Chapter 7. Known issues
This section lists known issues in Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3.
7.1. Entities of repositories under a configured org in catalog-backend-module-github-org plugin are not deleted from the catalog when the imported repository is deleted from bulk imports
Repositories might be added to Developer Hub from various sources (like statically in an app-config file or dynamically when enabling GitHub discovery). By design, the bulk import plugin will only track repositories that are accessible from the configured GitHub integrations. When both the Bulk Import and the GitHub Discovery plugins are enabled, the repositories the latter discovers might be listed in the Bulk Import pages. However, attempting to delete a repository added by the discovery plugin from the Bulk Import Jobs may have no effect, as any entities registered from this repository might still be present in the Developer Hub catalog. There is unfortunately no known workaround yet.
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7.2. OIDC refresh token behavior
When using Red Hat Single-Sign On or Red Hat Build of Keycloak as an OIDC provider, the default access token lifespan is set to 5 minutes, which corresponds to the token refresh grace period set in Developer Hub. This 5-minute grace period is the threshold used to trigger a new refresh token call. Since the token is always near expiration, frequent refresh token requests will cause performance issues.
This issue will be resolved in the 1.5 release. To prevent the performance issues, increase the lifespan in the Red Hat Single-Sign On or Red Hat Build of Keycloak server by setting Configure > Realm Settings > Access Token Lifespan to a value greater than five minutes (preferably 10 or 15 minutes).
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7.3. Bulk Import: Added repositories count is incorrect
Only the first 20 repositories (in alphabetical order) can be displayed at most on the Bulk Import Added Repositories page. Also, the count of Added Repositories displayed might be wrong. In future releases, we plan to address this with proper pagination. Meanwhile, as a workaround, searching would still work against all Added Repositories. So you can still search any Added Repository and get it listed on the table.
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7.4. Topology plugin permission is not displayed in the RBAC front-end UI
Permissions associated only with front-end plugins do not appear in the UI because they require a backend plugin to expose the permission framework's well-known endpoint. As a workaround, you can apply these permissions by using a CSV file or directly calling the REST API of the RBAC backend plugin. Affected plugins include Topology (
), Tekton (
), ArgoCD (
), and Quay (
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