Chapter 4. Starting and Stopping JBoss Fuse


Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides simple command-line tools for starting and stopping the server.

4.1. Starting JBoss Fuse


The default way for deploying the Red Hat JBoss Fuse runtime is to deploy it as a standalone server with an active console. You can also deploy the runtime as a background process without a console.


The default way for deploying the Red Hat JBoss Fuse runtime is to deploy it as a standalone server with an active console. You can also deploy the runtime to run as a background process without a console.

Setting up your environment

You can start the JBoss Fuse runtime from the installation directory without doing any work. However, if you want to start it in a different folder you will need to add the bin directory of your JBoss Fuse installation to the PATH environment variable, as follows:
set PATH=%PATH%;InstallDir\bin
export PATH=$PATH,InstallDir/bin

Launching the runtime

If you are launching the JBoss Fuse runtime from the installation directory use the following command:
If JBoss Fuse starts up correctly you should see the following on the console:
      _ ____                  ______
     | |  _ \                |  ____|             
     | | |_) | ___  ___ ___  | |__ _   _ ___  ___
 _   | |  _   / _ \/ __/ __| |  __| | | / __|/ _ \
| |__| | |_) | (_) \__ \__ \ | |  | |_| \__ \  __/
 \____/|____/ \___/|___/___/ |_|   \__,_|___/\___|

  JBoss Fuse (6.0.0.redhat-xxx)

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse.


Launching the runtime in server mode

Launching in server mode runs Red Hat JBoss Fuse in the background, without a local console. You would then connect to the running instance using a remote console. See Section 8.2, “ Connecting and Disconnecting Remotely” for details.
To launch JBoss Fuse in server mode, run the following

Launching the runtime in client mode

In production environments you may want to have a runtime instance accessible using only a local console. In other words, you cannot connect to the runtime remotely. You can do this by launching the runtime in client mode using the following command:
bin\fuse.bat client
bin/fuse client
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