Chapter 12. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.6.6
12.1. Atomic Host
OStree update:
New Tree Version: 7.6.6 (hash: 33bb37a7d207ce653eab70306d18deea7daf444b6b7f7aeadef722f96d7e8e6d)
Changes since Tree Version 7.6.5 (hash: 5b1058baee886a346301af3b250e51cd6deef7344206afff638d07d5b73b34da)
Updated packages:
- microdnf-2-8.el7
12.2. Extras
Updated packages:
- buildah-1.9.0-1.el7
- container-selinux-2.107-1.el7_6
- containernetworking-plugins-0.8.1-1.el7
- docker-1.13.1-102.git7f2769b.el7
- oci-umount-2.5-1.el7_6
- podman-1.4.4-2.el7
- runc-1.0.0-64.rc8.el7
- skopeo-0.1.37-1.el7
12.2.1. Container Images
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Init Container Image (rhel7/rhel7-init)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Container Image (rhel7.6, rhel7, rhel7/rhel, rhel)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Container Image for aarch64 (rhel7.6, rhel7, rhel7/rhel, rhel)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Identity Management Server Container Image (rhel7/ipa-server)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Image (rhel-atomic, rhel7-atomic, rhel7/rhel-atomic)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Net-SNMP Container Image (rhel7/net-snmp)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic OpenSCAP Container Image (rhel7/openscap)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic SSSD Container Image (rhel7/sssd)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Support Tools Container Image (rhel7/support-tools)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Tools Container Image (rhel7/rhel-tools)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic cockpit-ws Container Image (rhel7/cockpit-ws)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic etcd Container Image (rhel7/etcd)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic flannel Container Image (rhel7/flannel)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic open-vm-tools Container Image (rhel7/open-vm-tools)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic rsyslog Container Image (rhel7/rsyslog)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic sadc Container Image (rhel7/sadc)
- Red Hat Universal Base Image 7 Container Image (rhel7/ubi7)
- Red Hat Universal Base Image 7 Init Container Image (rhel7/ubi7-init)
- Red Hat Universal Base Image 7 Minimal Container Image (rhel7/ubi7-minimal)
12.3. New Features
docker-latest no longer available
The docker-latest package is no longer available beginning with RHEL Atomic 7.6.6. Only the docker package is available.