Chapter 8. Uninstalling Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage
This chapter outlines the details for uninstalling containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage.
Perform the following steps for uninstalling:
- Cleanup Red Hat Gluster Storage using Heketi
- Remove any containers using the persistent volume claim from Red Hat Gluster Storage.
- Remove the appropriate persistent volume claim and persistent volume:
# oc delete pvc <pvc_name> # oc delete pv <pv_name>
- Remove all OpenShift objects
- Delete all project specific pods, services, routes, and deployment configurations:
# oc delete deploymentconfig glusterfs-dc-<IP-ADDR/Hostname> # oc delete deploymentconfig heketi # oc delete service heketi heketi-storage-endpoints # oc delete route heketi # oc delete endpoints heketi-storage-endpoints
Wait until all the pods have been terminated. - Check and delete the gluster service and endpoints from the projects that required a persistent storage:
# oc get endpoints,service # oc delete endpoints <glusterfs-endpoint-name> # oc delete service <glusterfs-service-name>
- Cleanup the persistent directories
- To cleanup the persistent directories execute the following command on each node as a root user:
# rm -rf /var/lib/heketi \ /etc/glusterfs \ /var/lib/glusterd \ /var/log/glusterfs
- Force cleanup the disks
- Execute the following command to cleanup the disks:
# wipefs -a -f /dev/<disk-id>