
Release notes

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Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3

Release notes for Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Red Hat Developer Hub is a developer platform for building developer portals. This document contains release notes for the Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.


Red Hat Developer Hub (Developer Hub) 1.3 is now generally available. Developer Hub is a fully supported, enterprise-grade productized version of upstream Backstage v1.29.2. You can access and download the Red Hat Developer Hub application from the Red Hat Customer Portal or from the Ecosystem Catalog.

Red Hat Developer Hub support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal. You can use the Red Hat Customer Portal for the following purposes:

  • To search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of technical support articles about Red Hat products.
  • To create a support case for Red Hat Global Support Services (GSS). For support case creation, select Red Hat Developer Hub as the product and select the appropriate product version.

Chapter 1. About this release

The release notes provide high-level coverage of the features that have been implemented in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3 and document known issues in this release.

Some features within this release may be available as a Technology Preview, providing access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and to provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, read Technology Preview Support Scope.

Benefits of Red Hat Developer Hub include:

  • Increased developer productivity: Increases productivity by eliminating common organizational challenges, enabling seamless collaboration, and providing clear guidelines for creating, developing, and deploying applications.
  • Unified self-service dashboard: Provides development teams with a unified dashboard covering various aspects such as Git, CI/CD, SAST/DAST, Supply Chain, OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster, JIRA, monitoring, API, documentation, and more, facilitated by over 150 plugins. All curated by a platform engineering team, aligning with the company’s best practices.
  • Best practices through software templates: Automates organizational best practices by encoding common tasks such as creating new applications, running Ansible jobs, and establishing CI/CD pipelines for production deployment in Git.
  • Scalable technical documentation: Code and documentation resides in the same repository, eliminating dependencies on proprietary document systems.
  • Efficient onboarding for new developers: New developers quickly adapt and become productive within a short timeframe.
  • Robust enterprise Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Empowers administrators to create roles, assign users or groups to roles, and implement robust security policies for enhanced access control.

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Chapter 2. New features

This section highlights new features in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

2.1. Customizing the deployment by using the custom resource

With this update, when deploying Red Hat Developer Hub by using the operator, you can configure the Developer Hub Deployment resource. The Developer Hub Operator Custom Resource Definition (CRD) API Version has been updated to This CRD exposes a generic spec.deployment.patch field, which allows you to patch the Developer Hub Deployment resource.

2.2. Using nested conditions in RBAC conditional policies

With this update, as a Developer Hub administrator, you can create and edit nested conditions in RBAC conditional policies by using the Developer Hub web UI.

2.3. Persisting the audit log

With this update, you can persist the audit log:

  • You can send Red Hat Developer Hub audit logs to a rotating file.
  • You can send logs to a locked down file with append only rights.
  • When using the Helm chart, Developer Hub writes logs to persistent volumes.

2.4. Allow Dynamic Configuration of Keycloak User/Group Transformers

With this update, you can provide transformer functions for users and groups to mutate entity parameters from Keycloak before their ingestion into the catalog. This can be done by creating a new backend module and using the added keycloakTransformerExtensionPoint.

2.5. Expose extension points for the keycloak-backend plugin

With this update, you can provide transformer functions for user/group to mutate the entity from Keycloak before their ingestion into the catalog with the new Backstage backend.


  1. Create a backend module.
  2. Provide the custom transformers to the keycloakTransformerExtensionPoint extension point exported by the package.

2.6. All public endpoints in core and plugins have OpenAPI specs

With this update, OpenAPI Specs are available for all components, including the rbac-backend plugin.

2.7. RBAC Backend plugin module support

With this update, Developer Hub can load roles and permissions into the RBAC Backend plugin through the use of extension points with the help of a plugin module.

2.8. Force catalog ingestion for production users

By default, it is now required for the user entity to exist in the software catalog to allow sign in. This is required for production ready deployments since identities need to exist and originate from a trusted source (i.e. the Identity Provider) in order for security controls such as RBAC and Audit logging to be effective. To bypass this, enable the dangerouslySignInWithoutUserInCatalog configuration that allows sign in without the user being in the catalog. Enabling this option is dangerous as it might allow unauthorized users to gain access.

2.9. RBAC UI enhancements

With this update, the RBAC UI has been improved:

  • The Create role form and the Role overview page display the total number of conditional rules configured.
  • The Role list page displays accessible plugins.

2.10. Updated Backstage version

With this update, Backstage was updated to version 1.29.2.

2.11. Authenticating with Microsoft Azure

The Microsoft Azure Authentication provider is now enterprise ready. To enable this, enhancements and bug fixes were made to improve the authentication and entity ingestion process. Note, the existence of user entity in the catalog is now enforced.

2.12. Deploying on OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud Provider (GCP)

Before this update, there was no automated process to deploy Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated (OSD) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

With this update, you can install Red Hat Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated (OSD) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by using either Red Hat Developer Hub Operator or Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart.

2.13. Visualize Virtual Machine nodes on the Topology plugin

With this update, you can visualize the Virtual Machine nodes deployed on the cluster through the Topology plugin.

2.14. Customizing the Home page

With this update, you can customize the Home page in Red Hat Developer Hub by passing the data into the app-config.yaml file as a proxy. It is now possible to add, reorganize, and remove cards, including the search bar, quick access, headline, markdown, placeholder, catalog starred entities and featured docs that appear based on the plugins you have installed and enabled.

2.15. Customizing the main navigation sidebar

This update introduces a configurable and customizable main navigation sidebar in Developer Hub, offering administrators greater control over the navigation structure. Previously, the sidebar was hard-coded with limited flexibility, and dynamic plugins could only contribute menu items without control over their order or structure.

With this feature, administrators can now configure the order of navigation items, create nested sub-navigation, and provide users with a more organized and intuitive interface. This enhancement improves user experience and efficiency by allowing a more tailored navigation setup.

Backward compatibility is maintained, ensuring existing dynamic plugin menu item contributions remain functional. A default configuration is provided, along with example configurations, including one with an external dynamic plugin. Documentation has been updated to guide developers on customizing the navigation.

2.16. Surfacing Catalog Processing Errors to Users

With this update, the @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-logs plugin has been made available as a dynamic plugin to help surface catalog errors into the logs. This dynamic plugin is disabled by default.

2.17. Configuring conditional policies by using external files

With this release, you can configure conditional policies in Developer Hub using external files. Additionally, Developer Hub supports conditional policy aliases, which are dynamically substituted with the appropriate values during policy evaluation.

For more information, see Configuring conditional policies.

2.18. Restarting Red Hat Developer Hub faster

Before this update, it took a long time for Developer Hub to restart because Developer Hub bootstraps all dynamic plugins from zero with every restart.

With this update, Developer Hub is using persisted volumes for the dynamic plugins. Therefore, Developer Hub restarts faster.

2.19. Monitoring active users on Developer Hub

With this update, you can monitor active users on Developer Hub using the licensed-users-info-backend plugin. This plugin provides statistical data on logged-in users through the Web UI or REST API endpoints.

For more information, see Authorization.

2.20. Loading a custom Backstage theme from a dynamic plugin

With this update, you can load a custom Backstage theme from a dynamic plugin.


  1. Export a theme provider function in the dynamic plugin, such as:

    import { lightTheme } from './lightTheme'; // some custom theme
    import { UnifiedThemeProvider } from '@backstage/theme';
    export const lightThemeProvider = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
      <UnifiedThemeProvider theme={lightTheme} children={children} />
  2. Configure Developer Hub to load the them in the UI by using the new themes configuration field:

            - id: light 1
              title: Light
              variant: light
              icon: someIconReference
              importName: lightThemeProvider
    Set your theme id. Optionally, override the default Developer Hub themes specifying following id value: light overrides the default light theme and dark overrides the default dark theme.


  • The theme is available in the "Settings" page.

This update also introduced the ability to override core API service factories from a dynamic plugin, which can be helpful for more specialized use cases such as providing a custom ScmAuth configuration for the Developer Hub frontend.

Chapter 3. Breaking changes

This section lists breaking changes in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

3.1. The 'dynamic-plugins' config map is named dynamically

Before this update, the dynamic-plugins config map name was hardcoded. Therefore, it was not possible to install two Red Hat Developer Hub helm charts in the same namespace.

With this update, the dynamic-plugins config map is named dynamically based on the deployment name similar to how all other components names are generated. When upgrading from a previous chart you might need to manually update that section of your values.yaml file to pull in the correct config map.

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3.2. Signing in without user in the software catalog is now disabled by default

By default, it is now required for the user entity to exist in the software catalog to allow sign in. This is required for production ready deployments since identities need to exist and originate from a trusted source (i.e. the Identity Provider) in order for security controls such as RBAC and Audit logging to be effective. To bypass this, enable the dangerouslySignInWithoutUserInCatalog configuration that allows sign in without the user being in the catalog. Enabling this option is dangerous as it might allow unauthorized users to gain access.

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3.3. Red Hat and Community Technology Preview (TP) plugins and actions are disabled by default

Before this update, some Red Hat and Community Technology Preview (TP) plugins and actions were enabled by default:

Technology Preview plugins

  • @backstage-community/plugin-catalog-backend-module-scaffolder-relation-processor (changing in RHIDP-3643)

Community Support plugins

  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-azure
  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-bitbucket-cloud
  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-bitbucket-server
  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-gerrit
  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-github
  • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-gitlab
  • @roadiehq/scaffolder-backend-module-http-request
  • @roadiehq/scaffolder-backend-module-utils

With this update, all plugins included under the Technology Preview scope of support, whether from Red Hat or the community, are disabled by default.


  • If your workload requires these plugins, enable them in your custom resource or configmap using disabled: false.

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3.4. Plugins with updated scope

With this update, three plugins previously under the @janus-idp scope have moved to @backstage-community:

RHDH 1.2 Plugin NameRHDH 1.3 Plugin Name







As the scope of the previous plugins has been updated, the dynamic plugin configuration has also changed.

RHDH 1.2 ConfigurationRHDH 1.3 Configuration




  • If your workload requires plugins with an updated scope, revise your configuration to use the latest plugins from the new scope.

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Chapter 4. Deprecated functionalities

This section lists deprecated functionalities in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

4.1. spec.application.image, spec.application.replicas and spec.application.imagePullSecrets fields are deprecated

spec.application.image, spec.application.replicas and spec.application.imagePullSecrets fields are deprecated in v1alpha2 in favour of spec.deployment.


To update your Developer Hub Operation configuration:

  1. Remove the spec.application.image, spec.application.replicas and spec.application.imagePullSecrets fields from the Operator configuration:

        replicas: 2 1
        imagePullSecrets: 2
          - my-secret-name
        image: 3
    Replica count.
    Array of image pull secrets names.
    Image name.
  2. Replace the removed fields by new spec.deployment fields, such as:

            replicas: 2 1
            imagePullSecrets: 2
              - name: my-secret-name
                  my: true
                  - name: backstage-backend
                    image: 3
    Replica count.
    Array of image pull secrets names.
    Image name.

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Chapter 5. Technology Preview

This section lists Technology Preview features in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.


Technology Preview features provide early access to upcoming product innovations, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. However, these features are not fully supported under Red Hat Subscription Level Agreements, may not be functionally complete, and are not intended for production use. As Red Hat considers making future iterations of Technology Preview features generally available, we will attempt to resolve any issues that customers experience when using these features. See: Technology Preview support scope.

5.1. Registering existing entities from multiple Git repositories simultaneously

With this update, you can register entities from multiple repositories simultaneously, without the need to register them individually.

For repositories without a catalog-entity.yaml file, the plugin creates a pull request. Once the pull request is merged, Developer Hub registers the entity in the software catalog.

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5.2. Added the catalog backend module logs plugin

With this update, Developer Hub includes the @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-logs plugin as a dynamic plugin to help surface catalog errors into the logs. This dynamic plugin is disabled by default.

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Chapter 6. Fixed issues

This section lists issues fixed in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

6.1. Removed unnecessary pull secret from the Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart

With this update, the Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart does not contain a pull secret that is no longer needed.

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6.2. Filtering for permissions policies that do not exist leads to an error being thrown

Before this update, permission checks by the permission framework would throw an error if a matching permission policy was not previously defined. Therefore, Developer Hub denied the request with an error.

With this update, Developer Hub denies the request without throwing an error.

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6.3. Added missing plugin name in the RBAC administration interface

Before this update, the RBAC administration user interface Permission Policies table did not display the plugin name.

With this update, the RBAC administration user interface Permission Policies table displays the plugin name.

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6.4. HTTP error code 431 when an user is member of many groups

Before this update, Developer Hub API became unresponsive when a user was member of a high number of groups (more than 150) with aggregated relations. Therefore, the user might have failed to authenticate. Also, Developer Hub might have shown an error when opening the user entity in the UI.

With this update, Developer Hub can handle a user member of a high number of groups (more than 150) with aggregated relations.

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6.5. OCM calls are not scoped to the OCM page

Before this update, when the OCM plugin is installed, navigating to non-OCM pages triggered unnecessary failed OCM API calls.

With this update, Developer Hub restricts OCM API calls to OCM-related pages.

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6.6. When login using azure entra sso, it will use id to match the user entity, which will fail to match with user entity imported by msgraph.

Before this update, Developer Hub failed to resolve user entities with Azure authentication provider to entities ingested by the MsGraph catalog provider. Therefore, a user authentication with Microsoft Azure could not open a session in Developer Hub.

With this update, Developer Hub resolves user entities with Azure authentication provider to entities ingested by the MsGraph catalog provider. Therefore, a user authentication with Microsoft Azure can open a session in Developer Hub.

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6.7. Replaced the deprecated backend.auth.keys field in the default configuration

Before this update, in a Developer Hub deployment with the default configuration, the application logs displayed the deprecation warning.

With this update, the default upstream.backstage.appConfig configuration uses the backend.auth.externalAccess field rather than the deprecated backend.auth.keys field.

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6.8. Handle PII logging in Application Logs

With this update, Developer Hub does not include user IP addresses in the application logs.

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6.9. The last ~10 GitHub Pull Requests are missing from the list

Before this update, Developer Hub ignored GitHub search API restrictions to list pull requests. Therefore, Developer Hub might have not displayed all pull requests.

With this update, Developer Hub limits paging to max 1000 results to respect GitHub search API restrictions. Developer Hub show users when additional results are available, suggesting in a tooltip that they can refine their query to retrieve more specific results.

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6.10. rhtap installation always failed at RHDH due to Migration table is already locked

Before this update, after updating a config map or a secret, when pods where restarting to apply the changes, they might have tried to simultaneous lock the database. The situation ended with a dead lock.

With this update, Developer Hub handles simultaneous pod refreshing without a dead lock.

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6.11. Renamed optional secret dynamic-plugins-npmrc in helm chart

Before this update, the Helm Chart was using an unversioned name for the dynamic-plugins-npmrc secret. Therefore subsequent Helm deployments of the RHDH Helm Chart version 1.2.1 failed after the first deployment with an error that a secret named dynamic-plugins-npmrc exists and is not owned by the current release.

With this update, the Helm Chart creates and uses a dynamic-plugins-npmrc secret that is named in line with the other resources managed by the Helm Chart: <release-name>-dynamic-plugins-npmrc. As a result, the Helm Chart does not fail on the previous error.

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6.12. Backstage Specific Metrics no longer appear in /metrics endpoint

Before this update, Developer Hub stopped displaying some metrics such as catalog metrics in the <RHDH_URL>/metrics endpoint.

With this update, Developer Hub displays expected metrics in the /metrics endpoint.

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6.13. Theme issues with plugins using material 5

Before this update, Developer Hub had theme issues with plugins using Material UI (MUI) 5.

With this update, Developer Hub includes additional MUI 5 related packages, added to the application shell as shared modules. Therefore, dynamic plugins that use MUI 5 components and tss-react can properly load the currently selected theme. This ensures that MUI 5 components have the correct colors and styling applied to them.

While not strictly a requirement, if a dynamic plugin relies on MUI 5 components with a class name prefix, that behavior can be added to a frontend dynamic plugin by adding the following code to the plugin’s index.ts:

import { unstable_ClassNameGenerator as ClassNameGenerator } from '@mui/material/className';

ClassNameGenerator.configure(componentName => {
  return componentName.startsWith('v5-')
    ? componentName
    : `v5-${componentName}`;

This update requires using a version of the @janus-idp/cli package > 1.13.1.

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6.14. Creating RBAC role with name that contains ':' or '/' creates a role that does nothing and cannot be deleted

Before this update, creating an RBAC role with name that contains ':' or '/' through the REST API (or RBAC admin panel in the UI) created a role that did nothing and could not be deleted. Although the name of the role showed up in full as written in the POST request, when clicked on for more information about the role it showed only the part of the name written before the first ':' or '/'. Also while the list of RBAC roles did list how many policies were added to the role, when clicking on the role for more information it displayed no users or policies.

With this udpate, Developer Hub validates more strictly role and namespace names in accordance with backstage validation:

Developer Hub invalidates role names that do not conform with the format:

  • Strings of length at least 1, and at most 63.
  • Must consist of sequences of [a-z0-9A-Z] possibly separated by one of [-_.].

Developer Hub invalidates namespaces that do not conform with the format:

  • Strings of length at least 1, and at most 63.
  • Must be sequences of [a-zA-Z0-9], possibly separated by -.

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6.15. Update contitional policies and policies loaded from files when these files are deleted

Before this update, conditional policies and policies loaded from files remained active after the corresponding policy files were removed from the configuration.

With this update, conditional policies and policies loaded from files are removed after the corresponding policy files are removed from the configuration.

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6.16. Fixed the timestamp inserted by catalog:timestamping

Before this update, the timestamp in the catalog-info.yaml created by the catalog:timestamping action by the backstage-scaffolder-backend-module-annotator plugin was different from the execution time of the template.

With this update, a unique timestamp is generated on each execution of the template.

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6.17. Added missing virtual machine details to the sidebar

Before this update, when a user displayed the virtual machine details in the sidebar, the icon corresponding to virtual machine was not shown.

With this update, the missing icons have been added. Therefore, when a user displays the virtual machine details in the sidebar, an icon shows the virtual machine status.

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6.18. Authenticate with GitHub a user absent in the software catalog when dangerouslyAllowSignInWithoutUserInCatalog is set to true

Before this update, authentication with Github failed when the dangerouslyAllowSignInWithoutUserInCatalog field was set to true and the user was absent from the software catalog.

With this update, when the dangerouslyAllowSignInWithoutUserInCatalog field is set to true, you can authenticate to Developer Hub with a user absent from the software catalog.

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6.19. The Developer Hub image defined in the custom resource takes precedence on the image defined in the environment variable

Before this update, when the Developer Hub image was configured in both the custom resource and in the 'RELATED_IMAGE_backstage' environment variable, the image defined in the custom resource was not used.

With this update, the custom resource configuration takes precedence and is applied.

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6.20. Updated the search dropdown to display results for a large number of users or groups

Before this update, in the RBAC administration page, the members dropdown was not able to load a large number of users or groups. Therefore, the Developer Hub administrator was not able to select required users or groups to add to the role.

With this update, the dropdown displays initially up to 100 users or groups shown and updates the display once the user starts to search. The search happens across the whole data-set and displays the first 100 results. The user must refine their search to narrow the results to a list containing the desired user or group. Therefore, even with larger numbers or users/groups, the Developer Hub administrator can add required users or groups to the role.

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6.21. Bundled ArgoCD plugin with dynamic frontent assets

Before this update, the ArgoCD plugin was bundled with dynamic backend plugin assets rather than dynamic frontend plugin assets. Therefore the ArgoCD plugin failed to load.

With this update, the ArgoCD plugin is bundled with dynamic frontend plugin assets. Therefore the ArgoCD plugin can load properly.

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Chapter 7. Fixed security issues

This section lists security issues fixed in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

7.1. Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.0

7.1.1. Red Hat Developer Hub dependency updates

A flaw was found in the Go language standard library net/netip. The method Is*() (IsPrivate(), IsPublic(), etc) doesn’t behave properly when working with IPv6 mapped to IPv4 addresses. The unexpected behavior can lead to integrity and confidentiality issues, specifically when these methods are used to control access to resources or data.
A flaw was found in Go. The net/http module mishandles specific server responses from HTTP/1.1 client requests. This issue may render a connection invalid and cause a denial of service.
A flaw was found in the Azure identity library at This issue allows an elevation of privileges.
A flaw was found in urllib3, an HTTP client library for Python. In certain configurations, urllib3 does not treat the Proxy-Authorization HTTP header as one carrying authentication material. This issue results in not stripping the header on cross-origin redirects.
A flaw was found in the fast-loops Node.js package. This flaw allows an attacker to alter the behavior of all objects inheriting from the affected prototype by passing arguments to the objectMergeDeep function crafted with the built-in property: proto. This issue can potentially lead to a denial of service, remote code execution, or Cross-site scripting.
A flaw was found in the async Node.js package. A Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) attack can potentially be triggered via the autoinject function while parsing specially crafted input.

7.1.2. RHEL 9 platform RPM updates

A flaw was found in the Linux kernel’s uio subsystem. A use-after-free memory flaw in the uio_open functionality allows a local user to crash or escalate their privileges on the system.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Input: cyapa - add missing input core locking to suspend/resume functions
A flaw was found in OpenSSL. Applications performing certificate name checks (e.g., TLS clients checking server certificates) may attempt to read an invalid memory address resulting in abnormal termination of the application process.
A use-after-free flaw was found in net/sched/act_mirred.c in the Linux kernel. This may result in a crash.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of fcport
A vulnerability was found in the Linux kernel. A potential double-free in the pointer ha→vp_map exists in the Linux kernel in drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix command flush on cable pull
A flaw was found in the Linux kernel’s ARM memory management functionality, where certain memory layouts cause a kernel panic. This flaw allows an attacker who can specify or alter memory layouts to cause a denial of service.
A flaw was found in the Linux Kernel. A lpage_info overflow can occur when checking attributes. This may lead to a crash.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fork: defer linking file vma until vma is fully initialized
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf, sockmap: Prevent lock inversion deadlock in map delete elem
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: n_gsm: fix possible out-of-bounds in gsm0_receive()
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gpiolib: cdev: Fix use after free in lineinfo_changed_notify
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: nl80211: Avoid address calculations via out of bounds array indexing
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gfs2: Fix potential glock use-after-free on unmount
A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in cppc_cpufreq_get_rate() in the Linux kernel. This issue may result in a crash.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ring-buffer: Fix a race between readers and resize checks
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cpufreq: exit() callback is optional
A flaw was found in Emacs. Arbitrary shell commands can be executed without prompting when an Org mode file is opened or when the Org mode is enabled, when Emacs is used as an email client, this issue can be triggered when previewing email attachments.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ACPICA: Revert "ACPICA: avoid Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine."
An out-of-bounds buffer overflow has been found in the Linux kernel’s mac80211 subsystem when scanning for SSIDs. Address calculation using out-of-bounds array indexing could result in an attacker crafting an exploit, resulting in the complete compromise of a system.
A potential flaw was found in the Linux kernel’s MediaTek WiFi, where it was reusing uninitialized data. This flaw allows a local user to gain unauthorized access to some data potentially.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net, sunrpc: Remap EPERM in case of connection failure in xs_tcp_setup_socket
A flaw was found in libexpat’s xmlparse.c component. This vulnerability allows an attacker to cause improper handling of XML data by providing a negative length value to the XML_ParseBuffer function.
An issue was found in libexpat’s internal dtdCopy function in xmlparse.c, It can have an integer overflow for nDefaultAtts on 32-bit platforms where UINT_MAX equals SIZE_MAX.
A flaw was found in libexpat’s internal nextScaffoldPart function in xmlparse.c. It can have an integer overflow for m_groupSize on 32-bit platforms where UINT_MAX equals SIZE_MAX.

Chapter 8. Known issues

This section lists known issues in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.

8.1. Admin users should have high privilage

A conditional alias that uses $ownerRefs doesn’t work.

There is no workaround.

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8.2. Conditional alias $ownerRefs does not work

A conditional alias that uses $ownerRefs doesn’t work.

There is no workaround.

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8.3. Bulk Import: Added repositories count is incorrect

Only the first 20 repositories (in alphabetical order) can be displayed at most on the Bulk Import Added Repositories page. Also, the count of Added Repositories displayed might be wrong. In future releases, we plan to address this with proper pagination. Meanwhile, as a workaround, searching would still work against all Added Repositories. So you can still search any Added Repository and get it listed on the table.

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8.4. Entities of repositories under a configured org in catalog-backend-module-github-org plugin are not deleted from the catalog when the imported repository is deleted from bulk imports

Repositories might be added to Developer Hub from various sources (like statically in an app-config file or dynamically when enabling GitHub discovery). By design, the bulk import plugin will only track repositories that are accessible from the configured GitHub integrations. When both the Bulk Import and the GitHub Discovery plugins are enabled, the repositories the latter discovers might be listed in the Bulk Import pages. However, attempting to delete a repository added by the discovery plugin from the Bulk Import Jobs may have no effect, as any entities registered from this repository might still be present in the Developer Hub catalog. There is unfortunately no known workaround yet.

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