1.4. Differences between AMQP 0-10 and AMQP 1.0
AMQP 1.0 is the latest standard for AMQP. The most significant differences between AMQP 0-10 and AMQP 1.0 are described here to provide the context of the AMQP model used in this product.
Broker Architecture
AMQP 0-10 provides a specification for the on-the-wire protocol and the broker architecture (in the form of exchange, bindings, and queues). AMQP 1.0, on the other hand, provides only a protocol specification, saying nothing about broker architecture. AMQP 1.0 does not require that there be a broker, exchanges, or bindings. It does not rule them out either.
Concepts such as "exchange" and "binding" are 0-10 concepts.
Broker Management
AMQP 0-10 defines protocol commands that are used to manage the broker. Examples include "Queue Declare", "Queue Delete", "Queue Query", etc. AMQP 1.0 does not include such commands and assumes that such capability will be added at a higher layer.
The MRG-M broker has a layered management capability (called Qpid Management Framework, QMF).
The AMQP 0-10 protocol is asymmetric in that each connection is defined to have a "client" end and a "broker" end. As such, AMQP 0-10 is very broker-oriented.
AMQP 1.0 is symmetric and places no such constraints on the roles of connection endpoints. 1.0 permits brokerless point-to-point communication. It also permits the creation of servers/intermediaries that are not brokers in a strict sense.