Configuring notifications on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console with FedRAMP

Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console 1-latest

Configuring Hybrid Cloud Console settings so that account users receive event-triggered notifications

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Use notifications to learn about identified events in the Hybrid Cloud Console with FedRAMP® that have occurred and might impact your organization.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright's message.


Use the notifications service on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console so that you do not have to check your user interface for event-triggered notifications. Instead, when events occur, the service automatically sends notifications about the events to you.


Groups and roles, including the Notifications administrator role, must be configured by an Organization Administrator in order for events to be reported through email.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console notifications

Through the notifications service, Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console services have a standardized way of notifying users of events. By setting up behavior groups, a Notifications administrator specifies the notification delivery method and whether event notifications are sent to all users on an account, specific users, or only to Organization Administrators.

For example, the Notifications administrator can configure the service to send an email notification for new-recommendation hits on a system.

An Organization Administrator designates Notifications administrators by creating a User Access group with the Notifications administrator role, then adding account members to the group. A Notifications administrator then configures notification behavior groups that define actions taken when service-specific events occur.

The notifications service transmits event-triggered notifications to users’ email accounts. Users on the Hybrid Cloud Console account set their own preferences for receiving email notifications. In Settings > Notifications > Notification preferences, each user configures their personal settings to receive event notification emails as an instant notification or daily digest.

1.1. Hybrid Cloud Console notification service concepts

Review key concepts to understand how the notifications service works:

Table 1.1. Notifications concepts


Operations are performed in response to an event,for example sending an email. Actions are defined in behavior groups that are configured by a Notifications administrator.

Application bundle

Application bundle refers to an application group within the Hybrid Cloud Console, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux or OpenShift.

Behavior groups

Behavior groups determine what actions to take when an event occurs, and whether to notify all account users or only designated administrators. After a Notifications administrator creates a behavior group, they associate it with event types which enables Notifications administrators to apply the same actions to all application-specific events.

NOTE: Notifications administrators configure notification behavior groups separately for each application bundle.

Email preferences

Individual users with access to applications on the Hybrid Cloud Console set their personal email preferences. Users can configure personal email notifications to arrive either instantly, as the event occurs, or consolidated into a daily digest that arrives at midnight, 00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), for all accounts.

IMPORTANT: Selecting instant notification for any service can potentially result in the recipient receiving a very large number of emails.

Event type

Event types are application-specific system changes that trigger the application or service to initiate notification actions. Event types are created by application developers at Red Hat and are unique for each application bundle.

User access roles

The following User Access roles interact with notifications:

* Organization Administrator

* Notifications administrator

* Notifications viewer

Chapter 2. Configure User Access to manage notifications

To configure notifications settings, you must be a member of a group with the Notifications administrator role. This group must be configured in User Access by an Organization Administrator. In the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console > Settings > Identity & Access Management > User Access > Groups, an Organization Administrator performs the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a User Access group for Notifications administrators.
  2. Add the Notifications administrator role to the group.
  3. Add members (users with account access) to the group.

Organization Administrator

The Organization Administrator configures the User Access group for Notifications administrators, then adds the Notifications administrator role and users to the group.

Notifications administrator

Notifications administrators configure how services interact with notifications. Notifications administrators configure behavior groups to define how services notify users about events.

Notifications viewer

The Notifications viewer role is automatically granted to everyone on the account and limits how a user can interact with notifications service views and configurations. A viewer can view notification configurations, but cannot modify or remove them.

Additional resources

2.1. Creating and configuring a notifications group in the Hybrid Cloud Console

An Organization Administrator of a Hybrid Cloud Console account creates a group with the Notifications administrator role and adds members to the group.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator.


  1. Click Settings.
  2. Under Identity & Access Management, click User Access.
  3. In the left navigation panel, expand User Access if necessary and then click Groups.
  4. Click Create group.
  5. Enter a group name, for example, Notifications administrators, and a description, and then click Next.
  6. Select the role to add to this group, in this case Notifications administrator, and then click Next.
  7. Add members to the group:

    1. Search for individual users or filter by username, email, or status.
    2. Check the box next to each intended member’s name, and then click Next.
  8. On the Review details screen, click Submit to finish creating the group.

2.2. Editing or removing a User Access group

You can make changes to an existing User Access group in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and you can delete groups that are no longer needed.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and meet one of the following criteria:

    • You are a user with Organization Administrator permissions.
    • You are a member of a group that has the User Access administrator role assigned to it.


  1. Navigate to Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console > Settings > Identity & Access Management > User Access > Groups.
  2. Click the options icon (⋮) on the far right of the group name row, and then click Edit or Delete.
  3. Make and save changes or delete the group.

Chapter 3. Configuring Hybrid Cloud Console notification behavior groups

The Notifications administrator configures notifications for the account through behavior groups. A behavior group defines which notifications will be sent to external services such as Microsoft Teams when a specific event is received by the notifications service. The Notifications administrator can link events from any Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console service to a behavior group.

After creating a behavior group, the Notifications administrator associates it with triggering events, which are unique to each application bundle.

When an event occurs, all users on the account who selected in their user preferences to receive notifications will receive the notification of the event.

3.1. Creating a behavior group

Use the Create behavior group wizard to create a new behavior group in the Hybrid Cloud Console. The wizard enables you to select notifications, assign notifications to users or groups of users, and associate Hybrid Cloud Console events with behavior groups.


You can associate events with multiple behavior groups. If a behavior group is not associated with any event, no notifications are sent when an event occurs.

You can create a maximum of 64 behavior groups within an organization.


If your organization has configured Inventory groups to control user access to systems, review your notifications configuration to ensure that only appropriate groups of users are configured to receive notifications. If you do not review your notifications configuration, users might receive alerts triggered by systems outside of their Inventory group permission scope. See Viewing and managing system inventory for more information about configuring inventory groups.


  • An Organization Administrator has configured notification groups, roles, and members.
  • You are logged in to the Hybrid Cloud Console as a Notifications administrator.


  1. In the Hybrid Cloud Console, navigate to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Under Notifications, select Configure Events.
  3. Select the application bundle tab you want to configure event notification behavior for: Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Console.
  4. Click the Behavior Groups tab.
  5. Click Create new group to open the Create behavior group wizard.

    img hcc notif create behavior group wizard1
  6. Enter a group name, and then click Next. The Actions and recipients page opens.
  7. From the Actions drop-down list, select Send an email.
  8. Select a recipient from the Recipient drop-down list. You can specify that the email notification go to all users in the organization, or you can limit the recipients to administrators in the organization. If User Access groups are configured, you can select a User Access group to receive email notifications.
  9. When you have finished adding actions, click Next. The Associate event types page opens.

    img hcc notif create behavior wizard4
  10. Select the types of events that you want to include in your notifications, and then click Next. The Review page opens.

    img hcc notif create behavior wizard5
  11. Review the settings you selected for the behavior group. To modify the settings, click Back. To save the settings and create the behavior group, click Finish.

Additional resources

3.2. Modifying a behavior group

Use the Edit behavior group wizard to modify settings for an existing behavior group. You can use the wizard to select notifications, assign notifications to users or groups of users, and associate Hybrid Cloud Console events with behavior groups.


Events can be associated with multiple behavior groups. If a behavior group is not associated with an event, no notifications are sent when an event occurs.


  • An Organization Administrator has configured notification groups, roles, and members.
  • You are logged into the Hybrid Cloud Console with Notifications administrator privileges.


  1. In the Hybrid Cloud Console, navigate to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Under Notifications, select Configure Events.
  3. Select the application bundle tab you want to configure event notification behavior for: Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Console.
  4. Select the Behavior Groups tab.
  5. Click the more options icon img more options on the behavior group you want to modify and click Edit. The Edit behavior group wizard opens.
  6. On the Review screen, click Finish to save your changes.

Chapter 4. Configuring user preferences for email notifications

Each user in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console must opt in to receive email notifications emails about events. You can select the services from which to receive notifications as well as the frequency.


If you select Instant notification for any service, you might receive a very large number of emails.


  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.
  • You have configured relevant events in the console.
  • A Notifications administrator or Organization Administrator has configured behavior groups to receive event notifications.


  1. In the Hybrid Cloud Console, navigate to Settings > Notifications > My User Preferences. The My Notifications page appears. On the My Notifications page, the available services are grouped by category, for example Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  2. Select the service you want to configure your notifications for, for example, Advisor or Inventory. A list of the available event notifications for the selected service opens.
  3. At the top of the list, click Select all to enable all notifications for the service, or select one of the following options for each event listed:


    All options are not available for all services.

    • Daily digest: Receive a daily summary of triggered application events that occur in a 24 hour time frame.
    • Instant notification: Receive an email immediately for each triggered application event.


      If you select Instant notification for any service, you might receive a very large number of emails.

    • Weekly report: Receive an email that contains the Advisor Weekly Report.
  4. Update your information and then click Save. Email notifications are delivered in the format and frequency that you selected.

If you decide to stop receiving notifications, select Deselect all or uncheck the boxes for the events you do not want to be notified about, and then click Save. You will no longer receive any email notifications unless you return to this screen and enable them once again.

4.1. Customizing the daily digest email notification time

You can choose to receive a summary of triggered application events occurring in your Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console services in a daily digest email, instead of being notified as events occur.

By default, the daily digest is sent at 00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Organization Administrators and Notifications administrators can customize the time the daily digest is sent. The daily digest provides a snapshot of events occurring over a 24-hour time frame, starting from the time you specify in the notifications settings.


  • You are logged in to the Hybrid Cloud Console as an Organization Administrator or as a user with Notifications administrator permissions.


  1. In the Hybrid Cloud Console, navigate to Settings > Notifications > My User Preferences. The My Notifications page appears.
  2. On the My Notifications page, click Edit time settings.
  3. Select Custom time and then specify the time and time zone to send your account’s daily digest email.
  4. Click Save. The daily digest email is sent each day at the time you selected.


    After you save a new time, the Hybrid Cloud Console converts the new time to the UTC time zone.

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting notification failures

The notifications service event log enables Notifications administrators to see when notifications are not working properly. The event log provides a list of all triggered events on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console account, and actions taken (as configured in the associated behavior group) for the past 14 days.

In the Action taken column, each event shows the notification method highlighted in green or red to indicate the status of the message transmission. The filterable event log is a useful troubleshooting tool to see a failed notification event and identify potential issues with endpoints.

The event log can answer questions related to receipt of emails. By showing the email action for an event as green, the event log enables a Notifications administrator to confirm that emails were sent successfully.

Even when notifications are configured properly, individual users on the Hybrid Cloud Console account must configure their user preferences to receive emails.


  • You are logged in to the Hybrid Cloud Console as a user with Notifications administrator or Organization Administrator permissions.


  1. In the Hybrid Cloud Console, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Event Log.

    • Filter the events list by event, application, application bundle, action type, or action status.
    • Select the time frame to show events from today, yesterday, the last seven days, the last 14 days (default), or set a custom range within the last 14 days.
    • Sort the Date and time column in ascending or descending order.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Notifications > Configure Events, and verify or change settings by event.
  3. Ask users to check their user preferences for receiving email notifications. Even when notifications are configured properly, individual users on the Hybrid Cloud Console account must configure their user preferences to receive emails.

Additional resources

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  • You have a Red Hat account. If you do not have a Red Hat account, you can create one by clicking Register on the Red Hat Customer Portal home page.
  • You are logged in to your Red Hat account.


  1. To provide your feedback, click the following link: Create Issue
  2. Describe the issue or enhancement in the Summary text box.
  3. Provide more details about the issue or enhancement in the Description text box.
  4. If your Red Hat user name does not automatically appear in the Reporter text box, enter it.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click the Create button. A documentation issue is created and routed to the appropriate documentation team.

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