Connecting Fuse Online to Applications and Services
Create connections to applications and services
To integrate applications, you create a connection to each application or service that you want to integrate. You then create an integration and add a connection to it for each integration or service that you want to integrate.
Fuse Online supports numerous connectors that serve as templates for creating connections. The following topics provide details for creating connections and adding them to integrations:
- Chapter 2, Connecting to Amazon Web Services
- Chapter 3, Connecting to AMQ
- Chapter 4, Connecting to AMQP
- Chapter 5, Connecting to API clients
- Chapter 6, Connecting to Box
- Chapter 7, Connecting to Dropbox
- Chapter 8, Connecting to Email Servers (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
- Chapter 9, Connecting to FHIR
- Chapter 10, Connecting to an FTP or SFTP server
- Chapter 11, Connecting to Google applications
- Chapter 12, Connecting to HTTP and HTTPS endpoints
- Chapter 13, Connecting to IRC
- Chapter 14, Connecting to Jira
- Chapter 15, Connecting to Kafka
- Chapter 16, Connecting to Apache Kudu
- Chapter 17, Connecting to MongoDB
- Chapter 18, Connecting to MQTT
- Chapter 19, Connecting to OData
- Chapter 20, Connecting to Salesforce
- Chapter 21, Connecting to SAP Concur
- Chapter 22, Connecting to ServiceNow
- Chapter 23, Connecting to Slack
- Chapter 24, Connecting to SQL databases
- Chapter 25, Connecting to Telegram
- Chapter 26, Connecting to Twitter
Making open source more inclusive
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.
Chapter 1. Connectors that are supported by Fuse Online
Fuse Online supports the following connectors.
Name | Description |
Obtain, add, update, or delete data in an Amazon DynamoDB table. | |
Send messages to an Amazon SNS topic. | |
Retrieve messages from or send messages to an Amazon SQS queue. | |
Retrieve data from an Amazon S3 bucket or copy data into a bucket. | |
Obtain messages from a Red Hat AMQ (Apache ActiveMQ) broker or publish messages to a Red Hat AMQ (Apache ActiveMQ) broker. | |
Obtain messages from an Advanced Message Queue Protocol broker or publish messages to an AMQP broker. | |
Download files from Box or upload files to Box. | |
Download files from Dropbox or upload files to Dropbox. | |
Retrieve email from an IMAP or POP3 email server or connect to an SMTP email server to send email. | |
Obtain resources from a FHIR server or update resources on a FHIR server. | |
Download files from an FTP or SFTP server or upload files to an FTP or SFTP server. | |
Obtain messages sent to a particular Gmail account and send messages from a particular Gmail account. | |
Obtain events from a Google Calendar that you specify or add/update events in a Google Calendar that you specify. | |
Obtain data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet that you specify, add/update spreadsheet data, create charts, or create pivot tables in a spreadsheet that you specify. | |
Connect to an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint and execute the | |
Receive messages that are sent to an IRC nickname or channel, or send messages to an IRC nickname on a particular channel. | |
Obtain, create, or update issues on a Jira server. | |
Obtain records from a table in an Apache Kudu data store or add records to a table in a Kudu data store. | |
Obtain data from a MongoDB database or update data in a MongoDB database. | |
Obtain messages from an MQ Telemetry Transport broker or publish messages to an MQTT broker. | |
Obtain entities from an OData service or update, create, or delete entities that are managed by an OData service. | |
Create a custom REST API client connector by uploading an OpenAPI document. You can then create a connection to that REST API. Create a REST API provider integration by uploading an OpenAPI document that defines operations that trigger integration execution. See Creating an integration that is triggered by a REST API call in Integrating Applications with Fuse Online. | |
Create, update, fetch, or delete a Salesforce record. | |
Perform any one of a large variety of SAP Concur actions. | |
Obtain records from or copy records to your ServiceNow instance. | |
Obtain messages from a channel or send a message to a Slack channel or user. | |
Create a custom SOAP API client connector by uploading a WSDL file. You can then create a connection to that SOAP API client. | |
Invoke a SQL statement or a SQL stored procedure on an Apache Derby, MySQL, or PostgreSQL database. To connect to other types of SQL databases, you upload a Fuse Online library extension that contains a JDBC driver for that database. | |
Obtain messages from a chat or send messages to a chat by using a Telegram chat bot. | |
Trigger execution of a simple integration upon tweets that mention you or that contain data that you specify. | |
Trigger execution of simple integrations with HTTP |
If Fuse Online does not provide a connector that you need, an experienced developer can create an extension that defines a custom connector. For information about coding the extension and creating its .jar
file, which you upload to Fuse Online, see:
Chapter 2. Connecting to Amazon Web Services
A Fuse Online integration can connect to the following Amazon web services:
- DynamoDB
- Simple Notification Service (SNS)
- Simple Queue Service (SQS)
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
You must obtain AWS credentials before you can create a connection to an Amazon web service. For details, see:
- Section 2.1, “Obtaining AWS credentials for creating connections to Amazon services”
- Section 2.2, “Connecting to Amazon DynamoDB”
- Section 2.3, “Connecting to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)”
- Section 2.4, “Connecting to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)”
- Section 2.5, “Connecting to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)”
2.1. Obtaining AWS credentials for creating connections to Amazon services
To create a connection to an Amazon service, you must have an access key that is associated with an AWS account. This is the AWS account that created, or will create, the resource that you want the Fuse Online connection to access. The resource can be an S3 bucket, an SNS topic, or an SQS queue.
An AWS access key has two parts:
- Amazon access key ID
- Amazon secret access key
AWS uses access keys to authenticate requests from a Fuse Online connection. There is plenty of AWS documentation about creating and managing access keys. If you already created an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user and captured the access key associated with that user, you can specify those values to create a Fuse Online connection to S3, SNS, or SQS.
If you need to obtain an access key, the procedure below is one way to do it.
- Login credentials for the AWS account that created the resource that you want a connection to access.
- Or, login credentials for the AWS account that you want the connection to use to create a new resource.
- Go to and sign in to the console.
- In the console, in the upper right, click the down arrow next to the user name and click My Security Credentials.
In the popup dialog, click Get Started with IAM Users.
If a popup with this button does not appear, then on the left, click Users.
Add a user:
- Click Add User
- Enter a user name and select Programmatic Access.
- Click Next: Permissions.
- Respond to the prompts for adding the new user to a group.
- Click Next: Tags.
- Skip adding tags and click Next: Review.
- Click Create User.
- Click Download .csv to obtain a local copy of the access key. The downloaded file contains the access key ID and the secret access key, which you must specify to create a connection to an Amazon service.
- Click Close.
Additional resources
2.2. Connecting to Amazon DynamoDB
An integration can retrieve data from an Amazon DynamoDB table, add data to a DynamoDB table, or remove data from a DynamoDB table. To do this, create an Amazon DynamoDB connection and then add that connection to an integration flow.
For details, see:
2.2.1. Creating Amazon DynamoDB connections
You must create an Amazon DynamoDB connection before you can connect to Amazon DynamoDB in an integration.
- You must have an AWS access key. See Obtaining AWS credentials for creating connections to Amazon services.
- You must know which AWS region contains the DynamoDB table that you want the connection to access.
- You must know the name of the DynamoDB table that you want the connection to access. This table must exist when an integration connects to DynamoDB.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Amazon DynamoDB connector.
- In the Access Key field, enter an Amazon access key ID that is part of a user access key in the AWS account that manages the DynamoDB table that you want the connection to access.
- In the Secret Key field, enter the Amazon secret access key for the Amazon access key ID that you specified.
- In the Region field, select the AWS region in which the DynamoDB table resides.
- In the Table Name field, enter the name of the DynamoDB table that you want this connection to access.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
DynamoDB West
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample DynamoDB connection that accesses sales data in the western region.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that DynamoDB West appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
When Fuse Online is prompting you to add to an integration, it displays the DynamoDB connection that you just created. This connection always and only accesses the DynamoDB table that you specified when you created the connection.
2.2.2. Obtaining data from an Amazon DynamoDB table
In an integration flow, to obtain an item from an Amazon DynamoDB table, add an Amazon DynamoDB connection to the middle of the flow.
A DynamoDB connection cannot start a simple integration. If you want to periodically obtain data from a DynamoDB table, start a simple integration with a timer followed by a DynamoDB connection that queries a table.
- You created an Amazon DynamoDB connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- In the flow visualization, click the plus sign where you want to add an Amazon DynamoDB connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon DynamoDB connection that is configured to access that table that you want to obtain data from.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Query action.
In the Filter field, specify JSON notation that identifies the key attribute(s) for the item that the connection should return. You can specify input parameters with
. For example, to obtain an item that has two key attributes, the specification might be something like this:{"key1":":#PARAM1", "key2":":#PARAM2"}
Optional. In the Attributes to query field, enter a comma-separated list of the attribute names that contain the data that you want the connection to return. For example:
If you do not specify attributes, the query returns the key attribute(s).
- Click Next.
The integration now has a DynamoDB connection that obtains data. At runtime, the connection returns a JSON instance document that contains the result of the query.
Next step
If you specified placeholder parameters in the Filter field, add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map source fields to the target placeholder fields in the DynamoDB connection.
2.2.3. Adding data to an Amazon DynamoDB table
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, a DynamoDB connection can add an item to a DynamoDB table. To do this, add a DynamoDB connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
In this release, a DynamoDB connection cannot update an item in a DynamoDB table. This is expected to change in a future release.
- You created an Amazon DynamoDB connection.
- You are creating or editing a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration or to choose the finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon DynamoDB connection that is configured to access the table that you want to add to.
- On the Choose an action page, select Put Item.
In the JSON definition of the element field, enter JSON notation that defines the table item to be added. You must specify the item’s key attribute(s). Input parameter placeholders prefixed with
are allowed. Be sure to specify all attributes/values that you want to store. In the following example,userID
is the key:{"userID":"aslan","attr1":"some-value","attr2":"another-value"}
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization at the location you added it. During execution, the connection adds the defined JSON item to the DynamoDB table that the connection is configured to access.
Next step
If you specified placeholder parameters in the JSON definition of the item, add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map source fields to the target placeholder fields in the DynamoDB connection.
2.2.4. Removing data from an Amazon DynamoDB table
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, a DynamoDB connection can remove an item from a DynamoDB table. To do this, add a DynamoDB connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an Amazon DynamoDB connection.
- You are creating or editing a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration or to choose the finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon DynamoDB connection that is configured to access the table that contains the item that you want to remove.
- On the Choose an action page, select Remove Item.
In the JSON filter of the element field, enter JSON notation that identifies the item that you want to remove. You must specify the item’s key attribute(s). Input parameters prefixed with
are allowed. In the following example input,userID
is a key attribute:{"userID":"aslan"}
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the flow visualization where you added it.
Next step
If you specified placeholder parameters in the JSON filter of the element field, add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map a source field to each target placeholder field in the DynamoDB connection.
2.3. Connecting to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
An integration can send a message to an AWS Simple Notification Service topic. To do this, create an AWS SNS connection and then add that connection to an integration flow or as the finish connection for a simple integration. For details, see:
2.3.1. Creating Amazon SNS connections
You must create an Amazon SNS connection before you can add an Amazon SNS connection to an integration.
- AWS access key. See Obtaining AWS credentials.
- You must know the region in which the SNS topic is located. This is the topic that you want the SNS connection that you are creating to send a message to.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Amazon SNS connector.
In the Access Key field, enter an Amazon access key ID that is part of a user access key in the AWS account that manages the topic that you want the connection to send a message to.
If the topic that you want the connection to access does not already exist then when Fuse Online tries to start running the integration, it uses the AWS account associated with this access key to create the topic. However, if the topic already exists in some other AWS account, then the connection cannot create the topic and the integration cannot start.
- In the Secret Key field, enter the Amazon secret access key for the Amazon access key ID that you specified.
- In the Region field, select the AWS region in which the topic resides. If the connection creates the topic, then it creates it in the selected region.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
SNS North
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample SNS connection that sends messages to our north region topic.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that SNS North appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
2.3.2. Sending messages to Amazon SNS
To send a message to an Amazon SNS topic, add an Amazon SNS connection to the middle of a flow or as the finish connection in a simple integration.
- You created an Amazon SNS connection.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration, or to add the finish connection to a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Amazon SNS connection that you want to use to send a message.
- Click the Send Object action.
In the Topic Name or Amazon Resource Name field, enter the name of the SNS topic to send a message to or enter the topics’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
If the SNS topic does not already exist in either the AWS account that the connection is authorized to access, or in any other AWS account, the connection creates the topic in the AWS account that the connection is configured to access.
- Click Next to add the connection to the integration.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
2.4. Connecting to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
An integration can retrieve messages from an Amazon SQS queue or send messages to an Amazon SQS queue. To do this, create an Amazon SQS connection and then add that connection to an integration flow. For details, see:
2.4.1. Creating Amazon SQS connections
You must create an Amazon SQS connection before you can add an Amazon SQS connection to an integration.
- AWS access key. See Obtaining AWS credentials.
- You must know the region in which the SQS queue is located. This is the queue that you want the SQS connection that you are creating to send messages to or retrieve messages from.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Amazon SQS connector.
In the Access Key field, enter an Amazon access key ID that is part of a user access key in the AWS account that manages the queue that you want the connection to access.
If the queue that you want the connection to access does not already exist then when Fuse Online tries to start running the integration, it uses the AWS account associated with this access key to create the queue. However, if the queue already exists in some other AWS account, then the connection cannot create the queue and the integration cannot start.
- In the Secret Key field, enter the Amazon secret access key for the Amazon access key ID that you specified.
- In the Region field, select the AWS region in which the queue resides. If the connection creates the queue, then it creates it in the selected region.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
SQS South
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample SQS connection that sends messages to our southern region queue.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that SQS South appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
2.4.2. Obtaining messages from Amazon SQS to trigger integration execution
To start an integration by obtaining messages from an Amazon SQS queue, add an Amazon SQS connection as a simple integration’s start connection.
- You created an Amazon SQS connection that is configured to access the queue that you want to obtain messages from.
- You know the name of the SQS queue that you want the connection to obtain messages from.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon SQS connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select Poll an Amazon SQS Queue to periodically retrieve messages from an SQS queue.
Configure this action:
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 500 milliseconds as the time that elapses between polls. Or, to specify a different polling interval, enter a number and select its time unit.
In the Maximum Objects to Retrieve field, enter the largest number of messages that one poll operation can obtain. The default is 10.
To have no limit on the number of messages that can be obtained, specify
or a negative integer. When Maximum Objects to Retrieve is unlimited, the poll action obtains all messages in the SQS queue.- In the Queue Name or Amazon Resource Name field, specify the name of the SQS queue to retrieve messages from, or the queue’s ARN. If a queue with this name does not exist, the connection creates it. This is the only required field.
- Indicate whether you want to Obtain messages and then delete them from the queue. Obtaining messages and then deleting them from the queue is the default behavior. Unselect this option only if you want the connection to retrieve messages and also leave them on the queue, which means that the messages will be retrieved again.
- Indicate whether you want to Obtain messages and delete the message if it does make it through a Camel filter. This option is selected by default. Leave it selected when you want to pass a retrieved message through a filter to determine whether to delete it from the queue. You do not need to unselect Obtain messages and then delete from the queue. Fuse Online ensures the correct behavior when you select Obtain messages and delete the message if it does make it through a Camel filter.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the beginning of the integration flow.
Next steps
If you selected Obtain messages and delete the message if it does make it through a Camel filter then you need to add a filter step after this SQS connection. The filter step does not need to be immediately after the SQS connection. Add all connections to the integration, and then add the filter step. During execution, if there are messages that pass the filter, Fuse Online uses the same connection, the SQS start connection, to delete those messages from the queue.
2.4.3. Sending messages to an Amazon SQS queue
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can send messages to an Amazon SQS queue.
- You created an Amazon SQS connection that is configured to access the queue that you want to send messages to.
- You know the name of the SQS queue that you want the connection to send messages to.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration, or to choose the finish connection for a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Amazon SQS connection that you want to use to send messages.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform:
- Send Object sends one message to the queue.
- Send Batch Object sends a batch of messages to the queue.
In the Message group ID strategy field, for a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue, accept
or click in the field and select a different strategy.The setting of this parameter has no effect on simple queues. The message group ID identifies the group that a message belongs to. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one, in a strict order relative to the message group. The message group ID strategy determines how the connection assigns a group ID to a message. The options are:
— The connection uses a constant to group messages. -
— The connection uses the exchange ID, which is in each message, to group messages. -
— The connection uses the value of an internal property to group messages.
FIFO queues are designed to ensure that the order in which messages are sent and received is strictly preserved and that each message is processed exactly once. A FIFO queue name has
as a suffix.-
In the Message deduplication ID strategy field, for a FIFO queue, accept
or click in the field to selectExchangeIdMessageDeduplicationIdStrategy
.The setting of this parameter has no effect on simple queues. For a FIFO queue, the connection uses the selected strategy to ensure that it does not send duplicate messages to the queue.
uses the message body as the deduplication element. In other words, the connection compares message bodies to identify duplicate messages. -
uses the message’s exchange ID as the deduplication element. In other words, the connection compares exchange IDs to identify duplicate messages.
- In the Queue Name or Amazon Resource Name field, enter the name of the queue to send messages to. If the queue does not exist, the connection creates it.
- In the Delay field, accept the default, which is 0 for no delay. Or, to add a delay, specify a number. The integration waits this number of seconds before sending messages. This is useful when the message consumers might not be immediately ready for the messages that the connection is sending.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
Additional resources
2.5. Connecting to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
An integration can retrieve data from an Amazon S3 bucket or copy data into an Amazon S3 bucket. To do this, create an Amazon S3 connection and then add that connection to an integration flow. For details, see:
2.5.1. Creating Amazon S3 connections
You must create an Amazon S3 connection before you can add an Amazon S3 connection to an integration.
- AWS access key. See Obtaining AWS credentials.
If the bucket that you want the connection to access already exists, you must know:
- The region that the bucket is in.
- The bucket’s name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Amazon S3 connector.
In the Access Key field, enter an Amazon access key ID that is part of a user access key in the AWS account that manages the bucket that you want the connection to access.
If the bucket that you want the connection to access does not already exist then when Fuse Online tries to start running the integration, it uses the AWS account associated with this access key to create the bucket. However, if the bucket already exists in some other AWS account, then the connection cannot create the bucket and the integration cannot start.
- In the Secret Key field, enter the Amazon secret access key for the Amazon access key ID that you specified.
- In the Region field, select the AWS region in which the bucket resides. If the connection creates the bucket, then it creates it in the selected region.
In the Bucket Name or Amazon Resource Name field, enter the name of the bucket that you want this connection to access or enter the bucket’s ARN.
If the bucket you specify does not yet exist then the connection tries to create a bucket with the name that you specify. Because S3 allows a bucket to be used as a URL that can be accessed publicly, the bucket name that you specify must be globally unique. Also, it must meet S3 bucket naming requirements.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Obtain S3 Data
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample S3 connection that obtains data from a northeast bucket.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Obtain S3 Data appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
2.5.2. Obtaining data from Amazon S3 to trigger integration execution
To start an integration by obtaining data from an Amazon S3 bucket, add an Amazon S3 connection as a simple integration’s start connection.
You created an Amazon S3 connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon S3 connection that you want to use to start the integration.
On the Choose an action page, select the action that you want the connection to perform:
- Get Object obtains a file from the bucket that the connection accesses. In the File Name field, enter the name of the file that you want to obtain. If the specified file is not in the bucket, it is a runtime error.
Poll an Amazon S3 Bucket periodically obtains files from the bucket that the connection accesses. To configure this action:
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 500 milliseconds as the time that elapses between polls. Or, to specify a different polling interval, enter a number and select its time unit.
In the Maximum Objects to Retrieve field, enter the largest number of files that one poll operation can obtain. The default is 10.
To have no limit on the number of files that can be obtained, specify
or a negative integer. When Maximum Objects to Retrieve is unlimited, the poll action obtains all files in the bucket.If the bucket contains more than the specified maximum number of files then the action obtains the files that were most recently modified or created.
- In the Prefix field, optionally specify a regular expression that evaluates to a string. If you specify a prefix then this action retrieves a file only when its name starts with that string.
- Indicate whether you want to Obtain files and then delete them from the bucket.
- After you configure the action, click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
2.5.3. Adding data to Amazon S3 to finish an integration
To finish an integration by copying data to Amazon S3, add an Amazon S3 connection as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an Amazon S3 connection.
- You are creating or editing a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Amazon S3 connection that you want to use to finish the integration.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform:
Copy Object adds one or more objects to the bucket.
To add one file to the bucket, you can enter its name in the File Name field.
To add multiple files to the bucket, do not specify a file name. In this case, the action adds all objects that it obtains from the previous integration step(s).
If you used the poll action to obtain multiple files and you specify a file name then the Copy Object action adds only the last file that was received from the poll action.
- Delete Object deletes an object from the bucket. In the File Name field, specify the name of the object that you want to delete. If the specified file is not in the bucket, the integration continues with no error.
- After you configure the chosen action, click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the end of the integration visualization.
2.5.4. Adding data to Amazon S3 in the middle of an integration
In the middle of an integration, to add data to Amazon S3, add an Amazon S3 connection to the middle of a flow.
- You created an Amazon S3 connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- In the flow visualization, click the plus sign where you want to add an Amazon S3 connection.
- Click the Amazon S3 connection that you want to use in the middle of a flow.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform:
Copy Object adds one or more objects to the bucket.
To add one file to the bucket, you can enter its name in the File Name field.
To add multiple files to the bucket, do not specify a file name. In this case, the action adds all objects that it obtains from the previous integration step(s).
If you used the poll action to obtain multiple files and you specify a file name then the Copy Object action adds only the last file that was received from the poll action.
- Delete Object deletes an object from the bucket. In the File Name field, specify the name of the object that you want to delete. If the specified file is not in the bucket, the integration continues with no error.
- After you configure the chosen action, click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the flow visualization where you added it.
Chapter 3. Connecting to AMQ
In an integration, you can obtain messages from a Red Hat AMQ broker or publish messages to a Red Hat AMQ broker. Red Hat AMQ uses the OpenWire protocol for communication between clients and message brokers. To communicate with the following broker types, use the Red Hat AMQ connector to create a connection to the broker of interest:
- Apache ActiveMQ broker that does not support AMQP
- AMQ 6 broker
To communicate with one of the following broker types, use the AMQP connector to create a connection to the broker of interest:
- Apache ActiveMQ broker that supports AMQP
- Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- AMQ 7 broker
- EnMasse, which is an open source messaging platform
To use the Red Hat AMQ connector, see:
3.1. Creating an AMQ connection
In an integration, to obtain messages from or to publish messages to:
- An Apache ActiveMQ broker that does not support AMQP
- An AMQ 6 broker
Create a Red Hat AMQ connection, which you can add to an integration.
For the Red Hat AMQ broker that you want to connect to, you have the following:
- Broker URL
- User account credentials
- Broker’s PEM certificate text
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the Red Hat AMQ connector.
Configure the connection:
In the Broker URL field, enter the location that you want to send data to or obtain data from, for example,
. - In the User name field, enter the user name for the account that you want to use to access this broker.
- In the Password field, enter the password for the account that you want to use to access this broker.
- In the Client ID field, enter the ID that allows connections to close and reopen without missing messages. The destination type must be a topic.
- If this connection will be used in a development environment, you can save some time by disabling Check certificates. Disabling the checking of certificates is a convenience for development environments. For secure production environments, always enable Check certificates.
- In the Broker certificate field, paste the Red Hat AMQ broker’s PEM certificate text. This is required except when you disable checking the certificates.
- In the Client certificate field, paste the Red Hat client’s PEM certificate text. Content in this field is always optional.
In the Broker URL field, enter the location that you want to send data to or obtain data from, for example,
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
Red Hat AMQ 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Red Hat AMQ connection that uses a provided broker.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Red Hat AMQ 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
3.2. Adding an AMQ connection to trigger integration execution upon receiving messages
To trigger execution of an integration upon receiving a message from a Red Hat AMQ broker, add a Red Hat AMQ connection as the start connection.
You created a Red Hat AMQ connection to the Red Hat AMQ broker that you want to obtain messages from.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Red Hat AMQ connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Subscribe for messages action to receive messages from the queue or topic that you specify.
Configure the action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to receive data from.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- In the Durable subscription ID field, to allow connections to close and reopen without missing messages, enter the durable subscription ID. The destination type must be a topic.
In the Message selector field, if you want to receive only data that satisfies a particular condition, enter a filter expression.
A message selector is a string that contains an expression. The syntax of the expression is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax. The message selector in the following example selects any message that has a
property whose value is set toSports
:NewsType = ’Sports’ OR NewsType = ’Opinion’
The message consumer receives only those messages whose headers and properties match the message selector expression. A message selector cannot select messages on the basis of the content of the message body.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the beginning of the integration flow.
3.3. Publishing AMQ messages to finish an integration
To finish a simple integration by publishing messages to a Red Hat AMQ broker, add a Red Hat AMQ connection as the simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the Red Hat AMQ broker that you want to publish messages to.
- You are creating an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection, or you are editing an integration to change the finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Red Hat AMQ connection that you want to use to finish the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Publish messages action to publish messages to the queue or topic that you specify.
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to send messages to.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- Select Persistent to guarantee message delivery even if a connection fails.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input/output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input/output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the end of the integration visualization.
3.4. Publishing AMQ messages in the middle of an integration
In the middle of an integration, to publish messages to a Red Hat AMQ broker, add a Red Hat AMQ connection to the middle of a flow.
- You created a connection to the Red Hat AMQ broker that you want to publish messages to.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Red Hat AMQ connection that you want in the middle of the flow.
On the Choose an action page, select one of the following actions:
Publish messages to publish messages to the queue or topic that you specify. To configure this action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to send messages to.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- Select Persistent to guarantee message delivery even if a connection fails.
Request response using messages to send messages to the JMS destination that you specify and receive a response. To configure this action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to send messages to.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
In the Message selector field, if you want to receive only responses that satisfy a particular condition, enter a filter expression.
A message selector is a string that contains an expression. The syntax of the expression is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax. The message selector in the following example selects any message that has a
property whose value is set toSports
:NewsType = ’Sports’ OR NewsType = ’Opinion’
The message consumer receives only those messages whose headers and properties match the message selector expression. A message selector cannot select messages on the basis of the content of the message body.
- In the Named reply to field, enter the name of a queue or topic. The destination sends its response to this queue or topic.
- Select Persistent to guarantee message delivery even if a connection fails.
- In the Response time out field, specify the number of milliseconds that this connection waits for a response message before throwing a runtime exception. The default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type and then the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input/output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 4. Connecting to AMQP
In an integration, you can obtain messages from or publish messages to an Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP) broker. AMQP defines communication between clients and message brokers. To communicate with the following broker types, use the AMQP connector to create a connection to the broker of interest:
- Apache ActiveMQ broker that supports AMQP
- Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- AMQ 7 broker
- EnMasse, which is an open source messaging platform
To communicate with one of the following broker types, use the Red Hat AMQ connector to create a connection to the broker of interest:
- Apache ActiveMQ broker that does not support AMQP
- AMQ 6 broker
It is possible to use the AMQP connector to create a connection to an Apache ActiveMQ broker that does not support AMQP or to an AMQ 6 broker. Doing this requires transport configuration in the broker. For information about configuring the broker, see Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Managing and Monitoring Brokers, Adding Client Connection Points. For information about the configuration values to specify, see Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Connection Reference, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
To use the AMQP connector, see:
4.1. Creating an AMQP connection
In an integration, to obtain messages from or publish messages to an AMQP broker, create an AMQP connection, which you can add to an integration.
For the AMQP broker that you want to connect to, you have the following:
- Its URI
- User account credentials
- Its PEM certificate text
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the AMQP Message Broker connector.
Configure the connection:
- In the Connection URI field, enter the location you want to send data to or obtain data from.
- In the User name field, enter the user name for the account that you want to use to access this broker.
- In the Password field, enter the password for the account that you want to use to access this broker.
- In the Client ID field, enter the ID that allows connections to close and reopen without missing messages. The destination type must be a topic.
- If this connection will be used in a development environment, you can save some time by disabling Check certificates. Disabling the checking of certificates is a convenience for development environments. For secure production environments, always enable Check certificates.
- In the Broker certificate field, paste the broker’s PEM certificate text. This is required except when you disable the checking of certificates.
- In the Client certificate field, paste the client’s PEM certificate text. Content in this field is always optional.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample AMQP connection
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that AMQP 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
4.2. Adding an AMQP connection to trigger integration execution upon receiving messages
To trigger execution of an integration upon receiving messages from an AMQP broker, add an AMQP connection as the integration’s start connection.
- You created a connection to the AMQP broker that you want to receive messages from.
- You are creating an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the start connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the AMQP connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Subscribe for messages action to receive messages from the queue or topic that you specify.
Configure the action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to receive data from.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- In the Durable subscription ID field, to allow connections to close and reopen without missing messages, enter the durable subscription ID. The destination type must be a topic.
In the Message selector field, if you want to receive only data that satisfies a particular condition, enter a filter expression.
A message selector is a string that contains an expression. The syntax of the expression is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax. The message selector in the following example selects any message that has a
property whose value is set toSports
:NewsType = ’Sports’ OR NewsType = ’Opinion’
The message consumer receives only those messages whose headers and properties match the message selector expression. A message selector cannot select messages on the basis of the content of the message body.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the beginning of the integration flow.
4.3. Publishing messages to AMQP in the middle of a flow or to finish an integration
You can publish messages to an AMQP broker in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an AMQP connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the AMQP broker that you want to publish messages to.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the AMQP connection that you want to use to publish messages.
On the Choose an action page, select one of the following actions:
Publish messages to publish messages to the queue or topic that you specify without receiving a response. To configure this action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to send messages to.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- Select Persistent to guarantee message delivery even if a connection fails.
Request response using messages to publish messages to the queue or topic that you specify and receive a response.
NoteWhen the finish connection in a simple integration is an AMQP connection that performs the Request response using messages action, the connection publishes the messages but the response is discarded. To avoid losing the response, add an AMQP connection as a middle connection that performs the Request response using messages action and finish the simple integration with a log step.
To configure this action:
- In the Destination name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to send messages to.
- For the Destination type, accept Queue or select Topic.
- In the Durable subscription ID field, to allow connections to close and reopen without missing messages, enter the durable subscription ID. The destination type must be a topic.
In the Message selector field, if you want to receive only responses that satisfy a particular condition, enter a filter expression.
A message selector is a string that contains an expression. The syntax of the expression is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax. The message selector in the following example selects any message that has a
property whose value is set toSports
:NewsType = ’Sports’ OR NewsType = ’Opinion’
The message consumer receives only those messages whose headers and properties match the message selector expression. A message selector cannot select messages on the basis of the content of the message body.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input and output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input/output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 5. Connecting to API clients
In an integration, to connect to a REST or a SOAP API, you must have created a connector for that API. See Integrating Applications with Fuse Online, Adding and managing API client connectors.
When a connector for the API that you want to connect to is available in Fuse Online, the steps for connecting to that API are:
5.1. Registering Fuse Online as a REST API client
Before Fuse Online creates a REST API client connector, it prompts you to indicate the API’s security requirements. For APIs that use the OAuth protocol, when Fuse Online creates the connector it also adds an entry for the API to the Fuse Online Settings page. This is where you provide the API client ID and the API client secret that authorize Fuse Online to access the API.
If the API you want to connect to does not use OAuth, skip this section and see Creating a REST API client connection.
You must know the URL for the OAuth custom application setting page for the REST API that you want to connect to.
In Fuse Online:
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your Fuse Online environment to the clipboard. You will need this URL later in this procedure.
- Look for the name of the API you want to connect to and click it to display its client ID and client secret fields.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
In another browser window, you must register Fuse Online as an OAuth client of the API you want to connect to. The exact steps for doing this vary for each API service. Typically, the API service provides an OAuth custom application setting page. Go to that page and do the following:
- Provide the Fuse Online callback URL, which you copied at the beginning of this procedure.
- Respond to any other prompts that require your input.
- Obtain the client ID and client secret that the API service assigns to your Fuse Online environment.
Return to the Fuse Online Settings page entry for the API service you are registering with and do the following:
- Paste the assigned client ID.
- Paste the assigned client secret.
- Click Save.
5.2. Creating a REST API client connection
In an integration, to connect to a REST API, create a connection to that REST API, which you can then add to any number of integrations.
- You created a connector for the REST API that you want to connect to.
- If the REST API uses the OAuth protocol then you registered you Fuse Online environment as a client application that can access that REST API.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display available connectors.
- Click the connector for the API that you want to create a connection for.
On the configuration page, provide the requested information. The definition of the API determines what Fuse Online prompts for.
Typically, an API service has security requirements and Fuse Online prompts for security input according to the particular security type that the OpenAPI document defines. The security type can be one of the following:
Security type
Fuse Online displays
HTTP Basic Authentication
Input fields for user name and password.
OAuth 2.0
A button for you to click so that Fuse Online can verify its registration credentials for connecting to the API. These credentials were provided when the connector was created.
Input field for an API key, which you must obtain from the API service.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online validates connection parameters. For example, it checks for valid host/address URLs.
- Click Next.
On the Name connection page:
- In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections.
- In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save. You can now choose the connection that you created and add it to an integration.
5.3. Creating a SOAP API client connection
In an integration, to connect to a SOAP API, create a connection to that SOAP API, which you can then add to any number of integrations.
- You created a connector for the SOAP API that you want to connect to.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display available connectors.
- Click the connector for the API that you want to create a connection for.
- On the configuration page, provide the requested information. The definition of the API determines what Fuse Online prompts for.
On the connection configuration page:
- Accept or edit the SOAP Endpoint address.
Select an Authentication type (None, Basic, or WS-Security Username Token) to use when invoking the WSDL endpoint. For Basic Authentication, HTTPS is supported. Typically, an API service has security requirements and Fuse Online prompts for security input according to the particular security type that the WSDL file defines.
Note: SAML is not supported.
Select a WS-Security Password Type (
, orDigest
). - Specify username and password.
- Select Timestamp if you want Fuse Online to add a timestamp to the WS-Security header.
Select Username Token Nonce if you want Fuse Online to add a Nonce element to the WS-Security Username Token header. For Username Token profiles, both Text and Digest passwords are supported.
For more information about how to use the UsernameToken with the Web Services Security (WSS) specification, see this OASIS document.
Select Username Token Created if you want Fuse Online to add a timestamp element to the WS-Security Username Token header.
Note: Due to a lack of an OASIS/W3C standard for verifying connections to SOAP endpoints, SOAP connectors do not support validation.
- Click Next.
On the Name connection page:
- In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections.
- In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save. You can now choose the connection that you created and add it to an integration.
5.4. Adding an API client connection to an integration
In an integration, to connect to a REST or SOAP API, add a step that connects to that API.
In this release, a connection to a REST or SOAP API can be a step that is in the middle of a flow or it can be the finish connection in a simple integration. In other words, a connection to a REST or SOAP API cannot be a start connection.
- You created a connection to the REST or SOAP API.
- You are creating or editing a flow.
- The flow already has its start connection.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to select a finish connection or to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- On the page that displays available steps, click the API connection that you want to add to the flow.
- Select the action that you want the connection to perform. The actions that are available are based on the resource operations specified in the OpenAPI document or WSDL file that was uploaded to Fuse Online and that describes the API that you are connecting to.
- Depending on the action you select, enter any parameters that Fuse Online prompts for.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 6. Connecting to Box
In an integration, you can download files from Box or upload files to Box.
A connection to Box cannot start a simple integration. In other words, you cannot use a Box connection to trigger integration execution.
The following topics provide the details:
6.1. Registering Fuse Online as a Box client
You must register your Fuse Online environment as a client application that can access Box. This lets you create any number of integrations that connect to Box. In other words, you need to register a particular Fuse Online environment with Box only once.
In each Fuse Online environment, there can be only one registration of Fuse Online as a Box client application. However, while each Box connection uses the same registration, it can use different user credentials.
- You have a Box developer account, which you can obtain at
In Fuse Online:
- In the left panel, click Settings.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your Fuse Online environment to the clipboard. You will need this URL toward the end of this procedure.
In another browser tab, go to the Box developer portal at and do the following:
- Sign in.
- Click Create New App.
- Click Custom App and then Next.
- For Authentication Method, click Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication) and then Next.
- Enter an app name, for example, Fuse Online Client and click Create App.
- Click View Your App.
- Optional. In the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section, copy the client ID and the client secret to a safe location. These values are needed to create a connection to Box.
- Click Save Changes.
Your Fuse Online environment is now registered as a Box client, which means that Fuse Online can access content in the Box account that you signed into.
6.2. Creating a Box connection
In an integration, to download or upload Box files, create a Box connection, which you can add to an integration. You can add the same connection to any number of integrations.
- There is a Box client application that registers your Fuse Online environment as an application that can access Box.
- You can log in to the Box developer account that created that application, or you have the Box client ID and Box client secret for that application.
- You know the user name and password for the Box account that you want this connection to use to access Box.
If you already have the Box client ID and the client secret, skip to the next step. Otherwise, to obtain those values, in a new browser tab, go to and do the following:
- Sign in to the Box account in which you created the app that registers access to Box from your Fuse Online environment.
- On the My Apps page, click the Fuse Online app to display its settings.
- On the left, click Configuration.
- In the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section, copy the client ID to the clipboard.
In a different browser tab, in Fuse Online:
- Click Connections.
- Click Create Connection.
- Click the Box connector.
- In the User name field, enter the user name for the Box account that you want this connection to use to download or upload Box files.
- In the User password field, enter the password for that account.
- In the Client ID field, paste the Box client ID.
- Optional. If you need to, go back to the OAuth 2.0 Credentials for the Box app, copy the client secret to the clipboard and then return to Fuse Online.
- In the Client secret field, paste the Box client secret string.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online displays a message that indicates whether it can validate this connection. If validation fails, try again and be sure to enter the correct values.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Box Sales Account
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Box connection that can access content in our company sales Box account.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Box Sales Account appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
6.3. Downloading or uploading a Box file in the middle of an integration
To download a file from Box, or upload a file to Box in the middle of a flow, add a Box connection to the middle of the flow.
- You created a Box connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection.
- Click the Box connection that you want the integration to use.
On the Choose an action page, select one of the following:
- Download to obtain a file from the Box account that this connection accesses.
- Upload to upload a file to the Box account that this connection accesses.
Configure the action you selected.
To download a file:
In the File encoding field, accept
or specify the encoding for the file that you want the connection to obtain. Optional. In the File ID field, specify the Box ID for the file that you want to obtain. The file ID is at the end of the URL when you are viewing the file in Box. For example, in this URL:
, the file ID is537364588548
.Alternatively, you can add a data mapper step before this connection and map the file ID from a previous step to this connection.
In this release, you can download only a single file. However, mapping the file ID from a previous step can make identification of the file dynamic, for example, the ID can come from a database table. This means each execution might download a different file.
To upload a file:
In the Parent folder ID field, enter the ID of the Box folder to upload the file to.
Box folder IDs are at the end of the URL when you view the content of a folder in Box. In this example:
, the folder ID is89490291417
. In this release, you can upload only a single file.Optional. In the File name field, enter the name for a new file. If you specify the name of a file that is already in the specified Box folder, the connection overwrites the file that is in the folder.
The input to the connection must be a file that you want to upload to Box. If you do not specify a file name, the connection uploads a file that has the same name as the input file to the connection as long as a file with that name is not already present.
- Click Next to specify the upload action’s input type.
- In the Select Type field, accept Type specification not required and click Next.
In the File encoding field, accept
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
6.4. Uploading files to Box to finish an integration
To finish an integration by uploading files to Box, add a Box connection as the integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Box connection.
- You are creating or editing a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Box connection that you want to use to finish the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Upload action to upload a file to the Box account that this connection accesses.
In the Parent folder ID field, enter the ID of the Box folder to upload the file to.
Box folder IDs are at the end of the URL when you select a folder in Box. In this example:
, the folder ID is89490291417
. In this release, you can upload only a single file.Optional. In the File name field, enter the name for a new file or an existing file. If you specify the name of a file that is already in the specified Box folder, the connection overwrites the file that is in the folder.
The input to the connection must be a file that you want to upload to Box. If you do not specify a file name, the connection uploads a file that has the same name as the input file to the connection.
- Click Next.
- In the Select Type field, accept Type specification not required and click Next.
The connection appears at the end of the integration visualization.
Chapter 7. Connecting to Dropbox
In an integration, you can download files from Dropbox or upload files to Dropbox. The following topics provide the details:
- Section 7.1, “Registering Fuse Online as a Dropbox client”
- Section 7.2, “Creating a Dropbox connection”
- Section 7.3, “Obtaining files from Dropbox to trigger integration execution”
- Section 7.4, “Adding files to Dropbox to finish an integration”
- Section 7.5, “Accessing Dropbox in the middle of an integration”
7.1. Registering Fuse Online as a Dropbox client
You must register your Fuse Online environment as a client application that can access Dropbox. This lets you create any number of integrations that connect to Dropbox. In other words, you need to register a particular Fuse Online environment with Dropbox only once.
In each Fuse Online environment, there can be only one registration of Fuse Online as a Dropbox client application. However, while each Dropbox connection uses the same registration, it can use different user credentials.
You can sign in to the Dropbox account that you want an integration to use to download or upload files.
In Fuse Online:
- In the left panel, click Settings.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your Fuse Online environment to the clipboard. You will need this URL toward the end of this procedure.
In another browser tab, go to
and do the following:- Sign in to the Dropbox account that has the data that you want to access in an integration.
- After signing in, go to
- Click Create App.
- Select Dropbox API.
Near the top of the page, in the sentence that starts with
During registration, enter this callback URL:
, paste the URL that you copied to the clipboard at the beginning of this procedure. For example, the URL that you paste is something like this:
. - Choose whether Fuse Online can access a single folder or all of the folders and files.
Specify a name for your Dropbox app. For example, you might specify
Fuse Online Access From Aslan LLC
. The name you specify must be unique in the set of Dropbox app names. - Check the box to indicate that you agree to Dropbox API terms and conditions.
- Click Create App.
- In the Dropbox Settings page for your new app, in the input field for OAuth2 Redirect URIs, paste your Fuse Online URL, which you copied to the clipboard at the beginning of this procedure.
- Click Add.
Your Fuse Online environment is now registered as a Dropbox client, which means that Fuse Online can access content in the Dropbox account that you signed into.
7.2. Creating a Dropbox connection
In an integration, to download or upload Dropbox files, create a Dropbox connection, which you can add to an integration. You can add the same connection to any number of integrations.
You registered your Fuse Online environment as an application that can access Dropbox.
In a new browser tab, go to
and do the following:- Sign in to the Dropbox account in which you created the app that registers access from your Fuse Online environment.
- Go to
- Click the Fuse Online app to display its settings.
In another browser tab, in Fuse Online, do the following:
- In the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors.
- Click the Dropbox connector.
Go back to the Dropbox settings display for your app and do the following:
- Scroll down to see Generated Access Token.
- Click Generate.
- Copy the generated access token to the clipboard.
- Back in Fuse Online, in the Configure Connection page, in the Access Token field, paste the generated access token.
- In the Client Identifier field, enter the name that you specified when you created the Dropbox app.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online displays a message that indicates whether it can validate this connection. If validation fails, try again and be sure to enter the correct values.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Dropbox Connect 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Dropbox connection that can access all content in our company Dropbox account.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Dropbox Connect 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
7.3. Obtaining files from Dropbox to trigger integration execution
To start an integration by downloading files from Dropbox, add a Dropbox connection as the start connection.
You created a Dropbox connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Dropbox connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Download action to obtain one or more files from the Dropbox account that this connection accesses.
- To configure the action, in the Folder or file name path to download field, specify the filename path for the content that you want the integration to obtain. In this release, you can download only a single file.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection starts the simple integration and Fuse Online prompts you to choose the finish connection.
7.4. Adding files to Dropbox to finish an integration
To finish an integration by uploading files to Dropbox, add a Dropbox connection as the integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Dropbox connection.
- You are creating or editing an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Dropbox connection that you want to use to finish the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Upload action to add the current integration data to the Dropbox account that this connection accesses.
- In the Remote Path field, enter the local filename path for file that you want to upload. Dropbox stores the file with the same path and name. In this release, you can upload only a single file.
For the Upload mode:
- Select Add to upload a file only when a file with the same name is not already in the same Dropbox folder. If a file with the same name is already in the same Dropbox folder, then the file is not uploaded and the integration continues. This is the behavior regardless of whether the content in the file you are trying to upload has been updated.
- Select Force to ensure that the file is uploaded even if a file with the same name is present in the same Dropbox folder. Dropbox overwrites the file that it already has with the file that you are uploading.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the end of the integration visualization.
7.5. Accessing Dropbox in the middle of an integration
To upload a file to Dropbox in the middle of a flow, add a Dropbox connection to the middle of the flow.
- You created a Dropbox connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Dropbox connection that you want the integration to use.
- On the Choose an action page, select Upload to add the current integration data to the Dropbox account that this connection accesses.
Configure this action:
- In the Remote Path field, specify the local path and file name of the file that you want to upload. Dropbox stores the file with the same path and name. In this release, you can upload only a single file.
For the Upload mode:
- Select Add to upload a file only when a file with the same name is not already in the same Dropbox folder. If a file with the same name is already in the same Dropbox folder, then the file is not uploaded and the integration continues. This is the behavior regardless of whether the content in the file you are trying to upload has been updated.
- Select Force to ensure that the file is uploaded even if a file with the same name is present in the same Dropbox folder. Dropbox overwrites the file that it already has with the file that you are uploading.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input and output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input/output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
Chapter 8. Connecting to Email Servers (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
An integration can connect to an IMAP or POP3 email server to retrieve email messages or connect to an SMTP email server to send email messages. To trigger integration execution upon retrieving email, create a connection to an IMAP or POP3 email server and then add that connection as a simple integration’s start connection. To send an email from a flow, create a connection to an SMTP email server and then add that connection to the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration.
For details, see:
8.1. Creating a connection to an IMAP or POP3 email server
You must create a connection to an IMAP or POP3 email server before you can create a simple integration whose execution is triggered by received email.
You must be familiar with the email server that this connection accesses. Specifically, you must know:
- Whether the email server uses the IMAP or POP3 protocol.
- Whether authentication credentials are required. If they are, you must have a user name and password.
- Whether a security method is implemented. If one is, you must know which method.
- Whether a server certificate is required. If it is, you must be able to specify it.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Receive Email connector.
Configure the connection:
- In the Protocol field, accept imap or select pop3.
- In the Email Host Name field, enter the email server host name, virtual host name, or IP address.
- In the Email Server Port Number field, enter the port number that the email server listens on.
In the User Name field, specify the user name for the email account that this connection is authorized to access. During execution of an integration, this connection polls this email account for messages.
Rarely, an email server does not authenticate access. In that case, specification of user name and password is not required.
- In the Password field, specify the password for the email account that this connection is authorized to access.
- Optional. In the Security Method field, if the email server implements a security method, select StartTLS or SSL/TLS.
- Optional. In the Server Certificate field, if the email server is not public, that is, it is on an internal network, and if you selected StartTLS or SSL/TLS as the security method, paste the self-signed email server certificate in this field. Fuse Online cannot verify this connection if a server certificate is required and you do not specify it.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Obtain Info Emails
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Connect to our company email server to obtain messages sent to
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Obtain Info Emails appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
8.2. Creating a connection to an SMTP email server
You must create a connection to an SMTP email server before you can edit an integration flow so that it connects to an SMTP email server to send email.
You must be familiar with the email server that this connection accesses. Specifically, you must know:
- Whether authentication credentials are required. If they are, you must have a user name and password.
- Whether a security method is implemented. If one is, you must know which method.
- Whether a server certificate is required. If it is, you must be able to specify it.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Send Email connector.
Configure the connection:
- In the Email Host Name field, enter the email server host name, virtual host name, or IP address.
- In the Email Server Port Number field, enter the port number that the email server listens on.
In the User Name field, specify the user name for the email account that this connection is authorized to access. During execution of an integration, this connection uses this email account to send messages.
Rarely, an email server does not authenticate access. In that case, specification of user name and password is not required.
- In the Password field, specify the password for the email account that this connection is authorized to access.
- Optional. In the Security Method field, if the email server implements a security method, select StartTLS or SSL/TLS.
- Optional. In the Server Certificate field, if the email server is not public, that is, it is on an internal network, and if you selected StartTLS or SSL/TLS as the security method, paste the self-signed email server certificate in this field. Fuse Online cannot verify this connection if a server certificate is required and you do not specify it.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Send Emails to Leads
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Connect to our company email server to send messages from
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Send Emails to Leads appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
8.3. Obtaining email to trigger integration execution
To trigger execution of an integration upon receiving email, add an IMAP or POP3 email server connection as a simple integration’s start connection.
- You created an IMAP or POP3 email server connection that is configured to access the account that you want to obtain email from.
- You know the name of the folder to retrieve messages from.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the email server connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select Receive Email to periodically retrieve messages from the email account that the connection is authorized to access.
Configure the action:
Leave the Folder field blank to obtain email from the inbox. Or, to obtain messages from a particular folder, enter the name of that folder.
If this connection accesses a POP3 email server, only standard folders, such as Inbox or Sent are supported.
- Select the Unseen Only checkbox to obtain only messages that are marked as unread on the email server.
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 5 seconds as the time that elapses between polls for messages. Or, to specify a different polling interval, enter a number and select its time unit.
In the Maximum Emails field, enter the largest number of messages that one poll operation can return. The default is 5. If the inbox or folder contains more than the maximum number of messages that can be returned, the connection returns the oldest messages up to the number set for Maximum Emails.
Set Maximum Emails to
if you want each poll to obtain:- All new messages in the specified folder when Unseen Only is selected.
- All messages in the specified folder when Unseen Only is NOT selected.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the beginning of the integration flow. During execution, if a poll returns email, the connection passes the messages to the next step in the integration. If a poll does not return any email, the integration continues to run but Fuse Online does not trigger the rest of the integration steps.
Consider a Receive Email action that is configured as follows:
- The Folder field is blank so the connection polls the inbox.
- Unseen Only is selected.
- The defaults for Delay (5 seconds) and Maximum Emails (5) are accepted.
Suppose that 10 messages arrive in the inbox during the delay before the next poll. The connection returns the 5 oldest messages. At the next poll, 5 seconds later, the connection returns the other 5 messages. Even if new messages arrived, this is the case because the connection returns the oldest messages if there are more messages than the number set for Maximum Emails.
8.4. Sending email from an integration
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can add an email server connection that sends messages.
- You created an SMTP email server connection that is configured to access the account that you want to send messages from.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration, or to choose the finish connection for a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the email server connection that you want to use to send messages.
- Select the Send Email action.
- In the Email from field, enter the email address that sends the messages. This is required even if you plan to add a data mapper step that maps an email address from a previous integration step to this connection.
Recommended: Specify a value in each of the following fields. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
- Email to
- Email subject
- Email text
- Email cc
- Email bcc
In the Parameter Priority field, accept Input Values or select Consumed Data. This determines which of the following has precedence:
- Input values in this action configuration
- Data values that you map to this connection
The recommendation is to select Consumed Data. This means that the values that you specify in the email fields here serve as default values.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
Next steps
Add all other needed to connections to the flow. Then add a data mapper step before the connection that sends email. In the data mapper step, map source fields to the target fields for sending emails.
Chapter 9. Connecting to FHIR
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard for exchanging healthcare data. In an integration, you can obtain one or more FHIR resources, create or update a resource, update one or more fields in a resource, or use a transaction to create multiple resources. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
Fuse Online connections to FHIR:
- Can communicate with FHIR servers that use basic or bearer token (OAuth) authentication.
- Can operate on all FHIR resources that comply with FHIR DSTU3.
- Cannot operate on extensions, which allow for storing custom data in a resource. If an extension is in data that is received from a FHIR server, the integration silently ignores it.
In an integration that connects to FHIR, in a data mapper step, you can map only one level of depth for a FHIR list field. In other words, if a FHIR list contains a list then you cannot map the fields in the nested list. To mitigate this limitation, Fuse Online converts some FHIR resource list fields to single-value fields, for example, an address that is in a list field might be displayed in the data mapper as a single field.
Details for connecting to FHIR are in the following topics:
- Section 9.1, “Creating a connection to a FHIR server”
- Section 9.2, “Obtaining a resource from a FHIR server”
- Section 9.3, “Querying a FHIR server for resources”
- Section 9.4, “Creating a resource on a FHIR server”
- Section 9.5, “Updating all fields in a resource on a FHIR server”
- Section 9.6, “Updating specified fields in a resource on a FHIR server”
- Section 9.7, “Creating resources of different types on a FHIR server”
- Section 9.8, “Deleting a resource from a FHIR server”
9.1. Creating a connection to a FHIR server
In an integration, to operate on FHIR resources, create a connection to a FHIR server and then add that connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
A FHIR connection cannot be the start connection of a simple integration. However, you can start a simple integration with a timer that periodically triggers a FHIR connection.
- You must know the URL for the FHIR server that you want to connect to.
- You must have authorization credentials for accessing the FHIR server. You should obtain these from the FHIR server administrator. Rarely, a FHIR server does not require authentication and you can create a connection without specifying credentials. For example, a public FHIR server or a FHIR server in a private network might not require authentication.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
Click the FHIR connector and configure the connection as follows:
- In the FHIR version field, accept DSTU3, which is required.
In the FHIR server URL field, enter the URL for the FHIR server that you want to access. While creating an integration, you might accept the default test server
. - In the FHIR server username field, enter your username. This is required by FHIR servers that use basic authentication.
- In the FHIR server password field, enter your password, which is also required by FHIR servers that use basic authentication.
- In the FHIR server bearer token field, enter your token. This is required by FHIR servers that use OAuth authentication.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the input parameters and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that FHIR West appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
9.2. Obtaining a resource from a FHIR server
In an integration, you can obtain one resource that is of the type that you specify. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that has the resource that you want to obtain.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that can access the resource that you want to obtain.
- On the Choose an action page, select Read.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of resource that you want to obtain.
In the Contained Resource Types field, if the resource type that you want contains other resource types, select them. Use the Ctrl key if you need to select more than one.
Identifying contained resource types lets the data mapper display the fields that are in the contained resources. If you do not specify a contained resource type then you cannot map from any fields that are in the contained resource. There is no harm in selecting a resource that is not actually contained.
- In the Resource Id field, enter the ID of the resource that you want. Or, leave this field blank if you plan to map it from an earlier step that is in the flow.
- In the Resource version field, optionally specify a version ID for the resource. Leave this field blank to obtain the most recent version of the resource or to map the version ID of the resource that you want to obtain from a previous step.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, this connection returns one resource.
Next steps
To map a value to the Resource Id field or the Resource version field, add a data mapper step before this connection.
9.3. Querying a FHIR server for resources
In an integration, you can query a FHIR server to obtain instances of a particular FHIR resource that satisfy a query that you specify. For example, suppose you want to ensure that all patients who are 65 and older received a pneumonia vaccination. Specify a query that obtains the resources for patients who were born before 1955. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that has the resources that you want to obtain.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that has the resources that you want to obtain.
- On the Choose an action page, select Search.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of resource that you want to obtain.
- In the Query field, specify a FHIR query or leave this field blank to map the query from a previous step. For details about forming a FHIR query, see FHIR Release 3 Search.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, this connection returns a list of resources that satisfy the query that you specified. Fuse Online treats this list as a collection.
Next steps
If you did not specify a query, then add a data mapper step before this connection and map the query to this connection. To operate on individual returned resources, rather than on the returned list collection, after this connection, add a split step to the flow.
9.4. Creating a resource on a FHIR server
In an integration, you can create and add a resource to a FHIR server. When you configure the connection’s Create action, you specify the type of the resource that you want to create. For example, you might want to add a new patient resource to a FHIR server. To create a resource, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow, or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
To populate the values in the new resource, add a data mapper step to the flow just before the FHIR connection that you are adding in this procedure. It is expected that the previous steps in the flow provide the data that you want the new resource to contain. Map fields in the previous steps to fields in the target resource that this FHIR connection is creating. The new resource contains only the fields that you map to.
When a connection performs the Create action to create a new resource on a FHIR server, the new resource has an automatically-generated FHIR resource ID. If you want to specify the resource ID for a new resource, instead of selecting the Create action choose the Update action for the connection to perform.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that you want to add a resource to.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to add a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FHIR connection to the server that you want to add a resource to.
- On the Choose an action page, select Create.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of resource that you want to create.
In the Contained Resource Types field, if the resource type that you want to create contains other resource types, select them. Use the Ctrl key if you need to select more than one.
Identifying contained resource types lets the data mapper display the fields that are in the contained resources. If you do not specify a contained resource type then you cannot map to or from any fields that are in the contained resource. There is no harm in selecting a resource that is not actually contained.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, the connection creates a new resource on the FHIR server. The connection returns a MethodOutcome resource that includes an id.idPart
field. This field contains the new resource’s resource ID, which you might want to map to a subsequent step in the flow.
Next steps
If this flow needs additional steps to obtain the data that you want the new resource to contain, add them before this FHIR connection. After those steps are in place, add a data mapper step to the flow just before the FHIR connection that creates a new resource. In the data mapper step, map to the fields in the resource to be created.
Without a data mapper step just before a FHIR connection that creates a new resource, the connection tries to create an empty resource. Depending on the FHIR server configuration, this might or might not work.
9.5. Updating all fields in a resource on a FHIR server
In an integration, you can update a resource that is on a FHIR server. To provide the updated values, add a data mapper step to the flow just before a FHIR connection that updates a resource. It is expected that previous steps in the flow provide the data that you want the updated resource to contain. Map fields in the previous steps to fields in the target resource that this FHIR connection updates.
The updated resource contains only the fields that you map to. In other words, in addition to mapping the fields whose values are changing, you must map the fields that you want to be in the resource and whose values are not changing. If you do not map a particular resource field then the connection deletes that field from the updated resource.
Be sure to map the resource ID from a previous step to the resource ID in this connection. This is the only resource field that the connection does not change. If the FHIR server does not already have a resource that has the resource ID for the resource to be updated, then the connection creates a new resource with that resource ID. This is the only way to add a new resource that has a resource ID that you choose.
To update or create a resource, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow, or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server on which you want to update or create a resource.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to add a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that you want to use to update a resource on a FHIR server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Update.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of resource that you want to update or create.
In the Contained Resource Types field, if the resource type that you want to update or create contains other resource types, select them. Use the Ctrl key if you need to select more than one.
Identifying contained resource types lets the data mapper display the fields that are in the contained resources. If you do not specify a contained resource type then you cannot map to or from any fields that are in the contained resource. There is no harm in selecting a resource that is not actually contained.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
- If this flow needs additional steps to obtain the data that you want the updated resource to contain, add them before this FHIR connection.
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is before the FHIR connection that updates a resource.
- Click Data Mapper.
In the data mapper:
- Map a resource ID to the target resource ID. This is the only way to specify the resource ID for a new resource.
- Map to each resource field that you want the updated or new resource to contain. Be sure to map fields whose values are not changing, as well as fields whose values need to be updated.
- Click Done to add the data mapper step to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, the connection updates or creates a resource on the FHIR server and returns a MethodOutcome resource that includes an id.idPart
field. This field contains the updated/created resource’s ID, which you might want to map to a subsequent step in the flow.
9.6. Updating specified fields in a resource on a FHIR server
In an integration, you can update individual fields in a resource that is on a FHIR server. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that has the resource that you want to update.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that you want to use to update the resource.
- On the Choose an action page, select Patch.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of the resource whose fields you want to update.
- In the Number of Operations field, specify the number of fields that you want to update.
- Leave the Resource id field blank if you want to map the value from a previous step in the flow, which is typically what you want to do. Otherwise, specify the resource ID of the resource whose fields you want to update.
Specify a JSON patch that describes the updates. The JSON patch must have the format described in What is a JSON Patch?.
Examples of patches for a
resource:Set the
field totrue
:[{ "op":"replace", "path":"/active", "value": true }]
Replace the value of the
field, which is an array of the patient’s names. In this example, the patient has one name. If the patient had more than one name, a similarly formatted patch could replace all of the patient’s names:[{ "op":"replace", "path":"/name", "value": [{"given": ["Bob"]}] }]
Replace the given name of a patient:
[{ "op":"replace", "path":"/name/0/given/0", "value": "John" }]
Add another name to a patient before the first name:
[{ "op":"add", "path":"/name/0", "value": {"given": ["Anthony"]} }]
For some updates, you must specify the JSON patch when you configure the Patch action. For example, if you want to copy the value of a resource field to another field. For other updates, you can leave the JSON Patch field blank and instead map values that define each update.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
If you did not specify a JSON patch and/or a resource ID, then add a data mapper step:
- In the flow visualization, click the plus sign that is before the FHIR connection that you just added.
Click Data Mapper.
The Target panel displays a numbered folder for each field that you want to update. When you configured the Patch action, you specified how many fields to update. The data mapper displays this number of folders in the Target panel. For example, if you specified 3 as the number of fields to update, you would see three target folders with the labels
, and3
.For each field that you want to update, map to the fields in one target folder:
In the Target panel, expand a folder to display three fields for
, andvalue
. -
Map a source field, constant, or property to the target
field. The path identifies the resource field that you want to update. In a path value, a number indicates the index of a list field, and a slash leads to a child field. For example, map this path/name/1/given/1/value
to update the value of the given name field. -
Accept the default update operation, which replaces the current value of the field, or map a source field, constant, or property to the
field to indicate how you want to update the field. For details about possible operations, see JSON patch operations. -
If you are updating a field to have a new value, then map a source field, constant, or property to the target
. This is the new value that you want the field to contain.
In the Target panel, expand a folder to display three fields for
- If you did not specify a resource ID when you configured the Patch action, then map the resource ID to the target id field.
- Click Done to add the data mapper step to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, the connection updates the specified resource field(s) and returns a MethodOutcome resource that includes an id.idPart
field. This field contains the ID of the resource that was updated.
9.7. Creating resources of different types on a FHIR server
In an integration, you can create two or more resources on a FHIR server and each resource can be of a different type. For example, you can add a new patient resource and a new provider resource in one connection to a FHIR server. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow, or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that you want to add resources to.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that you want to use to create and add new resources to a FHIR server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Transaction.
- In the Included Resource Types field, select the resource types that this connection creates. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple resource types. The connection creates one resource of each type that you select.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow.
To populate fields in the new resources, add a data mapper step before this connection:
- In the flow visualization, click the plus sign that is before the connection that you just added.
- Click Data Mapper.
- In the data mapper, map source fields to the target resource fields. The new resources contain only the target fields that you map to.
- Click Next to add the data mapper step to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, the connection adds all resources to the FHIR server or, if there is an error, the connection does not add any resources to the FHIR server. A successful action returns a transaction resource, which contains the resource ID for each new resource. You can map these resource IDs to subsequent steps in the flow.
9.8. Deleting a resource from a FHIR server
In an integration, you can delete a resource from a FHIR server. To do this, add a FHIR connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to the FHIR server that has the resource that you want to delete.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to select a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FHIR connection that you want to use to delete the resource.
- On the Choose an action page, select Delete.
- Click in the Resource Type field to display a list of FHIR resource types. Select or enter the type of resource that you want to delete.
- In the Resource Id field, specify the resource ID of the resource that you want to delete or leave this field blank if you plan to map the resource ID from an earlier step in the integration.
- In the Resource version field, optionally specify a version ID for the resource. Leave this field blank to delete the most recent version of the resource or to map the version ID of the resource that you want to delete from a previous step.
- Click Next to add this connection to the flow. .
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it. During execution, the connection deletes the specified resource on the FHIR server and returns a MethodOutcome resource that includes an id.idPart
field. This field contains the resource ID for the deleted resource.
Next steps
To map a value to the Resource Id field or the Resource version field, add a data mapper step before this connection.
Chapter 10. Connecting to an FTP or SFTP server
In an integration, you can connect to an FTP or SFTP server to download or upload files. To do this, create an FTP or SFTP connection and then add it to an integration flow.
For the first step in an integration, you can download files that you define with an Apache Camel File Language expression.
For the middle or last step in an integration, you can upload files that you define with an Apache Camel File Language expression. For an FTP server only, you can also download or upload a named file (where the previous step in the integration provides the name of the file).
The following topics provide details:
10.1. Creating an FTP or SFTP connection
In an integration, to download or upload files from/to an FTP or SFTP server, create a connection to that FTP or SFTP server. You can add the same connection to any number of integrations.
You must know the host name of the server you want to connect to.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
To create a connection that uses File Transfer Protocol, click the FTP connector.
Or, to create a connection that uses Secure File Transfer Protocol, click the SFTP connector.
Configure the connection.
For an FTP connection:
Host is the only parameter that you must specify. Enter the host name of the server that you want to connect to. For example, if the name of your FTP host is
, then you would enter exactly that,FTP.WEST
. Do not specify the protocol, for example, you should not specify something like this:ftp://FTP.WEST
. -
Port is required and has a default value of
. This is the port that the FTP server is listening on. - All other parameters are either not required or have default values. The defaults are suitable for most integrations. Descriptions of these parameters are after this procedure.
Host is the only parameter that you must specify. Enter the host name of the server that you want to connect to. For example, if the name of your FTP host is
For an SFTP connection, there must be values for these parameters:
Host is the host name of the SFTP server that you want to connect to. For example, if the name of your SFTP host is
, then you would enter exactly that,SFTP.EAST
. Do not specify the protocol, for example, you should not specify something like this:sftp://SFTP.EAST
. -
Port has a default of
. This is the port that the SFTP server is listening on. - User name of the account that you want to use to access the SFTP server.
- Password that is associated with that user name.
- All other parameters have default values. The defaults are suitable for most integrations. Descriptions of these parameters are after this procedure.
Host is the host name of the SFTP server that you want to connect to. For example, if the name of your SFTP host is
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether or not validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
XLight FTP Server
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that XLight FTP Server appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
Descriptions of other parameters
- Connect timeout defaults to 10000 milliseconds and indicates a maximum wait of 10 seconds to establish the connection. If 10 seconds elapse without a connection then Fuse Online waits for the number of milliseconds defined by Reconnect delay and then tries to reconnect.
- Reconnect delay defaults to 1000 milliseconds and indicates the wait time before trying to reconnect again.
- Maximum reconnect attempts defaults to 3. Fuse Online tries as many as 3 times to establish a connection.
- Binary file transfer mode is used by default. Select No for ASCII transfer mode.
- Passive connection mode defaults to Yes, which is usually the preferred mode. In passive mode, the client opens communication channels with the server as a way to avoid firewall issues. If you select No then active mode is used.
- Disconnect from the server after use defaults to No. The connection remains established after it performs the action. Select Yes if you want to disconnect from the server after the connection performs the upload or download.
- Data timeout defaults to 30000 milliseconds and indicates the maximum length of time that Fuse Online waits for a reply.
10.2. Obtaining files from an FTP or SFTP server
To trigger integration execution when an FTP or SFTP connection finds the file(s) you are interested in, add an FTP or SFTP connection as an integration’s start connection.
You created an FTP or SFTP connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the FTP or SFTP connection that you want to use to poll an FTP or SFTP server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Download.
In the File name expression field, type an Apache Camel File language expression that specifies the file or files to download. (Note that you cannot specify a regular expression.)
For example, you can filter for all files that have a specific extension from the FTP server. The following example specifies all files with a
Leave the File name expression field blank if you want to download all files in the FTP directory.
At runtime, the connection polls (periodically checks) the server for the file or files and downloads them when found.
- In the FTP directory field, enter the absolute or relative path of the server directory to poll. The connection watches this directory for any content and downloads all files when it finds any content.
- In the Milliseconds before polling starts field, accept the default of 1000 milliseconds or change the number of milliseconds.
- In the Milliseconds before the next poll field, accept the default of 500 milliseconds or change the number of milliseconds. This is the interval between polls.
- In the Delete after download field, accept the default of No or select Yes to download the file(s) and then delete it(them) from the server.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears at the beginning of the integration visualization.
10.3. Obtaining a named file from an FTP server
In an integration, you can download a specific file from an FTP server in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an FTP connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an FTP connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FTP connection that you want to use to download files.
- On the Choose an action page, select DownloadNamedFile.
- In the Delete after download field, accept the default of No or select Yes to download the file and then delete it from the server.
- In the FTP directory field, enter the absolute or relative name of a server directory. At runtime, the connection watches this directory for the named file and downloads it when it finds it.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
10.4. Uploading files to an FTP or SFTP server
In an integration, you can upload files to an FTP or SFTP server in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an FTP or SFTP connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an FTP or SFTP connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FTP or SFTP connection that you want to use to upload files.
- On the Choose an action page, select Upload.
In the File name expression field, type an Apache Camel File language expression that specifies the file or files to upload. (Note that you cannot specify a regular expression.)
For example, you can filter for all files that have a specific extension from the FTP server. The following example specifies all files with a
Leave the File name expression field blank if you want to upload all files in the FTP directory.
- In the FTP directory field, enter the absolute or relative name of a server directory. If the File name expression field contains an expression, then the connection stores the specified file in this directory. If the File name expression field is blank, then the connection uploads to this directory all files that were received from the previous step.
In the If file exists field, indicate the behavior when you are uploading a file that has the same path and name as a file that is on the server. Accept the default, Override, to overwrite the file that is on the server with the file that you are uploading. Or, select one of the following:
- Append adds the content in the file being uploaded to the file that is on the server.
Fail throws
. The integration does not enter an error state. - Ignore does not upload the file. The integration continues running under the assumption that everything is okay.
- Move renames one of the files.
- TryRename uploads the file with a temporary name and renames the file to the desired name. This operation does not check for the existence of a file with the desired name, which makes the operation faster on most servers than when existence checks are done.
- In the Temporary file prefix while copying field, specify a string. The connection prepends this string to the name of a file while it is being uploaded. This enables the connection to write to a temporary file on the server and then rename that temporary file to have the correct name. This is useful for reducing locks when uploading very large files.
- In the Temporary file name while copying field, specify a string. The connection renames a file being uploaded to have this name while it is being uploaded. This enables the connection to write to a temporary file on the server and then rename that temporary file to have the correct name. This is useful for reducing locks when uploading very large files.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
10.5. Uploading a named file to an FTP server
In an integration, you can upload a specific file to an FTP server in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an FTP connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an FTP connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the FTP connection that you want to use to upload files.
- On the Choose an action page, select UploadNamedFile.
- In the FTP directory field, enter the absolute or relative name of a server directory. At runtime, the connection uploads the named file (that was received from the previous step) to this directory.
In the If file exists field, indicate the behavior when you are uploading a file that has the same path and name as a file that is on the server. Accept the default, Override, to overwrite the file that is on the server with the file that you are uploading. Or, select one of the following:
- Append adds the content in the file being uploaded to the file that is on the server.
Fail throws
. The integration does not enter an error state. - Ignore does not upload the file. The integration continues running under the assumption that everything is okay.
- Move renames one of the files.
- TryRename uploads the file with a temporary name and renames the file to the desired name. This operation does not check for the existence of a file with the desired name, which makes the operation faster on most servers than when existence checks are done.
- In the Temporary file prefix while copying field, specify a string. The connection prepends this string to the name of a file while it is being uploaded. This enables the connection to write to a temporary file on the server and then rename that temporary file to have the correct name. This is useful for reducing locks when uploading very large files.
- In the Temporary file name while copying field, specify a string. The connection renames a file being uploaded to have this name while it is being uploaded. This enables the connection to write to a temporary file on the server and then rename that temporary file to have the correct name. This is useful for reducing locks when uploading very large files.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 11. Connecting to Google applications
An integration can connect to these Google applications: Gmail, Calendar, Sheets. See the following topics for details:
11.1. Registering Fuse Online as a Google client application
In an integration, to be able to connect to Gmail, Google Calendar, or Google Sheets, you must register your Fuse Online environment as a Google client application. During registration, you enable Google APIs and create credentials that Fuse Online uses to access the Google APIs that you have enabled.
With registration in place, you can create multiple connections to Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Sheets. You can use each connection in multiple integrations. While each connection to a Google application can use the same Google client ID and Google client secret, which you obtain during registration, each connection can access a different Google account, which you choose.
This procedure instructs you to enable the Gmail API, the Google Calendar API, and the Google Sheets API. However, you can enable only the API(s) that you need rather than all three APIs. At a later time, if you need to create connections to the applications whose APIs you did not enable, you can return here and follow the instructions to enable their APIs.
You must create a new Google client application for Fuse Online. The credentials that Google provides for a new client application contain a refresh token that is used for refreshing expired access tokens. This refresh token is available only the first time that the Fuse Online client application uses the credentials. In Fuse Online, connections to Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Sheets can all use the same Google client ID and Google client secret. If they do, the refresh token is available to all connections to Google applications. When you view connection details in the Fuse Online user interface, do not click the Validate button. Validation is a second use of the credentials and the refresh token is no longer part of the client credentials. You can, however, re-connect to Google applications.
In development environments, be careful if you choose to use the Google client ID and Google client secret that you are using for some other, non-Fuse Online, OAuth client. Fuse Online requires offline access that is requested on the first OAuth exchange. If another OAuth client already entered the OAuth exchange and did not request offline access, then Fuse Online cannot obtain offline access on subsequent OAuth exchanges. If you are unsure whether offline access was requested on the first exchange, create a new Google client application for Fuse Online.
- You must be able to sign in to the Google account that you want to use to register Fuse Online as a Google client application.
In Fuse Online:
- In the left navigation panel, click Settings.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your Fuse Online environment to the clipboard. You will need this URL later in this procedure.
In another browser tab, go to
and do the following:Check that you are signed into the Google account that you want to use to register Fuse Online as a Google client application. Or, choose a different Google account and sign in to that account.
The name of the current Google project appears at the top of the Google APIs page.
- To use the current project to grant authorization to Fuse Online, continue to the next step. To grant authorization to Fuse Online in another Google project, choose or create that project. If this Google account does not already have a project, you must create one.
For each Google API (Calendar, Gmail, or Sheets) that you want to enable:
In the upper left corner, click
and then select APIs and Services > Library.
- If necessary, scroll down to see the Google Workspace row of cards.
Click a Google API card (Calendar, Gmail, or Sheets).
A summary page for the Google API opens.
- Click Enable. Google enables the API and opens the API’s overview page.
- Scroll down and click the Gmail API card, which displays a page that indicates that the Gmail API is enabled.
In the upper left corner, click
Give your client application a name:
In the API overview page, in the left navigation panel, click Credentials and then click Configure Consent Screen.
The OAuth consent screen appears.
In the Application Name field, select External.
Note: You can alternately select Internal if you are a Google Workspace user.
- Click Create.
Type a name for the Fuse Online client application. For example, type
Fuse Online client application
. - Skip the other fields.
- Click Save and continue.
- On the Scopes and Test Users pages, skip the options and click Save and continue.
Obtain client application credentials as follows:
- To the right of Create Credentials, click the down arrow to display a menu and select OAuth client ID.
- In the page that appears, for Application types, select Web application.
In the Name field, type a name for the OAuth client ID for your Fuse Online environment. This is different from the name that you entered for the client application itself. For example, type
OAuth client ID for Fuse Online
. - Skip Authorized JavaScript origins.
- In the Authorized redirect URIs field, paste the callback URL that you copied from your Fuse Online environment at the beginning of this procedure.
- Click Create to display the client ID and client secret for your Fuse Online environment.
To the right of the client ID field, click
to copy the client ID to your clipboard.
Return to the Fuse Online Settings page and do the following:
- Expand the entries for Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Sheets.
- In the Client ID field for each Google application, paste the Google client ID that you just copied.
Return to the Google developers site and to the right of the client secret field, click
to copy the client secret to your clipboard.
Return to the Fuse Online Settings page and do the following in the entry for each Google application:
- In the Client Secret field, paste the Google client secret that you just copied.
- Click Save. You should get a Registration Successful! notification.
- Collapse the entry.
For each Google application API that you enabled, you can create a connection to that application.
All connections from Fuse Online to Google applications use the same Google client ID and Google client secret.
The Google client ID and Google client secret contain token refresh information to ensure that integrations that have connections to Google applications continuously work correctly. Consequently, you should not obtain new credentials. If you do, then you would need to recreate each Google connection, replace the old connections with new connections, and re-publish each integration that uses a Google connection.
11.2. Connecting to Gmail
To trigger execution of an integration when a particular Gmail account receives an email, add a Gmail connection to a simple integration as its start connection. In an integration, to send an email from a particular Gmail account, do either of the following:
- Add a Gmail connection to the middle of a flow.
- Add a Gmail connection to finish a simple integration.
The general steps for connecting to Gmail in an integration are:
- Registering Fuse Online as a Google client application.
- Creating a Gmail connection. When you do this you choose the Gmail account that the connection is authorized to access.
- If your integration sends an email from a Gmail account, decide how to populate an email to send.
- Adding a Gmail connection to an integration flow.
- For a Gmail connection that sends an email, optionally mapping integration data to the email fields.
Information and instructions are in the following topics:
11.2.1. Creating a Gmail connection
When you create a Gmail connection, you authorize the connection to access one particular Gmail account. After you create a Gmail connection, you can add it to multiple integrations.
- You registered Fuse Online as a Google client application and enabled the Gmail API.
- The Fuse Online Settings page entry for Gmail has values for the client ID and client secret, which you obtained by registering Fuse Online as a Google client application.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template that you use to create one or more connections.
- Click the Gmail connector.
In the Configure Connection page, click Connect Gmail, which takes you to a Sign in with Gmail page.
If Connect Gmail does not display, your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Google client application. See Registering Fuse Online as a Google client application. When you try to create a Gmail connection and your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Google client application, then Fuse Online displays multiple fields that prompt for authorization information. While you can create a Gmail connection by entering values in these fields, it is not recommended.
- In the page that is prompting you to sign in to Gmail, enter the email address of the Google account that you want this connection to access from Fuse Online and click Next.
- In response to wants to access your Google Account, click Allow to return to Fuse Online.
In the Fuse Online Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Gmail Connect 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Gmail connection that uses jkim Gmail account credentials.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Gmail Connect 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
11.2.2. Alternatives for populating email to send
A Gmail connection that finishes a simple integration or that is in the middle of a flow sends an email from the Gmail account that the connection is authorized to access. There are several ways to populate the content of the email that the connection sends. Before you add a Gmail connection that sends an email, consider how you want to populate that email.
The alternatives for populating an email to send are as follows:
Add a data mapper step just before the Gmail connection that sends an email. In this data mapper step, map data fields that are output from previous steps to Gmail connection Send Email action fields. The Send Email action fields are:
- Email to
- Email subject
- Email text
- Email cc
- Email bcc
If you add a data mapper step then you can map one, some, or all Send Email action fields.
- When you add a Gmail connection to a flow, configure the action by specifying values in the Send Email action fields. You can specify values in one, some, or all fields.
Use both a data mapper step and Send Email action configuration to populate the fields. In other words, you can configure the Send Email action by specifying one or more fields and also add a data mapper step that populates other fields.
A value that you specify directly in a Send Email action field has precedence over a value that is mapped to the Send Email action field. In other words, suppose you populate a Send Email field by specifying a value when you add the connection and configure the action and also by mapping a value to the same field. The value that you specify in the action configuration always overrides the value that was mapped. For example, suppose you specify
in the Email to action field and you also map an email field from a previous step to the Gmail Email to field. The integration always
as the email address.
When you add a Gmail connection that sends an email, all action configuration parameters are optional. This is because you might choose to populate an email entirely by mapping integration data to the Send Email action fields. However, the presence of an email address in the Email to field, either by action configuration specification or by mapping, is required. Without an email address to send the message to, Fuse Online generates a runtime error and the integration stops executing.
11.2.3. Triggering an integration when polling returns a Gmail message
To trigger execution of an integration based on email received by a particular Gmail account, add a Gmail connection as the start connection of a simple integration. When the integration is running, the Gmail connection checks this account for emails at intervals that you control. When the connection finds an unread email, it passes the email to the next step in the integration and, by default, marks the email as read.
- You created a Gmail connection that is authorized to access the Gmail account that you want to obtain emails from.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Gmail connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Receive Email action.
To configure the Receive Email action:
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 30 seconds or specify how often you want the integration to check for new email.
- Leave the Labels field blank to obtain any unread email. To obtain only certain emails, specify a comma-separated list of labels that are used in the Gmail account that the connection is accessing. By default, the integration obtains the unread emails that have those labels.
- Select Mark as read to ensure that the connection does not return the same email twice. If Mark as read is not selected, the connection returns emails that are in the account’s in box, whether or not they were previously read. Or, if you specify one or more labels, then the integration return emails that have those labels whether or not they were already read.
In the Max Results field, accept the default of 5 or indicate the maximum number of emails that the connection can return for each poll. If the connection finds more than this number of unread emails, then it returns the most recent Max Results emails.
When a Gmail connection returns more than one email, the integration processes the emails as a batch. In other words, Fuse Online executes the integration once for the batch.
- Click Next to add this Gmail connection as the start connection in the integration. The connection appears as the first step in the integration flow.
11.2.4. Sending an email from a Gmail account
In an integration, you can send an email from a Gmail account either in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Gmail connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Gmail connection.
- You are familiar with the alternatives for populating an email to send and you have a plan for populating such emails.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration or to choose the finish connection for a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Gmail connection that you want to use to send an email.
- On the Choose an action page, select Send Email.
On the Configure Send Email page, do one of the following:
- Leave all fields blank if you plan to add a data mapper step just before this connection and you plan to map integration data to the Send Email fields.
Enter information in one or more of the following Send Email fields. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
- Email To
- Email Subject
- Email Text
- Email cc
- Email bcc
Leave some fields blank and enter information in some fields.
If you plan to add a data mapper step just before this Gmail connection, and you want to map integration data to some email fields, leave those fields blank in the action configuration. Enter values in other action fields as needed.
A value that you specify in a Send Email action configuration field has precedence over a value that is mapped from a previous step.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
Next step
If you plan to add a data mapper step before this connection, first add any other connections that you plan to add to this flow. Then add the data mapper step.
11.3. Connecting to Google Calendar
To trigger integration execution when a poll returns an update to a Google calendar, add a Google Calendar connection to a simple integration as its start connection. To add an event to a calendar or update an event in a calendar, you can do either of the following:
- Add a Google Calendar connection to the middle of a flow.
- Add a Google Calendar connection to finish a simple integration.
Details for connecting to Google Calendar are in the following topics:
- Section 11.3.1, “Creating a Google Calendar connection”
- Section 11.3.2, “Triggering an integration when polling returns an event from a Google Calendar”
- Section 11.3.3, “Obtaining a particular event from a Google Calendar”
- Section 11.3.5, “Updating an event in a Google Calendar”
- Section 11.3.4, “Adding an event to a Google Calendar”
11.3.1. Creating a Google Calendar connection
When you create a Google Calendar connection, you authorize the connection to access the Google Calendars that are associated with one particular Google account. After you create a Google Calendar connection, you can add it to multiple integrations.
- You registered Fuse Online as a Google client application and enabled the Google Calendar API.
- The Fuse Online Settings page entry for Google Calendar has values for the client ID and client secret, which you obtained by registering Fuse Online as a Google client application.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template that you use to create one or more connections.
- Click the Google Calendar connector.
In the Configure Connection page, click Connect Google Calendar, which takes you to a Google sign-in page.
If Connect Google Calendar does not display, then your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Google client application with the Google Calendar API enabled. See Registering Fuse Online as a Google client application. When your environment is not registered with Google, then when you try to create a Google Calendar connection, Fuse Online displays multiple fields that prompt for authorization information. While you can create a Google Calendar connection by entering values in these fields, it is not recommended.
- In the Google sign-in page, select the Google account that you want this connection to access from Fuse Online and click Next.
- In response to the wants to access your Google Account prompt, click Allow to return to Fuse Online.
In the Fuse Online Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from other connections. For example, enter
Google Calendar Work Connection
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Google Calendar connection that uses my Google work account.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Google Calendar Work Connection appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
11.3.2. Triggering an integration when polling returns an event from a Google Calendar
To trigger execution of an integration upon obtaining events from a Google Calendar that you specify, add a Google Calendar connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the Google Calendar connection checks the Google Calendar for events at intervals that you control. When the connection finds events that comply with the way that you configured the Google Calendar Get Events action, the connection passes the events to the next step in the integration.
When a Google Calendar connection returns more than one event, Fuse Online executes the integration for each returned event. For example, if the poll returns 5 events then Fuse Online executes the integration five times.
- You created a Google Calendar connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Google Calendar connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Get Events action.
To configure the Get Events action:
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 30 seconds or specify how often you want the integration to check the calendar.
- In the Calendar name field, enter the name of a calendar that is accessible from the Google account that this Google Calendar connection is authorized to access.
- In the Max Results field, accept the default of 5 or indicate the maximum number of events that the connection can return for each poll.
Select one of the following to indicate the date that you want the connection to use to start checking for events. The connection checks that date and subsequent dates.
Consume from the current date ahead starts on the current date.
For example, if you select this option, and if Max Results is 5, then the Google Calendar connection starts checking for events on the current date and returns no more than the first five events that it finds. It does not matter whether or not these events have been updated or added since the last poll.
Consume from the last event update date on the next poll starts on the date of the most recently updated event that was returned in a previous poll.
For example, if you select this option, and if Max Results is 5, then the Google Calendar connection returns no more that 5 updated or new events. The connection starts checking for new or updated events on the date of the most recently updated event that was returned in a previous poll.
Optionally, in the Query for events field, specify text to filter the events that the poll can return. The connection returns only events that contain the specified text in at least one event field.
For example, suppose that you specify
Standup meeting
in the query field. A poll would return only those events that haveStandup meeting
in an event field.
- Click Next to add this Google Calendar connection as the integration’s start connection.
The connection appears as the first step in the simple integration.
11.3.3. Obtaining a particular event from a Google Calendar
In an integration, you can obtain a particular Google Calendar event in the middle of a flow. Obtaining a particular event is useful, for example, when you want to:
- Update the event in a subsequent Google Calendar connection.
- Announce the event by using a subsequent Twitter connection.
To obtain one event, add a Google Calendar connection to the middle of a flow.
In this release, while obtaining a specific event in a simple integration’s finish connection is supported, it is not particularly useful. This is expected to change in a future release.
- You created a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the Google Calendar that has the event that that you want to get.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection.
- Click a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the calendar that you want to connect to.
- On the Choose an action page, select Get a Specific Event.
- Specify the name of the calendar that has the event that you want.
Specify the ID of the event to get. To obtain the event ID, do one of the following:
- Map it from a previous Google Calendar connection.
Manually obtain it from the calendar as follows:
- In a browser, display the calendar that contains the event you want to get.
to the URL and redisplay the calendar. - In the calendar, click the event that you want to get.
In the event popup, click
and select Troubleshooting info.
In the popup that Google Calendar displays, copy the string that follows
. For example, an event ID looks something like this:p1pva2a4t504gbsha12di9ch6k_20181107T150000Z*
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the flow where you added it.
Next step
If you want to map any values from a previous step to the fields in this connection, add a data mapper step. First, add all needed connections to the flow. Then add a data mapper step immediately before this connection.
11.3.4. Adding an event to a Google Calendar
In an integration, you can add an event to a Google Calendar in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Google Calendar connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the Google Calendar to which you want to add an event.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the calendar that you want to add an event to.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Create Event action.
Configure the Create Event action:
- Enter a title for the new event.
- Enter the name of the Google Calendar to add the event to.
- For the other input parameters, you can enter data or you might want to map values from an event that you obtained in a previous Google Calendar connection.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration flow where you added it.
Next step
If you want to map any values to the fields in this Google Calendar connection, add a data mapper step to the flow. First, add all needed connections to the flow. Then add a data mapper step immediately before this Google Calendar connection.
11.3.5. Updating an event in a Google Calendar
In an integration, you can update an event in a Google Calendar in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Google Calendar connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
In this release, the Update Event action requires a value in each event field. In most if not all cases, this means that you must add a Google Calendar connection that obtains the event that you want to update, then add the Google Calendar connection that updates the event, and then insert a data mapper step between the two Google Calendar connections.
- You created a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the Google Calendar that has the event that you want to update.
- In the flow, there is an earlier connection to Google Calendar and that connection obtains the event that you want to update.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Calendar connection that is authorized to access the calendar that has the event that you want to update.
- On the Choose an action page, select Update Event.
To configure the Update Event action:
- Enter the title of the event that you want to update.
- Enter content in each event field that you want to update. Do not enter content in an event field when you want the content in that field to remain unchanged.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the connection that you just added.
- Click Data Mapper.
In the data mapper, for each event field that remains the same in the updated event, map that field from the Google Calendar connection that obtained the event to the corresponding field in the Google Calendar connection that updates the event.
Do not map fields that you are updating. If you map a field and also specify an update for that field when you configure the Update Event action, Fuse Online uses the mapped value.
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
11.4. Connecting to Google Sheets
To trigger execution of an integration when a Google Sheets connection returns spreadsheet data or spreadsheet properties, add a Google Sheets connection to a simple integration as its start connection. To finish a simple integration by updating spreadsheet values or properties, or by inserting a chart or pivot table into a spreadsheet, add a Google Sheets connection to a simple integration as its finish connection.
In the middle of a flow, you can add a Google Sheets connection that obtains, creates or updates values in a spreadsheet, or that inserts a chart or pivot table into a spreadsheet.
Details for connecting to Google Sheets are in the following topics:
- Section 11.4.1, “Creating a Google Sheets connection”
- Section 11.4.2, “Obtaining spreadsheet data to trigger an integration or in the middle of a flow”
- Section 11.4.3, “Triggering an integration when polling returns spreadsheet properties”
- Section 11.4.4, “Creating a spreadsheet”
- Section 11.4.5, “Updating data in a sheet”
- Section 11.4.6, “Appending data to a sheet”
- Section 11.4.7, “Updating spreadsheet properties”
- Section 11.4.8, “Adding a chart to a sheet”
- Section 11.4.9, “Adding a pivot table to a sheet”
11.4.1. Creating a Google Sheets connection
When you create a Google Sheets connection, you authorize the connection to access the Google Sheets spreadsheets that are associated with one particular Google account, which you choose. After you create a Google Sheets connection, you can add it to multiple integrations.
- You registered Fuse Online as a Google client application and enabled the Google Sheets API.
- The Fuse Online Settings page entry for Google Sheets has values for the client ID and client secret, which you obtained by registering Fuse Online as a Google client application.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template that you use to create one or more connections.
- Click the Google Sheets connector.
In the Configure Connection page, click Connect Google Sheets, which takes you to a Google sign-in page.
If Connect Google Sheets does not display, then your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Google client application with the Google Sheets API enabled. See Registering Fuse Online as a Google client application. When your environment is not registered with Google, then when you try to create a Google Sheets connection, Fuse Online displays multiple fields that prompt for authorization information. While you can create a Google Sheets connection by entering values in these fields, it is not recommended.
- In the Google sign-in page, select the Google account that you want this connection to access from Fuse Online and click Next.
- In response to the wants to access your Google Account prompt, click Allow to return to Fuse Online.
In the Fuse Online Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from other connections. For example, enter
Google Sheets Work Connection
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Google Sheets connection that uses my Google work account.
- Click Save to see that the connection that you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Google Sheets Work Connection appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
11.4.2. Obtaining spreadsheet data to trigger an integration or in the middle of a flow
To trigger execution of an integration upon obtaining data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet, add a Google Sheets connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the Google Sheets connection polls the spreadsheet at the interval that you specified, obtains the data that you identified, and passes the data to the next step in the integration.
To obtain spreadsheet data in the middle of a flow, add a Google Sheets connection as a middle connection. During execution, Fuse Online polls the spreadsheet for the specified data as soon as it starts processing this connection. In other words, the connection does not wait for an interval to elapse before polling the spreadsheet.
To obtain data from a particular sheet in a spreadsheet, you specify the sheet name when you configure the action for the Google Sheets connection. A particular connection can obtain data from only one sheet.
Between polls, if there are no changes to the sheet values that the connection is configured to return, then the next poll returns the same values as the previous poll.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet that you want to obtain data from.
- If this Google Sheets connection is triggering integration execution, then you are creating an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the start connection.
- If this Google Sheets connection is in the middle of a flow, then the integration already has a start connection and a finish connection, and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration by choosing a step.
- Click the Google Sheets connection that you want to use.
- On the Choose an action page, for a start connection, select the Get sheet values action or for a middle connection, select the Retrieve sheet values action.
To configure the action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, enter the ID of a Google spreadsheet that is accessible from the Google account that this Google Sheets connection is authorized to access.
To obtain a spreadsheet ID, display the spreadsheet in a browser. The ID is the part of the URL between
.In the Range field, enter Google A1 notation that identifies the data that you want to obtain. The default is A:A.
For example, suppose that you want all data from a spreadsheet that has one sheet with 4 columns. Specify
. Or, to obtain data from rows 5 through 15, specifyA5:D15
.If the spreadsheet from which you are obtaining data has more than one sheet, specify the sheet name as well as the start cell coordinate and the end cell coordinate. If there is more than one sheet, and you do not specify a sheet name, then the connection obtains data from the first sheet in the spreadsheet. For example, specification of
specifies that you want to obtain data from the sheet whose name is2019
. In that sheet, you want the data that is in columns A through D for rows 1 through 5.In the Major dimension field, accept Rows, which is the default, or select Columns.
Rows configures the action to return a collection of row objects where each row object contains a value for each desired column. When Major dimension is Rows, Fuse Online can display meaningful column headings as field names in the data mapper, rather than A, B, C, and so on.
Columns configures the action to return a collection of column objects where each column object contains a value for each desired row.
In the Header row number field, if Major dimension is set to Rows, optionally enter the number of the row that contains the column headings in the data that the connection obtains. Specification of a header row enables Fuse Online to obtain the headings from the spreadsheet. If you do not specify a header row, column headings default to a letter heading for each column in the range of data that the connection obtains. You can edit obtained headings or letter headings in the subsequent page.
NoteIf you are configuring a Google Sheets middle connection, the rest of the configuration options are not needed and Fuse Online does not prompt for them. Skip to step 4.
In the Split results field, accept No, which is the default, or select Yes. A setting of No configures the action to return data as a collection of values. That is, the connection passes a collection of row objects or a collection of column objects to the next step in the flow. Select Yes to enable the connection to split the returned data according to the setting of Major dimension. For example, if Major dimension is set to Rows then the connection returns row objects. Each row object triggers a separate execution of the flow. That is, Fuse Online executes the flow once for each returned row object. For example, if the poll returns 5 rows then Fuse Online executes the flow 5 times.
Fuse Online also provides discrete split and aggregate steps, which you can add to a flow. If you want to process individual objects in one or more steps and then aggregate the row or column objects, do not split the Google Sheets connection result. Instead, accept the default, No, and then add a split step to the flow after this connection. A split step is required if you want an aggregate step in the flow.
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 30 seconds or specify how often you want the connection to obtain spreadsheet data.
In the Max results field, accept the default of 0 if you do not want to restrict how many rows or columns polling can return. The setting of Max results applies to the setting of the major dimension in the result matrix. To limit the data that the connection returns for the major dimension, specify an integer.
For example, suppose that the major dimension is rows and that Max results is set to 25. The poll returns no more than 25 rows of values.
When Range specifies the major dimension and you also specify Max results, polling uses the lower number to determine how much data to return. Consequently, setting a value for Max results is more helpful when you specify only the minor dimension for Range. For example, consider a sheet that has 30 rows with three columns of values in each row. Suppose that Major dimension is Rows and Range is A:C. If you set Max results to 10, polling returns 10 rows of data. If you accept 0 as the setting of Max results, polling returns 30 rows. However, if you specify Range as A1:C15 and you also specify Max results as 25, polling returns 15 rows. If you specify Range as A1:C30 and you also specify Max results as 25, polling returns 25 rows.
Click Next to view the column names in the data that the connection obtains when Major dimension is set to Rows. If Major dimension is Columns, content in this field is ignored and you can click Next now to complete this procedure.
The values that appear in the Column names field become the field names that a data mapper step displays. If you specified a header row number, Fuse Online displays the headings from that row in the sheet that you are obtaining data from. If you left the header row number field blank, Fuse Online displays a letter (A, B, C, and so on) for each column in the range of data that you are obtaining.
Optionally, edit the Column names field so it contains the field names that you want to see in a data mapper step. The field must contain a comma-separated list with no spaces, for example,
. - Click Next to add this Google Sheets connection to the flow.
Next steps
If you added a Google Sheets connection as a start connection, Fuse Online prompts you to add the integration’s finish connection. With the start and finish connections in the integration, add any other connections that you want in the integration.
After the connection that obtains sheet values, add a data mapper step. In the data mapper, Fuse Online displays source fields according to how you configure the action that obtains spreadsheet values. That is, if the major dimension is Rows, then the data mapper lists the column names as fields that you can map to the target. If the major dimension is Columns, then the data mapper lists row indexes as fields that you can map to the target.
Additional resource
Google A1 notation for specifying groups of cells in a spreadsheet
11.4.3. Triggering an integration when polling returns spreadsheet properties
To trigger execution of an integration upon obtaining properties from a Google Sheets spreadsheet, add a Google Sheets connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the Google Sheets connection polls the spreadsheet at the interval that you specified, obtains the spreadsheet properties, and passes the result to the next step in the integration.
Properties include the spreadsheet’s title, locale, and time zone. Between polls, if there are no changes to the sheet properties, then the next poll returns the same values as the previous poll.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet that you want to obtain properties from.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Google Sheets connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Get spreadsheet properties action.
To configure the Get spreadsheet properties action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, enter the ID of a Google spreadsheet that is accessible from the Google account that this Google Sheets connection is authorized to access.
To obtain a spreadsheet ID, display the spreadsheet in a browser. The ID is the part of the URL between
.- In the Delay field, accept the default of 30 seconds or specify how often you want the connection to obtain properties.
- Click Next to add this Google Sheets connection as the integration’s start connection.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the integration’s finish connection.
11.4.4. Creating a spreadsheet
To create a new spreadsheet in the middle of a flow, add a Google Sheets connection between the start and finish connections. While you can also finish a simple integration with a Google Sheets connection that creates a spreadsheet, you cannot add data to a new spreadsheet in the same connection. Therefore, when you want to create a spreadsheet and add data to the spreadsheet in the same flow, the flow requires two Google Sheets connections. One connection creates the spreadsheet and then a subsequent connection adds data to the spreadsheet.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google account in which you want to create the spreadsheet.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google account that you want to use to create the spreadsheet.
- On the Choose an action page, select Create spreadsheet.
To configure the Create spreadsheet action:
- In the Title field, enter the title of the new spreadsheet.
In the Time Zone field, enter the time zone that the new spreadsheet should use, for example,
India Standard Time
, orTokyo
. -
In the Locale field, enter the locale of the new spreadsheet, for example,
, orHong Kong
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
A connection that creates a spreadsheet returns the spreadsheet ID for the new spreadsheet. In subsequent steps, you can map this spreadsheet ID to the spreadsheet ID in a connection that accesses the new spreadsheet, for example, to update it.
11.4.5. Updating data in a sheet
In an integration, you can update data in a spreadsheet in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Google Sheets connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google spreadsheet that you want to update.
- You have access to the spreadsheet ID for the spreadsheet that you want to update.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet that you want to update.
- On the Choose an action page, select Update sheet values.
To configure the Update sheet values action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, do one of the following:
- Enter the ID of the spreadsheet that you want to update.
- Leave the field blank. In this case, after you add this connection to the flow, you must add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map the spreadsheet ID from a previous connection to this connection. The previous connection must access the spreadsheet that you want to update in this connection.
In the Range field, use Google A1 notation to specify the spreadsheet cells that you want to update. Specify the start and end coordinates, for example,
updates the first 4 columns in the first 4 rows in the first sheet in the spreadsheet.The default is
, which updates the first column in the first sheet in the spreadsheet.- In the Major dimension field, accept Rows, which is the default, or select Columns. Rows configures the action to use row objects to update the sheet. Each row object contains a value for each column that you want to update. Columns configures the action to use column objects to update the sheet. Each column object contains a value for each row that you want to update.
In the Value input option field, indicate how you want Google sheets to interpret the data that it receives for updating the sheet. Unspecified, which is the default, enables Google Sheets to automatically convert data that it recognizes. For example, if the input data is a date, then Google Sheets formats it as a date. If the input data is a decimal, then Google Sheets formats it as a decimal.
- Unspecified defaults to the Google Sheets API setting, which defaults to User entered.
- Raw causes Google Sheets to insert the input data as is.
- User entered enables automatic conversion of recognizable data.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization in the location where you added it.
- If you want to add any other connections to the flow, add them now and then return to these instructions.
- After the flow has all desired connections, in the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the Google Sheets connection that updates sheet values.
- Click the Data Mapper card to add a data mapping step to the flow.
In the data mapper:
If you did not specify the spreadsheet ID when you configured the Update sheet values action, then map a source
to the targetspreadsheetId
. Specify the data that you want to use to update the sheet by mapping fields from a source step to the target spreadsheet. For example, you might map fields from another spreadsheet or from a database.
If you need to, you can edit the Google Sheets connection that updates sheet values and change the settings for Range or Major dimension. Changing these settings causes the data mapper to display different target fields according to your changes.
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
If you did not specify the spreadsheet ID when you configured the Update sheet values action, then map a source
11.4.6. Appending data to a sheet
You can append data to a sheet in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Google Sheets connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google spreadsheet in which you want to append data.
- You have access to the ID for the spreadsheet in which you want to append data.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet in which you want to append data.
- On the Choose an action page, select Append values to a sheet.
To configure the Append values to a sheet action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, do one of the following:
- Enter the ID of the spreadsheet that you want to append values to.
- Leave the field blank. In this case, after you add this connection to the flow, you must add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map the spreadsheet ID from a previous connection to this connection. The previous connection must access the spreadsheet that you want to append data to in this connection.
In the Range field, use Google A1 notation to specify the spreadsheet range that you want to append data to. Specify the start and end coordinates, for example,
appends data to the first sheet, after the third row for 4 columns. The default isA:A
, which appends data to the first column in the first sheet in the spreadsheet.The connection never overwrites data. The connection starts appending data after the range you specify, and then always appends data to the content that is in place.
- In the Major dimension field, accept Rows, which is the default, or select Columns. Rows configures the action to use row objects to append data. Each row object contains a value for each column that you want to append data to. Columns configures the action to use column objects to append data. Each column object contains a value for each row that you want to append.
In the Value input option field, indicate how you want Google sheets to interpret the data that it receives for appending to a sheet. Unspecified, which is the default, enables Google Sheets to automatically convert data that it recognizes. For example, if the input data is a date, then Google Sheets formats it as a date. If the input data is a decimal, then Google Sheets formats it as a decimal.
- Unspecified defaults to the Google Sheets API setting, which defaults to User entered.
- Raw does nothing. Google Sheets inserts the input data as is.
- User entered enables automatic conversion of recognizable data.
Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
The values that you specify to configure the Append values to a sheet action determine the fields that the data mapper displays for mapping to or from this connection.
- If you want to add any other connections to the flow, add them now and then return to these instructions.
- After the flow has all desired connections, in the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the Google Sheets connection that appends data to a sheet.
- Click Data Mapper to add a data mapping step to the flow.
In the data mapper:
If you did not specify the spreadsheet ID when you configured the Append values to a spreadsheet action, then map a source
to the targetspreadsheetId
. Specify the data to append to the sheet by mapping fields from a source step to the target spreadsheet. For example, you might map fields from another spreadsheet or from a database.
If you need to, you can edit the Google Sheets connection that appends sheet values and change the settings for Range or Major dimension. Changing these settings causes the data mapper to display different target fields according to your changes.
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
If you did not specify the spreadsheet ID when you configured the Append values to a spreadsheet action, then map a source
11.4.7. Updating spreadsheet properties
In an integration, you can update the properties of a spreadsheet in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Google Sheets connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
Properties include the spreadsheet’s title, locale, and time zone.
When Fuse Online prompts you to configure the Update spreadsheet properties action, you can leave some or all fields blank. If you leave a field blank, then in a data mapper step that is in the flow (you add it later) before this connection, you map fields from previous steps to blank Update spreadsheet properties action configuration fields.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google spreadsheet whose properties you want to update.
- You have access to the spreadsheet ID for the spreadsheet whose properties you want to update.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet whose properties you want to update.
- On the Choose an action page, select Update spreadsheet properties.
To configure the Update spreadsheet properties action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, do one of the following:
- Enter the ID of the spreadsheet whose properties you want to update.
- Leave the field blank. In this case, after you add this connection to the flow, you must add a data mapper step that is before this connection. In the data mapper step, map the spreadsheet ID from a previous connection to this connection. The previous connection must access the spreadsheet that you want to update in this connection.
- In the other fields, enter a value only if you want to change the property. Alternatively, you can leave the fields blank. If you do, then in a data mapper step that you add later, just before this connection, you can map the fields that you want to change.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
- If you want to add any other connections to the flow, add them now and then return to these instructions.
After the flow has all desired connections, you might want to use a data mapper step to update spreadsheet properties:
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the Google Sheets connection that updates properties.
- Click Data Mapper to add a data mapping step to the flow.
In the data mapper, if you did not specify a spreadsheet ID when you configured the Update spreadsheet properties action, map a source
to the targetspreadsheetId
. - For each spreadsheet property that you want to change and for which you did not specify an updated value when you configured the Update spreadsheet properties action, map a field from a source step to the target spreadsheet property that you want to change.
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
11.4.8. Adding a chart to a sheet
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can add a basic chart or a pie chart to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. To do this, add a Google Sheets connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection. Then add a data mapper step just before the connection. In the data mapper step, set options that determine the location, properties, and content of the chart.
When Fuse Online prompts you to configure the Add charts action, you can leave some or all fields blank. If you leave a field blank, you can map a value to that field in the data mapper step that you will add just before this connection.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google spreadsheet that you want to add a chart to.
- You have access to the ID for the spreadsheet that you want to add a chart to.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection for a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet that you want to add a chart to.
- On the Choose an action page, select Add charts.
To configure the Add charts action:
In the SpreadsheetId field, do one of the following:
- Enter the ID of the spreadsheet that you want to add a chart to.
- Leave the field blank. In the data mapper step that will be just before this connection, map the spreadsheet ID from a previous connection to this connection. The previous connection must access the spreadsheet that you want to add a chart to in this connection.
In the Chart Title field, enter a title.
Alternatively, leave the field blank. In the data mapper step that is just before this connection, map the chart title from a source field or property to the
target field.In the Subtitle field, enter a subtitle.
Alternatively, leave the field blank. In the data mapper step that is just before this connection, map the chart subtitle from a source field or property to the
target field.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
- If you want to add any other connections to the flow, add them now. Then return to these instructions.
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the connection that adds a chart.
Click Data Mapper.
In the data mapper, map source properties, source fields, or source constants to the target Google Sheets connection, which is adding a chart. The following instructions assume that there is a source field, a source property, or a source constant that contains the value that you want to map to each target field.
If there is no source for the required value, then create a source property in the data mapper by clicking the + sign that is to the right of the Properties folder. In the Create Property dialog, give the property a name that makes it easy to map to the correct target field, for example, specify
as the property name. For the property value, specify the value that you want the connection to use to create the chart. The chart’s overlay position field requires A1 notation that identifies a cell. That is, it specifies a start position but an end position specification is not required, and it is ignored if it is present. For example, specify something likeD4
as the value of the overlayPosition source property. Save the new property.When you configured the Add charts action, you might have specified a value for the spreadsheet ID, the chart title, and/or the chart subtitle. If you did, then do not map a value to that field.
To add a chart to a sheet, map source properties, source fields or source constants to target fields as follows:
Set the location of the chart by mapping an A1 notation value, which identifies a cell, to the overlayPosition target field. An end position is not required and it is ignored if present. The mapped value identifies the cell where Google Sheets places the chart. This cell is the upper left corner of the chart display.
If you do not map a value to the overlayPosition field, and you also do not map a value to the sheetId field, which identifies the sheet that you want to add the chart to, then the default behavior is that Google Sheets creates a new sheet and places the chart in A1.
You must map a value to the overlayPosition field if you plan to map a value to the sheetId field.
- Map a source spreadsheetId field to the target spreadsheetId field. The connection uses source data in this spreadsheet to add the chart to a sheet in this same spreadsheet. The source data and the chart can be in two different sheets in the same spreadsheet but they cannot be in two different spreadsheets.
- Set a chart title by mapping to the target title field. The connection inserts this string as the title of the chart.
- Set a chart subtitle by mapping to the target subtitle field. The connection inserts this string as a chart subtitle.
Identify the sheet to add the chart to by mapping an integer to the sheetId field.
If you map a value to the sheetId field then you must also map a value to the overlayPosition field.
If you do not map a value to the sheetId field and you also do not map a value to the overlayPosition field, then the connection creates a new sheet and adds the chart to the new sheet.
If you do not map a value to the sheetId field but you do map a value to the overlayPosition field, then the connection places the chart on the sheet identified by the sourceSheetId field. This is the sheet that provides the data for the chart.
identifies the first sheet in the spreadsheet. For subsequent sheets, the sheet ID is at the end of the URL when the sheet is visible in a browser. For example, at the end of the following URL, you can seegid=206589330
This indicates that the sheet ID is
and that is the value that you would map to sheetId.Identify the sheet that provides the data for the chart by mapping its integer sheet ID to the target sourceSheetId field. The default is
, which identifies the first sheet in the spreadsheet.You can add a basic chart or a pie chart. Follow one of the following sets of instructions according to the kind of chart that you want to add.
To add basic chart, in the target panel, expand the basicChart folder and map source fields to target fields that are in the basicChart folder:
Set the chart type (
) by mapping to the target type field. The default isCOLUMN
. - Set the title for the bottom axis of the chart by mapping to the target axisTitleBottom field.
- Set the title for the left axis of the chart by mapping to the target axisTitleLeft field.
Set the high level category of information that the chart shows by mapping to the target domainRange field. This field uses the Google Sheets A1 notation. For example, suppose that the first column in a source sheet provides a list of 5 products in
, and you want the chart to provide some data for each product. In this column, the first cell (A1
) must contain a label, such asProducts
. The setting of domainRange would beA1:A6
. The chart will contain the data that is inA2
. The chart does not display the label. -
Identify the location of the source data that the chart shows by mapping to the target dataRange field. This field uses the Google Sheets A1 notation. A chart can provide only one series of data. Continuing with the domainRange example, suppose that the second column in a source sheet shows the number sold for each of the 5 products that are listed in the first column and this is the data that you want the chart to show. In this column, the first cell (
) must contain a label, such asNumber Sold
. The setting of dataRange would beB1:B6
. The chart will contain the data that is inB2
. The chart does not display the label.
Set the chart type (
To add a pie chart, in the target panel, expand the pieChart folder and map source fields to target fields that are in the pieChart folder:
Set the location of the pie chart legend by mapping to the target legendPosition field. The default is
. The value must beBOTTOM_LEGEND
. -
Set the high level category of information that the pie chart shows by mapping to the target domainRange field. This field uses the Google Sheets A1 notation. For example, suppose that the first column in a source sheet provides a list of 5 products in
, and you want the chart to provide some data for each product. In this column, the first cell (A1
) must contain a label, such asProducts
. The setting of domainRange would beA1:A6
. The chart will contain the data that is inA2
. The chart does not display the label. -
Identify the location of the source data that the chart shows by mapping to the target dataRange field. This field uses the Google Sheets A1 notation. A chart can provide only one series of data. Continuing with the domainRange example, suppose that the second column in a source sheet shows the number sold for each of the 5 products that are listed in the first column and this is the data that you want the chart to show. In this column, the first cell (
) must contain a label, such asNumber Sold
. The setting of dataRange would be B1:B6. The chart will contain the data that is inB2
. The chart does not display the label.
Set the location of the pie chart legend by mapping to the target legendPosition field. The default is
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
11.4.9. Adding a pivot table to a sheet
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can add a pivot table to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. A pivot table lets you aggregate, sort, or apply a function to spreadsheet data and display the results in the same spreadsheet. To add a pivot table, add a Google Sheets connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection. Then add a data mapping step before the connection. In the data mapping step, you set options that determine the location, properties, and content of the pivot table.
In this release, the Add pivot table action is limited to defining one value group, one row pivot group, and one column pivot group. Support for multiple groups in a single action is expected to be added in a future release. As a workaround, you can add multiple Google Sheets connections that add pivot tables based on the same source spreadsheet.
- You created a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the Google spreadsheet that you want to add a pivot table to.
- You have access to the ID for the spreadsheet that contains the source data for the pivot table.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection for a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click a Google Sheets connection that is authorized to access the spreadsheet that you want to add the pivot table to.
- On the Choose an action page, select Add pivot tables.
To configure the Add pivot tables action, in the SpreadsheetId field, do one of the following:
- Enter the ID of the spreadsheet that you want to add a pivot table to.
- Leave the field blank. In the data mapper step that you will add just before this connection, you will map the spreadsheet ID from a previous connection to this connection. The previous connection must access the spreadsheet that you want to add a pivot table to in this connection.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow. The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
- If you want to add any other connections to this flow, add them now. Then return to these instructions.
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is just before the connection that adds a pivot table to a sheet.
Click Data Mapper.
In the data mapper, map source properties, source fields, or source constants to the target Google Sheets connection, which is adding a pivot table. The following instructions assume that there is a source field, source property, or source constant that contains the value that you want to map to each target field.
If there is no source for the required value, then create a source property in the data mapper by clicking the + sign that is to the right of the Properties folder. In the Create Property dialog, give the property a name that makes it easy to map to the correct target field, for example, specify
as the property name. Specify the value that you want the connection to use to create the pivot table. The pivot table’s value layout field requires a value ofHORIZONTAL
so you might specifyVERTICAL
as the value of the valueLayout property. Save the new property.In the data mapper, configure a new pivot table as follows:
- Map a source spreadsheetId field to the target spreadsheetId field. The connection uses source data in this spreadsheet to add the pivot table to a sheet in this same spreadsheet. The source data and the pivot table can be in two different sheets in the same spreadsheet but they cannot be in two different spreadsheets.
Identify the sheet to add the pivot table to by mapping an integer to the sheetId field. The default is
, which identifies the first sheet in the spreadsheet. For subsequent sheets, the sheet ID is at the end of the URL when the sheet is visible in a browser. For example, at the end of the following URL, you cangid=206589330
.This indicates that the sheet ID is
and that is the value that you would map to sheetId.-
Identify the sheet that provides the data for generating the pivot table by mapping its integer sheet ID to the target sourceSheetId field. If you do not map a value to sourceSheetId, the connection uses the sheetId value, or
if no value is mapped to sheetId.0
identifies the first sheet in the spreadsheet. - Set the source data range for generating the pivot table by mapping an A1 notation value to the target sourceRange field. For example, A2:D5.
Set the value layout to be used on the pivot table by mapping to the target valueLayout field. The value must be
, which is the default.HORIZONTAL
specifies that values are laid out as columns. - Set the top left cell of the pivot table by mapping an A1 notation cell coordinate to the target start field. When the connection adds the pivot table to the sheet that contains the source data, if you do not map a value to the start field, the default is that the top left cell of the pivot table is the cell that is in the first row of the source data range and in the first empty column after the source data range. When the source data is in one sheet and the pivot table will be in another sheet, the default is A1.
To add a value group, expand valueGroups in the target panel, and map values to the fields under valueGroups:
- Map a value group name to the target name field.
Map a function, which you want to apply to the value group, to the target function field. The value must be
. The default isSUM
to function when you are defining a formula. -
Map a custom formula, which you want to apply to the value group, to the target formula field if you mapped the
value to the function field. - Map a column name, which is the coordinate that builds the value group, to the target sourceColumn field.
To add a row pivot group, expand columnGroups in the target panel, and map values to the fields under columnGroups:
- Map a row pivot group name to the target label field.
Map the sort order that you want to apply to the row pivot group to the target sortOrder field. The value must be
. The default isASCENDING
. -
to the target showTotals field. The default istrue
, which enables the display of totals for the row pivot group. - Map a column name, which is the coordinate that builds the row pivot group, to the target sourceColumn field.
To add a column pivot group, expand rowGroups in the target panel, and map values to the fields under rowGroups:
- Map a column pivot group name to the target label field.
Map the sort order that you want to apply to the column pivot group to the target sortOrder field. The value must be
. The default isASCENDING
. -
to the target showTotals field. The default istrue
, which enables the display of totals for the column pivot group. - Map a column name, which is the coordinate that builds the column pivot group, to the target sourceColumn field.
- In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step.
Additional resource
Chapter 12. Connecting to HTTP and HTTPS endpoints
In an integration, you can connect to HTTP and HTTPS endpoints to execute the GET
, or PATCH
method. To do this, create an HTTP or HTTPS connection and then add it to an integration flow. The following topics provide details:
12.1. Creating a connection to an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint
In an integration, to execute the HTTP GET
, or PATCH
method, create a connection to an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint. You can then add the connection to one or more integrations.
You must know the URL for the endpoint that you want to connect to.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- If you want to use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol to connect to the endpoint, then click the HTTP connector. If you want to use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, then click the HTTPS connector.
In the Base URL field, enter the endpoint path. For example,
. - Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise specification of the base URL and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
HTTPS My Company Sales
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that HTTPS My Company Sales appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
12.2. Adding an HTTP or HTTPS connection to an integration
You can add an HTTP or HTTPS connection to any number of integrations.
- You created an HTTP or HTTPS connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a start connection, or to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the HTTP or HTTPS connection that you want to add to the flow.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform:
- If you are adding a start connection, then Periodic invoke URL is the only available action. This action invokes the endpoint at intervals that you specify and triggers the integration if the endpoint returns any data.
- If you are adding a middle or finish connection, then Invoke URL is the only available action. This action invokes the endpoint once.
- In the URL Path field, specify the location of the endpoint that you want to invoke.
In the HTTP Method field, select the method that you want the connection to perform. The default method is
obtains the content at the URL path. -
replaces the content at the URL path with the integration data. -
stores the integration data at the URL path to create new content. -
removes content at the URL path. -
obtains metadata about the content at the URL path. -
obtains communication option settings at the URL path. -
obtains information for testing and diagnostic purposes. -
partially updates the content at the URL path according to the integration data.
- If you are adding a start connection, which periodically invokes the URL, then in the Period field, accept the default interval of 1 second or specify a number and its unit (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours) to indicate how long to wait between invocations.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input or output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input/output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 13. Connecting to IRC
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a protocol that lets anyone with an IRC client send and receive text messages in real time. In an integration, a connection to IRC can do one of the following:
- Trigger execution of a simple integration when an IRC nickname that you specify receives a private message. The integration passes the message to the next step in the flow. For example, you can designate an IRC nickname for receiving names of possible customers. Upon receiving a message, the integration could connect to Salesforce to create a lead.
- Deliver a message to a particular channel. The message is from the nickname that you specify. For example, this is useful when an integration downloads a file from an FTP server and processes it in some way. An integration flow can send a message to a particular channel to indicate that the process was successful.
To connect to IRC in an integration, create an IRC connection and then add the connection to an integration flow. Details are in the following topics:
13.1. Creating an IRC connection
In an integration, an IRC connection can retrieve messages that are sent to an IRC nickname that you specify or send messages to a nickname on a channel. You can use the same IRC connection in any number of integrations.
- You know the hostname and port of the IRC server that you want to connect to.
- If the IRC server requires a password, you know the password.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the IRC connector.
In the Hostname field, enter an IRC hostname. You can specify an IP address or a name, for example,
. -
In the Port field, enter the port that the IRC server is listening on, for example,
. - In the Password field, if the IRC server requires a password, enter it here.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the connection configuration values and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
IRC Freenode
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see the updated list of available connections, including the connection that you just created. If you entered the example name, you would see that IRC Freenode appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration. You can add this connection to any number of integrations.
13.2. Adding an IRC connection to trigger integration execution upon receiving messages
An IRC connection that starts an integration triggers execution of the integration when the connection finds private messages that are sent to an IRC nickname that you specify.
- You created an IRC connection.
- You have an IRC nickname for receiving and sending messages.
- You are creating a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose how you want to start the integration.
- Click the IRC connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- Select the IRC Receive Private Message action.
- In the Channels field, optionally specify one or more IRC channels separated with commas.
- In the Nickname field, specify the IRC nickname that the integration uses. For any channels that you specify, this nickname joins the channel. During execution, the integration retrieves messages that are sent to this nickname and passes them to the next step in the integration.
- In the NickServ Password field, if the specified nickname has a password, enter it.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection is a simple integration’s start connection and Fuse Online prompts you to choose the integration’s finish connection.
13.3. Adding an IRC connection to send a message
In an integration, you can send a message to one or more IRC channels in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an IRC connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an IRC connection.
- You have an IRC nickname for receiving and sending messages.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the IRC connection that you want to add to the flow.
Select IRC Send Message to Channel to send a message to one or more channels.
- In the Channels field, enter one or more IRC channels delimited by commas. During execution, this connection sends messages from the IRC nickname that you specify to these channels.
- In the Nickname field, specify the IRC nickname that sends messages to the specified channels.
- In the NickServ password field, if the nickname that you specified has a password, specify it here.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the flow visualization where you added it.
Chapter 14. Connecting to Jira
In an integration, you can connect to a Jira server to obtain, create, or update issues. Jira is a tool for planning, tracking, and managing software development projects. Each Jira environment allows customization of the workflow, which has an effect on the details for connecting to Jira in an integration. Consulting with your Jira administrator should clarify the details.
The following topics provide information and procedures for creating integrations that connect to a Jira server:
- Section 14.1, “Registering Fuse Online with a Jira server that uses OAuth”
- Section 14.2, “Creating a Jira connection”
- Section 14.3, “Obtaining Jira issues or comments to trigger integration execution”
- Section 14.4, “Adding an issue to a Jira server”
- Section 14.5, “Adding a comment to a Jira issue”
- Section 14.6, “Attaching a file to a Jira issue”
- Section 14.7, “Adding and removing Jira issue watchers”
- Section 14.8, “Updating an issue on a Jira server”
- Section 14.9, “Transitioning a Jira issue to a new status”
14.1. Registering Fuse Online with a Jira server that uses OAuth
An integration can connect to a Jira server that uses the OAuth protocol to authenticate access. To enable this, register your Fuse Online environment as a Jira client application. Jira client applications are also referred to as Jira consumers. In other words, your Fuse Online environment is a Jira consumer.
Registration is not required when a Jira server uses only basic authentication.
Follow the procedure here to obtain the Jira OAuth credentials that you need to create a Fuse Online connection to Jira. For more details about registering Jira consumers, including a tutorial that takes you through the steps with a sample server, see the Jira documentation about OAuth for REST APIs
After you register Fuse Online with a Jira server, you use Fuse Online to create a connection to that Jira server. Any number of integrations can use the same Jira connection. However, if you want to create another Jira connection, you must obtain another set of OAuth credentials by repeating the registration procedure provided here.
Overview of the main steps
The main steps in the registration procedure are:
- Obtain the Atlassian command line application that enables you to obtain OAuth credentials.
Run the downloaded application to create a
file. - Create a public/private key pair, which Fuse Online uses to access a Jira server.
Edit the
file to update some of its values. - Configure your Jira server to recognize your Fuse Online environment as a consumer application.
- Obtain a Jira access token that Fuse Online needs to access data on your Jira server.
Each of these steps has several substeps and the procedure below provides the details.
- Jira server administration permissions.
- Familiarity with command line interfaces.
Obtain the Atlassian command line application that enables you to obtain OAuth credentials:
Go to the
page. - In the left panel, at the bottom, click Downloads.
- On the Downloads page, click Download repository.
- Extract the file into a directory that you choose.
Go to the
Run the downloaded application to create a
file for OAuth credentials:- In a terminal, navigate to the directory that contains the extracted content.
Change to the
directory and build the client:cd atlassianlabs-atlassian-oauth-examples-dd0264cad043/java mvn clean compile assembly:single
Change to the
directory and generate
file:cd target java -jar OAuthTutorialClient-1.0.jar requestToken
You can ignore the connection exception. In the
directory, there is now
file that contains some temporary keys.Generate a public/private key pair that Fuse Online needs for access to a Jira server. While you can run these commands anywhere, the first instruction directs you to a particular directory for convenience:
- Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded application.
Generate a private key:
openssl genrsa -out jira_privatekey.pem 1024
Obtain a public key:
openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -key jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_publickey.cer -days 365
This command prompts you to enter information about your Fuse Online environment. Alternatively, to avoid responding to prompts, add the
option to the command. For example, at the end of the command line above, add something like this:-subj "/C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/O=MyCompany Ltd./OU=IT/"
Export the keys:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_privatekey.pcks8 openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in jira_publickey.cer > jira_publickey.pem
You now have four files:
Obtain the private key, without the header, line breaks, and footer:
cat jira_privatekey.pcks8 | grep -v 'PRIVATE'|awk '{print}' ORS=''
- Copy the private key to the clipboard.
Edit the
Navigate to the
directory that contains
file and open the file for editing. -
In the
file, replace the private key with the private key that you copied to the clipboard. Change the
setting to the URL for your Jira server. Be sure to specifyhttps
if your Jira server useshttps
. Also, you need to escape the colon. For example:jira_home=https\://
Change the
setting toFuse Online App
. For example:consumer_key=Fuse Online App
Save and close the
Navigate to the
Configure your Jira server to recognize your Fuse Online environment as a consumer application. You must be logged in to the Jira server as an administrative user.
Select Settings (
) > Products > Application links.
In the Create new link input field, enter any URL, for example, enter:
.This displays a dialog that indicates that no response was received, which is okay because only one-way communication is required.
Click Continue to display the Link applications dialog. In this dialog:
In the Consumer Key field, enter
Fuse Online App
. - At the bottom, select Create incoming link.
- In each of the other fields, enter any value. Each field requires a value. The value that you enter does not matter because no response is needed.
- Click Continue to display another dialog.
In the Consumer Key field, enter
Fuse Online App
. -
In the Consumer Name field, enter
Fuse Online App
. -
In the Public Key field, paste the public key that is in the
file. Be sure to paste only the key without the header and footer. To display the key so that you can copy it, in the directory that contains thejira_publickey.pem
file, entercat jira_publickey.pem
. - Click Continue.
In the Consumer Key field, enter
Select Settings (
Obtain a Jira access token that Fuse Online needs to access data on your Jira server. In the Jira OAuth documentation that is linked to at the beginning of this procedure, this step is referred to as "The Oauth dance" because there are exchanges among Fuse Online, the Jira server, and the Jira administrator.
Navigate to the
directory in the directory that contains the command line application that you downloaded in the first step of this whole procedure. Obtain a request token from your Jira server:
java -jar OAuthTutorialClient-1.0.jar requestToken
This displays something like:
Token: ec3dj4byySM5ek3XW7gl7f4oc99obAlo Token Secret: OhONj0eF7zhXAMKZLbD2Rd3x7Dmxjy0d Retrieved request token. go to to authorize it
- In another browser tab, go to the URL provided in that output. That page welcomes you to Jira and prompts you to allow access to the Fuse Online App.
- Click Allow, which displays an Access Approved page with a verification code.
- Copy the verification code to the clipboard and paste it somewhere so that you can easily retrieve it.
Obtain an access token by invoking a command such as the following. In the following command line example, the last value is a verification code. In the command that you run, replace the example verification code with the verification code that you copied in the previous step. For example:
java -jar OAuthTutorialClient-1.0.jar accessToken qTJkPi
The output from this command is the access token that Fuse Online needs to access your Jira server.
Navigate to the
The Jira command line application updates the
file so that it contains all values that you need to configure a Jira connection for Fuse Online.
Next step
Create a Jira connection.
14.2. Creating a Jira connection
In an integration, to obtain, create, or update a Jira issue, create a Jira connection, which you then add to an integration. You can add the same connection to any number of integrations.
If the Jira server that you want to connect to uses the OAuth protocol for authenticating access, you must have registered your Fuse Online environment as a client of the Jira server that you want to connect to. See Registering Fuse Online with a Jira server that uses OAuth.
- For a Jira server that uses basic authentication, you have a Jira user name and password.
For a Jira server that uses OAuth, you have access to the
file that contains values for the Jira access token, consumer key, private key, and verification code.
- In Fuse Online, in the navigation panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors.
- Click the Jira connector.
In the Jira URL field, enter the URL for the Jira server that you want an integration to connect to, for example,
.For a connection to a Jira server uses OAuth, the procedure to register your Fuse Online environment as a Jira consumer application resulted in a
file. The URL that you specify here should be the same URL that is in thatconfig.preperties
file. For example, you would see a line like this in
If this Jira server uses basic authentication:
- In the User name field, enter a Jira user name. The connection uses this account to operate on the specified Jira server.
- In the Password field, enter the specified user’s password.
Skip the next step if the Jira server does not use OAuth authentication.
If the Jira server uses OAuth authentication:
Open the
file that contains the OAuth access token, keys, and verification code. This is the file that is the result of the registration procedure. Copy values from that file and paste them into the connection configuration fields. -
Copy the
value into the Access Token field. -
Copy the
value into the Consumer Key field. -
Copy the
value into the Private Key field. -
Copy the
value into the Verification Code field.
Open the
- Click Validate. Fuse Online displays a message that indicates whether it can validate this connection. If validation fails, try again and be sure to enter the correct values.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Jira Connect 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Jira connection that uses the jkim account.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Jira Connect 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
14.3. Obtaining Jira issues or comments to trigger integration execution
To trigger integration execution upon obtaining issues or comments from a Jira server, add a Jira connection as a simple integration’s start connection.
- You created a Jira connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Jira connection that you want to use to start the integration.
On the Choose an action page, select an action:
- Retrieve New Comments uses a query that you specify to search the Jira server. For each issue that the query returns, the connection checks whether a comment has been added since the previous invocation of the query. The connection returns any new comments.
- Retrieve New Issues uses a query that you specify to search the Jira server. For each issue that the query returns, the connection checks its creation date. If the issue was created since the previous invocation of the query, the connection returns the issue to the integration. The first time that the connection executes this query, it returns all issues that it finds.
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) or enter the number of milliseconds that you want to elapse between query invocations.
In the Jira Query Language field, enter a Jira query. For example:
project = GATE AND assignee = jkim AND (status = Open OR status = New OR status = Reopened)
This query finds issues in the Gateway Online project, that are assigned to jkim and that are unresolved. Every Jira project has a short name and a long name. In this example, the short name of the Gateway Online project is GATE. In queries, specify a project’s short name.
The more specific the query is, the less time it takes to search the Jira server. When a query does not have any results, the connection does not trigger integration execution.
- Click Next.
The connection starts a simple integration and Fuse Online prompts you to choose the integration’s finish connection.
14.4. Adding an issue to a Jira server
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to add an issue.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use to connect to a Jira server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Add Issue.
Configure the action. The required fields are Issue type ID or name and Project key. For the optional fields, you can enter values now, or, after you add this connection to an integration, you can add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map fields from previous steps to the optional fields in this connection.
- Optionally, in the Assignee field, enter the Jira user name for the person that you want to assign this issue to.
- Optionally, in the Components field, enter the name of one or more components. Separate multiple names with commas. A Jira administrator defines the components that you can specify.
- Optionally, in the Priority ID or name field, enter a priority for the new issue. A Jira administrator defines the priority values that you can enter.
- Optionally, in the Summary field, enter a brief statement about the issue.
In the Issue type ID or name field, enter a value that describes the type of the issue. For example, this is often something like
, orBug
.In Jira, a user with administrator permissions can see a list of valid issue types by selecting Project settings > Issue types. A user without these permissions can click in an issue’s type field and a list of allowable values should display.
- Optionally, in the Watchers field, enter a comma-separated list of Jira user names. These people receive notifications when this issue is updated.
In the Project Key field, enter the short name of a Jira project that a Jira administrator has defined. The connection creates the new issue in this project. For example, a project key is something like
. - Optionally, in the Description field, enter any information about this issue that it is helpful to capture.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
14.5. Adding a comment to a Jira issue
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to add a comment to an issue.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use to connect to a Jira server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Add Comment.
- In the Comment field, enter the comment that you want to add to the issue or plan to add a data mapper step before this connection. In that data mapper step, map the comment from a previous integration step to this connection’s comment field.
In the Issue Key field, enter the Jira identifier for the issue. Examples of issue keys:
. - Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next steps
To map the comment from a previous integration step to this connection, add the connection that provides the comment content and then add a data mapper step before this Jira connection. For example, suppose a database connection obtains customer records. In the data mapper step, map the collection of customer records to the Jira connection’s comment field.
14.6. Attaching a file to a Jira issue
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to attach one or more files to an issue. In the integration, there must be a previous step that obtains the file(s) that you want to attach.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use to connect to the Jira server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Attach File.
In the Issue Key field, enter the Jira identifier of the issue that you want to attach a file to. Examples of issue keys:
. - Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next step
If the integration does not already have an earlier connection that obtains the file(s) that you want to attach to a Jira issue, add that connection to the integration. Make sure that it is before the Jira connection that attaches a file. For example, suppose you add an FTP connection and download one or more files from an FTP server. When the integration executes, the subsequent Jira connection attaches those files to the Jira issue that you specified when you configured the attach file action.
14.7. Adding and removing Jira issue watchers
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to add watchers to an issue and/or remove watchers from issue.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use.
- On the Choose an action page, select Add Issue.
In the Issue Key field, enter the Jira identifier of the issue that you want to add watchers to or remove watchers from. Examples of issue keys:
. - Optionally, in the Add Watchers field, enter a comma-separated list of Jira user names. These people receive notifications when this issue is updated.
- Optionally, in the Remove Watchers field, enter a comma-separated list of Jira user names that are already watching this issue. The connection removes these users from the list of watchers.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
14.8. Updating an issue on a Jira server
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to update an issue. The connection can update one or more issue fields. If the issue being updated already has a value for a field, the connection replaces that value with any value you specify for the connection or that you map to a connection field. For example, if the issue already has a description, and you specify text in the Description field when you configure the Update Issue action, the connection replaces the description that was there with this new description.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use to connect to the Jira server.
- On the Choose an action page, select Update Issue.
Configure the action. The only required field is Issue Key. For the optional fields, you can enter values now, or, after you add this connection to an integration, you can add a data mapper step before this connection. In the data mapper step, map fields from previous steps to the optional fields in this connection.
- Optionally, in the Assignee field, enter the Jira user name for the person that you want to assign this issue to.
- Optionally, in the Components field, enter the name of one or more components. Separate multiple names with commas. A Jira administrator defines the components that you can specify.
In the Issue Key field, enter the Jira identifier for the issue that you want the connection to update. Examples of issue keys:
. - Optionally, in the Priority ID or name field, enter a priority for the new issue. A Jira administrator defines the priority values that you can enter.
- Optionally, in the Summary field, enter a brief statement about the issue.
In the Issue type ID or name field, enter a value that describes the type of the issue. For example, this is often something like
, orBug
. - Optionally, in the Description field, enter any information about this issue that it is helpful to capture.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
14.9. Transitioning a Jira issue to a new status
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can connect to a Jira server to transition an issue to a new status, or to a new workflow stage. A Jira administrator defines what it means for an issue to transition as well as the values for transition IDs.
- You created a Jira connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a simple integration’s finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Jira connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Jira connection that you want the integration to use to connect to the Jira server.
On the Choose an action page, select Transition Issue.
You do not need to specify any values to configure the transition issue action. Instead, you can map values from previous integration steps to the fields in the this connection.
- Optionally, in the Comment field, enter a comment that you want to add to the issue.
Optionally, in the Issue Key field, enter the Jira identifier for the issue that is transitioning. Examples of issue keys:
. Optionally, in the ID of the transition field, enter an integer that a Jira administrator has associated with a particular transition, such as when a Jira moves from being new to being worked on, or when it moves from being worked on to being tested.
A Jira administrator can view transition IDs in a project’s workflow display. If you do not have administration permissions, obtain the allowed transition IDs from a Jira administrator.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next steps
If you did not specify a value in each Transition Issue field, ensure that the integration has a step that obtains the value for each field. After the integration has all required connections, add a data mapper step before the Jira connection that transitions an issue. In the data mapper step, map fields from previous steps to the fields in the Jira connection that transitions an issue.
Chapter 15. Connecting to Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that you can use to obtain and publish data. In an integration, you can subscribe for data from a Kafka topic that you specify or publish data to a Kafka topic that you specify. To do this, create a connection to Kafka and add that connection to an integration flow. Details are in the following topics:
15.1. Creating a connection to a Kafka broker
In an integration, to subscribe for data from a Kafka topic or publish data to a Kafka topic, create a connection to Kafka and then add that connection to an integration.
- You have created a Kafka instance, created a service account, and set up a Kafka topic as described in Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. You know your service account’s Client ID and Client Secret.
You know the Bootstrap server URI for the Kafka instance. To obtain the Bootstrap server URI:
- Log into the Red Hat Managed Services web console.
- In the Kafka Instances page of the web console, for the relevant Kafka instance that you want to connect to, select the options icon (three vertical dots) and then click Connection to view the Bootstrap server URI.
- For the PLAIN SSL mechanism, you know the username and password.
- If you want to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt your data, you have the Kafka broker’s PEM certificate text. Typically, you obtain the broker certificate text from your Kafka server administrator.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the Kafka Message Broker connector.
In the Kafka broker URIs field, type or select the broker that you want this connection to access, or enter a comma separated list of Kafka broker URIs. Each URI should be in the form
.For Red Hat Managed Kafka, type your Managed Kafka instance’s Bootstrap server URI. Note that if you installed the Strimzi Operator or the AMQ Streams Operator on your OpenShift cluster, the URI is auto-discovered and you can select it.
For the Security Protocol field, select one of the following options:
- If you want to encrypt your data to protect it in transit, select TLS (Transport Layer Security). Skip to Step 7.
- If you want to authenticate with SASL and encrypt your data with SSL (for example, with Red Hat Managed Kafka), select SASL_SSL.
- If you do not want to encrypt your data, select Plain and then skip to Step 8.
If you selected SASL_SSL as the Security Protocol, then you are required to choose between two options to setup the credentials:
- If you want to use PLAIN as the SASL Mechanism you must set the Username and Password fields.
If you want to use OAUTHBEARER as the SASL Mechanism you must set the following fields:
- Username with the OAuth Client Id.
- Password with the OAUth Client Secret.
SASL Login Callback Handler Class you can use any callback handler class from kafka-clients 2.5 version or kafka-oauth-client from the Strimzi project. To connect to Red Hat Managed Kafka, you can use:
OAuth Token Endpoint URI with
endpoint URI provided by your provider.
- If you selected TLS in Step 5, then in the Broker certificate field, paste the Kafka broker’s PEM certificate text.
Optional. Click Add a custom property to specify
pairs to configure Kafka producer and consumer options.For example, if you want a new integration to be able to consume old messages from a topic, change the
value from the default (latest
) toearliest
by typing auto.offset.reset for the Key field and earliest for the Value field.For details about Kafka producer configuration options, go to
For details about Kafka consumer configuration options, go to
Note: If you add configuration attributes, Fuse Online does not include them as part of its validation process in the next step.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the input parameter and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
- In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might type Kafka Test.
- In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Kafka Test appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
15.2. Obtaining data from a Kafka broker to trigger integration execution
To trigger execution of an integration upon receiving data from a Kafka broker, add a Kafka connection as the start connection. When the integration is running, the Kafka connection continuously watches for data in the Kafka topic that you specify. When the connection finds new data, it passes that data to the next step in the integration.
You created a connection to a Kafka broker.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Kafka connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Subscribe action to receive data from the topic that you specify.
- In the Topic Name field, click the down carat to display a list of topics and click the topic that you want to subscribe to. Or, type a topic name to create that topic.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the Kafka connection output to a subsequent step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper does not recognize unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online prompts you to choose the finish connection.
15.3. Publishing data to a Kafka broker
In an integration, you can publish data to a Kafka broker in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Kafka connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a connection to a Kafka broker.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Kafka connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the Kafka connection that you want to use to publish messages.
- On the Choose an action page, select Publish.
- In the Topic Name field, click the down carat to display a list of topics and click the topic that you want to publish to.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 16. Connecting to Apache Kudu
Apache Kudu is a columnar storage manager developed for the Apache Hadoop platform. A Fuse Online integration can connect to a Kudu data store to scan a table, which returns all records in the table to the integration, or to insert records into a table. Details are in the following topics:
16.1. Creating a connection to an Apache Kudu data store
In an integration, to obtain records from or insert records into a Kudu table, create a connection to a Kudu master host and then add that connection to an integration.
- You must know the IP address or the hostname for the Kudu master host that you want to connect to.
- You must know the port that Kudu is listening on.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the Apache Kudu connector.
To configure the connection:
- In the Address of Kudu master host field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the Kudu master host.
In the Port to establish connection to field, enter the port that Kudu is listening on. The default is
- Click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
Kudu North
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Kudu North appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
16.2. Triggering an integration when scanning returns records from a Kudu table
To trigger execution of an integration upon obtaining data from a Kudu table, add a Kudu connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the Kudu connection scans the table that you specified at the interval that you specified, obtains all records in the table, and passes a collection of the records to the next step in the integration.
A Kudu connection can obtain data from only one table. Between scans, if there are no changes to the data in the table that the connection scans, then the next scan returns the same data as the previous scan.
- You created a Kudu connection.
- The table that you want to obtain records from exists.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the Kudu connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Scan a Kudu table action.
- In the Table field, enter the name of the table that you want to obtain records from.
- In the Period field, accept the default of one minute, or enter the interval at which you want the connection to scan the table and return the records that are in the table.
- Click Next.
The connection is the simple integration’s start connection.
Next steps
Add the integration’s finish connection and any other connections that you want to include in the integration. When the integration contains all the connections that are needed, consider whether you need to split the collection of records that the Kudu connection returns. If you want to execute integration steps for each record that you obtained from the Kudu table, then after the Kudu connection, add a split step. Also, you probably need to follow the Kudu connection with a data mapping step that maps data obtained from Kudu to fields in subsequent connections in the integration.
16.3. Inserting records into a Kudu table
In an integration, you can add records to a Kudu table in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Kudu connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Kudu connection.
- You are creating or editing an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- The table that you want to add records to exists.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Kudu connection that you want to use. Note that when a Kudu connection inserts data, the connection does not return anything.
- On the Choose an action page, select Insert data into a Kudu table.
To configure the action, in the Table field, specify the name of the table to add records to.
It is important for you to have an understanding of how the Kudu table that you are adding records to is set up. For example, a Kudu table that you are adding records to might have a unique key. If you try to add a record that contains a key value that is already in the table, the Kudu connection does not add that record.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next steps
Consider whether you need to split a collection of records into individual records that a Kudu connection can add to a table. To do this, add a split step to the integration. The split step executes the subsequent steps in the integration once for each record. Also, you probably need a data mapper step before a Kudu connection that adds records to a table.
Chapter 17. Connecting to MongoDB
MongoDB is a distributed NoSQL database. A Fuse Online integration can obtain content from a MongoDB database or update content in a MongoDB database. To do this, create a MongoDB connection, and add it to an integration.
Details for connecting to a MongoDB database are in the following topics:
17.1. Creating a connection to a MongoDB database
Create a MongoDB connection so that you can connect to a MongoDB database in an integration.
- You must know the host name for the MongoDB database that you want to connect to.
- You must have a user name and password that authorizes access to the MongoDB database.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the MongoDB connector.
Configure the connection:
In the Database host(s) field, specify one or more MongoDB database hosts that this connection can access. Separate multiple specifications of
with commas. Replacehost
with a host name, a virtual host name, or an IP address. For,
. - In the Username field, enter a user name that is authorized to access the database.
- In the Password field, enter the password for the user name that you specified.
- Optional. In the Administration database field, if the database has an administration database, enter the name of the MongoDB administration database that is used to grant access permission. A MongoDB administrator should let you know whether the database that you want to access has an administration database.
- Optional. In the Replica set name field, specify the name of the MongoDB replica set (cluster) that the connection can access.
- In the Database field, enter the name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection(s) that you want the connection to read.
In the Database host(s) field, specify one or more MongoDB database hosts that this connection can access. Separate multiple specifications of
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the input parameter(s) and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
MongoDB North
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that MongoDB North appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
Next step
Add your MongoDB connection to an integration.
17.2. Triggering an integration when a MongoDB collection is updated
To trigger execution of an integration when a document is added to a MongoDB collection, add a MongoDB connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the MongoDB connection monitors the database collection that you specified when you created the integration. Insertion of a new document into the collection that the connection is configured to monitor triggers execution of the integration. The MongoDB connection returns the new document to the integration and this data is available to the next step in the integration.
- You created a MongoDB connection.
- You know the name of the MongoDB collection that you want the connection to read.
If the collection that you want the connection to monitor is a capped collection, then you must also know:
- The name of the MongoDB collection field that tracks incoming documents.
- Whether persistent tracking is enabled for the database that contains the collection.
- How to specify tail tracking information related to the data that you want the connection to read. MongoDB connections can use tail tracking information to resume an action after an unexpected connection termination. Tail tracking ensures that when the connection resumes its activity, it does not return duplicate data to the integration nor does it drop any data that needs to be returned to the integration.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the MongoDB connection that is configured to access the database that you want the integration to obtain updates from.
On the Choose an action page, select one of these actions:
- Retrieve documents (stream) is typically the action that you want to select. It retrieves data from non-capped collections.
- Retrieve documents (tail) is the action for retrieving data from capped collections.
Configure the action:
In the Collection name field, enter the name of the MongoDB collection that you want the connection to read.
If you are configuring the Retrieve documents (stream) action, this is the only required parameter. Go to step 6. If you are configuring the Retrieve documents (tail) action, follow the remaining substeps.
- In the Collection field used to track incoming documents field, enter the name of the relevant MongoDB collection field. This field contains data that can be sorted, such as a date or an ID.
- Select the Persistent tracking enabled checkbox if persistent tracking is enabled for the database that you want the connection to read.
- Optional. In the Unique id to identify this tracking process field, specify a unique ID if there are multiple consumers that monitor the same collection. For more information, see the Camel documentation for Tailable Cursor Consumer.
- Optional. In the DB used to store tail tracking field, enter the name of the MongoDB database that contains tail tracking information.
- Optional. In the Collection used to store tail tracking field, enter the name of the collection that contains tail tracking information.
- Optional. In the Field used to store tail tracking field, enter the name of the field that stores tail tracking information for the collection that this connection is reading.
To identify the tail tracking field, you can specify the tail tracking database or tail tracking collection. With one of these pieces of information, the connection can find the tail tracking field.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
During execution, the connection returns the inserted document in JSON format.
17.3. Operating on documents in a MongoDB collection
In an integration, you can search for, update, delete, count, or add a document to a MongoDB collection. To do this, add a MongoDB connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a MongoDB connection.
- You know the name of the MongoDB collection that you want the connection to operate on.
- You are creating or editing an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a MongoDB connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the MongoDB connection that you want to use.
- On the Choose an action page, select the action that you want the connection to perform.
To configure the action, in the Collection name field, enter the name of the collection that you want the connection to operate on.
If you selected the Insert action:
- You are done configuring the connection.
- Ensure that the data that the integration passes to this MongoDB connection contains JSON notation that specifies the document to add to the collection.
- Click Next to add this connection to the integration.
For all other actions, the following table provides information about what to specify in the second field for configuring the action.
The second field is a JSON notation expression that identifies the document(s) to operate on and possibly, details for the operation. If you plan to map an incoming source field to an identifier in the expression, specify
in the expression.For completeness, the Insert action is described in this table as well.
Action What it does Parameter field Returns Count
Counts the number of documents that satisfy the count expression that you specify.
In the Count expression field, specify a JSON filter expression in the form of
. The action counts the number of documents that have atest
attribute value ofunit
.An instance of
that specifies the number of documents that were found.Delete
Removes one or more documents from the collection.
In the Delete expression field, specify a JSON expression in the form of
. The operation removes each document whosetest
attribute has a value ofunit
.An instance of
that specifies the number of documents that were deleted.Find
Looks for all documents that match the filter expression that you specify.
In the Filter expression field, specify a JSON notation string that identifies one or more documents.
JSON notation that specifies a list (an array). Each list element identifies a document that matches the filter expression and provides the document content. If no documents are found, the action returns an empty list.
You must be familiar with the data model of the collection. If the collection adheres to a JSON schema, you must be familiar with this schema because the returned list elements adhere to this schema. For additional information, see MongoDB Data Models.
To use output data from the Find action in a subsequent data mapper step, the collection must adhere to a JSON schema. This enables the data mapper to display data fields. For more information, see MongoDB documentation for JSON schema validation.Insert
Adds one or more documents to the collection.
There is no action configuration parameter for inserting a document. The data coming in to the MongoDB connection must contain JSON notation that specifies one ore more documents to add to the collection.
JSON notation that specifies a list (an array). Each list element is a document that this action inserted.
Updates one or more documents in the collection.
In the Filter criteria field, specify an array of 2 arguments. The first argument is a filter expression that identifies the documents to update. The second argument is a MongoDB update statement that specifies how to update the documents. Update statement format is described in For example:
[{"_id":11},{$set: {"test":"updated!"}}]
.An instance of
that specifies the number of documents that were updated.Upsert
Updates one or more documents in the collection or creates a document if no documents match the Upsert expression.
In the Upsert expression field, specify JSON notation that identifies one or more documents. The action uses this expression to detect any matching documents. If the action finds a matching document(s) in the collection, it updates it. If the action does not find a matching document, the action creates a new document. The data coming into the MongoDB connection must contain JSON notation that specifies:
* An
field to identify whether it is an insert or an update operation.* The content to add or update.
An instance of
that specifies either the number of updated documents or the ID of the new, inserted document.Each action returns a response. If this is a finish connection, then the response is lost, but you can add a Log step to capture the response.
- Click Next.
- Optional. If this is a finish connection, add a Log step to finish the integration instead. Configure the Log step to capture the response.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next steps
Add any other needed connections to the flow. Add any other steps that process data. Complete the integration by adding any needed data mapping steps. When you configured the MongoDB connection action, if you specified any :#variable-name
identifiers in an action expression, be sure to map a source field to the MongoDB connection variable field.
Chapter 18. Connecting to MQTT
MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a lightweight, machine-to-machine, internet of things, connectivity protocol. In an integration, you can obtain messages from or publish messages to an MQTT broker. To do this, create a connection to the MQTT broker of interest and then add that connection to an integration flow. Details are in the following topics:
18.1. Creating a connection to an MQTT broker
In an integration, to obtain messages from or publish messages to an MQTT broker, create a connection to the MQTT broker of interest and then add that connection to an integration.
You must know the URL for the MQTT broker that you want to connect to.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the MQTT Message Broker connector.
To configure the connection:
- In the MQTT broker URL field, enter the location of the MQTT broker that you want to send data to or obtain data from. This is the only required field.
- In the User Name field, optionally enter the user name for the MQTT account whose credentials you want to use to access the broker.
- In the Password field, if you specified a user name, then specify the password associated with that account.
- In the Client ID field, optionally enter the ID that allows connections to close and reopen without missing messages. The connection must subscribe to or publish to a topic.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the input parameters and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that MQTT West appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
18.2. Obtaining a message from an MQTT broker to trigger integration execution
To trigger execution of an integration based on receiving a message from an MQTT broker, add an MQTT connection as the start connection. When the integration is running, the MQTT connection continuously watches for messages on the MQTT queue or topic that you specify. When the connection finds a message, it passes it to the next step in the integration. An MQTT connection handles one message at a time.
You created an MQTT connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the MQTT connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Subscribe action to receive messages from the queue or topic that you specify.
- In the MQTT queue/topic name field, enter the name of the queue or topic to subscribe to in order to receive data.
- Click Next to specify the action’s output type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection output in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
18.3. Publishing a message to an MQTT broker
In an integration, you can publish a message to an MQTT broker in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an MQTT connection to the middle of a flow or as the integration’s finish connection.
- You created an MQTT connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add an MQTT connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the MQTT connection that you want to use to publish a message.
- On the Choose an action page, select Publish.
- In the MQTT queue/topic name field, specify the name of the queue or topic to publish the message to.
- Click Next to specify the action’s input type.
In the Select Type field, if the data type does not need to be known, accept Type specification not required and click Next. You do not need to follow the rest of these instructions.
However, a structured data type is recommended. For example, if you want to map the connection input in a data mapper step then you must specify the data type. The data mapper cannot display fields for unstructured data.
To specify the data type, click in the Select Type field and select one of the following as the schema type:
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
JSON instance is a document that contains JSON data. The document’s media type is
. -
XML schema is a document that describes the structure of XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
XML instance is a document that contains XML data. The document’s file extension is
. -
CSV instance is a document that contains comma-separated value (CSV) data. The document’s file extension is
JSON schema is a document that describes the structure of JSON data. The document’s media type is
In the Definition input box, paste a definition that conforms to the schema type you selected. For example, if you select JSON schema then you would paste the content of a JSON schema file, which has a media type of
. In the Data Type Name field, enter a name that you choose for the data type. For example, if you are specifying a JSON schema for vendors then you might specify
as the data type name.You will see this data type name when you are creating or editing an integration that uses the connection for which you are specifying this type. Fuse Online displays the type name in the integration visualization and in the data mapper.
- In the Data Type Description field, provide information that helps you distinguish this type. This description appears in the data mapper when you hover over the step that processes this type.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Chapter 19. Connecting to OData
Open Data Protocol (OData) is a standard for building and consuming REST APIs. An OData service provides services to clients, such as Fuse Online, through OData-compliant HTTP requests. A Fuse Online integration can obtain entities from an OData service, and can update, create, or delete entities managed by an OData service. To do this, create an OData connection, and add it to an integration.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the OData specification Version 4 or Version 2.
Details for connecting to an OData service are in the following topics:
19.1. Creating a connection to an OData service
In an integration, to obtain, update, create, or delete entities that are managed by an OData service, you must first create a connection to that OData service. You can create a connection for version 2 or a version 4 OData.
- You must know the base URL for the OData service that you want to connect to.
- If that service uses authentication then you must have the required credentials, and, if required, an SSL certificate. However, most OData services are public and do not require authentication.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display connectors.
- Click the OData v2 or the OData v4 connector.
To configure the connection:
- In the Service Root URL field, enter the base URL for the OData service that you want to access.
- In the User Name field, if the service uses basic authentication, then enter your user name.
- In the Password field, if the service uses basic authentication, then enter your password.
In the Server Certificate field, if the service requires it, paste the content of an SSL certificate.
Typically, a public OData service does not require a certificate in addition to the certificates provided by the browser. However, for an internal OData service, you might have created your own SSL certificate and self-signed it. Since this certificate is not trusted by a certificate authority, connections to your OData service would fail. To enable connections, paste the self-signed certificate here.
One way to get the certificate is to load the service in a browser. The steps after that depend on which browser you are using, but it will be something like the following: click the Not secure padlock symbol next to the address bar, then click View Certificate, export the displayed certificate to a file, copy the certificate, and paste it into this field.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the input parameter(s) and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, you might enter
OData North
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that OData North appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
Next step
Add your OData connection to an integration.
19.2. Triggering an integration when polling returns data from an OData service
To trigger execution of an integration upon obtaining data from an OData service, add an OData connection to a simple integration as its start connection. When the integration is running, the OData connection polls the service at intervals that you specify. When the connection finds data that satisfies the connection configuration, the connection passes the data to the next step in the integration.
You created an OData connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the OData connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select the Read action.
Configure the Read action:
- In the Resource Collection field, select the name of the OData resource that you want to query. Fuse Online fetches data from the OData service to provide a list of available resource collections.
In the Entity Key Predicate field, to obtain a particular entity, identify the entity that you want by specifying its key predicate. For example, specify something like
. To obtain multiple entities, leave this field blank. In the Query Options field, enter a query that you want to apply to the resource. Use OData syntax. For example,
$filter=startswith(name, 'N')
returns a message for each entity in the resource that has aname
field that starts withN
.You can specify both Entity Key Predicate and Query Options. If you do, the OData service obtains the specified entity and applies the query to that entity. For example, suppose that you set Entity Key Predicate to
and you set Query Options to$filter=contains($it,'example')
. The connection creates a request that looks something like this:'russellwhyte')/Emails?$filter=contains($it, 'example')
The service returns all email addresses for Russell Whyte that contain the domain
.- Select the Filter Old Results checkbox to obtain a particular message only once.
Select the Split Results checkbox if you want the connection to return individual messages rather than a collection of messages.
Fuse Online also provides discrete split and aggregate steps, which you can add to a flow. If you want to process individual messages in one or more steps and then aggregate the messages into a collection, do not select the Split Results checkbox. Instead, leave the checkbox empty and then add a split step to the flow after this connection. A split step is required if you want an aggregate step in the flow.
- In the Interval Before Polling Starts field, accept the default of 1 second, or enter the length of time that you want to elapse before the connection starts to poll the OData service.
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 30 seconds, or enter the interval at which you want the connection to poll the OData service.
In the Backoff Idle Threshold field, accept the default of 1 or enter an integer that indicates the number of consecutive polls that can return no data. After this number of polls, the connection increases the interval between subsequent polls. The connection determines the new length of the polling interval by multiplying the Delay value by the Backoff Multiplier value.
For example, suppose that the polling interval (the Delay value) is the default of 30 seconds, Backoff Idle Threshold is set to 5, and Backoff Multiplier is set to 12. After 5 consecutive polls that return no data, the connection waits 360 seconds (30 x 12) before polling again. The connection continues to poll every 360 seconds until a poll returns data. After a poll returns data, the connection resumes polling every 30 seconds.
In the Backoff Multiplier field, accept the default of 1 or enter an integer that indicates the multiplier for increasing the polling interval if the value set for the Backoff Idle Threshold is reached.
If you accept the default of 1 for the Backoff Multiplier, then the connection continues to poll at the specified interval no matter how many consecutive polls return no results.
The values that you specify for Backoff Idle Threshold and Backoff Multiplier are useful for reducing CPU overhead since the connection can automatically poll less often during quiet periods.
- Click Next.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
During execution, what the connection returns depends on what you specified in the Entity Key Predicate and Query Options fields. The OData connection can return:
A collection of entities or a collection of entity properties
For example, this might be all Person entities in the resource, or perhaps all Age properties for all Person entities. The connection returns the collection in one message. Fuse Online executes each subsequent step in the flow once for the collection. However, when you configure the Read action, if you select Split Results, then the connection returns each entity or each property in its own message. Fuse Online executes each subsequent step in the flow once for each message.
An entity or an entity property
For example, this might be the Person entity whose UserName property is Bob, or perhaps the Age property for the Person entity whose UserName is Bob. The connection returns the entity or the entity property in a message that it passes to the next step in the flow.
Next steps
Add the integration’s finish connection and any other connections that you want to include in the integration. When the integration contains all the connections that are needed, if the OData connection returns a collection, consider whether you need to add a split step after the OData connection. An integration usually needs to map the data returned by the OData connection to fields that a subsequent connection in the flow can use. Sometimes you can map a collection, but more often you need to split the collection in order to map to the target fields.
After the OData connection, add a data mapper step to the flow. Exactly where in the flow depends on what you want the flow to do. For example, after the OData connection, you might add a basic filter step and then add a data mapper step.
19.3. Updating, creating, and deleting data that is managed by an OData service
In an integration, you can update a resource that is managed by an OData service in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add an OData connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created an OData connection.
- You are creating or editing an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add an OData connection. Skip this step if you are adding a simple integration’s finish connection.
- Click the OData connection that you want to use. Note that when an OData connection updates or deletes an entity, the connection does not return anything. When the OData connection creates an entity, the connection returns the new entity.
On the Choose an action page, select the action that you want the connection to perform:
- Create adds an entity to an OData resource.
- Delete removes an entity from an OData resource.
Update changes an entity that is in an OData resource.
For OData Version 2 connections only, when you create or update an entity there are three options that you can set. These three options specify the way that data is serialized in the request:
- Content Only - By default, OData Version 2 adds metadata as part of a request. To disable this default behavior, select the Content Only option.
- Omit ETag - By default, OData Version 2 requires that, when you send an update to a request, you must specify all mandatory property values in the update request. To disable this default behavior so that you can specify only the property values that you want to change, select the Omit ETag option.
- Omit Json wrapper - By default, OData Version 2 wraps a request in JSON format. To disable this default behavior, select the Omit Json wrapper option.
Configure the action by selecting the OData resource that you want to update.
It is important for you to have an understanding of how the OData resource that you are updating is set up. The backing data source for an OData service determines the rules for updates and resolving conflicts. For example, suppose an OData connection tries to create a new entity but an entity with that predicate key already exists. The OData service might overwrite the existing entity, or it might update some fields in the existing entity, or it might ignore the operation. It is up to you to know how the OData service behaves in this situation.
- Click Next.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
Next steps
Add a data mapper step before the OData connection. You must map source fields that provide the data that is required to create a new entity, to update an entity, or to delete an entity. See Mapping integration data to fields for the next connection.
Chapter 20. Connecting to Salesforce
In an integration, to connect to Salesforce, you must register your Fuse Online environment as a Salesforce client application. This authorizes Fuse Online to access Salesforce. With registration in place, you create a Salesforce connection, which you can then add to any number of integrations. For details, see the following topics:
20.1. Registering Fuse Online as a Salesforce client application
In an integration, to connect to Salesforce, the first thing you must do is register your Fuse Online environment as a client application that can access Salesforce. This lets you create any number of integrations that connect to Salesforce. In other words, you need to register a particular Fuse Online environment with Salesforce only once.
In each Fuse Online environment, there can be only one registration of Fuse Online as a Salesforce client application. However, while each Salesforce connection uses the same registration, it can use different user credentials.
You are logged in to Fuse Online.
In Fuse Online:
- In the left panel, click Settings.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your Fuse Online environment to the clipboard. You will need this URL toward the end of this procedure.
- Click the Salesforce entry to display the Client ID and Client Secret fields.
In another browser tab, log in to your Salesforce account and follow the steps below to create a connected app. These instructions assume that you are using the Salesforce Classic user interface. To switch from the Salesforce Lightning Experience interface, click your profile icon and select Switch to Salesforce Classic. For additional information, see the Salesforce documentation for Create a Connected App.
- In Salesforce, in the upper right, click Setup.
- In the left panel, select Build > Create > Apps.
- Scroll down to Connected Apps and click New.
- Enter the required information and then select Enable OAuth Settings.
In the Callback URL field, paste your Fuse Online URL, which you copied at the beginning of this procedure. For example:
. For OAuth Scopes, add:
- Manage user data via APIs (api)
- Access unique user identifiers (openid)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_accesss)
- Select Configure ID token and then Include Standard Claims.
- Scroll down and click Save.
Scroll up to see that Salesforce indicates a short wait:
- Click Continue.
- Copy the consumer key that Salesforce provides.
- Return to your Fuse Online Settings page and paste the Salesforce-provided consumer key into the Fuse Online Salesforce Client ID field.
- Return to Salesforce and copy the consumer secret that Salesforce provides.
- Return to your Fuse Online Settings page and paste the Salesforce-provided consumer secret into the Fuse Online Salesforce Client Secret field.
- Click Save.
- Click the Salesforce entry to collapse it.
20.2. Creating a Salesforce connection
To create an integration that accesses data in Salesforce, you must first create a Salesforce connection. After you create a Salesforce connection, you can use it in multiple integrations.
- You are logged in to Fuse Online.
- Fuse Online is open in a web browser.
- You must have already registered your Fuse Online environment as an application that can access Salesforce.
You added the Salesforce client ID and client secret that you received after registration to the Fuse Online Settings page.
Be sure to wait 2 - 10 minutes after registering your Fuse Online installation as a Salesforce client before you try to create a Salesforce connection.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template for creating one or more connections.
- Click the Salesforce connector.
Click Connect Salesforce to display a Salesforce authorization page. You might need to log in to Salesforce before you see the authorization page.
If Connect Salesforce does not appear, then your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Salesforce client application. See Registering Fuse Online as a Salesforce client application. When you try to create a Salesforce connection and your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Salesforce client application, then Fuse Online displays multiple fields that prompt for authorization information. While you can create a Salesforce connection by entering values in these fields, it is not recommended.
NoteThe following error indicates that Salesforce does not have the correct Fuse Online callback URL:
If you get this error message, then in Salesforce, ensure that the Fuse Online callback URL is specified according to the instructions in Registering Fuse Online as a Salesforce client application.
- Click Allow to return to Fuse Online.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
SF Connect 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Salesforce connection that uses my Salesforce login credentials.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that SF Connect 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
20.3. Adding a Salesforce connection to an integration
In an integration, you can connect to Salesforce in the middle of a flow or to start or finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Salesforce connection to the integration.
- You created a Salesforce connection.
- You are creating or updating an integration.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a start connection, or to choose a finish connection, or to add to the integration.
- If you are adding to the Salesforce connection to the middle of a flow, click the plust sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting for a start or finish connection.
- Click the Salesforce connection that you want to add to the flow. When the integration uses the connection that you select to connect to Salesforce, Fuse Online uses the credentials defined in that connection.
- Select the action that you want the selected connection to perform. Each Salesforce connection that you add to a flow performs only the action you choose.
- Specify the Salesforce object that the action operates on, for example, it might be a contact, lead or price book entry. Click in the Object field to select from a list of Salesforce objects or enter the name of the object.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
Chapter 21. Connecting to SAP Concur
SAP Concur manages business expenses, travel, and invoices. In an integration, you can connect to SAP Concur and perform any one of a large variety of SAP Concur actions. For example, suppose that you store project codes in a SQL database and you need the same project codes in SAP Concur so that expenses can be associated with projects. You can create an integration that connects to your SQL database and runs a stored procedure that obtains any new project codes. The integration can then connect to SAP Concur and upload the new project codes to the appropriate list.
See the following topics:
- Section 21.1, “User roles for connecting to SAP Concur”
- Section 21.2, “How to Obtain SAP Concur implementation site OAuth credentials”
- Section 21.3, “How to obtain SAP Concur production site OAuth credentials”
- Section 21.4, “Configuring the SAP Concur connector”
- Section 21.5, “Creating a SAP Concur connection”
- Section 21.6, “Adding a SAP Concur connection to an integration”
- Section 21.7, “Example of mapping integration data fields to SAP Concur fields”
21.1. User roles for connecting to SAP Concur
SAP Concur has an implementation site for development work and a production site for live use. The implementation site simulates the production site. This lets you create and refine an integration before you use it in production with the live SAP Concur site.
At any one time, a Fuse Online environment can connect to the SAP Concur implementation site or the SAP Concur production site. In other words, a particular Fuse Online environment does not support connections to both SAP Concur sites at the same time. Each Fuse Online environment requires its own credentials for accessing each SAP Concur site and the credentials for the implementation site are different from the credentials for the production site.
Consequently, the expectation is that someone in a system administrator-like role would do the following:
Obtain two sets of OAuth credentials from SAP Concur:
- One set for access to the SAP Concur implementation site
- Another set for access to the SAP Concur production site
- Configure the SAP Concur connector for access to the appropriate SAP Concur site.
- Create a SAP Concur connection.
A business user can then create an integration that uses the SAP Concur connection.
21.2. How to Obtain SAP Concur implementation site OAuth credentials
To obtain credentials for accessing the SAP Concur implementation site, contact SAP Concur directly and tell them:
- You want to register Fuse Online as a new app that is authorized to access the SAP Concur implementation site.
- You want a new set of OAuth credentials for their implementation site.
The credentials must include the
scope. - Optionally, to obtain permission to perform actions other than the list actions, ask for other scopes.
The OAuth grant type for these credentials should be
Authorization Grant Flow
.To use a REST client, such as Postman, to send a request to the SAP Concur implementation site, you need credentials with an OAuth grant type of
.The Fuse Online callback URL for the environment that that you want credentials for, which is something like this:
In this URL,
matches the OpenShift route to your Fuse Online environment.
The response from SAP Concur should provide:
- A username and password for logging in to the SAP Concur implementation site.
- Client ID and client secret values that you will specify in the Fuse Online development environment Settings page to configure the Fuse Online SAP Concur connector.
21.3. How to obtain SAP Concur production site OAuth credentials
To obtain OAuth credentials that authorize Fuse Online to access the SAP Concur production site, go to the SAP Concur Developer Center Getting Started page and follow the instructions there.
21.4. Configuring the SAP Concur connector
To connect to SAP Concur in an integration, you must configure the Fuse Online SAP Concur connector. You can then use the connector to create a connection to SAP Concur.
- You know whether you want to configure the SAP Concur connector to access the SAP Concur implementation site or the SAP Concur production site.
- You obtained OAuth credentials that authorize your Fuse Online environment to access the appropriate SAP Concur site.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Settings.
- On the Settings page, expand the SAP Concur entry.
- In the Client ID field, enter the client ID that you received from SAP Concur.
In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret that you received from SAP Concur.
Fuse Online populates the other fields.
Click Save.
Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the configuration. If validation is not successful, correct the input values and try again. If validation is successful, you can create a SAP Concur connection, which you can add to an integration.
- Click the SAP Concur entry to collapse it.
Next steps
Create a SAP Concur connection.
21.5. Creating a SAP Concur connection
To connect to SAP Concur in an integration, you must first create a SAP Concur connection, which you can then add to any number of integrations. When you create a SAP Concur connection, you authorize the connection to access SAP Concur with the login credentials that you enter when you create the connection.
- In the Fuse Online environment in which you are creating the connection, you must have configured the SAP Concur connector.
- You should know whether the connector is configured for access to the SAP Concur implementation site or the SAP Concur production site.
- You must have a user name and password for logging in to the SAP Concur site for which the SAP Concur connector is configured.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template that you use to create one or more connections.
- Click the SAP Concur connector.
In the Configure Connection page, click Connect SAP Concur, which takes you to the SAP Concur site for which the connector is configured.
If Connect SAP Concur does not appear, then the SAP Concur connector in your Fuse Online environment is not configured. See Configuring the SAP Concur connector.
redirect_uri is improper or not previously registered
appears, then the SAP Concur connector configuration is incorrect. Return to the Fuse Online Settings page to update and validate the connector configuration.On the SAP Concur OAuth site:
- Enter the email address for the SAP Concur account that you want this connection to use to access SAP Concur.
- Ensure that Username is selected.
- Click Continue.
- Enter the SAP Concur password associated with the email address.
- Click Sign In, which returns you to Fuse Online.
In the Fuse Online Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
SAP Concur Test1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample SAP Concur connection to the implementation site.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that SAP Concur Test1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
21.6. Adding a SAP Concur connection to an integration
You can add a SAP Concur connection to the middle of a flow or as the finish connection in a simple integration. A connection to SAP Concur can perform any one of 85 actions.
- You created a SAP Concur connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow.
- Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration, or to choose the finish connection in a simple integration.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the SAP Concur connection that you want to add to the flow. When the integration uses the connection that you select, Fuse Online uses the credentials defined in that connection to connect to SAP Concur.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform. Each SAP Concur connection that you add to a flow performs only the action you choose.
For details about SAP Concur actions, visit the SAP Concur developer center and expand v3.0.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
The connection appears in the integration visualization where you added it.
21.7. Example of mapping integration data fields to SAP Concur fields
In most integrations, you need to add a data mapping step before a connection to SAP Concur. In the data mapping step, you map data fields that are available from previous integration steps to SAP Concur action parameters. In the data mapper, the Target panel displays the SAP Concur parameters for the action that you selected when you added the SAP Concur connection to the integration.
Suppose that an integration starts by executing a SQL stored procedure that obtains new project codes. The integration finishes by adding new project codes to SAP Concur. The following procedure provides an example of a data mapper step before the SAP Concur connection. The integration visualization displays and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration.
- In the integration visualization, click the plus sign that is before the SAP Concur finish connection.
Click Data Mapper. When the data fields appear, the Sources panel on the left displays the fields that are available from the database connection. In this example, the source fields include
. The Target panel on the right displays the SAP Concurid
parameters for the update list action, which the connection performs. -
Map the
source field to theid
target field. -
Map the
source field to thecontent
target field. - In the upper right, click Done to add the data mapper step to the integration.
Chapter 22. Connecting to ServiceNow
An integration can retrieve records from a ServiceNow table or add records to a ServiceNow import set, which ServiceNow uses to update a table. In an integration, to connect to ServiceNow, create a ServiceNow connection and then add that connection to an integration. For details, see:
- Section 22.1, “Creating a ServiceNow connection”
- Section 22.2, “Obtaining records from ServiceNow to trigger integration execution”
- Section 22.3, “Creating an import set in ServiceNow”
- Section 22.4, “Copying records to ServiceNow during or to finish an integration”
- Section 22.5, “Example Salesforce to ServiceNow integrations”
22.1. Creating a ServiceNow connection
In an integration, to connect to your company’s ServiceNow instance, you must create a ServiceNow connection.
- A ServiceNow administrator at your site must have created a ServiceNow account for you.
- You must know the URL for your ServiceNow instance and your ServiceNow user name and password.
- If the ServiceNow administrator also created a ServiceNow client ID and client secret for you, you must know these values.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the ServiceNow connector.
Configure this ServiceNow connection:
In the Instance Name field, enter the name of the ServiceNow instance that you want to obtain records from or copy records to. For example, if the URL for your ServiceNow instance is
, the instance name isabc12345
. - In the User Name field, enter your ServiceNow user name.
- In the User Password field, enter your ServiceNow password.
- Optionally, in the Client ID field, enter your client ID if you received one from your ServiceNow administrator.
- Optionally, in the Client Secret field, enter your client secret if you received one from your ServiceNow administrator.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, update the configuration details as needed and try again.
- When validation is successful, click Next.
In the Instance Name field, enter the name of the ServiceNow instance that you want to obtain records from or copy records to. For example, if the URL for your ServiceNow instance is
In the Name field, enter a name that helps you distinguish this connection from other connections. For example, enter
ServiceNow Con 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
ServiceNow connection that uses administrative credentials.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that ServiceNow Con 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
22.2. Obtaining records from ServiceNow to trigger integration execution
To trigger execution of an integration upon receiving records from ServiceNow, add a ServiceNow connection to a simple integration as its start connection.
- You created a ServiceNow connection.
- You know the name of the table that you want to retrieve records from.
- You should have already defined a ServiceNow query that obtains only the records that you want. You can find information about ServiceNow queries here: ServiceNow encoded queries.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the ServiceNow connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- On the Choose an action page, select Retrieve Record to obtain records from a ServiceNow table that you select.
Configure the Retrieve Record action:
- Click in the Table name field and select the table that you want to obtain records from.
In the Query to filter the result set field, enter a ServiceNow query. For example, consider the
query on a table that keeps records about incidents. This query returns records for new incidents (state=1
) that have a medium impact (impact=2
). If you do not enter a query and the records in the table do not change, the connection obtains the same records every time. -
In the Limit of elements per page field, enter the maximum number of records that you want the connection to obtain. In this release, you must enter a value, the recommendation is to enter
or less, and pagination is not supported. - In the Period field, indicate how often you want to obtain records. The default is every minute. In other words, by default, Fuse Online executes this integration every 60 seconds.
- Click Next.
Fuse Online generates a JSON schema that defines the structure of the obtained records. This enables you to add a data mapping step before the next connection in the integration if data mapping is needed.
Fuse Online prompts you to choose a finish connection.
22.3. Creating an import set in ServiceNow
In a Fuse Online integration, a ServiceNow connection cannot directly update a ServiceNow table. To update ServiceNow data in an integration, a prerequisite is an import set that stages updates for a ServiceNow table.
Often, the easiest way to create an import set is for a ServiceNow administrator to create a ServiceNow inbound web service. This implicitly creates a ServiceNow import set. The import set is based on the ServiceNow target table that the administrator selects when creating the web service. A ServiceNow connection updates this import set, and ServiceNow uses the import set to update the corresponding ServiceNow table.
You must have ServiceNow administrative privileges.
Procedure in ServiceNow
In ServiceNow, search for
web services
. - In the results, under System Web Services > Inbound, click Create New.
In the Create Web Service page:
- In the Label field, specify the display name for the web service. The web service’s import set will also have this name.
- In the Target table field, select the ServiceNow table that this service updates.
- Select Copy fields from target table. This creates an import set that has the same schema as the target table. The import set is a staging area for updating the target table.
- Select Create transform map. This map enables ServiceNow to copy and transform data from the import set to the target table.
- Click Create.
- In the next display, under Related Links, click Auto Map Matching Fields to display a list of fields in the target table that you selected.
Select one target table field to be the correlation (or coalesce) field.
When the value of the correlation field in a record in the import set matches the value of a correlation field in the target table, ServiceNow updates that record in the target table rather than creating a new record.
- Select Coalesce to identify the field that you just selected as the correlation field. Without a correlation field, ServiceNow adds each record in the import set to the target table.
- Click Update.
Confirm that the transform map was created:
In ServiceNow, search for
transform map
. - Under System Import Sets, click Transform Maps to display a list of transform maps.
- In this list, confirm that there is a transform map whose name is the value that you specified for the label of the web service that you created.
In ServiceNow, search for
Additional resource
22.4. Copying records to ServiceNow during or to finish an integration
You can copy records to ServiceNow in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a ServiceNow connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a ServiceNow connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- You know the name of the ServiceNow import set that you want to add records to. Your ServiceNow administrator can help you identify the appropriate import set. If the import set does not exist, see Creating an import set in ServiceNow.
- The ServiceNow import set is configured to handle the addition of records.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the ServiceNow connection that you want to add to the integration.
- Select the Add Record action.
- Click in the Import Set field and select the import set that you want to add records to.
- Click Next.
Fuse Online adds the connection to the flow.
Typically, a data mapper step is needed before this connection. In the integration visualization, Fuse Online displays
on the connection. In most integrations, you need to map a source field to the target field used as the correlation field in the ServiceNow table.
22.5. Example Salesforce to ServiceNow integrations
This example describes two simple integrations:
- One integration obtains new cases from Salesforce and adds them as incidents to ServiceNow.
- The other integration obtains updated cases from Salesforce and updates a corresponding incident in ServiceNow.
Prerequisites (in ServiceNow)
For both integrations, a prerequisite is for a ServiceNow administrator to create an inbound web service. This implicitly creates a ServiceNow import set, which is required for an integration to add data to ServiceNow. For this example:
- The name of the web service is Cases from Salesforce.
- The service’s target table is Incidents. This table contains the data to be updated.
- The import set has the same schema as the Incidents table because of the selection of Copy fields from target table. The name of the import set is also Cases from Salesforce.
- ServiceNow can copy and transform data from the Cases from Salesforce import set to the Incidents target table because of the selection of Create transform map.
In the import set, the correlation field is
because of the selection of thecorrelation_Id
field followed by selection of Coalesce.
Procedure overview (in Fuse Online)
In Fuse Online, you create the Salesforce and ServiceNow connections.
The two integrations are the same except for the action performed by the Salesforce connection, as noted in the following steps. To create the integrations, you would perform these steps twice, that is, once to create each integration:
Add the Salesforce connection as the start connection.
- To create the integration that obtains new cases, select the On create action.
- To create the integration that obtains updated cases, select the On update action.
- Select the Case object for the action to operate on. This Salesforce connection returns new Case objects or updated Case objects according to the chosen action.
- Add the ServiceNow connection as the finish connection.
Select the Create Record action, and then select Cases from Salesforce as the import set that the integration updates.
This ServiceNow connection adds new or updated Salesforce cases to the Cases from Salesforce import set.
Add a data mapper step that maps:
Salesforce case
to the ServiceNow import set’scorrelation_Id
to the ServiceNowshort_description
to the ServiceNowdescription
Salesforce case
Give the integration a name and then publish it.
- For the integration that obtains new cases, use On SF Create Case.
- For the integration that obtains updated cases, On SF Update Case.
Confirm that the integrations work
When both integrations are running, you can confirm that the integrations work:
- In Salesforce, create a case.
- In Fuse Online, view the summary for the On SF Create Case integration. Click its Activity tab to see that Fuse Online executed the integration once.
- In ServiceNow, view the Incidents table. You should see a new incident that has the subject and description that you specified in Salesforce.
- Back in Salesforce, update the case that you just created by changing its subject.
- In Fuse Online, view the summary for the On SF Update Case integration. Click its Activity tab to see that Fuse Online executed the integration once.
In ServiceNow, view the Incidents table and expand the entry for the incident that was previously new. You should see that this incident has an updated
value. ServiceNow checks the import set entry for the value of itscorrelation_Id
. If this value already exists in the Incidents table, ServiceNow updates the incident that has that value.
Chapter 23. Connecting to Slack
As a business user, you can create an integration that connects to Slack. A connection to Slack can do either one of the following:
- Trigger execution of a simple integration when a Slack channel that you specify receives a message. The integration passes the message to the next step in the flow. For example, you can monitor a Slack channel for keyword instances such as product names. Upon finding messages that contain those product names, the integration can notify the appropriate contact in a Gmail connection.
- Deliver a message to a particular user or to a channel. For example, this behavior is useful when an integration downloads a file from an FTP server and processes it in some way. An integration flow can notify a Slack channel or user that the process was successful.
To connect to Slack in an integration, create a Slack connection and then add the connection to an integration flow. Details are in the following topics:
23.1. Creating a Slack connection
In an integration, a Slack connection can retrieve messages from a channel that you specify or send a message to a channel or user. You can use the same Slack connection in any number of integrations.
Create and install a Slack app for connecting Fuse Online to Slack:
- Use the Bot User OAuth Access Token as the token for the consumer endpoint.
Add the relevant user token scope to your app to grant it permission to view messages:
history (
, orim:history
)read (
, orim:read
- You can obtain the Slack webhook URL for your Slack app.
- You can obtain the Bot User OAuth Access Token that authorizes access to your Slack app.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Slack connector.
- In the Slack webhook URL field, enter the webhook URL for your Slack app.
- In the Token for accessing Slack API field, enter the Bot User OAuth Access Token, which you can obtain from the Slack app’s OAuth & Permissions page.
Optionally, enter values for additional parameters:
- In the Sending username for messages field, enter the user name that the bot has when it sends messages to Slack.
In the Message avatar emoji field, specify one emoji, which the bot uses as the message avatar when it sends a message. Examples:
.TipSearch the web for emoji cheat sheet to see some emoji codes.
- In the Message avatar icon URL field, specify the URL of the avatar that the bot uses when it sends messages to Slack.
If you specify an emoji and an icon URL, then the integration uses the icon URL. If you specify neither an emoji nor an icon URL, then the message is sent without an avatar.
- Click Validate. Fuse Online immediately tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the connection configuration values and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Slack for Tracking Company Sales
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see the updated list of available connections, including the connection that you just created. If you entered the example name, you would see that Slack for Tracking Company Sales appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration. You can add this connection to any number of integrations.
23.2. Adding a Slack connection to trigger integration execution upon receiving messages
A Slack connection that starts an integration triggers execution of the integration when the connection finds messages on a Slack channel that you specify.
- You created a Slack connection.
- You are creating an integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose how you want to start the integration.
- Click the Slack connection that you want to use to start the integration.
- Select the Read Messages action.
- In the Channel field, specify the Slack channel from which you want to obtain messages.
- In the Delay field, accept the default of 500 milliseconds as the time that elapses between polls for messages. Or, to specify a different interval for checking for messages, enter a number and select its time unit.
In the Maximum Messages to Retrieve field, accept the default of 10 or indicate the maximum number of messages that the connection can return for each poll. If the connection finds more than this number of unread messages, then it returns the most recent messages. The connection returns a particular message only once.
For example, if you accept the default of 10 and there are 15 messages at the time of a poll then the connection returns the 10 most recent messages. At the next poll, the connection checks for messages that have a time stamp that is after the most recent message that the connection previously returned. This means that the 5 messages that were not returned in the first example poll are never returned.
When a Slack connection returns more than one message, the integration processes the messages as a batch. In other words, Fuse Online executes the integration once for the batch.
- Click Next to add the connection to the integration.
23.3. Adding a Slack connection to send a message to a Slack channel or user
In an integration, you can send a message to a Slack channel or Slack user in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Slack connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Slack connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Slack connection that you want to add to the flow.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform.
- Select Username to send a message to one user. To configure this action, in the User name field, specify the Slack name of the user to send the message to.
- Select Channel to publish a message on a channel. To configure this action, in the Channel field, specify the channel to publish the message to.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
- Optionally, add additional connections to the flow. Whether additional connections are needed depends on what you want the flow to do. The important point is to add all connections before you continue.
- Add a data mapper step just before the Slack connection that you added in this procedure. In the mapping step, map a string from a data mapping source to the Slack message field. This string should contain the message that you want to send to the Slack user or channel. See Adding a data mapper step.
Chapter 24. Connecting to SQL databases
In an integration, you can connect to any of the following types of SQL databases:
- Apache Derby
- PostgreSQL
Create a connection to the database that you want to access in an integration. Then create an integration and add that database connection to the integration.
To connect to other types of databases, you must upload a JDBC driver for that database.
See the following topics for details:
- Section 24.1, “Creating a database connection”
- Section 24.2, “How to specify the schema in a database connection”
- Section 24.3, “Obtaining database records to trigger integration execution”
- Section 24.4, “About parameter placeholders and values in SQL statements that update data”
- Section 24.5, “Accessing a database in the middle or to complete an integration”
- Section 24.6, “Connecting to proprietary databases”
24.1. Creating a database connection
You create a separate connection for each database that you want to connect to in an integration. You can use the same connection in multiple integrations.
A database connection operates on a database table that you specify or invokes a stored procedure that you specify.
The database table or the stored procedure must exist when an integration connects to the database.
- Ensure that the JDBC driver for the database that you want to connect to is on your classpath. If you uploaded a JDBC driver library extension to connect to a proprietary database, then the upload process puts the driver on your classpath. See Creating JDBC driver library extensions.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Database connector.
Configure the connection by entering:
In the Connection URL field, enter the JDBC URL for the database that you want to connect to. For example, enter
. - In the Username field, enter the name of the account that you want to use to access the database. Ensure that the specified password and user name are for the same account.
- In the Password field, enter the password associated with the user account you want to use to access the database.
- In the Schema field, enter the name of the schema for the database. How you specify the database schema varies for each type of database. Details are in the next section: How to specify the schema in a database connection.
In the Connection URL field, enter the JDBC URL for the database that you want to connect to. For example, enter
- Click Validate. Fuse Online tries to validate the connection and displays a message that indicates whether validation is successful. If validation fails, revise the configuration details as needed and try again.
- If validation is successful, click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
PostgreSQL DB 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample PostgreSQL connection that uses my login credentials.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that PostgreSQL DB 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
24.2. How to specify the schema in a database connection
In Fuse Online, when you create a database connection, the user interface prompts you to specify the database’s schema. How you specify the schema varies for each database. The table below shows what each database requires.
Database | Example connection configuration | Notes |
Apache Derby |
Connection URL (JDBC URL): |
For testing purposes only. The default username is |
MS SQLServer |
Connection URL (JDBC URL): | Upload the driver by using the extension mechanism. Then create a connection. Connection verification fails if you have not already uploaded the driver. You must specify the same schema at the end of the connection URL and in the Schema field. |
Connection URL (JDBC URL): | MySQL does not support schemas. When you create a connection to a MySQL database, leave the Schema field blank. MySQL expects all configuration in the connection (JDBC) URL. |
Oracle DB |
Connection URL (JDBC URL): |
Use the Fuse Online extension mechanism. to upload an Oracle database driver. Then create the connection. Connection verification fails if the driver has not been uploaded. |
PostgreSQL |
Connection URL (JDBC URL): | You must specify the database in the connection (JDBC) URL. T If you want to use a schema you must specify it in the Schema field. A query can refer to a table in the form database.schema.table. When a reference specifies only a table name, the connection first searches the schema that you specify when you configure the connection. If the table is not found, then the connection searches public resources for the specified table. For more details, see PostgreSQL schema documentation. |
24.3. Obtaining database records to trigger integration execution
To trigger execution of an integration based on the result of invoking a SQL statement or a SQL stored procedure, choose a database connection as the integration’s start connection.
You created a database connection.
- In the Fuse Online panel on the left, click Integrations.
- Click Create Integration.
- On the Choose a connection page, click the database connection that you want to use to start an integration.
On the Choose an action page, select one of the following:
Periodic SQL invocation obtains data by periodically invoking the SQL statement that you specify.
Note that the Database Connector accepts most basic SQL syntax. If you want to use a complex SQL statement, you should use a stored procedure instead since the Database Connector does not validate the SQL syntax in a stored procedure.
- Periodic stored procedure invocation obtains data by periodically invoking the stored procedure that you specify or select.
If you selected Periodic SQL invocation, in the Query field, enter a SQL
statement or some other standard SQL statement that obtains one or more records. For example:SELECT * from my_db_table
. The database table that contains the data you want must already exist.If you selected Periodic stored procedure invocation, in the Procedure name field, select or enter the stored procedure to invoke to obtain the data of interest. The stored procedure you specify must already exist. The database administrator should have created any stored procedures you need to use in an integration.
In the Period field, enter an integer and indicate whether the unit is milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days. For example, if you specify
5 minutes
then the connection invokes the specified statement or stored procedure every five minutes. - Click Next.
Limitations on the use of SQL extensions
SQL statements that you enter in the Query field must be standard SQL constructs. Fuse Online does not recognize or parse SQL extensions such as Procedural Language/PostgreSQL (PL/pgSQL) or Oracle Procedural Language Extensions to SQL (PL/SQL). However, you can use SQL extensions within stored procedures.
Fuse Online tries to validate the connection, which includes checking that a specified SQL statement is syntactically correct and confirming that the statement or stored procedure target data exists. If verification is successful then Fuse Online adds the start connection to the integration. If verification fails then Fuse Online displays a message about the problem. Update your input as needed and try again.
24.4. About parameter placeholders and values in SQL statements that update data
A database connection that is in the middle of a flow, or that finishes a simple integration, can execute a SQL statement that updates data. When you add a database connection to an integration, you can specify placeholder parameters in the SQL statement to be executed. During execution, the connection can perform a batch update when the input parameter values are in a collection.
Specifying parameters in SQL statements
When you create or edit an integration and you add a connection that updates a database, you can specify placeholder parameters in the SQL statement that the connection executes at runtime or there can be placeholders in the stored procedure that will be executed at runtime. For example:
INSERT INTO TODO(task, completed) VALUES(:#param_1, :#param_2) DELETE FROM TODO WHERE task LIKE :#param_3
To specify the values of these placeholders, add a data mapping step to the flow before the database connection. In the data mapping step, map the appropriate source data fields to the target data fields, for example, map source data to the :#param_1
, :#param_2
, and :#param_3
target fields. See Adding a data mapper step.
Batch update with a collection of parameter values
At runtime, when a database connection executes a SQL statement that inserts, deletes, or updates data, the SQL statement being executed often specifies one or more placeholder parameters, for example, :#task
. When it does, the input to the connection can be a single set of parameters or a collection of parameter sets, where each element in a set defines a value for the corresponding placeholder parameter.
The input to the database connection comes from an earlier connection in the flow, for example, an HTTP request (Webhook) or a request sent to the REST API service for an API provider integration. When the input is a collection, the connection uses batch mode to update the table. For example, consider this SQL statement:
insert into todo (task) values (:#task)
If the input collection contains 3 values, the connection inserts three records, one for each value. Now consider a SQL statement with two placeholder parameters:
insert into todo (task, completed) values (:#task, :#completed)
In the input to the connection that executes this SQL statement, a data shape specification could specify a single element, for example:
{"task": "write some docs", "completed": 0}
Or it could specify a collection, for example:
[{"task": "write doc", "completed": 1}, {"task": "publish doc", "completed": 0}]
With a collection as input, the connection executes the insert operation once for each set of parameter values. In this example, the connection adds two records to the table, one for each set of parameter values.
24.5. Accessing a database in the middle or to complete an integration
In an integration, you can access a database in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a database connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a database connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the database connection for the database that you want to access.
On the Choose an action page, select one of the following:
Invoke SQL operates on data by executing the SQL statement you specify.
Note that the Database Connector accepts most basic SQL syntax. If you want to use a complex SQL statement, you should use a stored procedure instead since the Database Connector does not validate the SQL syntax in a stored procedure.
- Invoke stored procedure operates on data by invoking the stored procedure that you specify or select.
If you selected Invoke SQL, in the SQL Statement field:
For a middle connection, enter a SQL
statement that obtains one or more records or enter a SQLINSERT
statement that operates on one or more records. The database table that contains the data must already exist. -
For a finish connection, enter a SQL
statement to operate on one or more records. In the Batch update field, accept No, which is the default, or select Yes.
The setting of Batch update affects connection behavior when the input to this action is a collection, and the SQL statement inserts, deletes, or updates records. The default behavior (Batch update is No) is that the connection accepts only individual objects and executes the SQL statement once for each object. When Batch update is Yes, the connection accepts a collection as the input to the action. The connection executes the SQL statement once and uses all collection items as input to a batch update operation.
If you selected Invoke stored procedure, in the Procedure name field, select or enter the name of the stored procedure to invoke to operate on the data of interest. The stored procedure you specify must already exist. The database administrator should have created any stored procedures you need to use in an integration.
For a middle connection, enter a SQL
- Click Next.
Fuse Online tries to validate the connection, which includes checking that a specified SQL query is syntactically correct and confirming that the query or stored procedure target data exists. If verification is successful then Fuse Online adds the connection to the flow. If verification fails then Fuse Online displays a message about the problem. Update your input as needed and try again.
Additional resource
About parameter placeholders and values in SQL statements that update data.
24.6. Connecting to proprietary databases
To connect to a proprietary SQL database, the main tasks that must be accomplished are as follows:
- A developer creates a library extension that contains the JDBC driver for the database that you want to access in an integration. See Creating JDBC driver library extensions.
The developer provides a
file that contains the library extension. -
You upload that
file to Fuse Online. See Making extensions available. - You create a connection to your database by selecting the Fuse Online Database connector and specifying the connection URL for your database. See Creating a database connection.
- In an integration, you add the connection to your database. See Starting an integration by accessing a database or Accessing a database in the middle or to complete an integration.
Chapter 25. Connecting to Telegram
As a business user, you can create an integration that connects to Telegram. A connection to Telegram can do either one of the following:
- Trigger execution of a simple integration when a Telegram bot that you specify receives a message. The integration passes the message to the next step in the flow. For example, after a simple integration receives a message there might be a filter step that watches for keyword instances such as product names. Upon finding messages that contain those product names, the integration can notify the appropriate contact in a Gmail connection or in a different Telegram connection.
- Deliver a message to a particular Telegram chat. For example, this behavior is useful when an integration downloads a file from an FTP server and processes it in some way. You can add a Telegram connection that notifies a Telegram chat that the process was successful.
To connect to Telegram in an integration, create a Telegram connection and then add the connection to an integration flow. Details are in the following topics:
25.1. Creating a Telegram connection
In an integration, a Telegram connection can receive messages that have been sent to a particular chat. A chat bot that you create forwards the messages to Fuse Online. A Telegram connection can also send messages to chats that the connection has access to. You can use the same Telegram connection:
- In any number of integrations that use the connection to send messages to a chat.
- In addition, you can use it in one integration that uses the connection to receive messages from a Telegram chat.
In other words, you cannot use the same Telegram connection in more than one integration if you want that connection to receive Telegram chat messages in both integrations. This is a Telegram limitation.
- In Telegram, you created a bot for the chat that you want to obtain messages from and send messages to. For help with this, see Bots, an introduction for developers.
- You obtained a bot authorization token from the Telegram BotFather.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display Fuse Online connectors.
- Click the Telegram connector.
- In the Authorization Token field, enter the Telegram authorization token for the bot that you want to get messages from and send messages to.
- Click Next.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Telegram for Product Mentions
. - In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection.
- Click Save to see the updated list of available connections, including the connection that you just created. If you entered the example name, you would see that Telegram for Product Mentions appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration. You can add this connection to any number of integrations.
25.2. Adding a Telegram connection to trigger integration execution upon receiving messages
A Telegram connection that starts an integration triggers execution of the integration each time that the connection receives a message from a Telegram chat bot that you specify.
- You created a Telegram connection.
- You are creating a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose how you want to start the integration.
- Click the Telegram connection that you want to use to start the integration.
Select the Read Messages action to receive all messages that are sent to the chat bot.
The connection configuration identifies the chat bot that you want to receive messages from. No other configuration is required.
25.3. Adding a Telegram connection to send a message to a Telegram chat
In an integration, you can send a message to a Telegram chat in the middle of a flow or to finish a simple integration. To do this, add a Telegram connection to the middle of a flow or as a simple integration’s finish connection.
- You created a Telegram connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add the connection. Skip this step if Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
- Click the Telegram connection that you want to add to the flow.
- Select the Send a Text Message action.
In the Chat Id field, enter the ID for the Telegram chat that you are sending a message to.
If you leave this field blank, and if there is an earlier Telegram connection that receives messages, then Fuse Online uses the chat ID that is in an incoming message.
To obtain the ID for a chat:
- In Telegram, add a bot to the chat that you want to send a message to. The BotFather response includes a bot access token.
- Copy the access token to the clipboard.
- In Telegram, send a message directly to that chat. Do not use the bot to send the message.
Read messages that are sent to that chat by invoking a
command in the following format. Replacebot-access-token
with the access token in the clipboard.curl\?offset\=0
The response is in JSON format. The JSON
object contains the chat ID.
- Click Next to add the connection to the flow.
Chapter 26. Connecting to Twitter
To connect to Twitter in an integration, the main steps are:
You need a Twitter developer account to authorize access from your Fuse Online environment to Twitter. If you do not already have a Twitter developer account, go to, sign in to Twitter, and click Apply for a developer account. Obtaining the developer account is quick when you provide a professional email address, such as
rather than a personal address such as
26.1. Registering Fuse Online as a Twitter client application
In an integration, to connect to Twitter, the first thing you must do is register your Fuse Online environment as a client application that can access Twitter. This lets you create any number of integrations that connect to Twitter. In other words, you need to register a particular Fuse Online environment with Twitter only once.
In each Fuse Online environment, there can be only one registration of Fuse Online as a Twitter client application. However, while each Twitter connection uses the same registration, it can use different user credentials.
You are logged in to Fuse Online.
In Fuse Online:
- In the left panel, click Settings.
On the Settings page, near the top, to the right of the callback URL, click
to copy the callback URL for your installation of Fuse Online to the clipboard. You will need this URL later in this procedure.
- Click the Twitter entry to display the Consumer API Key and Consumer API Secret Key fields.
In another browser tab, go to your Twitter developer account, sign in if you need to, and then do the following:
- Click Projects & Apps.
- On the Overview page, scroll down to STandalone Apps and then click Create App.
- In the App name field, enter a name such as My Fuse Online Client.
- Scroll down to Setup Your App and then click App settings.
- Scroll down to User authentication settings, click Set up.
- Switch on the OAuth 1.0a option.
- For App permissions, select Read and write and Direct message.
In the Callback URLs field, paste the URL that you copied at the beginning of this procedure. It should be something like this:
In the Website URL field, paste the URL again and remove
from the end of the URL.You can skip the next few fields.
- Click Save.
- At the top of the page for the app that you just created, click the Keys and tokens tab.
- Under Consumer Keys, click Regenerate and then verify that you want to regenerate them.
- Copy the API key.
- Return to your Fuse Online Settings page and paste the Twitter consumer API key into the Fuse Online Twitter Consumer API Key field.
- Return to the Twitter Keys and tokens tab and copy the consumer API secret key.
- Return to your Fuse Online Settings page and paste the Twitter consumer API secret key into the Fuse Online Twitter Consumer API Secret Key field.
- Click Save.
- Click the Twitter entry to collapse it.
26.2. Creating a Twitter connection
To create an integration that obtains data from Twitter, you must first create a Twitter connection. After you create a Twitter connection, you can use it in any number of integrations.
- You are logged in to Fuse Online.
- Fuse Online is open in a web browser.
- You registered your Fuse Online environment as an application that can access Twitter.
- You added the Twitter consumer API key and consumer API secret key that you received after registration to the Fuse Online Settings page.
- In Fuse Online, in the left panel, click Connections to display any available connections.
- Click Create Connection to display the available connectors. A connector is a template that you use to create one or more connections.
- Click the Twitter connector.
Click Connect Twitter to display a Twitter authorization page. You might need to log in to Twitter before you see the authorization page.
If Connect Twitter does not appear, then your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Twitter client application. See Registering Fuse Online as a Twitter client application. When you try to create a Twitter connection and your Fuse Online environment is not registered as a Twitter client application, then Fuse Online displays multiple fields that prompt for authorization information. While you can create a Twitter connection by entering values in these fields, it is not recommended.
- Click Authorize app to return to Fuse Online.
In the Name field, enter your choice of a name that helps you distinguish this connection from any other connections. For example, enter
Twitter Connect 1
. -
In the Description field, optionally enter any information that is helpful to know about this connection. For example, enter
Sample Twitter connection that uses my Twitter login credentials.
- Click Save to see that the connection you created is now available. If you entered the example name, you would see that Twitter Connect 1 appears as a connection that you can choose to add to an integration.
26.3. Adding a Twitter connection to trigger integration execution
In a simple integration, the start connection can be a Twitter connection that triggers execution of the integration when it finds certain tweets or direct messages.
- You created a Twitter connection.
- You are creating or editing a simple integration and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the start connection.
- Click the Twitter connection that starts the integration. When the integration uses the selected connection to connect to Twitter, Fuse Online uses the credentials defined in that connection.
Select the action that you want the connection to perform. A Twitter connection that you add to an integration performs only the action that you choose:
- Mention monitors Twitter for tweets that contain the Twitter handle for the Twitter account that the connection is authorized to access. Upon finding such a tweet, the connection returns it to Fuse Online, which triggers execution of the integration.
- Retrieve periodically polls Twitter for direct messages sent to the Twitter account that the Twitter connection is authorized to access. Upon finding such messages, the connection returns them to Fuse Online, which triggers execution of the integration.
- Search periodically polls Twitter for tweets that match criteria that you specify. Upon finding such tweets, the connection returns them to Fuse Online, which triggers execution of the integration.
Configure the action that you selected:
- Mention does not require any configuration.
Count has a default of 100 and you should not need to change this value, which affects internal behavior. However, do not set this value to less than 50 because doing so might decrease performance.
The Retrieve action always returns all previously unreturned direct messages received in the last 30 days. If you do not select Ignore direct messages previously found, then the Retrieve action returns all messages that have been received in the last 30 days.
- Delay is the period of time between polls. Twitter enforces rate limits, so you should not poll too often. The default interval is 5 seconds.
- Ignore direct messages previously found returns only new messages when selected.
- Delay is the period of time between polls. Twitter enforces rate limits, so you should not poll too often. The default interval is 5 seconds.
- Ignore tweets previously found returns only new tweets when selected.
Query is a Twitter-formatted search expression that specifies the tweets that you want the connection to return. The following table provides examples of what you can enter. More details are in this Twitter document for search operators.
My Product
Obtains tweets that contain both
, but not necessarilyMy Product
."My Product”
Obtains tweets that contain an instance of
My Product
.My OR Product
Obtains tweets that contain an instance of
or an instance of each one.My -Product
Obtains tweets that contain an instance of
and do not contain an instance ofProduct
Obtains tweets that contain the
- Click Next to add the connection to the integration.
The integration now has a start connection and Fuse Online is prompting you to choose the finish connection.
26.4. Adding a Twitter connection that sends a direct message
In the middle of a flow, or to finish a simple integration, you can add a Twitter connection that sends a direct message to a Twitter user. A direct message is a private message that goes to only the specified user.
- You created a Twitter connection.
- You are creating or editing a flow and Fuse Online is prompting you to add to the integration. Or, for a simple integration, Fuse Online is prompting you to choose a finish connection.
- On the Add to Integration page, click the plus sign where you want to add a Twitter connection.
- Click the Twitter connection that you want to add to the integration. When the integration uses the selected connection to connect to Twitter, Fuse Online uses the credentials defined in that connection.
- Select the Send action.
- In the Default Message field, enter the message that you want the connection to send when a data mapper step does not map the direct message content from a previous step to this Twitter connection. While you must enter a message when you configure this Twitter connection, a message that you map from a previous step has precedence over the message that you specify here.
- In the User field, enter the Twitter handle of the user who you want to send a direct message to. For example, both Aslan and @Aslan are correct.
- Click Next to add the connection to the integration.
The connection appears in the middle or at the end of an integration visualization.