Chapter 12. Management Tools and Consoles

12.1. Command-line utilities

12.1.1. Command-line Management utilities

The command-line tools are management and diagnostic tools for use at the shell prompt.
Table 12.1. Command-line Management utilities
Utility Description
qpid-config Display and configure exchanges, queues, and bindings in the broker
qpid-tool Access configuration, statistics, and control within the broker
qpid-queue-stats Monitor the size and enqueue/dequeue rates of queues in a broker
qpid-ha Configure and view clusters
qpid-route Configure federated routes among brokers
qpid-stat Display details and statistics for various broker objects
qpid-printevents Subscribes to events from a broker and prints details of events raised to the console window

12.1.2. Using qpid-config

  1. View the full list of commands by running the qpid-config --help command from the shell prompt:
    $ qpid-config --help
    Usage:  qpid-config [OPTIONS]
    qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string]
    qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues    [filter-string]
    qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange <type> <name> [AddExchangeOptions]
    qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange <name>
    ..[output truncated]...
  2. View a summary of all exchanges and queues by using the qpid-config without options:
    $ qpid-config
    Total Exchanges: 6
    	  topic: 2
    	headers: 1
    	 fanout: 1
    	 direct: 2
       Total Queues: 7
    	durable: 0
        non-durable: 7
  3. List information on all existing queues by using the queues command:
    $ qpid-config queues
    Queue Name                                Attributes
    my-queue                                  --durable 
    qmfc-v2-hb-localhost.localdomain.20293.1  auto-del excl --limit-policy=ring 
    qmfc-v2-localhost.localdomain.20293.1     auto-del excl 
    qmfc-v2-ui-localhost.localdomain.20293.1  auto-del excl --limit-policy=ring 
    reply-localhost.localdomain.20293.1       auto-del excl 
    topic-localhost.localdomain.20293.1       auto-del excl --limit-policy=ring
  4. Add new queues with the add queue command and the name of the queue to create:
    $ qpid-config add queue queue_name
  5. To delete a queue, use the del queue command with the name of the queue to remove:
    $ qpid-config del queue queue_name
  6. List information on all existing exchanges with the exchanges command. Add the -r option ("recursive") to also see binding information:
    $ qpid-config -r exchanges
    Exchange '' (direct)
    	bind pub_start => pub_start
    	bind pub_done => pub_done
    	bind sub_ready => sub_ready
    	bind sub_done => sub_done
    	bind perftest0 => perftest0
    	bind mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 => mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
    	bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 => repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
    Exchange '' (direct)
    	bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 => repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
    	bind repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837 => repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
    	bind repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae => repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
    Exchange 'amq.topic' (topic)
    Exchange 'amq.fanout' (fanout)
    Exchange 'amq.match' (headers)
    Exchange '' (topic)
    	bind mgmt.# => mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
  7. Add new exchanges with the add exchange command. Specify the type (direct, topic or fanout) along with the name of the exchange to create. You can also add the --durable option to make the exchange durable:
    $ qpid-config add exchange direct exchange_name --durable
  8. To delete an exchange, use the del exchange command with the name of the exchange to remove:
    $ qpid-config del exchange exchange_name

12.1.3. Using qpid-tool

  1. The qpid-tool creates a connection to a broker, and commands are run within the tool, rather than at the shell prompt itself. To create the connection, run the qpid-tool at the shell prompt with the name or IP address of the machine running the broker you wish to view. You can also append a TCP port number with a : character:
    $ qpid-tool localhost
    Management Tool for QPID
  2. If the connection is successful, qpid-tool will display a qpid: prompt. Type help at this prompt to see the full list of commands:
    qpid: help
    Management Tool for QPID
    list                    - Print summary of existing objects by class 
    list <className>        - Print list of objects of the specified class
    list <className> all    - Print contents of all objects of specified class
    ...[output truncated}...
  3. qpid-tool uses the word objects to refer to queues, exchanges, brokers and other such devices. To view a list of all existing objects, type list at the prompt:
    # qpid-tool
    Management Tool for QPID
    qpid: list
    Summary of Objects by Type:
        Package                 Class         Active  Deleted
        =======================================================  exchange      8       0  broker        1       0  binding       16      12  session       2       1  connection    2       1  vhost         1       0  queue         6       5  system        1       0  subscription  6       5
  4. You can choose which objects to list by also specifying a class:
    qpid: list system
    Object Summary:
        ID   Created   Destroyed  Index
        167  07:34:13  -          UUID('b3e2610e-5420-49ca-8306-dca812db647f')
  5. To view details of an object class, use the schema command and specify the class:
    qpid: schema queue
    Schema for class 'qpid.queue':
    Element                Type          Unit         Access      Notes   Description
    vhostRef               reference                  ReadCreate  index
    name                   short-string               ReadCreate  index
    durable                boolean                    ReadCreate
    autoDelete             boolean                    ReadCreate
    exclusive              boolean                    ReadCreate
    arguments              field-table                ReadOnly            Arguments supplied in queue.declare
    storeRef               reference                  ReadOnly            Reference to persistent queue (if durable)
    msgTotalEnqueues       uint64        message                          Total messages enqueued
    msgTotalDequeues       uint64        message                          Total messages dequeued
    msgTxnEnqueues         uint64        message                          Transactional messages enqueued
    msgTxnDequeues         uint64        message                          Transactional messages dequeued
    msgPersistEnqueues     uint64        message                          Persistent messages enqueued
    msgPersistDequeues     uint64        message                          Persistent messages dequeued
    msgDepth               uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages
    msgDepthHigh           uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages (High)
    msgDepthLow            uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages (Low)
    byteTotalEnqueues      uint64        octet                            Total messages enqueued
    byteTotalDequeues      uint64        octet                            Total messages dequeued
    byteTxnEnqueues        uint64        octet                            Transactional messages enqueued
    byteTxnDequeues        uint64        octet                            Transactional messages dequeued
    bytePersistEnqueues    uint64        octet                            Persistent messages enqueued
    bytePersistDequeues    uint64        octet                            Persistent messages dequeued
    byteDepth              uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes
    byteDepthHigh          uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes (High)
    byteDepthLow           uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes (Low)
    enqueueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions started
    enqueueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions committed
    enqueueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions rejected
    enqueueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions
    enqueueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions (High)
    enqueueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions (Low)
    dequeueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions started
    dequeueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions committed
    dequeueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions rejected
    dequeueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions
    dequeueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions (High)
    dequeueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions (Low)
    consumers              uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue
    consumersHigh          uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue (High)
    consumersLow           uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue (Low)
    bindings               uint32        binding                          Current bindings
    bindingsHigh           uint32        binding                          Current bindings (High)
    bindingsLow            uint32        binding                          Current bindings (Low)
    unackedMessages        uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked
    unackedMessagesHigh    uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked (High)
    unackedMessagesLow     uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked (Low)
    messageLatencySamples  delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Samples)
    messageLatencyMin      delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Min)
    messageLatencyMax      delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Max)
    messageLatencyAverage  delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Average)
  6. To exit the tool and return to the shell, type quit at the prompt:
    qpid: quit

12.1.4. Using qpid-queue-stats

Run the command qpid-queue-stats to launch the tool.
The tool will begin to report stats for the broker on the current machine, with the following format:
Queue Name                                     Sec       Depth     Enq Rate     Deq Rate
message_queue                                 10.00      11224         0.00        54.01
qmfc-v2-ui-radhe.26001.1                      10.00          0         0.10         0.10
topic-radhe.26001.1                           10.00          0         0.20         0.20
message_queue                                 10.01       9430         0.00       179.29
qmfc-v2-ui-radhe.26001.1                      10.01          0         0.10         0.10
topic-radhe.26001.1                           10.01          0         0.20         0.20
The queues on the broker are listed on the left. The Sec column is the sample rate. The tool is hard-coded to poll the broker in 10 second intervals. The Depth column reports the number of messages in the queue. Enq Rate is the number of messages added to the queue (enqueued) since the last sample. Deq Rate is the number of messages removed from the queue (dequeued) since the last sample.
To view the queues on another server, use the -a switch, and provide a remote server address, and optionally the remote port and authentication credentials.
For example, to examine the queues on a remote server with the address, issue the command:
qpid-queue-stats -a
To examine the queues on the server
qpid-queue-stats -a
To examine the queues on the server, where the broker is running on port 8888:
qpid-queue-stats -a
To examine the queues on the server, which requires authentication:
qpid-queue-stats -a username/password@
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