
Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to 2 Migration Guide

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4

Anshul Behl


This document provides a methodology to migrate from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2

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Chapter 1. Overview

The Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2 migration guide provides an opinionated methodology on how to approach a side-by-side migration using the Ansible Automation Platform installer. Throughout this guide, you’ll be provided steps to follow that ensure the process of backing up, importing and upgrading to Ansible Automation Platform 2 is a success. This reference architecture is best suited for system and platform administrators looking to migrate to the latest version of Ansible Automation Platform 2.

This side-by-side migration reference architecture consists of having two environments, Environment A and Environment B, where all the data from your Environment A Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment gets migrated and upgraded to a new Environment B Ansible Automation Platform 2 replacement environment.

The high level approach of the platform migration process:

  • Creates a full Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 data backup using the Ansible Automation Platform installer on Environment A
  • Imports the full Ansible Automation Platform data backup to the new and empty replacement Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment control plane (Environment B)
  • Upgrades Environment B using the Ansible Automation Platform 2 installer from its Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 version
  • Deploy automation mesh execution and hop nodes in Environment B

Once the infrastructure is successfully migrated, the focus shifts to migrating your Python virtual environments in your Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment from Environment A to automation execution environments that will be used within your newly available Ansible Automation Platform 2 environment on Environment B. This one-time effort opens the door to take advantage of the latest Ansible Automation Platform 2 capabilities and the ability to execute consistent automation across multiple platforms with reduced operational overhead.

The high level execution environment adoption process consists of:

  • Exporting custom virtual environments from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 on Environment A
  • Comparing each exported virtual environment against Ansible 2.9 base execution environment on Environment A
  • Creating new execution environments using the Ansible 2.9 execution environment plus the additional dependencies not included that were exported by the virtual environment
  • Attaching the new execution environment(s) to corresponding Job Templates on Environment B

This document shows an opinionated reference environment showing a holistic migration approach which helps customers understand how they can retain their job run history and platform objects between the two clusters in a complex architecture. Based upon your existing architecture and requirements, the migration process may be further simplified. In many cases, the default Ansible Automation Platform installer values are sufficient. The migration process documented here applies to both simple and complex environments.


Customers migrating from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to version 2 may use the same manifest in both clusters/instances for upgrading as long as the managed node inventory is the same for both clusters/instances. The migration period may not exceed six months without an approved exception from the Ansible Business Unit by means of a formal BU Guidance request from the Red Hat Account Representative.

1.1. Architectural Overview

This section focuses on the architecture details of the two environments as they go through the side-by-side migration process.

The first environment, Environment A, consists of:

  • 3 Ansible Tower 3.8.5 nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 located in Raleigh, NC data center
  • 1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 database node
  • 2 bastion hosts (jump hosts to access their corresponding isolated nodes)
  • 2 isolated nodes located in Sacramento, CA data center
  • 2 isolated nodes located in New Delhi, India data center

A pictorial representation of this environment is shown in:

Figure 1.1. Environment A Architecture Overview


The second environment, Environment B, is a new and empty Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment that will be used to import all the data from Environment A using the Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 installer from Environment B prior to upgrading to Ansible Automation Platform 2.

Initially, Environment B consists of:

  • 3 Ansible Tower 3.8.5 nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • 1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 database node

Ansible Automation Platform 2 does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. It is critical that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 be used as the base OS for your Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 Environment B prior to upgrading to Ansible Automation Platform 2.


Throughout this reference architecture you will find references to Ansible Automation Platform 2.1. However, the Ansible Automation Platform migration process found within this document applies to version 2.1 or later.

A pictorial representation of the initial Environment B footprint is shown below:

Figure 1.2. Initial Environment B Architecture Overview

initial envb

Once the data migration from Environment A to Environment B is successful, we expand the architecture of Environment B during the upgrade process by including:

  • 2 execution nodes accessible directly by the Ansible controllers
  • 3 hop nodes (sacramento-hop, dublin-hop new-delhi-hop)
  • 2 execution nodes accessible only via hop node sacramento-hop
  • 2 execution nodes accessible via hop node dublin-hop and new-delhi-hop

The dublin-hop provides another route via the automation mesh that can be used to access the execution nodes that reside in New Delhi, India.

A world view of the expanded Ansible Automation Platform 2 Environment B is shown below:

Figure 1.3. World View of Environment B


A detailed representation of the expanded Ansible Automation Platform 2 Environment B architectural footprint is shown below:

Figure 1.4. Expanded Environment B Architecture Overview

envb expanded

The process of disabling schedules from Job Templates is not covered within this reference architecture. It is important that once a successful migration is complete, to disable scheduling from any Job Templates from Environment A to ensure you do not have both Environment A and Environment B running the same jobs simultaneously.

Chapter 2. Migration considerations

With the introduction of Ansible Automation Platform 2, a re-imagined architecture has been created that expands the capabilities of automation. Ansible Automation Platform 2 now decouples the automation control plane and execution plane, which provides for a much more flexible architecture. This new capability alongside the introduction of automation mesh allows an organization to scale automation across the globe and allows automation to run as close to the endpoints as possible.

Prior to the step-by-step migration approach provided for this reference architecture, it is important to carefully assess and plan to determine your overall migration readiness to proceed without exceptions.

2.1. Technical considerations

One of the key changes between Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 and Ansible Automation Platform 2 is the removal of isolated nodes in favor of hop nodes and execution nodes with automation mesh. Automation mesh is an overlay network that provides a simple, flexible and reliable way to scale automation of large inventories across diverse network topologies, platforms and regions. Automation mesh provides flexible design options to build resilient and fault-tolerant architectures while providing enhanced security to standardize and normalize automation across your entire IT estate.

In this reference environment, we capture the steps of migrating Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 that uses isolated nodes and third party tooling, such as SSH proxies and jump hosts, to upgrade to Ansible Automation Platform 2 using automation mesh hop and execution nodes.

The use of automation mesh and execution nodes will require additional ports be opened within your firewall.




Ansible Automation Platform installation



Web UI, API, Execution Environment (EE) pulls



automation mesh


The receptor TCP port can be customized during the Ansible Automation Platform upgrade process.

Another important consideration is database supportability. With the introduction of automation controller, the requirement of Postgres 12 database is introduced. If your existing Postgres 10 database was installed/managed by Ansible Automation Platform 1.2, the upgrade process to Ansible Automation Platform 2 handles the upgrade of the Postgres database to the new version 12.


For this reference architecture, the Postgres database is managed by Ansible Automation Platform.

If you manage your own Postgres 10 database, you will want to:

  • Install a new Postgres 10 database that will be part of the side-by-side migration
  • Import your data from Environment A to the newly created Postgres 10 database that is to be used by Environment B
  • Upgrade from Postgres 10 to Postgres 12 on the database that is to be used by Environment B
  • With the upgraded Postgres 12, upgrade your Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2 on Environment B

Managing your own Postgres database is out of scope for this reference architecture.


For more information regarding database supportability, visit the Database Scope of Coverage article.

Aside from the key considerations regarding isolated nodes and database supportability, there is a list of functionality that has been removed in Ansible Automation Platform 2. The list includes:

  • The ability to delete the default instance group through the User Interface
  • Support for deploying on CentOS (any version) and RHEL 7
  • Support for Mercurial projects
  • Support for custom inventory scripts stored in controller
  • Resource profiling code (AWX_RESOURCE_PROFILING_*)
  • Support for custom Python virtual environments in favor of execution environments
  • Top-level /api/v2/job_events/ API endpoint
  • Job isolation is achieved using Execution environments and is no longer a feature of Ansible Tower.

The replacement of custom Python virtual environments with user-built execution environments is described and done via an Ansible Playbook provided by this reference architecture in a later chapter.

2.2. Ansible content migration considerations

As you evaluate the process of migrating your environment to Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2, there may be additional considerations to address when it comes to Ansible content (Collections, modules, roles, plugins, etc).

These considerations are not limited to this list, but include the following:

  • Ansible Playbooks must run on Ansible Engine 2.9.10 or higher in order to be used in a compatibility execution environment (required)
  • Ansible content in playbooks should utilize Ansible Collections (not required, but recommended)
  • Ansible content in playbooks should utilize Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) (not required, but recommended)
  • Ansible Playbooks must be modified to address any references to localhost as using execution environments this refers to the pod itself and not the underlying host as previously done.

User-built execution environments may be required if additional dependencies are needed to successfully execute your Ansible content.

2.3. Operating model considerations

With the adoption of a new Ansible Automation Platform architecture, it is vital to have a plan on how you will integrate your newly designed Ansible Automation Platform environment.

Key questions to have answers to include the following:

  • What training and enablement is required in my organization to run Ansible Automation Platform 2?
  • How will execution environments and Ansible Content Collections be managed?
  • What execution environment container versioning best fits my organization?

    • Do I want different models for development and production?
  • If user-built execution environments are needed, how will I manage and distribute those environments?
  • Do we plan on building CI around execution environments?
  • What is the security response plan to patch CVEs and remain compliant?
  • How often will I upgrade my Ansible Automation Platform clusters?

While these are just a few examples, they are critical questions that need answers to ensure a successful strategy for your organization.

Chapter 3. Prerequisites

The side-by-side migration and upgrade to Ansible Automation Platform 2 requires Environment A and Environment B. Environment A should be your main cluster as shown in Figure 1.1, “Environment A Architecture Overview” consisting of:

  • 3 Ansible Tower 3.8.5 nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 located in Raleigh NC data center
  • 1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 database node.
  • 2 bastion hosts(jump hosts to access their corresponding isolated nodes)
  • 2 isolated nodes located in Sacramento, CA data center
  • 2 isolated nodes located in New Delhi, India data center

Initially, Environment B is a simplified Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 architecture as shown in Figure 1.2, “Initial Environment B Architecture Overview”. During the upgrade process to Ansible Automation Platform 2, a pool of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 servers expands the cluster to include:

  • 2 execution nodes accessible directly by the control plane nodes
  • 3 hop nodes (sacramento-hop, dublin-hop and new-delhi-hop)
  • 2 execution nodes accessible only via hop node sacramento-hop
  • 2 execution nodes accessible via hop nodes dublin-hop and new-delhi-hop

The final cluster post upgrade architecture can be seen within the Figure 1.4, “Expanded Environment B Architecture Overview”


These nodes are not required to be physical servers.

3.1. Environment Specifications

Table 3.1. environment specifications

Node Type





















  • Processes events and runs cluster jobs including project updates and cleanup jobs. Increasing CPU and memory can help with job event processing.
  • Dedicate a minimum of 20 GB to /var/` for file and working directory storage Storage volume should be rated for a minimum baseline of 1500 IOPS.
  • Projects are stored on control and hybrid, and for the duration of jobs, also on execution nodes. If the cluster has many large projects, consider having twice the GB in /var/lib/awx/projects, to avoid disk space errors.
  • Runs automation. Increase memory and CPU to increase capacity for running more forks
  • Serves to route traffic from one part of the Automation Mesh to another (for example, could be a bastion host into another network). RAM could affect throughput, CPU activity is low. Network bandwidth and latency generally a more important factor than either RAM/CPU.
  • Storage volume should be rated for a high baseline IOPS (1500 or more).
  • Extra disk space is required for the /var/lib/pgsql directory. In the case you cannot expand the base OS partition, consider having 150GB+ for /var/lib/pgsql directory to avoid disk space errors.

All automation controller data is stored in the PostgreSQL database. Database storage increases with the number of hosts managed, number of jobs run, number of facts stored in the fact cache, and number of tasks in any individual job. For example, a playbook run every hour (24 times a day) across 250, hosts, with 20 tasks will store over 800,000 events in the database every week.

If not enough space is reserved in the database, old job runs and facts will need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Refer to Management Jobs in the Automation Controller Administration Guide for more information

3.2. Network Requirements

Ansible Automation Platform 2 requires direct network connectivity between the automation controller instances and mesh worker nodes allocated to run control plane jobs.


In case of hop nodes that route traffic to the execution nodes behind a DMZ or an isolated network, your Ansible Automation Platform cluster can span across multiple networks. A network administrator should ensure that ssh connectivity is available to all nodes for installation purposes. For this reference environment hop-nodes act as ssh proxies to get to their respective execution nodes.

In order to access the Ansible Automation Platform dashboard, a browser that can access the network that the control plane nodes reside on is required. If you wish to access the Ansible Automation Platform dashboard externally, ensure to add a public IP address to your control plane nodes.

It is recommended that network administrators provide a dedicated IP address to all nodes and an appropriate DNS record. Network administrators can assign a static IP address to the nodes and configure the DHCP server to either reserve the IP with an infinite lease, or network administrators should ensure the assigned IP addresses are part of an excluded range. This ensures each node’s IP address remains constant in the absence of a DHCP server. NOTE: For the purposes of this reference architecture, setup of a DHCP server, setting up DNS records and setting up a load balancer is out of scope.


For the purposes of this reference architecture, setup of a DHCP server, setting up DNS records and setting up a load balancer is out of scope.

A network administrator should reserve at least the following number of IP addresses, including:

  1. One IP address for each control plane node.
  2. One IP address for each execution node.
  3. One IP address for each hop node.
  4. One IP address for the database node.

This reference environment reserves 13 IP addresses per site.

The following table provides an example of Environment B of the reference environment.


Host Name


Automation Controller 1

Automation Controller 2

Automation Controller 3

Control Plane Database

Execution Node 1

Execution Node 2

Hop Node 1

Hop Node 2

Hop Node 3

Execution Node 3

Execution Node 4

Execution Node 5

Execution Node 6

3.3. Validation checklist for nodes

The following is a summary of all the requirements:

  • ❏ 16 GB of RAM for controller nodes, database node, execution nodes and hop nodes
  • ❏ 4 CPUs for controller nodes, database nodes, execution nodes and hop nodes
  • ❏ 150 GB+ disk space for database node
  • ❏ 40 GB+ disk space for non-database nodes
  • ❏ DHCP reservations use infinite leases to deploy the cluster with static IP addresses.
  • ❏ DNS records for all nodes
  • ❏ Red Hat Enterprise Linux {rhel_version} or later 64-bit (x86) installed for all nodes
  • ❏ Chrony configurationed for all nodes

Check Section 3.1, “Environment Specifications” for more detailed notes on node requirements.

3.4. Automation controller Configuration Details

This reference architecture focuses on the migration and upgrade of Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2. The configuration is intended to provide a comprehensive Ansible Automation Platform solution that covers isde-by-side migration scenarios. The key solution components covered within this reference archtiecture consists of:

  • Ansible Automation Platform 1.2
  • Ansible Automation Platform 2
  • Ansible Automation Platform Installer
  • Ansible Playbooks for custom Python virtual environment migration

3.4.1. OS Configuration Chrony Configuration

Each Ansible Automation Platform node in the cluster must have access to an NTP server. The chronyd is a daemon for synchronization of the system clock. It can synchronize the clock with NTP servers. This ensures that when cluster nodes use SSL certificates that require validation, they don’t fail if the date and time between the nodes are not in sync.

On all the nodes on Environment B including those to be used for the Ansible Automation Platform cluster expansion,

  1. If not installed, install chrony as follows

    # dnf install chrony --assumeyes
  2. Edit the /etc/chrony.conf file with a text editor such as vi.

    # vi /etc/chrony.conf
  3. Locate the following public server pool section, and modify it to include the appropriate servers. Only one server is required, but three is recommended. The iburst option is added to speed up the time that it takes to properly sync with the servers.

    # Use public servers from the project.
    # Please consider joining the pool (
    server <ntp-server-address> iburst
  4. Save all the changes within the /etc/chrony.conf file.
  5. Start and enable that the chronyd daemon is started when the host is booted.

    # systemctl --now enable chronyd.service
  6. Verify the chronyd daemon status.

    # systemctl status chronyd.service Red Hat Subscription Manager

The subscription-manager command registers a system to the Red Hat Network (RHN) and manages the subscription entitlements for a system. The --help option specifies on the command line to query the command for the available options. If the --help option is issued along with a command directive, then options available for the specific command directive are listed.

To use Red Hat Subscription Management for providing packages to a system, the system must first register with the service. In order to register a system, use the subscription-manager command and pass the register command directive. If the --username and --password options are specified, then the command does not prompt for the RHN Network authentication credentials.

An example of registering a system using subscription-manager is shown below.


The following should be done on all the nodes within Environment B including those to be used for the Ansible Automation Platform cluster expansion.

# subscription-manager register --username [User] --password '[Password]'
The system has been registered with id: abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-481ba8187f60

After a system is registered, it must be attached to an entitlement pool. For the purposes of this reference environment, the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is the pool chosen. Identify and subscribe to the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform entitlement pool, the following command directives are required.

# subscription-manager list --available | grep -A8 "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform"
Subscription Name:   Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Premium (5000 Managed Nodes)
Provides:            Red Hat Ansible Engine
                     Red Hat Single Sign-On
                     Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
SKU:                 MCT3695
Contract:            <contract>
Pool ID:             <pool_id>
Provides Management: No
Available:           9990
Suggested:           1
Service Type:        L1-L3
# subscription-manager attach --pool <pool_id>
Successfully attached a subscription for: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Premium (5000 Managed Nodes)
# subscription-manager repos --enable=ansible-automation-platform-2.1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

As part of the Ansible Automation Platform subscription, 10 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) subscriptions are available to utilize RHEL for your automation controllers, private automation hubs and other Ansible Automation Platform components. User Accounts

Prior to the installation of Ansible Automation Platform 2, it is recommended to create a non-root user with sudo privileges for the deployment process. This user is used for:

  • SSH connectivity
  • passwordless authentication during installation
  • Privilege escalation (sudo) permissions

For the purposes of this reference environment, the user ansible was chosen, however, any user name would suffice.

On all the nodes on Environment B including those to be used for the Ansible Automation Platform cluster expansion, create a user named ansible and generate an ssh key.

  1. Create a non-root user

    # useradd ansible
  2. Set a password for your ansible user.

    # passwd ansible
  3. Generate an ssh key as the ansible user.

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
  4. Disable password requirements when using sudo as the ansible user

    # echo "ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/ansible Copying SSH keys to all nodes

With the ansible user created, as the ansible user, copy the ssh key to all the nodes on Environment B including those to be used for the Ansible Automation Platform cluster expansion. This ensures that when the Ansible Automation Platform installation runs, it can ssh to all the nodes without a password.

This can be done using the ssh-copy-id command as follows:

$ ssh-copy-id

If running within a cloud provider, you may need to instead create an ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file containing the public key for the ansible user on all your nodes and set the permissions to the authorized_keys file to only the owner (ansible) having read and write access (permissions 600). Configuring Firewall Settings

Firewall access and restrictions play a critical role in securing Ansible Automation Platform 2 environment. The use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux {rhel_version} defaults to using firewalld, a dynamic firewall daemon. firewalld works by assigning network zones to assign a level of trust to a network and its associated connections and interfaces.

It is recommended that firewall settings be configured to permit access to the appropriate services and ports for a success Ansible Automation Platform 2 installation.

On all the nodes within Environment B including those to be used for the Ansible Automation Platform cluster expansion, ensure that firewalld is installed, started and enabled.

  1. Install the firewalld package

    # dnf install firewalld --assumeyes
  2. Start the firewalld service

    # systemctl start firewalld
  3. Enable the firewalld service

    # systemctl enable firewalld

3.5. Ansible Automation Platform Configuration Details

3.5.1. Configuring firewall settings for execution and hop nodes

For a successful Ansible Automation Platform upgrade to 2, one of the prerequisites is to enable the automation mesh port on the mesh nodes(execution and hop nodes). The default port used for the mesh networks on all the nodes is set to 27199/tcp, however it can also be configured to use a different port by specifying receptor_listener_port as each node’s variable within your inventory file. More details on modifying the inventory file can be found within Section 4.3, “Upgrade Environment B to Ansible Automation Platform 2”


For this reference environment all the Ansible Automation Platform 2 controller nodes are designated as node type control. If control nodes are designated as hybrid nodes (default node type), they require mesh port(default: 27199/tcp) to be enabled.

Within your hop and execution node, as the ansible user, set the firewalld port to be used for installation.

  1. Ensure that firewalld is running.

    $ sudo systemctl status firewalld
  2. Add the firewalld port on your controller database node (e.g. port 27199)

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=27199/tcp
  3. Reload firewalld

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  4. Confirm that the port is open

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports

Chapter 4. Infrastructure Migration

To achieve a successful migration from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2, this reference environment takes advantage of the capabilities of the Ansible Automation Platform installer.

Using the Ansible Automation Platform installer, you’ll be able to backup, import and upgrade to the latest Ansible Automation Platform 2 with a few simple commands.

The following sections provide a step-by-step of that process.

4.1. Backup Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 on Environment A

As our Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment from Environment A contains all of our data, the following creates a backup using the Ansible Automation Platform installer on Environment A.


Prior to taking a backup, ensure there are no current running jobs or future jobs scheduled to run. Any data collected after the backup is taken will be LOST.

Within Environment A,

  1. Login as the ansible user

    $ ssh

    This reference environment uses enva_controller1 as the host that contains the Ansible Automation Platform installer directory and binaries.

  2. Change to the ansible-tower-setup-3.8.5-X directory

    $ cd /path/to/ansible-tower-setup-3.8.5-X
  3. Run the Ansible Automation Platform installer to create a backup

    1. backup_dest provides the location where to store the backup of your Ansible Automation Platform database
    2. use_compression shrinks the size of the Ansible Automation Platform database backup
    3. @credentials.yml passes the password variables and their values encrypted via ansible-vault
    4. -- --ask-vault-pass asks for the password used to access the encrypted credentials.yml file
    5. -b sets the create a backup option to True

      $ ./ -e 'backup_dest=<mount_point>' -e 'use_compression=True' -e @credentials.yml -b

This reference environment takes advantage of encrypted credentials and does not include passwords in plain text. Details in Appendix C, Creating an encrypted credentials.yml file can be found on how to use ansible-vault to encrypt your credentials.


The backup process may take some time to complete.

4.2. Import Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 database to Environment B

With the backup from Environment A created and available, the following imports the backed up Ansible Automation Platform database using the Ansible Automation Platform installer on Environment B.

Within Environment B,

  1. Login as the ansible user

    $ ssh

    This reference environment uses envb_controller1 as the host that contains the Ansible Automation Platform installer directory and binaries.

  2. Change to the ansible-tower-setup-3.8.5-X directory

    $ cd /path/to/ansible-tower-setup-3.8.5-X
  3. Run the Ansible Automation Platform installer to import the Ansible Automation Platform database

    1. restore_backup_file provides the location of the backed up Ansible Automation Platform database
    2. use_compression is set to True due to compression being used during the backup process
    3. -r sets the restore database option to True

      $ ./ -e ‘restore_backup_file=<mount_point>/tower-backup-latest.tar.gz -e ‘use_compression=True’ -e @credentials.yml -r -- --ask-vault-pass

This reference environment takes advantage of encrypted credentials and does not include passwords in plain text. Details in Appendix C, Creating an encrypted credentials.yml file can be found on how to use ansible-vault to encrypt your credentials.


The import process may take some time to complete.

4.3. Upgrade Environment B to Ansible Automation Platform 2

With the successful import of the Ansible Automation Platform database, the final step in the migration process is to upgrade the Environment B Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment to Ansible Automation Platform 2 and expand the architecture of Environment B as shown in Figure 1.4, “Expanded Environment B Architecture Overview”.

Within Environment B,

  1. Login as the ansible user

    $ ssh

    This reference environment uses envb_controller1 as the host that contains the Ansible Automation Platform installer directory and binaries.

  2. Download Ansible Automation Platform 2.1.1 Setup tar ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1.tar.gz


    For disconnected installs, download the Ansible Automation Platform 2.1.1 Setup Bundle

  3. Untar the ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1.tar.gz

    $ tar zxvf ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1.tar.gz
  4. Change directory into ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1

    $ cd ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1/
  5. Copy the Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 inventory file to the ansible-automation-platform-setup-2.1.1-1 directory

    $ cp /path/to/ansible-tower-setup-3.8.5-X/inventory .
  6. Generate an Ansible Automation Platform 2 installation inventory proposal using the Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 inventory file copied over using the Ansible Automation Platform installer

    $ ./

    ansible-core is installed during this process if not already installed.


    Expect the Ansible Automation Platform installer to fail early in the process when creating the proposal

    Expected error task look as follows:

    TASK [ansible.automation_platform_installer.check_config_static : Detect pre-2.x inventory and offer a migration] ***
    fatal: [ -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The installer has detected that you are using an inventory format from a version prior to 4.0. We have created an example inventory based on your old style inventory. Please check the file `/home/ansible/aap_install-2.1.1/ansible-automation-platform-setup-bundle-2.1.1-2/` and make necessary adjustments so that the file can be used by the installer."}


    # In AAP 2.X [tower] has been renamed to [automationcontroller]
    # Nodes in [automationcontroller] will be hybrid by default, capable of executing user jobs.
    # To specify that any of these nodes should be control-only instead, give them a host var of `node_type=control`


    The variables admin_password, pg_password and registry_password are not part of the file as it is not recommended to store passwords in plain text. An encrypted credentials.yml file is used instead.

  7. With the proposed created, modify the file to include the expanded architecture of Environment B that includes hop nodes and execution nodes

    Expanded Environment B

    registry_url='' 1
    registry_username='myusername' 2
    # In AAP 2.X [tower] has been renamed to [automationcontroller]
    # Nodes in [automationcontroller] will be hybrid by default, capable of executing user jobs.
    # To specify that any of these nodes should be control-only instead, give them a host var of `node_type=control`
    node_type=control 3
    peers=envb_datacenter_execution_nodes,envb_datacenter_hop_nodes 4
    [execution_nodes] node_type=hop peers=sacramento_execution_nodes 5 node_type=hop peers=new-delhi_execution_nodes node_type=hop
    [envb_datacenter_execution_nodes] 6
    [envb_datacenter_hop_nodes] 7
    [sacramento_execution_nodes] 8
    [new-delhi_execution_nodes] 9

    Execution Environment images are downloaded and included in your installation. Proper credentials required to download the images.
    User credential for access to registry_url.
    control nodes run project and inventory updates and system jobs, but not execution jobs. Execution capabilities are disabled on these nodes.
    Setting peer relationships between the execution nodes.
    Setting node type and peer relationships between the hop nodes and execution nodes.
    Group of execution nodes with direct connection access to the automation controller nodes.
    Group of hop nodes that route traffic to their corresponding execution nodes.
    Group of execution nodes accessible via
    Group of execution nodes accessible via
  8. Run the to upgrade to Ansible Automation Platform 2 with the following options

    $ ./ -i -e @credentials.yml -- --ask-vault-pass
  9. Verify the Ansible Automation Platform dashboard UI is accessible across all automation controller nodes.


    If you experience 502 error or a Secure Connection Failed when accessing the the Ansible Automation Platform dashboard via any of your automation controllers, this is likely due to one or both of the following issues:

    • Certificate mismatch
    • Incorrect SELinux context for nginx

    The Appendix D, Post upgrade playbook provides a workaround to fix these issues. A fix is currently being implemented and should be fixed in an upcoming dot release.

    The cert mismatch issue is fixed in version 2.1.2 and later of Ansible Automation Platform. The incorrect SELinux context for nginx still requires the workaround Ansible Playbook. Check the Appendix D, Post upgrade playbook for more details.

This reference environment uses credentials.yml for the following variables: * admin_password * registry_password * pg_password

For more information regarding the different values that can be set within your inventory file, visit: Setting up the inventory file

4.4. Configuring instance and instance groups

With the upgrade process complete, you’ll need to associate your instances to their corresponding instance groups, e.g. sacramento and new-delhi.

  1. Select Administration→Instance Groups
  2. Click on the sacramento instance group
  3. Select the Instances tab
  4. Click the blue Associate button
  5. Within the Select Instances window, select

  6. Click Save

Repeat the process for the new-delhi instance group and associate the instances below with the new-delhi instance group:


Once complete, disassociate those instances within the default group.

  1. Select Administration→Instance Groups
  2. Click on the default instance group
  3. Select the Instances tab
  4. Select the checkbox to the following instances

  5. Click the blue button labeled Disassociate
  6. Confirm the dissociation via the red Disassociate button

The default instance group should only contain the following instances:


With the infrastructure migration complete, the focus shifts to migrating Python virtual environments to user-built execution environments.

Chapter 5. Migrate virtual environments to execution environments

Ansible Automation Platform 2 comes with a re-imagined architecture that fully decouples the automation control plane and execution plane. The new capabilities enable easier to scale automation across the globe and allow you to run your automation as close to the source as possible without being bound to running automation in a single data center. It’s more dynamic, scalable, resilient and flexible compared to Ansible Automation Platform 1.2.

With the introduction of automation execution environments, these container images allow for all the automation needed to be packaged and run including the key components such as Ansible Core, Ansible Content Collections, Python dependencies, Red Hat Enterprise Linux UBI 8, and any additional package dependencies.

This chapter focuses on migrating your custom Python virtual environments in your Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 cluster to user-built automation execution environments.

This one-time effort opens the door to take advantage of the latest Ansible Automation Platform 2 capabilities and the ability to execute consistent automation across multiple platforms with lower long-term maintenance.


In order to access user-built execution environments, they are required to be hosted within private automation hub or a container registry. For more information on how to install private automation hub visit our Deploying Ansible Automation Platform 2.1 reference architecture.

5.1. Automating the migration of virtual environments to execution environments

For simplicity, we are including supplemental Ansible Playbooks that automate the process by simply running an Ansible command.

For completeness, the manual process consists of:

  1. An Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment with custom Python virtual environments
  2. Using of the awx-manage command line utility to get a custom list of Python virtual environments
  3. Running the awx-manage export_custom_venv command on each Python virtual environment to get the list of Python packages installed
  4. Checking the association of a Python virtual environment using the awx-manage custom_venv_associations command
  5. Filtering the above information to create execution environments using the ansible-builder tool

The automated process consists of:

  1. Pulling a list of packages from each custom Python virtual environments present on the Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment
  2. Comparing the package lists from the previous step with the package list of the Ansible-2.9[1] to find the packages that are not present in the base Ansible-2.9 execution environment
  3. Create a new custom execution environment that uses the Ansible-2.9 execution environment as the base and including the missing dependencies from the list in the previous step

To run a scenario of what that may look like, let’s take the following example.

In our existing Ansible Automation Platform 1.2, there are two custom Python virtual environments labeled custom-venv1 and custom-venv2.

Using the role virtualenv_migrate packaged in the redhat_cop.ee_utilities collection we will run it against our Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environment via ssh access to the Ansible Tower node to extract the the packages and their versions that are not currently part of the base execution environment we are comparing against (Ansible 2.9 execution environment).


The redhat_cop.ee_utilities collection is a community project and officially not supported by Red Hat.

A sample playbook and inventory file respectively of the environment are found below:


- name: Review custom virtualenvs and pull requirements
  hosts: enva_tower
  become: true
    - name: Include venv role
        name: redhat_cop.ee_utilities.virtualenv_migrate



# Required configuration variables for migration from venv -> EE              #

# The default URL location to the execution environment (Default Ansible 2.9)
# If you want to use the newest Ansible base, change to: ee-minimal-rhel8:latest

# User credential for access to venv_migrate_default_ee_url

  • Add ansible_user=<ANSIBLE_USER> based on the user needed to ssh into the Ansible Tower node.
  • This reference environment takes advantage of encrypted credentials and does not include passwords in plain text. Details in Appendix C, Creating an encrypted credentials.yml file can be found on how to use ansible-vault to encrypt your registry credentials. An encrypted credentials.yml file is used to supply registry_password

This role requires sudo privileges in order to run the podman commands.

The sample output of the Ansible playbook shows a list of the additional packages that are required for each custom Python virtual environment. In this case you’ll notice that custom-venv1 Python virtual environment requires the following packages in additional to what is already part of the Ansible 2.9 execution environment:

  • certifi
  • charset-normalizer
  • enum34
  • future
  • solidfire-sdk-python

While custom-venv2 Python virtual environment only required zabbix-api in addition to what is already part of the standard Ansible-2.9 execution environment.


The Ansible 2.9 execution environment is used for comparison against the custom Python virtual environments because of the fact that most Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 environments are using Ansible 2.9. This ensures an easier migration transition due to backward compatibility.

TASK [redhat_cop.tower_utilities.virtualenv_migrate : diff | Show the packages that are extra from default EEs in custom venvs.] ******************************************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost] => {
    "msg": [
            "/opt/my-envs/custom-venv1/": [
            "/opt/my-envs/custom-venv2/": [

Once the packages are captured for each custom Python virtual environment, the Ansible playbook uses the ee_builder role that is part of the redhat_cop.ee_utilities collection that automates the creation of execution environments on the local user environment.

Before running the supplied Ansible playbook, install ansible-builder on your localhost machine, the playbook run creates execution environments on your local machine based upon the package delta between the custom Python virtual environment and the base execution environment supplied.

$ podman images

REPOSITORY                           TAG                IMAGE ID
localhost/custom-venv2               latest             c017418d1919
localhost/custom-venv1               latest             7cbe3b49974d
localhost/custom-venv                latest             9d5d809f38b0

5.1.1. Pushing to private automation hub

With the local execution environments in place, you can push them to your private automation hub via:


In this reference architecture, we keep the name of the automation execution environments as the name of the custom Python virtual environments for simplicity. If a change in name is required, use the podman tag command before pushing the execution environments to your private automation hub or a container registry of choice.

$ podman login [automation-hub-url]
# Enter the username and password to access Private Automation Hub.
$ podman tag [image-id] [automation-hub-url]/[container image name]
$ podman push [automation-hub-url]/[container image name]

For more information, visit: Managing containers in private automation hub

Once there, synchronize the execution environments to your automation controller by creating the registry credentials for your private automation hub inside the controller user interface.

To create your registry credentials within automation controller:

  1. Select Resources→Credentials
  2. Within Credentials, select the blue Add button
  3. In the Create New Credentials window,

    1. provide a Name e.g. My private automation hub credentials
    2. under Credential Type select the drop down and select Container Registry
    3. under Type Details

      1. provide Authentication URL, e.g.
      2. provide your private automation hub username within Username field
      3. provide your private automation hub password or token within Password or Token field
      4. select Verify SSL if your private automation hub environment supports SSL
  4. Click Save

To make the execution environments available within automation controller, create a new execution environment that will pull the images from your private automation hub.

Within automation controller,

  1. Select Administration→Execution Environments
  2. Within Execution Environments, select the blue Add button
  3. In the Create new execution environment window,

    1. provide a Name, e.g. my execution environment
    2. provide the image location of the execution environment, e.g. repo/project/image-name:tag
    3. select the Registry credential magnifying glass

      1. click the radio button for your private automation hub credentials, e.g. my private automation hub credentials

With the execution environments now available within automation controller, they can be used against any existing Job Templates or newly created Job Templates.


When creating new user-built execution environments not constrained to require backward compatibility, it is recommended to use the ee-minimal execution environment as your base execution environment to build your new images against.

[1] This reference architecture uses the ansible-2.9 execution environment to best mimic the execution plane environment of Ansible Automation Platform 1.2.

Appendix A. About the Authors


Appendix B. Contributors

We would like to thank the following individuals for their time and patience as we collaborated on this process. This document would not have been possible without their many contributions.


Julen Landa Alustiza

Senior Software Quality Engineer

Technical Review

Craig Brandt

Principal Technical Marketing Manager

Content Review

Appendix C. Creating an encrypted credentials.yml file

This section describes how to create an encrypted credentials.yml file that is passed to the Ansible Automation Platform installer.


The passwords used must match between Environment A and Environment B.

Within your initial Environment B Ansible Automation Platform environment,

  1. Create a credentials.yml file to store the encrypted credentials

    $ cat credentials.yml
    admin_password: my_long_admin_password
    pg_password: my_long_pg_password
    registry_password: my_long_registry_password
  2. Encrypt the credentials.yml file using ansible-vault

    $ ansible-vault encrypt credentials.yml
    New Vault password:
    Confirm New Vault password:
    Encryption successful

    The admin_password and pg_password credentials need to match the value used in your Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 Environment A.


    Ensure to store your encrypted vault password in a safe location.

  3. Verify the credentials.yml file is encrypted

    $ cat credentials.yml

The creation of encrypted credentials is optional but recommended as storing passwords within your inventory file should not be in plain text.

If you are already using encrypted credentails, use your credentials.yml file instead of creating a new one.

Appendix D. Post upgrade playbook

This section provides an Ansible Playbook that you should run if you are not able to access the automation controller UI on all automation controller nodes after the migration. This addresses the SELinux context and the certificate mismatch issues that were described in the Chapter 4, Infrastructure Migration section.

Copy the below Ansible Playbook content and place it in a file called post_upgrade_playbook.yml inside the untarred installer directory.


This directory consists of the installer inventory file and this playbook uses the installer inventory to make some changes to your automation controller nodes.


- name: Play to apply workaround to known issues in upgrade
  hosts: automationcontroller
  become: true
    - block:
      - name: Remove certs from all the controllers
          name: "{{ item }}"
          state: absent
          - /etc/tower/tower.cert
          - /etc/tower/tower.key
      - name: Role to create new certs and copy to all controllers
          name: ansible.automation_platform_installer.nginx
        - automation_platform_version is version('2.1.1', '<=')
    - name: Add to targeted policy and apply selinux policy to controller dirs
      ansible.builtin.command: "{{ item }}"
        - semodule -s targeted -i /usr/share/selinux/targeted/automation-controller.pp
        - /sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/awx/venv /var/lib/awx/job_status /var/run/tower
    - name: Restart the controller service
        name: automation-controller
        state: restarted

Run the command to execute the playbook on the controller nodes.

$ ansible-playbook -i post_upgrade_playbook.yml

Appendix E. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 1.1-02022-04-29Roger Lopez
  • Added NOTE within Overview regarding using same subscription manifest when migrating between versions of Ansible Automation Platform
Revision 1.0-02022-03-31Anshul Behl and Roger Lopez
  • Initial Release

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