
Dashboard Guide

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Red Hat Ceph Storage 4

Monitoring Ceph Cluster with Ceph Dashboard

Red Hat Ceph Storage Documentation Team


This guide explains how to use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard for monitoring and management purposes.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright's message.

Chapter 1. Ceph dashboard overview

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard provides management and monitoring capabilities, allowing you to administer and configure the cluster, as well as visualize information and performance statistics related to it. The dashboard uses a web server hosted by the ceph-mgr daemon.

The dashboard is accessible from a web browser and includes many useful management and monitoring features, for example, to configure manager modules and monitor the state of OSDs.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • System administrator level experience.

1.2. Dashboard components

The functionality of the dashboard is provided by multiple components.

  • The Ansible automation application for deployment.
  • The embedded dashboard ceph-mgr module.
  • The embedded Prometheus ceph-mgr module.
  • The Prometheus time-series database.
  • The Prometheus node-exporter daemon, running on each node of the storage cluster.
  • The Grafana platform to provide monitoring user interface and alerting.

Additional Resources

1.3. Dashboard features

The Ceph dashboard provides multiple features.

Management features

  • View cluster hierarchy: You can view the CRUSH map, for example, to determine which node a specific OSD ID is running on. This is helpful if there is an issue with an OSD.
  • Configure manager modules: You can view and change parameters for ceph manager modules.
  • View and filter logs: You can view event and audit cluster logs and filter them based on priority, keyword, date, or time range.
  • Toggle dashboard components: You can enable and disable dashboard components so only the features you need are available.
  • Manage OSD settings: You can set cluster-wide OSD flags using the dashboard.
  • Viewing Alerts: The alerts page allows you to see details of current alerts.
  • Quality of Service for images: You can set performance limits on images, for example limiting IOPS or read BPS burst rates.

Monitoring features

  • Username and password protection: You can access the dashboard only by providing a configurable user name and password.
  • SSL and TLS support: All HTTP communication between the web browser and the dashboard is secured via SSL. A self-signed certificate can be created with a built-in command, but it is also possible to import custom certificates signed and issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). From Red Hat Ceph Storage 4.2, dashboard_protocol is set to https and Ansible generates the dashboard and grafana certificate. To plot data points and graphs, update the TLS handshake manually as:

    • Alert manager API host - http://grafana_node:9093
    • Prometheus API host - http://grafana_node:9092
    • Grafana API Host - https://grafana_node:3000
  • Overall cluster health: Displays the overall cluster status, storage utilization (For example, number of objects, raw capacity, usage per pool), a list of pools and their status and usage statistics.
  • Hosts: Provides a list of all hosts associated with the cluster along with the running services and the installed Ceph version.
  • Performance counters: Displays detailed statistics for each running service.
  • Monitors: Lists all Monitors, their quorum status and open sessions.
  • Configuration Reference: Lists all available configuration options, their description and default values.
  • Cluster logs: Display and filter the cluster’s event and audit logs.
  • View storage cluster capacity: You can view raw storage capacity of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in the Capacity panels of the Ceph dashboard.
  • Pools: Lists and manages all Ceph pools and their details. For example: applications, placement groups, replication size, EC profile, CRUSH ruleset, etc.
  • OSDs: Lists and manages all OSDs, their status and usage statistics as well as detailed information like attributes (OSD map), metadata, performance counters and usage histograms for read/write operations.
  • iSCSI: Lists all hosts that run the tcmu-runner service, displays all images and their performance characteristics, such as read and write operations or traffic.
  • Images: Lists all RBD images and their properties such as size, objects, and features. Create, copy, modify and delete RBD images. Create, delete, and rollback snapshots of selected images, protect or unprotect these snapshots against modification. Copy or clone snapshots, flatten cloned images.


    The performance graph for I/O changes in the Overall Performance tab for a specific image shows values only after specifying the pool that includes that image by setting the rbd_stats_pool parameter in Cluster > Manager modules > Prometheus.

  • Mirroring: Lists all active sync daemons and their status, pools and RBD images including their synchronization state.
  • Filesystems: Lists all active Ceph file system (CephFS) clients and associated pools, including their usage statistics.
  • Object Gateway (RGW): Lists all active object gateways and their performance counters. Displays and manages (adds, edits, deletes) object gateway users and their details, for example quotas, as well as the users’ buckets and their details, for example, owner or quotas.

Additional Resources

1.3.1. Toggling dashboard features on or off

You can customize the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard components by enabling or disabling features on demand. All features are enabled by default. When disabling a feature, the web-interface elements become hidden and the associated REST API end-points reject any further requests for that feature. Enabling and disabling dashboard features can be done from the command-line interface or the web interface.

Available features:

  • Ceph Block Devices:

    • Image management, rbd
    • Mirroring, mirroring
    • iSCSI gateway, iscsi
  • Ceph Filesystem, cephfs
  • Ceph Object Gateway, rgw

By default, the Ceph Manager is collocated with the Ceph Monitor.


You can disable multiple features at once.


Once a feature is disabled, it can take up to 20 seconds to reflect the change in the web interface.


  • Installation and configuration of the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard software.
  • User access to the Ceph Manager node or the dashboard web interface.


  1. To toggle the dashboard features from the dashboard web interface:

    1. From the navigation bar on the dashboard page, navigate to Cluster, then Manager Modules, then click on Dashboard. This opens the Edit Manager module page.
    2. From the Edit Manager module page, you can enable or disable the dashboard features by checking or unchecking the selection box next to the feature name.

      Edit Manager module
    3. Once the selections have been made, click on the Update button at the bottom of the page.

      Update button
  2. To toggle the dashboard features from the command-line interface:

    1. Log in to the Ceph Manager node.
    2. List the feature status:

      [user@mon ~]$ ceph dashboard feature status
    3. Disable a feature:

      [user@mon ~]$ ceph dashboard feature disable iscsi

      This example disables the Ceph iSCSI gateway feature.

    4. Enable a feature:

      [user@mon ~]$ ceph dashboard feature enable cephfs

      This example enables the Ceph Filesystem feature.

1.4. Dashboard architecture

The Dashboard architecture depends on the Ceph manager dashboard plugin and other components. See the diagram below to understand how they work together.

Ceph Dashboard architecture diagram

Chapter 2. Ceph Dashboard installation and access

As a system administrator, you can install dashboard and access it for the first time.

Red Hat Ceph Storage is installed graphically using the Cockpit web interface, or on the command line using the Ansible playbooks provided by the ceph-ansible RPM. Cockpit uses the same Ansible playbooks to install Ceph. Those playbooks install dashboard by default. Therefore, whether you directly use the Ansible playbooks, or use Cockpit to install Ceph, dashboard will be installed.


Change the default dashboard password. By default, the password for dashboard is p@ssw0rd, which is insecure. You can change the default password before installing Ceph by updating dashboard_admin_password in the all.yml Ansible playbook before using the playbooks to install Ceph, or after install using the same playbook, or dashboard itself. For more information, see the Install Guide, Changing the dashboard password using the dashboard, or Changing the dashboard password using Ansible.

2.1. Installing dashboard using Cockpit

Dashboard is installed by default when using the Cockpit web interface to install Red Hat Ceph Storage. You must set a host with the Metrics role for Grafana to be installed on.


  • Consult the Installation Guide for full prerequisites. This procedure only highlights the steps relevant to the dashboard install.


  1. On the Hosts page, add a host and set the Metrics role.

    Cockpit add metrics host
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete the remaining Cockpit Ceph Installer prompts.
  4. After the deploy process finishes, click the Complete button at the bottom right corner of the page. This opens a window which displays the output of the command ceph status, as well as dashboard access information.

    Complete button
  5. At the bottom of the Ceph Cluster Status window, the dashboard access information is displayed, including the URL, user name, and password. Take note of this information.

    Ceph Cluster Status window

2.2. Installing dashboard using Ansible

Dashboard is installed by default when installing Red Hat Ceph Storage using the Ansible playbooks provided by the ceph-ansible RPM.


  • Consult the Installation Guide for full prerequisites. This procedure only highlights the steps relevant to the dashboard install.


  1. Ensure a [grafana-server] group with a node defined under it exists in the Ansible inventory file. Grafana and Prometheus are installed on this node.

    [root@jb-ceph4-admin ~]# grep grafana-server -A 1 /etc/ansible/hosts
  2. In the all.yml Ansible playbook, ensure dashboard_enabled: has not been set to False. There should be a comment indicating the default setting of True.

    [root@jb-ceph4-admin ~]# grep "dashboard_enabled" /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml
    #dashboard_enabled: True
  3. Complete the rest of the steps necessary to install Ceph as outlined in the Installation Guide.
  4. After running ansible-playbook site.yml for bare metal installs, or ansible-playbook site-docker.yml for container installs, Ansible will print the dashboard access information. Find the dashboard URL, username, and password towards the end of the playbook output:

    2019-12-13 15:31:17,871 p=11421 u=admin |  TASK [ceph-dashboard : print dashboard URL] ************************************************************
    2019-12-13 15:31:17,871 p=11421 u=admin |  task path: /usr/share/ceph-ansible/roles/ceph-dashboard/tasks/main.yml:5
    2019-12-13 15:31:17,871 p=11421 u=admin |  Friday 13 December 2019  15:31:17 -0500 (0:00:02.189)       0:04:25.380 *******
    2019-12-13 15:31:17,934 p=11421 u=admin |  ok: [jb-ceph4-mon] =>
      msg: The dashboard has been deployed! You can access your dashboard web UI at http://jb-ceph4-mon:8443/ as an 'admin' user with 'p@ssw0rd' password.

    Take note of the output You can access your dashboard web UI at http://jb-ceph4-mon:8443/ as an 'admin' user with 'p@ssw0rd' password.


The Ansible playbook does the following:

  • Enables the Prometheus module in ceph-mgr.
  • Enables the dashboard module in ceph-mgr and opens TCP port 8443.
  • Deploys the Prometheus node_exporter daemon to each node in the storage cluster.

    • Opens TCP port 9100.
    • Starts the node_exporter daemon.
  • Deploys Grafana and Prometheus containers under Docker/systemd on the node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.

    • Configures Prometheus to gather data from the ceph-mgr nodes and the node-exporters running on each Ceph host
    • Opens TCP port 3000.
    • Creates the dashboard, theme, and user accounts in Grafana.
    • Displays the Ceph Dashboard login page URL.

2.3. Network port requirements

The Ceph dashboard components use certain TCP network ports which must be accessible. By default, the network ports are automatically opened in firewalld during installation of Red Hat Ceph Storage.

Table 2.1. TCP Port Requirements
PortUseOriginating NodeDestination Node


The dashboard web interface

IP addresses that need access to Ceph Dashboard UI and the node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file, since the AlertManager service can also initiate connections to the Dashboard for reporting alerts.

The Ceph Manager nodes.



IP addresses that need access to Grafana Dashboard UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and [grafana-server].

The node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.


Default Prometheus server for basic Prometheus graphs

IP addresses that need access to Prometheus UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and [grafana-server] or Hosts running Prometheus.

The node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.


Prometheus server for basic Prometheus graphs

IP addresses that need access to Prometheus UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and [grafana-server] or Hosts running Prometheus.

The node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.


Prometheus Alertmanager

IP addresses that need access to Alertmanager Web UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and [grafana-server] or Hosts running Prometheus.

All Ceph Manager nodes and the node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.


Prometheus Alertmanager for configuring a highly available cluster made from multiple instances

All Ceph Manager nodes and the node under [grafana-server] in the Ansible inventory file.

Prometheus Alertmanager High Availability (peer daemon sync), so both src and dst should be nodes running Prometheus Alertmanager.


The Prometheus node-exporter daemon

Hosts running Prometheus that need to view Node Exporter metrics Web UI and all Ceph Manager nodes and [grafana-server] or Hosts running Prometheus.

All storage cluster nodes, including MONs, OSDS, [grafana-server] host.


Ceph Manager Prometheus exporter module

Hosts running Prometheus that need access to Ceph Exporter metrics Web UI and [grafana-server].

All Ceph Manager nodes.


Ceph iSCSI gateway data

All Ceph Manager hosts and [grafana-server].

All Ceph iSCSI gateway nodes.

Additional Resources

2.4. Configuring dashboard ports

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard, by default, binds to a TCP/IP address and TCP port.

By default, the ceph-mgr daemon hosting the dashboard binds to TCP port 8443 or 8080 when SSL is disabled. If no specific address is configured, the web app binds to ::, which corresponds to all the available IP4 and IP6 addresses.

You can change the IP address and the port using the configuration key facility on a cluster-wide level.


  • A Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to all the nodes.


  1. Get the URL for accessing the dashboard:


    [root@admin ~]# ceph mgr services

  2. Get the current IP and port configuration of the ceph-mgr daemon:


    [root@admin ~]# netstat -ntlp

  3. Set the IP address and the port:


    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr IP_ADDRESS
    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port PORT
    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl_server_port PORT


    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr
    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port 8443
    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl_server_port 8443

  4. Optional: Since the ceph-mgr hosts its own instance of the dashboard, you can configure them separately. Change the IP address and port for a specific manager instance:


    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/NAME/server_addr IP_ADDRESS
    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/NAME/server_port PORT
    ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/NAME/ssl_server_port PORT

    Replace: NAME with the ID of the ceph-mgr instance hosting the dashboard.


    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/mgrs-0/server_addr
    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/mgrs-0/server_port 8443
    [root@mon ~]# ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/mgrs-0/ssl_server_port 8443

Additional Resources

2.5. Accessing dashboard

Accessing the dashboard allows you to administer and monitor your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  • Successful installation of Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.
  • NTP is synchronizing clocks properly.

A time lag can occur between the dashboard node, cluster nodes, and a browser, when the nodes are not properly synced. Ensure all nodes and the system where the browser runs have time synced by NTP. By default, when Red Hat Ceph Storage is deployed, Ansible configures NTP on all nodes. To verify, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, see Configuring NTP Using ntpd, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, see Using the Chrony suite to configure NTP. If you run your browser on another operating system, consult the vendor of that operating system for NTP configuration information.


When using OpenStack Platform (OSP) with Red Hat Ceph Storage, to enable OSP Safe Mode, use one of the following methods. With Ansible, edit the group_vars/all.yml Ansible playbook, set dashboard_admin_user_ro: true and re-run ansible-playbook against site.yml, or site-container.yml, for bare-metal, or container deployments, respectively. To enable OSP Safe Mode using the ceph command, run ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles admin read-only. To ensure the changes persist if you run the ceph-ansible Ansible playbook, edit group_vars/all.yml and set dashboard_admin_user_ro: true.


  1. Enter the following URL in a web browser:



    • HOST_NAME with the host name of the dashboard node.
    • PORT with port 8443

      For example:

  2. On the login page, enter the username admin and the default password p@ssw0rd if you did not change the password during installation.

    Figure 2.1. Ceph Dashboard Login Page

    Ceph Dashboard Login Page
  3. After logging in, the dashboard default landing page is displayed, which provides a high-level overview of status, performance, and capacity metrics of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.

    Figure 2.2. Ceph Dashboard Default Landing Page

    Ceph Dashboard Default Landing Page

Additional Resources

2.6. Changing the dashboard password using Ansible

By default, the password for accessing dashboard is set to p@ssw0rd.


For security reasons, change the password after installation.

You can change the dashboard password using Ansible.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Access to the Ansible administration node.


  1. Open the Ansible playbook file /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml for editing.
  2. Uncomment and update the password on this line:

    #dashboard_admin_password: p@ssw0rd


    dashboard_admin_password: NEW_PASSWORD

    Replace NEW_PASSWORD with your preferred password.

  3. Rerun the Ansible playbook file which deploys or updates the Ceph cluster.

    1. For bare metal installs, use the site.yml playbook:

      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook -v site.yml
    2. For container installs, use the site-docker.yml playbook:

      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook -v site-docker.yml
  4. Log in using the new password.

Additional Resources

2.7. Changing the dashboard password using the dashboard

By default, the password for accessing dashboard is set to p@ssw0rd.


For security reasons, change the password after installation.

To change the password using the dashboard, also change the dashboard password setting in Ansible to ensure the password does not revert to the default password if Ansible is used to reconfigure the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  1. Update the password in the group_vars/all.yml file to prevent the password from being reset to p@ssw0rd when Ansible is used to reconfigure the Ceph cluster.

    1. Open the Ansible playbook file /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml for editing.
    2. Uncomment and update the password on this line:

      #dashboard_admin_password: p@ssw0rd


      dashboard_admin_password: NEW_PASSWORD

      Replace NEW_PASSWORD with your preferred password.

  2. Change the password in the dashboard web user-interface.

    1. Log in to the dashboard:

    2. At the top right hand side toolbar, click the dashboard settings icon and then click User management.

      user management
    3. Locate the admin user in the Username table and click on admin.

      user management
    4. Above the table title Username, click on the Edit button.
    5. Enter the new password and confirm it by reentering it and click Edit User.

      user management

      You will be logged out and taken to the log in screen. A notification will appear confirming the password change.

  3. Log back in using the new password.

Additional Resources

2.8. Changing the Grafana password using Ansible

By default, the password for Grafana, used by dashboard, is set to admin. Use this procedure to change the password.


For security reasons, change the password from the default.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root access to all nodes in the cluster.


  1. Optional: If you do not know which node the Grafana container is running on, find the node listed under [grafana-server] in the Ansible hosts file, usually located at /etc/ansible/hosts:



  2. On the node where the Grafana container is running, change the password:


    podman exec CONTAINER_ID grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password --homepath "/usr/share/grafana" NEW_PASSWORD

    Change CONTAINER_ID to the ID of the Grafana container. Change NEW_PASSWORD to the desired Grafana password.


    [root@grafana ~]# podman exec 3f28b0309aee grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password --homepath "/usr/share/grafana" NewSecurePassword
    t=2020-10-29T17:45:58+0000 lvl=info msg="Connecting to DB" logger=sqlstore dbtype=sqlite3
    t=2020-10-29T17:45:58+0000 lvl=info msg="Starting DB migration" logger=migrator
    Admin password changed successfully ✔

  3. On the Ansible administration node, use ansible-vault to encrypt the Grafana password, and then add the encrypted password to group_vars/all.yml.

    1. Change to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/ directory:

      [admin@admin ~]$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/
    2. Run ansible-vault and create a new vault password:


      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'grafana_admin_password_vault'
      New Vault password:

    3. Re-enter the password to confirm it:


      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'grafana_admin_password_vault'
      New Vault password:
      Confirm New Vault password:

    4. Enter the Grafana password, press enter, and then enter CTRL+D to complete the entry:


      ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'grafana_admin_password_vault'
      New Vault password:
      Confirm New Vault password:
      Reading plaintext input from stdin. (ctrl-d to end input)

      Replace NEW_PASSWORD with the Grafana password that was set earlier.


      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'grafana_admin_password_vault'
      New Vault password:
      Confirm New Vault password:
      Reading plaintext input from stdin. (ctrl-d to end input)

    5. Take note of the output that begins with grafana_admin_password_vault: !vault | and ends with a few lines of numbers, as it will be used in the next step:


      [admin@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'grafana_admin_password_vault'
      New Vault password:
      Confirm New Vault password:
      Reading plaintext input from stdin. (ctrl-d to end input)
      grafana_admin_password_vault: !vault |
      Encryption successful

    6. Open for editing group_vars/all.yml and paste the output from above into the file:


      grafana_admin_password_vault: !vault |

    7. Add a line below the encrypted password with the following:


      grafana_admin_password: "{{ grafana_admin_password_vault }}"


      Using two variables as seen above is required due to a bug in Ansible that breaks the string type when assigning the vault value directly to the Ansible variable.

    8. Save and close the file.
  4. Re-run ansible-playbook.

    1. For container based deployments:


      [admin@node1 ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -v site-container.yml -i hosts

      Note that -i hosts is only necessary if you are not using the default Ansible hosts file location of /etc/ansible/hosts.

    2. For bare-metal, RPM based deployments:


      [admin@node1 ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -v site.yml -i hosts

      Note that -i hosts is only necessary if you are not using the default Ansible hosts file location of /etc/ansible/hosts.

2.9. Syncing users using Red Hat Single Sign-On for the dashboard

Administrators can provide access to users on Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard using Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO) with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) integration.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level access to the dashboard.
  • Users are added to the dashboard.
  • Root-level access on all the nodes.
  • Red hat Single Sign-On installed from a ZIP file. See the Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On from a zip file for additional information.


  1. Download the Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.4.0 Server on the system where Red Hat Ceph Storage is installed.
  2. Unzip the folder:

    [root@cephuser]# unzip
  3. Navigate to the standalone/configuration directory and open the standalone.xml for editing:

    [root@cephuser]# cd standalone/configuration
    [root@cephuser configuration]# vi standalone.xml
  4. Replace three instances of localhost and two instances of with the IP address of the machine where Red Hat Single Sign-On is installed.
  5. Optional: For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, users might get Certificate Authority (CA) issues. Import the custom certificates from CA and move them into the keystore with exact java version.


    [root@cephuser]# keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ca -file ../ca.cer -keystore /etc/java/java-1.8.0-openjdk/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

  6. To start the server from the bin directory of rh-sso-7.4 folder, run the standalone boot script:

    [root@cephuser bin]# ./
  7. Create the admin account in http:_IP_ADDRESS_:8080/auth with a username and password:

    Create Admin User

    The admin account has to be created only the first time you log into the console.

  8. Log into the admin console with the credentials created:

    Admin Console
  9. To create a realm, click the Master drop-down. In this realm, administrators provide access to users and applications.

    Add realm drop-down
  10. In the Add Realm window, enter a name for the realm and set the parameter Enabled to ON and click Create:

    Add realm window

    The realm name is case-sensitive.

  11. In the Realm Settings tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Enabled - ON
    2. User-Managed Access - ON
    3. Copy the link address of SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata

      Add realm settings window
  12. In the Clients tab, click Create:

    Add client
  13. In the Add Client window, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Client ID - BASE_URL:8443/auth/saml2/metadata


    2. Client Protocol - saml

      Add client window
  14. In the Clients window, under Settings tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Client ID - BASE_URL:8443/auth/saml2/metadata


    2. Enabled - ON
    3. Client Protocol - saml
    4. Include AuthnStatement - ON
    5. Sign Documents - ON
    6. Signature Algorithm - RSA_SHA1
    7. SAML Signature Key Name - KEY_ID
    8. Valid Redirect URLs - BASE_URL:8443/*


    9. Base URL - BASE_URL:8443


    10. Master SAML Processing URL - http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/REALM_NAME/protocol/saml/descriptor




      Paste the link of SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata from Realm Settings tab.

      Under Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configuration, set the parameters:

    11. Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL - BASE_URL:8443/#/dashboard


    12. Assertion Consumer Service Redirect Binding URL - BASE_URL:8443/#/dashboard


    13. Logout Service Redirect Binding URL - BASE_URL:8443/


      Client mappers upperpane
      Client mappers lowerpane
  15. In the Clients window, Mappers tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Protocol - saml
    2. Name - username
    3. Mapper Property - User Property
    4. Property - username
    5. SAML Attribute name - username

      Add Client Mappers
  16. In the Clients Scope tab, select role_list:

    1. In Mappers tab, select role list, set the Single Role Attribute to ON.

      Add client role list
  17. Select User_Federation tab:

    1. In User Federation window, select ldap from the drop-down:

      Add ldap as provider
  18. In User_Federation window, Settings tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Console Display Name - rh-ldap
    2. Import Users - ON
    3. Edit_Mode - READ_ONLY
    4. Username LDAP attribute - username
    5. RDN LDAP attribute - username
    6. UUID LDAP attribute - nsuniqueid
    7. User Object Classes - inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, rhatPerson
    8. Connection URL - ldap:://



      Click Test Connection.

      LDAP Test Connection

      You will get a notification that the LDAP connection is successful.

    9. Users DN - ou=users, dc=example, dc=com



    10. Bind Type - simple

      User Federation Upperpane
      User Federation Lowerpane
    11. Click Test authentication.

      LDAP Test Authentication

      You will get a notification that the LDAP authentication is successful.

  19. In Mappers tab, select first name row and edit the following parameter and Click Save:

    1. LDAP Attribute - givenName

      User Federation Mappers tab
      User Federation Mappers window
  20. In User_Federation tab, Settings tab, Click Synchronize all users:

    User Federation Synchronize

    You will get a notification that the sync of users are updated successfully.

    User Federation synchronize notification
  21. In the Users tab, search for the user added to the dashboard and click the Search icon:

    User search tab
  22. To view the user , click it’s row. You should see the federation link as the name provided for the User Federation.

    User details

    Do not add users manually. If added manually, delete the user by clicking Delete.

  23. Users added to the realm and the dashboard can access the Ceph dashboard with their mail address and password.


    Dashboard link

Additional Resources

  • For adding users to the dashboard, see the Creating users on dashboard section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more information.
  • For adding roles for users on the dashboard, see the Creating roles on dashboard section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more information.

2.10. Enabling Single Sign-On for the Ceph Dashboard

The Ceph Dashboard supports external authentication of users with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol. Before using single sign-On (SSO) with the Ceph dashboard, create the dashboard user accounts and assign the desired roles. The Ceph Dashboard performs authorization of the users and the authentication process is performed by an existing Identity Provider (IdP). Red Hat uses Keycloak to test the dashboard SSO feature.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Dashboard software.
  • Launch the Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • Installation of the following library packages on the Ceph Manager nodes:

    • python3-saml
    • python3-defusedxml
    • python3-isodate
    • python3-xmlsec


  1. To configure SSO on Ceph Dashboard, run the following command:

    1. Bare-metal deployments:




      [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 idp-metadata.xml username /home/certificate.txt /home/private-key.txt

    2. Container deployments:




      [root@mon ~]# podman exec ceph-mgr-hostname ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 idp-metadata.xml username /home/certificate.txt /home/private-key.txt


    • CEPH_MGR_NODE with Ceph mgr node. For example, ceph-mgr-hostname
    • CEPH_DASHBOARD_BASE_URL with the base URL where Ceph Dashboard is accessible.
    • IDP_METADATA with the URL to remote or local path or content of the IdP metadata XML. The supported URL types are http, https, and file.
    • Optional: IDP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE with the attribute used to get the username from the authentication response. Defaults to uid.
    • Optional: IDP_ENTITY_ID with the IdP entity ID when more than one entity ID exists on the IdP metadata.
    • Optional: SP_X_509_CERT with the file path of the certificate used by Ceph Dashboard for signing and encryption.
    • Optional: SP_PRIVATE_KEY with the file path of the private key used by Ceph Dashboard for signing and encryption.
  2. Verify the current SAML 2.0 configuration:

    1. Bare-metal deployments:


      ceph dashboard sso show saml2

    2. Container deployments:


      podman exec CEPH_MGR_NODE ceph dashboard sso show saml2

  3. To enable SSO, run the following command:

    1. Bare-metal deployments:


      ceph dashboard sso enable saml2
      SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.

    2. Container deployments:


      podman exec CEPH_MGR_NODE ceph dashboard sso enable saml2
      SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.

  4. Open your dashboard URL. For example:
  5. On the SSO page, enter the login credentials. SSO redirects to the dashboard web interface.

Additional Resources

2.11. Disabling Single Sign-On for the Ceph Dashboard

You can disable single sign on for Ceph Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Dashboard software.
  • Launch the Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • Single sign-on enabled for Ceph Dashboard
  • Installation of the following library packages on the Ceph Manager nodes:

    • python3-saml
    • python3-defusedxml
    • python3-isodate
    • python3-xmlsec


  1. To view status of SSO, run the following command:

    1. Bare-metal deployments:


      ceph dashboard sso status
      SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.

    2. Container deployments:


      podman exec CEPH_MGR_NODE ceph dashboard sso status
      SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.


      • CEPH_MGR_NODE with Ceph mgr node. For example, ceph-mgr-hostname
  2. To disable SSO, run the following command:

    1. Bare-metal deployments:


      ceph dashboard sso disable
      SSO is "disabled".

    2. Container deployments:


      podman exec CEPH_MGR_NODE ceph dashboard sso disable
      SSO is "disabled".


      • CEPH_MGR_NODE with Ceph mgr node. For example, ceph-mgr-hostname

Additional Resources

Chapter 3. Managing roles on dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, view, edit, and delete roles on the dashboard. You can give permissions to the roles and you can assign specific roles for users.

3.1. Creating roles on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to create roles on the dashboard which can be assigned to the users.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. On Roles tab, click the Create button:

    Create roles
  4. In the CreateRole window, set the Name and select the Permissions for this role, and then click the CreateRole button:

    Create role window
  5. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the role was created successfully.

    Role create notification

3.2. Viewing roles on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to view the details of the roles on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the dashboard.
  • Roles are created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. To view the details of the role, click the row:

    Click role row
  4. You can see the details of the permissions provided for the roles.

    View role details

Additional Resources

3.3. Editing roles on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to edit roles on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • A role is created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. To edit the role, click the row:

    Click role row
  4. On the Roles tab, select Edit from the Edit dropdown menu:

    Edit role
  5. In the EditRole window, edit parameters including, and then click the EditRole button:

    Edit role window
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the role was updated successfully.

    Edit role notification

Additional Resources

3.4. Deleting roles on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to delete roles on the dashboard.


You can only delete the roles that you have created.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • A role is created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. To delete the role, click the row:

    Click role row
  4. On Roles tab, select Delete from the Edit dropdown menu:

    Delete role
  5. In the Delete Role dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete Role to save the settings:

    Delete role window

Additional Resources

Chapter 4. Managing users on dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, edit, and delete users on the dashboard.

4.1. Creating users on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to create users on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard does not support any email verification when changing a users password. This behavior is intentional, because the Dashboard supports Single Sign-On (SSO) and this feature can be delegated to the SSO provider.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. On Users tab, click the Create button:

    Create user
  4. In the CreateUser window, set the Username and other parameters including the roles, and then click the _CreateUser_button:

    Create user window
  5. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the user was created successfully.

    User create notification

Additional Resources

4.2. Editing users on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to edit users on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • User created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. To edit the user, click the row:

    Click user row
  4. On Users tab, select Edit from the Edit dropdown menu:

    Edit user
  5. In the EditUser window, edit parameters including, and then click the EditUser button:

    Edit user window
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the user was updated successfully.

    User edit notification

Additional Resources

4.3. Deleting users on dashboard

The dashboard allows you to delete users on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • User created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the upper right side of the Dashboard, click the gear icon and select User management:

    Click User management
  3. To delete the user, click the row:

    Click user row
  4. On Users tab, select Delete from the Edit dropdown menu:

    Delete user
  5. In the Delete User dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete user to save the settings:

    Delete user window

Additional Resources

Chapter 5. Monitoring the cluster

The monitoring functions of the dashboard provide different web pages which update regularly to indicate various aspects of the storage cluster. You can monitor the overall state of the cluster using the landing page, or you can monitor specific functions of the cluster, like the state of block device images.

Additional Resources

5.1. Accessing the landing page

After you log in to the dashboard, the landing page loads.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard:

    Log in prompt
  2. After you log in to the dashboard, the landing page loads:

    Landing page
  3. To return to the landing page after viewing other dashboard pages, click Dashboard towards the top left corner of the page:

    Dashboard link

Additional Resources

5.2. Understanding the landing page

The landing page displays an overview of the entire Ceph cluster using individual panels. Each panel displays specific information about the state of the cluster.


The landing page orgnanizes panels into the following three categories:

  1. Status
  2. Capacity
  3. Performance
Ceph Dashboard landing page

Status panels

The status panels display the health of the cluster and host and daemon states.

Status panels

Cluster Status: Displays the current health status of the Ceph cluster.

Hosts: Displays the total number of hosts in the Ceph storage cluster.

Monitors: Displays the number of Ceph Monitors and the quorum status.

OSDs: Displays the total number of OSDs in the Ceph Storage cluster and the number that are up, and in.

Managers: Displays the number and status of the Manager Daemons.

Object Gateways: Displays the number of Object Gateways in the Ceph storage cluster.

Metadata Servers: Displays the number and status of metadata servers for Ceph Filesystems.

iSCSI Gateways: Displays the number of iSCSI Gateways in the Ceph storage cluster.

Capacity panels

The capacity panels display storage usage metrics.

Capacity panels

Raw Capacity: Displays the utilization and availability of the raw storage capacity of the cluster.

Objects: Displays the total number of Objects in the pools and a graph dividing objects into states of Healthy, Misplaced, Degraded, or Unfound.

PG Status: Displays the total number of Placement Groups and a graph dividing PGs into states of Clean, Working, Warning, or Unknown. To simplify display of PG states Working and Warning actually each encompass multiple states.

The Working state includes PGs with any of these states:

  • activating
  • backfill_wait
  • backfilling
  • creating
  • deep
  • degraded
  • forced_backfill
  • forced_recovery
  • peering
  • peered
  • recovering
  • recovery_wait
  • repair
  • scrubbing
  • snaptrim
  • snaptrim_wait

The Warning state includes PGs with any of these states:

  • backfill_toofull
  • backfill_unfound
  • down
  • incomplete
  • inconsistent
  • recovery_toofull
  • recovery_unfound
  • remapped
  • snaptrim_error
  • stale
  • undersized

Pools: Displays the number of storage pools in the Ceph cluster.

PGs per OSD: Displays the number of Placement Groups per OSD.

Performance panels

The performance panels display information related to data transfer speeds.

Cluster Performance Panels

Client Read/Write: Displays total input/output opreations per second, reads per second, and writes per second.

Client Throughput: Displays total client throughput, read throughput, and write throughput.

Recovery Throughput: Displays the Client recovery rate.

Scrubbing: Displays whether Ceph is scrubbing data to verify its integrity.

Additional Resources

Chapter 6. Monitoring specific functions

As a storage administrator, you can use Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor specific aspects of the cluster based on type of host, services, data access method, and more.

6.1. Monitoring monitors

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view various details about Monitor nodes.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster and then click Monitors.
  3. The Monitors overview page displays information about the overall monitor status as well as tables of in Quorum and Not in quorum Monitor nodes:

    Monitors overview
  4. To see the number of open sessions, hover the cursor over the blue dotted trail:

    Open sessions
  5. To see performance counters for any monitor, click its host name:

    Click Monitor host name
  6. View the performance counters:

    Monitor performance counters

Additional Resources

6.2. Monitoring Hosts

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view various details about hosts.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster and then click Hosts.
  3. To view the list of hosts, click the Hosts List tab:

    Hosts List
  4. To view the Performance Details of a host, in the Host tab, click its row and select the time range from the Grafana Time Picker drop-down menu:

    Host Performance Details
  5. To view the performance counters for a specific service on a host, click the service:

    Click Host service
  6. View the performance counters:

    Host performance counters
  7. To view performance data for all the hosts:

    1. Click the Overall Performance tab towards the top left of the page:

      Click host overall performance
    2. Select the time range from the Grafana Time Picker drop-down:

      Host Performance Grafana drop-down
    3. View the Overall Performance page:

      Host Overall Performance

Additional Resources

6.3. Monitoring OSDs

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view various details about OSDs.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster and then click OSDs.
  3. To view the list of OSDs, click the OSDs List tab:

    OSDs List
  4. To view the attributes of an OSD, on the OSDS List tab, click its row:

    OSD Attributes
  5. To view the metadata of the OSD, in the OSDs tab, click its row and click the Metadata tab:

    OSD Metadata
  6. To view the performance counter of the OSD, in the OSDs tab, click its row and click the Performance counter tab:

    OSD Performance Counter
  7. To view the histogram of the OSD, in the OSDs tab, click its row and click the Histogram tab:

    OSD Histogram
  8. To view the performance details of the OSD:

    1. In the OSDs tab, click its row, click the Performance Details tab:

      Click OSD Performance details
    2. Select the time range from the Grafana Time Picker drop-down menu:

      OSD Performance Grafana drop-down
    3. View the performance details of the OSD:

      View OSD Performance details
  9. To view the overall performance of all the OSDs:

    1. Click the Overall Performance tab towards the top left of the page:

      Click OSDs overall performance
    2. Select the time range from the Grafana Time Picker drop-down:

      OSDs Performance Grafana drop-down
  10. View the Overall Performance page:

    OSDs Overall Performance

Additional Resources

6.4. Monitoring pools

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view various details about pools in the cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Pools:

    Pools menu selection
  3. View the pools list:

    Pools list
  4. Mouse over a usage bar graph to view the actual used and free space:

    Pool usage details
  5. To view more information about a pool, select it by clicking on its row:

    Click a pool row
  6. View the details of the pool. To view performance details and configuration data for the pool, click on the associated tabs.

    Pool details
  7. To view performance data for all the pools, click the Overall Performance tab towards the top left of the page:

    Click overall performance
  8. View the Overall Performance page:

    Overall Performance page

Additional Resources

6.5. Monitoring Ceph File Systems

As a storage administrator, you can use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor Ceph File Systems (CephFS) and related components.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed
  • Ceph File System is installed.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Filesystems.

    Click Filesystems
  3. In the example below, you can see the cephfs file system.

    View filesystems
  4. To view details for the file system, click the row for cephfs.

    Click cephfs
  5. On the Details tab, you can see metadata servers and their rank plus any standby daemons, at 1, pools and their usage, at 2, and performance counters at 3.

    CephFS details tab
  6. To view the list of clients which have mounted the file system, click the Clients tab.

    Click Clients
  7. In the example below, you can see the jb-ceph4-client host has the cephfs file system opened.

    Clients table
  8. To view the performance of the file system, click the Performance Details tab.

    Click Performance Details
  9. In the example below, you can see the read and write operations, at 1, client requests, at 2, and you can change the time range at 3.

    Performance Details

Additional Resources

6.6. Monitoring overall performance of images

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to monitor the overall performance of the images in Blocks.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Rados Block Device (RBD) pool is created.
  • Image is created.
  • Manager module Prometheus exporter is enabled for the pool.

    Figure 6.1. Example

    Enable Prometheus module


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. Select the Overall Performance tab:

    Overall performance tab
  5. Select the time range from the Grafana Time Picker drop-down:

    Images Performance Grafana drop-down
  6. View the Overall Performance page:

    Images Overall Performance

Chapter 7. Managing the Cluster

7.1. Managing the Cluster

The management functions of the dashboard allow you to view and modify configuration settings, and manage cluster resources.

7.2. Viewing the CRUSH map

The CRUSH map contains a list of OSDs and related information. Together, the CRUSH map and CRUSH algorithm determine how and where data is stored. The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard allows you to view different aspects of the CRUSH map, including OSD hosts, OSD daemons, ID numbers, device class, and more.

The CRUSH map allows you to determine which node a specific OSD ID is running on. This is helpful if there is an issue with an OSD.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  3. Click CRUSH map.

    CRUSH Map initial view

    In the above example, you can see the default CRUSH map, three nodes, and OSDs running on two of the three nodes.

  4. Click on the CRUSH map name, nodes, or OSDs, to view details about each object.

    CRUSH Map detail view

    In the above example, you can see the values of variables related to an OSD running on the jb-rhel-osd3 node. In particular, note the id is 2.

Additional Resources

7.3. Configuring manager modules

The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard allows you to view and configure manager module parameters.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  3. Click Manager modules:

    Manager modules initial view

    The above screenshot shows the first of three pages of manager modules.

  4. Click on a row for a module you want to configure:

    Manage modules edit button

    Not all modules have configurable parameters. If a module is not configurable, the Edit button is disabled.

  5. Towards the upper left of the page, click the Edit button to load the page with the configurable parameters.

    Manager module balancer parameters

    The above screenshot shows parameters that you can change for the balancer module. To display a description of a parameter, click the question mark button.

  6. To change a parameter, modify the state of the parameter and click the Update button at the bottom of the page:

    Manager module update button

    A notification confirming the change appears in the upper-right corner of the page:

    Manager module updated options notification

Additional Resources

7.4. Filtering logs

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and filter logs based on several criteria. The criteria include priority, keyword, date, and time range.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • The Dashboard is installed.
  • Log entries have been generated since the Monitor was last started.

The Dashboard logging feature only displays the thirty latest high level events. The events are stored in memory by the Monitor. The entries disappear after restarting the Monitor. If you need to review detailed or older logs, refer to the file based logs. See Additional Resources below for more information about file based logs.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Cluster drop-down menu in the top navigation bar.
  3. Click Logs in the drop-down menu.
  4. View the last thirty unfiltered log entries.

    Unfiltered cluster logs.
    1. To filter by priority, click the Priority drop-down menu and select either Info, Warning, or Error. The example below only shows log entries with the priority of Error.

      Filter by priority.
    2. To filter by keyword, enter text into the Keyword form. The example below only shows log entries that include the text osd.2.

      Filter by keyword.
    3. To filter by date, click the Date form and either use the date picker to select a date from the menu, or enter a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. The example below only shows log entries with the date of 2019-10-15.

      Filter by date.
    4. To filter by time, enter a range in the Time range fields using the HH:MM - HH:MM format. Hours must be entered using numbers 0 to 23. The example below only shows log entries from 12:14 to 12:23.

      Filter by time range.
    5. To combine filters, set two or more filters. The example below only shows entries that have both a Priority of Warning and the keyword of osd.

      Combine filters.

Additional Resources

7.5. Configuring OSD recovery settings

As a storage administrator, you can change the OSD recovery priority and customize how the cluster recovers. This allows you to influence your cluster’s rebuild performance or recovery speed.


  • A Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • The dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. Click the Cluster drop-down menu in the top navigation bar.
  3. Click OSDs in the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Cluster-Wide Flags drop-down menu.

    Click the Cluster-Wide Flags drop-down.
  5. Select Cluster-wide Recovery Priority in the drop-down.

    Select Cluster-wide Recovery Priority.
  6. Optional: Select Priority in the drop-down menu , and then click the Submit button.


    There are 3 predefined options: Low, Default, High

    Default priority values
  7. Optional: Click Customize priority values, make the required changes, and then click the Submit button.

    Customize priority values
  8. A notification towards the top right corner of the page pops up indicating the flags were updated successfully.

    OSD recovery speed priority updated notification

Additional Resources

7.6. Viewing and monitoring configuration

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view the list of all configuration options for the Ceph cluster. You can also edit the configuration on the Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster and then click Configuration.
  3. To view the details of the configuration, click its row:

    Configuration details
    • You can search for the configuration using the Search box:

      Search Configuration
    • You can filter for the configuration using Level, Service or Source drop-down:

      Filter Configuration
  4. To edit a configuration, click its row and click the Edit button:

    Edit Configuration
    1. In the dialog window, edit the required parameters and Click the Save button:

      Edit Configuration window

      A notification confirming the change appears in the upper-right corner of the page.

      Edit Configuration notification

Additional Resources

7.7. Managing the Prometheus environment

To monitor a Ceph storage cluster with Prometheus you can configure and enable the Prometheus exporter so the metadata information about the Ceph storage cluster can be collected.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage 3.1 or higher cluster.
  • Installation of the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard node.


  1. Open and edit the /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml file.

    1. Under the global section, set the scrape_interval and evaluation_interval options to 15 seconds.


        scrape_interval:     15s
        evaluation_interval: 15s

    2. Under the scrape_configs section, add the honor_labels: true option, and edit the targets, and instance options for each of the ceph-mgr nodes.


        - job_name: 'node'
          honor_labels: true
          - targets: [ '' ]
              instance: ""
          - targets: ['']
              instance: ""


      Using the honor_labels option enables Ceph to output properly-labelled data relating to any node in the Ceph storage cluster. This allows Ceph to export the proper instance label without Prometheus overwriting it.

    3. To add a new node, simply add the targets, and instance options in the following format:


      - targets: [ '' ]
          instance: "new-node"


      The instance label has to match what appears in Ceph’s OSD metadata instance field, which is the short host name of the node. This helps to correlate Ceph stats with the node’s stats.

  2. Add Ceph targets to the /etc/prometheus/ceph_targets.yml file in the following format.


            "targets": [ "" ],
            "labels": {}

  3. Enable the Prometheus module:

    [root@mon ~]# ceph mgr module enable prometheus

7.8. Restoring grafana-server and Prometheus

The grafana-server includes the Grafana UI, Prometheus, the containers, and the Red Hat Ceph Storage configuration. When the grafana-server crashes or is faulty, you can restore it by taking a back-up of the files and restoring it using the backed-up files. For Prometheus, you can take an external back-up and then restore the data.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to the Grafana nodes.


  1. Take the back-up of the Grafana database:

    1. On the grafana-server node, stop the Grafana service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl stop grafana-server.service
      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl status grafana-server.service

    2. Take the back-up of the Grafana database:


      [root@node04 ~]# cp /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db /var/lib/grafana/grafana_backup.db

    3. On the grafana-server node, restart the Grafana service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl restart grafana-server.service

  2. Restore the grafana-server:

    1. On the grafana-server node, if the Grafana service is running, stop the service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl stop grafana-server.service
      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl status grafana-server.service

    2. Move the backed-up grafana.db file to /var/lib/grafana/ directory:


      [root@node04 ~]# mv /var/lib/grafana/grafana_backup.db /var/lib/grafana/

    3. On the grafana-server node, restart the Grafana service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl restart grafana-server.service

  3. For the Prometheus alerts, you have to take external back-up of prometheus_data_dir directory, a Ceph-Ansible setting which by default is var/lib/prometheus directory and restore the service using the backed-up directory.

    1. On the grafana-server node, stop the Prometheus service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl stop prometheus.service
      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl status prometheus.service

    2. Take the back-up of the default Prometheus directory:


      [root@node04 ~]# cp /var/lib/prometheus/ /var/lib/prometheus_backup/

    3. Replace the prometheus_data_dir directory with the backed-up directory:


      [root@node04 ~]# mv /var/lib/prometheus_backup/ /var/lib/prometheus_data_dir

    4. On the grafana-server node, restart the prometheus service:


      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl restart prometheus.service
      [root@node04 ~]# systemctl status prometheus.service


      If you have made changes to the Prometheus parameters in group_vars/all.yml file, then you have to rerun the playbook.

  4. Optional: If the changes do not reflect on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard, then you have to disable and then enable the dashboard:


    [root@node04 ~]# ceph mgr module disable dashboard
    [root@node04 ~]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard

7.9. Viewing and managing alerts

As a storage administrator, you can see the details of alerts and create silences for them on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. This includes the following pre-defined alerts:

  • OSD(s) Down
  • Ceph Health Error
  • Ceph Health Warning
  • Cluster Capacity Low
  • Disk(s) Near Full
  • MON(s) Down
  • Network Errors
  • OSD Host Loss Check
  • OSD Host(s) Down
  • OSD(s) with High PG Count
  • PG(s) Stuck
  • Pool Capacity Low
  • Slow OSD Responses

7.9.1. Viewing alerts

After an alert has fired, you can view it on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. You can also enable the dashboard to send an email about the alert.


Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) and SSL is not supported in Red Hat Ceph Storage 4 cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Customize the alerts module on the dashboard to get an email alert for the storage cluster:

    1. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
    2. Select Manager modules.
    3. Select alerts module.
    4. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
    5. In the Edit Manager module, update the required parameters and click Update.

      Figure 7.1. Edit Manager module for alerts

      Edit Manager module for alerts
  3. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  4. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  5. To view details about the alert, click on its row:

    Figure 7.2. Alert Details

    Alert Details
  6. To view the source of an alert, click on its row, and then click Source.

7.9.2. Creating a silence

You can create a silence for an alert for a specified amount of time on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the row for the alert and then click +Create Silence.
  5. In the CreateSilence window, Add the details for the Duration and click Create Silence.

    Figure 7.3. Create Silence

    Create Silence
  6. You get a notification that the silence was created successfully.

7.9.3. Re-creating a silence

You can re-create a silence from an expired silence on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Silences tab.
  4. Click on the row for the expired silence.
  5. Click the Recreate button.
  6. In the RecreateSilence window, add the details and click RecreateSilence.

    Figure 7.4. Recreate silence

    Re-create Silence
  7. You get a notification that the silence was recreated successfully.

7.9.4. Editing a silence

You can edit an active silence, for example, to extend the time it is active on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. If the silence has expired, you can either recreate a silence or create a new silence for the alert.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Silences tab.
  5. Click on the row for the silence.
  6. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  7. In the EditSilence window, update the details and click Edit Silence.

    Figure 7.5. Edit silence

    Edit Silence
  8. You get a notification that the silence was updated successfully.

7.9.5. Expiring a silence

You can expire a silence so any matched alerts will not be suppressed on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Silences tab.
  5. Click on the row for the silence.
  6. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Expire.
  7. In the Expire Silence dialog box, select Yes, I am sure, and then click Expire Silence.

    Figure 7.6. Expire Silence

    Expire Silence
  8. You get a notification that the silence was expired successfully.

7.9.6. Additional Resources

7.10. Managing pools

As a storage administrator, you can create, delete, and edit pools.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed

7.10.1. Creating pools

You can create pools to logically partition your storage objects.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Pools.

    Click pools
  3. Click the Create button towards the top left corner of the page.

    Click create
  4. In the dialog window, set the name.

    Set name
  5. Select either replicated or Erasure Coded (EC) pool type.

    Select pool type
  6. Set the Placement Group (PG) number.

    Set PG number

    For assistance in choosing the PG number, use the PG calculator. Contact Red Hat Technical Support if unsure.

  7. Optional: If using a replicated pool type, set the replicated size.

    Replicated size
  8. Optional: If using an EC pool type configure the following additional settings.

    1. Optional: To see the settings for the currently selected EC profile, click the question mark.

      EC profile setttings
      1. A table of the settings for the selected EC profile is shown.

        EC profile table
    2. Optional: Add a new EC profile by clicking the plus symbol.

      Click the plus symbol
      1. Set the name of the new EC profile, at 1, click any question mark symbol for info about that setting, at 2, and after modifying all required settings, click Create EC Profile, at 3.

        EC profile dialog
      2. Select the new EC profile.

        Select new EC profile
    3. Optional: If EC overwrites are required, click its button.

      EC overwites
  9. Optional: Click the pencil symbol to select an application for the pool.

    Select appliation type
  10. Optional: If compression is required, select passive, aggressive, or force.

    Compression selection
  11. Click the Create Pool button.

    Click Create Pool
  12. Notifications towards the top right corner of the page indicate the pool was created successfully.

    Pool created notification

Additional Resources

7.10.2. Editing pools

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows editing of pools.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool is created.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Pools.

    Click Pools menu
  3. To edit the pool, click its row:

    Click pool
  4. Select Edit In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Edit
  5. In the dialog window, edit the required parameters and click the EditPool button:

    Edit pool window
  6. A notifications towards the top right corner of the page indicates the pool was updated successfully.

    Pool edit notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph pools in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture Guide for more information.
  • See the Pool values in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for more information on Compression Modes.

7.10.3. Deleting pools

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows deletion of pools.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool is created.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. Ensure the values of mon_allow_pool_delete is set to true:

    1. On the navigation bar, click Cluster and then click Configuration.
    2. In the Level drop-down menu, select Advanced:

      Click Levels drop-down
    3. Search for mon_allow_pool_delete and set the values to true

      Edit Configuration
  3. On the navigation bar, click Pools:

    Click Pools menu
  4. To delete the pool, click on its row:

    Click pool
  5. Select Delete in the Edit drop-down:

    Click Delete
  6. In the Delete Pool dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete Pool to save the settings:

    Delete pool window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the pool was deleted successfully.

    Pool delete notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph pools in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture Guide for more information.
  • See the Monitoring Configuration in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more inforamtion.
  • See the Pool values in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for more information on Compression Modes.

Chapter 8. Object gateway

As a storage administrator, the object gateway functions of the dashboard allow you to manage and monitor the Ceph Object Gateway.

For example, monitoring functions allow you to view details about a gateway daemon such as its zone name, or performance graphs of GET and PUT rates. Management functions allow you to view, create, and edit both users and buckets.

Object gateway functions are divided between daemon functions, user functions, and bucket functions.

8.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Ceph Object Gateway is installed.

8.2. Object gateway daemon functions

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and monitor information about Ceph Object Gateway daemons.

8.2.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.

8.2.2. Viewing object gateway daemons

The dashboard allows you to view a list of all Ceph Object Gateway daemons.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Daemons.

    Click Daemons
  4. In the example below, you can see a daemon with the ID jb-ceph4-rgw.rgw0 in the Daemons List.

    daemon in list
  5. To view details, select the daemon by clicking the row for jb-ceph4-rgw.rgw0:

    daemon details

    You can see the zone name the daemon is serving is default.

Additional Resources

8.3. Object gateway user functions

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and manage Ceph Object Gateway users.

8.3.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.

8.3.2. Viewing object gateway users

The dashboard allows you to view a list of all Ceph Object Gateway users.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Users.

    Click Users
  4. In the example below, you can see a user named rgw-user in the table.

    User in list
  5. To view details, select the user by clicking the row for rgw-user:

    User details

Additional Resources

8.3.3. Creating object gateway users

The dashboard allows you to create Ceph Object Gateway users.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Users.

    Click Users
  4. Click Create.

    User in list
  5. Set the user name, full name, and edit the maximum number of buckets if required.

    Create User dialog basic settings
  6. Optional: Set an email address or suspended status.

    Set email address or suspended status
  7. Optional: Set a custom access key and secret key by unchecking Auto-generate key.

    1. Uncheck Auto-generate key:

      Uncheck Aut-generate key
    2. Set the access key and secret key:

      Set a custom access key and secret key
  8. Optional: Set a user quota.

    1. Check Enabled under User quota:

      Check enabled
    2. Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimited objects:

      Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimted objects
    3. Enter the required values for Max. size or Max. objects:

      Enter values for Max. size and Max. objects
  9. Optional: Set a bucket quota.

    1. Check Enabled under Bucket quota:

      Check enabled
    2. Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimited objects:

      Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimted objects
    3. Enter the required values for Max. size or Max. objects:

      Enter values for Max. size and Max. objects
  10. Finalize the user creation by clicking Create User.

    Click Create User
  11. Verify the user creation was successful. A notification confirms the user was created and the user can be seen in the table of users.

    Verify the user was created

Additional Resources

8.3.4. Editing object gateway users

The dashboard allows you to edit Ceph Object Gateway users.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway user created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway:

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Users:

    Click Users
  4. To edit the user capabilities, click its row:

    Click user row
  5. Select Edit In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Edit
  6. In the EditUser window, edit the required parameters and click the EditUser button:

    Edit User window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the user was updated successfully.

    User edit notification

8.3.5. Deleting object gateway users

The dashboard allows you to delete Ceph Object Gateway users.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway user created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway:

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Users:

    Click Users
  4. To delete the user, click its row:

    Click user row
  5. Select Delete In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Delete
  6. In the Delete User dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete User to save the settings:

    Delete User window

8.3.6. Creating object gateway subusers

A subuser is associated with a user of the S3 interface. The dashboard allows you to create Ceph Object Gateway subusers.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway user is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Users from the drop-down menu.

    Click Users
  4. In the example below, you can see a user named ceph-dashboard in the table. Select the user by clicking its row.

    Select user
  5. Click Edit drop-down menu, and then select Edit.

    Edit drop-down
  6. Click the +CreateSubuser button.

    Create Subuser
  7. Enter a Subuser name and select the appropriate permissions.

    Set Subuser username
  8. Click the Auto-generate secret box and then click the Create Subuser button.

    Create Subuser dialog window

    By clicking Auto-generate-secret checkbox, the secret key for object gateway is generated automatically.

  9. Click the Edit user button in the Edit User window.

    Edit User in Window
  10. Verify the subuser creation was successful. A notification towards the top right corner of the page pops up indicating that the Object Gateway user was updated successfully.

    Object Gateway user update notification

Additional Resources

8.4. Object gateway bucket functions

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and manage Ceph Object Gateway buckets.

8.4.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.

8.4.2. Viewing object gateway buckets

The dashboard allows you to view and manage Ceph Object Gateway buckets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • An object gateway bucket is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Buckets.

    Click Buckets
  4. In the example below, you can see a bucket named my-bucket in the table.

    Bucket in list
  5. To view details, select the bucket by clicking the row for my-bucket.

    Bucket details

Additional Resources

8.4.3. Creating object gateway buckets

The dashboard allows you to create Ceph Object Gateway buckets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • An object gateway user that is not suspended is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Buckets.

    Click Buckets
  4. Click Create.

    Click Create
  5. Enter a value for Name and select a user that is not suspended.

    Set the name and user
  6. Click Create bucket.

    Click Create Bucket
  7. Verify the bucket creation was successful. A notification confirms the bucket was created and the bucket can be seen in the table of buckets.

    Verify the bucket was created

Additional Resources

8.4.4. Editing object gateway buckets

The dashboard allows you to edit Ceph Object Gateway buckets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway user that is not suspended is created.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway bucket created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway:

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Buckets:

    Click Buckets
  4. To edit the bucket, click its row:

    Click bucket row
  5. Select Edit In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Edit
  6. In the EditBucket window, edit the required parameters and click the EditBucket button:

    Edit Bucket window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the bucket was updated successfully.

    Bucket edit notification

Additional Resources

8.4.5. Deleting object gateway buckets

The dashboard allows you to delete Ceph Object Gateway buckets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway user that is not suspended is created.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway bucket created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway:

    Click Object Gateway
  3. Click Buckets:

    Click Buckets
  4. To delete the bucket, click its row:

    Click bucket row
  5. Select Delete In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Delete
  6. In the Delete Bucket dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete bucket to save the settings:

    Delete Bucket window

8.5. Manually adding object gateway login credentials to the dashboard

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard can manage the Ceph Object Gateway, also known as the RADOS Gateway, or RGW. To manage the Ceph Object Gateway, the dashboard must connect to it using login credentials of an RGW user with the system flag. When the Object Gateway is installed using ceph-ansible, it automatically adds the login credentials to the dashboard. It is also possible to set the login credentials manually.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  1. Obtain the access_key and secret_key of an RGW user with the system flag enabled:

    • If you do not have an RGW user with the system flag enabled, create one.

      radosgw-admin user create --uid=USER_ID --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME --system


      [root@mon ~]# radosgw-admin user create --uid=rgw-user --display-name=RGW-user --system
          "user_id": "rgw-user",
          "display_name": "RGW-user",
          "email": "",
          "suspended": 0,
          "max_buckets": 1000,
          "subusers": [],
          "keys": [
                  "user": "rgw-user",
                  "access_key": "BYC5SWQQH24A2BFHS2RC",
                  "secret_key": "159d94uHK9ADiWZrGsNYWYjRXCDrhL2xVi8PO6kT"
          "swift_keys": [],
          "caps": [],
          "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
          "system": "true",
          "default_placement": "",
          "default_storage_class": "",
          "placement_tags": [],
          "bucket_quota": {
              "enabled": false,
              "check_on_raw": false,
              "max_size": -1,
              "max_size_kb": 0,
              "max_objects": -1
          "user_quota": {
              "enabled": false,
              "check_on_raw": false,
              "max_size": -1,
              "max_size_kb": 0,
              "max_objects": -1
          "temp_url_keys": [],
          "type": "rgw",
          "mfa_ids": []

      Take note of the values for access_key and secret_key. In the example above, access_key is BYC5SWQQH24A2BFHS2RC and secret_key is 159d94uHK9ADiWZrGsNYWYjRXCDrhL2xVi8PO6kT.

    • If an RGW user with the system flag enabled is already created, obtain the credentials using the user info command of the radosgw-admin utility.

      radosgw-admin user info --uid=USER_ID


      [root@mon ~]# radosgw-admin user info --uid=rgw-user
          "user_id": "rgw-user",
          "display_name": "RGW-user",
          "email": "",
          "suspended": 0,
          "max_buckets": 1000,
          "subusers": [],
          "keys": [
                  "user": "rgw-user",
                  "access_key": "BYC5SWQQH24A2BFHS2RC",
                  "secret_key": "159d94uHK9ADiWZrGsNYWYjRXCDrhL2xVi8PO6kT"
          "swift_keys": [],
          "caps": [],
          "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
          "system": "true",
          "default_placement": "",
          "default_storage_class": "",
          "placement_tags": [],
          "bucket_quota": {
              "enabled": false,
              "check_on_raw": false,
              "max_size": -1,
              "max_size_kb": 0,
              "max_objects": -1
          "user_quota": {
              "enabled": false,
              "check_on_raw": false,
              "max_size": -1,
              "max_size_kb": 0,
              "max_objects": -1
          "temp_url_keys": [],
          "type": "rgw",
          "mfa_ids": []

      Take note of the values for access_key and secret_key. In the example above, access_key is BYC5SWQQH24A2BFHS2RC and secret_key is 159d94uHK9ADiWZrGsNYWYjRXCDrhL2xVi8PO6kT.

  2. Provide the access_key and secret_key credentials to the dashboard:

    1. Provide the access_key to the dashboard.

      ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key ACCESS_KEY


      [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key BYC5SWQQH24A2BFHS2RC
      Option RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY updated
    2. Provide the secret_key to the dashboard.

      ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key SECRET_KEY


      [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key 159d94uHK9ADiWZrGsNYWYjRXCDrhL2xVi8PO6kT
      Option RGW_API_SECRET_KEY updated
  3. Provide the host name and port of the object gateway to the dashboard:

    1. Provide the host name to the dashboard.

      ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host HOST_NAME


      [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host
      Option RGW_API_HOST updated
    2. Provide the port to the dashboard.

      ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port PORT


      [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port 8080
      Option RGW_API_PORT updated
  4. Optional: If you are using HTTPS with a self-signed certificate, disable certificate verification in the dashboard to avoid refused connections.

    Refused connections can happen when the certificate is signed by an unknown Certificate Authority, or if the host name used does not match the host name in the certificate.

    ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify false


    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify false
    Option RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY updated

Additional Resources

Chapter 9. Block devices

9.1. Block devices introduction

The block device functions of the dashboard allow you to manage and monitor block device images. The functionality is divided between generic image functions, mirroring functions, iSCSI functions, and Quality of Service configuration. For example, you can create new images, view the state of images mirrored across clusters, manage or monitor iSCSI targets, and set IOPS limits on an image.

9.2. Images functions

The dashboard provides several functions related to managing and monitoring images.

9.2.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.

9.2.2. Creating images

The dashboard allows you to create images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click the Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. In the Images tab, Click the Create button:

    Create image
  5. In the CreateRBD window, enter the parameters:

    Create image window
  6. Optional: Click Advanced and set the parameters:

    Create image Advanced settings
    Create image Advanced settings parameters
  7. Click the CreateRBD button:

    Click Create RBD
  8. Notifications towards the top right corner of the page indicate the image was created successfully.

    Image create notification

Additional Resources

9.2.3. Viewing images

The dashboard allows you to view images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An image is in the cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click Images:

    Images view

    In the above example, you can see a 10 GiB image named disk_1.

  4. To view details, select the image by clicking the row for disk_1:

    Images view details

Additional Resources

9.2.4. Editing images

The dashboard allows you to edit images


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To edit the image, in the Images tab, click its row:

    Click Image row
  5. Select Edit In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Edit
  6. In the EditRBD dialog, edit the required parameters and click the EditRBD button:

    Edit Image dialog
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the image was updated successfully.

    Image edit notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Creating Images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more information.

9.2.5. Copying images

The dashboard allows you to copy images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To copy the image, in the Images tab, click its row:

    Click Image row
  5. Select Copy In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Copy
  6. In the CopyRBD window, edit the required parameters and click the CopyRBD button:

    Copy Image window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the image was updated successfully.

    Copy image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Creating Images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more information.

9.2.6. Moving images to trash

The dashboard allows you to move images to trash.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To move the image to Trash, in the Images tab, click its row:

    Click Image row
  5. Select Move to Trash In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Move to Trash
  6. In the Moving an image to trash window, edit the date till which the image needs protection, and then click the Move Image button:

    Move image to Trash window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the image was moved to trash successfully.

    Move image to trash notification

9.2.7. Purging trash

The dashboard allows you to purge trash of images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is trashed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. In the Trash tab, click the Purge Trash button:

    Click Purge Trash
  5. In the Purge Trash window, select the pool, and then click the Purge Trash button:

    Purge Trash window
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the images were purged from the selected pools successfully.

    Purge from trash notification

Additional resources

9.2.8. Restoring images from trash

The dashboard allows you to restore images from trash.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is trashed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To restore the image from Trash, in the Trash tab, click its row:

    Click Image row in Trash tab
  5. Select Restore in the Restore drop-down:

    Click Restore
  6. In the Restore Image window, enter the name of the image , and then click the Restore Image button:

    Restore from Trash window
  7. Notification towards the top right corner of the page indicate the image was restored from trash successfully.

    Restore from trash notification

Additional resources

  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating images in an RBD pool.

9.2.9. Deleting images

The dashboard allows you to delete images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To edit the image, in the Images tab, click its row:

    Click Image row
  5. Select Delete In the Edit drop-down:

    Click Delete
  6. In the Delete RBD dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete RBD to save the settings:

    Delete image window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the image was moved to trash successfully.

    Delete image notification

9.2.10. Creating snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to take snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To take the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Create in the Create drop-down:

    Create snapshot of the image
  6. In the CreateRBD Snapshot dialog, enter the parameters and click the CreateRBD Snapshot button:

    Create snapshot of the image dialog
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was created successfully.

    Creation of snapshot of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Creating a block device snapshot section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide] for more information on creating snapshots.
  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating RBD pools.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details.

9.2.11. Renaming snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to rename snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To rename the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Rename in the the Rename drop-down:

    Rename snapshot of the image
  6. In the RenameRBD Snapshot dialog, enter the parameters and click the RenameRBD Snapshot button:

    Rename snapshot of the image dialog
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was updated successfully.

    Snapshot update of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Renaming a block device snapshot section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide] for more information.
  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating RBD pools.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating images in an RBD pool.

9.2.12. Protecting snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to protect snapshots of Ceph block device images. This is required when you need to clone the snapshots.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To protect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Protect in the the Rename drop-down:

    Protect snapshot of the image
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was updated successfully.

    Snapshot update of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Protecting a block device snapshot section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide] for more information.
  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating RBD pools.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating images in an RBD pool.

9.2.13. Cloning snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to clone snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is protected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To clone the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Clone in the the Rename drop-down:

    Rename snapshot of the image
  6. In the CloneRBD dialog, enter the parameters and click the CloneRBD button:

    Clone snapshot of the image dialog
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was cloned successfully.

    Clone of snapshot of the image notification

Additional Resources

9.2.14. Copying snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to copy snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To copy the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Copy in the the Rename drop-down:

    Copy snapshot of the image
  6. In the CopyRBD dialog, enter the parameters and click the CopyRBD button:

    Rename snapshot of the image dialog
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was updated successfully.

    Copy Snapshot of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating RBD pools.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating images in an RBD pool.

9.2.15. Rolling back snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to rollback snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To rollback the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Rollback in the the Rename drop-down:

    Rollback snapshot of the image
  6. In the RBD snapshot rollback window, click the Rollback button:

    Rollback snapshot of the image window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was rolled back successfully.

    Rollback Snapshot of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Rolling a block device snapshot section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide] for more information.
  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details.

9.2.16. Unprotecting snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to unprotect snapshots of Ceph block device images. This is required when you need to delete the snapshots.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is protected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To unprotect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select UnProtect in the the Rename drop-down:

    Unprotect snapshot of the image
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was updated successfully.

    Snapshot update of the image notification

Additional Resources

  • See the Unprotecting a block device snapshot section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide for more information.
  • See the Creating pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating RBD pools.
  • See the Creating images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details on creating images in an RBD pool.
  • See the Protecting snapshots of Images section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details.

9.2.17. Deleting snapshots of images

The dashboard allows you to delete snapshots of Ceph block device images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is unprotected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Select Images from the drop-down:

    Select Images from drop-down
  4. To delete the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab:

    Click Snapshots tab
  5. Select Delete in the the Rename drop-down:

    Delete snapshot of the image
  6. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the snapshot of the image was updated successfully.

    Snapshot deletion of the image notification

Additional Resources

9.3. Mirroring functions

The dashboard allows you to manage and monitor mirroring functions.

9.3.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.

9.3.2. Mirroring view

The dashboard allows you to view the overall state of mirroring functions.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Mirroring is configured.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click Mirroring:

    Images view

    In the above example, you can see mirroring information categorized into tables labeled Daemons, Pools, and Images.

Additional Resources

9.3.3. Editing mode

The dashboard allows you to edit mode of the overall state of mirroring functions, which includes pools and images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Click Mirroring from the drop-down:

    Click Mirroring
  4. In the Pools tab, click the row:

    Click row
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Edit Mode:

    Click Edit Mode
  6. In the Edit Pool mirror mode window, select the mode from the drop-down, and then click the Update button:

    Edit Mode Window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the mirror mode was updated successfully.

    Mirror mode edit notification

Additional Resources

9.3.4. Adding peer in mirroring

The dashboard allows you to add storage cluster peer for the`rbd-daemon` mirror to discover its peer storage cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:

    Click Block
  3. Click Mirroring from the drop-down:

    Click Mirroring
  4. In the Pools tab, click the row

    Click row
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Add peer:

    Click Add peer
  6. In the Add pool mirror peer window, enter the parameters, and then click the Submit button:

    Add peer Window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the mirror peer was created successfully.

    Add peer notification

Additional Resources

9.3.5. Editing peer in mirroring

The dashboard allows you to edit storage cluster peer for the`rbd-daemon` mirror to discover its peer storage cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.
  • A peer is added.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.

    Click Block
  3. Click Mirroring from the drop-down:

    Click Mirroring
  4. In the Pools tab, click the row

    Click row
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Edit peer:

    Click Edit peer
  6. In the Edit pool mirror peer window, edit the parameters, and then click the Submit button:

    Edit peer Window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the mirror peer was updated successfully.

    Edit peer notification

Additional Resources

9.3.6. Deleting peer in mirroring

The dashboard allows you to edit storage cluster peer for the`rbd-daemon` mirror to discover its peer storage cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.
  • A peer is added.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.

    Click Block
  3. Click Mirroring from the drop-down:

    Click Mirroring
  4. In the Pools tab, click the row:

    Click row
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Delete peer:

    Click Delete peer
  6. In the Delete mirror peer dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete mirror peer to save the settings:

    Delete image window
  7. A notification towards the top right corner of the page indicates the image was moved to trash successfully.

    Delete peer notification

Additional Resources

9.4. iSCSI functions (Limited Availability)

The dashboard allows you to manage and monitor iSCSI images and targets. Before you can use the dashboard to manage and monitor iSCSI images and targets, you must add gateways to it and enable the dashboard iSCSI feature.


This technology is Limited Availability. See the Deprecated functionality chapter for additional information.

9.4.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.

9.4.2. Manually adding iSCSI gateways to the dashboard

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard can manage iSCSI targets using the REST API provided by the rbd-target-api service of the Ceph iSCSI Gateway. You must add the API address to the dashboard before the dashboard can access it.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI Gateway is installed.

The Ceph iSCSI gateway requires at lest two gateways to provide high availability.


  1. Log in to a Monitor node.
  2. Optional: If the REST API for the iSCSI gateway is configured in HTTPS mode using a self-signed certificate, you must configure the dashboard to avoid SSL certificate verification when accessing the API. Run the following command to disable SSL verification.

    # ceph dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification false


    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification false
  3. Create two files for the gateways:



    [root@mon ~]# echo "http://admin:admin@" > /tmp/first_gateway
    [root@mon ~]# echo "http://admin:admin@" > /tmp/second_gateway

    The USERNAME and PASSWORD were set when you configured the iSCSI target. The credentials can be retrieved from the iscsi-gateway.cfg file on the iSCSI Gateway node.

  4. Add the two gateways to the dashboard:

    # ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add -i FILE_CONTAINING_GATEWAY_URL


    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add -i /tmp/first_gateway
    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add -i /tmp/second_gateway
  5. Verify the gateways were added correctly:

    # ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-list


    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-list
    {"gateways": {"ceph4": {"service_url": "http://admin:admin@"}, "ceph4": {"service_url": "http://admin:admin@"}}}
  6. Optional: If you make a mistake adding a gateway you can remove it by specifying its hostname as mentioned in the command iscsi-gateway-list:

    # ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-rm GATEWAY_NAME


    [root@mon ~]# ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-rm ceph4

Additional Resources

9.4.3. iSCSI overview

The dashboard provides an overview that displays iSCSI gateway hosts and images exported over iSCSI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.
  • The dashboard iSCSI feature is enabled.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click iSCSI:

    iSCSI overview

Additional Resources

9.4.4. Creating iSCSI targets

The dashboard allows you to create iSCSI targets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed with at least two gateways.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.
  • The dashboard iSCSI feature is enabled.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click iSCSI:

    iSCSI overview
  4. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Targets tab:

    iSCSI Targets
  5. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Add button:

    Create target initial view
  6. Optional: Modify the Target IQN.

    Modify Target IQN
  7. Optional: Set advanced settings for the target.

    1. Click the gear to set advanced settings for the target.

      Gear for Advanced Settings for Target IQN
    2. Set advanced settings in the Advanced Settings dialog window.

      Advanced Settings for Target IQN
    3. Click Confirm to save the settings.
  8. Click the Add portal button and select the first of at least two gateways:

    Add portal one
  9. Click the Add portal button and select the second of at least two gateways:

    Add additional gateways

    Repeat this step for any additional gateways.

  10. Click the Add image button and select an image to be exported by the target:

    Add an image

    Repeat this step for any additional images.

  11. Optional: Modify the Images.

    1. Click the gear to the right of the image

      Gear to Configure Images
    2. Modify image settings in the Configure dialog window:

      Configure Image
    3. Click Confirm to save the settings.
  12. Click the ACL authentication box and then click the Add initiator button:

    ACL authentication and Add initiator
  13. Enter the IQN from your client in the first text box:

    Client IQN

    Retrieve the client IQN from the system where the initiator software runs. See Configuring the iSCSI initiator in the Block Device Guide for more information.

  14. Enter a user name and password details for the target:

    Add initiator user name and password
  15. Click Add image and select an image:

    Add an image

    Repeat this step for any additional images.

  16. Finish the procedure by clicking the Create Target button:

    Create Target button
  17. Verify the target was added by looking for it on the Targets page.

    To locate the Targets page, follow the procedure Viewing iSCSI targets in the Dashboard guide.

Additional Resources

9.4.5. Viewing iSCSI targets

The dashboard allows you to view iSCSI targets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed.
  • An iSCSI target is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block and then click iSCSI:

    Click Block and then click iSCSI
  3. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Targets tab:

    Click Targets
  4. To view details about a target, click on its row:

    Click the target row
  5. You can see the iSCSI topology, including whether an initiator is logged in:

    iSCSI topology
  6. Click an object to view detailed information about it:

    Target IQN details

    Note: Only some objects display detailed information when clicked.

Additional Resources

9.4.6. Editing iSCSI targets

The dashboard allows you to edit iSCSI targets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed with at least two gateways.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.
  • The dashboard iSCSI feature is enabled.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An iSCSI target is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click iSCSI:

    iSCSI overview
  4. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Targets tab:

    Click Targets
  5. To edit a target, click on its row:

    Click the target row
  6. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Edit button.

    Edit target initial view
  7. Edit the parameters and click the Edit Target button.

    Edit target window
  8. Verify the target was edited by looking for it on the Targets page.

    To locate the Targets page, follow the procedure Viewing iSCSI targets in the Dashboard guide.

Additional Resources

9.4.7. Deleting iSCSI targets

The dashboard allows you to delete iSCSI targets.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed with at least two gateways.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.
  • The dashboard iSCSI feature is enabled.
  • An iSCSI target is created.
  • Disconnect all iSCSI Initiators. See Disconnecting iSCSI initiators.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click iSCSI:

    iSCSI overview
  4. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Targets tab:

    Click Targets
  5. To delete a target, click on its row:

    Click the target row
  6. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Edit drop down.
  7. From the drop-down, select Delete:

    Delete target initial view
  8. Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete iSCSI to save the settings.

    Delete iSCSI window

Additional Resources

9.4.8. Setting Discovery Authentication

The dashboard allows Discovery Authentication by using CHAP/CHAP_MUTUAL.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph iSCSI gateway is installed with at least two gateways.
  • iSCSI gateways are added to the dashboard.
  • The dashboard iSCSI feature is enabled.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. Click iSCSI:

    iSCSI overview
  4. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Targets tab.

    iSCSI Targets
  5. Towards the upper left corner of the page, click the Discovery authentication button.

    Discovery authentication
  6. in Discovery Authentication window, provide the details and then Click the Submit button.

    Discovery Authentication window

9.5. Quality of Service configuration

As a storage administrator, you can use Quality of Service (QoS) limits to prioritize or deprioritize the performance of pools or images so all images get the resources they need to meet specific business needs.

9.5.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.

9.5.2. Configuring Quality of Service on an existing image

As a storage administrator, you can use Quality of Service (QoS) limits to priortize or deprioritize the performance of an existing image.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An existing image.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block and then click Images:

    Click Block and then click Images.
  3. Click the row of an image to select it for editing:

    Select an image.
  4. Click the Edit button:

    Click the Edit button.
  5. Click Advanced towards the bottom right corner of the dialog:

    Click Advanced…​
  6. Click the plus symbol next to Quality of Service to open the QoS settings:

    Open the QoS settings.
  7. Optional: Click the question mark symbol next to an individual setting to find out more about it.

    Click the question mark symbol.
  8. Enter or edit values for the QoS settings you want to change:

    Enter values for QoS settings.
  9. Optional: Click the eraser symbol for any setting to remove the local value and inherit the value from the parent pool or global configuration.

    Click the eraser symbol to remove local values.

    The field for the setting is disabled to indicate it is inheriting the value from the parent.

    The field is disabled.
  10. Click the Edit button to save the changes.

    Save the changes.

9.5.3. Configuring Quality of Service on an existing pool

As a storage administrator, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) on an existing pool.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Pools.

    Click Pools.

  3. Click the row of a replicated pool with the RBD application to select it for editing:

    Select a pool.
  4. Click the Edit button:

    Click the Edit button.
  5. Click the plus symbol next to Quality of Service to open the QoS settings:

    Open the QoS settings.
  6. Optional: Click the question mark symbol next to an individual setting to find out more about it.

    Click the question mark symbol.
  7. Enter or edit values for the QoS settings you want to change:

    Enter values for QoS settings.
  8. Optional: Click the eraser symbol for any setting to remove the local value and inherit the value from the parent global configuration.

    Click the eraser symbol to remove local values.

    The field for the setting is disabled to indicate it is inheriting the value from the parent.

    The field is disabled.
  9. Click the Edit button to save the changes.

    Save the changes.

9.5.4. Configuring Quality of Service when creating an image

As a storage administrator, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) limits when creating an image.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block and then click Images:

    Click Block and then click Images.
  3. Click the Create button:

    Click the Create button.
  4. At 1, set the name, at 2, set the pool, at 3, set the size, and at 4, click Advanced.

    Set basic image settings
  5. Click the plus symbol next to Quality of Service to open the QoS settings:

    Open the QoS settings.
  6. Optional: Click the question mark symbol next to an individual setting to find out more about it.

    Click the question mark symbol.
  7. Enter or edit values for the QoS settings you want to change:

    Enter values for QoS settings.
  8. Optional: Click the eraser symbol for any setting to remove the local value and inherit the value from the parent pool configuration.

    Click the eraser symbol to remove local values.

    The field for the setting is disabled to indicate it is inheriting the value from the parent.

    The field is disabled.
  9. Click the Create RBD button:

    Create the image.

9.5.5. Configuring Quality of Service when creating a pool

As a storage administrator, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) when creating a pool.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A replicated pool with the RBD application enabled.
  • An erasure coded pool with the RBD application enabled.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Pools.

    Click Pools.
  3. Click the Create button towards the top left corner of the page:

    Click the Create button.
  4. In the dialog box, at 1, set the pool name, at 2, set the pool type to erasure, at 3, set the number of placement groups, at 4, enable EC Overwrites, at 5, set the rbd application, finally, at 6, click Create Pool.

    Create an EC RBD pool.
  5. Create another pool but this time set its type to replicated:

    create a replicated pool
  6. Click the plus symbol next to Quality of Service to open the QoS settings:

    Open the QoS settings.
  7. Optional: Click the question mark symbol next to an individual setting to find out more about it.

    Click the question mark symbol.
  8. Enter or edit values for the QoS settings you want to change:

    Enter values for QoS settings.
  9. Optional: Click the eraser symbol for any setting to remove the local value and inherit the value from the parent global configuration.

    Click the eraser symbol to remove local values.

    The field for the setting is disabled to indicate it is inheriting the value from the parent.

    The field is disabled.
  10. Click the Create Pool button:

    Create the pool.

9.5.6. Additional Resources

Appendix A. Troubleshooting

This section provides the multiple troubleshooting scenarios while using the dashboard.

A.1. Dashboard response is slow

If the dashboard response is slow, clear the browser cache and reload the dashboard.

A.2. Dashboard shows a service is down

Dashboard is only a replica of the cluster. If the service is down, check the service status on the node as dashboard displays information collected via node-exporter running on the node. The issue may be in the cluster, configuration, or network.

A.3. Task failure on Dashboard

While performing any task on the dashboard, if there is any failure, check the respective Ceph daemons. For more information refer to the Troubleshooting Guide

A.4. Images cannot be viewed

An image can only be viewed under Block > Images if the pool it is in has the RBD application enabled on it.

The RBD application is enabled.
The image is viewable.

Additional resources

For more information, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide

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