9.12. QMF Client Connection Events
Whenever a client connects to or disconnects from the broker, a QMF Event message is generated and sent to a QMF topic.
The QMF topics for these events are:
QMF queue | Purpose |
Client connections
Failed connection attempts
Client disconnections
Additional properties in the QMF Client Connection and Disconnection event messages match connections and disconnections to specific clients to enable auditing and troubleshooting:
Here is an example of a QMF client connection event message, demonstrating the client connection information:
Fetched Message( properties={ u'qmf.agent': u'apache.org:qpidd:a2ff61bc-19b2-4078-8a7e-9c007151c79c', 'x-amqp-0-10.routing-key': u'agent.ind.event.org_apache_qpid_broker.clientConnect.info.apache_org.qpidd.a2ff61bc-19b2-4078-8a7e-9c007151c79c', 'x-amqp-0-10.app-id': 'qmf2', u'qmf.content': u'_event', u'qmf.opcode': u'_data_indication', u'method': u'indication'}, content=[{ u'_schema_id': { u'_package_name': 'org.apache.qpid.broker', u'_class_name': 'clientConnect', u'_type': '_event', u'_hash': UUID('476930ed-01dd-9629-7f84-f42b4b0bc410')}, u'_timestamp': 1347032560197086881, u'_values': { u'user': 'anonymous', u'properties': { u'qpid.session_flow': 1, u'qpid.client_ppid': 26139, u'qpid.client_pid': 26876, u'qpid.client_process': u'spout'}, u'rhost': ''}, u'_severity': 6}]) Fri Sep 7 15:42:40 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:clientConnect user=anonymous properties={ u'qpid.session_flow': 1, u'qpid.client_ppid': 26139, u'qpid.client_pid': 26876, u'qpid.client_process': u'spout'} rhost=