
Connection Reference

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Red Hat JBoss A-MQ

A reference for all of the options for creating connections to a broker

Red Hat

Version 6.3
23 Oct 2020


Red Hat JBoss A-MQ supports a number of different wire protocols and message formats. In addition, it overlays reconnection logic and discovery logic over these options. This guide provides a quick reference for understanding how to configure connections between brokers, clients, and other brokers.

Chapter 1. OpenWire over TCP

URI syntax

A vanilla TCP URI has the syntax shown in Example 1.1, “Syntax for a vanilla TCP Connection”.

Example 1.1. Syntax for a vanilla TCP Connection

An NIO URI has the syntax shown in Example 1.2, “Syntax for NIO Connection”.

Example 1.2. Syntax for NIO Connection


Setting transport options

OpenWire transport options, transportOptions, are specified as a list of matrix parameters. How you specify the options to use differs between a client-side URI and a broker-side URI:
  • When using a URI to open a connection between a client and a broker, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 1.3. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

  • When using a URI to open a broker listener socket, you prefix the option name with transport. as shown.

    Example 1.4. Specifying Transport Options for a Listener Socket

  • When using a URI to open a broker connection socket, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 1.5. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

In XML configuration, you must escape the & symbol, replacing it with & as shown.

Example 1.6. Transport Options in XML


Transport options

Table 1.1, “TCP and NIO Transport Options” shows the options supported by the TCP and the NIO URIs.
Table 1.1. TCP and NIO Transport Options
minmumWireFormatVersion0Specifies the minimum wire format version that is allowed.
tracefalseCauses all commands sent over the transport to be logged.
daemonfalseSpecifies whether the transport thread runs as a daemon or not. Useful to enable when embedding in a Spring container or in a web container, to allow the container to shut down properly.
useLocalHosttrueWhen true, causes the local machine's name to resolve to localhost.
socketBufferSize64*1024Sets the socket buffer size in bytes.
keepAlivefalseWhen true, enables TCP KeepAlive on the broker connection. Useful to ensure that inactive consumers do not time out.
soTimeout0Specifies, in milliseconds, the socket timeout.
soWriteTimeout0Specifies, in milliseconds, the timeout for socket write operations.
connectionTimeout30000Specifies, in milliseconds, the connection timeout. Zero means wait forever for the connection to be established.
closeAsynctrueThe false value causes all sockets to be closed synchronously.
soLingerMIN_INTEGERWhen > -1, enables the SoLinger socket option with this value. When equal to -1, disables SoLinger.
maximumConnectionsMAX_VALUEThe maximum number of sockets the broker is allowed to create.
diffServ0(Client only) The preferred Differentiated Services traffic class to be set on outgoing packets, as described in RFC 2475. Valid integer values are [0,64). Valid string values are EF, AF[1-3][1-4] or CS[0-7]. With JDK 6, only works when the Java Runtime uses the IPv4 stack, which can be done by setting the system property to true. Cannot be used at the same time as the typeOfService option.
typeOfService0(Client only) The preferred type of service value to be set on outgoing packets. Valid integer values are [0,256). With JDK 6, only works when the Java Runtime uses the IPv4 stack, which can be done by setting the system property to true. Cannot be used at the same time as the diffServ option.
wireFormat The name of the wire format to use.
wireFormat.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure the wireFormat. See Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” for more information.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.

Chapter 2. OpenWire over SSL

URI syntax

A vanilla SSL URI has the syntax shown in Example 2.1, “Syntax for a vanilla SSL Connection”.

Example 2.1. Syntax for a vanilla SSL Connection

An SSL URI for using NIO has the syntax shown in Example 2.2, “Syntax for NIO Connection”.

Example 2.2. Syntax for NIO Connection


Setting transport options

OpenWire transport options, transportOptions, are specified as a list of matrix parameters. How you specify the options to use differs between a client-side URI and a broker-side URI:
  • When using a URI to open a connection between a client and a broker, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 2.3. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

  • When using a URI to open a broker listener socket, you prefix the option name with transport. as shown.

    Example 2.4. Specifying Transport Options for a Listener Socket

  • When using a URI to open a broker connection socket, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 2.5. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

In XML configuration, you must escape the & symbol, replacing it with & as shown.

Example 2.6. Transport Options in XML


SSL transport options

In addition to the options supported by the non-secure TCP/NIO transport listed in Table 1.1, “TCP and NIO Transport Options”, the SSL transport also supports the options for configuring the SSLServerSocket created for the connection. These options are listed in Table 2.1, “SSL Transport Options”.
Table 2.1. SSL Transport Options
enabledCipherSuites Specifies the cipher suites accepted by this endpoint, in the form of a comma-separated list.
enabledProtocols Specifies the secure socket protocols accepted by this endpoint, in the form of a comma-separated list. If using Oracle's JSSE provider, possible values are: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, or TLSv1.2 (do not use SSLv2Hello or SSLv3, because of the POODLE security vulnerability, which affects SSLv3).
wantClientAuth (broker only) If true, the server requests (but does not require) the client to send a certificate.
needClientAuthfalse(broker only) If true, the server requires the client to send its certificate. If the client fails to send a certificate, the server will throw an error and close the session.
enableSessionCreationtrue(broker only) If true, the server socket creates a new SSL session every time it accepts a connection and spawns a new socket. If false, an existing SSL session must be resumed when the server socket accepts a connection.
verifyHostNamefalseIf true, the server will verify the host name. If the check to verify the host name fails during the TLS handshake, the TLS handshake fails with an exception. Setting the option to true mitigates against man-in-the-middle attacks and thus, the option should be set to true in locked down systems.
If you are planning to enable SSL/TLS security, you must ensure that you explicitly disable the SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.

Configuring broker SSL options

On the broker side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax transport.OptionName. For example, to enable an OpenWire SSL port on a broker, you would add the following transport element:
<transportConnector name="ssl" uri="ssl:localhost:61617?transport.enabledProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" />
Remember, if you are specifying more than one option in the context of XML, you need to escape the ampersand, &, between options as &amp;.

Configuring client SSL options

On the client side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax socket.OptionName. For example, to connect to an OpenWire SSL port, you would use a URL like the following:

Verify Host Name

Disabled by default, you can enable the capability of verifying the host name on the client side by using a URL parameter as follows:

Chapter 3. OpenWire over HTTP(S)

URI syntax

An HTTP URI has the syntax shown in Example 3.1, “Syntax for an HTTP Connection”.

Example 3.1. Syntax for an HTTP Connection

An HTTPS URI has the syntax shown in Example 3.2, “Syntax for an HTTPS Connection”.

Example 3.2. Syntax for an HTTPS Connection



To use the HTTP(S) transport requires that the following JARs from the lib/optional folder are included on the classpath:
  • activemq-http-x.x.x.jar
  • xstream-x.x.x.jar
  • commons-logging-x.x.x.jar
  • commons-codec-x.x.x.jar
  • httpcore-x.x.x.jar
  • httpclient-x.x.x.jar

Chapter 4. OpenWire over UDP/IP

URI syntax

A UDP URI has the syntax shown in Example 4.1, “Syntax for a UDP Connection”.

Example 4.1. Syntax for a UDP Connection


Setting transport options

OpenWire transport options, transportOptions, are specified as a list of matrix parameters. How you specify the options to use differs between a client-side URI and a broker-side URI:
  • When using a URI to open a connection between a client and a broker, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 4.2. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

  • When using a URI to open a broker listener socket, you prefix the option name with transport. as shown.

    Example 4.3. Specifying Transport Options for a Listener Socket

  • When using a URI to open a broker connection socket, you just specify the name of the option as shown.

    Example 4.4. Setting an Option on a Client-Side TCP URI

In XML configuration, you must escape the & symbol, replacing it with &amp; as shown.

Example 4.5. Transport Options in XML


Transport options

The UDP transport supports the options listed in Table 4.1, “UDP Transport Options”.
Table 4.1. UDP Transport Options
minmumWireFormatVersion0The minimum version wire format that is allowed.
tracefalseCauses all commands sent over the transport to be logged.
useLocalHosttrueWhen true, causes the local machine's name to resolve to localhost.
datagramSize4*1024Specifies the size of a datagram.
wireFormat The name of the wire format to use.
wireFormat.* All options with this prefix are used to configure the wire format. See Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” for more information.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.

Chapter 5. Stomp Protocol


The Stomp protocol is a simplified messaging protocol that is specially designed for implementing clients using scripting languages. This chapter provides a brief introduction to the protocol.


The Stomp protocol is a simplified messaging protocol that is being developed as an open source project ( The advantage of the stomp protocol is that you can easily improvise a messaging client—even when a specific client API is not available—because the protocol is so simple.
Apache ActiveMQ implements the Stomp v1.2 specification, except for the treatment of spaces that appear at the beginning or end of message header keys. The ActiveMQ implementation of Stomp trims leading and trailing spaces in message header keys (but preserves leading and trailing spaces in the header values). This behaviour is liable to change in a future release.

URI syntax

Example 5.1, “Vanilla Stop URI” shows the syntax for a vanilla Stomp connection.

Example 5.1. Vanilla Stop URI

An NIO URI has the syntax shown in Example 5.2, “Syntax for Stomp+NIO Connection”.

Example 5.2. Syntax for Stomp+NIO Connection

A secure Stomp URI has the syntax shown in Example 5.3, “Syntax for a Stomp SSL Connection”.

Example 5.3. Syntax for a Stomp SSL Connection

A secure Stomp+NIO URI has the syntax shown in Example 5.4, “Syntax for a Stomp+NIO SSL Connection”.

Example 5.4. Syntax for a Stomp+NIO SSL Connection


Transport options

The Stomp protocol supports the following transport options:
Table 5.1. Transport Options Supported by Stomp Protocol
Specifies how the broker simulates the heartbeat policy when working with legacy Stomp 1.0 clients. The first value in the pair specifies, in milliseconds, the server will wait between messages before timing out the connection. The second value specifies, in milliseconds, the the client will wait between messages received from the server. Because Stomp 1.0 clients do not understand heartbeat messages, the second value should always be 0. This option is set in the uri attribute of a broker's transportConnector element to enable backward compatibility with Stomp 1.0 clients.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.

SSL transport options

In addition to the options supported by the non-secure Stomp transports, the SSL transport also supports the options for configuring the SSLServerSocket created for the connection. These options are listed in Table 2.1, “SSL Transport Options”.
If you are planning to enable SSL/TLS security, you must ensure that you explicitly disable the SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.

Configuring broker SSL options

On the broker side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax transport.OptionName. For example, to enable a Stomp SSL port on a broker, you would add the following transport element:
<transportConnector name="stompssl" uri="stomp+ssl://localhost:61617?transport.enabledProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" />
Remember, if you are specifying more than one option in the context of XML, you need to escape the ampersand, &, between options as &amp;.

Configuring client SSL options

On the client side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax socket.OptionName. For example, to connect to a Stomp SSL port, you would use a URL like the following:

Chapter 6. Multicast Protocol


Multicast is an unreliable protocol that allows clients to connect to brokers using IP multicast.

URI syntax

Example 6.1, “Multicast URI” shows the syntax for a Multicast connection.

Example 6.1. Multicast URI


Transport options

The Multicast protocol supports the following transport options:
Table 6.1. Transport Options Supported by Multicast Protocol
groupdefaultSpecifies a unique group name that can segregate multicast traffic.
minmumWireFormatVersion0Specifies the minimum wire format version that is allowed.
tracefalseCauses all commands sent over the transport to be logged.
useLocalHosttrueWhen true, causes the local machine's name to resolve to localhost.
datagramSize4 * 1024Specifies the size of a datagram.
timeToLive-1Specifies the time to live of datagrams. Set greater than 1 to send packets beyond the local network. [a]
loopBackModefalseSpecifies whether loopback mode is used.
wireFormat The name of the wire format to use.
wireFormat.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure the wireFormat. See Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” for more information.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.
[a] This won't work for IPv4 addresses without setting the property

Chapter 7. MQ Telemetry Transport(MQTT) Protocol


MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport.

URI syntax

Example 7.1, “MQTT URI” shows the syntax for an MQTT connection.

Example 7.1. MQTT URI

An NIO URI has the syntax shown in Example 7.2, “Syntax for MQTT+NIO Connection”.

Example 7.2. Syntax for MQTT+NIO Connection

A secure MQTT URI has the syntax shown in Example 7.3, “Syntax for an MQTT SSL Connection”.

Example 7.3. Syntax for an MQTT SSL Connection

A secure MQTT+NIO URI has the syntax shown in Example 7.4, “Syntax for a MQTT+NIO SSL Connection”.

Example 7.4. Syntax for a MQTT+NIO SSL Connection


Transport options

The MQTT protocol supports the following transport options:
Table 7.1. MQTT Transport Options
Specifies, in milliseconds, the broker will allow a connection to be silent before it is closed. If a client specifies a keep-alive duration, this setting is ignored. This option is set in the uri attribute of a broker's transportConnector element.
jms.* All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.

SSL transport options

In addition to the options supported by the non-secure MQTT transports, the SSL transport also supports the options for configuring the SSLServerSocket created for the connection. These options are listed in Table 2.1, “SSL Transport Options”.
If you are planning to enable SSL/TLS security, you must ensure that you explicitly disable the SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.

Configuring broker SSL options

On the broker side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax transport.OptionName. For example, to enable an MQTT SSL port on a broker, you would add the following transport element:
<transportConnector name="mqttssl" uri="mqtt+ssl://localhost:61617?transport.enabledProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" />
Remember, if you are specifying more than one option in the context of XML, you need to escape the ampersand, &, between options as &amp;.

Configuring client SSL options

On the client side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax socket.OptionName. For example, to connect to a MQTT SSL port, you would use a URL like the following:

Chapter 8. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)


Oasis AMQP is an open standard application protocol for messaging. In contrast to JMS, AMQP standardizes the wire protocol, not the programming API, thus facilitating interoperability at the transport level.

URI syntax

The URI syntax given here is valid only for specifying the endpoint in a transport connector element (broker endpoint).
A basic AMQP endpoint has the following URI syntax:
An AMQP endpoint with NIO support has the following syntax:
A secure AMQP endpoint has the following URI syntax:


Connections are subject to a configurable idle timeout threshold. The idle timeout is measured in milliseconds.
To configure the timeout threshold, use the following URI option:
It can be used in the following way:
<transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/>
Replace 10000 in the example with the number of milliseconds after which the connection will timeout due to inactivity.


The AMQP adapter is fully integrated with Apache ActiveMQ security. This means that the broker accepts SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) authentication and any authorization settings configured on the broker will be applied.
SSL security can also be enabled for AMQP. To enable SSL, configure the broker's sslContext element in the XML configuration and use the secure AMQP scheme, amqp+ssl, to define the AMQP URI in the broker's transportConnector element. For more details about SSL security, see the "Security Guide".

SSL transport options

In addition to the options supported by the non-secure AMQP transports, the SSL transport also supports the options for configuring the SSLServerSocket created for the connection. These options are listed in Table 2.1, “SSL Transport Options”.
If you are planning to enable SSL/TLS security, you must ensure that you explicitly disable the SSLv3 protocol, in order to safeguard against the Poodle vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). For more details, see Disabling SSLv3 in JBoss Fuse 6.x and JBoss A-MQ 6.x.

Configuring broker SSL options

On the broker side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax transport.OptionName. For example, to enable an AMQP SSL port on a broker, you would add the following transport element:
<transportConnector name="amqpssl" uri="amqp+ssl://localhost:61617?transport.enabledProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" />
Remember, if you are specifying more than one option in the context of XML, you need to escape the ampersand, &, between options as &amp;.

Configuring client SSL options

On the client side, you must specify an SSL transport option using the syntax socket.OptionName. For example, to connect to an AMQP SSL port, you would use a URL like the following:

Mapping from AMQP to JMS

Because AMQP is not a JMS compliant protocol, the AMQP messages and their headers are defined in a different format from JMS. It is therefore necessary to map AMQP messages to JMS format. The mapping is implemented by a transformer and the transformer type can be selected by specifying the transport.transformer option on the AMQP endpoint.
For example, the following transport connector selects the jms transformer type:
<transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://localhost:5672?transport.transformer=jms"/>

AMQP-to-JMS transformers

Table 8.1, “AMQP-to-JMS Transformer Types” lists the available transformer types and describes the basic characteristics of each mapping.
Table 8.1. AMQP-to-JMS Transformer Types
native(Default) Wraps the bytes of the AMQP message into a JMS BytesMessage, and maps the AMQP message headers to JMS message headers.
rawWraps the bytes of the AMQP message into a JMS BytesMessage.
jmsMaps the body of the AMQP message to JMS body, and maps the AMQP message headers to JMS message headers.

Header mapping for all transformers

The JMS headers shown in the following table are always created, no matter which transformer type is selected.
AMQP HeaderJMS Header
The JMS_AMQP_NATIVE header is a boolean type, which indicates whether or not the JMS message body is a direct copy of the raw AMQP message body. It is set to true for the native and jms transformer types and false for the jms transformer type.

Header mapping for native or jms transformers

The JMS headers shown in the following table are mapped from AMQP headers, if the native or jms transformer type is selected.
AMQP HeaderJMS Header
header.durable JMSDeliveryMode
header.priority JMSPriority
header.ttl JMSExpiration
header.first-acquirer JMS_AMQP_FirstAcquirer
header.deliveryCount JMSXDeliveryCount JMS_AMQP_DA_name
message-annotations.x-opt-jms-type JMSType
message-annotations.x-opt-to-type Type of the JMSDestination
message-annotations.x-opt-reply-type Type of the JMSReplyTo JMS_AMQP_MA_name
application-properties.JMSXGroupID JMSXGroupID
application-properties.JMSXGroupSequence JMSXGroupSequence
application-properties.JMSXUserID JMSXUserID name
properties.message-id JMSMessageID
properties.user-id JMSXUserID JMSDestination
properties.subject JMS_AMQP_Subject
properties.reply-to JMSReplyTo
properties.correlation-id JMSCorrelationID
properties.content-type JMS_AMQP_ContentType
properties.content-encoding JMS_AMQP_ContentEncoding
properties.creation-time JMSTimestamp JMSXGroupSequence
properties.reply-to-group-id JMS_AMQP_ReplyToGroupID JMS_AMQP_FT_name
The properties.user-id property is decoded as a UTF-8 String.

Default header values

When mapping AMQP message properties to JMS header values, the following default JMS header values are used:
Defaults to true, if the transformer is native or raw, otherwise false.
Defaults to javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE.
Defaults to javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
Defaults to javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE.
JMSDestination type
Defaults to queue.
JMSReplyTo type
Defaults to queue.
Auto-generated, if not set.

Property type mapping

AMQP property types are converted to Java types as shown in the following table:
AMQP TypeJava TypeNotes
bool Boolean
byte Byte
short Short
int Integer
long Long
ubyte Byte or Short Short is used, if value > Byte.MAX_VALUE
ushort Short or Integer Integer is used if value > Short.MAX_VALUE
uint Integer or Long Long is used, if value > Integer.MAX_VALUE
ulong Long
double Double
float Float
symbol String
binary String Hex encoding of the binary value

Message body mapping

When the jms transformer type is selected, the AMQP message body is mapped to a JMS message type, as shown in the following table:
AMQP Body TypeJMS Message Type
null Message
Data BytesMessage
AmqpSequence StreamMessage
AmqpValue holding a null Message
AmqpValue holding a String TextMessage
AmqpValue holding a binary BytesMessage
AmqpValue holding a list StreamMessage
AmqpValue ObjectMessage

Chapter 9. VM Transport


The VM transport allows clients to connect to each other inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) without the overhead of network communication.
The URI used to specify the VM transport comes in two flavors to provide maximum control over how the embedded broker is configured:
  • simple—specifies the name of the embedded broker to which the client connects and allows for some basic broker configuration
  • advanced—uses a broker URI to configure the embedded broker

9.1. Simple VM URI Syntax

URI syntax

The simple VM URI is used in most situations. It allows you to specify the name of the embedded broker to which the client will connect. It also allows for some basic broker configuration.
Example 9.1, “Simple VM URI Syntax” shows the syntax for a simple VM URI.

Example 9.1. Simple VM URI Syntax

  • BrokerName specifies the name of the embedded broker to which the client connects.
  • TransportOptions specifies the configuration for the transport. They are specified in the form of a query list. Table 9.2, “VM Transport Options” lists the available options.

Broker options

In addition to the transport options listed in Table 9.2, “VM Transport Options”, the simple VM URI can use the options described in Table 9.1, “VM Transport Broker Configuration Options” to configure the embedded broker.
Table 9.1. VM Transport Broker Configuration Options
broker.useJmxSpecifies if JMX is enabled. Default is true.
broker.persistentSpecifies if the broker uses persistent storage. Default is true.
broker.populateJMSXUserIDSpecifies if the broker populates the JMSXUserID message property with the sender’s authenticated username. Default is false.
broker.useShutdownHook Specifies if the broker installs a shutdown hook, so that it can shut down properly when it receives a JVM kill. Default is true.
broker.brokerNameSpecifies the broker name. Default is localhost.
broker.deleteAllMessagesOnStartupSpecifies if all the messages in the persistent store are deleted when the broker starts up. Default is false.
broker.enableStatisticsSpecifies if statistics gathering is enabled in the broker. Default is true.
brokerConfig Specifies an external broker configuration file. For example, to pick up the broker configuration file, activemq.xml, you would set brokerConfig as follows: brokerConfig=xbean:activemq.xml.
The broker configuration options specified on the VM URI are only meaningful if the client is responsible for instantiating the embedded broker. If the embedded broker is already started, the transport will ignore the broker configuration properties.


Example 9.2, “Basic VM URI” shows a basic VM URI that connects to an embedded broker named broker1.

Example 9.2. Basic VM URI

Example 9.3, “Simple URI with broker options” creates and connects to an embedded broker that uses a non-persistent message store.

Example 9.3. Simple URI with broker options


9.2. Advanced VM URI Syntax

URI syntax

The advanced VM URI provides you full control over how the embedded broker is configured. It uses a broker configuration URI similar to the one used by the administration tool to configure the embedded broker.
Example 9.4, “Advanced VM URI Syntax” shows the syntax for an advanced VM URI.

Example 9.4. Advanced VM URI Syntax

  • BrokerConfigURI is a broker configuration URI.
  • TransportOptions specifies the configuration for the transport. They are specified in the form of a query list. Table 9.2, “VM Transport Options” lists the available options.

Transport options

Table 9.2, “VM Transport Options” shows options for configuring the VM transport.
Table 9.2. VM Transport Options
marshal If true, forces each command sent over the transport to be marshalled and unmarshalled using the specified wire format. Default is false.
wireFormatThe name of the wire format to use.
wireFormat.*All options with this prefix are used to configure the wire format. See Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” for more information.
jms.*All the properties with this prefix are used to configure client connections to a broker. See Appendix B, Client Connection Options for more information.
createSpecifies if the VM transport will create an embedded broker if one does not exist. The default is true.
waitForStart Specifies the time, in milliseconds, the VM transport will wait for an embedded broker to start before creating one. The default is -1 which specifies that the transport will not wait.


Example 9.5, “Advanced VM URI” creates and connects to an embedded broker configured using a broker configuration URI.

Example 9.5. Advanced VM URI


Chapter 10. Discovering Brokers


One of the main strengths of Red Hat JBoss A-MQ is that brokers can be located dynamically through out your infrastructure. In order for clients and other brokers to be able to interact with a broker, they need some way of discovering that the broker exists. JBoss A-MQ does this using a combination of discovery agents and special URI schemes. In order for location transparency to work, the members of a messaging application need a way for discovering each other. In Red Hat JBoss A-MQ this is accomplished using two pieces: discovery agents, components that advertise the brokers available to other members of a messaging application; and discovery URI, a URI that looks up all of the discoverable brokers and presents them as a list of actual URIs for use by the client or network connector.

10.1. Discovery Agents


A discovery agent is a mechanism that advertises available brokers to clients and other brokers.

10.1.1. Introduction to Discovery Agents

What is a discovery agent?
A discovery agent is a mechanism that advertises available brokers to clients and other brokers. When a client, or broker, using a discovery URI starts up it will look for any brokers that are available using the specified discovery agent. The clients will update their lists periodically using the same mechanism.
Discovery mechanisms
How a discovery agent learns about the available brokers varies between agents. Some agents use a static list, some use a third party registry, and some rely on the brokers to provide the information. For discovery agents that rely on the brokers for information, it is necessary to enable the discovery agent in the message broker configuration. For example, to enable the multicast discovery agent on an Openwire endpoint, you edit the relevant transportConnector element as shown in Example 10.1, “Enabling a Discovery Agent on a Broker”.

Example 10.1. Enabling a Discovery Agent on a Broker

  <transportConnector name="openwire"
    discoveryUri="multicast://default" />
Where the discoveryUri attribute on the transportConnector element is initialized to multicast://default.
If a broker uses multiple transport connectors, you need to configure each transport connector to use a discovery agent individually. This means that different connectors can use different discovery mechanisms or that one or more of the connectors can be undiscoverable.
Discovery agent types
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ currently supports the following discovery agents:

10.1.2. Fuse Fabric Discovery Agent


The Fuse Fabric discovery agent uses Fuse Fabric to discovery brokers that are deployed into a fabric.
The Fuse Fabric discovery agent uses Fuse Fabric to discover the brokers in a specified group. The discovery agent requires that all of the discoverable brokers be deployed into a single fabric. When the client attempts to connect to a broker the agent looks up all of the available brokers in the fabric's registry and returns the ones in the specified group.
The Fuse Fabric discovery agent URI conforms to the syntax in Example 10.2, “Fuse Fabric Discovery Agent URI Format”.

Example 10.2. Fuse Fabric Discovery Agent URI Format

Where GID is the ID of the broker group from which the client discovers the available brokers.
Configuring a broker
The Fuse Fabric discovery agent requires that the discoverable brokers are deployed into a single fabric.
The best way to deploy brokers into a fabric is using the management console. For information on using the management console see "Management Console User Guide".
You can also use the console to deploy brokers into a fabric. See chapter "Fabric Console Commands" in "Console Reference".
Configuring a client
To use the agent a client must be configured to connect to a broker using a discovery protocol that uses a Fuse Fabric agent URI as shown in Example 10.3, “Client Connection URL using Fuse Fabric Discovery”.

Example 10.3. Client Connection URL using Fuse Fabric Discovery

A client using the URL in Example 10.3, “Client Connection URL using Fuse Fabric Discovery” will discover all the brokers in the nwBrokers broker group and generate a list of brokers to which it can connect.

10.1.3. Static Discovery Agent


The static discovery agent uses an explicit list of broker URLs to specify the available brokers.
The static discovery agent does not truly discover the available brokers. It uses an explicit list of broker URLs to specify the available brokers. Brokers are not involved with the static discovery agent. The client only knows about the brokers that are hard coded into the agent's URI.
Using the agent
The static discovery agent is a client-side only agent. It does not require any configuration on the brokers that will be discovered.
To use the agent, you simply configure the client to connect to a broker using a discovery protocol that uses a static agent URI.
The static discovery agent URI conforms to the syntax in Example 10.4, “Static Discovery Agent URI Format”.

Example 10.4. Static Discovery Agent URI Format

Example 10.5, “Discovery URI using the Static Discovery Agent” shows a discovery URI that configures a client to use the static discovery agent to connect to one member of a broker pair.

Example 10.5. Discovery URI using the Static Discovery Agent


10.1.4. Multicast Discovery Agent


The multicast discovery agent uses the IP multicast protocol to find any message brokers currently active on the local network.
The multicast discovery agent uses the IP multicast protocol to find any message brokers currently active on the local network. The agent requires that each broker you want to advertise is configured to use the multicast agent to publish its details to a multicast group. Clients using the multicast agent as part of the discovery URI they use for connecting to a broker will use the agent to receive the list of available brokers advertising in the specified multicast group.
Your local network (LAN) must be configured appropriately for the IP/multicast protocol to work.
The multicast discovery agent URI conforms to the syntax in Example 10.6, “Multicast Discovery Agent URI Format”.

Example 10.6. Multicast Discovery Agent URI Format

Where GroupID is an alphanumeric identifier. All participants in the same discovery group must use the same GroupID.
Configuring a broker
For a broker to be discoverable using the multicast discovery agent, you must enable the discovery agent in the broker's configuration. To enable the multicast discovery agent you set the transportConnector element's discoveryUri attribute to a mulitcast discovery agent URI as shown in Example 10.7, “Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker”.

Example 10.7. Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker

  <transportConnector name="openwire"
    discoveryUri="multicast://default" />
The broker configured in Example 10.7, “Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker” is discoverable as part of the multicast group default.
Configuring a client
To use the multicast agent a client must be configured to connect to a broker using a discovery URI that uses a multicast agent URI as shown in Example 10.8, “Client Connection URL using Multicast Discovery”.

Example 10.8. Client Connection URL using Multicast Discovery

A client using the URI in Example 10.8, “Client Connection URL using Multicast Discovery” will discover all the brokers advertised in the default multicast group and generate a list of brokers to which it can connect.

10.1.5. Zeroconf Discovery Agent


The zeroconf discovery agent uses an open source implementation of Apple's Bonjour networking technology to find any brokers currently active on the local network.
The zeroconf discovery agent is derived from Apple’s Bonjour Networking technology, which defines the zeroconf protocol as a mechanism for discovering services on a network. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ bases its implementation of the zeroconf discovery agent on JmDSN, which is a service discovery protocol that is layered over IP/multicast and is compatible with Apple Bonjour.
The agent requires that each broker you want to advertise is configured to use a multicast discovery agent to publish its details to a multicast group. Clients using the zeroconf agent as part of the discovery URI they use for connecting to a broker will use the agent to receive the list of available brokers advertising in the specified multicast group.
Your local network (LAN) must be configured to use IP/multicast for the zeroconf agent to work.
The zeroconf discovery agent URI conforms to the syntax in Example 10.9, “Zeroconf Discovery Agent URI Format”.

Example 10.9. Zeroconf Discovery Agent URI Format

Where the GroupID is an alphanumeric identifier. All participants in the same discovery group must use the same GroupID.
Configuring a broker
For a broker to be discoverable using the zeroconf discovery agent, you must enable a multicast discovery agent in the broker's configuration. To enable the multicast discovery agent you set the transportConnector element's discoveryUri attribute to a mulitcast discovery agent URI as shown in Example 10.10, “Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker”.

Example 10.10. Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker

  <transportConnector name="openwire"
    discoveryUri="multicast://NEGroup" />
The broker configured in Example 10.10, “Enabling a Multicast Discovery Agent on a Broker” is discoverable as part of the multicast group NEGroup.
Configuring a client
To use the agent a client must be configured to connect to a broker using a discovery protocol that uses a zeroconf agent URI as shown in Example 10.11, “Client Connection URL using Zeroconf Discovery”.

Example 10.11. Client Connection URL using Zeroconf Discovery

A client using the URL in Example 10.11, “Client Connection URL using Zeroconf Discovery” will discover all the brokers advertised in the NEGroup multicast group and generate a list of brokers to which it can connect.

10.2. Dynamic Discovery Protocol


The dynamic discovery protocol combines reconnect logic with a discovery agent to dynamically create a list of brokers to which the client can connect.


The dynamic discovery protocol combines reconnect logic with a discovery agent to dynamically create a list of brokers to which the client can connect. The discovery protocol invokes a discovery agent in order to build up a list of broker URIs. The protocol then randomly chooses a URI from the list and attempts to establish a connection to it. If it does not succeed, or if the connection subsequently fails, a new connection is established to one of the other URIs in the list.

URI syntax

Example 10.12, “Dynamic Discovery URI” shows the syntax for a discovery URI.

Example 10.12. Dynamic Discovery URI

DiscoveryAgentUri is URI for the discovery agent used to build up the list of available brokers. Discovery agents are described in Section 10.1, “Discovery Agents”.
The options, ?Options, are specified in the form of a query list. The discovery options are described in Table 10.1, “Dynamic Discovery Protocol Options”. You can also inject transport options as described in the section called “Setting options on the discovered transports”.
If no options are required, you can drop the parentheses from the URI. The resulting URI would take the form discovery:DiscoveryAgentUri

Transport options

The discovery protocol supports the options described in Table 10.1, “Dynamic Discovery Protocol Options”.
Table 10.1. Dynamic Discovery Protocol Options
initialReconnectDelay 10Specifies, in milliseconds, how long to wait before the first reconnect attempt.
maxReconnectDelay 30000Specifies, in milliseconds, the maximum amount of time to wait between reconnect attempts.
useExponentialBackOff trueSpecifies if an exponential back-off is used between reconnect attempts.
backOffMultiplier 2Specifies the exponent used in the exponential back-off algorithm.
maxReconnectAttempts -1Specifies the maximum number of reconnect attempts before an error is sent back to the client. -1 specifies unlimited attempts. 0 denotes that reconnects are disabled, i.e., try once to reconnect. Values greater than 0 denote the maximum number of reconnect attempts.

Sample URI

Example 10.13, “Discovery Protocol URI” shows a discovery URI that uses a multicast discovery agent.

Example 10.13. Discovery Protocol URI


Setting options on the discovered transports

The list of transport options, Options, in the discovery URI can also be used to set options on the discovered transports. If you set an option not listed in the section called “Setting options on the discovered transports”, the URI parser attempts to inject the option setting into every one of the discovered endpoints.
Example 10.14, “Injecting Transport Options into a Discovered Transport” shows a discovery URI that sets the TCP connectionTimeout option to 10 seconds.

Example 10.14. Injecting Transport Options into a Discovered Transport

The 10 second timeout setting is injected into every discovered TCP endpoint.

10.3. Fanout Protocol


The fanout protocol allows clients to connect to multiple brokers at once and broadcast messages to consumers connected to all of the brokers at once.


The fanout protocol enables a producer to auto-discover broker endpoints and broadcast topic messages to all of the discovered brokers. The fanout protocol gives producers a convenient mechanism for broadcasting messages to multiple brokers that are not part of a network of brokers.
The fanout protocol relies on a discovery agent to build up the list of broker URIs to which it connects.

URI syntax

Example 10.15, “Fanout URI Syntax” shows the syntax for a fanout URI.

Example 10.15. Fanout URI Syntax

DiscoveryAgentUri is URI for the discovery agent used to build up the list of available brokers. Discovery agents are described in Section 10.1, “Discovery Agents”.
The options, ?Options, are specified in the form of a query list. The discovery options are described in Table 10.2, “Fanout Protocol Options”. You can also inject transport options as described in the section called “Setting options on the discovered transports”.
If no options are required, you can drop the parentheses from the URI. The resulting URI would take the form fanout://DiscoveryAgentUri

Transport options

The fanout protocol supports the transport options described in Table 10.2, “Fanout Protocol Options”.
Table 10.2. Fanout Protocol Options
Option NameDefaultDescription
initialReconnectDelay 10Specifies, in milliseconds, how long the transport will wait before the first reconnect attempt.
maxReconnectDelay 30000Specifies, in milliseconds, the maximum amount of time to wait between reconnect attempts.
useExponentialBackOff trueSpecifies if an exponential back-off is used between reconnect attempts.
backOffMultiplier 2Specifies the exponent used in the exponential back-off algorithm.
maxReconnectAttempts -1Specifies the maximum number of reconnect attempts before an error is sent back to the client. -1 specifies unlimited attempts. 0 denotes that reconnects are disabled, i.e., try once to reconnect. Values greater than 0 denote the maximum number of reconnect attempts.
fanOutQueues falseSpecifies whether queue messages are replicated to every connected broker. For more information see the section called “Applying fanout to queue messages”.
minAckCount 2Specifies the minimum number of brokers to which the client must connect before it sends out messages. For more informaiton see the section called “Minimum number of brokers”.

Sample URI

Example 10.16, “Fanout Protocol URI” shows a discovery URI that uses a multicast discovery agent.

Example 10.16. Fanout Protocol URI


Applying fanout to queue messages

The fanout protocol replicates topic messages by sending each topic message to all of the connected brokers. By default, however, the fanout protocol does not replicate queue messages.
For queue messages, the fanout protocol picks one of the brokers at random and sends all of the queue messages to that broker. This is a sensible default, because under normal circumstances, you would not want to create more than one copy of a queue message.
It is possible to change the default behavior by setting the fanOutQueues option to true. This configures the protocol so that it also replicates queue messages.

Minimum number of brokers

By default, the fanout protocol does not start sending messages until the producer has connected to a minimum of two brokers. You can customize this minimum value using the minAckCount option.
Setting minimum number of brokers equal to the expected number of discovered brokers ensures that all of the available brokers start receiving messages at the same time. This ensures that no messages are missed if a broker starts up after the producer has started sending messages.

Using fanout with a broker network

You have to be careful when using the fanout protocol with brokers that are joined in a network of brokers.
The combination of the fanout protocol's broadcasting behavior and the nature of how messages are propagated through a network of brokers makes it likely that consumers will receive duplicate messages. If, for example, you joined four brokers into a network of brokers and connected a consumer listening for messages on topic hello.jason to broker A and connected a producer to broker B to send messages to topic hello.jason, the consumer would get one copy of the messages. If, on the other hand, the producer connects to the network using the fanout protocol, the producer will connect to every broker in the network simultaneously and start sending messages. Each of the four brokers will receive a copy of every message and deliver its copy to the consumer. So, for each message, the consumer will get four copies.

Chapter 11. Peer Protocol


The peer protocol uses embedded brokers to enable messaging clients to communicate with each other directly.

URI syntax

A peer URI must conform to the following syntax:
Where the group name, PeerGroup, identifies the set of peers that can communicate with each other. That is, a given peer can connect only to the set of peers that specify the same PeerGroup name in their URLs. The BrokerName specifies the broker name for the embedded broker. The broker options, BrokerOptions, are specified in the form of a query list (for example, ?persistent=true).

Broker options

The peer URL supports the broker options described in Table 11.1, “Broker Options”.
Table 11.1. Broker Options
useJmx If true, enables JMX. Default is true.
persistent If true, the broker uses persistent storage. Default is true.
populateJMSXUserID If true, the broker populates the JMSXUserID message property with the sender’s authenticated username. Default is false.
useShutdownHook If true, the broker installs a shutdown hook, so that it can shut down properly when it receives a JVM kill. Default is true.
brokerName Specifies the broker name. Default is localhost.
deleteAllMessagesOnStartup If true, deletes all the messages in the persistent store as the broker starts up. Default is false.
enableStatistics If true, enables statistics gathering in the broker. Default is true.
restartAllowed Specifies if the broker allowed to restart or shutdown. If true, then broker is allowed to restart on shutdown. Default is false.


The peer protocol uses multicast discovery to locate active peers on the network. In order for this to work, you must ensure that the IP multicast protocol is enabled on your operating system.

Appendix A. OpenWire Format Options

Format options table

Table A.1, “Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol” shows the wire format options supported by the OpenWire protocol.
Table A.1. Wire Format Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol
OptionDefaultDescriptionNegotiation Policy
wireformat.stackTraceEnabledtrueSpecifies if the stack trace of an exception occurring on the broker is sent to the client.false if either side is false.
wireformat.tcpNoDelayEnabledfalseSpecifies if a hint is provided to the peer that TCP nodelay should be enabled on the communications socket.false if either side is false.
wireformat.cacheEnabledtrueSpecifies that commonly repeated values are cached so that less marshalling occurs.false if either side is false.
wireformat.cacheSize1024Specifies the maximum number of values to cache.Use the smaller of the two values.
wireformat.tightEncodingEnabledtrueSpecifies if wire size be optimized over CPU usage.false if either side is false.
wireformat.prefixPacketSizetrueSpecifies if the size of the packet be prefixed before each packet is marshalled.true if both sides are true.
wireformat.maxInactivityDuration30000Specifies the maximum inactivity duration, in milliseconds, before the broker considers the connection dead and kills it. <= 0 disables inactivity monitoring.Use the smaller of the two values.
wireformat.maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay10000Specifies the initial delay in starting inactivity checks. 

Appendix B. Client Connection Options


When creating a connection to a broker, a client can use the connection URI to configure a number of the connection properties. The properties are added to the connection URI as matrix parameters on the URI as shown in Example B.1, “Client Connection Options Syntax”.

Example B.1. Client Connection Options Syntax

All of the client connection options are prefixed with jms.


Table B.1, “Client Connection Options” shows the client connection options.
Table B.1. Client Connection Options
alwaysSessionAsynctrueSpecifies if a separate thread is used for dispatching messages for each Session in the Connection. However, a separate thread is always used if there is more than one session, or the session isn't in auto acknowledge or dups ok mode.
checkForDuplicatestrueSpecifies if the consumer will check for duplicate messages and make sure that it is not processed twice inadvertently.
clientID Specifies the JMS clientID to use for the connection.
closeTimeout15000Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, before a connection close is considered complete. Normally a close() on a connection waits for confirmation from the broker; this allows that operation to timeout and save the client from hanging if there is no broker.
copyMessageOnSendtrueSpecifies if a JMS message should be copied to a new JMS Message object as part of the send() method in JMS. This is enabled by default to be compliant with the JMS specification. Disabling this can give you a performance, however you must not mutate JMS messages after they are sent.
disableTimeStampsByDefaultfalseSpecifies whether or not timestamps on messages should be disabled or not. Disabling them it adds a small performance boost.
dispatchAsyncfalseSpecifies if the broker dispatches messages to the consumer asynchronously.
nestedMapAndListEnabledtrueEnables/disables whether or not structured message properties and MapMessages are supported so that Message properties and MapMessage entries can contain nested Map and List objects.
objectMessageSerializationDeferedfalseSpecifies that the serialization of objects when they are set on an ObjectMessage is deferred. The object may subsequently get serialized if the message needs to be sent over a socket or stored to disk.
optimizeAcknowledgefalseSpecifies if messages are acknowledged in batches rather than individually. Enabling this could cause some issues with auto-acknowledgement on reconnection.
optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut300Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, between batch acknowledgements when optimizeAcknowledge is enabled.
optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval0if greater than 0, specifies a time interval upon which all the outstanding acks are delivered when optimized acknowledge is used, so that a long running consumer that doesn't receive any more messages will eventually ack the last few unacked messages.
optimizedMessageDispatchtrueSpecifies if a larger prefetch limit is used for durable topic subscribers.
useAsyncSendfalseSpecifies in sends are performed asynchronously. Asynchronous sends provide a significant performance boost. The tradeoff is that the send() method will return immediately whether the message has been sent or not which could lead to message loss.
useCompressionfalseSpecifies if message bodies are compressed.
useRetroactiveConsumerfalseSpecifies whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started.
warnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout500Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, from connection creation to when a warning is generated if the connection is not properly started and a message is received by a consumer. -1 disables the warnings.
auditDepth2048Specifies the size of the message window that will be audited for duplicates and out of order messages.
auditMaximumProducerNumber64Specifies the maximum number of producers that will be audited.
alwaysSyncSendfalseSpecifies if a message producer will always use synchronous sends when sending a message.
consumerExpiryCheckEnabled trueSpecifies whether message expiration checking is done in each MessageConsumer prior to dispatching a message. Disabling this can lead to consumption of expired messages.
blobTransferPolicy.* Used to configure how the client handles blob messages. See the section called “Blob handling”.
prefetchPolicy.* Used to configure the prefect limits. See the section called “Prefetch limits”.
redeliveryPolicy.* Used to configure the redelivery policy. See the section called “Redelivery policy”.

Blob handling

Blob messages allow the broker to use an out of band transport to pass large files between clients. Table B.2, “Blob Message Properties” describes the connection URI options used to configure how a client handles blob messages.
All of the prefetch options are prefixed with jms.blobTransferPolicy.
Table B.2. Blob Message Properties
bufferSizeSpecifies the size of the buffer used when uploading or downloading blobs.
uploadUrlSpecifies the URL to which blob messages are stored for transfer. This value overrides the upload URI configured by the broker.

Prefetch limits

The prefetch limits control how many messages can be dispatched to a consumer and waiting to be acknowledged. Table B.3, “Connection URI Prefect Limit Options” describes the options used to configure the prefetch limits of consumers using a connection.
All of the prefetch options are prefixed with jms.prefetchPolicy.
Table B.3. Connection URI Prefect Limit Options
queuePrefetchSpecifies the prefect limit for all consumers using queues.
queueBrowserPrefetchSpecifies the prefect limit for all queue browsers.
topicPrefetchSpecifies the prefect limit for non-durable topic consumers.
durableTopicPrefetchSpecifies the prefect limit for durable topic consumers.
allSpecifies the prefect limit for all types of message consumers.

Redelivery policy

The redelivery policy controls the redelivery of messages in the event of connectivity issues. Table B.4, “Redelivery Policy Options” describes the options used to configure the redelivery policy of consumers using a connection.
All of the prefetch options are prefixed with jms.redeliveryPolicy.
Table B.4. Redelivery Policy Options
collisionAvoidanceFactor0.15Specifies the percentage of range of collision avoidance.
maximumRedeliveries6Specifies the maximum number of times a message will be redelivered before it is considered a poisoned pill and returned to the broker so it can go to a dead letter queue. -1 specifies an infinite number of redeliveries.
maximumRedeliveryDelay-1Specifies the maximum delivery delay that will be applied if the useExponentialBackOff option is set. -1 specifies that no maximum be applied.
initialRedeliveryDelay1000Specifies the initial redelivery delay in milliseconds.
redeliveryDelay1000Specifies the delivery delay, in milliseconds.
useCollisionAvoidancefalseSpecifies if the redelivery policy uses collision avoidance.
useExponentialBackOfffalseSpecifies if the redelivery time out should be increased exponentially.
backOffMultiplier5Specifies the back-off multiplier.

Appendix C. Server Options

Server options table

Table C.1, “ActiveMQ TransportConnector Server Options” shows the options to change the behavior of TransportConnector in ActiveMQ broker configuration on the server.
Table C.1. ActiveMQ TransportConnector Server Options
urinullSpecifies the bind address for the transport connector.
namenullSpecifies the name of the transport connector instance.
discoveryURInullSpecifies the multicast discovery address for client connection to find the broker.
enableStatusMonitorfalseMonitors the state of the connections and determines whether the connections are blocked.
updateClusterClientsfalseUpdates the client connections about the changes in the broker status.
rebalanceClusterClientsfalseRebalances clients automatically across the cluster on changes to the topology.
updateClusterClientsOnRemovefalseUpdates clients if a broker is removed from the cluster.
updateClusterFilternullA comma separated list of regular expressions that specifies the list of brokers included for client updates.
allowLinkStealingfalseSpecifies that if the last two or more connections have the same id, for example clientID for JMS then the last connection is deemed as a valid connection and the older connections are closed by the broker. This property is enable for default for MQTT transport.
Example C.1, “Server Options Configuration” shows the configuration of enableStatusMonitor server option.

Example C.1. Server Options Configuration

<broker > 
  <transportConnectors >
  <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://" enableStatusMonitor="true" >
  <transportConnectors >
  <broker >



discovery agent
Fuse Fabric, Fuse Fabric Discovery Agent
multicast, Multicast Discovery Agent
static, Static Discovery Agent
zeroconf, Zeroconf Discovery Agent
discovery protocol
backOffMultiplier, Transport options
initialReconnectDelay, Transport options
maxReconnectAttempts, Transport options
maxReconnectDelay, Transport options
URI, URI syntax
useExponentialBackOff, Transport options
discovery URI, URI syntax
discovery:, URI syntax
discoveryUri, Configuring a broker, Configuring a broker


embedded broker
brokerName, Broker options
deleteAllMessagesOnStartup, Broker options
enableStatistics, Broker options
persistent, Broker options
populateJMSXUserID, Broker options
useJmx, Broker options
useShutdownHook, Broker options


fabric://, URI
fanout protocol
backOffMultiplier, Transport options
fanOutQueues, Transport options
initialReconnectDelay, Transport options
maxReconnectAttempts, Transport options
maxReconnectDelay, Transport options
minAckCount, Transport options
URI, URI syntax
useExponentialBackOff, Transport options
fanout URI, URI syntax
fanout://, URI syntax
Fuse Fabric discovery agent


URI, URI syntax
URI, URI syntax


MQTT, URI syntax
MQTT+NIO, URI syntax
MQTT+SSL, URI syntax
Multicast, URI syntax
multicast discovery agent
broker configuration, Configuring a broker
multicast://, URI


URI, URI syntax
URI, URI syntax


URI, URI syntax
static discovery agent
URI, Using the agent
static://, Using the agent
STOMP, URI syntax


URI, URI syntax
HTTP, URI syntax
HTTPS, URI syntax
MQTT, URI syntax
MQTT+NIO, URI syntax
MQTT+SSL, URI syntax
Multicast, URI syntax
NIO, URI syntax
NIO+SSL, URI syntax
SSL, URI syntax
STOMP, URI syntax
TCP, URI syntax
UDP, URI syntax


advanced URI, URI syntax
broker configuration, Broker options
broker name, URI syntax
brokerConfig, Broker options
create, Transport options
marshal, Transport options
simple URI, Simple VM URI Syntax
waitForStart, Transport options
wireFormat, Transport options
advanced, URI syntax
simple, Simple VM URI Syntax


zeroconf discovery agent
broker configuration, Configuring a broker
zeroconf://, URI

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