
9.4 Release Notes

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4

Release Notes for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4

Red Hat Customer Content Services


The Release Notes provide high-level coverage of the improvements and additions that have been implemented in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 and document known problems in this release, as well as notable bug fixes, Technology Previews, deprecated functionality, and other details.
For information about installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux, see Section 3.1, “Installation”.

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Chapter 1. Overview

1.1. Major changes in RHEL 9.4

Installer and image creation

Key highlights for RHEL image builder:

  • From the RHEL 9.4 release distribution and onwards, you can specify arbitrary custom mount points, except for specific paths that are reserved for the operating system.
  • You can create different partitioning modes, such as auto-lvm, lvm, and raw.
  • You can customize tailoring options for a profile and add it to your blueprint customizations by using selected and unselected options, to add and remove rules.

For more information, see New features - Installer and image creation.

RHEL for Edge

Key highlights for RHEL for Edge:

  • You can now create FIPS compliant RHEL for Edge images.
  • With this Technology Preview, you can now use the FDO onboarding process by storing and querying Owner Vouchers from the Sqlite or Postgresql databases.

For more information, see New features - RHEL for Edge.


The SELinux userspace release 3.6 introduces deny rules for further customizing SELinux policies.

The Keylime server components, the verifier and registrar, are available as containers.

The Rsyslog log processing system introduces customizable TLS/SSL encryption settings and additional options that relate to capability dropping.

The OpenSSL TLS toolkit adds a drop-in directory for provider-specific configuration files.

The Linux kernel cryptographic API (libkcapi) 1.4.0 introduces new tools and options. Notably, with the new -T option, you can specify target file names in hash-sum calculations.

The stunnel TLS/SSL tunneling service 5.71 changes the behavior of OpenSSL 1.1 and later versions in FIPS mode. Besides this change, version 5.71 provides many new features such as support for modern PostgreSQL clients.

See New features - Security for more information.

Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers

Later versions of the following Application Streams are now available:

  • Python 3.12
  • Ruby 3.3
  • PHP 8.2
  • nginx 1.24
  • MariaDB 10.11
  • PostgreSQL 16

The following components have been upgraded:

  • Git to version 2.43.0
  • Git LFS to version 3.4.1

See New features - Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers for more information.

Compilers and development tools
Updated performance tools and debuggers

The following performance tools and debuggers have been updated in RHEL 9.4:

  • Valgrind 3.22
  • SystemTap 5.0
  • elfutils 0.190
Updated performance monitoring tools

The following performance monitoring tools have been updated in RHEL 9.4:

  • PCP 6.2.0
Updated compiler toolsets

The following compiler toolsets have been updated in RHEL 9.4:

  • GCC Toolset 13
  • LLVM Toolset 17.0.6
  • Rust Toolset 1.75.1
  • Go Toolset 1.21.7

For detailed changes, see New features - Compilers and development tools.

Identity Management

Key highlights for Identity Management:

  • You can enable and configure passwordless authentication in SSSD to use a biometric device that is compatible with the FIDO2 specification, for example a YubiKey.

See New Features - Identity Management for more information.


RHEL 9.4 introduces full support for KVM virtual machines on the 64-bit ARM architecture.

In addition, external snapshot for virtual machines are now fully supported and have become the default mechanism for a number of snapshot operations.

For more information about virtualization features introduced in this release, see New features - Virtualization.


Notable changes include:

  • The podman farm build command for creating multi-architecture container images is available as a Technology Preview.
  • Podman now supports containers.conf modules to load a predetermined set of configurations.
  • The Container Tools packages have been updated.
  • Podman v4.9 RESTful API now displays data of progress when you pull or push an image to the registry.
  • SQLite is now fully supported as a default database backend for Podman.
  • Containerfile now supports multi-line HereDoc instructions.
  • pasta as a network name has been deprecated.
  • The BoltDB database backend has been deprecated.
  • The container-tools:4.0 module has been deprecated.
  • The Container Network Interface (CNI) network stack is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

See New features - Containers for more information.

1.2. In-place upgrade

In-place upgrade from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9

The supported in-place upgrade paths currently are:

  • From RHEL 8.8 to RHEL 9.2, and RHEL 8.10 to RHEL 9.4 on the following architectures:

    • 64-bit Intel
    • 64-bit AMD
    • 64-bit ARM
    • IBM POWER 9 (little endian) and later
    • IBM Z architectures, excluding z13
  • From RHEL 8.8 to RHEL 9.2 and RHEL 8.10 to RHEL 9.4 on systems with SAP HANA

For instructions on performing an in-place upgrade, see Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9.

For instructions on performing an in-place upgrade on systems with SAP environments, see How to in-place upgrade SAP environments from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9.

For information regarding how Red Hat supports the in-place upgrade process, see the In-place upgrade Support Policy.

Notable enhancements include:

  • New logic has been implemented to determine the expected states of the systemd services after the upgrade.
  • Locally stored DNF repositories can now be used for the in-place upgrade.
  • You can now configure DNF to be able to upgrade by using proxy.
  • Issues with performing the in-place upgrade with custom DNF repositories accessed by using HTTPS have been fixed.
  • If the /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf configuration file has been modified, the file is now replaced with the target default OpenSSL configuration file during the upgrade to prevent issues after the upgrade. See the pre-upgrade report for more information.
In-place upgrade from RHEL 7 to RHEL 9

It is not possible to perform an in-place upgrade directly from RHEL 7 to RHEL 9. However, you can perform an in-place upgrade from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 and then perform a second in-place upgrade to RHEL 9. For more information, see Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8.

1.3. Red Hat Customer Portal Labs

Red Hat Customer Portal Labs is a set of tools in a section of the Customer Portal available at The applications in Red Hat Customer Portal Labs can help you improve performance, quickly troubleshoot issues, identify security problems, and quickly deploy and configure complex applications. Some of the most popular applications are:

1.4. Additional resources

Capabilities and limits of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 as compared to other versions of the system are available in the Knowledgebase article Red Hat Enterprise Linux technology capabilities and limits.

Information regarding the Red Hat Enterprise Linux life cycle is provided in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle document.

The Package manifest document provides a package listing for RHEL 9, including licenses and application compatibility levels.

Application compatibility levels are explained in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9: Application Compatibility Guide document.

Major differences between RHEL 8 and RHEL 9, including removed functionality, are documented in Considerations in adopting RHEL 9.

Instructions on how to perform an in-place upgrade from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 are provided by the document Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9.

The Red Hat Insights service, which enables you to proactively identify, examine, and resolve known technical issues, is available with all RHEL subscriptions. For instructions on how to install the Red Hat Insights client and register your system to the service, see the Red Hat Insights Get Started page.


Public release notes include links to access the original tracking tickets, but private tracking tickets are not viewable so do not include links.[1]

[1] Public release notes include links to access the original tracking tickets, but private tracking tickets are not viewable so do not include links.

Chapter 2. Architectures

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 is distributed with the kernel version 5.14.0-427.13.1, which provides support for the following architectures at the minimum required version (stated in parentheses):

  • AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures (x86-64-v2)
  • The 64-bit ARM architecture (ARMv8.0-A)
  • IBM Power Systems, Little Endian (POWER9)
  • 64-bit IBM Z (z14)

Make sure you purchase the appropriate subscription for each architecture.

Chapter 3. Distribution of content in RHEL 9

3.1. Installation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is installed using ISO images. Two types of ISO image are available for the AMD64, Intel 64-bit, 64-bit ARM, IBM Power Systems, and IBM Z architectures:

  • Installation ISO: A full installation image that contains the BaseOS and AppStream repositories and allows you to complete the installation without additional repositories. On the Product Downloads page, the Installation ISO is referred to as Binary DVD.


    The Installation ISO image is in multiple GB size, and as a result, it might not fit on optical media formats. A USB key or USB hard drive is recommended when using the Installation ISO image to create bootable installation media. You can also use the Image Builder tool to create customized RHEL images. For more information about Image Builder, see the Composing a customized RHEL system image document.

  • Boot ISO: A minimal boot ISO image that is used to boot into the installation program. This option requires access to the BaseOS and AppStream repositories to install software packages. The repositories are part of the Installation ISO image. You can also register to Red Hat CDN or Satellite during the installation to use the latest BaseOS and AppStream content from Red Hat CDN or Satellite.

See the Performing a standard RHEL 9 installation document for instructions on downloading ISO images, creating installation media, and completing a RHEL installation. For automated Kickstart installations and other advanced topics, see the Performing an advanced RHEL 9 installation document.

3.2. Repositories

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is distributed through two main repositories:

  • BaseOS
  • AppStream

Both repositories are required for a basic RHEL installation, and are available with all RHEL subscriptions.

Content in the BaseOS repository is intended to provide the core set of the underlying operating system functionality that provides the foundation for all installations. This content is available in the RPM format and is subject to support terms similar to those in previous releases of RHEL. For more information, see the Scope of Coverage Details document.

Content in the AppStream repository includes additional user-space applications, runtime languages, and databases in support of the varied workloads and use cases.

In addition, the CodeReady Linux Builder repository is available with all RHEL subscriptions. It provides additional packages for use by developers. Packages included in the CodeReady Linux Builder repository are unsupported.

For more information about RHEL 9 repositories and the packages they provide, see the Package manifest.

3.3. Application Streams

Multiple versions of user-space components are delivered as Application Streams and updated more frequently than the core operating system packages. This provides greater flexibility to customize RHEL without impacting the underlying stability of the platform or specific deployments.

Application Streams are available in the familiar RPM format, as an extension to the RPM format called modules, as Software Collections, or as Flatpaks.

Each Application Stream component has a given life cycle, either the same as RHEL 9 or shorter. For RHEL life cycle information, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle.

RHEL 9 improves the Application Streams experience by providing initial Application Stream versions that can be installed as RPM packages using the traditional dnf install command.


Certain initial Application Streams in the RPM format have a shorter life cycle than Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Some additional Application Stream versions will be distributed as modules with a shorter life cycle in future minor RHEL 9 releases. Modules are collections of packages representing a logical unit: an application, a language stack, a database, or a set of tools. These packages are built, tested, and released together.

Always determine what version of an Application Stream you want to install and make sure to review the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Stream Lifecycle first.

Content that needs rapid updating, such as alternate compilers and container tools, is available in Rolling Streams that will not provide alternative versions in parallel. Rolling Streams might be packaged as RPMs or modules.

For information about Application Streams available in RHEL 9 and their application compatibility level, see the Package manifest. Application compatibility levels are explained in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9: Application Compatibility Guide document.

3.4. Package management with YUM/DNF

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, software installation is ensured by DNF. Red Hat continues to support the usage of the yum term for consistency with previous major versions of RHEL. If you type dnf instead of yum, the command works as expected because both are aliases for compatibility.

Although RHEL 8 and RHEL 9 are based on DNF, they are compatible with YUM used in RHEL 7.

For more information, see Managing software with the DNF tool.

Chapter 4. New features

This part describes new features and major enhancements introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4.

4.1. Installer and image creation

Support to add customized files for SCAP security profile to a blueprint

With this enhancement, you can now add customized tailoring options for a profile to the osbuild-composer blueprint customizations by using the following options:

  • selected for the list of rules that you want to add
  • unselected for the list of rules that you want to remove

With the default org.ssgproject.content rule namespace, you can omit the prefix for rules under this namespace. For example: the org.ssgproject.content_grub2_password and grub2_password are functionally equivalent.

When you build an image from that blueprint, it creates a tailoring file with a new tailoring profile ID and saves it to the image as /usr/share/xml/osbuild-oscap-tailoring/tailoring.xml. The new profile ID will have _osbuild_tailoring appended as a suffix to the base profile. For example, if you use the cis base profile, xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_cis_osbuild_tailoring.


Minimal RHEL installation now installs only the s390utils-core package

In RHEL 8.4 and later, the s390utils-base package is split into an s390utils-core package and an auxiliary s390utils-base package. As a result, setting the RHEL installation to minimal-environment installs only the necessary s390utils-core package and not the auxiliary s390utils-base package. If you want to use the s390utils-base package with a minimal RHEL installation, you must manually install the package after completing the RHEL installation or explicitly install s390utils-base using a Kickstart file.


4.2. Security

Keylime verifier and registrar containers available

You can now configure Keylime server components, the verifier and registrar, as containers. When configured to run inside a container, the Keylime registrar monitors the tenant systems from the container without any binaries on the host. The container deployment provides better isolation, modularity, and reproducibility of Keylime components.


libkcapi now provides an option for specifying target file names in hash-sum calculations

This update of the libkcapi (Linux kernel cryptographic API) packages introduces the new option -T for specifying target file names in hash-sum calculations. The value of this option overrides file names specified in processed HMAC files. You can use this option only with the -c option, for example:

$ sha256hmac -c <hmac_file> -T <target_file>


Finer control over MACs in SSH with crypto-policies

You can now set additional options for message authentication codes (MACs) for the SSH protocol in the system-wide cryptographic policies (crypto-policies). With this update, the crypto-policies option ssh_etm has been converted into a tri-state etm@SSH option. The previous ssh_etm option has been deprecated.

You can now set ssh_etm to one of the following values:

Allows both encrypt-then-mac and encrypt-and-mac MACs.
Disallows encrypt-then-mac MACs.
Disallows MACs that do not use encrypt-then-mac.

Note that ciphers that use implicit MACs are always allowed because they use authenticated encryption.


The semanage fcontext command no longer reorders local modifications

The semanage fcontext -l -C command lists local file context modifications stored in the file_contexts.local file. The restorecon utility processes the entries in the file_contexts.local from the most recent entry to the oldest. Previously, semanage fcontext -l -C listed the entries in an incorrect order. This mismatch between processing order and listing order caused problems when managing SELinux rules. With this update, semanage fcontext -l -C displays the rules in the correct and expected order, from the oldest to the newest.


Additional services confined in the SELinux policy

This update adds additional rules to the SELinux policy that confine the following systemd services:

  • nvme-stas
  • rust-afterburn
  • rust-coreos-installer
  • bootc

As a result, these services do not run with the unconfined_service_t SELinux label anymore, and run successfully in SELinux enforcing mode.


New SELinux policy module for the SAP HANA service

This update adds additional rules to the SELinux policy for the SAP HANA service. As a result, the service now runs successfully in SELinux enforcing mode in the sap_unconfined_t domain.


The glusterd SELinux module moved to a separate glusterfs-selinux package

With this update, the glusterd SELinux module is maintained in the separate glusterfs-selinux package. The module is therefore no longer part of the selinux-policy package. For any actions that concern the glusterd module, install and use the glusterfs-selinux package.


The library for OpenSSL provided as a separate package

OpenSSL uses the shared library as a FIPS provider. With this update, the latest version of submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for certification is in a separate package to ensure that future versions of OpenSSL use certified code or code undergoing certification.


The chronyd-restricted service is confined by the SELinux policy

This update adds additional rules to the SELinux policy that confine the new chronyd-restricted service. As a result, the service now runs successfully in SELinux.


OpenSSL adds a drop-in directory for provider configuration

The OpenSSL TLS toolkit supports provider APIs for installation and configuration of modules that provide cryptographic algorithms. With this update, you can place provider-specific configuration in separate .conf files in the /etc/pki/tls/openssl.d directory without modifying the main OpenSSL configuration file.


SELinux user-space components rebased to 3.6

The SELinux user-space components libsepol, libselinux, libsemanage, policycoreutils, checkpolicy, and mcstrans library package have been rebased to 3.6. This version provides various bug fixes, optimizations and enhancements, most notably:

  • Added support for deny rules in CIL.
  • Added support for notself and other keywords in CIL.
  • Added the getpolicyload binary that prints the number of policy reloads performed on the current system.


GnuTLS rebased to 3.8.3

The GnuTLS package has been rebased to upstream version 3.8.3 This version provides various bug fixes and enhancements, most notably:

  • The gnutls_hkdf_expand function now accepts only arguments with lengths less than or equal to 255 times hash digest size, to comply with RFC 5869 2.3.
  • Length limit for TLS PSK usernames has been increased to 65535 characters.
  • The gnutls_session_channel_binding API function performs additional checks when GNUTLS_CB_TLS_EXPORTER is requested accordingly to RFC 9622 4.2.
  • The GNUTLS_NO_STATUS_REQUEST flag and the %NO_STATUS_REQUEST priority modifier have been added to allow disabling of the status_request TLS extension on the client side.
  • GnuTLS now checks the contents of the Change Cipher Spec message to be equal to 1 when the TLS version is older than 1.3.
  • ClientHello extensions order is randomized by default.
  • GnuTLS now supports EdDSA key generation on PKCS #11 tokens, which previously did not work.


nettle rebased to 3.9.1

The nettle library package has been rebased to 3.9.1. This version provides various bug fixes, optimizations and enhancements, most notably:

  • Added balloon password hashing
  • Added SIV-GCM authenticated encryption mode
  • Added Offset Codebook Mode authenticated encryption mode
  • Improved performance of the SHA-256 hash function on 64-bit IBM Z, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures
  • Improved performance of the Poly1305 hash function on IBM Power Systems, Little Endian, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures


p11-kit rebased to 0.25.3

The p11-kit packages have been updated to upstream version 0.25.3. The packages contain the p11-kit tool for managing PKCS #11 modules, the trust tool for operating on the trust policy store, and the p11-kit library. Notable enhancements include the following:

  • Added support for PKCS #11 version 3.0
  • The pkcs11.h header file:

    • Added ChaCha20/Salsa20, Poly1305 and IBM-specific mechanisms and attributes
    • Added AES-GCM mechanism parameters for message-based encryption
  • The p11-kit tool:

    • Added utility commands to list and manage objects of a token (list-tokens, list-mechanisms, list-objects, import-object, export-object, delete-object, and generate-keypair)
    • Added utility commands to manage PKCS#11 profiles of a token (list-profiles, add-profile, and delete-profile)
    • Added the print-config command for printing merged configuration
  • The trust tool:

    • Added the check-format command to validate the format of .p11-kit files


libkcapi rebased to 1.4.0

The libkcapi library, which provides access to the Linux kernel crypto API, has been rebased to upstream version 1.4.0. The update includes various enhancements and bug fixes, most notably:

  • Added the sm3sum and sm3hmac tools.
  • Added the kcapi_md_sm3 and kcapi_md_hmac_sm3 APIs.
  • Added SM4 convenience functions.
  • Fixed support for link-time optimization (LTO).
  • Fixed LTO regression testing.
  • Fixed support for AEAD encryption of an arbitrary size with kcapi-enc.


User and group creation in OpenSSH uses the sysusers.d format

Previously, OpenSSH used static useradd scripts. With this update, OpenSSH uses the sysusers.d format to declare system users, which makes it possible to introspect system users.


OpenSSH limits artificial delays in authentication

OpenSSH’s response after login failure is artificially delayed to prevent user enumeration attacks. This update introduces an upper limit on such delays when remote authentication takes too long, for example in privilege access management (PAM) processing.


stunnel rebased to 5.71

The stunnel TLS/SSL tunneling service has been rebased to upstream version 5.71.

Notable new features include:

  • Added support for modern PostgreSQL clients.
  • You can use the protocolHeader service-level option to insert custom connect protocol negotiation headers.
  • You can use the protocolHost option to control the client SMTP protocol negotiation HELO/EHLO value.
  • Added client-side support for Client-side protocol = ldap.
  • You can now configure session resumption by using the service-level sessionResume option.
  • Added support to request client certificates in server mode with CApath (previously, only CAfile was supported).
  • Improved file reading and logging performance.
  • Added support for configurable delay for the retry option.
  • In client mode, OCSP stapling is requested and verified when verifyChain is set.
  • In server mode, OCSP stapling is always available.
  • Inconclusive OCSP verification breaks TLS negotiation. You can disable this by setting OCSPrequire = no.


New options for dropping capabilities in Rsyslog

You can now configure Rsyslog’s behavior when dropping capabilities by using the following global options:

Determines Rsyslog’s actions when it encounters errors while dropping capabilities. The default value is on, which caused Rsyslog to exit if an error related to libcapng-related occurs.
Determines whether Rsyslog drops capabilities during startup. If this option is disabled, libcapng.default has no impact.


audit rebased to 3.1.2

The Linux Audit system has been updated to version 3.1.2, which provides bug fixes, enhancements, and performance improvements over the previously released version 3.0.7. Notable enhancements include:

  • The auparse library now interprets unnamed and anonymous sockets.
  • You can use the new keyword this-hour in the start and end options of the ausearch and aureport tools.
  • Support for the io_uring asynchronous I/O API has been added.
  • User-friendly keywords for signals have been added to the auditctl program.
  • Handling of corrupt logs in auparse has been improved.
  • The ProtectControlGroups option is now disabled by default in the auditd service.
  • Rule checking for the exclude filter has been fixed.
  • The interpretation of OPENAT2 fields has been enhanced.
  • The audispd af_unix plugin has been moved to a standalone program.
  • The Python binding has been changed to prevent setting Audit rules from the Python API. This change was made due to a bug in the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG).


Rsyslog rebased to 8.2310

The Rsyslog log processing system has been rebased to upstream version 8.2310. This update introduces significant enhancements and bug fixes. Most notable enhancements include:

Customizable TLS/SSL encryption settings
In previous versions, configuring TLS/SSL encryption settings for separate connections was limited to global settings. With the latest version, you can now define unique TLS/SSL settings for each individual connection in Rsyslog. This includes specifying different CA certificates, private keys, public keys, and CRL files for enhanced security and flexibility. For detailed information and usage, see documentation provided in the rsyslog-doc package.
Refined capability dropping feature
You can now set additional options that relate to capability dropping. You can disable capability dropping by setting the libcapng.enable global option to off. For more information, see RHEL-943.

Jira:RHEL-937, Jira:RHEL-943

SCAP Security Guide rebased to 0.1.72

The SCAP Security Guide (SSG) packages have been rebased to upstream version 0.1.72. This version provides bug fixes and various enhancements, most notably:

  • CIS profiles are updated to align with the latest benchmarks.
  • The PCI DSS profile is aligned with the PCI DSS policy version 4.0.
  • STIG profiles are aligned with the latest DISA STIG policies.

For additional information, see the SCAP Security Guide release notes.


4.3. RHEL for Edge

Support for building FIPS enabled RHEL for Edge images

This enhancement adds support for building FIPS enabled RHEL for Edge images for the following images types:

  • edge-installer
  • edge-simplified-installer
  • edge-raw-image
  • edge-ami
  • edge-vsphere

You can enable FIPS mode only during the image provisioning process. You cannot change to FIPS mode after the non-FIPS image build starts.


4.4. Shells and command-line tools

openCryptoki rebased to version 3.22.0

The opencryptoki package has been updated to version 3.22.0. Notable changes include:

  • Added support for the AES-XTS key type by using the CPACF protected keys.
  • Added support for managing certificate objects.
  • Added support for public sessions with the no-login option.
  • Added support for logging in as the Security Officer (SO).
  • Added support for importing and exporting the Edwards and Montgomery keys.
  • Added support for importing the RSA-PSS keys and certificates.
  • For security reasons, the 2 key parts of an AES-XTS key should not be the same. This update adds checks to the key generation and import process to ensure this.
  • Various bug fixes have been implemented.


4.5. Infrastructure services

synce4l rebased to version 1.0.0

The synce4l protocol has been updated to version 1.0.0. This update adds support for kernel Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) interface.


chrony rebased to version 4.5

The chrony suite has been updated to version 4.5. Notable changes include:

  • Added support for the AES-GCM-SIV cipher to shorten Network Time Security (NTS) cookies to improve reliability of NTS over the internet, where some providers block or limit the rate of longer Network Time Protocol (NTP) messages.
  • Added periodic refresh of IP addresses of NTP sources specified by hostname. The default interval is two weeks and it can be disabled by adding refresh 0 parameter to the chrony.conf file.
  • Improved automatic replacement of unreachable NTP sources.
  • Improved logging of important changes made by the chronyc utility.
  • Improved logging of source selection failures and falsetickers.
  • Added the hwtstimeout directive to configure timeout for late hardware transmit timestamps.
  • Added experimental support for corrections provided by Precision Time Protocol (PTP) transparent clocks to reach accuracy of PTP with hardware timestamping.
  • Added the chronyd-restricted service as an alternative service for minimal client-only configurations where the chronyd service can be started without root privileges.
  • Fixed the presend option in interleaved mode.
  • Fixed reloading of modified sources specified by IP address from the sourcedir directories.


linuxptp rebased to version 4.2

The linuxptp protocol has been updated to version 4.2. Notable changes include:

  • Added support for multiple domains in the phc2sys utility.
  • Added support for notifications on clock updates and changes in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) parent dataset, for example, clock class.
  • Added support for PTP Power Profile, namely IEEE C37.238-2011 and IEEE C37.238-2017.


4.6. Networking

The nft utility can now reset nftables rule-contained states

With this enhancement, you can use the nft reset command to reset nftables rule-contained states. For example, use this feature to reset counter and quota statement values.


Marvell Octeon PCIe Endpoint Network Interface Controller driver is available

This enhancement has added the octeon_ep driver. You can use it for networking of Marvell’s Octeon PCIe Endpoint network interface cards. The host drivers act as PCI Express (PCIe) endpoint network interface (NIC) to support Marvell OCTEON TX2 CN106XX, a 24 N2 cores Infrastructure Processor Family. By using OCTEON TX2 driver as a PCIe NIC, you can use OCTEON TX2 as a PCIe endpoint in various products: security firewalls, 5G Open Radio Access Network (ORAN) and Virtual RAN (VRAN) applications and data processing offloading applications.

Currently, you can use it with the following devices:

  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device b100
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device b200
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device b400
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device b900
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device ba00
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device bc00
  • Network controller: Cavium, Inc. Device bd00


NetworkManager now supports configuring the switchdev mode for advanced hardware offload

With this enhancement, you can configure the following new properties in NetworkManager connection profiles:

  • sriov.eswitch-mode
  • sriov.eswitch-inline-mode
  • sriov.eswitch-encap-mode

With these properties, you can configure the eSwitch of smart network interface controllers (Smart NICs). For example, use the sriov.eswitch-mode setting to change the mode from legacy SR-IOV to switchdev to use advanced hardware offload features.


NetworkManager supports changing ethtool channel settings

A network interface can have multiple interrupt request (IRQs) and associated packet queues called channels. With this enhancement, NetworkManager connection profiles can specify the number of channels to assign to an interface through connection properties ethtool.channels-rx,ethtool.channels-tx,ethtool.channels-other, and ethtool.channels-combined.


Nmstate can now create a YAML file to revert settings

With this enhancement, Nmstate can create a "revert configuration file" that contains the differences between the current network settings and a YAML file with the new configuration that you want to apply. If the settings do not work as expected after you applied the YAML file, you can use the revert configuration file to restore the previous settings:

  1. Create a YAML file, for example, new.yml with the configuration that you want to apply.
  2. Create a revert configuration file that contains the differences between intended settings in new.yml and the current state:

    # nmstatectl gr new.yml > revert.yml
  3. Apply the configuration from new.yml.
  4. If you want now to switch back to the previous state, apply revert.yml.

Alternatively, you can use the NetworkState::generate_revert(current) call if you use the Nmstate API to create a revert configuration.


Nmstate API configures VPN connection based on IPsec configuration

The Libreswan utility is an implementation of IPsec for configuring VPNs. With this update, by using nmstatectl, you can configure IPsec-based authentication types along with configuration modes (tunnel and transport) and network layouts (host-to-subnet, host-to-host, subnet-to-subnet).


nmstate now supports the priority bond property

With this update, you can set the priority of bond ports in the nmstate framework by using the priority property in the ports-config section of the configuration file. An example YAML file can look as follows:

- name: bond99
  type: bond
  state: up
    mode: active-backup
    - name: eth2
       priority: 15

When an active port within the bonded interface is down, the RHEL kernel elects the next active port that has the highest numerical value in the priority property from the pool of all backup ports.

The priority property is relevant for the following modes of the bond interface:

  • active-backup
  • balance-tlb
  • balance-alb


NetworkManager wifi connections support a new MAC address-based privacy option

With this enhancement, you can configure NetworkManager to associate a random-generated MAC address with the Service Set Identifier (SSID) of a wifi network. This enables you to permanently use a random but consistent MAC address for a wifi network even if you delete a connection profile and re-create it. To use this new feature, set the 802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address property of a wifi connection profile to stable-ssid.


Introduction of new nmstate attributes for the VLAN interface

With this update of the nmstate framework, the following VLAN attributes were introduced:

  • registration-protocol: VLAN Registration Protocol. The valid values are gvrp (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol), mvrp (Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol), and none.
  • reorder-headers: reordering of output packet headers. The valid values are true and false.
  • loose-binding: loose binding of the interface to the operating state of its primary device. The valid values are true and false.

Your YAML configuration file can look similar to the following example:

  - name: eth1.101
    type: vlan
    state: up
      base-iface: eth1
      id: 101
      registration-protocol: mvrp
      loose-binding: true
      reorder-headers: true


ipv4.dhcp-client-id set to none prevents sending a client-identifier

If the client-identifier option is not set in NetworkManager, then the actual value depends on the type of DHCP clients in use, such as NetworkManager internal DHCP client or dhclient. Generally, DHCP clients send a client-identifier. Therefore, in almost all cases, you do not need to set the none option. As a result, this option is only useful in case of some unusual DHCP server configurations that require clients to not send a client-identifier.


nmstate now supports creating MACsec interfaces

With this update, the users of the nmstate framework can configure MACsec interfaces to protect their communication on Layer 2 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. As a result, there is no need to encrypt individual services later on Layer 7. Also, the feature eliminates associated challenges such as managing large amounts of certificates for each endpoint.

For more information, see Configuring a MACsec connection using nmstatectl.


netfilter update

The kernel package has been upgraded to version 5.14.0-405 in RHEL 9. As a result, the rebase also provided multiple enhancements and bug fixes in the netfilter component of the RHEL kernel. The most notable change includes:

  • The nftables subsystem is able to match various inner header fields of the tunnel packets. This enables more granular and effective control over network traffic, especially in environments where tunneling protocols are used.


firewalld now avoids unnecessary firewall rule flushes

The firewalld service does not remove all existing rules from the iptables configuration if both following conditions are met:

  • firewalld is using the nftables backend.
  • There are no firewall rules created with the --direct option.

This change aims at reducing unnecessary operations (firewall rules flushes) and improves integration with other software.


The ss utility adds visibility improvement to TCP bound-inactive sockets

The iproute2 suite provides a collection of utilities to control TCP/IP networking traffic. TCP bound-inactive sockets are attached to an IP address and a port number but neither connected nor listening on TCP ports. The socket services (ss) utility adds support for the kernel to dump TCP bound-inactive sockets. You can view those sockets with the following command options:

  • ss --all: to dump all sockets including TCP bound-inactive ones
  • ss --bound-inactive: to dump only bound-inactive sockets


The Nmstate API now supports SR-IOV VLAN 802.1ad tagging

With this enhancement, you can now use the Nmstate API to enable hardware-accelerated Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) 802.1ad tagging on cards whose firmware supports this feature.


The TCP Illinois congestion algorithm kernel module is re-enabled

TCP Illinois is a variant of the TCP protocol. Customers such as Internet Service Providers (ISP) experience sub-optimal performance without TCP Illinois algorithm and network traffic does not scale well even when using Bandwidth and Round-trip propagation time (BBR) algorithm that results into high latency. As a result, TCP Illinois algorithm can produce slightly higher average throughput, fairer network resources allocation, and compatibility.


The iptables utility rebased to version 1.8.10

The iptables utility defines rules for packet filtering to manage firewall. This utility has been rebased. Notable changes include:

Notable features:

  • Add support for newer chunk types in sctp match
  • Align ip6tables opt-in column if empty helps when piping output to jc --iptables
  • Print numeric protocol numbers with --numeric for a more stable output
  • More translations for *tables-translate utilities with improved output formatting
  • Several manual page improvements

Notable fixes:

  • iptables-restore error messages incorrectly pointing at the COMMIT line
  • Broken -p Length match in ebtables
  • Broken ebtables among match when used in multiple rules restored through ebtables-restore
  • Program could crash when renaming a chain depending on the number of chains already present
  • Non-critical memory leaks
  • Missing broute table support in ebtables after the switch to nft-variants
  • Broken ip6tables rule counter setting with '-c' option
  • Unexpected error message when listing a non-existent chain
  • Potential false-positive ebtables rule comparison if among match is used
  • Prohibit renaming a chain to an invalid name
  • Stricter checking of "chain lines" in iptables-restore input to detect invalid chain names
  • Non-functional built-in chain policy counters


nftables rebased to version 1.0.9

The nftables utility has been upgraded to version 1.0.9, which provides multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Notable changes include:

  • Improvements to the --optimize command option
  • Extended the Python nftables class
  • Improved behavior when dealing with rules created by iptables-nft
  • Support accessing fields of vxlan-encapsulated headers
  • Initial support for GRE, Geneve, and GRETAP protocols
  • New reset rule(s) commands to reset rule counters, quotas
  • New destroy command deletes things only if they exist
  • New last statement recording when it has seen a packet for the last time
  • Add and remove devices from netdev-family chains
  • New meta broute expression to emulate ebtables' broute functionality
  • Fixed miscellaneous memory leaks
  • Fixed wrong location in error messages in corner-cases
  • Set and map statements missing in JSON output


firewalld rebased to version 1.3

The firewalld package has been upgraded to version 1.3, which provides multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Notable changes include:

  • New reset-to-defaults CLI option: This option resets configuration of the firewalld service to defaults. This allows users to erase firewalld configuration and start over with the default settings.
  • Enable the --add-masquerade CLI option for policies with ingress-zone=ZONE, where ZONE has interfaces assigned with the --add-interface CLI option. This removes a restriction and enables usage of interfaces (instead of sources) in common scenarios.

The reasons to introduce these features:

  • reset-to-defaults was implemented to reset the firewall to the default configuration.
  • Using interfaces allows change of IP address without impacting firewall configuration.

As a result, users can perform the following actions:

  • Reset the configuration
  • Combine --add-maquerade with --add-interface while using policies


4.7. Kernel

Kernel version in RHEL 9.4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 is distributed with the kernel version 5.14.0-427.13.1.

rteval now supports adding and removing arbitrary CPUs from the default measurement CPU list

With the rteval utility, you can add (using the + sign) or subtract (using the - sign) CPUs to the default measurement CPU list when using the --measurement-cpulist parameter, instead of having to specify an entire new list. Additionally, --measurement-run-on-isolcpus is introduced for adding the set of all isolated CPUs to the default measurement CPU list. This option covers the most common use case of a real-time application running on isolated CPUs. Other use cases require a more generic feature. For example, some real-time applications used one isolated CPU for housekeeping, requiring it to be excluded from the default measurement CPU list. As a result, you can now not only add, but also remove arbitrary CPUs from the default measurement CPU list in a flexible way. Removing takes precedence over adding. This rule applies to both, CPUs specified with +/- signs and to those defined with --measurement-run-on-isolcpus.


rtla rebased to version 6.6 of the upstream kernel source code

The rtla utility has been upgraded to the latest upstream version, which provides multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Notable changes include:

  • Added the -C option to specify additional control groups for rtla threads to run in, apart from the main rtla thread.
  • Added the --house-keeping option to place rtla threads on a housekeeping CPU and to put measurement threads on different CPUs.
  • Added support to the timerlat tracer so that you can run timerlat hist and timerlat top threads in user space.


cyclicdeadline now supports generating a histogram of latencies

With this release, the cyclicdeadline utility supports generating a histogram of latencies. You can use this feature to get more insight into the frequency of latency spikes of different sizes, rather than getting just one worst-case number.


SGX is now fully supported

Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is an Intel® technology for protecting software code and data from disclosure and modification.

The RHEL kernel provides the SGX version 1 and 2 functionality. Version 1 enables platforms using the Flexible Launch Control mechanism to use the SGX technology. Version 2 adds Enclave Dynamic Memory Management (EDMM). Notable features include:

  • Modifying EPCM permissions of regular enclave pages that belong to an initialized enclave.
  • Dynamic addition of regular enclave pages to an initialized enclave.
  • Expanding an initialized enclave to accommodate more threads.
  • Removing regular and TCS pages from an initialized enclave.

In this release, SGX moves from Technology Preview to a fully supported feature.


The Intel data streaming accelerator driver is now fully supported

The Intel data streaming accelerator driver (IDXD) is a kernel driver that provides an Intel CPU integrated accelerator. It includes a shared work queue with process address space ID (pasid) submission and shared virtual memory (SVM).

In this release, IDXD moves from a Technology Preview to a fully supported feature.


The eBPF facility has been rebased to Linux kernel version 6.6

Notable changes and enhancements include:

  • New dynamic pointers (dynptrs) of the skb and xdp type, which enable for more ergonomic and less brittle iteration through data and variable-sized accesses in BPF programs.
  • A new BPF netfilter program type and minimal support to hook BPF programs to netfilter hooks, such as prerouting or forward.
  • Multiple improvements to kernel pointers (kptrs):

    • You can use kptrs in more map types.
    • RCU semantics are enabled for task kptrs.
    • New reference-counted local kptrs useful for adding a node to both the BPF list and rbtree.
  • At load time, BPF programs can detect whether a particular kfunc exists or not.
  • Several new kfuncs for working with dynptrs, cgroups, sockets, and cpumasks.
  • New BPF links for attaching multiple uprobes and usdt probes, which is significantly faster and saves extra file descriptors (FDs).
  • The BPF map element count is enabled for all program types.
  • The memory usage reporting for all BPF map types is more precise.
  • The bpf_fib_lookup BPF helper includes the routing table ID.
  • The BPF_OBJ_PIN and BPF_OBJ_GET commands support O_PATH FDs.


The libbpf-tools package is now available on IBM Z

The libbpf-tools package, which provides command line tools for the BPF Compiler Collection (BCC), is now available on the IBM Z architecture. As a result, you can now use commands from libbpf-tools on IBM Z.


4.8. Boot loader

DEP/NX support in the pre-boot stage

The memory protection feature known as Data Execution Prevention (DEP), No Execute (NX), or Execute Disable (XD), blocks the execution of code that is marked as non-executable. DEP/NX has been available in RHEL at the operating system level.

This release adds DEP/NX support in the GRUB and shim boot loaders. This can prevent certain vulnerabilities during the pre-boot stage, such as a malicious EFI driver that might start certain attacks without the DEP/NX protection.


4.9. File systems and storage

Setting a filesystem size limit is now supported

With this update, users can now set a filesystem size limit when creating or modifying a filesystem. The stratisd service enables dynamic filesystem growth, but excessive expansion of an XFS filesystem can cause significant performance issues. The addition of this feature addresses potential performance issues that might occur when growing XFS filesystems beyond a certain threshold. By setting a filesystem size limit, users can prevent such issues and ensure optimal performance. Additionally, this feature enables better pool monitoring and maintenance by allowing users to impose an upper limit on a filesystem’s size, ensuring efficient resource allocation.


Converting a standard LV to a thin LV by using lvconvert is now possible

By specifying a standard logical volume (LV) as a thin pool data, you can now convert a standard LV to a thin LV by using the lvconvert command. With this update, you can convert existing LVs to use the thin provisioning facility.


multipathd now supports detecting FPIN-Li events for NVMe devices

Previously, the multipathd command would only monitor Integrity Fabric Performance Impact Notification (PFIN-Li) events on SCSI devices. multipathd could listen for Link Integrity events sent by a Fibre Channel fabric and use it to mark paths as marginal. This feature was only supported for multipath devices on top of SCSI devices, and multipathd was unable to mark Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe) device paths as marginal by limiting the use of this feature.

With this update, multipathd supports detecting FPIN-Li events for both SCSI and NVMe devices. As a result, multipath now does not use paths without a good fabric connection, while other paths are available. This helps to avoid IO delays in such situations.


max_retries option is now added to the defaults section of multipath.conf

This enhancement adds the max_retries option to the defaults section of the multipath.conf file. By default this option is unset, and uses the SCSI layer’s default value of 5 retries. The valid values for this option is from 0 to 5. When this option is set, it overrides the default value of the max_retries sysfs attribute for SCSI devices. This attribute controls the number of times the SCSI layer retries I/O commands before returning failure when it encounters certain error types.

If users encounter an issue where multipath’s path checkers return success but I/O to a device is hanging, they can set this option to decrease the time before the I/O will be retried down another path.


auto_resize option is now added to the defaults section of multipath.conf

Previously, to resize a multipath device, you had to manually run the multipathd resize map <name> command. With this update, the auto_resize option is now added to the defaults section of the multipath.conf file. This option controls when the multipathd command can automatically resize a multipath device. The following are the different values for auto_resize:

  • By default, auto_resize is set to never. In this case, multipathd works without any change.
  • If auto_resize is set to grow_only, multipathd automatically resizes the multipath device when the device’s paths have grown in size.
  • If auto_resize is set to grow_shrink, multipathd automatically shrinks the multipath device when the device’s paths are decreased in size.

As a result, when this option is enabled, you no longer need to manually resize your multipath devices.


Changes to Arcus NVMeoFC multipath.conf settings are now included in kernel

Device-mapper-multipath now has a built-in configuration for the HPE Alletra 9000 NVMeFC array. Arcus added support for ANA (Asymmetric Namespace Access) for NVMeoFC. This is similar to ALUA for SCSI. A change in the multipath.conf is required for a RHEL host to use this feature and send only I/O to ANA optimized paths when available. Without this change, device mapper was sending I/O to both ANA optimized and ANA non-optimized paths.


This change is only for NVMeoFC. FCP multipath.conf content already had this setting for supporting ALUA previously.


stratis-cli rebased to version 3.6.0

The stratis-cli package has been upgraded to version 3.6.0. Notable bug fixes and enhancements include:

  • The stratis-cli command-line interface supports an additional option to set the file system size limit on creation. The set-size-limit and unset-size-limit are two new file system commands, which sets or unsets the file system size limit after creating a file system.
  • stratis-cli now incorporates password verification when it is used to set a key in the kernel keyring by using a manual entry.
  • stratis-cli now supports specifying a pool either by name or by UUID when stopping a pool.
  • stratis-cli also gets updates with various internal improvements, and now enforces a requirement of at least the python 3.9 version in its package configuration.


boom rebased to version 1.6.0

The boom package has been upgraded to version 3.6.0. Notable enhancements include:

  • Support for multi-volume snapshot boot syntax supported by the systemd command.
  • The new --mount and --no-fstab options are added to specify additional volumes to mount at the boot entry.


NVMe-FC Boot from SAN is now fully supported

The Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe) over Fibre Channel (NVMe/FC) Boot, which was introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 as a Technology Preview, is now fully supported. Some NVMe/FC host bus adapters support a NVMe/FC boot capability. For more information on programming a Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to enable NVMe/FC boot capability, see the NVMe/FC host bus adapter manufacturer’s documentation.


4.10. High availability and clusters

pcs support for ISO 8601 duration specification for time properties

The pcs command-line interface now allows you to specify values for Pacemaker time properties according to the ISO 8601 duration specification standard.


Support for new pscd Web UI features

The pscd Web UI now supports the following features:

  • Moving a cluster resource off the node on which it is currently running
  • Banning a resource from running on a node
  • Displaying cluster status that shows the age of the cluster status and when the cluster state is being reloaded
  • Requesting a reload of the cluster status display

Jira:RHEL-7582, Jira:RHEL-7739

TLS cipher list now defaults to system-wide crypto policy

Previously, the pcsd TLS cipher list was set to DEFAULT:!RC4:!3DES:@STRENGTH by default. With this update, the cipher list is defined by the system-wide crypto policy by default. The TLS ciphers accepted by the pcsd daemon might change with this upgrade, depending on the currently set crypto policy. For more information about the crypto policies framework, see the crypto-policies(7) man page.


4.11. Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers

Python 3.12 available in RHEL 9

RHEL 9.4 introduces Python 3.12, provided by the new package python3.12 and a suite of packages built for it, and the ubi9/python-312 container image.

Notable enhancements compared to the previously released Python 3.11 include:

  • Python introduces a new type statement and new type parameter syntax for generic classes and functions.
  • Formatted string literal (f-strings) have been formalized in the grammar and can now be integrated into the parser directly.
  • Python now provides a unique per-interpreter global interpreter lock (GIL).
  • You can now use the buffer protocol from Python code.
  • To improve security, the built-in hashlib implementations of the SHA1, SHA3, SHA2-384, SHA2-512, and MD5 cryptographic algorithms have been replaced with formally verified code from the HACL* project. The built-in implementations remain available as fallback if OpenSSL does not provide them.
  • Dictionary, list, and set comprehensions in CPython are now inlined. This significantly increases the speed of a comprehension execution.
  • CPython now supports the Linux perf profiler.
  • CPython now provides stack overflow protection on supported platforms.

Python 3.12 and packages built for it can be installed in parallel with Python 3.9 and Python 3.11 on the same system.

To install packages from the python3.12 stack, use, for example:

# dnf install python3.12
# dnf install python3.12-pip

To run the interpreter, use, for example:

$ python3.12
$ python3.12 -m pip --help

See Installing and using Python for more information.

For information about the length of support of Python 3.12, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


A new environment variable in Python to control parsing of email addresses

To mitigate CVE-2023-27043, a backward incompatible change to ensure stricter parsing of email addresses was introduced in Python 3.

This update introduces a new PYTHON_EMAIL_DISABLE_STRICT_ADDR_PARSING environment variable. When you set this variable to true, the previous, less strict parsing behavior is the default for the entire system:


However, individual calls to the affected functions can still enable stricter behavior.

You can achieve the same result by creating the /etc/python/email.cfg configuration file with the following content:


For more information, see the Knowledgebase article Mitigation of CVE-2023-27043 introducing stricter parsing of email addresses in Python.


A new module stream: ruby:3.3

RHEL 9.4 introduces Ruby 3.3.0 in a new ruby:3.3 module stream. This version provides several performance improvements, bug and security fixes, and new features over Ruby 3.1 distributed with RHEL 9.1.

Notable enhancements include:

  • You can use the new Prism parser instead of Ripper. Prism is a portable, error tolerant, and maintainable recursive descent parser for the Ruby language.
  • YJIT, the Ruby just-in-time (JIT) compiler implementation, is no longer experimental and it provides major performance improvements.
  • The Regexp matching algorithm has been improved to reduce the impact of potential Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerabilities.
  • The new experimental RJIT (a pure-Ruby JIT) compiler replaces MJIT. Use YJIT in production.
  • A new M:N thread scheduler is now available.

Other notable changes:

  • You must now use the Lrama LALR parser generator instead of Bison.
  • Several deprecated methods and constants have been removed.
  • The Racc gem has been promoted from a default gem to a bundled gem.

To install the ruby:3.3 module stream, use:

# dnf module install ruby:3.3

If you want to upgrade from an earlier ruby module stream, see Switching to a later stream.

For information about the length of support of Ruby 3.3, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


A new module stream: php:8.2

RHEL 9.4 adds PHP 8.2 as a new php:8.2 module stream.

Improvements in this release include:

  • Readonly classes
  • Several new stand-alone types
  • A new Random extension
  • Constraints in traits

To install the php:8.2 module stream, use the following command:

# dnf module install php:8.2

If you want to upgrade from the php:8.1 stream, see Switching to a later stream.

For details regarding PHP usage on RHEL 9, see Using the PHP scripting language.

For information about the length of support for the php module streams, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


The name() method of the perl-DateTime-TimeZone module now returns the time zone name

The perl-DateTime-TimeZone module has been updated to version 2.62, which changed the value that is returned by the name() method from the time zone alias to the main time zone name.

For more information and an example, see the Knowledgebase article Change in the perl-DateTime-TimeZone API related to time zone name and alias.


A new module stream: nginx:1.24

The nginx 1.24 web and proxy server is now available as the nginx:1.24 module stream. This update provides several bug fixes, security fixes, new features, and enhancements over the previously released version 1.22.

New features and changes related to Transport Layer Security (TLS):

  • Encryption keys are now automatically rotated for TLS session tickets when using shared memory in the ssl_session_cache directive.
  • Memory usage has been optimized in configurations with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) proxy.
  • You can now disable looking up IPv4 addresses while resolving by using the ipv4=off parameter of the resolver directive.
  • nginx now supports the $proxy_protocol_tlv_* variables, which store the values ​​of the Type-Length-Value (TLV) fields that appear in the PROXY v2 TLV protocol.
  • The ngx_http_gzip_static_module module now supports byte ranges.

Other changes:

  • Header lines are now represented as linked lists in the internal API.
  • nginx now concatenates identically named header strings passed to the FastCGI, SCGI, and uwsgi back ends in the $r->header_in() method of the ngx_http_perl_module, and during lookups of the $http_..., $sent_http_..., $sent_trailer_..., $upstream_http_..., and $upstream_trailer_... variables.
  • nginx now displays a warning if protocol parameters of a listening socket are redefined.
  • nginx now closes connections with lingering if pipelining was used by the client.
  • The logging level of various SSL errors has been lowered, for example, from Critical to Informational.

To install the nginx:1.24 stream, use:

# dnf module install nginx:1.24

To upgrade from the nginx 1.22 stream, switch to a later stream.

For more information, see Setting up and configuring NGINX.

For information about the length of support for the nginx module streams, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


A new module stream: mariadb:10.11

MariaDB 10.11 is now available as a new module stream, mariadb:10.11. Notable enhancements over the previously available version 10.5 include:

  • A new sys_schema feature.
  • Atomic Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
  • A new GRANT ... TO PUBLIC privilege.
  • Separate SUPER and READ ONLY ADMIN privileges.
  • A new UUID database data type.
  • Support for the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol version 3; the MariaDB server now requires correctly configured SSL to start.
  • Support for the natural sort order through the natural_sort_key() function.
  • A new SFORMAT function for arbitrary text formatting.
  • Changes to the UTF-8 charset and the UCA-14 collation.
  • systemd socket activation files available in the /usr/share/ directory. Note that they are not a part of the default configuration in RHEL as opposed to upstream.
  • Error messages containing the MariaDB string instead of MySQL.
  • Error messages available in the Chinese language.
  • Changes to the default logrotate file.
  • For MariaDB and MySQL clients, the connection property specified on the command line (for example, --port=3306), now forces the protocol type of communication between the client and the server, such as tcp, socket, pipe, or memory.

For more information about changes in MariaDB 10.11, see Notable differences between MariaDB 10.5 and MariaDB 10.11.

For more information about MariaDB, see Using MariaDB.

To install the mariadb:10.11 stream, use:

# dnf module install mariadb:10.11

If you want to upgrade from MariaDB 10.5, see Upgrading from MariaDB 10.5 to MariaDB 10.11.

For information about the length of support for the mariadb module streams, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


A new module stream: postgresql:16

RHEL 9.4 introduces PostgreSQL 16 as the postgresql:16 module stream. PostgreSQL 16 provides several new features and enhancements over version 15.

Notable enhancements include:

  • Enhanced bulk loading improves performance.
  • The libpq library now supports connection-level load balancing. You can use the new load_balance_hosts option for more efficient load balancing.
  • You can now create custom configuration files and include them in the pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf files.
  • PostgreSQL now supports regular expression matching on database and role entries in the pg_hba.conf file.

Other changes include:

  • PostgreSQL is no longer distributed with the postmaster binary. Users who start the postgresql server by using the provided systemd unit file (the systemctl start postgres command) are not affected by this change. If you previously started the postgresql server directly through the postmaster binary, you must now use the postgres binary instead.
  • PostgreSQL no longer provides documentation in PDF format within the package. Use the online documentation instead.

See also Using PostgreSQL.

To install the postgresql:16 stream, use the following command:

# dnf module install postgresql:16

If you want to upgrade from an earlier postgresql stream within RHEL 9, follow the procedure described in Switching to a later stream and then migrate your PostgreSQL data as described in Migrating to a RHEL 9 version of PostgreSQL.

For information about the length of support for the postgresql module streams, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.


Git rebased to version 2.43.0

The Git version control system has been updated to version 2.43.0, which provides bug fixes, enhancements, and performance improvements over the previously released version 2.39.

Notable enhancements include:

  • You can now use the new --source option with the git check-attr command to read the .gitattributes file from the provided tree-ish object instead of the current working directory.
  • Git can now pass information from the WWW-Authenticate response-type header to credential helpers.
  • In case of an empty commit, the git format-patch command now writes an output file containing a header of the commit instead of creating an empty file.
  • You can now use the git blame --contents=<file> <revision> -- <path> command to find the origins of lines starting at <file> contents through the history that leads to <revision>.
  • The git log --format command now accepts the %(decorate) placeholder for further customization to extend the capabilities provided by the --decorate option.


Git LFS rebased to version 3.4.1

The Git Large File Storage (LFS) extension has been updated to version 3.4.1, which provides bug fixes, enhancements, and performance improvements over the previously released version 3.2.0.

Notable changes include:

  • The git lfs push command can now read references and object IDs from standard input.
  • Git LFS now handles alternative remotes without relying on Git.
  • Git LFS now supports the WWW-Authenticate response-type header as a credential helper.


4.12. Compilers and development tools

LLVM Toolset rebased to version 17.0.6

LLVM Toolset has been updated to version 17.0.6.

Notable enhancements include:

  • The opaque pointers migration is now completed.
  • Removed support for the legacy pass manager in middle-end optimization.

Clang changes:

  • C++20 coroutines are no longer considered experimental.
  • Improved code generation for the std::move function and similar in unoptimized builds.

For more information, see the LLVM and Clang upstream release notes.


Rust Toolset rebased to version 1.75.0

Rust Toolset has been updated to version 1.75.0.

Notable enhancements include:

  • Constant evaluation time is now unlimited
  • Cleaner panic messages
  • Cargo registry authentication
  • async fn and opaque return types in traits


Go Toolset rebased to version 1.21.0

Go Toolset has been updated to version 1.21.0.

Notable enhancements include:

  • min, max, and clear built-ins have been added.
  • Official support for profile guided optimization has been added.
  • Package initialization order is now more precisely defined.
  • Type inferencing is improved.
  • Backwards compatibility support is improved.

For more information, see the Go upstream release notes.


Clang resource directory moved

The Clang resource directory, where Clang stores its internal headers and libraries, has been moved from /usr/lib64/clang/17 to /usr/lib/clang/17.


elfutils rebased to version 0.190

The elfutils package has been updated to version 0.190. Notable improvements include:

  • The libelf library now supports relative relocation (RELR).
  • The libdw library now recognizes .debug_[ct]u_index sections.
  • The eu-readelf utility now supports a new -Ds, --use-dynamic --symbol option to show symbols through the dynamic segment without using ELF sections.
  • The eu-readelf utility can now show .gdb_index version 9.
  • A new eu-scrlines utility compiles a list of source files associated with a specified DWARF or ELF file.
  • A debuginfod server schema has changed for a 60% compression in file name representation (this requires reindexing).


systemtap rebased to version 5.0

The systemtap package has been updated to version 5.0. Notable enhancements include:

  • Faster and more reliable kernel-user transport.
  • Extended DWARF5 debuginfo format support.


Updated GCC Toolset 13

GCC Toolset 13 is a compiler toolset that provides recent versions of development tools. It is available as an Application Stream in the form of a Software Collection in the AppStream repository.

Notable changes introduced in RHEL 9.4 include:

  • The GCC compiler has been updated to version 13.2.1, which provides many bug fixes and enhancements that are available in upstream GCC.
  • binutils now support AMD CPUs based on the znver5 core through the -march=znver5 compiler switch.
  • annobin has been updated to version 12.32.
  • The annobin plugin for GCC now defaults to using a more compressed format for the notes that it stores in object files, resulting in smaller object files and faster link times, especially in large, complex programs.

The following tools and versions are provided by GCC Toolset 13:












To install GCC Toolset 13, run the following command as root:

# dnf install gcc-toolset-13

To run a tool from GCC Toolset 13:

$ scl enable gcc-toolset-13 tool

To run a shell session where tool versions from GCC Toolset 13 override system versions of these tools:

$ scl enable gcc-toolset-13 bash

For more information, see GCC Toolset 13 and Using GCC Toolset.


Compiling with GCC and the -fstack-protector flag no longer fails to guard dynamic stack allocations on 64-bit ARM

Previously, on the 64-bit ARM architecture, the system GCC compiler with the -fstack-protector flag failed to detect a buffer overflow in functions containing a C99 variable-length array or an alloca()-allocated object. Consequently, an attacker could overwrite saved registers on the stack. With this update, the buffer overflow detection on 64-bit ARM has been fixed. As a result, applications compiled with the system GCC are more secure.


GCC Toolset 13: Compiling with GCC and the -fstack-protector flag no longer fails to guard dynamic stack allocations on 64-bit ARM

Previously, on the 64-bit ARM architecture, the GCC compiler with the -fstack-protector flag failed to detect a buffer overflow in functions containing a C99 variable-length array or an alloca()-allocated object. Consequently, an attacker could overwrite saved registers on the stack. With this update, the buffer overflow detection on 64-bit ARM has been fixed. As a result, applications compiled with GCC are more secure.


pcp updated to version 6.2.0

The pcp package has been updated to version 6.2.0. Notable improvements include:

  • pcp-htop now supports user-defined tabs.
  • pcp-atop now supports a new bar graph visualization mode.
  • OpenMetrics PMDA metric labels and logging are improved.
  • Additional Linux kernel virtual memory metrics have been added.
  • New tools:

    • pmlogredact
    • pcp-buddyinfo
    • pcp-meminfo
    • pcp-netstat
    • pcp-slabinfo
    • pcp-zoneinfo


A new grafana-selinux package

Previously, the default installation of grafana-server ran as an unconfined_service_t SELinux type. This update adds the new grafana-selinux package, which contains an SELinux policy for grafana-server and which is installed by default with grafana-server. As a result, grafana-server now runs as grafana_t SELinux type.


papi supports new processor microarchitectures

With this enhancement, you can access performance monitoring hardware using papi events presets on the following processor microarchitectures:

  • AMD Zen 4
  • 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

Jira:RHEL-9333[1], Jira:RHEL-9335, Jira:RHEL-9334

New package: maven-openjdk21

The maven:3.8 module stream now includes the maven-openjdk21 subpackage, which provides the Maven JDK binding for OpenJDK 21 and configures Maven to use the system OpenJDK 21.


New package: libzip-tools

RHEL 9.4 introduces the libzip-tools package, which provides utilities such as zipcmp, zipmerge, and ziptool.


cmake rebased to version 3.26

The cmake package has been updated to version 3.26. Notable improvements include:

  • Added support for the C17 and C18 language standards.
  • cmake can now query the /etc/os-release file for operating system identification information.
  • Added support for the CUDA 20 and nvtx3 libraries.
  • Added support for the Python stable application binary interface.
  • Added support for Perl 5 in the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) tool.


valgrind updated to 3.22

The valgrind package has been updated to version 3.22. Notable improvements include:

  • valgrind memcheck now checks that the values given to the C functions memalign, posix_memalign, and aligned_alloc, and the C++17 aligned new operator are valid alignment values.
  • valgrind memcheck now supports mismatch detection for C++14 sized and C++17 aligned new and delete operators.
  • Added support for lazy reading of DWARF debugging information, resulting in faster startup when debuginfo packages are installed.


libabigail rebased to version 2.4

The libabigail package has been updated to version 2.4.

Notable enhancements include:

  • The abidiff tool now supports comparing two sets of binaries.
  • Added support for suppressing harmless change reports related to flexible array data members.
  • Improved support for suppressing harmless change reports about enum types.
  • Improved representation of changes to anonymous enum, union, and struct types.


4.13. Identity Management

A new passwordless authentication method is available in SSSD

With this update, you can enable and configure passwordless authentication in SSSD to use a biometric device that is compatible with the FIDO2 specification, for example a YubiKey. You must register the FIDO2 token in advance and store this registration information in the user account in RHEL IdM, Active Directory, or an LDAP store. RHEL implements FIDO2 compatibility with the libfido2 library, which currently only supports USB-based tokens.


The ansible-freeipa ipauser and ipagroup modules now support a new renamed state

With this update, you can use the renamed state in ansible-freeipa ipauser module to change the user name of an existing IdM user. You can also use this state in ansible-freeipa ipagroup module to change the group name of an existing IdM group.


Identity Management users can now use external identity providers to authenticate to IdM

With this enhancement, you can now associate Identity Management (IdM) users with external identity providers (IdPs) that support the OAuth 2 device authorization flow. Examples of such IdPs include Red Hat build of Keycloak, Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), GitHub, and Google.

If an IdP reference and an associated IdP user ID exist in IdM, you can use them to enable an IdM user to authenticate at the external IdP. After performing authentication and authorization at the external IdP, the IdM user receives a Kerberos ticket with single sign-on capabilities. The user must authenticate with the SSSD version available in RHEL 9.1 or later.


ipa rebased to version 4.11

The ipa package has been updated from version 4.10 to 4.11. Notable changes include:

  • Support for FIDO2-based passkeys.
  • Initial implementation of resource-based constrained delegation (RBCD) for Kerberos services.
  • Context manager for ipalib.api to automatically configure, connect, and disconnect.
  • The installation of an IdM replica now occurs against a chosen server, not only for Kerberos authentication but also for all IPA API and CA requests.
  • The ansible-freeipa package has been rebased from version 1.11 to 1.12.1.
  • The ipa-healthcheck package has been rebased from version 0.12 to 0.16.

For more information, see the upstream release notes.


Deleting expired KCM Kerberos tickets

Previously, if you attempted to add a new credential to the Kerberos Credential Manager (KCM) and you had already reached the storage space limit, the new credential was rejected. The user storage space is limited by the max_uid_ccaches configuration option that has a default value of 64. With this update, if you have already reached the storage space limit, your oldest expired credential is removed and the new credential is added to the KCM. If there are no expired credentials, the operation fails and an error is returned. To prevent this issue, you can free some space by removing credentials using the kdestroy command.


IdM now supports the idoverrideuser, idoverridegroup and idview Ansible modules

With this update, the ansible-freeipa package now contains the following modules:

Allows you to override user attributes for users stored in the Identity Management (IdM) LDAP server, for example, the user login name, home directory, certificate, or SSH keys.
Allows you to override attributes for groups stored in the IdM LDAP server, for example, the name of the group, its GID, or description.
Allows you to organize user and group ID overrides and apply them to specific IdM hosts.

In the future, you will be able to use these modules to enable AD users to use smart cards to log in to IdM.


The idp Ansible module allows associating IdM users with external IdPs

With this update, you can use the idp ansible-freeipa module to associate Identity Management (IdM) users with external identity providers (IdP) that support the OAuth 2 device authorization flow. If an IdP reference and an associated IdP user ID exist in IdM, you can use them to enable IdP authentication for an IdM user. 

After performing authentication and authorization at the external IdP, the IdM user receives a Kerberos ticket with single sign-on capabilities. The user must authenticate with the SSSD version available in RHEL 8.7 or later.


getcert add-ca returns a new return code if a certificate is already present or tracked

With this update, the getcert command returns a specific return code, 2, if you try to add or track a certificate that is already present or tracked. Previously, the command returned return code 1 on any error condition.


The delegation of DNS zone management is now enabled in ansible-freeipa

You can now use the dnszone ansible-freeipa module to delegate DNS zone management. Use the permission or managedby variable of the dnszone module to configure a per-zone access delegation permission.


Enforcing OTP usage for all LDAP clients

With the release of the RHBA-2024:2558 advisory, in RHEL IdM, you can now set the default behavior for LDAP server authentication of user accounts with two-factor (OTP) authentication configured. If OTP is enforced, LDAP clients cannot authenticate against an LDAP server using single factor authentication (a password) for users that have associated OTP tokens. This method is already enforced through the Kerberos backend by using a special LDAP control with OID 2.16.840.1.113730. without any data.

  • To enforce OTP usage for all LDAP clients, administrators can use the following command:

    $ ipa config-mod --addattr ipaconfigstring=EnforceLDAPOTP
  • To change back to the previous OTP behavior for all LDAP clients, use the following command:

    $ ipa config-mod --delattr ipaconfigstring=EnforceLDAPOTP


The runasuser_group parameter is now available in ansible-freeipa ipasudorule

With this update, you can set Groups of RunAs Users for a sudo rule by using the ansible-freeipa ipasudorule module. The option is already available in the Identity Management (IdM) command-line interface and the IdM Web UI.


389-ds-base rebased to version 2.4.5

The 389-ds-base package has been updated to version 2.4.5. Notable bug fixes and enhancements over version 2.3.4 include:


Transparent Huge Pages are now disabled by default for the ns-slapd process

When large database caches are used, Transparent Huge Pages (THP) can have a negative effect on Directory Server performance under heavy load, for example, high memory footprint, high CPU usage and latency spikes. With this enhancement, a new THP_DISABLE=1 configuration option was added to the /usr/lib/systemd/system/dirsrv@.service.d/custom.conf drop-in configuration file for the dirsrv systemd unit to disable THP for the ns-slapd process.

In addition, the Directory Server health check tool now detects the THP settings. If you enabled THP system-wide and for the Directory Server instance, the health check tool informs you about the enabled THP and prints recommendations on how to disable them.


The new lastLoginHistSize configuration attribute is now available for the Account Policy plug-in

Previously, when a user did a successful bind, only the time of the last login was available. With this update, you can use the new lastLoginHistSize configuration attribute to manage a history of successful logins. By default, the last five successful logins are saved.

Note that for the lastLoginHistSize attribute to collect statistics of successful logins, you must enable the alwaysRecordLogin attribute for the Account Policy plug-in.

For more details, see lastLoginHistSize.


The new notes=M message in the access log to identify MFA binds

With this update, when you configure the two-factor authentication for user accounts by using a pre-bind authentication plug-in, such as MFA plug-in, the Directory Server log files record the following messages during BIND operations:

  • The access log records the new notes=M note message:

    [time_stamp] conn=1 op=0 BIND dn="uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" method=128 version=3
    [time_stamp] conn=1 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 wtime=0.000111632 optime=0.006612223 etime=0.006722325 notes=M details="Multi-factor Authentication" dn="uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
  • The security log records the new SIMPLE/MFA bind method:

    { "date": "[time_stamp] ", "utc_time": "1709327649.232748932", "event": "BIND_SUCCESS", "dn": "uid=djoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "bind_method": "SIMPLE\/MFA", "root_dn": false, "client_ip": "::1", "server_ip": "::1", "ldap_version": 3, "conn_id": 1, "op_id": 0, "msg": "" }

Note that for the access and security logs to record such messages, the pre-bind authentication plug-in must set the flag by using the SLAPI API if a bind was part of this plug-in.


The new inchainMatch matching rule is now available

With this update, a client application can use the new inchainMatch matching rule to search for the ancestry of an LDAP entry. The member, manager, parentOrganization, and memberof attributes can be used with the inchainMatch matching rule and the following searches can be performed:

  • Find all direct or indirect groups in which a user is a member.
  • Find all direct or indirect users whose manager is a certain user.
  • Find all direct or indirect organizations an entry belongs to.
  • Finds all direct or indirect members of a certain group.

Note that for performance reasons, you must index the member, manager, parentOrganization, and memberof attributes if the client application performs searches against these attributes by using the inchainMatch matching rule.

Directory Server uses the In Chain plug-in that is enabled by default to implement the inchainMatch matching rule. However, because inchainMatch is expensive to compute, an access control instruction (ACI) limits the matching rule usage.

For more details, refer to Using inchainMatch matching rule to find the ancestry of an LDAP entry.


The HAProxy protocol is now supported for the 389-ds-base package

Previously, Directory Server did not differentiate incoming connections between proxy and non-proxy clients. With this update, you can use the new nsslapd-haproxy-trusted-ip multi-valued configuration attribute to configure the list of trusted proxy servers. When nsslapd-haproxy-trusted-ip is configured under the cn=config entry, Directory Server uses the HAProxy protocol to receive client IP addresses via an additional TCP header so that access control instructions (ACIs) can be correctly evaluated and client traffic can be logged.

If an untrusted proxy server initiates a bind request, Directory Server rejects the request and records the following message to the error log file:

[time_stamp] conn=5 op=-1 fd=64 Disconnect - Protocol error - Unknown Proxy - P4

For more details, see nsslapd-haproxy-trusted-ip.


samba rebased to version 4.19.4

The samba packages have been upgraded to upstream version 4.19.4, which provides bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. The most notable changes are:

  • Command-line options in the smbget utility have been renamed and removed for a consistent user experience. However, this can break existing scripts or jobs that use the utility. See the smbget --help command and smbget(1) man page for further details about the new options.
  • If the winbind debug traceid option is enabled, the winbind service now logs, additionally, the following fields:

    • traceid: Tracks the records belonging to the same request.
    • depth: Tracks the request nesting level.
  • Samba no longer uses its own cryptography implementations and, instead, now fully uses cryptographic functionality provided by the GnuTLS library.
  • The directory name cache size option was removed.

Note that the server message block version 1 (SMB1) protocol has been deprecated since Samba 4.11 and will be removed in a future release.

Back up the database files before starting Samba. When the smbd, nmbd, or winbind services start, Samba automatically updates its tdb database files. Red Hat does not support downgrading tdb database files.

After updating Samba, use the testparm utility to verify the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.


Identity Management API is now fully supported

The Identity Management (IdM) API was available as a Technology Preview in RHEL 9.2. Since RHEL 9.3, it has been fully supported.

Users can use existing tools and scripts even if the IdM API is enhanced to enable multiple versions of API commands. These enhancements do not change the behavior of a command in an incompatible way. This has the following benefits:

  • Administrators can use previous or later versions of IdM on the server than on the managing client.
  • Developers can use a specific version of an IdM call, even if the IdM version changes on the server.

The communication with the server is possible, regardless if one side uses, for example, a newer version that introduces new options for a feature.

While IdM API provides a JSON-RPC interface, this type of access is not supported. Red Hat recommends accessing the API with Python instead. Using Python automates important parts such as the metadata retrieval from the server, which allows listing all available commands.


4.14. The web console

RHEL web console can now generate Ansible and shell scripts

In the web console, you can now easily access and copy automation scripts on the kdump configuration page. You can then use the generated script to implement a specific kdump configuration on multiple systems.


Simplified managing storage and resizing partitions on Storage

The Storage section of the web console is now redesigned. The new design improved visibility across all views. The overview page now presents all storage objects in a comprehensive table, which makes it easier to perform operations directly. You can click any row to view detailed information and any supplementary actions. Additionally, you can now resize partitions from the Storage section.


4.15. Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles

The ad_integration RHEL system role now supports configuring dynamic DNS update options

With this update, the ad_integration RHEL system role supports configuring options for dynamic DNS updates using SSSD when integrated with Active Directory (AD). By default, SSSD will attempt to automatically refresh the DNS record:

  • When the identity provider comes online (always).
  • At a specified interval (optional configuration); by default, the AD provider updates the DNS record every 24 hours.

You can change these and other settings using the new variables in ad_integration. For example, you can set ad_dyndns_refresh_interval to 172800 to change the DNS record refresh interval to 48 hours. For more details regarding the role variables, see the resources in the /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/ad_integration/ directory.


The Storage RHEL system roles now support shared LVM device management

The RHEL system roles now support the creation and management of shared logical volumes and volume groups.


Microsoft SQL Server 2022 available on RHEL 9

The mssql-server system role is now available on RHEL 9. The role adds two variables:

  1. mssql_run_selinux_confined to control whether to run SQL Server as a confined application or not. If set to true, the role installs the mssql-server-selinux package. If set to false, the role removes the mssql-server-selinux package. Default setting is true for RHEL 9 managed nodes and false for other managed nodes.
  2. mssql_manage_selinux to control whether to configure SELinux. When set to true, the variable configures the enforcing or permissive mode based on the value of the mssql_run_selinux_confined variable.


The rhc system role now supports RHEL 7 systems

You can now manage RHEL 7 systems by using the rhc system role. Register the RHEL 7 system to Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM) and Insights and start managing your system using the rhc system role.

Using the rhc_insights.remediation parameter has no impact on RHEL 7 systems as the Insights Remediation feature is currently not available on RHEL 7.


New RHEL system role for configuring fapolicyd

With the new fapolicyd RHEL system role, you can use Ansible playbooks to manage and configure the fapolicyd framework. The fapolicyd software framework controls the execution of applications based on a user-defined policy.


The RHEL system roles now support LVM snapshot management

With this enhancement, you can use the new snapshot RHEL system role to create, configure, and manage LVM snapshots.


The Nmstate API and the network RHEL system role now support new route types

With this enhancement, you can use the following route types with the Nmstate API and the network RHEL system role:

  • blackhole
  • prohibit
  • unreachable


The ad_integration RHEL system role now supports custom SSSD domain configuration settings

Previously, when using the ad_integration RHEL system role, it was not possible to add custom settings to the domain configuration section in the sssd.conf file using the role. With this enhancement, the ad_integration role can now modify the sssd.conf file and, as a result, you can use custom SSSD settings.


The ad_integration RHEL system role now supports custom SSSD settings

Previously, when using the ad_integration RHEL system role, it was not possible to add custom settings to the [sssd] section in the sssd.conf file using the role. With this enhancement, the ad_integration role can now modify the sssd.conf file and, as a result, you can use custom SSSD settings.


New rhc_insights.display_name option in the rhc role to set display names

You can now configure or update the display name of the system registered to Red Hat Insights by using the new rhc_insights.display_name parameter. The parameter allows you to name the system based on your preference to easily manage systems in the Insights Inventory. If your system is already connected with Red Hat Insights, use the parameter to update the existing display name. If the display name is not set explicitly on registration, it is set to the hostname by default. It is not possible to automatically revert the display name to the hostname, but it can be set so manually.


New RHEL system role for configuring fapolicyd

With the new fapolicyd RHEL system role, you can use Ansible playbooks to manage and configure the fapolicyd framework. The fapolicyd software framework controls the execution of applications based on a user-defined policy.


New logging_preserve_fqdn variable for the logging RHEL system role

Previously, it was not possible to configure a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) using the logging system role. This update adds the optional logging_preserve_fqdn variable, which you can use to set the preserveFQDN configuration option in rsyslog to use the full FQDN instead of a short name in syslog entries.


The logging role supports general queue and general action parameters in output modules

Previously, it was not possible to configure general queue parameters and general action parameters with the logging role. With this update, the logging RHEL system role supports configuration of general queue parameters and general action parameters in output modules.


The postgresql RHEL system role now supports PostgreSQL 16

The postgresql RHEL system role, which installs, configures, manages, and starts the PostgreSQL server, now supports PostgreSQL 16.

For more information about this system role, see Installing and configuring PostgreSQL by using the postgresql RHEL system role.


Support for creation of volumes without creating a file system

With this enhancement, you can now create a new volume without creating a file system by specifying the fs_type=unformatted option.

Similarly, existing file systems can be removed using the same approach by ensuring that the safe mode is disabled.


Support for new ha_cluster system role features

The ha_cluster system role now supports the following features:

  • Enablement of the repositories containing resilient storage packages, such as dlm or gfs2. A Resilient Storage subscription is needed to access the repository.
  • Configuration of fencing levels, allowing a cluster to use multiple devices to fence nodes.
  • Configuration of node attributes.

For information about the parameters you configure to implement these features, see Configuring a high-availability cluster by using the ha_cluster RHEL system role.

Jira:RHEL-15876[1], Jira:RHEL-22106, Jira:RHEL-15910

ForwardToSyslog flag is now supported in the journald system role

In the journald RHEL system role, the journald_forward_to_syslog variable controls whether the received messages should be forwarded to the traditional syslog daemon or not. The default value of this variable is false. With this enhancement, you can now configure the ForwardToSyslog flag by setting journald_forward_to_syslog to true in the inventory. As a result, when using remote logging systems such as Splunk, the logs are available in the /var/log files.


New rhc_insights.ansible_host option in the rhc role to set Ansible hostnames

You can now configure or update the Ansible hostname for the systems registered to Red Hat Insights by using the new rhc_insights.ansible_host parameter. When set, the parameter changes the ansible_host configuration in the /etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf file to your selected Ansible hostname. If your system is already connected with Red Hat Insights, this parameter will update the existing Ansible hostname.


New mssql_ha_prep_for_pacemaker variable

Previously, the microsoft.sql.server RHEL system role did not have a variable to control whether to configure SQL Server for Pacemaker. This update adds the mssql_ha_prep_for_pacemaker. Set the variable to false if you do not want to configure your system for Pacemaker and you want to use another HA solution.


The sshd role now configures certificate-based SSH authentications

With the sshd RHEL system role, you can now configure and manage multiple SSH servers to authenticate by using SSH certificates. This makes SSH authentications more secure because certificates are signed by a trusted CA and provide fine-grained access control, expiration dates, and centralized management.


Use the logging_max_message_size parameter instead of rsyslog_max_message_size in the logging system role

Previously, even though the rsyslog_max_message_size parameter was not supported, the logging RHEL system role was using rsyslog_max_message_size instead of using the logging_max_message_size parameter. This enhancement ensures that logging_max_message_size is used and not rsyslog_max_message_size to set the maximum size for the log messages.


ratelimit_burst variable is only used if ratelimit_interval is set in logging system role

Previously, in the logging RHEL system role, when the ratelimit_interval variable was not set, the role would use the ratelimit_burst variable to set the rsyslog ratelimit.burst setting. But it had no effect because it is also required to set ratelimit_interval.

With this enhancement, if ratelimit_interval is not set, the role does not set ratelimit.burst. If you want to set ratelimit.burst, you must set both ratelimit_interval and ratelimit_burst variables.


selinux role now prints a message when specifying a non-existent module

With this release, the selinux RHEL system role prints an error message when you specify a non-existent module in the selinux_modules.path variable.


selinux role now supports configuring SELinux in disabled mode

With this update, the selinux RHEL system role supports configuring SELinux ports, file contexts, and boolean mappings on nodes that have SELinux set to disabled. This is useful for configuration scenarios before you enable SELinux to permissive or enforcing mode on a system.


The metrics RHEL system role now supports configuring PMIE webhooks

With this update, you can automatically configure the`global webhook_endpoint` PMIE variable using the metrics_webhook_endpoint variable for the metrics RHEL system role. This enables you to provide a custom URL for your environment that receives messages about important performance events, and is typically used with external tools such as Event-Driven Ansible.


The bootloader RHEL system role

This update introduces the bootloader RHEL system role. You can use this feature for stable and consistent configuration of bootloaders and kernels on your RHEL systems. For more details regarding requirements, role variables, and example playbooks, see the README resources in the /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/bootloader/ directory.


4.16. Virtualization

Virtualization is now supported on ARM 64

This update introduces support for creating KVM virtual machines on systems that use ARM 64 (also known as AArch64) CPUs. Note, however, that certain virtualization features and functionalities that are available on AMD64 and Intel 64 systems might work differently or be unsupported on ARM 64.

For details, see How virtualization on ARM 64 differs from AMD 64 and Intel 64.


External snapshots for virtual machines

This update introduces the external snapshot mechanism for virtual machines (VMs), which replaces the previously deprecated internal snapshot mechanism. As a result, you can create, delete, and revert to VM snapshots that are fully supported. External snapshots work more reliably both in the command-line interface and in the RHEL web console. This also applies to snapshots of running VMs, known as live snapshots. 

Note, however, that some commands and utilities might still create internal snapshots. To verify that your snapshot is fully supported, ensure that it is configured as external. For example:

# virsh snapshot-dumpxml VM-name snapshot-name | grep external
<disk name='vda' snapshot='external' type='file'>


RHEL now supports Multi-FD migration of virtual machines

With this update, multiple file descriptors (multi-FD) migration of virtual machines is now supported. Multi-FD migration uses multiple parallel connections to migrate a virtual machine, which can speed up the process by utilizing all the available network bandwidth.

It is recommended to use this feature on high-speed networks (20 Gbps and higher).


VM migration now supports post-copy preemption

Post-copy live migrations of virtual machines (VM) now use the postcopy-preempt feature, which improves the performance and stability of these migrations.

Jira:RHEL-13004[1], Jira:RHEL-7100

Secure Execution VMs on IBM Z now support cryptographic coprocessors

With this update, you can now assign cryptographic coprocessors as mediated devices to a virtual machine (VM) with IBM Secure Execution on IBM Z.

By assigning a cryptographic coprocessor as a mediated device to a Secure Execution VM, you can now use hardware encryption without compromising the security of the VM.


4th Generation AMD EPYC processors supported on KVM guests

Support for 4th Generation AMD EPYC processors (also known as AMD Genoa) has now been added to the KVM hypervisor and kernel code, and to the libvirt API. This enables KVM virtual machines to use 4th Generation AMD EPYC processors.


New virtualization features in the RHEL web console

With this update, the RHEL web console includes new features in the Virtual Machines page. You can now:

  • Add an SSH public key during virtual machine (VM) creation. This public key will be stored in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the designated non-root user on the newly created VM, which provides you with an immediate SSH access to the specified user account.
  • Select a pre-formatted block device type when creating a new storage pool. This is a more robust alternative to a physical disk device type, as it prevents unintentional reformatting of a raw disk device.

This update also changes some default behavior in the Virtual Machines page:

  • In the Add disk dialog, the Always attach option is now set by default.
  • The Create snapshot action now uses an external snapshot insted of an internal snapshot, which is deprecated in RHEL 9. External snapshots are more reliable and also work for raw images, not just for qcow2 images. You can also select a memory snapshot file location if you want to retain the memory state of the running VM.


virtio-mem is now supported on AMD64 and Intel 64 systems

With this update, RHEL 9 introduces support for the virtio-mem feature on AMD64 and Intel 64 systems. With virtio-mem, you can dynamically add or remove host memory in virtual machines (VMs).

For more information on virtio-mem, see: Adding and removing virtual machine memory by using virtio-mem


You can now replace SPICE with VNC in the web console

With this update, you can use the web console to replace the SPICE remote display protocol with the VNC protocol in an existing virtual machine (VM).

Because the support for the SPICE protocol has been removed in RHEL 9, VMs that use the SPICE protocol fail to start on a RHEL 9 host. For example, RHEL 8 VMs use SPICE by default, so you must switch from SPICE to VNC for a successful migration to RHEL 9.


Improved I/O performance for virtio-blk disk devices

With this update, you can configure a separate IOThread for each virtqueue in a virtio-blk disk device. This configuration improves performance for virtual machines with multiple CPUs during intensive I/O workloads.


VNC viewer correctly initializes a VM display after live migration of ramfb

This update enhances the ramfb framebuffer device, which you can configure as a primary display for a virtual machine (VM). Previously, ramfb was unable to migrate, which resulted in VMs that use ramfb showing a blank screen after live migration. Now, ramfb is compatible with live migration. As a result, you see the VM desktop display when the migration completes.


4.17. RHEL in cloud environments

RHEL instances on EC2 now support IPv6 IMDS connections

With this update, RHEL 8 and 9 instances on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) can use the IPv6 protocol to connect to Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). As a result, you can configure RHEL instances with cloud-init on EC2 with a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 connection. In addition, you can launch EC2 instances of RHEL with cloud-init in IPv6-only subnet.


New cloud-init clean option for deleting generated configuration files

The cloud-init clean --configs option has been added for the cloud-init utility. You can use this option to delete unnecessary configuration files generated by cloud-init on your instance. For example, to delete cloud-init configuration files that define network setup, use the following command:

cloud-init clean --configs network


4.18. Containers

Podman now supports containers.conf modules

You can use Podman modules to load a predetermined set of configurations. Podman modules are containers.conf files in the TOML format.

These modules are located in the following directories, or their subdirectories:

  • For rootless users: $HOME/.config/containers/containers.conf.modules
  • For root users: /etc/containers/containers.conf.modules, or /usr/share/containers/containers.conf.modules

You can load the modules on-demand with the podman --module <your_module_name> command to override the system and user configuration files. Working with modules involve the following facts:

  • You can specify modules multiple times by using the --module option.
  • If <your_module_name> is the absolute path, the configuration file will be loaded directly.
  • The relative paths are resolved relative to the three module directories mentioned previously.
  • Modules in $HOME override those in the /etc/ and /usr/share/ directories.

For more information, see the upstream documentation.


The Container Tools packages have been updated

The updated Container Tools RPM meta-package, which contain the Podman, Buildah, Skopeo, crun, and runc tools, are now available. Notable bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version include:

Notable changes in Podman v4.9:

  • You can now use Podman to load the modules on-demand by using the podman --module <your_module_name> command and to override the system and user configuration files.
  • A new podman farm command with a set of the create, set, remove, and update subcommands has been added. With these commands, you can farm out builds to machines running podman for different architectures.
  • A new podman-compose command has been added, which runs Compose workloads by using an external compose provider such as Docker compose.
  • The podman build command now supports the --layer-label and --cw options.
  • The podman generate systemd command is deprecated. Use Quadlet to run containers and pods under systemd.
  • The podman build command now supports Containerfiles with the HereDoc syntax.
  • The podman kube play command now supports a new --publish-all option. Use this option to expose all containerPorts on the host.

For more information about notable changes, see upstream release notes.


The Podman v4.9 RESTful API now displays data of progress

With this enhancement, the Podman v4.9 RESTful API now displays data of progress when you pull or push an image to the registry.


Toolbx is now available

With Toolbx, you can install the development and debugging tools, editors, and Software Development Kits (SDKs) into the Toolbx fully mutable container without affecting the base operating system. The Toolbx container is based on the image.


SQLite is now fully supported as a default database backend for Podman

With Podman v4.9, the SQLite database backend for Podman, previously available as Technology Preview, is now fully supported. The SQLite database provides better stability, performance, and consistency when working with container metadata. The SQLite database backend is the default backend for new installations of RHEL 9.4. If you upgrade from a previous RHEL version, the default backend is BoltDB.

If you have explicitly configured the database backend by using the database_backend option in the containers.conf file, then Podman will continue to use the specified backend.


Administrators can set up isolation for firewall rules by using nftables

You can use Netavark, a Podman container networking stack, on systems without iptables installed. Previously, when using the container networking interface (CNI) networking, the predecessor to Netavark, there was no way to set up container networking on systems without iptables installed. With this enhancement, the Netavark network stack works on systems with only nftables installed and improves isolation of automatically generated firewall rules.


Containerfile now supports multi-line instructions

You can use the multi-line HereDoc instructions (Here Document notation) in the Containerfile file to simplify this file and reduce the number of image layers caused by performing multiple RUN directives.

For example, the original Containerfile can contain the following RUN directives:

RUN dnf update
RUN dnf -y install golang
RUN dnf -y install java

Instead of multiple RUN directives, you can use the HereDoc notation:

dnf update
dnf -y install golang
dnf -y install java


The gvisor-tap-vsock package is now available

The gvisor-tap-vsock package is an alternative to the libslirp user-mode networking library and VPNKit tools and services. It is written in Go and based on the network stack of gVisor. Compared to libslirp, the gvisor-tap-vsock librarysupports a configurable DNS server and dynamic port forwarding. You can use the gvisor-tap-vsock networking library for podman-machine virtual machines. The podman machine command for managing virtual machines is currently unsupported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


Chapter 5. Important changes to external kernel parameters

This chapter provides system administrators with a summary of significant changes in the kernel distributed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4. These changes could include, for example, added or updated proc entries, sysctl, and sysfs default values, boot parameters, kernel configuration options, or any noticeable behavior changes.

New kernel parameters




lazy (default)
By default, unaccepted memory is accepted lazily to avoid prolonged boot times. The lazy option adds some runtime overhead until all memory is eventually accepted. In most cases, the overhead is negligible.
For some workloads or for debugging purposes, you can use accept_memory=eager to accept all memory at once during boot.



Unconditionally disable Memory Copy and Memory Set instructions support.



Enable or disable favordynmods.


  • true
  • false

Defaults to the value of CONFIG_CGROUP_FAVOR_DYNMODS.



Enforces page_ext initialization to earlier stages to cover more early boot allocations.

Note that as side effect, some optimizations might be disabled to achieve that: for example, parallelized memory initialization is disabled. Therefore, the boot process might take longer, especially on systems with much memory.




When all devices that could probe have finished probing, this parameter controls what to do with devices that have not yet received their sync_state() calls.


strict (default)
Continue waiting on consumers to probe successfully.
Give up waiting on consumers and call sync_state() on any devices that have not yet received their sync_state() calls after deferred_probe_timeout has expired or by late_initcall() if CONFIG_MODULES is false.




Allows loading 32-bit programs and executing 32-bit syscalls, essentially overriding IA32_EMULATION_DEFAULT_DISABLED at boot time.
Unconditionally disables IA32 emulation.



Enable executing KUnit tests. Requires CONFIG_KUNIT to be set to be fully enabled.

You can override the default value using KUNIT_DEFAULT_ENABLED.

The default is 1 (enabled).



Enable printing debug information related to MTRR registers at boot time.



Provide statistics on the CPU time and count of interrupts and tasks during the sampling period. For multiple continuous RCU stalls, all sampling periods begin at half of the first RCU stall timeout.



Print stack dumps of any tasks blocking the current expedited RCU grace period during an expedited RCU CPU stall warning.



Control RAS overflow mitigation on AMD Zen CPUs.


Disable mitigation
Enable only microcode mitigation.
safe-ret (default)
Enable software-only safe RET mitigation.
Enable mitigation by issuing IBPB on kernel entry.
Issue IBPB only on VMEXIT. This mitigation is specific to cloud environments.



Specify to constrain one or some CPUs to use in unbound workqueues.

Value: A list of CPUs.

By default, all online CPUs are available for unbound workqueues.

Updated kernel parameters


[HW, X86-64]

Pass parameters to the AMD IOMMU driver in the system.


Deprecated, equivalent to iommu.strict=1.
Do not initialize any AMD IOMMU found in the system.
Force device isolation for all devices. The IOMMU driver is not allowed anymore to lift isolation requirements as needed. This option does not override iommu=pt.
Force enable the IOMMU on platforms known to be buggy with IOMMU enabled. Use this option with care.
New: pgtbl_v1 (default)
Use version 1 page table for DMA-API.
New: pgtbl_v2
Use version 2 page table for DMA-API.
New: irtcachedis
Disable Interrupt Remapping Table (IRT) caching.


[KNL, PPC, S390]

Disable symmetric multithreading (SMT). Equivalent to smt=1.

[KNL, X86, PPC]

Disable symmetric multithreading (SMT).

Force disable SMT. Cannot be undone using the sysfs control file.



Minimal page reporting order.

Value: integer.

Adjust the minimal page reporting order.

New: The page reporting is disabled when it exceeds MAX_ORDER.


Disable clocksource stability checks for TSC.


[x86] reliable
Mark tsc clocksource as reliable. This disables clocksource verification at runtime, and the stability checks done at bootup. Used to enable high-resolution timer mode on older hardware, and in virtualized environment.
[x86] noirqtime
Do not use TSC to do irq accounting. Used to run time disable IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING on any platforms where RDTSC is slow and this accounting might add overhead.
[x86] unstable
Mark the TSC clocksource as unstable. This marks the TSC unconditionally unstable at bootup and avoids any further wobbles once the TSC watchdog notices.
[x86] nowatchdog
Disable clocksource watchdog. Used in situations with strict latency requirements, where interruptions from clocksource watchdog are not acceptable.
[x86] recalibrate
Force recalibration against a HW timer (HPET or PM timer) on systems whose TSC frequency was obtained from HW or FW using either an MSR or CPUID(0x15). Warn if the difference is more than 500 ppm.
New: [x86] watchdog

Use TSC as the watchdog clocksource with which to check other HW timers (HPET or PM timer), but only on systems where TSC has been deemed trustworthy.

An earlier tsc=nowatchdog suppresses this. A later tsc=nowatchdog overrides this. A console message flags any such suppression or overriding.



Default USB device authorization.


New: -1 (default)
Authorized (same as 1).
Not authorized.
Authorized if the device connects to an internal port.

Removed kernel parameters

  • cpu0_hotplug
  • sysfs.deprecated

New sysctl parameters



A process must either be privileged (CAP_SYS_ADMIN) or be in the io_uring_group group to create an io_uring instance.
-1 (default)
Only processes with the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability can create io_uring instances.


Too high promotion or demotion throughput between different memory types might hurt application latency. You can use this parameter to rate-limit the promotion throughput. The per-node maximum promotion throughput in MB/s is limited to be no more than the set value.

A rule of thumb is to set this to less than 1/10 of the PMEM node write bandwidth.

Updated sysctl parameters


Prevents all processes from creating new io_uring instances. Enabling this shrinks the attack surface of the kernel.


New: 0
All processes can create io_uring instances as normal.
New: 1

io_uring creation is disabled for unprivileged processes not in the io_uring_group group. io_uring_setup() fails with -EPERM. Existing io_uring instances can still be used.

See the documentation for io_uring_group for more information.

New: 2 (default)
io_uring creation is disabled for all processes. io_uring_setup() always fails with -EPERM. Existing io_uring instances can still be used.

Chapter 6. Device drivers

6.1. New drivers

Table 6.1. Cryptographic drivers
DescriptionNameLimited to architectures

IAA Compression Accelerator Crypto Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® QuickAssist Technology - 0.6.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Table 6.2. Network drivers
DescriptionNameLimited to architectures


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN bus driver for Bosch M_CAN controller on PCI bus


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN bus driver for Bosch M_CAN controller


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN driver for 8 devices USB2CAN interfaces


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN driver for EMS Dr. Thomas Wuensche CAN/USB interfaces


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN driver for Kvaser CAN/USB devices


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CAN driver for PEAK-System USB adapters


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel® Infrastructure Data Path Function Linux Driver


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Marvell 88Q2XXX 100/1000BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet PHY driver


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Marvell Octeon EndPoint NIC Driver


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Microchip 251x/25625 CAN driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Microchip MCP251xFD Family CAN controller driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

NXP imx8 DWMAC Specific Glue layer


64-bit ARM architecture



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Realtek 802.11ax wireless 8852C driver


64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Realtek 802.11ax wireless 8852CE driver


64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

serial line CAN interface


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Socket-CAN driver for PEAK PCAN PCIe/M.2 FD family cards


IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Table 6.3. Platform drivers
DescriptionNameLimited to architectures

AMD HSMP Platform Interface Driver - 2.0


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

AMD Platform Management Framework Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel TPMI enumeration module


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel TPMI SST Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel TPMI UFS Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel Uncore Frequency Common Module


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel Uncore Frequency Limits Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Intel WMI Thunderbolt force power driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Mellanox PMC driver


64-bit ARM architecture



AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Table 6.4. Graphics drivers and miscellaneous drivers
DescriptionNameLimited to architectures

AMD XCP Platform Devices


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

DRM execution context



Range suballocator helper


64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Arm FF-A interface driver


64-bit ARM architecture

NVIDIA BlueField-3 GPIO Driver


64-bit ARM architecture

I/O Address Space Management for passthrough devices



CS42L43 Core Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

CS42L43 SoundWire Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures



64-bit ARM architecture



64-bit ARM architecture

SDHCI platform driver for Synopsys DWC MSHC


64-bit ARM architecture



64-bit ARM architecture

NVIDIA pinctrl driver


64-bit ARM architecture

NXP i.MX93 power domain driver


64-bit ARM architecture

Intel RAPL TPMI Driver


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Mellanox BlueField power driver


64-bit ARM architecture

NXP i.MX93 src driver


64-bit ARM architecture

Provide Trusted Security Module attestation reports via configfs


AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

6.2. Updated drivers

Table 6.5. Storage driver updates
DescriptionNameCurrent versionLimited to architectures

Broadcom MegaRAID SAS Driver



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Driver for Microchip Smart Family Controller



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver



64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures

MPI3 Storage Controller Device Driver



Chapter 7. Available BPF Features

This chapter provides the complete list of Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) features available in the kernel of this minor version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. The tables include the lists of:

This chapter contains automatically generated output of the bpftool feature command.

Table 7.1. System configuration and other options


2 (bpf() syscall restricted to privileged users, admin can change)

JIT compiler

1 (enabled)

JIT compiler hardening

1 (enabled for unprivileged users)

JIT compiler kallsyms exports

1 (enabled for root)

Memory limit for JIT for unprivileged users








































































bpf() syscall


Large program size limit


Bounded loop support


ISA extension v2


ISA extension v3


Table 7.2. Available program types and supported helpers
Program typeAvailable helpers


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_socket_uid, bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_send_signal, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_get_attach_cookie, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_skb_store_bytes, bpf_l3_csum_replace, bpf_l4_csum_replace, bpf_tail_call, bpf_clone_redirect, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_skb_vlan_push, bpf_skb_vlan_pop, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key, bpf_redirect, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_change_proto, bpf_skb_change_type, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_change_tail, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_csum_update, bpf_set_hash_invalid, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_skb_change_head, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_socket_uid, bpf_set_hash, bpf_skb_adjust_room, bpf_skb_get_xfrm_state, bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative, bpf_fib_lookup, bpf_skb_cgroup_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_skb_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_sk_fullsock, bpf_tcp_sock, bpf_skb_ecn_set_ce, bpf_get_listener_sock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_tcp_check_syncookie, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_tcp_gen_syncookie, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_assign, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_csum_level, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_skb_cgroup_classid, bpf_redirect_neigh, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_redirect_peer, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_check_mtu, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_skb_set_tstamp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_skb_store_bytes, bpf_l3_csum_replace, bpf_l4_csum_replace, bpf_tail_call, bpf_clone_redirect, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_skb_vlan_push, bpf_skb_vlan_pop, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key, bpf_redirect, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_change_proto, bpf_skb_change_type, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_change_tail, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_csum_update, bpf_set_hash_invalid, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_skb_change_head, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_socket_uid, bpf_set_hash, bpf_skb_adjust_room, bpf_skb_get_xfrm_state, bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative, bpf_fib_lookup, bpf_skb_cgroup_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_skb_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_sk_fullsock, bpf_tcp_sock, bpf_skb_ecn_set_ce, bpf_get_listener_sock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_tcp_check_syncookie, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_tcp_gen_syncookie, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_assign, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_csum_level, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_skb_cgroup_classid, bpf_redirect_neigh, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_redirect_peer, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_check_mtu, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_skb_set_tstamp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_send_signal, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_get_attach_cookie, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_redirect, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_xdp_adjust_head, bpf_redirect_map, bpf_xdp_adjust_meta, bpf_xdp_adjust_tail, bpf_fib_lookup, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_tcp_check_syncookie, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_tcp_gen_syncookie, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_check_mtu, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_xdp_get_buff_len, bpf_xdp_load_bytes, bpf_xdp_store_bytes, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_gen_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv4, bpf_tcp_raw_check_syncookie_ipv6, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_perf_prog_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_send_signal, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_read_branch_records, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_get_attach_cookie, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_socket_uid, bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative, bpf_skb_cgroup_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_skb_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_sk_fullsock, bpf_tcp_sock, bpf_skb_ecn_set_ce, bpf_get_listener_sock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_sk_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_netns_cookie, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_get_retval, bpf_set_retval, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_lwt_push_encap, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_skb_store_bytes, bpf_l3_csum_replace, bpf_l4_csum_replace, bpf_tail_call, bpf_clone_redirect, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key, bpf_redirect, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_set_tunnel_opt, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_change_tail, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_csum_update, bpf_set_hash_invalid, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_skb_change_head, bpf_lwt_push_encap, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_csum_level, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_setsockopt, bpf_sock_map_update, bpf_getsockopt, bpf_sock_ops_cb_flags_set, bpf_sock_hash_update, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_tcp_sock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_netns_cookie, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_load_hdr_opt, bpf_store_hdr_opt, bpf_reserve_hdr_opt, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_skb_store_bytes, bpf_tail_call, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_change_tail, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_skb_change_head, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_get_socket_uid, bpf_skb_adjust_room, bpf_sk_redirect_map, bpf_sk_redirect_hash, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_msg_redirect_map, bpf_msg_apply_bytes, bpf_msg_cork_bytes, bpf_msg_pull_data, bpf_msg_redirect_hash, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_msg_push_data, bpf_msg_pop_data, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_netns_cookie, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_send_signal, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_setsockopt, bpf_getsockopt, bpf_bind, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_sk_lookup_tcp, bpf_sk_lookup_udp, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_skc_lookup_tcp, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_netns_cookie, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_get_retval, bpf_set_retval, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_get_route_realm, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_csum_diff, bpf_skb_under_cgroup, bpf_get_hash_recalc, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_skb_pull_data, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_lwt_seg6_store_bytes, bpf_lwt_seg6_adjust_srh, bpf_lwt_seg6_action, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


not supported


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_select_reuseport, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_skb_load_bytes, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_sysctl_get_name, bpf_sysctl_get_current_value, bpf_sysctl_get_new_value, bpf_sysctl_set_new_value, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_send_signal, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_get_cgroup_classid, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_get_local_storage, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_tcp_sock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_netns_cookie, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_get_retval, bpf_set_retval, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete










bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_release, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_sk_assign, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_ktime_get_coarse_ns, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_probe_read, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_pid_tgid, bpf_get_current_uid_gid, bpf_get_current_comm, bpf_perf_event_read, bpf_perf_event_output, bpf_get_stackid, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_current_task_under_cgroup, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_probe_read_str, bpf_get_socket_cookie, bpf_perf_event_read_value, bpf_get_stack, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_sk_storage_get, bpf_sk_storage_delete, bpf_send_signal, bpf_skb_output, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_send_signal_thread, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid, bpf_xdp_output, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_skc_to_tcp6_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_timewait_sock, bpf_skc_to_tcp_request_sock, bpf_skc_to_udp6_sock, bpf_get_task_stack, bpf_d_path, bpf_copy_from_user, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_task_storage_get, bpf_task_storage_delete, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_sock_from_file, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_sys_bpf, bpf_btf_find_by_name_kind, bpf_sys_close, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_get_func_ip, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_get_branch_snapshot, bpf_skc_to_unix_sock, bpf_kallsyms_lookup_name, bpf_find_vma, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_xdp_get_buff_len, bpf_copy_from_user_task, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_skc_to_mptcp_sock, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete


bpf_map_lookup_elem, bpf_map_update_elem, bpf_map_delete_elem, bpf_ktime_get_ns, bpf_get_prandom_u32, bpf_get_smp_processor_id, bpf_tail_call, bpf_get_current_task, bpf_get_numa_node_id, bpf_get_current_cgroup_id, bpf_map_push_elem, bpf_map_pop_elem, bpf_map_peek_elem, bpf_spin_lock, bpf_spin_unlock, bpf_strtol, bpf_strtoul, bpf_probe_read_user, bpf_probe_read_kernel, bpf_probe_read_user_str, bpf_probe_read_kernel_str, bpf_jiffies64, bpf_get_current_ancestor_cgroup_id, bpf_ktime_get_boot_ns, bpf_ringbuf_output, bpf_ringbuf_reserve, bpf_ringbuf_submit, bpf_ringbuf_discard, bpf_ringbuf_query, bpf_snprintf_btf, bpf_per_cpu_ptr, bpf_this_cpu_ptr, bpf_get_current_task_btf, bpf_for_each_map_elem, bpf_snprintf, bpf_timer_init, bpf_timer_set_callback, bpf_timer_start, bpf_timer_cancel, bpf_task_pt_regs, bpf_loop, bpf_strncmp, bpf_kptr_xchg, bpf_map_lookup_percpu_elem, bpf_dynptr_from_mem, bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr, bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr, bpf_dynptr_read, bpf_dynptr_write, bpf_dynptr_data, bpf_ktime_get_tai_ns, bpf_user_ringbuf_drain, bpf_cgrp_storage_get, bpf_cgrp_storage_delete

Table 7.3. Available map types
Map typeAvailable

































































Chapter 8. Bug fixes

This part describes bugs fixed in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 that have a significant impact on users.

8.1. Installer and image creation

Anaconda displays WWID identifiers for multipath storage devices on the Installation Destination screen

Previously, Anaconda did not display any details, for example, device number, WWPN, or LUN for the multipath storage devices. As a consequence, it was difficult to select the correct installation destination from the Installation Destination > Add a disk screen. With this update, Anaconda now displays WWID identifiers for multipath storage devices. As a result, you can now easily identify and select the required installation destination on the advanced storage device screen.


Installer now accepts additional time zone definitions in Kickstart files

Anaconda switched to a different, more restrictive method of validating time zone selections. This caused some time zone definitions, such as Japan, to be no longer valid despite being accepted in previous versions. Legacy Kickstart files with these definitions had to be updated. Otherwise, they would default to the Americas/New_York time zone.

The list of valid time zones was previously taken from pytz.common_timezones in the pytz Python library. This update changes the validation settings for the timezone Kickstart command to use pytz.all_timezones, which is a superset of the common_timezones list, and allows significantly more time zones to be specified. This change ensures that old Kickstart files made for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 still specify valid time zones.

Note: This change only applies to the timezone Kickstart command. The time zone selection in the graphical and text-based interactive interfaces remains unchanged. Existing Kickstart files for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 that had valid time zone selections do not require any updates.


The installer now correctly creates bond device with multiple ports and a BOOTIF option

Previously, the installation program created incorrect connection profiles when the installation was booted with a bond network device with multiple ports along with the BOOTIF boot option. Consequently, the device used by the BOOTIF option was not added to the bond device though it was configured as one of its ports.

With this update, the installation program now correctly creates profiles in initramfs when the BOOTIF boot option is used. As a result, all the specified ports are now added to the bond device on the installed system.


Anaconda replaces the misleading error message when failing to boot an installation image

Previously, when the installation program failed to boot the installation image, for example due to missing source of stage2 specified in inst.stage2 or inst.repo, Anaconda displayed the following misleading error message:

/run/anaconda/initrd_errors.txt: No such file or directory

With this update, Anaconda issues a proper warning message to minimize the confusion.


The new version of xfsprogs no longer shrinks the size of /boot

Previously, the xfsprogs package with the 5.19 version in the RHEL 9.3 caused the size of /boot to shrink. As a consequence, it caused a difference in the available space on the /boot partition, if compared to the RHEL 9.2 version. This fix increases the /boot partition to 600 MiB for all images, instead of 500 MiB, and the /boot partition is no longer affected by space issues.


8.2. Security

Libreswan accepts IPv6 SAN extensions

Previously, IPsec connection failed when setting up certificate-based authentication with a certificate that contained a subjectAltName (SAN) extension with an IPv6 address. With this update, the pluto daemon has been modified to accept IPv6 SAN as well as IPv4. As a result, IPsec connection is now correctly established with IPv6 address embedded in the certificate as an ID.


Rules for managing virtual routing with ip vrf are added to the SELinux policy

You can use the ip vrf command to manage virtual routing of other network services. Previously, selinux-policy did not contain rules to support this usage. With this update, SELinux policy rules allow explicit transitions from the ip domain to the httpd, sshd, and named domains. These transitions apply when the ip command uses the setexeccon library call.


SELinux policy denies SSH login for unconfined users when unconfined_login is set to off

Previously, the SELinux policy was missing a rule to deny unconfined users to log in via SSH when the unconfined_login boolean was set to off. As a consequence, with unconfined_login set to off, users still could log in with SSHD to an unconfined domain. This update adds a rule to the SELinux policy, and as a result, users cannot log in via sshd as unconfined when unconfined_login is off.


SELinux policy allows rsyslogd to execute confined commands

Previously, the SELinux policy was missing a rule to allow the rsyslogd daemon to execute SELinux-confined commands, such as systemctl. As a consequence, commands executed as an argument of the omprog directive failed. This update adds rules to the SELinux policy so that executables in the /usr/libexec/rsyslog directory that are run as an argument of omprog are in the syslogd_unconfined_script_t unconfined domain. As a result, commands executed as an argument of omprog finish successfully.


kmod runs in the SELinux MLS policy

Previously, the SELinux did not assign a private type for the /var/run/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes.conf file. As a consequence, the kmod utility may fail to work in the SELinux multi-level security (MLS) policy. This update adds the kmod_var_run_t label for /var/run/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes.conf to the SELinux policy, and as a result, kmod runs successfully in the SELinux MLS policy.


selinux-autorelabel runs in SELinux MLS policy

Previously, the SELinux policy did not assign a private type for the /usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-autorelabel utility. As a consequence, selinux-autorelabel.service might fail to work in the SELinux multi-level security (MLS) policy. This update adds the semanage_exec_t label to /usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-autorelabel, and as a result, selinux-autorelabel.service runs successfully in the SELinux MLS policy.


/bin = /usr/bin file context equivalency rule added to SELinux policy

Previously, the SELinux policy did not contain the /bin = /usr/bin file context equivalency rule. As a consequence, the restorecond daemon did not work correctly. This update adds the missing rule to the policy, and as a consequence, restorecond works correctly in SELinux enforcing mode.

This change overrides any local policy modules which use file context specification for a pattern in /bin.


SELinux policy contains rules for additional services and applications

This version of the selinux-policy package contains additional rules. Most notably, users in the sysadm_r role can execute the following commands:

  • sudo traceroute (RHEL-14077)
  • sudo tcpdump (RHEL-15432)


SELinux policy adds permissions for QAT firmware

Previously, when updating the Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) with the Intel VT-d kernel option enabled, missing SELinux permissions caused denials. This update adds additional permissions for the qat service. As a result, QAT can be updated correctly.


Rsyslog can execute privileged commands through omprog

Previously, the omprog module of Rsyslog could not execute certain external programs, especially programs that contain privileged commands. As a consequence, the use of scripts that involve privileged commands through omprog was restricted. With this update, the SELinux policy was adjusted. Place your scripts into the /usr/libexec/rsyslog directory to ensure compatibility with the adjusted SELinux policy. As a result, Rsyslog now can execute scripts, including those with privileged commands, through the omprog module.


The semanage fcontext command no longer reorders local modifications

The semanage fcontext -l -C command lists local file context modifications stored in the file_contexts.local file. The restorecon utility processes the entries in the file_contexts.local from the most recent entry to the oldest. Previously, semanage fcontext -l -C listed the entries in an incorrect order. This mismatch between processing order and listing order caused problems when managing SELinux rules. With this update, semanage fcontext -l -C displays the rules in the correct and expected order, from the oldest to the newest.


CardOS 5.3 cards with offsets no longer cause problems in OpenSC

Previously, file caching did not work correctly for some CardOS 5.3 cards that stored certificates on different offsets of a single PKCS #15 file. This occurred because file caching ignored the offset part of the file, which caused repetitive overriding of the cache and reading invalid data from file cache. The problem was identified and fixed upstream, and after this update, CardOS 5.3 cards work correctly with the file cache.


8.3. Subscription management

subscription-manager no longer retains nonessential text in the terminal

Starting with RHEL 9.1, subscription-manager displays progress information while processing any operation. Previously, for some languages, typically non-Latin, progress messages did not clean up after the operation finished. With this update, all the messages are cleaned up properly when the operation finishes.

If you have disabled the progress messages before, you can re-enable them by entering the following command:

# subscription-manager config --rhsm.progress_messages=1


8.4. Software management

The librhsm library now returns the correct /etc/rhsm-host prefix if librhsm is run in a container

The librhsm library rewrites path prefixes to CA certificates from the /etc/rhsm to /etc/rhsm-host path if librhsm is run in a container. Previously, librhsm returned the wrong /etc/rhsm-host-host prefix because of a string manipulation mistake. With this update, the issue has been fixed, and the librhsm library now returns the correct /etc/rhsm-host prefix.


systemd now correctly manages the /run/user/0 directory created by librepo

Previously, if the librepo functions were called from an Insights client before logging in root, the /run/user/0 directory could be created with a wrong SELinux context type. This prevented systemd from cleaning the directory after you logged out from root.

With this update, the librepo package now sets a default creation type according to default file system labeling rules defined in a SELinux policy. As a result, systemd now correctly manages the /run/user/0 directory created by librepo.


systemd now correctly manages the /run/user/0 directory created by libdnf

Previously, if the libdnf functions were called from an Insights client before logging in root, the /run/user/0 directory could be created with a wrong SELinux context type. This prevented systemd from cleaning the directory after you logged out from root.

With this update, the libdnf package now sets a default creation type according to default file system labeling rules defined in a SELinux policy. As a result, systemd now correctly manages the /run/user/0 directory created by libdnf.


The dnf needs-restarting --reboothint command now recommends a reboot to update the CPU microcode

To fully update the CPU microcode, you must reboot a system. Previously, when you installed the microcode_ctl package, which contains the updated CPU microcode, the dnf needs-restarting --reboothint command did not recommend the reboot. With this update, the issue has been fixed, and dnf needs-restarting --reboothint now recommends a reboot to update the CPU microcode.


8.5. Shells and command-line tools

The top -u command now displays at least one process when you sort the processes by memory

Previously, when you executed the top command with the -u <user> parameter, where the user was different from the one running the command, all processes disappeared when the M key was pressed to sort the processes by memory. With this update, the top command displays at least one process when you sort the processes by memory.


To preserve the position of the cursor, not all processes are displayed. You can scroll up through the results to display the remaining processes.


ReaR now determines the presence of a BIOS boot loader when both BIOS and UEFI boot loaders are installed

Previously, in a hybrid boot loader setup (UEFI and BIOS), when UEFI was used to boot, Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) restored only the UEFI boot loader and not the BIOS boot loader. This would result in a system that had a GUID Partition Table (GPT), a BIOS Boot Partition, but not a BIOS boot loader. In this situation, ReaR failed to create the rescue image, the attempt to produce a backup or a rescue image by using the rear mkbackup or rear mkrescue command would fail with the following error message:

ERROR: Cannot autodetect what is used as boot loader, see default.conf about 'BOOTLOADER'.

With this update, ReaR determines the presence of both UEFI and BIOS boot loaders, restores them, and does not fail when it does not encounter the BIOS boot loader on the system with the BIOS Boot Partition in GPT. As a result, systems with the hybrid UEFI and BIOS boot loader setup can be backed up and recovered multiple times.


ReaR no longer uses the logbsize, sunit and swidth mount options during recovery

Previously, when restoring an XFS file system with the parameters different from the original ones by using the MKFS_XFS_OPTIONS configuration setting, Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) mounted this file system with mount options applicable for the original file system, but not for the restored file system. As a consequence, the disk layout recreation would fail with the following error message when ReaR ran the mount command :

wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on and missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

The kernel log displayed either of the following messages:

 logbuf size must be greater than or equal to log stripe size
alignment check failed: sunit/swidth vs. agsize

With this update, ReaR avoids using the logbsize, sunit and swidth mount options when mounting recreated XFS file systems. As a result, when you use the MKFS_XFS_OPTIONS configuration setting, the disk layout recreation succeeds.


ReaR recovery no longer fails on systems with a small thin pool metadata size

Previously, ReaR did not save the size of the pool metadata volume when saving a layout of an LVM volume group with a thin pool. During recovery, ReaR recreated the pool with the default size even if the system used a non-default pool metadata size.

As a consequence, when the original pool metadata size was smaller than the default size and no free space was available in the volume group, the layout recreation during system recovery failed with a message in the log similar to these examples:

Insufficient free space: 230210 extents needed, but only 230026 available


Volume group "vg" has insufficient free space (16219 extents): 16226 required.

With this update, the recovered system has a metadata volume with the same size as the original system. As a result, the recovery of a system with a small thin pool metadata size and no extra free space in the volume group finishes successfully.


ReaR now preserves logs from the bprestore command of NetBackup in the rescue system and the recovered system

Previously, when using the NetBackup integration (BACKUP=NBU), ReaR added the log from the bprestore command during recovery to a directory that was deleted on exit. Additionally, ReaR did not save further logs produced by the command under the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprestore/ directory on the recovered system.

As a consequence, if the bprestore command failed during recovery, the logs were deleted unless the rear recover command was run with the -d or -D option. Moreover, even if the recovery finished successfully, the logs under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprestore/ directory were lost after a reboot and could not be examined.

With this update, ReaR keeps the log from the bprestore command in the /var/lib/rear/restore directory in the rescue system where it persists after the rear recover command has finished until the rescue system is rebooted. If the system is recovered, all logs from /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprestore/ are copied to the /var/log/rear/recover/restore directory together with the log from /var/lib/rear/restore in case further examination is required.


ReaR no longer fails during recovery if the TMPDIR variable is set in the configuration file

Previously, the ReaR default configuration file /usr/share/rear/conf/default.conf contained the following instructions:

# To have a specific working area directory prefix for Relax-and-Recover
# specify in /etc/rear/local.conf something like
#   export TMPDIR="/prefix/for/rear/working/directory"
# where /prefix/for/rear/working/directory must already exist.
# This is useful for example when there is not sufficient free space
# in /tmp or $TMPDIR for the ISO image or even the backup archive.

The instructions mentioned above did not work correctly because the TMPDIR variable had the same value in the rescue environment, which was not correct if the directory specified in the TMPDIR variable did not exist in the rescue image.

As a consequence, when the rescue image was booted, setting and exporting TMPDIR in the /etc/rear/local.conf file led to the following error :

mktemp: failed to create file via template '/prefix/for/rear/working/directory/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX': No such file or directory
cp: missing destination file operand after '/etc/rear/mappings/mac'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.
No network interface mapping is specified in /etc/rear/mappings/mac

or the following error and cancel later, when running rear recover:

ERROR: Could not create build area

With this update, ReaR clears the TMPDIR variable in the rescue environment. ReaR also detects when the variable has been set in /etc/rear/local.conf, and prints a warning if the variable is set. The comment in /usr/share/rear/conf/default.conf has been changed to instruct to set and export TMPDIR in the environment before executing rear instead of setting it in /etc/rear/local.conf.

If the command export TMPDIR=…​ is used in /etc/rear/local.conf, ReaR now prints the following warning:

Warning: Setting TMPDIR in a configuration file is deprecated. To specify a working area directory prefix, export TMPDIR before executing 'rear'

As a result, the recovery is successful in the described configuration.

Setting TMPDIR in a configuration file such as /etc/rear/local.conf is now deprecated and the functionality will be removed in a future release. It is recommended to remove such settings from /etc/rear/local.conf, and to set and export TMPDIR in the environment before calling ReaR instead.


8.6. Networking

wwan_hwsim is now in the kernel-modules-internal package

The wwan_hwsim kernel module provides a framework for simulating and testing various networking scenarios that use wireless wide area network (WWAN) devices. Previously, wwan_hwsim was a part of the kernel-modules-extra package. However, with this release, it is moved to the kernel-modules-internal package, which contains other similarly-oriented utilities. Note that the WWAN feature for PCI modem is still a Technology Preview.


The xdp-loader features command now works as expected

The xdp-loader utility was compiled against the previous version of libbpf. As a consequence, xdp-loader features failed with an error:

Cannot display features, because xdp-loader was compiled against an old version of libbpf without support for querying features.

The utility is now compiled against the correct libbpf version. As a result, the command now works as expected.


Mellanox ConnectX-5 adapter works in the DMFS mode

Previously, while using the Ethernet switch device driver model (switchdev) mode, the mlx5 driver failed if configured in the device managed flow steering (DMFS) mode on the ConnectX-5 adapter. Consequently, the following error message appeared:

mlx5_core 0000:5e:00.0: mlx5_cmd_out_err:780:(pid 980895): DELETE_FLOW_TABLE_ENTRY(0x938) op_mod(0x0) failed, status bad resource(0x5), syndrome (0xabe70a), err(-22)

As a result, when you update the firmware version of the ConnectX-5 adapter to 16.35.3006 or later, the error message will not appear.


8.7. Kernel

crash was rebased to version 8.0.4

The crash utility was upgraded to version 8.0.4, which provides multiple bug fixes. Notable repairs include:

  • Fixed the segmentation fault when the non-panicking CPUs failed to stop during the kernel panic.
  • The critical error incorrectly did not cause the kernel panic when the panic_on_oops kernel parameter was disabled.
  • The crash utility did not properly resolve the hashed freelist pointers for the kernels compiled with the CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED=y configuration option.
  • A change in the kernel module memory layout terminology. The change replaced module_layout with module_memory to better indicate memory-related aspects of the crash utility. Without this change, crash cannot start a session with an error message such as this:

     crash: invalid structure member offset: module_core_size
                 FILE: kernel.c  LINE: 3787  FUNCTION: module_init()


tuna launches GUI when needed

Previously, if you ran the tuna utility without any subcommand, it would launch the GUI. This behavior was desirable if you had a display. In the opposite case, tuna on a machine without a display would not exit gracefully. With this update, tuna detects whether you have a display, and the GUI is launched or not launched accordingly.


Intel TPM chips are now detected correctly

Previously, a side effect in a bug fix to AMD Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chips also affected Intel TPM chips. As a consequence, RHEL failed to detect certain Intel TPM chips.

With this update, the AMD TPM bug fix has been revised. As a result, RHEL now detects the Intel TPM chips correctly.


RHEL previously failed to recognize NVMe disks when VMD was enabled

When you reset or reattached a driver, the Volume Management Device (VMD) domain previously did not soft-reset. Consequently, the hardware could not properly detect and enumerate its devices. With this update, the operating system with VMD enabled now correctly recognizes NVMe disks, especially when resetting a server or working with a VM machine.


8.8. File systems and storage

multipathd now successfully removes devices that have outstanding queued I/O

Previously, the multipathd command did not disable the queue_if_no_path parameter before removing a device. This was possible only if there was an outstanding queued I/O to the multipath device itself, and not to the partition devices. Consequently, multipathd would hang, and could no longer maintain the multipath devices. With this update, the multipathd now disables queuing before executing the remove command such as multipath -F, multipath -f <device>, multipathd remove maps, or multipathd remove map <device>. As a result, multipathd now successfully removes devices that have outstanding queued I/O.


The no_read_workqueue, no_write_workqueue, and try_verify_in_taskle options of the dm-crypt and dm-verity devices are temporarily disabled

Previously, the dm-crypt devices created by using either the no_read_workqueue or no_write_workqueue option and dm-verity devices created by using the try_verify_in_tasklet option caused memory corruption. Consequently, random kernel memory was corrupted, which caused various system problems. With this update, these options are temporarily disabled. Note that this fix can cause dm-verity and dm-crypt to perform slower on some workloads.


Multipathd now checks if a device is incorrectly queuing I/O

Previously, a multipath device restarted queuing I/O, even though it was configured to fail, under the following conditions:

  • The multipath device was configured with the queue_if_no_paths parameter set to several retries.
  • A path device was removed from the multipath device that had no working paths and was no longer queuing I/O.

With this update, the issue has been fixed. As a result, multipath devices no longer restarts queuing I/O if the queuing is disabled and a path is removed while there are no usable paths.


Removing duplicate entry from nvmf_log_connect_error

Previously, due to a duplicate commit merge error, a log message was repeated in the nvmf_log_connect_error kernel function. Consequently, when the kernel was unable to connect to a fabric-attached Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe) device, the Connect command failed message appeared twice. With this update, the duplicate log message is now removed from the kernel, resulting in only a single log message available for each error.


The kernel no longer crashes when namespaces are added and removed

Previously, when NVMe namespaces were rapidly added and removed, a namespace disappeared between successive commands used to probe the namespace. In a specific case, a storage array did not return an invalid namespace error but instead returned a buffer filled with zero. Consequently, the kernel crashed due to the divide-by-zero error. With this update, the kernel now validates data from responses to both the Identify Namespace data structure issued to the storage. As a result, the kernel no longer crashes.


The newly allocated sections of the data device are now properly aligned

Previously, when a Stratis pool was expanded, it was possible to allocate the new regions of the pool. But the newly allocated regions were not correctly aligned with the previously allocated regions. Consequently, it could cause a performance degradation along with a nonzero entry in the Stratis thin pool’s alignment_offset file in sysfs. With this update, when the pool expands, the newly allocated region of the data device is properly aligned with the previously allocated region. As a result, there is no degradation in performance and no nonzero entry in the Stratis thin pool’s alignment_offset file in sysfs.


System boots correctly when adding a NVMe-FC device as a mount point in /etc/fstab

Previously, due to a known issue in the nvme-cli nvmf-autoconnect systemd services, systems failed to boot while adding the Non-volatile Memory Express over Fibre Channel (NVMe-FC) devices as a mount point in the /etc/fstab file. Consequently, the system entered into an emergency mode. With this update, a system boots without any issue when mounting an NVMe-FC device.


LUNs are now visible during the operating system installation

Previously, the system was not using the authentication information from firmware sources, specifically in cases involving iSCSI hardware offload with CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) authentication stored in the iSCSI iBFT (Boot Firmware Table). As a consequence, the iSCSI login failed during installation.

With the fix in the udisks2-2.9.4-9.el9 firmware authentication, this issue is now resolved and LUNs are visible during the installation and initial boot.


8.9. High availability and clusters

Configuring the tls and keep_active_partition_tie_breaker quorum device options without specifying --force

Previously, when configuring a quorum device, a user could not configure the tls and keep_active_partition_tie_breaker options for a quorum device model net without specifying the --force option. With this update, configuring these options no longer requires you to specify --force.


Issues with moving and banning clone and bundle resources now corrected

This bug fix addresses two limitations of moving bundled and clone resources:

  • When a user tried to move a bundled resource out of its bundle or ban it from running in its bundle, pcs created a constraint but the constraint had no effect. This caused the move to fail with an error message. With this fix, pcs disallows moving and banning bundled resources from their bundles and prints an error message noting that bundled resources cannot be moved out of their bundles.
  • When a user tried to move a bundle or clone resource, pcs exited with an error message noting that bundle or clone resources cannot be moved. This fix relaxes validation of move commands. It is now possible to move clone and bundle resources. When moving clone resources, you must specify a destination node if more than one instance of a clone is running. Only one-replica bundles can be moved.


Output of pcs status command no longer shows warning for expired constraints

Previously, when moving a cluster resource created a temporary location constraint, the pcs status command displayed a warning even after the constraint expired. With this fix, the pcs status command filters out expired constraints and they no longer generate a warning message in the command output.


Disabling the auto_tie_breaker quorum option no longer allowed when SBD fencing requires it

Previously, pcs allowed a user to disable the auto_tie_breaker quorum option even when a cluster configuration required this option for SBD fencing to work correctly. With this fix, pcs generates an error message when a user attempts to disable auto_tie_breaker on a system where SBD fencing requires that the auto_tie_breaker option be enabled.


8.10. Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers

httpd works correctly if a DAV repository location is configured by using a regular expression match

Previously, if a Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) repository was configured in the Apache HTTP Server by using a regular expression match (such as LocationMatch), the mod_dav httpd module was unable to determine the root of the repository from the path name. As a consequence, httpd did not handle requests from third-party providers (for example, Sub-version’s mod_dav_svn module).

With this update, you can specify the repository root path by using the new DevBasePath directive in the httpd.conf file. For example:

<LocationMatch "^/repos/">
    DAV svn
    DavBasePath /repos
    SVNParentPath /var/www/svn

As a result, httpd handles requests correctly if a DAV repository location is configured by using a regular expression match.


8.11. Compilers and development tools

ldconfig no longer crashes after an interrupted system upgrade

Previously, the ldconfig utility terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault when processing incomplete shared objects left in the /usr/lib64 directory after an interrupted system upgrade. With this update, ldconfig ignores temporary files written during system upgrades. As a result, ldconfig no longer crashes after an interrupted system upgrade.


glibc now uses the number of configured processors for malloc arena tuning

Previously, glibc used the per-thread CPU affinity mask for tuning the maximum arena count for malloc. As a consequence, restricting the thread affinity mask to a small subset of CPUs in the system could lead to performance degradation.

glibc has been changed to use the configured number of CPUs for determining the maximum arena count. As a result, applications use a larger number of arenas, even when running with a restricted per-thread CPU affinity mask, and the performance degradation no longer occurs.


Improved glibc compatibility with applications using dlclose on shared objects involved in a dependency cycle

Previously, when unloading a shared object in a dependency cycle using the dlclose function in glibc, that object’s ELF destructor might not have been called before all other objects were unloaded. As a consequence of this late ELF destructor execution, applications experienced crashes and other errors due to the initial shared object’s dependencies already being deinitialized.

With this update, glibc has been fixed to first call the ELF destructor of the immediate object being unloaded before any other ELF destructors are executed. As a result, compatibility with applications using dlclose on shared objects involved in a dependency cycle is improved and crashes no longer occur.


make no longer tries to run directories

Previously, make did not check if an executable it was trying to run was actually an executable. Consequently, if the path included a directory with the same name as the executable, make tried to run the directory instead. With this update, make now does additional checks when searching for an executable. As a result, make no longer tries to run directories.


Improved glibc wide-character write performance

Previously, the wide stdio stream implementation in glibc did not treat the default buffer size as large enough for wide-character write operations and used a 16-byte fallback buffer instead, negatively impacting performance. With this update, buffer management is fixed and the entire write buffer is used. As a result, glibc wide-character write performance is improved.


The glibc getaddrinfo function now correctly reads ncsd cache information

Previously, a bug in the glibc getaddrinfo function would cause it to occasionally return empty elements in the list address information structure. With this update, the getaddrinfo function has been fixed to read and translate ncsd cache data correctly and, as a result, returns correct address information.


Improved glibc compatibility with applications using dlclose on shared objects involved in a dependency cycle

Previously, when unloading a shared object in a dependency cycle using the dlclose function in glibc, that object’s ELF destructor might not have been called before all other objects were unloaded. As a consequence of this late ELF destructor execution, applications experienced crashes and other errors due to the initial shared object’s dependencies already being deinitialized.

With this update, glibc has been fixed to first call the ELF destructor of the immediate object being unloaded before any other ELF destructors are executed. As a result, compatibility with applications using dlclose on shared objects involved in a dependency cycle is improved and crashes no longer occur.


ncsd no longer fails to start due to inconsistent cache expiry information

Previously, the glibc Name Service Switch Caching Daemon (nscd) could fail to start due to inconsistent cache expiry information in the persistent cache file. With this update, ncsd now marks cache entries with inconsistent timing information for deletion and skips them. As a result, ncsd no longer fails to start due to inconsistent cache expiry information.


Consistently fast glibc thread-local storage performance

Previously, the glibc dynamic linker did not adjust certain thread-local storage (TLS) metadata after shared objects with TLS were loaded by using the dlopen() function, which consequently caused slow TLS access. With this update, the dynamic linker now updates TLS metadata for TLS changes caused by dlopen() calls. As a result, TLS access is consistently fast.


8.12. Identity Management

Allocated memory now released when an operation is completed

Previously, memory allocated by the KCM for each operation was not being released until the connection was closed. As a result, for client applications that opened a connection and ran many operations on the same connection, it led to a noticeable memory increase because the allocated memory was not released until the connection closed. With this update, the memory allocated for an operation is now released as soon as the operation is completed.


IdM clients correctly retrieve information for trusted AD users when their names contain mixed case characters

Previously, if you attempted a user lookup or authentication of a user, and that trusted Active Directory (AD) user contained mixed case characters in their names and they were configured with overrides in IdM, an error was returned preventing users from accessing IdM resources.

With this update, a case-sensitive comparison is replaced with a case-insensitive comparison that ignores the case of a character. As a result, IdM clients can now lookup users of an AD trusted domain, even if their usernames contain mixed case characters and they are configured with overrides in IdM.


SSSD correctly returns an error if no grace logins remain while changing a password

Previously, if a user’s LDAP password had expired, SSSD tried to change the password even after the initial bind of the user failed as there were no more grace logins left. However, the error returned to the user did not indicate the reason for the failure. With this update, the request to change the password is aborted if the bind fails and SSSD returns an error message indicating there are no more grace logins and the password must be changed by another means.


Removing systems from a domain using the realm leave command

Previously, if multiple names were set for the ad_server option in the sssd.conf file, running the realm leave command resulted in parsing errors and the system was not removed from the domain. With this update, the ad_server option is properly evaluated and the correct domain controller name is used and the system is correctly removed from the domain.


KCM logs to the correct sssd.kcm.log file

Previously, logrotate correctly rotated the Kerberos Credential Manager (KCM) log files but KCM incorrectly wrote the logs to the old log file, sssd_kcm.log.1. If KCM was restarted, it used the correct log file. With this update, after logrotate is invoked, log files are rotated and KCM correctly logs to the sssd_kcm.log file.


The realm leave --remove command no longer asks for credentials

Previously, the realm utility did not correctly check if a valid Kerberos ticket was available when running the realm leave operation. As a result, users were asked to enter a password even though a valid Kerberos ticket was available. With this update, realm now correctly verifies if there is a valid Kerberos ticket and no longer requests the user to enter a password when running the realm leave --remove command.


KDC now runs extra checks when general constrained delegation requests is processed

Previously, the forwardable flag in Kerberos tickets issued by KDCs running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 was vulnerable, allowing unauthorized modification without detection. This vulnerability could lead to impersonation attacks, even from or by users without specific privileges. With this update, KDC runs extra checks when it processes general constrained delegation requests, ensuring detection and rejection of unauthorized flag modifications, thus removing the vulnerability.


Check on the forwardable flag is disabled in cases where SIDs are generated for the domain

Previously, the update providing a fix for CVE-2020-17049 relied on the Kerberos PAC to run certain checks on the ticket forwardable flag when the KDC processes a general constrained delegation request. However, the PAC is generated only on domains where the SIDs generation task was executed in the past. While this task is automatically performed for all IdM domains created on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.5 and newer, domains initialized on older versions require manual execution of this task.

In case the SIDs generation task was never executed manually for IdM domains initialized on RHEL 8.4 and older, the PAC will be missing on Kerberos tickets, resulting in rejection of all general constrained delegation requests. This includes IdM’s HTTP API, which relies on general constrained delegation.

With this update, the check of the forwardable flag is disabled in cases where SIDs were not generated for the domain. Services relying on general constrained delegation, including IdM HTTP API, continue working. However, Red Hat recommends running the SIDs generation task on the domain as soon as possible, especially if the domain has custom general constrained delegation rules configured. Until this is done, the domain remains vulnerable to CVE-2020-17049.


IdM Vault encryption and decryption no longer fails in FIPS mode

Previously, IdM Vault used OpenSSL RSA-PKCS1v15 as the default padding wrapping algorithm. However, none of the FIPS certified modules in RHEL supported PKCS#1 v1.5 as a FIPS approved algorithm, causing IdM Vault to fail in FIPS mode. With this update, IdM Vault supports the RSA-OAEP padding wrapping algorithm as a fallback. As a result, IdM Vault encryption and decryption now work correctly in FIPS mode.


Directory Server no longer fails after abandoning the paged result search

Previously, a race condition was a reason for heap corruption and Directory Server failure during abandoning paged result search. With this update, the race condition was fixed, and Directory Server failure no longer occurs.


If the nsslapd-numlisteners attribute value is more than 2, Directory Server no longer fails

Previously, if the nsslapd-numlisteners attribute value was higher than 2, Directory Server sometimes closed the listening file descriptor instead of the accepted file descriptor. As a consequence, a segmentation fault occurred in Directory Server. With this update, Directory Server closes the correct descriptor and continues listening on ports correctly.


The autobind operation now does not impacts operations performed on other connections

Previously, when the autobind operation was in progress, Directory Server stopped listening to new operations on any connection. With this update, the autobind operation does not impact the operations performed on the other connection.


The IdM client installer no longer specifies the TLS CA configuration in the ldap.conf file

Previously, the IdM client installer specified the TLS CA configuration in the ldap.conf file. With this update, OpenLDAP uses the default truststore and the IdM client installer does not set up the TLS CA configuration in the ldap.conf file.


8.13. The web console

VNC console now works at most resolutions

Previously, when using the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) console under certain display resolutions, a mouse offset problem was present or only a part of the interface was visible. Consequently, using the VNC console was not possible.

With this update, the problem has been fixed and the VNC console works correctly at most resolutions, with the exception of ultra high resolutions, such as 3840 x 2160 px.

Note that a small offset between the recorded and displayed positions of the cursor might still be present. However, this does not significantly impact the usability of the VNC console.


8.14. Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles

Cluster start no longer times out when the SBD delay-start value is high

Previously, when a user configured SBD fencing in a cluster by using the ha_cluster system role and set the delay-start option to a value close to or higher than 90 seconds, the cluster start timed out. This is because the default systemd start timeout is 90 seconds, which the system reached before the SBD start delay value. With this fix, the ha_cluster system role overrides the sbd.service start timeout in systemd so that it is higher than the value of delay-start. This allows the system to start successfully even with high values of the delay-start option.


network role validates routing rules with or ::/0

Previously, when the from: or to: settings were set to the or ::/0 addresses in the routing rule, the network RHEL system role failed to configure the routing rule and rejected the settings as invalid. With this update, the network role allows and ::/0 for from: and to: in routing rule validation. As a result, the role successfully configures the routing rules without raising the validation errors.


Running read-scale clusters and installing mssql-server-ha no longer requires certain variables

Previously, if you used the mssql RHEL system role to configure a read-scale cluster without certain variables (mssql_ha_virtual_ip, mssql_ha_login, mssql_ha_login_password, and mssql_ha_cluster_run_role), the role failed with an error message “Variable not defined”. However, these variables are not necessary to run a read-scale cluster. The role also tried to install the mssql-server-ha, which is not required for a read-scale cluster. With this fix, the requirement for these variables was removed. As a result, running a read-scale cluster proceeds successfully without the error message.


The Kdump system role works correctly when the kexec_crash_size file is busy

The /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size file provides the size of the memory region allocated for crash kernel memory.

Previously, the Kdump system role failed when the /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size file was busy. With this update, the system role retries reading the file when it is available. As a result, the system role no longer fails when the file is busy.


selinux role no longer uses the item loop variable

Previously, the selinux RHEL system role used the  item loop variable. This might have resulted in the following warning message when you called the selinux role from another role:

[WARNING]: TASK: fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Restore SELinux labels on filesystem tree: The loop variable 'item' is already in use.
You should set the `loop_var` value in the `loop_control` option for the task to something else to avoid variable collisions and unexpected behavior.

With this release, the selinux role uses __selinux_item as a loop variable. As a result, the warning that the item variable is already in use is no longer displayed even if you call the selinux role from another role.


The ha_cluster system role now correctly configures a firewall on a qnetd host

Previously, when a user configured a qnetd host and set the ha_cluster_manage_firewall variable to true by using the ha_cluster system role, the role did not enable high-availability services in the firewall. With this fix, the ha_cluster system role now correctly configures a firewall on a qnetd host.


The postgresql RHEL system role now installs the correct version of PostgreSQL

Previously, if you tried to run the postgresql RHEL system role with the postgresql_version: "15" variable defined on a RHEL managed node, PostgreSQL version 13 was installed instead of version 15. This bug has been fixed, and the postgresql role installs the version set in the variable.


keylime_server role correctly reports registrar service status

Previously, when the keylime_server role playbook provided incorrect information, the role incorrectly reported the start as successful. With this update, the role now correctly reports a failure when incorrect information is provided, and the timeout when waiting for opened ports has been reduced from approximately 300 seconds to approximately 30 seconds.


The podman RHEL system role now sets and cancels linger properly for rootless containers

Previously, the podman RHEL system role did not set and cancel linger properly for rootless containers. Consequently, deploying secrets or containers for rootless users produced errors in some cases, and failed to cancel linger when removing resources in some cases. With this update, the podman RHEL system role ensures that linger is enabled for rootless users before doing any secret or container resource management, and ensures that linger is canceled for rootless users when there are no more secrets or container resources to be managed. As a result, the role correctly manages lingering for rootless users.


nbde_server role now works with socket overrides

Previously, the nbde_server RHEL system role assumed that the only file in the tangd socket override directory was the override.conf file for a custom port. Consequently, the role deleted the directory if there was no port customization without checking other files, and the system re-created the directory in subsequent runs.

With this release, the role has been fixed to prevent changing attributes of the port override file and deleting the directory if there are other files. As a result, the role correctly works if tangd socket override files are managed also outside of the role.


A volume quadlet service name no longer fails

Previously, starting the volume service name produced an error similar to the following one: "Could not find the requested service NAME.volume: host" With this update, the volume quadlet service name is changed to basename-volume.service. As a result, the volume service starts with no errors.

For more information, see Volume unit man page.


Ansible now preserves JSON strings for use in secrets

Previously, Ansible converted JSON strings to the corresponding JSON object if the value was used in a loop and strings similar to data: "{{ value }}" As a consequence, you cannot pass JSON strings as secrets and have the value preserved. This update casts the data value to a string when passing to the podman_secret module. As a result, JSON strings are preserved as-is for use in secrets.


The rhc system role no longer fails on the registered systems when rhc_auth contains activation keys

Previously, a failure occurred when you executed playbook files on the registered systems with the activation key specified in the rhc_auth parameter. This issue has been resolved. It is now possible to execute playbook files on the already registered systems, even when activation keys are provided in the rhc_auth parameter.


8.15. Virtualization

RT VMs with a FIFO scheduler now boots correctly

Previously, after setting a real-time (RT) virtual machine (VM) to use the fifo setting for the vCPU scheduler, the VM became unresponsive when you attempted to boot it. Instead, the VM displayed the Guest has not initialized the display (yet) error. With this update, the error has been fixed, and setting fifo for the vCPU scheduler works as expected in the described circumstances.


A dump failure no longer blocks IBM Z VMs with Secure Execution from running

Previously, when a dump of an IBM Z virtual machine (VM) with Secure Execution failed, the VM remained in a paused state and was blocked from running. For example, dumping a VM by using the virsh dump command fails if there is not enough space on the disk.

The underlying code has been fixed and Secure Execution VMs resume operation successfully after a dump failure.


The installation program shows the expected system disk to install RHEL on VM

Previously, when installing RHEL on a VM using virtio-scsi devices, it was possible that these devices did not appear in the installation program because of a device-mapper-multipath bug. Consequently, during installation, if some devices had a serial set and some did not, the multipath command was claiming all the devices that had a serial. Due to this, the installation program was unable to find the expected system disk to install RHEL in the VM.

With this update, multipath correctly sets the devices with no serial as having no World Wide Identifier (WWID) and ignores them. On installation, multipath only claims devices that multipathd uses to bind a multipath device, and the installation program shows the expected system disk to install RHEL in the VM.


Using a large number of queues no longer causes VMs to fail

Previously, virtual machines (VMs) might have failed when the virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) device was enabled and the multi-queue virtio-net feature was configured to use more than 250 queues.

This problem was caused by a limitation in the vTPM device. With this update, the problem has been fixed and VMs with more than 250 queues and with vTPM enabled now work reliably.


Windows guests boot more reliably after a v2v conversion on hosts with AMD EPYC CPUs

After using the virt-v2v utility to convert a virtual machine (VM) that uses Windows 11 or a Windows Server 2022 as the guest OS, the VM previously failed to boot. This occurred on hosts that use AMD EPYC series CPUs. Now, the underlying code has been fixed and VMs boot as expected in the described circumstances.


nodedev-dumpxml lists attributes correctly for certain mediated devices

Before this update, the nodedev-dumpxml utility did not list attributes correctly for mediated devices that were created using the nodedev-create command. This has been fixed, and nodedev-dumpxml now displays the attributes of the affected mediated devices properly.


virtiofs devices could not be attached after restarting virtqemud or libvirtd

Previously, restarting the virtqemud or libvirtd services prevented virtiofs storage devices from being attached to virtual machines (VMs) on your host. This bug has been fixed, and you can now attach virtiofs devices in the described scenario as expected.


Hot plugging a Watchdog card to a virtual machine no longer fails

Previously, if no PCI slots were available, adding a Watchdog card to a running virtual machine (VM) failed with the following error:

Failed to configure watchdog
ERROR Error attempting device hotplug: internal error: No more available PCI slots

With this update, the problem has been fixed and adding a Watchdog card to a running VM now works as expected.


blob resources now work correctly for virtio-gpu on IBM Z

Previously, the virtio-gpu device was incompatible with blob memory resources on IBM Z systems. As a consequence, if you configured a virtual machine (VM) with virtio-gpu on an IBM Z host to use blob resources, the VM did not have any graphical output.

With this update, virtio devices have an optional blob attribute. Setting blob to on enables the use of blob resources in the device. This prevents the described problem in virtio-gpu devices, and can also accelerate the display path by reducing or eliminating copying of pixel data between the guest and host. Note that blob resource support requires QEMU version 6.1 or later.


Reinstalling virtio-win drivers no longer causes DNS configuration to reset on the guest

In virtual machines (VMs) that use a Windows guest operating system, reinstalling or upgrading virtio-win drivers for the network interface controller (NIC) previously caused DNS settings in the guest to reset. As a consequence, your Windows guest in some cases lost network connectivity.

With this update, the described problem has been fixed. As a result, if you reinstall or upgrade from the latest version of virtio-win, the problem no longer occurs. Note, however, that upgrading from a prior version of virtio-win will not fix the problem, and DNS resets might still occur in your Windows guests.


Chapter 9. Technology previews

This part provides a list of all Technology Previews available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

For information on Red Hat scope of support for Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

9.1. Installer and image creation

NVMe over TCP for RHEL installation is now available as a Technology Preview

With this Technology Preview, you can now use NVMe over TCP volumes to install RHEL after configuring the firmware. While adding disks from the Installation Destination screen, you can select the NVMe namespaces under the NVMe Fabrics Devices section.


Installation of bootable OSTree native containers is now available as a Technology Preview

The ostreecontainer Kickstart command is now available in Anaconda as a Technology Preview. You can use this command to install the operating system from an OSTree commit encapsulated in an OCI image. When performing Kickstart installations, the following commands are available together with ostreecontainer:

  • graphical, text, or cmdline
  • ostreecontainer
  • clearpart, zerombr
  • autopart
  • part
  • logvol, volgroup
  • reboot and shutdown
  • lang
  • rootpw
  • sshkey
  • bootloader - Available only with the --append optional parameter.
  • user

When you specify a group within the user command, the user account can be assigned only to a group that already exists in the container image. Kickstart commands not listed here are allowed to be used with ostreecontainer command, however, they are not guaranteed to work as expected with package-based installations.

However, the following Kickstart commands are unsupported together with ostreecontainer:

  • %packages (any necessary packages must be already available in the container image)
  • url (if there is a need to fetch a stage2 image for installation, for example, PXE installations use inst.stage2= on the kernel instead of providing a URL for stage2 inside the Kickstart file)
  • liveimg
  • vnc
  • authconfig and authselect (provide relevant configuration in the container image instead)
  • module
  • repo
  • zipl
  • zfcp

Installation of bootable OSTree native containers is not supported in interactive installations that use partial Kickstart files.

Note: When customizing a mount point, you must define the mount point in the /mnt directory and ensure that the mount point directory exists inside /var/mnt in the container image.


Boot loader installation and configuration via bootupd / bootupctl in Anaconda is now available as a Technology Preview

As the ostreecontainer Kickstart command is now available in Anaconda as a Technology Preview, you can use it to install the operating system from an OSTree commit encapsulated in an OCI image. Anaconda automatically arranges a boot loader installation and configuration via the bootupd/bootupctl tool contained within the container image, even without an explicit boot loader configuration in Kickstart.


The bootc image builder tool is available as a Technology Preview

The bootc image builder tool, now available as a Technology Preview, works as a container to easily create and deploy compatible disk images from the bootc container inputs. After running your container image with bootc image builder, you can generate images for the architecture that you need. Then, you can deploy the resulting image on VMs, clouds, or servers. You can easily update the images with the bootc, instead of having to regenerate the content with bootc image builder every time a new update is required.


A new rhel9/bootc-image-builder container image is available as a Technology Preview

The rhel9/bootc-image-builder container image for image mode for RHEL includes a minimal version of image builder that converts bootable container images, for example rhel-bootc, to different disk image formats, such as QCOW2, AMI, VMDK, ISO, and others.


9.2. Security

gnutls now uses kTLS as a Technology Preview

The updated gnutls packages can use kernel TLS (kTLS) for accelerating data transfer on encrypted channels as a Technology Preview. To enable kTLS, add the tls.ko kernel module using the modprobe command, and create a new configuration file /etc/crypto-policies/local.d/gnutls-ktls.txt for the system-wide cryptographic policies with the following content:

ktls = true

Note that the current version does not support updating traffic keys through TLS KeyUpdate messages, which impacts the security of AES-GCM ciphersuites. See the RFC 7841 - TLS 1.3 document for more information.


The io_uring interface is available as a Technology Preview

io_uring is a new and effective asynchronous I/O interface, which is now available as a Technology Preview. By default, this feature is disabled. You can enable this interface by setting the kernel.io_uring_disabled sysctl variable to any one of the following values:

All processes can create io_uring instances as usual.
io_uring creation is disabled for unprivileged processes. The io_uring_setup fails with the -EPERM error unless the calling process is privileged by the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability. Existing io_uring instances can still be used.
io_uring creation is disabled for all processes. The io_uring_setup always fails with -EPERM. Existing io_uring instances can still be used. This is the default setting.

An updated version of the SELinux policy to enable the mmap system call on anonymous inodes is also required to use this feature.

By using the io_uring command pass-through, an application can issue commands directly to the underlying hardware, such as nvme.


9.3. RHEL for Edge

FDO now provides storing and querying Owner Vouchers from a SQL backend as a Technology Preview

With this Technology Preview, FDO manufacturer-server, onboarding-server, and rendezvous-server are available for storing and querying Owner Vouchers from a SQL backend. As a result, you can select a SQL datastore in the FDO servers options, along with credentials and other parameters, to store the Owner Vouchers.


9.4. Shells and command-line tools

GIMP available as a Technology Preview in RHEL 9

GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) 2.99.8 is now available in RHEL 9 as a Technology Preview. The gimp package version 2.99.8 is a pre-release version with a set of improvements, but a limited set of features and no guarantee for stability. As soon as the official GIMP 3 is released, it will be introduced into RHEL 9 as an update of this pre-release version.

In RHEL 9, you can install gimp easily as an RPM package.


9.5. Infrastructure services

Socket API for TuneD available as a Technology Preview

The socket API for controlling TuneD through a UNIX domain socket is now available as a Technology Preview. The socket API maps one-to-one with the D-Bus API and provides an alternative communication method for cases where D-Bus is not available. By using the socket API, you can control the TuneD daemon to optimize the performance, and change the values of various tuning parameters. The socket API is disabled by default, you can enable it in the tuned-main.conf file.


9.6. Networking

WireGuard VPN is available as a Technology Preview

WireGuard, which Red Hat provides as an unsupported Technology Preview, is a high-performance VPN solution that runs in the Linux kernel. It uses modern cryptography and is easier to configure than other VPN solutions. Additionally, the small code-basis of WireGuard reduces the surface for attacks and, therefore, improves the security.

For further details, see Setting up a WireGuard VPN.


kTLS available as a Technology Preview

RHEL provides kernel Transport Layer Security (KTLS) as a Technology Preview. kTLS handles TLS records using the symmetric encryption or decryption algorithms in the kernel for the AES-GCM cipher. kTLS also includes the interface for offloading TLS record encryption to Network Interface Controllers (NICs) that provides this functionality.


The systemd-resolved service is available as a Technology Preview

The systemd-resolved service provides name resolution to local applications. The service implements a caching and validating DNS stub resolver, a Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR), and Multicast DNS resolver and responder.

Note that systemd-resolved is an unsupported Technology Preview.


The PRP and HSR protocols are now available as a Technology Preview

This update adds the hsr kernel module that provides the following protocols:

  • Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)
  • High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)

The IEC 62439-3 standard defines these protocols, and you can use this feature to configure zero-loss redundancy in Ethernet networks.


NetworkManager and the Nmstate API support MACsec hardware offload

You can use both NetworkManager and the Nmstate API to enable MACsec hardware offload if the hardware supports this feature. As a result, you can offload MACsec operations, such as encryption, from the CPU to the network interface controller.

Note that this feature is an unsupported Technology Preview.


NetworkManager enables configuring HSR and PRP interfaces

High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) and Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) are network protocols that provide seamless failover against failure of any single network component. Both protocols are transparent to the application layer, meaning that users do not experience any disruption in communication or any loss of data, because a switch between the main path and the redundant path happens very quickly and without awareness of the user. Now it is possible to enable and configure HSR and PRP interfaces using the NetworkManager service through the nmcli utility and the DBus message system.


Offloading IPsec encapsulation to a NIC is now available as a Technology Preview

This update adds the IPsec packet offloading capabilities to the kernel. Previously, it was possible to only offload the encryption to a network interface controller (NIC). With this enhancement, the kernel can now offload the entire IPsec encapsulation process to a NIC to reduce the workload.

Note that offloading the IPsec encapsulation process to a NIC also reduces the ability of the kernel to monitor and filter such packets.


Network drivers for modems in RHEL are available as Technology Preview

Device manufacturers support Federal Communications Commission (FCC) locking as the default setting. FCC provides a lock to bind WWAN drivers to a specific system where WWAN drivers provide a channel to communicate with modems. Based on the modem PCI ID, manufacturers integrate unlocking tools on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ModemManager. However, a modem remains unusable if not unlocked previously even if the WWAN driver is compatible and functional. Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides the drivers for the following modems with limited functionality as a Technology Preview:

  • Qualcomm MHI WWAM MBIM - Telit FN990Axx
  • Intel IPC over Shared Memory (IOSM) - Intel XMM 7360 LTE Advanced
  • Mediatek t7xx (WWAN) - Fibocom FM350GL
  • Intel IPC over Shared Memory (IOSM) - Fibocom L860GL modem

Jira:RHELDOCS-16760[1], Jira:RHEL-6564, Bugzilla:2110561, Bugzilla:2123542, Bugzilla:2222914

Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) is available as a Technology Preview

The RHEL kernel provides Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) as a Technology Preview. You can use this functionality to optimize traffic flows in edge computing or to improve network programmability in data centers. However, the most significant use case is the end-to-end (E2E) network slicing in 5G deployment scenarios. In that area, the SRv6 protocol provides you with the programmable custom network slices and resource reservations to address network requirements for specific applications or services. At the same time, the solution can be deployed on a single-purpose appliance, and it satisfies the need for a smaller computational footprint.


kTLS rebased to version 6.3

The kernel Transport Layer Security (KTLS) functionality is a Technology Preview. In RHEL 9.3, kTLS was rebased to the 6.3 upstream version, and notable changes include:

  • Added the support for 256-bit keys with TX device offload
  • Delivered various bug fixes


9.7. Kernel

The Soft-iWARP driver is available as a Technology Preview

Soft-iWARP (siw) is a software, Internet Wide-area RDMA Protocol (iWARP), kernel driver for Linux. Soft-iWARP implements the iWARP protocol suite over the TCP/IP network stack. This protocol suite is fully implemented in software and does not require a specific Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) hardware. Soft-iWARP enables a system with a standard Ethernet adapter to connect to an iWARP adapter or to another system with already installed Soft-iWARP.


rvu_af, rvu_nicpf, and rvu_nicvf available as Technology Preview

The following kernel modules are available as Technology Preview for Marvell OCTEON TX2 Infrastructure Processor family:

Marvell OcteonTX2 NIC Physical Function driver
Marvell OcteonTX2 NIC Virtual Function driver
Marvell OcteonTX2 RVU Admin Function driver


python-drgn available as a Technology Preview

The python-drgn package brings an advanced debugging utility, which adds emphasis on programmability. You can use its Python command-line interface to debug both the live kernels and the kernel dumps. Additionally, python-drgn offers scripting capabilities for you to automate debugging tasks and conduct intricate analysis of the Linux kernel.


The IAA crypto driver is now available as a Technology Preview

The Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA) is a hardware accelerator that provides very high throughput compression and decompression combined with primitive analytic functions.

The iaa_crypto driver, which offloads compression and decompression operations from the CPU, has been introduced in RHEL 9.4 as a Technology Preview. It supports compression and decompression compatible with the DEFLATE compression standard described in RFC 1951. The iaa_crypto driver is designed to work as a layer underneath higher-level compression devices such as zswap.

For details about the IAA crypto driver, see:


9.8. File systems and storage

DAX is now available for ext4 and XFS as a Technology Preview

In RHEL 9, the DAX file system is available as a Technology Preview. DAX provides means for an application to directly map persistent memory into its address space. To use DAX, a system must have some form of persistent memory available, usually in the form of one or more Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory Modules (NVDIMMs), and a DAX compatible file system must be created on the NVDIMM(s). Also, the file system must be mounted with the dax mount option. Then, an mmap of a file on the dax-mounted file system results in a direct mapping of storage into the application’s address space.


NVMe-oF Discovery Service features available as a Technology Preview

The NVMe-oF Discovery Service features, defined in the Technical Proposals (TP) 8013 and 8014, are available as a Technology Preview. To preview these features, use the nvme-cli 2.0 package and attach the host to an NVMe-oF target device that implements TP-8013 or TP-8014. For more information about TP-8013 and TP-8014, see the NVM Express 2.0 Ratified TPs from the website.


nvme-stas package available as a Technology Preview

The nvme-stas package, which is a Central Discovery Controller (CDC) client for Linux, is now available as a Technology Preview. It handles Asynchronous Event Notifications (AEN), Automated NVMe subsystem connection controls, Error handling and reporting, and Automatic (zeroconf) and Manual configuration.

This package consists of two daemons, Storage Appliance Finder (stafd) and Storage Appliance Connector (stacd).


NVMe TP 8006 in-band authentication available as a Technology Preview

Implementing Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) TP 8006, which is an in-band authentication for NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) is now available as an unsupported Technology Preview. The NVMe Technical Proposal 8006 defines the DH-HMAC-CHAP in-band authentication protocol for NVMe-oF, which is provided with this enhancement.

For more information, see the dhchap-secret and dhchap-ctrl-secret option descriptions in the nvme-connect(1) man page.


NFS with TLS is now available as a Technology Preview

An implementation of RFC 9289 for NFS, which secures NFS Remote Procedure Call (RPC) traffic with Transport Layer Security (TLS) is now available as a Technology Preview. This feature enhances the security of NFS by enabling TLS for RPC traffic, ensuring encrypted communication between clients and servers.


9.9. Compilers and development tools

jmc-core and owasp-java-encoder available as a Technology Preview

RHEL 9 is distributed with the jmc-core and owasp-java-encoder packages as Technology Preview features for the AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures.

jmc-core is a library providing core APIs for Java Development Kit (JDK) Mission Control, including libraries for parsing and writing JDK Flight Recording files, and libraries for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) discovery through Java Discovery Protocol (JDP).

The owasp-java-encoder package provides a collection of high-performance low-overhead contextual encoders for Java.

Note that since RHEL 9.2, jmc-core and owasp-java-encoder are available in the CodeReady Linux Builder (CRB) repository, which you must explicitly enable. See How to enable and make use of content within CodeReady Linux Builder for more information.


libabigail: Flexible array conversion warning-suppression available as a Technology Preview

With this update, when comparing binaries, you can suppress warnings related to fake flexible arrays that were converted to true flexible arrays by using the following suppression specification:

       type_kind = struct
       has_size_change = true
       has_strict_flexible_array_data_member_conversion = true


9.10. Identity Management

DNSSEC available as Technology Preview in IdM

Identity Management (IdM) servers with integrated DNS now implement DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), a set of extensions to DNS that enhance security of the DNS protocol. DNS zones hosted on IdM servers can be automatically signed using DNSSEC. The cryptographic keys are automatically generated and rotated.

Users who decide to secure their DNS zones with DNSSEC are advised to read and follow these documents:

Note that IdM servers with integrated DNS use DNSSEC to validate DNS answers obtained from other DNS servers. This might affect the availability of DNS zones that are not configured in accordance with recommended naming practices.


ACME available as a Technology Preview

The Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) service is now available in Identity Management (IdM) as a Technology Preview. ACME is a protocol for automated identifier validation and certificate issuance. Its goal is to improve security by reducing certificate lifetimes and avoiding manual processes from certificate lifecycle management.

In RHEL, the ACME service uses the Red Hat Certificate System (RHCS) PKI ACME responder. The RHCS ACME subsystem is automatically deployed on every certificate authority (CA) server in the IdM deployment, but it does not service requests until the administrator enables it. RHCS uses the acmeIPAServerCert profile when issuing ACME certificates. The validity period of issued certificates is 90 days. Enabling or disabling the ACME service affects the entire IdM deployment.


It is recommended to enable ACME only in an IdM deployment where all servers are running RHEL 8.4 or later. Earlier RHEL versions do not include the ACME service, which can cause problems in mixed-version deployments. For example, a CA server without ACME can cause client connections to fail, because it uses a different DNS Subject Alternative Name (SAN).


Currently, RHCS does not remove expired certificates. Because ACME certificates expire after 90 days, the expired certificates can accumulate and this can affect performance.

  • To enable ACME across the whole IdM deployment, use the ipa-acme-manage enable command:

    # ipa-acme-manage enable
    The ipa-acme-manage command was successful
  • To disable ACME across the whole IdM deployment, use the ipa-acme-manage disable command:

    # ipa-acme-manage disable
    The ipa-acme-manage command was successful
  • To check whether the ACME service is installed and if it is enabled or disabled, use the ipa-acme-manage status command:

    # ipa-acme-manage status
    ACME is enabled
    The ipa-acme-manage command was successful


9.11. Desktop

GNOME for the 64-bit ARM architecture available as a Technology Preview

The GNOME desktop environment is available for the 64-bit ARM architecture as a Technology Preview.

You can now connect to the desktop session on a 64-bit ARM server using VNC. As a result, you can manage the server using graphical applications.

A limited set of graphical applications is available on 64-bit ARM. For example:

  • The Firefox web browser
  • Red Hat Subscription Manager (subscription-manager-cockpit)
  • Firewall Configuration (firewall-config)
  • Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab)

Using Firefox, you can connect to the Cockpit service on the server.

Certain applications, such as LibreOffice, only provide a command-line interface, and their graphical interface is disabled.


GNOME for the IBM Z architecture available as a Technology Preview

The GNOME desktop environment is available for the IBM Z architecture as a Technology Preview.

You can now connect to the desktop session on an IBM Z server using VNC. As a result, you can manage the server using graphical applications.

A limited set of graphical applications is available on IBM Z. For example:

  • The Firefox web browser
  • Red Hat Subscription Manager (subscription-manager-cockpit)
  • Firewall Configuration (firewall-config)
  • Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab)

Using Firefox, you can connect to the Cockpit service on the server.

Certain applications, such as LibreOffice, only provide a command-line interface, and their graphical interface is disabled.


9.12. The web console

The RHEL web console can now manage WireGuard connections

Starting with RHEL 9.4, you can use the RHEL web console to create and manage WireGuard VPN connections. Note that, both the WireGuard technology and its web console integration are unsupported Technology Previews.


9.13. Virtualization

Creating nested virtual machines

Nested KVM virtualization is provided as a Technology Preview for KVM virtual machines (VMs) running on Intel, AMD64, and IBM Z hosts with RHEL 9. With this feature, a RHEL 7, RHEL 8, or RHEL 9 VM that runs on a physical RHEL 9 host can act as a hypervisor, and host its own VMs.


AMD SEV and SEV-ES for KVM virtual machines

As a Technology Preview, RHEL 9 provides the Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) feature for AMD EPYC host machines that use the KVM hypervisor. If enabled on a virtual machine (VM), SEV encrypts the VM’s memory to protect the VM from access by the host. This increases the security of the VM.

In addition, the enhanced Encrypted State version of SEV (SEV-ES) is also provided as Technology Preview. SEV-ES encrypts all CPU register contents when a VM stops running. This prevents the host from modifying the VM’s CPU registers or reading any information from them.

Note that SEV and SEV-ES work only on the 2nd generation of AMD EPYC CPUs (codenamed Rome) or later. Also note that RHEL 9 includes SEV and SEV-ES encryption, but not the SEV and SEV-ES security attestation.


Intel TDX in RHEL guests

As a Technology Preview, the Intel Trust Domain Extension (TDX) feature can now be used in RHEL 9.2 and later guest operating systems. If the host system supports TDX, you can deploy hardware-isolated RHEL 9 virtual machines (VMs), called trust domains (TDs). Note, however, that TDX currently does not work with kdump, and enabling TDX will cause kdump to fail on the VM.


A unified kernel image of RHEL is now available as a Technology Preview

As a Technology Preview, you can now obtain the RHEL kernel as a unified kernel image (UKI) for virtual machines (VMs). A unified kernel image combines the kernel, initramfs, and kernel command line into a single signed binary file.

UKIs can be used in virtualized and cloud environments, especially in confidential VMs where strong SecureBoot capabilities are required. The UKI is available as a kernel-uki-virt package in RHEL 9 repositories.

Currently, the RHEL UKI can only be used in a UEFI boot configuration.


Intel vGPU available as a Technology Preview

As a Technology Preview, it is possible to divide a physical Intel GPU device into multiple virtual devices referred to as mediated devices. These mediated devices can then be assigned to multiple virtual machines (VMs) as virtual GPUs. As a result, these VMs share the performance of a single physical Intel GPU.

Note that this feature is deprecated and was removed entirely with the RHEL 9.3 release.


CPU clusters on ARM 64

As a Technology Preview, you can now create KVM virtual machines that use multiple ARM 64 CPU clusters in their CPU topology.


Live migrating a VM with a Mellanox virtual function is now available as a Technology Preview

As a Technology Preview, you can now live migrate a virtual machine (VM) with an attached virtual function (VF) of a Mellanox networking device.

This feature is currently available only on a Mellanox CX-7 networking device. The VF on the Mellanox CX-7 networking device uses a new mlx5_vfio_pci driver, which adds functionality that is necessary for the live migration, and libvirt binds the new driver to the VF automatically.


9.14. RHEL in cloud environments

RHEL is now available on Azure confidential VMs as a Technology Preview

With the updated RHEL kernel, you can now create and run RHEL confidential virtual machines (VMs) on Microsoft Azure as a Technology Preview. The newly added unified kernel image (UKI) now enables booting encrypted confidential VM images on Azure. The UKI is available as a kernel-uki-virt package in RHEL 9 repositories.

Currently, the RHEL UKI can only be used in a UEFI boot configuration.


9.15. Containers

The podman-machine command is unsupported

The podman-machine command for managing virtual machines, is available only as a Technology Preview. Instead, run Podman directly from the command line.


Building multi-architecture images is available as a Technology Preview

The podman farm build command, which you can use to create multi-architecture container images, is available as a Technology Preview.

A farm is a group of machines that have a UNIX podman socket running in them. The nodes in the farm can have different machines of different architectures. The podman farm build command is faster than the podman build --arch --platform command.

You can use podman farm build to perform the following actions:

  • Build an image on all nodes in a farm.
  • Bundle nodes up into a manifest list.
  • Run the podman build command on all the farm nodes.
  • Push the images to the registry specified by using the --tag option.
  • Locally create a manifest list.
  • Push the manifest list to the registry.

    The manifest list contains one image per native architecture type that is present in the farm.


A new rhel9/rhel-bootc container image is available as a Technology Preview

The rhel9/rhel-bootc container image is now available in the Red Hat Container Registry as a Technology Preview. With the RHEL bootable container images, you can build, test, and deploy an operating system exactly as a container. The RHEL bootable container images differ from the existing application Universal Base Images (UBI) thanks to the following enhancements: RHEL bootable container images contain additional components necessary to boot, such as, kernel, initrd, boot loader, firmware, between others. There are no changes to existing container images. For more information, see Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.


The composefs filesystem is now available as a Technology Preview

The composefs read-only filesystem is now available as a Technology Preview. This is generally intended only to be used by the bootc/ostree and podman projects at the current time. With composefs, you can use these projects to create and use read-only images, share file data between images, and validate images on runtime. As a result, you have a fully verified filesystem tree mounted, with opportunistic fine-grained sharing of identical files.


Chapter 10. Deprecated functionalities

Deprecated devices are fully supported, which means that they are tested and maintained, and their support status remains unchanged within Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. However, these devices will likely not be supported in the next major version release, and are not recommended for new deployments on the current or future major versions of RHEL.

For the most recent list of deprecated functionality within a particular major release, see the latest version of release documentation. For information about the length of support, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.

A package can be deprecated and not recommended for further use. Under certain circumstances, a package can be removed from the product. Product documentation then identifies more recent packages that offer functionality similar, identical, or more advanced to the one deprecated, and provides further recommendations.

For information regarding functionality that is present in RHEL 8 but has been removed in RHEL 9, see Considerations in adopting RHEL 9.

10.1. Installer and image creation

Deprecated Kickstart commands

The following Kickstart commands have been deprecated:

  • timezone --ntpservers
  • timezone --nontp
  • logging --level
  • %packages --excludeWeakdeps
  • %packages --instLangs
  • %anaconda
  • pwpolicy
  • nvdimm

Note that where only specific options are listed, the base command and its other options are still available and not deprecated. Using the deprecated commands in Kickstart files prints a warning in the logs. You can turn the deprecated command warnings into errors with the inst.ksstrict boot option.


User and Group customizations in the edge-commit and edge-container blueprints have been deprecated

Specifying a user or group customization in the blueprints is deprecated for the edge-commit and edge-container image types, because the user customization disappears when you upgrade the image and do not specify the user in the blueprint again.

Note that specifying a user or group customization in blueprints that are used to deploy an existing OSTree commit, such as edge-raw-image, edge-installer, and edge-simplified-installer image types remains supported.


The initial-setup package now has been deprecated

The initial-setup package has been deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 and will be removed in the next major RHEL release. As a replacement, use gnome-initial-setup for the graphical user interface.


The provider_hostip and provider_fedora_geoip values of the inst.geoloc boot option are deprecated

The provider_hostip and provider_fedora_geoip values that specified the GeoIP API for the inst.geoloc= boot option are deprecated. As a replacement, you can use the geolocation_provider=URL option to set the required geolocation in the installation program configuration file. You can still use the inst.geoloc=0 option to disable the geolocation.


Capturing screenshots from the Anaconda GUI with a global hot key is deprecated

Previously, users could capture screenshots of the Anaconda GUI by using a global hot key. This meant that users could extract the screenshots manually from the installation environment for any further usage. This functionality has been deprecated.


Anaconda built-in help has been deprecated

The built-in documentation from spokes and hubs of all Anaconda user interfaces, which is available during Anaconda installation, has been deprecated. As a replacement, the Anaconda user interfaces will be self-descriptive and users can refer to the official RHEL documentation in the future major RHEL release.


Support for NVDIMM devices has been deprecated

Previously, the installation program allowed reconfiguring NVDIMM devices during installation. This support for NVDIMM devices during the Kickstart and GUI installation has been deprecated, and will be removed in the next major RHEL release. The NVDIMM devices in the sector mode will still be visible and usable in the installation program.


Unable to load an updated driver from the driver update disc in the installation environment

A new version of a driver from the driver update disc might not load if the same driver from the installation initial RAM disk has already been loaded. As a consequence, an updated version of the driver cannot be applied to the installation environment.

As a workaround, use the modprobe.blacklist= kernel command line option together with the inst.dd option. For example, to ensure that an updated version of the virtio_blk driver from a driver update disc is loaded, use modprobe.blacklist=virtio_blk and then continue with the usual procedure to apply drivers from the driver update disk. As a result, the system can load an updated version of the driver and use it in the installation environment.


10.2. Security

SHA-1 is deprecated for cryptographic purposes

The usage of the SHA-1 message digest for cryptographic purposes has been deprecated in RHEL 9. The digest produced by SHA-1 is not considered secure because of many documented successful attacks based on finding hash collisions. The RHEL core crypto components no longer create signatures using SHA-1 by default. Applications in RHEL 9 have been updated to avoid using SHA-1 in security-relevant use cases.

Among the exceptions, the HMAC-SHA1 message authentication code and the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) values can still be created using SHA-1 because these use cases do not currently pose security risks. SHA-1 also can be used in limited cases connected with important interoperability and compatibility concerns, such as Kerberos and WPA-2. See the List of RHEL applications using cryptography that is not compliant with FIPS 140-3 section in the RHEL 9 Security hardening document for more details.

If your scenario requires the use of SHA-1 for verifying existing or third-party cryptographic signatures, you can enable it by entering the following command:

# update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

Alternatively, you can switch the system-wide crypto policies to the LEGACY policy. Note that LEGACY also enables many other algorithms that are not secure.


fapolicyd.rules is deprecated

The /etc/fapolicyd/rules.d/ directory for files containing allow and deny execution rules replaces the /etc/fapolicyd/fapolicyd.rules file. The fagenrules script now merges all component rule files in this directory to the /etc/fapolicyd/compiled.rules file. Rules in /etc/fapolicyd/ are still processed by the fapolicyd framework but only for ensuring backward compatibility.


SCP is deprecated in RHEL 9

The secure copy protocol (SCP) is deprecated because it has known security vulnerabilities. The SCP API remains available for the RHEL 9 lifecycle but using it reduces system security.

  • In the scp utility, SCP is replaced by the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) by default.
  • The OpenSSH suite does not use SCP in RHEL 9.
  • SCP is deprecated in the libssh library.


OpenSSL requires padding for RSA encryption in FIPS mode

OpenSSL no longer supports RSA encryption without padding in FIPS mode. RSA encryption without padding is uncommon and is rarely used. Note that key encapsulation with RSA (RSASVE) does not use padding but is still supported.


OpenSSL deprecates the Engines API

The OpenSSL 3.0 TLS toolkit deprecated the Engines API. The Engines interface is superseded by the Providers API. The migration of applications and existing engines to Providers is underway. The deprecated Engines API might be removed in a future major release.


openssl-pkcs11 is now deprecated

As a part of the ongoing migration of deprecated OpenSSL engines to the Providers API, the pkcs11-provider package replaces the openssl-pkcs11 package (engine_pkcs11). The openssl-pkcs11 package is now deprecated. The openssl-pkcs11 package might be removed in a future major release.


RHEL 8 and 9 OpenSSL certificate and signing containers are now deprecated

The OpenSSL portable certificate and signing containers available in the ubi8/openssl and ubi9/openssl repositories in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog are now deprecated due to low demand.


Digest-MD5 in SASL is deprecated

The Digest-MD5 authentication mechanism in the Simple Authentication Security Layer (SASL) framework is deprecated, and it might be removed from the cyrus-sasl packages in a future major release.


OpenSSL deprecates MD2, MD4, MDC2, Whirlpool, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, RC5, SEED, and PBKDF1

The OpenSSL project has deprecated a set of cryptographic algorithms because they are insecure, uncommonly used, or both. Red Hat also discourages the use of those algorithms, and RHEL 9 provides them for migrating encrypted data to use new algorithms. Users must not depend on those algorithms for the security of their systems.

The implementations of the following algorithms have been moved to the legacy provider in OpenSSL: MD2, MD4, MDC2, Whirlpool, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, RC5, SEED, and PBKDF1.

See the /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf configuration file for instructions on how to load the legacy provider and enable support for the deprecated algorithms.


/etc/system-fips is now deprecated

Support for indicating FIPS mode through the /etc/system-fips file has been removed, and the file will not be included in future versions of RHEL. To install RHEL in FIPS mode, add the fips=1 parameter to the kernel command line during the system installation. You can check whether RHEL operates in FIPS mode by using the fips-mode-setup --check command.

Jira:RHELPLAN-103232[1] is now deprecated

The library is now deprecated, and it might be removed in a future version of RHEL.


10.3. Subscription management

The deprecated --token option of subscription-manager register will stop working at the end of November 2024

The deprecated --token=<TOKEN> option of the subscription-manager register command will no longer be a supported authentication method from the end of November 2024. The default entitlement server,, will no longer be allowing token-based authentication. As a consequence, if you use subscription-manager register --token=<TOKEN>, the registration will fail with the following error message:

Token authentication not supported by the entitlement server

To register your system, use other supported authorization methods, such as including paired options --username / --password OR --org / --activationkey with the subscription-manager register command.


10.4. Shells and command-line tools

The dump utility from the dump package has been deprecated

The dump utility used for backup of file systems has been deprecated and will not be available in RHEL 9.

In RHEL 9, Red Hat recommends using the tar, dd, or bacula, backup utility, based on type of usage, which provides full and safe backups on ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.

Note that the restore utility from the dump package remains available and supported in RHEL 9 and is available as the restore package.


The SQLite database backend in Bacula has been deprecated

The Bacula backup system supported multiple database backends: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. The SQLite backend has been deprecated and will become unsupported in a later release of RHEL. As a replacement, migrate to one of the other backends (PostgreSQL or MySQL) and do not use the SQLite backend in new deployments.


The %vmeff metric from the sysstat package has been deprecated

The %vmeff metric from the sysstat package to measure the page reclaim efficiency will no longer be supported in a future major version of RHEL. The values of the %vmeff column returned by the sar -B command are incorrect because sysstat does not parse all relevant /proc/vmstat values provided by later kernel versions.

You can calculate the %vmeff value manually from the /proc/vmstat file. For details, see Why the sar(1) tool reports %vmeff values beyond 100 % in RHEL 8 and RHEL 9?


Setting the TMPDIR variable in the ReaR configuration file is deprecated

Setting the TMPDIR environment variable in the /etc/rear/local.conf or /etc/rear/site.conf ReaR configuration file), by using a statement such as export TMPDIR=…​, is deprecated.

To specify a custom directory for ReaR temporary files, export the variable in the shell environment before executing ReaR. For example, execute the export TMPDIR=…​ statement and then execute the rear command in the same shell session or script.


cgroupsv1 is now deprecated in RHEL 9

The cgroups is a kernel subsystem used for process tracking, system resource allocation and partitioning. Systemd service manager supports booting in the cgroups v1 mode and in cgroups v2 mode. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, the default mode is v2. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10, systemd will not support booting in the cgroups v1 mode and only cgroups v2 mode will be available.


10.5. Infrastructure services

Client-side and server-side DHCP packages are deprecated

Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) has announced the end of maintenance for ISC DHCP as of the end of 2022. As a result, Red Hat has decided to deprecate the use of client-side and server-side DHCP packages in RHEL 9 and not to distribute them in later major versions of RHEL. Customers must prepare for the migration to available alternatives, such as dhcpcd and ISC Kea.


The sendmail, libotr, mod_security, and spamassassin packages are now deprecated

The following packages are deprecated in RHEL 9 and will not be distributed in later major versions of RHEL:

  • sendmail - Red Hat recommends migrating to the postfix mail daemon, which is supported.
  • libotr
  • mod_security
  • spamassassin


10.6. Networking

Network teams are deprecated in RHEL 9

The teamd service and the libteam library are deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and will be removed in the next major release. As a replacement, configure a bond instead of a network team.

Red Hat focuses its efforts on kernel-based bonding to avoid maintaining two features, bonds and teams, that have similar functions. The bonding code has a high customer adoption, is robust, and has an active community development. As a result, the bonding code receives enhancements and updates.

For details about how to migrate a team to a bond, see Migrating a network team configuration to network bond.


NetworkManager connection profiles in ifcfg format are deprecated

In RHEL 9.0 and later, connection profiles in ifcfg format are deprecated. The next major RHEL release will remove the support for this format. However, in RHEL 9, NetworkManager still processes and updates existing profiles in this format if you modify them.

By default, NetworkManager now stores connection profiles in keyfile format in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory. Unlike the ifcfg format, the keyfile format supports all connection settings that NetworkManager provides. For further details about the keyfile format and how to migrate profiles, see NetworkManager connection profiles in keyfile format.


The iptables back end in firewalld is deprecated

In RHEL 9, the iptables framework is deprecated. As a consequence, the iptables backend and the direct interface in firewalld are also deprecated. Instead of the direct interface you can use the native features in firewalld to configure the required rules.


The firewalld lockdown feature is deprecated.

The lockdown feature in firewalld is deprecated because it cannot prevent processes that are running as root from adding themselves to the allow list. The lockdown feature might be removed in a future major RHEL release.


The connection.master, connection.slave-type, and connection.autoconnect-slaves properties are deprecated

Red Hat is committed to using conscious language. Therefore, the connection.master, connection.slave-type, and connection.autoconnect-slaves properties were renamed. To ensure backward compatibility, aliases have been created that map the old property names to the new ones:

  • connection.master is an alias for connection.controller
  • connection.slave-type is an alias for connection.port-type
  • connection.autoconnect-slaves is an alias for connection.autoconnect-ports

Note that the connection.master, connection.slave-type, and connection.autoconnect-slaves aliases are deprecated and will be removed in a future RHEL version.


The PF_KEYv2 kernel API is deprecated

Applications can configure the kernel’s IPsec implementation by using the PV_KEYv2 and the newer netlink API. PV_KEYv2 is not actively maintained upstream and misses important security features, such as modern ciphers, offload, and extended sequence number support. As a result, starting with RHEL 9.3, the PV_KEYv2 API is deprecated and will be removed in the next major RHEL release. If you use this kernel API in your application, migrate it to use the modern netlink API as an alternative.


10.7. Kernel

ATM encapsulation is deprecated in RHEL 9

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) encapsulation enables Layer-2 (Point-to-Point Protocol, Ethernet) or Layer-3 (IP) connectivity for the ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL-5). Red Hat has not been providing support for ATM NIC drivers since RHEL 7. The support for ATM implementation is being dropped in RHEL 9. These protocols are currently used only in chipsets, which support the ADSL technology and are being phased out by manufacturers. Therefore, ATM encapsulation is deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

For more information, see PPP Over AAL5, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5, and Classical IP and ARP over ATM.


The kexec_load system call for kexec-tools has been deprecated

The kexec_load system call, which loads the second kernel, will not be supported in future RHEL releases. The kexec_file_load system call replaces kexec_load and is now the default system call on all architectures.

For more information, see Is kexec_load supported in RHEL9?.


Network teams are deprecated in RHEL 9

The teamd service and the libteam library are deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and will be removed in the next major release. As a replacement, configure a bond instead of a network team.

Red Hat focuses its efforts on kernel-based bonding to avoid maintaining two features, bonds and teams, that have similar functions. The bonding code has a high customer adoption, is robust, and has an active community development. As a result, the bonding code receives enhancements and updates.

For details about how to migrate a team to a bond, see Migrating a network team configuration to network bond.


10.8. File systems and storage

lvm2-activation-generator and its generated services removed in RHEL 9.0

The lvm2-activation-generator program and its generated services lvm2-activation, lvm2-activation-early, and lvm2-activation-net are removed in RHEL 9.0. The lvm.conf event_activation setting, used to activate the services, is no longer functional. The only method for auto activating volume groups is event based activation.


Persistent Memory Development Kit (pmdk) and support library have been deprecated in RHEL 9

pmdk is a collection of libraries and tools for System Administrators and Application Developers to simplify managing and accessing persistent memory devices. pmdk and support library have been deprecated in RHEL 9. This also includes the -debuginfo packages.

The following list of binary packages produced by pmdk, including the nvml source package have been deprecated:

  • libpmem
  • libpmem-devel
  • libpmem-debug
  • libpmem2
  • libpmem2-devel
  • libpmem2-debug
  • libpmemblk
  • libpmemblk-devel
  • libpmemblk-debug
  • libpmemlog
  • libpmemlog-devel
  • libpmemlog-debug
  • libpmemobj
  • libpmemobj-devel
  • libpmemobj-debug
  • libpmempool
  • libpmempool-devel
  • libpmempool-debug
  • pmempool
  • daxio
  • pmreorder
  • pmdk-convert
  • libpmemobj++
  • libpmemobj++-devel
  • libpmemobj++-doc


The md-linear and md-faulty modules have been deprecated

The following MD RAID kernel modules have been deprecated, and will be removed in a future major RHEL release:

  • CONFIG_MD_LINEAR or md-linear module to concatenate multiple drives so that when a single member disk becomes full, data will be written to the next disk until all disks are full.
  • CONFIG_MD_FAULTY or md-faulty module to test a block device that occasionally returns read or write errors. It is useful for testing.


The VDO sysfs parameters have been deprecated

The Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) sysfs parameters have been deprecated and will be removed in a future major RHEL release. Except for log_level, all module-level sysfs parameters for the kvdo module will be removed. For individual dm-vdo targets, all sysfs parameters specific to VDO will also be removed. There is no change for the parameters that are common to all DM targets. Configuration values for dm-vdo targets, which are currently set by updating the removed module-level parameters, can no longer be changed.

Statistics and configuration values for dm-vdo targets will no longer be accessible through sysfs. But these values are still accessible by using dmsetup message stats, dmsetup status, and dmsetup table dmsetup commands


10.9. Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers

libdb has been deprecated

RHEL 8 and RHEL 9 currently provide Berkeley DB (libdb) version 5.3.28, which is distributed under the LGPLv2 license. The upstream Berkeley DB version 6 is available under the AGPLv3 license, which is more restrictive.

The libdb package is deprecated as of RHEL 9 and might not be available in future major RHEL releases.

In addition, cryptographic algorithms have been removed from libdb in RHEL 9 and multiple libdb dependencies have been removed from RHEL 9.

Users of libdb are advised to migrate to a different key-value database. For more information, see the Knowledgebase article Available replacements for the deprecated Berkeley DB (libdb) in RHEL.

Bugzilla:1927780[1], Jira:RHELPLAN-80695, Bugzilla:1974657

10.10. Compilers and development tools

Smaller size of keys than 2048 are deprecated by openssl 3.0 in Go’s FIPS mode

Key sizes smaller than 2048 bits are deprecated by openssl 3.0 and no longer work in Go’s FIPS mode.


Some PKCS1 v1.5 modes are now deprecated in Go’s FIPS mode

Some PKCS1 v1.5 modes are not approved in FIPS-140-3 for encryption and are disabled. They will no longer work in Go’s FIPS mode.


32-bit packages are deprecated

Linking against 32-bit multilib packages is deprecated. The *.i686 packages will remain supported for the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, but will be removed in the next major version of RHEL.


10.11. Identity Management

SHA-1 in OpenDNSSec is now deprecated

OpenDNSSec supports exporting Digital Signatures and authentication records using the SHA-1 algorithm. The use of the SHA-1 algorithm is no longer supported. With the RHEL 9 release, SHA-1 in OpenDNSSec is deprecated and it might be removed in a future minor release. Additionally, OpenDNSSec support is limited to its integration with Red Hat Identity Management. OpenDNSSec is not supported standalone.


The SSSD implicit files provider domain is disabled by default

The SSSD implicit files provider domain, which retrieves user information from local files such as /etc/shadow and group information from /etc/groups, is now disabled by default.

To retrieve user and group information from local files with SSSD:

  1. Configure SSSD. Choose one of the following options:

    1. Explicitly configure a local domain with the id_provider=files option in the sssd.conf configuration file.

    2. Enable the files provider by setting enable_files_domain=true in the sssd.conf configuration file.

      enable_files_domain = true
  2. Configure the name services switch.

    # authselect enable-feature with-files-provider
  3. To restore caching and synchronization of user information, enable the integration between shadow-utils and sssd_cache by creating a symbolic link:

    # ln -s /usr/sbin/sss_cache /usr/sbin/sss_cache_shadow_utils


The SSSD files provider has been deprecated

The SSSD files provider has been deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9. The files provider might be removed from a future release of RHEL.


The enumeration feature has been deprecated for AD and IdM

The enumeration feature enables you to list all users or groups by using getent passwd or getent group commands without arguments for Active Directory (AD), Identity Management (IdM), and LDAP providers. Support for the enumeration feature has been deprecated for AD and IdM in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9. The enumeration feature will be removed for AD and IdM in RHEL 10.


The libsss_simpleifp subpackage has been deprecated

The libsss_simpleifp subpackage that provides the library has been deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9. The libsss_simpleifp subpackage might be removed from a future release of RHEL.


The SMB1 protocol is deprecated in Samba

Starting with Samba 4.11, the insecure Server Message Block version 1 (SMB1) protocol is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

To improve the security, by default, SMB1 is disabled in the Samba server and client utilities.


10.12. Desktop

GTK 2 is now deprecated

The legacy GTK 2 toolkit and the following, related packages have been deprecated:

  • adwaita-gtk2-theme
  • gnome-common
  • gtk2
  • gtk2-immodules
  • hexchat

Several other packages currently depend on GTK 2. These have been modified so that they no longer depend on the deprecated packages in a future major RHEL release.

If you maintain an application that uses GTK 2, Red Hat recommends that you port the application to GTK 4.


LibreOffice is deprecated

The LibreOffice RPM packages are now deprecated and will be removed in a future major RHEL release. LibreOffice continues to be fully supported through the entire life cycle of RHEL 7, 8, and 9.

As a replacement for the RPM packages, Red Hat recommends that you install LibreOffice from either of the following sources provided by The Document Foundation:


10.13. Graphics infrastructures

Motif has been deprecated

The Motif widget toolkit has been deprecated in RHEL, because development in the upstream Motif community is inactive.

The following Motif packages have been deprecated, including their development and debugging variants:

  • motif
  • openmotif
  • openmotif21
  • openmotif22

Additionally, the motif-static package has been removed.

Red Hat recommends using the GTK toolkit as a replacement. GTK is more maintainable and provides new features compared to Motif.


10.14. Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles

The mssql_ha_cluster_run_role has been deprecated

The mssql_ha_cluster_run_role variable has been deprecated. Instead, use the mssql_manage_ha_cluster variable.


The network system role displays a deprecation warning when configuring teams on RHEL 9 nodes

The network teaming capabilities have been deprecated in RHEL 9. As a result, using the network RHEL system role on a RHEL 8 control node to configure a network team on RHEL 9 nodes, shows a warning about the deprecation.


10.15. Virtualization

SecureBoot image verification using SHA1-based signatures is deprecated

Performing SecureBoot image verification using SHA1-based signatures on UEFI (PE/COFF) executables has become deprecated. Instead, Red Hat recommends using signatures based on the SHA2 algorithm, or later.


The virtual floppy driver has become deprecated

The isa-fdc driver, which controls virtual floppy disk devices, is now deprecated, and will become unsupported in a future release of RHEL. Therefore, to ensure forward compatibility with migrated virtual machines (VMs), Red Hat discourages using floppy disk devices in VMs hosted on RHEL 9.


qcow2-v2 image format is deprecated

With RHEL 9, the qcow2-v2 format for virtual disk images has become deprecated, and will become unsupported in a future major release of RHEL. In addition, the RHEL 9 Image Builder cannot create disk images in the qcow2-v2 format.

Instead of qcow2-v2, Red Hat strongly recommends using qcow2-v3. To convert a qcow2-v2 image to a later format version, use the qemu-img amend command.


virt-manager has been deprecated

The Virtual Machine Manager application, also known as virt-manager, has been deprecated. The RHEL web console, also known as Cockpit, is intended to become its replacement in a subsequent release. It is, therefore, recommended that you use the web console for managing virtualization in a GUI. Note, however, that some features available in virt-manager might not be yet available in the RHEL web console.


libvirtd has become deprecated

The monolithic libvirt daemon, libvirtd, has been deprecated in RHEL 9, and will be removed in a future major release of RHEL. Note that you can still use libvirtd for managing virtualization on your hypervisor, but Red Hat recommends switching to the newly introduced modular libvirt daemons. For instructions and details, see the RHEL 9 Configuring and Managing Virtualization document.


Legacy CPU models are now deprecated

A significant number of CPU models have become deprecated and will become unsupported for use in virtual machines (VMs) in a future major release of RHEL. The deprecated models are as follows:

  • For Intel: models before Intel Xeon 55xx and 75xx Processor families (also known as Nehalem)
  • For AMD: models before AMD Opteron G4
  • For IBM Z: models before IBM z14

To check whether your VM is using a deprecated CPU model, use the virsh dominfo utility, and look for a line similar to the following in the Messages section:

tainted: use of deprecated configuration settings
deprecated configuration: CPU model 'i486'


RDMA-based live migration is deprecated

With this update, migrating running virtual machines using Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) has become deprecated. As a result, it is still possible to use the rdma:// migration URI to request migration over RDMA, but this feature will become unsupported in a future major release of RHEL.


The Intel vGPU feature has been removed

Previously, as a Technology Preview, it was possible to divide a physical Intel GPU device into multiple virtual devices referred to as mediated devices. These mediated devices could then be assigned to multiple virtual machines (VMs) as virtual GPUs. As a result, these VMs shared the performance of a single physical Intel GPU, however only selected Intel GPUs were compatible with this feature.

Since RHEL 9.3, the Intel vGPU feature has been removed entirely.


pmem device passthrough has become deprecated

With this update, the non-volatile memory library (nvml) packages have become deprecated, and will be removed in a future major version of RHEL. As a consequence, when the package removal occurs, it will no longer be possible to pass persistent memory (pmem) devices to the virtual machines (VMs). Note that emulated NVDIMM devices backed by volatile memory or files will still be available, but will not be possible to configure as persistent.


Using Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 as a guest operating system is not supported

Because Microsoft ended support for the following versions of Windows, Red Hat also removed support for using these versions as a guest operating system in this update.

  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2


10.16. Containers

Running RHEL 9 containers on a RHEL 7 host is not supported

Running RHEL 9 containers on a RHEL 7 host is not supported. It might work, but it is not guaranteed.

For more information, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Container Compatibility Matrix.


SHA1 hash algorithm within Podman has been deprecated

The SHA1 algorithm used to generate the filename of the rootless network namespace is no longer supported in Podman. Therefore, rootless containers started before updating to Podman 4.1.1 or later have to be restarted if they are joined to a network (and not just using slirp4netns) to ensure they can connect to containers started after the upgrade.


rhel9/pause has been deprecated

The rhel9/pause container image has been deprecated.


The CNI network stack has been deprecated

The Container Network Interface (CNI) network stack is deprecated and will be removed from Podman in a future minor release of RHEL. Previously, containers connected to the single Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin only via DNS. Podman v.4.0 introduced a new Netavark network stack. You can use the Netavark network stack with Podman and other Open Container Initiative (OCI) container management applications. The Netavark network stack for Podman is also compatible with advanced Docker functionalities. Containers in multiple networks can access containers on any of those networks.

For more information, see Switching the network stack from CNI to Netavark.


The Inkscape and LibreOffice Flatpak images are deprecated

The rhel9/inkscape-flatpak and rhel9/libreoffice-flatpak Flatpak images, which are available as Technology Previews, have been deprecated.

Red Hat recommends the following alternatives to these images:


pasta as a network name has been deprecated

The support for pasta as a network name value is deprecated and will not be accepted in the next major release of Podman, version 5.0. You can use the pasta network name value to create a unique network mode within Podman by employing the podman run --network and podman create --network commands.


The BoltDB database backend has been deprecated

The BoltDB database backend is deprecated as of RHEL 9.4. In a future version of RHEL, the BoltDB database backend will be removed and will no longer be available to Podman. For Podman, use the SQLite database backend, which is now the default as of RHEL 9.4.


The CNI network stack has been deprecated

The Container Network Interface (CNI) network stack is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Netavark network stack instead. For more information, see Switching the network stack from CNI to Netavark.


The Podman v5.0 upcoming deprecations

The following will be deprecated in the upcoming Podman v5.0, which will be released in RHEL 9.5 and RHEL 10.0 Beta:

  • The BoltDB database backend will be deprecated. The new SQLite database backend is available.
  • The containers.conf file will be read-only. The system connections and farm information will be stored in the podman.connections.json file, managed only by Podman. Podman continues to support the old configuration options such as [engine.service_destinations] and the [farms] section. You can still add connections or farms manually if needed, however, it is not possible to delete a connection from the containers.conf file with the podman system connection rm command.

The following changes are planned for RHEL 10.0 Beta:

  • The pasta network mode will be the default network mode for rootless containers. The slirp4netns network mode will be deprecated.
  • The cgroupv1 will be deprecated.
  • The CNI network stack will be deprecated.


The rhel9/openssl has been deprecated

The rhel9/openssl container image has been deprecated.


10.17. Deprecated packages

This section lists packages that have been deprecated and will probably not be included in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

For changes to packages between RHEL 8 and RHEL 9, see Changes to packages in the Considerations in adopting RHEL 9 document.


The support status of deprecated packages remains unchanged within RHEL 9. For more information about the length of support, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.

The following packages have been deprecated in RHEL 9:

  • aacraid
  • adwaita-gtk2-theme
  • af_key
  • anaconda-user-help
  • autocorr-af
  • autocorr-bg
  • autocorr-ca
  • autocorr-cs
  • autocorr-da
  • autocorr-de
  • autocorr-dsb
  • autocorr-el
  • autocorr-en
  • autocorr-es
  • autocorr-fa
  • autocorr-fi
  • autocorr-fr
  • autocorr-ga
  • autocorr-hr
  • autocorr-hsb
  • autocorr-hu
  • autocorr-is
  • autocorr-it
  • autocorr-ja
  • autocorr-ko
  • autocorr-lb
  • autocorr-lt
  • autocorr-mn
  • autocorr-nl
  • autocorr-pl
  • autocorr-pt
  • autocorr-ro
  • autocorr-ru
  • autocorr-sk
  • autocorr-sl
  • autocorr-sr
  • autocorr-sv
  • autocorr-tr
  • autocorr-vi
  • autocorr-vro
  • autocorr-zh
  • cheese
  • cheese-libs
  • clutter
  • clutter-gst3
  • clutter-gtk
  • cogl
  • daxio
  • dbus-glib
  • dbus-glib-devel
  • dhcp-client
  • dhcp-common
  • dhcp-relay
  • dhcp-server
  • enchant
  • enchant-devel
  • eog
  • evolution
  • evolution-bogofilter
  • evolution-devel
  • evolution-help
  • evolution-langpacks
  • evolution-mapi
  • evolution-mapi-langpacks
  • evolution-pst
  • evolution-spamassassin
  • festival
  • festival-data
  • festvox-slt-arctic-hts
  • flite
  • flite-devel
  • firewire-core
  • gedit
  • gedit-plugin-bookmarks
  • gedit-plugin-bracketcompletion
  • gedit-plugin-codecomment
  • gedit-plugin-colorpicker
  • gedit-plugin-colorschemer
  • gedit-plugin-commander
  • gedit-plugin-drawspaces
  • gedit-plugin-findinfiles
  • gedit-plugin-joinlines
  • gedit-plugin-multiedit
  • gedit-plugin-sessionsaver
  • gedit-plugin-smartspaces
  • gedit-plugin-synctex
  • gedit-plugin-terminal
  • gedit-plugin-textsize
  • gedit-plugin-translate
  • gedit-plugin-wordcompletion
  • gedit-plugins
  • gedit-plugins-data
  • ghostscript-x11
  • gnome-common
  • gnome-photos
  • gnome-photos-tests
  • gnome-screenshot
  • gnome-themes-extra
  • gtk2
  • gtk2-devel
  • gtk2-devel-docs
  • gtk2-immodule-xim
  • gtk2-immodules
  • highcontrast-icon-theme
  • inkscape
  • inkscape-docs
  • inkscape-view
  • iptables-devel
  • iptables-libs
  • iptables-nft
  • iptables-nft-services
  • iptables-utils
  • libdb
  • libgdata
  • libgdata-devel
  • libpmem
  • libpmem-debug
  • libpmem-devel
  • libpmem2
  • libpmem2-debug
  • libpmem2-devel
  • libpmemblk
  • libpmemblk-debug
  • libpmemblk-devel
  • libpmemlog
  • libpmemlog-debug
  • libpmemlog-devel
  • libpmemobj
  • libpmemobj-debug
  • libpmemobj-devel
  • libpmempool
  • libpmempool-debug
  • libpmempool-devel
  • libreoffice
  • libreoffice-base
  • libreoffice-calc
  • libreoffice-core
  • libreoffice-data
  • libreoffice-draw
  • libreoffice-emailmerge
  • libreoffice-filters
  • libreoffice-gdb-debug-support
  • libreoffice-graphicfilter
  • libreoffice-gtk3
  • libreoffice-help-ar
  • libreoffice-help-bg
  • libreoffice-help-bn
  • libreoffice-help-ca
  • libreoffice-help-cs
  • libreoffice-help-da
  • libreoffice-help-de
  • libreoffice-help-dz
  • libreoffice-help-el
  • libreoffice-help-en
  • libreoffice-help-eo
  • libreoffice-help-es
  • libreoffice-help-et
  • libreoffice-help-eu
  • libreoffice-help-fi
  • libreoffice-help-fr
  • libreoffice-help-gl
  • libreoffice-help-gu
  • libreoffice-help-he
  • libreoffice-help-hi
  • libreoffice-help-hr
  • libreoffice-help-hu
  • libreoffice-help-id
  • libreoffice-help-it
  • libreoffice-help-ja
  • libreoffice-help-ko
  • libreoffice-help-lt
  • libreoffice-help-lv
  • libreoffice-help-nb
  • libreoffice-help-nl
  • libreoffice-help-nn
  • libreoffice-help-pl
  • libreoffice-help-pt-BR
  • libreoffice-help-pt-PT
  • libreoffice-help-ro
  • libreoffice-help-ru
  • libreoffice-help-si
  • libreoffice-help-sk
  • libreoffice-help-sl
  • libreoffice-help-sv
  • libreoffice-help-ta
  • libreoffice-help-tr
  • libreoffice-help-uk
  • libreoffice-help-zh-Hans
  • libreoffice-help-zh-Hant
  • libreoffice-impress
  • libreoffice-langpack-af
  • libreoffice-langpack-ar
  • libreoffice-langpack-as
  • libreoffice-langpack-bg
  • libreoffice-langpack-bn
  • libreoffice-langpack-br
  • libreoffice-langpack-ca
  • libreoffice-langpack-cs
  • libreoffice-langpack-cy
  • libreoffice-langpack-da
  • libreoffice-langpack-de
  • libreoffice-langpack-dz
  • libreoffice-langpack-el
  • libreoffice-langpack-en
  • libreoffice-langpack-eo
  • libreoffice-langpack-es
  • libreoffice-langpack-et
  • libreoffice-langpack-eu
  • libreoffice-langpack-fa
  • libreoffice-langpack-fi
  • libreoffice-langpack-fr
  • libreoffice-langpack-fy
  • libreoffice-langpack-ga
  • libreoffice-langpack-gl
  • libreoffice-langpack-gu
  • libreoffice-langpack-he
  • libreoffice-langpack-hi
  • libreoffice-langpack-hr
  • libreoffice-langpack-hu
  • libreoffice-langpack-id
  • libreoffice-langpack-it
  • libreoffice-langpack-ja
  • libreoffice-langpack-kk
  • libreoffice-langpack-kn
  • libreoffice-langpack-ko
  • libreoffice-langpack-lt
  • libreoffice-langpack-lv
  • libreoffice-langpack-mai
  • libreoffice-langpack-ml
  • libreoffice-langpack-mr
  • libreoffice-langpack-nb
  • libreoffice-langpack-nl
  • libreoffice-langpack-nn
  • libreoffice-langpack-nr
  • libreoffice-langpack-nso
  • libreoffice-langpack-or
  • libreoffice-langpack-pa
  • libreoffice-langpack-pl
  • libreoffice-langpack-pt-BR
  • libreoffice-langpack-pt-PT
  • libreoffice-langpack-ro
  • libreoffice-langpack-ru
  • libreoffice-langpack-si
  • libreoffice-langpack-sk
  • libreoffice-langpack-sl
  • libreoffice-langpack-sr
  • libreoffice-langpack-ss
  • libreoffice-langpack-st
  • libreoffice-langpack-sv
  • libreoffice-langpack-ta
  • libreoffice-langpack-te
  • libreoffice-langpack-th
  • libreoffice-langpack-tn
  • libreoffice-langpack-tr
  • libreoffice-langpack-ts
  • libreoffice-langpack-uk
  • libreoffice-langpack-ve
  • libreoffice-langpack-xh
  • libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hans
  • libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hant
  • libreoffice-langpack-zu
  • libreoffice-math
  • libreoffice-ogltrans
  • libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts
  • libreoffice-pdfimport
  • libreoffice-pyuno
  • libreoffice-sdk
  • libreoffice-sdk-doc
  • libreoffice-ure
  • libreoffice-ure-common
  • libreoffice-wiki-publisher
  • libreoffice-writer
  • libreoffice-x11
  • libreoffice-xsltfilter
  • libreofficekit
  • libsoup
  • libsoup-devel
  • libuser
  • libuser-devel
  • libwpe
  • libwpe-devel
  • mcpp
  • mod_auth_mellon
  • motif
  • motif-devel
  • pmdk-convert
  • pmempool
  • python3-pytz
  • qla4xxx
  • qt5
  • qt5-assistant
  • qt5-designer
  • qt5-devel
  • qt5-doctools
  • qt5-linguist
  • qt5-qdbusviewer
  • qt5-qt3d
  • qt5-qt3d-devel
  • qt5-qt3d-doc
  • qt5-qt3d-examples
  • qt5-qtbase
  • qt5-qtbase-common
  • qt5-qtbase-devel
  • qt5-qtbase-doc
  • qt5-qtbase-examples
  • qt5-qtbase-gui
  • qt5-qtbase-mysql
  • qt5-qtbase-odbc
  • qt5-qtbase-postgresql
  • qt5-qtbase-private-devel
  • qt5-qtbase-static
  • qt5-qtconnectivity
  • qt5-qtconnectivity-devel
  • qt5-qtconnectivity-doc
  • qt5-qtconnectivity-examples
  • qt5-qtdeclarative
  • qt5-qtdeclarative-devel
  • qt5-qtdeclarative-doc
  • qt5-qtdeclarative-examples
  • qt5-qtdeclarative-static
  • qt5-qtdoc
  • qt5-qtgraphicaleffects
  • qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-doc
  • qt5-qtimageformats
  • qt5-qtimageformats-doc
  • qt5-qtlocation
  • qt5-qtlocation-devel
  • qt5-qtlocation-doc
  • qt5-qtlocation-examples
  • qt5-qtmultimedia
  • qt5-qtmultimedia-devel
  • qt5-qtmultimedia-doc
  • qt5-qtmultimedia-examples
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols-doc
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols-examples
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols2
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols2-devel
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols2-doc
  • qt5-qtquickcontrols2-examples
  • qt5-qtscript
  • qt5-qtscript-devel
  • qt5-qtscript-doc
  • qt5-qtscript-examples
  • qt5-qtsensors
  • qt5-qtsensors-devel
  • qt5-qtsensors-doc
  • qt5-qtsensors-examples
  • qt5-qtserialbus
  • qt5-qtserialbus-devel
  • qt5-qtserialbus-doc
  • qt5-qtserialbus-examples
  • qt5-qtserialport
  • qt5-qtserialport-devel
  • qt5-qtserialport-doc
  • qt5-qtserialport-examples
  • qt5-qtsvg
  • qt5-qtsvg-devel
  • qt5-qtsvg-doc
  • qt5-qtsvg-examples
  • qt5-qttools
  • qt5-qttools-common
  • qt5-qttools-devel
  • qt5-qttools-doc
  • qt5-qttools-examples
  • qt5-qttools-libs-designer
  • qt5-qttools-libs-designercomponents
  • qt5-qttools-libs-help
  • qt5-qttools-static
  • qt5-qttranslations
  • qt5-qtwayland
  • qt5-qtwayland-devel
  • qt5-qtwayland-doc
  • qt5-qtwayland-examples
  • qt5-qtwebchannel
  • qt5-qtwebchannel-devel
  • qt5-qtwebchannel-doc
  • qt5-qtwebchannel-examples
  • qt5-qtwebsockets
  • qt5-qtwebsockets-devel
  • qt5-qtwebsockets-doc
  • qt5-qtwebsockets-examples
  • qt5-qtx11extras
  • qt5-qtx11extras-devel
  • qt5-qtx11extras-doc
  • qt5-qtxmlpatterns
  • qt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel
  • qt5-qtxmlpatterns-doc
  • qt5-qtxmlpatterns-examples
  • qt5-rpm-macros
  • qt5-srpm-macros
  • team
  • tigervnc
  • tigervnc-icons
  • tigervnc-license
  • tigervnc-selinux
  • tigervnc-server
  • tigervnc-server-minimal
  • tigervnc-server-module
  • webkit2gtk3
  • webkit2gtk3-devel
  • webkit2gtk3-jsc
  • webkit2gtk3-jsc-devel
  • wpebackend-fdo
  • wpebackend-fdo-devel
  • xorg-x11-server-Xorg
  • yp-tools
  • ypbind
  • ypserv

Chapter 11. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4.

11.1. Installer and image creation

The auth and authconfig Kickstart commands require the AppStream repository

The authselect-compat package is required by the auth and authconfig Kickstart commands during installation. Without this package, the installation fails if auth or authconfig are used. However, by design, the authselect-compat package is only available in the AppStream repository.

To work around this problem, verify that the BaseOS and AppStream repositories are available to the installation program or use the authselect Kickstart command during installation.


The reboot --kexec and inst.kexec commands do not provide a predictable system state

Performing a RHEL installation with the reboot --kexec Kickstart command or the inst.kexec kernel boot parameters do not provide the same predictable system state as a full reboot. As a consequence, switching to the installed system without rebooting can produce unpredictable results.

Note that the kexec feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


Unexpected SELinux policies on systems where Anaconda is running as an application

When Anaconda is running as an application on an already installed system (for example to perform another installation to an image file using the –image anaconda option), the system is not prohibited to modify the SELinux types and attributes during installation. As a consequence, certain elements of SELinux policy might change on the system where Anaconda is running.

To work around this problem, do not run Anaconda on the production system. Instead, run Anaconda in a temporary virtual machine to keep the SELinux policy unchanged on a production system. Running anaconda as part of the system installation process such as installing from boot.iso or dvd.iso is not affected by this issue.


Local Media installation source is not detected when booting the installation from a USB that is created using a third party tool

When booting the RHEL installation from a USB that is created using a third party tool, the installation program fails to detect the Local Media installation source (only Red Hat CDN is detected).

This issue occurs because the default boot option int.stage2= attempts to search for iso9660 image format. However, a third party tool might create an ISO image with a different format.

As a workaround, use either of the following solution:

  • When booting the installation, click the Tab key to edit the kernel command line, and change the boot option inst.stage2= to inst.repo=.
  • To create a bootable USB device on Windows, use Fedora Media Writer.
  • When using a third party tool such as Rufus to create a bootable USB device, first regenerate the RHEL ISO image on a Linux system, and then use the third party tool to create a bootable USB device.

For more information on the steps involved in performing any of the specified workaround, see, Installation media is not auto-detected during the installation of RHEL 8.3.


The USB CD-ROM drive is not available as an installation source in Anaconda

Installation fails when the USB CD-ROM drive is the source for it and the Kickstart ignoredisk --only-use= command is specified. In this case, Anaconda cannot find and use this source disk.

To work around this problem, use the harddrive --partition=sdX --dir=/ command to install from USB CD-ROM drive. As a result, the installation does not fail.


Hard drive partitioned installations with iso9660 filesystem fails

You cannot install RHEL on systems where the hard drive is partitioned with the iso9660 filesystem. This is due to the updated installation code that is set to ignore any hard disk containing a iso9660 file system partition. This happens even when RHEL is installed without using a DVD.

To work around this problem, add the following script in the Kickstart file to format the disc before the installation starts.

Note: Before performing the workaround, backup the data available on the disk. The wipefs command formats all the existing data from the disk.

wipefs -a /dev/sda

As a result, installations work as expected without any errors.


Anaconda fails to verify existence of an administrator user account

While installing RHEL using a graphical user interface, Anaconda fails to verify if the administrator account has been created. As a consequence, users might install a system without any administrator user account.

To work around this problem, ensure you configure an administrator user account or the root password is set and the root account is unlocked. As a result, users can perform administrative tasks on the installed system.


New XFS features prevent booting of PowerNV IBM POWER systems with firmware older than version 5.10

PowerNV IBM POWER systems use a Linux kernel for firmware, and use Petitboot as a replacement for GRUB. This results in the firmware kernel mounting /boot and Petitboot reading the GRUB config and booting RHEL.

The RHEL 9 kernel introduces bigtime=1 and inobtcount=1 features to the XFS filesystem, which kernels with firmware older than version 5.10 do not understand.

To work around this problem, you can use another filesystem for /boot, for example ext4.


RHEL for Edge installer image fails to create mount points when installing an rpm-ostree payload

When deploying rpm-ostree payloads, used for example in a RHEL for Edge installer image, the installation program does not properly create some mount points for custom partitions. As a consequence, the installation is aborted with the following error:

The command 'mount --bind /mnt/sysimage/data /mnt/sysroot/data' exited with the code 32.

To work around this issue:

  • Use an automatic partitioning scheme and do not add any mount points manually.
  • Manually assign mount points only inside /var directory. For example, /var/my-mount-point), and the following standard directories: /, /boot, /var.

As a result, the installation process finishes successfully.


NetworkManager fails to start after the installation when connected to a network but without DHCP or a static IP address configured

Starting with RHEL 9.0, Anaconda activates network devices automatically when there is no specific ip= or Kickstart network configuration set. Anaconda creates a default persistent configuration file for each Ethernet device. The connection profile has the ONBOOT and autoconnect value set to true. As a consequence, during the start of the installed system, RHEL activates the network devices, and the networkManager-wait-online service fails.

As a workaround, do one of the following:

  • Delete all connections using the nmcli utility except one connection you want to use. For example:

    1. List all connection profiles:

      # nmcli connection show
    2. Delete the connection profiles that you do not require:

      # nmcli connection delete <connection_name>

      Replace <connection_name> with the name of the connection you want to delete.

  • Disable the auto connect network feature in Anaconda if no specific ip= or Kickstart network configuration is set.

    1. In the Anaconda GUI, navigate to Network & Hostname.
    2. Select a network device to disable.
    3. Click Configure.
    4. On the General tab, clear the Connect automatically with priority checkbox.
    5. Click Save.


Kickstart installations fail to configure the network connection

Anaconda performs the Kickstart network configuration only through the NetworkManager API. Anaconda processes the network configuration after the %pre Kickstart section. As a consequence, some tasks from the Kickstart %pre section are blocked. For example, downloading packages from the %pre section fails due to unavailability of the network configuration.

To work around this problem:

  • Configure the network, for example using the nmcli tool, as a part of the %pre script.
  • Use the installation program boot options to configure the network for the %pre script.

As a result, it is possible to use the network for tasks in the %pre section and the Kickstart installation process completes.


Enabling the FIPS mode is not supported when building rpm-ostree images with RHEL image builder

Currently, there is no support to enable the FIPS mode when building rpm-ostree images with RHEL image builder.


Images built with the stig profile remediation fails to boot with FIPS error

FIPS mode is not supported by RHEL image builder. When using RHEL image builder customized with the xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig profile remediation, the system fails to boot with the following error:

Warning: /boot//.vmlinuz-<kernel version>.x86_64.hmac does not exist
FATAL: FIPS integrity test failed
Refusing to continue

Enabling the FIPS policy manually after the system image installation with the fips-mode-setup --enable command does not work, because the /boot directory is on a different partition. System boots successfully if FIPS is disabled. Currently, there is no workaround available.


You can manually enable FIPS after installing the image by using the fips-mode-setup --enable command.


Driver disk menu fails to display user inputs on the console

When you start RHEL installation using the inst.dd option on the kernel command line with a driver disk, the console fails to display the user input. Consequently, it appears that the application does not respond to the user input and stops responding, but displays the output which is confusing for users. However, this behavior does not affect the functionality, and user input gets registered after pressing Enter.

As a workaround, to see the expected results, ignore the absence of user inputs in the console and press Enter when you finish adding inputs.


Kickstart installation fails due to missing packages with systemd service files in %packages section

If the Kickstart file uses the services --enabled=…​ directive to enable systemd services and packages containing the specified service file are not included in the %packages section, the RHEL installation process fails with the following error:

Error enabling service <name_of_the_service>

To work around this problem, include the package with the service file in Kickstart’s %packages section. As a result, RHEL installation completes, enabling expected services during installation.


bootc-image-builder does not support building images from private registries

Currently, you cannot build base disk images which come from private registries by using bootc-image-builder. To work around this issue, copy the private registry into your localhost, then build the image with the following arguments:

  • --local
  • localhost/<image name>:tag as the image

For example, to build your image:

sudo podman run \
--rm \
-it \
--privileged \
--pull=newer \
--security-opt label=type:unconfined_t \
-v ./config.toml:/config.toml \
-v ./output:/output \
-v /var/lib/containers/storage:/var/lib/containers/storage \
--type qcow2 \
--local \<namespace>/<image>:<tag>


Stale network link configuration files render your OS unbootable

The RHEL installer creates stale /etc/systemd/network/ link configuration files during the installation. These files map interface names to MAC addresses and cause problems when network configurations change. Specifically, the outdated files interfere with the intended network settings. This leads to an unbootable system if the boot is from NVMe over TCP. To work around this problem, manually remove /etc/systemd/network/10-anaconda-ifname-nbft*.link files and regenerate the initramfs temporary root filesystem by running the dracut -f command.


RHEL installer does not automatically discover or use iSCSI devices as boot devices on aarch64

The absence of the iscsi_ibft kernel module in RHEL installers running on aarch64 prevents automatic discovery of iSCSI devices defined in firmware. These devices are not automatically visible in the installer nor selectable as boot devices when added manually by using the GUI. As a workaround, add the "inst.nonibftiscsiboot" parameter to the kernel command line when booting the installer and then manually attach iSCSI devices through the GUI. As a result, the installer can recognize the attached iSCSI devices as bootable and installation completes as expected.

For more information, see KCS solution.


11.2. Security

OpenSSL does not detect if a PKCS #11 token supports the creation of raw RSA or RSA-PSS signatures

The TLS 1.3 protocol requires support for RSA-PSS signatures. If a PKCS #11 token does not support raw RSA or RSA-PSS signatures, server applications that use the OpenSSL library fail to work with an RSA key if the key is held by the PKCS #11 token. As a result, TLS communication fails in the described scenario.

To work around this problem, configure servers and clients to use TLS version 1.2 as the highest TLS protocol version available.


OpenSSL incorrectly handles PKCS #11 tokens that does not support raw RSA or RSA-PSS signatures

The OpenSSL library does not detect key-related capabilities of PKCS #11 tokens. Consequently, establishing a TLS connection fails when a signature is created with a token that does not support raw RSA or RSA-PSS signatures.

To work around the problem, add the following lines after the .include line at the end of the crypto_policy section in the /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf file:

SignatureAlgorithms = RSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA512:RSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA512:ECDSA+SHA384
MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2

As a result, a TLS connection can be established in the described scenario.


With a specific syntax, scp empties files copied to themselves

The scp utility changed from the Secure copy protocol (SCP) to the more secure SSH file transfer protocol (SFTP). Consequently, copying a file from a location to the same location erases the file content. The problem affects the following syntax:

scp localhost:/myfile localhost:/myfile

To work around this problem, do not copy files to a destination that is the same as the source location using this syntax.

The problem has been fixed for the following syntaxes:

  • scp /myfile localhost:/myfile
  • scp localhost:~/myfile ~/myfile


The OSCAP Anaconda add-on does not fetch tailored profiles in the graphical installation

The OSCAP Anaconda add-on does not provide an option to select or deselect tailoring of security profiles in the RHEL graphical installation. Starting from RHEL 8.8, the add-on does not take tailoring into account by default when installing from archives or RPM packages. Consequently, the installation displays the following error message instead of fetching an OSCAP tailored profile:

There was an unexpected problem with the supplied content.

To work around this problem, you must specify paths in the %addon org_fedora_oscap section of your Kickstart file, for example:

xccdf-path = /usr/share/xml/scap/sc_tailoring/ds-combined.xml
tailoring-path = /usr/share/xml/scap/sc_tailoring/tailoring-xccdf.xml

As a result, you can use the graphical installation for OSCAP tailored profiles only with the corresponding Kickstart specifications.


Ansible remediations require additional collections

With the replacement of Ansible Engine by the ansible-core package, the list of Ansible modules provided with the RHEL subscription is reduced. As a consequence, running remediations that use Ansible content included within the scap-security-guide package requires collections from the rhc-worker-playbook package.

For an Ansible remediation, perform the following steps:

  1. Install the required packages:

    # dnf install -y ansible-core scap-security-guide rhc-worker-playbook
  2. Navigate to the /usr/share/scap-security-guide/ansible directory:

    # cd /usr/share/scap-security-guide/ansible
  3. Run the relevant Ansible Playbook using environment variables that define the path to the additional Ansible collections:

    # ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH=/usr/share/rhc-worker-playbook/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ ansible-playbook -c local -i localhost, rhel9-playbook-cis_server_l1.yml

    Replace cis_server_l1 with the ID of the profile against which you want to remediate the system.

As a result, the Ansible content is processed correctly.


Support of the collections provided in rhc-worker-playbook is limited to enabling the Ansible content sourced in scap-security-guide.


Keylime does not accept concatenated PEM certificates

When Keylime receives a certificate chain as multiple certificates in the PEM format concatenated in a single file, the keylime-agent-rust Keylime component does not correctly use all the provided certificates during signature verification, resulting in a TLS handshake failure. As a consequence, the client components (keylime_verifier and keylime_tenant) cannot connect to the Keylime agent. To work around this problem, use just one certificate instead of multiple certificates.


Keylime refuses runtime policies whose digests start with a backslash

The current script for generating runtime policies,, uses SHA checksum functions, for example, sha256sum, to compute the file digest. However, when the input file name contains a backslash or \n, the checksum function adds a backslash before the digest in its output. In such cases, the generated policy file is malformed. When provided with the malformed policy file, the Keylime tenant produces the following or similar error message: me.tenant - ERROR - Response code 400: Runtime policy is malformatted. To work around the problem, remove the backslash from the malformed policy file manually by entering the following command: sed -i 's/^\\//g' <malformed_file_name>.


Keylime agent rejects requests from the verifier after update

When the API version number of the Keylime agent (keylime-agent-rust) has been updated, the agent rejects requests that use a different version. As a consequence, if a Keylime agent is added to a verifier and then updated, the verifier tries to contact the agent using the old API version. The agent rejects this request and fails the attestation. To work around this problem, update the verifier (keylime-verifier) before updating the agent (keylime-agent-rust). As a result, when the agents are updated, the verifier detects the API change and updates its stored data accordingly.


Missing files in trustdb cause denials for fapolicyd

When fapolicyd is installed with the Ansible DISA STIG profile, a race condition causes the trustdb database to be out of sync with the rpmdb database. As a consequence, missing files in trustdb cause denials on the system. To work around this problem, restart fapolicyd or run the Ansible DISA STIG profile again.


The fapolicyd utility incorrectly allows executing changed files

Correctly, the IMA hash of a file should update after any change to the file, and fapolicyd should prevent execution of the changed file. However, this does not happen due to differences in IMA policy setup and in file hashing by the evctml utility. As a result, the IMA hash is not updated in the extended attribute of a changed file. Consequently, fapolicyd incorrectly allows the execution of the changed file.


Default SELinux policy allows unconfined executables to make their stack executable

The default state of the selinuxuser_execstack boolean in the SELinux policy is on, which means that unconfined executables can make their stack executable. Executables should not use this option, and it might indicate poorly coded executables or a possible attack. However, due to compatibility with other tools, packages, and third-party products, Red Hat cannot change the value of the boolean in the default policy. If your scenario does not depend on such compatibility aspects, you can turn the boolean off in your local policy by entering the command setsebool -P selinuxuser_execstack off.


SSH timeout rules in STIG profiles configure incorrect options

An update of OpenSSH affected the rules in the following Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guide (DISA STIG) profiles:

  • DISA STIG for RHEL 9 (xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig)
  • DISA STIG with GUI for RHEL 9 (xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig_gui)

In each of these profiles, the following two rules are affected:

Title: Set SSH Client Alive Count Max to zero
CCE Identifier: CCE-90271-8
Rule ID: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_sshd_set_keepalive_0

Title: Set SSH Idle Timeout Interval
CCE Identifier: CCE-90811-1
Rule ID: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_sshd_set_idle_timeout

When applied to SSH servers, each of these rules configures an option (ClientAliveCountMax and ClientAliveInterval) that no longer behaves as previously. As a consequence, OpenSSH no longer disconnects idle SSH users when it reaches the timeout configured by these rules. As a workaround, these rules have been temporarily removed from the DISA STIG for RHEL 9 and DISA STIG with GUI for RHEL 9 profiles until a solution is developed.


GnuPG incorrectly allows using SHA-1 signatures even if disallowed by crypto-policies

The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) cryptographic software can create and verify signatures that use the SHA-1 algorithm regardless of the settings defined by the system-wide cryptographic policies. Consequently, you can use SHA-1 for cryptographic purposes in the DEFAULT cryptographic policy, which is not consistent with the system-wide deprecation of this insecure algorithm for signatures.

To work around this problem, do not use GnuPG options that involve SHA-1. As a result, you will prevent GnuPG from lowering the default system security by using the insecure SHA-1 signatures.


OpenSCAP memory-consumption problems

On systems with limited memory, the OpenSCAP scanner might stop prematurely or it might not generate the results files. To work around this problem, you can customize the scanning profile to deselect rules that involve recursion over the entire / file system:

  • rpm_verify_hashes
  • rpm_verify_permissions
  • rpm_verify_ownership
  • file_permissions_unauthorized_world_writable
  • no_files_unowned_by_user
  • dir_perms_world_writable_system_owned
  • file_permissions_unauthorized_suid
  • file_permissions_unauthorized_sgid
  • file_permissions_ungroupowned
  • dir_perms_world_writable_sticky_bits

For more details and more workarounds, see the related Knowledgebase article.


Remediating service-related rules during Kickstart installations might fail

During a Kickstart installation, the OpenSCAP utility sometimes incorrectly shows that a service enable or disable state remediation is not needed. Consequently, OpenSCAP might set the services on the installed system to a noncompliant state. As a workaround, you can scan and remediate the system after the Kickstart installation. This will fix the service-related issues.


Interoperability of FIPS:OSPP hosts impacted due to CNSA 1.0

The OSPP subpolicy has been aligned with Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) 1.0. This affects the interoperability of hosts that use the FIPS:OSPP policy-subpolicy combination, with the following major aspects:

  • Minimum RSA key size is mandated at 3072 bits.
  • Algorithm negotiations no longer support AES-128 ciphers, the secp256r1 elliptic curve, and the FFDHE-2048 group.


Missing rules in the SELinux policy block permissions to SQL databases

Missing permission rules from the SELinux policy block connections to SQL databases. Consequently, the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) services fdo-manufacturing-server.service, fdo-owner-onboarding-server.service, and fdo-rendezvous-server.service cannot connect to FDO databases, such as PostgreSQL and SQLite. Therefore, the system cannot start the FDO by using the supported databases for credentials and other parameters, such as storing ownership vouchers.

You can work around this problem by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a new file named local_fdo_update.cil and enter the missing SELinux policy rules:

    (allow fdo_t etc_t (file (write)))
    (allow fdo_t fdo_conf_t (file (append create rename setattr unlink write )))
    (allow fdo_t fdo_var_lib_t (dir (add_name remove_name write )))
    (allow fdo_t fdo_var_lib_t (file (create setattr unlink write )))
    (allow fdo_t krb5_keytab_t (dir (search)))
    (allow fdo_t postgresql_port_t (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
    (allow fdo_t sssd_t (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
    (allow fdo_t sssd_var_run_t (sock_file (write)))
  2. Install the policy module package:

    # semodule -i local_fdo_update.cil

As a consequence, FDO can connect to the PostgreSQL database and also fix problems related to SQLite permissions over /var/lib/fdo/, where the SQLite database files are expected to be located.


OpenSSH no longer logs timeout before authentication

OpenSSH does not record a timeout before authentication for $IP port $PORT to the log. This might be important because the Fail2Ban intrusion prevention daemon and similar systems use these log records in its mdre-ddos regular expression and no longer ban the IPs of clients that attempt this type of attack. There is currently no known workaround for this problem.


11.3. RHEL for Edge

The open-vm-tools package is not available in the edge-vsphere image

Currently, the open-vm-tools package is not installed by default in the edge-vsphere image. To work around this issue, include the package in the blueprint customization. When using the edge-vsphere image type, add the open-vm-tools in the blueprint for the RHEL for Edge Container image or the RHEL for Edge Commit image.


11.4. Software management

The Installation process sometimes becomes unresponsive

When you install RHEL, the installation process sometimes becomes unresponsive. The /tmp/packaging.log file displays the following message at the end:

10:20:56,416 DDEBUG dnf: RPM transaction over.

To work around this problem, restart the installation process.


Running createrepo_c on local repositories generates duplicate repodata files

When you run the createrepo_c command on local repositories, it generates duplicate copies of repodata files, one of the copies is compressed and one is not. There is no workaround available, however, you can safely ignore the duplicate files. The createrepo_c command generates duplicate copies because of requirements and differences in other tools relying on repositories created by using createrepo_c.


11.5. Shells and command-line tools

Renaming network interfaces using ifcfg files fails

On RHEL 9, the initscripts package is not installed by default. Consequently, renaming network interfaces using ifcfg files fails. To solve this problem, Red Hat recommends that you use udev rules or link files to rename interfaces. For further details, see Consistent network interface device naming and the man page.

If you cannot use one of the recommended solutions, install the initscripts package.


The chkconfig package is not installed by default in RHEL 9

The chkconfig package, which updates and queries runlevel information for system services, is not installed by default in RHEL 9.

To manage services, use the systemctl commands or install the chkconfig package manually.

For more information about systemd, see Introduction to systemd. For instructions on how to use the systemctl utility, see Managing system services with systemctl.


The initscripts package is not installed by default

By default, the initscripts package is not installed. As a consequence, the ifup and ifdown utilities are not available. As an alternative, use the nmcli connection up and nmcli connection down commands to enable and disable connections. If the suggested alternative does not work for you, report the problem and install the NetworkManager-initscripts-updown package, which provides a NetworkManager solution for the ifup and ifdown utilities.


Setting the console keymap requires the libxkbcommon library on your minimal install

In RHEL 9, certain systemd library dependencies have been converted from dynamic linking to dynamic loading, so that your system opens and uses the libraries at runtime when they are available. With this change, a functionality that depends on such libraries is not available unless you install the necessary library. This also affects setting the keyboard layout on systems with a minimal install. As a result, the localectl --no-convert set-x11-keymap gb command fails.

To work around this problem, install the libxkbcommon library:

# dnf install libxkbcommon


The %vmeff metric from the sysstat package displays incorrect values

The sysstat package provides the %vmeff metric to measure the page reclaim efficiency. The values of the %vmeff column returned by the sar -B command are incorrect because sysstat does not parse all relevant /proc/vmstat values provided by later kernel versions. To work around this problem, you can calculate the %vmeff value manually from the /proc/vmstat file. For details, see Why the sar(1) tool reports %vmeff values beyond 100 % in RHEL 8 and RHEL 9?


The Service Location Protocol (SLP) is vulnerable to an attack through UDP

The OpenSLP provides a dynamic configuration mechanism for applications in local area networks, such as printers and file servers. However, SLP is vulnerable to a reflective denial of service amplification attack through UDP on systems connected to the internet. SLP allows an unauthenticated attacker to register new services without limits set by the SLP implementation. By using UDP and spoofing the source address, an attacker can request the service list, creating a Denial of service on the spoofed address.

To prevent external attackers from accessing the SLP service, disable SLP on all systems running on untrusted networks, such as those directly connected to the internet. Alternatively, to work around this problem, configure firewalls to block or filter traffic on UDP and TCP port 427.


The ReaR rescue image on UEFI systems with Secure Boot enabled fails to boot with the default settings

ReaR image creation by using the rear mkrescue or rear mkbackup command fails with the following message:

grub2-mkstandalone may fail to make a bootable EFI image of GRUB2 (no /usr/*/grub*/x86_64-efi/moddep.lst file)
grub2-mkstandalone: error: /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/ doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory.

The missing files are part of the grub2-efi-x64-modules package. If you install this package, the rescue image is created successfully without any errors. When the UEFI Secure Boot is enabled, the rescue image is not bootable because it uses a boot loader that is not signed.

To work around this problem, add the following variables to the /etc/rear/local.conf or /etc/rear/site.conf ReaR configuration file):


With the suggested workaround, the image can be produced successfully even on systems without the grub2-efi-x64-modules package, and it is bootable on systems with Secure Boot enabled. In addition, during the system recovery, the bootloader of the recovered system is set to the EFI shim bootloader.

For more information about UEFI, Secure Boot, and shim bootloader, see the UEFI: what happens when booting the system Knowledge Base article.


The %util column produced by sar and iostat utilities is invalid

When you collect system usage statistics by using the sar or iostat utilities, the %util column produced by sar or iostat might contain invalid data.


The lsb-release binary is not available in RHEL 9

The information in /etc/os-release was previously available by calling the lsb-release binary. This binary was included in the redhat-lsb package, which was removed in RHEL 9. Now, you can display information about the operating system, such as the distribution, version, code name, and associated metadata, by reading the /etc/os-release file. This file is provided by Red Hat and any changes to it will be overwritten with each update of the redhat-release package. The format of the file is KEY=VALUE, and you can safely source the data for a shell script.


11.6. Infrastructure services

Both bind and unbound disable validation of SHA-1-based signatures

The bind and unbound components disable validation support of all RSA/SHA1 (algorithm number 5) and RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 (algorithm number 7) signatures, and the SHA-1 usage for signatures is restricted in the DEFAULT system-wide cryptographic policy.

As a result, certain DNSSEC records signed with the SHA-1, RSA/SHA1, and RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 digest algorithms fail to verify in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and the affected domain names become vulnerable.

To work around this problem, upgrade to a different signature algorithm, such as RSA/SHA-256 or elliptic curve keys.

For more information and a list of top-level domains that are affected and vulnerable, see the DNSSEC records signed with RSASHA1 fail to verify solution.


named fails to start if the same writable zone file is used in multiple zones

BIND does not allow the same writable zone file in multiple zones. Consequently, if a configuration includes multiple zones which share a path to a file that can be modified by the named service, named fails to start. To work around this problem, use the in-view clause to share one zone between multiple views and make sure to use different paths for different zones. For example, include the view names in the path.

Note that writable zone files are typically used in zones with allowed dynamic updates, secondary zones, or zones maintained by DNSSEC.


libotr is not compliant with FIPS

The libotr library and toolkit for off-the-record (OTR) messaging provides end-to-end encryption for instant messaging conversations. However, the libotr library does not conform to the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) due to its use of the gcry_pk_sign() and gcry_pk_verify() functions. As a result, you cannot use the libotr library in FIPS mode.


11.7. Networking

kTLS does not support offloading of TLS 1.3 to NICs

Kernel Transport Layer Security (kTLS) does not support offloading of TLS 1.3 to NICs. Consequently, software encryption is used with TLS 1.3 even when the NICs support TLS offload. To work around this problem, disable TLS 1.3 if offload is required. As a result, you can offload only TLS 1.2. When TLS 1.3 is in use, there is lower performance, since TLS 1.3 cannot be offloaded.


Failure to update the session key causes the connection to break

Kernel Transport Layer Security (kTLS) protocol does not support updating the session key, which is used by the symmetric cipher. Consequently, the user cannot update the key, which causes a connection break. To work around this problem, disable kTLS. As a result, with the workaround, it is possible to successfully update the session key.


11.8. Kernel

Customer applications with dependencies on kernel page size might need updating when moving from 4k to 64k page size kernel

RHEL is compatible with both 4k and 64k page size kernels. Customer applications with dependencies on a 4k kernel page size might require updating when moving from 4k to 64k page size kernels. Known instances of this include jemalloc and dependent applications.

The jemalloc memory allocator library is sensitive to the page size used in the system’s runtime environment. The library can be built to be compatible with 4k and 64k page size kernels, for example, when configured with --with-lg-page=16 or env JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_PAGE=16 (for jemallocator Rust crate). Consequently, a mismatch can occur between the page size of the runtime environment and the page size that was present when compiling binaries that depend on jemalloc. As a result, using a jemalloc-based application triggers the following error:

<jemalloc>: Unsupported system page size

To avoid this problem, use one of the following approaches:

  • Use the appropriate build configuration or environment options to create 4k and 64k page size compatible binaries.
  • Build any user space packages that use jemalloc after booting into the final 64k kernel and runtime environment.

For example, you can build the fd-find tool, which also uses jemalloc, with the cargo Rust package manager. In the final 64k environment, trigger a new build of all dependencies to resolve the mismatch in the page size by entering the cargo command:

# cargo install fd-find --force


Upgrading to the latest real-time kernel with dnf does not install multiple kernel versions in parallel

Installing the latest real-time kernel with the dnf package manager requires resolving package dependencies to retain the new and current kernel versions simultaneously. By default, dnf removes the older kernel-rt package during the upgrade.

As a workaround, add the current kernel-rt package to the installonlypkgs option in the /etc/yum.conf configuration file, for example, installonlypkgs=kernel-rt.

The installonlypkgs option appends kernel-rt to the default list used by dnf. Packages listed in installonlypkgs directive are not removed automatically and therefore support multiple kernel versions to install simultaneously.

Note that having multiple kernels installed is a way to have a fallback option when working with a new kernel version.


The Delay Accounting functionality does not display the SWAPIN and IO% statistics columns by default

The Delayed Accounting functionality, unlike early versions, is disabled by default. Consequently, the iotop application does not show the SWAPIN and IO% statistics columns and displays the following warning:

CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO%

The Delay Accounting functionality, using the taskstats interface, provides the delay statistics for all tasks or threads that belong to a thread group. Delays in task execution occur when they wait for a kernel resource to become available, for example, a task waiting for a free CPU to run on. The statistics help in setting a task’s CPU priority, I/O priority, and rss limit values appropriately.

As a workaround, you can enable the delayacct boot option either at run time or boot.

  • To enable delayacct at run time, enter:

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/task_delayacct

    Note that this command enables the feature system wide, but only for the tasks that you start after running this command.

  • To enable delayacct permanently at boot, use one of the following procedures:

As a result, the iotop application displays the SWAPIN and IO% statistics columns.


Hardware certification of the real-time kernel on systems with large core-counts might require passing the skew_tick=1 boot parameter

Large or moderate sized systems with numerous sockets and large core-counts can experience latency spikes due to lock contentions on xtime_lock, which is used in the timekeeping system. As a consequence, latency spikes and delays in hardware certifications might occur on multiprocessing systems. As a workaround, you can offset the timer tick per CPU to start at a different time by adding the skew_tick=1 boot parameter.

To avoid lock conflicts, enable skew_tick=1:

  1. Enable the skew_tick=1 parameter with grubby.

    # grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="skew_tick=1"
  2. Reboot for changes to take effect.
  3. Verify the new settings by displaying the kernel parameters you pass during boot.

    cat /proc/cmdline

Note that enabling skew_tick=1 causes a significant increase in power consumption and, therefore, it must be enabled only if you are running latency sensitive real-time workloads.


The kdump mechanism fails to capture the vmcore file on LUKS-encrypted targets

When running kdump on systems with Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) encrypted partitions, systems require a certain amount of available memory. When the available memory is less than the required amount of memory, the systemd-cryptsetup service fails to mount the partition. Consequently, the second kernel fails to capture the crash dump file on the LUKS-encrypted targets.

As a workaround, query the Recommended crashkernel value and gradually increase the memory size to an appropriate value. The Recommended crashkernel value can serve as reference to set the required memory size.

  1. Print the estimate crash kernel value.

    # kdumpctl estimate
  2. Configure the amount of required memory by increasing the crashkernel value.

    # grubby --args=crashkernel=652M --update-kernel=ALL
  3. Reboot the system for changes to take effect.

    # reboot

As a result, kdump works correctly on systems with LUKS-encrypted partitions.


The kdump service fails to build the initrd file on IBM Z systems

On the 64-bit IBM Z systems, the kdump service fails to load the initial RAM disk (initrd) when znet related configuration information such as s390-subchannels reside in an inactive NetworkManager connection profile. Consequently, the kdump mechanism fails with the following error:

dracut: Failed to set up znet
kdump: mkdumprd: failed to make kdump initrd

As a workaround, use one of the following solutions:

  • Configure a network bond or bridge by re-using the connection profile that has the znet configuration information:

    $ nmcli connection modify enc600 master bond0 slave-type bond
  • Copy the znet configuration information from the inactive connection profile to the active connection profile:

    1. Run the nmcli command to query the NetworkManager connection profiles:

      # nmcli connection show
      NAME                       UUID               TYPE   Device
      bridge-br0           ed391a43-bdea-4170-b8a2 bridge   br0
      bridge-slave-enc600  caf7f770-1e55-4126-a2f4 ethernet enc600
      enc600               bc293b8d-ef1e-45f6-bad1 ethernet --
    2. Update the active profile with configuration information from the inactive connection:

       for name in nettype subchannels options; do
       val=$(nmcli --get-values "$field"connection show "$inactive_connection")
       nmcli connection modify "$active_connection" "$field" $val"
    3. Restart the kdump service for changes to take effect:

      # kdumpctl restart


The iwl7260-firmware breaks Wi-Fi on Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200, AX210, and Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 4

After updating the iwl7260-firmware or iwl7260-wifi driver to the version provided by RHEL 9.1 and later, the hardware gets into an incorrect internal state. reports its state incorrectly. Consequently, Intel Wifi 6 cards might not work and display the error message:

kernel: iwlwifi 0000:09:00.0: Failed to start RT ucode: -110
kernel: iwlwifi 0000:09:00.0: WRT: Collecting data: ini trigger 13 fired (delay=0ms)
kernel: iwlwifi 0000:09:00.0: Failed to run INIT ucode: -110

An unconfirmed workaround is to power off the system and back on again. Do not reboot.


weak-modules from kmod fails to work with module inter-dependencies

The weak-modules script provided by the kmod package determines which modules are kABI-compatible with installed kernels. However, while checking modules' kernel compatibility, weak-modules processes modules symbol dependencies from higher to lower release of the kernel for which they were built. As a consequence, modules with inter-dependencies built against different kernel releases might be interpreted as non-compatible, and therefore the weak-modules script fails to work in this scenario.

To work around the problem, build or put the extra modules against the latest stock kernel before you install the new kernel.


The Intel® i40e adapter permanently fails on IBM Power10

When the i40e adapter encounters an I/O error on IBM Power10 systems, the Enhanced I/O Error Handling (EEH) kernel services trigger the network driver’s reset and recovery. However, EEH repeatedly reports I/O errors until the i40e driver reaches the predefined maximum of EEH stops responding. As a consequence, EEH causes the device to fail permanently.  


dkms provides an incorrect warning on program failure with correctly compiled drivers on 64-bit ARM CPUs

The Dynamic Kernel Module Support (dkms) utility does not recognize that the kernel headers for 64-bit ARM CPUs work for both the kernels with 4 kB and 64 kB page sizes. As a result, when the kernel update is performed and the kernel-64k-devel package is not installed, dkms provides an incorrect warning on why the program failed on correctly compiled drivers. To work around this problem, install the kernel-headers package, which contains header files for both types of ARM CPU architectures and is not specific to dkms and its requirements.


11.9. File systems and storage

Device Mapper Multipath is not supported with NVMe/TCP

Using Device Mapper Multipath with the nvme-tcp driver can result in the Call Trace warnings and system instability. To work around this problem, NVMe/TCP users must enable native NVMe multipathing and not use the device-mapper-multipath tools with NVMe.

By default, Native NVMe multipathing is enabled in RHEL 9. For more information, see Enabling multipathing on NVMe devices.


The blk-availability systemd service deactivates complex device stacks

In systemd, the default block deactivation code does not always handle complex stacks of virtual block devices correctly. In some configurations, virtual devices might not be removed during the shutdown, which causes error messages to be logged. To work around this problem, deactivate complex block device stacks by executing the following command:

# systemctl enable --now blk-availability.service

As a result, complex virtual device stacks are correctly deactivated during shutdown and do not produce error messages.


Disabling quota accounting is no longer possible for an XFS filesystem mounted with quotas enabled

Starting with RHEL 9.2, it is no longer possible to disable quota accounting on an XFS filesystem which has been mounted with quotas enabled.

To work around this issue, disable quota accounting by remounting the filesystem, with the quota option removed.


udev rule change for NVMe devices

There is a udev rule change for NVMe devices that adds OPTIONS="string_escape=replace" parameter. This leads to a disk by-id naming change for some vendors, if the serial number of your device has leading whitespace.


NVMe/FC devices cannot be reliably used in a Kickstart file

NVMe/FC devices can be unavailable during parsing or execution of pre-scripts of the Kickstart file, which can cause the Kickstart installation to fail. To work around this issue, update the boot argument to inst.wait_for_disks=30. This option causes a delay of 30 seconds, and should provide enough time for the NVMe/FC device to connect. With this workaround along with the NVMe/FC devices connecting in time, the Kickstart installation proceeds without issues.


Kernel panic while using the qedi driver

While using the qedi iSCSI driver, the kernel panics after OS boots. To work around this issue, disable the kfence runtime memory error detector feature by adding kfence.sample_interval=0 to the kernel boot command line.


ARM-based systems fail to update with a 64k page size kernel when vdo is installed

While installing the vdo package, RHEL installs the kmod-kvdo package and a kernel with 4k page size as dependencies. As a consequence, updates from RHEL 9.3 to 9.x fail because kmod-kvdo conflicts with the 64k kernel. To work around this issue, remove the vdo package and its dependencies before attempting to update.


lldpad is auto enabled even for qedf adapters

When using a QLogic Corp. FastLinQ QL45000 Series 10/25/40/50GbE, FCOE Controller automatically enables the lldpad daemon on systems running Red Hat Virtualization. As a consequence, I/O operations are aborted with an error, for example, [qedf_eh_abort:xxxx]:1: Aborting io_req=ff5d85a9dcf3xxxx.

To work around this problem, disableLink Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and then enable it for interfaces that can be set on the vdsm configuration level. For more information,


System fails to boot when iommu is enabled

By enabling the Input-Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU) on AMD platforms when the BNX2I adapter is in use, a system fails to boot with the Direct Memory Access Remapping (DMAR) timeout errors. To work around this problem, disable the IOMMU before booting by using the kernel command-line option, iommu=off. As a result, the system boots without any errors.


11.10. Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers

Git fails to clone or fetch from repositories with potentially unsafe ownership

To prevent remote code execution and mitigate CVE-2024-32004, stricter ownership checks have been introduced in Git for cloning local repositories. Since the update introduced in the RHSA-2024:4083 advisory, Git treats local repositories with potentially unsafe ownership as dubious.

As a consequence, if you attempt to clone from a repository locally hosted through git-daemon and you are not the owner of the repository, Git returns a security alert about dubious ownership and fails to clone or fetch from the repository.

To work around this problem, explicitly mark the repository as safe by executing the following command:

git config --global --add /path/to/repository


python3.11-lxml does not provide the lxml.isoschematron submodule

The python3.11-lxml package is distributed without the lxml.isoschematron submodule because it is not under an open source license. The submodule implements ISO Schematron support. As an alternative, pre-ISO-Schematron validation is available in the lxml.etree.Schematron class. The remaining content of the python3.11-lxml package is unaffected.


The --ssl-fips-mode option in MySQL and MariaDB does not change FIPS mode

The --ssl-fips-mode option in MySQL and MariaDB in RHEL works differently than in upstream.

In RHEL 9, if you use --ssl-fips-mode as an argument for the mysqld or mariadbd daemon, or if you use ssl-fips-mode in the MySQL or MariaDB server configuration files, --ssl-fips-mode does not change FIPS mode for these database servers.


  • If you set --ssl-fips-mode to ON, the mysqld or mariadbd server daemon does not start.
  • If you set --ssl-fips-mode to OFF on a FIPS-enabled system, the mysqld or mariadbd server daemons still run in FIPS mode.

This is expected because FIPS mode should be enabled or disabled for the whole RHEL system, not for specific components.

Therefore, do not use the --ssl-fips-mode option in MySQL or MariaDB in RHEL. Instead, ensure FIPS mode is enabled on the whole RHEL system:

  • Preferably, install RHEL with FIPS mode enabled. Enabling FIPS mode during the installation ensures that the system generates all keys with FIPS-approved algorithms and continuous monitoring tests in place. For information about installing RHEL in FIPS mode, see Installing the system in FIPS mode.
  • Alternatively, you can switch FIPS mode for the entire RHEL system by following the procedure in Switching the system to FIPS mode.


11.11. Identity Management

MIT Kerberos does not support ECC certificates for PKINIT

MIT Kerberos does not implement the RFC5349 request for comments document, which describes the design of elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) support in Public Key Cryptography for initial authentication (PKINIT). Consequently, the MIT krb5-pkinit package, used by RHEL, does not support ECC certificates. For more information, see Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Support for Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT).


The DEFAULT:SHA1 subpolicy has to be set on RHEL 9 clients for PKINIT to work against AD KDCs

The SHA-1 digest algorithm has been deprecated in RHEL 9, and CMS messages for Public Key Cryptography for initial authentication (PKINIT) are now signed with the stronger SHA-256 algorithm.

However, the Active Directory (AD) Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) still uses the SHA-1 digest algorithm to sign CMS messages. As a result, RHEL 9 Kerberos clients fail to authenticate users by using PKINIT against an AD KDC.

To work around the problem, enable support for the SHA-1 algorithm on your RHEL 9 systems with the following command:

 # update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1


The PKINIT authentication of a user fails if a RHEL 9 Kerberos agent communicates with a non-RHEL-9 and non-AD Kerberos agent

If a RHEL 9 Kerberos agent, either a client or Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC), interacts with a non-RHEL-9 Kerberos agent that is not an Active Directory (AD) agent, the PKINIT authentication of the user fails. To work around the problem, perform one of the following actions:

  • Set the RHEL 9 agent’s crypto-policy to DEFAULT:SHA1 to allow the verification of SHA-1 signatures:

    # update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1
  • Update the non-RHEL-9 and non-AD agent to ensure it does not sign CMS data using the SHA-1 algorithm. For this, update your Kerberos client or KDC packages to the versions that use SHA-256 instead of SHA-1:

    • CentOS 9 Stream: krb5-1.19.1-15
    • RHEL 8.7: krb5-1.18.2-17
    • RHEL 7.9: krb5-1.15.1-53
    • Fedora Rawhide/36: krb5-1.19.2-7
    • Fedora 35/34: krb5-1.19.2-3

As a result, the PKINIT authentication of the user works correctly.

Note that for other operating systems, it is the krb5-1.20 release that ensures that the agent signs CMS data with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1.

See also The DEFAULT:SHA1 subpolicy has to be set on RHEL 9 clients for PKINIT to work against AD KDCs.


FIPS support for AD trust requires the AD-SUPPORT crypto subpolicy

Active Directory (AD) uses AES SHA-1 HMAC encryption types, which are not allowed in FIPS mode on RHEL 9 by default. If you want to use RHEL 9 IdM hosts with an AD trust, enable support for AES SHA-1 HMAC encryption types before installing IdM software.

Since FIPS compliance is a process that involves both technical and organizational agreements, consult your FIPS auditor before enabling the AD-SUPPORT subpolicy to allow technical measures to support AES SHA-1 HMAC encryption types, and then install RHEL IdM:

 # update-crypto-policies --set FIPS:AD-SUPPORT


Heimdal client fails to authenticate a user using PKINIT against RHEL 9 KDC

By default, a Heimdal Kerberos client initiates the PKINIT authentication of an IdM user by using Modular Exponential (MODP) Diffie-Hellman Group 2 for Internet Key Exchange (IKE). However, the MIT Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) on RHEL 9 only supports MODP Group 14 and 16.

Consequently, the pre-autentication request fails with the krb5_get_init_creds: PREAUTH_FAILED error on the Heimdal client and Key parameters not accepted on the RHEL MIT KDC.

To work around this problem, ensure that the Heimdal client uses MODP Group 14. Set the pkinit_dh_min_bits parameter in the libdefaults section of the client configuration file to 1759:

pkinit_dh_min_bits = 1759

As a result, the Heimdal client completes the PKINIT pre-authentication against the RHEL MIT KDC.


IdM in FIPS mode does not support using the NTLMSSP protocol to establish a two-way cross-forest trust

Establishing a two-way cross-forest trust between Active Directory (AD) and Identity Management (IdM) with FIPS mode enabled fails because the New Technology LAN Manager Security Support Provider (NTLMSSP) authentication is not FIPS-compliant. IdM in FIPS mode does not accept the RC4 NTLM hash that the AD domain controller uses when attempting to authenticate.


Users without SIDs cannot log in to IdM after an upgrade

After upgrading your IdM replica to RHEL 9.2, the IdM Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) might fail to issue ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) to users who do not have Security Identifiers (SIDs) assigned to their accounts. Consequently, the users cannot log in to their accounts.

To work around the problem, generate SIDs by running the following command as an IdM administrator on another IdM replica in the topology:

# ipa config-mod --enable-sid --add-sids

Afterward, if users still cannot log in, examine the Directory Server error log. You might have to adjust ID ranges to include user POSIX identities.

See the When upgrading to RHEL9, IDM users are not able to login anymore Knowledgebase solution for more information.


Migrated IdM users might be unable to log in due to mismatching domain SIDs

If you have used the ipa migrate-ds script to migrate users from one IdM deployment to another, those users might have problems using IdM services because their previously existing Security Identifiers (SIDs) do not have the domain SID of the current IdM environment. For example, those users can retrieve a Kerberos ticket with the kinit utility, but they cannot log in. To work around this problem, see the following Knowledgebase article: Migrated IdM users unable to log in due to mismatching domain SIDs.


MIT krb5 user fails to obtain an AD TGT because of incompatible encryption types generating the user PAC

In MIT krb5 1.20 and later packages, a Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) is included in all Kerberos tickets by default. The MIT Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) selects the strongest encryption type available to generate the KDC checksum in the PAC, which currently is the AES HMAC-SHA2 encryption types defined in RFC8009. However, Active Directory (AD) does not support this RFC. Consequently, in an AD-MIT cross-realm setup, an MIT krb5 user fails to obtain an AD ticket-granting ticket (TGT) because the cross-realm TGT generated by MIT KDC contains an incompatible KDC checksum type in the PAC.

To work around the problem, set the disable_pac parameter to true for the MIT realm in the [realms] section of the /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf configuration file. As a result, the MIT KDC generates tickets without PAC, which means that AD skips the failing checksum verification and an MIT krb5 user can obtain an AD TGT.


Potential risk when using the default value for ldap_id_use_start_tls option

When using ldap:// without TLS for identity lookups, it can pose a risk for an attack vector. Particularly a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack which could allow an attacker to impersonate a user by altering, for example, the UID or GID of an object returned in an LDAP search.

Currently, the SSSD configuration option to enforce TLS, ldap_id_use_start_tls, defaults to false. Ensure that your setup operates in a trusted environment and decide if it is safe to use unencrypted communication for id_provider = ldap. Note id_provider = ad and id_provider = ipa are not affected as they use encrypted connections protected by SASL and GSSAPI.

If it is not safe to use unencrypted communication, enforce TLS by setting the ldap_id_use_start_tls option to true in the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file. The default behavior is planned to be changed in a future release of RHEL.


Adding a RHEL 9 replica in FIPS mode to an IdM deployment in FIPS mode that was initialized with RHEL 8.6 or earlier fails

The default RHEL 9 FIPS cryptographic policy aiming to comply with FIPS 140-3 does not allow the use of the AES HMAC-SHA1 encryption types' key derivation function as defined by RFC3961, section 5.1.

This constraint is a blocker when adding a RHEL 9 Identity Management (IdM) replica in FIPS mode to a RHEL 8 IdM environment in FIPS mode in which the first server was installed on a RHEL 8.6 system or earlier. This is because there are no common encryption types between RHEL 9 and the previous RHEL versions, which commonly use the AES HMAC-SHA1 encryption types but do not use the AES HMAC-SHA2 encryption types.

You can view the encryption type of your IdM master key by entering the following command on the server:

# kadmin.local getprinc K/M | grep -E '^Key:'

To work around the problem, enable the use of AES HMAC-SHA1 on the RHEL 9 replica:

update-crypto-policies --set FIPS:AD-SUPPORT
This workaround might violate FIPS compliance.

As a result, adding the RHEL 9 replica to the IdM deployment proceeds correctly.

Note that there is ongoing work to provide a procedure to generate missing AES HMAC-SHA2-encrypted Kerberos keys on RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 servers. This will achieve FIPS 140-3 compliance on the RHEL 9 replica. However, this process will not be fully automated, because the design of Kerberos key cryptography makes it impossible to convert existing keys to different encryption types. The only way is to ask users to renew their passwords.


SSSD registers the DNS names properly

Previously, if the DNS was set up incorrectly, SSSD always failed the first attempt to register the DNS name. To work around the problem, this update provides a new parameter dns_resolver_use_search_list. Set dns_resolver_use_search_list = false to avoid using the DNS search list.


Installing a RHEL 7 IdM client with a RHEL 9.2 and later IdM server in FIPS mode fails due to EMS enforcement

The TLS Extended Master Secret (EMS) extension (RFC 7627) is now mandatory for TLS 1.2 connections on FIPS-enabled RHEL 9.2 and later systems. This is in accordance with FIPS-140-3 requirements. However, the openssl version available in RHEL 7.9 and lower does not support EMS. In consequence, installing a RHEL 7 Identity Management (IdM) client with a FIPS-enabled IdM server running on RHEL 9.2 and later fails.

If upgrading the host to RHEL 8 before installing an IdM client on it is not an option, work around the problem by removing the requirement for EMS usage on the RHEL 9 server by applying a NO-ENFORCE-EMS subpolicy on top of the FIPS crypto policy:

# update-crypto-policies --set FIPS:NO-ENFORCE-EMS

Note that this removal goes against the FIPS 140-3 requirements. As a result, you can establish and accept TLS 1.2 connections that do not use EMS, and the installation of a RHEL 7 IdM client succeeds.


The online backup and the online automembership rebuild tasks can acquire two locks resulting in a deadlock

If the online backup and the online automembership rebuild tasks attempt to acquire the same two locks in the opposite order, it can lead to an unrecoverable deadlock that requires you to stop and restart the server. To work around this problem, do not launch the online backup and the online automembership rebuild tasks in parallel.


11.12. Desktop

VNC is not running after upgrading to RHEL 9

After upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9, the VNC server fails to start, even if it was previously enabled.

To work around the problem, manually enable the vncserver service after the system upgrade:

# systemctl enable --now vncserver@:port-number

As a result, VNC is now enabled and starts after every system boot as expected.


User Creation screen is unresponsive

When installing RHEL using a graphical user interface, the User Creation screen is unresponsive. As a consequence, creating users during installation is more difficult.

To work around this problem, use one of the following solutions to create users:

  • Run the installation in VNC mode and resize the VNC window.
  • Create users after completing the installation process.


WebKitGTK fails to display web pages on IBM Z

The WebKitGTK web browser engine fails when trying to display web pages on the IBM Z architecture. The web page remains blank and the WebKitGTK process ends unexpectedly.

As a consequence, you cannot use certain features of applications that use WebKitGTK to display web pages, such as the following:

  • The Evolution mail client
  • The GNOME Online Accounts settings
  • The GNOME Help application


11.13. Graphics infrastructures

NVIDIA drivers might revert to

Under certain conditions, the proprietary NVIDIA drivers disable the Wayland display protocol and revert to the display server:

  • If the version of the NVIDIA driver is lower than 470.
  • If the system is a laptop that uses hybrid graphics.
  • If you have not enabled the required NVIDIA driver options.

Additionally, Wayland is enabled but the desktop session uses by default if the version of the NVIDIA driver is lower than 510.


Night Light is not available on Wayland with NVIDIA

When the proprietary NVIDIA drivers are enabled on your system, the Night Light feature of GNOME is not available in Wayland sessions. The NVIDIA drivers do not currently support Night Light.

Jira:RHELPLAN-119852[1] configuration utilities do not work under Wayland utilities for manipulating the screen do not work in the Wayland session. Notably, the xrandr utility does not work under Wayland due to its different approach to handling, resolutions, rotations, and layout.


11.14. The web console

VNC console in the RHEL web console does not work correctly on ARM64

Currently, when you import a virtual machine (VM) in the RHEL web console on ARM64 architecture and then you try to interact with it in the VNC console, the console does not react to your input.

Additionally, when you create a VM in the web console on ARM64 architecture, the VNC console does not display the last lines of your input.


11.15. Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles

If firewalld.service is masked, using the firewall RHEL system role fails

If firewalld.service is masked on a RHEL system, the firewall RHEL system role fails. To work around this problem, unmask the firewalld.service:

systemctl unmask firewalld.service


Unable to register systems with environment names

The rhc system role fails to register the system when specifying environment names in rhc_environment. As a workaround, use environment IDs instead of environment names while registering.


Running Microsoft SQL Server 2022 in high-availability mode as an SELinux-confined application does not work

Microsoft SQL Server 2022 on RHEL 9.4 and later supports running as an SELinux-confined application. However, due to a limitation in Microsoft SQL Server, running the service as an SELinux-confined application does not work in high-availability mode. To work around this problem, you can run Microsoft SQL Server as an unconfined application if you require the service to be high available.

Note that this limitation also impacts installing Microsoft SQL Server when you use the mssql RHEL system role to install this service.


Configuring the imuxsock input basics type causes a problem

Configuring the imuxsock input basics type through the logging RHEL system role and consequently the use_imuxsock option causes a problem in the resulting configuration on the managed nodes. The role sets the name parameter, however, the imuxsock input type does not support the name parameter. As a result, the rsyslog logging utility prints the parameter 'name' not known — typo in config file? error.


For RHEL 9 UEFI managed nodes the bootloader_password variable of the bootloader RHEL system role does not work

Previously, the bootloader_password variable incorrectly placed the password information in the /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/user.cfg file. The proper location was the /boot/grub2/user.cfg file. Consequently, when you rebooted the managed node to modify any boot loader entry, GRUB2 did not prompt you for a password. To work around this problem, you can manually move the user.cfg file from the incorrect /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/ directory to the correct /boot/grub2/ directory to achieve the expected behavior.


11.16. Virtualization

Installing a virtual machine over https or ssh in some cases fails

Currently, the virt-install utility fails when attempting to install a guest operating system (OS) from an ISO source over a https or ssh connection - for example using virt-install --cdrom https://example/path/to/image.iso. Instead of creating a virtual machine (VM), the described operation ends unexpectedly with an internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor message.

Similarly, using the RHEL 9 web console to install a guest operating system fails and displays an Unknown driver 'https' error if you use an https or ssh URL, or the Download OS function.

To work around this problem, install qemu-kvm-block-curl and qemu-kvm-block-ssh on the host to enable https and ssh protocol support. Alternatively, use a different connection protocol or a different installation source.


Using NVIDIA drivers in virtual machines disables Wayland

Currently, NVIDIA drivers are not compatible with the Wayland graphical session. As a consequence, RHEL guest operating systems that use NVIDIA drivers automatically disable Wayland and load an Xorg session instead. This primarily occurs in the following scenarios:

  • When you pass through an NVIDIA GPU device to a RHEL virtual machine (VM)
  • When you assign an NVIDIA vGPU mediated device to a RHEL VM


The Milan VM CPU type is sometimes not available on AMD Milan systems

On certain AMD Milan systems, the Enhanced REP MOVSB (erms) and Fast Short REP MOVSB (fsrm) feature flags are disabled in the BIOS by default. Consequently, the Milan CPU type might not be available on these systems. In addition, VM live migration between Milan hosts with different feature flag settings might fail. To work around these problems, manually turn on erms and fsrm in the BIOS of your host.


A hostdev interface with failover settings cannot be hot-plugged after being hot-unplugged

After removing a hostdev network interface with failover configuration from a running virtual machine (VM), the interface currently cannot be re-attached to the same running VM.


Live post-copy migration of VMs with failover VFs fails

Currently, attempting to post-copy migrate a running virtual machine (VM) fails if the VM uses a device with the virtual function (VF) failover capability enabled. To work around the problem, use the standard migration type, rather than post-copy migration.


Host network cannot ping VMs with VFs during live migration

When live migrating a virtual machine (VM) with a configured virtual function (VF), such as a VMs that uses virtual SR-IOV software, the network of the VM is not visible to other devices and the VM cannot be reached by commands such as ping. After the migration is finished, however, the problem no longer occurs.


Disabling AVX causes VMs to become unbootable

On a host machine that uses a CPU with Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) support, attempting to boot a VM with AVX explicitly disabled currently fails, and instead triggers a kernel panic in the VM.


Windows VM fails to get IP address after network interface reset

Sometimes, Windows virtual machines fail to get an IP address after an automatic network interface reset. As a consequence, the VM fails to connect to the network. To work around this problem, disable and re-enable the network adapter driver in the Windows Device Manager.


Windows Server 2016 VMs sometimes stops working after hot-plugging a vCPU

Currently, assigning a vCPU to a running virtual machine (VM) with a Windows Server 2016 guest operating system might cause a variety of problems, such as the VM stopping unexpectedly, becoming unresponsive, or rebooting.


Redundant error messages on VMs with NVIDIA passthrough devices

When using an Intel host machine with a RHEL 9.2 and later operating system, virtual machines (VMs) with a passed through NVDIA GPU device frequently log the following error message:

Spurious APIC interrupt (vector 0xFF) on CPU#2, should never happen.

However, this error message does not impact the functionality of the VM and can be ignored. For details, see the Red Hat KnoweldgeBase.


Restarting the OVS service on a host might block network connectivity on its running VMs

When the Open vSwitch (OVS) service restarts or crashes on a host, virtual machines (VMs) that are running on this host cannot recover the state of the networking device. As a consequence, VMs might be completely unable to receive packets.

This problem only affects systems that use the packed virtqueue format in their virtio networking stack.

To work around this problem, use the packed=off parameter in the virtio networking device definition to disable packed virtqueue. With packed virtqueue disabled, the state of the networking device can, in some situations, be recovered from RAM.


Recovering an interrupted post-copy VM migration might fail

If a post-copy migration of a virtual machine (VM) is interrupted and then immediately resumed on the same incoming port, the migration might fail with the following error: Address already in use

To work around this problem, wait at least 10 seconds before resuming the post-copy migration or switch to another port for migration recovery.


NUMA node mapping not working correctly on AMD EPYC CPUs

QEMU does not handle NUMA node mapping on AMD EPYC CPUs correctly. As a result, the performance of virtual machines (VMs) with these CPUs might be negatively impacted if using a NUMA node configuration. In addition, the VMs display a warning similar to the following during boot.

sched: CPU #4's llc-sibling CPU #3 is not on the same node! [node: 1 != 0]. Ignoring dependency.
WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 0 at arch/x86/kernel/smpboot.c:415 topology_sane.isra.0+0x6b/0x80

To work around this issue, do not use AMD EPYC CPUs for NUMA node configurations.


NFS failure during VM migration causes migration failure and source VM coredump

Currently, if the NFS service or server is shut down during virtual machine (VM) migration, the source VM’s QEMU is unable to reconnect to the NFS server when it starts running again. As a result, the migration fails and a coredump is initiated on the source VM. Currently, there is no workaround available.


PCIe ATS devices do not work on Windows VMs

When you configure a PCIe Address Translation Services (ATS) device in the XML configuration of virtual machine (VM) with a Windows guest operating system, the guest does not enable the ATS device after booting the VM. This is because Windows currently does not support ATS on virtio devices.

For more information, see the Red Hat KnowledgeBase.


virsh blkiotune --weight command fails to set the correct cgroup I/O controller value

Currently, using the virsh blkiotune --weight command to set the VM weight does not work as expected. The command fails to set the correct io.bfq.weight value in the cgroup I/O controller interface file. There is no workaround at this time.


Starting a VM with an NVIDIA A16 GPU sometimes causes the host GPU to stop working

Currently, if you start a VM that uses an NVIDIA A16 GPU passthrough device, the NVIDIA A16 GPU physical device on the host system in some cases stops working.

To work around the problem, reboot the hypervisor and set the reset_method for the GPU device to bus:

# echo bus > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<DEVICE-PCI-ADDRESS>/reset_method
# cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<DEVICE-PCI-ADDRESS>/reset_method

For details, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase.


Windows VMs might become unresponsive due to storage errors

On virtual machines (VMs) that use Windows guest operating systems, the system in some cases becomes unresponsive when under high I/O load. When this happens, the system logs a viostor Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort3, was issued error.


Windows 10 VMs with certain PCI devices might become unresponsive on boot

Currently, a virtual machine (VM) that uses a Windows 10 guest operating system might become unresponsive during boot if a virtio-win-scsi PCI device with a local disk back end is attached to the VM. To work around the problem, boot the VM with the multi_queue option enabled.


The repair function of virtio-win-guest-tool for the virtio-win drivers does not work

Currently, when using the Repair button of virtio-win-guest-tool for a virtio-win driver, such as the Virtio Balloon Driver, the button has no effect. As a consequence, the driver cannot be reinstalled after being removed on the guest.


Windows 11 VMs with a memory balloon device set might close unexpectedly during reboot

Currently, rebooting virtual machines (VMs) that use a Windows 11 guest operating system and a memory balloon device in some cases fails with a DRIVER POWER STAT FAILURE blue-screen error.


Resuming a postcopy VM migration fails in some cases

Currently, when performing a postcopy migration of a virtual machine (VM), if a proxy network failure occurs during the RECOVER phase of the migration, the VM becomes unresponsive and the migration cannot be resumed. Instead, the recovery command displays the following error:

error: Requested operation is not valid: QEMU reports migration is still running


The virtio balloon driver sometimes does not work on Windows 10 VMs

Under certain circumstances, the virtio-balloon driver does not work correctly on virtual machines (VMs) that use a Windows 10 guest operating system. As a consequence, such VMs might not use their assigned memory efficiently.


The virtio file system has suboptimal performance in Windows VMs

Currently, when a virtio file system (virtiofs) is configured on a virtual machine (VM) that uses a Windows guest operating system, the performance of virtiofs in the VM is significantly worse than in VMs that use Linux guests.


Hot-unplugging a storage device on Windows VMs might fail

On virtual machines (VMs) that use a Windows guest operating system, removing a storage device when the VM is running (also known as a device hot-unplug) in some cases fails. As a consequence, the storage device remains attached to the VM and the disk manager service might become unresponsive.


Hot plugging CPUs to a Windows VM might cause a system failure

When hot plugging the maximum number of CPUs to a Windows virtual machine (VM) with huge pages enabled, the guest operating system might crash with the following Stop error:



Updating virtio drivers on Windows VMs might fail

When updating the KVM paravirtualized (virtio) drivers on a Windows virtual machine (VM), the update might cause the mouse to stop working and the newly installed drivers might not be signed. This problem occurs when updating the virtio drivers by installing from the virtio-win-guest-tools package, which is a part of the virtio-win.iso file.

To work around this problem, update the virtio drivers by using Windows Device Manager.


TX queue size cannot be changed in VMs that use vhost-kernel

Currently, you cannot set up TX queue size on KVM virtual machines (VMs) that use vhost-kernel as a back end for the virtio network driver. As a consequence, you can use only the default value of 256 for the TX queue, which might prevent you from optimizing your VM network throughput.


Virtual machines incorrectly report an AMD SRSO vulnerability

RHEL 9.4 virtual machines (VMs) running on a RHEL 9 host with the AMD Zen 3 and 4 CPU architecture incorrectly report a vulnerability to a Speculative Return Stack Overflow (SRSO) attack:

# lscpu | grep rstack

Vulnerability Spec rstack overflow: Vulnerable: Safe RET, no microcode

The problem is caused by a missing cpuid flag and the vulnerability is in fact fully mitigated in VMs under the following conditions:

  • You have the updated linux-firmware package on the host as described here: cve-2023-20569.
  • The host kernel has the mitigation enabled, which is the default behavior. If the mitigation is enabled, Safe RET is displayed in the lscpu command output on the host.


Virtual machines with a large amount of vCPUs and virtual disks might fail

Currently, assigning a large amount of vCPUs and virtual disks to a RHEL virtual machine (VM) might cause the VM to fail to boot.

To work around this problem, use Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) virtual storage devices instead of block devices if possible. For more details, see: Creating SCSI-based storage pools with vHBA devices by using the CLI

If you need to use virtual block devices, you can also try to reduce the number of interrupt vectors by starting the VM with a -global virtio-blk-pci.vectors=<number-of-vectors> QEMU option. Try to find a sufficiently low number of interrupt vectors that allows the VM to boot successfully.


Link status shows up on VM, even when status is down of e1000e or igb model interface

Before booting the VM, set the status of Ethernet link down for the e1000 or igb model network interface. Despite this, after the VM boots, the network interface keeps the up status, because when you set the status of Ethernet link down and then stop and re-start the VM, it is automatically set back to up. Consequently, the correct state of network interface is not maintained. As a workaround, set the network interface status to down inside the VM by using command:

# ip link set dev eth0 down

Alternatively, you can try to remove and add this network interface again while the VM is running.


Using NBD to migrate a VM storage over a TLS connection does not work correctly

Currently, when migrating a virtual machine (VM) and its storage device by using the Network Block Device (NBD) protocol over a TLS connection, a data race in the TLS handshake might make the migration appear to be successful. However, it causes the QEMU process on the destination VM to become unresponsive to further interactions.

If you can trust your network, you can work around this problem by using plaintext rather than TLS connections for the NBD protocol, which is used during the VM storage migration.


Kdump fails on virtual machines with AMD SEV-SNP

Currently, kdump fails on RHEL 9 virtual machines (VMs) that use the AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) with the Secure Nested Paging (SNP) feature.


11.17. RHEL in cloud environments

Cloning or restoring RHEL 9 virtual machines that use LVM on Nutanix AHV causes non-root partitions to disappear

When running a RHEL 9 guest operating system on a virtual machine (VM) hosted on the Nutanix AHV hypervisor, restoring the VM from a snapshot or cloning the VM currently causes non-root partitions in the VM to disappear if the guest is using Logical Volume Management (LVM). As a consequence, the following problems occur:

  • After restoring the VM from a snapshot, the VM cannot boot, and instead enters emergency mode.
  • A VM created by cloning cannot boot, and instead enters emergency mode.

To work around these problems, do the following in emergency mode of the VM:

  1. Remove the LVM system devices file: rm /etc/lvm/devices/system.devices
  2. Re-create LVM device settings: vgimportdevices -a
  3. Reboot the VM

This makes it possible for the cloned or restored VM to boot up correctly.

Alternatively, to prevent the issue from occurring, do the following before cloning a VM or creating a VM snapshot:

  1. Uncomment the use_devicesfile = 0 line in the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf file
  2. Reboot the VM


Customizing RHEL 9 guests on ESXi sometimes causes networking problems

Currently, customizing a RHEL 9 guest operating system in the VMware ESXi hypervisor does not work correctly with NetworkManager key files. As a consequence, if the guest is using such a key file, it will have incorrect network settings, such as the IP address or the gateway.

For details and workaround instructions, see the VMware Knowledge Base.


RHEL instances on Azure fail to boot if provisioned by cloud-init and configured with an NFSv3 mount entry

Currently, booting a RHEL virtual machine (VM) on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform fails if the VM was provisioned by the cloud-init tool and the guest operating system of the VM has an NFSv3 mount entry in the /etc/fstab file.


Setting static IP in a RHEL virtual machine on a VMware host does not work

Currently, when using RHEL as a guest operating system of a virtual machine (VM) on a VMware host, the DatasourceOVF function does not work correctly. As a consequence, if you use the cloud-init utility to set the VM’s network to static IP and then reboot the VM, the VM’s network will be changed to DHCP.

To work around this issue, see the VMware Knowledge Base.


Large VMs might fail to boot into the debug kernel when the kmemleak option is enabled

When attempting to boot a RHEL 9 virtual machine (VM) into the debug kernel, the booting might fail with the following error if the machine kernel is using the kmemleak=on argument.

Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked.
See sulogin(8) man page for more details.

Press Enter to continue.

This problem affects mainly large VMs because they spend more time in the boot sequence.

To work around the problem, edit the /etc/fstab file on the machine and add extra timeout options to the /boot and /boot/efi mount points. For example:

UUID=e43ead51-b364-419e-92fc-b1f363f19e49 /boot xfs defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=600,x-systemd.mount-timeout=600 0 0

UUID=7B77-95E7 /boot/efi vfat defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077,shortname=winnt,x-systemd.device-timeout=600,x-systemd.mount-timeout=600 0 2


11.18. Supportability

Timeout when running sos report on IBM Power Systems, Little Endian

When running the sos report command on IBM Power Systems, Little Endian with hundreds or thousands of CPUs, the processor plugin reaches its default timeout of 300 seconds when collecting huge content of the /sys/devices/system/cpu directory. As a workaround, increase the plugin’s timeout accordingly:

  • For one-time setting, run:
# sos report -k processor.timeout=1800
  • For a permanent change, edit the [plugin_options] section of the /etc/sos/sos.conf file:
# Specify any plugin options and their values here. These options take the form
# plugin_name.option_name = value
#rpm.rpmva = off
processor.timeout = 1800

The example value is set to 1800. The particular timeout value highly depends on a specific system. To set the plugin’s timeout appropriately, you can first estimate the time needed to collect the one plugin with no timeout by running the following command:

# time sos report -o processor -k processor.timeout=0 --batch --build


11.19. Containers

Running systemd within an older container image does not work

Running systemd within an older container image, for example, centos:7, does not work:

$ podman run --rm -ti centos:7 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
 Storing signatures
 Failed to mount cgroup at /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd: Operation not permitted
 [!!!!!!] Failed to mount API filesystems, freezing.

To work around this problem, use the following commands:

# mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
# mount none -t cgroup -o none,name=systemd /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
# podman run --runtime /usr/bin/crun --annotation=run.oci.systemd.force_cgroup_v1=/sys/fs/cgroup --rm -ti centos:7 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd


Root filesystem are not expanded by default

When you use a base container image, that does not include cloud-init to create an AMI or QCOW2 container image by using bootc-image-builder, the root filesystem size is not expanded dynamically on boot to the full size of the provisioned virtual disk.

To work around this issue, apply one of the following available options:

  • Include cloud-init in the image.
  • Include custom logic in the container image to expand the root filesystem, for example:
/usr/bin/growpart /dev/vda 4
unshare -m bin/sh -c 'mount -o remount,rw /sysroot && xfs_growfs /sysroot'
  • Include a custom logic to use the additional space for secondary filesystems, for example, /var/lib/containers.

By default, the physical root storage is mounted at the /sysroot partition.


Appendix A. List of tickets by component

Bugzilla and JIRA tickets are listed in this document for reference. The links lead to the release notes in this document that describe the tickets.



Jira:RHEL-15907, Jira:RHEL-5142, Jira:RHEL-5133, Jira:RHEL-5130, Jira:RHEL-16830, Jira:RHEL-17175, Jira:RHEL-5111


Jira:RHEL-1441, Jira:RHEL-1471, Jira:RHEL-16470, Jira:RHEL-1469, Jira:RHEL-24337, Jira:RHEL-5852, Bugzilla:1894877, Jira:RHEL-17619

Release Notes

Jira:RHELDOCS-17841, Jira:RHELDOCS-16861, Jira:RHELDOCS-16760, Jira:RHELDOCS-17520, Jira:RHELDOCS-17803, Jira:RHELDOCS-16756, Jira:RHELDOCS-16612, Jira:RHELDOCS-17102, Jira:RHELDOCS-17166, Jira:RHELDOCS-17309, Jira:RHELDOCS-17545, Jira:RHELDOCS-17518, Jira:RHELDOCS-17989, Jira:RHELDOCS-17702, Jira:RHELDOCS-17917, Jira:RHELDOCS-16979


Jira:RHEL-11384, Jira:RHEL-13150, Jira:RHEL-4766, Jira:RHEL-5638, Jira:RHEL-10216, Jira:RHEL-2250, Jira:RHEL-17205, Bugzilla:2127473, Bugzilla:2050140, Bugzilla:1877697, Jira:RHEL-4707, Jira:RHEL-4711, Bugzilla:1997832, Jira:RHEL-4741, Bugzilla:2115783, Jira:RHEL-4762, Jira:RHEL-4737, Jira:RHEL-9633


Jira:RHEL-16342, Jira:RHEL-19092, Jira:RHEL-19091, Jira:RHEL-3540


Jira:RHEL-4962, Jira:RHEL-16934, Jira:RHEL-16939, Jira:RHEL-19134, Jira:RHEL-19130




















Jira:RHEL-7278, Jira:RHEL-7311, Jira:RHEL-12122






Jira:RHEL-17434, Bugzilla:2173584, Jira:RHEL-31993






Jira:RHEL-15925, Jira:RHEL-2735




Jira:RHEL-6678, Jira:RHEL-1729, Jira:RHEL-4998, Jira:RHEL-986, Jira:RHEL-1830, Jira:RHEL-17234, Bugzilla:2033080, Bugzilla:2011699, Bugzilla:1926147


Jira:RHEL-17089, Jira:RHEL-6973, Jira:RHEL-18157, Jira:RHEL-22385










Bugzilla:2054740, Jira:RHEL-24345, Jira:RHEL-520


Jira:RHEL-427, Jira:RHEL-14485, Jira:RHEL-17708














Jira:RHEL-14383, Jira:RHEL-17157, Jira:RHEL-2491, Jira:RHEL-19862, Jira:RHEL-16643, Jira:RHEL-12362, Jira:RHEL-3397, Jira:RHEL-2123




Jira:RHEL-14891, Bugzilla:2108532


Jira:RHEL-11871, Bugzilla:2111072, Bugzilla:2092016










Jira:RHEL-11652, Jira:RHEL-23377, Bugzilla:1513934, Jira:RHEL-9984, Jira:RHEL-22313, Jira:RHEL-12143, Bugzilla:2084180, Bugzilla:2094673, Bugzilla:2057471, Jira:RHEL-12154, Jira:RHEL-4955








Jira:RHEL-11597, Bugzilla:2041883, Bugzilla:1613522, Bugzilla:1995338, Bugzilla:1570255, Bugzilla:2177256, Bugzilla:2178699, Bugzilla:2023416, Bugzilla:2021672, Bugzilla:2027304, Bugzilla:1955275, Bugzilla:2142102, Bugzilla:2040643, Bugzilla:2186375, Bugzilla:2183538, Bugzilla:2206599, Bugzilla:2167783, Bugzilla:2000616, Bugzilla:2013650, Bugzilla:2132480, Bugzilla:2059545, Bugzilla:2005173, Bugzilla:2128610, Bugzilla:2129288, Bugzilla:2013884, Bugzilla:2149989

kernel / BPF


kernel / Crypto


kernel / DMA Engine


kernel / Debugging-Tracing / rtla


kernel / Kernel-Core


kernel / Networking / IPSec


kernel / Networking / NIC Drivers

Jira:RHEL-9308, Jira:RHEL-24618, Jira:RHEL-9897

kernel / Networking / Netfilter


kernel / Networking / Protocol / tcp

Jira:RHEL-21223, Jira:RHEL-5736

kernel / Platform Enablement / NVMe

Jira:RHEL-21545, Jira:RHEL-14751, Jira:RHEL-8171, Jira:RHEL-8164

kernel / Platform Enablement / ppc64


kernel / Security / TPM


kernel / Storage / Device Mapper / Crypt


kernel / Storage / Multiple Devices (MD)


kernel / Storage / Storage Drivers

Jira:RHEL-8466, Jira:RHEL-8104, Jira:RHEL-25730

kernel / Virtualization


kernel / Virtualization / KVM

Jira:RHEL-2815, Jira:RHEL-13007, Jira:RHEL-7212, Jira:RHEL-26152, Jira:RHEL-10019



kernel-rt / Other



Bugzilla:2113873, Bugzilla:2064708


Jira:RHEL-11867, Jira:RHEL-1518






Jira:RHEL-4902, Bugzilla:2060798, Jira:RHEL-4875, Jira:RHEL-4889, Bugzilla:2016312, Jira:RHEL-4888






Jira:RHEL-15298, Jira:RHEL-5367












Bugzilla:2143158, Bugzilla:2078693

libvirt / General

Jira:RHEL-7568, Jira:RHEL-7043

libvirt / Storage

Jira:RHEL-7528, Jira:RHEL-7416










Jira:RHEL-8357, Bugzilla:2038183














Jira:RHEL-5980, Jira:RHEL-14191




Jira:RHEL-1434, Jira:RHEL-1605, Jira:RHEL-1438, Jira:RHEL-19142, Jira:RHEL-1420, Jira:RHEL-1425
















Jira:RHEL-5222, Jira:RHEL-2469, Bugzilla:2056884


Jira:RHEL-23474, Jira:RHEL-17193, Bugzilla:2168665, Bugzilla:1975836, Bugzilla:1681178, Bugzilla:1685470




Bugzilla:2173928, Jira:RHEL-7999, Jira:RHEL-4649


Jira:RHEL-1824, Jira:RHELPLAN-44202










Jira:RHEL-7672, Jira:RHEL-7582, Jira:RHEL-7724, Jira:RHEL-7746, Jira:RHEL-7744, Jira:RHEL-7669, Jira:RHEL-7730






Jira:RHELPLAN-167829, Jira:RHELPLAN-167796, Jira:RHELPLAN-167823, Jira:RHELPLAN-168180, Jira:RHELPLAN-168185, Jira:RHELPLAN-154436, Bugzilla:2069279


Jira:RHEL-24462, Jira:RHEL-25263








Jira:RHEL-11597, Jira:RHEL-16695, Bugzilla:1965079, Bugzilla:1951814, Bugzilla:2060839, Bugzilla:2014229, Jira:RHEL-7335, Jira:RHEL-7336, Bugzilla:1915715, Jira:RHEL-13335, Jira:RHEL-333, Bugzilla:2176010, Bugzilla:2058982, Bugzilla:2073872, Jira:RHEL-7478, Jira:RHEL-32990

qemu-kvm / Devices


qemu-kvm / Graphics


qemu-kvm / Live Migration

Jira:RHEL-13004, Jira:RHEL-7096, Jira:RHEL-7115

qemu-kvm / Networking

Jira:RHEL-7337, Jira:RHEL-21867

qemu-kvm / Storage / NBD





Jira:RHEL-16864, Jira:RHEL-10478, Jira:RHEL-6984, Jira:RHEL-17393, Jira:RHEL-24847






Jira:RHEL-1535, Jira:RHEL-16976, Jira:RHEL-16542, Jira:RHEL-16552, Jira:RHEL-19579, Jira:RHEL-17668, Jira:RHEL-21133, Jira:RHEL-16964, Jira:RHEL-16541, Jira:RHEL-15932, Jira:RHEL-15439, Jira:RHEL-18962, Jira:RHEL-16212, Jira:RHEL-15876, Jira:RHEL-21117, Jira:RHEL-16974, Jira:RHEL-5972, Jira:RHEL-15037, Jira:RHEL-19046, Jira:RHEL-18026, Jira:RHEL-1683, Jira:RHEL-3353, Jira:RHEL-19043, Jira:RHEL-19040, Jira:RHEL-17875, Jira:RHEL-5274, Jira:RHEL-15870, Jira:RHEL-15909, Jira:RHEL-22228, Jira:RHEL-25508, Jira:RHEL-21401, Jira:RHEL-22309, Bugzilla:1999770, Bugzilla:2123859, Jira:RHEL-1172, Bugzilla:2186218


Jira:RHEL-943, Jira:RHEL-937, Jira:RHEL-5196










Jira:RHEL-21425, Jira:RHEL-1800, Bugzilla:2038978


Jira:RHEL-12591, Jira:RHEL-21452, Jira:RHEL-1548, Jira:RHEL-18219, Jira:RHEL-14246, Jira:RHEL-1551, Jira:RHEL-11174, Jira:RHEL-1553, Jira:RHEL-14289, Jira:RHEL-5032, Jira:RHEL-15432, Jira:RHEL-19051, Jira:RHEL-11792, Bugzilla:2064274, Jira:RHEL-28814




Jira:SSSD-7015, Bugzilla:1608496






Jira:RHEL-12898, Jira:RHEL-16736




Bugzilla:2163716, Bugzilla:2136694




Jira:RHEL-12009, Jira:RHEL-26275


Bugzilla:2018112, Jira:RHEL-6105


















Jira:RHEL-11810, Jira:RHEL-11366, Jira:RHEL-1609, Jira:RHEL-869

virtio-win / distribution

Jira:RHEL-1517, Jira:RHEL-1860, Jira:RHEL-574

virtio-win / virtio-win-prewhql

Jira:RHEL-1084, Jira:RHEL-935, Jira:RHEL-12118, Jira:RHEL-1212






Jira:RHELDOCS-17369, Jira:RHELDOCS-17263, Jira:RHELDOCS-17060, Jira:RHELDOCS-17056, Jira:RHELDOCS-16721, Jira:RHELDOCS-17372, Jira:RHELDOCS-16970, Jira:RHELPLAN-169666, Jira:RHELDOCS-17000, Jira:RHELDOCS-16241, Jira:RHELDOCS-16955, Jira:RHELDOCS-17053, Jira:RHELDOCS-17792, Jira:SSSD-6184, Jira:RHELDOCS-17040, Bugzilla:2020529, Jira:RHELPLAN-27394, Jira:RHELPLAN-27737, Jira:RHELDOCS-16861, Jira:RHELDOCS-17050, Jira:RHELDOCS-17520, Jira:RHELDOCS-17752, Jira:RHELDOCS-17803, Jira:RHELDOCS-17468, Jira:RHELDOCS-17733, Bugzilla:1927780, Jira:RHELPLAN-110763, Bugzilla:1935544, Bugzilla:2089200, Jira:RHELPLAN-99136, Jira:RHELPLAN-103232, Bugzilla:1899167, Bugzilla:1979521, Jira:RHELPLAN-100087, Jira:RHELPLAN-100639, Bugzilla:2058153, Jira:RHELPLAN-113995, Jira:RHELPLAN-98983, Jira:RHELPLAN-131882, Jira:RHELPLAN-139805, Jira:RHELDOCS-16756, Jira:RHELPLAN-153267, Jira:RHELDOCS-16300, Jira:RHELDOCS-16432, Jira:RHELDOCS-16393, Jira:RHELDOCS-16612, Jira:RHELDOCS-17102, Jira:RHELDOCS-17015, Jira:RHELDOCS-18049, Jira:RHELDOCS-17135, Jira:RHELDOCS-17545, Jira:RHELDOCS-17038, Jira:RHELDOCS-17495, Jira:RHELDOCS-17518, Jira:RHELDOCS-17462, Jira:RHELDOCS-18106, Jira:RHELPLAN-157225, Bugzilla:1640697, Bugzilla:1697896, Bugzilla:2047713, Jira:RHELPLAN-96940, Jira:RHELPLAN-117234, Jira:RHELPLAN-119001, Jira:RHELPLAN-119852, Bugzilla:2077767, Bugzilla:2053598, Bugzilla:2082303, Jira:RHELPLAN-121049, Jira:RHELPLAN-157939, Jira:RHELPLAN-109613, Bugzilla:2160619, Jira:RHELDOCS-18064, Jira:RHELDOCS-16427, Bugzilla:2173992, Bugzilla:2185048, Bugzilla:1970830, Jira:RHELDOCS-16574, Jira:RHELDOCS-17719

Appendix B. Revision history


Wed Oct 09 2024, Gabriela Fialová (


Thu Oct 03 2024, Gabriela Fialová (


Fri Sep 27 2024, Gabriela Fialová (


Wed Aug 14 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Added a new Technology Preview RHEL-7936 (File Systems and Storage)

Thu Aug 8 2024, Gabriela Fialová (


Thu Jul 25 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Updated the text in Enhancement RHEL-14485 (Networking)

Thu Jul 18 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Updated a Deprecated Functionality BZ-1899167 (Installer)
  • Updated the abstract in the Deprecated functionalities section

Thu Jul 11 2024, Lenka Špačková (


Mon Jul 08 2024, Lenka Špačková (

  • Fixed formatting and reference in RHEL-23798 (Compilers and development tools)

Thu Jun 27 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Removed a Known Issue Jira-RHELDOCS-17720 (System roles)

Tue Jun 25 2024, Lenka Špačková (

  • Added a Known Issue RHELDOCS-18435 (Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers)

Wed Jun 12 2024, Brian Angelica (


Wed May 29 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Added an Enhancement RHEL-12490 (Compilers and development tools)
  • Added an Enhancement RHEL-12491 (Compilers and development tools)
  • Updated an Enhancement RHEL-13760 (RHEL System Roles)
  • Updated the In-place upgrade section

Tue May 28 2024, Lenka Špačková (

  • Fixed formatting of RHEL-16629 (Compilers and development tools)

Thu May 23 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Updated the Enhancement RHEL-23798 (Compilers and development tools)

Tue May 21 2024, Lenka Špačková (

  • Added an Enhancement RHEL-35685 (Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers)

Thu May 16 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Added an Enhancement RHEL-16336 (RHEL System Roles)
  • Added an Enhancement RHEL-13760 (RHEL System Roles)

Wed May 01 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 Release Notes.

Wed March 27 2024, Gabriela Fialová (

  • Release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 Beta Release Notes.

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