8.3. Route debugging
When debugging a route, it is helpful to see how a test message changes as it passes through the route. It is also helpful to trace the message's path through the route.
The tooling's route tracing feature enables you to do both. The Diagram View displays a graphical representation of the route. The Messages View displays the messages processed by the node selected in Fuse JMX Navigator. You can also display the full contents of a message in the Properties view.
Live debugging
Debugging a route in the Fuse Integration perspective enables you to see how the route functions in its actual deployment environment. The route is hooked up to live endpoints that are managed by live brokers. When you drag a test message on to a route's endpoint, you're adding it to that endpoint.
You can ensure that the start endpoint is properly configured to receive messages. As the message passes through each processor in the route, you can check the entire message, including all of the transport headers, to see if it is being processed correctly. You can also check that the target endpoint is properly configured to pass results to the intended target destination.
Diagram View displays your routes as graphs. Each node of the graph represents a step in the route and is identified by an icon representing the EIP pattern the node represents.
With route tracing activated, you can trace, in Diagram View, each node that has processed a message by scrolling through the message list in Messages View.