Chapter 2. Download
The only prerequisite of installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time is that you have installed the most recent Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on an AMD64 or Intel 64 system.
The following sections describe how to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time. Alternatively, an ISO image containing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time is available for download from the Customer Portal. You can use this ISO image to obtain all the RPM packages that Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time consists of; however, because this is not a bootable ISO image, you cannot use it to create a bootable USB or CD medium.
2.1. Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time Using Yum
- Enable the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time repository:
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-rt-rpms
- Install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time package group:
yum groupinstall RT
This group installs several packages:- kernel-rt is the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time kernel package.
- rt-setup sets up the basic environment required by Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time.
- rt-tests contains programs that test various RT features.
- rteval evaluates system suitability for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time.
- rteval-common provides common files for rteval.
- rteval-loads provides source code for rteval loads.
Additionally, tuna is a package containing a tool used to help tune the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time workload, greatly automating CPU isolation and thread affinity operations from the command line or the GUI. This package is available in the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 repository. For information on using tuna, see Chapter 3, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time Kernel Tuning.
rpm -ql
~]# rpm -ql rt-setup