More than one property of an entity can be combined and indexed in a specific way to the Lucene index using the
annotation. @ClassBridge
can be defined at class level, and supports the termVector
In the following example, the custom
implementation receives the entity instance as the value parameter, rather than a particular property. The particular CatFieldsClassBridge
is applied to the department instance.The FieldBridge
then concatenates both branch and network, and indexes the concatenation.
Example 4.17. Implementing a ClassBridge
@Indexed @ClassBridge(name="branchnetwork", store=Store.YES, impl = CatFieldsClassBridge.class, params = @Parameter( name="sepChar", value=" " ) ) public class Department { private int id; private String network; private String branchHead; private String branch; private Integer maxEmployees ... } public class CatFieldsClassBridge implements FieldBridge, ParameterizedBridge { private String sepChar; public void setParameterValues(Map parameters) { this.sepChar = (String) parameters.get( "sepChar" ); } public void set( String name, Object value, Document document, LuceneOptions luceneOptions) { Department dep = (Department) value; String fieldValue1 = dep.getBranch(); if ( fieldValue1 == null ) { fieldValue1 = ""; } String fieldValue2 = dep.getNetwork(); if ( fieldValue2 == null ) { fieldValue2 = ""; } String fieldValue = fieldValue1 + sepChar + fieldValue2; Field field = new Field( name, fieldValue, luceneOptions.getStore(), luceneOptions.getIndex(), luceneOptions.getTermVector() ); field.setBoost( luceneOptions.getBoost() ); document.add( field ); } }