Chapter 4. Known Issues
4.1. Known Issues
Red Hat Development Suite 2.0 has the following known issues:
- JBDS-4485 - Deselected components get selected during second detection run
- JBDS-4404 - DevSuite 1.4 Installer hung during install waiting for cygwin
- JBDS-3983 - Development Suite Installer should work behind proxy
- JBDS-4209 - Request for Administrator credentials should be shown once
- JBDS-3827 - DevStudio installation fails when (windows) user has non-ascii chars in the name
- JBDS-3956 - Installer should let to update deteched aravle virtualbox
- JBDS-4376 - Uninstaller for Mac
- JBDS-4369 - Provide a .exe for uninstaller on Windows
- JBDS-4341 - Detect pending reboot and ask to reboot before continue with installation