

@DataBinding, Specifying the Data Binding
@EndpointProperties, @EndpointProperties annotation
@EndpointProperty, @EndpointProperty annotation
@FastInfoset, @FastInfoset
@GZIP, @GZIP annotation
@HandlerChain, The @HandlerChain annotation
@Logging, Enable Logging on an Endpoint
@Oneway, The @Oneway annotation
@Policies, @Policies annotation
@Policy, @Policy annotation
@PostConstruct, Order of initialization
@PreDestroy, Releasing a Handler
@RequestWrapper, The @RequestWrapper annotation
className property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
localName property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
@Resource, Coding the provider implementation, Obtaining a context, Order of initialization
@ResponseWrapper, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
className property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
localName property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
@SchemaValidation, Schema Validation of Messages
@ServiceMode, Message mode, Payload mode
@SOAPBinding, The @SOAPBinding annotation
parameterStyle property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
style property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
use property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
@WebFault, The @WebFault annotation
faultName property, The @WebFault annotation
name property, The @WebFault annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebFault annotation
@WebMethod, The @WebMethod annotation, Obtaining a context
action property, The @WebMethod annotation
exclude property, The @WebMethod annotation
operationName property, The @WebMethod annotation
@WebParam, The @WebParam annotation
header property, The @WebParam annotation
mode property, The @WebParam annotation
name property, The @WebParam annotation
partName property, The @WebParam annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebParam annotation
@WebResult, The @WebResult annotation
header property, The @WebResult annotation
name property, The @WebResult annotation
partName property, The @WebResult annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebResult annotation
@WebService, The @WebService annotation
endpointInterface property, The @WebService annotation
name property, The @WebService annotation
portName property, The @WebService annotation
serviceName property, The @WebService annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebService annotation
wsdlLocation property, The @WebService annotation
@WebServiceProvider, The @WebServiceProvider annotation
@WSDLDocumentation, @WSDLDocumentation annotation
@WSDLDocumentationCollection, @WSDLDocumentationCollection annotation
@XmlAnyElement, Mapping to Java
@XmlAttribute, Mapping attributes to Java
@XmlElement, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
required property, minOccurs set to 0
type property, What is generated, Specializing or generalizing the default mapping
defaultValue, Java mapping of elements with a default value
substitutionHeadName, Generated object factory methods
substitutionHeadNamespace, Generated object factory methods
@XmlElements, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
@XmlEnum, Mapping to Java
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter, What is generated
@XmlRootElement, Java mapping of elements with an in-line type
@XmlSchemaType, What is generated
@XmlSeeAlso, Using the @XmlSeeAlso annotation, Mapping to Java, Substitution groups in interfaces
@XmlType, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java


@DataBinding (see @DataBinding)
@EndpointProperties (see @EndpointProperties)
@EndpointProperty (see @EndpointProperty)
@FastInfoset (see @FastInfoset)
@GZIP (see @GZIP)
@HandlerChain (see @HandlerChain)
@Logging (see @Logging)
@Oneway (see @Oneway)
@Policies (see @Policies)
@Policy (see @Policy)
@PostConstruct (see @PostConstruct)
@PreDestroy (see @PreDestroy)
@RequestWrapper (see @RequestWrapper)
@Resource (see @Resource)
@ResponseWrapper (see @ResponseWrapper)
@SchemaValidation (see @SchemaValidation)
@ServiceMode (see @ServiceMode)
@SOAPBinding (see @SOAPBinding)
@WebFault (see @WebFault)
@WebMethod (see @WebMethod)
@WebParam (see @WebParam)
@WebResult (see @WebResult)
@WebService (see @WebService)
@WebServiceProvider (see @WebServiceProvider)
@WSDLDocumentation (see @WSDLDocumentation)
@WSDLDocumentationCollection (see @WSDLDocumentationCollection)
@XmlAttribute (see @XmlAttribute)
@XmlElement (see @XmlElement)
@XmlElementDecl (see @XmlElementDecl)
@XmlEnum (see @XmlEnum)
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter (see @XmlJavaTypeAdapter)
@XmlRootElement (see @XmlRootElement)
@XmlSchemaType (see @XmlSchemaType)
@XmlType (see @XmlType)
any element, Specifying in XML Schema
anyAttribute, Defining in XML Schema
anyType, Using in XML Schema
mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
asynchronous applications
callback approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
callback approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Callback Approach, Asynchronous invocation
polling approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach, Asynchronous invocation
polling approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
implementation patterns, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach
using a Dispatch object, Asynchronous invocation
asynchronous methods, Generated interface
callback approach, Generated interface
pooling approach, Generated interface
optional, Wrapper classes


baseType, Supporting lossless type substitution, Customization usage
name attribute, Specializing or generalizing the default mapping
getRequestContext() method, Obtaining a context
getResponseContext() method, Obtaining a context
BundleActivator, The bundle activator interface


DataSource, Using DataSource objects, Using DataSource objects
DatatypeConverter, Implementing converters
Dispatch object
creating, Creating a Dispatch object
invoke() method, Synchronous invocation
invokeAsync() method, Asynchronous invocation
invokeOneWay() method, Oneway invocation
message mode, Message mode
message payload mode, Payload mode
payload mode, Payload mode
DOMSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects


enforcing, Enforcing facets


generated code
asynchronous operations, Generated interface
consumer, Generated code
packages, Generated packages, Generated code
server mainline, Generating a Server Mainline
service implementation, Generated code
service provider, Generated code
stub code, Generated code
WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
getRequestContext(), Obtaining a context
getResponseContext(), Obtaining a context
fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Global customization
mapSimpleTypeDef, Supporting lossless type substitution
mapSimpleTypeDef attribute, Adding the customization
typesafeEnumMemberName attribute, Member name customizer


java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException, Catching the exception
java2ws, Generating WSDL
javaType, Syntax, Usage with javaType
parseMethod attribute, Specifying the converters
printMethod attribute, Specifying the converters, Implementing the callback (see Service object), Runtime Faults
jaxb:bindings, Using an external binding declaration
jaxb:property, Customization usage
JAXBContext, Using A JAXBContext Object
newInstance(Class...), Getting a JAXBContext object using an object factory
newInstance(String), Getting a JAXBContext object using package names
wsdlLocation, Configuring the proxy
jaxws:handlers, The handlers element
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean, Consuming a service
JaxWsServerFactoryBean, Publishing a service
getting JMS message headers in a service, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
getting optional header properties, Optional Header Properties
inspecting message header properties, Inspecting JMS Message Headers
setting message header properties, JMS Header Properties
setting optional message header properties, Optional JMS Header Properties
setting the client's timeout, Client Receive Timeout


list type
XML Schema definition, Defining list types in XML Schema
logical handler, Handler types
handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a Logical Handler
close(), Closing a Handler
LogicalMessage, Getting the message data
LogicalMessageContext, Overview of contexts in handlers
getMessage(), Getting the message data


package name mapping, Package naming
nillable, Wrapper classes


object factory
creating complex type instances, Complex type factory methods
creating element instances, Element factory methods
complex type factory, Complex type factory methods
element factory, Element factory methods


package name mapping, Generated packages
parameter mapping, Service endpoint interface
port-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
primitive types, Mappings
fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Local mapping
protocol handler, Handler types
protocol-binding, Handler configuration file
invoke() method, Implementing the invoke() method
message mode, Message mode
payload mode, Payload mode


SAXSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
schema validation, Enforcing facets
SEI, Creating the SEI, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
annotating, Annotating the Code
creating, Writing the interface
creation patterns, Overview
generated from WSDL contract, Generated code
relationship to wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Service endpoint interface
required annotations, Annotating the SEI
implementing the operations, Implement the operation's logic
service enablement, Overview
service endpoint interface (see SEI)
service implementation, Generated code, Implementing a Provider Object
operations, Implementing the interface
required annotations, Annotating the service implementation
Service object, Creating a Service Object
adding an endpoint, Adding a Port to a Service
determining the port name, The addPort() method
addPort() method, Adding a Port to a Service
bindingId parameter, The addPort() method
endpointAddress parameter, The addPort() method
portName parameter, The addPort() method
create() method, The create() methods
serviceName parameter, The create() methods
createDispatch() method, Creating a Dispatch object
creating, The create() methods, Generated service class
determining the service name, The create() methods
generated from a WSDL contract, Generated code
generated methods, Generated service class
getPort() method, The getPort() method
portName parameter, The getPort() method
getting a service proxy, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint
relationship to wsdl:service element, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
service provider
implementation, Implementing a Provider Object
publishing, Publishing a service provider
service provider implementation
generating, Generating the implementation code
service providers contexts, Working with Contexts in a Service Implementation
service proxy
getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Consumer main function
service-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
Service.Mode.MESSAGE, Message mode, Message mode
Service.Mode.PAYLOAD, Payload mode, Payload mode
ServiceContractResolver, Implementing the contract resolver
simple type
define by restriction, Defining a simple type in XML Schema
simple types
enumerations, Defining an enumerated type in XML Schema
mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
primitive, Mappings
wrapper classes, Wrapper classes
SOAP headers
mustUnderstand, Implementing the getHeaders() method
address, JMS URIs
consuming, Consuming a service
publishing, Publishing a service
getHeaders(), Implementing the getHeaders() method
handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a SOAP Handler
close(), Closing a Handler
SOAPMessage, Using SOAPMessage objects, Using SOAPMessage objects, Working with the message body
get(), Working with context properties
getMessage(), Working with the message body
Source, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
StreamSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
substitution group
in complex types, Substitution groups in complex types
in interfaces, Substitution groups in interfaces
object factory, Generated object factory methods


type customization
external declaration, Using an external binding declaration
in-line, Using in-line customization
JAXB version, Version declaration
namespace, Namespace
type packages
contents, Package contents
name generation, Package naming
typesafeEnumClass, Class customizer
typesafeEnumMember, Member customizer


union types
mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
XML Schema definition, Defining in XML Schema


getMessageContext() method, Obtaining a context
getting the JMS message headers, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
WebServiceException, Runtime Faults
WSDL contract
generation, Generating WSDL
wsdl:documentation, WSDL Documentation
wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
wsdl:service, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
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