- @DataBinding, Specifying the Data Binding
- @EndpointProperties, @EndpointProperties annotation
- @EndpointProperty, @EndpointProperty annotation
- @FastInfoset, @FastInfoset
- @GZIP, @GZIP annotation
- @HandlerChain, The @HandlerChain annotation
- @Logging, Enable Logging on an Endpoint
- @Oneway, The @Oneway annotation
- @Policies, @Policies annotation
- @Policy, @Policy annotation
- @PostConstruct, Order of initialization
- @PreDestroy, Releasing a Handler
- @RequestWrapper, The @RequestWrapper annotation
- className property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
- localName property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
- @Resource, Coding the provider implementation, Obtaining a context, Order of initialization
- @ResponseWrapper, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
- className property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
- localName property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
- @SchemaValidation, Schema Validation of Messages
- @ServiceMode, Message mode, Payload mode
- @SOAPBinding, The @SOAPBinding annotation
- parameterStyle property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
- style property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
- use property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
- @WebFault, The @WebFault annotation
- faultName property, The @WebFault annotation
- name property, The @WebFault annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @WebFault annotation
- @WebMethod, The @WebMethod annotation, Obtaining a context
- action property, The @WebMethod annotation
- exclude property, The @WebMethod annotation
- operationName property, The @WebMethod annotation
- @WebParam, The @WebParam annotation
- header property, The @WebParam annotation
- mode property, The @WebParam annotation
- name property, The @WebParam annotation
- partName property, The @WebParam annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @WebParam annotation
- @WebResult, The @WebResult annotation
- header property, The @WebResult annotation
- name property, The @WebResult annotation
- partName property, The @WebResult annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @WebResult annotation
- @WebService, The @WebService annotation
- endpointInterface property, The @WebService annotation
- name property, The @WebService annotation
- portName property, The @WebService annotation
- serviceName property, The @WebService annotation
- targetNamespace property, The @WebService annotation
- wsdlLocation property, The @WebService annotation
- @WebServiceProvider, The @WebServiceProvider annotation
- @WSDLDocumentation, @WSDLDocumentation annotation
- @WSDLDocumentationCollection, @WSDLDocumentationCollection annotation
- @XmlAnyElement, Mapping to Java
- @XmlAttribute, Mapping attributes to Java
- @XmlElement, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- required property, minOccurs set to 0
- type property, What is generated, Specializing or generalizing the default mapping
- @XmlElementDecl
- defaultValue, Java mapping of elements with a default value
- substitutionHeadName, Generated object factory methods
- substitutionHeadNamespace, Generated object factory methods
- @XmlElements, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- @XmlEnum, Mapping to Java
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapter, What is generated
- @XmlRootElement, Java mapping of elements with an in-line type
- @XmlSchemaType, What is generated
- @XmlSeeAlso, Using the @XmlSeeAlso annotation, Mapping to Java, Substitution groups in interfaces
- @XmlType, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- annotations
- @DataBinding (see @DataBinding)
- @EndpointProperties (see @EndpointProperties)
- @EndpointProperty (see @EndpointProperty)
- @FastInfoset (see @FastInfoset)
- @GZIP (see @GZIP)
- @HandlerChain (see @HandlerChain)
- @Logging (see @Logging)
- @Oneway (see @Oneway)
- @Policies (see @Policies)
- @Policy (see @Policy)
- @PostConstruct (see @PostConstruct)
- @PreDestroy (see @PreDestroy)
- @RequestWrapper (see @RequestWrapper)
- @Resource (see @Resource)
- @ResponseWrapper (see @ResponseWrapper)
- @SchemaValidation (see @SchemaValidation)
- @ServiceMode (see @ServiceMode)
- @SOAPBinding (see @SOAPBinding)
- @WebFault (see @WebFault)
- @WebMethod (see @WebMethod)
- @WebParam (see @WebParam)
- @WebResult (see @WebResult)
- @WebService (see @WebService)
- @WebServiceProvider (see @WebServiceProvider)
- @WSDLDocumentation (see @WSDLDocumentation)
- @WSDLDocumentationCollection (see @WSDLDocumentationCollection)
- @XmlAttribute (see @XmlAttribute)
- @XmlElement (see @XmlElement)
- @XmlElementDecl (see @XmlElementDecl)
- @XmlEnum (see @XmlEnum)
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapter (see @XmlJavaTypeAdapter)
- @XmlRootElement (see @XmlRootElement)
- @XmlSchemaType (see @XmlSchemaType)
- @XmlType (see @XmlType)
- any element, Specifying in XML Schema
- anyAttribute, Defining in XML Schema
- anyType, Using in XML Schema
- mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- asynchronous applications
- callback approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
- implementation
- polling approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
- implementation patterns, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach
- using a Dispatch object, Asynchronous invocation
- asynchronous methods, Generated interface
- callback approach, Generated interface
- pooling approach, Generated interface
- attributes
- optional, Wrapper classes
- baseType, Supporting lossless type substitution, Customization usage
- name attribute, Specializing or generalizing the default mapping
- BindingProvider
- getRequestContext() method, Obtaining a context
- getResponseContext() method, Obtaining a context
- BundleActivator, The bundle activator interface
- close(), Implementation of handlers
- code generation
- consumer, Generating the consumer code
- customization, Generating the Stub Code
- service provider, Running the code generator
- service provider implementation, Generating the implementation code
- WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
- code generator, Generating a Server Mainline
- constants, Customizing Fixed Value Attribute Mapping
- consumer
- implementing business logic, Implementing the Consumer's Business Logic, Consumer main function
- consumer contexts, Working with Contexts in a Consumer Implementation
- context
- request
- consumer, Overview
- WebServiceContext (see WebServiceContext)
- contract resolver
- implementing, Implementing the contract resolver
- registering, Registering the contract resolver programmatically
- createDispatch(), Creating a Dispatch object
- cxf-codegen-plugin, Running the code generator, Generating the implementation code, Generating the Stub Code, Generating a Server Mainline
- DataSource, Using DataSource objects, Using DataSource objects
- DatatypeConverter, Implementing converters
- Dispatch object
- creating, Creating a Dispatch object
- invoke() method, Synchronous invocation
- invokeAsync() method, Asynchronous invocation
- invokeOneWay() method, Oneway invocation
- message mode, Message mode
- message payload mode, Payload mode
- payload mode, Payload mode
- DOMSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
- element, XML Schema mapping
- elements
- custom mapping, Customizing Fixed Value Attribute Mapping
- mapping to Java
- in-line type definition, Java mapping of elements with an in-line type
- named type definition, Java mapping of elements with a named type
- XML Schema definition, XML Schema mapping
- endpoint
- adding to a Service object, Adding a Port to a Service
- determining the address, The addPort() method
- determining the binding type, The addPort() method
- determining the port name, The addPort() method
- getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Instantiating an service provider
- Endpoint
- enumerations
- custom mapping, Customizing Enumeration Mapping
- defining in schema, Defining an enumerated type in XML Schema
- ExecutionException, Catching the exception
- facets
- enforcing, Enforcing facets
- generated code
- asynchronous operations, Generated interface
- consumer, Generated code
- packages, Generated packages, Generated code
- server mainline, Generating a Server Mainline
- service implementation, Generated code
- service provider, Generated code
- stub code, Generated code
- WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
- getRequestContext(), Obtaining a context
- getResponseContext(), Obtaining a context
- globalBindings
- fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Global customization
- mapSimpleTypeDef, Supporting lossless type substitution
- mapSimpleTypeDef attribute, Adding the customization
- typesafeEnumMemberName attribute, Member name customizer
- handleFault(), Implementation of handlers
- handleMessage(), Implementation of handlers
- handler, Handler configuration file
- handler-chain, Handler configuration file
- handler-chains, Handler configuration file
- handler-class, Handler configuration file
- handler-name, Handler configuration file
- handleResponse(), Implementing the callback
- handlers
- constructor, Order of initialization
- initializing, Order of initialization
- logical, Handler types
- protocol, Handler types
- implementation
- asynchronous callback object, Implementing the callback
- asynchronous client
- callback approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Callback Approach
- callbacks, Implementing the consumer
- polling approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach
- consumer, Implementing the Consumer's Business Logic, Consumer main function, Using XML in a Consumer
- SEI, Implementing the interface
- server mainline, Writing a Server Mainline
- service, Implementing a Provider Object
- service operations, Implementing the interface, Implement the operation's logic
- java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException, Catching the exception
- java2ws, Generating WSDL
- javaType, Syntax, Usage with javaType
- parseMethod attribute, Specifying the converters
- printMethod attribute, Specifying the converters
-, Implementing the callback
- (see Service object)
-, Runtime Faults
- jaxb:bindings, Using an external binding declaration
- jaxb:property, Customization usage
- JAXBContext, Using A JAXBContext Object
- newInstance(Class...), Getting a JAXBContext object using an object factory
- newInstance(String), Getting a JAXBContext object using package names
- jaxws:client
- wsdlLocation, Configuring the proxy
- jaxws:handlers, The handlers element
- JaxWsProxyFactoryBean, Consuming a service
- JaxWsServerFactoryBean, Publishing a service
- getting JMS message headers in a service, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
- getting optional header properties, Optional Header Properties
- inspecting message header properties, Inspecting JMS Message Headers
- setting message header properties, JMS Header Properties
- setting optional message header properties, Optional JMS Header Properties
- setting the client's timeout, Client Receive Timeout
- list type
- XML Schema definition, Defining list types in XML Schema
- logical handler, Handler types
- LogicalHander
- handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
- handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a Logical Handler
- LogicalHandler
- close(), Closing a Handler
- LogicalMessage, Getting the message data
- LogicalMessageContext, Overview of contexts in handlers
- getMessage(), Getting the message data
- message context
- getting a property, Reading a property from a context
- properties, How properties are stored in a context, Property scopes
- property scopes
- APPLICATION, Property scopes
- HANDLER, Property scopes
- reading values, Reading a property from a context
- request
- consumer, Setting JMS Properties
- response
- setting a property, Setting properties in a context
- setting properties, Setting properties in a context
- MessageContext, Obtaining a context
- get() method, Reading a property from a context
- put() method, Setting properties in a context
- setScope() method, Property scopes
- MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, Determining the direction of the message, Determining the direction of the message
- namespace
- package name mapping, Package naming
- nillable, Wrapper classes
- object factory
- creating complex type instances, Complex type factory methods
- creating element instances, Element factory methods
- ObjectFactory
- complex type factory, Complex type factory methods
- element factory, Element factory methods
- package name mapping, Generated packages
- parameter mapping, Service endpoint interface
- port-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
- primitive types, Mappings
- property
- fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Local mapping
- protocol handler, Handler types
- protocol-binding, Handler configuration file
- Provider
- invoke() method, Implementing the invoke() method
- message mode, Message mode
- payload mode, Payload mode
- request context, Working with Contexts in a Consumer Implementation, Setting JMS Properties
- accessing, Obtaining a context
- consumer, Overview
- setting properties, Setting properties in a context
- response context, Working with Contexts in a Consumer Implementation
- accessing, Obtaining a context
- consumer, Overview, Getting JMS Message Header Properties in a Consumer
- getting JMS message headers, Getting JMS Message Header Properties in a Consumer
- reading values, Reading a property from a context
- Response<T>.get()
- exceptions, Catching the exception
- SAXSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
- schema validation, Enforcing facets
- SEI, Creating the SEI, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
- annotating, Annotating the Code
- creating, Writing the interface
- creation patterns, Overview
- generated from WSDL contract, Generated code
- relationship to wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Service endpoint interface
- required annotations, Annotating the SEI
- service
- implementing the operations, Implement the operation's logic
- service enablement, Overview
- service endpoint interface (see SEI)
- service implementation, Generated code, Implementing a Provider Object
- operations, Implementing the interface
- required annotations, Annotating the service implementation
- Service object, Creating a Service Object
- adding an endpoint, Adding a Port to a Service
- determining the port name, The addPort() method
- addPort() method, Adding a Port to a Service
- bindingId parameter, The addPort() method
- endpointAddress parameter, The addPort() method
- portName parameter, The addPort() method
- create() method, The create() methods
- serviceName parameter, The create() methods
- createDispatch() method, Creating a Dispatch object
- creating, The create() methods, Generated service class
- determining the service name, The create() methods
- generated from a WSDL contract, Generated code
- generated methods, Generated service class
- getPort() method, The getPort() method
- portName parameter, The getPort() method
- getting a service proxy, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint
- relationship to wsdl:service element, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
- service provider
- implementation, Implementing a Provider Object
- publishing, Publishing a service provider
- service provider implementation
- generating, Generating the implementation code
- service providers contexts, Working with Contexts in a Service Implementation
- service proxy
- service-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
- Service.Mode.MESSAGE, Message mode, Message mode
- Service.Mode.PAYLOAD, Payload mode, Payload mode
- ServiceContractResolver, Implementing the contract resolver
- simple type
- define by restriction, Defining a simple type in XML Schema
- simple types
- enumerations, Defining an enumerated type in XML Schema
- mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- primitive, Mappings
- wrapper classes, Wrapper classes
- SOAP headers
- mustUnderstand, Implementing the getHeaders() method
- SOAP/JMS, Using SOAP over JMS
- address, JMS URIs
- consuming, Consuming a service
- publishing, Publishing a service
- SOAPHander
- getHeaders(), Implementing the getHeaders() method
- handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
- handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a SOAP Handler
- SOAPHandler
- close(), Closing a Handler
- SOAPMessage, Using SOAPMessage objects, Using SOAPMessage objects, Working with the message body
- SOAPMessageContext
- get(), Working with context properties
- getMessage(), Working with the message body
- Source, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
- StreamSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
- substitution group
- in complex types, Substitution groups in complex types
- in interfaces, Substitution groups in interfaces
- object factory, Generated object factory methods
- type customization
- external declaration, Using an external binding declaration
- in-line, Using in-line customization
- JAXB version, Version declaration
- namespace, Namespace
- type packages
- contents, Package contents
- name generation, Package naming
- typesafeEnumClass, Class customizer
- typesafeEnumMember, Member customizer
- union types
- mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
- XML Schema definition, Defining in XML Schema
- WebServiceContext
- getMessageContext() method, Obtaining a context
- getting the JMS message headers, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
- WebServiceException, Runtime Faults
- WSDL contract
- generation, Generating WSDL
- wsdl:documentation, WSDL Documentation
- wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
- wsdl:service, Creating a Service Object, Generated code