
Chapter 13. Prometheus metrics monitoring in Red Hat Decision Manager

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Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring toolkit that you can use with Red Hat Decision Manager to collect and store metrics related to the execution of business rules, processes, Decision Model and Notation (DMN) models, and other Red Hat Decision Manager assets. You can access the stored metrics through a REST API call to the KIE Server, through the Prometheus expression browser, or using a data-graphing tool such as Grafana.

You can configure Prometheus metrics monitoring for an on-premise KIE Server instance, for KIE Server on Spring Boot, or for a KIE Server deployment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

For the list of available metrics that KIE Server exposes with Prometheus, download the Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.0 Source Distribution from the Red Hat Customer Portal and navigate to ~/rhdm-7.8.0-sources/src/droolsjbpm-integration-$VERSION/kie-server-parent/kie-server-services/kie-server-services-prometheus/src/main/java/org/kie/server/services/prometheus.


Red Hat support for Prometheus is limited to the setup and configuration recommendations provided in Red Hat product documentation.

13.1. Configuring Prometheus metrics monitoring for KIE Server

You can configure your KIE Server instances to use Prometheus to collect and store metrics related to your business asset activity in Red Hat Decision Manager. For the list of available metrics that KIE Server exposes with Prometheus, download the Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.0 Source Distribution from the Red Hat Customer Portal and navigate to ~/rhdm-7.8.0-sources/src/droolsjbpm-integration-$VERSION/kie-server-parent/kie-server-services/kie-server-services-prometheus/src/main/java/org/kie/server/services/prometheus.


  • KIE Server is installed.
  • You have kie-server user role access to KIE Server.
  • Prometheus is installed. For information about downloading and using Prometheus, see the Prometheus documentation page.


  1. In your KIE Server instance, set the org.kie.prometheus.server.ext.disabled system property to false to enable the Prometheus extension. You can define this property when you start KIE Server or in the standalone.xml or standalone-full.xml file of Red Hat Decision Manager distribution.
  2. If you are running Red Hat Decision Manager on Spring Boot, configure the required key in the system property:

    Spring Boot key for Red Hat Decision Manager and Prometheus


  3. In the prometheus.yaml file of your Prometheus distribution, add the following settings in the scrape_configs section to configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from KIE Server:

    Scrape configurations in prometheus.yaml file

      - job_name: 'kie-server'
        metrics_path: /SERVER_PATH/services/rest/metrics
          username: USER_NAME
          password: PASSWORD
          - targets: ["HOST:PORT"]

    Scrape configurations in prometheus.yaml file for Spring Boot (if applicable)

      - job_name: 'kie'
        metrics_path: /rest/metrics
          - targets: ["HOST:PORT"]

    Replace the values according to your KIE Server location and settings.

  4. Start the KIE Server instance.

    Example start command for Red Hat Decision Manager on Red Hat JBoss EAP

    $ cd ~/EAP_HOME/bin
    $ ./ --c standalone-full.xml

    After you start the configured KIE Server instance, Prometheus begins collecting metrics and KIE Server publishes the metrics to the REST API endpoint http://HOST:PORT/SERVER/services/rest/metrics (or on Spring Boot, to http://HOST:PORT/rest/metrics).

  5. In a REST client or curl utility, send a REST API request with the following components to verify that KIE Server is publishing the metrics:

    For REST client:

    • Authentication: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • HTTP Headers: Set the following header:

      • Accept: application/json
    • HTTP method: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and metrics endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/metrics (or on Spring Boot, http://localhost:8080/rest/metrics).

    For curl utility:

    • -u: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • -H: Set the following header:

      • accept: application/json
    • -X: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and metrics endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/metrics (or on Spring Boot, http://localhost:8080/rest/metrics).

    Example curl command for Red Hat Decision Manager on Red Hat JBoss EAP

    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -X GET "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/metrics"

    Example curl command for Red Hat Decision Manager on Spring Boot

    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -X GET "http://localhost:8080/rest/metrics"

    Example server response

    # HELP kie_server_container_started_total Kie Server Started Containers
    # TYPE kie_server_container_started_total counter
    kie_server_container_started_total{container_id="task-assignment-kjar-1.0",} 1.0
    # HELP solvers_running Number of solvers currently running
    # TYPE solvers_running gauge
    solvers_running 0.0
    # HELP dmn_evaluate_decision_nanosecond DMN Evaluation Time
    # TYPE dmn_evaluate_decision_nanosecond histogram
    # HELP solver_duration_seconds Time in seconds it took solver to solve the constraint problem
    # TYPE solver_duration_seconds summary
    solver_duration_seconds_count{solver_id="100tasks-5employees.xml",} 1.0
    solver_duration_seconds_sum{solver_id="100tasks-5employees.xml",} 179.828255925
    solver_duration_seconds_count{solver_id="24tasks-8employees.xml",} 1.0
    solver_duration_seconds_sum{solver_id="24tasks-8employees.xml",} 179.995759653
    # HELP drl_match_fired_nanosecond Drools Firing Time
    # TYPE drl_match_fired_nanosecond histogram
    # HELP dmn_evaluate_failed_count DMN Evaluation Failed
    # TYPE dmn_evaluate_failed_count counter
    # HELP kie_server_start_time Kie Server Start Time
    # TYPE kie_server_start_time gauge
    kie_server_start_time{name="myapp-kieserver",server_id="myapp-kieserver",location="",version="7.4.0.redhat-20190428",} 1.557221271502E12
    # HELP kie_server_container_running_total Kie Server Running Containers
    # TYPE kie_server_container_running_total gauge
    kie_server_container_running_total{container_id="task-assignment-kjar-1.0",} 1.0
    # HELP solver_score_calculation_speed Number of moves per second for a particular solver solving the constraint problem
    # TYPE solver_score_calculation_speed summary
    solver_score_calculation_speed_count{solver_id="100tasks-5employees.xml",} 1.0
    solver_score_calculation_speed_sum{solver_id="100tasks-5employees.xml",} 6997.0
    solver_score_calculation_speed_count{solver_id="24tasks-8employees.xml",} 1.0
    solver_score_calculation_speed_sum{solver_id="24tasks-8employees.xml",} 19772.0

    If the metrics are not available in KIE Server, review and verify the KIE Server and Prometheus configurations described in this section.

    You can also interact with your collected metrics in the Prometheus expression browser at http://HOST:PORT/graph, or integrate your Prometheus data source with a data-graphing tool such as Grafana:

    Figure 13.1. Prometheus expression browser with KIE Server metrics

    prometheus expression browser data

    Figure 13.2. Prometheus expression browser with KIE Server target

    prometheus expression browser targets

    Figure 13.3. Grafana dashboard with KIE Server metrics for DMN models

    prometheus grafana data dmn

    Figure 13.4. Grafana dashboard with KIE Server metrics for solvers

    prometheus grafana data optimizer

13.2. Configuring Prometheus metrics monitoring for KIE Server on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

You can configure your KIE Server deployment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to use Prometheus to collect and store metrics related to your business asset activity in Red Hat Decision Manager. For the list of available metrics that KIE Server exposes with Prometheus, download the Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.0 Source Distribution from the Red Hat Customer Portal and navigate to ~/rhdm-7.8.0-sources/src/droolsjbpm-integration-$VERSION/kie-server-parent/kie-server-services/kie-server-services-prometheus/src/main/java/org/kie/server/services/prometheus.


  • KIE Server is installed and deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. For more information about KIE Server on OpenShift, see the relevant OpenShift deployment option in the Product documentation for Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.
  • You have kie-server user role access to KIE Server.
  • Prometheus Operator is installed. For information about downloading and using Prometheus Operator, see the Prometheus Operator project in GitHub.


  1. In the DeploymentConfig object of your KIE Server deployment on OpenShift, set the PROMETHEUS_SERVER_EXT_DISABLED environment variable to false to enable the Prometheus extension. You can set this variable in the OpenShift web console or use the oc command in a command terminal:

    oc set env dc/<dc_name> PROMETHEUS_SERVER_EXT_DISABLED=false -n <namespace>

    If you have not yet deployed your KIE Server on OpenShift, then in the OpenShift template that you plan to use for your OpenShift deployment (for example, rhdm78-prod-immutable-kieserver.yaml), you can set the PROMETHEUS_SERVER_EXT_DISABLED template parameter to false to enable the Prometheus extension.

    If you are using the OpenShift Operator to deploy KIE Server on OpenShift, then in your KIE Server configuration, set the PROMETHEUS_SERVER_EXT_DISABLED environment variable to false to enable the Prometheus extension:

    kind: KieApp
      name: enable-prometheus
      environment: rhpam-trial
        - env:
            value: "false"
  2. Create a service-metrics.yaml file to add a service that exposes the metrics from KIE Server to Prometheus:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        description: RHDM Prometheus metrics exposed
        app: myapp-kieserver
        application: myapp-kieserver
        template: myapp-kieserver
        metrics: rhdm
      name: rhdm-app-metrics
        - name: web
          port: 8080
          protocol: TCP
          targetPort: 8080
        deploymentConfig: myapp-kieserver
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP
  3. In a command terminal, use the oc command to apply the service-metrics.yaml file to your OpenShift deployment:

    oc apply -f service-metrics.yaml
  4. Create an OpenShift secret, such as metrics-secret, to access the Prometheus metrics on KIE Server. The secret must contain the "username" and "password" elements with KIE Server user credentials. For information about OpenShift secrets, see the Secrets chapter in the OpenShift Developer Guide.
  5. Create a service-monitor.yaml file that defines the ServiceMonitor object. A service monitor enables Prometheus to connect to the KIE Server metrics service.

    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: rhdm-service-monitor
        team: frontend
          metrics: rhdm
        - port: web
          path: /services/rest/metrics
              name: metrics-secret
              key: password
              name: metrics-secret
              key: username
  6. In a command terminal, use the oc command to apply the service-monitor.yaml file to your OpenShift deployment:

    oc apply -f service-monitor.yaml

    After you complete these configurations, Prometheus begins collecting metrics and KIE Server publishes the metrics to the REST API endpoint http://HOST:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/metrics.

    You can interact with your collected metrics in the Prometheus expression browser at http://HOST:PORT/graph, or integrate your Prometheus data source with a data-graphing tool such as Grafana.

    The host and port for the Prometheus expression browser location http://HOST:PORT/graph was defined in the route where you exposed the Prometheus web console when you installed the Prometheus Operator. For information about OpenShift routes, see the Routes chapter in the OpenShift Architecture documentation.

    Figure 13.5. Prometheus expression browser with KIE Server metrics

    prometheus expression browser data

    Figure 13.6. Prometheus expression browser with KIE Server target

    prometheus expression browser targets ocp

    Figure 13.7. Grafana dashboard with KIE Server metrics for DMN models

    prometheus grafana data dmn

    Figure 13.8. Grafana dashboard with KIE Server metrics for solvers

    prometheus grafana data optimizer

13.3. Extending Prometheus metrics monitoring in KIE Server with custom metrics

After you configure your KIE Server instance to use Prometheus metrics monitoring, you can extend the Prometheus functionality in KIE Server to use custom metrics according to your business needs. Prometheus then collects and stores your custom metrics along with the default metrics that KIE Server exposes with Prometheus.

As an example, this procedure defines custom Decision Model and Notation (DMN) metrics to be collected and stored by Prometheus.



  1. Create an empty Maven project and define the following packaging type and dependencies in the pom.xml file for the project:

    Example pom.xml file in the sample project


  2. Implement the relevant listener from the interface as part of the custom listener class that defines your custom Prometheus metrics, as shown in the following example:

    Sample implementation of the DMNRuntimeEventListener listener in a custom listener class

    package org.kie.server.ext.prometheus;
    import io.prometheus.client.Gauge;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.ast.DecisionNode;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.AfterEvaluateBKMEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.AfterEvaluateContextEntryEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.AfterEvaluateDecisionEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.AfterEvaluateDecisionServiceEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.AfterEvaluateDecisionTableEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.BeforeEvaluateBKMEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.BeforeEvaluateContextEntryEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.BeforeEvaluateDecisionEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.BeforeEvaluateDecisionServiceEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.BeforeEvaluateDecisionTableEvent;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.DMNRuntimeEventListener;
    import org.kie.server.api.model.ReleaseId;
    public class ExampleCustomPrometheusMetricListener implements DMNRuntimeEventListener {
        private final KieContainerInstance kieContainer;
        private final Gauge randomGauge =
                .help("Random gauge as an example of custom KIE Prometheus metric")
                .labelNames("container_id", "group_id", "artifact_id", "version", "decision_namespace", "decision_name")
        public ExampleCustomPrometheusMetricListener(KieContainerInstance containerInstance) {
            kieContainer = containerInstance;
        public void beforeEvaluateDecision(BeforeEvaluateDecisionEvent e) {
        public void afterEvaluateDecision(AfterEvaluateDecisionEvent e) {
            DecisionNode decisionNode = e.getDecision();
            ReleaseId releaseId = kieContainer.getResource().getReleaseId();
            randomGauge.labels(kieContainer.getContainerId(), releaseId.getGroupId(),
                               releaseId.getArtifactId(), releaseId.getVersion(),
                               decisionNode.getModelName(), decisionNode.getModelNamespace())
                    .set((int) (Math.random() * 100));
        public void beforeEvaluateBKM(BeforeEvaluateBKMEvent event) {
        public void afterEvaluateBKM(AfterEvaluateBKMEvent event) {
        public void beforeEvaluateContextEntry(BeforeEvaluateContextEntryEvent event) {
        public void afterEvaluateContextEntry(AfterEvaluateContextEntryEvent event) {
        public void beforeEvaluateDecisionTable(BeforeEvaluateDecisionTableEvent event) {
        public void afterEvaluateDecisionTable(AfterEvaluateDecisionTableEvent event) {
        public void beforeEvaluateDecisionService(BeforeEvaluateDecisionServiceEvent event) {
        public void afterEvaluateDecisionService(AfterEvaluateDecisionServiceEvent event) {

    The PrometheusMetricsProvider interface contains the required listeners for collecting Prometheus metrics. The interface is incorporated by the kie-server-services-prometheus dependency that you declared in your project pom.xml file.

    In this example, the ExampleCustomPrometheusMetricListener class implements the DMNRuntimeEventListener listener (from the PrometheusMetricsProvider interface) and defines the custom DMN metrics to be collected and stored by Prometheus.

  3. Implement the PrometheusMetricsProvider interface as part of a custom metrics provider class that associates your custom listener with the PrometheusMetricsProvider interface, as shown in the following example:

    Sample implementation of the PrometheusMetricsProvider interface in a custom metrics provider class

    package org.kie.server.ext.prometheus;
    import org.jbpm.executor.AsynchronousJobListener;
    import org.kie.api.event.rule.AgendaEventListener;
    import org.kie.api.event.rule.DefaultAgendaEventListener;
    import org.kie.dmn.api.core.event.DMNRuntimeEventListener;
    import org.optaplanner.core.impl.phase.event.PhaseLifecycleListener;
    import org.optaplanner.core.impl.phase.event.PhaseLifecycleListenerAdapter;
    public class MyPrometheusMetricsProvider implements PrometheusMetricsProvider {
        public DMNRuntimeEventListener createDMNRuntimeEventListener(KieContainerInstance kContainer) {
            return new ExampleCustomPrometheusMetricListener(kContainer);
        public AgendaEventListener createAgendaEventListener(String kieSessionId, KieContainerInstance kContainer) {
            return new DefaultAgendaEventListener();
        public PhaseLifecycleListener createPhaseLifecycleListener(String solverId) {
            return new PhaseLifecycleListenerAdapter() {
        public AsynchronousJobListener createAsynchronousJobListener() {
            return null;
        public DeploymentEventListener createDeploymentEventListener() {
            return null;

    In this example, the MyPrometheusMetricsProvider class implements the PrometheusMetricsProvider interface and includes your custom ExampleCustomPrometheusMetricListener listener class.

  4. To make the new metrics provider discoverable for KIE Server, create a META-INF/services/ file in your Maven project and add the fully qualified class name of the PrometheusMetricsProvider implementation class within the file. For this example, the file contains the single line org.kie.server.ext.prometheus.MyPrometheusMetricsProvider.
  5. Build your project and copy the resulting JAR file into the ~/kie-server.war/WEB-INF/lib directory of your project. For example, on Red Hat JBoss EAP, the path to this directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/kie-server.war/WEB-INF/lib.

    If you are deploying Red Hat Decision Manager on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, create a custom KIE Server image and add this JAR file to the image. For more information about creating a custom KIE Server image with an additional JAR file, see Deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager environment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using Operators.

  6. Start the KIE Server and deploy the built project to the running KIE Server. You can deploy the project using the Business Central interface or the KIE Server REST API (a PUT request to http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/{containerId}).

    After your project is deployed on a running KIE Server, Prometheus begins collecting metrics and KIE Server publishes the metrics to the REST API endpoint http://HOST:PORT/SERVER/services/rest/metrics (or on Spring Boot, to http://HOST:PORT/rest/metrics).

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