
Chapter 4. Options for invoking a PMML model

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You can import PMML files into your Red Hat Decision Manager project using Decision Central (Menu Design Projects Import Asset) or package the PMML files as part of your project knowledge JAR (KJAR) file without Decision Central. After you implement your PMML files in your Red Hat Decision Manager project, you can invoke the PMML-based decision service by embedding PMML calls directly in your Java application.

Currently, embedding PMML calls directly in your Java application is the available method for deploying and executing PMML models that are integrated with Red Hat Decision Manager. Other options for invoking PMML models (such as with Decision Server) will be available in a future release and will be added to PMML documentation.

For more information about including PMML assets with your project packaging and deployment method, see Packaging and deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager project.

4.1. Embedding a PMML call directly in a Java application

A KIE container is local when the knowledge assets are either embedded directly into the calling program or are physically pulled in using Maven dependencies for the KJAR. You typically embed knowledge assets directly into a project if there is a tight relationship between the version of the code and the version of the PMML definition. Any changes to the decision take effect after you have intentionally updated and redeployed the application. A benefit of this approach is that proper operation does not rely on any external dependencies to the run time, which can be a limitation of locked-down environments.

Using Maven dependencies enables further flexibility because the specific version of the decision can dynamically change (for example, by using a system property), and it can be periodically scanned for updates and automatically updated. This introduces an external dependency on the deploy time of the service, but executes the decision locally, reducing reliance on an external service being available during run time.


Currently, embedding PMML calls directly in your Java application is the available method for deploying and executing PMML models that are integrated with Red Hat Decision Manager. Other options for invoking PMML models (such as with Decision Server) will be available in a future release.


A KJAR containing the PMML model to execute has been created. For more information about project packaging, see Packaging and deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager project.


  1. In your client application, add the following dependencies to the relevant classpath of your Java project:

    <!-- Required for the PMML compiler -->
    <!-- Required for the KIE public API -->
    <!-- Required if not using classpath KIE container -->

    The <version> is the Maven artifact version for Red Hat Decision Manager currently used in your project (for example, 7.14.0.Final-redhat-00002).


    Instead of specifying a Red Hat Decision Manager <version> for individual dependencies, consider adding the Red Hat Business Automation bill of materials (BOM) dependency to your project pom.xml file. The Red Hat Business Automation BOM applies to both Red Hat Decision Manager and Red Hat Process Automation Manager. When you add the BOM files, the correct versions of transitive dependencies from the provided Maven repositories are included in the project.

    Example BOM dependency:


    For more information about the Red Hat Business Automation BOM, see What is the mapping between RHDM product and maven library version?.

  2. Create a KIE container from classpath or ReleaseId:

    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    ReleaseId releaseId = kieServices.newReleaseId( "org.acme", "my-kjar", "1.0.0" );
    KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.newKieContainer( releaseId );

    Alternative option:

    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.getKieClasspathContainer();
  3. Create an instance of the PMMLRequestData class, which applies your PMML model to a set of data:

    public class PMMLRequestData {
        private String correlationId; 1
        private String modelName; 2
        private String source; 3
        private List<ParameterInfo<?>> requestParams; 4
    Identifies data that is associated with a particular request or result
    The name of the model that should be applied to the request data
    Used by internally generated PMMLRequestData objects to identify the segment that generated the request
    The default mechanism for sending input data points
  4. Create an instance of the PMML4Result class, which holds the output information that is the result of applying the PMML-based rules to the input data:

    public class PMML4Result {
        private String correlationId;
        private String segmentationId; 1
        private String segmentId; 2
        private int segmentIndex; 3
        private String resultCode; 4
        private Map<String, Object> resultVariables; 5
    Used when the model type is MiningModel. The segmentationId is used to differentiate between multiple segmentations.
    Used in conjunction with the segmentationId to identify which segment generated the results.
    Used to maintain the order of segments.
    Used to determine whether the model was successfully applied, where OK indicates success.
    Contains the name of a resultant variable and its associated value.

    In addition to the normal getter methods, the PMML4Result class also supports the following methods for directly retrieving the values for result variables:

    public <T> Optional<T> getResultValue(String objName, String objField, Class<T> clazz, Object...params)
    public Object getResultValue(String objName, String objField, Object...params)
  5. Create an instance of the ParameterInfo class, which serves as a wrapper for basic data type objects used as part of the PMMLRequestData class:

    public class ParameterInfo<T> { 1
        private String correlationId;
        private String name; 2
        private String capitalizedName;
        private Class<T> type; 3
        private T value; 4
    The parameterized class to handle many different types
    The name of the variable that is expected as input for the model
    The class that is the actual type of the variable
    The actual value of the variable
  6. Execute the PMML model based on the required PMML class instances that you have created:

    public void executeModel(KieBase kbase,
                             Map<String,Object> variables,
                             String modelName,
                             String correlationId,
                             String modelPkgName) {
        RuleUnitExecutor executor = RuleUnitExecutor.create().bind(kbase);
        PMMLRequestData request = new PMMLRequestData(correlationId, modelName);
        PMML4Result resultHolder = new PMML4Result(correlationId);
        variables.entrySet().forEach( es -> {
            request.addRequestParam(es.getKey(), es.getValue());
        DataSource<PMMLRequestData> requestData = executor.newDataSource("request");
        DataSource<PMML4Result> resultData = executor.newDataSource("results");
        DataSource<PMMLData> internalData = executor.newDataSource("pmmlData");
        List<String> possiblePackageNames = calculatePossiblePackageNames(modelName,
        Class<? extends RuleUnit> ruleUnitClass = getStartingRuleUnit("RuleUnitIndicator",
        if (ruleUnitClass != null) {
            if ( "OK".equals(resultHolder.getResultCode()) ) {
              // extract result variables here
    protected Class<? extends RuleUnit> getStartingRuleUnit(String startingRule, InternalKnowledgeBase ikb, List<String> possiblePackages) {
        RuleUnitRegistry unitRegistry = ikb.getRuleUnitRegistry();
        Map<String,InternalKnowledgePackage> pkgs = ikb.getPackagesMap();
        RuleImpl ruleImpl = null;
        for (String pkgName: possiblePackages) {
          if (pkgs.containsKey(pkgName)) {
              InternalKnowledgePackage pkg = pkgs.get(pkgName);
              ruleImpl = pkg.getRule(startingRule);
              if (ruleImpl != null) {
                  RuleUnitDescr descr = unitRegistry.getRuleUnitFor(ruleImpl).orElse(null);
                  if (descr != null) {
                      return descr.getRuleUnitClass();
        return null;
    protected List<String> calculatePossiblePackageNames(String modelId, String...knownPackageNames) {
        List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<>();
        String javaModelId = modelId.replaceAll("\\s","");
        if (knownPackageNames != null && knownPackageNames.length > 0) {
            for (String knownPkgName: knownPackageNames) {
                packageNames.add(knownPkgName + "." + javaModelId);
        String basePkgName = PMML4UnitImpl.DEFAULT_ROOT_PACKAGE+"."+javaModelId;
        return packageNames;

    Rules are executed by the RuleUnitExecutor class. The RuleUnitExecutor class creates KIE sessions and adds the required DataSource objects to those sessions, and then executes the rules based on the RuleUnit that is passed as a parameter to the run() method. The calculatePossiblePackageNames and the getStartingRuleUnit methods determine the fully qualified name of the RuleUnit class that is passed to the run() method.

To facilitate your PMML model execution, you can also use a PMML4ExecutionHelper class supported in Red Hat Decision Manager. For more information about the PMML helper class, see Section 4.1.1, “PMML execution helper class”.

4.1.1. PMML execution helper class

Red Hat Decision Manager provides a PMML4ExecutionHelper class that helps create the PMMLRequestData class required for PMML model execution and that helps execute rules using the RuleUnitExecutor class.

The following are examples of a PMML model execution without and with the PMML4ExecutionHelper class, as a comparison:

Example PMML model execution without using PMML4ExecutionHelper

public void executeModel(KieBase kbase,
                         Map<String,Object> variables,
                         String modelName,
                         String correlationId,
                         String modelPkgName) {
    RuleUnitExecutor executor = RuleUnitExecutor.create().bind(kbase);
    PMMLRequestData request = new PMMLRequestData(correlationId, modelName);
    PMML4Result resultHolder = new PMML4Result(correlationId);
    variables.entrySet().forEach( es -> {
        request.addRequestParam(es.getKey(), es.getValue());

    DataSource<PMMLRequestData> requestData = executor.newDataSource("request");
    DataSource<PMML4Result> resultData = executor.newDataSource("results");
    DataSource<PMMLData> internalData = executor.newDataSource("pmmlData");


    List<String> possiblePackageNames = calculatePossiblePackageNames(modelName,
    Class<? extends RuleUnit> ruleUnitClass = getStartingRuleUnit("RuleUnitIndicator",

    if (ruleUnitClass != null) {;
        if ( "OK".equals(resultHolder.getResultCode()) ) {
          // extract result variables here

protected Class<? extends RuleUnit> getStartingRuleUnit(String startingRule, InternalKnowledgeBase ikb, List<String> possiblePackages) {
    RuleUnitRegistry unitRegistry = ikb.getRuleUnitRegistry();
    Map<String,InternalKnowledgePackage> pkgs = ikb.getPackagesMap();
    RuleImpl ruleImpl = null;
    for (String pkgName: possiblePackages) {
      if (pkgs.containsKey(pkgName)) {
          InternalKnowledgePackage pkg = pkgs.get(pkgName);
          ruleImpl = pkg.getRule(startingRule);
          if (ruleImpl != null) {
              RuleUnitDescr descr = unitRegistry.getRuleUnitFor(ruleImpl).orElse(null);
              if (descr != null) {
                  return descr.getRuleUnitClass();
    return null;

protected List<String> calculatePossiblePackageNames(String modelId, String...knownPackageNames) {
    List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<>();
    String javaModelId = modelId.replaceAll("\\s","");
    if (knownPackageNames != null && knownPackageNames.length > 0) {
        for (String knownPkgName: knownPackageNames) {
            packageNames.add(knownPkgName + "." + javaModelId);
    String basePkgName = PMML4UnitImpl.DEFAULT_ROOT_PACKAGE+"."+javaModelId;
    return packageNames;

Example PMML model execution using PMML4ExecutionHelper

public void executeModel(KieBase kbase,
                         Map<String,Object> variables,
                         String modelName,
                         String modelPkgName,
                         String correlationId) {
   PMML4ExecutionHelper helper = PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory.getExecutionHelper(modelName, kbase);

   PMMLRequestData request = new PMMLRequestData(correlationId, modelName);
   variables.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
     request.addRequestParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue);

   PMML4Result resultHolder = helper.submitRequest(request);
   if ("OK".equals(resultHolder.getResultCode)) {
     // extract result variables here

When you use the PMML4ExecutionHelper, you do not need to specify the possible package names nor the RuleUnit class as you would in a typical PMML model execution.

To construct a PMML4ExecutionHelper class, you use the PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory class to determine how instances of PMML4ExecutionHelper are retrieved.

The following are the available PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory class methods for constructing a PMML4ExecutionHelper class:

PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory methods for PMML assets in a KIE base

Use these methods when PMML assets have already been compiled and are being used from an existing KIE base:

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, KieBase kbase)

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, KieBase kbase, boolean includeMiningDataSources)
PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory methods for PMML assets on the project classpath

Use these methods when PMML assets are on the project classpath. The classPath argument is the project classpath location of the PMML file:

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName,  String classPath, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf)

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName,String classPath, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf, boolean includeMiningDataSources)
PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory methods for PMML assets in a byte array

Use these methods when PMML assets are in the form of a byte array:

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, byte[] content, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf)

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, byte[] content, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf, boolean includeMiningDataSources)
PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory methods for PMML assets in a Resource

Use these methods when PMML assets are in the form of an object:

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, Resource resource, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf)

public static PMML4ExecutionHelper getExecutionHelper(String modelName, Resource resource, KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConf, boolean includeMiningDataSources)

The classpath, byte array, and resource PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory methods create a KIE container for the generated rules and Java classes. The container is used as the source of the KIE base that the RuleUnitExecutor uses. The container is not persisted. The PMML4ExecutionHelperFactory method for PMML assets that are already in a KIE base does not create a KIE container in this way.

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