
Using the Data Grid Command Line Interface

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Red Hat Data Grid 8.3

Access and manage remote caches with the Data Grid CLI

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Connect to Data Grid Server clusters with the command line interface (CLI) to access data and perform management operations with remote caches.

Red Hat Data Grid

Data Grid is a high-performance, distributed in-memory data store.

Schemaless data structure
Flexibility to store different objects as key-value pairs.
Grid-based data storage
Designed to distribute and replicate data across clusters.
Elastic scaling
Dynamically adjust the number of nodes to meet demand without service disruption.
Data interoperability
Store, retrieve, and query data in the grid from different endpoints.

Data Grid documentation

Documentation for Data Grid is available on the Red Hat customer portal.

Data Grid downloads

Access the Data Grid Software Downloads on the Red Hat customer portal.


You must have a Red Hat account to access and download Data Grid software.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Grid CLI

The command line interface (CLI) lets you remotely connect to Data Grid Server to access data and perform administrative functions. Complete the following procedures to learn basic CLI usage such as creating users, connecting to Data Grid, and navigating resources.

1.1. Creating and modifying Data Grid users

Add Data Grid user credentials and assign permissions to control access to data.

Data Grid server installations use a property realm to authenticate users for the Hot Rod and REST endpoints. This means you need to create at least one user before you can access Data Grid.

By default, users also need roles with permissions to access caches and interact with Data Grid resources. You can assign roles to users individually or add users to groups that have role permissions.

You create users and assign roles with the user command in the Data Grid command line interface (CLI).


Run help user from a CLI session to get complete command details.

1.1.1. Adding credentials

You need an admin user for the Data Grid Console and full control over your Data Grid environment. For this reason you should create a user with admin permissions the first time you add credentials.


  1. Open a terminal in $RHDG_HOME.
  2. Create an admin user with the user create command.

    • Add a user assigned to the admin group.

      bin/ user create myuser -p changeme -g admin
    • Use implicit authorization to gain admin permissions.

      bin/ user create admin -p changeme
  3. Open and with any text editor to verify users and groups.

    $ cat server/conf/
    $ cat server/conf/

1.1.2. Assigning roles to users

Assign roles to users so they have the correct permissions to access data and modify Data Grid resources.


  1. Start a CLI session with an admin user.

    $ bin/
  2. Assign the deployer role to "katie".

    [//containers/default]> user roles grant --roles=deployer katie
  3. List roles for "katie".

    [//containers/default]> user roles ls katie

1.1.3. Adding users to groups

Groups let you change permissions for multiple users. You assign a role to a group and then add users to that group. Users inherit permissions from the group role.


  1. Start a CLI session with an admin user.
  2. Use the user create command to create a group.

    1. Specify "developers" as the group name with the --groups argument.
    2. Set a username and password for the group.

      In a property realm, a group is a special type of user that also requires a username and password.

      [//containers/default]> user create --groups=developers developers -p changeme
  3. List groups.

    [//containers/default]> user ls --groups
  4. Assign the application role to the "developers" group.

    [//containers/default]> user roles grant --roles=application developers
  5. List roles for the "developers" group.

    [//containers/default]> user roles ls developers
  6. Add existing users, one at a time, to the group as required.

    [//containers/default]> user groups john --groups=developers

1.1.4. User roles and permissions

Data Grid includes a default set of roles that grant users with permissions to access data and interact with Data Grid resources.

ClusterRoleMapper is the default mechanism that Data Grid uses to associate security principals to authorization roles.


ClusterRoleMapper matches principal names to role names. A user named admin gets admin permissions automatically, a user named deployer gets deployer permissions, and so on.




Superuser with all permissions including control of the Cache Manager lifecycle.



Can create and delete Data Grid resources in addition to application permissions.



Has read and write access to Data Grid resources in addition to observer permissions. Can also listen to events and execute server tasks and scripts.



Has read access to Data Grid resources in addition to monitor permissions.



Can view statistics via JMX and the metrics endpoint.

1.2. Connecting to Data Grid Servers

Establish CLI connections to Data Grid.


Add user credentials and have at least one running Data Grid server instance.


  1. Open a terminal in $RHDG_HOME.
  2. Start the CLI.

    • Linux:

    • Microsoft Windows:

  3. Run the connect command and enter your username and password when prompted.

    • Data Grid Server on the default port of 11222:

      [disconnected]> connect
    • Data Grid Server with a port offset of 100:

      [disconnected]> connect

1.4. Shutting down Data Grid Server

Stop individually running servers or bring down clusters gracefully.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Shut down Data Grid Server in one of the following ways:

    • Stop all nodes in a cluster with the shutdown cluster command, for example:

      shutdown cluster

      This command saves cluster state to the data folder for each node in the cluster. If you use a cache store, the shutdown cluster command also persists all data in the cache.

    • Stop individual server instances with the shutdown server command and the server hostname, for example:

      shutdown server <my_server01>

The shutdown server command does not wait for rebalancing operations to complete, which can lead to data loss if you specify multiple hostnames at the same time.


Run help shutdown for more details about using the command.


Data Grid logs the following messages when you shut down servers:

ISPN080002: Data Grid Server stopping
ISPN000080: Disconnecting JGroups channel cluster
ISPN000390: Persisted state, version=<$version> timestamp=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
ISPN080003: Data Grid Server stopped

1.4.1. Data Grid cluster restarts

When you bring Data Grid clusters back online after shutting them down, you should wait for the cluster to be available before adding or removing nodes or modifying cluster state.

If you shutdown clustered nodes with the shutdown server command, you must restart each server in reverse order.
For example, if you shutdown server1 and then shutdown server2, you should first start server2 and then start server1.

If you shutdown a cluster with the shutdown cluster command, clusters become fully operational only after all nodes rejoin.
You can restart nodes in any order but the cluster remains in DEGRADED state until all nodes that were joined before shutdown are running.

Chapter 2. Performing Cache Operations with the Data Grid CLI

Use the command line interface (CLI) to perform operations on remote caches such as creating caches, manipulating data, and rebalancing.

2.1. Creating remote caches with the Data Grid CLI

Use the Data Grid Command Line Interface (CLI) to add remote caches on Data Grid Server.


  • Create a Data Grid user with admin permissions.
  • Start at least one Data Grid Server instance.
  • Have a Data Grid cache configuration.


  1. Start the CLI and enter your credentials when prompted.

  2. Use the create cache command to create remote caches.

    For example, create a cache named "mycache" from a file named mycache.xml as follows:

    create cache --file=mycache.xml mycache


  1. List all remote caches with the ls command.

    ls caches
  2. View cache configuration with the describe command.

    describe caches/mycache

2.1.1. Cache configuration

You can create declarative cache configuration in XML, JSON, and YAML format.

All declarative caches must conform to the Data Grid schema. Configuration in JSON format must follow the structure of an XML configuration, elements correspond to objects and attributes correspond to fields.


Data Grid restricts characters to a maximum of 255 for a cache name or a cache template name. If you exceed this character limit, the Data Grid server might abruptly stop without issuing an exception message. Write succinct cache names and cache template names.


A file system might set a limitation for the length of a file name, so ensure that a cache’s name does not exceed this limitation. If a cache name exceeds a file system’s naming limitation, general operations or initialing operations towards that cache might fail. Write succinct cache names and cache template names.

Distributed caches


<distributed-cache owners="2"
  <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
  <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
  <transaction mode="FULL_XA"
  <expiration lifespan="5000"
              max-idle="1000" />
  <memory max-count="1000000"
  <indexing enabled="true"
    <index-reader refresh-interval="1000"/>
  <partition-handling when-split="ALLOW_READ_WRITES"
  <persistence passivation="false">
    <!-- Persistent storage configuration. -->


  "distributed-cache": {
    "mode": "SYNC",
    "owners": "2",
    "segments": "256",
    "capacity-factor": "1.0",
    "l1-lifespan": "5000",
    "statistics": "true",
    "encoding": {
      "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
    "locking": {
      "isolation": "REPEATABLE_READ"
    "transaction": {
      "mode": "FULL_XA",
      "locking": "OPTIMISTIC"
    "expiration" : {
      "lifespan" : "5000",
      "max-idle" : "1000"
    "memory": {
      "max-count": "1000000",
      "when-full": "REMOVE"
    "indexing" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "storage" : "local-heap",
      "index-reader" : {
        "refresh-interval" : "1000"
    "partition-handling" : {
      "when-split" : "ALLOW_READ_WRITES",
      "merge-policy" : "PREFERRED_NON_NULL"
    "persistence" : {
      "passivation" : false


  mode: "SYNC"
  owners: "2"
  segments: "256"
  capacityFactor: "1.0"
  l1Lifespan: "5000"
  statistics: "true"
    mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
    isolation: "REPEATABLE_READ"
    mode: "FULL_XA"
    locking: "OPTIMISTIC"
    lifespan: "5000"
    maxIdle: "1000"
    maxCount: "1000000"
    whenFull: "REMOVE"
    enabled: "true"
    storage: "local-heap"
      refreshInterval: "1000"
    whenSplit: "ALLOW_READ_WRITES"
    mergePolicy: "PREFERRED_NON_NULL"
    passivation: "false"
    # Persistent storage configuration.

Replicated caches


<replicated-cache segments="256"
  <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
  <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
  <transaction mode="FULL_XA"
  <expiration lifespan="5000"
              max-idle="1000" />
  <memory max-count="1000000"
  <indexing enabled="true"
    <index-reader refresh-interval="1000"/>
  <partition-handling when-split="ALLOW_READ_WRITES"
  <persistence passivation="false">
    <!-- Persistent storage configuration. -->


  "replicated-cache": {
    "mode": "SYNC",
    "segments": "256",
    "statistics": "true",
    "encoding": {
      "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
    "locking": {
      "isolation": "REPEATABLE_READ"
    "transaction": {
      "mode": "FULL_XA",
      "locking": "OPTIMISTIC"
    "expiration" : {
      "lifespan" : "5000",
      "max-idle" : "1000"
    "memory": {
      "max-count": "1000000",
      "when-full": "REMOVE"
    "indexing" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "storage" : "local-heap",
      "index-reader" : {
        "refresh-interval" : "1000"
    "partition-handling" : {
      "when-split" : "ALLOW_READ_WRITES",
      "merge-policy" : "PREFERRED_NON_NULL"
    "persistence" : {
      "passivation" : false


  mode: "SYNC"
  segments: "256"
  statistics: "true"
    mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
    isolation: "REPEATABLE_READ"
    mode: "FULL_XA"
    locking: "OPTIMISTIC"
    lifespan: "5000"
    maxIdle: "1000"
    maxCount: "1000000"
    whenFull: "REMOVE"
    enabled: "true"
    storage: "local-heap"
      refreshInterval: "1000"
    whenSplit: "ALLOW_READ_WRITES"
    mergePolicy: "PREFERRED_NON_NULL"
    passivation: "false"
    # Persistent storage configuration.

Multiple caches


  <cache-container name="default"
    <distributed-cache name="mycacheone"
      <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
      <expiration lifespan="300000"/>
      <memory max-size="400MB"
    <distributed-cache name="mycachetwo"
      <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
      <expiration lifespan="300000"/>
      <memory max-size="400MB"


    name: "default"
    statistics: "true"
          mode: "ASYNC"
          statistics: "true"
            mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
            lifespan: "300000"
            maxSize: "400MB"
            whenFull: "REMOVE"
          mode: "SYNC"
          statistics: "true"
            mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
            lifespan: "300000"
            maxSize: "400MB"
            whenFull: "REMOVE"


  "infinispan" : {
    "cache-container" : {
      "name" : "default",
      "statistics" : "true",
      "caches" : {
        "mycacheone" : {
          "distributed-cache" : {
            "mode": "ASYNC",
            "statistics": "true",
            "encoding": {
              "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
            "expiration" : {
              "lifespan" : "300000"
            "memory": {
              "max-size": "400MB",
              "when-full": "REMOVE"
        "mycachetwo" : {
          "distributed-cache" : {
            "mode": "SYNC",
            "statistics": "true",
            "encoding": {
              "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
            "expiration" : {
              "lifespan" : "300000"
            "memory": {
              "max-size": "400MB",
              "when-full": "REMOVE"

2.2. Modifying Data Grid cache configuration

Make changes to your remote cache configuration with the Data Grid CLI. You can modify attributes in your cache configuration either one at a time or provide a cache configuration in XML, JSON or YAML format to modify several attributes at once.


  • Create at least one remote cache on your Data Grid cluster.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Modify the cache configuration with the alter command in one of the following ways:

    • Use the --file option to specify a configuration file with one or more attribute modifications.
    • Use the --attribute and --value option to modify a specific configuration attribute.


      For more information and examples, run the help alter command.

  3. Verify your changes with the describe command, for example:

    describe caches/mycache

2.3. Adding Cache Entries

Create key:value pair entries in the data container.


Create a Data Grid cache that can store your data.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Add entries into your cache as follows:

    • Use the --cache= with the put command:

      put --cache=mycache hello world
    • Use the put command from the context of a cache:

      [//containers/default/caches/mycache]> put hello world
  3. Use the get command to verify entries.

    [//containers/default/caches/mycache]> get hello

2.4. Clearing Caches and Deleting Entries

Remove data from caches with the Data Grid CLI.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Delete all entries with the clearcache command.

      clearcache mycache
    • Remove specific entries with the remove command.

      remove --cache=mycache hello

2.5. Deleting Caches

Drop caches to remove them and delete all data they contain.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Remove caches with the drop command.

    drop cache mycache

2.6. Configuring Automatic Cache Rebalancing

By default, Data Grid automatically rebalances caches as nodes join and leave the cluster. You can configure automatic cache rebalancing by disabling or enabling it at the Cache Manager level or on a per-cache basis.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Disable automatic rebalancing for all caches with the rebalance disable command.

    rebalance disable
  3. Enable automatic rebalancing for a specific cache with the rebalance enable command.

    The following example enables rebalancing for the cache named "mycache" only.

    rebalance enable caches/mycache
  4. Re-enable automatic rebalancing for all caches.

    rebalance enable

For more information about the rebalance command, run help rebalance.

Chapter 3. Performing Batch Operations

Process operations in groups, either interactively or using batch files.


  • A running Data Grid cluster.

3.1. Performing Batch Operations with Files

Create files that contain a set of operations and then pass them to the Data Grid CLI.


  1. Create a file that contains a set of operations.

    For example, create a file named batch that creates a cache named mybatch, adds two entries to the cache, and disconnects from the CLI.

    connect --username=<username> --password=<password> <hostname>:11222
    create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mybatch
    put --cache=mybatch hello world
    put --cache=mybatch hola mundo
    ls caches/mybatch

    Configure the CLI with the autoconnect-url property instead of using the connect command directly in your batch files.

  2. Run the CLI and specify the file as input.

    bin/ -f batch

CLI batch files support system property expansion. Strings that use the ${property} format are replaced with the value of the property system property.

3.2. Performing Batch Operations Interactively

Use the standard input stream, stdin, to perform batch operations interactively.


  1. Start the Data Grid CLI in interactive mode.

    bin/ -c localhost:11222 -f -

    You can configure the CLI connection with the autoconnect-url property instead of using the -c argument.

  2. Run batch operations, for example:

    create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mybatch
    put --cache=mybatch hello world
    put --cache=mybatch hola mundo

Use echo to add commands in interactive mode.

The following example shows how to use echo describe to get cluster information:

echo describe|bin/ -c localhost:11222 -f -
  "name" : "default",
  "version" : "10.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "coordinator" : false,
  "cache_configuration_names" : [ "org.infinispan.REPL_ASYNC", "___protobuf_metadata", "org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC", "qcache", "org.infinispan.LOCAL", "dist_cache_01", "org.infinispan.INVALIDATION_SYNC", "org.infinispan.REPL_SYNC", "org.infinispan.SCATTERED_SYNC", "mycache", "org.infinispan.INVALIDATION_ASYNC", "mybatch", "org.infinispan.DIST_ASYNC" ],
  "cluster_name" : "cluster",
  "physical_addresses" : "[]",
  "coordinator_address" : "thundercat-34689",
  "cache_manager_status" : "RUNNING",
  "created_cache_count" : "4",
  "running_cache_count" : "4",
  "node_address" : "thundercat-47082",
  "cluster_members" : [ "thundercat-34689", "thundercat-47082" ],
  "cluster_members_physical_addresses" : [ "", "" ],
  "cluster_size" : 2,
  "defined_caches" : [ {
    "name" : "___protobuf_metadata",
    "started" : true
  }, {
    "name" : "mybatch",
    "started" : true
  } ]

Chapter 4. Configuring the Data Grid CLI

Define configuration properties for the Data Grid CLI.

4.1. Setting Data Grid CLI Properties and Persistent Storage

Configure Data Grid CLI startup operations and customize the location for persistent storage.


Create at least one Data Grid user.


  1. Optionally set a custom path to the Data Grid CLI storage directory in one of the following ways:

    • Using the cli.dir system property:

      bin/ -Dcli.dir=/path/to/cli/storage ...
    • Using the ISPN_CLI_DIR environment variable:

      export ISPN_CLI_DIR=/path/to/cli/storage
      bin/ ...
  2. Set values for configuration properties with the config set command.

    For example, set the autoconnect-url property so that the CLI automatically connects to that URL.


    For remote connections, specify the URL and provide credentials:

    • http[s]://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> for basic authentication.
    • http[s]://<token>@<hostname>:<port> for OAuth authentication.
    bin/ config set autoconnect-url http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:11222
  3. Verify configuration properties with the config get command.


    Run help config to review available configuration properties and get example usage.

4.2. Creating Command Aliases

Create aliases for Data Grid CLI commands to define custom shortcuts.


  1. Create aliases with the alias <alias>=<command> command.

    For example, set q as an alias for the quit command:

    alias q=quit
  2. Run the alias command to check the defined aliases.

    alias q='quit'
  3. Delete aliases with the unalias command, for example:

    unalias q

4.3. Trusting Data Grid Server Connections

Secure Data Grid CLI connections to Data Grid Server with SSL/TLS certificates. If you create a key store as an SSL identity for Data Grid Server, the CLI can validate server certificates to verify the identity.


  • Set up an SSL identity for Data Grid Server.
  • Create at least one Data Grid user.


  1. Specify the location of the server key store, as in the following example:

    bin/ config set truststore /home/user/my-trust-store.jks
  2. Define the key store password, if necessary, as follows:

    bin/ config set truststore-password secret
  3. Verify your CLI configuration.

    bin/ config get truststore
    bin/ config get truststore-password

4.4. Data Grid CLI Storage Directory

Data Grid CLI stores configuration in the following default directory:

Operating SystemDefault Path



Microsoft Windows


Mac OS


This directory contains the following files:
Stores values for CLI configuration properties.
Stores command aliases.
Stores CLI history.

Chapter 5. Working with Counters

Counters provide atomic increment and decrement operations that record the count of objects.


  • Start the Data Grid CLI.
  • Connect to a running Data Grid cluster.

5.1. Creating Counters

Create strong and weak counters with the Data Grid CLI.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Run the create counter command with the appropriate arguments.

    1. Create my-weak-counter.

      create counter --concurrency-level=1 --initial-value=5 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=weak my-weak-counter
    2. Create my-strong-counter.

      create counter --initial-value=3 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=strong my-strong-counter
  3. List available counters.

    ls counters
  4. Verify counter configurations.

    1. Describe my-weak-counter.

      describe counters/my-weak-counter
    2. Describe my-strong-counter.

      describe counters/my-strong-counter

5.2. Adding Deltas to Counters

Increment or decrement counters with arbitrary values.


  1. Select a counter.

    counter my-weak-counter
  2. List the current count.

    [//containers/default/counters/my-weak-counter]> ls
  3. Increment the counter value by 2.

    [//containers/default/counters/my-weak-counter]> add --delta=2
  4. Decrement the counter value by -4.

    [//containers/default/counters/my-weak-counter]> add --delta=-4

Strong counters return values after the operation is applied. Use --quiet=true to hide the return value.

For example, add --delta=3 --quiet=true.

Weak counters return empty responses.

Chapter 6. Performing Cross-Site Replication Operations

Data Grid clusters running in different locations can discover and communicate with each other to backup data.


  • Start the Data Grid CLI.
  • Connect to a running Data Grid cluster.

6.1. Bringing backup locations offline and online

Take backup locations offline manually and bring them back online.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Check if backup locations are online or offline with the site status command:

    site status --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

    --site is an optional argument. If not set, the CLI returns all backup locations.


    Use the --all-caches option to get the backup location status for all caches.

  2. Manage backup locations as follows:

    • Bring backup locations online with the bring-online command:

      site bring-online --cache=customers --site=NYC
    • Take backup locations offline with the take-offline command:

      site take-offline --cache=customers --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to bring a backup location online, or take a backup location offline, for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.

6.2. Configuring cross-site state transfer modes

You can configure cross-site state transfer operations to happen automatically when Data Grid detects that backup locations come online. Alternatively you can use the default mode, which is to manually perform state transfer.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Use the site command to configure state transfer modes, as in the following examples:

    • Retrieve the current state transfer mode.

      site state-transfer-mode get --cache=cacheName --site=NYC
    • Configure automatic state transfer operations for a cache and backup location.

      site state-transfer-mode set --cache=cacheName --site=NYC --mode=AUTO

Run the help site command for more information and examples.

6.3. Pushing state to backup locations

Transfer cache state to backup locations.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  • Use the site push-site-state command to push state transfer, as in the following example:

    site push-site-state --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to push state transfer for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.

Chapter 7. Backing Up and Restoring Data Grid Clusters

Create archives of Data Grid resources that include cached entries, cache configurations, Protobuf schemas, and server scripts. You can then use the backup archives to restore Data Grid Server clusters after a restart or migration.


  • Start the Data Grid CLI.
  • Connect to a running Data Grid cluster.

7.1. Backing Up Data Grid Clusters

Create backup archives in .zip format that you can download or store on Data Grid Server.


Backup archives should reflect the most recent cluster state. For this reason you should ensure the cluster is no longer accepting write requests before you create backup archives.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Run the backup create command with the appropriate options, for example:

    • Back up all resources with an automatically generated name.

      backup create
    • Back up all resources in a backup archive named example-backup.

      backup create -n example-backup
    • Back up all resources to the /some/server/dir path on the server.

      backup create -d /some/server/dir
    • Back up only caches and cache templates.

      backup create --caches=* --templates=*
    • Back up named Protobuf schemas only.

      backup create --proto-schemas=schema1,schema2
  3. List available backup archives on the server.

    backup ls
  4. Download the example-backup archive from the server.

    If the backup operation is still in progress, the command waits for it to complete.

    backup get example-backup
  5. Optionally delete the example-backup archive from the server.

    backup delete example-backup

7.2. Restoring Data Grid Clusters from Backup Archives

Apply the content of backup archives to Data Grid clusters to restore them to the backed up state.


  • Create a backup archive that is either local to the Data Grid CLI or stored on Data Grid Server.
  • Ensure that the target container matches the container name in the backup archive. You cannot restore backups if the container names do not match.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Run the backup restore command with the appropriate options.

    • Restore all content from a backup archive accessible on the server.

      backup restore /some/path/on/the/server
    • Restore all content from a local backup archive.

      backup restore -u /some/local/path
    • Restore only cache content from a backup archive on the server.

      backup restore /some/path/on/the/server --caches=*

Chapter 8. Command Reference

Review manual pages for Data Grid CLI commands.


Use help command to access manual pages directly from your CLI session.

For example, to view the manual page for the get command do the following:

$ help get

8.1. ADD(1)

8.1.1. NAME

add - increments and decrements counters with arbitrary values.



8.1.3. OPTIONS

Sets a delta to increment or decrement the counter value. Defaults to 1.
-q, --quiet='[true|false]'
Hides return values for strong counters. The default is false.


add --delta=10 cnt_a
Increments the value of cnt_a by 10.

add --delta=-5 cnt_a
Decrements the value of cnt_a by 5.

8.1.5. SEE ALSO

cas(1), reset(1)

8.2. ALIAS(1)

8.2.1. NAME

alias - creates or displays aliases.




alias q=quit
Creates q as an alias for the quit command.

Lists all defined aliases.

8.2.4. SEE ALSO

config(1), unalias(1)

8.3. ALTER(1)

8.3.1. NAME

alter - modifies the configuration of caches on Data Grid Server.


alter cache ['OPTIONS'] CACHE_NAME

You can modify a cache with the alter command only if the changes are compatible with the existing configuration.

For example you cannot use a replicated cache configuration to modify a distributed cache. Likewise if you create a cache configuration with a specific attribute, you cannot modify the configuration to use a different attribute instead. For example, attempting to modify cache configuration by specifying a value for the max-count attribute results in invalid configuration if the max-size is already set.


-f, --file='FILE'
Specifies a configuration file in XML, JSON or YAML format that modifies an existing configuration. Mutually exclusive with the --attribute option.
Specifies an attribute to modify in an existing configuration. Press the tab key to display a list of attributes. Must be used in combination with the --value option. Mutually exclusive with the --file option.
Specifies the new value for a configuration attribute. Must be used in combination with the --attribute option.


alter cache mycache --file=/path/to/mycache.json
Modifies the configuration of a cache named mycache with the mycache.json file.

alter cache mycache --attribute=clustering.remote-timeout --value=5000
Modifies the configuration of a cache named mycache so that the clustering.remote-timeout attribute has a value of '5000'.

8.3.5. SEE ALSO

create(1), drop(1)


8.4.1. NAME

availability - manage availability of clustered caches in network partitions.


availability ['OPTIONS'] ['CACHE_NAME']

8.4.3. OPTIONS

Sets cache availability to AVAILABLE or DEGRADED_MODE when using either the DENY_READ_WRITES or ALLOW_READS partition handling strategy.

AVAILABLE makes caches available to all nodes in a network partition. DEGRADED_MODE prevents read and write operations on caches when network partitions occur.


availability cache1
Gets the current availability of the cache 'cache1'.

availability --mode=AVAILABLE cache1
Sets the availability of the cache 'cache1' to AVAILABLE.

8.5. BACKUP(1)

8.5.1. NAME

backup - manage container backup creation and restoration.


backup create ['OPTIONS']

backup delete ['OPTIONS'] BACKUP_NAME

backup get ['OPTIONS'] BACKUP_NAME

backup ls

backup restore ['OPTIONS'] BACKUP_PATH


-d, --dir='PATH'
Specifies a directory on the server to create and store the backup archive.
-n, --name='NAME'
Defines a name for the backup archive.
Lists caches to back up. Use '*' to back up all caches.
Lists cache templates to back up. Use '*' to back up all templates.
Lists of counters to back up. Use '*' to back up all counters.
Lists Protobuf schemas to back up. Use '*' to back up all schemas.
Lists server tasks to back up. Use '*' to back up all tasks.


Does not download content. The command returns only when the backup operation is complete.


-u, --upload
Defines the path to a local backup archive that is uploaded to the server.
-n, --name='NAME'
Defines a name for the restore request.
Lists caches to restore. Use '*' to restore all caches from the backup archive.
Lists cache templates to restore. Use '*' to restore all templates from the backup archive.
Lists counters to restore. Use '*' to restore all counters from the backup archive.
Lists Protobuf schemas to restore. Use '*' to restore all schemas from the backup archive.
Lists server tasks to restore. Use '*' to restore all tasks from the backup archive.


backup create -n example-backup
Initiates a backup of all container content with name example-backup.

backup create -d /some/server/dir
Initiates a backup of all container content and stores it on the server at path /some/server/dir.

backup create --caches=* --templates=*
Initiates a backup that contains only cache and cache configuration resources.

backup create --proto-schemas=schema1,schema2
Initiates a backup that contains the named schema resources only.

backup ls
Lists all backups available on the server.

backup get example-backup
Downloads the example-backup archive from the server. If the backup operation is in progress, the command waits for it to complete.

backup restore /some/path/on/the/server
Restores all content from a backup archive on the server.

backup restore -u /some/local/path
Restores all content from a local backup archive that is uploaded to the server.

backup restore /some/path/on/the/server --caches=*
Restores only cache content from a backup archive on the server.

backup restore /some/path/on/the/server --proto-schemas=schema1,schema2
Restores only the named schema resources from a backup archive on the server.

backup delete example-backup
Deletes the example-backup archive from the server.

8.5.7. SEE ALSO



8.6.1. NAME

benchmark - runs a performance benchmark against a cache.

You can run performance benchmarks for the following HTTP and Hot Rod protocols: http, https, hotrod, and hotrods. You specify the protocol for the benchmark with a URI. If you do not specify a protocol, the benchmark uses the URI of the current CLI connection.

Benchmarks for Hot Rod URIs connect to the entire cluster. For HTTP URIs, benchmarks connect to a single node only.

Benchmarks test performance against an existing cache. Before you run a benchmark, you should create a cache with the capabilities you want to measure. For example, if you want to evaluate the performance of cross-site replication, you should create a cache that has backup locations. If you want to test the performance of persistence, create a cache that uses an appropriate cache store.


benchmark ['OPTIONS'] [uri]


-t, --threads='num'
Specifies the number of threads to create. Defaults to 10.
Names the cache against which the benchmark is performed. Defaults to benchmark. You must create the cache before running the benchmark if it does not already exist.
Sets the size, in bytes, of the key. Defaults to 16 bytes.
Sets the size, in bytes, of the value. Defaults to 1000 bytes.
Defines the size, in bytes, of the test key set. Defaults to 1000.
--verbosity=['SILENT', 'NORMAL', 'EXTRA']
Specifies the verbosity level of the output. Possible values, from least to most verbose, are SILENT, NORMAL, and EXTRA. The default is NORMAL.
-c, --count='num'
Specifies how many measurement iterations to perform. Defaults to 5.
Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that each iteration takes. Defaults to 10.
Specifies how many warmup iterations to perform. Defaults to 5.
Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that each warmup iteration takes. Defaults to 1.
Specifies the benchmark mode. Possible values are Throughput, AverageTime, SampleTime, SingleShotTime, and All. The default is Throughput.
Specifies the time unit for results in the benchmark report. Possible values are NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, and SECONDS. The default is MICROSECONDS.


benchmark hotrod://localhost:11222
Performs a benchmark test with the Hot Rod protocol.

benchmark --value-size=10000 --cache=largecache hotrod://localhost:11222
Performs a benchmark test with the Hot Rod protocol against the largecache cache using test values that are 10000 bytes in size.

benchmark --mode=All --threads=20 https://user:password@server:11222
Performs a benchmark test with the HTTPS protocol using 20 threads and includes all modes in the report.

8.7. CACHE(1)

8.7.1. NAME

cache - selects the default cache for subsequent commands.


cache ['CACHE_NAME']

8.7.3. EXAMPLE

cache mycache
Selects mycache and is the same as navigating the resource tree using cd caches/mycache.

8.7.4. SEE ALSO

cd(1), clear(1), container(1), get(1), put(1), remove(1)

8.8. CAS(1)

8.8.1. NAME

cas - performs 'compare-and-swap' operations on strong counters.



8.8.3. OPTIONS

Specifies the expected value of the counter.
Sets a new value for the counter.
-q, --quiet='[true|false]'
Hides return values. The default is false.

8.8.4. EXAMPLE

cas --expect=10 --value=20 cnt_a
Sets the value of cnt_a to 20 only if the current value is 10

8.8.5. SEE ALSO

add(1), cas(1), reset(1)

8.9. CD(1)

8.9.1. NAME

cd - navigates the server resource tree.


PATH can be absolute or relative to the current resource. ../ specifies parent resources.


cd ['PATH']

8.9.4. EXAMPLE

cd caches
Changes to the caches path in the resource tree.

8.9.5. SEE ALSO

cache(1), ls(1), container(1)


8.10.1. NAME

clearcache - removes all entries from a cache.

8.10.2. SYNOPSIS

clearcache ['CACHE_NAME']

8.10.3. EXAMPLES

clearcache mycache
Removes all entries from mycache.

8.10.4. SEE ALSO

cache(1), drop(1), remove(1)

8.11. CONFIG(1)

8.11.1. NAME

config - manages CLI configuration properties.

8.11.2. SYNOPSIS


config set 'name' 'value'

config get 'name'

config convert --outputFormat=[xml|json|yaml] [-o outputFile] [inputFile]


Manage (list, set, get) CLI configuration properties and provide configuration conversion between the different formats (XML, JSON, YAML)


Lists all configuration properties that are set.
config set 'name' ['value']
Sets the value of a specific property. If you do not specify a value, the property is not set.
config get 'name'
Retrieves the value of a specific property.
config convert --format=[xml|json|yaml] [-o outputFile] [inputFile]
Converts a configuration file to a different format.


These options apply to all commands:

-h, --help
Displays a help page for the command or sub-command.


The following options apply to the convert command:

-f, --format='xml|json|yaml'
Specifies the format for the conversion.
-o, --output='path'
Specifies the path to the output file. Uses standard output (stdout) if you do not specify a path.


Specifies the URL to which the CLI automatically connects on startup.
Specifies the path of a CLI batch file to execute on startup.
Specifies whether to trust all server certificates. Values are false (default) and true.
Defines the path to a keystore that contains a certificate chain that verifies server identity.
Specifies a password to access the keystore.

8.11.8. EXAMPLES

config set autoconnect-url
Connects to a server at a custom IP address when you start the CLI.

config get autoconnect-url
Returns the value for the autoconnect-url configuration property.

config set autoexec /path/to/mybatchfile
Runs a batch file named "mybatchfile" when you start the CLI.

config set trustall true
Trusts all server certificates.

config set truststore /home/user/my-trust-store.jks
Specifies the path of a keystore named "my-trust-store.jks".

config set truststore-password secret
Sets the keystore password, if required.

config convert -f yaml -o infinispan.yaml infinispan.xml
Converts the infinispan.xml file to YAML and writes the output to the infinispan.yaml file.

config convert -f json
Converts the configuration from standard input to JSON, and writes the output to standard output.

8.11.9. SEE ALSO

alias(1), unalias(1)

8.12. CONNECT(1)

8.12.1. NAME

connect - connects to running Data Grid servers.


Defaults to http://localhost:11222 and prompts for credentials if authentication is required.

8.12.3. SYNOPSIS


8.12.4. OPTIONS

-u, --username='USERNAME'
Specifies a username to authenticate with Data Grid servers.
-p, --password='PASSWORD'
Specifies passwords.

8.12.5. EXAMPLE

connect -u test -p changeme
Connects to a locally running server using a port offset of 100 and example credentials.

8.12.6. SEE ALSO


8.13. CONTAINER(1)

8.13.1. NAME

container - selects the container for running subsequent commands.

8.13.2. SYNOPSIS

container ['CONTAINER_NAME']

8.13.3. EXAMPLE

container default
Selects the default container and is the same as navigating the resource tree using cd containers/default.

8.13.4. SEE ALSO

cd(1), clear(1), container(1), get(1), put(1), remove(1)

8.14. COUNTER(1)

8.14.1. NAME

counter - selects the default counter for subsequent commands.

8.14.2. SYNOPSIS

counter ['COUNTER_NAME']

8.14.3. EXAMPLE

counter cnt_a
Selects cnt_a and is the same as navigating the resource tree using cd counters/cnt_a.

8.14.4. SEE ALSO

add(1), cas(1)

8.15. CREATE(1)

8.15.1. NAME

create - creates caches and counters on Data Grid servers.

8.15.2. SYNOPSIS

create cache ['OPTIONS'] CACHE_NAME

create counter ['OPTIONS'] COUNTER_NAME


-f, --file='FILE'
Specifies a configuration file in XML, JSON or YAML format.
-t, --template='TEMPLATE'
Specifies a configuration template. Use tab autocompletion to see available templates.
-v, --volatile='[true|false]'
Specifies whether the cache is persistent or volatile. The default is false.


-t, --type='[weak|strong]'
Specifies if the counter is weak or strong.
-s, --storage='[PERSISTENT|VOLATILE]'
Specifies whether the counter is persistent or volatile.
-c, --concurrency-level='nnn'
Sets the concurrency level of the counter.
-i, --initial-value='nnn'
Sets the initial value of the counter.
-l, --lower-bound='nnn'
Sets the lower bound of a strong counter.
-u, --upper-bound='nnn'
Sets the upper bound of a strong counter.

8.15.5. EXAMPLES

create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mycache
Creates a cache named mycache from the DIST_SYNC template.

create counter --initial-value=3 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=strong cnt_a
Creates a strong counter named cnt_a.

8.15.6. SEE ALSO



8.16.1. NAME

credentials - manages keystores that contain Data Grid Server credentials

8.16.2. SYNOPSIS

credentials ls

credentials add 'alias'

credentials remove 'alias'


List, create, and remove credentials inside a keystore. By default, commands manage the credentials.pfx keystore in the server configuration directory.

8.16.4. SYNOPSIS

credentials ls
Lists credential aliases stored in the keystore.

Add a credential

credentials add 'alias'
Adds an alias and corresponding credential to the keystore.

Remove a credential

credentials remove 'alias'
Deletes an alias and corresponding credential from the keystore.

8.16.5. OPTIONS

-h, --help
Prints command help.
-s, --server-root='path-to-server-root'
Specifies the path to the server root directory. Defaults to server.
Specifies the path to the credential keystore. Defaults to the server configuration directory, server/conf.
-p, --password='password'
Specifies a password for the credential keystore.
-t, --type='PKCS12'
Specifies the type of keystore that contains credentials. Supported types are PKCS12 or JCEKS. Defaults to PKCS12.


-c, --credential='credential'
Specifies the credential to store.

8.16.7. EXAMPLES

credentials add dbpassword -c changeme -p "secret1234!"
Creates a new default credential keystore, if does not already exist, and adds an alias of "dbpassword" for a password of "changeme". This command also sets "secret1234!" as the password for the credential keystore, which must match the password in the server configuration: <clear-text-credential clear-text="secret1234!"/>

credentials ls -p "secret1234!"
Lists all aliases in the default credential keystore.

credentials add ldappassword -t JCEKS -p "secret1234!"
Creates a credential keystore in JCEKS format and adds an alias "ldappassword". This command prompts you to specify the password that corresponds to the alias.

8.17. DESCRIBE(1)

8.17.1. NAME

describe - displays information about resources.

8.17.2. SYNOPSIS

describe ['PATH']

8.17.3. EXAMPLES

describe //containers/default
Displays information about the default container.

describe //containers/default/caches/mycache
Displays information about the mycache cache.

describe //containers/default/caches/mycache/k1
Displays information about the k1 key.

describe //containers/default/counters/cnt1
Displays information about the cnt1 counter.

8.17.4. SEE ALSO

cd(1), ls(1)


8.18.1. NAME

disconnect - ends CLI sessions with Data Grid servers.

8.18.2. SYNOPSIS


8.18.3. EXAMPLE

Ends the current CLI session.

8.18.4. SEE ALSO


8.19. DROP(1)

8.19.1. NAME

drop - deletes caches and counters.

8.19.2. SYNOPSIS

drop cache CACHE_NAME

drop counter COUNTER_NAME

8.19.3. EXAMPLES

drop cache mycache
Deletes the mycache cache.

drop counter cnt_a
Deletes the cnt_a counter.

8.19.4. SEE ALSO

create(1), clearcache(1)

8.20. ENCODING(1)

8.20.1. NAME

encoding - displays and sets the encoding for cache entries.


Sets a default encoding for put and get operations on a cache. If no argument is specified, the encoding command displays the current encoding.

Valid encodings use standard MIME type (IANA media types) naming conventions, such as the following:

  • text/plain
  • application/json
  • application/xml
  • application/octet-stream

8.20.3. SYNOPSIS

encoding ['ENCODING']

8.20.4. EXAMPLE

encoding application/json
Configures the currently selected cache to encode entries as application/json.

8.20.5. SEE ALSO

get(1), put(1)

8.21. GET(1)

8.21.1. NAME

get - retrieves entries from a cache.

8.21.2. SYNOPSIS


8.21.3. OPTIONS

-c, --cache='NAME'
Specifies the cache from which to retrieve entries. Defaults to the currently selected cache.

8.21.4. EXAMPLE

get hello -c mycache
Retrieves the value of the key named hello from mycache.

8.21.5. SEE ALSO

query(1), put(1)

8.22. HELP(1)

8.22.1. NAME

help - prints manual pages for commands.

8.22.2. SYNOPSIS

help ['COMMAND']

8.22.3. EXAMPLE

help get
Prints the manual page for the get command.

8.22.4. SEE ALSO


8.23. LOGGING(1)

8.23.1. NAME

logging - inspects and manipulates the Data Grid server runtime logging configuration.

8.23.2. SYNOPSIS

logging list-loggers

logging list-appenders

logging set ['OPTIONS'] [LOGGER_NAME]

logging remove LOGGER_NAME


Specifies the logging level for the specific logger.
-a, --appender='APPENDER'
Specifies an appenders to set on the specific logger. The option can be repeated for multiple appenders.

calling logging set without a logger name will modify the root logger.

8.23.4. EXAMPLES

logging list-loggers
Lists all available loggers

logging set --level=DEBUG --appenders=FILE org.infinispan
Sets the log level for the org.infinispan logger to DEBUG and configures it to use the FILE appender.

8.24. LS(1)

8.24.1. NAME

ls - lists resources for the current path or a given path.

8.24.2. SYNOPSIS

ls ['PATH']

8.24.3. EXAMPLES

ls caches
Lists the available caches.

ls ../
Lists parent resources.

8.24.4. SEE ALSO


8.25. MIGRATE(1)

8.25.1. NAME

migrate - migrates data from one version of Data Grid to another.

8.25.2. SYNOPSIS

migrate cluster connect

migrate cluster synchronize

migrate cluster disconnect

migrate cluster source-connection


Use the migrate command to migrate data from one version of Data Grid to another.


Migrate clusters

migrate cluster connect
Connects the target cluster to the source cluster.
migrate cluster synchronize
Synchronize data between the source cluster and the target cluster.
migrate cluster disconnect
Disconnects the target cluster from the source cluster.
migrate cluster source-connection
Gets connection configuration of the target cluster. The command will print "Not Found" if the connections hasn’t been established.


These options apply to all commands:

-h, --help
Displays a help page for the command or sub-command.


*-c, --cache*='name'::
The name of the cache to connect to the source.

*-f, --file*='FILE'::
Specifies a configuration file in JSON format, containing a single 'remote-store' element.


*-c, --cache*='name'::
The name of the cache to synchronize.

*-b, --read-batch*='num'::
The amount of entries to process in a batch. Defaults to 10000.

*-t, --threads*='num'::
The number of threads to use. Defaults to the number of cores on the server.

-c, --cache='name'
The name of the cache to disconnect from the source.


-c, --cache='name'
The name of the cache to obtain the connection configuration.

8.26. PATCH(1)

8.26.1. NAME

patch - manages server patches.


List, describe, install, rollback, and create server patches.

Patches are zip archive files that contain artifacts to upgrade servers and resolve issues or add new features. Patches can apply target versions to multiple server installations with different versions.

8.26.3. SYNOPSIS

patch ls

patch install 'patch-file'

patch describe 'patch-file'

patch rollback

patch create 'patch-file' 'target-server' 'source-server-1' ['source-server-2'…​]


Sets the path to a target server outside the current server home directory.
-v, --verbose
Shows the content of each installed patch, including information about individual files.


Shows the operations that the patch peforms without applying any changes.
Sets the path to a target server outside the current server home directory.


-v, --verbose
Shows the content of the patch, including information about individual files


Shows the operations that the patch peforms without applying any changes.
Sets the path to a target server outside the current server home directory.


-q, --qualifier='name'
Specifies a descriptive qualifier string for the patch; for example, 'one-off for issue nnnn'.

8.26.9. EXAMPLES

patch ls
Lists the patches currently installed on a server in order of installation.

patch install
Installs "" on a server in the current directory.

patch install --server=/path/to/server/home
Installs "" on a server in a different directory.

patch describe
Displays the target version and list of source versions for "".

patch create 'target-server' 'source-server-1' ['source-server-2'…​]
Creates a patch file named "" that uses the version of the target server and applies to the source server versions.

patch rollback
Rolls back the last patch that was applied to a server and restores the previous version.

8.27. PUT(1)

8.27.1. NAME

put - adds or updates cache entries.


Creates entries for new keys. Replaces values for existing keys.

8.27.3. SYNOPSIS


8.27.4. OPTIONS

-c, --cache='NAME'
Specifies the name of the cache. Defaults to the currently selected cache.
-e, --encoding='ENCODING'
Sets the media type for the value.
-f, --file='FILE'
Specifies a file that contains the value for the entry.
-l, --ttl='TTL'
Sets the number of seconds before the entry is automatically deleted (time-to-live). Defaults to the value for lifespan in the cache configuration if 0 or not specified. If you set a negative value, the entry is never deleted.
-i, --max-idle='MAXIDLE'
Sets the number of seconds that the entry can be idle. If a read or write operation does not occur for an entry after the maximum idle time elapses, the entry is automatically deleted. Defaults to the value for maxIdle in the cache configuration if 0 or not specified. If you set a negative value, the entry is never deleted.
-a, --if-absent=[true|false]
Puts an entry only if it does not exist.

8.27.5. EXAMPLES

put -c mycache hello world
Adds the hello key with a value of world to the mycache cache.

put -c mycache -f myfile -i 500 hola
Adds the hola key with the value from the contents of myfile. Also sets a maximum idle of 500 seconds.

8.27.6. SEE ALSO

get(1), remove(1)

8.28. QUERY(1)

8.28.1. NAME

query - performs Ickle queries to match entries in remote caches.

8.28.2. SYNOPSIS


8.28.3. OPTIONS

-c, --cache='NAME'
Specifies the cache to query. Defaults to the currently selected cache.
Sets the maximum number of results to return. The default is 10.
-o, --offset='OFFSET'
Specifies the index of the first result to return. The default is 0.

8.28.4. EXAMPLES

query "from org.infinispan.example.Person p where p.gender = 'MALE'"
Queries values in a remote cache to find entries from a Protobuf Person entity where the gender datatype is MALE.

8.28.5. SEE ALSO


8.29. QUIT(1)

8.29.1. NAME

quit - exits the command line interface.

8.29.2. SYNOPSIS


exit and bye are command aliases.

8.29.3. EXAMPLE

Ends the CLI session.

Ends the CLI session.

Ends the CLI session.

8.29.4. SEE ALSO

disconnect(1), shutdown(1)

8.30. REBALANCE(1)

8.30.1. NAME

rebalance - manages automatic rebalancing for caches

8.30.2. SYNOPSIS

rebalance enable ['PATH']

rebalance disable ['PATH']

8.30.3. EXAMPLES

rebalance enable
Enables automatic rebalancing in the current context. Running this command in the root context enables rebalancing for all caches.

rebalance enable caches/mycache
Enables automatic rebalancing for the cache named mycache.

rebalance disable
Disables automatic rebalancing in the current context. Running this command in the root context disables rebalancing for all caches.

rebalance disable caches/mycache
Disables automatic rebalancing for the cache named mycache.

8.31. REMOVE(1)

8.31.1. NAME

remove - deletes entries from a cache.

8.31.2. SYNOPSIS

remove KEY ['OPTIONS']

8.31.3. OPTIONS

Specifies the cache from which to remove entries. Defaults to the currently selected cache.

8.31.4. EXAMPLE

remove --cache=mycache hola
Deletes the hola entry from the mycache cache.

8.31.5. SEE ALSO

cache(1), drop(1), clearcache(1)

8.32. RESET(1)

8.32.1. NAME

reset - restores the initial values of counters.

8.32.2. SYNOPSIS

reset ['COUNTER_NAME']

8.32.3. EXAMPLE

reset cnt_a
Resets the cnt_a counter.

8.32.4. SEE ALSO

add(1), cas(1), drop(1)

8.33. SCHEMA(1)

8.33.1. NAME

schema - uploads and registers protobuf schemas.

8.33.2. SYNOPSIS


8.33.3. OPTIONS

-u, --upload='FILE'
Uploads a file as a protobuf schema with the given name.

8.33.4. EXAMPLE

schema --upload=person.proto person.proto
Registers a person.proto Protobuf schema.

8.33.5. SEE ALSO


8.34. SERVER(1)

8.34.1. NAME

server - server configuration and state management.


The server command describes and manages server endpoint connectors and datasources and retrieves aggregated diagnostic reports about both the server and host.

Reports provide details about CPU, memory, open files, network sockets and routing, threads, in addition to configuration and log files.

8.34.3. SYNOPSIS

server report

server connector ls

server connector describe 'connector-name'

server connector start 'connector-name'

server connector stop 'connector-name'

server connector ipfilter ls 'connector-name'

server connector ipfilter set 'connector-name' --rules='[ACCEPT|REJECT]/cidr',…​

server connector ipfilter clear 'connector-name'

server datasource ls

server datasource test 'datasource-name'


One or more IP filtering rules.

8.34.5. EXAMPLES

server report
Obtains a server report, including information about network, threads, memory, etc.

server connector ls
Lists all available connectors on the server.

server connector describe endpoint-default
Shows information about the specified connector, including host, port, local and global connections, IP filtering rules.

server connector stop my-hotrod-connector
Stops a connector dropping all established connections across the cluster. This command will be refused if attempting to stop the connector which is handling the request.

server connector start my-hotrod-connector
Starts a connector so that it can accept connections across the cluster.

server connector ipfilter ls my-hotrod-connector
Lists all IP filtering rules active on a connector across the cluster.

server connector ipfilter set my-hotrod-connector --rules=ACCEPT/,REJECT/ Sets IP filtering rules on a connector across the cluster. Replaces all existing rules. This command will be refused if one of the rejection rules matches the address of the connection on which it is invoked.

server connector ipfilter clear my-hotrod-connector
Removes all IP filtering rules on a connector across the cluster.

server datasource ls
Lists all available datasources on the server.

server datasource test my-datasource
Performs a test connection on the datasource.

8.35. SHUTDOWN(1)

8.35.1. NAME

shutdown - stops server instances and clusters.

8.35.2. SYNOPSIS

shutdown server ['SERVERS']

shutdown cluster

shutdown container

8.35.3. EXAMPLES

shutdown server
Stops the server to which the CLI is connected.

shutdown server my_server01
Stops the server with hostname my_server01.

shutdown cluster
Stops all nodes in the cluster after storing cluster state and persisting entries if there is a cache store.

shutdown container
Stops the data container without terminating the server process. Stores cluster state and persists entries if there is a cache store. Server instances remain running with active endpoints and clustering. REST calls to container resources will result in a 503 Service Unavailable response. The shutdown container command is intended for environments, such as Kubernetes, that automate resource lifecycle management. For self-managed environments you should use the shutdown server or shutdown cluster commands to stop servers.

8.35.4. SEE ALSO

connect(1), disconnect(1), quit(1)

8.36. SITE(1)

8.36.1. NAME

site - manages backup locations and performs cross-site replication operations.

8.36.2. SYNOPSIS

site status ['OPTIONS']

site bring-online ['OPTIONS']

site take-offline ['OPTIONS']

site push-site-state ['OPTIONS']

site cancel-push-state ['OPTIONS']

site cancel-receive-state ['OPTIONS']

site push-site-status ['OPTIONS']

site state-transfer-mode get|set ['OPTIONS']

site name

site view

site is-relay-node

site relay-nodes

8.36.3. OPTIONS

-c, --cache='CACHE_NAME'
Specifies a cache.
-a, --all-caches
Applies the command to all caches.
-s, --site='SITE_NAME'
Specifies a backup location.


Sets the state transfer mode. Values are MANUAL (default) or AUTO.

8.36.5. EXAMPLES

site status --cache=mycache
Returns the status of all backup locations for mycache.

site status --all-caches
Returns the status of each backup location for all caches with backups.

site status --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Returns the status of NYC for mycache.

site bring-online --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Brings the site NYC online for mycache.

site take-offline --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Takes the site NYC offline for mycache.

site push-site-state --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Backs up caches to remote backup locations.

site push-site-status --cache=mycache
Displays the status of the operation to backup mycache.

site cancel-push-state --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Cancels the operation to backup mycache to NYC.

site cancel-receive-state --cache=mycache --site=NYC
Cancels the operation to receive state from NYC.

site clear-push-state-status --cache=myCache
Clears the status of the push state operation for mycache.

site state-transfer-mode get --cache=myCache --site=NYC
Retrieves the state transfer mode for mycache to NYC.

site state-transfer-mode set --cache=myCache --site=NYC --mode=AUTO
Configures automatic state transfer for mycache to NYC.

site name
Returns the name of the local site. If cross-site replication is not configured, the name of the local site is always "local".

site view
Returns a list of names for all sites or an empty list ("[]") if cross-site replication is not configured.

site is-relay-node
Returns true if the node handles RELAY messages between clusters.

site relay-nodes
Returns a list of relay nodes by their logical names.

8.37. STATS(1)

8.37.1. NAME

stats - displays statistics about resources.

8.37.2. SYNOPSIS

stats ['PATH']

8.37.3. EXAMPLES

stats //containers/default
Displays statistics about the default container.

stats //containers/default/caches/mycache
Displays statistics about the mycache cache.

8.37.4. SEE ALSO

cd(1), ls(1), describe(1)

8.38. TASK(1)

8.38.1. NAME

task - executes and uploads server-side tasks and scripts

8.38.2. SYNOPSIS

task upload --file='script' 'TASK_NAME'

task exec ['TASK_NAME']

8.38.3. EXAMPLES

task upload --file=hello.js hello
Uploads a script from a hello.js file and names it hello.

task exec @@cache@names
Runs a task that returns available cache names.

task exec hello -Pgreetee=world
Runs a script named hello and specifies the greetee parameter with a value of world.

8.38.4. OPTIONS

-P, --parameters='PARAMETERS'
Passes parameter values to tasks and scripts.
-f, --file='FILE'
Uploads script files with the given names.

8.38.5. SEE ALSO


8.39. UNALIAS(1)

8.39.1. NAME

unalias - deletes aliases.

8.39.2. SYNOPSIS

unalias 'ALIAS-NAME'

8.39.3. EXAMPLES

unalias q
Deletes the q alias.

8.39.4. SEE ALSO

config(1), alias(1)

8.40. USER(1)

8.40.1. NAME

user - manages Data Grid users in property security realms.

8.40.2. SYNOPSIS

user ls

user create 'username'

user describe 'username'

user remove 'username'

user password 'username'

user groups 'username'

user encrypt-all

user roles ls 'principal'

user roles grant --roles='role1'[,'role2'…​] 'principal'

user roles deny --roles='role1'[,'role2'…​] 'principal'


Manage users in property realms with the ls, create, describe, remove, password, groups and encrypt-all subcommands. List and modify principal to role mappings with the roles subcommand when using the cluster role mapper for authorization.


user ls
Lists the users or groups which are present in the property file.
user create 'username'
Creates a user after prompting for a password.
user describe 'username'
Describes a user, including its username, realm and any groups it belongs to.
user remove 'username'
Removes the specified user from the property file.
user password 'username'
Changes the password for a user.
user groups 'username'
Sets the groups to which a user belongs.
user encrypt-all
Encrypt all passwords in a plain-text user property file.
user roles ls 'principal'
Lists all roles of the specified principal (user or group).
user roles grant --roles='role1'[,'role2'…​] 'principal'
Grants one or more roles to a principal.
user roles deny --roles='role1'[,'role2'…​] 'principal'
Denies one or more roles to a principal.


These options apply to all commands:

-h, --help
Displays a help page for the command or sub-command.
-s, --server-root='path-to-server-root'
The path to the server root. Defaults to server.
-f, --users-file=''
The name of the property file which contains the user passwords. Defaults to
-w, --groups-file=''
The name of the property file which contains the user to groups mapping. Defaults to


-a, --algorithms
Specifies the algorithms used to hash the password.
-g, --groups='group1,group2,…​'
Specifies the groups to which the user belongs.
-p, --password='password'
Specifies the user’s password.
-r, --realm='realm'
Specifies the realm name.
Whether passwords should be stored in plain-text (not recommended).


Shows a list of groups instead of the users.


-a, --algorithms
Specifies the algorithms used to hash the password.

8.41. VERSION(1)

8.41.1. NAME

version - displays the server version and CLI version.

8.41.2. SYNOPSIS


8.41.3. EXAMPLE

Returns the version for the server and the CLI.

8.41.4. SEE ALSO


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