7.4. Tracking Object Lifecycles

The [Model] log category tracks the creation, destruction, and major state changes to Connection, Session, and Subscription objects, and to Exchange, Queue, and Binding objects.
From this set of log messages you can determine which user from which client system address created a connection, what sessions were created on that connection, and what subscriptions were created on those sessions.
Similarly, the exchange-binding-queue objects have enough in their log messages to correlate the interactions between them. The log message for the destruction of an object contains a record of all the management statistics kept for that object. Working through the log records you can attribute broker usage back to specific users.
At debug log level are log entries that mirror the corresponding management events. Debug level statements include user names, remote host information, and other references using the user-specified names for the referenced objects.
At trace log level are log entries that track the construction and destruction of managed resources. Trace level statements identify the objects using the internal management keys. The trace statement for each deleted object includes the management statistics for that object.

Enabling the Model log

  • Use the switch: --log-enable trace+:Model to receive both flavors of log.
  • Use the switch: --log-enable debug+:Model for a less verbose log.

Managed Objects in the logs

All managed objects are included in the trace log. The debug log has information for: Connection, Queue, Exchange, Binding, Subscription.
The following are actual log file data sorted and paired with the corresponding management Event captured with qpid-printevents.

1. Connection

Create connection
event: Fri Jul 13 17:46:23 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:clientConnect rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383 user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 13:46:23 [Model] debug Create connection. user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383
trace: 2012-07-13 13:46:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create connection. id:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383
Delete connection
event: Fri Jul 13 17:46:23 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:clientDisconnect rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383 user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 13:46:23 [Model] debug Delete connection. user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383
trace: 2012-07-13 13:46:29 [Model] trace Mgmt delete connection. id:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34383 
Statistics: {bytesFromClient:1451, bytesToClient:892, closing:False, framesFromClient:25, framesToClient:21, msgsFromClient:1, msgsToClient:1}

2. Session

Create session
event: TBD
debug: TBD
trace: 2012-07-13 13:46:09 [Model] trace Mgmt create session. id:18f52c22-efc5-4c2f-bd09-902d2a02b948:0
Delete session
event: TBD
debug: TBD
trace: 2012-07-13 13:47:13 [Model] trace Mgmt delete session. id:18f52c22-efc5-4c2f-bd09-902d2a02b948:0 
Statistics: {TxnCommits:0, TxnCount:0, TxnRejects:0, TxnStarts:0, clientCredit:0, unackedMessages:0}

3. Exchange

Create exchange
event: Fri Jul 13 17:46:34 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:exchangeDeclare disp=created exName=myE exType=topic durable=False args={} autoDel=False rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:34384 altEx= user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 13:46:34 [Model] debug Create exchange. name:myE user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34384 type:topic alternateExchange: durable:F
trace: 2012-07-13 13:46:34 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:myE
Delete exchange
event: Fri Jul 13 18:19:33 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:exchangeDelete exName=myE rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:37199 user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 14:19:33 [Model] debug Delete exchange. name:myE user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:37199
trace: 2012-07-13 14:19:42 [Model] trace Mgmt delete exchange. id:myE 
Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}

4. Queue

Create queue
event: Fri Jul 13 18:19:35 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:queueDeclare disp=created durable=False args={} qName=myQ autoDel=False rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:37200 altEx= excl=False user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 14:19:35 [Model] debug Create queue. name:myQ user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:37200 durable:F owner:0 autodelete:F alternateExchange:
trace: 2012-07-13 14:19:35 [Model] trace Mgmt create queue. id:myQ
Delete queue
event: Fri Jul 13 18:19:37 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:queueDelete user=anonymous qName=myQ rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:37201
debug: 2012-07-13 14:19:37 [Model] debug Delete queue. name:myQ user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:37201
trace: 2012-07-13 14:19:42 [Model] trace Mgmt delete queue. id:myQ 
Statistics: {acquires:0, bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDepth:0, byteFtdDepth:0, byteFtdDequeues:0, byteFtdEnqueues:0, bytePersistDequeues:0, bytePersistEnqueues:0, byteTotalDequeues:0, byteTotalEnqueues:0, byteTxnDequeues:0, byteTxnEnqueues:0, consumerCount:0, consumerCountHigh:0, consumerCountLow:0, discardsLvq:0, discardsOverflow:0, discardsPurge:0, discardsRing:0, discardsSubscriber:0, discardsTtl:0, flowStopped:False, flowStoppedCount:0, messageLatencyAvg:0, messageLatencyCount:0, messageLatencyMax:0, messageLatencyMin:0, msgDepth:0, msgFtdDepth:0, msgFtdDequeues:0, msgFtdEnqueues:0, msgPersistDequeues:0, msgPersistEnqueues:0, msgTotalDequeues:0, msgTotalEnqueues:0, msgTxnDequeues:0, msgTxnEnqueues:0, releases:0, reroutes:0, unackedMessages:0, unackedMessagesHigh:0, unackedMessagesLow:0}

5. Binding

Create binding
event: Fri Jul 13 17:46:45 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:bind exName=myE args={} qName=myQ user=anonymous key=myKey rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:34385
debug: 2012-07-13 13:46:45 [Model] debug Create binding. exchange:myE queue:myQ key:myKey user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34385
trace: 2012-07-13 13:46:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create binding. id:org.apache.qpid.broker:exchange:,org.apache.qpid.broker:queue:myQ,myQ
Delete binding
event: Fri Jul 13 17:47:06 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:unbind user=anonymous exName=myE qName=myQ key=myKey rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:34386
debug: 2012-07-13 13:47:06 [Model] debug Delete binding. exchange:myE queue:myQ key:myKey user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:34386
trace: 2012-07-13 13:47:09 [Model] trace Mgmt delete binding. id:org.apache.qpid.broker:exchange:myE,org.apache.qpid.broker:queue:myQ,myKey 
Statistics: {msgMatched:0}

6. Subscription

Create subscription
event: Fri Jul 13 18:19:28 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:subscribe dest=0 args={} qName=b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0.0 user=anonymous excl=False rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:37198
debug: 2012-07-13 14:19:28 [Model] debug Create subscription. queue:b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0.0 destination:0 user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:37198 exclusive:F
trace: 2012-07-13 14:19:28 [Model] trace Mgmt create subscription. id:org.apache.qpid.broker:session:b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0,org.apache.qpid.broker:queue:b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0.0,0
Delete subscription
event: Fri Jul 13 18:19:28 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:unsubscribe dest=0 rhost=[::1]:5672-[::1]:37198 user=anonymous
debug: 2012-07-13 14:19:28 [Model] debug Delete subscription. destination:0 user:anonymous rhost:[::1]:5672-[::1]:37198
trace: 2012-07-13 14:19:32 [Model] trace Mgmt delete subscription. id:org.apache.qpid.broker:session:b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0,org.apache.qpid.broker:queue:b78b1818-7a20-4341-a253-76216b40ab4a:0.0,0 
Statistics: {delivered:1}
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