5.2. Dynamic Provisioning of Volumes

Dynamic provisioning enables provisioning of Red hat Gluster Storage volume to a running application container without having to pre-create the volume. The volume will be created dynamically as the claim request comes in, and a volume of exactly the same size will be provisioned to the application containers.


Dynamically provisioned Volumes are supported from Container Native Storage 3.4. If you have any statically provisioned volumes and require more information about managing it, then refer Section 5.1, “Static Provisioning of Volumes”

5.2.1. Configuring Dynamic Provisioning of Volumes

To configure dynamic provisioning of volumes, the administrator must define StorageClass objects that describe named "classes" of storage offered in a cluster. After creating a Storage Class, a secret for heketi authentication must be created before proceeding with the creation of persistent volume claim. Registering a Storage Class

When configuring a StorageClass object for persistent volume provisioning, the administrator must describe the type of provisioner to use and the parameters that will be used by the provisioner when it provisions a PersistentVolume belonging to the class.
  1. To create a storage class execute the following command:
    # cat glusterfs-storageclass.yaml
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: gluster-container
    provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfs
      resturl: ""
      restuser: "admin"
      secretNamespace: "default"
      secretName: "heketi-secret"
    resturl: Gluster REST service/Heketi service url which provision gluster volumes on demand. The general format must be IPaddress:Port and this is a mandatory parameter for GlusterFS dynamic provisioner. If Heketi service is exposed as a routable service in openshift/kubernetes setup, this can have a format similar to http://heketi-storage-project.cloudapps.mystorage.com where the fqdn is a resolvable heketi service url.
    restuser : Gluster REST service/Heketi user who has access to create volumes in the trusted storage pool
    secretNamespace + secretName: Identification of Secret instance that contains the user password that is used when communicating with the Gluster REST service. These parameters are optional. Empty password will be used when both secretNamespace and secretName are omitted.


    When the persistent volumes are dynamically provisioned, the Gluster plugin automatically creates an endpoint and a headless service in the name gluster-dynamic-<claimname>. This dynamic endpoint and service will be deleted automatically when the persistent volume claim is deleted.
  2. To register the storage class to Openshift, execute the following command:
    # oc create -f glusterfs-storageclass.yaml
    storageclass "gluster-container" created
  3. To get the details of the storage class, execute the following command:
    # oc describe storageclass gluster-container
    Name: gluster-container
    IsDefaultClass: No
    Annotations: <none>
    Provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfs
    Parameters: resturl=,restuser=admin,secretName=heketi-secret,secretNamespace=default
    No events. Creating Secret for Heketi Authentication

To create a secret for Heketi authentication, execute the following commands:
  1. Create an encoded value for the password by executing the following command:
    # echo -n "mypassword" | base64
    where “mypassword” is Heketi’s admin user password.
    For example:
    # echo -n "mypassword" | base64
  2. Create a secret file. A sample secret file is provided below:
    # cat glusterfs-secret.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: heketi-secret
      namespace: default
      # base64 encoded password. E.g.: echo -n "mypassword" | base64
      key: bXlwYXNzd29yZA==
    type: kubernetes.io/glusterfs
  3. Register the secret on Openshift by executing the following command:
    # oc create -f glusterfs-secret.yaml
    secret "heketi-secret" created Creating a Persistent Volume Claim

To create a persistent volume claim execute the following commands:
  1. Create a Persistent Volume Claim file. A sample persistent volume claim is provided below:
    # cat glusterfs-pvc-claim1.yaml
      "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "claim1",
        "annotations": {
            "volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class": "gluster-container"
      "spec": {
        "accessModes": [
        "resources": {
          "requests": {
            "storage": "4Gi"
  2. Register the claim by executing the following command:
    # oc create -f glusterfs-pvc-claim1.yaml
    persistentvolumeclaim "claim1" created
  3. To get the details of the claim, execute the following command:
    # oc describe pvc <claim_name>
    For example:
    # oc describe pvc claim1
    Name: claim1
    Namespace: default
    StorageClass: gluster-container
    Status: Bound
    Volume: pvc-54b88668-9da6-11e6-965e-54ee7551fd0c
    Labels: <none>
    Capacity: 4Gi
    Access Modes: RWO
    No events. Verifying Claim Creation

To verify if the claim is created, execute the following commands:
  1. To get the details of the persistent volume claim and persistent volume, execute the following command:
    # oc get pv,pvc
    NAME                                          CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   RECLAIMPOLICY   STATUS     CLAIM                    REASON    AGE
    pv/pvc-962aa6d1-bddb-11e6-be23-5254009fc65b   4Gi        RWO           Delete          Bound      storage-project/claim1             3m
    NAME         STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   AGE
    pvc/claim1   Bound     pvc-962aa6d1-bddb-11e6-be23-5254009fc65b   4Gi        RWO           4m
  2. To validate if the endpoint and the services are created as part of claim creation, execute the following command:
    # oc get endpoints,service
    NAME                          ENDPOINTS                                            AGE
    ep/storage-project-router,,   28d
    ep/gluster-dynamic-claim1,,         5m
    ep/heketi                                                21d
    ep/heketi-storage-endpoints,,         25d
    NAME                           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                   AGE
    svc/storage-project-router    <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP   28d
    svc/gluster-dynamic-claim1     <none>        1/TCP                     5m
    svc/heketi              <none>        8080/TCP                  21d
    svc/heketi-storage-endpoints   <none>        1/TCP                     25d Using the Claim in a Pod

Execute the following steps to use the claim in a pod.
  1. To use the claim in the application, for example
    # cat app.yml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: busybox
        - image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
          name: busybox
            - mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
              name: mypvc
        - name: mypvc
            claimName: claim1
    # oc create -f app.yml
    pod "busybox" created
  2. To verify that the pod is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get pods
    NAME                                READY     STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE
    storage-project-router-1-at7tf      1/1       Running        0          13d
    busybox                             1/1       Running        0          8s
    glusterfs-dc-   1/1       Running        0          7d
    glusterfs-dc-   1/1       Running        0          7d
    glusterfs-dc-   1/1       Running        0          13d
    heketi-1-9r47c                      1/1       Running        0          13d
  3. To verify that the persistent volume is mounted inside the container, execute the following command:
    # oc rsh busybox
    / $ df -h
    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                             10.0G     33.8M      9.9G   0% /
    tmpfs                    23.5G         0     23.5G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                    23.5G         0     23.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
                             17.5G      3.6G     13.8G  21% /run/secrets
                             17.5G      3.6G     13.8G  21% /dev/termination-log
                             17.5G      3.6G     13.8G  21% /etc/resolv.conf
                             17.5G      3.6G     13.8G  21% /etc/hostname
                             17.5G      3.6G     13.8G  21% /etc/hosts
    shm                      64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev/shm
                              4.0G     32.6M      4.0G   1% /usr/share/busybox
    tmpfs                    23.5G     16.0K     23.5G   0% /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
    tmpfs                    23.5G         0     23.5G   0% /proc/kcore
    tmpfs                    23.5G         0     23.5G   0% /proc/timer_stats Deleting a Persistent Volume Claim

  1. To delete a claim, execute the following command:
    # oc delete pvc <claim-name>
    For example:
    # oc delete pvc claim1
    persistentvolumeclaim "claim1" deleted
  2. To verify if the claim is deleted, execute the following command:
    # oc get pvc <claim-name>
    For example:
    # oc get pvc claim1
    No resources found.
    When the user deletes a persistent volume claim that is bound to a persistent volume created by dynamic provisioning, apart from deleting the persistent volume claim, Kubernetes will also delete the persistent volume, endpoints, service, and the actual volume. Execute the following commands if this has to be verified:
    • To verify if the persistent volume is deleted, execute the following command:
      # oc get pv <pv-name>
      For example:
      # oc get pv pvc-962aa6d1-bddb-11e6-be23-5254009fc65b 
      No resources found.
    • To verify if the endpoints are deleted, execute the following command:
      # oc get endpoints <endpointname>
      For example:
      # oc get endpoints gluster-dynamic-claim1
      No resources found.
    • To verify if the service is deleted, execute the following command:
      # oc get service <servicename>
      For example:
      # oc get service gluster-dynamic-claim1 
      No resources found.
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