Deploying AMQ Broker on OpenShift

Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.10

For Use with AMQ Broker 7.10


Learn how to install and deploy AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Introduction to AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.10 is available as a containerized image for use with OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 or 4.15.

AMQ Broker is based on Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. It provides a message broker that is JMS-compliant. After you have set up the initial broker pod, you can quickly deploy duplicates by using OpenShift Container Platform features.

1.1. Version compatibility and support

For details about OpenShift Container Platform image version compatibility, see:


All deployments of AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform now use RHEL 8 based images.

1.2. Unsupported features

  • Master-slave-based high availability

    High availability (HA) achieved by configuring master and slave pairs is not supported. Instead, AMQ Broker uses the HA capabilities provided in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • External clients cannot use the topology information provided by AMQ Broker

    When an AMQ Core Protocol JMS Client or an AMQ JMS Client connects to a broker in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, the broker can send the client the IP address and port information for each of the other brokers in the cluster, which serves as a failover list for clients if the connection to the current broker is lost.

    The IP address provided for each broker is an internal IP address, which is not accessible to clients that are external to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. To prevent external clients from trying to connect to a broker using an internal IP address, set the following configuration in the URI used by the client to initially connect to a broker.


    AMQ Core Protocol JMS Client


    AMQ JMS Client


1.3. Document conventions

This document uses the following conventions for the sudo command, file paths, and replaceable values.

The sudo command

In this document, sudo is used for any command that requires root privileges. You should always exercise caution when using sudo, as any changes can affect the entire system.

For more information about using sudo, see The sudo Command.

About the use of file paths in this document

In this document, all file paths are valid for Linux, UNIX, and similar operating systems (for example, /home/...). If you are using Microsoft Windows, you should use the equivalent Microsoft Windows paths (for example, C:\Users\...).

Replaceable values

This document sometimes uses replaceable values that you must replace with values specific to your environment. Replaceable values are lowercase, enclosed by angle brackets (< >), and are styled using italics and monospace font. Multiple words are separated by underscores (_) .

For example, in the following command, replace <project_name> with your own project name.

$ oc new-project <project_name>

Chapter 2. Planning a deployment of AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform

This section describes how to plan an Operator-based deployment.

Operators are programs that enable you to package, deploy, and manage OpenShift applications. Often, Operators automate common or complex tasks. Commonly, Operators are intended to provide:

  • Consistent, repeatable installations
  • Health checks of system components
  • Over-the-air (OTA) updates
  • Managed upgrades

Operators enable you to make changes while your broker instances are running, because they are always listening for changes to the Custom Resource (CR) instances that you used to configure your deployment. When you make changes to a CR, the Operator reconciles the changes with the existing broker deployment and updates the deployment to reflect the changes. In addition, the Operator provides a message migration capability, which ensures the integrity of messaging data. When a broker in a clustered deployment shuts down due to an intentional scaledown of the deployment, this capability migrates messages to a broker Pod that is still running in the same broker cluster.

2.1. Overview of the AMQ Broker Operator Custom Resource Definitions

In general, a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a schema of configuration items that you can modify for a custom OpenShift object deployed with an Operator. By creating a corresponding Custom Resource (CR) instance, you can specify values for configuration items in the CRD. If you are an Operator developer, what you expose through a CRD essentially becomes the API for how a deployed object is configured and used. You can directly access the CRD through regular HTTP curl commands, because the CRD gets exposed automatically through Kubernetes.

You can install the AMQ Broker Operator using either the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI), or the Operator Lifecycle Manager, through the OperatorHub graphical interface. In either case, the AMQ Broker Operator includes the CRDs described below.

Main broker CRD

You deploy a CR instance based on this CRD to create and configure a broker deployment.

Based on how you install the Operator, this CRD is:

  • The broker_activemqartemis_crd file in the crds directory of the Operator installation archive (OpenShift CLI installation method)
  • The ActiveMQArtemis CRD in the Custom Resource Definitions section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console (OperatorHub installation method)
Address CRD

You deploy a CR instance based on this CRD to create addresses and queues for a broker deployment.

Based on how you install the Operator, this CRD is:

  • The broker_activemqartemisaddress_crd file in the crds directory of the Operator installation archive (OpenShift CLI installation method)
  • The ActiveMQArtemisAddresss CRD in the Custom Resource Definitions section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console (OperatorHub installation method)
Security CRD

You deploy a CR instance based on this CRD to create users and associate those users with security contexts.

Based on how you install the Operator, this CRD is:

  • The broker_activemqartemissecurity_crd file in the crds directory of the Operator installation archive (OpenShift CLI installation method)
  • The ActiveMQArtemisSecurity CRD in the Custom Resource Definitions section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console (OperatorHub installation method).
Scaledown CRD

The Operator automatically creates a CR instance based on this CRD when instantiating a scaledown controller for message migration.

Based on how you install the Operator, this CRD is:

  • The broker_activemqartemisscaledown_crd file in the crds directory of the Operator installation archive (OpenShift CLI installation method)
  • The ActiveMQArtemisScaledown CRD in the Custom Resource Definitions section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console (OperatorHub installation method).

Additional resources

2.2. Overview of the AMQ Broker Operator sample Custom Resources

The AMQ Broker Operator archive that you download and extract during installation includes sample Custom Resource (CR) files in the deploy/crs directory. These sample CR files enable you to:

  • Deploy a minimal broker without SSL or clustering.
  • Define addresses.

The broker Operator archive that you download and extract also includes CRs for example deployments in the deploy/examples directory, as listed below.

Basic broker deployment.
Broker deployment with persistent storage.
Deployment of clustered brokers.
Deployment of clustered brokers with persistent storage.
Broker deployment with SSL security.
Broker deployment with SSL security and persistent storage.
Use of asynchronous I/O (AIO) with the broker journal.
Address and queue creation.

2.3. Watch options for a Cluster Operator deployment

When the Cluster Operator is running, it starts to watch for updates of AMQ Broker custom resources (CRs).

You can choose to deploy the Cluster Operator to watch CRs from:

  • A single namespace (the same namespace containing the Operator)
  • All namespaces

If you have already installed a previous version of the AMQ Broker Operator in a namespace on your cluster, Red Hat recommends that you do not install the AMQ Broker Operator 7.10 version to watch that namespace to avoid potential conflicts.

2.4. How the Operator chooses container images

When you create a Custom Resource (CR) instance for a broker deployment, you do not need to explicitly specify broker or Init Container image names in the CR. By default, if you deploy a CR and do not explicitly specify container image values, the Operator automatically chooses the appropriate container images to use.


If you install the Operator using the OpenShift command-line interface, the Operator installation archive includes a sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml. In the sample CR, the spec.deploymentPlan.image property is included and set to its default value of placeholder. This value indicates that the Operator does not choose a broker container image until you deploy the CR.

The spec.deploymentPlan.initImage property, which specifies the Init Container image, is not included in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file. If you do not explicitly include the spec.deploymentPlan.initImage property in your CR and specify a value, the Operator chooses an appropriate built-in Init Container image to use when you deploy the CR.

How the Operator chooses these images is described in this section.

To choose broker and Init Container images, the Operator first determines an AMQ Broker version to which the images should correspond. The Operator determines the version as follows:

  • If the spec.upgrades.enabled property in the main CR is already set to true and the spec.version property specifies 7.7.0, 7.8.0, 7.8.1, or 7.8.2, the Operator uses that specified version.
  • If spec.upgrades.enabled is not set to true, or spec.version is set to an AMQ Broker version earlier than 7.7.0, the Operator uses the latest version of AMQ Broker (that is, 7.10.7).

The Operator then detects your container platform. The AMQ Broker Operator can run on the following container platforms:

  • OpenShift Container Platform (x86_64)
  • OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z (s390x)
  • OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power Systems (ppc64le)

Based on the version of AMQ Broker and your container platform, the Operator then references two sets of environment variables in the operator.yaml configuration file. These sets of environment variables specify broker and Init Container images for various versions of AMQ Broker, as described in the following sub-sections.

2.4.1. Environment variables for broker container images

The environment variables included in the operator.yaml configuration file for broker container images have the following naming convention:

OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z
OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power Systems

Environment variable names for each supported container platform and specific AMQ Broker versions are shown in the table.

Container platformEnvironment variable names

OpenShift Container Platform

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_782
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_790
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_7100

OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_782_s390x
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_790_s390x
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_7100_s390x

OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power Systems

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_782_ppc64le
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_790_ppc64le
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_7100_ppc64le

The value of each environment variable specifies a broker container image that is available from Red Hat. For example:

- name: RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_7100

Therefore, based on an AMQ Broker version and your container platform, the Operator determines the applicable environment variable name. The Operator uses the corresponding image value when starting the broker container.


In the operator.yaml file, the Operator uses an image that is represented by a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) value. The comment line, which begins with a number sign (#) symbol, denotes that the SHA value corresponds to a specific container image tag.

2.4.2. Environment variables for Init Container images

The environment variables included in the operator.yaml configuration file for Init Container images have the following naming convention:


Environment variable names for specific AMQ Broker versions are listed below.

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_782
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_790
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_7100

The value of each environment variable specifies an Init Container image that is available from Red Hat. For example:

- name: RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_7100

Therefore, based on an AMQ Broker version, the Operator determines the applicable environment variable name. The Operator uses the corresponding image value when starting the Init Container.


As shown in the example, the Operator uses an image that is represented by a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) value. The comment line, which begins with a number sign (#) symbol, denotes that the SHA value corresponds to a specific container image tag. Observe that the corresponding container image tag is not a floating tag in the form of 0.4-21. This means that the container image used by the Operator remains fixed. The Operator does not automatically pull and use a new micro image version (that is, 0.4-21-n, where n is the latest micro version) when it becomes available from Red Hat.

The environment variables included in the operator.yaml configuration file for Init Container images have the following naming convention:

OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z
OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power Systems

Environment variable names for each supported container platform and specific AMQ Broker versions are shown in the table.

Container platformEnvironment variable names

OpenShift Container Platform

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_782
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_790
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_7100

OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_s390x_782
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_s390x_790
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_s390x_7100

OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power Systems

  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_ppc64le_782
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_ppc64le_790
  • RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_ppc64le_7100

The value of each environment variable specifies an Init Container image that is available from Red Hat. For example:

- name: RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Init_7100

Therefore, based on an AMQ Broker version and your container platform, the Operator determines the applicable environment variable name. The Operator uses the corresponding image value when starting the Init Container.


As shown in the example, the Operator uses an image that is represented by a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) value. The comment line, which begins with a number sign (#) symbol, denotes that the SHA value corresponds to a specific container image tag. Observe that the corresponding container image tag is not a floating tag in the form of 0.4-21. This means that the container image used by the Operator remains fixed. The Operator does not automatically pull and use a new micro image version (that is, 0.4-21-n, where n is the latest micro version) when it becomes available from Red Hat.

Additional resources

2.5. Operator deployment notes

This section describes some important considerations when planning an Operator-based deployment

  • Deploying the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that accompany the AMQ Broker Operator requires cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift cluster. When the Operator is deployed, non-administrator users can create broker instances via corresponding Custom Resources (CRs). To enable regular users to deploy CRs, the cluster administrator must first assign roles and permissions to the CRDs. For more information, see Creating cluster roles for Custom Resource Definitions in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.
  • When you update your cluster with the CRDs for the latest Operator version, this update affects all projects in the cluster. Any broker Pods deployed from previous versions of the Operator might become unable to update their status. When you click the Logs tab of a running broker Pod in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you see messages indicating that 'UpdatePodStatus' has failed. However, the broker Pods and Operator in that project continue to work as expected. To fix this issue for an affected project, you must also upgrade that project to use the latest version of the Operator.
  • While you can create more than one broker deployment in a given OpenShift project by deploying multiple Custom Resource (CR) instances, typically, you create a single broker deployment in a project, and then deploy multiple CR instances for addresses.

    Red Hat recommends you create broker deployments in separate projects.

  • If you intend to deploy brokers with persistent storage and do not have container-native storage in your OpenShift cluster, you need to manually provision Persistent Volumes (PVs) and ensure that these are available to be claimed by the Operator. For example, if you want to create a cluster of two brokers with persistent storage (that is, by setting persistenceEnabled=true in your CR), you need to have two persistent volumes available. By default, each broker instance requires storage of 2 GiB.

    If you specify persistenceEnabled=false in your CR, the deployed brokers uses ephemeral storage. Ephemeral storage means that that every time you restart the broker Pods, any existing data is lost.

    For more information about provisioning persistent storage in OpenShift Container Platform, see:

  • You must add configuration for the items listed below to the main broker CR instance before deploying the CR for the first time. You cannot add configuration for these items to a broker deployment that is already running.

  • If you update a parameter in your CR that the Operator is unable to dynamically update in the StatefulSet, the Operator deletes the StatefulSet and recreates it with the updated parameter value. Deleting the StatefulSet causes all pods to be deleted and recreated, which causes a temporary broker outage. An example of a CR update that the Operator cannot dynamically update in the StatefulSet is if you change persistenceEnabled=false to persistenceEnabled=true.

2.6. Identifying namespaces watched by existing Operators

If the cluster already contains installed Operators for AMQ Broker, and you want a new Operator to watch all or multiple namespaces, you must ensure that the new Operator does not watch any of the same namespaces as existing Operators. Use the following procedure to identify the namespaces watched by existing Operators.


  1. In the left pane of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click WorkloadsDeployments.
  2. In the Project drop-down list, select All Projects.
  3. In the Filter Name box, specify a string, for example, amq, to display the Operators for AMQ Broker that are installed on the cluster.


    The namespace column displays the namespace where each operator is deployed.

  4. Check the namespaces that each installed Operator for AMQ Broker is configured to watch.

    1. Click the Operator name to display the Operator details and click the YAML tab.
    2. Search for WATCH_NAMESPACE and note the namespaces that the Operator watches.

      • If the WATCH_NAMESPACE section has a fieldPath field that has a value of metadata.namespace, the Operator is watching the namespace where it is deployed.
      • If the WATCH_NAMESPACE section has a value field that has list of namespaces, the Operator is watching the specified namespaces. For example:

        - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
          value: "namespace1, namespace2"
      • If the WATCH_NAMESPACE section has a value field that is empty or has an asterisk, the Operator is watching all the namespaces on the cluster. For example:

        - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
          value: ""

        In this case, before you deploy the new Operator, you must either uninstall the existing Operator or reconfigure it to watch specific namespaces.

The procedures in the next section show you how to install the Operator and use Custom Resources (CRs) to create broker deployments on OpenShift Container Platform. When you have successfully completed the procedures, you will have the Operator running in an individual Pod. Each broker instance that you create will run as an individual Pod in a StatefulSet in the same project as the Operator. Later, you will you will see how to use a dedicated addressing CR to define addresses in your broker deployment.

Chapter 3. Deploying AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform using the AMQ Broker Operator

3.1. Prerequisites

3.2. Installing the Operator using the CLI


Each Operator release requires that you download the latest AMQ Broker 7.10.7 Operator Installation and Example Files as described below.

The procedures in this section show how to use the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to install and deploy the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10 in a given OpenShift project. In subsequent procedures, you use this Operator to deploy some broker instances.

3.2.1. Preparing to deploy the Operator

Before you deploy the Operator using the CLI, you must download the Operator installation files and prepare the deployment.


  1. In your web browser, navigate to the Software Downloads page for AMQ Broker 7.10.7 releases.
  2. Ensure that the value of the Version drop-down list is set to 7.10.7 and the Releases tab is selected.
  3. Next to AMQ Broker 7.10.7 Operator Installation and Example Files, click Download.

    Download of the compressed archive automatically begins.

  4. Move the archive to your chosen directory. The following example moves the archive to a directory called ~/broker/operator.

    $ mkdir ~/broker/operator
    $ mv ~/broker/operator
  5. In your chosen directory, extract the contents of the archive. For example:

    $ cd ~/broker/operator
    $ unzip
  6. Switch to the directory that was created when you extracted the archive. For example:

    $ cd amq-broker-operator-7.10.7-ocp-install-examples
  7. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform as a cluster administrator. For example:

    $ oc login -u system:admin
  8. Specify the project in which you want to install the Operator. You can create a new project or switch to an existing one.

    1. Create a new project:

      $ oc new-project <project_name>
    2. Or, switch to an existing project:

      $ oc project <project_name>
  9. Specify a service account to use with the Operator.

    1. In the deploy directory of the Operator archive that you extracted, open the service_account.yaml file.
    2. Ensure that the kind element is set to ServiceAccount.
    3. If you want to change the default service account name, in the metadata section, replace amq-broker-operator with a custom name.
    4. Create the service account in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
  10. Specify a role name for the Operator.

    1. Open the role.yaml file. This file specifies the resources that the Operator can use and modify.
    2. Ensure that the kind element is set to Role.
    3. If you want to change the default role name, in the metadata section, replace amq-broker-operator with a custom name.
    4. Create the role in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/role.yaml
  11. Specify a role binding for the Operator. The role binding binds the previously-created service account to the Operator role, based on the names you specified.

    1. Open the role_binding.yaml file.
    2. Ensure that the name values for ServiceAccount and Role match those specified in the service_account.yaml and role.yaml files. For example:

          name: amq-broker-operator
          kind: ServiceAccount
          name: amq-broker-operator
          kind: Role
          name: amq-broker-operator
    3. Create the role binding in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
  12. Specify a leader election role binding for the Operator. The role binding binds the previously-created service account to the leader election role, based on the names you specified.

    1. Create a leader election role for the Operator.

      $ oc create -f deploy/election_role.yaml
    2. Create the leader election role binding in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/election_role_binding.yaml
  13. (Optional) If you want the Operator to watch multiple namespaces, complete the following steps:


    If the OpenShift Container Platform cluster already contains installed Operators for AMQ Broker, you must ensure the new Operator does not watch any of the same namespaces as existing Operators. For information on how to identify the namespaces that are watched by existing Operators, see, Identifying namespaces watched by existing Operators.

    1. In the deploy directory of the Operator archive that you downloaded and extracted, open the operator_yaml file.
    2. If you want the Operator to watch all namespaces in the cluster, in the WATCH_NAMESPACE section, add a value attribute and set the value to an asterisk. Comment out the existing attributes in the WATCH_NAMESPACE section. For example:

      - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
        value: "*"
      # valueFrom:
      #   fieldRef:
      #     fieldPath: metadata.namespace

      To avoid conflicts, ensure that multiple Operators do not watch the same namespace. For example, if you deploy an Operator to watch all namespaces on the cluster, you cannot deploy another Operator to watch individual namespaces. If Operators are already deployed on the cluster, you can specify a list of namespaces that the new Operator watches, as described in the following step.

    3. If you want the Operator to watch multiple, but not all, namespaces on the cluster, in the WATCH_NAMESPACE section, specify a list of namespaces. Ensure that you exclude any namespaces that are watched by existing Operators. For example:

      - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
        value: "namespace1, namespace2"`.
    4. In the deploy directory of the Operator archive that you downloaded and extracted, open the cluster_role_binding.yaml file.
    5. In the Subjects section, specify a namespace that corresponds to the OpenShift Container Platform project to which you are deploying the Operator. For example:

      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: activemq-artemis-controller-manager
        namespace: operator-project

      If you previously deployed brokers using an earlier version of the Operator, and you want to deploy the Operator to watch multiple namespaces, see Before you upgrade.

    6. Create a cluster role in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/cluster_role.yaml
    7. Create a cluster role binding in your project.

      $ oc create -f deploy/cluster_role_binding.yaml

In the procedure that follows, you deploy the Operator in your project.

3.2.2. Deploying the Operator using the CLI

The procedure in this section shows how to use the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to deploy the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10 in your OpenShift project.


  • You must have already prepared your OpenShift project for the Operator deployment. See Section 3.2.1, “Preparing to deploy the Operator”.
  • Starting in AMQ Broker 7.3, you use a new version of the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog to access container images. This new version of the registry requires you to become an authenticated user before you can access images. Before you can follow the procedure in this section, you must first complete the steps described in Red Hat Container Registry Authentication.
  • If you intend to deploy brokers with persistent storage and do not have container-native storage in your OpenShift cluster, you need to manually provision Persistent Volumes (PVs) and ensure that they are available to be claimed by the Operator. For example, if you want to create a cluster of two brokers with persistent storage (that is, by setting persistenceEnabled=true in your Custom Resource), you need to have two PVs available. By default, each broker instance requires storage of 2 GiB.

    If you specify persistenceEnabled=false in your Custom Resource, the deployed brokers uses ephemeral storage. Ephemeral storage means that that every time you restart the broker Pods, any existing data is lost.

    For more information about provisioning persistent storage, see:


  1. In the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI), log in to OpenShift as a cluster administrator. For example:

    $ oc login -u system:admin
  2. Switch to the project that you previously prepared for the Operator deployment. For example:

    $ oc project <project_name>
  3. Switch to the directory that was created when you previously extracted the Operator installation archive. For example:

    $ cd ~/broker/operator/amq-broker-operator-7.10.7-ocp-install-examples
  4. Deploy the CRDs that are included with the Operator. You must install the CRDs in your OpenShift cluster before deploying and starting the Operator.

    1. Deploy the main broker CRD.

      $ oc create -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemis_crd.yaml
    2. Deploy the address CRD.

      $ oc create -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemisaddress_crd.yaml
    3. Deploy the scaledown controller CRD.

      $ oc create -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemisscaledown_crd.yaml
    4. Deploy the security CRD:

      $ oc create -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemissecurity_crd.yaml
  5. Link the pull secret associated with the account used for authentication in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog with the default, deployer, and builder service accounts for your OpenShift project.

    $ oc secrets link --for=pull default <secret_name>
    $ oc secrets link --for=pull deployer <secret_name>
    $ oc secrets link --for=pull builder <secret_name>
  6. In the deploy directory of the Operator archive that you downloaded and extracted, open the operator.yaml file. Ensure that the value of the spec.containers.image property corresponds to version 7.10.7-opr-1 of the Operator, as shown below.


    In the operator.yaml file, the Operator uses an image that is represented by a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) value. The comment line, which begins with a number sign (#) symbol, denotes that the SHA value corresponds to a specific container image tag.

  7. Deploy the Operator.

    $ oc create -f deploy/operator.yaml

    In your OpenShift project, the Operator starts in a new Pod.

    In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, the information on the Events tab of the Operator Pod confirms that OpenShift has deployed the Operator image that you specified, has assigned a new container to a node in your OpenShift cluster, and has started the new container.

    In addition, if you click the Logs tab within the Pod, the output should include lines resembling the following:

    {"level":"info","ts":1553619035.8302743,"logger":"kubebuilder.controller","msg":"Starting Controller","controller":"activemqartemisaddress-controller"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1553619035.830541,"logger":"kubebuilder.controller","msg":"Starting Controller","controller":"activemqartemis-controller"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1553619035.9306898,"logger":"kubebuilder.controller","msg":"Starting workers","controller":"activemqartemisaddress-controller","worker count":1}
    {"level":"info","ts":1553619035.9311671,"logger":"kubebuilder.controller","msg":"Starting workers","controller":"activemqartemis-controller","worker count":1}

    The preceding output confirms that the newly-deployed Operator is communicating with Kubernetes, that the controllers for the broker and addressing are running, and that these controllers have started some workers.


It is recommended that you deploy only a single instance of the AMQ Broker Operator in a given OpenShift project. Setting the spec.replicas property of your Operator deployment to a value greater than 1, or deploying the Operator more than once in the same project is not recommended.

Additional resources

3.3. Installing the Operator using OperatorHub

3.3.1. Overview of the Operator Lifecycle Manager

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 and later, the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) helps users install, update, and generally manage the lifecycle of all Operators and their associated services running across their clusters. It is part of the Operator Framework, an open source toolkit designed to manage Kubernetes-native applications (Operators) in an effective, automated, and scalable way.

The OLM runs by default in OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 and later, which aids cluster administrators in installing, upgrading, and granting access to Operators running on their cluster. The OpenShift Container Platform web console provides management screens for cluster administrators to install Operators, as well as grant specific projects access to use the catalog of Operators available on the cluster.

OperatorHub is the graphical interface that OpenShift cluster administrators use to discover, install, and upgrade Operators using the OLM. With one click, these Operators can be pulled from OperatorHub, installed on the cluster, and managed by the OLM, ready for engineering teams to self-service manage the software in development, test, and production environments.

When you have deployed the Operator, you can use Custom Resource (CR) instances to create broker deployments such as standalone and clustered brokers.

3.3.2. Deploying the Operator from OperatorHub

This procedure shows how to use OperatorHub to deploy the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker to a specified OpenShift project.


In OperatorHub, you can install only the latest Operator version that is provided in each channel. If you want to install an earlier version of an Operator, you must install the Operator by using the CLI. For more information, see Section 3.2, “Installing the Operator using the CLI”.


  • The Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) Operator must be available in OperatorHub.
  • You have cluster administrator privileges.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a cluster administrator.
  2. In left navigation menu, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  3. On the Project drop-down menu at the top of the OperatorHub page, select the project in which you want to deploy the Operator.
  4. On the OperatorHub page, use the Filter by keyword…​ box to find the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) Operator.


    In OperatorHub, you might find more than one Operator than includes AMQ Broker in its name. Ensure that you click the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) Operator. When you click this Operator, review the information pane that opens. For AMQ Broker 7.10, the latest minor version tag of this Operator is 7.10.7-opr-1.

  5. Click the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) Operator. On the dialog box that appears, click Install.
  6. On the Install Operator page:

    1. Under Update Channel, select the 7.10.x channel to receive updates for version 7.10 only. The 7.10.x channel is the current Long Term Support (LTS) channel.


      The following channels are also visible:

      • 7.x - Currently, this channel provides updates for version 7.9 only.
      • 7.8.x - This channel provides updates for version 7.8 only and was the previous Long Term Support (LTS) channel.
      • Depending on when your OpenShift Container Platform cluster was installed, you may also see channels such as Alpha, current and current-76, which are for older versions of AMQ Broker and can also be ignored.
    2. Under Installation Mode, choose which namespaces the Operator watches:

      • A specific namespace on the cluster - The Operator is installed in that namespace and only monitors that namespace for CR changes.
      • All namespaces - The Operator monitors all namespaces for CR changes.

      If you previously deployed brokers using an earlier version of the Operator, and you want deploy the Operator to watch many namespaces, see Before you upgrade.

  7. From the Installed Namespace drop-down menu, select the project in which you want to install the Operator.
  8. Under Approval Strategy, ensure that the radio button entitled Automatic is selected. This option specifies that updates to the Operator do not require manual approval for installation to take place.
  9. Click Install.

When the Operator installation is complete, the Installed Operators page opens. You should see that the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) Operator is installed in the project namespace that you specified.

Additional resources

3.4. Creating Operator-based broker deployments

3.4.1. Deploying a basic broker instance

The following procedure shows how to use a Custom Resource (CR) instance to create a basic broker deployment.




When you have successfully installed the Operator, the Operator is running and listening for changes related to your CRs. This example procedure shows how to use a CR instance to deploy a basic broker in your project.

  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

    For a basic broker deployment, a configuration might resemble that shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true

    Observe that in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file, the image property is set to a default value of placeholder. This value indicates that, by default, the image property does not specify a broker container image to use for the deployment. To learn how the Operator determines the appropriate broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.


    The broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR uses a naming convention of ex-aao. This naming convention denotes that the CR is an example resource for the AMQ Broker Operator. AMQ Broker is based on the ActiveMQ Artemis project. When you deploy this sample CR, the resulting StatefulSet uses the name ex-aao-ss. Furthermore, broker Pods in the deployment are directly based on the StatefulSet name, for example, ex-aao-ss-0, ex-aao-ss-1, and so on. The application name in the CR appears in the deployment as a label on the StatefulSet. You might use this label in a Pod selector, for example.

  2. The size property specifies the number of brokers to deploy. A value of 2 or greater specifies a clustered broker deployment. However, to deploy a single broker instance, ensure that the value is set to 1.
  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.
  4. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click WorkloadsStatefulSets. You see a new StatefulSet called ex-aao-ss.

    1. Click the ex-aao-ss StatefulSet. You see that there is one Pod, corresponding to the single broker that you defined in the CR.
    2. Within the StatefulSet, click the Pods tab. Click the ex-aao-ss Pod. On the Events tab of the running Pod, you see that the broker container has started. The Logs tab shows that the broker itself is running.
  5. To test that the broker is running normally, access a shell on the broker Pod to send some test messages.

    1. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Click WorkloadsPods.
      2. Click the ex-aao-ss Pod.
      3. Click the Terminal tab.
    2. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Get the Pod names and internal IP addresses for your project.

        $ oc get pods -o wide
        NAME                          STATUS   IP
        amq-broker-operator-54d996c   Running
        ex-aao-ss-0                   Running
      2. Access the shell for the broker Pod.

        $ oc rsh ex-aao-ss-0
  6. From the shell, use the artemis command to send some test messages. Specify the internal IP address of the broker Pod in the URL. For example:

    sh-4.2$ ./amq-broker/bin/artemis producer --url tcp:// --destination queue://demoQueue

    The preceding command automatically creates a queue called demoQueue on the broker and sends a default quantity of 1000 messages to the queue.

    You should see output that resembles the following:

    Connection brokerURL = tcp://
    Producer ActiveMQQueue[demoQueue], thread=0 Started to calculate elapsed time ...
    Producer ActiveMQQueue[demoQueue], thread=0 Produced: 1000 messages
    Producer ActiveMQQueue[demoQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 3 s
    Producer ActiveMQQueue[demoQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 3492 milli seconds

Additional resources

3.4.2. Deploying clustered brokers

If there are two or more broker Pods running in your project, the Pods automatically form a broker cluster. A clustered configuration enables brokers to connect to each other and redistribute messages as needed, for load balancing.

The following procedure shows you how to deploy clustered brokers. By default, the brokers in this deployment use on demand load balancing, meaning that brokers will forward messages only to other brokers that have matching consumers.



  1. Open the CR file that you used for your basic broker deployment.
  2. For a clustered deployment, ensure that the value of deploymentPlan.size is 2 or greater. For example:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 4
        image: placeholder

    In the metadata section, you need to include the namespace property and specify a value only if you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console to create your CR instance. The value that you should specify is the name of the OpenShift project for your broker deployment.

  3. Save the modified CR file.
  4. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you previously created your basic broker deployment.

    $ oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
  5. Switch to the project in which you previously created your basic broker deployment.

    $ oc project <project_name>
  6. At the command line, apply the change:

    $ oc apply -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml

    In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, additional broker Pods starts in your project, according to the number specified in your CR. By default, the brokers running in the project are clustered.

  7. Open the Logs tab of each Pod. The logs show that OpenShift has established a cluster connection bridge on each broker. Specifically, the log output includes a line like the following:

    targetConnector=ServerLocatorImpl (identity=(Cluster-connection-bridge::ClusterConnectionBridge@6f13fb88

3.4.3. Applying Custom Resource changes to running broker deployments

The following are some important things to note about applying Custom Resource (CR) changes to running broker deployments:

  • You cannot dynamically update the persistenceEnabled attribute in your CR. To change this attribute, scale your cluster down to zero brokers. Delete the existing CR. Then, recreate and redeploy the CR with your changes, also specifying a deployment size.
  • The value of the deploymentPlan.size attribute in your CR overrides any change you make to size of your broker deployment via the oc scale command. For example, suppose you use oc scale to change the size of a deployment from three brokers to two, but the value of deploymentPlan.size in your CR is still 3. In this case, OpenShift initially scales the deployment down to two brokers. However, when the scaledown operation is complete, the Operator restores the deployment to three brokers, as specified in the CR.
  • As described in Section 3.2.2, “Deploying the Operator using the CLI”, if you create a broker deployment with persistent storage (that is, by setting persistenceEnabled=true in your CR), you might need to provision Persistent Volumes (PVs) for the AMQ Broker Operator to claim for your broker Pods. If you scale down the size of your broker deployment, the Operator releases any PVs that it previously claimed for the broker Pods that are now shut down. However, if you remove your broker deployment by deleting your CR, AMQ Broker Operator does not release Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) for any broker Pods that are still in the deployment when you remove it. In addition, these unreleased PVs are unavailable to any new deployment. In this case, you need to manually release the volumes. For more information, see Release a persistent volume in the OpenShift documentation.
  • In AMQ Broker 7.10, if you want to configure the following items, you must add the appropriate configuration to the main CR instance before deploying the CR for the first time.

  • During an active scaling event, any further changes that you apply are queued by the Operator and executed only when scaling is complete. For example, suppose that you scale the size of your deployment down from four brokers to one. Then, while scaledown is taking place, you also change the values of the broker administrator user name and password. In this case, the Operator queues the user name and password changes until the deployment is running with one active broker.
  • All CR changes – apart from changing the size of your deployment, or changing the value of the expose attribute for acceptors, connectors, or the console – cause existing brokers to be restarted. If you have multiple brokers in your deployment, only one broker restarts at a time.

Chapter 4. Configuring Operator-based broker deployments

4.1. How the Operator generates the broker configuration

Before you use Custom Resource (CR) instances to configure your broker deployment, you should understand how the Operator generates the broker configuration.

When you create an Operator-based broker deployment, a Pod for each broker runs in a StatefulSet in your OpenShift project. An application container for the broker runs within each Pod.

The Operator runs a type of container called an Init Container when initializing each Pod. In OpenShift Container Platform, Init Containers are specialized containers that run before application containers. Init Containers can include utilities or setup scripts that are not present in the application image.

By default, the AMQ Broker Operator uses a built-in Init Container. The Init Container uses the main CR instance for your deployment to generate the configuration used by each broker application container.

If you have specified address settings in the CR, the Operator generates a default configuration and then merges or replaces that configuration with the configuration specified in the CR. This process is described in the section that follows.

4.1.1. How the Operator generates the address settings configuration

If you have included an address settings configuration in the main Custom Resource (CR) instance for your deployment, the Operator generates the address settings configuration for each broker as described below.

  1. The Operator runs the Init Container before the broker application container. The Init Container generates a default address settings configuration. The default address settings configuration is shown below.

        if you define auto-create on certain queues, management has to be auto-create
        <address-setting match="">
            with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting
        <!-- default for catch all -->
        <address-setting match="#">
            with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting
  2. If you have also specified an address settings configuration in your Custom Resource (CR) instance, the Init Container processes that configuration and converts it to XML.
  3. Based on the value of the applyRule property in the CR, the Init Container merges or replaces the default address settings configuration shown above with the configuration that you have specified in the CR. The result of this merge or replacement is the final address settings configuration that the broker will use.
  4. When the Init Container has finished generating the broker configuration (including address settings), the broker application container starts. When starting, the broker container copies its configuration from the installation directory previously used by the Init Container. You can inspect the address settings configuration in the broker.xml configuration file. For a running broker, this file is located in the /home/jboss/amq-broker/etc directory.

Additional resources

4.1.2. Directory structure of a broker Pod

When you create an Operator-based broker deployment, a Pod for each broker runs in a StatefulSet in your OpenShift project. An application container for the broker runs within each Pod.

The Operator runs a type of container called an Init Container when initializing each Pod. In OpenShift Container Platform, Init Containers are specialized containers that run before application containers. Init Containers can include utilities or setup scripts that are not present in the application image.

When generating the configuration for a broker instance, the Init Container uses files contained in a default installation directory. This installation directory is on a volume that the Operator mounts to the broker Pod and which the Init Container and broker container share. The path that the Init Container uses to mount the shared volume is defined in an environment variable called CONFIG_INSTANCE_DIR. The default value of CONFIG_INSTANCE_DIR is /amq/init/config. In the documentation, this directory is referred to as <install_dir>.


You cannot change the value of the CONFIG_INSTANCE_DIR environment variable.

By default, the installation directory has the following sub-directories:



Binaries and scripts needed to run the broker.


Configuration files.


The broker journal.


JARs and libraries needed to run the broker.


Broker log files.


Temporary web application files.

When the Init Container has finished generating the broker configuration, the broker application container starts. When starting, the broker container copies its configuration from the installation directory previously used by the Init Container. When the broker Pod is initialized and running, the broker configuration is located in the /home/jboss/amq-broker directory (and subdirectories) of the broker.

Additional resources

4.2. Configuring addresses and queues for Operator-based broker deployments

For an Operator-based broker deployment, you use two separate Custom Resource (CR) instances to configure address and queues and their associated settings.

  • To create address and queues on your brokers, you deploy a CR instance based on the address Custom Resource Definition (CRD).

    • If you used the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to install the Operator, the address CRD is the broker_activemqartemisaddress_crd.yaml file that was included in the deploy/crds of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    • If you used OperatorHub to install the Operator, the address CRD is the ActiveMQAretmisAddress CRD listed under AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • To configure address and queue settings that you then match to specific addresses, you include configuration in the main Custom Resource (CR) instance used to create your broker deployment .

    • If you used the OpenShift CLI to install the Operator, the main broker CRD is the broker_activemqartemis_crd.yaml file that was included in the deploy/crds of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    • If you used OperatorHub to install the Operator, the main broker CRD is the ActiveMQAretmis CRD listed under AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    In general, the address and queue settings that you can configure for a broker deployment on OpenShift Container Platform are fully equivalent to those of standalone broker deployments on Linux or Windows. However, you should be aware of some differences in how those settings are configured. Those differences are described in the following sub-section.

4.2.1. Differences in configuration of address and queue settings between OpenShift and standalone broker deployments

  • To configure address and queue settings for broker deployments on OpenShift Container Platform, you add configuration to an addressSettings section of the main Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment. This contrasts with standalone deployments on Linux or Windows, for which you add configuration to an address-settings element in the broker.xml configuration file.
  • The format used for the names of configuration items differs between OpenShift Container Platform and standalone broker deployments. For OpenShift Container Platform deployments, configuration item names are in camel case, for example, defaultQueueRoutingType. By contrast, configuration item names for standalone deployments are in lower case and use a dash (-) separator, for example, default-queue-routing-type.

    The following table shows some further examples of this naming difference.

    Configuration item for standalone broker deploymentConfiguration item for OpenShift broker deployment









Additional resources

4.2.2. Creating addresses and queues for an Operator-based broker deployment

The following procedure shows how to use a Custom Resource (CR) instance to add an address and associated queue to an Operator-based broker deployment.


To create multiple addresses and/or queues in your broker deployment, you need to create separate CR files and deploy them individually, specifying new address and/or queue names in each case. In addition, the name attribute of each CR instance must be unique.



  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance to define addresses and queues for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemisaddress_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the address CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemisAddresss CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemisAddress.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the spec section of the CR, add lines to define an address, queue, and routing type. For example:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemisAddress
        name: myAddressDeployment0
        namespace: myProject
        addressName: myAddress0
        queueName: myQueue0
        routingType: anycast

    The preceding configuration defines an address named myAddress0 with a queue named myQueue0 and an anycast routing type.


    In the metadata section, you need to include the namespace property and specify a value only if you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console to create your CR instance. The value that you should specify is the name of the OpenShift project for your broker deployment.

  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/address_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.
  4. (Optional) To delete an address and queue previously added to your deployment using a CR instance, use the following command:

    $ oc delete -f <path/to/address_custom_resource_instance>.yaml

4.2.3. Matching address settings to configured addresses in an Operator-based broker deployment

If delivery of a message to a client is unsuccessful, you might not want the broker to make ongoing attempts to deliver the message. To prevent infinite delivery attempts, you can define a dead letter address and an associated dead letter queue. After a specified number of delivery attempts, the broker removes an undelivered message from its original queue and sends the message to the configured dead letter address. A system administrator can later consume undelivered messages from a dead letter queue to inspect the messages.

The following example shows how to configure a dead letter address and queue for an Operator-based broker deployment. The example demonstrates how to:

  • Use the addressSetting section of the main broker Custom Resource (CR) instance to configure address settings.
  • Match those address settings to addresses in your broker deployment.



  1. Start configuring a CR instance to add a dead letter address and queue to receive undelivered messages for each broker in the deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemisaddress_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the address CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemisAddresss CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemisAddress.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the spec section of the CR, add lines to specify a dead letter address and queue to receive undelivered messages. For example:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemisAddress
      name: ex-aaoaddress
      addressName: myDeadLetterAddress
      queueName: myDeadLetterQueue
      routingType: anycast

    The preceding configuration defines a dead letter address named myDeadLetterAddress with a dead letter queue named myDeadLetterQueue and an anycast routing type.


    In the metadata section, you need to include the namespace property and specify a value only if you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console to create your CR instance. The value that you should specify is the name of the OpenShift project for your broker deployment.

  3. Deploy the address CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the address CR.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/address_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.
  4. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance for a broker deployment.

    1. From a sample CR file:

      1. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      2. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      3. Click the Instances tab.
      4. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

    For a basic broker deployment, a configuration might resemble that shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true

    Observe that in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file, the image property is set to a default value of placeholder. This value indicates that, by default, the image property does not specify a broker container image to use for the deployment. To learn how the Operator determines the appropriate broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.


    In the metadata section, you need to include the namespace property and specify a value only if you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console to create your CR instance. The value that you should specify is the name of the OpenShift project for your broker deployment.

  5. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a new addressSettings section that contains a single addressSetting section, as shown below.

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
  6. Add a single instance of the match property to the addressSetting block. Specify an address-matching expression. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
        -  match: myAddress
    Specifies the address, or set of address to which the broker applies the configuration that follows. In this example, the value of the match property corresponds to a single address called myAddress.
  7. Add properties related to undelivered messages and specify values. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
        - match: myAddress
          deadLetterAddress: myDeadLetterAddress
          maxDeliveryAttempts: 5
    Address to which the broker sends undelivered messages.

    Maximum number of delivery attempts that a broker makes before moving a message to the configured dead letter address.

    In the preceding example, if the broker makes five unsuccessful attempts to deliver a message to an address that begins with myAddress, the broker moves the message to the specified dead letter address, myDeadLetterAddress.

  8. (Optional) Apply similar configuration to another address or set of addresses. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
        - match: myAddress
          deadLetterAddress: myDeadLetterAddress
          maxDeliveryAttempts: 5
        - match: 'myOtherAddresses*'
          deadLetterAddress: myDeadLetterAddress
          maxDeliveryAttempts: 3

    In this example, the value of the second match property includes an asterisk wildcard character. The wildcard character means that the preceding configuration is applied to any address that begins with the string myOtherAddresses.


    If you use a wildcard expression as a value for the match property, you must enclose the value in single quotation marks, for example, 'myOtherAddresses*'.

  9. At the beginning of the addressSettings section, add the applyRule property and specify a value. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
        applyRule: merge_all
        - match: myAddress
          deadLetterAddress: myDeadLetterAddress
          maxDeliveryAttempts: 5
        - match: 'myOtherAddresses*'
          deadLetterAddress: myDeadLetterAddress
          maxDeliveryAttempts: 3

    The applyRule property specifies how the Operator applies the configuration that you add to the CR for each matching address or set of addresses. The values that you can specify are:

    • For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses:

      • Replace any property values specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR.
      • Keep any property values that are specified uniquely in the CR or the default configuration. Include each of these in the final, merged configuration.
    • For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.
    • For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses, include the settings specified in the CR in the final, merged configuration. Do not include any properties specified in the default configuration, even if these are not specified in the CR.
    • For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.
    Replace all address settings specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR. The final, merged configuration corresponds exactly to that specified in the CR.

    If you do not explicitly include the applyRule property in your CR, the Operator uses a default value of merge_all.

  10. Deploy the broker CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

  • To learn about all of the configuration options for addresses, queues, and address settings for OpenShift Container Platform broker deployments, see Section 8.1, “Custom Resource configuration reference”.
  • If you installed the AMQ Broker Operator using the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI), the installation archive that you downloaded and extracted contains some additional examples of configuring address settings. In the deploy/examples folder of the installation archive, see:

    • artemis-basic-address-settings-deployment.yaml
    • artemis-merge-replace-address-settings-deployment.yaml
    • artemis-replace-address-settings-deployment.yaml
  • For comprehensive information about configuring addresses, queues, and associated address settings for standalone broker deployments, see Configuring addresses and queues in Configuring AMQ Broker. You can use this information to create equivalent configurations for broker deployments on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • For more information about Init Containers in OpenShift Container Platform, see Using Init Containers to perform tasks before a pod is deployed in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

4.3. Creating a security configuration for an Operator-based broker deployment

4.3.1. Creating a security configuration for an Operator-based broker deployment

The following procedure shows how to use a Custom Resource (CR) instance to add users and associated security configuration to an Operator-based broker deployment.



You can deploy the security CR before or after you create a broker deployment. However, if you deploy the security CR after creating the broker deployment, the broker pod is restarted to accept the new configuration.

  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance to define users and associated security configuration for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemissecurity_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the address CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemisSecurity CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemisSecurity.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the spec section of the CR, add lines to define users and roles. For example:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemisSecurity
      name: ex-prop
          - name: "prop-module"
              - name: "sam"
                password: "samspassword"
                  - "sender"
              - name: "rob"
                password: "robspassword"
                  - "receiver"
          name: "activemq"
            - name: "prop-module"
              flag: "sufficient"
          - match: "#"
              - operationType: "send"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "createAddress"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "createDurableQueue"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "consume"
                  - "receiver"

    Always specify values for the elements in the preceding example. For example, if you do not specify values for securityDomains.brokerDomain or values for roles, the resulting configuration might cause unexpected results.

    The preceding configuration defines two users:

    • a propertiesLoginModule named prop-module that defines a user named sam with a role named sender.
    • a propertiesLoginModule named prop-module that defines a user named rob with a role named receiver.

    The properties of these roles are defined in the brokerDomain and broker sections of the securityDomains section. For example, the send role is defined to allow users with that role to create a durable queue on any address. By default, the configuration applies to all deployed brokers defined by CRs in the current namespace. To limit the configuration to particular broker deployments, use the applyToCrNames option described in Section 8.1.3, “Security Custom Resource configuration reference”.


    In the metadata section, you need to include the namespace property and specify a value only if you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console to create your CR instance. The value that you should specify is the name of the OpenShift project for your broker deployment.

  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/address_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

4.3.2. Storing user passwords in a secret

In the Creating a security configuration for an Operator-based broker deployment procedure, user passwords are stored in clear text in the ActiveMQArtemisSecurity CR. If you do not want to store passwords in clear text in the CR, you can exclude the passwords from the CR and store them in a secret. When you apply the CR, the Operator retrieves each user’s password from the secret and inserts it in the file on the broker pod.


  1. Use the oc create secret command to create a secret and add each user’s name and password. The secret name must follow a naming convention of security-properties-module name, where module name is the name of the login module configured in the CR. For example:

    oc create secret generic security-properties-prop-module \
      --from-literal=sam=samspassword \
  2. In the spec section of the CR, add the user names that you specified in the secret along with the role information, but do not include each user’s password. For example:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemisSecurity
      name: ex-prop
          - name: "prop-module"
              - name: "sam"
                  - "sender"
              - name: "rob"
                  - "receiver"
          name: "activemq"
            - name: "prop-module"
              flag: "sufficient"
          - match: "#"
              - operationType: "send"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "createAddress"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "createDurableQueue"
                  - "sender"
              - operationType: "consume"
                  - "receiver"
  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/address_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you finish configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about secrets in OpenShift Container Platform, see Providing sensitive data to pods in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

4.4. Configuring broker storage requirements

To use persistent storage in an Operator-based broker deployment, you set persistenceEnabled to true in the Custom Resource (CR) instance used to create the deployment. If you do not have container-native storage in your OpenShift cluster, you need to manually provision Persistent Volumes (PVs) and ensure that these are available to be claimed by the Operator using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). If you want to create a cluster of two brokers with persistent storage, for example, then you need to have two PVs available.


When you manually provision PVs in OpenShift Container Platform, ensure that you set the reclaim policy for each PV to Retain. If the reclaim policy for a PV is not set to Retain and the PVC that the Operator used to claim the PV is deleted, the PV is also deleted. Deleting a PV results in the loss of any data on the volume. For more information, about setting the reclaim policy, see Understanding persistent storage in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

By default, a PVC obtains 2 GiB of storage for each broker from the default storage class configured for the cluster. You can override the default size and storage class requested in the PVC, but only by configuring new values in the CR before deploying the CR for the first time.

4.4.1. Configuring broker storage size and storage class

The following procedure shows how to configure the Custom Resource (CR) instance for your broker deployment to specify the size and storage class of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) required by each broker for persistent message storage.


You must add the configuration for broker storage size and storage class to the main CR for your broker deployment before deploying the CR for the first time. You cannot add the configuration to a broker deployment that is already running.


  • You should be familiar with how to use a CR instance to create a basic broker deployment. See Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.
  • You must have already provisioned Persistent Volumes (PVs) and made these available to be claimed by the Operator. For example, if you want to create a cluster of two brokers with persistent storage, you need to have two PVs available.

    For more information about provisioning persistent storage, see Understanding persistent storage in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.


  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

    For a basic broker deployment, a configuration might resemble that shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true

    Observe that in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file, the image property is set to a default value of placeholder. This value indicates that, by default, the image property does not specify a broker container image to use for the deployment. To learn how the Operator determines the appropriate broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

  2. To specify the broker storage size, in the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a storage section. Add a size property and specify a value. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
          size: 4Gi
    Size, in bytes, of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that each broker Pod requires for persistent storage. This property applies only when persistenceEnabled is set to true. The value that you specify must include a unit using byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).
  3. To specify the storage class that each broker Pod requires for persistent storage, in the storage section, add a storageClassName property and specify a value. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
          size: 4Gi
          storageClassName: gp3

    The name of the storage class to request in the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). Storage classes provide a way for administrators to describe and classify the available storage. For example, different storage classes might map to specific quality-of-service levels, backup policies and so on.

    If you do do not specify a storage class, a persistent volume with the default storage class configured for the cluster is claimed by the PVC.


    If you specify a storage class, a persistent volume is claimed by the PVC only if the volume’s storage class matches the specified storage class.

  4. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

4.5. Configuring resource limits and requests for Operator-based broker deployments

When you create an Operator-based broker deployment, the broker Pods in the deployment run in a StatefulSet on a node in your OpenShift cluster. You can configure the Custom Resource (CR) instance for the deployment to specify the host-node compute resources used by the broker container that runs in each Pod. By specifying limit and request values for CPU and memory (RAM), you can ensure satisfactory performance of the broker Pods.

  • You must add configuration for limits and requests to the CR instance for your broker deployment before deploying the CR for the first time. You cannot add the configuration to a broker deployment that is already running.
  • It is not possible for Red Hat to recommend values for limits and requests because these are based on your specific messaging system use-cases and the resulting architecture that you have implemented. However, it is recommended that you test and tune these values in a development environment before configuring them for your production environment.
  • The Operator runs a type of container called an Init Container when initializing each broker Pod. Any resource limits and requests that you configure for each broker container also apply to each Init Container. For more information about the use of Init Containers in broker deployments, see Section 4.1, “How the Operator generates the broker configuration”.

You can specify the following limit and request values:

CPU limit
For each broker container running in a Pod, this value is the maximum amount of host-node CPU that the container can consume. If a broker container attempts to exceed the specified CPU limit, OpenShift throttles the container. This ensures that containers have consistent performance, regardless of the number of Pods running on a node.
Memory limit
For each broker container running in a Pod, this value is the maximum amount of host-node memory that the container can consume. If a broker container attempts to exceed the specified memory limit, OpenShift terminates the container. The broker Pod restarts.
CPU request

For each broker container running in a Pod, this value is the amount of host-node CPU that the container requests. The OpenShift scheduler considers the CPU request value during Pod placement, to bind the broker Pod to a node with sufficient compute resources.

The CPU request value is the minimum amount of CPU that the broker container requires to run. However, if there is no contention for CPU on the node, the container can use all available CPU. If you have specified a CPU limit, the container cannot exceed that amount of CPU usage. If there is CPU contention on the node, CPU request values provide a way for OpenShift to weigh CPU usage across all containers.

Memory request

For each broker container running in a Pod, this value is the amount of host-node memory that the container requests. The OpenShift scheduler considers the memory request value during Pod placement, to bind the broker Pod to a node with sufficient compute resources.

The memory request value is the minimum amount of memory that the broker container requires to run. However, the container can consume as much available memory as possible. If you have specified a memory limit, the broker container cannot exceed that amount of memory usage.

CPU is measured in units called millicores. Each node in an OpenShift cluster inspects the operating system to determine the number of CPU cores on the node. Then, the node multiplies that value by 1000 to express the total capacity. For example, if a node has two cores, the CPU capacity of the node is expressed as 2000m. Therefore, if you want to use one-tenth of a single core, you specify a value of 100m.

Memory is measured in bytes. You can specify the value using byte notation (E, P, T, G, M, K) or the binary equivalents (Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki). The value that you specify must include a unit.

4.5.1. Configuring broker resource limits and requests

The following example shows how to configure the main Custom Resource (CR) instance for your broker deployment to set limits and requests for CPU and memory for each broker container that runs in a Pod in the deployment.

  • You must add configuration for limits and requests to the CR instance for your broker deployment before deploying the CR for the first time. You cannot add the configuration to a broker deployment that is already running.
  • It is not possible for Red Hat to recommend values for limits and requests because these are based on your specific messaging system use-cases and the resulting architecture that you have implemented. However, it is recommended that you test and tune these values in a development environment before configuring them for your production environment.



  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

    For a basic broker deployment, a configuration might resemble that shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true

    Observe that in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file, the image property is set to a default value of placeholder. This value indicates that, by default, the image property does not specify a broker container image to use for the deployment. To learn how the Operator determines the appropriate broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a resources section. Add limits and requests sub-sections. In each sub-section, add a cpu and memory property and specify values. For example:

        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "1024M"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "512M"
    Each broker container running in a Pod in the deployment cannot exceed this amount of host-node CPU usage.
    Each broker container running in a Pod in the deployment cannot exceed this amount of host-node memory usage.
    Each broker container running in a Pod in the deployment requests this amount of host-node CPU. This value is the minimum amount of CPU required for the broker container to run.
    Each broker container running in a Pod in the deployment requests this amount of host-node memory. This value is the minimum amount of memory required for the broker container to run.
  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

4.6. Overriding the default memory limit for a broker

You can override the default memory limit that is set for a broker. By default, a broker is assigned half of the maximum memory that is available to the broker’s Java Virtual Machine. The following procedure shows how to configure the Custom Resource (CR) instance for your broker deployment to override the default memory limit.



  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance to create a basic broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

        For example, the CR for a basic broker deployment might resemble the following:

        kind: ActiveMQArtemis
          name: ex-aao
          application: ex-aao-app
            size: 1
            image: placeholder
            requireLogin: false
            persistenceEnabled: true
            journalType: nio
            messageMigration: true
  2. In the spec section of the CR, add a brokerProperties section. Within the brokerProperties section, add a globalMaxSize property and specify a memory limit. For example:

        - globalMaxSize=500m

    The default unit for the globalMaxSize property is bytes. To change the default unit, add a suffix of m (for MB) or g (for GB) to the value.

  3. Apply the changes to the CR.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Apply the CR.

        $ oc apply -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you finish editing the CR, click Save.
  4. (Optional) Verify that the new value you set for the globalMaxSize property overrides the default memory limit assigned to the broker.

    1. Connect to the AMQ Management Console. For more information, see Chapter 5, Connecting to AMQ Management Console for an Operator-based broker deployment.
    2. From the menu, select JMX.
    3. Select org.apache.activemq.artemis.
    4. Search for global.
    5. In the table that is displayed, confirm that the value in the Global max column is the same as the value that you configured for the globalMaxSize property.

4.7. Specifying a custom Init Container image

As described in Section 4.1, “How the Operator generates the broker configuration”, the AMQ Broker Operator uses a default, built-in Init Container to generate the broker configuration. To generate the configuration, the Init Container uses the main Custom Resource (CR) instance for your deployment. The only items that you can specify in the CR are those that are exposed in the main broker Custom Resource Definition (CRD).

However, there might a case where you need to include configuration that is not exposed in the CRD. In this case, in your main CR instance, you can specify a custom Init Container. The custom Init Container can modify or add to the configuration that has already been created by the Operator. For example, you might use a custom Init Container to modify the broker logging settings. Or, you might use a custom Init Container to include extra runtime dependencies (that is, .jar files) in the broker installation directory.

When you build a custom Init Container image, you must follow these important guidelines:

  • In the build script (for example, a Docker Dockerfile or Podman Containerfile) that you create for the custom image, the FROM instruction must specify the latest version of the AMQ Broker Operator built-in Init Container as the base image. In your script, include the following line:

  • The custom image must include a script called that you include in a directory called /amq/scripts. The script is where you can modify or add to the initial configuration that the Operator generates. When you specify a custom Init Container, the Operator runs the script after it uses your CR instance to generate a configuration, but before it starts the broker application container.
  • As described in Section 4.1.2, “Directory structure of a broker Pod”, the path to the installation directory used by the Init Container is defined in an environment variable called CONFIG_INSTANCE_DIR. The script should use this environment variable name when referencing the installation directory (for example, ${CONFIG_INSTANCE_DIR}/lib) and not the actual value of this variable (for example, /amq/init/config/lib).
  • If you want to include additional resources (for example, .xml or .jar files) in your custom broker configuration, you must ensure that these are included in the custom image and accessible to the script.

The following procedure describes how to specify a custom Init Container image.



  1. Start configuring a Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project in which you are creating the deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

    For a basic broker deployment, a configuration might resemble that shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true

    Observe that in the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml sample CR file, the image property is set to a default value of placeholder. This value indicates that, by default, the image property does not specify a broker container image to use for the deployment. To learn how the Operator determines the appropriate broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add the initImage property.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
  3. Set the value of the initImage property to the URL of your custom Init Container image.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 1
        image: placeholder
        initImage: <custom_init_container_image_url>
        requireLogin: false
        persistenceEnabled: true
        journalType: nio
        messageMigration: true
    Specifies the full URL for your custom Init Container image, which you must have added to repository in a container registry.
  4. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

4.8. Configuring Operator-based broker deployments for client connections

4.8.1. Configuring acceptors

To enable client connections to broker Pods in your OpenShift deployment, you define acceptors for your deployment. Acceptors define how a broker Pod accepts connections. You define acceptors in the main Custom Resource (CR) used for your broker deployment. When you create an acceptor, you specify information such as the messaging protocols to enable on the acceptor, and the port on the broker Pod to use for these protocols.

The following procedure shows how to define a new acceptor in the CR for your broker deployment.


  1. In the deploy/crs directory of the Operator archive that you downloaded and extracted during your initial installation, open the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml Custom Resource (CR) file.
  2. In the acceptors element, add a named acceptor. Add the protocols and port parameters. Set values to specify the messaging protocols to be used by the acceptor and the port on each broker Pod to expose for those protocols. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp
        port: 5672

    The configured acceptor exposes port 5672 to AMQP clients. The full set of values that you can specify for the protocols parameter is shown in the table.


    Core Protocol










    All supported protocols


    • For each broker Pod in your deployment, the Operator also creates a default acceptor that uses port 61616. This default acceptor is required for broker clustering and has Core Protocol enabled.
    • By default, the AMQ Broker management console uses port 8161 on the broker Pod. Each broker Pod in your deployment has a dedicated Service that provides access to the console. For more information, see Chapter 5, Connecting to AMQ Management Console for an Operator-based broker deployment.
  3. To use another protocol on the same acceptor, modify the protocols parameter. Specify a comma-separated list of protocols. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672

    The configured acceptor now exposes port 5672 to AMQP and OpenWire clients.

  4. To specify the number of concurrent client connections that the acceptor allows, add the connectionsAllowed parameter and set a value. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672
        connectionsAllowed: 5
  5. By default, an acceptor is exposed only to clients in the same OpenShift cluster as the broker deployment. To also expose the acceptor to clients outside OpenShift, add the expose parameter and set the value to true.

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672
        connectionsAllowed: 5
        expose: true

    When you expose an acceptor to clients outside OpenShift, the Operator automatically creates a dedicated Service and Route for each broker Pod in the deployment.

  6. To enable secure connections to the acceptor from clients outside OpenShift, add the sslEnabled parameter and set the value to true.

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672
        connectionsAllowed: 5
        expose: true
        sslEnabled: true

    When you enable SSL (that is, Secure Sockets Layer) security on an acceptor (or connector), you can add related configuration, such as:

    • The secret name used to store authentication credentials in your OpenShift cluster. A secret is required when you enable SSL on the acceptor. For more information on generating this secret, see Section 4.8.2, “Securing broker-client connections”.
    • The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols to use for secure network communication. TLS is an updated, more secure version of SSL. You specify the TLS protocols in the enabledProtocols parameter.
    • Whether the acceptor uses two-way TLS, also known as mutual authentication, between the broker and the client. You specify this by setting the value of the needClientAuth parameter to true.

Additional resources

4.8.2. Securing broker-client connections

If you have enabled security on your acceptor or connector (that is, by setting sslEnabled to true), you must configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) to allow certificate-based authentication between the broker and clients. TLS is an updated, more secure version of SSL. There are two primary TLS configurations:

One-way TLS
Only the broker presents a certificate. The certificate is used by the client to authenticate the broker. This is the most common configuration.
Two-way TLS
Both the broker and the client present certificates. This is sometimes called mutual authentication.

The sections that follow describe:

For both one-way and two-way TLS, you complete the configuration by generating a secret that stores the credentials required for a successful TLS handshake between the broker and the client. This is the secret name that you must specify in the sslSecret parameter of your secured acceptor or connector. The secret must contain a Base64-encoded broker key store (both one-way and two-way TLS), a Base64-encoded broker trust store (two-way TLS only), and the corresponding passwords for these files, also Base64-encoded. The one-way and two-way TLS configuration procedures show how to generate this secret.


If you do not explicitly specify a secret name in the sslSecret parameter of a secured acceptor or connector, the acceptor or connector assumes a default secret name. The default secret name uses the format <custom_resource_name>-<acceptor_name>-secret or <custom_resource_name>-<connector_name>-secret. For example, my-broker-deployment-my-acceptor-secret.

Even if the acceptor or connector assumes a default secrete name, you must still generate this secret yourself. It is not automatically created. Configuring a broker certificate for host name verification

This section describes some requirements for the broker certificate that you must generate when configuring one-way or two-way TLS.

When a client tries to connect to a broker Pod in your deployment, the verifyHost option in the client connection URL determines whether the client compares the Common Name (CN) of the broker’s certificate to its host name, to verify that they match. The client performs this verification if you specify verifyHost=true or similar in the client connection URL.

You might omit this verification in rare cases where you have no concerns about the security of the connection, for example, if the brokers are deployed on an OpenShift cluster in an isolated network. Otherwise, for a secure connection, it is advisable for a client to perform this verification. In this case, correct configuration of the broker key store certificate is essential to ensure successful client connections.

In general, when a client is using host verification, the CN that you specify when generating the broker certificate must match the full host name for the Route on the broker Pod that the client is connecting to. For example, if you have a deployment with a single broker Pod, the CN might look like the following:

To ensure that the CN can resolve to any broker Pod in a deployment with multiple brokers, you can specify an asterisk (*) wildcard character in place of the ordinal of the broker Pod. For example:


The CN shown in the preceding example successfully resolves to any broker Pod in the my-broker-deployment deployment.

In addition, the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) that you specify when generating the broker certificate must individually list all broker Pods in the deployment, as a comma-separated list. For example:

",,..." Configuring one-way TLS

The procedure in this section shows how to configure one-way Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure a broker-client connection.

In one-way TLS, only the broker presents a certificate. This certificate is used by the client to authenticate the broker.



  1. Generate a self-signed certificate for the broker key store.

    $ keytool -genkey -alias broker -keyalg RSA -keystore ~/broker.ks
  2. Export the certificate from the broker key store, so that it can be shared with clients. Export the certificate in the Base64-encoded .pem format. For example:

    $ keytool -export -alias broker -keystore ~/broker.ks -file ~/broker_cert.pem
  3. On the client, create a client trust store that imports the broker certificate.

    $ keytool -import -alias broker -keystore ~/client.ts -file ~/broker_cert.pem
  4. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform as an administrator. For example:

    $ oc login -u system:admin
  5. Switch to the project that contains your broker deployment. For example:

    $ oc project <my_openshift_project>
  6. Create a secret to store the TLS credentials. For example:

    $ oc create secret generic my-tls-secret \
    --from-file=broker.ks=~/broker.ks \
    --from-file=client.ts=~/client.ks \
    --from-literal=keyStorePassword=<password> \

    When generating a secret, OpenShift requires you to specify both a key store and a trust store. The trust store key is generically named client.ts. For one-way TLS between the broker and a client, a trust store is not actually required. However, to successfully generate the secret, you need to specify some valid store file as a value for client.ts. The preceding step provides a "dummy" value for client.ts by reusing the previously-generated broker key store file. This is sufficient to generate a secret with all of the credentials required for one-way TLS.

  7. Link the secret to the service account that you created when installing the Operator. For example:

    $ oc secrets link sa/amq-broker-operator secret/my-tls-secret
  8. Specify the secret name in the sslSecret parameter of your secured acceptor or connector. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672
        sslEnabled: true
        sslSecret: my-tls-secret
        expose: true
        connectionsAllowed: 5
    ... Configuring two-way TLS

The procedure in this section shows how to configure two-way Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure a broker-client connection.

In two-way TLS, both the broker and client presents certificates. The broker and client use these certificates to authenticate each other in a process sometimes called mutual authentication.



  1. Generate a self-signed certificate for the broker key store.

    $ keytool -genkey -alias broker -keyalg RSA -keystore ~/broker.ks
  2. Export the certificate from the broker key store, so that it can be shared with clients. Export the certificate in the Base64-encoded .pem format. For example:

    $ keytool -export -alias broker -keystore ~/broker.ks -file ~/broker_cert.pem
  3. On the client, create a client trust store that imports the broker certificate.

    $ keytool -import -alias broker -keystore ~/client.ts -file ~/broker_cert.pem
  4. On the client, generate a self-signed certificate for the client key store.

    $ keytool -genkey -alias broker -keyalg RSA -keystore ~/client.ks
  5. On the client, export the certificate from the client key store, so that it can be shared with the broker. Export the certificate in the Base64-encoded .pem format. For example:

    $ keytool -export -alias broker -keystore ~/client.ks -file ~/client_cert.pem
  6. Create a broker trust store that imports the client certificate.

    $ keytool -import -alias broker -keystore ~/broker.ts -file ~/client_cert.pem
  7. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform as an administrator. For example:

    $ oc login -u system:admin
  8. Switch to the project that contains your broker deployment. For example:

    $ oc project <my_openshift_project>
  9. Create a secret to store the TLS credentials. For example:

    $ oc create secret generic my-tls-secret \
    --from-file=broker.ks=~/broker.ks \
    --from-file=client.ts=~/broker.ts \
    --from-literal=keyStorePassword=<password> \

    When generating a secret, OpenShift requires you to specify both a key store and a trust store. The trust store key is generically named client.ts. For two-way TLS between the broker and a client, you must generate a secret that includes the broker trust store, because this holds the client certificate. Therefore, in the preceding step, the value that you specify for the client.ts key is actually the broker trust store file.

  10. Link the secret to the service account that you created when installing the Operator. For example:

    $ oc secrets link sa/amq-broker-operator secret/my-tls-secret
  11. Specify the secret name in the sslSecret parameter of your secured acceptor or connector. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp,openwire
        port: 5672
        sslEnabled: true
        sslSecret: my-tls-secret
        expose: true
        connectionsAllowed: 5

4.8.3. Networking services in your broker deployments

On the Networking pane of the OpenShift Container Platform web console for your broker deployment, there are two running services; a headless service and a ping service. The default name of the headless service uses the format <custom_resource_name>-hdls-svc, for example, my-broker-deployment-hdls-svc. The default name of the ping service uses a format of <custom_resource_name>-ping-svc, for example, `my-broker-deployment-ping-svc.

The headless service provides access to port 61616, which is used for internal broker clustering.

The ping service is used by the brokers for discovery, and enables brokers to form a cluster within the OpenShift environment. Internally, this service exposes port 8888.

4.8.4. Connecting to the broker from internal and external clients

The examples in this section show how to connect to the broker from internal clients (that is, clients in the same OpenShift cluster as the broker deployment) and external clients (that is, clients outside the OpenShift cluster). Connecting to the broker from internal clients

To connect an internal client to a broker, in the client connection details, specify the DNS resolvable name of the broker pod. For example:

$ tcp://ex–aao-ss-0:<port>

If the internal client is using the Core protocol and the useTopologyForLoadBalancing=false key was not set in the connection URL, after the client connects to the broker for the first time, the broker can inform the client of the addresses of all the brokers in the cluster. The client can then load balance connections across all brokers.

If your brokers have durable subscription queues or request/reply queues, be aware of the caveats associated with using these queues when client connections are load balanced. For more information, see Section, “Caveats to load balancing client connections when you have durable subscription queues or reply/request queues”. Connecting to the broker from external clients

When you expose an acceptor to external clients (that is, by setting the value of the expose parameter to true), the Operator automatically creates a dedicated service and route for each broker pod in the deployment.

An external client can connect to the broker by specifying the full host name of the route created for the broker pod. You can use a basic curl command to test external access to this full host name. For example:

$ curl

The full host name of the route for the broker pod must resolve to the node that is hosting the OpenShift router. The OpenShift router uses the host name to determine where to send the traffic inside the OpenShift internal network. By default, the OpenShift router listens to port 80 for non-secured (that is, non-SSL) traffic and port 443 for secured (that is, SSL-encrypted) traffic. For an HTTP connection, the router automatically directs traffic to port 443 if you specify a secure connection URL (that is, https), or to port 80 if you specify a non-secure connection URL (that is, http).

If you want external clients to load balance connections across the brokers in the cluster:

  • Enable load balancing by configuring the roundrobin option on the OpenShift route for each broker pod.
  • If the external client uses the Core protocol, by default, the useTopologyForLoadBalancing configuration option is set to true. Make sure that this value is not set to false in the connection URL.

If your brokers have durable subscription queues or request/reply queues, be aware of the caveats associated with using these queues when load balancing client connections. For more information, see Section, “Caveats to load balancing client connections when you have durable subscription queues or reply/request queues”.

If you don’t want external clients to load balance connections across the brokers in the cluster:

  • Set the useTopologyForLoadBalancing=false key in the connection URL that each client uses.
  • In each client’s connection URL, specify the full host name of the route for each broker pod. The client attempts to connect to the first host name in the connection URL. However, if the first host name is unavailable, the client automatically connects to the next host name in the connection URL, and so on.

For non-HTTP connections:

  • Clients must explicitly specify the port number (for example, port 443) as part of the connection URL.
  • For one-way TLS, the client must specify the path to its trust store and the corresponding password, as part of the connection URL.
  • For two-way TLS, the client must also specify the path to its key store and the corresponding password, as part of the connection URL.

Some example client connection URLs, for supported messaging protocols, are shown below.

External Core client, using one-way TLS

tcp:// \


The useTopologyForLoadBalancing key is explicitly set to false in the connection URL because an external Core client cannot use topology information returned by the broker. If this key is set to true or you do not specify a value, it results in a DEBUG log message.

External Core client, using two-way TLS

tcp:// \
&keyStorePath=~/client.ks&keyStorePassword=<password> \

External OpenWire client, using one-way TLS


# Also, specify the following JVM flags<password>

External OpenWire client, using two-way TLS


# Also, specify the following JVM flags<password> \<password>

External AMQP client, using one-way TLS

amqps:// \

External AMQP client, using two-way TLS

amqps:// \
&transport.keyStoreLocation=~/client.ks&transport.keyStorePassword=<password> \
&transport.trustStoreLocation=~/client.ts&transport.trustStorePassword=<password> Connecting to the Broker using a NodePort

As an alternative to using a route, an OpenShift administrator can configure a NodePort to connect to a broker pod from a client outside OpenShift. The NodePort should map to one of the protocol-specific ports specified by the acceptors configured for the broker.

By default, NodePorts are in the range 30000 to 32767, which means that a NodePort typically does not match the intended port on the broker Pod.

To connect from a client outside OpenShift to the broker via a NodePort, you specify a URL in the format <protocol>://<ocp_node_ip>:<node_port_number>. Caveats to load balancing client connections when you have durable subscription queues or reply/request queues

Durable subscriptions

A durable subscription is represented as a queue on a broker and is created when a durable subscriber first connects to the broker. This queue exists and receives messages until the client unsubscribes. If the client reconnects to a different broker, another durable subscription queue is created on that broker. This can cause the following issues.


Messages may get stranded in the original subscription queue.

Ensure that message redistribution is enabled. For more information, see Enabling message redistribution.

Messages may be received in the wrong order as there is a window during message redistribution when other messages are still routed.


When a client unsubscribes, it deletes the queue only on the broker it last connected to. This means that the other queues can still exist and receive messages.

To delete other empty queues that may exist for a client that unsubscribed, configure both of the following properties:

Set the auto-delete-queues-message-count property to 0 so that a queue can only be deleted if there are no messages in the queue. Set the auto-delete-queues-delay property to delete a queue that has no messages after it has not been used for a specified number of milliseconds.

For more information, see Configuring automatic creation and deletion of addresses and queues.

Request/Reply queues

When a JMS Producer creates a temporary reply queue, the queue is created on the broker. If the client that is consuming from the work queue and replying to the temporary queue connects to a different broker, the following issues can occur.


Since the reply queue does not exist on the broker that the client is connected to, the client may generate an error.

Ensure that the auto-create-queues property is set to true. For more information, see Configuring automatic creation and deletion of addresses and queues.

Messages sent to the work queue may not be distributed.

Ensure that messages are load balanced on demand by setting the message-load-balancing property to ON-DEMAND. Also, ensure that message redistribution is enabled. For more information, see Enabling message redistribution.

Additional resources

  • For more information about using methods such as Routes and NodePorts for communicating from outside an OpenShift cluster with services running in the cluster, see:

4.9. Configuring large message handling for AMQP messages

Clients might send large AMQP messages that can exceed the size of the broker’s internal buffer, causing unexpected errors. To prevent this situation, you can configure the broker to store messages as files when the messages are larger than a specified minimum value. Handling large messages in this way means that the broker does not hold the messages in memory. Instead, the broker stores the messages in a dedicated directory used for storing large message files.

For a broker deployment on OpenShift Container Platform, the large messages directory is /opt/<custom_resource_name>/data/large-messages on the Persistent Volume (PV) used by the broker for message storage. When the broker stores a message as a large message, the queue retains a reference to the file in the large messages directory.


For Operator-based broker deployments in AMQ Broker 7.10, large message handling is available only for the AMQP protocol.

4.9.1. Configuring AMQP acceptors for large message handling

The following procedure shows how to configure an acceptor to handle an AMQP message larger than a specified size as a large message.



  1. Open the Custom Resource (CR) instance in which you previously defined an AMQP acceptor.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      $ oc edit -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. In the left navigation menu, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions
      2. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      3. Click the Instances tab.
      4. Locate the CR instance that corresponds to your project namespace.

    A previously-configured AMQP acceptor might resemble the following:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp
        port: 5672
        connectionsAllowed: 5
        expose: true
        sslEnabled: true
  2. Specify the minimum size, in bytes, of an AMQP message that the broker handles as a large message. For example:

      - name: my-acceptor
        protocols: amqp
        port: 5672
        connectionsAllowed: 5
        expose: true
        sslEnabled: true
        amqpMinLargeMessageSize: 204800

    In the preceding example, the broker is configured to accept AMQP messages on port 5672. Based on the value of amqpMinLargeMessageSize, if the acceptor receives an AMQP message with a body larger than or equal to 204800 bytes (that is, 200 kilobytes), the broker stores the message as a large message.

    The broker stores the message in the large messages directory (/opt/<custom_resource_name>/data/large-messages, by default) on the persistent volume (PV) used by the broker for message storage.

    If you do not explicitly specify a value for the amqpMinLargeMessageSize property, the broker uses a default value of 102400 (that is, 100 kilobytes).

    If you set amqpMinLargeMessageSize to a value of -1, large message handling for AMQP messages is disabled.

4.10. Configuring broker health checks

You can configure periodic health checks on a running broker container by using liveness and readiness probes. A liveness probe checks if the broker is running by pinging the broker’s HTTP port. A readiness probe checks if the broker can accept network traffic by opening a connection to each of the acceptor ports configured for the broker.

A limitation of validating the broker’s health by using basic liveness and readiness probes to open connections to HTTP and acceptor ports is that these checks are unable to identify underlying issues, for example, issues with the broker’s file system. You can incorporate the broker’s command-line utility, artemis, into a liveness or readiness probe configuration to create more comprehensive health checks that include sending messages to the broker.

4.10.1. Configuring liveness and readiness probes

The following example shows how to configure the main Custom Resource (CR) instance for your broker deployment to run health checks by using liveness and readiness probes.



  1. Create a CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. To configure a liveness probe, in the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a livenessProbe section. For example:

          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          periodSeconds: 5
    The delay, in seconds, before the probe runs after the container starts. The default is 5.

    The interval, in seconds, at which the probe runs. The default is 5.


    If you don’t configure a liveness probe or if the handler is missing from a configured probe, the AMQ Operator creates a default TCP probe that has the following configuration. The default TCP probe attempts to open a socket to the broker container on the specified port.

            port: 8181
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          timeoutSeconds: 5
  3. To configure a readiness probe, in the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a readinessProbe section. For example:

          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          periodSeconds: 5

    If you don’t configure a readiness probe, a built-in script checks if all acceptors can accept connections.

  4. If you want to configure more comprehensive health checks, add the artemis check command-line utility to the liveness or readiness probe configuration.

    1. If you want to configure a health check that creates a full client connection to the broker, in the livenessProbe or readinessProbe section, add an exec section. In the exec section, add a command section. In the command section, add the artemis check node command syntax. For example:

                - bash
                - '-c'
                - /home/jboss/amq-broker/bin/artemis
                - check
                - node
                - '--silent'
                - '--acceptor'
                - <acceptor name>
                - '--user'
                - $AMQ_USER
                - '--password'
                - $AMQ_PASSWORD
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            timeoutSeconds: 5

      By default, the artemis check node command uses the URI of an acceptor called artemis. If the broker has an acceptor called artemis, you can exclude the --acceptor <acceptor name> option from the command.


      $AMQ_USER and $AMQ_PASSWORD are environment variables that are configured by the AMQ Operator.

    2. If you want to configure a health check that produces and consumes messages, which also validates the health of the broker’s file system, in the livenessProbe or readinessProbe section, add an exec section. In the exec section, add a command section. In the command section, add the artemis check queue command syntax. For example:

                - bash
                - '-c'
                - /home/jboss/amq-broker/bin/artemis
                - check
                - queue
                - '--name'
                - livenessqueue
                - '--produce'
                - "1"
                - '--consume'
                - "1"
                - '--silent'
                - '--user'
                - $AMQ_USER
                - '--password'
                - $AMQ_PASSWORD
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            timeoutSeconds: 5

      The queue name that you specify must be configured on the broker and have a routingType of anycast. For example:

      kind: ActiveMQArtemisAddress
        name: livenessqueue
        namespace: activemq-artemis-operator
        addressName: livenessqueue
          purgeOnNoConsumers: false
          maxConsumers: -1
          durable: true
          enabled: true
        queueName: livenessqueue
        routingType: anycast
  5. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you finish configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about liveness and readiness probes in OpenShift Container Platform, see Monitoring application health by using health checks in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

4.11. High availability and message migration

4.11.1. High availability

The term high availability refers to a system that can remain operational even when part of that system fails or is shut down. For AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform, this means ensuring the integrity and availability of messaging data if a broker Pod fails, or shuts down due to intentional scaledown of your deployment.

To allow high availability for AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform, you run multiple broker Pods in a broker cluster. Each broker Pod writes its message data to an available Persistent Volume (PV) that you have claimed for use with a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). If a broker Pod fails or is shut down, the message data stored in the PV is migrated to another available broker Pod in the broker cluster. The other broker Pod stores the message data in its own PV.

The following figure shows a StatefulSet-based broker deployment. In this case, the two broker Pods in the broker cluster are still running.

ah ocp pod draining

When a broker Pod shuts down, the AMQ Broker Operator automatically starts a scaledown controller that performs the migration of messages to an another broker Pod that is still running in the broker cluster. This message migration process is also known as Pod draining. The section that follows describes message migration.

4.11.2. Message migration

Message migration is how you ensure the integrity of messaging data when a broker in a clustered deployment shuts down due to an intentional scaledown of the deployment. Also known as Pod draining, this process refers to removal and redistribution of messages from a broker Pod that has shut down.

  • The scaledown controller that performs message migration can operate only within a single OpenShift project. The controller cannot migrate messages between brokers in separate projects.
  • To use message migration, you must have a minimum of two brokers in your deployment. A broker with two or more brokers is clustered by default.

For an Operator-based broker deployment, you enable message migration by setting messageMigration to true in the main broker Custom Resource for your deployment.

The message migration process follows these steps:

  1. When a broker Pod in the deployment shuts down due to an intentional scaledown of the deployment, the Operator automatically starts a scaledown controller to prepare for message migration. The scaledown controller runs in the same OpenShift project name as the broker cluster.
  2. The scaledown controller registers itself and listens for Kubernetes events that are related to Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) in the project.
  3. To check for Persistent Volumes (PVs) that have been orphaned, the scaledown controller looks at the ordinal on the volume claim. The controller compares the ordinal on the volume claim to that of the broker Pods that are still running in the StatefulSet (that is, the broker cluster) in the project.

    If the ordinal on the volume claim is higher than the ordinal on any of the broker Pods still running in the broker cluster, the scaledown controller determines that the broker Pod at that ordinal has been shut down and that messaging data must be migrated to another broker Pod.

  4. The scaledown controller starts a drainer Pod. The drainer Pod runs the broker and executes the message migration. Then, the drainer Pod identifies an alternative broker Pod to which the orphaned messages can be migrated.


    There must be at least one broker Pod still running in your deployment for message migration to occur.

The following figure illustrates how the scaledown controller (also known as a drain controller) migrates messages to a running broker Pod.

ah ocp pod draining 3

After the messages are successfully migrated to an operational broker Pod, the drainer Pod shuts down and the scaledown controller removes the PVC for the orphaned PV. The PV is returned to a "Released" state.


If you scale a broker deployment down to 0 (zero), message migration does not occur, since there is no running broker Pod to which messaging data can be migrated. However, if you scale a deployment down to zero and then back up to a size that is smaller than the original deployment, drainer Pods are started for the brokers that remain shut down.

Additional resources

4.11.3. Migrating messages upon scaledown

To migrate messages upon scaledown of your broker deployment, use the main broker Custom Resource (CR) to enable message migration. The AMQ Broker Operator automatically runs a dedicated scaledown controller to execute message migration when you scale down a clustered broker deployment.

With message migration enabled, the scaledown controller within the Operator detects shutdown of a broker Pod and starts a drainer Pod to execute message migration. The drainer Pod connects to one of the other live broker Pods in the cluster and migrates messages to that live broker Pod. After migration is complete, the scaledown controller shuts down.

  • A scaledown controller operates only within a single OpenShift project. The controller cannot migrate messages between brokers in separate projects.
  • If you scale a broker deployment down to 0 (zero), message migration does not occur, since there is no running broker Pod to which the messaging data can be migrated. However, if you scale a deployment down to zero brokers and then back up to only some of the brokers that were in the original deployment, drainer Pods are started for the brokers that remain shut down.

The following example procedure shows the behavior of the scaledown controller.



  1. In the deploy/crs directory of the Operator repository that you originally downloaded and extracted, open the main broker CR, broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml.
  2. In the main broker CR set messageMigration and persistenceEnabled to true.

    These settings mean that when you later scale down the size of your clustered broker deployment, the Operator automatically starts a scaledown controller and migrates messages to a broker Pod that is still running.

  3. In your existing broker deployment, verify which Pods are running.

    $ oc get pods

    You see output that looks like the following.

    activemq-artemis-operator-8566d9bf58-9g25l   1/1   Running   0   3m38s
    ex-aao-ss-0                                  1/1   Running   0   112s
    ex-aao-ss-1                                  1/1   Running   0   8s

    The preceding output shows that there are three Pods running; one for the broker Operator itself, and a separate Pod for each broker in the deployment.

  4. Log into each Pod and send some messages to each broker.

    1. Supposing that Pod ex-aao-ss-0 has a cluster IP address of, run the following command:

      $ /opt/amq/bin/artemis producer --url tcp:// --user admin --password admin
    2. Supposing that Pod ex-aao-ss-1 has a cluster IP address of, run the following command:

      $ /opt/amq/bin/artemis producer --url tcp:// --user admin --password admin

      The preceding commands create a queue called TEST on each broker and add 1000 messages to each queue.

  5. Scale the cluster down from two brokers to one.

    1. Open the main broker CR, broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml.
    2. In the CR, set deploymentPlan.size to 1.
    3. At the command line, apply the change:

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crs/broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml

      You see that the Pod ex-aao-ss-1 starts to shut down. The scaledown controller starts a new drainer Pod of the same name. This drainer Pod also shuts down after it migrates all messages from broker Pod ex-aao-ss-1 to the other broker Pod in the cluster, ex-aao-ss-0.

  6. When the drainer Pod is shut down, check the message count on the TEST queue of broker Pod ex-aao-ss-0. You see that the number of messages in the queue is 2000, indicating that the drainer Pod successfully migrated 1000 messages from the broker Pod that shut down.

4.12. Controlling placement of broker pods on OpenShift Container Platform nodes

You can control the placement of AMQ Broker pods on OpenShift Container Platform nodes by using node selectors, tolerations, or affinity and anti-affinity rules.

Node selectors
A node selector allows you to schedule a broker pod on a specific node.
A toleration enables a broker pod to be scheduled on a node if the toleration matches a taint configured for the node. Without a matching pod toleration, a taint allows a node to refuse to accept a pod.
Node affinity rules control which nodes a pod can be scheduled on based on the node’s labels. Pod affinity and anti-affinity rules control which nodes a pod can be scheduled on based on the pods already running on that node.

4.12.1. Placing pods on specific nodes using node selectors

A node selector specifies a key-value pair that requires the broker pod to be scheduled on a node that has matching key-value pair in the node label.

The following example shows how to configure a node selector to schedule a broker pod on a specific node.



  1. Create a Custom Resource (CR) instance based on the main broker CRD.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a nodeSelector section and add the node label that you want to match to select a node for the pod. For example:

            app: broker1

    In this example, the broker pod is scheduled on a node that has a app: broker1 label.

  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about node selectors in OpenShift Container Platform, see Placing pods on specific nodes using node selectors in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

4.12.2. Controlling pod placement using tolerations

Taints and tolerations control whether pods can or cannot be scheduled on specific nodes. A taint allows a node to refuse to schedule a pod unless the pod has a matching toleration. You can use taints to exclude pods from a node so the node is reserved for specific pods, such as broker pods, that have a matching toleration.

Having a matching toleration permits a broker pod to be scheduled on a node but does not guarantee that the pod is scheduled on that node. To guarantee that the broker pod is scheduled on the node that has a taint configured, you can configure affinity rules. For more information, see Section 4.12.3, “Controlling pod placement using affinity and anti-affinity rules”

The following example shows how to configure a toleration to match a taint that is configured on a node.


  • You should be familiar with how to use a CR instance to create a basic broker deployment. See Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.
  • Apply a taint to the nodes which you want to reserve for scheduling broker pods. A taint consists of a key, value, and effect. The taint effect determines if:

    • existing pods on the node are evicted
    • existing pods are allowed to remain on the node but new pods cannot be scheduled unless they have a matching toleration
    • new pods can be scheduled on the node if necessary, but preference is to not schedule new pods on the node.

For more information about applying taints, see Controlling pod placement using node taints in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.


  1. Create a Custom Resource (CR) instance based on the main broker CRD.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a tolerations section. In the tolerations section, add a toleration for the node taint that you want to match. For example:

            - key: "app"
              value: "amq-broker"
              effect: "NoSchedule"

    In this example, the toleration matches a node taint of app=amq-broker:NoSchedule, so the pod can be scheduled on a node that has this taint configured.


To ensure that the broker pods are scheduled correctly, do not specify a tolerationsSeconds attribute in the tolerations section of the CR.

  1. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about taints and tolerations in OpenShift Container Platform, see Controlling pod placement using node taints in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

4.12.3. Controlling pod placement using affinity and anti-affinity rules

You can control pod placement using node affinity, pod affinity, or pod anti-affinity rules. Node affinity allows a pod to specify an affinity towards a group of target nodes. Pod affinity and anti-affinity allows you to specify rules about how pods can or cannot be scheduled relative to other pods that are already running on a node. Controlling pod placement using node affinity rules

Node affinity allows a broker pod to specify an affinity towards a group of nodes that it can be placed on. A broker pod can be scheduled on any node that has a label with the same key-value pair as the affinity rule that you create for a pod.

The following example shows how to configure a broker to control pod placement by using node affinity rules.


  • You should be familiar with how to use a CR instance to create a basic broker deployment. See Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.
  • Assign a common label to the nodes in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster that can schedule the broker pod, for example, zone: emea.


  1. Create a Custom Resource (CR) instance based on the main broker CRD.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add the following sections: affinity, nodeAffinity, requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, and nodeSelectorTerms. In the nodeSelectorTerms section, add the - matchExpressions parameter and specify the key-value string of a node label to match. For example:

                - matchExpressions:
                  - key: zone
                    operator: In
                    - emea

    In this example, the affinity rule allows the pod to be scheduled on any node that has a label with a key of zone and a value of emea.

  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about affinity rules in OpenShift Container Platform, see Controlling pod placement on nodes using node affinity rules in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation. Placing pods relative to other pods using anti-affinity rules

Anti-affinity rules allow you to constrain which nodes the broker pods can be scheduled on based on the labels of pods already running on that node.

A use case for using anti-affinity rules is to ensure that multiple broker pods in a cluster are not scheduled on the same node, which creates a single point of failure. If you do not control the placement of pods, 2 or more broker pods in a cluster can be scheduled on the same node.

The following example shows how to configure anti-affinity rules to prevent 2 broker pods in a cluster from being scheduled on the same node.



  1. Create a CR instance for the first broker in the cluster based on the main broker CRD.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. Start a new CR instance based on the main broker CRD. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Click Create ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

  2. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add a labels section. Create an identifying label for the first broker pod so that you can create an anti-affinity rule on the second broker pod to prevent both pods from being scheduled on the same node. For example:

            name: broker1
  3. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.
  4. Create a CR instance for the second broker in the cluster based on the main broker CRD.

    1. In the deploymentPlan section of the CR, add the following sections: affinity, podAntiAffinity, requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, and labelSelector. In the labelSelector section, add the - matchExpressions parameter and specify the key-value string of the broker pod label to match, so this pod is not scheduled on the same node.

                    - matchExpressions:
                    - key: name
                      operator: In
                        - broker1

      In this example, the pod anti-affinity rule prevents the pod from being placed on the same node as a pod that has a label with a key of name and a value of broker1, which is the label assigned to the first broker in the cluster.

  5. Deploy the CR instance.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project in which you are creating the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Create the CR instance.

        $ oc create -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished configuring the CR, click Create.

Additional resources

For more information about affinity rules in OpenShift Container Platform, see Controlling pod placement on nodes using node affinity rules in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

Chapter 5. Connecting to AMQ Management Console for an Operator-based broker deployment

Each broker Pod in an Operator-based deployment hosts its own instance of AMQ Management Console at port 8161. To provide access to the console for each broker, you can configure the Custom Resource (CR) instance for the broker deployment to instruct the Operator to automatically create a dedicated Service and Route for each broker Pod.

The following procedures describe how to connect to AMQ Management Console for a deployed broker.


  • You must have created a broker deployment using the AMQ Broker Operator. For example, to learn how to use a sample CR to create a basic broker deployment, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.
  • To instruct the Operator to automatically create a Service and Route for each broker Pod in a deployment for console access, you must set the value of the console.expose property to true in the Custom Resource (CR) instance used to create the deployment. The default value of this property is false. For a complete Custom Resource configuration reference, including configuration of the console section of the CR, see Section 8.1, “Custom Resource configuration reference”.

5.1. Connecting to AMQ Management Console

When you set the value of the console.expose property to true in the Custom Resource (CR) instance used to create a broker deployment, the Operator automatically creates a dedicated Service and Route for each broker Pod, to provide access to AMQ Management Console.

The default name of the automatically-created Service is in the form <custom-resource-name>-wconsj-<broker-pod-ordinal>-svc. For example, my-broker-deployment-wconsj-0-svc. The default name of the automatically-created Route is in the form <custom-resource-name>-wconsj-<broker-pod-ordinal>-svc-rte. For example, my-broker-deployment-wconsj-0-svc-rte.

This procedure shows you how to access the console for a running broker Pod.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click NetworkingRoutes.

    On the Routes page, identify the wconsj Route for the given broker Pod. For example, my-broker-deployment-wconsj-0-svc-rte.

  2. Under Location, click the link that corresponds to the Route.

    A new tab opens in your web browser.

  3. Click the Management Console link.

    The AMQ Management Console login page opens.

  4. To log in to the console, enter the values specified for the adminUser and adminPassword properties in the Custom Resource (CR) instance used to create your broker deployment.

    If there are no values explicitly specified for adminUser and adminPassword in the CR, follow the instructions in Section 5.2, “Accessing AMQ Management Console login credentials” to retrieve the credentials required to log in to the console.


    Values for adminUser and adminPassword are required to log in to the console only if the requireLogin property of the CR is set to true. This property specifies whether login credentials are required to log in to the broker and the console. If requireLogin is set to false, you can log in to the console without supplying a valid username password by entering any text when prompted for username and password.

5.2. Accessing AMQ Management Console login credentials

If you do not specify a value for adminUser and adminPassword in the Custom Resource (CR) instance used for your broker deployment, the Operator automatically generates these credentials and stores them in a secret. The default secret name is in the form <custom-resource-name>-credentials-secret, for example, my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret.


Values for adminUser and adminPassword are required to log in to the management console only if the requireLogin parameter of the CR is set to true.

If requireLogin is set to false, you can log in to the console without supplying a valid username password by entering any text when prompted for username and password.

This procedure shows how to access the login credentials.


  1. See the complete list of secrets in your OpenShift project.

    1. From the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click WorkloadSecrets.
    2. From the command line:

      $ oc get secrets
  2. Open the appropriate secret to reveal the Base64-encoded console login credentials.

    1. From the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click the secret that includes your broker Custom Resource instance in its name. Click the YAML tab.
    2. From the command line:

      $ oc edit secret <my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret>
  3. To decode a value in the secret, use a command such as the following:

    $ echo 'dXNlcl9uYW1l' | base64 --decode

Additional resources

Chapter 6. Upgrading an Operator-based broker deployment

The procedures in this section show how to upgrade:

  • The AMQ Broker Operator version, using both the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) and OperatorHub
  • The broker container image for an Operator-based broker deployment

6.1. Before you begin

This section describes some important considerations before you upgrade the Operator and broker container images for an Operator-based broker deployment.

  • Upgrading the Operator using either the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) or OperatorHub requires cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift cluster.
  • If you originally used the CLI to install the Operator, you should also use the CLI to upgrade the Operator. If you originally used OperatorHub to install the Operator (that is, it appears under OperatorsInstalled Operators for your project in the OpenShift Container Platform web console), you should also use OperatorHub to upgrade the Operator. For more information about these upgrade methods, see:

  • If the redeliveryDelayMultiplier and the redeliveryCollisionAvoidanceFactor attributes are configured in the main broker CR in a 7.8.x or 7.9.x deployment, the new Operator is unable to reconcile any CR after you upgrade to 7.10.x. The reconcile fails because the data type of both attributes changed from float to string in 7.10.x.

    You can work around this issue by deleting the redeliveryDelayMultiplier and the redeliveryCollisionAvoidanceFactor attributes from the spec.deploymentPlan.addressSettings.addressSetting element. Then, configure the attributes in the brokerProperties element. For example:

        - "addressSettings.#.redeliveryMultiplier=2.1"
        - "addressSettings.#.redeliveryCollisionAvoidanceFactor=1.2"

    In the brokerProperties element, use the redeliveryMultiplier attribute name instead of the redeliveryDelayMultiplier attribute name that you deleted.

  • If you want to deploy the Operator to watch many namespaces, for example to watch all namespaces, you must:

    1. Make sure you have backed up all the CRs relating to broker deployments in your cluster.
    2. Uninstall the existing Operator.
    3. Deploy the 7.10 Operator to watch the namespaces you require.
    4. Check all your deployments and recreate if necessary.

6.2. Upgrading the Operator using the CLI

The procedures in this section show how to use the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to upgrade different versions of the Operator to the latest version available for AMQ Broker 7.10.

6.2.1. Prerequisites

  • You should use the CLI to upgrade the Operator only if you originally used the CLI to install the Operator. If you originally used OperatorHub to install the Operator (that is, the Operator appears under OperatorsInstalled Operators for your project in the OpenShift Container Platform web console), you should use OperatorHub to upgrade the Operator. To learn how to upgrade the Operator using OperatorHub, see Section 6.3, “Upgrading the Operator using OperatorHub”.

6.2.2. Upgrading the Operator using the CLI

You can use the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to upgrade the Operator to the latest version for AMQ Broker 7.10.


  1. In your web browser, navigate to the Software Downloads page for AMQ Broker 7.10.7 patches.
  2. Ensure that the value of the Version drop-down list is set to 7.10.7 and the Releases tab is selected.
  3. Next to AMQ Broker 7.10.7 Operator Installation and Example Files, click Download.

    Download of the compressed archive automatically begins.

  4. When the download has completed, move the archive to your chosen installation directory. The following example moves the archive to a directory called ~/broker/operator.

    $ mkdir ~/broker/operator
    $ mv ~/broker/operator
  5. In your chosen installation directory, extract the contents of the archive. For example:

    $ cd ~/broker/operator
    $ unzip
  6. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform as an administrator for the project that contains your existing Operator deployment.

    $ oc login -u <user>
  7. Switch to the OpenShift project in which you want to upgrade your Operator version.

    $ oc project <project-name>
  8. In the deploy directory of the latest Operator archive that you downloaded and extracted, open the operator.yaml file.


    In the operator.yaml file, the Operator uses an image that is represented by a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) value. The comment line, which begins with a number sign (#) symbol, denotes that the SHA value corresponds to a specific container image tag.

  9. Open the operator.yaml file for your previous Operator deployment. Check that any non-default values that you specified in your previous configuration are replicated in the new operator.yaml configuration file.
  10. In the new operator.yaml file, the Operator is named controller-manager by default. Replace all instances of controller-manager with amq-broker-operator, which was the name of the Operator in previous versions, and save the file. For example:

          name: amq-broker-operator
  11. Update the CRDs that are included with the Operator. You must update the CRDs before you deploy the Operator.

    1. Update the main broker CRD.

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemis_crd.yaml
    2. Update the address CRD.

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemisaddress_crd.yaml
    3. Update the scaledown controller CRD.

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemisscaledown_crd.yaml
    4. Update the security CRD.

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/broker_activemqartemissecurity_crd.yaml
  12. If you are upgrading from AMQ Broker Operator 7.10.0 only, delete the Operator and the StatefulSet.

    By default, the new Operator deletes the StatefulSet to remove custom and Operator metering labels, which were incorrectly added to the StatefulSet selector by the Operator in 7.10.0. When the Operator deletes the StatefulSet, it also deletes the existing broker Pods, which causes a temporary broker outage. If you want to avoid an outage, complete the following steps to delete the Operator and the StatefulSet without deleting the broker Pods.

    1. Delete the Operator.

      $ oc delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
    2. Delete the StatefulSet with the --cascade=orphan option to orphan the broker Pods. The orphaned broker Pods continue to run after the StatefulSet is deleted.

      $ oc delete statefulset <statefulset-name> --cascade=orphan
  13. If you are upgrading from AMQ Broker Operator 7.10.0 or 7.10.1, check if your main broker CR has labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis configured in the deploymentPlan.labels attribute.

    These labels are reserved for the Operator to assign labels to Pods and are not permitted as custom labels after 7.10.1. If these custom labels were configured in the main broker CR, the Operator-assigned labels on the Pods were overwritten by the custom labels. If either of these custom labels are configured in the main broker CR, complete the following steps to restore the correct labels on the Pods and remove the labels from the CR.

    1. If you are upgrading from 7.10.0, you deleted the Operator in the previous step. If you are upgrading from 7.10.1, delete the Operator.

      $ oc delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
    2. Run the following command to restore the correct Pod labels. In the following example, 'ex-aao' is the name of the StatefulSet deployed.

      $ for pod in $(oc get pods | grep -o '^ex-aao[^ ]*') do; oc label --overwrite pods $pod ActiveMQArtemis=ex-aao application=ex-aao-app; done
    3. Delete the application and ActiveMQArtemis labels from the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR.

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
      3. In the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR, delete any custom labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis.
      4. Save the CR file.
      5. Deploy the CR instance.

        1. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

          $ oc project <project_name>
        2. Apply the CR.

          $ oc apply -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    4. If you deleted the previous Operator, deploy the new Operator.

       $ oc create -f deploy/operator.yaml
  14. Apply the updated Operator configuration.

    $ oc apply -f deploy/operator.yaml
  15. The new Operator can recognize and manage your previous broker deployments. If automatic updates are enabled in the CR of your deployment, the Operator’s reconciliation process upgrades each broker pod. If automatic updates are not enabled, you can enable them by setting the following attributes in your CR:

            enabled: true
            minor: true

    For more information on enabling automatic updates, see, Section 6.4, “Upgrading the broker container image by specifying an AMQ Broker version”.


    If the reconciliation process does not start, you can start the process by scaling the deployment. For more information, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.

  16. Add attributes to the CR for the new features that are available in the upgraded broker, as required.

6.3. Upgrading the Operator using OperatorHub

This section describes how to use OperatorHub to upgrade the Operator for AMQ Broker.

6.3.1. Prerequisites

  • You should use OperatorHub to upgrade the Operator only if you originally used OperatorHub to install the Operator (that is, the Operator appears under OperatorsInstalled Operators for your project in the OpenShift Container Platform web console). By contrast, if you originally used the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) to install the Operator, you should also use the CLI to upgrade the Operator. To learn how to upgrade the Operator using the CLI, see Section 6.2, “Upgrading the Operator using the CLI”.
  • Upgrading the AMQ Broker Operator using OperatorHub requires cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift cluster.

6.3.2. Before you begin

This section describes some important considerations before you use OperatorHub to upgrade an instance of the AMQ Broker Operator.

  • The Operator Lifecycle Manager automatically updates the CRDs in your OpenShift cluster when you install the latest Operator version from OperatorHub. You do not need to remove existing CRDs. If you remove existing CRDs, all CRs and broker instances are also removed.
  • When you update your cluster with the CRDs for the latest Operator version, this update affects all projects in the cluster. Any broker Pods deployed from previous versions of the Operator might become unable to update their status in the OpenShift Container Platform web console. When you click the Logs tab of a running broker Pod, you see messages indicating that 'UpdatePodStatus' has failed. However, the broker Pods and Operator in that project continue to work as expected. To fix this issue for an affected project, you must also upgrade that project to use the latest version of the Operator.
  • The procedure to follow depends on the Operator version that you are upgrading from. Ensure that you follow the upgrade procedure that is for your current version.

6.3.3. Upgrading the Operator from pre-7.10.0 to 7.10.1 or later

You can use OperatorHub to upgrade an instance of the Operator from pre-7.10.0 to 7.10.1 or later.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a cluster administrator.
  2. Uninstall the existing AMQ Broker Operator from your project.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  4. From the Project drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the project in which you want to uninstall the Operator.
  5. Locate the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker instance that you want to uninstall.
  6. For your Operator instance, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) on the right-hand side. Select Uninstall Operator.
  7. On the confirmation dialog box, click Uninstall.
  8. Use OperatorHub to install the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10. For more information, see Section 3.3.2, “Deploying the Operator from OperatorHub”.

    If automatic updates are enabled in the CR of your deployment, the Operator’s reconciliation process upgrades each broker pod when the new Operator starts. If automatic updates are not enabled, you can enable them by setting the following attributes in your CR:

            enabled: true
            minor: true

    For more information on enabling automatic updates, see, Section 6.4, “Upgrading the broker container image by specifying an AMQ Broker version”.


    If the reconciliation process does not start, you can start the process by scaling the deployment. For more information, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.

6.3.4. Upgrading the Operator from 7.10.0 to 7.10.x

Use this procedure to upgrade from AMQ Broker Operator 7.10.0.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a cluster administrator.
  2. Uninstall the existing AMQ Broker Operator from your project.

    1. In the left navigation menu, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
    2. From the Project drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the project in which you want to uninstall the Operator.
    3. Locate the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker instance that you want to uninstall.
    4. For your Operator instance, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) on the right-hand side. Select Uninstall Operator.
    5. On the confirmation dialog box, click Uninstall.
  3. When you upgrade a 7.10.0 Operator, the new Operator deletes the StatefulSet to remove custom and Operator metering labels, which were incorrectly added to the StatefulSet selector by the Operator in 7.10.0. When the Operator deletes the StatefulSet, it also deletes the existing broker pods, which causes a temporary broker outage. If you want to avoid the outage, complete the following steps to delete the StatefulSet and orphan the broker pods so that they continue to run.

    1. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform CLI as an administrator for the project that contains your existing Operator deployment:

      $ oc login -u <user>
    2. Switch to the OpenShift project in which you want to upgrade your Operator version.

      $ oc project <project-name>
    3. Delete the StatefulSet with the --cascade=orphan option to orphan the broker Pods. The orphaned broker Pods continue to run after the StatefulSet is deleted.

      $ oc delete statefulset <statefulset-name> --cascade=orphan
  4. Check if your main broker CR has labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis configured in the deploymentPlan.labels attribute.

    In 7.10.0, it was possible to configure these custom labels in the CR. These labels are reserved for the Operator to assign labels to Pods and cannot be added as custom labels after 7.10.0. If these custom labels were configured in the main broker CR in 7.10.0, the Operator-assigned labels on the Pods were overwritten by the custom labels. If the CR has either of these labels, complete the following steps to restore the correct labels on the Pods and remove the labels from the CR.

    1. In the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI), run the following command to restore the correct Pod labels. In the following example, 'ex-aao' is the name of the StatefulSet deployed.

      $ for pod in $(oc get pods | grep -o '^ex-aao[^ ]*') do; oc label --overwrite pods $pod ActiveMQArtemis=ex-aao application=ex-aao-app; done
    2. Delete the application and ActiveMQArtemis labels from the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR.

      1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

        1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

          oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
        2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
        3. In the deploymentPlan.labels element in the CR, delete any custom labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis.
        4. Save the CR file.
        5. Deploy the CR instance.

          1. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

            $ oc project <project_name>
          2. Apply the CR.

            $ oc apply -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
      2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

        1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
        2. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
        3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
        4. Click the Instances tab.
        5. Click the instance for your broker deployment.
        6. Click the YAML tab.

          Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

        7. In the deploymentPlan.labels element in the CR, delete any custom labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis.
        8. Click Save.
  5. Use OperatorHub to install the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10. For more information, see Section 3.3.2, “Deploying the Operator from OperatorHub”.

    The new Operator can recognize and manage your previous broker deployments. If automatic updates are enabled in the CR of your deployment, the Operator’s reconciliation process upgrades each broker pod when the new Operator starts. If automatic updates are not enabled, you can enable them by setting the following attributes in your CR:

            enabled: true
            minor: true

    For more information on enabling automatic updates, see, Section 6.4, “Upgrading the broker container image by specifying an AMQ Broker version”.


    If the reconciliation process does not start, you can start the process by scaling the deployment. For more information, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.

  6. Add attributes to the CR for the new features that are available in the upgraded broker, as required.

6.3.5. Upgrading the Operator from 7.10.1 to 7.10.x

Use this procedure to upgrade from AMQ Broker Operator 7.10.1.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a cluster administrator.
  2. Check if your main broker CR has labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis configured in the deploymentPlan.labels attribute.

    These labels are reserved for the Operator to assign labels to Pods and cannot be used after 7.10.1. If these custom labels were configured in the main broker CR, the Operator-assigned labels on the Pods were overwritten by the custom labels.

  3. If these custom labels are not configured in the main broker CR, use OperatorHub to install the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10. For more information, see Section 3.3.2, “Deploying the Operator from OperatorHub”.
  4. If either of these custom labels are configured in the main broker CR, complete the following steps to uninstall the existing Operator, restore the correct Pod labels and remove the labels from the CR, before you install the new Operator.


    By uninstalling the Operator, you can remove the custom labels without the Operator deleting the StatefulSet, which also deletes the existing broker pods and causes a temporary broker outage.

    1. Uninstall the existing AMQ Broker Operator from your project.

      1. In the left navigation menu, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
      2. From the Project drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the project from which you want to uninstall the Operator.
      3. Locate the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker instance that you want to uninstall.
      4. For your Operator instance, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) on the right-hand side. Select Uninstall Operator.
      5. On the confirmation dialog box, click Uninstall.
    2. In the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI), run the following command to restore the correct Pod labels. In the following example, 'ex-aao' is the name of the StatefulSet deployed.

      $ for pod in $(oc get pods | grep -o '^ex-aao[^ ]*') do; oc label --overwrite pods $pod ActiveMQArtemis=ex-aao application=ex-aao-app; done
    3. Delete the application and ActiveMQArtemis labels from the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR.

      1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

        1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

          oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
        2. Open the sample CR file called broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you downloaded and extracted.
        3. In the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR, delete any custom labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis.
        4. Save the CR file.
        5. Deploy the CR instance.

          1. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

            $ oc project <project_name>
          2. Apply the CR.

            $ oc apply -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
      2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

        1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
        2. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
        3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
        4. Click the Instances tab.
        5. Click the instance for your broker deployment.
        6. Click the YAML tab.

          Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to configure a CR instance.

        7. In the deploymentPlan.labels attribute in the CR, delete any custom labels called application or ActiveMQArtemis.
        8. Click Save.
  5. Use OperatorHub to install the latest version of the Operator for AMQ Broker 7.10. For more information, see Section 3.3.2, “Deploying the Operator from OperatorHub”.

    The new Operator can recognize and manage your previous broker deployments. If automatic updates are enabled in the CR of your deployment, the Operator’s reconciliation process upgrades each broker pod when the new Operator starts. If automatic updates are not enabled, you can enable them by setting the following attributes in your CR:

            enabled: true
            minor: true

    For more information on enabling automatic updates, see, Section 6.4, “Upgrading the broker container image by specifying an AMQ Broker version”.


    If the reconciliation process does not start, you can start the process by scaling the deployment. For more information, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.

  6. Add attributes to the CR for the new features that are available in the upgraded broker, as required.

6.4. Upgrading the broker container image by specifying an AMQ Broker version

The following procedure shows how to upgrade the broker container image for an Operator-based broker deployment by specifying an AMQ Broker version. You might do this, for example, if you upgrade the Operator to AMQ Broker 7.10.0 but the spec.upgrades.enabled property in your CR is already set to true and the spec.version property specifies 7.9.0. To upgrade the broker container image, you need to manually specify a new AMQ Broker version (for example, 7.10.0). When you specify a new version of AMQ Broker, the Operator automatically chooses the broker container image that corresponds to this version.


  • As described in Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”, if you deploy a CR and do not explicitly specify a broker container image, the Operator automatically chooses the appropriate container image to use. To use the upgrade process described in this section, you must use this default behavior. If you override the default behavior by directly specifying a broker container image in your CR, the Operator cannot automatically upgrade the broker container image to correspond to an AMQ Broker version as described below.


  1. Edit the main broker CR instance for the broker deployment.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Log in to OpenShift as a user that has privileges to edit and deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<host:port>
      2. In a text editor, open the CR file that you used for your broker deployment. For example, this might be the broker_activemqartemis_cr.yaml file that was included in the deploy/crs directory of the Operator installation archive that you previously downloaded and extracted.
    2. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Log in to the console as a user that has privileges to edit and deploy CRs in the project for the broker deployment.
      2. In the left pane, click AdministrationCustom Resource Definitions.
      3. Click the ActiveMQArtemis CRD.
      4. Click the Instances tab.
      5. Locate the CR instance that corresponds to your project namespace.
      6. For your CR instance, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) on the right-hand side. Select Edit ActiveMQArtemis.

        Within the console, a YAML editor opens, enabling you to edit the CR instance.

  2. To specify a version of AMQ Broker to which to upgrade the broker container image, set a value for the spec.version property of the CR. For example:

        version: 7.10.0
  3. In the spec section of the CR, locate the upgrades section. If this section is not already included in the CR, add it.

        version: 7.10.0
  4. Ensure that the upgrades section includes the enabled and minor properties.

        version: 7.10.0
  5. To enable an upgrade of the broker container image based on a specified version of AMQ Broker, set the value of the enabled property to true.

        version: 7.10.0
            enabled: true
  6. To define the upgrade behavior of the broker, set a value for the minor property.

    1. To allow upgrades between minor AMQ Broker versions, set the value of minor to true.

          version: 7.10.0
              enabled: true
              minor: true

      For example, suppose that the current broker container image corresponds to 7.9.0, and a new image, corresponding to the 7.10.0 version specified for spec.version, is available. In this case, the Operator determines that there is an available upgrade between the 7.9.0 and 7.10.0 minor versions. Based on the preceding settings, which allow upgrades between minor versions, the Operator upgrades the broker container image.

      By contrast, suppose that the current broker container image corresponds to 7.10.0, and you specify a new value of 7.10.1 for spec.version. If an image corresponding to 7.10.1 exists, the Operator determines that there is an available upgrade between 7.10.0 and 7.10.1 micro versions. Based on the preceding settings, which allow upgrades only between minor versions, the Operator does not upgrade the broker container image.

    2. To allow upgrades between micro AMQ Broker versions, set the value of minor to false.

          version: 7.10.0
              enabled: true
              minor: false

      For example, suppose that the current broker container image corresponds to 7.9.0, and a new image, corresponding to the 7.10.0 version specified for spec.version, is available. In this case, the Operator determines that there is an available upgrade between the 7.9.0 and 7.10.0 minor versions. Based on the preceding settings, which do not allow upgrades between minor versions (that is, only between micro versions), the Operator does not upgrade the broker container image.

      By contrast, suppose that the current broker container image corresponds to 7.10.0, and you specify a new value of 7.10.1 for spec.version. If an image corresponding to 7.10.1 exists, the Operator determines that there is an available upgrade between 7.10.0 and 7.10.1 micro versions. Based on the preceding settings, which allow upgrades between micro versions, the Operator upgrades the broker container image.

  7. Apply the changes to the CR.

    1. Using the OpenShift command-line interface:

      1. Save the CR file.
      2. Switch to the project for the broker deployment.

        $ oc project <project_name>
      3. Apply the CR.

        $ oc apply -f <path/to/broker_custom_resource_instance>.yaml
    2. Using the OpenShift web console:

      1. When you have finished editing the CR, click Save.

    When you apply the CR change, the Operator first validates that an upgrade to the AMQ Broker version specified for spec.version is available for your existing deployment. If you have specified an invalid version of AMQ Broker to which to upgrade (for example, a version that is not yet available), the Operator logs a warning message, and takes no further action.

    However, if an upgrade to the specified version is available, and the values specified for upgrades.enabled and upgrades.minor allow the upgrade, then the Operator upgrades each broker in the deployment to use the broker container image that corresponds to the new AMQ Broker version.

    The broker container image that the Operator uses is defined in an environment variable in the operator.yaml configuration file of the Operator deployment. The environment variable name includes an identifier for the AMQ Broker version. For example, the environment variable RELATED_IMAGE_ActiveMQ_Artemis_Broker_Kubernetes_7100 corresponds to AMQ Broker 7.10.7.

    When the Operator has applied the CR change, it restarts each broker Pod in your deployment so that each Pod uses the specified image version. If you have multiple brokers in your deployment, only one broker Pod shuts down and restarts at a time.

Additional resources

Chapter 7. Monitoring your brokers

7.1. Viewing brokers in Fuse Console

You can configure an Operator-based broker deployment to use Fuse Console for OpenShift instead of the AMQ Management Console. When you have configured your broker deployment appropriately, Fuse Console discovers the brokers and displays them on a dedicated Artemis tab. You can view the same broker runtime data that you do in the AMQ Management Console. You can also perform the same basic management operations, such as creating addresses and queues.

The following procedure describes how to configure the Custom Resource (CR) instance for a broker deployment to enable Fuse Console for OpenShift to discover and display brokers in the deployment.


  • Fuse Console for OpenShift must be deployed to an OCP cluster, or to a specific namespace on that cluster. If you have deployed the console to a specific namespace, your broker deployment must be in the same namespace, to enable the console to discover the brokers. Otherwise, it is sufficient for Fuse Console and the brokers to be deployed on the same OCP cluster. For more information on installing Fuse Online on OCP, see Installing and Operating Fuse Online on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You must have already created a broker deployment. For example, to learn how to use a Custom Resource (CR) instance to create a basic Operator-based deployment, see Section 3.4.1, “Deploying a basic broker instance”.


  1. Open the CR instance that you used for your broker deployment. For example, the CR for a basic deployment might resemble the following:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 4
  2. In the deploymentPlan section, add the jolokiaAgentEnabled and managementRBACEnabled properties and specify values, as shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 4
        jolokiaAgentEnabled: true
        managementRBACEnabled: false
    Specifies whether Fuse Console can discover and display runtime data for the brokers in the deployment. To use Fuse Console, set the value to true.

    Specifies whether role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled for the brokers in the deployment. You must set the value to false to use Fuse Console because Fuse Console uses its own role-based access control.


    If you set the value of managementRBACEnabled to false to enable use of Fuse Console, management MBeans for the brokers no longer require authorization. You should not use the AMQ management console while managementRBACEnabled is set to false because this potentially exposes all management operations on the brokers to unauthorized use.

  3. Save the CR instance.
  4. Switch to the project in which you previously created your broker deployment.

    $ oc project <project_name>
  5. At the command line, apply the change.

    $ oc apply -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml
  6. In Fuse Console, to view Fuse applications, click the Online tab. To view running brokers, in the left navigation menu, click Artemis.

Additional resources

7.2. Monitoring broker runtime metrics using Prometheus

The sections that follow describe how to configure the Prometheus metrics plugin for AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform. You can use the plugin to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. You might also use a graphical tool such as Grafana to configure more advanced visualizations and dashboards of the data that the Prometheus plugin collects.


The Prometheus metrics plugin enables you to collect and export broker metrics in Prometheus format. However, Red Hat does not provide support for installation or configuration of Prometheus itself, nor of visualization tools such as Grafana. If you require support with installing, configuring, or running Prometheus or Grafana, visit the product websites for resources such as community support and documentation.

7.2.1. Metrics overview

To monitor the health and performance of your broker instances, you can use the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. The AMQ Broker Prometheus plugin exports the broker runtime metrics to Prometheus format, enabling you to use Prometheus itself to visualize and run queries on the data.

You can also use a graphical tool, such as Grafana, to configure more advanced visualizations and dashboards for the metrics that the Prometheus plugin collects.

The metrics that the plugin exports to Prometheus format are described below.

Broker metrics

Number of bytes used by all addresses on this broker for in-memory messages.
Memory used by all the addresses on this broker as a percentage of the global-max-size parameter.
Number of clients connected to this broker.
Number of clients that have connected to this broker since it was started.

Address metrics

Number of messages routed to one or more queue bindings.
Number of messages not routed to any queue bindings.

Queue metrics

Number of clients consuming messages from a given queue.
Number of durable messages that a given queue is currently delivering to consumers.
Persistent size of durable messages that a given queue is currently delivering to consumers.
Number of messages that a given queue is currently delivering to consumers.
Persistent size of messages that a given queue is currently delivering to consumers.
Number of durable messages currently in a given queue. This includes scheduled, paged, and in-delivery messages.
Persistent size of durable messages currently in a given queue. This includes scheduled, paged, and in-delivery messages.
Number of messages acknowledged from a given queue since the queue was created.
Number of messages added to a given queue since the queue was created.
Number of messages currently in a given queue. This includes scheduled, paged, and in-delivery messages.
Number of messages removed from a given queue since the queue was created. The broker kills a message when the message exceeds the configured maximum number of delivery attempts.
Number of messages expired from a given queue since the queue was created.
Persistent size of all messages (both durable and non-durable) currently in a given queue. This includes scheduled, paged, and in-delivery messages.
Number of durable, scheduled messages in a given queue.
Persistent size of durable, scheduled messages in a given queue.
Number of scheduled messages in a given queue.
Persistent size of scheduled messages in a given queue.

For higher-level broker metrics that are not listed above, you can calculate these by aggregating lower-level metrics. For example, to calculate total message count, you can aggregate the artemis_message_count metrics from all queues in your broker deployment.

For an on-premise deployment of AMQ Broker, metrics for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) hosting the broker are also exported to Prometheus format. This does not apply to a deployment of AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform.

7.2.2. Enabling the Prometheus plugin using a CR

When you install AMQ Broker, a Prometheus metrics plugin is included in your installation. When enabled, the plugin collects runtime metrics for the broker and exports these to Prometheus format.

The following procedure shows how to enable the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker using a CR. This procedure supports new and existing deployments of AMQ Broker 7.9 or later.

See Section 7.2.3, “Enabling the Prometheus plugin for a running broker deployment using an environment variable” for an alternative procedure with running brokers.


  1. Open the CR instance that you use for your broker deployment. For example, the CR for a basic deployment might resemble the following:

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 4
  2. In the deploymentPlan section, add the enableMetricsPlugin property and set the value to true, as shown below.

    kind: ActiveMQArtemis
      name: ex-aao
      application: ex-aao-app
        size: 4
        enableMetricsPlugin: true
    Specifies whether the Prometheus plugin is enabled for the brokers in the deployment.
  3. Save the CR instance.
  4. Switch to the project in which you previously created your broker deployment.

    $ oc project <project_name>
  5. At the command line, apply the change.

    $ oc apply -f <path/to/custom_resource_instance>.yaml

    The metrics plugin starts to gather broker runtime metrics in Prometheus format.

Additional resources

7.2.3. Enabling the Prometheus plugin for a running broker deployment using an environment variable

The following procedure shows how to enable the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker using an environment variable. See Section 7.2.2, “Enabling the Prometheus plugin using a CR” for an alternative procedure.


  • You can enable the Prometheus plugin for a broker Pod created with the AMQ Broker Operator. However, your deployed broker must use the broker container image for AMQ Broker 7.7 or later.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console with administrator privileges for the project that contains your broker deployment.
  2. In the web console, click HomeProjects. Choose the project that contains your broker deployment.
  3. To see the StatefulSets or DeploymentConfigs in your project, click WorkloadsStatefulSets or WorkloadsDeploymentConfigs.
  4. Click the StatefulSet or DeploymentConfig that corresponds to your broker deployment.
  5. To access the environment variables for your broker deployment, click the Environment tab.
  6. Add a new environment variable, AMQ_ENABLE_METRICS_PLUGIN. Set the value of the variable to true.

    When you set the AMQ_ENABLE_METRICS_PLUGIN environment variable, OpenShift restarts each broker Pod in the StatefulSet or DeploymentConfig. When there are multiple Pods in the deployment, OpenShift restarts each Pod in turn. When each broker Pod restarts, the Prometheus plugin for that broker starts to gather broker runtime metrics.

7.2.4. Accessing Prometheus metrics for a running broker Pod

This procedure shows how to access Prometheus metrics for a running broker Pod.



  1. For the broker Pod whose metrics you want to access, you need to identify the Route you previously created to connect the Pod to the AMQ Broker management console. The Route name forms part of the URL needed to access the metrics.

    1. Click NetworkingRoutes.
    2. For your chosen broker Pod, identify the Route created to connect the Pod to the AMQ Broker management console. Under Hostname, note the complete URL that is shown. For example:

  2. To access Prometheus metrics, in a web browser, enter the previously noted Route name appended with “/metrics”. For example:


If your console configuration does not use SSL, specify http in the URL. In this case, DNS resolution of the host name directs traffic to port 80 of the OpenShift router. If your console configuration uses SSL, specify https in the URL. In this case, your browser defaults to port 443 of the OpenShift router. This enables a successful connection to the console if the OpenShift router also uses port 443 for SSL traffic, which the router does by default.

7.3. Monitoring broker runtime data using JMX

This example shows how to monitor a broker using the Jolokia REST interface to JMX.



  1. Get the list of running pods:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ex-aao-ss-1   1/1       Running   0          14d
  2. Run the oc logs command:

    $ oc logs -f ex-aao-ss-1
    Running Broker in /home/jboss/amq-broker
    2021-09-17 09:35:10,813 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server
    2021-09-17 09:35:10,882 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221000: live Message Broker is starting with configuration Broker Configuration (clustered=true,journalDirectory=data/journal,bindingsDirectory=data/bindings,largeMessagesDirectory=data/large-messages,pagingDirectory=data/paging)
    2021-09-17 09:35:10,971 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221013: Using NIO Journal
    2021-09-17 09:35:11,114 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221057: Global Max Size is being adjusted to 1/2 of the JVM max size (-Xmx). being defined as 2,566,914,048
    2021-09-17 09:35:11,369 WARNING [org.jgroups.stack.Configurator] JGRP000014: BasicTCP.use_send_queues has been deprecated: will be removed in 4.0
    2021-09-17 09:35:11,385 WARNING [org.jgroups.stack.Configurator] JGRP000014: Discovery.timeout has been deprecated: GMS.join_timeout should be used instead
    2021-09-17 09:35:11,480 INFO  [org.jgroups.protocols.openshift.DNS_PING] serviceName [ex-aao-ping-svc] set; clustering enabled
    2021-09-17 09:35:24,540 INFO  [] 3 attempt(s) with a 1000ms sleep to execute [GetServicePort] failed. Last failure was [javax.naming.CommunicationException: DNS error]
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,044 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221034: Waiting indefinitely to obtain live lock
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,045 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221035: Live Server Obtained live lock
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,206 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221080: Deploying address DLQ supporting [ANYCAST]
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,240 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221003: Deploying ANYCAST queue DLQ on address DLQ
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,360 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221080: Deploying address ExpiryQueue supporting [ANYCAST]
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,362 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221003: Deploying ANYCAST queue ExpiryQueue on address ExpiryQueue
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,656 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started EPOLL Acceptor at for protocols [CORE]
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,660 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    2021-09-17 09:35:25,660 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.16.0.redhat-00022 [amq-broker, nodeID=8d886031-179a-11ec-9e02-0a580ad9008b]
    2021-09-17 09:35:26,470 INFO  [org.apache.amq.hawtio.branding.PluginContextListener] Initialized amq-broker-redhat-branding plugin
    2021-09-17 09:35:26,656 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.hawtio.plugin.PluginContextListener] Initialized artemis-plugin plugin
  3. Run your query to monitor your broker for MaxConsumers:

    $ curl -k -u admin:admin,component=addresses,address=%22TESTQUEUE%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22anycast%22,queue=%22TESTQUEUE%22/MaxConsumers

Chapter 8. Reference

8.1. Custom Resource configuration reference

A Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a schema of configuration items for a custom OpenShift object deployed with an Operator. By deploying a corresponding Custom Resource (CR) instance, you specify values for configuration items shown in the CRD.

The following sub-sections detail the configuration items that you can set in Custom Resource instances based on the main broker CRD.

8.1.1. Broker Custom Resource configuration reference

A CR instance based on the main broker CRD enables you to configure brokers for deployment in an OpenShift project. The following table describes the items that you can configure in the CR instance.


Configuration items marked with an asterisk (*) are required in any corresponding Custom Resource (CR) that you deploy. If you do not explicitly specify a value for a non-required item, the configuration uses the default value.

EntrySub-entryDescription and usage



Administrator user name required for connecting to the broker and management console.

If you do not specify a value, the value is automatically generated and stored in a secret. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-credentials-secret. For example, my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret.

Type: string

Example: my-user

Default value: Automatically-generated, random value



Administrator password required for connecting to the broker and management console.

If you do not specify a value, the value is automatically generated and stored in a secret. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-credentials-secret. For example, my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret.

Type: string

Example: my-password

Default value: Automatically-generated, random value



Broker deployment configuration



Full path of the broker container image used for each broker in the deployment.

You do not need to explicitly specify a value for image in your CR. The default value of placeholder indicates that the Operator has not yet determined the appropriate image to use.

To learn how the Operator chooses a broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

Type: string


Default value: placeholder



Number of broker Pods to create in the deployment.

If you specify a value of 2 or greater, your broker deployment is clustered by default. The cluster user name and password are automatically generated and stored in the same secret as adminUser and adminPassword, by default.

Type: int

Example: 1

Default value: 2



Specify whether login credentials are required to connect to the broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether to use journal storage for each broker Pod in the deployment. If set to true, each broker Pod requires an available Persistent Volume (PV) that the Operator can claim using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Init Container image used to configure the broker.

You do not need to explicitly specify a value for initImage in your CR, unless you want to provide a custom image.

To learn how the Operator chooses a built-in Init Container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

To learn how to specify a custom Init Container image, see Section 4.7, “Specifying a custom Init Container image”.

Type: string


Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to use asynchronous I/O (AIO) or non-blocking I/O (NIO).

Type: string

Example: aio

Default value: nio



When a broker Pod shuts down due to an intentional scaledown of the broker deployment, specify whether to migrate messages to another broker Pod that is still running in the broker cluster.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Maximum amount of host-node CPU, in millicores, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment can consume.

Type: string

Example: "500m"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Maximum amount of host-node memory, in bytes, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment can consume. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: "1024M"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Amount of host-node CPU, in millicores, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment explicitly requests.

Type: string

Example: "250m"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Amount of host-node memory, in bytes, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment explicitly requests. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: "512M"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Size, in bytes, of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that each broker in a deployment requires for persistent storage. This property applies only when persistenceEnabled is set to true. The value that you specify must include a unit. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: 4Gi

Default value: 2Gi



Specifies whether the Jolokia JVM Agent is enabled for the brokers in the deployment. If the value of this property is set to true, Fuse Console can discover and display runtime data for the brokers.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled for the brokers in the deployment. To use Fuse Console, you must set the value to false, because Fuse Console uses its own role-based access control.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specifies scheduling constraints for pods. For information about affinity properties, see the properties in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.



Specifies the pod’s tolerations. For information about tolerations properties, see the properties in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.



Specify a label that matches a node’s labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.



Specifies the name of the storage class to use for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). Storage classes provide a way for administrators to describe and classify the available storage. For example, a storage class might have specific quality-of-service levels, backup policies, or other administrative policies associated with it.

Type: string

Example: gp3

Default value: Not specified



Configures a periodic health check on a running broker container to check that the broker is running. For information about liveness probe properties, see the properties in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.



Configures a periodic health check on a running broker container to check that the broker is accepting network traffic. For information about readiness probe properties, see the properties in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.



Assign labels to a broker pod.

Type: string

Example: location: "production"

Default value: Not specified



Configuration of broker management console.



Specify whether to expose the management console port for each broker in a deployment.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether to use SSL on the management console port.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored. If you do not specify a value for sslSecret, the console uses a default secret name. The default secret name is in the form of <custom_resource_name>-console-secret. This property applies only when the sslEnabled property is set to true.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-console-secret

Default value: Not specified



Specify a service account name for the broker pod.

Type: string

Example: activemq-artemis-controller-manager

Default value: default



Specify the following pod-level security attributes and common container settings.

* fsGroup

* fsGroupChangePolicy

* runAsGroup

* runAsUser

* runAsNonRoot

* seLinuxOptions

* seccompProfile

* supplementalGroups

* sysctls

* windowsOptions

For information on podSecurityContext properties, see the properties in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.



Specify whether the management console requires client authorization.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



A single acceptor configuration instance.



Name of acceptor.

Type: string

Example: my-acceptor

Default value: Not applicable



Port number to use for the acceptor instance.

Type: int

Example: 5672

Default value: 61626 for the first acceptor that you define. The default value then increments by 10 for every subsequent acceptor that you define.



Messaging protocols to be enabled on the acceptor instance.

Type: string

Example: amqp,core

Default value: all



Specify whether SSL is enabled on the acceptor port. If set to true, look in the secret name specified in sslSecret for the credentials required by TLS/SSL.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored.

If you do not specify a custom secret name for sslSecret, the acceptor assumes a default secret name. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-<acceptor_name>-secret.

You must always create this secret yourself, even when the acceptor assumes a default name.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-my-acceptor-secret

Default value: <custom_resource_name>-<acceptor_name>-secret



Comma-separated list of cipher suites to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Specify the most secure cipher suite(s) supported by your client application. If you use a comma-separated list to specify a set of cipher suites that is common to both the broker and the client, or you do not specify any cipher suites, the broker and client mutually negotiate a cipher suite to use. If you do not know which cipher suites to specify, it is recommended that you first establish a broker-client connection with your client running in debug mode, to verify the cipher suites that are common to both the broker and the client. Then, configure enabledCipherSuites on the broker.

Type: string

Default value: Not specified



The name of the provider of the keystore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: SunJCE

Default value: Not specified



The name of the provider of the truststore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: SunJCE

Default value: Not specified



The type of truststore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: JCEKS

Default value: JKS



Comma-separated list of protocols to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

Example: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is required on the acceptor. This property overrides wantClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is requested on the acceptor, but not required. This property is overridden by needClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to compare the Common Name (CN) of a client’s certificate to its host name, to verify that they match. This option applies only when two-way TLS is used.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the SSL provider is JDK or OPENSSL.

Type: string

Example: OPENSSL

Default value: JDK



Regular expression to match against the server_name extension on incoming connections. If the names don’t match, connection to the acceptor is rejected.

Type: string

Example: some_regular_expression

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to expose the acceptor to clients outside OpenShift Container Platform.

When you expose an acceptor to clients outside OpenShift, the Operator automatically creates a dedicated Service and Route for each broker Pod in the deployment.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Prefix used by a client to specify that the anycast routing type should be used.

Type: string

Example: jms.queue

Default value: Not specified



Prefix used by a client to specify that the multicast routing type should be used.

Type: string

Example: /topic/

Default value: Not specified



Number of connections allowed on the acceptor. When this limit is reached, a DEBUG message is issued to the log, and the connection is refused. The type of client in use determines what happens when the connection is refused.

Type: integer

Example: 2

Default value: 0 (unlimited connections)



Minimum message size, in bytes, required for the broker to handle an AMQP message as a large message. If the size of an AMQP message is equal or greater to this value, the broker stores the message in a large messages directory (/opt/<custom_resource_name>/data/large-messages, by default) on the persistent volume (PV) used by the broker for message storage. Setting the value to -1 disables large message handling for AMQP messages.

Type: integer

Example: 204800

Default value: 102400 (100 KB)



If set to true, configures the broker acceptors with a IP address instead of the internal IP address of the pod. When the broker acceptors have a IP address, they bind to all interfaces configured for the pod and clients can direct traffic to the broker by using OpenShift Container Platform port-forwarding. Normally, you use this configuration to debug a service. For more information about port-forwarding, see Using port-forwarding to access applications in a container in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.


If port-forwarding is used incorrectly, it can create a security risk for your environment. Where possible, Red Hat recommends that you do not use port-forwarding in a production environment.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



A single connector configuration instance.



Name of connector.

Type: string

Example: my-connector

Default value: Not applicable



The type of connector to create; tcp or vm.

Type: string

Example: vm

Default value: tcp



Host name or IP address to connect to.

Type: string


Default value: Not specified



Port number to be used for the connector instance.

Type: int

Example: 22222

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether SSL is enabled on the connector port. If set to true, look in the secret name specified in sslSecret for the credentials required by TLS/SSL.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored.

If you do not specify a custom secret name for sslSecret, the connector assumes a default secret name. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-<connector_name>-secret.

You must always create this secret yourself, even when the connector assumes a default name.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-my-connector-secret

Default value: <custom_resource_name>-<connector_name>-secret



Comma-separated list of cipher suites to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

NOTE: For a connector, it is recommended that you do not specify a list of cipher suites.

Default value: Not specified



The name of the provider of the keystore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: SunJCE

Default value: Not specified



The name of the provider of the truststore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: SunJCE

Default value: Not specified



The type of truststore that the broker uses.

Type: string

Example: JCEKS

Default value: JKS



Comma-separated list of protocols to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

Example: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is required on the connector. This property overrides wantClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is requested on the connector, but not required. This property is overridden by needClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to compare the Common Name (CN) of client’s certificate to its host name, to verify that they match. This option applies only when two-way TLS is used.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the SSL provider is JDK or OPENSSL.

Type: string

Example: OPENSSL

Default value: JDK



Regular expression to match against the server_name extension on outgoing connections. If the names don’t match, the connector connection is rejected.

Type: string

Example: some_regular_expression

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to expose the connector to clients outside OpenShift Container Platform.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies how the Operator applies the configuration that you add to the CR for each matching address or set of addresses.

The values that you can specify are:


For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses:

  • Replace any property values specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR.
  • Keep any property values that are specified uniquely in the CR or the default configuration. Include each of these in the final, merged configuration.

For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.


For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses, include the settings specified in the CR in the final, merged configuration. Do not include any properties specified in the default configuration, even if these are not specified in the CR.

+ For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.

Replace all address settings specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR. The final, megred configuration corresponds exactly to that specified in the CR.

Type: string

Example: replace_all

Default value: merge_all



Address settings for a matching address or set of addresses.



Specify what happens when an address configured with maxSizeBytes becomes full. The available policies are:

Messages sent to a full address are paged to disk.
Messages sent to a full address are silently dropped.
Messages sent to a full address are dropped and the message producers receive an exception.

Message producers will block when they try to send any further messages.

The BLOCK policy works only for AMQP, OpenWire, and Core Protocol, because those protocols support flow control.

Type: string

Example: DROP

Default value: PAGE



Specify whether the broker automatically creates an address when a client sends a message to, or attempts to consume a message from, a queue that is bound to an address that does not exist.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically creates a dead letter address and queue to receive undelivered messages.

If the parameter is set to true, the broker automatically creates a dead letter address and an associated dead letter queue. The name of the automatically-created address matches the value that you specify for deadLetterAddress.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether the broker automatically creates an address and queue to receive expired messages.

If the parameter is set to true, the broker automatically creates an expiry address and an associated expiry queue. The name of the automatically-created address matches the value that you specify for expiryAddress.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



This property is deprecated. Use autoCreateQueues instead.



This property is deprecated. Use autoCreateQueues instead.



Specify whether the broker automatically creates a queue when a client sends a message to, or attempts to consume a message from, a queue that does not yet exist.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes automatically-created addresses when the broker no longer has any queues.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before automatically deleting an automatically-created address when the address has no queues.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



This property is deprecated. Use autoDeleteQueues instead.



This property is deprecated. Use autoDeleteQueues instead.



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes an automatically-created queue when the queue has no consumers and no messages.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes a manually-created queue when the queue has no consumers and no messages.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before automatically deleting an automatically-created queue when the queue has no consumers.

Type: integer

Example: 10

Default value: 0



Maximum number of messages that can be in a queue before the broker evaluates whether the queue can be automatically deleted.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



When the configuration file is reloaded, this parameter specifies how to handle an address (and its queues) that has been deleted from the configuration file. You can specify the following values:

The broker does not delete the address when the configuration file is reloaded.
The broker deletes the address and its queues when the configuration file is reloaded. If there are any messages in the queues, they are removed also.

Type: string

Example: FORCE

Default value: OFF



When the configuration file is reloaded, this setting specifies how the broker handles queues that have been deleted from the configuration file. You can specify the following values:

The broker does not delete the queue when the configuration file is reloaded.
The broker deletes the queue when the configuration file is reloaded. If there are any messages in the queue, they are removed also.

Type: string

Example: FORCE

Default value: OFF



The address to which the broker sends dead (that is, undelivered) messages.

Type: string

Example: DLA

Default value: None



Prefix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created dead letter queue.

Type: string

Example: myDLQ.

Default value: DLQ.



Suffix that the broker applies to an automatically-created dead letter queue.

Type: string

Example: .DLQ

Default value: None



Routing type used on automatically-created addresses.

Type: string

Example: ANYCAST

Default value: MULTICAST



Number of consumers needed before message dispatch can begin for queues on an address.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



Default window size, in bytes, for a consumer.

Type: integer

Example: 300000

Default value: 1048576 (1024*1024)



Default time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before dispatching messages if the value specified for defaultConsumersBeforeDispatch has not been reached.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: -1 (no delay)



Specifies whether all queues on an address are exclusive queues by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Number of buckets to use for message grouping.

Type: integer

Example: 0 (message grouping disabled)

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Key used to indicate to a consumer which message in a group is first.

Type: string

Example: firstMessageKey

Default value: None



Specifies whether to rebalance groups when a new consumer connects to the broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether to pause message dispatch while the broker is rebalancing groups.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether all queues on an address are last value queues by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Default key to use for a last value queue.

Type: string

Example: stock_ticker

Default value: None



Maximum number of consumers allowed on a queue at any time.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Specifies whether all queues on an address are non-destructive by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether the broker purges the contents of a queue once there are no consumers.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Routing type used on automatically-created queues. The default value is MULTICAST.

Type: string

Example: ANYCAST

Default value: MULTICAST



Default ring size for a matching queue that does not have a ring size explicitly set.

Type: integer

Example: 3

Default value: -1 (no size limit)



Specifies whether a configured metrics plugin such as the Prometheus plugin collects metrics for a matching address or set of addresses.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Address that receives expired messages.

Type: string

Example: myExpiryAddress

Default value: None



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using the default expiration time.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (no expiration time applied)



Prefix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created expiry queue.

Type: string

Example: myExp.

Default value: EXP.



Suffix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created expiry queue.

Type: string

Example: .EXP

Default value: None



Specify whether a queue uses only last values or not.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify how many messages a management resource can browse.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 200



String that matches address settings to addresses configured on the broker. You can specify an exact address name or use a wildcard expression to match the address settings to a set of addresses.

If you use a wildcard expression as a value for the match property, you must enclose the value in single quotation marks, for example, 'myAddresses*'.

Type: string

Example: 'myAddresses*'

Default value: None



Specifies how many times the broker attempts to deliver a message before sending the message to the configured dead letter address.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: 10



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using an expiration time greater than this value.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: -1 (no maximum expiration time applied)



Maximum value, in milliseconds, between message redelivery attempts made by the broker.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: The default value is ten times the value of redeliveryDelay, which has a default value of 0.



Maximum memory size, in bytes, for an address. Used when addressFullPolicy is set to PAGING, BLOCK, or FAIL. Also supports byte notation such as "K", "Mb", and "GB".

Type: string

Example: 10Mb

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Maximum size, in bytes, that an address can reach before the broker begins to reject messages. Used when the address-full-policy is set to BLOCK. Works in combination with maxSizeBytes for the AMQP protocol only.

Type: integer

Example: 500

Default value: -1 (no maximum size)



Number of days for which a broker keeps a message counter history for an address.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using an expiration time lower than this value.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: -1 (no minimum expiration time applied)



Number of page files to keep in memory to optimize I/O during paging navigation.

Type: integer

Example: 10

Default value: 5



Paging size in bytes. Also supports byte notation such as K, Mb, and GB.

Type: string

Example: 20971520

Default value: 10485760 (approximately 10.5 MB)



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before redelivering a cancelled message.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



Multiplying factor to apply to the value of redeliveryDelay.

Type: number

Example: 5

Default value: 1



Multiplying factor to apply to the value of redeliveryDelay to avoid collisions.

Type: number

Example: 1.1

Default value: 0



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits after the last consumer is closed on a queue before redistributing any remaining messages.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (not set)



Number of messages to keep for future queues created on an address.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



Specify whether a message will be sent to the configured dead letter address if it cannot be routed to any queues.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



How often, in seconds, that the broker checks for slow consumers.

Type: integer

Example: 15

Default value: 5



Specifies what happens when a slow consumer is identified. Valid options are KILL or NOTIFY. KILL kills the consumer’s connection, which impacts any client threads using that same connection. NOTIFY sends a CONSUMER_SLOW management notification to the client.

Type: string

Example: KILL

Default value: NOTIFY



Minimum rate of message consumption, in messages per second, before a consumer is considered slow.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (not set)



Configure broker properties that are not exposed in the broker’s Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and are, otherwise, not configurable in a Custom Resource(CR).


<property name>=<value>

A list of property names and values to configure for the broker. One property, globalMaxSize, is currently configurable in the brokerProperties section. Setting the globalMaxSize property overrides the default amount of memory assigned to the broker. By default, a broker is assigned half of the maximum memory available to the broker’s Java Virtual Machine.

The default unit for the globalMaxSize property is bytes. To change the default unit, add a suffix of m (for MB) or g (for GB) to the value.

Type: string

Example: globalMaxSize=512m

Default value: Not applicable




When you update the value of version to specify a new target version of AMQ Broker, specify whether to allow the Operator to automatically update the deploymentPlan.image value to a broker container image that corresponds to that version of AMQ Broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether to allow the Operator to automatically update the deploymentPlan.image value when you update the value of version from one minor version of AMQ Broker to another, for example, from 7.8.0 to 7.10.7.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify a target minor version of AMQ Broker for which you want the Operator to automatically update the CR to use a corresponding broker container image. For example, if you change the value of version from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 (and upgrades.enabled and upgrades.minor are both set to true), then the Operator updates deploymentPlan.image to a broker image of the form

Type: string

Example: 7.7.0

Default value: Current version of AMQ Broker

8.1.2. Address Custom Resource configuration reference

A CR instance based on the address CRD enables you to define addresses and queues for the brokers in your deployment. The following table details the items that you can configure.


Configuration items marked with an asterisk (*) are required in any corresponding Custom Resource (CR) that you deploy. If you do not explicitly specify a value for a non-required item, the configuration uses the default value.

EntryDescription and usage


Address name to be created on broker.

Type: string

Example: address0

Default value: Not specified


Queue name to be created on broker. If queueName is not specified, the CR creates only the address.

Type: string

Example: queue0

Default value: Not specified


Specify whether the Operator removes existing addresses for all brokers in a deployment when you remove the address CR instance for that deployment. The default value is false, which means the Operator does not delete existing addresses when you remove the CR.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false


Routing type to be used; anycast or multicast.

Type: string

Example: anycast

Default value: multicast

8.1.3. Security Custom Resource configuration reference

A CR instance based on the security CRD enables you to define the security configuration for the brokers in your deployment, including:

  • users and roles
  • login modules, including propertiesLoginModule, guestLoginModule and keycloakLoginModule
  • role based access control
  • console access control

Many of the options require you understand the broker security concepts described in Securing brokers

The following table details the items that you can configure.


Configuration items marked with an asterisk (*) are required in any corresponding Custom Resource (CR) that you deploy. If you do not explicitly specify a value for a non-required item, the configuration uses the default value.

EntrySub-entryDescription and usage



One or more login module configurations.

A login module can be one of the following types:

  • propertiesLoginModule - allows you define broker users directly.
  • guestLoginModule - for a user who does not have login credentials, or whose credentials fail authentication, you can grant limited access to the broker using a guest account.
  • keycloakLoginModule. - allows you secure brokers using Red Hat Single Sign-On.



Name of login module.

Type: string

Example: my-login

Default value: Not applicable*

Name of user.

Type: string

Example: jdoe

Default value: Not applicable



password of user.

Type: string

Example: password

Default value: Not applicable



Names of roles.

Type: string

Example: viewer

Default value: Not applicable



Name of guest login module.

Type: string

Example: guest-login

Default value: Not applicable



Name of guest user.

Type: string

Example: myguest

Default value: Not applicable



Name of role for guest user.

Type: string

Example: guest

Default value: Not applicable



Name for KeycloakLoginModule

Type: string

Example: sso

Default value: Not applicable



Type of KeycloakLoginModule (directAccess or bearerToken)

Type: string

Example: bearerToken

Default value: Not applicable



The following configuration items are related to Red Hat Single Sign-On and detailed information is available from the OpenID Connect documentation.



Realm for KeycloakLoginModule

Type: string

Example: myrealm

Default value: Not applicable



Public key for the realm

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



URL of the keycloak authentication server

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Specify whether SSL is required

Type: string

Valid values are 'all', 'external' and 'none'.



Resource Name

The client-id of the application. Each application has a client-id that is used to identify the application.



Specify whether it is public client.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Example: false



Specify the credentials key.

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Specify the credentials value

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Specify whether to use resource role mappings

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Specify whether to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

It will handle CORS preflight requests. It will also look into the access token to determine valid origins.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



CORS max age

If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header.



CORS allowed methods

If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. This should be a comma-separated string.



CORS allowed headers

If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. This should be a comma-separated string.



CORS exposed headers

If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. This should be a comma-separated string.



Specify whether to expose access token

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



Specify whether to verify bearer token

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



Specify whether to only auto-detect bearer token

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



Size of the connection pool

Type: Integer

Default value: 20



Specify whether to allow any host name

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



Specify whether to disable trust manager

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



Path of a trust store

This is REQUIRED unless ssl-required is none or disable-trust-manager is true.



Truststore password

This is REQUIRED if truststore is set and the truststore requires a password.



Path of a client keystore

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Client keystore password

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Client key password

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Specify whether to always refresh token

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Specify whether to register node at startup

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Period for re-registering node

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Type of token store (session or cookie)

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Cookie path for a cookie store

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



OpenID Connect ID Token attribute to populate the UserPrincipal name with

OpenID Connect ID Token attribute to populate the UserPrincipal name with. If token attribute is null, defaults to sub. Possible values are sub, preferred_username, email, name, nickname, given_name, family_name.



The proxy URL



Specify whether to change session id on a successful login

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Minimum time to refresh an active access token

Type: Integer

Default value: 0



Minimum interval between two requests to Keycloak to retrieve new public keys

Type: Integer

Default value: 10



Maximum interval between two requests to Keycloak to retrieve new public keys

Type: Integer

Default value: 86400



Whether to turn off processing of the access_token query parameter for bearer token processing

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Verify whether the token contains this client name (resource) as an audience

Type: Boolean

Example: false



Whether to support basic authentication

Type: Boolean

Default value: false



The confidential port used by the Keycloak server for secure connections over SSL/TLS

Type: Integer

Example: 8443



The regular expression used to match the Redirect URI.

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The replacement String

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The OAuth2 scope parameter for DirectAccessGrantsLoginModule

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Broker security domains

Broker domain name

Type: string

Example: activemq

Default value: Not applicable



One or more login modules. Each entry must be previously defined in the loginModules section above.

Name of login module

Type: string

Example: prop-module

Default value: Not applicable



Same as propertiesLoginModule, required, requisite, sufficient and optional are valid values.

Type: string

Example: sufficient

Default value: Not applicable







Broker domain name

Type: string

Example: activemq

Default value: Not applicable



A single login module configuration.

Name of login module

Type: string

Example: prop-module

Default value: Not applicable



Same as propertiesLoginModule, required, requisite, sufficient and optional are valid values.

Type: string

Example: sufficient

Default value: Not applicable




Type: Boolean

Example: false




Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default: false



Additional security settings to add to broker.xml or management.xml



The address match pattern for a security setting section. See AMQ Broker wildcard syntax for details about the match pattern syntax.



The operation type of a security setting, as described in Setting permissions.

Type: string

Example: createAddress

Default value: Not applicable



The security settings are applied to these roles, as described in Setting permissions.

Type: string

Example: root

Default value: Not applicable


Options to configure management.xml.



The roles allowed to log into the Broker console.

Type: string

Example: root

Default value: Not applicable

The connector host for connecting to the management API.

Type: string

Example: myhost

Default value: localhost



The connector port for connecting to the management API.

Type: integer

Example: 1099

Default value: 1099



The JMX realm of the management API.

Type: string

Example: activemq

Default value: activemq



The JMX object name of the management API.

Type: String

Example: connector:name=rmi

Default: connector:name=rmi



The management API authentication type.

Type: String

Example: password

Default: password



Whether the management API connection is secured.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



The keystore provider for the management connector. Required if you have set connector.secured="true". The default value is JKS.



Location of the keystore. Required if you have set connector.secured="true".



The keystore password for the management connector. Required if you have set connector.secured="true".



The truststore provider for the management connector Required if you have set connector.secured="true".

Type: String

Example: JKS

Default: JKS



Location of the truststore for the management connector. Required if you have set connector.secured="true".

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The truststore password for the management connector. Required if you have set connector.secured="true".

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The password codec for management connector The fully qualified class name of the password codec to use as described in Encrypting a password in a configuration file.



The domain of allowedList

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The key of allowedList

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The method of defaultAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The roles of defaultAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The domain of roleAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The key of roleAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The method of roleAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



The roles of roleAccess List

Type: string

Default value: Not applicable



Apply this security config to the brokers defined by the named CRs in the current namespace. A value of * or empty string means applying to all brokers.

Type: string

Example: my-broker

Default value: All brokers defined by CRs in the current namespace.

8.2. Application template parameters

Configuration of the AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform image is performed by specifying values of application template parameters. You can configure the following parameters:

Table 8.1. Application template parameters


Specifies the addresses available by default on the broker on its startup, in a comma-separated list.


Specifies the anycast prefix applied to the multiplexed protocol ports 61616 and 61617.


Enables clustering.


Specifies the password to use for clustering. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the cluster user to use for clustering. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the secret in which sensitive credentials such as broker user name/password, cluster user name/password, and truststore and keystore passwords are stored.


Specifies the directory for the data. Used in StatefulSets.


Specifies the directory for the data directory logging.


Specifies additional arguments to pass to artemis create.


Specifies the maximum amount of memory that message data can consume. If no value is specified, half of the system’s memory is allocated.


Specifies the SSL keystore file name. If no value is specified, a random password is generated but SSL will not be configured.


(Optional) Specifies the password used to decrypt the SSL keystore. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the directory where the secrets are mounted. The default value is /etc/amq-secret-volume.


For SSL only, specifies the maximum number of connections that an acceptor will accept.


Specifies the multicast prefix applied to the multiplexed protocol ports 61616 and 61617.


Specifies the name of the broker instance. The default value is amq-broker.


Specifies the password used for authentication to the broker. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the messaging protocols used by the broker in a comma-separated list. Available options are amqp, mqtt, openwire, stomp, and hornetq. If none are specified, all protocols are available. Note that for integration of the image with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, the OpenWire protocol must be specified, while other protocols can be optionally specified as well.


Specifies the queues available by default on the broker on its startup, in a comma-separated list.


If set to true, login is required. If not specified, or set to false, anonymous access is permitted. By default, the value of this parameter is not specified.


Specifies the name for the role created. The default value is amq.


Specifies the SSL truststore file name. If no value is specified, a random password is generated but SSL will not be configured.


(Optional) Specifies the password used to decrypt the SSL truststore. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the user name used for authentication to the broker. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the name of the application used internally within OpenShift. It is used in names of services, pods, and other objects within the application.


Specifies the image. Used in the persistence, persistent-ssl, and statefulset-clustered templates.


Specifies the image stream name space. Used in the ssl and basic templates.


Specifies the port number for the OpenShift DNS ping service.


Specifies the name of the OpenShift DNS ping service. The default value is $APPLICATION_NAME-ping if you have specified a value for APPLICATION_NAME. Otherwise, the default value is ping. If you specify a custom value for PING_SVC_NAME, this value overrides the default value. If you want to use templates to deploy multiple broker clusters in the same OpenShift project namespace, you must ensure that PING_SVC_NAME has a unique value for each deployment.


Specifies the size of the persistent storage for database volumes.


If you use broker.xml for a custom configuration, any values specified in that file for the following parameters will override values specified for the same parameters in the your application templates.


8.3. Logging

In addition to viewing the OpenShift logs, you can troubleshoot a running AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform image by viewing the AMQ logs that are output to the container’s console.


  • At the command line, run the following command:
$ oc logs -f <pass:quotes[<pod-name>]> <pass:quotes[<container-name>]>

Revised on 2024-06-10 15:28:53 UTC

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