
Configuring cloud integrations for Red Hat services

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Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console 1-latest

How to link your Red Hat account to a public cloud

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Cloud integrations provide a way for services to collect data outside of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console through either a direct connection to the integration or indirectly.

Chapter 1. Cloud integrations on the Hybrid Cloud Console

A cloud integration on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console is a service, application, or provider that supplies data to a Hybrid Cloud Console service. Services on the Hybrid Cloud Console use the integrations service to connect with public cloud providers and other services or tools to collect information for the service.

You can integrate the following public cloud providers with the Hybrid Cloud Console:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud

You can also connect your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment to the Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration to use with the cost management service on the console.

You can add and manage cloud and Red Hat integrations from the Integrations page, located in the Hybrid Cloud Console Settings menu.

The Integrations service uses a wizard to help you connect cloud and Red Hat integrations to the Hybrid Cloud Console. For cloud integrations, you can associate the provider with Red Hat services, including cost management, Red Hat Insights images, and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) management bundle. For Red Hat integrations, you can add Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Associating a service is optional for cloud integrations, but is required for Red Hat integrations.

Chapter 2. Configure User Access to manage integrations

To configure cloud and Red Hat integrations, you must be a member of a group with the Cloud Administrator role. This group must be configured in User Access by an Organization Administrator. In the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, an Organization Administrator performs the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a User Access group for cloud administrators.
  2. Add the Cloud Administrator role to the group.
  3. Add members (users with account access) to the group.

Organization Administrator

The Organization Administrator configures the User Access group for cloud administrators, then adds the Cloud Administrator role and users to the group.

Cloud Administrator

The Cloud Administrator configures how services interact with cloud and Red Hat integrations. The Cloud Administrator can add, remove, and edit integrations available in the Hybrid Cloud Console.

Additional resources

2.1. Creating and configuring a Cloud Administrator group in the Hybrid Cloud Console

An Organization Administrator of a Red Hat account creates a group with the Cloud Administrator role and adds members to the group. The members of this group can manage cloud and Red Hat integrations on the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  • You are logged in to the Hybrid Cloud Console as a user who has Organization Administrator permission.
  • If you are not an Organization Administrator, you must be a member of a group that has the User Access administrator role assigned to it.


  1. Click Settings > Identity & Access Management.
  2. Under Identity & Access Management, click User Access > Groups.
  3. Click Create group.
  4. Enter a group name, for example, Cloud Administrators, and a description, and click Next.
  5. Find Cloud Administrator in the list of roles, select the checkbox next to it, and click Next.
  6. Add members to the group:

    1. Search for individual users or filter by username, email, or status.
    2. Select the checkbox for the users you want to add to the group, then click Next.
  7. Review the details and click Submit to finish creating the group.


  • Verify that your new group is listed on the Groups page.

2.2. Editing or removing a User Access group

You can make changes to an existing User Access group in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and you can delete groups that are no longer needed.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a user who has Organization Administrator permissions.
  • If you are not an Organization Administrator, you must be a member of a group that has the User Access administrator role assigned to it.


  1. Find the group name in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console > Settings > Identity & Access Management > User Access > Groups.
  2. Click the options icon (⋮) on the far right of the group name row, and click Edit or Delete.
  3. Make and save changes or delete the group.

Chapter 3. Adding cloud integrations to the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or Oracle Cloud accounts as cloud integrations in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console so that services hosted on the Hybrid Cloud Console can use data from public cloud providers.

3.1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) integrations with the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to the following services in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console:

Cost management

Connect your AWS account to cost management to track your cloud costs. You can use the cost management service to perform financially related tasks, such as:

  • Visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the use of resources and costs
  • Forecasting your future consumption and comparing them with budgets
  • Optimizing resources and consumption
  • Identifying patterns of usage for further analysis
  • Integrating with third-party tools that can benefit from cost and resourcing data

RHEL management bundle

Connect your AWS account to the RHEL management bundle in the Hybrid Cloud Console to use your Red Hat product subscriptions on AWS.

The RHEL management bundle grants access to additional capabilities which are useful to deploying Red Hat products on the public cloud, including:

  • Red Hat gold images: You can use Red Hat cloud images in AWS and bring your own subscription instead of paying hourly.
  • High precision subscription watch data: You can view precise public cloud usage data in subscription watch.
  • Autoregistration: This allows cloud instances to automatically connect to when provisioned so you can use Red Hat Insights services.

To use RHEL management, you need to first enable Simple Content Access. See the Red Hat Knowledge Article Simple Content Access for more information.

Red Hat Insights images

Connect your AWS account to build and launch customized images as virtual machines in hybrid cloud environments.

This workflow uses the Red Hat Insights images service, which is included in every Red Hat subscription, to deploy and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems in AWS.

No application

Alternatively, you can add an AWS integration without connecting it to a Hybrid Cloud Console service, and select one or more services later.

3.1.1. Adding an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account as a cloud integration

You can connect your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration so that you can use your AWS data with Hybrid Cloud Console services. After adding your AWS integration, you can view and manage your AWS and other integrations from the Integrations page in the Hybrid Cloud Console.

When adding your AWS account as an integration, you have two choices for the configuration mode:

  • Account authorization (recommended)
  • Manual configuration

Red Hat recommends using the Account authorization option for easier configuration and management. This option requires entering your AWS account credentials (Access key ID and Secret key ID) in the Hybrid Cloud Console to configure and manage your AWS integration automatically. You can use the Account authorization option to connect your AWS integration to one or more Hybrid Cloud Console services in one step during configuration.

If you do not want to provide your AWS credentials in the Hybrid Cloud Console, you can select Manual configuration and follow the steps in the wizard to manually configure your AWS account as an integration, and connect it to a Hybrid Cloud Console service.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have access to an AWS account that you want to use with the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Add integration to open the Add a cloud integration wizard. If this is the first integration you are adding, skip this step.
  4. Select Amazon Web Services, and click Next.
  5. Enter a descriptive name for the integration, for example, my_aws_integration, and click Next.
  6. Select a configuration mode:

    • Account authorization allows Red Hat to configure and manage the integration for you after you provide your AWS credentials. This is the recommended configuration mode. If you select Account authorization, enter your AWS Access key ID and Secret access key.
    • Manual configuration allows you to configure and manage your AWS integration manually, without entering your AWS credentials in the Hybrid Cloud Console. Depending on the service you select in the next step, the wizard will require additional configuration in your AWS account.
  7. Select the service or services you want to connect with AWS, and click Next:


    You can connect additional Hybrid Cloud Console services after you finish creating the AWS integration. However, if you selected Account authorization as your configuration mode, you can connect multiple services at once in this step.

  8. Follow the steps in the wizard and refer to the related documentation listed in the previous step to complete adding the integration for that service.


  1. Go to the Integrations page and select the Cloud tab.
  2. Confirm that your AWS integration is listed and the status is Available.

3.2. Microsoft Azure integrations with the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect your Microsoft Azure account to the following services in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console:

Cost management

Connect your Microsoft Azure account to cost management to track your cloud costs. You can use the cost management service to perform financially related tasks, such as:

  • Visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the use of resources and costs
  • Forecasting your future consumption and comparing them with budgets
  • Optimizing resources and consumption
  • Identifying patterns of usage for further analysis
  • Integrating with third-party tools that can benefit from cost and resourcing data

RHEL management bundle

Connect your Microsoft Azure account to the RHEL management bundle in the Hybrid Cloud Console to use your existing Red Hat product subscriptions on Microsoft Azure.

The RHEL management bundle grants access to additional capabilities which are useful to deploying Red Hat products on the public cloud, including:

  • Red Hat gold images: You can use Red Hat cloud images in Microsoft Azure and bring your own subscription instead of paying hourly.
  • High precision subscriptions data: You can view precise public cloud usage data in the subscriptions service.
  • Autoregistration: This allows cloud instances to automatically connect to when provisioned so you can use Red Hat Insights services.

To use RHEL management, you need to first enable Simple Content Access. See the Red Hat Knowledge Article Simple Content Access for more information.

To add your Microsoft Azure account as an integration, the Hybrid Cloud Console cloud integrations wizard takes you to Azure Lighthouse to deploy a custom template to link your Red Hat and Microsoft Azure accounts.

In your Azure account, deploying the template sets up two Azure roles for RHEL Management:

  • Reader: This role allows the Hybrid Cloud Console to view all resources, but it cannot make any changes. See the Azure documentation for information about this role.
  • Managed Services Registration assignment Delete: This role enables clean-up of the authorization when you remove the Hybrid Cloud Console integration. See the Azure documentation for information about this role.

For more information about the Azure Resource Manager template, see Deploy the Azure Resource Manager template in the Azure documentation.

You can enable cloud access at the Azure tenant ID level to automatically enable the subscription IDs belonging to that tenant. Alternatively, you can add Azure integrations to the Hybrid Cloud Console individually by Azure subscription ID.

Red Hat Insights images

Connect your Microsoft Azure account to build and launch customized images as virtual machines in hybrid cloud environments.

This workflow uses the Red Hat Insights images service, which is included in every Red Hat subscription, to deploy and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems in Microsoft Azure.

3.2.1. Adding a Microsoft Azure account as a cloud integration

You can connect your Microsoft Azure account to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration so that you can use your Microsoft Azure data with Hybrid Cloud Console services. After adding your Azure integration, you can view and manage your Azure and other integrations from the Integrations page in the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have access to a Microsoft Azure account that you want to use with the Hybrid Cloud Console.
  • Your Azure user account has the minimum permissions required to use the Red Hat service:

    • For RHEL management and Launch images, to create the integration you must have a non-guest account in your tenant who has a role with the Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permission, such as Owner, for the Azure subscription you are using. See the following Microsoft Azure documentation for more information:


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Add integration to open the Add a cloud integration wizard. If this is the first integration you are adding, skip this step.
  4. Select Microsoft Azure, and click Next.
  5. Enter a descriptive name for the integration, for example, Azure_build, and click Next.
  6. Select the service you want to connect to Azure, and click Next:


    You can connect additional Hybrid Cloud Console services after you create the Azure integration. Depending on the service you want to use with Azure, the configuration steps vary slightly.


  1. Go to the Integrations page, and select the Cloud tab.
  2. Confirm that your Azure integration is listed and the status is Available.

3.3. Google Cloud integrations with the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect your Google Cloud account to the following services in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console:

Cost management

Connect your Google Cloud account to cost management to track your cloud costs. You can use the cost management service to perform financially related tasks, such as:

  • Visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the use of resources and costs
  • Forecasting your future consumption and comparing them with budgets
  • Optimizing resources and consumption
  • Identifying patterns of usage for further analysis
  • Integrating with third-party tools that can benefit from cost and resourcing data

RHEL management bundle

Connect your Google Cloud account to the RHEL management bundle in the Hybrid Cloud Console to use your Red Hat product subscriptions on Google Cloud.

The RHEL management bundle grants access to additional capabilities which are useful to deploying Red Hat products on the public cloud, including:

  • Red Hat gold images: You can use Red Hat cloud images in Google Cloud and bring your own subscription instead of paying hourly.
  • High precision subscription watch data: You can view precise public cloud usage data in subscription watch.
  • Autoregistration: This allows cloud instances to automatically connect to when provisioned so you can use Red Hat Insights services.

To use RHEL management, you need to first enable Simple Content Access. See the Red Hat Knowledge Article Simple Content Access for more information.

Red Hat Insights images

Connect your Google Cloud account to build and launch customized images as virtual machines in hybrid cloud environments.

This workflow uses the Red Hat Insights images service, which is included in every Red Hat subscription, to deploy and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems in Google Cloud.

No application

Alternatively, you can add a Google Cloud integration without connecting it to a Hybrid Cloud Console service, and select one or more services later.

3.3.1. Adding a Google Cloud account as a cloud integration

You can connect your Google Cloud account to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration so that you can use your Google Cloud data with Hybrid Cloud Console services. After adding your Google Cloud integration, you can view and manage your Google Cloud and other integrations from the Integrations page in the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have access to an AWS account that you want to use with the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Add integration to open the Add a cloud integration wizard. If this is the first integration you are adding, skip this step.
  4. Select Google Cloud, and click Next.
  5. Enter a descriptive name for the integration, for example, my_gcp_integration, and click Next.
  6. Select the service or services you want to connect with Google Cloud, and click Next:


    You can connect additional Hybrid Cloud Console services after you create the Google Cloud integration.

  7. Follow the steps in the wizard and refer to the related documentation listed in the previous step to complete adding the integration for that service.


  1. Go to the Integrations page, and select the Cloud tab.
  2. Confirm that your Google Cloud integration is listed and the status is Available.

3.4. Oracle Cloud integrations with the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect your Oracle Cloud account to use with cost management in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console to track your cloud costs. You can use the cost management service to perform financially related tasks, such as:

  • Visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the use of resources and costs
  • Forecasting your future consumption and comparing them with budgets
  • Optimizing resources and consumption
  • Identifying patterns of usage for further analysis
  • Integrating with third-party tools that can benefit from cost and resourcing data

3.4.1. Adding an Oracle Cloud account as a cloud integration

You can connect your Oracle Cloud account to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration to use your Oracle Cloud data with Hybrid Cloud Console services. After adding your Oracle Cloud integration, you can view and manage your Oracle Cloud and other integrations from the Integrations page in the Hybrid Cloud Console.

Currently, you can only connect Oracle Cloud integrations to the cost management service.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have access to Oracle Cloud Console with access to the compartment you want to add to cost management.


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Add integration to open the Add a cloud integration wizard. If this is the first integration you are adding, skip this step.
  4. Select Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and click Next.
  5. Enter a descriptive name for the integration, for example, my_oracle_integration, and click Next.
  6. Select Cost management for the application to connect and click Next.
  7. Follow the steps in the wizard and refer to Integrating Oracle Cloud data into cost management to complete adding the Oracle Cloud integration to cost management.


  1. Go to the Integrations page, and select the Cloud tab.
  2. Confirm that your Oracle Cloud integration is listed and the status is Available.

Chapter 4. Adding Red Hat integrations to the Hybrid Cloud Console

You can connect your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration, so that the cost management service on the Hybrid Cloud Console can use data from your environment to track your cloud costs.

You can use the cost management service to perform financially related tasks, such as:

  • Visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the use of resources and costs
  • Forecasting your future consumption and comparing them with budgets
  • Optimizing resources and consumption
  • Identifying patterns of usage for further analysis
  • Integrating with third-party tools that can benefit from cost and resourcing data

For Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 and later, install the costmanagement-metrics-operator from the OpenShift Container Platform web console. For more information, see Integrating OpenShift Container Platform data into cost management.

4.1. Adding an OpenShift Container Platform integration

You can connect your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an integration so that you can use OpenShift Container Platform data with cost management. After adding the integration, you can view and manage your OpenShift Container Platform and other integrations from the Integrations page in the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform environment that you want to use with the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the Red Hat tab.
  3. Click Add integration to open the integrations wizard. If this is the first integration you are adding, skip this step.
  4. Select Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, and click Next.
  5. Enter a descriptive name for the integration, for example, my_ocp_integration, and click Next.
  6. Select Cost Management as the application, and click Next.
  7. To install and configure the costmanagement-metrics-operator, use the steps in the wizard, and click Next. Refer to Integrating OpenShift Container Platform data into cost management for additional information.
  8. Enter the Cluster Identifier, and click Next.
  9. Review the integration details, and click Add to finish adding the integration.


  1. Go to the Integrations page, and select the Red Hat tab.
  2. Confirm that your OpenShift Container Platform integration is listed and the status is Available.

Chapter 5. Managing integrations in the Hybrid Cloud Console

From the Integrations page, you can edit integrations, pause or resume data collection, or remove existing integrations from the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Cloud Administrator permissions.
  • You have a cloud or Red Hat integration in the Hybrid Cloud Console.


  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Find the integration you want to edit under the Cloud or Red Hat tab.
  3. Click the options icon (⋮) next to the integration and select one of the following tasks:

    • Pause: Temporarily disable data collection for connected Hybrid Cloud Console services. If the integration is currently paused, click Resume to continue collecting data for connected services.
    • Remove: Permanently delete the integration and all collected data from the Hybrid Cloud Console.
    • Edit: View integration details and make changes to the integration configuration in the Hybrid Cloud Console. You can rename the integration, check its availability, connect additional services, or edit the configuration or remove connected services.


  • Go to the Integrations page and confirm that your desired changes have been made.

Chapter 6. Cloud integrations reference material

See the following resources for more information about using your integrations with services in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.

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  • You have a Red Hat account.
  • You are logged in to your Red Hat account.


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  2. Describe the issue or enhancement in the Summary text box.
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  4. If your Red Hat user name does not automatically appear in the Reporter text box, enter it.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click the Create button. A documentation issue is created and routed to the appropriate documentation team.

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