Operator Guide
Making open source more inclusive
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.
Chapter 1. Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator installation
Use this procedure to install the Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator in an OpenShift cluster.
- Open the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
- In the left column, click Home, Operators, OperatorHub.
- Search for "Keycloak" on the search input box.
- Select the Operator from the list of results.
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
For general instructions on installing Operators by using either the CLI or web console, see Installing Operators in your namespace. In the default Catalog, the Operator is named rhbk-operator
. Make sure to use the channel corresponding with your desired Red Hat build of Keycloak version.
Chapter 2. Basic Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment
2.1. Performing a basic Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment
This chapter describes how to perform a basic Red Hat build of Keycloak Deployment on OpenShift using the Operator.
2.1.1. Preparing for deployment
Once the Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator is installed and running in the cluster namespace, you can set up the other deployment prerequisites.
- Database
- Hostname
- TLS Certificate and associated keys Database
A database should be available and accessible from the cluster namespace where Red Hat build of Keycloak is installed. For a list of supported databases, see Configuring the database. The Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator does not manage the database and you need to provision it yourself. Consider verifying your cloud provider offering or using a database operator.
For development purposes, you can use an ephemeral PostgreSQL pod installation. To provision it, follow the approach below:
Create YAML file example-postgres.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: postgresql-db spec: serviceName: postgresql-db-service selector: matchLabels: app: postgresql-db replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: postgresql-db spec: containers: - name: postgresql-db image: postgres:latest volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: cache-volume env: - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD value: testpassword - name: PGDATA value: /data/pgdata - name: POSTGRES_DB value: keycloak volumes: - name: cache-volume emptyDir: {} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: postgres-db spec: selector: app: postgresql-db type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 5432 targetPort: 5432
Apply the changes:
oc apply -f example-postgres.yaml Hostname
For a production ready installation, you need a hostname that can be used to contact Red Hat build of Keycloak. See Configuring the hostname for the available configurations.
For development purposes, this chapter will use test.keycloak.org
. TLS Certificate and key
See your Certification Authority to obtain the certificate and the key.
For development purposes, you can enter this command to obtain a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -subj '/CN=test.keycloak.org/O=Test Keycloak./C=US' -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
You should install it in the cluster namespace as a Secret by entering this command:
oc create secret tls example-tls-secret --cert certificate.pem --key key.pem
2.1.2. Deploying Red Hat build of Keycloak
To deploy Red Hat build of Keycloak, you create a Custom Resource (CR) based on the Keycloak Custom Resource Definition (CRD).
Consider storing the Database credentials in a separate Secret. Enter the following commands:
oc create secret generic keycloak-db-secret \ --from-literal=username=[your_database_username] \ --from-literal=password=[your_database_password]
You can customize several fields using the Keycloak CRD. For a basic deployment, you can stick to the following approach:
Create YAML file example-kc.yaml
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: instances: 1 db: vendor: postgres host: postgres-db usernameSecret: name: keycloak-db-secret key: username passwordSecret: name: keycloak-db-secret key: password http: tlsSecret: example-tls-secret hostname: hostname: test.keycloak.org
Apply the changes:
oc apply -f example-kc.yaml
To check that the Red Hat build of Keycloak instance has been provisioned in the cluster, check the status of the created CR by entering the following command:
oc get keycloaks/example-kc -o go-template='{{range .status.conditions}}CONDITION: {{.type}}{{"\n"}} STATUS: {{.status}}{{"\n"}} MESSAGE: {{.message}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
When the deployment is ready, look for output similar to the following:
2.1.3. Accessing the Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment
The Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment is exposed through a basic Ingress and is accessible through the provided hostname. On installations with multiple default IngressClass instances or when running on OpenShift 4.12+ you should provide an ingressClassName by setting ingress
spec with className
property to the desired class name:
Edit YAML file example-kc.yaml
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... ingress: className: openshift-default
If the default ingress does not fit your use case, disable it by setting ingress
spec with enabled
property to false
Edit YAML file example-kc.yaml
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... ingress: enabled: false
Apply the changes:
oc apply -f example-kc.yaml
You can provide an alternative ingress resource pointing to the service <keycloak-cr-name>-service
For debugging and development purposes, consider directly connecting to the Red Hat build of Keycloak service using a port forward. For example, enter this command:
oc port-forward service/example-kc-service 8443:8443
2.1.4. Accessing the Admin Console
When deploying Red Hat build of Keycloak, the operator generates an arbitrary initial admin username
and password
and stores those credentials as a basic-auth Secret object in the same namespace as the CR.
Change the default admin credentials and enable MFA in Red Hat build of Keycloak before going to production.
To fetch the initial admin credentials, you have to read and decode the Secret. The Secret name is derived from the Keycloak CR name plus the fixed suffix -initial-admin
. To get the username and password for the example-kc
CR, enter the following commands:
oc get secret example-kc-initial-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode oc get secret example-kc-initial-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode
You can use those credentials to access the Admin Console or the Admin REST API.
Chapter 3. Red Hat build of Keycloak Realm Import
3.1. Importing a Red Hat build of Keycloak Realm
Using the Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator, you can perform a realm import for the Keycloak Deployment.
- If a Realm with the same name already exists in Red Hat build of Keycloak, it will not be overwritten.
- The Realm Import CR only supports creation of new realms and does not update or delete those. Changes to the realm performed directly on Red Hat build of Keycloak are not synced back in the CR.
3.1.1. Creating a Realm Import Custom Resource
The following is an example of a Realm Import Custom Resource (CR):
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: KeycloakRealmImport metadata: name: my-realm-kc spec: keycloakCRName: <name of the keycloak CR> realm: ...
This CR should be created in the same namespace as the Keycloak Deployment CR, defined in the field keycloakCRName
. The realm
field accepts a full RealmRepresentation.
The recommended way to obtain a RealmRepresentation
is by leveraging the export functionality Importing and Exporting Realms.
- Export the Realm to a single file.
- Convert the JSON file to YAML.
Copy and paste the obtained YAML file as body for the
key, making sure the indentation is correct.
3.1.2. Applying the Realm Import CR
Use oc
to create the CR in the correct cluster namespace:
Create YAML file example-realm-import.yaml
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: KeycloakRealmImport metadata: name: my-realm-kc spec: keycloakCRName: <name of the keycloak CR> realm: id: example-realm realm: example-realm displayName: ExampleRealm enabled: true
Apply the changes:
oc apply -f example-realm-import.yaml
To check the status of the running import, enter the following command:
oc get keycloakrealmimports/my-realm-kc -o go-template='{{range .status.conditions}}CONDITION: {{.type}}{{"\n"}} STATUS: {{.status}}{{"\n"}} MESSAGE: {{.message}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
When the import has successfully completed, the output will look like the following example:
Chapter 4. Advanced configuration
4.1. Advanced configuration
This chapter describes how to use Custom Resources (CRs) for advanced configuration of your Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment.
4.1.1. Server configuration details
Many server options are exposed as first-class citizen fields in the Keycloak CR. The structure of the CR is based on the configuration structure of Red Hat build of Keycloak. For example, to configure the https-port
of the server, follow a similar pattern in the CR and use the httpsPort
field. The following example is a complex server configuration; however, it illustrates the relationship between server options and the Keycloak CR:
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: db: vendor: postgres usernameSecret: name: usernameSecret key: usernameSecretKey passwordSecret: name: passwordSecret key: passwordSecretKey host: host database: database port: 123 schema: schema poolInitialSize: 1 poolMinSize: 2 poolMaxSize: 3 http: httpEnabled: true httpPort: 8180 httpsPort: 8543 tlsSecret: my-tls-secret hostname: hostname: my-hostname admin: my-admin-hostname strict: false strictBackchannel: false features: enabled: - docker - authorization disabled: - admin - step-up-authentication transaction: xaEnabled: false
For a list of options, see the Keycloak CRD. For details on configuring options, see All configuration. Additional options
Some expert server options are unavailable as dedicated fields in the Keycloak CR. The following are examples of omitted fields:
- Fields that require deep understanding of the underlying Red Hat build of Keycloak implementation
- Fields that are not relevant to an OpenShift environment
- Fields for provider configuration because they are dynamic based on the used provider implementation
The additionalOptions
field of the Keycloak CR enables Red Hat build of Keycloak to accept any available configuration in the form of key-value pairs. You can use this field to include any option that is omitted in the Keycloak CR. For details on configuring options, see All configuration.
The values can be expressed as plain text strings or Secret object references as shown in this example:
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... additionalOptions: - name: spi-connections-http-client-default-connection-pool-size secret: # Secret reference name: http-client-secret # name of the Secret key: poolSize # name of the Key in the Secret - name: spi-email-template-mycustomprovider-enabled value: true # plain text value
The name format of options defined in this way is identical to the key format of options specified in the configuration file. For details on various configuration formats, see Configuring Red Hat build of Keycloak.
4.1.2. Secret References
Secret References are used by some dedicated options in the Keycloak CR, such as tlsSecret
, or as a value in additionalOptions
When specifying a Secret Reference, make sure that a Secret containing the referenced keys is present in the same namespace as the CR referencing it. Along with the Red Hat build of Keycloak Server Deployment, the Operator adds special labels to the referenced Secrets to watch for changes.
When a referenced Secret is modified, the Operator performs a rolling restart of the Red Hat build of Keycloak Deployment to pick up the changes.
4.1.3. Unsupported features
The unsupported
field of the CR contains highly experimental configuration options that are not completely tested and are Tech Preview. Pod Template
The Pod Template is a raw API representation that is used for the Deployment Template. This field is a temporary workaround in case no supported field exists at the top level of the CR for your use case.
The Operator merges the fields of the provided template with the values generated by the Operator for the specific Deployment. With this feature, you have access to a high level of customizations. However, no guarantee exists that the Deployment will work as expected.
The following example illustrates injecting labels, annotations, volumes, and volume mounts:
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... unsupported: podTemplate: metadata: labels: my-label: "keycloak" spec: containers: - volumeMounts: - name: test-volume mountPath: /mnt/test volumes: - name: test-volume secret: secretName: keycloak-additional-secret
4.1.4. Disabling required options
Red Hat build of Keycloak and the Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator provide the best production-ready experience with security in mind. However, during the development phase, you can disable key security features.
Specifically, you can disable the hostname and TLS as shown in the following example:
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... http: httpEnabled: true hostname: strict: false strictBackchannel: false
Chapter 5. Using custom Red Hat build of Keycloak images
5.1. Red Hat build of Keycloak custom image with the Operator
With the Keycloak Custom Resource (CR), you can specify a custom container image for the Red Hat build of Keycloak server.
To ensure full compatibility of Operator and Operand, make sure that the version of Red Hat build of Keycloak release used in the custom image is aligned with the version of the operator.
5.1.1. Best practice
When using the default Red Hat build of Keycloak image, the server will perform a costly re-augmentation every time a Pod starts. To avoid this delay, you can provide a custom image with the augmentation built-in from the build time of the image.
With a custom image, you can also specify the Keycloak build-time configurations and extensions during the build of the container.
For instructions on how to build such an image, see Running Red Hat build of Keycloak in a container.
5.1.2. Providing a custom Red Hat build of Keycloak image
To provide a custom image, you define the image
field in the Keycloak CR as shown in this example:
apiVersion: k8s.keycloak.org/v2alpha1 kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: instances: 1 image: quay.io/my-company/my-keycloak:latest http: tlsSecret: example-tls-secret hostname: hostname: test.keycloak.org
With custom images, every build time option is passed either through a dedicated field or the additionalOptions
is ignored.