Installation Guide

Red  Hat Development Suite 2.0

Installing Red  Hat Development Suite

Petra Sargent

Red Hat Developer Group Documentation Team


Information for users installing Red  Hat Development Suite. This guide describes all prerequisites for a successful installation of the product.


Red Hat Development Suite combines Red Hat development tools such as Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, the Red Hat Container Development Kit, and OpenJDK into a single, integrated developer experience.

Chapter 1. Red Hat Development Suite Support Information

Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 includes several Red Hat products such as Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0, Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.1 as well as some dependencies for each of these products. Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 also includes Kompose.

Support information for Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 is as follows:

  • Both the Online and Bundled installers are supported for Windows 7, 8, and 10.
  • Both the Online and Bundled installers are supported for macOS. These installers run on macOS 10.9 or newer.
  • Supported for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 using the standard package management system.

Figure 1.1 shows Red Hat Development Suite with Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat Container Development Kit on the Windows platform.

Figure 1.1. Red Hat Development Suite

Red Hat Development Suite

Chapter 2. Red Hat Development Suite Component Details

Table 2.1 Component Details shows a list based on platforms of the Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 components along with their dependencies. On Windows, Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.1 can use either Hyper-V or VirtualBox as the hypervisor. Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 will automatically use Hyper-V with CDK if Hyper-V is already enabled. If Hyper-V is not enabled, Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 will allow the user to enable either Hyper-V or install VirtualBox.

Table 2.1. Component Details
Included ProductWindowsmacOSRed Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0

Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.1

Kompose 1.0.0

Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling 10.0

Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP 6.4

Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf 6.3

OpenJDK 1.8.0_141

Oracle Java SE

Cygwin 2.9.0

Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 supports the following hypervisiors:

Table 2.2. Hypervisior Details
WindowsmacOSRed Hat Enterprise Linux

Hyper-V, VirtualBox 5.1.24

VirtualBox 5.1.24



On macOS 64-bit hosts, VirtualBox works with versions 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.10 (Yosemite), and 10.11 (El Capitan). Intel hardware is required for these hosts. See VirtualBox Manual for details.

Hyper-V is available on 64-bit versions of Windows Professional, Enterprise, and Education in Windows 8 and later. It is not available on Windows Home edition. See Hyper-V Manual for details.

Red Hat Development Suite uses the PATH environment variable to detect existing installations of OpenJDK, Cygwin, VirtualBox, and Kompose. Red Hat Development Suite does not detect existing installation of Kompose. Visit Kompose for details on Kompose.

If Red Hat Development Suite detects any of the listed components, it compares the installed version against the required version and acts based on the results:

  • If the installed version matches the supported version, Red Hat Development Suite marks the component as available and correct.
  • If the installed version does not match the supported version, the installer will notify the user that an older unsupported version is installed. The user can uninstall the unsupported version without exiting the installer. Once the installer detects the supported version, the user can continue with the installation.

Chapter 3. System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for Red Hat Development Suite are:

  • 8 GB RAM
  • 20 GB disk space
  • CPU Intel i3 2GHz Processor

The recommended system requirements for Red Hat Development Suite are:

  • 16 GB RAM
  • 47 GB disk space
  • CPU Intel i5 2GHz or better

Chapter 4. Installing Red Hat Development Suite

4.1. Installation Options

Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 includes the following installation options:

  • Windows-only Installers

    • An Installer that has an initial download of approximately 1 GB and includes Red Hat Container Development Kit, Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, OpenJDK, and Cygwin for installation. Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, VirtualBox, and Kompose are not included in the installer and have to be downloaded during the installation time.
    • An Online Installer that is a 60 MB download and downloads the required components during the installation process.
  • macOS-only Installers

    • An Installer that has an initial download of approximately 1 GB and includes Red Hat Container Development Kit, Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, OpenJDK and Cygwin for installation. Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, VirtualBox, and Kompose are not included in the installer and have to be downloaded during the installation time.
    • An Online Installer that is a 60 MB download and downloads the required components during the installation process.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses RPM packages to install Red Hat Container Development Kit, Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and Kompose.

4.2. Installation Prerequisites

4.2.1. General Prerequisites

The following are general prerequisites for Windows and macOS. Ensure that you refer to the Microsoft Windows or macOS specific prerequisites after the general requirements are met.

  • Sign Up for the Red Hat Developer Program: Join the program here: Red Hat Developer Program. After signing up, you must wait approximately fifteen minutes to allow the new account information to propagate to the Red Hat Subscription Management system.
  • (Optional) Install Docker individually to use Docker for Windows: Red Hat Development Suite includes the Docker tooling, but to use the full version of Docker for Windows (Docker Machine or Boot2Docker), you must install Docker and test it before installing any Eclipse Docker tools. This is only applicable to using Docker outside of JBoss Developer Studio, such as Docker for Windows or Docker for macOS.

4.2.2. Microsoft Windows Prerequisites

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met when installing Red Hat Development Suite on Microsoft Windows:

  • Ensure that Virtualization is enabled in your machine’s BIOS settings. If Red Hat Development Suite is run on a new system, ensure that Virtualization is enabled in the BIOS settings. This is required to run VirtualBox. See your system’s documentation for instructions to change BIOS settings.
  • Ensure that you are logged in as an Administrator. Red Hat Development Suite adds drivers and changes environment variables and therefore requires Administrator permissions. Do not run Red Hat Development Suite using a non-Administrator account with the Run as Administrator option because this does not supply the required permissions.

4.2.3. macOS Prerequisites

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met when installing Red Hat Development Suite on macOS :

  • Ensure that you are logged in as an Administrator. Red Hat Development Suite adds drivers and changes environment variables and therefore requires administrator permissions.
  • Ensure that Java SE 1.8.0 is installed: Download and install Java SE 1.8.0 Build 111 from the Oracle website: Java Download.
  • Ensure that Virtualization is enabled for your machine. In a terminal, run the sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features command. The result will be a string of features, for example:


    If the output includes VMX, as highlighted in the example, the machine has Virtualization enabled.

4.2.4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Prerequisites

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met when installing Red Hat Development Suite on Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

  • Enable the rhel-7-server-devtools-rpms repository on Red Hat Enterprise Linux server or enable the rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms repository on Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstation
  • Enable the rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms repository

Red Hat Developer Tools is not supported on the Client or the ComputeNode variant.

To enable the Red Hat Developer Tools repositories:

  1. Run the following commands as the root user:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-devtools-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

    In the above command, depending on the variant of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that you are using, server or workstation, the commands will be:

    • For the workstation variant: subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms
    • For the server variant: subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-devtools-rpms

    For developers, we recommend using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server for access to the widest range of development tools.

    For more information on registering and attaching subscriptions, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Management.

  2. To add the Red Hat Developer Tools key to your system, run the following commands as the root user:

    # cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
    # wget -O RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel
    # rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel

4.3. Installing Red Hat Development Suite

4.3.1. Installing Red Hat Development Suite on Microsoft Windows and macOS

To install Red Hat Development Suite:

  1. Log in and download Red Hat Development Suite from the Red Hat Developers Portal product download page at Red Hat Developers Download. Please note that macOS installers need to be unzipped before the next step. If using the Safari browser to download, the macOS installer is automatically unzipped.
  2. Run the downloaded file installation file (Online or Bundled).
  3. At the Welcome screen, click Next to continue.

    Figure 4.1. Welcome

  4. At the Target Folder screen, add a path to the target directory for the Red Hat Development Suite installation. The default path for Windows is c:\DevelopmentSuite, and the default path for macOS is /Applications/DevelopmentSuite.
  5. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 4.2. Set the Target Directory

    Set the Target Directory

    If your Windows user has a space in the username, for example, Example User, the installer displays an error. See Section 6.1, “Terms and Conditions Error” for troubleshooting information for this error.

  6. The Confirmation screen lists the components that Red Hat Development Suite downloads and installs. Red Hat Development Suite detects components based on the PATH environment variable. If none of the components are installed, no changes are required. If an older version of a component is detected, the user can uninstall the older version of the component without exiting the installer. Red Hat Development Suite detects when the older version of the component is uninstalled.

    All components are already selected by default in the Confirmation screen except for Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP, Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf, and Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

    Right-click the Confirmation screen to open the context menu.

    Figure 4.3. Confirmation

    1. To Install Red Hat Development Suite:

      1. In the context menu list, select Select All Components.
      2. Click Next to continue.
      3. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      4. Click Download & Install to continue.

        Figure 4.4. Account

      5. The Download & Install screen will show the progress of the components downloading.

        Figure 4.5. Download & Install

        Download & Install
    2. To only install Red Hat Container Development Kit:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat Container Development Kit.
      3. For Windows only: Enable Hyper-V or proceed with selected component VirtualBox. If user chooses to enable Hyper-V, a reboot is required and then restart Red Hat Development Suite. Once Red Hat Development Suite detects that Hyper-V is enabled, VirtualBox is removed from the component list.

        Figure 4.6. Enable Hyper-V

        Enable Hyper-V
      4. Click Next to continue.
      5. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      6. Click Download & Install to continue.
    3. To only install Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio. (OpenJDK is automatically selected.)
      3. Click Next to continue.
      4. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      5. Click Download & Install to continue.
    4. To only install Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. (OpenJDK is automatically selected.)
      3. Click Next to continue.
      4. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      5. Click Download & Install to continue.
    5. To only install Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling. (Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and OpenJDK are automatically selected.)
      3. Click Next to continue.
      4. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentails.
      5. Click Download & Install to continue.
    6. To only install Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP. (OpenJDK is automatically selected.)
      3. Click Next to continue.
      4. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      5. Click Download & Install to continue.
    7. To only install Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf:

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select Red Hat JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf.
      3. Click Next to continue.
      4. At the Account screen, enter your existing Red Hat Developer login credentials.
      5. Click Download & Install to continue.
    8. To only install any of the tools (VirtualBox, Cygwin, Kompose, OpenJDK):

      1. In the context menu list, select Deselect All Components.
      2. Select any of the other components as desired.
      3. Click Download & Install to continue.
  7. The Online installer then downloads the selected components and installs it. This process involves large file downloads and can take some time to complete. The Bundled installer includes the components and directly installs them.

    After installation, the admin console password can be changed for JBoss EAP and JBoss Fuse run times.

    • To reset the password for JBoss Fuse on Apache Karaf, update the following file with the new password: ${targetfolder}\fuseplatformkaraf\etc\
    • To reset the password for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and for Red Hat JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP, run the script located in $JBoss_HOME/bin/ (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or $JBoss_HOME\bin\ (for Windows).
  8. When complete, Red Hat Development Suite indicates that the download and install were successful and provides a link to the Red Hat Container Development Kit Getting Started page. Depending on what you want to do next, you can either:

    1. Click Open Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio button to start using the Red Hat Container Development Kit Server Adapter.
    2. See the Red Hat Container Development Kit page to learn about using Red Hat Container Development Kit.
    3. For Windows only: if Hyper-V is enabled, the user must log off and log in again in order to run CDK without administrative privileges.
    4. Start a local OpenShift cluster with minishift:

      minishift start --cpus 3 --disk-size 20g

      See the Minishift page to learn about using minishift.

  9. To run Red Hat Development Suite, click Open Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio button:

    1. Set up a workspace folder, as prompted.
    2. Click the Servers tab to view the configured Red Hat Container Development Kit server adapter.
    3. Right-click the server and select Start to initiate the Red Hat Container Development Kit server.
    4. When prompted, enter your Red Hat Customer Portal credentials and click OK. The Console tab displays the details of the Red Hat Container Development Kit server.
    5. When prompted, read the details of the new SSL certificate for OpenShift and click Yes to accept it.
    6. Click the OpenShift Explorer tab to view the new OpenShift server and sample project.

4.3.2. Installing Red Hat Development Suite on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Development Suite includes the following packages:

  • rh-devsuite - all tools integrated together
  • rh-eclipse47-devstudio - Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0
  • cdk-minishift - Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.1
  • docker-machine-kvm - Red Hat Container Development Kit minishift kvm driver

To install Red Hat Development Suite with all components, run the following command as root:

# yum -y install rh-devsuite

To only install Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, run the following command as root:

# yum -y install rh-eclipse47-devstudio

To run Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio:

  1. Use Applications→Programming→Red Hat Eclipse 4.7 launcher.

To only install Red Hat Container Development Kit, run the following command as root:

# yum -y install cdk-minishift

To set up Red Hat Container Development Kit :

  1. Run the following command as root to create a symbolic link for minishift:

    # ln -s /var/lib/cdk-minishift-3.1.1/minishift /usr/bin/minishift
  2. Run the following command as a regular user to install required CDK components:

    minishift setup-cdk --force --default-vm-driver="kvm"
  3. Run the following command as root to create a symbolic link:

    # ln -s /home/$(whoami)/.minishift/cache/oc/v3.5.5.8/oc /usr/bin/oc

See the Minishift page to learn about using minishift.

Chapter 5. Upgrading Red Hat Development Suite

There is no current path to upgrade from Red Hat Development Suite 1.4 to 2.0. To use version 2.0, uninstall Red Hat Development Suite 1.4 and then install Red Hat Development Suite 2.0.

Note the following considerations when uninstalling to upgrade to the newer version of Red Hat Development Suite:

  • Only VirtualBox version 5.1.22 is supported. If a VirtualBox version older than 5.1.22 is installed, manually uninstall this component before upgrading to new version.
  • Both the Online and Bundled Red Hat Development Suite installers require a manual uninstall and then a fresh installation with the new version of the installer.

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting

To troubleshoot a general installation failure, see the contents of the installer.log file. The installer log file is automatically created in the installation target directory. Depending on when the installation failed, the directory can contain additional log files for VirtualBox and OpenJDK.

6.1. Terms and Conditions Error

Error: “Terms and Conditions for CDK have not been signed”

This error appears on the Log In page when installing Red Hat Development Suite. The workaround for this issue is to log into Red Hat Developers Progrom and download Red Hat Container Development Kit. This triggers all the required Terms and Conditions approvals (if any are needed).

A user who wants to download and use Red Hat Container Development Kit must become a member of the Red Hat Developer Program. Sign up for the program here: Red Hat Developers Program.

6.2. OpenShift Console Inaccessible on Microsoft Edge Browser

The OpenShift Console web address does not work on Microsoft’s Edge Browser. This is a known issue, and the only workaround is to use a different browser to access the console.

6.3. Reporting an Issue

If you encounter issues other than the ones listed in this section, log an issue at JBoss Developer under the platform-installer component in the Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (devstudio) project.

Chapter 7. Uninstalling Red Hat Development Suite

7.1. Uninstalling Red Hat Development Suite on Microsoft Windows

7.1.1. Uninstalling using Powershell

On Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Development Suite includes a Powershell-based uninstaller in the product’s installation directory (${target-folder}/uninstaller/uninstall.ps1).


Installing Red Hat Development Suite creates an Uninstall Developer Studio option in Microsoft Windows. This uninstaller only removes JBoss Developer Studio, and not any additional components installed for Red Hat Development Suite. Use the following instructions to completely remove all Red Hat Development Suite components from your machine.

The uninstall script removes everything installed into the installation target directory. As a result, previously installed components detected during the installation are not affected.

The uninstaller runs corresponding MSI uninstallers for VirtualBox and OpenJDK. It also cleans up the PATH variables and removes the ${target-folder} folder.

To uninstall Red Hat Development Suite, run the script in one of two ways:

  1. Use the command prompt (cmd) to run the file.

    1. Use the Powershell with the following command:

      powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File ${target-folder}\uninstaller\uninstall.ps1

      Do not run the uninstall script from within ${target-folder} or run the ps1 file from the context menu. This results in locking the ${target-folder}\uninstaller folder and the PowerShell script is not removed after the uninstall process completes.

  2. Use the Run with Powershell menu item:

    1. Navigate to:

    2. Highlight uninstall.ps1 and Right-Click
    3. Select 'Run with Powershell'

7.1.2. Uninstalling from Control panel

To uninstall Red Hat Development Suite from the Control Panel:

  1. Right-click the Start button and click Control Panel
  2. Click Program.
  3. Click Programs and Features.
  4. Double Click Red Hat Development Suite to uninstall.

7.1.3. Uninstalling from Settings

To uninstall Red Hat Development Suite from the Settings menu:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click System to show a list of the system settings.
  3. Click Apps & Features from the left pane to show a list of features and applications.
  4. Click Red Hat Development Suite.
  5. Click Uninstall to uninstall Red Hat Development Suite.
  6. Click Uninstall button to confirm.

7.2. Uninstalling Red Hat Development Suite on macOS

For macOS users, uninstall Red Hat Development Suite as follows:

  1. Manually delete the installation folder for your Red Hat Development Suite installation.
  2. Follow the uninstall instructions for each of the individual components for macOS to remove them manually.

7.3. Uninstalling Red Hat Development Suite on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux users, uninstall Red Hat Development Suite as follows:

sudo yum autoremove rh-devsuite

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