting for control plane   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Rebooting   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Joined   <managed_cluster_name>    true        worker   Done
  5. Verify that a new Node resource is added by running the following command on the managed cluster:

    oc get nodes --kubeconfig <managed_cluster_kubeconfig_filename>

    See the following example output:

    NAME                       STATUS    ROLES                  AGE   VERSION   Ready     worker                 1h    v1.30.5   Ready     worker                 19h   v1.30.5   Ready     control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5   Ready     control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5   Ready     control-plane,master   19h   v1.30.5

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