Camel Spring Boot Reference
Camel Spring Boot Reference
Making open source more inclusive
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.
Chapter 1. AWS CloudWatch
Only producer is supported
The AWS2 Cloudwatch component allows messages to be sent to an Amazon CloudWatch metrics. The implementation of the Amazon API is provided by the AWS SDK.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon CloudWatch. More information is available at Amazon CloudWatch.
1.1. URI Format
The metrics will be created if they don’t already exists. You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?options=value&option2=value&…
1.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
1.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
1.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
1.3. Component Options
The AWS CloudWatch component supports 18 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonCwClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonCloudWatch as the client. | CloudWatchClient | |
configuration (producer) | The component configuration. | Cw2Configuration | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
name (producer) | The metric name. | String | |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the CW client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the CW client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the CW client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (producer) | The region in which CW client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
timestamp (producer) | The metric timestamp. | Instant | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
unit (producer) | The metric unit. | String | |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
value (producer) | The metric value. | Double | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
1.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS CloudWatch endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
1.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
namespace (producer) | Required The metric namespace. | String |
1.4.2. Query Parameters (16 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonCwClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonCloudWatch as the client. | CloudWatchClient | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
name (producer) | The metric name. | String | |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the CW client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the CW client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the CW client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (producer) | The region in which CW client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
timestamp (producer) | The metric timestamp. | Instant | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
unit (producer) | The metric unit. | String | |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
value (producer) | The metric value. | Double | |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required CW component options
You have to provide the amazonCwClient in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon’s CloudWatch.
1.5. Usage
1.5.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
1.5.2. Message headers evaluated by the CW producer
Header | Type | Description |
| The Amazon CW metric name. |
| The Amazon CW metric value. |
| The Amazon CW metric unit. |
| The Amazon CW metric namespace. |
| The Amazon CW metric timestamp. |
| The Amazon CW metric dimension name. |
| The Amazon CW metric dimension value. |
| A map of dimension names and dimension values. |
1.5.3. Advanced CloudWatchClient configuration
If you need more control over the CloudWatchClient
instance configuration you can create your own instance and refer to it from the URI:
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-cw://namespace?amazonCwClient=#client");
The #client
refers to a CloudWatchClient
in the Registry.
1.6. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-cw</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where {camel-version
} must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
1.7. Examples
1.7.1. Producer Example
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-cw://");
and sends something like
exchange.getIn().setHeader(Cw2Constants.METRIC_NAME, "ExchangesCompleted"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Cw2Constants.METRIC_VALUE, "2.0"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Cw2Constants.METRIC_UNIT, "Count");
1.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-cw with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-cw-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 19 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-cw.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | To use the AmazonCloudWatch as the client. The option is a type. | CloudWatchClient | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-cw.configuration | The component configuration. The option is a type. | Cw2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-cw component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | The metric name. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-cw.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the CW client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the CW client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the CW client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.region | The region in which CW client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.timestamp | The metric timestamp. The option is a java.time.Instant type. | Instant | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-cw.unit | The metric unit. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-cw.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-cw.value | The metric value. | Double |
Chapter 2. AWS DynamoDB
Only producer is supported
The AWS2 DynamoDB component supports storing and retrieving data from/to service.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon DynamoDB. More information is available at Amazon DynamoDB.
2.1. URI Format
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?options=value&option2=value&…
2.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
2.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
2.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
2.3. Component Options
The AWS DynamoDB component supports 22 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonDDBClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonDynamoDB as the client. | DynamoDbClient | |
configuration (producer) | The component configuration. | Ddb2Configuration | |
consistentRead (producer) | Determines whether or not strong consistency should be enforced when data is read. | false | boolean |
enabledInitialDescribeTable (producer) | Set whether the initial Describe table operation in the DDB Endpoint must be done, or not. | true | boolean |
keyAttributeName (producer) | Attribute name when creating table. | String | |
keyAttributeType (producer) | Attribute type when creating table. | String | |
keyScalarType (producer) | The key scalar type, it can be S (String), N (Number) and B (Bytes). | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | What operation to perform. Enum values:
| PutItem | Ddb2Operations |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the DDB client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | The region in which DynamoDB client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the DDB client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
readCapacity (producer) | The provisioned throughput to reserve for reading resources from your table. | Long | |
region (producer) | The region in which DDB client needs to work. | String | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
writeCapacity (producer) | The provisioned throughput to reserved for writing resources to your table. | Long | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
2.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS DynamoDB endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
2.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
tableName (producer) | Required The name of the table currently worked with. | String |
2.4.2. Query Parameters (20 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonDDBClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonDynamoDB as the client. | DynamoDbClient | |
consistentRead (producer) | Determines whether or not strong consistency should be enforced when data is read. | false | boolean |
enabledInitialDescribeTable (producer) | Set whether the initial Describe table operation in the DDB Endpoint must be done, or not. | true | boolean |
keyAttributeName (producer) | Attribute name when creating table. | String | |
keyAttributeType (producer) | Attribute type when creating table. | String | |
keyScalarType (producer) | The key scalar type, it can be S (String), N (Number) and B (Bytes). | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | What operation to perform. Enum values:
| PutItem | Ddb2Operations |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the DDB client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | The region in which DynamoDB client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the DDB client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
readCapacity (producer) | The provisioned throughput to reserve for reading resources from your table. | Long | |
region (producer) | The region in which DDB client needs to work. | String | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
writeCapacity (producer) | The provisioned throughput to reserved for writing resources to your table. | Long | |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required DDB component options
You have to provide the amazonDDBClient in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon’s DynamoDB.
2.5. Usage
2.5.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
2.5.2. Message headers evaluated by the DDB producer
Header | Type | Description |
| A map of the table name and corresponding items to get by primary key. |
| Table Name for this operation. |
| The primary key that uniquely identifies each item in a table. |
| Use this parameter if you want to get the attribute name-value pairs before or after they are modified(NONE, ALL_OLD, UPDATED_OLD, ALL_NEW, UPDATED_NEW). |
| Designates an attribute for a conditional modification. |
| If attribute names are not specified then all attributes will be returned. |
| If set to true, then a consistent read is issued, otherwise eventually consistent is used. |
| If set will be used as Secondary Index for Query operation. |
| A map of the attributes for the item, and must include the primary key values that define the item. |
| If set to true, Amazon DynamoDB returns a total number of items that match the query parameters, instead of a list of the matching items and their attributes. |
| This header specify the selection criteria for the query, and merge together the two old headers CamelAwsDdbHashKeyValue and CamelAwsDdbScanRangeKeyCondition |
| Primary key of the item from which to continue an earlier query. |
| Value of the hash component of the composite primary key. |
| The maximum number of items to return. |
| A container for the attribute values and comparison operators to use for the query. |
| Specifies forward or backward traversal of the index. |
| Evaluates the scan results and returns only the desired values. |
| Map of attribute name to the new value and action for the update. |
2.5.3. Message headers set during BatchGetItems operation
Header | Type | Description |
| Table names and the respective item attributes from the tables. |
| Contains a map of tables and their respective keys that were not processed with the current response. |
2.5.4. Message headers set during DeleteItem operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
2.5.5. Message headers set during DeleteTable operation
Header | Type | Description |
| ||
| The value of the ProvisionedThroughput property for this table | |
| Creation DateTime of this table. |
| Item count for this table. |
| The KeySchema that identifies the primary key for this table. From Camel 2.16.0 the type of this header is List<KeySchemaElement> and not KeySchema |
| The table name. |
| The table size in bytes. |
| The status of the table: CREATING, UPDATING, DELETING, ACTIVE |
2.5.6. Message headers set during DescribeTable operation
Header | Type | Description |
| \{{ProvisionedThroughputDescription}} | The value of the ProvisionedThroughput property for this table |
| Creation DateTime of this table. |
| Item count for this table. |
| \{{KeySchema}} | The KeySchema that identifies the primary key for this table. |
| The table name. |
| The table size in bytes. |
| The status of the table: CREATING, UPDATING, DELETING, ACTIVE |
| ReadCapacityUnits property of this table. |
| WriteCapacityUnits property of this table. |
2.5.7. Message headers set during GetItem operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
2.5.8. Message headers set during PutItem operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
2.5.9. Message headers set during Query operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
| Primary key of the item where the query operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. |
| The number of Capacity Units of the provisioned throughput of the table consumed during the operation. |
| Number of items in the response. |
2.5.10. Message headers set during Scan operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
| Primary key of the item where the query operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. |
| The number of Capacity Units of the provisioned throughput of the table consumed during the operation. |
| Number of items in the response. |
| Number of items in the complete scan before any filters are applied. |
2.5.11. Message headers set during UpdateItem operation
Header | Type | Description |
| The list of attributes returned by the operation. |
2.5.12. Advanced AmazonDynamoDB configuration
If you need more control over the AmazonDynamoDB
instance configuration you can create your own instance and refer to it from the URI:
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-ddb://domainName?amazonDDBClient=#client");
The #client
refers to a DynamoDbClient
in the Registry.
2.6. Supported producer operations
- BatchGetItems
- DeleteItem
- DeleteTable
- DescribeTable
- GetItem
- PutItem
- Query
- Scan
- UpdateItem
- UpdateTable
2.7. Examples
2.7.1. Producer Examples
- PutItem: this operation will create an entry into DynamoDB
from("direct:start") .setHeader(Ddb2Constants.OPERATION, Ddb2Operations.PutItem) .setHeader(Ddb2Constants.CONSISTENT_READ, "true") .setHeader(Ddb2Constants.RETURN_VALUES, "ALL_OLD") .setHeader(Ddb2Constants.ITEM, attributeMap) .setHeader(Ddb2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES, attributeMap.keySet()); .to("aws2-ddb://" + tableName + "?keyAttributeName=" + attributeName + "&keyAttributeType=" + KeyType.HASH + "&keyScalarType=" + ScalarAttributeType.S + "&readCapacity=1&writeCapacity=1");
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-ddb</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
2.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-ddb with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-ddb-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 40 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | To use the AmazonDynamoDB as the client. The option is a type. | DynamoDbClient | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.configuration | The component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.ddb.Ddb2Configuration type. | Ddb2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.consistent-read | Determines whether or not strong consistency should be enforced when data is read. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-ddb component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.enabled-initial-describe-table | Set whether the initial Describe table operation in the DDB Endpoint must be done, or not. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.key-attribute-name | Attribute name when creating table. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.key-attribute-type | Attribute type when creating table. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.key-scalar-type | The key scalar type, it can be S (String), N (Number) and B (Bytes). | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.operation | What operation to perform. | Ddb2Operations | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the DDB client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.proxy-port | The region in which DynamoDB client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the DDB client. | Protocol | | | The provisioned throughput to reserve for reading resources from your table. | Long | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.region | The region in which DDB client needs to work. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddb.write-capacity | The provisioned throughput to reserved for writing resources to your table. | Long | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | Amazon DynamoDB client to use for all requests for this endpoint. The option is a type. | DynamoDbStreamsClient | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.configuration | The component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.ddbstream.Ddb2StreamConfiguration type. | Ddb2StreamConfiguration | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-ddbstream component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.max-results-per-request | Maximum number of records that will be fetched in each poll. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the DDBStreams client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the DDBStreams client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the DDBStreams client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.region | The region in which DDBStreams client needs to work. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | | | Defines where in the DynamoDB stream to start getting records. Note that using FROM_START can cause a significant delay before the stream has caught up to real-time. | Ddb2StreamConfiguration$StreamIteratorType | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-ddbstream.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the DynamoDB Streams client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 3. AWS Kinesis
Both producer and consumer are supported
The AWS2 Kinesis component supports receiving messages from and sending messages to Amazon Kinesis (no Batch supported) service.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon Kinesis. More information are available at AWS Kinesis.
3.1. URI Format
The stream needs to be created prior to it being used. You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?options=value&option2=value&…
3.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
3.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
3.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
3.3. Component Options
The AWS Kinesis component supports 22 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonKinesisClient (common) | Autowired Amazon Kinesis client to use for all requests for this endpoint. | KinesisClient | |
cborEnabled (common) | This option will set the CBOR_ENABLED property during the execution. | true | boolean |
configuration (common) | Component configuration. | Kinesis2Configuration | |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (common) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Kinesis client. | String | |
proxyPort (common) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Kinesis client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Kinesis client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (common) | The region in which Kinesis Firehose client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the Kinesis client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
iteratorType (consumer) | Defines where in the Kinesis stream to start getting records. Enum values:
| TRIM_HORIZON | ShardIteratorType |
maxResultsPerRequest (consumer) | Maximum number of records that will be fetched in each poll. | 1 | int |
resumeStrategy (consumer) | Defines a resume strategy for AWS Kinesis. The default strategy reads the sequenceNumber if provided. | KinesisUserConfigurationResumeStrategy | KinesisResumeStrategy |
sequenceNumber (consumer) | The sequence number to start polling from. Required if iteratorType is set to AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER or AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER. | String | |
shardClosed (consumer) | Define what will be the behavior in case of shard closed. Possible value are ignore, silent and fail. In case of ignore a message will be logged and the consumer will restart from the beginning,in case of silent there will be no logging and the consumer will start from the beginning,in case of fail a ReachedClosedStateException will be raised. Enum values:
| ignore | Kinesis2ShardClosedStrategyEnum |
shardId (consumer) | Defines which shardId in the Kinesis stream to get records from. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
3.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS Kinesis endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
3.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
streamName (common) | Required Name of the stream. | String |
3.4.2. Query Parameters (38 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonKinesisClient (common) | Autowired Amazon Kinesis client to use for all requests for this endpoint. | KinesisClient | |
cborEnabled (common) | This option will set the CBOR_ENABLED property during the execution. | true | boolean |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
proxyHost (common) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Kinesis client. | String | |
proxyPort (common) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Kinesis client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Kinesis client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (common) | The region in which Kinesis Firehose client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the Kinesis client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
iteratorType (consumer) | Defines where in the Kinesis stream to start getting records. Enum values:
| TRIM_HORIZON | ShardIteratorType |
maxResultsPerRequest (consumer) | Maximum number of records that will be fetched in each poll. | 1 | int |
resumeStrategy (consumer) | Defines a resume strategy for AWS Kinesis. The default strategy reads the sequenceNumber if provided. | KinesisUserConfigurationResumeStrategy | KinesisResumeStrategy |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
sequenceNumber (consumer) | The sequence number to start polling from. Required if iteratorType is set to AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER or AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER. | String | |
shardClosed (consumer) | Define what will be the behavior in case of shard closed. Possible value are ignore, silent and fail. In case of ignore a message will be logged and the consumer will restart from the beginning,in case of silent there will be no logging and the consumer will start from the beginning,in case of fail a ReachedClosedStateException will be raised. Enum values:
| ignore | Kinesis2ShardClosedStrategyEnum |
shardId (consumer) | Defines which shardId in the Kinesis stream to get records from. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required Kinesis component options
You have to provide the KinesisClient in the Registry with proxies and relevant credentials configured.
3.5. Batch Consumer
This component implements the Batch Consumer.
This allows you for instance to know how many messages exists in this batch and for instance let the Aggregator aggregate this number of messages.
3.6. Usage
3.6.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
3.6.2. Message headers set by the Kinesis consumer
Header | Type | Description |
| The sequence number of the record. This is represented as a String as it size is not defined by the API. If it is to be used as a numerical type then use |
| The time AWS assigned as the arrival time of the record. |
| Identifies which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. |
3.6.3. AmazonKinesis configuration
You then have to reference the KinesisClient in the amazonKinesisClient
URI option.
from("aws2-kinesis://mykinesisstream?amazonKinesisClient=#kinesisClient") .to("log:out?showAll=true");
3.6.4. Providing AWS Credentials
It is recommended that the credentials are obtained by using the DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain that is the default when creating a new ClientConfiguration instance, however, a different AWSCredentialsProvider can be specified when calling createClient(…).
3.6.5. Message headers used by the Kinesis producer to write to Kinesis. The producer expects that the message body is a byte[]
Header | Type | Description |
| The PartitionKey to pass to Kinesis to store this record. |
| Optional paramter to indicate the sequence number of this record. |
3.6.6. Message headers set by the Kinesis producer on successful storage of a Record
Header | Type | Description |
| The sequence number of the record, as defined in Response Syntax |
| The shard ID of where the Record was stored |
3.7. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-kinesis</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
3.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-kinesis with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-kinesis-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 40 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | Amazon Kinesis Firehose client to use for all requests for this endpoint. The option is a type. | FirehoseClient | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.cbor-enabled | This option will set the CBOR_ENABLED property during the execution. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.configuration | Component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.firehose.KinesisFirehose2Configuration type. | KinesisFirehose2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-kinesis-firehose component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.operation | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to send only a record. | KinesisFirehose2Operations | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Kinesis Firehose client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Kinesis Firehose client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Kinesis Firehose client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.region | The region in which Kinesis Firehose client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis-firehose.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the Kinesis Firehose client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | Amazon Kinesis client to use for all requests for this endpoint. The option is a type. | KinesisClient | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.cbor-enabled | This option will set the CBOR_ENABLED property during the execution. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.configuration | Component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.kinesis.Kinesis2Configuration type. | Kinesis2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-kinesis component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.iterator-type | Defines where in the Kinesis stream to start getting records. | ShardIteratorType | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.max-results-per-request | Maximum number of records that will be fetched in each poll. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Kinesis client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Kinesis client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Kinesis client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.region | The region in which Kinesis Firehose client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.resume-strategy | Defines a resume strategy for AWS Kinesis. The default strategy reads the sequenceNumber if provided. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.kinesis.consumer.KinesisResumeStrategy type. | KinesisResumeStrategy | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.sequence-number | The sequence number to start polling from. Required if iteratorType is set to AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER or AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.shard-closed | Define what will be the behavior in case of shard closed. Possible value are ignore, silent and fail. In case of ignore a message will be logged and the consumer will restart from the beginning,in case of silent there will be no logging and the consumer will start from the beginning,in case of fail a ReachedClosedStateException will be raised. | Kinesis2ShardClosedStrategyEnum | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.shard-id | Defines which shardId in the Kinesis stream to get records from. | String | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-kinesis.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the Kinesis client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 4. AWS 2 Lambda
Only producer is supported
The AWS2 Lambda component supports create, get, list, delete and invoke AWS Lambda functions.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon Lambda. More information is available at AWS Lambda.
When creating a Lambda function, you need to specify a IAM role which has at least the AWSLambdaBasicExecuteRole policy attached.
4.1. URI Format
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, options=value&option2=value&…
4.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
4.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
4.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
4.3. Component Options
The AWS Lambda component supports 16 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
configuration (producer) | Component configuration. | Lambda2Configuration | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | The operation to perform. It can be listFunctions, getFunction, createFunction, deleteFunction or invokeFunction. Enum values:
| invokeFunction | Lambda2Operations |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
pojoRequest (producer) | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | boolean |
region (producer) | The region in which Lambda client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the Lambda client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
awsLambdaClient (advanced) | Autowired To use a existing configured AwsLambdaClient as client. | LambdaClient | |
proxyHost (proxy) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Lambda client. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Lambda client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (proxy) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Lambda client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
4.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS Lambda endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
4.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
function (producer) | Required Name of the Lambda function. | String |
4.4.2. Query Parameters (14 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | The operation to perform. It can be listFunctions, getFunction, createFunction, deleteFunction or invokeFunction. Enum values:
| invokeFunction | Lambda2Operations |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
pojoRequest (producer) | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | boolean |
region (producer) | The region in which Lambda client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the Lambda client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
awsLambdaClient (advanced) | Autowired To use a existing configured AwsLambdaClient as client. | LambdaClient | |
proxyHost (proxy) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Lambda client. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Lambda client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (proxy) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Lambda client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required Lambda component options
You have to provide the awsLambdaClient in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon Lambda service..
4.5. Usage
4.5.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
4.5.2. Message headers evaluated by the Lambda producer
Operation | Header | Type | Description | Required |
All |
| The operation we want to perform. Override operation passed as query parameter | Yes |
createFunction |
| Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your deployment package is stored. This bucket must reside in the same AWS region where you are creating the Lambda function. | No |
createFunction |
| The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to upload. | No |
createFunction |
| String | The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) version you want to upload. | No |
createFunction |
| The local path of the zip file (the deployment package). Content of zip file can also be put in Message body. | No |
createFunction |
| The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. | Yes |
createFunction |
| String | The runtime environment for the Lambda function you are uploading. (nodejs, nodejs4.3, nodejs6.10, java8, python2.7, python3.6, dotnetcore1.0, odejs4.3-edge) | Yes |
createFunction |
| The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. For Node.js, it is the module-name.export value in your function. For Java, it can be package.class-name::handler or package.class-name. | Yes |
createFunction |
| The user-provided description. | No |
createFunction |
| The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic. | No |
createFunction |
| The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB. | No |
createFunction |
| The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function’s environment variables. If not provided, AWS Lambda will use a default service key. | No |
createFunction |
| This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and publish a version as an atomic operation. | No |
createFunction |
| The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. The default is 3 seconds. | No |
createFunction |
| Your function’s tracing settings (Active or PassThrough). | No |
createFunction |
| The key-value pairs that represent your environment’s configuration settings. | No |
createFunction |
| The list of tags (key-value pairs) assigned to the new function. | No |
createFunction |
| If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, a list of one or more security groups IDs in your VPC. | No |
createFunction |
| If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, a list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC. | No |
createAlias |
| The function version to set in the alias | Yes |
createAlias |
| The function name to set in the alias | Yes |
createAlias |
| The function description to set in the alias | No |
deleteAlias |
| The function name of the alias | Yes |
getAlias |
| The function name of the alias | Yes |
listAliases |
| The function version to set in the alias | No |
4.6. List of Avalaible Operations
- listFunctions
- getFunction
- createFunction
- deleteFunction
- invokeFunction
- updateFunction
- createEventSourceMapping
- deleteEventSourceMapping
- listEventSourceMapping
- listTags
- tagResource
- untagResource
- publishVersion
- listVersions
- createAlias
- deleteAlias
- getAlias
- listAliases
4.7. Examples
4.7.1. Producer Example
To have a full understanding of how the component works, you may have a look at these integration tests.
4.7.2. Producer Examples
- CreateFunction: this operation will create a function for you in AWS Lambda
and by sending
template.send("direct:createFunction", ExchangePattern.InOut, new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(Lambda2Constants.RUNTIME, "nodejs6.10"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Lambda2Constants.HANDLER, "GetHelloWithName.handler"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Lambda2Constants.DESCRIPTION, "Hello with node.js on Lambda"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Lambda2Constants.ROLE, "arn:aws:iam::643534317684:role/lambda-execution-role"); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); File file = new File( classLoader .getResource("org/apache/camel/component/aws2/lambda/function/node/") .getFile()); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); exchange.getIn().setBody(inputStream); } });
4.8. Using a POJO as body
Sometimes build an AWS Request can be complex, because of multiple options. We introduce the possibility to use a POJO as body. In AWS Lambda there are multiple operations you can submit, as an example for Get Function request, you can do something like:
from("direct:getFunction") .setBody(GetFunctionRequest.builder().functionName("test").build()) .to("aws2-lambda://GetHelloWithName?awsLambdaClient=#awsLambdaClient&operation=getFunction&pojoRequest=true")
In this way you’ll pass the request directly without the need of passing headers and options specifically related to this operation.
4.9. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-lambda</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
4.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-lambda with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-lambda-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 17 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | To use a existing configured AwsLambdaClient as client. The option is a type. | LambdaClient | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.configuration | Component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.lambda.Lambda2Configuration type. | Lambda2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-lambda component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.operation | The operation to perform. It can be listFunctions, getFunction, createFunction, deleteFunction or invokeFunction. | Lambda2Operations | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.pojo-request | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the Lambda client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the Lambda client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Lambda client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.region | The region in which Lambda client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-lambda.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the Lambda client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 5. AWS S3 Storage Service
Both producer and consumer are supported
The AWS2 S3 component supports storing and retrieving objects from/to Amazon’s S3 service.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon S3. More information is available at link: [Amazon S3].
5.1. URI Format
The bucket will be created if it don’t already exists. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
5.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
5.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
5.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
5.3. Component Options
The AWS S3 Storage Service component supports 50 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonS3Client (common) | Autowired Reference to a in the registry. | S3Client | |
amazonS3Presigner (common) | Autowired An S3 Presigner for Request, used mainly in createDownloadLink operation. | S3Presigner | |
autoCreateBucket (common) | Setting the autocreation of the S3 bucket bucketName. This will apply also in case of moveAfterRead option enabled and it will create the destinationBucket if it doesn’t exist already. | false | boolean |
configuration (common) | The component configuration. | AWS2S3Configuration | |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
pojoRequest (common) | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | boolean |
policy (common) | The policy for this queue to set in the method. | String | |
proxyHost (common) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
proxyPort (common) | Specify a proxy port to be used inside the client definition. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the S3 client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (common) | The region in which S3 client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
customerAlgorithm (common (advanced)) | Define the customer algorithm to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
customerKeyId (common (advanced)) | Define the id of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
customerKeyMD5 (common (advanced)) | Define the MD5 of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
deleteAfterRead (consumer) | Delete objects from S3 after they have been retrieved. The delete is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not deleted. If this option is false, then the same objects will be retrieve over and over again on the polls. Therefore you need to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP in the route to filter out duplicates. You can filter using the AWS2S3Constants#BUCKET_NAME and AWS2S3Constants#KEY headers, or only the AWS2S3Constants#KEY header. | true | boolean |
delimiter (consumer) | The delimiter which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
destinationBucket (consumer) | Define the destination bucket where an object must be moved when moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
destinationBucketPrefix (consumer) | Define the destination bucket prefix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
destinationBucketSuffix (consumer) | Define the destination bucket suffix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
doneFileName (consumer) | If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. | String | |
fileName (consumer) | To get the object from the bucket with the given file name. | String | |
ignoreBody (consumer) | If it is true, the S3 Object Body will be ignored completely, if it is set to false the S3 Object will be put in the body. Setting this to true, will override any behavior defined by includeBody option. | false | boolean |
includeBody (consumer) | If it is true, the S3Object exchange will be consumed and put into the body and closed. If false the S3Object stream will be put raw into the body and the headers will be set with the S3 object metadata. This option is strongly related to autocloseBody option. In case of setting includeBody to true because the S3Object stream will be consumed then it will also be closed, while in case of includeBody false then it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. However setting autocloseBody to true when includeBody is false it will schedule to close the S3Object stream automatically on exchange completion. | true | boolean |
includeFolders (consumer) | If it is true, the folders/directories will be consumed. If it is false, they will be ignored, and Exchanges will not be created for those. | true | boolean |
moveAfterRead (consumer) | Move objects from S3 bucket to a different bucket after they have been retrieved. To accomplish the operation the destinationBucket option must be set. The copy bucket operation is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not moved. | false | boolean |
prefix (consumer) | The prefix which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
autocloseBody (consumer (advanced)) | If this option is true and includeBody is false, then the S3Object.close() method will be called on exchange completion. This option is strongly related to includeBody option. In case of setting includeBody to false and autocloseBody to false, it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. Setting autocloseBody to true, will close the S3Object stream automatically. | true | boolean |
batchMessageNumber (producer) | The number of messages composing a batch in streaming upload mode. | 10 | int |
batchSize (producer) | The batch size (in bytes) in streaming upload mode. | 1000000 | int |
deleteAfterWrite (producer) | Delete file object after the S3 file has been uploaded. | false | boolean |
keyName (producer) | Setting the key name for an element in the bucket through endpoint parameter. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
multiPartUpload (producer) | If it is true, camel will upload the file with multi part format, the part size is decided by the option of partSize. | false | boolean |
namingStrategy (producer) | The naming strategy to use in streaming upload mode. Enum values:
| progressive | AWSS3NamingStrategyEnum |
operation (producer) | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to do only an upload. Enum values:
| AWS2S3Operations | |
partSize (producer) | Setup the partSize which is used in multi part upload, the default size is 25M. | 26214400 | long |
restartingPolicy (producer) | The restarting policy to use in streaming upload mode. Enum values:
| override | AWSS3RestartingPolicyEnum |
storageClass (producer) | The storage class to set in the request. | String | |
streamingUploadMode (producer) | When stream mode is true the upload to bucket will be done in streaming. | false | boolean |
streamingUploadTimeout (producer) | While streaming upload mode is true, this option set the timeout to complete upload. | long | |
awsKMSKeyId (producer (advanced)) | Define the id of KMS key to use in case KMS is enabled. | String | |
useAwsKMS (producer (advanced)) | Define if KMS must be used or not. | false | boolean |
useCustomerKey (producer (advanced)) | Define if Customer Key must be used or not. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
5.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS S3 Storage Service endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
5.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bucketNameOrArn (common) | Required Bucket name or ARN. | String |
5.4.2. Query Parameters (68 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonS3Client (common) | Autowired Reference to a in the registry. | S3Client | |
amazonS3Presigner (common) | Autowired An S3 Presigner for Request, used mainly in createDownloadLink operation. | S3Presigner | |
autoCreateBucket (common) | Setting the autocreation of the S3 bucket bucketName. This will apply also in case of moveAfterRead option enabled and it will create the destinationBucket if it doesn’t exist already. | false | boolean |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
pojoRequest (common) | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | boolean |
policy (common) | The policy for this queue to set in the method. | String | |
proxyHost (common) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
proxyPort (common) | Specify a proxy port to be used inside the client definition. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the S3 client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
region (common) | The region in which S3 client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
customerAlgorithm (common (advanced)) | Define the customer algorithm to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
customerKeyId (common (advanced)) | Define the id of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
customerKeyMD5 (common (advanced)) | Define the MD5 of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
deleteAfterRead (consumer) | Delete objects from S3 after they have been retrieved. The delete is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not deleted. If this option is false, then the same objects will be retrieve over and over again on the polls. Therefore you need to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP in the route to filter out duplicates. You can filter using the AWS2S3Constants#BUCKET_NAME and AWS2S3Constants#KEY headers, or only the AWS2S3Constants#KEY header. | true | boolean |
delimiter (consumer) | The delimiter which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
destinationBucket (consumer) | Define the destination bucket where an object must be moved when moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
destinationBucketPrefix (consumer) | Define the destination bucket prefix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
destinationBucketSuffix (consumer) | Define the destination bucket suffix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
doneFileName (consumer) | If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. | String | |
fileName (consumer) | To get the object from the bucket with the given file name. | String | |
ignoreBody (consumer) | If it is true, the S3 Object Body will be ignored completely, if it is set to false the S3 Object will be put in the body. Setting this to true, will override any behavior defined by includeBody option. | false | boolean |
includeBody (consumer) | If it is true, the S3Object exchange will be consumed and put into the body and closed. If false the S3Object stream will be put raw into the body and the headers will be set with the S3 object metadata. This option is strongly related to autocloseBody option. In case of setting includeBody to true because the S3Object stream will be consumed then it will also be closed, while in case of includeBody false then it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. However setting autocloseBody to true when includeBody is false it will schedule to close the S3Object stream automatically on exchange completion. | true | boolean |
includeFolders (consumer) | If it is true, the folders/directories will be consumed. If it is false, they will be ignored, and Exchanges will not be created for those. | true | boolean |
maxConnections (consumer) | Set the maxConnections parameter in the S3 client configuration. | 60 | int |
maxMessagesPerPoll (consumer) | Gets the maximum number of messages as a limit to poll at each polling. Gets the maximum number of messages as a limit to poll at each polling. The default value is 10. Use 0 or a negative number to set it as unlimited. | 10 | int |
moveAfterRead (consumer) | Move objects from S3 bucket to a different bucket after they have been retrieved. To accomplish the operation the destinationBucket option must be set. The copy bucket operation is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not moved. | false | boolean |
prefix (consumer) | The prefix which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
autocloseBody (consumer (advanced)) | If this option is true and includeBody is false, then the S3Object.close() method will be called on exchange completion. This option is strongly related to includeBody option. In case of setting includeBody to false and autocloseBody to false, it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. Setting autocloseBody to true, will close the S3Object stream automatically. | true | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
batchMessageNumber (producer) | The number of messages composing a batch in streaming upload mode. | 10 | int |
batchSize (producer) | The batch size (in bytes) in streaming upload mode. | 1000000 | int |
deleteAfterWrite (producer) | Delete file object after the S3 file has been uploaded. | false | boolean |
keyName (producer) | Setting the key name for an element in the bucket through endpoint parameter. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
multiPartUpload (producer) | If it is true, camel will upload the file with multi part format, the part size is decided by the option of partSize. | false | boolean |
namingStrategy (producer) | The naming strategy to use in streaming upload mode. Enum values:
| progressive | AWSS3NamingStrategyEnum |
operation (producer) | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to do only an upload. Enum values:
| AWS2S3Operations | |
partSize (producer) | Setup the partSize which is used in multi part upload, the default size is 25M. | 26214400 | long |
restartingPolicy (producer) | The restarting policy to use in streaming upload mode. Enum values:
| override | AWSS3RestartingPolicyEnum |
storageClass (producer) | The storage class to set in the request. | String | |
streamingUploadMode (producer) | When stream mode is true the upload to bucket will be done in streaming. | false | boolean |
streamingUploadTimeout (producer) | While streaming upload mode is true, this option set the timeout to complete upload. | long | |
awsKMSKeyId (producer (advanced)) | Define the id of KMS key to use in case KMS is enabled. | String | |
useAwsKMS (producer (advanced)) | Define if KMS must be used or not. | false | boolean |
useCustomerKey (producer (advanced)) | Define if Customer Key must be used or not. | false | boolean |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required S3 component options
You have to provide the amazonS3Client in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon’s S3.
5.5. Batch Consumer
This component implements the Batch Consumer.
This allows you for instance to know how many messages exists in this batch and for instance let the Aggregator aggregate this number of messages.
5.6. Usage
For example in order to read file hello.txt
from bucket helloBucket
, use the following snippet:
from("aws2-s3://helloBucket?accessKey=yourAccessKey&secretKey=yourSecretKey&prefix=hello.txt") .to("file:/var/downloaded");
5.6.1. Message headers evaluated by the S3 producer
Header | Type | Description |
| The bucket Name which this object will be stored or which will be used for the current operation |
| The bucket Destination Name which will be used for the current operation |
| The content length of this object. |
| The content type of this object. |
| The content control of this object. |
| The content disposition of this object. |
| The content encoding of this object. |
| The md5 checksum of this object. |
| The Destination key which will be used for the current operation |
| The key under which this object will be stored or which will be used for the current operation |
| The last modified timestamp of this object. |
| The operation to perform. Permitted values are copyObject, deleteObject, listBuckets, deleteBucket, listObjects |
| The storage class of this object. |
The canned acl that will be applied to the object. see |
A well constructed Amazon S3 Access Control List object. see |
| String | Sets the server-side encryption algorithm when encrypting the object using AWS-managed keys. For example use AES256. |
| The version Id of the object to be stored or returned from the current operation |
| A map of metadata to be stored with the object in S3. More details about metadata . |
5.6.2. Message headers set by the S3 producer
Header | Type | Description |
| The ETag value for the newly uploaded object. |
| The optional version ID of the newly uploaded object. |
5.6.3. Message headers set by the S3 consumer
Header | Type | Description |
| The key under which this object is stored. |
| The name of the bucket in which this object is contained. |
| The hex encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the associated object according to RFC 1864. This data is used as an integrity check to verify that the data received by the caller is the same data that was sent by Amazon S3. |
| The value of the Last-Modified header, indicating the date and time at which Amazon S3 last recorded a modification to the associated object. |
| The version ID of the associated Amazon S3 object if available. Version IDs are only assigned to objects when an object is uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket that has object versioning enabled. |
| The Content-Type HTTP header, which indicates the type of content stored in the associated object. The value of this header is a standard MIME type. |
| The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the associated object (content - not including headers) according to RFC 1864. This data is used as a message integrity check to verify that the data received by Amazon S3 is the same data that the caller sent. |
| The Content-Length HTTP header indicating the size of the associated object in bytes. |
| The optional Content-Encoding HTTP header specifying what content encodings have been applied to the object and what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type field. |
| The optional Content-Disposition HTTP header, which specifies presentational information such as the recommended filename for the object to be saved as. |
| The optional Cache-Control HTTP header which allows the user to specify caching behavior along the HTTP request/reply chain. |
| String | The server-side encryption algorithm when encrypting the object using AWS-managed keys. |
| A map of metadata stored with the object in S3. More details about metadata . |
5.6.4. S3 Producer operations
Camel-AWS2-S3 component provides the following operation on the producer side:
- copyObject
- deleteObject
- listBuckets
- deleteBucket
- listObjects
- getObject (this will return an S3Object instance)
- getObjectRange (this will return an S3Object instance)
- createDownloadLink
If you don’t specify an operation explicitly the producer will do: - a single file upload - a multipart upload if multiPartUpload option is enabled.
5.6.5. Advanced AmazonS3 configuration
If your Camel Application is running behind a firewall or if you need to have more control over the S3Client
instance configuration, you can create your own instance and refer to it in your Camel aws2-s3 component configuration:
from("aws2-s3://MyBucket?amazonS3Client=#client&delay=5000&maxMessagesPerPoll=5") .to("mock:result");
5.6.6. Use KMS with the S3 component
To use AWS KMS to encrypt/decrypt data by using AWS infrastructure you can use the options introduced in 2.21.x like in the following example
from("file:tmp/test?fileName=test.txt") .setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, constant("testFile")) .to("aws2-s3://mybucket?amazonS3Client=#client&useAwsKMS=true&awsKMSKeyId=3f0637ad-296a-3dfe-a796-e60654fb128c");
In this way you’ll ask to S3, to use the KMS key 3f0637ad-296a-3dfe-a796-e60654fb128c, to encrypt the file test.txt. When you’ll ask to download this file, the decryption will be done directly before the download.
5.6.7. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
5.6.8. S3 Producer Operation examples
- Single Upload: This operation will upload a file to S3 based on the body content
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camel.txt"); exchange.getIn().setBody("Camel rocks!"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client") .to("mock:result");
This operation will upload the file camel.txt with the content "Camel rocks!" in the mycamelbucket bucket
- Multipart Upload: This operation will perform a multipart upload of a file to S3 based on the body content
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(AWS2S3Constants.KEY, "empty.txt"); exchange.getIn().setBody(new File("src/empty.txt")); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&multiPartUpload=true&autoCreateBucket=true&partSize=1048576") .to("mock:result");
This operation will perform a multipart upload of the file empty.txt with based on the content the file src/empty.txt in the mycamelbucket bucket
- CopyObject: this operation copy an object from one bucket to a different one
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.BUCKET_DESTINATION_NAME, "camelDestinationBucket"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camelKey"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.DESTINATION_KEY, "camelDestinationKey"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=copyObject") .to("mock:result");
This operation will copy the object with the name expressed in the header camelDestinationKey to the camelDestinationBucket bucket, from the bucket mycamelbucket.
- DeleteObject: this operation deletes an object from a bucket
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camelKey"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=deleteObject") .to("mock:result");
This operation will delete the object camelKey from the bucket mycamelbucket.
- ListBuckets: this operation list the buckets for this account in this region
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=listBuckets") .to("mock:result");
This operation will list the buckets for this account
- DeleteBucket: this operation delete the bucket specified as URI parameter or header
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=deleteBucket") .to("mock:result");
This operation will delete the bucket mycamelbucket
- ListObjects: this operation list object in a specific bucket
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=listObjects") .to("mock:result");
This operation will list the objects in the mycamelbucket bucket
- GetObject: this operation get a single object in a specific bucket
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camelKey"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=getObject") .to("mock:result");
This operation will return an S3Object instance related to the camelKey object in mycamelbucket bucket.
- GetObjectRange: this operation get a single object range in a specific bucket
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camelKey"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.RANGE_START, "0"); exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.RANGE_END, "9"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=getObjectRange") .to("mock:result");
This operation will return an S3Object instance related to the camelKey object in mycamelbucket bucket, containing a the bytes from 0 to 9.
- CreateDownloadLink: this operation will return a download link through S3 Presigner
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, "camelKey"); } }) .to("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?accessKey=xxx&secretKey=yyy®ion=region&operation=createDownloadLink") .to("mock:result");
This operation will return a download link url for the file camel-key in the bucket mycamelbucket and region region
5.7. Streaming Upload mode
With the stream mode enabled users will be able to upload data to S3 without knowing ahead of time the dimension of the data, by leveraging multipart upload. The upload will be completed when: the batchSize has been completed or the batchMessageNumber has been reached. There are two possible naming strategy:
With the progressive strategy each file will have the name composed by keyName option and a progressive counter, and eventually the file extension (if any)
With the random strategy a UUID will be added after keyName and eventually the file extension will appended.
As an example:
from(kafka("topic1").brokers("localhost:9092")) .log("Kafka Message is: ${body}") .to(aws2S3("camel-bucket").streamingUploadMode(true).batchMessageNumber(25).namingStrategy("{{kafkaTopic1}}/{{kafkaTopic1}}.txt")); from(kafka("topic2").brokers("localhost:9092")) .log("Kafka Message is: ${body}") .to(aws2S3("camel-bucket").streamingUploadMode(true).batchMessageNumber(25).namingStrategy("{{kafkaTopic2}}/{{kafkaTopic2}}.txt"));
The default size for a batch is 1 Mb, but you can adjust it according to your requirements.
When you’ll stop your producer route, the producer will take care of flushing the remaining buffered messaged and complete the upload.
In Streaming upload you’ll be able restart the producer from the point where it left. It’s important to note that this feature is critical only when using the progressive naming strategy.
By setting the restartingPolicy to lastPart, you will restart uploading files and contents from the last part number the producer left.
- Start the route with progressive naming strategy and keyname equals to camel.txt, with batchMessageNumber equals to 20, and restartingPolicy equals to lastPart - Send 70 messages.
- Stop the route
On your S3 bucket you should now see 4 files: * camel.txt
- camel-1.txt
- camel-2.txt
The first three will have 20 messages, while the last one only 10.
- Restart the route.
- Send 25 messages.
- Stop the route.
- You’ll now have 2 other files in your bucket: camel-5.txt and camel-6.txt, the first with 20 messages and second with 5 messages.
- Go ahead
This won’t be needed when using the random naming strategy.
On the opposite you can specify the override restartingPolicy. In that case you’ll be able to override whatever you written before (for that particular keyName) on your bucket.
In Streaming upload mode the only keyName option that will be taken into account is the endpoint option. Using the header will throw an NPE and this is done by design. Setting the header means potentially change the file name on each exchange and this is against the aim of the streaming upload producer. The keyName needs to be fixed and static. The selected naming strategy will do the rest of the of the work.
Another possibility is specifying a streamingUploadTimeout with batchMessageNumber and batchSize options. With this option the user will be able to complete the upload of a file after a certain time passed. In this way the upload completion will be passed on three tiers: the timeout, the number of messages and the batch size.
As an example:
from(kafka("topic1").brokers("localhost:9092")) .log("Kafka Message is: ${body}") .to(aws2S3("camel-bucket").streamingUploadMode(true).batchMessageNumber(25).streamingUploadTimeout(10000).namingStrategy("{{kafkaTopic1}}/{{kafkaTopic1}}.txt"));
In this case the upload will be completed after 10 seconds.
5.8. Bucket Autocreation
With the option autoCreateBucket
users are able to avoid the autocreation of an S3 Bucket in case it doesn’t exist. The default for this option is true
. If set to false any operation on a not-existent bucket in AWS won’t be successful and an error will be returned.
5.9. Moving stuff between a bucket and another bucket
Some users like to consume stuff from a bucket and move the content in a different one without using the copyObject feature of this component. If this is case for you, don’t forget to remove the bucketName header from the incoming exchange of the consumer, otherwise the file will be always overwritten on the same original bucket.
5.10. MoveAfterRead consumer option
In addition to deleteAfterRead it has been added another option, moveAfterRead. With this option enabled the consumed object will be moved to a target destinationBucket instead of being only deleted. This will require specifying the destinationBucket option. As example:
from("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&moveAfterRead=true&destinationBucket=myothercamelbucket") .to("mock:result");
In this case the objects consumed will be moved to myothercamelbucket bucket and deleted from the original one (because of deleteAfterRead set to true as default).
You have also the possibility of using a key prefix/suffix while moving the file to a different bucket. The options are destinationBucketPrefix and destinationBucketSuffix.
Taking the above example, you could do something like:
from("aws2-s3://mycamelbucket?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&moveAfterRead=true&destinationBucket=myothercamelbucket&destinationBucketPrefix=RAW(pre-)&destinationBucketSuffix=RAW(-suff)") .to("mock:result");
In this case the objects consumed will be moved to myothercamelbucket bucket and deleted from the original one (because of deleteAfterRead set to true as default).
So if the file name is test, in the myothercamelbucket you should see a file called pre-test-suff.
5.11. Using customer key as encryption
We introduced also the customer key support (an alternative of using KMS). The following code shows an example.
String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); byte[] secretKey = generateSecretKey(); String b64Key = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(secretKey); String b64KeyMd5 = Md5Utils.md5AsBase64(secretKey); String awsEndpoint = "aws2-s3://mycamel?autoCreateBucket=false&useCustomerKey=true&customerKeyId=RAW(" + b64Key + ")&customerKeyMD5=RAW(" + b64KeyMd5 + ")&customerAlgorithm=" +; from("direct:putObject") .setHeader(AWS2S3Constants.KEY, constant("test.txt")) .setBody(constant("Test")) .to(awsEndpoint);
5.12. Using a POJO as body
Sometimes build an AWS Request can be complex, because of multiple options. We introduce the possibility to use a POJO as body. In AWS S3 there are multiple operations you can submit, as an example for List brokers request, you can do something like:
from("direct:aws2-s3") .setBody(ListObjectsRequest.builder().bucket(bucketName).build()) .to("aws2-s3://test?amazonS3Client=#amazonS3Client&operation=listObjects&pojoRequest=true")
In this way you’ll pass the request directly without the need of passing headers and options specifically related to this operation.
5.13. Create S3 client and add component to registry
Sometimes you would want to perform some advanced configuration using AWS2S3Configuration which also allows to set the S3 client. You can create and set the S3 client in the component configuration as shown in the following example
String awsBucketAccessKey = "your_access_key"; String awsBucketSecretKey = "your_secret_key"; S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder().credentialsProvider(StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create(awsBucketAccessKey, awsBucketSecretKey))) .region(Region.US_EAST_1).build(); AWS2S3Configuration configuration = new AWS2S3Configuration(); configuration.setAmazonS3Client(s3Client); configuration.setAutoDiscoverClient(true); configuration.setBucketName("s3bucket2020"); configuration.setRegion("us-east-1");
Now you can configure the S3 component (using the configuration object created above) and add it to the registry in the configure method before initialization of routes.
AWS2S3Component s3Component = new AWS2S3Component(getContext()); s3Component.setConfiguration(configuration); s3Component.setLazyStartProducer(true); camelContext.addComponent("aws2-s3", s3Component);
Now your component will be used for all the operations implemented in camel routes.
5.14. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-s3</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
5.15. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-s3 with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-s3-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 51 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-s3.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | Reference to a in the registry. The option is a type. | S3Client | | | An S3 Presigner for Request, used mainly in createDownloadLink operation. The option is a type. | S3Presigner | | | Setting the autocreation of the S3 bucket bucketName. This will apply also in case of moveAfterRead option enabled and it will create the destinationBucket if it doesn’t exist already. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.autoclose-body | If this option is true and includeBody is false, then the S3Object.close() method will be called on exchange completion. This option is strongly related to includeBody option. In case of setting includeBody to false and autocloseBody to false, it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. Setting autocloseBody to true, will close the S3Object stream automatically. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | Define the id of KMS key to use in case KMS is enabled. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.batch-message-number | The number of messages composing a batch in streaming upload mode. | 10 | Integer |
camel.component.aws2-s3.batch-size | The batch size (in bytes) in streaming upload mode. | 1000000 | Integer |
camel.component.aws2-s3.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.configuration | The component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.s3.AWS2S3Configuration type. | AWS2S3Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.customer-algorithm | Define the customer algorithm to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.customer-key-id | Define the id of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.customer-key-m-d5 | Define the MD5 of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.delete-after-read | Delete objects from S3 after they have been retrieved. The delete is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not deleted. If this option is false, then the same objects will be retrieve over and over again on the polls. Therefore you need to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP in the route to filter out duplicates. You can filter using the AWS2S3Constants#BUClKET_NAME and AWS2S3Constants#KEY headers, or only the AWS2S3Constants#KEY header. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.delete-after-write | Delete file object after the S3 file has been uploaded. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.delimiter | The delimiter which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.destination-bucket | Define the destination bucket where an object must be moved when moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.destination-bucket-prefix | Define the destination bucket prefix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.destination-bucket-suffix | Define the destination bucket suffix to use when an object must be moved and moveAfterRead is set to true. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.done-file-name | If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-s3 component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.file-name | To get the object from the bucket with the given file name. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.ignore-body | If it is true, the S3 Object Body will be ignored completely, if it is set to false the S3 Object will be put in the body. Setting this to true, will override any behavior defined by includeBody option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.include-body | If it is true, the S3Object exchange will be consumed and put into the body and closed. If false the S3Object stream will be put raw into the body and the headers will be set with the S3 object metadata. This option is strongly related to autocloseBody option. In case of setting includeBody to true because the S3Object stream will be consumed then it will also be closed, while in case of includeBody false then it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. However setting autocloseBody to true when includeBody is false it will schedule to close the S3Object stream automatically on exchange completion. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.include-folders | If it is true, the folders/directories will be consumed. If it is false, they will be ignored, and Exchanges will not be created for those. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.key-name | Setting the key name for an element in the bucket through endpoint parameter. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.move-after-read | Move objects from S3 bucket to a different bucket after they have been retrieved. To accomplish the operation the destinationBucket option must be set. The copy bucket operation is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not moved. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.multi-part-upload | If it is true, camel will upload the file with multi part format, the part size is decided by the option of partSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.naming-strategy | The naming strategy to use in streaming upload mode. | AWSS3NamingStrategyEnum | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.operation | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to do only an upload. | AWS2S3Operations | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.part-size | Setup the partSize which is used in multi part upload, the default size is 25M. | 26214400 | Long |
camel.component.aws2-s3.pojo-request | If we want to use a POJO request as body or not. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.policy | The policy for this queue to set in the method. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.prefix | The prefix which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.proxy-port | Specify a proxy port to be used inside the client definition. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the S3 client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.region | The region in which S3 client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.restarting-policy | The restarting policy to use in streaming upload mode. | AWSS3RestartingPolicyEnum | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | | | The storage class to set in the request. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.streaming-upload-mode | When stream mode is true the upload to bucket will be done in streaming. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.streaming-upload-timeout | While streaming upload mode is true, this option set the timeout to complete upload. | Long | | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-s3.use-aws-k-m-s | Define if KMS must be used or not. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.use-customer-key | Define if Customer Key must be used or not. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-s3.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 6. AWS Simple Notification System (SNS)
Only producer is supported
The AWS2 SNS component allows messages to be sent to an Amazon Simple Notification Topic. The implementation of the Amazon API is provided by the AWS SDK.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon SNS. More information is available at Amazon SNS.
6.1. URI Format
The topic will be created if they don’t already exists. You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?options=value&option2=value&…
6.2. URI Options
6.2.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
6.3. Component Options
The AWS Simple Notification System (SNS) component supports 24 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonSNSClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonSNS as the client. | SnsClient | |
autoCreateTopic (producer) | Setting the autocreation of the topic. | false | boolean |
configuration (producer) | Component configuration. | Sns2Configuration | |
kmsMasterKeyId (producer) | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
messageDeduplicationIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. Enum values:
| useExchangeId | String |
messageGroupIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. Enum values:
| String | |
messageStructure (producer) | The message structure to use such as json. | String | |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
policy (producer) | The policy for this topic. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SNS client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SNS client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SNS client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
queueUrl (producer) | The queueUrl to subscribe to. | String | |
region (producer) | The region in which SNS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
serverSideEncryptionEnabled (producer) | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the topic. | false | boolean |
subject (producer) | The subject which is used if the message header 'CamelAwsSnsSubject' is not present. | String | |
subscribeSNStoSQS (producer) | Define if the subscription between SNS Topic and SQS must be done or not. | false | boolean |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the SNS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
6.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS Simple Notification System (SNS) endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
6.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
topicNameOrArn (producer) | Required Topic name or ARN. | String |
6.4.2. Query Parameters (23 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonSNSClient (producer) | Autowired To use the AmazonSNS as the client. | SnsClient | |
autoCreateTopic (producer) | Setting the autocreation of the topic. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (producer) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to map headers to/from Camel. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
kmsMasterKeyId (producer) | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
messageDeduplicationIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. Enum values:
| useExchangeId | String |
messageGroupIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. Enum values:
| String | |
messageStructure (producer) | The message structure to use such as json. | String | |
overrideEndpoint (producer) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
policy (producer) | The policy for this topic. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
proxyHost (producer) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SNS client. | String | |
proxyPort (producer) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SNS client. | Integer | |
proxyProtocol (producer) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SNS client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
queueUrl (producer) | The queueUrl to subscribe to. | String | |
region (producer) | The region in which SNS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
serverSideEncryptionEnabled (producer) | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the topic. | false | boolean |
subject (producer) | The subject which is used if the message header 'CamelAwsSnsSubject' is not present. | String | |
subscribeSNStoSQS (producer) | Define if the subscription between SNS Topic and SQS must be done or not. | false | boolean |
trustAllCertificates (producer) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (producer) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (producer) | Set whether the SNS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required SNS component options
You have to provide the amazonSNSClient in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon’s SNS.
6.5. Usage
6.5.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
- Java system properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
- Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
- Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.
- Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation.
6.5.2. Message headers evaluated by the SNS producer
Header | Type | Description |
The Amazon SNS message subject. If not set, the subject from the |
6.5.3. Message headers set by the SNS producer
Header | Type | Description |
| The Amazon SNS message ID. |
6.5.4. Advanced AmazonSNS configuration
If you need more control over the SnsClient
instance configuration you can create your own instance and refer to it from the URI:
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-sns://MyTopic?amazonSNSClient=#client");
The #client
refers to a AmazonSNS
in the Registry.
6.5.5. Create a subscription between an AWS SNS Topic and an AWS SQS Queue
You can create a subscription of an SQS Queue to an SNS Topic in this way:
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-sns://test-camel-sns1?amazonSNSClient=#amazonSNSClient&subscribeSNStoSQS=true&queueUrl=");
The #amazonSNSClient
refers to a SnsClient
in the Registry. By specifying subscribeSNStoSQS
to true and a queueUrl
of an existing SQS Queue, you’ll be able to subscribe your SQS Queue to your SNS Topic.
At this point you can consume messages coming from SNS Topic through your SQS Queue
from("aws2-sqs://test-camel?amazonSQSClient=#amazonSQSClient&delay=50&maxMessagesPerPoll=5") .to(...);
6.6. Topic Autocreation
With the option autoCreateTopic
users are able to avoid the autocreation of an SNS Topic in case it doesn’t exist. The default for this option is true
. If set to false any operation on a not-existent topic in AWS won’t be successful and an error will be returned.
SNS FIFO are supported. While creating the SQS queue you will subscribe to the SNS topic there is an important point to remember, you’ll need to make possible for the SNS Topic to send message to the SQS Queue.
Suppose you created an SNS FIFO Topic called Order.fifo
and an SQS Queue called QueueSub.fifo
In the access Policy of the QueueSub.fifo
you should submit something like this:
{ "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "__default_policy_ID", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "__owner_statement", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::780560123482:root" }, "Action": "SQS:*", "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:780560123482:QueueSub.fifo" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "SQS:SendMessage", "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:780560123482:QueueSub.fifo", "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:780410022472:Order.fifo" } } } ] }
This is a critical step to make the subscription work correctly.
6.7.1. SNS Fifo Topic Message group Id Strategy and message Deduplication Id Strategy
When sending something to the FIFO topic you’ll need to always set up a message group Id strategy.
If the content-based message deduplication has been enabled on the SNS Fifo topic, where won’t be the need of setting a message deduplication id strategy, otherwise you’ll have to set it.
6.8. Examples
6.8.1. Producer Examples
Sending to a topic
from("direct:start") .to("aws2-sns://camel-topic?subject=The+subject+message&autoCreateTopic=true");
6.9. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-sns</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
6.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-sns with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-sns-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 25 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-sns.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | To use the AmazonSNS as the client. The option is a type. | SnsClient | | | Setting the autocreation of the topic. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.configuration | Component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sns.Sns2Configuration type. | Sns2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-sns component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.kms-master-key-id | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.message-deduplication-id-strategy | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. | useExchangeId | String |
camel.component.aws2-sns.message-group-id-strategy | Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.message-structure | The message structure to use such as json. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.policy | The policy for this topic. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SNS client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SNS client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SNS client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.queue-url | The queueUrl to subscribe to. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.region | The region in which SNS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.server-side-encryption-enabled | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the topic. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.subject | The subject which is used if the message header 'CamelAwsSnsSubject' is not present. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.subscribe-s-n-sto-s-q-s | Define if the subscription between SNS Topic and SQS must be done or not. | false | Boolean | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sns.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sns.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the SNS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 7. AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Both producer and consumer are supported
The AWS2 SQS component supports sending and receiving messages to Amazon’s SQS service.
You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon SQS. More information is available at Amazon SQS.
7.1. URI Format
The queue will be created if they don’t already exists. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
7.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
7.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
7.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
7.3. Component Options
The AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) component supports 43 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonAWSHost (common) | The hostname of the Amazon AWS cloud. | | String |
amazonSQSClient (common) | Autowired To use the AmazonSQS as client. | SqsClient | |
autoCreateQueue (common) | Setting the autocreation of the queue. | false | boolean |
configuration (common) | The AWS SQS default configuration. | Sqs2Configuration | |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
protocol (common) | The underlying protocol used to communicate with SQS. | https | String |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SQS client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
queueOwnerAWSAccountId (common) | Specify the queue owner aws account id when you need to connect the queue with different account owner. | String | |
region (common) | The region in which SQS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the SQS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
attributeNames (consumer) | A list of attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Allows you to use multiple threads to poll the sqs queue to increase throughput. | 1 | int |
defaultVisibilityTimeout (consumer) | The default visibility timeout (in seconds). | Integer | |
deleteAfterRead (consumer) | Delete message from SQS after it has been read. | true | boolean |
deleteIfFiltered (consumer) | Whether or not to send the DeleteMessage to the SQS queue if the exchange has property with key Sqs2Constants#SQS_DELETE_FILTERED (CamelAwsSqsDeleteFiltered) set to true. | true | boolean |
extendMessageVisibility (consumer) | If enabled then a scheduled background task will keep extending the message visibility on SQS. This is needed if it takes a long time to process the message. If set to true defaultVisibilityTimeout must be set. | false | boolean |
kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds (consumer) | The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours). Default: 300 (5 minutes). | Integer | |
kmsMasterKeyId (consumer) | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SQS or a custom CMK. | String | |
messageAttributeNames (consumer) | A list of message attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | |
serverSideEncryptionEnabled (consumer) | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the queue. | false | boolean |
visibilityTimeout (consumer) | The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request to set in the This only make sense if its different from defaultVisibilityTimeout. It changes the queue visibility timeout attribute permanently. | Integer | |
waitTimeSeconds (consumer) | Duration in seconds (0 to 20) that the ReceiveMessage action call will wait until a message is in the queue to include in the response. | Integer | |
batchSeparator (producer) | Set the separator when passing a String to send batch message operation. | , | String |
delaySeconds (producer) | Delay sending messages for a number of seconds. | Integer | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
messageDeduplicationIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. Enum values:
| useExchangeId | String |
messageGroupIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. Enum values:
| String | |
operation (producer) | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to send only a message. Enum values:
| Sqs2Operations | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
delayQueue (advanced) | Define if you want to apply delaySeconds option to the queue or on single messages. | false | boolean |
queueUrl (advanced) | To define the queueUrl explicitly. All other parameters, which would influence the queueUrl, are ignored. This parameter is intended to be used, to connect to a mock implementation of SQS, for testing purposes. | String | |
proxyHost (proxy) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SQS client. | Integer | |
maximumMessageSize (queue) | The maximumMessageSize (in bytes) an SQS message can contain for this queue. | Integer | |
messageRetentionPeriod (queue) | The messageRetentionPeriod (in seconds) a message will be retained by SQS for this queue. | Integer | |
policy (queue) | The policy for this queue. It can be loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds (queue) | If you do not specify WaitTimeSeconds in the request, the queue attribute ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used to determine how long to wait. | Integer | |
redrivePolicy (queue) | Specify the policy that send message to DeadLetter queue. See detail at Amazon docs. | String | |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
7.4. Endpoint Options
The AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
7.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
queueNameOrArn (common) | Required Queue name or ARN. | String |
7.4.2. Query Parameters (61 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
amazonAWSHost (common) | The hostname of the Amazon AWS cloud. | | String |
amazonSQSClient (common) | Autowired To use the AmazonSQS as client. | SqsClient | |
autoCreateQueue (common) | Setting the autocreation of the queue. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to map headers to/from Camel. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
overrideEndpoint (common) | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | boolean |
protocol (common) | The underlying protocol used to communicate with SQS. | https | String |
proxyProtocol (common) | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SQS client. Enum values:
| HTTPS | Protocol |
queueOwnerAWSAccountId (common) | Specify the queue owner aws account id when you need to connect the queue with different account owner. | String | |
region (common) | The region in which SQS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
trustAllCertificates (common) | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | boolean |
uriEndpointOverride (common) | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
useDefaultCredentialsProvider (common) | Set whether the SQS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | boolean |
attributeNames (consumer) | A list of attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Allows you to use multiple threads to poll the sqs queue to increase throughput. | 1 | int |
defaultVisibilityTimeout (consumer) | The default visibility timeout (in seconds). | Integer | |
deleteAfterRead (consumer) | Delete message from SQS after it has been read. | true | boolean |
deleteIfFiltered (consumer) | Whether or not to send the DeleteMessage to the SQS queue if the exchange has property with key Sqs2Constants#SQS_DELETE_FILTERED (CamelAwsSqsDeleteFiltered) set to true. | true | boolean |
extendMessageVisibility (consumer) | If enabled then a scheduled background task will keep extending the message visibility on SQS. This is needed if it takes a long time to process the message. If set to true defaultVisibilityTimeout must be set. See details at Amazon docs. | false | boolean |
kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds (consumer) | The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours). Default: 300 (5 minutes). | Integer | |
kmsMasterKeyId (consumer) | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SQS or a custom CMK. | String | |
maxMessagesPerPoll (consumer) | Gets the maximum number of messages as a limit to poll at each polling. Is default unlimited, but use 0 or negative number to disable it as unlimited. | int | |
messageAttributeNames (consumer) | A list of message attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
serverSideEncryptionEnabled (consumer) | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the queue. | false | boolean |
visibilityTimeout (consumer) | The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request to set in the This only make sense if its different from defaultVisibilityTimeout. It changes the queue visibility timeout attribute permanently. | Integer | |
waitTimeSeconds (consumer) | Duration in seconds (0 to 20) that the ReceiveMessage action call will wait until a message is in the queue to include in the response. | Integer | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
batchSeparator (producer) | Set the separator when passing a String to send batch message operation. | , | String |
delaySeconds (producer) | Delay sending messages for a number of seconds. | Integer | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
messageDeduplicationIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. Enum values:
| useExchangeId | String |
messageGroupIdStrategy (producer) | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. Enum values:
| String | |
operation (producer) | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to send only a message. Enum values:
| Sqs2Operations | |
delayQueue (advanced) | Define if you want to apply delaySeconds option to the queue or on single messages. | false | boolean |
queueUrl (advanced) | To define the queueUrl explicitly. All other parameters, which would influence the queueUrl, are ignored. This parameter is intended to be used, to connect to a mock implementation of SQS, for testing purposes. | String | |
proxyHost (proxy) | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SQS client. | Integer | |
maximumMessageSize (queue) | The maximumMessageSize (in bytes) an SQS message can contain for this queue. | Integer | |
messageRetentionPeriod (queue) | The messageRetentionPeriod (in seconds) a message will be retained by SQS for this queue. | Integer | |
policy (queue) | The policy for this queue. It can be loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds (queue) | If you do not specify WaitTimeSeconds in the request, the queue attribute ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used to determine how long to wait. | Integer | |
redrivePolicy (queue) | Specify the policy that send message to DeadLetter queue. See detail at Amazon docs. | String | |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | |
secretKey (security) | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String |
Required SQS component options
You have to provide the amazonSQSClient in the Registry or your accessKey and secretKey to access the Amazon’s SQS.
7.5. Batch Consumer
This component implements the Batch Consumer.
This allows you for instance to know how many messages exists in this batch and for instance let the Aggregator aggregate this number of messages.
7.6. Usage
7.6.1. Static credentials vs Default Credential Provider
You have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials, by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider
option and set it to true.
Java system properties -
Environment variables -
. - Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
- The shared credentials and config files.
Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable
is set. - Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
7.6.2. Message headers set by the SQS producer
Header | Type | Description |
| The MD5 checksum of the Amazon SQS message. |
| The Amazon SQS message ID. |
| The delay seconds that the Amazon SQS message can be see by others. |
7.6.3. Message headers set by the SQS consumer
Header | Type | Description |
| The MD5 checksum of the Amazon SQS message. |
| The Amazon SQS message ID. |
| The Amazon SQS message receipt handle. |
| The Amazon SQS message attributes. |
7.6.4. Advanced AmazonSQS configuration
If your Camel Application is running behind a firewall or if you need to have more control over the SqsClient
instance configuration, you can create your own instance:
from("aws2-sqs://MyQueue?amazonSQSClient=#client&delay=5000&maxMessagesPerPoll=5") .to("mock:result");
7.6.5. Creating or updating an SQS Queue
In the SQS Component, when an endpoint is started, a check is executed to obtain information about the existence of the queue or not. You’re able to customize the creation through the QueueAttributeName
mapping with the SQSConfiguration
from("aws2-sqs://MyQueue?amazonSQSClient=#client&delay=5000&maxMessagesPerPoll=5") .to("mock:result");
In this example if the MyQueue
queue is not already created on AWS (and the autoCreateQueue
option is set to true), it will be created with default parameters from the SQS configuration. If it’s already up on AWS, the SQS configuration options will be used to override the existent AWS configuration.
7.6.6. DelayQueue VS Delay for Single message
When the option delayQueue
is set to true, the SQS Queue will be a DelayQueue
with the DelaySeconds
option as delay. For more information about DelayQueue
you can read the AWS SQS documentation. One important information to take into account is the following:
- For standard queues, the per-queue delay setting is not retroactive—changing the setting doesn’t affect the delay of messages already in the queue.
- For FIFO queues, the per-queue delay setting is retroactive—changing the setting affects the delay of messages already in the queue.
as stated in the official documentation. If you want to specify a delay on single messages, you can ignore the delayQueue
option, while you can set this option to true, if you need to add a fixed delay to all messages enqueued.
7.6.7. Server Side Encryption
There is a set of Server Side Encryption attributes for a queue. The related option are serverSideEncryptionEnabled
, keyMasterKeyId
and kmsDataKeyReusePeriod
. The SSE is disabled by default. You need to explicitly set the option to true and set the related parameters as queue attributes.
7.7. JMS-style Selectors
SQS does not allow selectors, but you can effectively achieve this by using the Camel Filter EIP and setting an appropriate visibilityTimeout
. When SQS dispatches a message, it will wait up to the visibility timeout before it will try to dispatch the message to a different consumer unless a DeleteMessage
is received. By default, Camel will always send the DeleteMessage
at the end of the route, unless the route ended in failure. To achieve appropriate filtering and not send the DeleteMessage
even on successful completion of the route, use a Filter:
from("aws2-sqs://MyQueue?amazonSQSClient=#client&defaultVisibilityTimeout=5000&deleteIfFiltered=false&deleteAfterRead=false") .filter("${header.login} == true") .setProperty(Sqs2Constants.SQS_DELETE_FILTERED, constant(true)) .to("mock:filter");
In the above code, if an exchange doesn’t have an appropriate header, it will not make it through the filter AND also not be deleted from the SQS queue. After 5000 milliseconds, the message will become visible to other consumers.
Note we must set the property Sqs2Constants.SQS_DELETE_FILTERED
to true
to instruct Camel to send the DeleteMessage
, if being filtered.
7.8. Available Producer Operations
- single message (default)
- sendBatchMessage
- deleteMessage
- listQueues
7.9. Send Message
You can set a SendMessageBatchRequest
or an Iterable
from("direct:start") .setBody(constant("Camel rocks!")) .to("aws2-sqs://camel-1?accessKey=RAW(xxx)&secretKey=RAW(xxx)®ion=eu-west-1");
7.10. Send Batch Message
You can set a SendMessageBatchRequest
or an Iterable
from("direct:start") .setHeader(SqsConstants.SQS_OPERATION, constant("sendBatchMessage")) .process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Collection c = new ArrayList(); c.add("team1"); c.add("team2"); c.add("team3"); c.add("team4"); exchange.getIn().setBody(c); } }) .to("aws2-sqs://camel-1?accessKey=RAW(xxx)&secretKey=RAW(xxx)®ion=eu-west-1");
As result you’ll get an exchange containing a SendMessageBatchResponse
instance, that you can examinate to check what messages were successfull and what not. The id set on each message of the batch will be a Random UUID.
7.11. Delete single Message
Use deleteMessage
operation to delete a single message. You’ll need to set a receipt handle header for the message you want to delete.
from("direct:start") .setHeader(SqsConstants.SQS_OPERATION, constant("deleteMessage")) .setHeader(SqsConstants.RECEIPT_HANDLE, constant("123456")) .to("aws2-sqs://camel-1?accessKey=RAW(xxx)&secretKey=RAW(xxx)®ion=eu-west-1");
As result you’ll get an exchange containing a DeleteMessageResponse
instance, that you can use to check if the message was deleted or not.
7.12. List Queues
Use listQueues
operation to list queues.
from("direct:start") .setHeader(SqsConstants.SQS_OPERATION, constant("listQueues")) .to("aws2-sqs://camel-1?accessKey=RAW(xxx)&secretKey=RAW(xxx)®ion=eu-west-1");
As result you’ll get an exchange containing a ListQueuesResponse
instance, that you can examinate to check the actual queues.
7.13. Purge Queue
Use purgeQueue
operation to purge queue.
from("direct:start") .setHeader(SqsConstants.SQS_OPERATION, constant("purgeQueue")) .to("aws2-sqs://camel-1?accessKey=RAW(xxx)&secretKey=RAW(xxx)®ion=eu-west-1");
As result you’ll get an exchange containing a PurgeQueueResponse
7.14. Queue Autocreation
With the option autoCreateQueue
users are able to avoid the autocreation of an SQS Queue in case it doesn’t exist. The default for this option is true
. If set to false any operation on a not-existent queue in AWS won’t be successful and an error will be returned.
7.15. Send Batch Message and Message Deduplication Strategy
In case you’re using a SendBatchMessage
Operation, you can set two different kind of Message Deduplication Strategy: - useExchangeId - useContentBasedDeduplication
The first one will use a ExchangeIdMessageDeduplicationIdStrategy
, that will use the Exchange ID as parameter The other one will use a NullMessageDeduplicationIdStrategy
, that will use the body as deduplication element.
In case of send batch message operation, you’ll need to use the useContentBasedDeduplication
and on the Queue you’re pointing you’ll need to enable the content based deduplication
7.16. Dependencies
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-sqs</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
where 3.14.2
must be replaced by the actual version of Camel.
7.17. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using aws2-sqs with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-aws2-sqs-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 44 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.access-key | Amazon AWS Access Key. | String | | | The hostname of the Amazon AWS cloud. | | String | | To use the AmazonSQS as client. The option is a type. | SqsClient | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.attribute-names | A list of attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | | | Setting the autocreation of the queue. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.batch-separator | Set the separator when passing a String to send batch message operation. | , | String |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.concurrent-consumers | Allows you to use multiple threads to poll the sqs queue to increase throughput. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.configuration | The AWS SQS default configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sqs.Sqs2Configuration type. | Sqs2Configuration | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.default-visibility-timeout | The default visibility timeout (in seconds). | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.delay-queue | Define if you want to apply delaySeconds option to the queue or on single messages. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.delay-seconds | Delay sending messages for a number of seconds. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.delete-after-read | Delete message from SQS after it has been read. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.delete-if-filtered | Whether or not to send the DeleteMessage to the SQS queue if the exchange has property with key Sqs2Constants#SQS_DELETE_FILTERED (CamelAwsSqsDeleteFiltered) set to true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-sqs component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.extend-message-visibility | If enabled then a scheduled background task will keep extending the message visibility on SQS. This is needed if it takes a long time to process the message. If set to true defaultVisibilityTimeout must be set. See details at Amazon docs. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.kms-data-key-reuse-period-seconds | The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours). Default: 300 (5 minutes). | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.kms-master-key-id | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SQS or a custom CMK. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.maximum-message-size | The maximumMessageSize (in bytes) an SQS message can contain for this queue. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.message-attribute-names | A list of message attribute names to receive when consuming. Multiple names can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.message-deduplication-id-strategy | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId, useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message. | useExchangeId | String |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.message-group-id-strategy | Only for FIFO queues. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId, usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.message-retention-period | The messageRetentionPeriod (in seconds) a message will be retained by SQS for this queue. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.operation | The operation to do in case the user don’t want to send only a message. | Sqs2Operations | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.override-endpoint | Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with uriEndpointOverride option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.policy | The policy for this queue. It can be loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.protocol | The underlying protocol used to communicate with SQS. | https | String |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.proxy-host | To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.proxy-port | To define a proxy port when instantiating the SQS client. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.proxy-protocol | To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SQS client. | Protocol | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.queue-owner-a-w-s-account-id | Specify the queue owner aws account id when you need to connect the queue with different account owner. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.queue-url | To define the queueUrl explicitly. All other parameters, which would influence the queueUrl, are ignored. This parameter is intended to be used, to connect to a mock implementation of SQS, for testing purposes. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.receive-message-wait-time-seconds | If you do not specify WaitTimeSeconds in the request, the queue attribute ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used to determine how long to wait. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.redrive-policy | Specify the policy that send message to DeadLetter queue. See detail at Amazon docs. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.region | The region in which SQS client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example ap-east-1) You’ll need to use the name | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.secret-key | Amazon AWS Secret Key. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.server-side-encryption-enabled | Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the queue. | false | Boolean | | If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.uri-endpoint-override | Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option. | String | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.use-default-credentials-provider | Set whether the SQS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.visibility-timeout | The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request to set in the This only make sense if its different from defaultVisibilityTimeout. It changes the queue visibility timeout attribute permanently. | Integer | |
camel.component.aws2-sqs.wait-time-seconds | Duration in seconds (0 to 20) that the ReceiveMessage action call will wait until a message is in the queue to include in the response. | Integer |
Chapter 8. Azure Storage Blob Service
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Azure Storage Blob component is used for storing and retrieving blobs from Azure Storage Blob Service using Azure APIs v12. However in case of versions above v12, we will see if this component can adopt these changes depending on how much breaking changes can result.
You must have a valid Windows Azure Storage account. More information is available at Azure Documentation Portal .
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-azure-storage-blob</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
8.1. URI Format
In case of consumer, accountName
, containerName
are required. In case of producer, it depends on the operation that being requested, for example if operation is on a container level, for example, createContainer
, accountName
and containerName
are only required, but in case of operation being requested in blob level, for example, getBlob
, accountName
, containerName
and blobName
are required.
The blob will be created if it does not already exist. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
8.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
8.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
8.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
8.3. Component Options
The Azure Storage Blob Service component supports 31 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
blobName (common) | The blob name, to consume specific blob from a container. However on producer, is only required for the operations on the blob level. | String | |
blobOffset (common) | Set the blob offset for the upload or download operations, default is 0. | 0 | long |
blobType (common) | The blob type in order to initiate the appropriate settings for each blob type. Enum values:
| blockblob | BlobType |
closeStreamAfterRead (common) | Close the stream after read or keep it open, default is true. | true | boolean |
configuration (common) | The component configurations. | BlobConfiguration | |
credentials (common) | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. | StorageSharedKeyCredential | |
dataCount (common) | How many bytes to include in the range. Must be greater than or equal to 0 if specified. | Long | |
fileDir (common) | The file directory where the downloaded blobs will be saved to, this can be used in both, producer and consumer. | String | |
maxResultsPerPage (common) | Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return, including all BlobPrefix elements. If the request does not specify maxResultsPerPage or specifies a value greater than 5,000, the server will return up to 5,000 items. | Integer | |
maxRetryRequests (common) | Specifies the maximum number of additional HTTP Get requests that will be made while reading the data from a response body. | 0 | int |
prefix (common) | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names begin with the specified prefix. May be null to return all blobs. | String | |
regex (common) | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names match the specified regular expression. May be null to return all if both prefix and regex are set, regex takes the priority and prefix is ignored. | String | |
serviceClient (common) | Autowired Client to a storage account. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. It may also be used to construct URLs to blobs and containers. This client contains operations on a service account. Operations on a container are available on BlobContainerClient through BlobServiceClient#getBlobContainerClient(String), and operations on a blob are available on BlobClient through BlobContainerClient#getBlobClient(String). | BlobServiceClient | |
timeout (common) | An optional timeout value beyond which a RuntimeException will be raised. | Duration | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
blobSequenceNumber (producer) | A user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 263 - 1.The default value is 0. | 0 | Long |
blockListType (producer) | Specifies which type of blocks to return. Enum values:
| COMMITTED | BlockListType |
changeFeedContext (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this gives additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call. | Context | |
changeFeedEndTime (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately before the end time. Note: A few events belonging to the next hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the end time up by an hour. | OffsetDateTime | |
changeFeedStartTime (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately after the start time. Note: A few events belonging to the previous hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the start time down by an hour. | OffsetDateTime | |
closeStreamAfterWrite (producer) | Close the stream after write or keep it open, default is true. | true | boolean |
commitBlockListLater (producer) | When is set to true, the staged blocks will not be committed directly. | true | boolean |
createAppendBlob (producer) | When is set to true, the append blocks will be created when committing append blocks. | true | boolean |
createPageBlob (producer) | When is set to true, the page blob will be created when uploading page blob. | true | boolean |
downloadLinkExpiration (producer) | Override the default expiration (millis) of URL download link. | Long | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | The blob operation that can be used with this component on the producer. Enum values:
| listBlobContainers | BlobOperationsDefinition |
pageBlobSize (producer) | Specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 8 TB. The page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. | 512 | Long |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure blob services. | String | |
sourceBlobAccessKey (security) | Source Blob Access Key: for copyblob operation, sadly, we need to have an accessKey for the source blob we want to copy Passing an accessKey as header, it’s unsafe so we could set as key. | String |
8.4. Endpoint Options
The Azure Storage Blob Service endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
8.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
accountName (common) | Azure account name to be used for authentication with azure blob services. | String | |
containerName (common) | The blob container name. | String |
8.4.2. Query Parameters (48 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
blobName (common) | The blob name, to consume specific blob from a container. However on producer, is only required for the operations on the blob level. | String | |
blobOffset (common) | Set the blob offset for the upload or download operations, default is 0. | 0 | long |
blobServiceClient (common) | Client to a storage account. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. It may also be used to construct URLs to blobs and containers. This client contains operations on a service account. Operations on a container are available on BlobContainerClient through getBlobContainerClient(String), and operations on a blob are available on BlobClient through getBlobContainerClient(String).getBlobClient(String). | BlobServiceClient | |
blobType (common) | The blob type in order to initiate the appropriate settings for each blob type. Enum values:
| blockblob | BlobType |
closeStreamAfterRead (common) | Close the stream after read or keep it open, default is true. | true | boolean |
credentials (common) | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. | StorageSharedKeyCredential | |
dataCount (common) | How many bytes to include in the range. Must be greater than or equal to 0 if specified. | Long | |
fileDir (common) | The file directory where the downloaded blobs will be saved to, this can be used in both, producer and consumer. | String | |
maxResultsPerPage (common) | Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return, including all BlobPrefix elements. If the request does not specify maxResultsPerPage or specifies a value greater than 5,000, the server will return up to 5,000 items. | Integer | |
maxRetryRequests (common) | Specifies the maximum number of additional HTTP Get requests that will be made while reading the data from a response body. | 0 | int |
prefix (common) | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names begin with the specified prefix. May be null to return all blobs. | String | |
regex (common) | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names match the specified regular expression. May be null to return all if both prefix and regex are set, regex takes the priority and prefix is ignored. | String | |
serviceClient (common) | Autowired Client to a storage account. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. It may also be used to construct URLs to blobs and containers. This client contains operations on a service account. Operations on a container are available on BlobContainerClient through BlobServiceClient#getBlobContainerClient(String), and operations on a blob are available on BlobClient through BlobContainerClient#getBlobClient(String). | BlobServiceClient | |
timeout (common) | An optional timeout value beyond which a RuntimeException will be raised. | Duration | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
blobSequenceNumber (producer) | A user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 263 - 1.The default value is 0. | 0 | Long |
blockListType (producer) | Specifies which type of blocks to return. Enum values:
| COMMITTED | BlockListType |
changeFeedContext (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this gives additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call. | Context | |
changeFeedEndTime (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately before the end time. Note: A few events belonging to the next hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the end time up by an hour. | OffsetDateTime | |
changeFeedStartTime (producer) | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately after the start time. Note: A few events belonging to the previous hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the start time down by an hour. | OffsetDateTime | |
closeStreamAfterWrite (producer) | Close the stream after write or keep it open, default is true. | true | boolean |
commitBlockListLater (producer) | When is set to true, the staged blocks will not be committed directly. | true | boolean |
createAppendBlob (producer) | When is set to true, the append blocks will be created when committing append blocks. | true | boolean |
createPageBlob (producer) | When is set to true, the page blob will be created when uploading page blob. | true | boolean |
downloadLinkExpiration (producer) | Override the default expiration (millis) of URL download link. | Long | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | The blob operation that can be used with this component on the producer. Enum values:
| listBlobContainers | BlobOperationsDefinition |
pageBlobSize (producer) | Specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 8 TB. The page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. | 512 | Long |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure blob services. | String | |
sourceBlobAccessKey (security) | Source Blob Access Key: for copyblob operation, sadly, we need to have an accessKey for the source blob we want to copy Passing an accessKey as header, it’s unsafe so we could set as key. | String |
Required information options
To use this component, you have 3 options in order to provide the required Azure authentication information:
for your Azure account, this is the simplest way to get started. The accessKey can be generated through your Azure portal. -
Provide a StorageSharedKeyCredential instance which can be provided into
option. -
Provide a BlobServiceClient instance which can be provided into
. Note: You don’t need to create a specific client, e.g: BlockBlobClient, the BlobServiceClient represents the upper level which can be used to retrieve lower level clients.
8.5. Usage
For example, in order to download a blob content from the block blob hello.txt
located on the container1
in the camelazure
storage account, use the following snippet:
from("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=hello.txt&accessKey=yourAccessKey"). to("file://blobdirectory");
8.5.1. Message headers evaluated by the component producer
Header | Variable Name | Type | Operations | Description |
| All | An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised. |
| Operations related to container and blob | Metadata to associate with the container or blob. |
Specifies how the data in this container is available to the public. Pass |
| Operations related to container and blob | This contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of requests to the conditions present. These conditions are entirely optional. |
| The details for listing specific blobs |
| Filters the results to return only blobs whose names begin with the specified prefix. May be null to return all blobs. |
| Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return, including all BlobPrefix elements. If the request does not specify maxResultsPerPage or specifies a value greater than 5,000, the server will return up to 5,000 items. |
| Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listBlobsFlatSegment on a {@link BlobContainerClient} object. |
| Additional parameters for a set of operations. |
| Defines values for AccessTier. |
| Most operations related to upload blob | An MD5 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport. When this header is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this header value. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the blob. If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail. |
| Operations related to page blob | A {@link PageRange} object. Given that pages must be aligned with 512-byte boundaries, the start offset must be a modulus of 512 and the end offset must be a modulus of 512 - 1. Examples of valid byte ranges are 0-511, 512-1023, etc. |
When is set to |
When is set to |
When is set to |
| Specifies which type of blocks to return. |
| Specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 8 TB. The page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. |
| A user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1.The default value is 0. |
| Specifies the behavior for deleting the snapshots on this blob. \{@code Include} will delete the base blob and all snapshots. \{@code Only} will delete only the snapshots. If a snapshot is being deleted, you must pass null. |
| A {@link ListBlobContainersOptions} which specifies what data should be returned by the service. |
| {@link ParallelTransferOptions} to use to download to file. Number of parallel transfers parameter is ignored. |
| The file directory where the downloaded blobs will be saved to. |
| Override the default expiration (millis) of URL download link. |
| Operations related to blob | Override/set the blob name on the exchange headers. |
| Operations related to container and blob | Override/set the container name on the exchange headers. |
| All | Specify the producer operation to execute, please see the doc on this page related to producer operation. |
| Filters the results to return only blobs whose names match the specified regular expression. May be null to return all. If both prefix and regex are set, regex takes the priority and prefix is ignored. |
| It filters the results to return events approximately after the start time. Note: A few events belonging to the previous hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the start time down by an hour. |
| It filters the results to return events approximately before the end time. Note: A few events belonging to the next hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the end time up by an hour. |
| This gives additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call. |
| The source blob account name to be used as source account name in a copy blob operation |
| The source blob container name to be used as source container name in a copy blob operation |
8.5.2. Message headers set by either component producer or consumer
Header | Variable Name | Type | Description |
| Access tier of the blob. |
| Datetime when the access tier of the blob last changed. |
| Archive status of the blob. |
| Creation time of the blob. |
| The current sequence number for a page blob. |
| The size of the blob. |
| The type of the blob. |
| Cache control specified for the blob. |
| Number of blocks committed to an append blob |
| Content disposition specified for the blob. |
| Content encoding specified for the blob. |
| Content language specified for the blob. |
| Content MD5 specified for the blob. |
| Content type specified for the blob. |
| Datetime when the last copy operation on the blob completed. |
| Snapshot identifier of the last incremental copy snapshot for the blob. |
| Identifier of the last copy operation performed on the blob. |
| Progress of the last copy operation performed on the blob. |
| Source of the last copy operation performed on the blob. |
| Status of the last copy operation performed on the blob. |
| Description of the last copy operation on the blob. |
| The E Tag of the blob |
| Flag indicating if the access tier of the blob was inferred from properties of the blob. |
| Flag indicating if the blob was incrementally copied. |
| Flag indicating if the blob’s content is encrypted on the server. |
| Datetime when the blob was last modified. |
| Type of lease on the blob. |
| State of the lease on the blob. |
| Status of the lease on the blob. |
| Additional metadata associated with the blob. |
| The offset at which the block was committed to the block blob. |
The downloaded filename from the operation |
The download link generated by |
| Returns non-parsed httpHeaders that can be used by the user. |
8.5.3. Advanced Azure Storage Blob configuration
If your Camel Application is running behind a firewall or if you need to have more control over the BlobServiceClient
instance configuration, you can create your own instance:
StorageSharedKeyCredential credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential("yourAccountName", "yourAccessKey"); String uri = String.format("", "yourAccountName"); BlobServiceClient client = new BlobServiceClientBuilder() .endpoint(uri) .credential(credential) .buildClient(); // This is camel context context.getRegistry().bind("client", client);
Then refer to this instance in your Camel azure-storage-blob
component configuration:
from("azure-storage-blob://cameldev/container1?blobName=myblob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
8.5.4. Automatic detection of BlobServiceClient client in registry
The component is capable of detecting the presence of an BlobServiceClient bean into the registry. If it’s the only instance of that type it will be used as client and you won’t have to define it as uri parameter, like the example above. This may be really useful for smarter configuration of the endpoint.
8.5.5. Azure Storage Blob Producer operations
Camel Azure Storage Blob component provides wide range of operations on the producer side:
Operations on the service level
For these operations, accountName
is required.
Operation | Description |
| Get the content of the blob. You can restrict the output of this operation to a blob range. |
| Returns transaction logs of all the changes that occur to the blobs and the blob metadata in your storage account. The change feed provides ordered, guaranteed, durable, immutable, read-only log of these changes. |
Operations on the container level
For these operations, accountName
and containerName
are required.
Operation | Description |
| Creates a new container within a storage account. If a container with the same name already exists, the producer will ignore it. |
| Deletes the specified container in the storage account. If the container doesn’t exist the operation fails. |
| Returns a list of blobs in this container, with folder structures flattened. |
Operations on the blob level
For these operations, accountName
, containerName
and blobName
are required.
Operation | Blob Type | Description |
| Common | Get the content of the blob. You can restrict the output of this operation to a blob range. |
| Common | Delete a blob. |
| Common | Downloads the entire blob into a file specified by the path.The file will be created and must not exist, if the file already exists a {@link FileAlreadyExistsException} will be thrown. |
| Common | Generates the download link for the specified blob using shared access signatures (SAS). This by default only limit to 1hour of allowed access. However, you can override the default expiration duration through the headers. |
| BlockBlob | Creates a new block blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob. Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. Partial updates are not supported with PutBlob; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the new content. |
Uploads the specified block to the block blob’s "staging area" to be later committed by a call to commitBlobBlockList. However in case header |
Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that are to make up the blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the server in a prior |
| Returns the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob using the specified block list filter. |
| Creates a 0-length append blob. Call commitAppendBlo`b operation to append data to an append blob. |
Commits a new block of data to the end of the existing append blob. In case of header |
Creates a page blob of the specified length. Call |
Writes one or more pages to the page blob. The write size must be a multiple of 512. In case of header |
| Resizes the page blob to the specified size (which must be a multiple of 512). |
| Frees the specified pages from the page blob. The size of the range must be a multiple of 512. |
| Returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. |
| Copy a blob from one container to another one, even from different accounts. |
Refer to the example section in this page to learn how to use these operations into your camel application.
8.5.6. Consumer Examples
To consume a blob into a file using file component, this can be done like this:
from("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=hello.txt&accountName=yourAccountName&accessKey=yourAccessKey"). to("file://blobdirectory");
However, you can also write to file directly without using the file component, you will need to specify fileDir
folder path in order to save your blob in your machine.
from("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=hello.txt&accountName=yourAccountName&accessKey=yourAccessKey&fileDir=/var/to/awesome/dir"). to("mock:results");
Also, the component supports batch consumer, hence you can consume multiple blobs with only specifying the container name, the consumer will return multiple exchanges depending on the number of the blobs in the container.
from("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?accountName=yourAccountName&accessKey=yourAccessKey&fileDir=/var/to/awesome/dir"). to("mock:results");
8.5.7. Producer Operations Examples
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.LIST_BLOB_CONTAINERS_OPTIONS, new ListBlobContainersOptions().setMaxResultsPerPage(10)); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure?operation=listBlobContainers&client&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME, "newContainerName"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?operation=createBlobContainer&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME, "overridenName"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?operation=deleteBlobContainer&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME, "overridenName"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?operation=listBlobs&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
We can either set an outputStream
in the exchange body and write the data to it. E.g:
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME, "overridenName"); // set our body exchange.getIn().setBody(outputStream); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=getBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
If we don’t set a body, then this operation will give us an InputStream
instance which can proceeded further downstream:
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=getBlob&serviceClient=#client") .process(exchange -> { InputStream inputStream = exchange.getMessage().getBody(InputStream.class); // We use Apache common IO for simplicity, but you are free to do whatever dealing // with inputStream System.out.println(IOUtils.toString(inputStream,; }) .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_NAME, "overridenName"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=deleteBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_NAME, "overridenName"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=downloadBlobToFile&fileDir=/var/mydir&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=downloadLink&serviceClient=#client") .process(exchange -> { String link = exchange.getMessage().getHeader(BlobConstants.DOWNLOAD_LINK, String.class); System.out.println("My link " + link); }) .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_NAME, "overridenName"); exchange.getIn().setBody("Block Blob"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=uploadBlockBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { final List<BlobBlock> blocks = new LinkedList<>(); blocks.add(BlobBlock.createBlobBlock(new ByteArrayInputStream("Hello".getBytes()))); blocks.add(BlobBlock.createBlobBlock(new ByteArrayInputStream("From".getBytes()))); blocks.add(BlobBlock.createBlobBlock(new ByteArrayInputStream("Camel".getBytes()))); exchange.getIn().setBody(blocks); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=stageBlockBlobList&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // We assume here you have the knowledge of these blocks you want to commit final List<Block> blocksIds = new LinkedList<>(); blocksIds.add(new Block().setName("id-1")); blocksIds.add(new Block().setName("id-2")); blocksIds.add(new Block().setName("id-3")); exchange.getIn().setBody(blocksIds); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=commitBlockBlobList&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=getBlobBlockList&serviceClient=#client") .log("${body}") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=createAppendBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { final String data = "Hello world from my awesome tests!"; final InputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); exchange.getIn().setBody(dataStream); // of course you can set whatever headers you like, refer to the headers section to learn more }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=commitAppendBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=createPageBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { byte[] dataBytes = new byte[512]; // we set range for the page from 0-511 new Random().nextBytes(dataBytes); final InputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes); final PageRange pageRange = new PageRange().setStart(0).setEnd(511); exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.PAGE_BLOB_RANGE, pageRange); exchange.getIn().setBody(dataStream); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=uploadPageBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { final PageRange pageRange = new PageRange().setStart(0).setEnd(511); exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.PAGE_BLOB_RANGE, pageRange); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=resizePageBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { final PageRange pageRange = new PageRange().setStart(0).setEnd(511); exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.PAGE_BLOB_RANGE, pageRange); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=clearPageBlob&serviceClient=#client") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { final PageRange pageRange = new PageRange().setStart(0).setEnd(511); exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.PAGE_BLOB_RANGE, pageRange); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://camelazure/container1?blobName=blob&operation=getPageBlobRanges&serviceClient=#client") .log("${body}") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:copyBlob") .process(exchange -> { exchange.getIn().setHeader(BlobConstants.BLOB_NAME, "file.txt"); exchange.getMessage().setHeader(BlobConstants.SOURCE_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME, "containerblob1"); exchange.getMessage().setHeader(BlobConstants.SOURCE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME, "account"); }) .to("azure-storage-blob://account/containerblob2?operation=copyBlob&sourceBlobAccessKey=RAW(accessKey)") .to("mock:result");
In this way the file.txt in the container containerblob1 of the account 'account', will be copied to the container containerblob2 of the same account.
8.5.8. Development Notes (Important)
All integration tests use Testcontainers and run by default. Obtaining of Azure accessKey and accountName is needed to be able to run all integration tests using Azure services. In addition to the mocked unit tests you will need to run the integration tests with every change you make or even client upgrade as the Azure client can break things even on minor versions upgrade. To run the integration tests, on this component directory, run the following maven command:
mvn verify -PfullTests -DaccountName=myacc -DaccessKey=mykey
Whereby accountName
is your Azure account name and accessKey
is the access key being generated from Azure portal.
8.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using azure-storage-blob with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-azure-storage-blob-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 32 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure blob services. | String | | | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | The blob name, to consume specific blob from a container. However on producer, is only required for the operations on the blob level. | String | | | Set the blob offset for the upload or download operations, default is 0. | 0 | Long | | A user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 263 - 1.The default value is 0. | 0 | Long | | The blob type in order to initiate the appropriate settings for each blob type. | BlobType | | | Specifies which type of blocks to return. | BlockListType | | | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this gives additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call. The option is a type. | Context | | | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately before the end time. Note: A few events belonging to the next hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the end time up by an hour. The option is a java.time.OffsetDateTime type. | OffsetDateTime | | | When using getChangeFeed producer operation, this filters the results to return events approximately after the start time. Note: A few events belonging to the previous hour can also be returned. A few events belonging to this hour can be missing; to ensure all events from the hour are returned, round the start time down by an hour. The option is a java.time.OffsetDateTime type. | OffsetDateTime | | | Close the stream after read or keep it open, default is true. | true | Boolean | | Close the stream after write or keep it open, default is true. | true | Boolean | | When is set to true, the staged blocks will not be committed directly. | true | Boolean | | The component configurations. The option is a type. | BlobConfiguration | | | When is set to true, the append blocks will be created when committing append blocks. | true | Boolean | | When is set to true, the page blob will be created when uploading page blob. | true | Boolean | | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. The option is a type. | StorageSharedKeyCredential | | | How many bytes to include in the range. Must be greater than or equal to 0 if specified. | Long | | | Override the default expiration (millis) of URL download link. | Long | | | Whether to enable auto configuration of the azure-storage-blob component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | The file directory where the downloaded blobs will be saved to, this can be used in both, producer and consumer. | String | | | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return, including all BlobPrefix elements. If the request does not specify maxResultsPerPage or specifies a value greater than 5,000, the server will return up to 5,000 items. | Integer | | | Specifies the maximum number of additional HTTP Get requests that will be made while reading the data from a response body. | 0 | Integer | | The blob operation that can be used with this component on the producer. | BlobOperationsDefinition | | | Specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 8 TB. The page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. | 512 | Long | | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names begin with the specified prefix. May be null to return all blobs. | String | | | Filters the results to return only blobs whose names match the specified regular expression. May be null to return all if both prefix and regex are set, regex takes the priority and prefix is ignored. | String | | | Client to a storage account. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. It may also be used to construct URLs to blobs and containers. This client contains operations on a service account. Operations on a container are available on BlobContainerClient through BlobServiceClient#getBlobContainerClient(String), and operations on a blob are available on BlobClient through BlobContainerClient#getBlobClient(String). The option is a type. | BlobServiceClient | | | Source Blob Access Key: for copyblob operation, sadly, we need to have an accessKey for the source blob we want to copy Passing an accessKey as header, it’s unsafe so we could set as key. | String | | | An optional timeout value beyond which a RuntimeException will be raised. The option is a java.time.Duration type. | Duration |
Chapter 9. Azure Storage Queue Service
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Azure Storage Queue component supports storing and retrieving the messages to/from Azure Storage Queue service using Azure APIs v12. However in case of versions above v12, we will see if this component can adopt these changes depending on how much breaking changes can result.
You must have a valid Windows Azure Storage account. More information is available at Azure Documentation Portal.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-azure-storage-queue</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
9.1. URI Format
In case of consumer, accountName and queueName are required. In case of producer, it depends on the operation that being requested, for example if operation is on a service level, e.b: listQueues, only accountName is required, but in case of operation being requested on the queue level, for example, createQueue, sendMessage.. etc, both accountName and queueName are required.
The queue will be created if it does not already exist. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
9.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
9.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
9.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
9.3. Component Options
The Azure Storage Queue Service component supports 15 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
configuration (common) | The component configurations. | QueueConfiguration | |
serviceClient (common) | Autowired Service client to a storage account to interact with the queue service. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. This client contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage. Operations allowed by the client are creating, listing, and deleting queues, retrieving and updating properties of the account, and retrieving statistics of the account. | QueueServiceClient | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
createQueue (producer) | When is set to true, the queue will be automatically created when sending messages to the queue. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | Queue service operation hint to the producer. Enum values:
| QueueOperationDefinition | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
maxMessages (queue) | Maximum number of messages to get, if there are less messages exist in the queue than requested all the messages will be returned. If left empty only 1 message will be retrieved, the allowed range is 1 to 32 messages. | 1 | Integer |
messageId (queue) | The ID of the message to be deleted or updated. | String | |
popReceipt (queue) | Unique identifier that must match for the message to be deleted or updated. | String | |
timeout (queue) | An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown. | Duration | |
timeToLive (queue) | How long the message will stay alive in the queue. If unset the value will default to 7 days, if -1 is passed the message will not expire. The time to live must be -1 or any positive number. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. | Duration | |
visibilityTimeout (queue) | The timeout period for how long the message is invisible in the queue. The timeout must be between 1 seconds and 7 days. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. | Duration | |
accessKey (security) | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure queue services. | String | |
credentials (security) | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. | StorageSharedKeyCredential |
9.4. Endpoint Options
The Azure Storage Queue Service endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
9.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
accountName (common) | Azure account name to be used for authentication with azure queue services. | String | |
queueName (common) | The queue resource name. | String |
9.4.2. Query Parameters (31 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
serviceClient (common) | Autowired Service client to a storage account to interact with the queue service. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. This client contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage. Operations allowed by the client are creating, listing, and deleting queues, retrieving and updating properties of the account, and retrieving statistics of the account. | QueueServiceClient | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
createQueue (producer) | When is set to true, the queue will be automatically created when sending messages to the queue. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
operation (producer) | Queue service operation hint to the producer. Enum values:
| QueueOperationDefinition | |
maxMessages (queue) | Maximum number of messages to get, if there are less messages exist in the queue than requested all the messages will be returned. If left empty only 1 message will be retrieved, the allowed range is 1 to 32 messages. | 1 | Integer |
messageId (queue) | The ID of the message to be deleted or updated. | String | |
popReceipt (queue) | Unique identifier that must match for the message to be deleted or updated. | String | |
timeout (queue) | An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown. | Duration | |
timeToLive (queue) | How long the message will stay alive in the queue. If unset the value will default to 7 days, if -1 is passed the message will not expire. The time to live must be -1 or any positive number. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. | Duration | |
visibilityTimeout (queue) | The timeout period for how long the message is invisible in the queue. The timeout must be between 1 seconds and 7 days. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. | Duration | |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessKey (security) | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure queue services. | String | |
credentials (security) | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. | StorageSharedKeyCredential |
Required information options
To use this component, you have 3 options in order to provide the required Azure authentication information:
for your Azure account, this is the simplest way to get started. The accessKey can be generated through your Azure portal. -
Provide a StorageSharedKeyCredential instance which can be provided into
option. -
Provide a QueueServiceClient instance which can be provided into
. Note: You don’t need to create a specific client, e.g: QueueClient, the QueueServiceClient represents the upper level which can be used to retrieve lower level clients.
9.5. Usage
For example in order to get a message content from the queue messageQueue
in the storageAccount
storage account and, use the following snippet:
from("azure-storage-queue://storageAccount/messageQueue?accessKey=yourAccessKey"). to("file://queuedirectory");
9.5.1. Message headers evaluated by the component producer
Header | Variable Name | Type | Operations | Description |
| Options for listing queues |
| All | An optional timeout value beyond which a \{@link RuntimeException} will be raised. |
| Metadata to associate with the queue |
| How long the message will stay alive in the queue. If unset the value will default to 7 days, if -1 is passed the message will not expire. The time to live must be -1 or any positive number. |
| The timeout period for how long the message is invisible in the queue. If unset the value will default to 0 and the message will be instantly visible. The timeout must be between 0 seconds and 7 days. |
When is set to |
| Unique identifier that must match for the message to be deleted or updated. |
| The ID of the message to be deleted or updated. |
| Maximum number of messages to get, if there are less messages exist in the queue than requested all the messages will be returned. If left empty only 1 message will be retrieved, the allowed range is 1 to 32 messages. |
| All | Specify the producer operation to execute, please see the doc on this page related to producer operation. |
| All | Override the queue name. |
9.5.2. Message headers set by either component producer or consumer
Header | Variable Name | Type | Description |
| The ID of message that being sent to the queue. |
| The time the Message was inserted into the Queue. |
| The time that the Message will expire and be automatically deleted. |
| This value is required to delete/update the Message. If deletion fails using this popreceipt then the message has been dequeued by another client. |
| The time that the message will again become visible in the Queue. |
| The number of times the message has been dequeued. |
| Returns non-parsed httpHeaders that can be used by the user. |
9.5.3. Advanced Azure Storage Queue configuration
If your Camel Application is running behind a firewall or if you need to have more control over the QueueServiceClient
instance configuration, you can create your own instance:
StorageSharedKeyCredential credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential("yourAccountName", "yourAccessKey"); String uri = String.format("", "yourAccountName"); QueueServiceClient client = new QueueServiceClientBuilder() .endpoint(uri) .credential(credential) .buildClient(); // This is camel context context.getRegistry().bind("client", client);
Then refer to this instance in your Camel azure-storage-queue
component configuration:
from("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/queue1?serviceClient=#client") .to("file://outputFolder?fileName=output.txt&fileExist=Append");
9.5.4. Automatic detection of QueueServiceClient client in registry
The component is capable of detecting the presence of an QueueServiceClient bean into the registry. If it’s the only instance of that type it will be used as client and you won’t have to define it as uri parameter, like the example above. This may be really useful for smarter configuration of the endpoint.
9.5.5. Azure Storage Queue Producer operations
Camel Azure Storage Queue component provides wide range of operations on the producer side:
Operations on the service level
For these operations, accountName
is required.
Operation | Description |
| Lists the queues in the storage account that pass the filter starting at the specified marker. |
Operations on the queue level
For these operations, accountName
and queueName
are required.
Operation | Description |
| Creates a new queue. |
| Permanently deletes the queue. |
| Deletes all messages in the queue.. |
Default Producer Operation Sends a message with a given time-to-live and a timeout period where the message is invisible in the queue. The message text is evaluated from the exchange message body. By default, if the queue doesn`t exist, it will create an empty queue first. If you want to disable this, set the config |
| Deletes the specified message in the queue. |
| Retrieves up to the maximum number of messages from the queue and hides them from other operations for the timeout period. However it will not dequeue the message from the queue due to reliability reasons. |
| Peek messages from the front of the queue up to the maximum number of messages. |
| Updates the specific message in the queue with a new message and resets the visibility timeout. The message text is evaluated from the exchange message body. |
Refer to the example section in this page to learn how to use these operations into your camel application.
9.5.6. Consumer Examples
To consume a queue into a file component with maximum 5 messages in one batch, this can be done like this:
from("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/queue1?serviceClient=#client&maxMessages=5") .to("file://outputFolder?fileName=output.txt&fileExist=Append");
9.5.7. Producer Operations Examples
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g, to only returns list of queues with 'awesome' prefix: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.QUEUES_SEGMENT_OPTIONS, new QueuesSegmentOptions().setPrefix("awesome")); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev?serviceClient=#client&operation=listQueues") .log("${body}") .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.QUEUE_NAME, "overrideName"); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=createQueue");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.QUEUE_NAME, "overrideName"); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=deleteQueue");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.QUEUE_NAME, "overrideName"); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=clearQueue");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setBody("message to send"); // we set a visibility of 1min exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofMinutes(1)); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: // Mandatory header: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.MESSAGE_ID, "1"); // Mandatory header: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.POP_RECEIPT, "PAAAAHEEERXXX-1"); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=deleteMessage");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=receiveMessages") .process(exchange -> { final List<QueueMessageItem> messageItems = exchange.getMessage().getBody(List.class); messageItems.forEach(messageItem -> System.out.println(messageItem.getMessageText())); }) .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=peekMessages") .process(exchange -> { final List<PeekedMessageItem> messageItems = exchange.getMessage().getBody(List.class); messageItems.forEach(messageItem -> System.out.println(messageItem.getMessageText())); }) .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .process(exchange -> { // set the header you want the producer to evaluate, refer to the previous // section to learn about the headers that can be set // e.g: exchange.getIn().setBody("new message text"); // Mandatory header: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.MESSAGE_ID, "1"); // Mandatory header: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.POP_RECEIPT, "PAAAAHEEERXXX-1"); // Mandatory header: exchange.getIn().setHeader(QueueConstants.VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofMinutes(1)); }) .to("azure-storage-queue://cameldev/test?serviceClient=#client&operation=updateMessage");
9.5.8. Development Notes (Important)
When developing on this component, you will need to obtain your Azure accessKey in order to run the integration tests. In addition to the mocked unit tests you will need to run the integration tests with every change you make or even client upgrade as the Azure client can break things even on minor versions upgrade. To run the integration tests, on this component directory, run the following maven command:
mvn verify -PfullTests -DaccountName=myacc -DaccessKey=mykey
Whereby accountName
is your Azure account name and accessKey
is the access key being generated from Azure portal.
9.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using azure-storage-queue with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-azure-storage-queue-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 16 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Access key for the associated azure account name to be used for authentication with azure queue services. | String | | | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | The component configurations. The option is a type. | QueueConfiguration | | | When is set to true, the queue will be automatically created when sending messages to the queue. | false | Boolean | | StorageSharedKeyCredential can be injected to create the azure client, this holds the important authentication information. The option is a type. | StorageSharedKeyCredential | | | Whether to enable auto configuration of the azure-storage-queue component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | Maximum number of messages to get, if there are less messages exist in the queue than requested all the messages will be returned. If left empty only 1 message will be retrieved, the allowed range is 1 to 32 messages. | 1 | Integer | | The ID of the message to be deleted or updated. | String | | | Queue service operation hint to the producer. | QueueOperationDefinition | | | Unique identifier that must match for the message to be deleted or updated. | String | | | Service client to a storage account to interact with the queue service. This client does not hold any state about a particular storage account but is instead a convenient way of sending off appropriate requests to the resource on the service. This client contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage. Operations allowed by the client are creating, listing, and deleting queues, retrieving and updating properties of the account, and retrieving statistics of the account. The option is a type. | QueueServiceClient | | | How long the message will stay alive in the queue. If unset the value will default to 7 days, if -1 is passed the message will not expire. The time to live must be -1 or any positive number. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. The option is a java.time.Duration type. | Duration | | | An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown. The option is a java.time.Duration type. | Duration | | | The timeout period for how long the message is invisible in the queue. The timeout must be between 1 seconds and 7 days. The format should be in this form: PnDTnHnMn.nS., e.g: PT20.345S — parses as 20.345 seconds, P2D — parses as 2 days However, in case you are using EndpointDsl/ComponentDsl, you can do something like Duration.ofSeconds() since these Java APIs are typesafe. The option is a java.time.Duration type. | Duration |
Chapter 10. Bean
Only producer is supported
The Bean component binds beans to Camel message exchanges.
10.1. URI format
Where beanID can be any string which is used to look up the bean in the Registry
10.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
10.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
10.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
10.3. Component Options
The Bean component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
cache (producer) | Deprecated Use singleton option instead. | true | Boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
scope (producer) | Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using delegate scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. Enum values:
| Singleton | BeanScope |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
10.4. Endpoint Options
The Bean endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
10.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
beanName (common) | Required Sets the name of the bean to invoke. | String |
10.4.2. Query Parameters (5 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
cache (common) | Deprecated Use scope option instead. | Boolean | |
method (common) | Sets the name of the method to invoke on the bean. | String | |
scope (common) | Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using prototype scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. Enum values:
| Singleton | BeanScope |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
parameters (advanced) | Used for configuring additional properties on the bean. | Map |
10.5. Using
The object instance that is used to consume messages must be explicitly registered with the Registry. For example, if you are using Spring you must define the bean in the Spring configuration XML file.
You can also register beans manually via Camel’s Registry
with the bind
Once an endpoint has been registered, you can build Camel routes that use it to process exchanges.
A bean: endpoint cannot be defined as the input to the route; i.e. you cannot consume from it, you can only route from some inbound message Endpoint to the bean endpoint as output. So consider using a direct: or queue: endpoint as the input.
You can use the createProxy()
methods on ProxyHelper to create a proxy that will generate exchanges and send them to any endpoint:
And the same route using XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="direct:hello"/> <to uri="bean:bye"/> </route>
10.6. Bean as endpoint
Camel also supports invoking Bean as an Endpoint. What happens is that when the exchange is routed to the myBean
Camel will use the Bean Binding to invoke the bean. The source for the bean is just a plain POJO.
Camel will use Bean Binding to invoke the sayHello
method, by converting the Exchange’s In body to the String
type and storing the output of the method on the Exchange Out body.
10.7. Java DSL bean syntax
Java DSL comes with syntactic sugar for the component. Instead of specifying the bean explicitly as the endpoint (i.e. to("bean:beanName")
) you can use the following syntax:
// Send message to the bean endpoint // and invoke method resolved using Bean Binding. from("direct:start").bean("beanName"); // Send message to the bean endpoint // and invoke given method. from("direct:start").bean("beanName", "methodName");
Instead of passing name of the reference to the bean (so that Camel will lookup for it in the registry), you can specify the bean itself:
// Send message to the given bean instance. from("direct:start").bean(new ExampleBean()); // Explicit selection of bean method to be invoked. from("direct:start").bean(new ExampleBean(), "methodName"); // Camel will create the instance of bean and cache it for you. from("direct:start").bean(ExampleBean.class);
10.8. Bean Binding
How bean methods to be invoked are chosen (if they are not specified explicitly through the method parameter) and how parameter values are constructed from the Message are all defined by the Bean Binding mechanism which is used throughout all of the various Bean Integration mechanisms in Camel.
10.9. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using bean with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-bean-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The component supports 13 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.bean.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.bean.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bean component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.bean.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.bean.scope | Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using delegate scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. | BeanScope | |
camel.component.class.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.class.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the class component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.class.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.class.scope | Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using delegate scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. | BeanScope | |
camel.language.bean.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bean language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.bean.scope | Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using prototype scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. So when using prototype scope then this depends on the bean registry implementation. | Singleton | String |
camel.language.bean.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.bean.cache | Deprecated Use singleton option instead. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.class.cache | Deprecated Use singleton option instead. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 11. Bean Validator
Only producer is supported
The Validator component performs bean validation of the message body using the Java Bean Validation API (). Camel uses the reference implementation, which is Hibernate Validator.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-bean-validator</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
11.1. URI format
Where label is an arbitrary text value describing the endpoint. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
11.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
11.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
11.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
11.3. Component Options
The Bean Validator component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
ignoreXmlConfiguration (producer) | Whether to ignore data from the META-INF/validation.xml file. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
constraintValidatorFactory (advanced) | To use a custom ConstraintValidatorFactory. | ConstraintValidatorFactory | |
messageInterpolator (advanced) | To use a custom MessageInterpolator. | MessageInterpolator | |
traversableResolver (advanced) | To use a custom TraversableResolver. | TraversableResolver | |
validationProviderResolver (advanced) | To use a a custom ValidationProviderResolver. | ValidationProviderResolver | |
validatorFactory (advanced) | Autowired To use a custom ValidatorFactory. | ValidatorFactory |
11.4. Endpoint Options
The Bean Validator endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
11.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
label (producer) | Required Where label is an arbitrary text value describing the endpoint. | String |
11.4.2. Query Parameters (8 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
group (producer) | To use a custom validation group. | javax.validation.groups.Default | String |
ignoreXmlConfiguration (producer) | Whether to ignore data from the META-INF/validation.xml file. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
constraintValidatorFactory (advanced) | To use a custom ConstraintValidatorFactory. | ConstraintValidatorFactory | |
messageInterpolator (advanced) | To use a custom MessageInterpolator. | MessageInterpolator | |
traversableResolver (advanced) | To use a custom TraversableResolver. | TraversableResolver | |
validationProviderResolver (advanced) | To use a a custom ValidationProviderResolver. | ValidationProviderResolver | |
validatorFactory (advanced) | To use a custom ValidatorFactory. | ValidatorFactory |
11.5. OSGi deployment
To use Hibernate Validator in the OSGi environment use dedicated ValidationProviderResolver
implementation, just as org.apache.camel.component.bean.validator.HibernateValidationProviderResolver
. The snippet below demonstrates this approach. You can also use HibernateValidationProviderResolver
Using HibernateValidationProviderResolver
from("direct:test"). to("bean-validator://ValidationProviderResolverTest?validationProviderResolver=#myValidationProviderResolver");
<bean id="myValidationProviderResolver" class="org.apache.camel.component.bean.validator.HibernateValidationProviderResolver"/>
If no custom ValidationProviderResolver
is defined and the validator component has been deployed into the OSGi environment, the HibernateValidationProviderResolver
will be automatically used.
11.6. Example
Assumed we have a java bean with the following annotations
public class Car { @NotNull private String manufacturer; @NotNull @Size(min = 5, max = 14, groups = OptionalChecks.class) private String licensePlate; // getter and setter }
and an interface definition for our custom validation group
public interface OptionalChecks { }
with the following Camel route, only the @NotNull constraints on the attributes manufacturer and licensePlate will be validated (Camel uses the default group javax.validation.groups.Default
from("direct:start") .to("bean-validator://x") .to("mock:end")
If you want to check the constraints from the group OptionalChecks
, you have to define the route like this
from("direct:start") .to("bean-validator://x?group=OptionalChecks") .to("mock:end")
If you want to check the constraints from both groups, you have to define a new interface first
@GroupSequence({Default.class, OptionalChecks.class}) public interface AllChecks { }
and then your route definition should looks like this
from("direct:start") .to("bean-validator://x?group=AllChecks") .to("mock:end")
And if you have to provide your own message interpolator, traversable resolver and constraint validator factory, you have to write a route like this
<bean id="myMessageInterpolator" class="my.ConstraintValidatorFactory" /> <bean id="myTraversableResolver" class="my.TraversableResolver" /> <bean id="myConstraintValidatorFactory" class="my.ConstraintValidatorFactory" />
from("direct:start") .to("bean-validator://x?group=AllChecks&messageInterpolator=#myMessageInterpolator &traversableResolver=#myTraversableResolver&constraintValidatorFactory=#myConstraintValidatorFactory") .to("mock:end")
It’s also possible to describe your constraints as XML and not as Java annotations. In this case, you have to provide the file META-INF/validation.xml
which could looks like this
<validation-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <default-provider>org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator</default-provider> <message-interpolator>org.hibernate.validator.engine.ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator</message-interpolator> <traversable-resolver>org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.DefaultTraversableResolver</traversable-resolver> <constraint-validator-factory>org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintValidatorFactoryImpl</constraint-validator-factory> <constraint-mapping>/constraints-car.xml</constraint-mapping> </validation-config>
and the constraints-car.xml
<constraint-mappings xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" validation-mapping-1.0.xsd" xmlns=""> <default-package>org.apache.camel.component.bean.validator</default-package> <bean class="CarWithoutAnnotations" ignore-annotations="true"> <field name="manufacturer"> <constraint annotation="javax.validation.constraints.NotNull" /> </field> <field name="licensePlate"> <constraint annotation="javax.validation.constraints.NotNull" /> <constraint annotation="javax.validation.constraints.Size"> <groups> <value>org.apache.camel.component.bean.validator.OptionalChecks</value> </groups> <element name="min">5</element> <element name="max">14</element> </constraint> </field> </bean> </constraint-mappings>
Here is the XML syntax for the example route definition for OrderedChecks.
Note that the body should include an instance of a class to validate.
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <to uri="bean-validator://x?group=org.apache.camel.component.bean.validator.OrderedChecks"/> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
11.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using bean-validator with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-bean-validator-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 9 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.bean-validator.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.bean-validator.constraint-validator-factory | To use a custom ConstraintValidatorFactory. The option is a javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory type. | ConstraintValidatorFactory | |
camel.component.bean-validator.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bean-validator component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.bean-validator.ignore-xml-configuration | Whether to ignore data from the META-INF/validation.xml file. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.bean-validator.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.bean-validator.message-interpolator | To use a custom MessageInterpolator. The option is a javax.validation.MessageInterpolator type. | MessageInterpolator | |
camel.component.bean-validator.traversable-resolver | To use a custom TraversableResolver. The option is a javax.validation.TraversableResolver type. | TraversableResolver | |
camel.component.bean-validator.validation-provider-resolver | To use a a custom ValidationProviderResolver. The option is a javax.validation.ValidationProviderResolver type. | ValidationProviderResolver | |
camel.component.bean-validator.validator-factory | To use a custom ValidatorFactory. The option is a javax.validation.ValidatorFactory type. | ValidatorFactory |
Chapter 12. Browse
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Browse component provides a simple BrowsableEndpoint which can be useful for testing, visualisation tools or debugging. The exchanges sent to the endpoint are all available to be browsed.
12.1. URI format
Where someName can be any string to uniquely identify the endpoint.
12.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
12.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
12.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
12.3. Component Options
The Browse component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
12.4. Endpoint Options
The Browse endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
12.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required A name which can be any string to uniquely identify the endpoint. | String |
12.4.2. Query Parameters (4 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
12.5. Sample
In the route below, we insert a browse:
component to be able to browse the Exchanges that are passing through:
We can now inspect the received exchanges from within the Java code:
private CamelContext context; public void inspectReceivedOrders() { BrowsableEndpoint browse = context.getEndpoint("browse:orderReceived", BrowsableEndpoint.class); List<Exchange> exchanges = browse.getExchanges(); // then we can inspect the list of received exchanges from Java for (Exchange exchange : exchanges) { String payload = exchange.getIn().getBody(); // do something with payload } }
12.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using browse with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-browse-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.browse.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.browse.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.browse.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the browse component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.browse.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 13. Cassandra CQL
Both producer and consumer are supported
Apache Cassandra is an open source NoSQL database designed to handle large amounts on commodity hardware. Like Amazon’s DynamoDB, Cassandra has a peer-to-peer and master-less architecture to avoid single point of failure and garanty high availability. Like Google’s BigTable, Cassandra data is structured using column families which can be accessed through the Thrift RPC API or a SQL-like API called CQL.
This component aims at integrating Cassandra 2.0+ using the CQL3 API (not the Thrift API). It’s based on Cassandra Java Driver provided by DataStax.
13.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
13.1.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
13.1.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
13.2. Component Options
The Cassandra CQL component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
13.3. Endpoint Options
The Cassandra CQL endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
13.3.1. Path Parameters (4 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
beanRef (common) | beanRef is defined using bean:id. | String | |
hosts (common) | Hostname(s) Cassandra server(s). Multiple hosts can be separated by comma. | String | |
port (common) | Port number of Cassandra server(s). | Integer | |
keyspace (common) | Keyspace to use. | String |
13.3.2. Query Parameters (30 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
clusterName (common) | Cluster name. | String | |
consistencyLevel (common) | Consistency level to use. Enum values:
| DefaultConsistencyLevel | |
cql (common) | CQL query to perform. Can be overridden with the message header with key CamelCqlQuery. | String | |
datacenter (common) | Datacenter to use. | datacenter1 | String |
loadBalancingPolicyClass (common) | To use a specific LoadBalancingPolicyClass. | String | |
password (common) | Password for session authentication. | String | |
prepareStatements (common) | Whether to use PreparedStatements or regular Statements. | true | boolean |
resultSetConversionStrategy (common) | To use a custom class that implements logic for converting ResultSet into message body ALL, ONE, LIMIT_10, LIMIT_100… | ResultSetConversionStrategy | |
session (common) | To use the Session instance (you would normally not use this option). | CqlSession | |
username (common) | Username for session authentication. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
13.4. Endpoint Connection Syntax
The endpoint can initiate the Cassandra connection or use an existing one.
URI | Description |
| Single host, default port, usual for testing |
| Multi host, default port |
| Multi host, custom port |
| Default port and keyspace |
| Provided Session reference |
| Provided Cluster reference |
To fine tune the Cassandra connection (SSL options, pooling options, load balancing policy, retry policy, reconnection policy…), create your own Cluster instance and give it to the Camel endpoint.
13.5. Messages
13.5.1. Incoming Message
The Camel Cassandra endpoint expects a bunch of simple objects (Object
or Object[]
or Collection<Object>
) which will be bound to the CQL statement as query parameters. If message body is null or empty, then CQL query will be executed without binding parameters.
)CQL query either as a plain String or built using the
13.5.2. Outgoing Message
The Camel Cassandra endpoint produces one or many a Cassandra Row objects depending on the resultSetConversionStrategy
Single` Row` if
Anything else, if
is a custom implementation of theResultSetConversionStrategy
13.6. Repositories
Cassandra can be used to store message keys or messages for the idempotent and aggregation EIP.
Cassandra might not be the best tool for queuing use cases yet, read Cassandra anti-patterns queues and queue like datasets. It’s advised to use LeveledCompaction and a small GC grace setting for these tables to allow tombstoned rows to be removed quickly.
13.7. Idempotent repository
The NamedCassandraIdempotentRepository
stores messages keys in a Cassandra table like this:
CREATE TABLE CAMEL_IDEMPOTENT ( NAME varchar, -- Repository name KEY varchar, -- Message key PRIMARY KEY (NAME, KEY) ) WITH compaction = {'class':'LeveledCompactionStrategy'} AND gc_grace_seconds = 86400;
This repository implementation uses lightweight transactions (also known as Compare and Set) and requires Cassandra 2.0.7+.
Alternatively, the CassandraIdempotentRepository
does not have a NAME
column and can be extended to use a different data model.
Option | Default | Description |
| Table name |
| Primary key columns |
Repository name, value used for | |
| Key time to live | |
Consistency level used to insert/delete key: | |
Consistency level used to read/check key: |
13.8. Aggregation repository
The NamedCassandraAggregationRepository
stores exchanges by correlation key in a Cassandra table like this:
CREATE TABLE CAMEL_AGGREGATION ( NAME varchar, -- Repository name KEY varchar, -- Correlation id EXCHANGE_ID varchar, -- Exchange id EXCHANGE blob, -- Serialized exchange PRIMARY KEY (NAME, KEY) ) WITH compaction = {'class':'LeveledCompactionStrategy'} AND gc_grace_seconds = 86400;
Alternatively, the CassandraAggregationRepository
does not have a NAME
column and can be extended to use a different data model.
Option | Default | Description |
| Table name |
| Primary key columns |
| Exchange Id column |
| Exchange content column |
Repository name, value used for | |
| Exchange time to live | |
Consistency level used to insert/delete exchange: | |
Consistency level used to read/check exchange: |
13.9. Examples
To insert something on a table you can use the following code:
String CQL = "insert into camel_user(login, first_name, last_name) values (?, ?, ?)"; from("direct:input") .to("cql://localhost/camel_ks?cql=" + CQL);
At this point you should be able to insert data by using a list as body
Arrays.asList("davsclaus", "Claus", "Ibsen")
The same approach can be used for updating or querying the table.
13.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using cql with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-cassandraql-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.cql.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.cql.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.cql.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the cql component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.cql.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 14. Control Bus
Only producer is supported
The Control Bus from the EIP patterns allows for the integration system to be monitored and managed from within the framework.
Use a Control Bus to manage an enterprise integration system. The Control Bus uses the same messaging mechanism used by the application data, but uses separate channels to transmit data that is relevant to the management of components involved in the message flow.
In Camel you can manage and monitor using JMX, or by using a Java API from the CamelContext
, or from the
package, or use the event notifier which has an example here.
The ControlBus component provides easy management of Camel applications based on the Control Bus EIP pattern. For example, by sending a message to an Endpoint you can control the lifecycle of routes, or gather performance statistics.
Where command can be any string to identify which type of command to use.
14.1. Commands
Command | Description |
To control routes using the |
| Allows you to specify a to use for evaluating the message body. If there is any result from the evaluation, then the result is put in the message body. |
14.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
14.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
14.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
14.3. Component Options
The Control Bus component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
14.4. Endpoint Options
The Control Bus endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
14.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
command (producer) | Required Command can be either route or language. Enum values:
| String | |
language (producer) | Allows you to specify the name of a Language to use for evaluating the message body. If there is any result from the evaluation, then the result is put in the message body. Enum values:
| Language | Query Parameters (6 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
action (producer) | To denote an action that can be either: start, stop, or status. To either start or stop a route, or to get the status of the route as output in the message body. You can use suspend and resume from Camel 2.11.1 onwards to either suspend or resume a route. And from Camel 2.11.1 onwards you can use stats to get performance statics returned in XML format; the routeId option can be used to define which route to get the performance stats for, if routeId is not defined, then you get statistics for the entire CamelContext. The restart action will restart the route. Enum values:
| String | |
async (producer) | Whether to execute the control bus task asynchronously. Important: If this option is enabled, then any result from the task is not set on the Exchange. This is only possible if executing tasks synchronously. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
loggingLevel (producer) | Logging level used for logging when task is done, or if any exceptions occurred during processing the task. Enum values:
| INFO | LoggingLevel |
restartDelay (producer) | The delay in millis to use when restarting a route. | 1000 | int |
routeId (producer) | To specify a route by its id. The special keyword current indicates the current route. | String |
14.5. Using route command
The route command allows you to do common tasks on a given route very easily, for example to start a route, you can send an empty message to this endpoint:
template.sendBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=start", null);
To get the status of the route, you can do:
String status = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=status", null, String.class);
14.6. Getting performance statistics
This requires JMX to be enabled (is by default) then you can get the performance statistics per route, or for the CamelContext. For example to get the statistics for a route named foo, we can do:
String xml = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=stats", null, String.class);
The returned statistics is in XML format. Its the same data you can get from JMX with the dumpRouteStatsAsXml
operation on the ManagedRouteMBean
To get statistics for the entire CamelContext you just omit the routeId parameter as shown below:
String xml = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?action=stats", null, String.class);
14.7. Using Simple language
You can use the Simple language with the control bus, for example to stop a specific route, you can send a message to the "controlbus:language:simple"
endpoint containing the following message:
template.sendBody("controlbus:language:simple", "${camelContext.getRouteController().stopRoute('myRoute')}");
As this is a void operation, no result is returned. However, if you want the route status you can do:
String status = template.requestBody("controlbus:language:simple", "${camelContext.getRouteStatus('myRoute')}", String.class);
It’s easier to use the route
command to control lifecycle of routes. The language
command allows you to execute a language script that has stronger powers such as Groovy or to some extend the Simple language.
For example to shutdown Camel itself you can do:
template.sendBody("controlbus:language:simple?async=true", "${camelContext.stop()}");
We use async=true
to stop Camel asynchronously as otherwise we would be trying to stop Camel while it was in-flight processing the message we sent to the control bus component.
You can also use other languages such as Groovy, etc.
14.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using controlbus with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-controlbus-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.controlbus.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.controlbus.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the controlbus component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.controlbus.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 15. Cron
Only consumer is supported
The Cron component is a generic interface component that allows triggering events at specific time interval specified using the Unix cron syntax (e.g. 0/2 * * * * ?
to trigger an event every two seconds).
Being an interface component, the Cron component does not contain a default implementation, instead it requires that the users plug the implementation of their choice.
The following standard Camel components support the Cron endpoints:
- Camel-quartz
- Camel-spring
The Cron component is also supported in Camel K, which can use the Kubernetes scheduler to trigger the routes when required by the cron expression. Camel K does not require additional libraries to be plugged when using cron expressions compatible with Kubernetes cron syntax.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-cron</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Additional libraries may be needed in order to plug a specific implementation.
15.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
15.1.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
15.1.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
15.2. Component Options
The Cron component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
cronService (advanced) | The id of the CamelCronService to use when multiple implementations are provided. | String |
15.3. Endpoint Options
The Cron endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
15.3.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (consumer) | Required The name of the cron trigger. | String |
15.3.2. Query Parameters (4 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
schedule (consumer) | Required A cron expression that will be used to generate events. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern |
15.4. Usage
The component can be used to trigger events at specified times, as in the following example:
from("cron:tab?schedule=0/1+*+*+*+*+?") .setBody().constant("event") .log("${body}");
The schedule expression 0/3+10+*+?
can be also written as 0/3 10 * * * ?
and triggers an event every three seconds only in the tenth minute of each hour.
Parts in the schedule expression means (in order):
- Seconds (optional)
- Minutes
- Hours
- Day of month
- Month
- Day of week
- Year (optional)
Schedule expressions can be made of 5 to 7 parts. When expressions are composed of 6 parts, the first items is the "seconds" part (and year is considered missing).
Other valid examples of schedule expressions are:
0/2 * * * ?
(5 parts, an event every two minutes) -
0 0/2 * * * MON-FRI 2030
(7 parts, an event every two minutes only in year 2030)
Routes can also be written using the XML DSL.
<route> <from uri="cron:tab?schedule=0/1+*+*+*+*+?"/> <setBody> <constant>event</constant> </setBody> <to uri="log:info"/> </route>
15.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using cron with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-cron-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.cron.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.cron.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.cron.cron-service | The id of the CamelCronService to use when multiple implementations are provided. | String | |
camel.component.cron.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the cron component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean |
Chapter 16. Data Format
Only producer is supported
The Dataformat component allows to use the Data Format as a Camel Component.
16.1. URI format
Where name is the name of the Data Format. And then followed by the operation which must either be marshal
or unmarshal
. The options is used for configuring the Data Format in use. See the Data Format documentation for which options it support.
16.2. DataFormat Options
16.2.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
16.3. Component Options
The Data Format component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
16.4. Endpoint Options
The Data Format endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
16.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (producer) | Required Name of data format. | String | |
operation (producer) | Required Operation to use either marshal or unmarshal. Enum values:
| String |
16.4.2. Query Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
16.5. Samples
For example to use the JAXB Data Format we can do as follows:
from("activemq:My.Queue"). to("dataformat:jaxb:unmarshal?contextPath=com.acme.model"). to("mqseries:Another.Queue");
And in XML DSL you do:
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="activemq:My.Queue"/> <to uri="dataformat:jaxb:unmarshal?contextPath=com.acme.model"/> <to uri="mqseries:Another.Queue"/> </route> </camelContext>
16.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using dataformat with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-dataformat-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.dataformat.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.dataformat.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the dataformat component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.dataformat.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 17. Dataset
Both producer and consumer are supported
Testing of distributed and asynchronous processing is notoriously difficult. The Mock, Test and DataSet endpoints work great with the Camel Testing Framework to simplify your unit and integration testing using Enterprise Integration Patterns and Camel’s large range of Components together with the powerful Bean Integration.
The DataSet component provides a mechanism to easily perform load & soak testing of your system. It works by allowing you to create DataSet instances both as a source of messages and as a way to assert that the data set is received.
Camel will use the throughput logger when sending datasets.
17.1. URI format
Where name is used to find the DataSet instance in the Registry
Camel ships with a support implementation of org.apache.camel.component.dataset.DataSet
, the org.apache.camel.component.dataset.DataSetSupport
class, that can be used as a base for implementing your own DataSet. Camel also ships with some implementations that can be used for testing: org.apache.camel.component.dataset.SimpleDataSet
, org.apache.camel.component.dataset.ListDataSet
and org.apache.camel.component.dataset.FileDataSet
, all of which extend DataSetSupport
17.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
17.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
17.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
17.3. Component Options
The Dataset component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
log (producer) | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
exchangeFormatter (advanced) | Autowired Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. | ExchangeFormatter |
17.4. Endpoint Options
The Dataset endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
17.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required Name of DataSet to lookup in the registry. | DataSet |
17.4.2. Query Parameters (21 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
dataSetIndex (common) | Controls the behaviour of the CamelDataSetIndex header. For Consumers: - off = the header will not be set - strict/lenient = the header will be set For Producers: - off = the header value will not be verified, and will not be set if it is not present = strict = the header value must be present and will be verified = lenient = the header value will be verified if it is present, and will be set if it is not present. Enum values:
| lenient | String |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (consumer) | Time period in millis to wait before starting sending messages. | 1000 | long |
minRate (consumer) | Wait until the DataSet contains at least this number of messages. | 0 | int |
preloadSize (consumer) | Sets how many messages should be preloaded (sent) before the route completes its initialization. | 0 | long |
produceDelay (consumer) | Allows a delay to be specified which causes a delay when a message is sent by the consumer (to simulate slow processing). | 3 | long |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
assertPeriod (producer) | Sets a grace period after which the mock endpoint will re-assert to ensure the preliminary assertion is still valid. This is used for example to assert that exactly a number of messages arrives. For example if expectedMessageCount(int) was set to 5, then the assertion is satisfied when 5 or more message arrives. To ensure that exactly 5 messages arrives, then you would need to wait a little period to ensure no further message arrives. This is what you can use this method for. By default this period is disabled. | long | |
consumeDelay (producer) | Allows a delay to be specified which causes a delay when a message is consumed by the producer (to simulate slow processing). | 0 | long |
expectedCount (producer) | Specifies the expected number of message exchanges that should be received by this endpoint. Beware: If you want to expect that 0 messages, then take extra care, as 0 matches when the tests starts, so you need to set a assert period time to let the test run for a while to make sure there are still no messages arrived; for that use setAssertPeriod(long). An alternative is to use NotifyBuilder, and use the notifier to know when Camel is done routing some messages, before you call the assertIsSatisfied() method on the mocks. This allows you to not use a fixed assert period, to speedup testing times. If you want to assert that exactly n’th message arrives to this mock endpoint, then see also the setAssertPeriod(long) method for further details. | -1 | int |
failFast (producer) | Sets whether assertIsSatisfied() should fail fast at the first detected failed expectation while it may otherwise wait for all expected messages to arrive before performing expectations verifications. Is by default true. Set to false to use behavior as in Camel 2.x. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
log (producer) | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | boolean |
reportGroup (producer) | A number that is used to turn on throughput logging based on groups of the size. | int | |
resultMinimumWaitTime (producer) | Sets the minimum expected amount of time (in millis) the assertIsSatisfied() will wait on a latch until it is satisfied. | long | |
resultWaitTime (producer) | Sets the maximum amount of time (in millis) the assertIsSatisfied() will wait on a latch until it is satisfied. | long | |
retainFirst (producer) | Specifies to only retain the first n’th number of received Exchanges. This is used when testing with big data, to reduce memory consumption by not storing copies of every Exchange this mock endpoint receives. Important: When using this limitation, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return the actual number of received Exchanges. For example if we have received 5000 Exchanges, and have configured to only retain the first 10 Exchanges, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return 5000 but there is only the first 10 Exchanges in the getExchanges() and getReceivedExchanges() methods. When using this method, then some of the other expectation methods is not supported, for example the expectedBodiesReceived(Object…) sets a expectation on the first number of bodies received. You can configure both setRetainFirst(int) and setRetainLast(int) methods, to limit both the first and last received. | -1 | int |
retainLast (producer) | Specifies to only retain the last n’th number of received Exchanges. This is used when testing with big data, to reduce memory consumption by not storing copies of every Exchange this mock endpoint receives. Important: When using this limitation, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return the actual number of received Exchanges. For example if we have received 5000 Exchanges, and have configured to only retain the last 20 Exchanges, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return 5000 but there is only the last 20 Exchanges in the getExchanges() and getReceivedExchanges() methods. When using this method, then some of the other expectation methods is not supported, for example the expectedBodiesReceived(Object…) sets a expectation on the first number of bodies received. You can configure both setRetainFirst(int) and setRetainLast(int) methods, to limit both the first and last received. | -1 | int |
sleepForEmptyTest (producer) | Allows a sleep to be specified to wait to check that this endpoint really is empty when expectedMessageCount(int) is called with zero. | long | |
copyOnExchange (producer (advanced)) | Sets whether to make a deep copy of the incoming Exchange when received at this mock endpoint. Is by default true. | true | boolean |
17.5. Configuring DataSet
Camel will lookup in the Registry for a bean implementing the DataSet interface. So you can register your own DataSet as:
<bean id="myDataSet" class="com.mycompany.MyDataSet"> <property name="size" value="100"/> </bean>
17.6. Example
For example, to test that a set of messages are sent to a queue and then consumed from the queue without losing any messages:
// send the dataset to a queue from("dataset:foo").to("activemq:SomeQueue"); // now lets test that the messages are consumed correctly from("activemq:SomeQueue").to("dataset:foo");
The above would look in the Registry to find the foo DataSet instance which is used to create the messages.
Then you create a DataSet implementation, such as using the SimpleDataSet
as described below, configuring things like how big the data set is and what the messages look like etc.
17.7. DataSetSupport (abstract class)
The DataSetSupport abstract class is a nice starting point for new DataSets, and provides some useful features to derived classes.
17.7.1. Properties on DataSetSupport
Property | Type | Default | Description |
Specifies the default message body. For SimpleDataSet it is a constant payload; though if you want to create custom payloads per message, create your own derivation of |
| null | |
| Specifies how many messages to send/consume. |
Specifies the number of messages to be received before reporting progress. Useful for showing progress of a large load test. If < 0, then |
17.8. SimpleDataSet
The SimpleDataSet
extends DataSetSupport
, and adds a default body.
17.8.1. Additional Properties on SimpleDataSet
Property | Type | Default | Description |
Specifies the default message body. By default, the |
17.9. ListDataSet
The List`DataSet` extends DataSetSupport
, and adds a list of default bodies.
17.9.1. Additional Properties on ListDataSet
Property | Type | Default | Description |
Specifies the default message body. By default, the |
| the size of the defaultBodies list |
Specifies how many messages to send/consume. This value can be different from the size of the |
17.10. FileDataSet
The FileDataSet
extends ListDataSet
, and adds support for loading the bodies from a file.
17.10.1. Additional Properties on FileDataSet
Property | Type | Default | Description |
| null | Specifies the source file for payloads |
| \z |
Specifies the delimiter pattern used by a |
17.11. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using dataset with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-dataset-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.dataset-test.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset-test.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the dataset-test component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter type. | ExchangeFormatter | |
camel.component.dataset-test.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset-test.log | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the dataset component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter type. | ExchangeFormatter | |
camel.component.dataset.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.dataset.log | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 18. Direct
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Direct component provides direct, synchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a message exchange.
This endpoint can be used to connect existing routes in the same camel context.
The SEDA component provides asynchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a message exchange.
18.1. URI format
Where someName can be any string to uniquely identify the endpoint
18.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
18.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
18.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
18.3. Component Options
The Direct component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
block (producer) | If sending a message to a direct endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
timeout (producer) | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | long |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
18.4. Endpoint Options
The Direct endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
18.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required Name of direct endpoint. | String |
18.4.2. Query Parameters (8 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
block (producer) | If sending a message to a direct endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | boolean |
failIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should fail by throwing an exception, when sending to a DIRECT endpoint with no active consumers. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
timeout (producer) | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | long |
synchronous (advanced) | Whether synchronous processing is forced. If enabled then the producer thread, will be forced to wait until the message has been completed before the same thread will continue processing. If disabled (default) then the producer thread may be freed and can do other work while the message is continued processed by other threads (reactive). | false | boolean |
18.5. Samples
In the route below we use the direct component to link the two routes together:
from("") .to("bean:orderServer?method=validate") .to("direct:processOrder"); from("direct:processOrder") .to("bean:orderService?method=process") .to("activemq:queue:order.out");
And the sample using spring DSL:
<route> <from uri=""/> <to uri="bean:orderService?method=validate"/> <to uri="direct:processOrder"/> </route> <route> <from uri="direct:processOrder"/> <to uri="bean:orderService?method=process"/> <to uri="activemq:queue:order.out"/> </route>
See also samples from the SEDA component, how they can be used together.
18.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using direct with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-direct-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 6 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | If sending a message to a direct endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | Boolean | | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | Whether to enable auto configuration of the direct component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | Long |
Chapter 19. FHIR
Both producer and consumer are supported
The FHIR component integrates with the HAPI-FHIR library which is an open-source implementation of the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) specification in Java.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-fhir</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
19.1. URI Format
The FHIR Component uses the following URI format:
Endpoint prefix can be one of:
- capabilities
- create
- delete
- history
- load-page
- meta
- operation
- patch
- read
- search
- transaction
- update
- validate
19.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
19.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
19.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
19.3. Component Options
The FHIR component supports 27 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
encoding (common) | Encoding to use for all request. Enum values:
| String | |
fhirVersion (common) | The FHIR Version to use. Enum values:
| R4 | String |
log (common) | Will log every requests and responses. | false | boolean |
prettyPrint (common) | Pretty print all request. | false | boolean |
serverUrl (common) | The FHIR server base URL. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use the custom client. | IGenericClient | |
clientFactory (advanced) | To use the custom client factory. | IRestfulClientFactory | |
compress (advanced) | Compresses outgoing (POST/PUT) contents to the GZIP format. | false | boolean |
configuration (advanced) | To use the shared configuration. | FhirConfiguration | |
connectionTimeout (advanced) | How long to try and establish the initial TCP connection (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
deferModelScanning (advanced) | When this option is set, model classes will not be scanned for children until the child list for the given type is actually accessed. | false | boolean |
fhirContext (advanced) | FhirContext is an expensive object to create. To avoid creating multiple instances, it can be set directly. | FhirContext | |
forceConformanceCheck (advanced) | Force conformance check. | false | boolean |
sessionCookie (advanced) | HTTP session cookie to add to every request. | String | |
socketTimeout (advanced) | How long to block for individual read/write operations (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
summary (advanced) | Request that the server modify the response using the _summary param. Enum values:
| String | |
validationMode (advanced) | When should Camel validate the FHIR Server’s conformance statement. Enum values:
| ONCE | String |
proxyHost (proxy) | The proxy host. | String | |
proxyPassword (proxy) | The proxy password. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | The proxy port. | Integer | |
proxyUser (proxy) | The proxy username. | String | |
accessToken (security) | OAuth access token. | String | |
password (security) | Username to use for basic authentication. | String | |
username (security) | Username to use for basic authentication. | String |
19.4. Endpoint Options
The FHIR endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
19.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
apiName (common) | Required What kind of operation to perform. Enum values:
| FhirApiName | |
methodName (common) | Required What sub operation to use for the selected operation. | String |
19.4.2. Query Parameters (44 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
encoding (common) | Encoding to use for all request. Enum values:
| String | |
fhirVersion (common) | The FHIR Version to use. Enum values:
| R4 | String |
inBody (common) | Sets the name of a parameter to be passed in the exchange In Body. | String | |
log (common) | Will log every requests and responses. | false | boolean |
prettyPrint (common) | Pretty print all request. | false | boolean |
serverUrl (common) | The FHIR server base URL. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use the custom client. | IGenericClient | |
clientFactory (advanced) | To use the custom client factory. | IRestfulClientFactory | |
compress (advanced) | Compresses outgoing (POST/PUT) contents to the GZIP format. | false | boolean |
connectionTimeout (advanced) | How long to try and establish the initial TCP connection (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
deferModelScanning (advanced) | When this option is set, model classes will not be scanned for children until the child list for the given type is actually accessed. | false | boolean |
fhirContext (advanced) | FhirContext is an expensive object to create. To avoid creating multiple instances, it can be set directly. | FhirContext | |
forceConformanceCheck (advanced) | Force conformance check. | false | boolean |
sessionCookie (advanced) | HTTP session cookie to add to every request. | String | |
socketTimeout (advanced) | How long to block for individual read/write operations (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
summary (advanced) | Request that the server modify the response using the _summary param. Enum values:
| String | |
validationMode (advanced) | When should Camel validate the FHIR Server’s conformance statement. Enum values:
| ONCE | String |
proxyHost (proxy) | The proxy host. | String | |
proxyPassword (proxy) | The proxy password. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | The proxy port. | Integer | |
proxyUser (proxy) | The proxy username. | String | |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
accessToken (security) | OAuth access token. | String | |
password (security) | Username to use for basic authentication. | String | |
username (security) | Username to use for basic authentication. | String |
19.5. API Parameters (13 APIs)
The @FHIR endpoint is an API based component and has additional parameters based on which API name and API method is used. The API name and API method is located in the endpoint URI as the apiName/methodName
path parameters:
There are 13 API names as listed in the table below:
API Name | Type | Description |
Both | API to Fetch the capability statement for the server | |
Both | API for the create operation, which creates a new resource instance on the server | |
Both | API for the delete operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource | |
Both | API for the history method | |
Both | API that Loads the previous/next bundle of resources from a paged set, using the link specified in the link type=next tag within the atom bundle | |
Both | API for the meta operations, which can be used to get, add and remove tags and other Meta elements from a resource or across the server | |
Both | API for extended FHIR operations | |
Both | API for the patch operation, which performs a logical patch on a server resource | |
Both | API method for read operations | |
Both | API to search for resources matching a given set of criteria | |
Both | API for sending a transaction (collection of resources) to the server to be executed as a single unit | |
Both | API for the update operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource | |
Both | API for validating resources |
Each API is documented in the following sections to come.
19.5.1. API: capabilities
Both producer and consumer are supported
The capabilities API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The method is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Retrieve the conformance statement using the given model type | Method ofType
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseConformance ofType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseConformance> type, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/ofType API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
type | The model type | Class |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.2. API: create
Both producer and consumer are supported
The create API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 1 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Creates a IBaseResource on the server | Method resource
- resource(String resourceAsString, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resource API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
preferReturn | Add a Prefer header to the request, which requests that the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result. If a resource is returned by the server it will be parsed an accessible to the client via MethodOutcome#getResource() , may be null | PreferReturnEnum |
resource | The resource to create | IBaseResource |
resourceAsString | The resource to create | String |
url | The search URL to use. The format of this URL should be of the form ResourceTypeParameters, for example: Patientname=Smith&identifier=, may be null | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.3. API: delete
Both producer and consumer are supported
The delete API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 3 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Deletes the given resource | |
Deletes the resource by resource type e | |
Specifies that the delete should be performed as a conditional delete against a given search URL | Method resource
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resource API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
resource | The IBaseResource to delete | IBaseResource | Method resourceById
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(String type, String stringId, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resourceById API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The IIdType referencing the resource | IIdType |
stringId | It’s id | String |
type | The resource type e.g Patient | String | Method resourceConditionalByUrl
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceConditionalByUrl(String url, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resourceConditionalByUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
url | The search URL to use. The format of this URL should be of the form ResourceTypeParameters, for example: Patientname=Smith&identifier= | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.4. API: history
Both producer and consumer are supported
The history API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 3 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Perform the operation across all versions of a specific resource (by ID and type) on the server | |
Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of all types on the server | |
Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of the given type on the server | Method onInstance
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onInstance(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onInstance API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
count | Request that the server return only up to theCount number of resources, may be NULL | Integer |
cutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | Date |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
iCutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | IPrimitiveType |
id | The IIdType which must be populated with both a resource type and a resource ID at | IIdType |
returnType | Request that the method return a Bundle resource (such as ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Bundle). Use this method if you are accessing a DSTU2 server. | Class | Method onServer
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onServer(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onServer API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
count | Request that the server return only up to theCount number of resources, may be NULL | Integer |
cutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | Date |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
iCutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | IPrimitiveType |
returnType | Request that the method return a Bundle resource (such as ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Bundle). Use this method if you are accessing a DSTU2 server. | Class | Method onType
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resourceType, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onType API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
count | Request that the server return only up to theCount number of resources, may be NULL | Integer |
cutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | Date |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
iCutoff | Request that the server return only resource versions that were created at or after the given time (inclusive), may be NULL | IPrimitiveType |
resourceType | The resource type to search for | Class |
returnType | Request that the method return a Bundle resource (such as ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Bundle). Use this method if you are accessing a DSTU2 server. | Class |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.5. API: load-page
Both producer and consumer are supported
The load-page API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 3 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Load a page of results using the given URL and bundle type and return a DSTU1 Atom bundle | |
Load the next page of results using the link with relation next in the bundle | |
Load the previous page of results using the link with relation prev in the bundle | Method byUrl
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle byUrl(String url, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/byUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
returnType | The return type | Class |
url | The search url | String | Method next
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle next(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/next API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
bundle | The IBaseBundle | IBaseBundle |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map | Method previous
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle previous(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/previous API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
bundle | The IBaseBundle | IBaseBundle |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.6. API: meta
Both producer and consumer are supported
The meta API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 5 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Add the elements in the given metadata to the already existing set (do not remove any) | |
Delete the elements in the given metadata from the given id | |
Fetch the current metadata from a specific resource | |
Fetch the current metadata from the whole Server | |
Fetch the current metadata from a specific type | Method add
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType add(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType meta, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/add API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The id | IIdType |
meta | The IBaseMetaType class | IBaseMetaType | Method delete
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType delete(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType meta, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/delete API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The id | IIdType |
meta | The IBaseMetaType class | IBaseMetaType | Method getFromResource
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromResource(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/getFromResource API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The id | IIdType |
metaType | The IBaseMetaType class | Class | Method getFromServer
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromServer(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/getFromServer API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
metaType | The type of the meta datatype for the given FHIR model version (should be MetaDt.class or MetaType.class) | Class | Method getFromType
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, String resourceType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/getFromType API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
metaType | The IBaseMetaType class | Class |
resourceType | The resource type e.g Patient | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.7. API: operation
Both producer and consumer are supported
The operation API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 5 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Perform the operation across all versions of a specific resource (by ID and type) on the server | |
This operation operates on a specific version of a resource | |
Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of all types on the server | |
Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of the given type on the server | |
This operation is called $process-message as defined by the FHIR specification | Method onInstance
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstance(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onInstance API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | Resource (version will be stripped) | IIdType |
name | Operation name | String |
outputParameterType | The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL | Class |
parameters | The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters. | IBaseParameters |
returnType | If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient/NNN/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL | Class |
useHttpGet | Use HTTP GET verb | Boolean | Method onInstanceVersion
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstanceVersion(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onInstanceVersion API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | Resource version | IIdType |
name | Operation name | String |
outputParameterType | The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL | Class |
parameters | The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters. | IBaseParameters |
returnType | If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient/NNN/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL | Class |
useHttpGet | Use HTTP GET verb | Boolean | Method onServer
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onServer(String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onServer API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
name | Operation name | String |
outputParameterType | The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL | Class |
parameters | The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters. | IBaseParameters |
returnType | If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient/NNN/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL | Class |
useHttpGet | Use HTTP GET verb | Boolean | Method onType
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resourceType, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/onType API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
name | Operation name | String |
outputParameterType | The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL | Class |
parameters | The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters. | IBaseParameters |
resourceType | The resource type to operate on | Class |
returnType | If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient/NNN/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL | Class |
useHttpGet | Use HTTP GET verb | Boolean | Method processMessage
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle processMessage(String respondToUri, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle msgBundle, boolean asynchronous, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> responseClass, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/processMessage API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
asynchronous | Whether to process the message asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to synchronous. | Boolean |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
msgBundle | Set the Message Bundle to POST to the messaging server | IBaseBundle |
respondToUri | An optional query parameter indicating that responses from the receiving server should be sent to this URI, may be NULL | String |
responseClass | The response class | Class |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.8. API: patch
Both producer and consumer are supported
The patch API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 2 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Applies the patch to the given resource ID | |
Specifies that the update should be performed as a conditional create against a given search URL | Method patchById
- patchById(String patchBody, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- patchById(String patchBody, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/patchById API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The resource ID to patch | IIdType |
patchBody | The body of the patch document serialized in either XML or JSON which conforms to | String |
preferReturn | Add a Prefer header to the request, which requests that the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result. If a resource is returned by the server it will be parsed an accessible to the client via MethodOutcome#getResource() | PreferReturnEnum |
stringId | The resource ID to patch | String | Method patchByUrl
- patchByUrl(String patchBody, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/patchByUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
patchBody | The body of the patch document serialized in either XML or JSON which conforms to | String |
preferReturn | Add a Prefer header to the request, which requests that the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result. If a resource is returned by the server it will be parsed an accessible to the client via MethodOutcome#getResource() | PreferReturnEnum |
url | The search URL to use. The format of this URL should be of the form ResourceTypeParameters, for example: Patientname=Smith&identifier= | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.9. API: read
Both producer and consumer are supported
The read API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 2 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Reads a IBaseResource on the server by id | |
Reads a IBaseResource on the server by url | Method resourceById
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String stringId, String version, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, String stringId, String ifVersionMatches, String version, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resourceById API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The IIdType referencing the resource | IIdType |
ifVersionMatches | A version to match against the newest version on the server | String |
longId | The resource ID | Long |
resource | The resource to read (e.g. Patient) | Class |
resourceClass | The resource to read (e.g. Patient) | String |
returnNull | Return null if version matches | Boolean |
returnResource | Return the resource if version matches | IBaseResource |
stringId | The resource ID | String |
throwError | Throw error if the version matches | Boolean |
version | The resource version | String | Method resourceByUrl
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resourceByUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
iUrl | The IIdType referencing the resource by absolute url | IIdType |
ifVersionMatches | A version to match against the newest version on the server | String |
resource | The resource to read (e.g. Patient) | Class |
resourceClass | The resource to read (e.g. Patient.class) | String |
returnNull | Return null if version matches | Boolean |
returnResource | Return the resource if version matches | IBaseResource |
throwError | Throw error if the version matches | Boolean |
url | Referencing the resource by absolute url | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.10. API: search
Both producer and consumer are supported
The search API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 1 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Perform a search directly by URL | Method searchByUrl
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle searchByUrl(String url, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/searchByUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
url | The URL to search for. Note that this URL may be complete (e.g. ) in which case the client’s base URL will be ignored. Or it can be relative (e.g. Patientname=foo) in which case the client’s base URL will be used. | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.11. API: transaction
Both producer and consumer are supported
The transaction API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 2 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Use the given raw text (should be a Bundle resource) as the transaction input | |
Use a list of resources as the transaction input | Method withBundle
- String withBundle(String stringBundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle withBundle(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/withBundle API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
bundle | Bundle to use in the transaction | IBaseBundle |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
stringBundle | Bundle to use in the transaction | String | Method withResources
- java.util.List<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> withResources(java.util.List<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resources, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/withResources API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
resources | Resources to use in the transaction | List |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.12. API: update
Both producer and consumer are supported
The update API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 2 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Updates a IBaseResource on the server by id | |
Updates a IBaseResource on the server by search url | Method resource
- resource(String resourceAsString, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resource(String resourceAsString, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resource API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
id | The IIdType referencing the resource | IIdType |
preferReturn | Whether the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result | PreferReturnEnum |
resource | The resource to update (e.g. Patient) | IBaseResource |
resourceAsString | The resource body to update | String |
stringId | The ID referencing the resource | String | Method resourceBySearchUrl
- resourceBySearchUrl(String resourceAsString, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resourceBySearchUrl(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resourceBySearchUrl API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
preferReturn | Whether the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result | PreferReturnEnum |
resource | The resource to update (e.g. Patient) | IBaseResource |
resourceAsString | The resource body to update | String |
url | Specifies that the update should be performed as a conditional create against a given search URL | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.5.13. API: validate
Both producer and consumer are supported
The validate API is defined in the syntax as follows:
The 1 method(s) is listed in the table below, followed by detailed syntax for each method. (API methods can have a shorthand alias name which can be used in the syntax instead of the name)
Method | Description |
Validates the resource | Method resource
- resource(String resourceAsString, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
- resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters);
The fhir/resource API method has the parameters listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Type |
extraParameters | See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL | Map |
resource | The IBaseResource to validate | IBaseResource |
resourceAsString | Raw resource to validate | String |
In addition to the parameters above, the fhir API can also use any of the Query Parameters.
Any of the parameters can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelFhir.parameter
. The inBody
parameter overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint parameter inBody=myParameterNameHere
would override a CamelFhir.myParameterNameHere
19.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using fhir with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-fhir-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 56 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.fhir.access-token | OAuth access token. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.client | To use the custom client. The option is a type. | IGenericClient | |
camel.component.fhir.client-factory | To use the custom client factory. The option is a type. | IRestfulClientFactory | |
camel.component.fhir.compress | Compresses outgoing (POST/PUT) contents to the GZIP format. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.configuration | To use the shared configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.fhir.FhirConfiguration type. | FhirConfiguration | |
camel.component.fhir.connection-timeout | How long to try and establish the initial TCP connection (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.fhir.defer-model-scanning | When this option is set, model classes will not be scanned for children until the child list for the given type is actually accessed. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the fhir component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.fhir.encoding | Encoding to use for all request. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.fhir-context | FhirContext is an expensive object to create. To avoid creating multiple instances, it can be set directly. The option is a ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext type. | FhirContext | |
camel.component.fhir.fhir-version | The FHIR Version to use. | R4 | String |
camel.component.fhir.force-conformance-check | Force conformance check. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.log | Will log every requests and responses. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.password | Username to use for basic authentication. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.pretty-print | Pretty print all request. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.fhir.proxy-host | The proxy host. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.proxy-password | The proxy password. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.proxy-port | The proxy port. | Integer | |
camel.component.fhir.proxy-user | The proxy username. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.server-url | The FHIR server base URL. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.session-cookie | HTTP session cookie to add to every request. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.socket-timeout | How long to block for individual read/write operations (in ms). | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.fhir.summary | Request that the server modify the response using the _summary param. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.username | Username to use for basic authentication. | String | |
camel.component.fhir.validation-mode | When should Camel validate the FHIR Server’s conformance statement. | ONCE | String |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.dont-encode-elements | If provided, specifies the elements which should NOT be encoded. Valid values for this field would include: Patient - Don’t encode patient and all its children - Don’t encode the patient’s name - Don’t encode the patient’s family name .text - Don’t encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard) DSTU2 note: Note that values including meta, such as Patient.meta will work for DSTU2 parsers, but values with subelements on meta such as Patient.meta.lastUpdated will only work in DSTU3 mode. | Set | |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.dont-strip-versions-from-references-at-paths | If supplied value(s), any resource references at the specified paths will have their resource versions encoded instead of being automatically stripped during the encoding process. This setting has no effect on the parsing process. This method provides a finer-grained level of control than setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) and any paths specified by this method will be encoded even if setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) has been set to true (which is the default). | List | |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the fhirJson data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.encode-elements | If provided, specifies the elements which should be encoded, to the exclusion of all others. Valid values for this field would include: Patient - Encode patient and all its children - Encode only the patient’s name - Encode only the patient’s family name .text - Encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard) .(mandatory) - This is a special case which causes any mandatory fields (min 0) to be encoded. | Set | |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.encode-elements-applies-to-child-resources-only | If set to true (default is false), the values supplied to setEncodeElements(Set) will not be applied to the root resource (typically a Bundle), but will be applied to any sub-resources contained within it (i.e. search result resources in that bundle). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.fhir-version | The version of FHIR to use. Possible values are: DSTU2,DSTU2_HL7ORG,DSTU2_1,DSTU3,R4. | DSTU3 | String |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.omit-resource-id | If set to true (default is false) the ID of any resources being encoded will not be included in the output. Note that this does not apply to contained resources, only to root resources. In other words, if this is set to true, contained resources will still have local IDs but the outer/containing ID will not have an ID. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.override-resource-id-with-bundle-entry-full-url | If set to true (which is the default), the Bundle.entry.fullUrl will override the Bundle.entry.resource’s resource id if the fullUrl is defined. This behavior happens when parsing the source data into a Bundle object. Set this to false if this is not the desired behavior (e.g. the client code wishes to perform additional validation checks between the fullUrl and the resource id). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.pretty-print | Sets the pretty print flag, meaning that the parser will encode resources with human-readable spacing and newlines between elements instead of condensing output as much as possible. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.server-base-url | Sets the server’s base URL used by this parser. If a value is set, resource references will be turned into relative references if they are provided as absolute URLs but have a base matching the given base. | String | |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.strip-versions-from-references | If set to true (which is the default), resource references containing a version will have the version removed when the resource is encoded. This is generally good behaviour because in most situations, references from one resource to another should be to the resource by ID, not by ID and version. In some cases though, it may be desirable to preserve the version in resource links. In that case, this value should be set to false. This method provides the ability to globally disable reference encoding. If finer-grained control is needed, use setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths(List). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.summary-mode | If set to true (default is false) only elements marked by the FHIR specification as being summary elements will be included. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirjson.suppress-narratives | If set to true (default is false), narratives will not be included in the encoded values. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.dont-encode-elements | If provided, specifies the elements which should NOT be encoded. Valid values for this field would include: Patient - Don’t encode patient and all its children - Don’t encode the patient’s name - Don’t encode the patient’s family name .text - Don’t encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard) DSTU2 note: Note that values including meta, such as Patient.meta will work for DSTU2 parsers, but values with subelements on meta such as Patient.meta.lastUpdated will only work in DSTU3 mode. | Set | |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.dont-strip-versions-from-references-at-paths | If supplied value(s), any resource references at the specified paths will have their resource versions encoded instead of being automatically stripped during the encoding process. This setting has no effect on the parsing process. This method provides a finer-grained level of control than setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) and any paths specified by this method will be encoded even if setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) has been set to true (which is the default). | List | |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the fhirXml data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.encode-elements | If provided, specifies the elements which should be encoded, to the exclusion of all others. Valid values for this field would include: Patient - Encode patient and all its children - Encode only the patient’s name - Encode only the patient’s family name .text - Encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard) .(mandatory) - This is a special case which causes any mandatory fields (min 0) to be encoded. | Set | |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.encode-elements-applies-to-child-resources-only | If set to true (default is false), the values supplied to setEncodeElements(Set) will not be applied to the root resource (typically a Bundle), but will be applied to any sub-resources contained within it (i.e. search result resources in that bundle). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.fhir-version | The version of FHIR to use. Possible values are: DSTU2,DSTU2_HL7ORG,DSTU2_1,DSTU3,R4. | DSTU3 | String |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.omit-resource-id | If set to true (default is false) the ID of any resources being encoded will not be included in the output. Note that this does not apply to contained resources, only to root resources. In other words, if this is set to true, contained resources will still have local IDs but the outer/containing ID will not have an ID. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.override-resource-id-with-bundle-entry-full-url | If set to true (which is the default), the Bundle.entry.fullUrl will override the Bundle.entry.resource’s resource id if the fullUrl is defined. This behavior happens when parsing the source data into a Bundle object. Set this to false if this is not the desired behavior (e.g. the client code wishes to perform additional validation checks between the fullUrl and the resource id). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.pretty-print | Sets the pretty print flag, meaning that the parser will encode resources with human-readable spacing and newlines between elements instead of condensing output as much as possible. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.server-base-url | Sets the server’s base URL used by this parser. If a value is set, resource references will be turned into relative references if they are provided as absolute URLs but have a base matching the given base. | String | |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.strip-versions-from-references | If set to true (which is the default), resource references containing a version will have the version removed when the resource is encoded. This is generally good behaviour because in most situations, references from one resource to another should be to the resource by ID, not by ID and version. In some cases though, it may be desirable to preserve the version in resource links. In that case, this value should be set to false. This method provides the ability to globally disable reference encoding. If finer-grained control is needed, use setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths(List). | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.summary-mode | If set to true (default is false) only elements marked by the FHIR specification as being summary elements will be included. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.fhirxml.suppress-narratives | If set to true (default is false), narratives will not be included in the encoded values. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 20. File
Both producer and consumer are supported
The File component provides access to file systems, allowing files to be processed by any other Camel Components or messages from other components to be saved to disk.
20.1. URI format
Where directoryName represents the underlying file directory.
Only directories
Camel supports only endpoints configured with a starting directory. So the directoryName must be a directory. If you want to consume a single file only, you can use the fileName option, e.g. by setting fileName=thefilename
. Also, the starting directory must not contain dynamic expressions with ${ }
placeholders. Again use the fileName
option to specify the dynamic part of the filename.
Avoid reading files currently being written by another application
Beware the JDK File IO API is a bit limited in detecting whether another application is currently writing/copying a file. And the implementation can be different depending on OS platform as well. This could lead to that Camel thinks the file is not locked by another process and start consuming it. Therefore you have to do you own investigation what suites your environment. To help with this Camel provides different readLock
options and doneFileName
option that you can use. See also the section Consuming files from folders where others drop files directly.
20.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
20.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
20.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
20.3. Component Options
The File component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
20.4. Endpoint Options
The File endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
20.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
directoryName (common) | Required The starting directory. | File |
20.4.2. Query Parameters (94 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
charset (common) | This option is used to specify the encoding of the file. You can use this on the consumer, to specify the encodings of the files, which allow Camel to know the charset it should load the file content in case the file content is being accessed. Likewise when writing a file, you can use this option to specify which charset to write the file as well. Do mind that when writing the file Camel may have to read the message content into memory to be able to convert the data into the configured charset, so do not use this if you have big messages. | String | |
doneFileName (common) | Producer: If provided, then Camel will write a 2nd done file when the original file has been written. The done file will be empty. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders. The done file will always be written in the same folder as the original file. Consumer: If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders.The done file is always expected in the same folder as the original file. Only $\\{} and $\\{} is supported as dynamic placeholders. | String | |
fileName (common) | Use Expression such as File Language to dynamically set the filename. For consumers, it’s used as a filename filter. For producers, it’s used to evaluate the filename to write. If an expression is set, it take precedence over the CamelFileName header. (Note: The header itself can also be an Expression). The expression options support both String and Expression types. If the expression is a String type, it is always evaluated using the File Language. If the expression is an Expression type, the specified Expression type is used - this allows you, for instance, to use OGNL expressions. For the consumer, you can use it to filter filenames, so you can for instance consume today’s file using the File Language syntax: mydata-$\\{date:now:yyyyMMdd}.txt. The producers support the CamelOverruleFileName header which takes precedence over any existing CamelFileName header; the CamelOverruleFileName is a header that is used only once, and makes it easier as this avoids to temporary store CamelFileName and have to restore it afterwards. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
delete (consumer) | If true, the file will be deleted after it is processed successfully. | false | boolean |
moveFailed (consumer) | Sets the move failure expression based on Simple language. For example, to move files into a .error subdirectory use: .error. Note: When moving the files to the fail location Camel will handle the error and will not pick up the file again. | String | |
noop (consumer) | If true, the file is not moved or deleted in any way. This option is good for readonly data, or for ETL type requirements. If noop=true, Camel will set idempotent=true as well, to avoid consuming the same files over and over again. | false | boolean |
preMove (consumer) | Expression (such as File Language) used to dynamically set the filename when moving it before processing. For example to move in-progress files into the order directory set this value to order. | String | |
preSort (consumer) | When pre-sort is enabled then the consumer will sort the file and directory names during polling, that was retrieved from the file system. You may want to do this in case you need to operate on the files in a sorted order. The pre-sort is executed before the consumer starts to filter, and accept files to process by Camel. This option is default=false meaning disabled. | false | boolean |
recursive (consumer) | If a directory, will look for files in all the sub-directories as well. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
directoryMustExist (consumer (advanced)) | Similar to the startingDirectoryMustExist option but this applies during polling (after starting the consumer). | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
extendedAttributes (consumer (advanced)) | To define which file attributes of interest. Like posix:permissions,posix:owner,basic:lastAccessTime, it supports basic wildcard like posix:, basic:lastAccessTime. | String | |
inProgressRepository (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable in-progress repository org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository. The in-progress repository is used to account the current in progress files being consumed. By default a memory based repository is used. | IdempotentRepository | |
localWorkDirectory (consumer (advanced)) | When consuming, a local work directory can be used to store the remote file content directly in local files, to avoid loading the content into memory. This is beneficial, if you consume a very big remote file and thus can conserve memory. | String | |
onCompletionExceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to handle any thrown exceptions that happens during the file on completion process where the consumer does either a commit or rollback. The default implementation will log any exception at WARN level and ignore. | ExceptionHandler | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
probeContentType (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to enable probing of the content type. If enable then the consumer uses Files#probeContentType(java.nio.file.Path) to determine the content-type of the file, and store that as a header with key Exchange#FILE_CONTENT_TYPE on the Message. | false | boolean |
processStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileProcessStrategy allowing you to implement your own readLock option or similar. Can also be used when special conditions must be met before a file can be consumed, such as a special ready file exists. If this option is set then the readLock option does not apply. | GenericFileProcessStrategy | |
resumeStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | Set a resume strategy for files. This makes it possible to define a strategy for resuming reading files after the last point before stopping the application. See the FileConsumerResumeStrategy for implementation details. | FileConsumerResumeStrategy | |
startingDirectoryMustExist (consumer (advanced)) | Whether the starting directory must exist. Mind that the autoCreate option is default enabled, which means the starting directory is normally auto created if it doesn’t exist. You can disable autoCreate and enable this to ensure the starting directory must exist. Will thrown an exception if the directory doesn’t exist. | false | boolean |
startingDirectoryMustHaveAccess (consumer (advanced)) | Whether the starting directory has access permissions. Mind that the startingDirectoryMustExist parameter must be set to true in order to verify that the directory exists. Will thrown an exception if the directory doesn’t have read and write permissions. | false | boolean |
appendChars (producer) | Used to append characters (text) after writing files. This can for example be used to add new lines or other separators when writing and appending new files or existing files. To specify new-line (slash-n or slash-r) or tab (slash-t) characters then escape with an extra slash, eg slash-slash-n. | String | |
fileExist (producer) | What to do if a file already exists with the same name. Override, which is the default, replaces the existing file. - Append - adds content to the existing file. - Fail - throws a GenericFileOperationException, indicating that there is already an existing file. - Ignore - silently ignores the problem and does not override the existing file, but assumes everything is okay. - Move - option requires to use the moveExisting option to be configured as well. The option eagerDeleteTargetFile can be used to control what to do if an moving the file, and there exists already an existing file, otherwise causing the move operation to fail. The Move option will move any existing files, before writing the target file. - TryRename is only applicable if tempFileName option is in use. This allows to try renaming the file from the temporary name to the actual name, without doing any exists check. This check may be faster on some file systems and especially FTP servers. Enum values:
| Override | GenericFileExist |
flatten (producer) | Flatten is used to flatten the file name path to strip any leading paths, so it’s just the file name. This allows you to consume recursively into sub-directories, but when you eg write the files to another directory they will be written in a single directory. Setting this to true on the producer enforces that any file name in CamelFileName header will be stripped for any leading paths. | false | boolean |
jailStartingDirectory (producer) | Used for jailing (restricting) writing files to the starting directory (and sub) only. This is enabled by default to not allow Camel to write files to outside directories (to be more secured out of the box). You can turn this off to allow writing files to directories outside the starting directory, such as parent or root folders. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
moveExisting (producer) | Expression (such as File Language) used to compute file name to use when fileExist=Move is configured. To move files into a backup subdirectory just enter backup. This option only supports the following File Language tokens: file:name, file:name.ext, file:name.noext, file:onlyname, file:onlyname.noext, file:ext, and file:parent. Notice the file:parent is not supported by the FTP component, as the FTP component can only move any existing files to a relative directory based on current dir as base. | String | |
tempFileName (producer) | The same as tempPrefix option but offering a more fine grained control on the naming of the temporary filename as it uses the File Language. The location for tempFilename is relative to the final file location in the option 'fileName', not the target directory in the base uri. For example if option fileName includes a directory prefix: dir/finalFilename then tempFileName is relative to that subdirectory dir. | String | |
tempPrefix (producer) | This option is used to write the file using a temporary name and then, after the write is complete, rename it to the real name. Can be used to identify files being written and also avoid consumers (not using exclusive read locks) reading in progress files. Is often used by FTP when uploading big files. | String | |
allowNullBody (producer (advanced)) | Used to specify if a null body is allowed during file writing. If set to true then an empty file will be created, when set to false, and attempting to send a null body to the file component, a GenericFileWriteException of 'Cannot write null body to file.' will be thrown. If the fileExist option is set to 'Override', then the file will be truncated, and if set to append the file will remain unchanged. | false | boolean |
chmod (producer (advanced)) | Specify the file permissions which is sent by the producer, the chmod value must be between 000 and 777; If there is a leading digit like in 0755 we will ignore it. | String | |
chmodDirectory (producer (advanced)) | Specify the directory permissions used when the producer creates missing directories, the chmod value must be between 000 and 777; If there is a leading digit like in 0755 we will ignore it. | String | |
eagerDeleteTargetFile (producer (advanced)) | Whether or not to eagerly delete any existing target file. This option only applies when you use fileExists=Override and the tempFileName option as well. You can use this to disable (set it to false) deleting the target file before the temp file is written. For example you may write big files and want the target file to exists during the temp file is being written. This ensure the target file is only deleted until the very last moment, just before the temp file is being renamed to the target filename. This option is also used to control whether to delete any existing files when fileExist=Move is enabled, and an existing file exists. If this option copyAndDeleteOnRenameFails false, then an exception will be thrown if an existing file existed, if its true, then the existing file is deleted before the move operation. | true | boolean |
forceWrites (producer (advanced)) | Whether to force syncing writes to the file system. You can turn this off if you do not want this level of guarantee, for example if writing to logs / audit logs etc; this would yield better performance. | true | boolean |
keepLastModified (producer (advanced)) | Will keep the last modified timestamp from the source file (if any). Will use the Exchange.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED header to located the timestamp. This header can contain either a java.util.Date or long with the timestamp. If the timestamp exists and the option is enabled it will set this timestamp on the written file. Note: This option only applies to the file producer. You cannot use this option with any of the ftp producers. | false | boolean |
moveExistingFileStrategy (producer (advanced)) | Strategy (Custom Strategy) used to move file with special naming token to use when fileExist=Move is configured. By default, there is an implementation used if no custom strategy is provided. | FileMoveExistingStrategy | |
autoCreate (advanced) | Automatically create missing directories in the file’s pathname. For the file consumer, that means creating the starting directory. For the file producer, it means the directory the files should be written to. | true | boolean |
bufferSize (advanced) | Buffer size in bytes used for writing files (or in case of FTP for downloading and uploading files). | 131072 | int |
copyAndDeleteOnRenameFail (advanced) | Whether to fallback and do a copy and delete file, in case the file could not be renamed directly. This option is not available for the FTP component. | true | boolean |
renameUsingCopy (advanced) | Perform rename operations using a copy and delete strategy. This is primarily used in environments where the regular rename operation is unreliable (e.g. across different file systems or networks). This option takes precedence over the copyAndDeleteOnRenameFail parameter that will automatically fall back to the copy and delete strategy, but only after additional delays. | false | boolean |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
antExclude (filter) | Ant style filter exclusion. If both antInclude and antExclude are used, antExclude takes precedence over antInclude. Multiple exclusions may be specified in comma-delimited format. | String | |
antFilterCaseSensitive (filter) | Sets case sensitive flag on ant filter. | true | boolean |
antInclude (filter) | Ant style filter inclusion. Multiple inclusions may be specified in comma-delimited format. | String | |
eagerMaxMessagesPerPoll (filter) | Allows for controlling whether the limit from maxMessagesPerPoll is eager or not. If eager then the limit is during the scanning of files. Where as false would scan all files, and then perform sorting. Setting this option to false allows for sorting all files first, and then limit the poll. Mind that this requires a higher memory usage as all file details are in memory to perform the sorting. | true | boolean |
exclude (filter) | Is used to exclude files, if filename matches the regex pattern (matching is case in-sensitive). Notice if you use symbols such as plus sign and others you would need to configure this using the RAW() syntax if configuring this as an endpoint uri. See more details at configuring endpoint uris. | String | |
excludeExt (filter) | Is used to exclude files matching file extension name (case insensitive). For example to exclude bak files, then use excludeExt=bak. Multiple extensions can be separated by comma, for example to exclude bak and dat files, use excludeExt=bak,dat. Note that the file extension includes all parts, for example having a file named mydata.tar.gz will have extension as tar.gz. For more flexibility then use the include/exclude options. | String | |
filter (filter) | Pluggable filter as a org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileFilter class. Will skip files if filter returns false in its accept() method. | GenericFileFilter | |
filterDirectory (filter) | Filters the directory based on Simple language. For example to filter on current date, you can use a simple date pattern such as $\\{date:now:yyyMMdd}. | String | |
filterFile (filter) | Filters the file based on Simple language. For example to filter on file size, you can use $\\{file:size} 5000. | String | |
idempotent (filter) | Option to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP pattern to let Camel skip already processed files. Will by default use a memory based LRUCache that holds 1000 entries. If noop=true then idempotent will be enabled as well to avoid consuming the same files over and over again. | false | Boolean |
idempotentKey (filter) | To use a custom idempotent key. By default the absolute path of the file is used. You can use the File Language, for example to use the file name and file size, you can do: idempotentKey=$\\{file:name}-$\\{file:size}. | String | |
idempotentRepository (filter) | A pluggable repository org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository which by default use MemoryIdempotentRepository if none is specified and idempotent is true. | IdempotentRepository | |
include (filter) | Is used to include files, if filename matches the regex pattern (matching is case in-sensitive). Notice if you use symbols such as plus sign and others you would need to configure this using the RAW() syntax if configuring this as an endpoint uri. See more details at configuring endpoint uris. | String | |
includeExt (filter) | Is used to include files matching file extension name (case insensitive). For example to include txt files, then use includeExt=txt. Multiple extensions can be separated by comma, for example to include txt and xml files, use includeExt=txt,xml. Note that the file extension includes all parts, for example having a file named mydata.tar.gz will have extension as tar.gz. For more flexibility then use the include/exclude options. | String | |
maxDepth (filter) | The maximum depth to traverse when recursively processing a directory. | 2147483647 | int |
maxMessagesPerPoll (filter) | To define a maximum messages to gather per poll. By default no maximum is set. Can be used to set a limit of e.g. 1000 to avoid when starting up the server that there are thousands of files. Set a value of 0 or negative to disabled it. Notice: If this option is in use then the File and FTP components will limit before any sorting. For example if you have 100000 files and use maxMessagesPerPoll=500, then only the first 500 files will be picked up, and then sorted. You can use the eagerMaxMessagesPerPoll option and set this to false to allow to scan all files first and then sort afterwards. | int | |
minDepth (filter) | The minimum depth to start processing when recursively processing a directory. Using minDepth=1 means the base directory. Using minDepth=2 means the first sub directory. | int | |
move (filter) | Expression (such as Simple Language) used to dynamically set the filename when moving it after processing. To move files into a .done subdirectory just enter .done. | String | |
exclusiveReadLockStrategy (lock) | Pluggable read-lock as a org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy implementation. | GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy | |
readLock (lock) | Used by consumer, to only poll the files if it has exclusive read-lock on the file (i.e. the file is not in-progress or being written). Camel will wait until the file lock is granted. This option provides the build in strategies: - none - No read lock is in use - markerFile - Camel creates a marker file (fileName.camelLock) and then holds a lock on it. This option is not available for the FTP component - changed - Changed is using file length/modification timestamp to detect whether the file is currently being copied or not. Will at least use 1 sec to determine this, so this option cannot consume files as fast as the others, but can be more reliable as the JDK IO API cannot always determine whether a file is currently being used by another process. The option readLockCheckInterval can be used to set the check frequency. - fileLock - is for using java.nio.channels.FileLock. This option is not avail for Windows OS and the FTP component. This approach should be avoided when accessing a remote file system via a mount/share unless that file system supports distributed file locks. - rename - rename is for using a try to rename the file as a test if we can get exclusive read-lock. - idempotent - (only for file component) idempotent is for using a idempotentRepository as the read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that. - idempotent-changed - (only for file component) idempotent-changed is for using a idempotentRepository and changed as the combined read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that. - idempotent-rename - (only for file component) idempotent-rename is for using a idempotentRepository and rename as the combined read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that.Notice: The various read locks is not all suited to work in clustered mode, where concurrent consumers on different nodes is competing for the same files on a shared file system. The markerFile using a close to atomic operation to create the empty marker file, but its not guaranteed to work in a cluster. The fileLock may work better but then the file system need to support distributed file locks, and so on. Using the idempotent read lock can support clustering if the idempotent repository supports clustering, such as Hazelcast Component or Infinispan. Enum values:
| none | String |
readLockCheckInterval (lock) | Interval in millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read lock. This interval is used for sleeping between attempts to acquire the read lock. For example when using the changed read lock, you can set a higher interval period to cater for slow writes. The default of 1 sec. may be too fast if the producer is very slow writing the file. Notice: For FTP the default readLockCheckInterval is 5000. The readLockTimeout value must be higher than readLockCheckInterval, but a rule of thumb is to have a timeout that is at least 2 or more times higher than the readLockCheckInterval. This is needed to ensure that amble time is allowed for the read lock process to try to grab the lock before the timeout was hit. | 1000 | long |
readLockDeleteOrphanLockFiles (lock) | Whether or not read lock with marker files should upon startup delete any orphan read lock files, which may have been left on the file system, if Camel was not properly shutdown (such as a JVM crash). If turning this option to false then any orphaned lock file will cause Camel to not attempt to pickup that file, this could also be due another node is concurrently reading files from the same shared directory. | true | boolean |
readLockIdempotentReleaseAsync (lock) | Whether the delayed release task should be synchronous or asynchronous. See more details at the readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay option. | false | boolean |
readLockIdempotentReleaseAsyncPoolSize (lock) | The number of threads in the scheduled thread pool when using asynchronous release tasks. Using a default of 1 core threads should be sufficient in almost all use-cases, only set this to a higher value if either updating the idempotent repository is slow, or there are a lot of files to process. This option is not in-use if you use a shared thread pool by configuring the readLockIdempotentReleaseExecutorService option. See more details at the readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay option. | int | |
readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay (lock) | Whether to delay the release task for a period of millis. This can be used to delay the release tasks to expand the window when a file is regarded as read-locked, in an active/active cluster scenario with a shared idempotent repository, to ensure other nodes cannot potentially scan and acquire the same file, due to race-conditions. By expanding the time-window of the release tasks helps prevents these situations. Note delaying is only needed if you have configured readLockRemoveOnCommit to true. | int | |
readLockIdempotentReleaseExecutorService (lock) | To use a custom and shared thread pool for asynchronous release tasks. See more details at the readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay option. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
readLockLoggingLevel (lock) | Logging level used when a read lock could not be acquired. By default a DEBUG is logged. You can change this level, for example to OFF to not have any logging. This option is only applicable for readLock of types: changed, fileLock, idempotent, idempotent-changed, idempotent-rename, rename. Enum values:
| DEBUG | LoggingLevel |
readLockMarkerFile (lock) | Whether to use marker file with the changed, rename, or exclusive read lock types. By default a marker file is used as well to guard against other processes picking up the same files. This behavior can be turned off by setting this option to false. For example if you do not want to write marker files to the file systems by the Camel application. | true | boolean |
readLockMinAge (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=changed. It allows to specify a minimum age the file must be before attempting to acquire the read lock. For example use readLockMinAge=300s to require the file is at last 5 minutes old. This can speedup the changed read lock as it will only attempt to acquire files which are at least that given age. | 0 | long |
readLockMinLength (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=changed. It allows you to configure a minimum file length. By default Camel expects the file to contain data, and thus the default value is 1. You can set this option to zero, to allow consuming zero-length files. | 1 | long |
readLockRemoveOnCommit (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=idempotent. It allows to specify whether to remove the file name entry from the idempotent repository when processing the file is succeeded and a commit happens. By default the file is not removed which ensures that any race-condition do not occur so another active node may attempt to grab the file. Instead the idempotent repository may support eviction strategies that you can configure to evict the file name entry after X minutes - this ensures no problems with race conditions. See more details at the readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay option. | false | boolean |
readLockRemoveOnRollback (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=idempotent. It allows to specify whether to remove the file name entry from the idempotent repository when processing the file failed and a rollback happens. If this option is false, then the file name entry is confirmed (as if the file did a commit). | true | boolean |
readLockTimeout (lock) | Optional timeout in millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read-lock. If the read-lock could not be granted and the timeout triggered, then Camel will skip the file. At next poll Camel, will try the file again, and this time maybe the read-lock could be granted. Use a value of 0 or lower to indicate forever. Currently fileLock, changed and rename support the timeout. Notice: For FTP the default readLockTimeout value is 20000 instead of 10000. The readLockTimeout value must be higher than readLockCheckInterval, but a rule of thumb is to have a timeout that is at least 2 or more times higher than the readLockCheckInterval. This is needed to ensure that amble time is allowed for the read lock process to try to grab the lock before the timeout was hit. | 10000 | long |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
shuffle (sort) | To shuffle the list of files (sort in random order). | false | boolean |
sortBy (sort) | Built-in sort by using the File Language. Supports nested sorts, so you can have a sort by file name and as a 2nd group sort by modified date. | String | |
sorter (sort) | Pluggable sorter as a java.util.Comparator class. | Comparator |
Default behavior for file producer
By default it will override any existing file, if one exist with the same name.
20.5. Move and Delete operations
Any move or delete operations is executed after (post command) the routing has completed; so during processing of the Exchange
the file is still located in the inbox folder.
Lets illustrate this with an example:
When a file is dropped in the inbox
folder, the file consumer notices this and creates a new FileExchange
that is routed to the handleOrder
bean. The bean then processes the File
object. At this point in time the file is still located in the inbox
folder. After the bean completes, and thus the route is completed, the file consumer will perform the move operation and move the file to the .done
The move and the preMove options are considered as a directory name (though if you use an expression such as File Language, or Simple then the result of the expression evaluation is the file name to be used. For example, if you set:
then that’s using the File language which we use return the file name to be used), which can be either relative or absolute. If relative, the directory is created as a sub-folder from within the folder where the file was consumed.
By default, Camel will move consumed files to the .camel
sub-folder relative to the directory where the file was consumed.
If you want to delete the file after processing, the route should be:
We have introduced a pre move operation to move files before they are processed. This allows you to mark which files have been scanned as they are moved to this sub folder before being processed.
You can combine the pre move and the regular move:
So in this situation, the file is in the inprogress
folder when being processed and after it’s processed, it’s moved to the .done
20.6. Fine grained control over Move and PreMove option
The move and preMove options are Expression-based, so we have the full power of the File Language to do advanced configuration of the directory and name pattern.
Camel will, in fact, internally convert the directory name you enter into a File Language expression. So when we enter move=.done
Camel will convert this into: ${file:parent}/.done/${file:onlyname}
. This is only done if Camel detects that you have not provided a $\{ } in the option value yourself. So when you enter a $\{ } Camel will not convert it and thus you have the full power.
So if we want to move the file into a backup folder with today’s date as the pattern, we can do:
20.7. About moveFailed
The moveFailed
option allows you to move files that could not be processed successfully to another location such as an error folder of your choice. For example to move the files in an error folder with a timestamp you can use moveFailed=/error/${
See more examples at
20.8. Message Headers
The following headers are supported by this component:
20.8.1. File producer only
Header | Description |
Specifies the name of the file to write (relative to the endpoint directory). This name can be a |
| The actual absolute filepath (path + name) for the output file that was written. This header is set by Camel and its purpose is providing end-users with the name of the file that was written. |
Is used for overruling |
20.8.2. File consumer only
Header | Description |
| Name of the consumed file as a relative file path with offset from the starting directory configured on the endpoint. |
| Only the file name (the name with no leading paths). |
A |
| The absolute path to the file. For relative files this path holds the relative path instead. |
| The file path. For relative files this is the starting directory + the relative filename. For absolute files this is the absolute path. |
| The relative path. |
| The parent path. |
A |
A |
20.9. Batch Consumer
This component implements the Batch Consumer.
20.10. Exchange Properties, file consumer only
As the file consumer implements the BatchConsumer
it supports batching the files it polls. By batching we mean that Camel will add the following additional properties to the Exchange, so you know the number of files polled, the current index, and whether the batch is already completed.
Property | Description |
| The total number of files that was polled in this batch. |
| The current index of the batch. Starts from 0. |
A |
This allows you for instance to know how many files exist in this batch and for instance let the Aggregator2 aggregate this number of files.
20.11. Using charset
The charset option allows for configuring an encoding of the files on both the consumer and producer endpoints. For example if you read utf-8 files, and want to convert the files to iso-8859-1, you can do:
from("file:inbox?charset=utf-8") .to("file:outbox?charset=iso-8859-1")
You can also use the convertBodyTo
in the route. In the example below we have still input files in utf-8 format, but we want to convert the file content to a byte array in iso-8859-1 format. And then let a bean process the data. Before writing the content to the outbox folder using the current charset.
from("file:inbox?charset=utf-8") .convertBodyTo(byte[].class, "iso-8859-1") .to("bean:myBean") .to("file:outbox");
If you omit the charset on the consumer endpoint, then Camel does not know the charset of the file, and would by default use "UTF-8". However you can configure a JVM system property to override and use a different default encoding with the key org.apache.camel.default.charset
In the example below this could be a problem if the files is not in UTF-8 encoding, which would be the default encoding for read the files.
In this example when writing the files, the content has already been converted to a byte array, and thus would write the content directly as is (without any further encodings).
from("file:inbox") .convertBodyTo(byte[].class, "iso-8859-1") .to("bean:myBean") .to("file:outbox");
You can also override and control the encoding dynamic when writing files, by setting a property on the exchange with the key Exchange.CHARSET_NAME
. For example in the route below we set the property with a value from a message header.
from("file:inbox") .convertBodyTo(byte[].class, "iso-8859-1") .to("bean:myBean") .setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, header("someCharsetHeader")) .to("file:outbox");
We suggest to keep things simpler, so if you pickup files with the same encoding, and want to write the files in a specific encoding, then favor to use the charset
option on the endpoints.
Notice that if you have explicit configured a charset
option on the endpoint, then that configuration is used, regardless of the Exchange.CHARSET_NAME
If you have some issues then you can enable DEBUG logging on org.apache.camel.component.file
, and Camel logs when it reads/write a file using a specific charset.
For example the route below will log the following:
from("file:inbox?charset=utf-8") .to("file:outbox?charset=iso-8859-1")
And the logs:
DEBUG GenericFileConverter - Read file /Users/davsclaus/workspace/camel/camel-core/target/charset/input/input.txt with charset utf-8 DEBUG FileOperations - Using Reader to write file: target/charset/output.txt with charset: iso-8859-1
20.12. Common gotchas with folder and filenames
When Camel is producing files (writing files) there are a few gotchas affecting how to set a filename of your choice. By default, Camel will use the message ID as the filename, and since the message ID is normally a unique generated ID, you will end up with filenames such as: ID-MACHINENAME-2443-1211718892437-1-0
. If such a filename is not desired, then you must provide a filename in the CamelFileName
message header. The constant, Exchange.FILE_NAME
, can also be used.
The sample code below produces files using the message ID as the filename:
To use report.txt
as the filename you have to do:
from("direct:report").setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, constant("report.txt")).to( "file:target/reports");
the same as above, but with
from("direct:report").setHeader("CamelFileName", constant("report.txt")).to( "file:target/reports");
And a syntax where we set the filename on the endpoint with the fileName URI option.
20.13. Filename Expression
Filename can be set either using the expression option or as a string-based File language expression in the CamelFileName
header. See the File language for syntax and samples.
20.14. Consuming files from folders where others drop files directly
Beware if you consume files from a folder where other applications write files to directly. Take a look at the different readLock options to see what suits your use cases. The best approach is however to write to another folder and after the write move the file in the drop folder. However if you write files directly to the drop folder then the option changed could better detect whether a file is currently being written/copied as it uses a file changed algorithm to see whether the file size / modification changes over a period of time. The other readLock options rely on Java File API that sadly is not always very good at detecting this. You may also want to look at the doneFileName option, which uses a marker file (done file) to signal when a file is done and ready to be consumed.
20.15. Using done files
See also section writing done files below.
If you want only to consume files when a done file exists, then you can use the doneFileName
option on the endpoint.
Will only consume files from the bar folder, if a done file exists in the same directory as the target files. Camel will automatically delete the done file when it’s done consuming the files. Camel does not delete automatically the done file if noop=true
is configured.
However it is more common to have one done file per target file. This means there is a 1:1 correlation. To do this you must use dynamic placeholders in the doneFileName
option. Currently Camel supports the following two dynamic tokens: file:name
and file:name.noext
which must be enclosed in $\{ }. The consumer only supports the static part of the done file name as either prefix or suffix (not both).
In this example only files will be polled if there exists a done file with the name file name.done. For example
- is the file to be consumed -
- is the associated done file
You can also use a prefix for the done file, such as:
- is the file to be consumed -
- is the associated done file
20.16. Writing done files
After you have written a file you may want to write an additional donefile as a kind of marker, to indicate to others that the file is finished and has been written. To do that you can use the doneFileName
option on the file producer endpoint.
Will simply create a file named done
in the same directory as the target file.
However it is more common to have one done file per target file. This means there is a 1:1 correlation. To do this you must use dynamic placeholders in the doneFileName
option. Currently Camel supports the following two dynamic tokens: file:name
and file:name.noext
which must be enclosed in $\{ }.
Will for example create a file named done-foo.txt
if the target file was foo.txt
in the same directory as the target file.
Will for example create a file named foo.txt.done
if the target file was foo.txt
in the same directory as the target file.
Will for example create a file named foo.done
if the target file was foo.txt
in the same directory as the target file.
20.17. Samples
20.17.1. Read from a directory and write to another directory
20.17.2. Read from a directory and write to another directory using a overrule dynamic name
Listen on a directory and create a message for each file dropped there. Copy the contents to the outputdir
and delete the file in the inputdir
20.17.3. Reading recursively from a directory and writing to another
Listen on a directory and create a message for each file dropped there. Copy the contents to the outputdir
and delete the file in the inputdir
. Will scan recursively into sub-directories. Will lay out the files in the same directory structure in the outputdir
as the inputdir
, including any sub-directories.
inputdir/foo.txt inputdir/sub/bar.txt
Will result in the following output layout:
outputdir/foo.txt outputdir/sub/bar.txt
20.18. Using flatten
If you want to store the files in the outputdir directory in the same directory, disregarding the source directory layout (e.g. to flatten out the path), you just add the flatten=true
option on the file producer side:
Will result in the following output layout:
outputdir/foo.txt outputdir/bar.txt
20.19. Reading from a directory and the default move operation
Camel will by default move any processed file into a .camel
subdirectory in the directory the file was consumed from.
Affects the layout as follows:
inputdir/foo.txt inputdir/sub/bar.txt
inputdir/.camel/foo.txt inputdir/sub/.camel/bar.txt outputdir/foo.txt outputdir/sub/bar.txt
20.20. Read from a directory and process the message in java
from("file://inputdir/").process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Object body = exchange.getIn().getBody(); // do some business logic with the input body } });
The body will be a File
object that points to the file that was just dropped into the inputdir
20.21. Writing to files
Camel is of course also able to write files, i.e. produce files. In the sample below we receive some reports on the SEDA queue that we process before they are being written to a directory.
20.21.1. Write to subdirectory using Exchange.FILE_NAME
Using a single route, it is possible to write a file to any number of subdirectories. If you have a route setup as such:
<route> <from uri="bean:myBean"/> <to uri="file:/rootDirectory"/> </route>
You can have myBean
set the header Exchange.FILE_NAME
to values such as:
Exchange.FILE_NAME = hello.txt => /rootDirectory/hello.txt Exchange.FILE_NAME = foo/bye.txt => /rootDirectory/foo/bye.txt
This allows you to have a single route to write files to multiple destinations.
20.21.2. Writing file through the temporary directory relative to the final destination
Sometime you need to temporarily write the files to some directory relative to the destination directory. Such situation usually happens when some external process with limited filtering capabilities is reading from the directory you are writing to. In the example below files will be written to the /var/myapp/filesInProgress
directory and after data transfer is done, they will be atomically moved to the` /var/myapp/finalDirectory `directory.
from("direct:start"). to("file:///var/myapp/finalDirectory?tempPrefix=/../filesInProgress/");
20.22. Using expression for filenames
In this sample we want to move consumed files to a backup folder using today’s date as a sub-folder name:
See File language for more samples.
20.23. Avoiding reading the same file more than once (idempotent consumer)
Camel supports Idempotent Consumer directly within the component so it will skip already processed files. This feature can be enabled by setting the idempotent=true
Camel uses the absolute file name as the idempotent key, to detect duplicate files. You can customize this key by using an expression in the idempotentKey option. For example to use both the name and the file size as the key
<route> <from uri="file://inbox?idempotent=true&idempotentKey=${file:name}-${file:size}"/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
By default Camel uses a in memory based store for keeping track of consumed files, it uses a least recently used cache holding up to 1000 entries. You can plugin your own implementation of this store by using the idempotentRepository
option using the # sign in the value to indicate it’s a referring to a bean in the Registry with the specified id
<!-- define our store as a plain spring bean --> <bean id="myStore" class="com.mycompany.MyIdempotentStore"/> <route> <from uri="file://inbox?idempotent=true&idempotentRepository=#myStore"/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
Camel will log at DEBUG
level if it skips a file because it has been consumed before:
DEBUG FileConsumer is idempotent and the file has been consumed before. Will skip this file: target\idempotent\report.txt
20.24. Using a file based idempotent repository
In this section we will use the file based idempotent repository org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.FileIdempotentRepository
instead of the in-memory based that is used as default.
This repository uses a 1st level cache to avoid reading the file repository. It will only use the file repository to store the content of the 1st level cache. Thereby the repository can survive server restarts. It will load the content of the file into the 1st level cache upon startup. The file structure is very simple as it stores the key in separate lines in the file. By default, the file store has a size limit of 1mb. When the file grows larger Camel will truncate the file store, rebuilding the content by flushing the 1st level cache into a fresh empty file.
We configure our repository using Spring XML creating our file idempotent repository and define our file consumer to use our repository with the idempotentRepository
using # sign to indicate Registry lookup:
20.25. Using a JPA based idempotent repository
In this section we will use the JPA based idempotent repository instead of the in-memory based that is used as default.
First we need a persistence-unit in META-INF/persistence.xml
where we need to use the class org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jpa.MessageProcessed
as model.
<persistence-unit name="idempotentDb" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <class>org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jpa.MessageProcessed</class> <properties> <property name="openjpa.ConnectionURL" value="jdbc:derby:target/idempotentTest;create=true"/> <property name="openjpa.ConnectionDriverName" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"/> <property name="openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" value="buildSchema"/> <property name="openjpa.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Tool=INFO"/> <property name="openjpa.Multithreaded" value="true"/> </properties> </persistence-unit>
Next, we can create our JPA idempotent repository in the spring XML file as well:
<!-- we define our jpa based idempotent repository we want to use in the file consumer --> <bean id="jpaStore" class="org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jpa.JpaMessageIdRepository"> <!-- Here we refer to the entityManagerFactory --> <constructor-arg index="0" ref="entityManagerFactory"/> <!-- This 2nd parameter is the name (= a category name). You can have different repositories with different names --> <constructor-arg index="1" value="FileConsumer"/> </bean>
And yes then we just need to refer to the jpaStore bean in the file consumer endpoint using the idempotentRepository
using the # syntax option:
<route> <from uri="file://inbox?idempotent=true&idempotentRepository=#jpaStore"/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
20.26. Filter using org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileFilter
Camel supports pluggable filtering strategies. You can then configure the endpoint with such a filter to skip certain files being processed.
In the sample we have built our own filter that skips files starting with skip
in the filename:
And then we can configure our route using the filter attribute to reference our filter (using # notation) that we have defined in the spring XML file:
<!-- define our filter as a plain spring bean --> <bean id="myFilter" class="com.mycompany.MyFileFilter"/> <route> <from uri="file://inbox?filter=#myFilter"/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
20.27. Filtering using ANT path matcher
The ANT path matcher is based on AntPathMatcher.
The file paths is matched with the following rules:
matches one character -
matches zero or more characters -
matches zero or more directories in a path
The antInclude
and antExclude
options make it easy to specify ANT style include/exclude without having to define the filter. See the URI options above for more information.
The sample below demonstrates how to use it:
20.27.1. Sorting using Comparator
Camel supports pluggable sorting strategies. This strategy it to use the build in java.util.Comparator
in Java. You can then configure the endpoint with such a comparator and have Camel sort the files before being processed.
In the sample we have built our own comparator that just sorts by file name:
And then we can configure our route using the sorter option to reference to our sorter (mySorter
) we have defined in the spring XML file:
<!-- define our sorter as a plain spring bean --> <bean id="mySorter" class="com.mycompany.MyFileSorter"/> <route> <from uri="file://inbox?sorter=#mySorter"/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
URI options can reference beans using the # syntax
In the Spring DSL route above notice that we can refer to beans in the Registry by prefixing the id with #. So writing sorter=#mySorter
, will instruct Camel to go look in the Registry for a bean with the ID, mySorter
20.27.2. Sorting using sortBy
Camel supports pluggable sorting strategies. This strategy it to use the File language to configure the sorting. The sortBy
option is configured as follows:
sortBy=group 1;group 2;group 3;...
Where each group is separated with semi colon. In the simple situations you just use one group, so a simple example could be:
This will sort by file name, you can reverse the order by prefixing reverse:
to the group, so the sorting is now Z..A:
As we have the full power of File language we can use some of the other parameters, so if we want to sort by file size we do:
You can configure to ignore the case, using ignoreCase:
for string comparison, so if you want to use file name sorting but to ignore the case then we do:
You can combine ignore case and reverse, however reverse must be specified first:
In the sample below we want to sort by last modified file, so we do:
And then we want to group by name as a 2nd option so files with same modifcation is sorted by name:
Now there is an issue here, can you spot it? Well the modified timestamp of the file is too fine as it will be in milliseconds, but what if we want to sort by date only and then subgroup by name?
Well as we have the true power of File language we can use its date command that supports patterns. So this can be solved as:
Yeah, that is pretty powerful, oh by the way you can also use reverse per group, so we could reverse the file names:
20.28. Using GenericFileProcessStrategy
The option processStrategy
can be used to use a custom GenericFileProcessStrategy
that allows you to implement your own begin, commit and rollback logic.
For instance lets assume a system writes a file in a folder you should consume. But you should not start consuming the file before another ready file has been written as well.
So by implementing our own GenericFileProcessStrategy
we can implement this as:
In the
method we can test whether the special ready file exists. The begin method returns aboolean
to indicate if we can consume the file or not. -
In the
method special logic can be executed in case thebegin
operation returnedfalse
, for example to cleanup resources etc. -
in the
method we can move the actual file and also delete the ready file.
20.29. Using filter
The filter
option allows you to implement a custom filter in Java code by implementing the org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileFilter
interface. This interface has an accept
method that returns a boolean. Return true
to include the file, and false
to skip the file. There is a isDirectory
method on GenericFile
whether the file is a directory. This allows you to filter unwanted directories, to avoid traversing down unwanted directories.
For example to skip any directories which starts with "skip"
in the name, can be implemented as follows:
20.30. Using bridgeErrorHandler
If you want to use the Camel Error Handler to deal with any exception occurring in the file consumer, then you can enable the bridgeErrorHandler
option as shown below:
// to handle any IOException being thrown onException(IOException.class) .handled(true) .log("IOException occurred due: ${exception.message}") .transform().simple("Error ${exception.message}") .to("mock:error"); // this is the file route that pickup files, notice how we bridge the consumer to use the Camel routing error handler // the exclusiveReadLockStrategy is only configured because this is from an unit test, so we use that to simulate exceptions from("file:target/nospace?bridgeErrorHandler=true") .convertBodyTo(String.class) .to("mock:result");
So all you have to do is to enable this option, and the error handler in the route will take it from there.
When using bridgeErrorHandler
When using bridgeErrorHandler, then interceptors, OnCompletions does not apply. The Exchange is processed directly by the Camel Error Handler, and does not allow prior actions such as interceptors, onCompletion to take action.
20.31. Debug logging
This component has log level TRACE that can be helpful if you have problems.
20.32. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using file with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-file-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.cluster.file.acquire-lock-delay | The time to wait before starting to try to acquire lock. | String | |
camel.cluster.file.acquire-lock-interval | The time to wait between attempts to try to acquire lock. | String | |
camel.cluster.file.attributes | Custom service attributes. | Map | |
camel.cluster.file.enabled | Sets if the file cluster service should be enabled or not, default is false. | false | Boolean | | Cluster Service ID. | String | |
camel.cluster.file.order | Service lookup order/priority. | Integer | |
camel.cluster.file.root | The root path. | String | |
camel.component.file.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.file.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.file.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 21. FTP
Both producer and consumer are supported
This component provides access to remote file systems over the FTP and SFTP protocols.
When consuming from remote FTP server make sure you read the section titled Default when consuming files further below for details related to consuming files.
Absolute path is not supported. Camel translates absolute path to relative by trimming all leading slashes from directoryname
. There’ll be WARN message printed in the logs.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-ftp</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version>See the documentation of the Apache Commons <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
21.1. URI format
ftp://[username@]hostname[:port]/directoryname[?options] sftp://[username@]hostname[:port]/directoryname[?options] ftps://[username@]hostname[:port]/directoryname[?options]
Where directoryname represents the underlying directory. The directory name is a relative path. Absolute path’s is not supported. The relative path can contain nested folders, such as /inbox/us.
The autoCreate
option is supported. When consumer starts, before polling is scheduled, there’s additional FTP operation performed to create the directory configured for endpoint. The default value for autoCreate
is true
If no username is provided, then anonymous
login is attempted using no password.
If no port number is provided, Camel will provide default values according to the protocol (ftp = 21, sftp = 22, ftps = 2222).
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&…
This component uses two different libraries for the actual FTP work. FTP and FTPS uses Apache Commons Net while SFTP uses JCraft JSCH.
FTPS (also known as FTP Secure) is an extension to FTP that adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols.
21.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
21.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
21.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
21.3. Component Options
The FTP component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
21.4. Endpoint Options
The FTP endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
21.4.1. Path Parameters (3 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
host (common) | Required Hostname of the FTP server. | String | |
port (common) | Port of the FTP server. | int | |
directoryName (common) | The starting directory. | String |
21.4.2. Query Parameters (111 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
binary (common) | Specifies the file transfer mode, BINARY or ASCII. Default is ASCII (false). | false | boolean |
charset (common) | This option is used to specify the encoding of the file. You can use this on the consumer, to specify the encodings of the files, which allow Camel to know the charset it should load the file content in case the file content is being accessed. Likewise when writing a file, you can use this option to specify which charset to write the file as well. Do mind that when writing the file Camel may have to read the message content into memory to be able to convert the data into the configured charset, so do not use this if you have big messages. | String | |
disconnect (common) | Whether or not to disconnect from remote FTP server right after use. Disconnect will only disconnect the current connection to the FTP server. If you have a consumer which you want to stop, then you need to stop the consumer/route instead. | false | boolean |
doneFileName (common) | Producer: If provided, then Camel will write a 2nd done file when the original file has been written. The done file will be empty. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders. The done file will always be written in the same folder as the original file. Consumer: If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders.The done file is always expected in the same folder as the original file. Only $\\{} and $\\{} is supported as dynamic placeholders. | String | |
fileName (common) | Use Expression such as File Language to dynamically set the filename. For consumers, it’s used as a filename filter. For producers, it’s used to evaluate the filename to write. If an expression is set, it take precedence over the CamelFileName header. (Note: The header itself can also be an Expression). The expression options support both String and Expression types. If the expression is a String type, it is always evaluated using the File Language. If the expression is an Expression type, the specified Expression type is used - this allows you, for instance, to use OGNL expressions. For the consumer, you can use it to filter filenames, so you can for instance consume today’s file using the File Language syntax: mydata-$\\{date:now:yyyyMMdd}.txt. The producers support the CamelOverruleFileName header which takes precedence over any existing CamelFileName header; the CamelOverruleFileName is a header that is used only once, and makes it easier as this avoids to temporary store CamelFileName and have to restore it afterwards. | String | |
passiveMode (common) | Sets passive mode connections. Default is active mode connections. | false | boolean |
separator (common) | Sets the path separator to be used. UNIX = Uses unix style path separator Windows = Uses windows style path separator Auto = (is default) Use existing path separator in file name. Enum values:
| UNIX | PathSeparator |
transferLoggingIntervalSeconds (common) | Configures the interval in seconds to use when logging the progress of upload and download operations that are in-flight. This is used for logging progress when operations takes longer time. | 5 | int |
transferLoggingLevel (common) | Configure the logging level to use when logging the progress of upload and download operations. Enum values:
| DEBUG | LoggingLevel |
transferLoggingVerbose (common) | Configures whether the perform verbose (fine grained) logging of the progress of upload and download operations. | false | boolean |
fastExistsCheck (common (advanced)) | If set this option to be true, camel-ftp will use the list file directly to check if the file exists. Since some FTP server may not support to list the file directly, if the option is false, camel-ftp will use the old way to list the directory and check if the file exists. This option also influences readLock=changed to control whether it performs a fast check to update file information or not. This can be used to speed up the process if the FTP server has a lot of files. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
delete (consumer) | If true, the file will be deleted after it is processed successfully. | false | boolean |
moveFailed (consumer) | Sets the move failure expression based on Simple language. For example, to move files into a .error subdirectory use: .error. Note: When moving the files to the fail location Camel will handle the error and will not pick up the file again. | String | |
noop (consumer) | If true, the file is not moved or deleted in any way. This option is good for readonly data, or for ETL type requirements. If noop=true, Camel will set idempotent=true as well, to avoid consuming the same files over and over again. | false | boolean |
preMove (consumer) | Expression (such as File Language) used to dynamically set the filename when moving it before processing. For example to move in-progress files into the order directory set this value to order. | String | |
preSort (consumer) | When pre-sort is enabled then the consumer will sort the file and directory names during polling, that was retrieved from the file system. You may want to do this in case you need to operate on the files in a sorted order. The pre-sort is executed before the consumer starts to filter, and accept files to process by Camel. This option is default=false meaning disabled. | false | boolean |
recursive (consumer) | If a directory, will look for files in all the sub-directories as well. | false | boolean |
resumeDownload (consumer) | Configures whether resume download is enabled. This must be supported by the FTP server (almost all FTP servers support it). In addition the options localWorkDirectory must be configured so downloaded files are stored in a local directory, and the option binary must be enabled, which is required to support resuming of downloads. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
streamDownload (consumer) | Sets the download method to use when not using a local working directory. If set to true, the remote files are streamed to the route as they are read. When set to false, the remote files are loaded into memory before being sent into the route. If enabling this option then you must set stepwise=false as both cannot be enabled at the same time. | false | boolean |
download (consumer (advanced)) | Whether the FTP consumer should download the file. If this option is set to false, then the message body will be null, but the consumer will still trigger a Camel Exchange that has details about the file such as file name, file size, etc. It’s just that the file will not be downloaded. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
handleDirectoryParserAbsoluteResult (consumer (advanced)) | Allows you to set how the consumer will handle subfolders and files in the path if the directory parser results in with absolute paths The reason for this is that some FTP servers may return file names with absolute paths, and if so then the FTP component needs to handle this by converting the returned path into a relative path. | false | boolean |
ignoreFileNotFoundOrPermissionError (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to ignore when (trying to list files in directories or when downloading a file), which does not exist or due to permission error. By default when a directory or file does not exists or insufficient permission, then an exception is thrown. Setting this option to true allows to ignore that instead. | false | boolean |
inProgressRepository (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable in-progress repository org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository. The in-progress repository is used to account the current in progress files being consumed. By default a memory based repository is used. | IdempotentRepository | |
localWorkDirectory (consumer (advanced)) | When consuming, a local work directory can be used to store the remote file content directly in local files, to avoid loading the content into memory. This is beneficial, if you consume a very big remote file and thus can conserve memory. | String | |
onCompletionExceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to handle any thrown exceptions that happens during the file on completion process where the consumer does either a commit or rollback. The default implementation will log any exception at WARN level and ignore. | ExceptionHandler | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
processStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileProcessStrategy allowing you to implement your own readLock option or similar. Can also be used when special conditions must be met before a file can be consumed, such as a special ready file exists. If this option is set then the readLock option does not apply. | GenericFileProcessStrategy | |
useList (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to allow using LIST command when downloading a file. Default is true. In some use cases you may want to download a specific file and are not allowed to use the LIST command, and therefore you can set this option to false. Notice when using this option, then the specific file to download does not include meta-data information such as file size, timestamp, permissions etc, because those information is only possible to retrieve when LIST command is in use. | true | boolean |
fileExist (producer) | What to do if a file already exists with the same name. Override, which is the default, replaces the existing file. - Append - adds content to the existing file. - Fail - throws a GenericFileOperationException, indicating that there is already an existing file. - Ignore - silently ignores the problem and does not override the existing file, but assumes everything is okay. - Move - option requires to use the moveExisting option to be configured as well. The option eagerDeleteTargetFile can be used to control what to do if an moving the file, and there exists already an existing file, otherwise causing the move operation to fail. The Move option will move any existing files, before writing the target file. - TryRename is only applicable if tempFileName option is in use. This allows to try renaming the file from the temporary name to the actual name, without doing any exists check. This check may be faster on some file systems and especially FTP servers. Enum values:
| Override | GenericFileExist |
flatten (producer) | Flatten is used to flatten the file name path to strip any leading paths, so it’s just the file name. This allows you to consume recursively into sub-directories, but when you eg write the files to another directory they will be written in a single directory. Setting this to true on the producer enforces that any file name in CamelFileName header will be stripped for any leading paths. | false | boolean |
jailStartingDirectory (producer) | Used for jailing (restricting) writing files to the starting directory (and sub) only. This is enabled by default to not allow Camel to write files to outside directories (to be more secured out of the box). You can turn this off to allow writing files to directories outside the starting directory, such as parent or root folders. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
moveExisting (producer) | Expression (such as File Language) used to compute file name to use when fileExist=Move is configured. To move files into a backup subdirectory just enter backup. This option only supports the following File Language tokens: file:name, file:name.ext, file:name.noext, file:onlyname, file:onlyname.noext, file:ext, and file:parent. Notice the file:parent is not supported by the FTP component, as the FTP component can only move any existing files to a relative directory based on current dir as base. | String | |
tempFileName (producer) | The same as tempPrefix option but offering a more fine grained control on the naming of the temporary filename as it uses the File Language. The location for tempFilename is relative to the final file location in the option 'fileName', not the target directory in the base uri. For example if option fileName includes a directory prefix: dir/finalFilename then tempFileName is relative to that subdirectory dir. | String | |
tempPrefix (producer) | This option is used to write the file using a temporary name and then, after the write is complete, rename it to the real name. Can be used to identify files being written and also avoid consumers (not using exclusive read locks) reading in progress files. Is often used by FTP when uploading big files. | String | |
allowNullBody (producer (advanced)) | Used to specify if a null body is allowed during file writing. If set to true then an empty file will be created, when set to false, and attempting to send a null body to the file component, a GenericFileWriteException of 'Cannot write null body to file.' will be thrown. If the fileExist option is set to 'Override', then the file will be truncated, and if set to append the file will remain unchanged. | false | boolean |
chmod (producer (advanced)) | Allows you to set chmod on the stored file. For example chmod=640. | String | |
disconnectOnBatchComplete (producer (advanced)) | Whether or not to disconnect from remote FTP server right after a Batch upload is complete. disconnectOnBatchComplete will only disconnect the current connection to the FTP server. | false | boolean |
eagerDeleteTargetFile (producer (advanced)) | Whether or not to eagerly delete any existing target file. This option only applies when you use fileExists=Override and the tempFileName option as well. You can use this to disable (set it to false) deleting the target file before the temp file is written. For example you may write big files and want the target file to exists during the temp file is being written. This ensure the target file is only deleted until the very last moment, just before the temp file is being renamed to the target filename. This option is also used to control whether to delete any existing files when fileExist=Move is enabled, and an existing file exists. If this option copyAndDeleteOnRenameFails false, then an exception will be thrown if an existing file existed, if its true, then the existing file is deleted before the move operation. | true | boolean |
keepLastModified (producer (advanced)) | Will keep the last modified timestamp from the source file (if any). Will use the Exchange.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED header to located the timestamp. This header can contain either a java.util.Date or long with the timestamp. If the timestamp exists and the option is enabled it will set this timestamp on the written file. Note: This option only applies to the file producer. You cannot use this option with any of the ftp producers. | false | boolean |
moveExistingFileStrategy (producer (advanced)) | Strategy (Custom Strategy) used to move file with special naming token to use when fileExist=Move is configured. By default, there is an implementation used if no custom strategy is provided. | FileMoveExistingStrategy | |
sendNoop (producer (advanced)) | Whether to send a noop command as a pre-write check before uploading files to the FTP server. This is enabled by default as a validation of the connection is still valid, which allows to silently re-connect to be able to upload the file. However if this causes problems, you can turn this option off. | true | boolean |
activePortRange (advanced) | Set the client side port range in active mode. The syntax is: minPort-maxPort Both port numbers are inclusive, eg 10000-19999 to include all 1xxxx ports. | String | |
autoCreate (advanced) | Automatically create missing directories in the file’s pathname. For the file consumer, that means creating the starting directory. For the file producer, it means the directory the files should be written to. | true | boolean |
bufferSize (advanced) | Buffer size in bytes used for writing files (or in case of FTP for downloading and uploading files). | 131072 | int |
connectTimeout (advanced) | Sets the connect timeout for waiting for a connection to be established Used by both FTPClient and JSCH. | 10000 | int |
ftpClient (advanced) | To use a custom instance of FTPClient. | FTPClient | |
ftpClientConfig (advanced) | To use a custom instance of FTPClientConfig to configure the FTP client the endpoint should use. | FTPClientConfig | |
ftpClientConfigParameters (advanced) | Used by FtpComponent to provide additional parameters for the FTPClientConfig. | Map | |
ftpClientParameters (advanced) | Used by FtpComponent to provide additional parameters for the FTPClient. | Map | |
maximumReconnectAttempts (advanced) | Specifies the maximum reconnect attempts Camel performs when it tries to connect to the remote FTP server. Use 0 to disable this behavior. | int | |
reconnectDelay (advanced) | Delay in millis Camel will wait before performing a reconnect attempt. | 1000 | long |
siteCommand (advanced) | Sets optional site command(s) to be executed after successful login. Multiple site commands can be separated using a new line character. | String | |
soTimeout (advanced) | Sets the so timeout FTP and FTPS Is the SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT value in millis. Recommended option is to set this to 300000 so as not have a hanged connection. On SFTP this option is set as timeout on the JSCH Session instance. | 300000 | int |
stepwise (advanced) | Sets whether we should stepwise change directories while traversing file structures when downloading files, or as well when uploading a file to a directory. You can disable this if you for example are in a situation where you cannot change directory on the FTP server due security reasons. Stepwise cannot be used together with streamDownload. | true | boolean |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
throwExceptionOnConnectFailed (advanced) | Should an exception be thrown if connection failed (exhausted)By default exception is not thrown and a WARN is logged. You can use this to enable exception being thrown and handle the thrown exception from the org.apache.camel.spi.PollingConsumerPollStrategy rollback method. | false | boolean |
timeout (advanced) | Sets the data timeout for waiting for reply Used only by FTPClient. | 30000 | int |
antExclude (filter) | Ant style filter exclusion. If both antInclude and antExclude are used, antExclude takes precedence over antInclude. Multiple exclusions may be specified in comma-delimited format. | String | |
antFilterCaseSensitive (filter) | Sets case sensitive flag on ant filter. | true | boolean |
antInclude (filter) | Ant style filter inclusion. Multiple inclusions may be specified in comma-delimited format. | String | |
eagerMaxMessagesPerPoll (filter) | Allows for controlling whether the limit from maxMessagesPerPoll is eager or not. If eager then the limit is during the scanning of files. Where as false would scan all files, and then perform sorting. Setting this option to false allows for sorting all files first, and then limit the poll. Mind that this requires a higher memory usage as all file details are in memory to perform the sorting. | true | boolean |
exclude (filter) | Is used to exclude files, if filename matches the regex pattern (matching is case in-sensitive). Notice if you use symbols such as plus sign and others you would need to configure this using the RAW() syntax if configuring this as an endpoint uri. See more details at configuring endpoint uris. | String | |
excludeExt (filter) | Is used to exclude files matching file extension name (case insensitive). For example to exclude bak files, then use excludeExt=bak. Multiple extensions can be separated by comma, for example to exclude bak and dat files, use excludeExt=bak,dat. Note that the file extension includes all parts, for example having a file named mydata.tar.gz will have extension as tar.gz. For more flexibility then use the include/exclude options. | String | |
filter (filter) | Pluggable filter as a org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileFilter class. Will skip files if filter returns false in its accept() method. | GenericFileFilter | |
filterDirectory (filter) | Filters the directory based on Simple language. For example to filter on current date, you can use a simple date pattern such as $\\{date:now:yyyMMdd}. | String | |
filterFile (filter) | Filters the file based on Simple language. For example to filter on file size, you can use $\\{file:size} 5000. | String | |
idempotent (filter) | Option to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP pattern to let Camel skip already processed files. Will by default use a memory based LRUCache that holds 1000 entries. If noop=true then idempotent will be enabled as well to avoid consuming the same files over and over again. | false | Boolean |
idempotentKey (filter) | To use a custom idempotent key. By default the absolute path of the file is used. You can use the File Language, for example to use the file name and file size, you can do: idempotentKey=$\\{file:name}-$\\{file:size}. | String | |
idempotentRepository (filter) | A pluggable repository org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository which by default use MemoryIdempotentRepository if none is specified and idempotent is true. | IdempotentRepository | |
include (filter) | Is used to include files, if filename matches the regex pattern (matching is case in-sensitive). Notice if you use symbols such as plus sign and others you would need to configure this using the RAW() syntax if configuring this as an endpoint uri. See more details at configuring endpoint uris. | String | |
includeExt (filter) | Is used to include files matching file extension name (case insensitive). For example to include txt files, then use includeExt=txt. Multiple extensions can be separated by comma, for example to include txt and xml files, use includeExt=txt,xml. Note that the file extension includes all parts, for example having a file named mydata.tar.gz will have extension as tar.gz. For more flexibility then use the include/exclude options. | String | |
maxDepth (filter) | The maximum depth to traverse when recursively processing a directory. | 2147483647 | int |
maxMessagesPerPoll (filter) | To define a maximum messages to gather per poll. By default no maximum is set. Can be used to set a limit of e.g. 1000 to avoid when starting up the server that there are thousands of files. Set a value of 0 or negative to disabled it. Notice: If this option is in use then the File and FTP components will limit before any sorting. For example if you have 100000 files and use maxMessagesPerPoll=500, then only the first 500 files will be picked up, and then sorted. You can use the eagerMaxMessagesPerPoll option and set this to false to allow to scan all files first and then sort afterwards. | int | |
minDepth (filter) | The minimum depth to start processing when recursively processing a directory. Using minDepth=1 means the base directory. Using minDepth=2 means the first sub directory. | int | |
move (filter) | Expression (such as Simple Language) used to dynamically set the filename when moving it after processing. To move files into a .done subdirectory just enter .done. | String | |
exclusiveReadLockStrategy (lock) | Pluggable read-lock as a org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy implementation. | GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy | |
readLock (lock) | Used by consumer, to only poll the files if it has exclusive read-lock on the file (i.e. the file is not in-progress or being written). Camel will wait until the file lock is granted. This option provides the build in strategies: - none - No read lock is in use - markerFile - Camel creates a marker file (fileName.camelLock) and then holds a lock on it. This option is not available for the FTP component - changed - Changed is using file length/modification timestamp to detect whether the file is currently being copied or not. Will at least use 1 sec to determine this, so this option cannot consume files as fast as the others, but can be more reliable as the JDK IO API cannot always determine whether a file is currently being used by another process. The option readLockCheckInterval can be used to set the check frequency. - fileLock - is for using java.nio.channels.FileLock. This option is not avail for Windows OS and the FTP component. This approach should be avoided when accessing a remote file system via a mount/share unless that file system supports distributed file locks. - rename - rename is for using a try to rename the file as a test if we can get exclusive read-lock. - idempotent - (only for file component) idempotent is for using a idempotentRepository as the read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that. - idempotent-changed - (only for file component) idempotent-changed is for using a idempotentRepository and changed as the combined read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that. - idempotent-rename - (only for file component) idempotent-rename is for using a idempotentRepository and rename as the combined read-lock. This allows to use read locks that supports clustering if the idempotent repository implementation supports that.Notice: The various read locks is not all suited to work in clustered mode, where concurrent consumers on different nodes is competing for the same files on a shared file system. The markerFile using a close to atomic operation to create the empty marker file, but its not guaranteed to work in a cluster. The fileLock may work better but then the file system need to support distributed file locks, and so on. Using the idempotent read lock can support clustering if the idempotent repository supports clustering, such as Hazelcast Component or Infinispan. Enum values:
| none | String |
readLockCheckInterval (lock) | Interval in millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read lock. This interval is used for sleeping between attempts to acquire the read lock. For example when using the changed read lock, you can set a higher interval period to cater for slow writes. The default of 1 sec. may be too fast if the producer is very slow writing the file. Notice: For FTP the default readLockCheckInterval is 5000. The readLockTimeout value must be higher than readLockCheckInterval, but a rule of thumb is to have a timeout that is at least 2 or more times higher than the readLockCheckInterval. This is needed to ensure that amble time is allowed for the read lock process to try to grab the lock before the timeout was hit. | 1000 | long |
readLockDeleteOrphanLockFiles (lock) | Whether or not read lock with marker files should upon startup delete any orphan read lock files, which may have been left on the file system, if Camel was not properly shutdown (such as a JVM crash). If turning this option to false then any orphaned lock file will cause Camel to not attempt to pickup that file, this could also be due another node is concurrently reading files from the same shared directory. | true | boolean |
readLockLoggingLevel (lock) | Logging level used when a read lock could not be acquired. By default a DEBUG is logged. You can change this level, for example to OFF to not have any logging. This option is only applicable for readLock of types: changed, fileLock, idempotent, idempotent-changed, idempotent-rename, rename. Enum values:
| DEBUG | LoggingLevel |
readLockMarkerFile (lock) | Whether to use marker file with the changed, rename, or exclusive read lock types. By default a marker file is used as well to guard against other processes picking up the same files. This behavior can be turned off by setting this option to false. For example if you do not want to write marker files to the file systems by the Camel application. | true | boolean |
readLockMinAge (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=changed. It allows to specify a minimum age the file must be before attempting to acquire the read lock. For example use readLockMinAge=300s to require the file is at last 5 minutes old. This can speedup the changed read lock as it will only attempt to acquire files which are at least that given age. | 0 | long |
readLockMinLength (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=changed. It allows you to configure a minimum file length. By default Camel expects the file to contain data, and thus the default value is 1. You can set this option to zero, to allow consuming zero-length files. | 1 | long |
readLockRemoveOnCommit (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=idempotent. It allows to specify whether to remove the file name entry from the idempotent repository when processing the file is succeeded and a commit happens. By default the file is not removed which ensures that any race-condition do not occur so another active node may attempt to grab the file. Instead the idempotent repository may support eviction strategies that you can configure to evict the file name entry after X minutes - this ensures no problems with race conditions. See more details at the readLockIdempotentReleaseDelay option. | false | boolean |
readLockRemoveOnRollback (lock) | This option is applied only for readLock=idempotent. It allows to specify whether to remove the file name entry from the idempotent repository when processing the file failed and a rollback happens. If this option is false, then the file name entry is confirmed (as if the file did a commit). | true | boolean |
readLockTimeout (lock) | Optional timeout in millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read-lock. If the read-lock could not be granted and the timeout triggered, then Camel will skip the file. At next poll Camel, will try the file again, and this time maybe the read-lock could be granted. Use a value of 0 or lower to indicate forever. Currently fileLock, changed and rename support the timeout. Notice: For FTP the default readLockTimeout value is 20000 instead of 10000. The readLockTimeout value must be higher than readLockCheckInterval, but a rule of thumb is to have a timeout that is at least 2 or more times higher than the readLockCheckInterval. This is needed to ensure that amble time is allowed for the read lock process to try to grab the lock before the timeout was hit. | 10000 | long |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
account (security) | Account to use for login. | String | |
password (security) | Password to use for login. | String | |
username (security) | Username to use for login. | String | |
shuffle (sort) | To shuffle the list of files (sort in random order). | false | boolean |
sortBy (sort) | Built-in sort by using the File Language. Supports nested sorts, so you can have a sort by file name and as a 2nd group sort by modified date. | String | |
sorter (sort) | Pluggable sorter as a java.util.Comparator class. | Comparator |
21.5. FTPS component default trust store
When using the ftpClient.
properties related to SSL with the FTPS component, the trust store accept all certificates. If you only want trust selective certificates, you have to configure the trust store with the
options or by configuring a custom ftpClient
When using sslContextParameters
, the trust store is managed by the configuration of the provided SSLContextParameters instance.
You can configure additional options on the ftpClient
and ftpClientConfig
from the URI directly by using the ftpClient.
or ftpClientConfig.
For example to set the setDataTimeout
on the FTPClient
to 30 seconds you can do:
You can mix and match and have use both prefixes, for example to configure date format or timezones.
You can have as many of these options as you like.
See the documentation of the Apache Commons FTP FTPClientConfig for possible options and more details. And as well for Apache Commons FTP FTPClient.
If you do not like having many and long configuration in the url you can refer to the ftpClient
or ftpClientConfig
to use by letting Camel lookup in the Registry for it.
For example:
<bean id="myConfig" class=""> <property name="lenientFutureDates" value="true"/> <property name="serverLanguageCode" value="fr"/> </bean>
And then let Camel lookup this bean when you use the # notation in the url.
21.6. Examples
21.7. Concurrency
FTP Consumer does not support concurrency
The FTP consumer (with the same endpoint) does not support concurrency (the backing FTP client is not thread safe).
You can use multiple FTP consumers to poll from different endpoints. It is only a single endpoint that does not support concurrent consumers.
The FTP producer does not have this issue, it supports concurrency.
21.8. More information
This component is an extension of the File component. So there are more samples and details on the File component page.
21.9. Default when consuming files
The FTP consumer will by default leave the consumed files untouched on the remote FTP server. You have to configure it explicitly if you want it to delete the files or move them to another location. For example you can use delete=true
to delete the files, or use move=.done
to move the files into a hidden done sub directory.
The regular File consumer is different as it will by default move files to a .camel
sub directory. The reason Camel does not do this by default for the FTP consumer is that it may lack permissions by default to be able to move or delete files.
21.9.1. limitations
The option readLock can be used to force Camel not to consume files that is currently in the progress of being written. However, this option is turned off by default, as it requires that the user has write access. See the options table at File2 for more details about read locks.
There are other solutions to avoid consuming files that are currently being written over FTP; for instance, you can write to a temporary destination and move the file after it has been written.
When moving files using move
or preMove
option the files are restricted to the FTP_ROOT folder. That prevents you from moving files outside the FTP area. If you want to move files to another area you can use soft links and move files into a soft linked folder.
21.10. Message Headers
The following message headers can be used to affect the behavior of the component
Header | Description |
| Specifies the output file name (relative to the endpoint directory) to be used for the output message when sending to the endpoint. If this is not present and no expression either, then a generated message ID is used as the filename instead. |
| The actual filepath (path + name) for the output file that was written. This header is set by Camel and its purpose is providing end-users the name of the file that was written. |
| The file name of the file consumed |
| The remote hostname. |
| Path to the local work file, if local work directory is used. |
In addition the FTP/FTPS consumer and producer will enrich the Camel Message
with the following headers
Header | Description |
| The FTP client reply code (the type is a integer) |
| The FTP client reply string |
21.10.1. Exchange Properties
Camel sets the following exchange properties
Header | Description |
| Current index out of total number of files being consumed in this batch. |
| Total number of files being consumed in this batch. |
| True if there are no more files in this batch. |
21.11. About timeouts
The two set of libraries (see top) has different API for setting timeout. You can use the connectTimeout
option for both of them to set a timeout in millis to establish a network connection. An individual soTimeout
can also be set on the FTP/FTPS, which corresponds to using ftpClient.soTimeout
. Notice SFTP will automatically use connectTimeout
as its soTimeout
. The timeout
option only applies for FTP/FTPS as the data timeout, which corresponds to the ftpClient.dataTimeout
value. All timeout values are in millis.
21.12. Using Local Work Directory
Camel supports consuming from remote FTP servers and downloading the files directly into a local work directory. This avoids reading the entire remote file content into memory as it is streamed directly into the local file using FileOutputStream
Camel will store to a local file with the same name as the remote file, though with .inprogress
as extension while the file is being downloaded. Afterwards, the file is renamed to remove the .inprogress
suffix. And finally, when the Exchange is complete the local file is deleted.
So if you want to download files from a remote FTP server and store it as files then you need to route to a file endpoint such as:
The route above is ultra efficient as it avoids reading the entire file content into memory. It will download the remote file directly to a local file stream. The
handle is then used as the Exchange body. The file producer leverages this fact and can work directly on the work file
handle and perform a
to the target filename. As Camel knows it’s a local work file, it can optimize and use a rename instead of a file copy, as the work file is meant to be deleted anyway.
21.13. Stepwise changing directories
Camel FTP can operate in two modes in terms of traversing directories when consuming files (eg downloading) or producing files (eg uploading)
- stepwise
- not stepwise
You may want to pick either one depending on your situation and security issues. Some Camel end users can only download files if they use stepwise, while others can only download if they do not.
You can use the stepwise
option to control the behavior.
Note that stepwise changing of directory will in most cases only work when the user is confined to it’s home directory and when the home directory is reported as "/"
The difference between the two of them is best illustrated with an example. Suppose we have the following directory structure on the remote FTP server we need to traverse and download files:
/ /one /one/two /one/two/sub-a /one/two/sub-b
And that we have a file in each of sub-a (a.txt) and sub-b (b.txt) folder.
21.14. Using stepwise=true (default mode)
TYPE A 200 Type set to A PWD 257 "/" is current directory. CWD one 250 CWD successful. "/one" is current directory. CWD two 250 CWD successful. "/one/two" is current directory. SYST 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla PORT 127,0,0,1,17,94 200 Port command successful LIST 150 Opening data channel for directory list. 226 Transfer OK CWD sub-a 250 CWD successful. "/one/two/sub-a" is current directory. PORT 127,0,0,1,17,95 200 Port command successful LIST 150 Opening data channel for directory list. 226 Transfer OK CDUP 200 CDUP successful. "/one/two" is current directory. CWD sub-b 250 CWD successful. "/one/two/sub-b" is current directory. PORT 127,0,0,1,17,96 200 Port command successful LIST 150 Opening data channel for directory list. 226 Transfer OK CDUP 200 CDUP successful. "/one/two" is current directory. CWD / 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. PWD 257 "/" is current directory. CWD one 250 CWD successful. "/one" is current directory. CWD two 250 CWD successful. "/one/two" is current directory. PORT 127,0,0,1,17,97 200 Port command successful RETR foo.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK CWD / 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. PWD 257 "/" is current directory. CWD one 250 CWD successful. "/one" is current directory. CWD two 250 CWD successful. "/one/two" is current directory. CWD sub-a 250 CWD successful. "/one/two/sub-a" is current directory. PORT 127,0,0,1,17,98 200 Port command successful RETR a.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK CWD / 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. PWD 257 "/" is current directory. CWD one 250 CWD successful. "/one" is current directory. CWD two 250 CWD successful. "/one/two" is current directory. CWD sub-b 250 CWD successful. "/one/two/sub-b" is current directory. PORT 127,0,0,1,17,99 200 Port command successful RETR b.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK CWD / 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. QUIT 221 Goodbye disconnected.
As you can see when stepwise is enabled, it will traverse the directory structure using CD xxx.
21.15. Using stepwise=false
230 Logged on TYPE A 200 Type set to A SYST 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla PORT 127,0,0,1,4,122 200 Port command successful LIST one/two 150 Opening data channel for directory list 226 Transfer OK PORT 127,0,0,1,4,123 200 Port command successful LIST one/two/sub-a 150 Opening data channel for directory list 226 Transfer OK PORT 127,0,0,1,4,124 200 Port command successful LIST one/two/sub-b 150 Opening data channel for directory list 226 Transfer OK PORT 127,0,0,1,4,125 200 Port command successful RETR one/two/foo.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK PORT 127,0,0,1,4,126 200 Port command successful RETR one/two/sub-a/a.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK PORT 127,0,0,1,4,127 200 Port command successful RETR one/two/sub-b/b.txt 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. 226 Transfer OK QUIT 221 Goodbye disconnected.
As you can see when not using stepwise, there are no CD operation invoked at all.
21.16. Samples
In the sample below we set up Camel to download all the reports from the FTP server once every hour (60 min) as BINARY content and store it as files on the local file system.
And the route using XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="ftp://scott@localhost/public/reports?password=tiger&binary=true&delay=60000"/> <to uri="file://target/test-reports"/> </route>
21.16.1. Consuming a remote FTPS server (implicit SSL) and client authentication
from("ftps://admin@localhost:2222/public/camel?password=admin&securityProtocol=SSL&implicit=true &ftpClient.keyStore.file=./src/test/resources/server.jks &ftpClient.keyStore.password=password&ftpClient.keyStore.keyPassword=password") .to("bean:foo");
21.16.2. Consuming a remote FTPS server (explicit TLS) and a custom trust store configuration
from("ftps://admin@localhost:2222/public/camel?password=admin&ftpClient.trustStore.file=./src/test/resources/server.jks&ftpClient.trustStore.password=password") .to("bean:foo");
21.17. Custom filtering
Camel supports pluggable filtering strategies. This strategy it to use the build in org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileFilter
in Java. You can then configure the endpoint with such a filter to skip certain filters before being processed.
In the sample we have built our own filter that only accepts files starting with report in the filename.
And then we can configure our route using the filter attribute to reference our filter (using # notation) that we have defined in the spring XML file:
<!-- define our sorter as a plain spring bean --> <bean id="myFilter" class="com.mycompany.MyFileFilter"/> <route> <from uri=""/> <to uri="bean:processInbox"/> </route>
21.18. Filtering using ANT path matcher
The ANT path matcher is a filter that is shipped out-of-the-box in the camel-spring jar. So you need to depend on camel-spring if you are using Maven.
The reason is that we leverage Spring’s AntPathMatcher to do the actual matching.
The file paths are matched with the following rules:
matches one character -
matches zero or more characters -
matches zero or more directories in a path
The sample below demonstrates how to use it:
21.19. Using a proxy with SFTP
To use an HTTP proxy to connect to your remote host, you can configure your route in the following way:
<!-- define our sorter as a plain spring bean --> <bean id="proxy" class="com.jcraft.jsch.ProxyHTTP"> <constructor-arg value="localhost"/> <constructor-arg value="7777"/> </bean> <route> <from uri="sftp://localhost:9999/root?username=admin&password=admin&proxy=#proxy"/> <to uri="bean:processFile"/> </route>
You can also assign a user name and password to the proxy, if necessary. Please consult the documentation for com.jcraft.jsch.Proxy
to discover all options.
21.20. Setting preferred SFTP authentication method
If you want to explicitly specify the list of authentication methods that should be used by sftp
component, use preferredAuthentications
option. If for example you would like Camel to attempt to authenticate with private/public SSH key and fallback to user/password authentication in the case when no public key is available, use the following route configuration:
from("sftp://localhost:9999/root?username=admin&password=admin&preferredAuthentications=publickey,password"). to("bean:processFile");
21.21. Consuming a single file using a fixed name
When you want to download a single file and knows the file name, you can use fileName=myFileName.txt
to tell Camel the name of the file to download. By default the consumer will still do a FTP LIST command to do a directory listing and then filter these files based on the fileName
option. Though in this use-case it may be desirable to turn off the directory listing by setting useList=false
. For example the user account used to login to the FTP server may not have permission to do a FTP LIST command. So you can turn off this with useList=false
, and then provide the fixed name of the file to download with fileName=myFileName.txt
, then the FTP consumer can still download the file. If the file for some reason does not exist, then Camel will by default throw an exception, you can turn this off and ignore this by setting ignoreFileNotFoundOrPermissionError=true
For example to have a Camel route that pickup a single file, and delete it after use you can do
from("ftp://admin@localhost:21/nolist/?password=admin&stepwise=false&useList=false&ignoreFileNotFoundOrPermissionError=true&fileName=report.txt&delete=true") .to("activemq:queue:report");
Notice that we have used all the options we talked above.
You can also use this with ConsumerTemplate
. For example to download a single file (if it exists) and grab the file content as a String type:
String data = template.retrieveBodyNoWait("ftp://admin@localhost:21/nolist/?password=admin&stepwise=false&useList=false&ignoreFileNotFoundOrPermissionError=true&fileName=report.txt&delete=true", String.class);
21.22. Debug logging
This component has log level TRACE that can be helpful if you have problems.
21.23. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using ftp with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-ftp-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 13 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.ftp.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.ftp.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.ftp.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ftp component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.ftp.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.ftps.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.ftps.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.ftps.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ftps component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.ftps.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.ftps.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.sftp.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.sftp.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.sftp.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the sftp component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.sftp.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 22. HTTP
Only producer is supported
The HTTP component provides HTTP based endpoints for calling external HTTP resources (as a client to call external servers using HTTP).
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-http</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
22.1. URI format
Will by default use port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
22.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
22.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
22.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
22.3. Component Options
The HTTP component supports 37 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
cookieStore (producer) | To use a custom org.apache.http.client.CookieStore. By default the org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store. Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie shouldn’t be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy). | CookieStore | |
copyHeaders (producer) | If this option is true then IN exchange headers will be copied to OUT exchange headers according to copy strategy. Setting this to false, allows to only include the headers from the HTTP response (not propagating IN headers). | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
responsePayloadStreamingThreshold (producer) | This threshold in bytes controls whether the response payload should be stored in memory as a byte array or be streaming based. Set this to -1 to always use streaming mode. | 8192 | int |
skipRequestHeaders (producer (advanced)) | Whether to skip mapping all the Camel headers as HTTP request headers. If there are no data from Camel headers needed to be included in the HTTP request then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | boolean |
skipResponseHeaders (producer (advanced)) | Whether to skip mapping all the HTTP response headers to Camel headers. If there are no data needed from HTTP headers then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | boolean |
allowJavaSerializedObject (advanced) | Whether to allow java serialization when a request uses context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object. This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | false | boolean |
authCachingDisabled (advanced) | Disables authentication scheme caching. | false | boolean |
automaticRetriesDisabled (advanced) | Disables automatic request recovery and re-execution. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
clientConnectionManager (advanced) | To use a custom and shared HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections. If this has been configured then this is always used for all endpoints created by this component. | HttpClientConnectionManager | |
connectionsPerRoute (advanced) | The maximum number of connections per route. | 20 | int |
connectionStateDisabled (advanced) | Disables connection state tracking. | false | boolean |
connectionTimeToLive (advanced) | The time for connection to live, the time unit is millisecond, the default value is always keep alive. | long | |
contentCompressionDisabled (advanced) | Disables automatic content decompression. | false | boolean |
cookieManagementDisabled (advanced) | Disables state (cookie) management. | false | boolean |
defaultUserAgentDisabled (advanced) | Disables the default user agent set by this builder if none has been provided by the user. | false | boolean |
httpBinding (advanced) | To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. | HttpBinding | |
httpClientConfigurer (advanced) | To use the custom HttpClientConfigurer to perform configuration of the HttpClient that will be used. | HttpClientConfigurer | |
httpConfiguration (advanced) | To use the shared HttpConfiguration as base configuration. | HttpConfiguration | |
httpContext (advanced) | To use a custom org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext when executing requests. | HttpContext | |
maxTotalConnections (advanced) | The maximum number of connections. | 200 | int |
redirectHandlingDisabled (advanced) | Disables automatic redirect handling. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (filter) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
proxyAuthDomain (proxy) | Proxy authentication domain to use. | String | |
proxyAuthHost (proxy) | Proxy authentication host. | String | |
proxyAuthMethod (proxy) | Proxy authentication method to use. Enum values:
| String | |
proxyAuthNtHost (proxy) | Proxy authentication domain (workstation name) to use with NTML. | String | |
proxyAuthPassword (proxy) | Proxy authentication password. | String | |
proxyAuthPort (proxy) | Proxy authentication port. | Integer | |
proxyAuthUsername (proxy) | Proxy authentication username. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. Important: Only one instance of is supported per HttpComponent. If you need to use 2 or more different instances, you need to define a new HttpComponent per instance you need. | SSLContextParameters | |
useGlobalSslContextParameters (security) | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | boolean |
x509HostnameVerifier (security) | To use a custom X509HostnameVerifier such as DefaultHostnameVerifier or NoopHostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier | |
connectionRequestTimeout (timeout) | The timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection from the connection manager. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | int |
connectTimeout (timeout) | Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | int |
socketTimeout (timeout) | Defines the socket timeout in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | int |
22.4. Endpoint Options
The HTTP endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
22.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
httpUri (common) | Required The url of the HTTP endpoint to call. | URI |
22.4.2. Query Parameters (51 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
chunked (producer) | If this option is false the Servlet will disable the HTTP streaming and set the content-length header on the response. | true | boolean |
disableStreamCache (common) | Determines whether or not the raw input stream from Servlet is cached or not (Camel will read the stream into a in memory/overflow to file, Stream caching) cache. By default Camel will cache the Servlet input stream to support reading it multiple times to ensure it Camel can retrieve all data from the stream. However you can set this option to true when you for example need to access the raw stream, such as streaming it directly to a file or other persistent store. DefaultHttpBinding will copy the request input stream into a stream cache and put it into message body if this option is false to support reading the stream multiple times. If you use Servlet to bridge/proxy an endpoint then consider enabling this option to improve performance, in case you do not need to read the message payload multiple times. The http producer will by default cache the response body stream. If setting this option to true, then the producers will not cache the response body stream but use the response stream as-is as the message body. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
httpBinding (common (advanced)) | To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. | HttpBinding | |
bridgeEndpoint (producer) | If the option is true, HttpProducer will ignore the Exchange.HTTP_URI header, and use the endpoint’s URI for request. You may also set the option throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the HttpProducer send all the fault response back. | false | boolean |
clearExpiredCookies (producer) | Whether to clear expired cookies before sending the HTTP request. This ensures the cookies store does not keep growing by adding new cookies which is newer removed when they are expired. If the component has disabled cookie management then this option is disabled too. | true | boolean |
connectionClose (producer) | Specifies whether a Connection Close header must be added to HTTP Request. By default connectionClose is false. | false | boolean |
copyHeaders (producer) | If this option is true then IN exchange headers will be copied to OUT exchange headers according to copy strategy. Setting this to false, allows to only include the headers from the HTTP response (not propagating IN headers). | true | boolean |
customHostHeader (producer) | To use custom host header for producer. When not set in query will be ignored. When set will override host header derived from url. | String | |
httpMethod (producer) | Configure the HTTP method to use. The HttpMethod header cannot override this option if set. Enum values:
| HttpMethods | |
ignoreResponseBody (producer) | If this option is true, The http producer won’t read response body and cache the input stream. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
preserveHostHeader (producer) | If the option is true, HttpProducer will set the Host header to the value contained in the current exchange Host header, useful in reverse proxy applications where you want the Host header received by the downstream server to reflect the URL called by the upstream client, this allows applications which use the Host header to generate accurate URL’s for a proxied service. | false | boolean |
throwExceptionOnFailure (producer) | Option to disable throwing the HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server. This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code. | true | boolean |
transferException (producer) | If enabled and an Exchange failed processing on the consumer side, and if the caused Exception was send back serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content type. On the producer side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is, instead of the HttpOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required to be serialized. This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | false | boolean |
cookieHandler (producer (advanced)) | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP session. | CookieHandler | |
cookieStore (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom CookieStore. By default the BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store. Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie shouldn’t be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy). If a cookieHandler is set then the cookie store is also forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie handling is then performed by the cookieHandler. | CookieStore | |
deleteWithBody (producer (advanced)) | Whether the HTTP DELETE should include the message body or not. By default HTTP DELETE do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. | false | boolean |
getWithBody (producer (advanced)) | Whether the HTTP GET should include the message body or not. By default HTTP GET do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. | false | boolean |
okStatusCodeRange (producer (advanced)) | The status codes which are considered a success response. The values are inclusive. Multiple ranges can be defined, separated by comma, e.g. 200-204,209,301-304. Each range must be a single number or from-to with the dash included. | 200-299 | String |
skipRequestHeaders (producer (advanced)) | Whether to skip mapping all the Camel headers as HTTP request headers. If there are no data from Camel headers needed to be included in the HTTP request then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | boolean |
skipResponseHeaders (producer (advanced)) | Whether to skip mapping all the HTTP response headers to Camel headers. If there are no data needed from HTTP headers then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | boolean |
userAgent (producer (advanced)) | To set a custom HTTP User-Agent request header. | String | |
clientBuilder (advanced) | Provide access to the http client request parameters used on new RequestConfig instances used by producers or consumers of this endpoint. | HttpClientBuilder | |
clientConnectionManager (advanced) | To use a custom HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections. | HttpClientConnectionManager | |
connectionsPerRoute (advanced) | The maximum number of connections per route. | 20 | int |
httpClient (advanced) | Sets a custom HttpClient to be used by the producer. | HttpClient | |
httpClientConfigurer (advanced) | Register a custom configuration strategy for new HttpClient instances created by producers or consumers such as to configure authentication mechanisms etc. | HttpClientConfigurer | |
httpClientOptions (advanced) | To configure the HttpClient using the key/values from the Map. | Map | |
httpContext (advanced) | To use a custom HttpContext instance. | HttpContext | |
maxTotalConnections (advanced) | The maximum number of connections. | 200 | int |
useSystemProperties (advanced) | To use System Properties as fallback for configuration. | false | boolean |
proxyAuthDomain (proxy) | Proxy authentication domain to use with NTML. | String | |
proxyAuthHost (proxy) | Proxy authentication host. | String | |
proxyAuthMethod (proxy) | Proxy authentication method to use. Enum values:
| String | |
proxyAuthNtHost (proxy) | Proxy authentication domain (workstation name) to use with NTML. | String | |
proxyAuthPassword (proxy) | Proxy authentication password. | String | |
proxyAuthPort (proxy) | Proxy authentication port. | int | |
proxyAuthScheme (proxy) | Proxy authentication scheme to use. Enum values:
| String | |
proxyAuthUsername (proxy) | Proxy authentication username. | String | |
proxyHost (proxy) | Proxy hostname to use. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | Proxy port to use. | int | |
authDomain (security) | Authentication domain to use with NTML. | String | |
authenticationPreemptive (security) | If this option is true, camel-http sends preemptive basic authentication to the server. | false | boolean |
authHost (security) | Authentication host to use with NTML. | String | |
authMethod (security) | Authentication methods allowed to use as a comma separated list of values Basic, Digest or NTLM. | String | |
authMethodPriority (security) | Which authentication method to prioritize to use, either as Basic, Digest or NTLM. Enum values:
| String | |
authPassword (security) | Authentication password. | String | |
authUsername (security) | Authentication username. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. Important: Only one instance of org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters is supported per HttpComponent. If you need to use 2 or more different instances, you need to define a new HttpComponent per instance you need. | SSLContextParameters | |
x509HostnameVerifier (security) | To use a custom X509HostnameVerifier such as DefaultHostnameVerifier or NoopHostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier |
22.5. Message Headers
Name | Type | Description |
| URI to call. Will override existing URI set directly on the endpoint. This uri is the uri of the http server to call. Its not the same as the Camel endpoint uri, where you can configure endpoint options such as security etc. This header does not support that, its only the uri of the http server. |
| Request URI’s path, the header will be used to build the request URI with the HTTP_URI. |
| URI parameters. Will override existing URI parameters set directly on the endpoint. |
| The HTTP response code from the external server. Is 200 for OK. |
| The HTTP response text from the external server. |
| Character encoding. |
The HTTP content type. Is set on both the IN and OUT message to provide a content type, such as |
The HTTP content encoding. Is set on both the IN and OUT message to provide a content encoding, such as |
22.6. Message Body
Camel will store the HTTP response from the external server on the OUT body. All headers from the IN message will be copied to the OUT message, so headers are preserved during routing. Additionally Camel will add the HTTP response headers as well to the OUT message headers.
22.7. Using System Properties
When setting useSystemProperties to true, the HTTP Client will look for the following System Properties and it will use it:
- ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm
- java.home
- ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm
- http.proxyHost
- http.proxyPort
- http.nonProxyHosts
- http.keepAlive
- http.maxConnections
22.8. Response code
Camel will handle according to the HTTP response code:
- Response code is in the range 100..299, Camel regards it as a success response.
Response code is in the range 300..399, Camel regards it as a redirection response and will throw a
with the information. -
Response code is 400+, Camel regards it as an external server failure and will throw a
with the information.
throwExceptionOnFailure The option, throwExceptionOnFailure
, can be set to false
to prevent the HttpOperationFailedException
from being thrown for failed response codes. This allows you to get any response from the remote server.
There is a sample below demonstrating this.
22.9. Exceptions
exception contains the following information:
- The HTTP status code
- The HTTP status line (text of the status code)
- Redirect location, if server returned a redirect
Response body as a
, if server provided a body as response
22.10. Which HTTP method will be used
The following algorithm is used to determine what HTTP method should be used:
1. Use method provided as endpoint configuration (httpMethod
2. Use method provided in header (Exchange.HTTP_METHOD
3. GET
if query string is provided in header.
4. GET
if endpoint is configured with a query string.
if there is data to send (body is not null
6. GET
22.11. How to get access to HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
You can get access to these two using the Camel type converter system using
HttpServletRequest request = exchange.getIn().getBody(HttpServletRequest.class); HttpServletResponse response = exchange.getIn().getBody(HttpServletResponse.class);
You can get the request and response not just from the processor after the camel-jetty or camel-cxf endpoint.
22.12. Configuring URI to call
You can set the HTTP producer’s URI directly form the endpoint URI. In the route below, Camel will call out to the external server, oldhost
, using HTTP.
from("direct:start") .to("http://oldhost");
And the equivalent Spring sample:
<camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <to uri="http://oldhost"/> </route> </camelContext>
You can override the HTTP endpoint URI by adding a header with the key, Exchange.HTTP_URI
, on the message.
from("direct:start") .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, constant("http://newhost")) .to("http://oldhost");
In the sample above Camel will call the http://newhost/ despite the endpoint is configured with http://oldhost/.
If the http endpoint is working in bridge mode, it will ignore the message header of Exchange.HTTP_URI
22.13. Configuring URI Parameters
The http producer supports URI parameters to be sent to the HTTP server. The URI parameters can either be set directly on the endpoint URI or as a header with the key Exchange.HTTP_QUERY
on the message.
from("direct:start") .to("http://oldhost?order=123&detail=short");
Or options provided in a header:
from("direct:start") .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, constant("order=123&detail=short")) .to("http://oldhost");
22.14. How to set the http method (GET/PATCH/POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE) to the HTTP producer
The HTTP component provides a way to set the HTTP request method by setting the message header. Here is an example:
from("direct:start") .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant(org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpMethods.POST)) .to("") .to("mock:results");
The method can be written a bit shorter using the string constants:
.setHeader("CamelHttpMethod", constant("POST"))
And the equivalent Spring sample:
<camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <setHeader name="CamelHttpMethod"> <constant>POST</constant> </setHeader> <to uri=""/> <to uri="mock:results"/> </route> </camelContext>
22.15. Using client timeout - SO_TIMEOUT
See the HttpSOTimeoutTest unit test.
22.16. Configuring a Proxy
The HTTP component provides a way to configure a proxy.
from("direct:start") .to("http://oldhost?");
There is also support for proxy authentication via the proxyAuthUsername
and proxyAuthPassword
22.16.1. Using proxy settings outside of URI
To avoid System properties conflicts, you can set proxy configuration only from the CamelContext or URI.
Java DSL :
context.getGlobalOptions().put("http.proxyHost", ""); context.getGlobalOptions().put("http.proxyPort", "8080");
Spring XML
<camelContext> <properties> <property key="http.proxyHost" value=""/> <property key="http.proxyPort" value="8080"/> </properties> </camelContext>
Camel will first set the settings from Java System or CamelContext Properties and then the endpoint proxy options if provided.
So you can override the system properties with the endpoint options.
There is also a http.proxyScheme
property you can set to explicit configure the scheme to use.
22.17. Configuring charset
If you are using POST
to send data you can configure the charset
using the Exchange
exchange.setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, "ISO-8859-1");
22.17.1. Sample with scheduled poll
This sample polls the Google homepage every 10 seconds and write the page to the file message.html
from("timer://foo?fixedRate=true&delay=0&period=10000") .to("") .setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "message.html") .to("file:target/google");
22.17.2. URI Parameters from the endpoint URI
In this sample we have the complete URI endpoint that is just what you would have typed in a web browser. Multiple URI parameters can of course be set using the &
character as separator, just as you would in the web browser. Camel does no tricks here.
// we query for Camel at the Google page template.sendBody("", null);
22.17.3. URI Parameters from the Message
Map headers = new HashMap(); headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, "q=Camel&lr=lang_en"); // we query for Camel and English language at Google template.sendBody("", null, headers);
In the header value above notice that it should not be prefixed with ?
and you can separate parameters as usual with the &
22.17.4. Getting the Response Code
You can get the HTTP response code from the HTTP component by getting the value from the Out message header with Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE
Exchange exchange = template.send("", new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, constant("hl=en&q=activemq")); } }); Message out = exchange.getOut(); int responseCode = out.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, Integer.class);
22.18. Disabling Cookies
To disable cookies you can set the HTTP Client to ignore cookies by adding this URI option:httpClient.cookieSpec=ignoreCookies
22.19. Basic auth with the streaming message body
In order to avoid the NonRepeatableRequestException
, you need to do the Preemptive Basic Authentication by adding the option:authenticationPreemptive=true
22.20. Advanced Usage
If you need more control over the HTTP producer you should use the HttpComponent
where you can set various classes to give you custom behavior.
22.20.1. Setting up SSL for HTTP Client
Using the JSSE Configuration Utility
The HTTP component supports SSL/TLS configuration through the Camel JSSE Configuration Utility. This utility greatly decreases the amount of component specific code you need to write and is configurable at the endpoint and component levels. The following examples demonstrate how to use the utility with the HTTP component.
Programmatic configuration of the component
KeyStoreParameters ksp = new KeyStoreParameters(); ksp.setResource("/users/home/server/keystore.jks"); ksp.setPassword("keystorePassword"); KeyManagersParameters kmp = new KeyManagersParameters(); kmp.setKeyStore(ksp); kmp.setKeyPassword("keyPassword"); SSLContextParameters scp = new SSLContextParameters(); scp.setKeyManagers(kmp); HttpComponent httpComponent = getContext().getComponent("https", HttpComponent.class); httpComponent.setSslContextParameters(scp);
Spring DSL based configuration of endpoint
<camel:sslContextParameters id="sslContextParameters"> <camel:keyManagers keyPassword="keyPassword"> <camel:keyStore resource="/users/home/server/keystore.jks" password="keystorePassword"/> </camel:keyManagers> </camel:sslContextParameters> <to uri=""/>
Configuring Apache HTTP Client Directly
Basically camel-http component is built on the top of Apache HttpClient. Please refer to SSL/TLS customization for details or have a look into the org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpsServerTestSupport
unit test base class.
You can also implement a custom org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer
to do some configuration on the http client if you need full control of it.
However if you just want to specify the keystore and truststore you can do this with Apache HTTP HttpClientConfigurer
, for example:
KeyStore keystore = ...; KeyStore truststore = ...; SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry(); registry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, new SSLSocketFactory(keystore, "mypassword", truststore)));
And then you need to create a class that implements HttpClientConfigurer
, and registers https protocol providing a keystore or truststore per example above. Then, from your camel route builder class you can hook it up like so:
HttpComponent httpComponent = getContext().getComponent("http", HttpComponent.class); httpComponent.setHttpClientConfigurer(new MyHttpClientConfigurer());
If you are doing this using the Spring DSL, you can specify your HttpClientConfigurer
using the URI. For example:
<bean id="myHttpClientConfigurer" class="my.https.HttpClientConfigurer"> </bean> <to uri=""/>
As long as you implement the HttpClientConfigurer and configure your keystore and truststore as described above, it will work fine.
Using HTTPS to authenticate gotchas
An end user reported that he had problem with authenticating with HTTPS. The problem was eventually resolved by providing a custom configured org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext
- 1. Create a (Spring) factory for HttpContexts:
public class HttpContextFactory { private String httpHost = "localhost"; private String httpPort = 9001; private BasicHttpContext httpContext = new BasicHttpContext(); private BasicAuthCache authCache = new BasicAuthCache(); private BasicScheme basicAuth = new BasicScheme(); public HttpContext getObject() { authCache.put(new HttpHost(httpHost, httpPort), basicAuth); httpContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.AUTH_CACHE, authCache); return httpContext; } // getter and setter }
- 2. Declare an HttpContext in the Spring application context file:
<bean id="myHttpContext" factory-bean="httpContextFactory" factory-method="getObject"/>
- 3. Reference the context in the http URL:
<to uri=""/>
Using different SSLContextParameters
The HTTP component only support one instance of
per component. If you need to use 2 or more different instances, then you need to setup multiple HTTP components as shown below. Where we have 2 components, each using their own instance of sslContextParameters
<bean id="http-foo" class="org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpComponent"> <property name="sslContextParameters" ref="sslContextParams1"/> <property name="x509HostnameVerifier" ref="hostnameVerifier"/> </bean> <bean id="http-bar" class="org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpComponent"> <property name="sslContextParameters" ref="sslContextParams2"/> <property name="x509HostnameVerifier" ref="hostnameVerifier"/> </bean>
22.21. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using http with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-http-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 38 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.http.allow-java-serialized-object | Whether to allow java serialization when a request uses context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object. This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.auth-caching-disabled | Disables authentication scheme caching. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.automatic-retries-disabled | Disables automatic request recovery and re-execution. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.http.client-connection-manager | To use a custom and shared HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections. If this has been configured then this is always used for all endpoints created by this component. The option is a org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager type. | HttpClientConnectionManager | |
camel.component.http.connect-timeout | Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.http.connection-request-timeout | The timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection from the connection manager. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.http.connection-state-disabled | Disables connection state tracking. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.connection-time-to-live | The time for connection to live, the time unit is millisecond, the default value is always keep alive. | Long | |
camel.component.http.connections-per-route | The maximum number of connections per route. | 20 | Integer |
camel.component.http.content-compression-disabled | Disables automatic content decompression. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.cookie-management-disabled | Disables state (cookie) management. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.cookie-store | To use a custom org.apache.http.client.CookieStore. By default the org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store. Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie shouldn’t be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy). The option is a org.apache.http.client.CookieStore type. | CookieStore | |
camel.component.http.copy-headers | If this option is true then IN exchange headers will be copied to OUT exchange headers according to copy strategy. Setting this to false, allows to only include the headers from the HTTP response (not propagating IN headers). | true | Boolean |
camel.component.http.default-user-agent-disabled | Disables the default user agent set by this builder if none has been provided by the user. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the http component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.http.header-filter-strategy | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy type. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
camel.component.http.http-binding | To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. The option is a org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpBinding type. | HttpBinding | |
camel.component.http.http-client-configurer | To use the custom HttpClientConfigurer to perform configuration of the HttpClient that will be used. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer type. | HttpClientConfigurer | |
camel.component.http.http-configuration | To use the shared HttpConfiguration as base configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpConfiguration type. | HttpConfiguration | |
camel.component.http.http-context | To use a custom org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext when executing requests. The option is a org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext type. | HttpContext | |
camel.component.http.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.max-total-connections | The maximum number of connections. | 200 | Integer |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-domain | Proxy authentication domain to use. | String | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-host | Proxy authentication host. | String | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-method | Proxy authentication method to use. | String | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-nt-host | Proxy authentication domain (workstation name) to use with NTML. | String | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-password | Proxy authentication password. | String | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-port | Proxy authentication port. | Integer | |
camel.component.http.proxy-auth-username | Proxy authentication username. | String | |
camel.component.http.redirect-handling-disabled | Disables automatic redirect handling. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.response-payload-streaming-threshold | This threshold in bytes controls whether the response payload should be stored in memory as a byte array or be streaming based. Set this to -1 to always use streaming mode. | 8192 | Integer |
camel.component.http.skip-request-headers | Whether to skip mapping all the Camel headers as HTTP request headers. If there are no data from Camel headers needed to be included in the HTTP request then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.skip-response-headers | Whether to skip mapping all the HTTP response headers to Camel headers. If there are no data needed from HTTP headers then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.socket-timeout | Defines the socket timeout in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.http.ssl-context-parameters | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. Important: Only one instance of is supported per HttpComponent. If you need to use 2 or more different instances, you need to define a new HttpComponent per instance you need. The option is a type. | SSLContextParameters | |
camel.component.http.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.http.x509-hostname-verifier | To use a custom X509HostnameVerifier such as DefaultHostnameVerifier or NoopHostnameVerifier. The option is a type. | HostnameVerifier |
Chapter 23. Infinispan
Both producer and consumer are supported
This component allows you to interact with Infinispan distributed data grid / cache using the Hot Rod procol. Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available key/value data store and data grid platform written in Java.
If you use Maven, you must add the following dependency to your pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-infinispan</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
23.1. URI format
The producer allows sending messages to a remote cache using the HotRod protocol. The consumer allows listening for events from a remote cache using the HotRod protocol.
23.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
23.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
23.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
23.3. Component Options
The Infinispan component supports 26 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
configuration (common) | Component configuration. | InfinispanRemoteConfiguration | |
hosts (common) | Specifies the host of the cache on Infinispan instance. | String | |
queryBuilder (common) | Specifies the query builder. | InfinispanQueryBuilder | |
secure (common) | Define if we are connecting to a secured Infinispan instance. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
customListener (consumer) | Returns the custom listener in use, if provided. | InfinispanRemoteCustomListener | |
eventTypes (consumer) | Specifies the set of event types to register by the consumer.Multiple event can be separated by comma. The possible event types are: CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_CREATED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_EXPIRED, CLIENT_CACHE_FAILOVER. | String | |
defaultValue (producer) | Set a specific default value for some producer operations. | Object | |
key (producer) | Set a specific key for producer operations. | Object | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
oldValue (producer) | Set a specific old value for some producer operations. | Object | |
operation (producer) | The operation to perform. Enum values:
| PUT | InfinispanOperation |
value (producer) | Set a specific value for producer operations. | Object | |
password ( security) | Define the password to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
saslMechanism ( security) | Define the SASL Mechanism to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
securityRealm ( security) | Define the security realm to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
securityServerName ( security) | Define the security server name to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
username ( security) | Define the username to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
cacheContainer (advanced) | Autowired Specifies the cache Container to connect. | RemoteCacheManager | |
cacheContainerConfiguration (advanced) | Autowired The CacheContainer configuration. Used if the cacheContainer is not defined. | Configuration | |
configurationProperties (advanced) | Implementation specific properties for the CacheManager. | Map | |
configurationUri (advanced) | An implementation specific URI for the CacheManager. | String | |
flags (advanced) | A comma separated list of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.Flag to be applied by default on each cache invocation. | String | |
remappingFunction (advanced) | Set a specific remappingFunction to use in a compute operation. | BiFunction | |
resultHeader (advanced) | Store the operation result in a header instead of the message body. By default, resultHeader == null and the query result is stored in the message body, any existing content in the message body is discarded. If resultHeader is set, the value is used as the name of the header to store the query result and the original message body is preserved. This value can be overridden by an in message header named: CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader. | String |
23.4. Endpoint Options
The Infinispan endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
23.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
cacheName (common) | Required The name of the cache to use. Use current to use the existing cache name from the currently configured cached manager. Or use default for the default cache manager name. | String |
23.4.2. Query Parameters (26 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
hosts (common) | Specifies the host of the cache on Infinispan instance. | String | |
queryBuilder (common) | Specifies the query builder. | InfinispanQueryBuilder | |
secure (common) | Define if we are connecting to a secured Infinispan instance. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
customListener (consumer) | Returns the custom listener in use, if provided. | InfinispanRemoteCustomListener | |
eventTypes (consumer) | Specifies the set of event types to register by the consumer.Multiple event can be separated by comma. The possible event types are: CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_CREATED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_EXPIRED, CLIENT_CACHE_FAILOVER. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
defaultValue (producer) | Set a specific default value for some producer operations. | Object | |
key (producer) | Set a specific key for producer operations. | Object | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
oldValue (producer) | Set a specific old value for some producer operations. | Object | |
operation (producer) | The operation to perform. Enum values:
| PUT | InfinispanOperation |
value (producer) | Set a specific value for producer operations. | Object | |
password ( security) | Define the password to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
saslMechanism ( security) | Define the SASL Mechanism to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
securityRealm ( security) | Define the security realm to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
securityServerName ( security) | Define the security server name to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
username ( security) | Define the username to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
cacheContainer (advanced) | Autowired Specifies the cache Container to connect. | RemoteCacheManager | |
cacheContainerConfiguration (advanced) | Autowired The CacheContainer configuration. Used if the cacheContainer is not defined. | Configuration | |
configurationProperties (advanced) | Implementation specific properties for the CacheManager. | Map | |
configurationUri (advanced) | An implementation specific URI for the CacheManager. | String | |
flags (advanced) | A comma separated list of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.Flag to be applied by default on each cache invocation. | String | |
remappingFunction (advanced) | Set a specific remappingFunction to use in a compute operation. | BiFunction | |
resultHeader (advanced) | Store the operation result in a header instead of the message body. By default, resultHeader == null and the query result is stored in the message body, any existing content in the message body is discarded. If resultHeader is set, the value is used as the name of the header to store the query result and the original message body is preserved. This value can be overridden by an in message header named: CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader. | String |
23.5. Camel Operations
This section lists all available operations, along with their header information.
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.PUT | Puts a key/value pair in the cache, optionally with expiration |
InfinispanOperation.PUTASYNC | Asynchronously puts a key/value pair in the cache, optionally with expiration |
InfinispanOperation.PUTIFABSENT | Puts a key/value pair in the cache if it did not exist, optionally with expiration |
InfinispanOperation.PUTIFABSENTASYNC | Asynchronously puts a key/value pair in the cache if it did not exist, optionally with expiration |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanKey
- CamelInfinispanValue
Optional Headers:
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTime
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTimeUnit
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTime
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit
Result Header:
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.PUTALL | Adds multiple entries to a cache, optionally with expiration |
CamelInfinispanOperation.PUTALLASYNC | Asynchronously adds multiple entries to a cache, optionally with expiration |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanMap
Optional Headers:
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTime
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTimeUnit
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTime
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.GET | Retrieves the value associated with a specific key from the cache |
InfinispanOperation.GETORDEFAULT | Retrieves the value, or default value, associated with a specific key from the cache |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanKey
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.CONTAINSKEY | Determines whether a cache contains a specific key |
Required Headers
- CamelInfinispanKey
Result Header
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.CONTAINSVALUE | Determines whether a cache contains a specific value |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanKey
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.REMOVE | Removes an entry from a cache, optionally only if the value matches a given one |
InfinispanOperation.REMOVEASYNC | Asynchronously removes an entry from a cache, optionally only if the value matches a given one |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanKey
Optional Headers:
- CamelInfinispanValue
Result Header:
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.REPLACE | Conditionally replaces an entry in the cache, optionally with expiration |
InfinispanOperation.REPLACEASYNC | Asynchronously conditionally replaces an entry in the cache, optionally with expiration |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanKey
- CamelInfinispanValue
- CamelInfinispanOldValue
Optional Headers:
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTime
- CamelInfinispanLifespanTimeUnit
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTime
- CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit
Result Header:
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.CLEAR | Clears the cache |
InfinispanOperation.CLEARASYNC | Asynchronously clears the cache |
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.SIZE | Returns the number of entries in the cache |
Result Header
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.STATS | Returns statistics about the cache |
Result Header:
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Operation Name | Description |
InfinispanOperation.QUERY | Executes a query on the cache |
Required Headers:
- CamelInfinispanQueryBuilder
Result Header:
- CamelInfinispanOperationResult
Write methods like put(key, value) and remove(key) do not return the previous value by default.
23.6. Message Headers
Name | Default Value | Type | Context | Description |
CamelInfinispanCacheName |
| String | Shared | The cache participating in the operation or event. |
CamelInfinispanOperation |
| InfinispanOperation | Producer | The operation to perform. |
CamelInfinispanMap |
| Map | Producer | A Map to use in case of CamelInfinispanOperationPutAll operation |
CamelInfinispanKey |
| Object | Shared | The key to perform the operation to or the key generating the event. |
CamelInfinispanValue |
| Object | Producer | The value to use for the operation. |
CamelInfinispanEventType |
| String | Consumer | The type of the received event. |
CamelInfinispanLifespanTime |
| long | Producer | The Lifespan time of a value inside the cache. Negative values are interpreted as infinity. |
CamelInfinispanTimeUnit |
| String | Producer | The Time Unit of an entry Lifespan Time. |
CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTime |
| long | Producer | The maximum amount of time an entry is allowed to be idle for before it is considered as expired. |
CamelInfinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit |
| String | Producer | The Time Unit of an entry Max Idle Time. |
CamelInfinispanQueryBuilder | null | InfinispanQueryBuilder | Producer | The QueryBuilde to use for QUERY command, if not present the command defaults to InifinispanConfiguration’s one |
CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader | null | String | Producer | Store the operation result in a header instead of the message body |
23.7. Examples
Put a key/value into a named cache:
from("direct:start") .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.OPERATION).constant(InfinispanOperation.PUT) (1) .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.KEY).constant("123") (2) .to("infinispan:myCacheName&cacheContainer=#cacheContainer"); (3)
- 1 - Set the operation to perform
- 2 - Set the key used to identify the element in the cache
3 - Use the configured cache manager
from the registry to put an element to the cache namedmyCacheName
It is possible to configure the lifetime and/or the idle time before the entry expires and gets evicted from the cache, as example:
from("direct:start") .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.OPERATION).constant(InfinispanOperation.GET) .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.KEY).constant("123") .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.LIFESPAN_TIME).constant(100L) (1) .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.LIFESPAN_TIME_UNIT.constant(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toString()) (2) .to("infinispan:myCacheName");
- 1 - Set the lifespan of the entry
- 2 - Set the time unit for the lifespan
from("direct:start") .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.OPERATION, InfinispanConstants.QUERY) .setHeader(InfinispanConstants.QUERY_BUILDER, new InfinispanQueryBuilder() { @Override public Query build(QueryFactory<Query> qf) { return qf.from(User.class).having("name").like("%abc%").build(); } }) .to("infinispan:myCacheName?cacheContainer=#cacheManager") ;
The .proto descriptors for domain objects must be registered with the remote Data Grid server, see Remote Query Example in the official Infinispan documentation.
Custom Listeners
from("infinispan://?cacheContainer=#cacheManager&customListener=#myCustomListener") .to("mock:result");
The instance of myCustomListener
must exist and Camel should be able to look it up from the Registry
. Users are encouraged to extend the org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteCustomListener
class and annotate the resulting class with @ClientListener
which can be found found in package org.infinispan.client.hotrod.annotation
23.8. Using the Infinispan based idempotent repository
In this section we will use the Infinispan based idempotent repository.
Java Example
InfinispanRemoteConfiguration conf = new InfinispanRemoteConfiguration(); (1) conf.setHosts("localhost:1122") InfinispanRemoteIdempotentRepository repo = new InfinispanRemoteIdempotentRepository("idempotent"); (2) repo.setConfiguration(conf); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() { from("direct:start") .idempotentConsumer(header("MessageID"), repo) (3) .to("mock:result"); } });
- 1 - Configure the cache
- 2 - Configure the repository bean
- 3 - Set the repository to the route
XML Example
<bean id="infinispanRepo" class="org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteIdempotentRepository" destroy-method="stop"> <constructor-arg value="idempotent"/> (1) <property name="configuration"> (2) <bean class="org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteConfiguration"> <property name="hosts" value="localhost:11222"/> </bean> </property> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start" /> <idempotentConsumer messageIdRepositoryRef="infinispanRepo"> (3) <header>MessageID</header> <to uri="mock:result" /> </idempotentConsumer> </route> </camelContext>
- 1 - Set the name of the cache that will be used by the repository
- 2 - Configure the repository bean
- 3 - Set the repository to the route
23.9. Using the Infinispan based aggregation repository
In this section we will use the Infinispan based aggregation repository.
Java Example
InfinispanRemoteConfiguration conf = new InfinispanRemoteConfiguration(); (1) conf.setHosts("localhost:1122") InfinispanRemoteAggregationRepository repo = new InfinispanRemoteAggregationRepository(); (2) repo.setCacheName("aggregation"); repo.setConfiguration(conf); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() { from("direct:start") .aggregate(header("MessageID")) .completionSize(3) .aggregationRepository(repo) (3) .aggregationStrategyRef("myStrategy") .to("mock:result"); } });
- 1 - Configure the cache
- 2 - Create the repository bean
- 3 - Set the repository to the route
XML Example
<bean id="infinispanRepo" class="org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteAggregationRepository" destroy-method="stop"> <constructor-arg value="aggregation"/> (1) <property name="configuration"> (2) <bean class="org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteConfiguration"> <property name="hosts" value="localhost:11222"/> </bean> </property> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start" /> <aggregate strategyRef="myStrategy" completionSize="3" aggregationRepositoryRef="infinispanRepo"> (3) <correlationExpression> <header>MessageID</header> </correlationExpression> <to uri="mock:result"/> </aggregate> </route> </camelContext>
- 1 - Set the name of the cache that will be used by the repository
- 2 - Configure the repository bean
- 3 - Set the repository to the route
With the release of Infinispan 11, it is required to set the encoding configuration on any cache created. This is critical for consuming events too. For more information have a look at Data Encoding and MediaTypes in the official Infinispan documentation.
23.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using infinispan with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-infinispan-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 23 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.infinispan.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.infinispan.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.infinispan.cache-container | Specifies the cache Container to connect. The option is a org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCacheManager type. | RemoteCacheManager | |
camel.component.infinispan.cache-container-configuration | The CacheContainer configuration. Used if the cacheContainer is not defined. The option is a org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.Configuration type. | Configuration | |
camel.component.infinispan.configuration | Component configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteConfiguration type. | InfinispanRemoteConfiguration | |
camel.component.infinispan.configuration-properties | Implementation specific properties for the CacheManager. | Map | |
camel.component.infinispan.configuration-uri | An implementation specific URI for the CacheManager. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.custom-listener | Returns the custom listener in use, if provided. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.remote.InfinispanRemoteCustomListener type. | InfinispanRemoteCustomListener | |
camel.component.infinispan.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the infinispan component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.infinispan.event-types | Specifies the set of event types to register by the consumer.Multiple event can be separated by comma. The possible event types are: CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_CREATED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED, CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_EXPIRED, CLIENT_CACHE_FAILOVER. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.flags | A comma separated list of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.Flag to be applied by default on each cache invocation. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.hosts | Specifies the host of the cache on Infinispan instance. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.infinispan.operation | The operation to perform. | InfinispanOperation | |
camel.component.infinispan.password | Define the password to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.query-builder | Specifies the query builder. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.InfinispanQueryBuilder type. | InfinispanQueryBuilder | |
camel.component.infinispan.remapping-function | Set a specific remappingFunction to use in a compute operation. The option is a java.util.function.BiFunction type. | BiFunction | |
camel.component.infinispan.result-header | Store the operation result in a header instead of the message body. By default, resultHeader == null and the query result is stored in the message body, any existing content in the message body is discarded. If resultHeader is set, the value is used as the name of the header to store the query result and the original message body is preserved. This value can be overridden by an in message header named: CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.sasl-mechanism | Define the SASL Mechanism to access the infinispan instance. | String | | | Define if we are connecting to a secured Infinispan instance. | false | Boolean | | Define the security realm to access the infinispan instance. | String | | | Define the security server name to access the infinispan instance. | String | |
camel.component.infinispan.username | Define the username to access the infinispan instance. | String |
Chapter 24. Jira
Both producer and consumer are supported
The JIRA component interacts with the JIRA API by encapsulating Atlassian’s REST Java Client for JIRA. It currently provides polling for new issues and new comments. It is also able to create new issues, add comments, change issues, add/remove watchers, add attachment and transition the state of an issue.
Rather than webhooks, this endpoint relies on simple polling. Reasons include:
- Concern for reliability/stability
- The types of payloads we’re polling aren’t typically large (plus, paging is available in the API)
- The need to support apps running somewhere not publicly accessible where a webhook would fail
Note that the JIRA API is fairly expansive. Therefore, this component could be easily expanded to provide additional interactions.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jira</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
24.1. URI format
The Jira type accepts the following operations:
For consumers:
- newIssues: retrieve only new issues after the route is started
- newComments: retrieve only new comments after the route is started
- watchUpdates: retrieve only updated fields/issues based on provided jql
For producers:
- addIssue: add an issue
- addComment: add a comment on a given issue
- attach: add an attachment on a given issue
- deleteIssue: delete a given issue
- updateIssue: update fields of a given issue
- transitionIssue: transition a status of a given issue
- watchers: add/remove watchers of a given issue
As Jira is fully customizable, you must assure the fields IDs exists for the project and workflow, as they can change between different Jira servers.
24.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
24.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
24.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
24.3. Component Options
The Jira component supports 12 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
delay (common) | Time in milliseconds to elapse for the next poll. | 6000 | Integer |
jiraUrl (common) | Required The Jira server url, example: . | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
configuration (advanced) | To use a shared base jira configuration. | JiraConfiguration | |
accessToken (security) | (OAuth only) The access token generated by the Jira server. | String | |
consumerKey (security) | (OAuth only) The consumer key from Jira settings. | String | |
password (security) | (Basic authentication only) The password to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if username basic authentication is used. | String | |
privateKey (security) | (OAuth only) The private key generated by the client to encrypt the conversation to the server. | String | |
username (security) | (Basic authentication only) The username to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if OAuth is not enabled on the Jira server. Do not set the username and OAuth token parameter, if they are both set, the username basic authentication takes precedence. | String | |
verificationCode (security) | (OAuth only) The verification code from Jira generated in the first step of the authorization proccess. | String |
24.4. Endpoint Options
The Jira endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
24.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
type (common) | Required Operation to perform. Consumers: NewIssues, NewComments. Producers: AddIssue, AttachFile, DeleteIssue, TransitionIssue, UpdateIssue, Watchers. See this class javadoc description for more information. Enum values:
| JiraType |
24.4.2. Query Parameters (16 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
delay (common) | Time in milliseconds to elapse for the next poll. | 6000 | Integer |
jiraUrl (common) | Required The Jira server url, example: . | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
jql (consumer) | JQL is the query language from JIRA which allows you to retrieve the data you want. For example jql=project=MyProject Where MyProject is the product key in Jira. It is important to use the RAW() and set the JQL inside it to prevent camel parsing it, example: RAW(project in (MYP, COM) AND resolution = Unresolved). | String | |
maxResults (consumer) | Max number of issues to search for. | 50 | Integer |
sendOnlyUpdatedField (consumer) | Indicator for sending only changed fields in exchange body or issue object. By default consumer sends only changed fields. | true | boolean |
watchedFields (consumer) | Comma separated list of fields to watch for changes. Status,Priority are the defaults. | Status,Priority | String |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
accessToken (security) | (OAuth only) The access token generated by the Jira server. | String | |
consumerKey (security) | (OAuth only) The consumer key from Jira settings. | String | |
password (security) | (Basic authentication only) The password to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if username basic authentication is used. | String | |
privateKey (security) | (OAuth only) The private key generated by the client to encrypt the conversation to the server. | String | |
username (security) | (Basic authentication only) The username to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if OAuth is not enabled on the Jira server. Do not set the username and OAuth token parameter, if they are both set, the username basic authentication takes precedence. | String | |
verificationCode (security) | (OAuth only) The verification code from Jira generated in the first step of the authorization proccess. | String |
24.5. Client Factory
You can bind the JiraRestClientFactory
with name JiraRestClientFactory in the registry to have it automatically set in the Jira endpoint.
24.6. Authentication
Camel-jira supports Basic Authentication and OAuth 3 legged authentication.
We recommend to use OAuth whenever possible, as it provides the best security for your users and system.
24.6.1. Basic authentication requirements:
- An username and password
24.6.2. OAuth authentication requirements:
Follow the tutorial in Jira OAuth documentation to generate the client private key, consumer key, verification code and access token.
- a private key, generated locally on your system.
- A verification code, generated by Jira server.
- The consumer key, set in the Jira server settings.
- An access token, generated by Jira server.
24.7. JQL
The JQL URI option is used by both consumer endpoints. Theoretically, items like "project key", etc. could be URI options themselves. However, by requiring the use of JQL, the consumers become much more flexible and powerful.
At the bare minimum, the consumers will require the following:
jira://[type]?[required options]&jql=project=[project key]
One important thing to note is that the newIssues consumer will automatically set the JQL as:
ORDER BY key desc
to your JQL -
id > latestIssueId
to retrieve issues added after the camel route was started.
This is in order to optimize startup processing, rather than having to index every single issue in the project.
Another note is that, similarly, the newComments consumer will have to index every single issue and comment in the project. Therefore, for large projects, it’s vital to optimize the JQL expression as much as possible. For example, the JIRA Toolkit Plugin includes a "Number of comments" custom field — use '"Number of comments" > 0' in your query. Also try to minimize based on state (status=Open), increase the polling delay, etc. Example:
jira://[type]?[required options]&jql=RAW(project=[project key] AND status in (Open, \"Coding In Progress\") AND \"Number of comments\">0)"
24.8. Operations
See a list of required headers to set when using the Jira operations. The author field for the producers is automatically set to the authenticated user in the Jira side.
If any required field is not set, then an IllegalArgumentException is throw.
There are operations that requires id
for fields suchs as: issue type, priority, transition. Check the valid id
on your jira project as they may differ on a jira installation and project workflow.
24.9. AddIssue
: The project key, example: CAMEL, HHH, MYP. -
: Theid
of the issue type or the name of the issue type, you can see the valid list inhttp://jira_server/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=SAMPLE_KEY
. -
: The summary of the issue.
: the assignee user -
: The priority of the issue, you can see the valid list inhttp://jira_server/rest/api/2/priority
. -
: A list of string with the valid component names. -
: A list of strings with the usernames to add to the watcher list. -
: The description of the issue.
24.10. AddComment
: The issue key identifier. - body of the exchange is the description.
24.11. Attach
Only one file should attach per invocation.
: The issue key identifier. -
body of the exchange should be of type
24.12. DeleteIssue
: The issue key identifier.
24.13. TransitionIssue
: The issue key identifier. -
: The issue transitionid
. - body of the exchange is the description.
24.14. UpdateIssue
: The issue key identifier. -
: Theid
of the issue type or the name of the issue type, you can see the valid list inhttp://jira_server/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=SAMPLE_KEY
. -
: The summary of the issue. -
: the assignee user -
: The priority of the issue, you can see the valid list inhttp://jira_server/rest/api/2/priority
. -
: A list of string with the valid component names. -
: The description of the issue.
24.15. Watcher
: The issue key identifier. -
: A list of strings with the usernames to add to the watcher list. -
: A list of strings with the usernames to remove from the watcher list.
24.16. WatchUpdates (consumer)
Comma separated list of fields to watch for changes i.eStatus,Priority,Assignee,Components
etc. -
By default only changed field is send as the body.
All messages also contain following headers that add additional info about the change:
: Key of the updated issue -
: name of the updated field (i.e Status) -
: list of all issue keys that are watched in the time of update
24.17. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using jira with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jira-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 13 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.jira.access-token | (OAuth only) The access token generated by the Jira server. | String | |
camel.component.jira.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jira.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jira.configuration | To use a shared base jira configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.jira.JiraConfiguration type. | JiraConfiguration | |
camel.component.jira.consumer-key | (OAuth only) The consumer key from Jira settings. | String | |
camel.component.jira.delay | Time in milliseconds to elapse for the next poll. | 6000 | Integer |
camel.component.jira.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the jira component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.jira.jira-url | The Jira server url, example: | String | |
camel.component.jira.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jira.password | (Basic authentication only) The password to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if username basic authentication is used. | String | |
camel.component.jira.private-key | (OAuth only) The private key generated by the client to encrypt the conversation to the server. | String | |
camel.component.jira.username | (Basic authentication only) The username to authenticate to the Jira server. Use only if OAuth is not enabled on the Jira server. Do not set the username and OAuth token parameter, if they are both set, the username basic authentication takes precedence. | String | |
camel.component.jira.verification-code | (OAuth only) The verification code from Jira generated in the first step of the authorization proccess. | String |
Chapter 25. JMS
Both producer and consumer are supported
This component allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) a JMS Queue or Topic. It uses Spring’s JMS support for declarative transactions, including Spring’s JmsTemplate
for sending and a MessageListenerContainer
for consuming.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jms</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Using ActiveMQ
If you are using Apache ActiveMQ, you should prefer the ActiveMQ component as it has been optimized for ActiveMQ. All of the options and samples on this page are also valid for the ActiveMQ component.
Transacted and caching
See section Transactions and Cache Levels below if you are using transactions with JMS as it can impact performance.
Request/Reply over JMS
Make sure to read the section Request-reply over JMS further below on this page for important notes about request/reply, as Camel offers a number of options to configure for performance, and clustered environments.
25.1. URI format
Where destinationName
is a JMS queue or topic name. By default, the destinationName
is interpreted as a queue name. For example, to connect to the queue, FOO.BAR
You can include the optional queue:
prefix, if you prefer:
To connect to a topic, you must include the topic:
prefix. For example, to connect to the topic, Stocks.Prices
, use:
You append query options to the URI by using the following format,
25.1.1. Using ActiveMQ
The JMS component reuses Spring 2’s JmsTemplate
for sending messages. This is not ideal for use in a non-J2EE container and typically requires some caching in the JMS provider to avoid poor performance .
If you intend to use Apache ActiveMQ as your message broker, the recommendation is that you do one of the following:
- Use the ActiveMQ component, which is already optimized to use ActiveMQ efficiently
Use the
in ActiveMQ.
25.1.2. Transactions and Cache Levels
If you are consuming messages and using transactions (transacted=true
) then the default settings for cache level can impact performance.
If you are using XA transactions then you cannot cache as it can cause the XA transaction to not work properly.
If you are not using XA, then you should consider caching as it speeds up performance, such as setting cacheLevelName=CACHE_CONSUMER
The default setting for cacheLevelName
. This default auto detects the mode and sets the cache level accordingly to:
So you can say the default setting is conservative. Consider using cacheLevelName=CACHE_CONSUMER
if you are using non-XA transactions.
25.1.3. Durable Subscriptions
If you wish to use durable topic subscriptions, you need to specify both clientId
and durableSubscriptionName
. The value of the clientId
must be unique and can only be used by a single JMS connection instance in your entire network. You may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead to avoid this limitation. More background on durable messaging here.
25.1.4. Message Header Mapping
When using message headers, the JMS specification states that header names must be valid Java identifiers. So try to name your headers to be valid Java identifiers. One benefit of doing this is that you can then use your headers inside a JMS Selector (whose SQL92 syntax mandates Java identifier syntax for headers).
A simple strategy for mapping header names is used by default. The strategy is to replace any dots and hyphens in the header name as shown below and to reverse the replacement when the header name is restored from a JMS message sent over the wire. What does this mean? No more losing method names to invoke on a bean component, no more losing the filename header for the File Component, and so on.
The current header name strategy for accepting header names in Camel is as follows:
- Dots are replaced by `DOT` and the replacement is reversed when Camel consume the message
- Hyphen is replaced by `HYPHEN` and the replacement is reversed when Camel consumes the message
You can configure many different properties on the JMS endpoint, which map to properties on the JMSConfiguration
Mapping to Spring JMS
Many of these properties map to properties on Spring JMS, which Camel uses for sending and receiving messages. So you can get more information about these properties by consulting the relevant Spring documentation.
25.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
25.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
25.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
25.3. Component Options
The JMS component supports 98 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
clientId (common) | Sets the JMS client ID to use. Note that this value, if specified, must be unique and can only be used by a single JMS connection instance. It is typically only required for durable topic subscriptions. If using Apache ActiveMQ you may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead. | String | |
connectionFactory (common) | The connection factory to be use. A connection factory must be configured either on the component or endpoint. | ConnectionFactory | |
disableReplyTo (common) | Specifies whether Camel ignores the JMSReplyTo header in messages. If true, Camel does not send a reply back to the destination specified in the JMSReplyTo header. You can use this option if you want Camel to consume from a route and you do not want Camel to automatically send back a reply message because another component in your code handles the reply message. You can also use this option if you want to use Camel as a proxy between different message brokers and you want to route message from one system to another. | false | boolean |
durableSubscriptionName (common) | The durable subscriber name for specifying durable topic subscriptions. The clientId option must be configured as well. | String | |
jmsMessageType (common) | Allows you to force the use of a specific javax.jms.Message implementation for sending JMS messages. Possible values are: Bytes, Map, Object, Stream, Text. By default, Camel would determine which JMS message type to use from the In body type. This option allows you to specify it. Enum values:
| JmsMessageType | |
replyTo (common) | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination (overrides any incoming value of Message.getJMSReplyTo() in consumer). | String | |
testConnectionOnStartup (common) | Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. The JMS producers is tested as well. | false | boolean |
acknowledgementModeName (consumer) | The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: SESSION_TRANSACTED, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. Enum values:
artemisConsumerPriority (consumer) | Consumer priorities allow you to ensure that high priority consumers receive messages while they are active. Normally, active consumers connected to a queue receive messages from it in a round-robin fashion. When consumer priorities are in use, messages are delivered round-robin if multiple active consumers exist with the same high priority. Messages will only going to lower priority consumers when the high priority consumers do not have credit available to consume the message, or those high priority consumers have declined to accept the message (for instance because it does not meet the criteria of any selectors associated with the consumer). | int | |
asyncConsumer (consumer) | Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously. If enabled then the JmsConsumer may pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). This means that messages may be processed not 100% strictly in order. If disabled (as default) then the Exchange is fully processed before the JmsConsumer will pickup the next message from the JMS queue. Note if transacted has been enabled, then asyncConsumer=true does not run asynchronously, as transaction must be executed synchronously (Camel 3.0 may support async transactions). | false | boolean |
autoStartup (consumer) | Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup. | true | boolean |
cacheLevel (consumer) | Sets the cache level by ID for the underlying JMS resources. See cacheLevelName option for more details. | int | |
cacheLevelName (consumer) | Sets the cache level by name for the underlying JMS resources. Possible values are: CACHE_AUTO, CACHE_CONNECTION, CACHE_CONSUMER, CACHE_NONE, and CACHE_SESSION. The default setting is CACHE_AUTO. See the Spring documentation and Transactions Cache Levels for more information. Enum values:
| CACHE_AUTO | String |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | 1 | int |
maxConcurrentConsumers (consumer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | int | |
replyToDeliveryPersistent (consumer) | Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies. | true | boolean |
selector (consumer) | Sets the JMS selector to use. | String | |
subscriptionDurable (consumer) | Set whether to make the subscription durable. The durable subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a durable subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. | false | boolean |
subscriptionName (consumer) | Set the name of a subscription to create. To be applied in case of a topic (pub-sub domain) with a shared or durable subscription. The subscription name needs to be unique within this client’s JMS client id. Default is the class name of the specified message listener. Note: Only 1 concurrent consumer (which is the default of this message listener container) is allowed for each subscription, except for a shared subscription (which requires JMS 2.0). | String | |
subscriptionShared (consumer) | Set whether to make the subscription shared. The shared subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a shared subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Note that shared subscriptions may also be durable, so this flag can (and often will) be combined with subscriptionDurable as well. Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. Requires a JMS 2.0 compatible message broker. | false | boolean |
acceptMessagesWhileStopping (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether the consumer accept messages while it is stopping. You may consider enabling this option, if you start and stop JMS routes at runtime, while there are still messages enqueued on the queue. If this option is false, and you stop the JMS route, then messages may be rejected, and the JMS broker would have to attempt redeliveries, which yet again may be rejected, and eventually the message may be moved at a dead letter queue on the JMS broker. To avoid this its recommended to enable this option. | false | boolean |
allowReplyManagerQuickStop (consumer (advanced)) | Whether the DefaultMessageListenerContainer used in the reply managers for request-reply messaging allow the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.runningAllowed flag to quick stop in case JmsConfiguration#isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping is enabled, and org.apache.camel.CamelContext is currently being stopped. This quick stop ability is enabled by default in the regular JMS consumers but to enable for reply managers you must enable this flag. | false | boolean |
consumerType (consumer (advanced)) | The consumer type to use, which can be one of: Simple, Default, or Custom. The consumer type determines which Spring JMS listener to use. Default will use org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer, Simple will use org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer. When Custom is specified, the MessageListenerContainerFactory defined by the messageListenerContainerFactory option will determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use. Enum values:
| Default | ConsumerType |
defaultTaskExecutorType (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies what default TaskExecutor type to use in the DefaultMessageListenerContainer, for both consumer endpoints and the ReplyTo consumer of producer endpoints. Possible values: SimpleAsync (uses Spring’s SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor) or ThreadPool (uses Spring’s ThreadPoolTaskExecutor with optimal values - cached threadpool-like). If not set, it defaults to the previous behaviour, which uses a cached thread pool for consumer endpoints and SimpleAsync for reply consumers. The use of ThreadPool is recommended to reduce thread trash in elastic configurations with dynamically increasing and decreasing concurrent consumers. Enum values:
| DefaultTaskExecutorType | |
eagerLoadingOfProperties (consumer (advanced)) | Enables eager loading of JMS properties and payload as soon as a message is loaded which generally is inefficient as the JMS properties may not be required but sometimes can catch early any issues with the underlying JMS provider and the use of JMS properties. See also the option eagerPoisonBody. | false | boolean |
eagerPoisonBody (consumer (advanced)) | If eagerLoadingOfProperties is enabled and the JMS message payload (JMS body or JMS properties) is poison (cannot be read/mapped), then set this text as the message body instead so the message can be processed (the cause of the poison are already stored as exception on the Exchange). This can be turned off by setting eagerPoisonBody=false. See also the option eagerLoadingOfProperties. | Poison JMS message due to $\{exception.message} | String |
exposeListenerSession (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether the listener session should be exposed when consuming messages. | false | boolean |
replyToSameDestinationAllowed (consumer (advanced)) | Whether a JMS consumer is allowed to send a reply message to the same destination that the consumer is using to consume from. This prevents an endless loop by consuming and sending back the same message to itself. | false | boolean |
taskExecutor (consumer (advanced)) | Allows you to specify a custom task executor for consuming messages. | TaskExecutor | |
deliveryDelay (producer) | Sets delivery delay to use for send calls for JMS. This option requires JMS 2.0 compliant broker. | -1 | long |
deliveryMode (producer) | Specifies the delivery mode to be used. Possible values are those defined by javax.jms.DeliveryMode. NON_PERSISTENT = 1 and PERSISTENT = 2. Enum values:
| Integer | |
deliveryPersistent (producer) | Specifies whether persistent delivery is used by default. | true | boolean |
explicitQosEnabled (producer) | Set if the deliveryMode, priority or timeToLive qualities of service should be used when sending messages. This option is based on Spring’s JmsTemplate. The deliveryMode, priority and timeToLive options are applied to the current endpoint. This contrasts with the preserveMessageQos option, which operates at message granularity, reading QoS properties exclusively from the Camel In message headers. | false | Boolean |
formatDateHeadersToIso8601 (producer) | Sets whether JMS date properties should be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
preserveMessageQos (producer) | Set to true, if you want to send message using the QoS settings specified on the message, instead of the QoS settings on the JMS endpoint. The following three headers are considered JMSPriority, JMSDeliveryMode, and JMSExpiration. You can provide all or only some of them. If not provided, Camel will fall back to use the values from the endpoint instead. So, when using this option, the headers override the values from the endpoint. The explicitQosEnabled option, by contrast, will only use options set on the endpoint, and not values from the message header. | false | boolean |
priority (producer) | Values greater than 1 specify the message priority when sending (where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest). The explicitQosEnabled option must also be enabled in order for this option to have any effect. Enum values:
| 4 | int |
replyToConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when doing request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | 1 | int |
replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when using request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | int | |
replyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers for continue routing when timeout occurred when using request/reply over JMS. | 1 | int |
replyToOverride (producer) | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination in the JMS message, which overrides the setting of replyTo. It is useful if you want to forward the message to a remote Queue and receive the reply message from the ReplyTo destination. | String | |
replyToType (producer) | Allows for explicitly specifying which kind of strategy to use for replyTo queues when doing request/reply over JMS. Possible values are: Temporary, Shared, or Exclusive. By default Camel will use temporary queues. However if replyTo has been configured, then Shared is used by default. This option allows you to use exclusive queues instead of shared ones. See Camel JMS documentation for more details, and especially the notes about the implications if running in a clustered environment, and the fact that Shared reply queues has lower performance than its alternatives Temporary and Exclusive. Enum values:
| ReplyToType | |
requestTimeout (producer) | The timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds). The default is 20 seconds. You can include the header CamelJmsRequestTimeout to override this endpoint configured timeout value, and thus have per message individual timeout values. See also the requestTimeoutCheckerInterval option. | 20000 | long |
timeToLive (producer) | When sending messages, specifies the time-to-live of the message (in milliseconds). | -1 | long |
allowAdditionalHeaders (producer (advanced)) | This option is used to allow additional headers which may have values that are invalid according to JMS specification. For example some message systems such as WMQ do this with header names using prefix JMS_IBM_MQMD_ containing values with byte array or other invalid types. You can specify multiple header names separated by comma, and use as suffix for wildcard matching. | String | |
allowNullBody (producer (advanced)) | Whether to allow sending messages with no body. If this option is false and the message body is null, then an JMSException is thrown. | true | boolean |
alwaysCopyMessage (producer (advanced)) | If true, Camel will always make a JMS message copy of the message when it is passed to the producer for sending. Copying the message is needed in some situations, such as when a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set (incidentally, Camel will set the alwaysCopyMessage option to true, if a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set). | false | boolean |
correlationProperty (producer (advanced)) | When using InOut exchange pattern use this JMS property instead of JMSCorrelationID JMS property to correlate messages. If set messages will be correlated solely on the value of this property JMSCorrelationID property will be ignored and not set by Camel. | String | |
disableTimeToLive (producer (advanced)) | Use this option to force disabling time to live. For example when you do request/reply over JMS, then Camel will by default use the requestTimeout value as time to live on the message being sent. The problem is that the sender and receiver systems have to have their clocks synchronized, so they are in sync. This is not always so easy to archive. So you can use disableTimeToLive=true to not set a time to live value on the sent message. Then the message will not expire on the receiver system. See below in section About time to live for more details. | false | boolean |
forceSendOriginalMessage (producer (advanced)) | When using mapJmsMessage=false Camel will create a new JMS message to send to a new JMS destination if you touch the headers (get or set) during the route. Set this option to true to force Camel to send the original JMS message that was received. | false | boolean |
includeSentJMSMessageID (producer (advanced)) | Only applicable when sending to JMS destination using InOnly (eg fire and forget). Enabling this option will enrich the Camel Exchange with the actual JMSMessageID that was used by the JMS client when the message was sent to the JMS destination. | false | boolean |
replyToCacheLevelName (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cache level by name for the reply consumer when doing request/reply over JMS. This option only applies when using fixed reply queues (not temporary). Camel will by default use: CACHE_CONSUMER for exclusive or shared w/ replyToSelectorName. And CACHE_SESSION for shared without replyToSelectorName. Some JMS brokers such as IBM WebSphere may require to set the replyToCacheLevelName=CACHE_NONE to work. Note: If using temporary queues then CACHE_NONE is not allowed, and you must use a higher value such as CACHE_CONSUMER or CACHE_SESSION. Enum values:
| String | |
replyToDestinationSelectorName (producer (advanced)) | Sets the JMS Selector using the fixed name to be used so you can filter out your own replies from the others when using a shared queue (that is, if you are not using a temporary reply queue). | String | |
streamMessageTypeEnabled (producer (advanced)) | Sets whether StreamMessage type is enabled or not. Message payloads of streaming kind such as files, InputStream, etc will either by sent as BytesMessage or StreamMessage. This option controls which kind will be used. By default BytesMessage is used which enforces the entire message payload to be read into memory. By enabling this option the message payload is read into memory in chunks and each chunk is then written to the StreamMessage until no more data. | false | boolean |
allowAutoWiredConnectionFactory (advanced) | Whether to auto-discover ConnectionFactory from the registry, if no connection factory has been configured. If only one instance of ConnectionFactory is found then it will be used. This is enabled by default. | true | boolean |
allowAutoWiredDestinationResolver (advanced) | Whether to auto-discover DestinationResolver from the registry, if no destination resolver has been configured. If only one instance of DestinationResolver is found then it will be used. This is enabled by default. | true | boolean |
allowSerializedHeaders (advanced) | Controls whether or not to include serialized headers. Applies only when transferExchange is true. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
artemisStreamingEnabled (advanced) | Whether optimizing for Apache Artemis streaming mode. This can reduce memory overhead when using Artemis with JMS StreamMessage types. This option must only be enabled if Apache Artemis is being used. | false | boolean |
asyncStartListener (advanced) | Whether to startup the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when starting a route. For example if a JmsConsumer cannot get a connection to a remote JMS broker, then it may block while retrying and/or failover. This will cause Camel to block while starting routes. By setting this option to true, you will let routes startup, while the JmsConsumer connects to the JMS broker using a dedicated thread in asynchronous mode. If this option is used, then beware that if the connection could not be established, then an exception is logged at WARN level, and the consumer will not be able to receive messages; You can then restart the route to retry. | false | boolean |
asyncStopListener (advanced) | Whether to stop the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when stopping a route. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
configuration (advanced) | To use a shared JMS configuration. | JmsConfiguration | |
destinationResolver (advanced) | A pluggable that allows you to use your own resolver (for example, to lookup the real destination in a JNDI registry). | DestinationResolver | |
errorHandler (advanced) | Specifies a org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler to be invoked in case of any uncaught exceptions thrown while processing a Message. By default these exceptions will be logged at the WARN level, if no errorHandler has been configured. You can configure logging level and whether stack traces should be logged using errorHandlerLoggingLevel and errorHandlerLogStackTrace options. This makes it much easier to configure, than having to code a custom errorHandler. | ErrorHandler | |
exceptionListener (advanced) | Specifies the JMS Exception Listener that is to be notified of any underlying JMS exceptions. | ExceptionListener | |
idleConsumerLimit (advanced) | Specify the limit for the number of consumers that are allowed to be idle at any given time. | 1 | int |
idleTaskExecutionLimit (advanced) | Specifies the limit for idle executions of a receive task, not having received any message within its execution. If this limit is reached, the task will shut down and leave receiving to other executing tasks (in the case of dynamic scheduling; see the maxConcurrentConsumers setting). There is additional doc available from Spring. | 1 | int |
includeAllJMSXProperties (advanced) | Whether to include all JMSXxxx properties when mapping from JMS to Camel Message. Setting this to true will include properties such as JMSXAppID, and JMSXUserID etc. Note: If you are using a custom headerFilterStrategy then this option does not apply. | false | boolean |
jmsKeyFormatStrategy (advanced) | Pluggable strategy for encoding and decoding JMS keys so they can be compliant with the JMS specification. Camel provides two implementations out of the box: default and passthrough. The default strategy will safely marshal dots and hyphens (. and -). The passthrough strategy leaves the key as is. Can be used for JMS brokers which do not care whether JMS header keys contain illegal characters. You can provide your own implementation of the org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsKeyFormatStrategy and refer to it using the # notation. Enum values:
| JmsKeyFormatStrategy | |
mapJmsMessage (advanced) | Specifies whether Camel should auto map the received JMS message to a suited payload type, such as javax.jms.TextMessage to a String etc. | true | boolean |
maxMessagesPerTask (advanced) | The number of messages per task. -1 is unlimited. If you use a range for concurrent consumers (eg min max), then this option can be used to set a value to eg 100 to control how fast the consumers will shrink when less work is required. | -1 | int |
messageConverter (advanced) | To use a custom Spring so you can be in control how to map to/from a javax.jms.Message. | MessageConverter | |
messageCreatedStrategy (advanced) | To use the given MessageCreatedStrategy which are invoked when Camel creates new instances of javax.jms.Message objects when Camel is sending a JMS message. | MessageCreatedStrategy | |
messageIdEnabled (advanced) | When sending, specifies whether message IDs should be added. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the message ID set to null; if the provider ignores the hint, the message ID must be set to its normal unique value. | true | boolean |
messageListenerContainerFactory (advanced) | Registry ID of the MessageListenerContainerFactory used to determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use to consume messages. Setting this will automatically set consumerType to Custom. | MessageListenerContainerFactory | |
messageTimestampEnabled (advanced) | Specifies whether timestamps should be enabled by default on sending messages. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the timestamp set to zero; if the provider ignores the hint the timestamp must be set to its normal value. | true | boolean |
pubSubNoLocal (advanced) | Specifies whether to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. | false | boolean |
queueBrowseStrategy (advanced) | To use a custom QueueBrowseStrategy when browsing queues. | QueueBrowseStrategy | |
receiveTimeout (advanced) | The timeout for receiving messages (in milliseconds). | 1000 | long |
recoveryInterval (advanced) | Specifies the interval between recovery attempts, i.e. when a connection is being refreshed, in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms, that is, 5 seconds. | 5000 | long |
requestTimeoutCheckerInterval (advanced) | Configures how often Camel should check for timed out Exchanges when doing request/reply over JMS. By default Camel checks once per second. But if you must react faster when a timeout occurs, then you can lower this interval, to check more frequently. The timeout is determined by the option requestTimeout. | 1000 | long |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
transferException (advanced) | If enabled and you are using Request Reply messaging (InOut) and an Exchange failed on the consumer side, then the caused Exception will be send back in response as a javax.jms.ObjectMessage. If the client is Camel, the returned Exception is rethrown. This allows you to use Camel JMS as a bridge in your routing - for example, using persistent queues to enable robust routing. Notice that if you also have transferExchange enabled, this option takes precedence. The caught exception is required to be serializable. The original Exception on the consumer side can be wrapped in an outer exception such as org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException when returned to the producer. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the received to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumer!. | false | boolean |
transferExchange (advanced) | You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body and headers. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, Fault body, In headers, Out headers, Fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. You must enable this option on both the producer and consumer side, so Camel knows the payloads is an Exchange and not a regular payload. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the receiver to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumers having to use compatible Camel versions!. | false | boolean |
useMessageIDAsCorrelationID (advanced) | Specifies whether JMSMessageID should always be used as JMSCorrelationID for InOut messages. | false | boolean |
waitForProvisionCorrelationToBeUpdatedCounter (advanced) | Number of times to wait for provisional correlation id to be updated to the actual correlation id when doing request/reply over JMS and when the option useMessageIDAsCorrelationID is enabled. | 50 | int |
waitForProvisionCorrelationToBeUpdatedThreadSleepingTime (advanced) | Interval in millis to sleep each time while waiting for provisional correlation id to be updated. | 100 | long |
headerFilterStrategy (filter) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
errorHandlerLoggingLevel (logging) | Allows to configure the default errorHandler logging level for logging uncaught exceptions. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
errorHandlerLogStackTrace (logging) | Allows to control whether stacktraces should be logged or not, by the default errorHandler. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
username (security) | Username to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
transacted (transaction) | Specifies whether to use transacted mode. | false | boolean |
transactedInOut (transaction) | Specifies whether InOut operations (request reply) default to using transacted mode If this flag is set to true, then Spring JmsTemplate will have sessionTransacted set to true, and the acknowledgeMode as transacted on the JmsTemplate used for InOut operations. Note from Spring JMS: that within a JTA transaction, the parameters passed to createQueue, createTopic methods are not taken into account. Depending on the Java EE transaction context, the container makes its own decisions on these values. Analogously, these parameters are not taken into account within a locally managed transaction either, since Spring JMS operates on an existing JMS Session in this case. Setting this flag to true will use a short local JMS transaction when running outside of a managed transaction, and a synchronized local JMS transaction in case of a managed transaction (other than an XA transaction) being present. This has the effect of a local JMS transaction being managed alongside the main transaction (which might be a native JDBC transaction), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. | false | boolean |
lazyCreateTransactionManager (transaction (advanced)) | If true, Camel will create a JmsTransactionManager, if there is no transactionManager injected when option transacted=true. | true | boolean |
transactionManager (transaction (advanced)) | The Spring transaction manager to use. | PlatformTransactionManager | |
transactionName (transaction (advanced)) | The name of the transaction to use. | String | |
transactionTimeout (transaction (advanced)) | The timeout value of the transaction (in seconds), if using transacted mode. | -1 | int |
25.4. Endpoint Options
The JMS endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
25.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
destinationType (common) | The kind of destination to use. Enum values:
| queue | String |
destinationName (common) | Required Name of the queue or topic to use as destination. | String |
25.4.2. Query Parameters (95 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
clientId (common) | Sets the JMS client ID to use. Note that this value, if specified, must be unique and can only be used by a single JMS connection instance. It is typically only required for durable topic subscriptions. If using Apache ActiveMQ you may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead. | String | |
connectionFactory (common) | The connection factory to be use. A connection factory must be configured either on the component or endpoint. | ConnectionFactory | |
disableReplyTo (common) | Specifies whether Camel ignores the JMSReplyTo header in messages. If true, Camel does not send a reply back to the destination specified in the JMSReplyTo header. You can use this option if you want Camel to consume from a route and you do not want Camel to automatically send back a reply message because another component in your code handles the reply message. You can also use this option if you want to use Camel as a proxy between different message brokers and you want to route message from one system to another. | false | boolean |
durableSubscriptionName (common) | The durable subscriber name for specifying durable topic subscriptions. The clientId option must be configured as well. | String | |
jmsMessageType (common) | Allows you to force the use of a specific javax.jms.Message implementation for sending JMS messages. Possible values are: Bytes, Map, Object, Stream, Text. By default, Camel would determine which JMS message type to use from the In body type. This option allows you to specify it. Enum values:
| JmsMessageType | |
replyTo (common) | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination (overrides any incoming value of Message.getJMSReplyTo() in consumer). | String | |
testConnectionOnStartup (common) | Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. The JMS producers is tested as well. | false | boolean |
acknowledgementModeName (consumer) | The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: SESSION_TRANSACTED, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. Enum values:
artemisConsumerPriority (consumer) | Consumer priorities allow you to ensure that high priority consumers receive messages while they are active. Normally, active consumers connected to a queue receive messages from it in a round-robin fashion. When consumer priorities are in use, messages are delivered round-robin if multiple active consumers exist with the same high priority. Messages will only going to lower priority consumers when the high priority consumers do not have credit available to consume the message, or those high priority consumers have declined to accept the message (for instance because it does not meet the criteria of any selectors associated with the consumer). | int | |
asyncConsumer (consumer) | Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously. If enabled then the JmsConsumer may pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). This means that messages may be processed not 100% strictly in order. If disabled (as default) then the Exchange is fully processed before the JmsConsumer will pickup the next message from the JMS queue. Note if transacted has been enabled, then asyncConsumer=true does not run asynchronously, as transaction must be executed synchronously (Camel 3.0 may support async transactions). | false | boolean |
autoStartup (consumer) | Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup. | true | boolean |
cacheLevel (consumer) | Sets the cache level by ID for the underlying JMS resources. See cacheLevelName option for more details. | int | |
cacheLevelName (consumer) | Sets the cache level by name for the underlying JMS resources. Possible values are: CACHE_AUTO, CACHE_CONNECTION, CACHE_CONSUMER, CACHE_NONE, and CACHE_SESSION. The default setting is CACHE_AUTO. See the Spring documentation and Transactions Cache Levels for more information. Enum values:
| CACHE_AUTO | String |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | 1 | int |
maxConcurrentConsumers (consumer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | int | |
replyToDeliveryPersistent (consumer) | Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies. | true | boolean |
selector (consumer) | Sets the JMS selector to use. | String | |
subscriptionDurable (consumer) | Set whether to make the subscription durable. The durable subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a durable subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. | false | boolean |
subscriptionName (consumer) | Set the name of a subscription to create. To be applied in case of a topic (pub-sub domain) with a shared or durable subscription. The subscription name needs to be unique within this client’s JMS client id. Default is the class name of the specified message listener. Note: Only 1 concurrent consumer (which is the default of this message listener container) is allowed for each subscription, except for a shared subscription (which requires JMS 2.0). | String | |
subscriptionShared (consumer) | Set whether to make the subscription shared. The shared subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a shared subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Note that shared subscriptions may also be durable, so this flag can (and often will) be combined with subscriptionDurable as well. Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. Requires a JMS 2.0 compatible message broker. | false | boolean |
acceptMessagesWhileStopping (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether the consumer accept messages while it is stopping. You may consider enabling this option, if you start and stop JMS routes at runtime, while there are still messages enqueued on the queue. If this option is false, and you stop the JMS route, then messages may be rejected, and the JMS broker would have to attempt redeliveries, which yet again may be rejected, and eventually the message may be moved at a dead letter queue on the JMS broker. To avoid this its recommended to enable this option. | false | boolean |
allowReplyManagerQuickStop (consumer (advanced)) | Whether the DefaultMessageListenerContainer used in the reply managers for request-reply messaging allow the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.runningAllowed flag to quick stop in case JmsConfiguration#isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping is enabled, and org.apache.camel.CamelContext is currently being stopped. This quick stop ability is enabled by default in the regular JMS consumers but to enable for reply managers you must enable this flag. | false | boolean |
consumerType (consumer (advanced)) | The consumer type to use, which can be one of: Simple, Default, or Custom. The consumer type determines which Spring JMS listener to use. Default will use org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer, Simple will use org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer. When Custom is specified, the MessageListenerContainerFactory defined by the messageListenerContainerFactory option will determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use. Enum values:
| Default | ConsumerType |
defaultTaskExecutorType (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies what default TaskExecutor type to use in the DefaultMessageListenerContainer, for both consumer endpoints and the ReplyTo consumer of producer endpoints. Possible values: SimpleAsync (uses Spring’s SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor) or ThreadPool (uses Spring’s ThreadPoolTaskExecutor with optimal values - cached threadpool-like). If not set, it defaults to the previous behaviour, which uses a cached thread pool for consumer endpoints and SimpleAsync for reply consumers. The use of ThreadPool is recommended to reduce thread trash in elastic configurations with dynamically increasing and decreasing concurrent consumers. Enum values:
| DefaultTaskExecutorType | |
eagerLoadingOfProperties (consumer (advanced)) | Enables eager loading of JMS properties and payload as soon as a message is loaded which generally is inefficient as the JMS properties may not be required but sometimes can catch early any issues with the underlying JMS provider and the use of JMS properties. See also the option eagerPoisonBody. | false | boolean |
eagerPoisonBody (consumer (advanced)) | If eagerLoadingOfProperties is enabled and the JMS message payload (JMS body or JMS properties) is poison (cannot be read/mapped), then set this text as the message body instead so the message can be processed (the cause of the poison are already stored as exception on the Exchange). This can be turned off by setting eagerPoisonBody=false. See also the option eagerLoadingOfProperties. | Poison JMS message due to $\{exception.message} | String |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
exposeListenerSession (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether the listener session should be exposed when consuming messages. | false | boolean |
replyToSameDestinationAllowed (consumer (advanced)) | Whether a JMS consumer is allowed to send a reply message to the same destination that the consumer is using to consume from. This prevents an endless loop by consuming and sending back the same message to itself. | false | boolean |
taskExecutor (consumer (advanced)) | Allows you to specify a custom task executor for consuming messages. | TaskExecutor | |
deliveryDelay (producer) | Sets delivery delay to use for send calls for JMS. This option requires JMS 2.0 compliant broker. | -1 | long |
deliveryMode (producer) | Specifies the delivery mode to be used. Possible values are those defined by javax.jms.DeliveryMode. NON_PERSISTENT = 1 and PERSISTENT = 2. Enum values:
| Integer | |
deliveryPersistent (producer) | Specifies whether persistent delivery is used by default. | true | boolean |
explicitQosEnabled (producer) | Set if the deliveryMode, priority or timeToLive qualities of service should be used when sending messages. This option is based on Spring’s JmsTemplate. The deliveryMode, priority and timeToLive options are applied to the current endpoint. This contrasts with the preserveMessageQos option, which operates at message granularity, reading QoS properties exclusively from the Camel In message headers. | false | Boolean |
formatDateHeadersToIso8601 (producer) | Sets whether JMS date properties should be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
preserveMessageQos (producer) | Set to true, if you want to send message using the QoS settings specified on the message, instead of the QoS settings on the JMS endpoint. The following three headers are considered JMSPriority, JMSDeliveryMode, and JMSExpiration. You can provide all or only some of them. If not provided, Camel will fall back to use the values from the endpoint instead. So, when using this option, the headers override the values from the endpoint. The explicitQosEnabled option, by contrast, will only use options set on the endpoint, and not values from the message header. | false | boolean |
priority (producer) | Values greater than 1 specify the message priority when sending (where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest). The explicitQosEnabled option must also be enabled in order for this option to have any effect. Enum values:
| 4 | int |
replyToConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when doing request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | 1 | int |
replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when using request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | int | |
replyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers (producer) | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers for continue routing when timeout occurred when using request/reply over JMS. | 1 | int |
replyToOverride (producer) | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination in the JMS message, which overrides the setting of replyTo. It is useful if you want to forward the message to a remote Queue and receive the reply message from the ReplyTo destination. | String | |
replyToType (producer) | Allows for explicitly specifying which kind of strategy to use for replyTo queues when doing request/reply over JMS. Possible values are: Temporary, Shared, or Exclusive. By default Camel will use temporary queues. However if replyTo has been configured, then Shared is used by default. This option allows you to use exclusive queues instead of shared ones. See Camel JMS documentation for more details, and especially the notes about the implications if running in a clustered environment, and the fact that Shared reply queues has lower performance than its alternatives Temporary and Exclusive. Enum values:
| ReplyToType | |
requestTimeout (producer) | The timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds). The default is 20 seconds. You can include the header CamelJmsRequestTimeout to override this endpoint configured timeout value, and thus have per message individual timeout values. See also the requestTimeoutCheckerInterval option. | 20000 | long |
timeToLive (producer) | When sending messages, specifies the time-to-live of the message (in milliseconds). | -1 | long |
allowAdditionalHeaders (producer (advanced)) | This option is used to allow additional headers which may have values that are invalid according to JMS specification. For example some message systems such as WMQ do this with header names using prefix JMS_IBM_MQMD_ containing values with byte array or other invalid types. You can specify multiple header names separated by comma, and use as suffix for wildcard matching. | String | |
allowNullBody (producer (advanced)) | Whether to allow sending messages with no body. If this option is false and the message body is null, then an JMSException is thrown. | true | boolean |
alwaysCopyMessage (producer (advanced)) | If true, Camel will always make a JMS message copy of the message when it is passed to the producer for sending. Copying the message is needed in some situations, such as when a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set (incidentally, Camel will set the alwaysCopyMessage option to true, if a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set). | false | boolean |
correlationProperty (producer (advanced)) | When using InOut exchange pattern use this JMS property instead of JMSCorrelationID JMS property to correlate messages. If set messages will be correlated solely on the value of this property JMSCorrelationID property will be ignored and not set by Camel. | String | |
disableTimeToLive (producer (advanced)) | Use this option to force disabling time to live. For example when you do request/reply over JMS, then Camel will by default use the requestTimeout value as time to live on the message being sent. The problem is that the sender and receiver systems have to have their clocks synchronized, so they are in sync. This is not always so easy to archive. So you can use disableTimeToLive=true to not set a time to live value on the sent message. Then the message will not expire on the receiver system. See below in section About time to live for more details. | false | boolean |
forceSendOriginalMessage (producer (advanced)) | When using mapJmsMessage=false Camel will create a new JMS message to send to a new JMS destination if you touch the headers (get or set) during the route. Set this option to true to force Camel to send the original JMS message that was received. | false | boolean |
includeSentJMSMessageID (producer (advanced)) | Only applicable when sending to JMS destination using InOnly (eg fire and forget). Enabling this option will enrich the Camel Exchange with the actual JMSMessageID that was used by the JMS client when the message was sent to the JMS destination. | false | boolean |
replyToCacheLevelName (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cache level by name for the reply consumer when doing request/reply over JMS. This option only applies when using fixed reply queues (not temporary). Camel will by default use: CACHE_CONSUMER for exclusive or shared w/ replyToSelectorName. And CACHE_SESSION for shared without replyToSelectorName. Some JMS brokers such as IBM WebSphere may require to set the replyToCacheLevelName=CACHE_NONE to work. Note: If using temporary queues then CACHE_NONE is not allowed, and you must use a higher value such as CACHE_CONSUMER or CACHE_SESSION. Enum values:
| String | |
replyToDestinationSelectorName (producer (advanced)) | Sets the JMS Selector using the fixed name to be used so you can filter out your own replies from the others when using a shared queue (that is, if you are not using a temporary reply queue). | String | |
streamMessageTypeEnabled (producer (advanced)) | Sets whether StreamMessage type is enabled or not. Message payloads of streaming kind such as files, InputStream, etc will either by sent as BytesMessage or StreamMessage. This option controls which kind will be used. By default BytesMessage is used which enforces the entire message payload to be read into memory. By enabling this option the message payload is read into memory in chunks and each chunk is then written to the StreamMessage until no more data. | false | boolean |
allowSerializedHeaders (advanced) | Controls whether or not to include serialized headers. Applies only when transferExchange is true. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
artemisStreamingEnabled (advanced) | Whether optimizing for Apache Artemis streaming mode. This can reduce memory overhead when using Artemis with JMS StreamMessage types. This option must only be enabled if Apache Artemis is being used. | false | boolean |
asyncStartListener (advanced) | Whether to startup the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when starting a route. For example if a JmsConsumer cannot get a connection to a remote JMS broker, then it may block while retrying and/or failover. This will cause Camel to block while starting routes. By setting this option to true, you will let routes startup, while the JmsConsumer connects to the JMS broker using a dedicated thread in asynchronous mode. If this option is used, then beware that if the connection could not be established, then an exception is logged at WARN level, and the consumer will not be able to receive messages; You can then restart the route to retry. | false | boolean |
asyncStopListener (advanced) | Whether to stop the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when stopping a route. | false | boolean |
destinationResolver (advanced) | A pluggable that allows you to use your own resolver (for example, to lookup the real destination in a JNDI registry). | DestinationResolver | |
errorHandler (advanced) | Specifies a org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler to be invoked in case of any uncaught exceptions thrown while processing a Message. By default these exceptions will be logged at the WARN level, if no errorHandler has been configured. You can configure logging level and whether stack traces should be logged using errorHandlerLoggingLevel and errorHandlerLogStackTrace options. This makes it much easier to configure, than having to code a custom errorHandler. | ErrorHandler | |
exceptionListener (advanced) | Specifies the JMS Exception Listener that is to be notified of any underlying JMS exceptions. | ExceptionListener | |
headerFilterStrategy (advanced) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
idleConsumerLimit (advanced) | Specify the limit for the number of consumers that are allowed to be idle at any given time. | 1 | int |
idleTaskExecutionLimit (advanced) | Specifies the limit for idle executions of a receive task, not having received any message within its execution. If this limit is reached, the task will shut down and leave receiving to other executing tasks (in the case of dynamic scheduling; see the maxConcurrentConsumers setting). There is additional doc available from Spring. | 1 | int |
includeAllJMSXProperties (advanced) | Whether to include all JMSXxxx properties when mapping from JMS to Camel Message. Setting this to true will include properties such as JMSXAppID, and JMSXUserID etc. Note: If you are using a custom headerFilterStrategy then this option does not apply. | false | boolean |
jmsKeyFormatStrategy (advanced) | Pluggable strategy for encoding and decoding JMS keys so they can be compliant with the JMS specification. Camel provides two implementations out of the box: default and passthrough. The default strategy will safely marshal dots and hyphens (. and -). The passthrough strategy leaves the key as is. Can be used for JMS brokers which do not care whether JMS header keys contain illegal characters. You can provide your own implementation of the org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsKeyFormatStrategy and refer to it using the # notation. Enum values:
| JmsKeyFormatStrategy | |
mapJmsMessage (advanced) | Specifies whether Camel should auto map the received JMS message to a suited payload type, such as javax.jms.TextMessage to a String etc. | true | boolean |
maxMessagesPerTask (advanced) | The number of messages per task. -1 is unlimited. If you use a range for concurrent consumers (eg min max), then this option can be used to set a value to eg 100 to control how fast the consumers will shrink when less work is required. | -1 | int |
messageConverter (advanced) | To use a custom Spring so you can be in control how to map to/from a javax.jms.Message. | MessageConverter | |
messageCreatedStrategy (advanced) | To use the given MessageCreatedStrategy which are invoked when Camel creates new instances of javax.jms.Message objects when Camel is sending a JMS message. | MessageCreatedStrategy | |
messageIdEnabled (advanced) | When sending, specifies whether message IDs should be added. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the message ID set to null; if the provider ignores the hint, the message ID must be set to its normal unique value. | true | boolean |
messageListenerContainerFactory (advanced) | Registry ID of the MessageListenerContainerFactory used to determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use to consume messages. Setting this will automatically set consumerType to Custom. | MessageListenerContainerFactory | |
messageTimestampEnabled (advanced) | Specifies whether timestamps should be enabled by default on sending messages. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the timestamp set to zero; if the provider ignores the hint the timestamp must be set to its normal value. | true | boolean |
pubSubNoLocal (advanced) | Specifies whether to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. | false | boolean |
receiveTimeout (advanced) | The timeout for receiving messages (in milliseconds). | 1000 | long |
recoveryInterval (advanced) | Specifies the interval between recovery attempts, i.e. when a connection is being refreshed, in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms, that is, 5 seconds. | 5000 | long |
requestTimeoutCheckerInterval (advanced) | Configures how often Camel should check for timed out Exchanges when doing request/reply over JMS. By default Camel checks once per second. But if you must react faster when a timeout occurs, then you can lower this interval, to check more frequently. The timeout is determined by the option requestTimeout. | 1000 | long |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
transferException (advanced) | If enabled and you are using Request Reply messaging (InOut) and an Exchange failed on the consumer side, then the caused Exception will be send back in response as a javax.jms.ObjectMessage. If the client is Camel, the returned Exception is rethrown. This allows you to use Camel JMS as a bridge in your routing - for example, using persistent queues to enable robust routing. Notice that if you also have transferExchange enabled, this option takes precedence. The caught exception is required to be serializable. The original Exception on the consumer side can be wrapped in an outer exception such as org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException when returned to the producer. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the received to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumer!. | false | boolean |
transferExchange (advanced) | You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body and headers. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, Fault body, In headers, Out headers, Fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. You must enable this option on both the producer and consumer side, so Camel knows the payloads is an Exchange and not a regular payload. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the receiver to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumers having to use compatible Camel versions!. | false | boolean |
useMessageIDAsCorrelationID (advanced) | Specifies whether JMSMessageID should always be used as JMSCorrelationID for InOut messages. | false | boolean |
waitForProvisionCorrelationToBeUpdatedCounter (advanced) | Number of times to wait for provisional correlation id to be updated to the actual correlation id when doing request/reply over JMS and when the option useMessageIDAsCorrelationID is enabled. | 50 | int |
waitForProvisionCorrelationToBeUpdatedThreadSleepingTime (advanced) | Interval in millis to sleep each time while waiting for provisional correlation id to be updated. | 100 | long |
errorHandlerLoggingLevel (logging) | Allows to configure the default errorHandler logging level for logging uncaught exceptions. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
errorHandlerLogStackTrace (logging) | Allows to control whether stacktraces should be logged or not, by the default errorHandler. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
username (security) | Username to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
transacted (transaction) | Specifies whether to use transacted mode. | false | boolean |
transactedInOut (transaction) | Specifies whether InOut operations (request reply) default to using transacted mode If this flag is set to true, then Spring JmsTemplate will have sessionTransacted set to true, and the acknowledgeMode as transacted on the JmsTemplate used for InOut operations. Note from Spring JMS: that within a JTA transaction, the parameters passed to createQueue, createTopic methods are not taken into account. Depending on the Java EE transaction context, the container makes its own decisions on these values. Analogously, these parameters are not taken into account within a locally managed transaction either, since Spring JMS operates on an existing JMS Session in this case. Setting this flag to true will use a short local JMS transaction when running outside of a managed transaction, and a synchronized local JMS transaction in case of a managed transaction (other than an XA transaction) being present. This has the effect of a local JMS transaction being managed alongside the main transaction (which might be a native JDBC transaction), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. | false | boolean |
lazyCreateTransactionManager (transaction (advanced)) | If true, Camel will create a JmsTransactionManager, if there is no transactionManager injected when option transacted=true. | true | boolean |
transactionManager (transaction (advanced)) | The Spring transaction manager to use. | PlatformTransactionManager | |
transactionName (transaction (advanced)) | The name of the transaction to use. | String | |
transactionTimeout (transaction (advanced)) | The timeout value of the transaction (in seconds), if using transacted mode. | -1 | int |
25.5. Samples
JMS is used in many examples for other components as well. But we provide a few samples below to get started.
25.5.1. Receiving from JMS
In the following sample we configure a route that receives JMS messages and routes the message to a POJO:
from("jms:queue:foo"). to("bean:myBusinessLogic");
You can of course use any of the EIP patterns so the route can be context based. For example, here’s how to filter an order topic for the big spenders:
from("jms:topic:OrdersTopic"). filter().method("myBean", "isGoldCustomer"). to("jms:queue:BigSpendersQueue");
25.5.2. Sending to JMS
In the sample below we poll a file folder and send the file content to a JMS topic. As we want the content of the file as a TextMessage
instead of a BytesMessage
, we need to convert the body to a String
from("file://orders"). convertBodyTo(String.class). to("jms:topic:OrdersTopic");
25.5.3. Using Annotations
Camel also has annotations so you can use POJO Consuming and POJO Producing.
25.5.4. Spring DSL sample
The preceding examples use the Java DSL. Camel also supports Spring XML DSL. Here is the big spender sample using Spring DSL:
<route> <from uri="jms:topic:OrdersTopic"/> <filter> <method ref="myBean" method="isGoldCustomer"/> <to uri="jms:queue:BigSpendersQueue"/> </filter> </route>
25.5.5. Other samples
JMS appears in many of the examples for other components and EIP patterns, as well in this Camel documentation. So feel free to browse the documentation.
25.5.6. Using JMS as a Dead Letter Queue storing Exchange
Normally, when using JMS as the transport, it only transfers the body and headers as the payload. If you want to use JMS with a Dead Letter Channel, using a JMS queue as the Dead Letter Queue, then normally the caused Exception is not stored in the JMS message. You can, however, use the transferExchange
option on the JMS dead letter queue to instruct Camel to store the entire Exchange in the queue as a javax.jms.ObjectMessage
that holds a
. This allows you to consume from the Dead Letter Queue and retrieve the caused exception from the Exchange property with the key Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT
. The demo below illustrates this:
// setup error handler to use JMS as queue and store the entire Exchange errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("jms:queue:dead?transferExchange=true"));
Then you can consume from the JMS queue and analyze the problem:
from("jms:queue:dead").to("bean:myErrorAnalyzer"); // and in our bean String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(); Exception cause = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class); // the cause message is String problem = cause.getMessage();
25.5.7. Using JMS as a Dead Letter Channel storing error only
You can use JMS to store the cause error message or to store a custom body, which you can initialize yourself. The following example uses the Message Translator EIP to do a transformation on the failed exchange before it is moved to the JMS dead letter queue:
// we sent it to a seda dead queue first errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("seda:dead")); // and on the seda dead queue we can do the custom transformation before its sent to the JMS queue from("seda:dead").transform(exceptionMessage()).to("jms:queue:dead");
Here we only store the original cause error message in the transform. You can, however, use any Expression to send whatever you like. For example, you can invoke a method on a Bean or use a custom processor.
25.6. Message Mapping between JMS and Camel
Camel automatically maps messages between javax.jms.Message
and org.apache.camel.Message
When sending a JMS message, Camel converts the message body to the following JMS message types:
Body Type | JMS Message | Comment |
| |
The DOM will be converted to |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
When receiving a JMS message, Camel converts the JMS message to the following body type:
JMS Message | Body Type |
25.6.1. Disabling auto-mapping of JMS messages
You can use the mapJmsMessage
option to disable the auto-mapping above. If disabled, Camel will not try to map the received JMS message, but instead uses it directly as the payload. This allows you to avoid the overhead of mapping and let Camel just pass through the JMS message. For instance, it even allows you to route javax.jms.ObjectMessage
JMS messages with classes you do not have on the classpath.
25.6.2. Using a custom MessageConverter
You can use the messageConverter
option to do the mapping yourself in a Spring
For example, in the route below we use a custom message converter when sending a message to the JMS order queue:
You can also use a custom message converter when consuming from a JMS destination.
25.6.3. Controlling the mapping strategy selected
You can use the jmsMessageType
option on the endpoint URL to force a specific message type for all messages.
In the route below, we poll files from a folder and send them as javax.jms.TextMessage
as we have forced the JMS producer endpoint to use text messages:
You can also specify the message type to use for each message by setting the header with the key CamelJmsMessageType
. For example:
from("file://inbox/order").setHeader("CamelJmsMessageType", JmsMessageType.Text).to("jms:queue:order");
The possible values are defined in the enum
class, org.apache.camel.jms.JmsMessageType
25.7. Message format when sending
The exchange that is sent over the JMS wire must conform to the JMS Message spec.
For the
the following rules apply for the header keys:
Keys starting with
are reserved. -
keys must be literals and all be valid Java identifiers (do not use dots in the key name). -
Camel replaces dots & hyphens and the reverse when when consuming JMS messages:
is replaced by `DOT` and the reverse replacement when Camel consumes the message.-
is replaced by `HYPHEN` and the reverse replacement when Camel consumes the message. -
See also the option
, which allows use of your own custom strategy for formatting keys.
For the
, the following rules apply for the header values:
The values must be primitives or their counter objects (such as
). The types,String
are all converted to theirtoString()
representation. All other types are dropped.
Camel will log with category org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsBinding
at DEBUG level if it drops a given header value. For example:
2008-07-09 06:43:04,046 [main ] DEBUG JmsBinding - Ignoring non primitive header: order of class: org.apache.camel.component.jms.issues.DummyOrder with value: DummyOrder{orderId=333, itemId=4444, quantity=2}
25.8. Message format when receiving
Camel adds the following properties to the Exchange
when it receives a message:
Property | Type | Description |
| The reply destination. |
Camel adds the following JMS properties to the In message headers when it receives a JMS message:
Header | Type | Description |
| The JMS correlation ID. |
| The JMS delivery mode. |
| The JMS destination. |
| The JMS expiration. |
| The JMS unique message ID. |
| The JMS priority (with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest). |
| Is the JMS message redelivered. |
| The JMS reply-to destination. |
| The JMS timestamp. |
| The JMS type. |
| The JMS group ID. |
As all the above information is standard JMS you can check the JMS documentation for further details.
25.9. About using Camel to send and receive messages and JMSReplyTo
The JMS component is complex and you have to pay close attention to how it works in some cases. So this is a short summary of some of the areas/pitfalls to look for.
When Camel sends a message using its JMSProducer
, it checks the following conditions:
- The message exchange pattern,
Whether a
was set in the endpoint or in the message headers, -
Whether any of the following options have been set on the JMS endpoint:
All this can be a tad complex to understand and configure to support your use case.
25.9.1. JmsProducer
The JmsProducer
behaves as follows, depending on configuration:
Exchange Pattern | Other options | Description |
InOut | - |
Camel will expect a reply, set a temporary |
InOut |
Camel will expect a reply and, after sending the message, it will start to listen for the reply message on the specified |
InOnly | - | Camel will send the message and not expect a reply. |
InOnly |
By default, Camel discards the |
25.9.2. JmsConsumer
The JmsConsumer
behaves as follows, depending on configuration:
Exchange Pattern | Other options | Description |
InOut | - |
Camel will send the reply back to the |
InOnly | - | Camel will not send a reply back, as the pattern is InOnly. |
- |
| This option suppresses replies. |
So pay attention to the message exchange pattern set on your exchanges.
If you send a message to a JMS destination in the middle of your route you can specify the exchange pattern to use, see more at Request Reply.
This is useful if you want to send an InOnly
message to a JMS topic:
from("activemq:queue:in") .to("bean:validateOrder") .to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "activemq:topic:order") .to("bean:handleOrder");
25.10. Reuse endpoint and send to different destinations computed at runtime
If you need to send messages to a lot of different JMS destinations, it makes sense to reuse a JMS endpoint and specify the real destination in a message header. This allows Camel to reuse the same endpoint, but send to different destinations. This greatly reduces the number of endpoints created and economizes on memory and thread resources.
You can specify the destination in the following headers:
Header | Type | Description |
| A destination object. |
| The destination name. |
For example, the following route shows how you can compute a destination at run time and use it to override the destination appearing in the JMS URL:
from("file://inbox") .to("bean:computeDestination") .to("activemq:queue:dummy");
The queue name, dummy
, is just a placeholder. It must be provided as part of the JMS endpoint URL, but it will be ignored in this example.
In the computeDestination
bean, specify the real destination by setting the CamelJmsDestinationName
header as follows:
public void setJmsHeader(Exchange exchange) { String id = .... exchange.getIn().setHeader("CamelJmsDestinationName", "order:" + id"); }
Then Camel will read this header and use it as the destination instead of the one configured on the endpoint. So, in this example Camel sends the message to activemq:queue:order:2
, assuming the id
value was 2.
If both the CamelJmsDestination
and the CamelJmsDestinationName
headers are set, CamelJmsDestination
takes priority. Keep in mind that the JMS producer removes both CamelJmsDestination
and CamelJmsDestinationName
headers from the exchange and do not propagate them to the created JMS message in order to avoid the accidental loops in the routes (in scenarios when the message will be forwarded to the another JMS endpoint).
25.11. Configuring different JMS providers
You can configure your JMS provider in Spring XML as follows:
Basically, you can configure as many JMS component instances as you wish and give them a unique name using the id
attribute. The preceding example configures an activemq
component. You could do the same to configure MQSeries, TibCo, BEA, Sonic and so on.
Once you have a named JMS component, you can then refer to endpoints within that component using URIs. For example for the component name, activemq
, you can then refer to destinations using the URI format, activemq:[queue:|topic:]destinationName
. You can use the same approach for all other JMS providers.
This works by the SpringCamelContext lazily fetching components from the spring context for the scheme name you use for Endpoint URIs and having the Component resolve the endpoint URIs.
25.11.1. Using JNDI to find the ConnectionFactory
If you are using a J2EE container, you might need to look up JNDI to find the JMS ConnectionFactory
rather than use the usual <bean>
mechanism in Spring. You can do this using Spring’s factory bean or the new Spring XML namespace. For example:
<bean id="weblogic" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent"> <property name="connectionFactory" ref="myConnectionFactory"/> </bean> <jee:jndi-lookup id="myConnectionFactory" jndi-name="jms/connectionFactory"/>
See The jee schema in the Spring reference documentation for more details about JNDI lookup.
25.12. Concurrent Consuming
A common requirement with JMS is to consume messages concurrently in multiple threads in order to make an application more responsive. You can set the concurrentConsumers
option to specify the number of threads servicing the JMS endpoint, as follows:
from("jms:SomeQueue?concurrentConsumers=20"). bean(MyClass.class);
You can configure this option in one of the following ways:
On the
, - On the endpoint URI or,
By invoking
directly on theJmsEndpoint
25.12.1. Concurrent Consuming with async consumer
Notice that each concurrent consumer will only pickup the next available message from the JMS broker, when the current message has been fully processed. You can set the option asyncConsumer=true
to let the consumer pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). See more details in the table on top of the page about the asyncConsumer
from("jms:SomeQueue?concurrentConsumers=20&asyncConsumer=true"). bean(MyClass.class);
25.13. Request-reply over JMS
Camel supports Request Reply over JMS. In essence the MEP of the Exchange should be InOut
when you send a message to a JMS queue.
Camel offers a number of options to configure request/reply over JMS that influence performance and clustered environments. The table below summaries the options.
Option | Performance | Cluster | Description |
| Fast | Yes |
A temporary queue is used as reply queue, and automatic created by Camel. To use this do not specify a replyTo queue name. And you can optionally configure |
| Slow | Yes |
A shared persistent queue is used as reply queue. The queue must be created beforehand, although some brokers can create them on the fly such as Apache ActiveMQ. To use this you must specify the replyTo queue name. And you can optionally configure |
| Fast | No (*Yes) |
An exclusive persistent queue is used as reply queue. The queue must be created beforehand, although some brokers can create them on the fly such as Apache ActiveMQ. To use this you must specify the replyTo queue name. And you must configure |
| Fast | Yes |
Allows to process reply messages concurrently using concurrent message listeners in use. You can specify a range using the |
| Fast | Yes |
Allows to process reply messages concurrently using concurrent message listeners in use. You can specify a range using the |
The JmsProducer
detects the InOut
and provides a JMSReplyTo
header with the reply destination to be used. By default Camel uses a temporary queue, but you can use the replyTo
option on the endpoint to specify a fixed reply queue (see more below about fixed reply queue).
Camel will automatically setup a consumer which listen on the reply queue, so you should not do anything.
This consumer is a Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer
which listen for replies. However it’s fixed to 1 concurrent consumer.
That means replies will be processed in sequence as there are only 1 thread to process the replies. You can configure the listener to use concurrent threads using the concurrentConsumers
and maxConcurrentConsumers
options. This allows you to easier configure this in Camel as shown below:
from(xxx) .inOut().to("activemq:queue:foo?concurrentConsumers=5") .to(yyy) .to(zzz);
In this route we instruct Camel to route replies asynchronously using a thread pool with 5 threads.
25.13.2. Request-reply over JMS and using an exclusive fixed reply queue
In the previous example, Camel would anticipate the fixed reply queue named "bar" was shared, and thus it uses a JMSSelector
to only consume reply messages which it expects. However there is a drawback doing this as the JMS selector is slower. Also the consumer on the reply queue is slower to update with new JMS selector ids. In fact it only updates when the receiveTimeout
option times out, which by default is 1 second. So in theory the reply messages could take up till about 1 sec to be detected. On the other hand if the fixed reply queue is exclusive to the Camel reply consumer, then we can avoid using the JMS selectors, and thus be more performant. In fact as fast as using temporary queues. There is the ReplyToType
option which you can configure to Exclusive
to tell Camel that the reply queue is exclusive as shown in the example below:
from(xxx) .inOut().to("activemq:queue:foo?replyTo=bar&replyToType=Exclusive") .to(yyy)
Mind that the queue must be exclusive to each and every endpoint. So if you have two routes, then they each need an unique reply queue as shown in the next example:
from(xxx) .inOut().to("activemq:queue:foo?replyTo=bar&replyToType=Exclusive") .to(yyy) from(aaa) .inOut().to("activemq:queue:order?replyTo=order.reply&replyToType=Exclusive") .to(bbb)
The same applies if you run in a clustered environment. Then each node in the cluster must use an unique reply queue name. As otherwise each node in the cluster may pickup messages which was intended as a reply on another node. For clustered environments its recommended to use shared reply queues instead.
25.14. Synchronizing clocks between senders and receivers
When doing messaging between systems, its desirable that the systems have synchronized clocks. For example when sending a JMS message, then you can set a time to live value on the message. Then the receiver can inspect this value, and determine if the message is already expired, and thus drop the message instead of consume and process it. However this requires that both sender and receiver have synchronized clocks. If you are using ActiveMQ then you can use the timestamp plugin to synchronize clocks.
25.15. About time to live
Read first above about synchronized clocks.
When you do request/reply (InOut) over JMS with Camel then Camel uses a timeout on the sender side, which is default 20 seconds from the requestTimeout
option. You can control this by setting a higher/lower value. However the time to live value is still set on the message being send. So that requires the clocks to be synchronized between the systems. If they are not, then you may want to disable the time to live value being set. This is now possible using the disableTimeToLive
option from Camel 2.8 onwards. So if you set this option to disableTimeToLive=true
, then Camel does not set any time to live value when sending JMS messages. But the request timeout is still active. So for example if you do request/reply over JMS and have disabled time to live, then Camel will still use a timeout by 20 seconds (the requestTimeout
option). That option can of course also be configured. So the two options requestTimeout
and disableTimeToLive
gives you fine grained control when doing request/reply.
You can provide a header in the message to override and use as the request timeout value instead of the endpoint configured value. For example:
from("direct:someWhere") .to("jms:queue:foo?replyTo=bar&requestTimeout=30s") .to("bean:processReply");
In the route above we have a endpoint configured requestTimeout
of 30 seconds. So Camel will wait up till 30 seconds for that reply message to come back on the bar queue. If no reply message is received then a org.apache.camel.ExchangeTimedOutException
is set on the Exchange and Camel continues routing the message, which would then fail due the exception, and Camel’s error handler reacts.
If you want to use a per message timeout value, you can set the header with key org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsConstants#JMS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
which has constant value "CamelJmsRequestTimeout"
with a timeout value as long type.
For example we can use a bean to compute the timeout value per individual message, such as calling the "whatIsTheTimeout"
method on the service bean as shown below:
from("direct:someWhere") .setHeader("CamelJmsRequestTimeout", method(ServiceBean.class, "whatIsTheTimeout")) .to("jms:queue:foo?replyTo=bar&requestTimeout=30s") .to("bean:processReply");
When you do fire and forget (InOut) over JMS with Camel then Camel by default does not set any time to live value on the message. You can configure a value by using the timeToLive
option. For example to indicate a 5 sec., you set timeToLive=5000
. The option disableTimeToLive
can be used to force disabling the time to live, also for InOnly messaging. The requestTimeout
option is not being used for InOnly messaging.
25.16. Enabling Transacted Consumption
A common requirement is to consume from a queue in a transaction and then process the message using the Camel route. To do this, just ensure that you set the following properties on the component/endpoint:
= true -
= a Transsaction Manager - typically theJmsTransactionManager
See the Transactional Client EIP pattern for further details.
Transactions and [Request Reply] over JMS
When using Request Reply over JMS you cannot use a single transaction; JMS will not send any messages until a commit is performed, so the server side won’t receive anything at all until the transaction commits. Therefore to use Request Reply you must commit a transaction after sending the request and then use a separate transaction for receiving the response.
To address this issue the JMS component uses different properties to specify transaction use for oneway messaging and request reply messaging:
The transacted
property applies only to the InOnly message Exchange Pattern (MEP).
You can leverage the DMLC transacted session API using the following properties on component/endpoint:
= true -
= false
The benefit of doing so is that the cacheLevel setting will be honored when using local transactions without a configured TransactionManager. When a TransactionManager is configured, no caching happens at DMLC level and it is necessary to rely on a pooled connection factory. For more details about this kind of setup, see here and here.
25.17. Using JMSReplyTo for late replies
When using Camel as a JMS listener, it sets an Exchange property with the value of the ReplyTo javax.jms.Destination
object, having the key ReplyTo
. You can obtain this Destination
as follows:
Destination replyDestination = exchange.getIn().getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_REPLY_DESTINATION, Destination.class);
And then later use it to send a reply using regular JMS or Camel.
// we need to pass in the JMS component, and in this sample we use ActiveMQ JmsEndpoint endpoint = JmsEndpoint.newInstance(replyDestination, activeMQComponent); // now we have the endpoint we can use regular Camel API to send a message to it template.sendBody(endpoint, "Here is the late reply.");
A different solution to sending a reply is to provide the replyDestination
object in the same Exchange property when sending. Camel will then pick up this property and use it for the real destination. The endpoint URI must include a dummy destination, however. For example:
// we pretend to send it to some non existing dummy queue template.send("activemq:queue:dummy, new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // and here we override the destination with the ReplyTo destination object so the message is sent to there instead of dummy exchange.getIn().setHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_DESTINATION, replyDestination); exchange.getIn().setBody("Here is the late reply."); } }
25.18. Using a request timeout
In the sample below we send a Request Reply style message Exchange (we use the requestBody
method = InOut
) to the slow queue for further processing in Camel and we wait for a return reply:
25.19. Sending an InOnly message and keeping the JMSReplyTo header
When sending to a JMS destination using camel-jms the producer will use the MEP to detect if its InOnly or InOut messaging. However there can be times where you want to send an InOnly message but keeping the JMSReplyTo
header. To do so you have to instruct Camel to keep it, otherwise the JMSReplyTo
header will be dropped.
For example to send an InOnly message to the foo queue, but with a JMSReplyTo
with bar queue you can do as follows:
template.send("activemq:queue:foo?preserveMessageQos=true", new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getIn().setBody("World"); exchange.getIn().setHeader("JMSReplyTo", "bar"); } });
Notice we use preserveMessageQos=true
to instruct Camel to keep the JMSReplyTo
25.20. Setting JMS provider options on the destination
Some JMS providers, like IBM’s WebSphere MQ need options to be set on the JMS destination. For example, you may need to specify the targetClient
option. Since targetClient
is a WebSphere MQ option and not a Camel URI option, you need to set that on the JMS destination name like so:
// ... .setHeader("CamelJmsDestinationName", constant("queue:///MY_QUEUE?targetClient=1")) .to("wmq:queue:MY_QUEUE?useMessageIDAsCorrelationID=true");
Some versions of WMQ won’t accept this option on the destination name and you will get an exception like: JMSCC0005: The specified value 'MY_QUEUE?targetClient=1' is not allowed for 'XMSC_DESTINATION_NAME'
A workaround is to use a custom DestinationResolver:
JmsComponent wmq = new JmsComponent(connectionFactory); wmq.setDestinationResolver(new DestinationResolver() { public Destination resolveDestinationName(Session session, String destinationName, boolean pubSubDomain) throws JMSException { MQQueueSession wmqSession = (MQQueueSession) session; return wmqSession.createQueue("queue:///" + destinationName + "?targetClient=1"); } });
25.21. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using jms with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jms-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 99 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.jms.accept-messages-while-stopping | Specifies whether the consumer accept messages while it is stopping. You may consider enabling this option, if you start and stop JMS routes at runtime, while there are still messages enqueued on the queue. If this option is false, and you stop the JMS route, then messages may be rejected, and the JMS broker would have to attempt redeliveries, which yet again may be rejected, and eventually the message may be moved at a dead letter queue on the JMS broker. To avoid this its recommended to enable this option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.acknowledgement-mode-name | The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: SESSION_TRANSACTED, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. | AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE | String |
camel.component.jms.allow-additional-headers | This option is used to allow additional headers which may have values that are invalid according to JMS specification. For example some message systems such as WMQ do this with header names using prefix JMS_IBM_MQMD_ containing values with byte array or other invalid types. You can specify multiple header names separated by comma, and use as suffix for wildcard matching. | String | |
camel.component.jms.allow-auto-wired-connection-factory | Whether to auto-discover ConnectionFactory from the registry, if no connection factory has been configured. If only one instance of ConnectionFactory is found then it will be used. This is enabled by default. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.allow-auto-wired-destination-resolver | Whether to auto-discover DestinationResolver from the registry, if no destination resolver has been configured. If only one instance of DestinationResolver is found then it will be used. This is enabled by default. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.allow-null-body | Whether to allow sending messages with no body. If this option is false and the message body is null, then an JMSException is thrown. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.allow-reply-manager-quick-stop | Whether the DefaultMessageListenerContainer used in the reply managers for request-reply messaging allow the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.runningAllowed flag to quick stop in case JmsConfiguration#isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping is enabled, and org.apache.camel.CamelContext is currently being stopped. This quick stop ability is enabled by default in the regular JMS consumers but to enable for reply managers you must enable this flag. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.allow-serialized-headers | Controls whether or not to include serialized headers. Applies only when transferExchange is true. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.always-copy-message | If true, Camel will always make a JMS message copy of the message when it is passed to the producer for sending. Copying the message is needed in some situations, such as when a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set (incidentally, Camel will set the alwaysCopyMessage option to true, if a replyToDestinationSelectorName is set). | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.artemis-consumer-priority | Consumer priorities allow you to ensure that high priority consumers receive messages while they are active. Normally, active consumers connected to a queue receive messages from it in a round-robin fashion. When consumer priorities are in use, messages are delivered round-robin if multiple active consumers exist with the same high priority. Messages will only going to lower priority consumers when the high priority consumers do not have credit available to consume the message, or those high priority consumers have declined to accept the message (for instance because it does not meet the criteria of any selectors associated with the consumer). | Integer | |
camel.component.jms.artemis-streaming-enabled | Whether optimizing for Apache Artemis streaming mode. This can reduce memory overhead when using Artemis with JMS StreamMessage types. This option must only be enabled if Apache Artemis is being used. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.async-consumer | Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously. If enabled then the JmsConsumer may pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). This means that messages may be processed not 100% strictly in order. If disabled (as default) then the Exchange is fully processed before the JmsConsumer will pickup the next message from the JMS queue. Note if transacted has been enabled, then asyncConsumer=true does not run asynchronously, as transaction must be executed synchronously (Camel 3.0 may support async transactions). | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.async-start-listener | Whether to startup the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when starting a route. For example if a JmsConsumer cannot get a connection to a remote JMS broker, then it may block while retrying and/or failover. This will cause Camel to block while starting routes. By setting this option to true, you will let routes startup, while the JmsConsumer connects to the JMS broker using a dedicated thread in asynchronous mode. If this option is used, then beware that if the connection could not be established, then an exception is logged at WARN level, and the consumer will not be able to receive messages; You can then restart the route to retry. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.async-stop-listener | Whether to stop the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when stopping a route. | false | Boolean | | Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.cache-level | Sets the cache level by ID for the underlying JMS resources. See cacheLevelName option for more details. | Integer | |
camel.component.jms.cache-level-name | Sets the cache level by name for the underlying JMS resources. Possible values are: CACHE_AUTO, CACHE_CONNECTION, CACHE_CONSUMER, CACHE_NONE, and CACHE_SESSION. The default setting is CACHE_AUTO. See the Spring documentation and Transactions Cache Levels for more information. | CACHE_AUTO | String |
camel.component.jms.client-id | Sets the JMS client ID to use. Note that this value, if specified, must be unique and can only be used by a single JMS connection instance. It is typically only required for durable topic subscriptions. If using Apache ActiveMQ you may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead. | String | |
camel.component.jms.concurrent-consumers | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.configuration | To use a shared JMS configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsConfiguration type. | JmsConfiguration | |
camel.component.jms.connection-factory | The connection factory to be use. A connection factory must be configured either on the component or endpoint. The option is a javax.jms.ConnectionFactory type. | ConnectionFactory | |
camel.component.jms.consumer-type | The consumer type to use, which can be one of: Simple, Default, or Custom. The consumer type determines which Spring JMS listener to use. Default will use org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer, Simple will use org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer. When Custom is specified, the MessageListenerContainerFactory defined by the messageListenerContainerFactory option will determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use. | ConsumerType | |
camel.component.jms.correlation-property | When using InOut exchange pattern use this JMS property instead of JMSCorrelationID JMS property to correlate messages. If set messages will be correlated solely on the value of this property JMSCorrelationID property will be ignored and not set by Camel. | String | |
camel.component.jms.default-task-executor-type | Specifies what default TaskExecutor type to use in the DefaultMessageListenerContainer, for both consumer endpoints and the ReplyTo consumer of producer endpoints. Possible values: SimpleAsync (uses Spring’s SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor) or ThreadPool (uses Spring’s ThreadPoolTaskExecutor with optimal values - cached threadpool-like). If not set, it defaults to the previous behaviour, which uses a cached thread pool for consumer endpoints and SimpleAsync for reply consumers. The use of ThreadPool is recommended to reduce thread trash in elastic configurations with dynamically increasing and decreasing concurrent consumers. | DefaultTaskExecutorType | | | Sets delivery delay to use for send calls for JMS. This option requires JMS 2.0 compliant broker. | -1 | Long | | Specifies the delivery mode to be used. Possible values are those defined by javax.jms.DeliveryMode. NON_PERSISTENT = 1 and PERSISTENT = 2. | Integer | | | Specifies whether persistent delivery is used by default. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.destination-resolver | A pluggable that allows you to use your own resolver (for example, to lookup the real destination in a JNDI registry). The option is a type. | DestinationResolver | |
camel.component.jms.disable-reply-to | Specifies whether Camel ignores the JMSReplyTo header in messages. If true, Camel does not send a reply back to the destination specified in the JMSReplyTo header. You can use this option if you want Camel to consume from a route and you do not want Camel to automatically send back a reply message because another component in your code handles the reply message. You can also use this option if you want to use Camel as a proxy between different message brokers and you want to route message from one system to another. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.disable-time-to-live | Use this option to force disabling time to live. For example when you do request/reply over JMS, then Camel will by default use the requestTimeout value as time to live on the message being sent. The problem is that the sender and receiver systems have to have their clocks synchronized, so they are in sync. This is not always so easy to archive. So you can use disableTimeToLive=true to not set a time to live value on the sent message. Then the message will not expire on the receiver system. See below in section About time to live for more details. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.durable-subscription-name | The durable subscriber name for specifying durable topic subscriptions. The clientId option must be configured as well. | String | |
camel.component.jms.eager-loading-of-properties | Enables eager loading of JMS properties and payload as soon as a message is loaded which generally is inefficient as the JMS properties may not be required but sometimes can catch early any issues with the underlying JMS provider and the use of JMS properties. See also the option eagerPoisonBody. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.eager-poison-body | If eagerLoadingOfProperties is enabled and the JMS message payload (JMS body or JMS properties) is poison (cannot be read/mapped), then set this text as the message body instead so the message can be processed (the cause of the poison are already stored as exception on the Exchange). This can be turned off by setting eagerPoisonBody=false. See also the option eagerLoadingOfProperties. | Poison JMS message due to $\{exception.message} | String |
camel.component.jms.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the jms component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.jms.error-handler | Specifies a org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler to be invoked in case of any uncaught exceptions thrown while processing a Message. By default these exceptions will be logged at the WARN level, if no errorHandler has been configured. You can configure logging level and whether stack traces should be logged using errorHandlerLoggingLevel and errorHandlerLogStackTrace options. This makes it much easier to configure, than having to code a custom errorHandler. The option is a org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler type. | ErrorHandler | |
camel.component.jms.error-handler-log-stack-trace | Allows to control whether stacktraces should be logged or not, by the default errorHandler. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.error-handler-logging-level | Allows to configure the default errorHandler logging level for logging uncaught exceptions. | LoggingLevel | |
camel.component.jms.exception-listener | Specifies the JMS Exception Listener that is to be notified of any underlying JMS exceptions. The option is a javax.jms.ExceptionListener type. | ExceptionListener | |
camel.component.jms.explicit-qos-enabled | Set if the deliveryMode, priority or timeToLive qualities of service should be used when sending messages. This option is based on Spring’s JmsTemplate. The deliveryMode, priority and timeToLive options are applied to the current endpoint. This contrasts with the preserveMessageQos option, which operates at message granularity, reading QoS properties exclusively from the Camel In message headers. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.expose-listener-session | Specifies whether the listener session should be exposed when consuming messages. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.force-send-original-message | When using mapJmsMessage=false Camel will create a new JMS message to send to a new JMS destination if you touch the headers (get or set) during the route. Set this option to true to force Camel to send the original JMS message that was received. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.format-date-headers-to-iso8601 | Sets whether JMS date properties should be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.header-filter-strategy | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy type. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
camel.component.jms.idle-consumer-limit | Specify the limit for the number of consumers that are allowed to be idle at any given time. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.idle-task-execution-limit | Specifies the limit for idle executions of a receive task, not having received any message within its execution. If this limit is reached, the task will shut down and leave receiving to other executing tasks (in the case of dynamic scheduling; see the maxConcurrentConsumers setting). There is additional doc available from Spring. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.include-all-j-m-s-x-properties | Whether to include all JMSXxxx properties when mapping from JMS to Camel Message. Setting this to true will include properties such as JMSXAppID, and JMSXUserID etc. Note: If you are using a custom headerFilterStrategy then this option does not apply. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.include-sent-j-m-s-message-i-d | Only applicable when sending to JMS destination using InOnly (eg fire and forget). Enabling this option will enrich the Camel Exchange with the actual JMSMessageID that was used by the JMS client when the message was sent to the JMS destination. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.jms-key-format-strategy | Pluggable strategy for encoding and decoding JMS keys so they can be compliant with the JMS specification. Camel provides two implementations out of the box: default and passthrough. The default strategy will safely marshal dots and hyphens (. and -). The passthrough strategy leaves the key as is. Can be used for JMS brokers which do not care whether JMS header keys contain illegal characters. You can provide your own implementation of the org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsKeyFormatStrategy and refer to it using the # notation. | JmsKeyFormatStrategy | |
camel.component.jms.jms-message-type | Allows you to force the use of a specific javax.jms.Message implementation for sending JMS messages. Possible values are: Bytes, Map, Object, Stream, Text. By default, Camel would determine which JMS message type to use from the In body type. This option allows you to specify it. | JmsMessageType | |
camel.component.jms.lazy-create-transaction-manager | If true, Camel will create a JmsTransactionManager, if there is no transactionManager injected when option transacted=true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | Specifies whether Camel should auto map the received JMS message to a suited payload type, such as javax.jms.TextMessage to a String etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.max-concurrent-consumers | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. | Integer | |
camel.component.jms.max-messages-per-task | The number of messages per task. -1 is unlimited. If you use a range for concurrent consumers (eg min max), then this option can be used to set a value to eg 100 to control how fast the consumers will shrink when less work is required. | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.message-converter | To use a custom Spring so you can be in control how to map to/from a javax.jms.Message. The option is a type. | MessageConverter | |
camel.component.jms.message-created-strategy | To use the given MessageCreatedStrategy which are invoked when Camel creates new instances of javax.jms.Message objects when Camel is sending a JMS message. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.jms.MessageCreatedStrategy type. | MessageCreatedStrategy | |
camel.component.jms.message-id-enabled | When sending, specifies whether message IDs should be added. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the message ID set to null; if the provider ignores the hint, the message ID must be set to its normal unique value. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.message-listener-container-factory | Registry ID of the MessageListenerContainerFactory used to determine what org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use to consume messages. Setting this will automatically set consumerType to Custom. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.jms.MessageListenerContainerFactory type. | MessageListenerContainerFactory | |
camel.component.jms.message-timestamp-enabled | Specifies whether timestamps should be enabled by default on sending messages. This is just an hint to the JMS broker. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the timestamp set to zero; if the provider ignores the hint the timestamp must be set to its normal value. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.password | Password to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
camel.component.jms.preserve-message-qos | Set to true, if you want to send message using the QoS settings specified on the message, instead of the QoS settings on the JMS endpoint. The following three headers are considered JMSPriority, JMSDeliveryMode, and JMSExpiration. You can provide all or only some of them. If not provided, Camel will fall back to use the values from the endpoint instead. So, when using this option, the headers override the values from the endpoint. The explicitQosEnabled option, by contrast, will only use options set on the endpoint, and not values from the message header. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.priority | Values greater than 1 specify the message priority when sending (where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest). The explicitQosEnabled option must also be enabled in order for this option to have any effect. | 4 | Integer | | Specifies whether to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.queue-browse-strategy | To use a custom QueueBrowseStrategy when browsing queues. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.jms.QueueBrowseStrategy type. | QueueBrowseStrategy | |
camel.component.jms.receive-timeout | The timeout for receiving messages (in milliseconds). The option is a long type. | 1000 | Long |
camel.component.jms.recovery-interval | Specifies the interval between recovery attempts, i.e. when a connection is being refreshed, in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms, that is, 5 seconds. The option is a long type. | 5000 | Long |
camel.component.jms.reply-to | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination (overrides any incoming value of Message.getJMSReplyTo() in consumer). | String | |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-cache-level-name | Sets the cache level by name for the reply consumer when doing request/reply over JMS. This option only applies when using fixed reply queues (not temporary). Camel will by default use: CACHE_CONSUMER for exclusive or shared w/ replyToSelectorName. And CACHE_SESSION for shared without replyToSelectorName. Some JMS brokers such as IBM WebSphere may require to set the replyToCacheLevelName=CACHE_NONE to work. Note: If using temporary queues then CACHE_NONE is not allowed, and you must use a higher value such as CACHE_CONSUMER or CACHE_SESSION. | String | |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-concurrent-consumers | Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when doing request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-delivery-persistent | Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-destination-selector-name | Sets the JMS Selector using the fixed name to be used so you can filter out your own replies from the others when using a shared queue (that is, if you are not using a temporary reply queue). | String | |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-max-concurrent-consumers | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when using request/reply over JMS. See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. | Integer | |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-on-timeout-max-concurrent-consumers | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers for continue routing when timeout occurred when using request/reply over JMS. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-override | Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination in the JMS message, which overrides the setting of replyTo. It is useful if you want to forward the message to a remote Queue and receive the reply message from the ReplyTo destination. | String | |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-same-destination-allowed | Whether a JMS consumer is allowed to send a reply message to the same destination that the consumer is using to consume from. This prevents an endless loop by consuming and sending back the same message to itself. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.reply-to-type | Allows for explicitly specifying which kind of strategy to use for replyTo queues when doing request/reply over JMS. Possible values are: Temporary, Shared, or Exclusive. By default Camel will use temporary queues. However if replyTo has been configured, then Shared is used by default. This option allows you to use exclusive queues instead of shared ones. See Camel JMS documentation for more details, and especially the notes about the implications if running in a clustered environment, and the fact that Shared reply queues has lower performance than its alternatives Temporary and Exclusive. | ReplyToType | |
camel.component.jms.request-timeout | The timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds). The default is 20 seconds. You can include the header CamelJmsRequestTimeout to override this endpoint configured timeout value, and thus have per message individual timeout values. See also the requestTimeoutCheckerInterval option. The option is a long type. | 20000 | Long |
camel.component.jms.request-timeout-checker-interval | Configures how often Camel should check for timed out Exchanges when doing request/reply over JMS. By default Camel checks once per second. But if you must react faster when a timeout occurs, then you can lower this interval, to check more frequently. The timeout is determined by the option requestTimeout. The option is a long type. | 1000 | Long |
camel.component.jms.selector | Sets the JMS selector to use. | String | | | Sets whether StreamMessage type is enabled or not. Message payloads of streaming kind such as files, InputStream, etc will either by sent as BytesMessage or StreamMessage. This option controls which kind will be used. By default BytesMessage is used which enforces the entire message payload to be read into memory. By enabling this option the message payload is read into memory in chunks and each chunk is then written to the StreamMessage until no more data. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.subscription-durable | Set whether to make the subscription durable. The durable subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a durable subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.subscription-name | Set the name of a subscription to create. To be applied in case of a topic (pub-sub domain) with a shared or durable subscription. The subscription name needs to be unique within this client’s JMS client id. Default is the class name of the specified message listener. Note: Only 1 concurrent consumer (which is the default of this message listener container) is allowed for each subscription, except for a shared subscription (which requires JMS 2.0). | String | |
camel.component.jms.subscription-shared | Set whether to make the subscription shared. The shared subscription name to be used can be specified through the subscriptionName property. Default is false. Set this to true to register a shared subscription, typically in combination with a subscriptionName value (unless your message listener class name is good enough as subscription name). Note that shared subscriptions may also be durable, so this flag can (and often will) be combined with subscriptionDurable as well. Only makes sense when listening to a topic (pub-sub domain), therefore this method switches the pubSubDomain flag as well. Requires a JMS 2.0 compatible message broker. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.synchronous | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.task-executor | Allows you to specify a custom task executor for consuming messages. The option is a org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor type. | TaskExecutor | |
camel.component.jms.test-connection-on-startup | Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. The JMS producers is tested as well. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.time-to-live | When sending messages, specifies the time-to-live of the message (in milliseconds). | -1 | Long |
camel.component.jms.transacted | Specifies whether to use transacted mode. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.transacted-in-out | Specifies whether InOut operations (request reply) default to using transacted mode If this flag is set to true, then Spring JmsTemplate will have sessionTransacted set to true, and the acknowledgeMode as transacted on the JmsTemplate used for InOut operations. Note from Spring JMS: that within a JTA transaction, the parameters passed to createQueue, createTopic methods are not taken into account. Depending on the Java EE transaction context, the container makes its own decisions on these values. Analogously, these parameters are not taken into account within a locally managed transaction either, since Spring JMS operates on an existing JMS Session in this case. Setting this flag to true will use a short local JMS transaction when running outside of a managed transaction, and a synchronized local JMS transaction in case of a managed transaction (other than an XA transaction) being present. This has the effect of a local JMS transaction being managed alongside the main transaction (which might be a native JDBC transaction), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.transaction-manager | The Spring transaction manager to use. The option is a org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager type. | PlatformTransactionManager | |
camel.component.jms.transaction-name | The name of the transaction to use. | String | |
camel.component.jms.transaction-timeout | The timeout value of the transaction (in seconds), if using transacted mode. | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.transfer-exception | If enabled and you are using Request Reply messaging (InOut) and an Exchange failed on the consumer side, then the caused Exception will be send back in response as a javax.jms.ObjectMessage. If the client is Camel, the returned Exception is rethrown. This allows you to use Camel JMS as a bridge in your routing - for example, using persistent queues to enable robust routing. Notice that if you also have transferExchange enabled, this option takes precedence. The caught exception is required to be serializable. The original Exception on the consumer side can be wrapped in an outer exception such as org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException when returned to the producer. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the received to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumer!. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.transfer-exchange | You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body and headers. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, Fault body, In headers, Out headers, Fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. You must enable this option on both the producer and consumer side, so Camel knows the payloads is an Exchange and not a regular payload. Use this with caution as the data is using Java Object serialization and requires the receiver to be able to deserialize the data at Class level, which forces a strong coupling between the producers and consumers having to use compatible Camel versions!. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.use-message-i-d-as-correlation-i-d | Specifies whether JMSMessageID should always be used as JMSCorrelationID for InOut messages. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.jms.username | Username to use with the ConnectionFactory. You can also configure username/password directly on the ConnectionFactory. | String | |
camel.component.jms.wait-for-provision-correlation-to-be-updated-counter | Number of times to wait for provisional correlation id to be updated to the actual correlation id when doing request/reply over JMS and when the option useMessageIDAsCorrelationID is enabled. | 50 | Integer |
camel.component.jms.wait-for-provision-correlation-to-be-updated-thread-sleeping-time | Interval in millis to sleep each time while waiting for provisional correlation id to be updated. The option is a long type. | 100 | Long |
Chapter 26. Kafka
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Kafka component is used for communicating with Apache Kafka message broker.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-kafka</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
26.1. URI format
26.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
26.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
26.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
26.3. Component Options
The Kafka component supports 104 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
additionalProperties (common) | Sets additional properties for either kafka consumer or kafka producer in case they can’t be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: new Kafka properties that are not reflected yet in Camel configurations), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g: | Map | |
brokers (common) | URL of the Kafka brokers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2, and the list can be a subset of brokers or a VIP pointing to a subset of brokers. This option is known as bootstrap.servers in the Kafka documentation. | String | |
clientId (common) | The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the request. | String | |
configuration (common) | Allows to pre-configure the Kafka component with common options that the endpoints will reuse. | KafkaConfiguration | |
headerFilterStrategy (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
reconnectBackoffMaxMs (common) | The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait when reconnecting to a broker that has repeatedly failed to connect. If provided, the backoff per host will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection failure, up to this maximum. After calculating the backoff increase, 20% random jitter is added to avoid connection storms. | 1000 | Integer |
shutdownTimeout (common) | Timeout in milliseconds to wait gracefully for the consumer or producer to shutdown and terminate its worker threads. | 30000 | int |
allowManualCommit (consumer) | Whether to allow doing manual commits via KafkaManualCommit. If this option is enabled then an instance of KafkaManualCommit is stored on the Exchange message header, which allows end users to access this API and perform manual offset commits via the Kafka consumer. | false | boolean |
autoCommitEnable (consumer) | If true, periodically commit to ZooKeeper the offset of messages already fetched by the consumer. This committed offset will be used when the process fails as the position from which the new consumer will begin. | true | Boolean |
autoCommitIntervalMs (consumer) | The frequency in ms that the consumer offsets are committed to zookeeper. | 5000 | Integer |
autoCommitOnStop (consumer) | Whether to perform an explicit auto commit when the consumer stops to ensure the broker has a commit from the last consumed message. This requires the option autoCommitEnable is turned on. The possible values are: sync, async, or none. And sync is the default value. Enum values:
| sync | String |
autoOffsetReset (consumer) | What to do when there is no initial offset in ZooKeeper or if an offset is out of range: earliest : automatically reset the offset to the earliest offset latest : automatically reset the offset to the latest offset fail: throw exception to the consumer. Enum values:
| latest | String |
breakOnFirstError (consumer) | This options controls what happens when a consumer is processing an exchange and it fails. If the option is false then the consumer continues to the next message and processes it. If the option is true then the consumer breaks out, and will seek back to offset of the message that caused a failure, and then re-attempt to process this message. However this can lead to endless processing of the same message if its bound to fail every time, eg a poison message. Therefore its recommended to deal with that for example by using Camel’s error handler. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
checkCrcs (consumer) | Automatically check the CRC32 of the records consumed. This ensures no on-the-wire or on-disk corruption to the messages occurred. This check adds some overhead, so it may be disabled in cases seeking extreme performance. | true | Boolean |
commitTimeoutMs (consumer) | The maximum time, in milliseconds, that the code will wait for a synchronous commit to complete. | 5000 | Long |
consumerRequestTimeoutMs (consumer) | The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted. | 40000 | Integer |
consumersCount (consumer) | The number of consumers that connect to kafka server. Each consumer is run on a separate thread, that retrieves and process the incoming data. | 1 | int |
fetchMaxBytes (consumer) | The maximum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request This is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. The maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined via message.max.bytes (broker config) or max.message.bytes (topic config). Note that the consumer performs multiple fetches in parallel. | 52428800 | Integer |
fetchMinBytes (consumer) | The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much data to accumulate before answering the request. | 1 | Integer |
fetchWaitMaxMs (consumer) | The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy fetch.min.bytes. | 500 | Integer |
groupId (consumer) | A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumer processes to which this consumer belongs. By setting the same group id multiple processes indicate that they are all part of the same consumer group. This option is required for consumers. | String | |
groupInstanceId (consumer) | A unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by the end user. Only non-empty strings are permitted. If set, the consumer is treated as a static member, which means that only one instance with this ID is allowed in the consumer group at any time. This can be used in combination with a larger session timeout to avoid group rebalances caused by transient unavailability (e.g. process restarts). If not set, the consumer will join the group as a dynamic member, which is the traditional behavior. | String | |
headerDeserializer (consumer) | To use a custom KafkaHeaderDeserializer to deserialize kafka headers values. | KafkaHeaderDeserializer | |
heartbeatIntervalMs (consumer) | The expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka’s group management facilities. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer’s session stays active and to facilitate rebalancing when new consumers join or leave the group. The value must be set lower than, but typically should be set no higher than 1/3 of that value. It can be adjusted even lower to control the expected time for normal rebalances. | 3000 | Integer |
keyDeserializer (consumer) | Deserializer class for key that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
maxPartitionFetchBytes (consumer) | The maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. The maximum total memory used for a request will be #partitions max.partition.fetch.bytes. This size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger than the consumer can fetch. If that happens, the consumer can get stuck trying to fetch a large message on a certain partition. | 1048576 | Integer |
maxPollIntervalMs (consumer) | The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member. | Long | |
maxPollRecords (consumer) | The maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). | 500 | Integer |
offsetRepository (consumer) | The offset repository to use in order to locally store the offset of each partition of the topic. Defining one will disable the autocommit. | StateRepository | |
partitionAssignor (consumer) | The class name of the partition assignment strategy that the client will use to distribute partition ownership amongst consumer instances when group management is used. | org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor | String |
pollOnError (consumer) | What to do if kafka threw an exception while polling for new messages. Will by default use the value from the component configuration unless an explicit value has been configured on the endpoint level. DISCARD will discard the message and continue to poll next message. ERROR_HANDLER will use Camel’s error handler to process the exception, and afterwards continue to poll next message. RECONNECT will re-connect the consumer and try poll the message again RETRY will let the consumer retry polling the same message again STOP will stop the consumer (have to be manually started/restarted if the consumer should be able to consume messages again). Enum values:
| ERROR_HANDLER | PollOnError |
pollTimeoutMs (consumer) | The timeout used when polling the KafkaConsumer. | 5000 | Long |
resumeStrategy (consumer) | This option allows the user to set a custom resume strategy. The resume strategy is executed when partitions are assigned (i.e.: when connecting or reconnecting). It allows implementations to customize how to resume operations and serve as more flexible alternative to the seekTo and the offsetRepository mechanisms. See the KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy for implementation details. This option does not affect the auto commit setting. It is likely that implementations using this setting will also want to evaluate using the manual commit option along with this. | KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy | |
seekTo (consumer) | Set if KafkaConsumer will read from beginning or end on startup: beginning : read from beginning end : read from end This is replacing the earlier property seekToBeginning. Enum values:
| String | |
sessionTimeoutMs (consumer) | The timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka’s group management facilities. | 10000 | Integer |
specificAvroReader (consumer) | This enables the use of a specific Avro reader for use with the Confluent Platform schema registry and the io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | false | boolean |
topicIsPattern (consumer) | Whether the topic is a pattern (regular expression). This can be used to subscribe to dynamic number of topics matching the pattern. | false | boolean |
valueDeserializer (consumer) | Deserializer class for value that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
kafkaManualCommitFactory (consumer (advanced)) | Autowired Factory to use for creating KafkaManualCommit instances. This allows to plugin a custom factory to create custom KafkaManualCommit instances in case special logic is needed when doing manual commits that deviates from the default implementation that comes out of the box. | KafkaManualCommitFactory | |
pollExceptionStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | Autowired To use a custom strategy with the consumer to control how to handle exceptions thrown from the Kafka broker while pooling messages. | PollExceptionStrategy | |
bufferMemorySize (producer) | The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer will either block or throw an exception based on the preference specified by block.on.buffer.full.This setting should correspond roughly to the total memory the producer will use, but is not a hard bound since not all memory the producer uses is used for buffering. Some additional memory will be used for compression (if compression is enabled) as well as for maintaining in-flight requests. | 33554432 | Integer |
compressionCodec (producer) | This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data generated by this producer. Valid values are none, gzip and snappy. Enum values:
| none | String |
connectionMaxIdleMs (producer) | Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config. | 540000 | Integer |
deliveryTimeoutMs (producer) | An upper bound on the time to report success or failure after a call to send() returns. This limits the total time that a record will be delayed prior to sending, the time to await acknowledgement from the broker (if expected), and the time allowed for retriable send failures. | 120000 | Integer |
enableIdempotence (producer) | If set to 'true' the producer will ensure that exactly one copy of each message is written in the stream. If 'false', producer retries may write duplicates of the retried message in the stream. If set to true this option will require to be set to 1 and retries cannot be zero and additionally acks must be set to 'all'. | false | boolean |
headerSerializer (producer) | To use a custom KafkaHeaderSerializer to serialize kafka headers values. | KafkaHeaderSerializer | |
key (producer) | The record key (or null if no key is specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#KEY. | String | |
keySerializer (producer) | The serializer class for keys (defaults to the same as for messages if nothing is given). | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
lingerMs (producer) | The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle’s algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we get batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load. | 0 | Integer |
maxBlockMs (producer) | The configuration controls how long sending to kafka will block. These methods can be blocked for multiple reasons. For e.g: buffer full, metadata unavailable.This configuration imposes maximum limit on the total time spent in fetching metadata, serialization of key and value, partitioning and allocation of buffer memory when doing a send(). In case of partitionsFor(), this configuration imposes a maximum time threshold on waiting for metadata. | 60000 | Integer |
maxInFlightRequest (producer) | The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled). | 5 | Integer |
maxRequestSize (producer) | The maximum size of a request. This is also effectively a cap on the maximum record size. Note that the server has its own cap on record size which may be different from this. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests. | 1048576 | Integer |
metadataMaxAgeMs (producer) | The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven’t seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. | 300000 | Integer |
metricReporters (producer) | A list of classes to use as metrics reporters. Implementing the MetricReporter interface allows plugging in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. The JmxReporter is always included to register JMX statistics. | String | |
metricsSampleWindowMs (producer) | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 30000 | Integer |
noOfMetricsSample (producer) | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 2 | Integer |
partitioner (producer) | The partitioner class for partitioning messages amongst sub-topics. The default partitioner is based on the hash of the key. | org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner | String |
partitionKey (producer) | The partition to which the record will be sent (or null if no partition was specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#PARTITION_KEY. | Integer | |
producerBatchSize (producer) | The producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition. This helps performance on both the client and the server. This configuration controls the default batch size in bytes. No attempt will be made to batch records larger than this size.Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely). A very large batch size may use memory a bit more wastefully as we will always allocate a buffer of the specified batch size in anticipation of additional records. | 16384 | Integer |
queueBufferingMaxMessages (producer) | The maximum number of unsent messages that can be queued up the producer when using async mode before either the producer must be blocked or data must be dropped. | 10000 | Integer |
receiveBufferBytes (producer) | The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. | 65536 | Integer |
reconnectBackoffMs (producer) | The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the consumer to the broker. | 50 | Integer |
recordMetadata (producer) | Whether the producer should store the RecordMetadata results from sending to Kafka. The results are stored in a List containing the RecordMetadata metadata’s. The list is stored on a header with the key KafkaConstants#KAFKA_RECORDMETA. | true | boolean |
requestRequiredAcks (producer) | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. The following settings are common: acks=0 If set to zero then the producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server at all. The record will be immediately added to the socket buffer and considered sent. No guarantee can be made that the server has received the record in this case, and the retries configuration will not take effect (as the client won’t generally know of any failures). The offset given back for each record will always be set to -1. acks=1 This will mean the leader will write the record to its local log but will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from all followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately after acknowledging the record but before the followers have replicated it then the record will be lost. acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the record will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is the strongest available guarantee. Enum values:
| 1 | String |
requestTimeoutMs (producer) | The amount of time the broker will wait trying to meet the request.required.acks requirement before sending back an error to the client. | 30000 | Integer |
retries (producer) | Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries will potentially change the ordering of records because if two records are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried but the second succeeds, then the second record may appear first. | 0 | Integer |
retryBackoffMs (producer) | Before each retry, the producer refreshes the metadata of relevant topics to see if a new leader has been elected. Since leader election takes a bit of time, this property specifies the amount of time that the producer waits before refreshing the metadata. | 100 | Integer |
sendBufferBytes (producer) | Socket write buffer size. | 131072 | Integer |
valueSerializer (producer) | The serializer class for messages. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
workerPool (producer) | To use a custom worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. If using this option then you must handle the lifecycle of the thread pool to shut the pool down when no longer needed. | ExecutorService | |
workerPoolCoreSize (producer) | Number of core threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 10 | Integer |
workerPoolMaxSize (producer) | Maximum number of threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 20 | Integer |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
kafkaClientFactory (advanced) | Autowired Factory to use for creating org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer and org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer instances. This allows to configure a custom factory to create instances with logic that extends the vanilla Kafka clients. | KafkaClientFactory | |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
schemaRegistryURL (confluent) | URL of the Confluent Platform schema registry servers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2. This is known as schema.registry.url in the Confluent Platform documentation. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | String | |
interceptorClasses (monitoring) | Sets interceptors for producer or consumers. Producer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerInterceptor Consumer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerInterceptor Note that if you use Producer interceptor on a consumer it will throw a class cast exception in runtime. | String | |
kerberosBeforeReloginMinTime (security) | Login thread sleep time between refresh attempts. | 60000 | Integer |
kerberosInitCmd (security) | Kerberos kinit command path. Default is /usr/bin/kinit. | /usr/bin/kinit | String |
kerberosPrincipalToLocalRules (security) | A list of rules for mapping from principal names to short names (typically operating system usernames). The rules are evaluated in order and the first rule that matches a principal name is used to map it to a short name. Any later rules in the list are ignored. By default, principal names of the form {username}/{hostname}{REALM} are mapped to {username}. For more details on the format please see the security authorization and acls documentation.. Multiple values can be separated by comma. | DEFAULT | String |
kerberosRenewJitter (security) | Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time. | 0.05 | Double |
kerberosRenewWindowFactor (security) | Login thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket’s expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket. | 0.8 | Double |
saslJaasConfig (security) | Expose the kafka sasl.jaas.config parameter Example: required username=USERNAME password=PASSWORD;. | String | |
saslKerberosServiceName (security) | The Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka’s JAAS config or in Kafka’s config. | String | |
saslMechanism (security) | The Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism used. For the valid values see . | GSSAPI | String |
securityProtocol (security) | Protocol used to communicate with brokers. SASL_PLAINTEXT, PLAINTEXT and SSL are supported. | PLAINTEXT | String |
sslCipherSuites (security) | A list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol.By default all the available cipher suites are supported. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | SSL configuration using a Camel SSLContextParameters object. If configured it’s applied before the other SSL endpoint parameters. NOTE: Kafka only supports loading keystore from file locations, so prefix the location with file: in the KeyStoreParameters.resource option. | SSLContextParameters | |
sslEnabledProtocols (security) | The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 are enabled by default. | String | |
sslEndpointAlgorithm (security) | The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. | https | String |
sslKeymanagerAlgorithm (security) | The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | SunX509 | String |
sslKeyPassword (security) | The password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client. | String | |
sslKeystoreLocation (security) | The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. | String | |
sslKeystorePassword (security) | The store password for the key store file.This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. | String | |
sslKeystoreType (security) | The file format of the key store file. This is optional for client. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
sslProtocol (security) | The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities. | String | |
sslProvider (security) | The name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM. | String | |
sslTrustmanagerAlgorithm (security) | The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | PKIX | String |
sslTruststoreLocation (security) | The location of the trust store file. | String | |
sslTruststorePassword (security) | The password for the trust store file. | String | |
sslTruststoreType (security) | The file format of the trust store file. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
useGlobalSslContextParameters (security) | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | boolean |
26.4. Endpoint Options
The Kafka endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
26.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
topic (common) | Required Name of the topic to use. On the consumer you can use comma to separate multiple topics. A producer can only send a message to a single topic. | String |
26.4.2. Query Parameters (102 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
additionalProperties (common) | Sets additional properties for either kafka consumer or kafka producer in case they can’t be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: new Kafka properties that are not reflected yet in Camel configurations), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g: | Map | |
brokers (common) | URL of the Kafka brokers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2, and the list can be a subset of brokers or a VIP pointing to a subset of brokers. This option is known as bootstrap.servers in the Kafka documentation. | String | |
clientId (common) | The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the request. | String | |
headerFilterStrategy (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
reconnectBackoffMaxMs (common) | The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait when reconnecting to a broker that has repeatedly failed to connect. If provided, the backoff per host will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection failure, up to this maximum. After calculating the backoff increase, 20% random jitter is added to avoid connection storms. | 1000 | Integer |
shutdownTimeout (common) | Timeout in milliseconds to wait gracefully for the consumer or producer to shutdown and terminate its worker threads. | 30000 | int |
allowManualCommit (consumer) | Whether to allow doing manual commits via KafkaManualCommit. If this option is enabled then an instance of KafkaManualCommit is stored on the Exchange message header, which allows end users to access this API and perform manual offset commits via the Kafka consumer. | false | boolean |
autoCommitEnable (consumer) | If true, periodically commit to ZooKeeper the offset of messages already fetched by the consumer. This committed offset will be used when the process fails as the position from which the new consumer will begin. | true | Boolean |
autoCommitIntervalMs (consumer) | The frequency in ms that the consumer offsets are committed to zookeeper. | 5000 | Integer |
autoCommitOnStop (consumer) | Whether to perform an explicit auto commit when the consumer stops to ensure the broker has a commit from the last consumed message. This requires the option autoCommitEnable is turned on. The possible values are: sync, async, or none. And sync is the default value. Enum values:
| sync | String |
autoOffsetReset (consumer) | What to do when there is no initial offset in ZooKeeper or if an offset is out of range: earliest : automatically reset the offset to the earliest offset latest : automatically reset the offset to the latest offset fail: throw exception to the consumer. Enum values:
| latest | String |
breakOnFirstError (consumer) | This options controls what happens when a consumer is processing an exchange and it fails. If the option is false then the consumer continues to the next message and processes it. If the option is true then the consumer breaks out, and will seek back to offset of the message that caused a failure, and then re-attempt to process this message. However this can lead to endless processing of the same message if its bound to fail every time, eg a poison message. Therefore its recommended to deal with that for example by using Camel’s error handler. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
checkCrcs (consumer) | Automatically check the CRC32 of the records consumed. This ensures no on-the-wire or on-disk corruption to the messages occurred. This check adds some overhead, so it may be disabled in cases seeking extreme performance. | true | Boolean |
commitTimeoutMs (consumer) | The maximum time, in milliseconds, that the code will wait for a synchronous commit to complete. | 5000 | Long |
consumerRequestTimeoutMs (consumer) | The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted. | 40000 | Integer |
consumersCount (consumer) | The number of consumers that connect to kafka server. Each consumer is run on a separate thread, that retrieves and process the incoming data. | 1 | int |
fetchMaxBytes (consumer) | The maximum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request This is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. The maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined via message.max.bytes (broker config) or max.message.bytes (topic config). Note that the consumer performs multiple fetches in parallel. | 52428800 | Integer |
fetchMinBytes (consumer) | The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much data to accumulate before answering the request. | 1 | Integer |
fetchWaitMaxMs (consumer) | The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy fetch.min.bytes. | 500 | Integer |
groupId (consumer) | A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumer processes to which this consumer belongs. By setting the same group id multiple processes indicate that they are all part of the same consumer group. This option is required for consumers. | String | |
groupInstanceId (consumer) | A unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by the end user. Only non-empty strings are permitted. If set, the consumer is treated as a static member, which means that only one instance with this ID is allowed in the consumer group at any time. This can be used in combination with a larger session timeout to avoid group rebalances caused by transient unavailability (e.g. process restarts). If not set, the consumer will join the group as a dynamic member, which is the traditional behavior. | String | |
headerDeserializer (consumer) | To use a custom KafkaHeaderDeserializer to deserialize kafka headers values. | KafkaHeaderDeserializer | |
heartbeatIntervalMs (consumer) | The expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka’s group management facilities. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer’s session stays active and to facilitate rebalancing when new consumers join or leave the group. The value must be set lower than, but typically should be set no higher than 1/3 of that value. It can be adjusted even lower to control the expected time for normal rebalances. | 3000 | Integer |
keyDeserializer (consumer) | Deserializer class for key that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
maxPartitionFetchBytes (consumer) | The maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. The maximum total memory used for a request will be #partitions max.partition.fetch.bytes. This size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger than the consumer can fetch. If that happens, the consumer can get stuck trying to fetch a large message on a certain partition. | 1048576 | Integer |
maxPollIntervalMs (consumer) | The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member. | Long | |
maxPollRecords (consumer) | The maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). | 500 | Integer |
offsetRepository (consumer) | The offset repository to use in order to locally store the offset of each partition of the topic. Defining one will disable the autocommit. | StateRepository | |
partitionAssignor (consumer) | The class name of the partition assignment strategy that the client will use to distribute partition ownership amongst consumer instances when group management is used. | org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor | String |
pollOnError (consumer) | What to do if kafka threw an exception while polling for new messages. Will by default use the value from the component configuration unless an explicit value has been configured on the endpoint level. DISCARD will discard the message and continue to poll next message. ERROR_HANDLER will use Camel’s error handler to process the exception, and afterwards continue to poll next message. RECONNECT will re-connect the consumer and try poll the message again RETRY will let the consumer retry polling the same message again STOP will stop the consumer (have to be manually started/restarted if the consumer should be able to consume messages again). Enum values:
| ERROR_HANDLER | PollOnError |
pollTimeoutMs (consumer) | The timeout used when polling the KafkaConsumer. | 5000 | Long |
resumeStrategy (consumer) | This option allows the user to set a custom resume strategy. The resume strategy is executed when partitions are assigned (i.e.: when connecting or reconnecting). It allows implementations to customize how to resume operations and serve as more flexible alternative to the seekTo and the offsetRepository mechanisms. See the KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy for implementation details. This option does not affect the auto commit setting. It is likely that implementations using this setting will also want to evaluate using the manual commit option along with this. | KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy | |
seekTo (consumer) | Set if KafkaConsumer will read from beginning or end on startup: beginning : read from beginning end : read from end This is replacing the earlier property seekToBeginning. Enum values:
| String | |
sessionTimeoutMs (consumer) | The timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka’s group management facilities. | 10000 | Integer |
specificAvroReader (consumer) | This enables the use of a specific Avro reader for use with the Confluent Platform schema registry and the io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | false | boolean |
topicIsPattern (consumer) | Whether the topic is a pattern (regular expression). This can be used to subscribe to dynamic number of topics matching the pattern. | false | boolean |
valueDeserializer (consumer) | Deserializer class for value that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
kafkaManualCommitFactory (consumer (advanced)) | Factory to use for creating KafkaManualCommit instances. This allows to plugin a custom factory to create custom KafkaManualCommit instances in case special logic is needed when doing manual commits that deviates from the default implementation that comes out of the box. | KafkaManualCommitFactory | |
bufferMemorySize (producer) | The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer will either block or throw an exception based on the preference specified by block.on.buffer.full.This setting should correspond roughly to the total memory the producer will use, but is not a hard bound since not all memory the producer uses is used for buffering. Some additional memory will be used for compression (if compression is enabled) as well as for maintaining in-flight requests. | 33554432 | Integer |
compressionCodec (producer) | This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data generated by this producer. Valid values are none, gzip and snappy. Enum values:
| none | String |
connectionMaxIdleMs (producer) | Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config. | 540000 | Integer |
deliveryTimeoutMs (producer) | An upper bound on the time to report success or failure after a call to send() returns. This limits the total time that a record will be delayed prior to sending, the time to await acknowledgement from the broker (if expected), and the time allowed for retriable send failures. | 120000 | Integer |
enableIdempotence (producer) | If set to 'true' the producer will ensure that exactly one copy of each message is written in the stream. If 'false', producer retries may write duplicates of the retried message in the stream. If set to true this option will require to be set to 1 and retries cannot be zero and additionally acks must be set to 'all'. | false | boolean |
headerSerializer (producer) | To use a custom KafkaHeaderSerializer to serialize kafka headers values. | KafkaHeaderSerializer | |
key (producer) | The record key (or null if no key is specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#KEY. | String | |
keySerializer (producer) | The serializer class for keys (defaults to the same as for messages if nothing is given). | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
lingerMs (producer) | The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle’s algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we get batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load. | 0 | Integer |
maxBlockMs (producer) | The configuration controls how long sending to kafka will block. These methods can be blocked for multiple reasons. For e.g: buffer full, metadata unavailable.This configuration imposes maximum limit on the total time spent in fetching metadata, serialization of key and value, partitioning and allocation of buffer memory when doing a send(). In case of partitionsFor(), this configuration imposes a maximum time threshold on waiting for metadata. | 60000 | Integer |
maxInFlightRequest (producer) | The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled). | 5 | Integer |
maxRequestSize (producer) | The maximum size of a request. This is also effectively a cap on the maximum record size. Note that the server has its own cap on record size which may be different from this. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests. | 1048576 | Integer |
metadataMaxAgeMs (producer) | The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven’t seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. | 300000 | Integer |
metricReporters (producer) | A list of classes to use as metrics reporters. Implementing the MetricReporter interface allows plugging in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. The JmxReporter is always included to register JMX statistics. | String | |
metricsSampleWindowMs (producer) | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 30000 | Integer |
noOfMetricsSample (producer) | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 2 | Integer |
partitioner (producer) | The partitioner class for partitioning messages amongst sub-topics. The default partitioner is based on the hash of the key. | org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner | String |
partitionKey (producer) | The partition to which the record will be sent (or null if no partition was specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#PARTITION_KEY. | Integer | |
producerBatchSize (producer) | The producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition. This helps performance on both the client and the server. This configuration controls the default batch size in bytes. No attempt will be made to batch records larger than this size.Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely). A very large batch size may use memory a bit more wastefully as we will always allocate a buffer of the specified batch size in anticipation of additional records. | 16384 | Integer |
queueBufferingMaxMessages (producer) | The maximum number of unsent messages that can be queued up the producer when using async mode before either the producer must be blocked or data must be dropped. | 10000 | Integer |
receiveBufferBytes (producer) | The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. | 65536 | Integer |
reconnectBackoffMs (producer) | The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the consumer to the broker. | 50 | Integer |
recordMetadata (producer) | Whether the producer should store the RecordMetadata results from sending to Kafka. The results are stored in a List containing the RecordMetadata metadata’s. The list is stored on a header with the key KafkaConstants#KAFKA_RECORDMETA. | true | boolean |
requestRequiredAcks (producer) | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. The following settings are common: acks=0 If set to zero then the producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server at all. The record will be immediately added to the socket buffer and considered sent. No guarantee can be made that the server has received the record in this case, and the retries configuration will not take effect (as the client won’t generally know of any failures). The offset given back for each record will always be set to -1. acks=1 This will mean the leader will write the record to its local log but will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from all followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately after acknowledging the record but before the followers have replicated it then the record will be lost. acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the record will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is the strongest available guarantee. Enum values:
| 1 | String |
requestTimeoutMs (producer) | The amount of time the broker will wait trying to meet the request.required.acks requirement before sending back an error to the client. | 30000 | Integer |
retries (producer) | Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries will potentially change the ordering of records because if two records are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried but the second succeeds, then the second record may appear first. | 0 | Integer |
retryBackoffMs (producer) | Before each retry, the producer refreshes the metadata of relevant topics to see if a new leader has been elected. Since leader election takes a bit of time, this property specifies the amount of time that the producer waits before refreshing the metadata. | 100 | Integer |
sendBufferBytes (producer) | Socket write buffer size. | 131072 | Integer |
valueSerializer (producer) | The serializer class for messages. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
workerPool (producer) | To use a custom worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. If using this option then you must handle the lifecycle of the thread pool to shut the pool down when no longer needed. | ExecutorService | |
workerPoolCoreSize (producer) | Number of core threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 10 | Integer |
workerPoolMaxSize (producer) | Maximum number of threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 20 | Integer |
kafkaClientFactory (advanced) | Factory to use for creating org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer and org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer instances. This allows to configure a custom factory to create instances with logic that extends the vanilla Kafka clients. | KafkaClientFactory | |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
schemaRegistryURL (confluent) | URL of the Confluent Platform schema registry servers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2. This is known as schema.registry.url in the Confluent Platform documentation. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | String | |
interceptorClasses (monitoring) | Sets interceptors for producer or consumers. Producer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerInterceptor Consumer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerInterceptor Note that if you use Producer interceptor on a consumer it will throw a class cast exception in runtime. | String | |
kerberosBeforeReloginMinTime (security) | Login thread sleep time between refresh attempts. | 60000 | Integer |
kerberosInitCmd (security) | Kerberos kinit command path. Default is /usr/bin/kinit. | /usr/bin/kinit | String |
kerberosPrincipalToLocalRules (security) | A list of rules for mapping from principal names to short names (typically operating system usernames). The rules are evaluated in order and the first rule that matches a principal name is used to map it to a short name. Any later rules in the list are ignored. By default, principal names of the form {username}/{hostname}{REALM} are mapped to {username}. For more details on the format please see the security authorization and acls documentation.. Multiple values can be separated by comma. | DEFAULT | String |
kerberosRenewJitter (security) | Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time. | 0.05 | Double |
kerberosRenewWindowFactor (security) | Login thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket’s expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket. | 0.8 | Double |
saslJaasConfig (security) | Expose the kafka sasl.jaas.config parameter Example: required username=USERNAME password=PASSWORD;. | String | |
saslKerberosServiceName (security) | The Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka’s JAAS config or in Kafka’s config. | String | |
saslMechanism (security) | The Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism used. For the valid values see . | GSSAPI | String |
securityProtocol (security) | Protocol used to communicate with brokers. SASL_PLAINTEXT, PLAINTEXT and SSL are supported. | PLAINTEXT | String |
sslCipherSuites (security) | A list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol.By default all the available cipher suites are supported. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | SSL configuration using a Camel SSLContextParameters object. If configured it’s applied before the other SSL endpoint parameters. NOTE: Kafka only supports loading keystore from file locations, so prefix the location with file: in the KeyStoreParameters.resource option. | SSLContextParameters | |
sslEnabledProtocols (security) | The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 are enabled by default. | String | |
sslEndpointAlgorithm (security) | The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. | https | String |
sslKeymanagerAlgorithm (security) | The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | SunX509 | String |
sslKeyPassword (security) | The password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client. | String | |
sslKeystoreLocation (security) | The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. | String | |
sslKeystorePassword (security) | The store password for the key store file.This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. | String | |
sslKeystoreType (security) | The file format of the key store file. This is optional for client. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
sslProtocol (security) | The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities. | String | |
sslProvider (security) | The name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM. | String | |
sslTrustmanagerAlgorithm (security) | The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | PKIX | String |
sslTruststoreLocation (security) | The location of the trust store file. | String | |
sslTruststorePassword (security) | The password for the trust store file. | String | |
sslTruststoreType (security) | The file format of the trust store file. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
For more information about Producer/Consumer configuration see:
26.5. Message headers
26.5.1. Consumer headers
The following headers are available when consuming messages from Kafka.
Header constant | Header value | Type | Description |
| The topic from where the message originated |
| The partition where the message was stored |
| The offset of the message |
| The key of the message if configured |
| The record headers |
Whether or not it’s the last record before commit (only available if |
Indicates the last record within the current poll request (only available if |
| Can be used for forcing manual offset commit when using Kafka consumer. |
26.5.2. Producer headers
Before sending a message to Kafka you can configure the following headers.
Header constant | Header value | Type | Description |
| Required The key of the message in order to ensure that all related message goes in the same partition |
| The topic to which send the message (override and takes precedence), and the header is not preserved. |
| The ProducerRecord also has an associated timestamp. If the user did provide a timestamp, the producer will stamp the record with the provided timestamp and the header is not preserved. |
| Explicitly specify the partition |
If you want to send a message to a dynamic topic then use KafkaConstants.OVERRIDE_TOPIC
as its used as a one-time header that are not send along the message, as its removed in the producer.
After the message is sent to Kafka, the following headers are available
Header constant | Header value | Type | Description |
The metadata (only configured if |
26.6. Consumer error handling
While kafka consumer is polling messages from the kafka broker, then errors can happen. This section describes what happens and what you can configure.
The consumer may throw exception when invoking the Kafka poll
API. For example if the message cannot be de-serialized due invalid data, and many other kind of errors. Those errors are in the form of KafkaException
which are either retryable or not. The exceptions which can be retried (RetriableException
) will be retried again (with a poll timeout in between). All other kind of exceptions are handled according to the pollOnError configuration. This configuration has the following values:
- DISCARD will discard the message and continue to poll next message.
- ERROR_HANDLER will use Camel’s error handler to process the exception, and afterwards continue to poll next message.
- RECONNECT will re-connect the consumer and try poll the message again.
- RETRY will let the consumer retry polling the same message again
- STOP will stop the consumer (have to be manually started/restarted if the consumer should be able to consume messages again).
The default is ERROR_HANDLER which will let Camel’s error handler (if any configured) process the caused exception. And then afterwards continue to poll the next message. This behavior is similar to the bridgeErrorHandler option that Camel components have.
For advanced control then a custom implementation of org.apache.camel.component.kafka.PollExceptionStrategy
can be configured on the component level, which allows to control which exceptions causes which of the strategies above.
26.7. Samples
26.7.1. Consuming messages from Kafka
Here is the minimal route you need in order to read messages from Kafka.
from("kafka:test?brokers=localhost:9092") .log("Message received from Kafka : ${body}") .log(" on the topic ${headers[kafka.TOPIC]}") .log(" on the partition ${headers[kafka.PARTITION]}") .log(" with the offset ${headers[kafka.OFFSET]}") .log(" with the key ${headers[kafka.KEY]}")
If you need to consume messages from multiple topics you can use a comma separated list of topic names.
from("kafka:test,test1,test2?brokers=localhost:9092") .log("Message received from Kafka : ${body}") .log(" on the topic ${headers[kafka.TOPIC]}") .log(" on the partition ${headers[kafka.PARTITION]}") .log(" with the offset ${headers[kafka.OFFSET]}") .log(" with the key ${headers[kafka.KEY]}")
It’s also possible to subscribe to multiple topics giving a pattern as the topic name and using the topicIsPattern
from("kafka:test*?brokers=localhost:9092&topicIsPattern=true") .log("Message received from Kafka : ${body}") .log(" on the topic ${headers[kafka.TOPIC]}") .log(" on the partition ${headers[kafka.PARTITION]}") .log(" with the offset ${headers[kafka.OFFSET]}") .log(" with the key ${headers[kafka.KEY]}")
When consuming messages from Kafka you can use your own offset management and not delegate this management to Kafka. In order to keep the offsets the component needs a StateRepository
implementation such as FileStateRepository
. This bean should be available in the registry. Here how to use it :
// Create the repository in which the Kafka offsets will be persisted FileStateRepository repository = FileStateRepository.fileStateRepository(new File("/path/to/repo.dat")); // Bind this repository into the Camel registry Registry registry = createCamelRegistry(); registry.bind("offsetRepo", repository); // Configure the camel context DefaultCamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(registry); camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("kafka:" + TOPIC + "?brokers=localhost:{{kafkaPort}}" + // Setup the topic and broker address "&groupId=A" + // The consumer processor group ID "&autoOffsetReset=earliest" + // Ask to start from the beginning if we have unknown offset "&offsetRepository=#offsetRepo") // Keep the offsets in the previously configured repository .to("mock:result"); } });
26.7.2. Producing messages to Kafka
Here is the minimal route you need in order to write messages to Kafka.
from("direct:start") .setBody(constant("Message from Camel")) // Message to send .setHeader(KafkaConstants.KEY, constant("Camel")) // Key of the message .to("kafka:test?brokers=localhost:9092");
26.8. SSL configuration
You have 2 different ways to configure the SSL communication on the Kafka` component.
The first way is through the many SSL endpoint parameters
from("kafka:" + TOPIC + "?brokers=localhost:{{kafkaPort}}" + "&groupId=A" + "&sslKeystoreLocation=/path/to/keystore.jks" + "&sslKeystorePassword=changeit" + "&sslKeyPassword=changeit" + "&securityProtocol=SSL") .to("mock:result");
The second way is to use the sslContextParameters
endpoint parameter.
// Configure the SSLContextParameters object KeyStoreParameters ksp = new KeyStoreParameters(); ksp.setResource("/path/to/keystore.jks"); ksp.setPassword("changeit"); KeyManagersParameters kmp = new KeyManagersParameters(); kmp.setKeyStore(ksp); kmp.setKeyPassword("changeit"); SSLContextParameters scp = new SSLContextParameters(); scp.setKeyManagers(kmp); // Bind this SSLContextParameters into the Camel registry Registry registry = createCamelRegistry(); registry.bind("ssl", scp); // Configure the camel context DefaultCamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(registry); camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("kafka:" + TOPIC + "?brokers=localhost:{{kafkaPort}}" + // Setup the topic and broker address "&groupId=A" + // The consumer processor group ID "&sslContextParameters=#ssl" + // The security protocol "&securityProtocol=SSL) // Reference the SSL configuration .to("mock:result"); } });
26.9. Using the Kafka idempotent repository
The camel-kafka
library provides a Kafka topic-based idempotent repository.
This repository stores broadcasts all changes to idempotent state (add/remove) in a Kafka topic, and populates a local in-memory cache for each repository’s process instance through event sourcing. The topic used must be unique per idempotent repository instance.
The mechanism does not have any requirements about the number of topic partitions; as the repository consumes from all partitions at the same time. It also does not have any requirements about the replication factor of the topic.
Each repository instance that uses the topic (e.g. typically on different machines running in parallel) controls its own consumer group, so in a cluster of 10 Camel processes using the same topic each will control its own offset.
On startup, the instance subscribes to the topic and rewinds the offset to the beginning, rebuilding the cache to the latest state. The cache will not be considered warmed up until one poll of pollDurationMs
in length returns 0 records. Startup will not be completed until either the cache has warmed up, or 30 seconds go by; if the latter happens the idempotent repository may be in an inconsistent state until its consumer catches up to the end of the topic.
Be mindful of the format of the header used for the uniqueness check. By default, it uses Strings as the data types. When using primitive numeric formats, the header must be deserialized accordingly. Check the samples below for examples.
A KafkaIdempotentRepository
has the following properties:
Property | Description |
| The name of the Kafka topic to use to broadcast changes. (required) |
The |
Sets the properties that will be used by the Kafka producer that broadcasts changes. Overrides |
Sets the properties that will be used by the Kafka consumer that populates the cache from the topic. Overrides |
| How many of the most recently used keys should be stored in memory (default 1000). |
The poll duration of the Kafka consumer. The local caches are updated immediately. This value will affect how far behind other peers that update their caches from the topic are relative to the idempotent consumer instance that sent the cache action message. The default value of this is 100 ms. |
The repository can be instantiated by defining the topic
and bootstrapServers
, or the producerConfig
and consumerConfig
property sets can be explicitly defined to enable features such as SSL/SASL. To use, this repository must be placed in the Camel registry, either manually or by registration as a bean in Spring/Blueprint, as it is CamelContext
Sample usage is as follows:
KafkaIdempotentRepository kafkaIdempotentRepository = new KafkaIdempotentRepository("idempotent-db-inserts", "localhost:9091"); SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry(); registry.put("insertDbIdemRepo", kafkaIdempotentRepository); // must be registered in the registry, to enable access to the CamelContext CamelContext context = new CamelContext(registry); // later in RouteBuilder... from("direct:performInsert") .idempotentConsumer(header("id")).messageIdRepositoryRef("insertDbIdemRepo") // once-only insert into database .end()
<!-- simple --> <bean id="insertDbIdemRepo" class="org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.kafka.KafkaIdempotentRepository"> <property name="topic" value="idempotent-db-inserts"/> <property name="bootstrapServers" value="localhost:9091"/> </bean> <!-- complex --> <bean id="insertDbIdemRepo" class="org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.kafka.KafkaIdempotentRepository"> <property name="topic" value="idempotent-db-inserts"/> <property name="maxCacheSize" value="10000"/> <property name="consumerConfig"> <props> <prop key="bootstrap.servers">localhost:9091</prop> </props> </property> <property name="producerConfig"> <props> <prop key="bootstrap.servers">localhost:9091</prop> </props> </property> </bean>
There are 3 alternatives to choose from when using idempotency with numeric identifiers. The first one is to use the static method numericHeader
method from org.apache.camel.component.kafka.serde.KafkaSerdeHelper
to perform the conversion for you:
from("direct:performInsert") .idempotentConsumer(numericHeader("id")).messageIdRepositoryRef("insertDbIdemRepo") // once-only insert into database .end()
Alternatively, it is possible use a custom serializer configured via the route URL to perform the conversion:
public class CustomHeaderDeserializer extends DefaultKafkaHeaderDeserializer { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomHeaderDeserializer.class); @Override public Object deserialize(String key, byte[] value) { if (key.equals("id")) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(value); return String.valueOf(bi.longValue()); } else { return super.deserialize(key, value); } } }
Lastly, it is also possible to do so in a processor:
from(from).routeId("foo") .process(exchange -> { byte[] id = exchange.getIn().getHeader("id", byte[].class); BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(id); exchange.getIn().setHeader("id", String.valueOf(bi.longValue())); }) .idempotentConsumer(header("id")) .messageIdRepositoryRef("kafkaIdempotentRepository") .to(to);
26.10. Using manual commit with Kafka consumer
By default the Kafka consumer will use auto commit, where the offset will be committed automatically in the background using a given interval.
In case you want to force manual commits, you can use KafkaManualCommit
API from the Camel Exchange, stored on the message header. This requires to turn on manual commits by either setting the option allowManualCommit
to true
on the KafkaComponent
or on the endpoint, for example:
KafkaComponent kafka = new KafkaComponent(); kafka.setAllowManualCommit(true); ... camelContext.addComponent("kafka", kafka);
You can then use the KafkaManualCommit
from Java code such as a Camel Processor
public void process(Exchange exchange) { KafkaManualCommit manual = exchange.getIn().getHeader(KafkaConstants.MANUAL_COMMIT, KafkaManualCommit.class); manual.commit(); }
This will force a synchronous commit which will block until the commit is acknowledge on Kafka, or if it fails an exception is thrown. You can use an asynchronous commit as well by configuring the KafkaManualCommitFactory
with the `DefaultKafkaManualAsyncCommitFactory`implementation.
The commit will then be done in the next consumer loop using the kafka asynchronous commit api. Be aware that records from a partition must be processed and committed by a unique thread. If not, this could lead with non consistent behaviors. This is mostly useful with aggregation’s completion timeout strategies.
If you want to use a custom implementation of KafkaManualCommit
then you can configure a custom KafkaManualCommitFactory
on the KafkaComponent
that creates instances of your custom implementation.
26.11. Kafka Headers propagation
When consuming messages from Kafka, headers will be propagated to camel exchange headers automatically. Producing flow backed by same behaviour - camel headers of particular exchange will be propagated to kafka message headers.
Since kafka headers allows only byte[]
values, in order camel exchange header to be propagated its value should be serialized to bytes[]
, otherwise header will be skipped. Following header value types are supported: String
, Integer
, Long
, Double
, Boolean
, byte[]
. Note: all headers propagated from kafka to camel exchange will contain byte[]
value by default. In order to override default functionality uri parameters can be set: headerDeserializer
for from
route and headerSerializer
for to
route. Example:
from("kafka:my_topic?headerDeserializer=#myDeserializer") ... .to("kafka:my_topic?headerSerializer=#mySerializer")
By default all headers are being filtered by KafkaHeaderFilterStrategy
. Strategy filters out headers which start with Camel
or org.apache.camel
prefixes. Default strategy can be overridden by using headerFilterStrategy
uri parameter in both to
and from
from("kafka:my_topic?headerFilterStrategy=#myStrategy") ... .to("kafka:my_topic?headerFilterStrategy=#myStrategy")
object should be subclass of HeaderFilterStrategy
and must be placed in the Camel registry, either manually or by registration as a bean in Spring/Blueprint, as it is CamelContext
26.12. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using kafka with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-kafka-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 105 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.kafka.additional-properties | Sets additional properties for either kafka consumer or kafka producer in case they can’t be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: new Kafka properties that are not reflected yet in Camel configurations), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g: | Map | |
camel.component.kafka.allow-manual-commit | Whether to allow doing manual commits via KafkaManualCommit. If this option is enabled then an instance of KafkaManualCommit is stored on the Exchange message header, which allows end users to access this API and perform manual offset commits via the Kafka consumer. | false | Boolean | | If true, periodically commit to ZooKeeper the offset of messages already fetched by the consumer. This committed offset will be used when the process fails as the position from which the new consumer will begin. | true | Boolean | | The frequency in ms that the consumer offsets are committed to zookeeper. | 5000 | Integer | | Whether to perform an explicit auto commit when the consumer stops to ensure the broker has a commit from the last consumed message. This requires the option autoCommitEnable is turned on. The possible values are: sync, async, or none. And sync is the default value. | sync | String | | What to do when there is no initial offset in ZooKeeper or if an offset is out of range: earliest : automatically reset the offset to the earliest offset latest : automatically reset the offset to the latest offset fail: throw exception to the consumer. | latest | String |
camel.component.kafka.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.break-on-first-error | This options controls what happens when a consumer is processing an exchange and it fails. If the option is false then the consumer continues to the next message and processes it. If the option is true then the consumer breaks out, and will seek back to offset of the message that caused a failure, and then re-attempt to process this message. However this can lead to endless processing of the same message if its bound to fail every time, eg a poison message. Therefore its recommended to deal with that for example by using Camel’s error handler. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.brokers | URL of the Kafka brokers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2, and the list can be a subset of brokers or a VIP pointing to a subset of brokers. This option is known as bootstrap.servers in the Kafka documentation. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.buffer-memory-size | The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer will either block or throw an exception based on the preference specified by block.on.buffer.full.This setting should correspond roughly to the total memory the producer will use, but is not a hard bound since not all memory the producer uses is used for buffering. Some additional memory will be used for compression (if compression is enabled) as well as for maintaining in-flight requests. | 33554432 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.check-crcs | Automatically check the CRC32 of the records consumed. This ensures no on-the-wire or on-disk corruption to the messages occurred. This check adds some overhead, so it may be disabled in cases seeking extreme performance. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.client-id | The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the request. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.commit-timeout-ms | The maximum time, in milliseconds, that the code will wait for a synchronous commit to complete. The option is a java.lang.Long type. | 5000 | Long |
camel.component.kafka.compression-codec | This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data generated by this producer. Valid values are none, gzip and snappy. | none | String |
camel.component.kafka.configuration | Allows to pre-configure the Kafka component with common options that the endpoints will reuse. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.KafkaConfiguration type. | KafkaConfiguration | |
camel.component.kafka.connection-max-idle-ms | Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config. | 540000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.consumer-request-timeout-ms | The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted. | 40000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.consumers-count | The number of consumers that connect to kafka server. Each consumer is run on a separate thread, that retrieves and process the incoming data. | 1 | Integer | | An upper bound on the time to report success or failure after a call to send() returns. This limits the total time that a record will be delayed prior to sending, the time to await acknowledgement from the broker (if expected), and the time allowed for retriable send failures. | 120000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.enable-idempotence | If set to 'true' the producer will ensure that exactly one copy of each message is written in the stream. If 'false', producer retries may write duplicates of the retried message in the stream. If set to true this option will require to be set to 1 and retries cannot be zero and additionally acks must be set to 'all'. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the kafka component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.kafka.fetch-max-bytes | The maximum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request This is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. The maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined via message.max.bytes (broker config) or max.message.bytes (topic config). Note that the consumer performs multiple fetches in parallel. | 52428800 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.fetch-min-bytes | The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much data to accumulate before answering the request. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.fetch-wait-max-ms | The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy fetch.min.bytes. | 500 | Integer | | A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumer processes to which this consumer belongs. By setting the same group id multiple processes indicate that they are all part of the same consumer group. This option is required for consumers. | String | | | A unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by the end user. Only non-empty strings are permitted. If set, the consumer is treated as a static member, which means that only one instance with this ID is allowed in the consumer group at any time. This can be used in combination with a larger session timeout to avoid group rebalances caused by transient unavailability (e.g. process restarts). If not set, the consumer will join the group as a dynamic member, which is the traditional behavior. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.header-deserializer | To use a custom KafkaHeaderDeserializer to deserialize kafka headers values. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.serde.KafkaHeaderDeserializer type. | KafkaHeaderDeserializer | |
camel.component.kafka.header-filter-strategy | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy type. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
camel.component.kafka.header-serializer | To use a custom KafkaHeaderSerializer to serialize kafka headers values. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.serde.KafkaHeaderSerializer type. | KafkaHeaderSerializer | |
camel.component.kafka.heartbeat-interval-ms | The expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka’s group management facilities. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer’s session stays active and to facilitate rebalancing when new consumers join or leave the group. The value must be set lower than, but typically should be set no higher than 1/3 of that value. It can be adjusted even lower to control the expected time for normal rebalances. | 3000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.interceptor-classes | Sets interceptors for producer or consumers. Producer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerInterceptor Consumer interceptors have to be classes implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerInterceptor Note that if you use Producer interceptor on a consumer it will throw a class cast exception in runtime. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.kafka-client-factory | Factory to use for creating org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer and org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer instances. This allows to configure a custom factory to create instances with logic that extends the vanilla Kafka clients. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.KafkaClientFactory type. | KafkaClientFactory | |
camel.component.kafka.kafka-manual-commit-factory | Factory to use for creating KafkaManualCommit instances. This allows to plugin a custom factory to create custom KafkaManualCommit instances in case special logic is needed when doing manual commits that deviates from the default implementation that comes out of the box. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.KafkaManualCommitFactory type. | KafkaManualCommitFactory | |
camel.component.kafka.kerberos-before-relogin-min-time | Login thread sleep time between refresh attempts. | 60000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.kerberos-init-cmd | Kerberos kinit command path. Default is /usr/bin/kinit. | /usr/bin/kinit | String |
camel.component.kafka.kerberos-principal-to-local-rules | A list of rules for mapping from principal names to short names (typically operating system usernames). The rules are evaluated in order and the first rule that matches a principal name is used to map it to a short name. Any later rules in the list are ignored. By default, principal names of the form {username}/{hostname}{REALM} are mapped to {username}. For more details on the format please see the security authorization and acls documentation.. Multiple values can be separated by comma. | DEFAULT | String |
camel.component.kafka.kerberos-renew-jitter | Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time. | Double | |
camel.component.kafka.kerberos-renew-window-factor | Login thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket’s expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket. | Double | |
camel.component.kafka.key | The record key (or null if no key is specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#KEY. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.key-deserializer | Deserializer class for key that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
camel.component.kafka.key-serializer | The serializer class for keys (defaults to the same as for messages if nothing is given). | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
camel.component.kafka.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.linger-ms | The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle’s algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we get batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load. | 0 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.max-block-ms | The configuration controls how long sending to kafka will block. These methods can be blocked for multiple reasons. For e.g: buffer full, metadata unavailable.This configuration imposes maximum limit on the total time spent in fetching metadata, serialization of key and value, partitioning and allocation of buffer memory when doing a send(). In case of partitionsFor(), this configuration imposes a maximum time threshold on waiting for metadata. | 60000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.max-in-flight-request | The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled). | 5 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.max-partition-fetch-bytes | The maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. The maximum total memory used for a request will be #partitions max.partition.fetch.bytes. This size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger than the consumer can fetch. If that happens, the consumer can get stuck trying to fetch a large message on a certain partition. | 1048576 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.max-poll-interval-ms | The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member. The option is a java.lang.Long type. | Long | |
camel.component.kafka.max-poll-records | The maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). | 500 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.max-request-size | The maximum size of a request. This is also effectively a cap on the maximum record size. Note that the server has its own cap on record size which may be different from this. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests. | 1048576 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.metadata-max-age-ms | The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven’t seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. | 300000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.metric-reporters | A list of classes to use as metrics reporters. Implementing the MetricReporter interface allows plugging in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. The JmxReporter is always included to register JMX statistics. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.metrics-sample-window-ms | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 30000 | Integer | | The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. | 2 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.offset-repository | The offset repository to use in order to locally store the offset of each partition of the topic. Defining one will disable the autocommit. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.StateRepository<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> type. | StateRepository | |
camel.component.kafka.partition-assignor | The class name of the partition assignment strategy that the client will use to distribute partition ownership amongst consumer instances when group management is used. | org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor | String |
camel.component.kafka.partition-key | The partition to which the record will be sent (or null if no partition was specified). If this option has been configured then it take precedence over header KafkaConstants#PARTITION_KEY. | Integer | |
camel.component.kafka.partitioner | The partitioner class for partitioning messages amongst sub-topics. The default partitioner is based on the hash of the key. | org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner | String |
camel.component.kafka.poll-exception-strategy | To use a custom strategy with the consumer to control how to handle exceptions thrown from the Kafka broker while pooling messages. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.kafka.PollExceptionStrategy type. | PollExceptionStrategy | |
camel.component.kafka.poll-on-error | What to do if kafka threw an exception while polling for new messages. Will by default use the value from the component configuration unless an explicit value has been configured on the endpoint level. DISCARD will discard the message and continue to poll next message. ERROR_HANDLER will use Camel’s error handler to process the exception, and afterwards continue to poll next message. RECONNECT will re-connect the consumer and try poll the message again RETRY will let the consumer retry polling the same message again STOP will stop the consumer (have to be manually started/restarted if the consumer should be able to consume messages again). | PollOnError | |
camel.component.kafka.poll-timeout-ms | The timeout used when polling the KafkaConsumer. The option is a java.lang.Long type. | 5000 | Long |
camel.component.kafka.producer-batch-size | The producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition. This helps performance on both the client and the server. This configuration controls the default batch size in bytes. No attempt will be made to batch records larger than this size.Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely). A very large batch size may use memory a bit more wastefully as we will always allocate a buffer of the specified batch size in anticipation of additional records. | 16384 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.queue-buffering-max-messages | The maximum number of unsent messages that can be queued up the producer when using async mode before either the producer must be blocked or data must be dropped. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.receive-buffer-bytes | The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. | 65536 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.reconnect-backoff-max-ms | The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait when reconnecting to a broker that has repeatedly failed to connect. If provided, the backoff per host will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection failure, up to this maximum. After calculating the backoff increase, 20% random jitter is added to avoid connection storms. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.reconnect-backoff-ms | The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the consumer to the broker. | 50 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.record-metadata | Whether the producer should store the RecordMetadata results from sending to Kafka. The results are stored in a List containing the RecordMetadata metadata’s. The list is stored on a header with the key KafkaConstants#KAFKA_RECORDMETA. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.request-required-acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. The following settings are common: acks=0 If set to zero then the producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server at all. The record will be immediately added to the socket buffer and considered sent. No guarantee can be made that the server has received the record in this case, and the retries configuration will not take effect (as the client won’t generally know of any failures). The offset given back for each record will always be set to -1. acks=1 This will mean the leader will write the record to its local log but will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from all followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately after acknowledging the record but before the followers have replicated it then the record will be lost. acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the record will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is the strongest available guarantee. | 1 | String |
camel.component.kafka.request-timeout-ms | The amount of time the broker will wait trying to meet the request.required.acks requirement before sending back an error to the client. | 30000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.resume-strategy | This option allows the user to set a custom resume strategy. The resume strategy is executed when partitions are assigned (i.e.: when connecting or reconnecting). It allows implementations to customize how to resume operations and serve as more flexible alternative to the seekTo and the offsetRepository mechanisms. See the KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy for implementation details. This option does not affect the auto commit setting. It is likely that implementations using this setting will also want to evaluate using the manual commit option along with this. The option is a type. | KafkaConsumerResumeStrategy | |
camel.component.kafka.retries | Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries will potentially change the ordering of records because if two records are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried but the second succeeds, then the second record may appear first. | 0 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.retry-backoff-ms | Before each retry, the producer refreshes the metadata of relevant topics to see if a new leader has been elected. Since leader election takes a bit of time, this property specifies the amount of time that the producer waits before refreshing the metadata. | 100 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.sasl-jaas-config | Expose the kafka sasl.jaas.config parameter Example: required username=USERNAME password=PASSWORD;. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.sasl-kerberos-service-name | The Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka’s JAAS config or in Kafka’s config. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.sasl-mechanism | The Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism used. For the valid values see . | GSSAPI | String |
camel.component.kafka.schema-registry-u-r-l | URL of the Confluent Platform schema registry servers to use. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2. This is known as schema.registry.url in the Confluent Platform documentation. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | String | | | Protocol used to communicate with brokers. SASL_PLAINTEXT, PLAINTEXT and SSL are supported. | PLAINTEXT | String | | Set if KafkaConsumer will read from beginning or end on startup: beginning : read from beginning end : read from end This is replacing the earlier property seekToBeginning. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.send-buffer-bytes | Socket write buffer size. | 131072 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.session-timeout-ms | The timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka’s group management facilities. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.shutdown-timeout | Timeout in milliseconds to wait gracefully for the consumer or producer to shutdown and terminate its worker threads. | 30000 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.specific-avro-reader | This enables the use of a specific Avro reader for use with the Confluent Platform schema registry and the io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer. This option is only available in the Confluent Platform (not standard Apache Kafka). | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-cipher-suites | A list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol.By default all the available cipher suites are supported. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-context-parameters | SSL configuration using a Camel SSLContextParameters object. If configured it’s applied before the other SSL endpoint parameters. NOTE: Kafka only supports loading keystore from file locations, so prefix the location with file: in the KeyStoreParameters.resource option. The option is a type. | SSLContextParameters | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-enabled-protocols | The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 are enabled by default. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-endpoint-algorithm | The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. | https | String |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-key-password | The password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-keymanager-algorithm | The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | SunX509 | String |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-keystore-location | The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-keystore-password | The store password for the key store file.This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-keystore-type | The file format of the key store file. This is optional for client. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-protocol | The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-provider | The name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-trustmanager-algorithm | The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. | PKIX | String |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-truststore-location | The location of the trust store file. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-truststore-password | The password for the trust store file. | String | |
camel.component.kafka.ssl-truststore-type | The file format of the trust store file. Default value is JKS. | JKS | String |
camel.component.kafka.synchronous | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.topic-is-pattern | Whether the topic is a pattern (regular expression). This can be used to subscribe to dynamic number of topics matching the pattern. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kafka.value-deserializer | Deserializer class for value that implements the Deserializer interface. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer | String |
camel.component.kafka.value-serializer | The serializer class for messages. | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer | String |
camel.component.kafka.worker-pool | To use a custom worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. If using this option then you must handle the lifecycle of the thread pool to shut the pool down when no longer needed. The option is a java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService type. | ExecutorService | |
camel.component.kafka.worker-pool-core-size | Number of core threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 10 | Integer |
camel.component.kafka.worker-pool-max-size | Maximum number of threads for the worker pool for continue routing Exchange after kafka server has acknowledge the message that was sent to it from KafkaProducer using asynchronous non-blocking processing. | 20 | Integer |
Chapter 27. Kamelet
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Kamelet Component provides support for interacting with the Camel Route Template engine using Endpoint semantic.
27.1. URI format
27.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
27.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
27.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
27.3. Component Options
The Kamelet component supports 9 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
location (common) | The location(s) of the Kamelets on the file system. Multiple locations can be set separated by comma. | classpath:/kamelets | String |
routeProperties (common) | Set route local parameters. | Map | |
templateProperties (common) | Set template local parameters. | Map | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
block (producer) | If sending a message to a kamelet endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
timeout (producer) | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | long |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
routeTemplateLoaderListener (advanced) | Autowired To plugin a custom listener for when the Kamelet component is loading Kamelets from external resources. | RouteTemplateLoaderListener |
27.4. Endpoint Options
The Kamelet endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
27.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
templateId (common) | Required The Route Template ID. | String | |
routeId (common) | The Route ID. Default value notice: The ID will be auto-generated if not provided. | String |
27.4.2. Query Parameters (8 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
location (common) | Location of the Kamelet to use which can be specified as a resource from file system, classpath etc. The location cannot use wildcards, and must refer to a file including extension, for example file:/etc/foo-kamelet.xml. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
block (producer) | If sending a message to a direct endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | boolean |
failIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should fail by throwing an exception, when sending to a kamelet endpoint with no active consumers. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
timeout (producer) | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | long |
The kamelet endpoint is lenient, which means that the endpoint accepts additional parameters that are passed to the engine and consumed upon route materialization.
27.5. Discovery
If a Route Template is not found, the kamelet endpoint tries to load the related kamelet definition from the file system (by default classpath:/kamelets
). The default resolution mechanism expect kamelet files to have the extension .kamelet.yaml
27.6. Samples
Kamelets can be used as if they were standard Camel components. For example, suppose that we have created a Route Template as follows:
routeTemplate("setMyBody") .templateParameter("bodyValue") .from("kamelet:source") .setBody().constant("{{bodyValue}}");
To let the Kamelet component wiring the materialized route to the caller processor, we need to be able to identify the input and output endpoint of the route and this is done by using kamele:source
to mark the input endpoint and kamelet:sink
for the output endpoint.
Then the template can be instantiated and invoked as shown below:
from("direct:setMyBody") .to("kamelet:setMyBody?bodyValue=myKamelet");
Behind the scenes, the Kamelet component does the following things:
It instantiates a route out of the Route Template identified by the given
path parameter (in this casesetBody
) -
It will act like the
component and connect the current route to the materialized one.
If you had to do it programmatically, it would have been something like:
routeTemplate("setMyBody") .templateParameter("bodyValue") .from("direct:{{foo}}") .setBody().constant("{{bodyValue}}"); TemplatedRouteBuilder.builder(context, "setMyBody") .parameter("foo", "bar") .parameter("bodyValue", "myKamelet") .add(); from("direct:template") .to("direct:bar");
27.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using kamelet with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-kamelet-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 10 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.kamelet.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.kamelet.block | If sending a message to a kamelet endpoint which has no active consumer, then we can tell the producer to block and wait for the consumer to become active. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.kamelet.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kamelet.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the kamelet component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.kamelet.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.kamelet.location | The location(s) of the Kamelets on the file system. Multiple locations can be set separated by comma. | classpath:/kamelets | String |
camel.component.kamelet.route-properties | Set route local parameters. | Map | |
camel.component.kamelet.route-template-loader-listener | To plugin a custom listener for when the Kamelet component is loading Kamelets from external resources. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.RouteTemplateLoaderListener type. | RouteTemplateLoaderListener | |
camel.component.kamelet.template-properties | Set template local parameters. | Map | |
camel.component.kamelet.timeout | The timeout value to use if block is enabled. | 30000 | Long |
Chapter 28. Language
Only producer is supported
The Language component allows you to send Exchange to an endpoint which executes a script by any of the supported Languages in Camel. By having a component to execute language scripts, it allows more dynamic routing capabilities. For example by using the Routing Slip or Dynamic Router EIPs you can send messages to language endpoints where the script is dynamic defined as well.
This component is provided out of the box in camel-core and hence no additional JARs is needed. You only have to include additional Camel components if the language of choice mandates it, such as using Groovy or JavaScript languages.
28.1. URI format
You can refer to an external resource for the script using same notation as supported by the other Languages in Camel.
28.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
28.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
28.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
28.3. Component Options
The Language component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
28.4. Endpoint Options
The Language endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
28.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
languageName (producer) | Required Sets the name of the language to use. Enum values:
| String | |
resourceUri (producer) | Path to the resource, or a reference to lookup a bean in the Registry to use as the resource. | String |
28.4.2. Query Parameters (7 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
allowContextMapAll (producer) | Sets whether the context map should allow access to all details. By default only the message body and headers can be accessed. This option can be enabled for full access to the current Exchange and CamelContext. Doing so impose a potential security risk as this opens access to the full power of CamelContext API. | false | boolean |
binary (producer) | Whether the script is binary content or text content. By default the script is read as text content (eg java.lang.String). | false | boolean |
cacheScript (producer) | Whether to cache the compiled script and reuse Notice reusing the script can cause side effects from processing one Camel org.apache.camel.Exchange to the next org.apache.camel.Exchange. | false | boolean |
contentCache (producer) | Sets whether to use resource content cache or not. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
script (producer) | Sets the script to execute. | String | |
transform (producer) | Whether or not the result of the script should be used as message body. This options is default true. | true | boolean |
28.5. Message Headers
The following message headers can be used to affect the behavior of the component
Header | Description |
| The script to execute provided in the header. Takes precedence over script configured on the endpoint. |
28.6. Examples
For example you can use the Simple language to Message Translator a message.
You can also provide the script as a header as shown below. Here we use XPath language to extract the text from the <foo> tag.
Object out = producer.requestBodyAndHeader("language:xpath", "<foo>Hello World</foo>", Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, "/foo/text()"); assertEquals("Hello World", out);
28.7. Loading scripts from resources
You can specify a resource uri for a script to load in either the endpoint uri, or in the Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT
header. The uri must start with one of the following schemes: file:, classpath:, or http:
By default the script is loaded once and cached. However you can disable the contentCache
option and have the script loaded on each evaluation. For example if the file myscript.txt is changed on disk, then the updated script is used:
You can refer to the resource similar to the other Languages in Camel by prefixing with "resource:" as shown below.
28.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using language with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-language-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.language.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.language.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the language component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.language.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 29. Log
Only producer is supported
The Log component logs message exchanges to the underlying logging mechanism.
Camel uses SLF4J which allows you to configure logging via, among others:
- Log4j
- Logback
- Java Util Logging
29.1. URI format
Where loggingCategory is the name of the logging category to use. You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
Using Logger instance from the Registry
If there’s single instance of org.slf4j.Logger
found in the Registry, the loggingCategory is no longer used to create logger instance. The registered instance is used instead. Also it is possible to reference particular Logger
instance using ?logger=#myLogger
URI parameter. Eventually, if there’s no registered and URI logger
parameter, the logger instance is created using loggingCategory.
For example, a log endpoint typically specifies the logging level using the level
option, as follows:
The default logger logs every exchange (regular logging). But Camel also ships with the Throughput
logger, which is used whenever the groupSize
option is specified.
Also a log in the DSL
There is also a log
directly in the DSL, but it has a different purpose. Its meant for lightweight and human logs. See more details at LogEIP.
29.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
29.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
29.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
29.3. Component Options
The Log component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
exchangeFormatter (advanced) | Autowired Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. | ExchangeFormatter |
29.4. Endpoint Options
The Log endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
29.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
loggerName (producer) | Required Name of the logging category to use. | String |
29.4.2. Query Parameters (27 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
groupActiveOnly (producer) | If true, will hide stats when no new messages have been received for a time interval, if false, show stats regardless of message traffic. | true | Boolean |
groupDelay (producer) | Set the initial delay for stats (in millis). | Long | |
groupInterval (producer) | If specified will group message stats by this time interval (in millis). | Long | |
groupSize (producer) | An integer that specifies a group size for throughput logging. | Integer | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
level (producer) | Logging level to use. The default value is INFO. Enum values:
| INFO | String |
logMask (producer) | If true, mask sensitive information like password or passphrase in the log. | Boolean | |
marker (producer) | An optional Marker name to use. | String | |
exchangeFormatter (advanced) | To use a custom exchange formatter. | ExchangeFormatter | |
maxChars (formatting) | Limits the number of characters logged per line. | 10000 | int |
multiline (formatting) | If enabled then each information is outputted on a newline. | false | boolean |
showAll (formatting) | Quick option for turning all options on. (multiline, maxChars has to be manually set if to be used). | false | boolean |
showAllProperties (formatting) | Show all of the exchange properties (both internal and custom). | false | boolean |
showBody (formatting) | Show the message body. | true | boolean |
showBodyType (formatting) | Show the body Java type. | true | boolean |
showCaughtException (formatting) | If the exchange has a caught exception, show the exception message (no stack trace). A caught exception is stored as a property on the exchange (using the key org.apache.camel.Exchange#EXCEPTION_CAUGHT) and for instance a doCatch can catch exceptions. | false | boolean |
showException (formatting) | If the exchange has an exception, show the exception message (no stacktrace). | false | boolean |
showExchangeId (formatting) | Show the unique exchange ID. | false | boolean |
showExchangePattern (formatting) | Shows the Message Exchange Pattern (or MEP for short). | true | boolean |
showFiles (formatting) | If enabled Camel will output files. | false | boolean |
showFuture (formatting) | If enabled Camel will on Future objects wait for it to complete to obtain the payload to be logged. | false | boolean |
showHeaders (formatting) | Show the message headers. | false | boolean |
showProperties (formatting) | Show the exchange properties (only custom). Use showAllProperties to show both internal and custom properties. | false | boolean |
showStackTrace (formatting) | Show the stack trace, if an exchange has an exception. Only effective if one of showAll, showException or showCaughtException are enabled. | false | boolean |
showStreams (formatting) | Whether Camel should show stream bodies or not (eg such as Beware if you enable this option then you may not be able later to access the message body as the stream have already been read by this logger. To remedy this you will have to use Stream Caching. | false | boolean |
skipBodyLineSeparator (formatting) | Whether to skip line separators when logging the message body. This allows to log the message body in one line, setting this option to false will preserve any line separators from the body, which then will log the body as is. | true | boolean |
style (formatting) | Sets the outputs style to use. Enum values:
| Default | OutputStyle |
29.5. Regular logger sample
In the route below we log the incoming orders at DEBUG
level before the order is processed:
Or using Spring XML to define the route:
<route> <from uri="activemq:orders"/> <to uri="log:com.mycompany.order?level=DEBUG"/> <to uri="bean:processOrder"/> </route>
29.6. Regular logger with formatter sample
In the route below we log the incoming orders at INFO
level before the order is processed.
from("activemq:orders"). to("log:com.mycompany.order?showAll=true&multiline=true").to("bean:processOrder");
29.7. Throughput logger with groupSize sample
In the route below we log the throughput of the incoming orders at DEBUG
level grouped by 10 messages.
from("activemq:orders"). to("log:com.mycompany.order?level=DEBUG&groupSize=10").to("bean:processOrder");
29.8. Throughput logger with groupInterval sample
This route will result in message stats logged every 10s, with an initial 60s delay and stats should be displayed even if there isn’t any message traffic.
from("activemq:orders"). to("log:com.mycompany.order?level=DEBUG&groupInterval=10000&groupDelay=60000&groupActiveOnly=false").to("bean:processOrder");
The following will be logged:
"Received: 1000 new messages, with total 2000 so far. Last group took: 10000 millis which is: 100 messages per second. average: 100"
29.9. Masking sensitive information like password
You can enable security masking for logging by setting logMask
flag to true
. Note that this option also affects Log EIP.
To enable mask in Java DSL at CamelContext level:
And in XML:
<camelContext logMask="true">
You can also turn it on|off at endpoint level. To enable mask in Java DSL at endpoint level, add logMask=true option in the URI for the log endpoint:
And in XML:
<route> <from uri="direct:foo"/> <to uri="log:foo?logMask=true"/> </route>
is used for the masking by default. If you want to use a custom masking formatter, put it into registry with the name CamelCustomLogMask
. Note that the masking formatter must implement org.apache.camel.spi.MaskingFormatter
29.10. Full customization of the logging output
With the options outlined in the section, you can control much of the output of the logger. However, log lines will always follow this structure:
Exchange[Id:ID-machine-local-50656-1234567901234-1-2, ExchangePattern:InOut, Properties:{CamelToEndpoint=log://org.apache.camel.component.log.TEST?showAll=true, CamelCreatedTimestamp=Thu Mar 28 00:00:00 WET 2013}, Headers:{breadcrumbId=ID-machine-local-50656-1234567901234-1-1}, BodyType:String, Body:Hello World, Out: null]
This format is unsuitable in some cases, perhaps because you need to…
- Filter the headers and properties that are printed, to strike a balance between insight and verbosity.
- Adjust the log message to whatever you deem most readable.
- Tailor log messages for digestion by log mining systems, e.g. Splunk.
- Print specific body types differently.
Whenever you require absolute customization, you can create a class that implements the interface. Within the format(Exchange)
method you have access to the full Exchange, so you can select and extract the precise information you need, format it in a custom manner and return it. The return value will become the final log message.
You can have the Log component pick up your custom ExchangeFormatter
in either of two ways:
Explicitly instantiating the LogComponent in your Registry:
<bean name="log" class="org.apache.camel.component.log.LogComponent"> <property name="exchangeFormatter" ref="myCustomFormatter" /> </bean>
29.10.1. Convention over configuration
Simply by registering a bean with the name logFormatter
; the Log Component is intelligent enough to pick it up automatically.
<bean name="logFormatter" class="" />
The ExchangeFormatter
gets applied to all Log endpoints within that Camel Context. If you need different ExchangeFormatters for different endpoints, just instantiate the LogComponent as many times as needed, and use the relevant bean name as the endpoint prefix.
When using a custom log formatter, you can specify parameters in the log uri, which gets configured on the custom log formatter. Though when you do that you should define the "logFormatter" as prototype scoped so its not shared if you have different parameters, for example,
<bean name="logFormatter" class="" scope="prototype"/>
And then we can have Camel routes using the log uri with different options:
<to uri="log:foo?param1=foo&param2=100"/> <to uri="log:bar?param1=bar&param2=200"/>
29.11. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using log with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-log-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.log.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.log.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the log component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter type. | ExchangeFormatter | |
camel.component.log.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 30. Mail
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Mail component provides access to Email via Spring’s Mail support and the underlying JavaMail system.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mail</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
POP3 has some limitations and end users are encouraged to use IMAP if possible.
Using mock-mail for testing
You can use a mock framework for unit testing, which allows you to test without the need for a real mail server. However you should remember to not include the mock-mail when you go into production or other environments where you need to send mails to a real mail server. Just the presence of the mock-javamail.jar on the classpath means that it will kick in and avoid sending the mails.
30.1. URI format
Mail endpoints can have one of the following URI formats (for the protocols, SMTP, POP3, or IMAP, respectively):
smtp://[username@]host[:port][?options] pop3://[username@]host[:port][?options] imap://[username@]host[:port][?options]
The mail component also supports secure variants of these protocols (layered over SSL). You can enable the secure protocols by adding s
to the scheme:
smtps://[username@]host[:port][?options] pop3s://[username@]host[:port][?options] imaps://[username@]host[:port][?options]
30.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
30.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
30.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
30.3. Component Options
The Mail component supports 43 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
closeFolder (consumer) | Whether the consumer should close the folder after polling. Setting this option to false and having disconnect=false as well, then the consumer keep the folder open between polls. | true | boolean |
copyTo (consumer) | After processing a mail message, it can be copied to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key copyTo, allowing you to copy messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
decodeFilename (consumer) | If set to true, the MimeUtility.decodeText method will be used to decode the filename. This is similar to setting JVM system property mail.mime.encodefilename. | false | boolean |
delete (consumer) | Deletes the messages after they have been processed. This is done by setting the DELETED flag on the mail message. If false, the SEEN flag is set instead. As of Camel 2.10 you can override this configuration option by setting a header with the key delete to determine if the mail should be deleted or not. | false | boolean |
disconnect (consumer) | Whether the consumer should disconnect after polling. If enabled this forces Camel to connect on each poll. | false | boolean |
handleFailedMessage (consumer) | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to handle the caused exception by the consumer’s error handler. By enable the bridge error handler on the consumer, then the Camel routing error handler can handle the exception instead. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | boolean |
mimeDecodeHeaders (consumer) | This option enables transparent MIME decoding and unfolding for mail headers. | false | boolean |
moveTo (consumer) | After processing a mail message, it can be moved to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key moveTo, allowing you to move messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
peek (consumer) | Will mark the javax.mail.Message as peeked before processing the mail message. This applies to IMAPMessage messages types only. By using peek the mail will not be eager marked as SEEN on the mail server, which allows us to rollback the mail message if there is an error processing in Camel. | true | boolean |
skipFailedMessage (consumer) | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to skip the message and move on to retrieve the next mail message. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | boolean |
unseen (consumer) | Whether to limit by unseen mails only. | true | boolean |
fetchSize (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the maximum number of messages to consume during a poll. This can be used to avoid overloading a mail server, if a mailbox folder contains a lot of messages. Default value of -1 means no fetch size and all messages will be consumed. Setting the value to 0 is a special corner case, where Camel will not consume any messages at all. | -1 | int |
folderName (consumer (advanced)) | The folder to poll. | INBOX | String |
mapMailMessage (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether Camel should map the received mail message to Camel body/headers/attachments. If set to true, the body of the mail message is mapped to the body of the Camel IN message, the mail headers are mapped to IN headers, and the attachments to Camel IN attachment message. If this option is set to false then the IN message contains a raw javax.mail.Message. You can retrieve this raw message by calling exchange.getIn().getBody(javax.mail.Message.class). | true | boolean |
bcc (producer) | Sets the BCC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
cc (producer) | Sets the CC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
from (producer) | The from email address. | camel@localhost | String |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
replyTo (producer) | The Reply-To recipients (the receivers of the response mail). Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. | String | |
subject (producer) | The Subject of the message being sent. Note: Setting the subject in the header takes precedence over this option. | String | |
to (producer) | Sets the To email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
javaMailSender (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.component.mail.JavaMailSender for sending emails. | JavaMailSender | |
additionalJavaMailProperties (advanced) | Sets additional java mail properties, that will append/override any default properties that is set based on all the other options. This is useful if you need to add some special options but want to keep the others as is. | Properties | |
alternativeBodyHeader (advanced) | Specifies the key to an IN message header that contains an alternative email body. For example, if you send emails in text/html format and want to provide an alternative mail body for non-HTML email clients, set the alternative mail body with this key as a header. | CamelMailAlternativeBody | String |
attachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver (advanced) | To use a custom AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver to resolve what content-type-encoding to use for attachments. | AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver | |
authenticator (advanced) | The authenticator for login. If set then the password and username are ignored. Can be used for tokens which can expire and therefore must be read dynamically. | MailAuthenticator | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
configuration (advanced) | Sets the Mail configuration. | MailConfiguration | |
connectionTimeout (advanced) | The connection timeout in milliseconds. | 30000 | int |
contentType (advanced) | The mail message content type. Use text/html for HTML mails. | text/plain | String |
contentTypeResolver (advanced) | Resolver to determine Content-Type for file attachments. | ContentTypeResolver | |
debugMode (advanced) | Enable debug mode on the underlying mail framework. The SUN Mail framework logs the debug messages to System.out by default. | false | boolean |
ignoreUnsupportedCharset (advanced) | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | boolean |
ignoreUriScheme (advanced) | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | boolean |
javaMailProperties (advanced) | Sets the java mail options. Will clear any default properties and only use the properties provided for this method. | Properties | |
session (advanced) | Specifies the mail session that camel should use for all mail interactions. Useful in scenarios where mail sessions are created and managed by some other resource, such as a JavaEE container. When using a custom mail session, then the hostname and port from the mail session will be used (if configured on the session). | Session | |
useInlineAttachments (advanced) | Whether to use disposition inline or attachment. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (filter) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
password (security) | The password for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. | SSLContextParameters | |
useGlobalSslContextParameters (security) | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | boolean |
username (security) | The username for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String |
30.4. Endpoint Options
The Mail endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
30.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
host (common) | Required The mail server host name. | String | |
port (common) | The port number of the mail server. | int |
30.4.2. Query Parameters (66 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
closeFolder (consumer) | Whether the consumer should close the folder after polling. Setting this option to false and having disconnect=false as well, then the consumer keep the folder open between polls. | true | boolean |
copyTo (consumer) | After processing a mail message, it can be copied to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key copyTo, allowing you to copy messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
decodeFilename (consumer) | If set to true, the MimeUtility.decodeText method will be used to decode the filename. This is similar to setting JVM system property mail.mime.encodefilename. | false | boolean |
delete (consumer) | Deletes the messages after they have been processed. This is done by setting the DELETED flag on the mail message. If false, the SEEN flag is set instead. As of Camel 2.10 you can override this configuration option by setting a header with the key delete to determine if the mail should be deleted or not. | false | boolean |
disconnect (consumer) | Whether the consumer should disconnect after polling. If enabled this forces Camel to connect on each poll. | false | boolean |
handleFailedMessage (consumer) | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to handle the caused exception by the consumer’s error handler. By enable the bridge error handler on the consumer, then the Camel routing error handler can handle the exception instead. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | boolean |
maxMessagesPerPoll (consumer) | Specifies the maximum number of messages to gather per poll. By default, no maximum is set. Can be used to set a limit of e.g. 1000 to avoid downloading thousands of files when the server starts up. Set a value of 0 or negative to disable this option. | int | |
mimeDecodeHeaders (consumer) | This option enables transparent MIME decoding and unfolding for mail headers. | false | boolean |
moveTo (consumer) | After processing a mail message, it can be moved to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key moveTo, allowing you to move messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
peek (consumer) | Will mark the javax.mail.Message as peeked before processing the mail message. This applies to IMAPMessage messages types only. By using peek the mail will not be eager marked as SEEN on the mail server, which allows us to rollback the mail message if there is an error processing in Camel. | true | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
skipFailedMessage (consumer) | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to skip the message and move on to retrieve the next mail message. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | boolean |
unseen (consumer) | Whether to limit by unseen mails only. | true | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
fetchSize (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the maximum number of messages to consume during a poll. This can be used to avoid overloading a mail server, if a mailbox folder contains a lot of messages. Default value of -1 means no fetch size and all messages will be consumed. Setting the value to 0 is a special corner case, where Camel will not consume any messages at all. | -1 | int |
folderName (consumer (advanced)) | The folder to poll. | INBOX | String |
mailUidGenerator (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable MailUidGenerator that allows to use custom logic to generate UUID of the mail message. | MailUidGenerator | |
mapMailMessage (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether Camel should map the received mail message to Camel body/headers/attachments. If set to true, the body of the mail message is mapped to the body of the Camel IN message, the mail headers are mapped to IN headers, and the attachments to Camel IN attachment message. If this option is set to false then the IN message contains a raw javax.mail.Message. You can retrieve this raw message by calling exchange.getIn().getBody(javax.mail.Message.class). | true | boolean |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
postProcessAction (consumer (advanced)) | Refers to an MailBoxPostProcessAction for doing post processing tasks on the mailbox once the normal processing ended. | MailBoxPostProcessAction | |
bcc (producer) | Sets the BCC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
cc (producer) | Sets the CC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
from (producer) | The from email address. | camel@localhost | String |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
replyTo (producer) | The Reply-To recipients (the receivers of the response mail). Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. | String | |
subject (producer) | The Subject of the message being sent. Note: Setting the subject in the header takes precedence over this option. | String | |
to (producer) | Sets the To email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
javaMailSender (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.component.mail.JavaMailSender for sending emails. | JavaMailSender | |
additionalJavaMailProperties (advanced) | Sets additional java mail properties, that will append/override any default properties that is set based on all the other options. This is useful if you need to add some special options but want to keep the others as is. | Properties | |
alternativeBodyHeader (advanced) | Specifies the key to an IN message header that contains an alternative email body. For example, if you send emails in text/html format and want to provide an alternative mail body for non-HTML email clients, set the alternative mail body with this key as a header. | CamelMailAlternativeBody | String |
attachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver (advanced) | To use a custom AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver to resolve what content-type-encoding to use for attachments. | AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver | |
authenticator (advanced) | The authenticator for login. If set then the password and username are ignored. Can be used for tokens which can expire and therefore must be read dynamically. | MailAuthenticator | |
binding (advanced) | Sets the binding used to convert from a Camel message to and from a Mail message. | MailBinding | |
connectionTimeout (advanced) | The connection timeout in milliseconds. | 30000 | int |
contentType (advanced) | The mail message content type. Use text/html for HTML mails. | text/plain | String |
contentTypeResolver (advanced) | Resolver to determine Content-Type for file attachments. | ContentTypeResolver | |
debugMode (advanced) | Enable debug mode on the underlying mail framework. The SUN Mail framework logs the debug messages to System.out by default. | false | boolean |
headerFilterStrategy (advanced) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter headers. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
ignoreUnsupportedCharset (advanced) | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | boolean |
ignoreUriScheme (advanced) | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | boolean |
javaMailProperties (advanced) | Sets the java mail options. Will clear any default properties and only use the properties provided for this method. | Properties | |
session (advanced) | Specifies the mail session that camel should use for all mail interactions. Useful in scenarios where mail sessions are created and managed by some other resource, such as a JavaEE container. When using a custom mail session, then the hostname and port from the mail session will be used (if configured on the session). | Session | |
useInlineAttachments (advanced) | Whether to use disposition inline or attachment. | false | boolean |
idempotentRepository (filter) | A pluggable repository org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository which allows to cluster consuming from the same mailbox, and let the repository coordinate whether a mail message is valid for the consumer to process. By default no repository is in use. | IdempotentRepository | |
idempotentRepositoryRemoveOnCommit (filter) | When using idempotent repository, then when the mail message has been successfully processed and is committed, should the message id be removed from the idempotent repository (default) or be kept in the repository. By default its assumed the message id is unique and has no value to be kept in the repository, because the mail message will be marked as seen/moved or deleted to prevent it from being consumed again. And therefore having the message id stored in the idempotent repository has little value. However this option allows to store the message id, for whatever reason you may have. | true | boolean |
searchTerm (filter) | Refers to a which allows to filter mails based on search criteria such as subject, body, from, sent after a certain date etc. | SearchTerm | |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 60000 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
password (security) | The password for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. | SSLContextParameters | |
username (security) | The username for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String | |
sortTerm (sort) | Sorting order for messages. Only natively supported for IMAP. Emulated to some degree when using POP3 or when IMAP server does not have the SORT capability. | SortTerm[] |
30.4.3. Sample endpoints
Typically, you specify a URI with login credentials as follows (taking SMTP as an example):
Alternatively, it is possible to specify both the user name and the password as query options:
For example:
30.4.4. Component alias names
- POP3s
30.4.5. Default ports
Default port numbers are supported. If the port number is omitted, Camel determines the port number to use based on the protocol.
Protocol | Default Port Number |
30.5. SSL support
The underlying mail framework is responsible for providing SSL support. You may either configure SSL/TLS support by completely specifying the necessary Java Mail API configuration options, or you may provide a configured SSLContextParameters through the component or endpoint configuration.
30.5.1. Using the JSSE Configuration Utility
The mail component supports SSL/TLS configuration through the Camel JSSE Configuration Utility. This utility greatly decreases the amount of component specific code you need to write and is configurable at the endpoint and component levels. The following examples demonstrate how to use the utility with the mail component.
Programmatic configuration of the endpoint
KeyStoreParameters ksp = new KeyStoreParameters(); ksp.setResource("/users/home/server/truststore.jks"); ksp.setPassword("keystorePassword"); TrustManagersParameters tmp = new TrustManagersParameters(); tmp.setKeyStore(ksp); SSLContextParameters scp = new SSLContextParameters(); scp.setTrustManagers(tmp); Registry registry = ... registry.bind("sslContextParameters", scp); ... from(...) .to("smtps://");
Spring DSL based configuration of endpoint
... <camel:sslContextParameters id="sslContextParameters"> <camel:trustManagers> <camel:keyStore resource="/users/home/server/truststore.jks" password="keystorePassword"/> </camel:trustManagers> </camel:sslContextParameters>... ... <to uri="smtps://"/>...
30.5.2. Configuring JavaMail Directly
Camel uses Jakarta JavaMail, which only trusts certificates issued by well known Certificate Authorities (the default JVM trust configuration). If you issue your own certificates, you have to import the CA certificates into the JVM’s Java trust/key store files, override the default JVM trust/key store files (see SSLNOTES.txt
in JavaMail for details).
30.6. Mail Message Content
Camel uses the message exchange’s IN body as the MimeMessage text content. The body is converted to String.class.
Camel copies all of the exchange’s IN headers to the MimeMessage headers.
The subject of the MimeMessage can be configured using a header property on the IN message. The code below demonstrates this:
The same applies for other MimeMessage headers such as recipients, so you can use a header property as To:
When using the MailProducer the send the mail to server, you should be able to get the message id of the MimeMessage with the key CamelMailMessageId from the Camel message header.
30.7. Headers take precedence over pre-configured recipients
The recipients specified in the message headers always take precedence over recipients pre-configured in the endpoint URI. The idea is that if you provide any recipients in the message headers, that is what you get. The recipients pre-configured in the endpoint URI are treated as a fallback.
In the sample code below, the email message is sent to
, because it takes precedence over the pre-configured recipient,
. Any CC
and BCC
settings in the endpoint URI are also ignored and those recipients will not receive any mail. The choice between headers and pre-configured settings is all or nothing: the mail component either takes the recipients exclusively from the headers or exclusively from the pre-configured settings. It is not possible to mix and match headers and pre-configured settings.
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put("to", ""); template.sendBodyAndHeaders("smtp://admin@localhost?", "Hello World", headers);
30.8. Multiple recipients for easier configuration
It is possible to set multiple recipients using a comma-separated or a semicolon-separated list. This applies both to header settings and to settings in an endpoint URI. For example:
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put("to", " ; ;");
The preceding example uses a semicolon, ;
, as the separator character.
30.9. Setting sender name and email
You can specify recipients in the format, name <email>
, to include both the name and the email address of the recipient.
For example, you define the following headers on the a Message:
Map headers = new HashMap(); map.put("To", "Claus Ibsen <>"); map.put("From", "James Strachan <>"); map.put("Subject", "Camel is cool");
30.10. JavaMail API (ex SUN JavaMail)
JavaMail API is used under the hood for consuming and producing mails. We encourage end-users to consult these references when using either POP3 or IMAP protocol. Note particularly that POP3 has a much more limited set of features than IMAP.
- JavaMail POP3 API
- JavaMail IMAP API
- And generally about the MAIL Flags
30.11. Samples
We start with a simple route that sends the messages received from a JMS queue as emails. The email account is the admin
account on
In the next sample, we poll a mailbox for new emails once every minute.
from("imap://") .to("seda://mails");
30.12. Sending mail with attachment sample
Attachments are not support by all Camel components
The Attachments API is based on the Java Activation Framework and is generally only used by the Mail API. Since many of the other Camel components do not support attachments, the attachments could potentially be lost as they propagate along the route. The rule of thumb, therefore, is to add attachments just before sending a message to the mail endpoint.
The mail component supports attachments. In the sample below, we send a mail message containing a plain text message with a logo file attachment.
30.13. SSL sample
In this sample, we want to poll our Google mail inbox for mails. To download mail onto a local mail client, Google mail requires you to enable and configure SSL. This is done by logging into your Google mail account and changing your settings to allow IMAP access. Google have extensive documentation on how to do this.
from("imaps://" + "&delete=false&unseen=true&delay=60000").to("log:newmail");
The preceding route polls the Google mail inbox for new mails once every minute and logs the received messages to the newmail
logger category.
Running the sample with DEBUG
logging enabled, we can monitor the progress in the logs:
2008-05-08 06:32:09,640 DEBUG MailConsumer - Connecting to MailStore imaps// (SSL enabled), folder=INBOX 2008-05-08 06:32:11,203 DEBUG MailConsumer - Polling mailfolder: imaps// (SSL enabled), folder=INBOX 2008-05-08 06:32:11,640 DEBUG MailConsumer - Fetching 1 messages. Total 1 messages. 2008-05-08 06:32:12,171 DEBUG MailConsumer - Processing message: messageNumber=[332], from=[James Bond <>],], subject=[... 2008-05-08 06:32:12,187 INFO newmail - Exchange[MailMessage: messageNumber=[332], from=[James Bond <>],], subject=[...
30.14. Consuming mails with attachment sample
In this sample we poll a mailbox and store all attachments from the mails as files. First, we define a route to poll the mailbox. As this sample is based on google mail, it uses the same route as shown in the SSL sample:
from("imaps://" + "&delete=false&unseen=true&delay=60000").process(new MyMailProcessor());
Instead of logging the mail we use a processor where we can process the mail from java code:
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // the API is a bit clunky so we need to loop AttachmentMessage attachmentMessage = exchange.getMessage(AttachmentMessage.class); Map<String, DataHandler> attachments = attachmentMessage.getAttachments(); if (attachments.size() > 0) { for (String name : attachments.keySet()) { DataHandler dh = attachments.get(name); // get the file name String filename = dh.getName(); // get the content and convert it to byte[] byte[] data = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter() .convertTo(byte[].class, dh.getInputStream()); // write the data to a file FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); out.write(data); out.flush(); out.close(); } } }
As you can see the API to handle attachments is a bit clunky but it’s there so you can get the javax.activation.DataHandler
so you can handle the attachments using standard API.
30.15. How to split a mail message with attachments
In this example we consume mail messages which may have a number of attachments. What we want to do is to use the Splitter EIP per individual attachment, to process the attachments separately. For example if the mail message has 5 attachments, we want the Splitter to process five messages, each having a single attachment. To do this we need to provide a custom Expression to the Splitter where we provide a List<Message> that contains the five messages with the single attachment.
The code is provided out of the box in Camel 2.10 onwards in the camel-mail
component. The code is in the class: org.apache.camel.component.mail.SplitAttachmentsExpression
, which you can find in the source code here.
In the Camel route you then need to use this Expression in the route as shown below:
If you use XML DSL then you need to declare a method call expression in the Splitter as shown below
<split> <method beanType="org.apache.camel.component.mail.SplitAttachmentsExpression"/> <to uri="mock:split"/> </split>
You can also split the attachments as byte[] to be stored as the message body. This is done by creating the expression with boolean true
SplitAttachmentsExpression split = SplitAttachmentsExpression(true);
And then use the expression with the splitter EIP.
30.16. Using custom SearchTerm
You can configure a searchTerm
on the MailEndpoint
which allows you to filter out unwanted mails.
For example to filter mails to contain Camel in either Subject or Text you can do as follows:
<route> <from uri="imaps://mymailseerver?username=foo&password=secret&searchTerm.subjectOrBody=Camel"/> <to uri="bean:myBean"/> </route>
Notice we use the "searchTerm.subjectOrBody"
as parameter key to indicate that we want to search on mail subject or body, to contain the word "Camel".
The class org.apache.camel.component.mail.SimpleSearchTerm
has a number of options you can configure:
Or to get the new unseen emails going 24 hours back in time you can do. Notice the "now-24h" syntax. See the table below for more details.
<route> <from uri="imaps://mymailseerver?username=foo&password=secret&searchTerm.fromSentDate=now-24h"/> <to uri="bean:myBean"/> </route>
You can have multiple searchTerm in the endpoint uri configuration. They would then be combined together using AND operator, eg so both conditions must match. For example to get the last unseen emails going back 24 hours which has Camel in the mail subject you can do:
<route> <from uri="imaps://mymailseerver?username=foo&password=secret&searchTerm.subject=Camel&searchTerm.fromSentDate=now-24h"/> <to uri="bean:myBean"/> </route>
The SimpleSearchTerm
is designed to be easily configurable from a POJO, so you can also configure it using a <bean> style in XML
<bean id="mySearchTerm" class="org.apache.camel.component.mail.SimpleSearchTerm"> <property name="subject" value="Order"/> <property name="to" value=""/> <property name="fromSentDate" value="now"/> </bean>
You can then refer to this bean, using #beanId in your Camel route as shown:
<route> <from uri="imaps://mymailseerver?username=foo&password=secret&searchTerm=#mySearchTerm"/> <to uri="bean:myBean"/> </route>
In Java there is a builder class to build compound SearchTerms
using the org.apache.camel.component.mail.SearchTermBuilder
class. This allows you to build complex terms such as:
// we just want the unseen mails which is not spam SearchTermBuilder builder = new SearchTermBuilder(); builder.unseen().body(Op.not, "Spam").subject(Op.not, "Spam") // which was sent from either foo or bar .from("").from(Op.or, ""); // .. and we could continue building the terms SearchTerm term =;
30.17. Polling Optimization
The parameter maxMessagePerPoll and fetchSize allow you to restrict the number message that should be processed for each poll. These parameters should help to prevent bad performance when working with folders that contain a lot of messages. In previous versions these parameters have been evaluated too late, so that big mailboxes could still cause performance problems. With Camel 3.1 these parameters are evaluated earlier during the poll to avoid these problems.
30.18. Using headers with additional Java Mail Sender properties
When sending mails, then you can provide dynamic java mail properties for the JavaMailSender
from the Exchange as message headers with keys starting with java.smtp.
You can set any of the java.smtp
properties which you can find in the Java Mail documentation.
For example to provide a dynamic uuid in java.smtp.from
(SMTP MAIL command):
.setHeader("from", constant("")); .setHeader("java.smtp.from", method(UUID.class, "randomUUID")); .to("smtp://mymailserver:1234");
This is only supported when not using a custom JavaMailSender
30.19. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using imap with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mail-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 50 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.mail.additional-java-mail-properties | Sets additional java mail properties, that will append/override any default properties that is set based on all the other options. This is useful if you need to add some special options but want to keep the others as is. The option is a java.util.Properties type. | Properties | |
camel.component.mail.alternative-body-header | Specifies the key to an IN message header that contains an alternative email body. For example, if you send emails in text/html format and want to provide an alternative mail body for non-HTML email clients, set the alternative mail body with this key as a header. | CamelMailAlternativeBody | String |
camel.component.mail.attachments-content-transfer-encoding-resolver | To use a custom AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver to resolve what content-type-encoding to use for attachments. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mail.AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver type. | AttachmentsContentTransferEncodingResolver | |
camel.component.mail.authenticator | The authenticator for login. If set then the password and username are ignored. Can be used for tokens which can expire and therefore must be read dynamically. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mail.MailAuthenticator type. | MailAuthenticator | |
camel.component.mail.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.bcc | Sets the BCC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
camel.component.mail.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | Sets the CC email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
camel.component.mail.close-folder | Whether the consumer should close the folder after polling. Setting this option to false and having disconnect=false as well, then the consumer keep the folder open between polls. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.configuration | Sets the Mail configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mail.MailConfiguration type. | MailConfiguration | |
camel.component.mail.connection-timeout | The connection timeout in milliseconds. | 30000 | Integer |
camel.component.mail.content-type | The mail message content type. Use text/html for HTML mails. | text/plain | String |
camel.component.mail.content-type-resolver | Resolver to determine Content-Type for file attachments. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mail.ContentTypeResolver type. | ContentTypeResolver | |
camel.component.mail.copy-to | After processing a mail message, it can be copied to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key copyTo, allowing you to copy messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
camel.component.mail.debug-mode | Enable debug mode on the underlying mail framework. The SUN Mail framework logs the debug messages to System.out by default. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.decode-filename | If set to true, the MimeUtility.decodeText method will be used to decode the filename. This is similar to setting JVM system property mail.mime.encodefilename. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.delete | Deletes the messages after they have been processed. This is done by setting the DELETED flag on the mail message. If false, the SEEN flag is set instead. As of Camel 2.10 you can override this configuration option by setting a header with the key delete to determine if the mail should be deleted or not. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.disconnect | Whether the consumer should disconnect after polling. If enabled this forces Camel to connect on each poll. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the mail component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.mail.fetch-size | Sets the maximum number of messages to consume during a poll. This can be used to avoid overloading a mail server, if a mailbox folder contains a lot of messages. Default value of -1 means no fetch size and all messages will be consumed. Setting the value to 0 is a special corner case, where Camel will not consume any messages at all. | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.mail.folder-name | The folder to poll. | INBOX | String |
camel.component.mail.from | The from email address. | camel@localhost | String |
camel.component.mail.handle-failed-message | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to handle the caused exception by the consumer’s error handler. By enable the bridge error handler on the consumer, then the Camel routing error handler can handle the exception instead. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.header-filter-strategy | To use a custom org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy type. | HeaderFilterStrategy | |
camel.component.mail.ignore-unsupported-charset | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.ignore-uri-scheme | Option to let Camel ignore unsupported charset in the local JVM when sending mails. If the charset is unsupported then charset=XXX (where XXX represents the unsupported charset) is removed from the content-type and it relies on the platform default instead. | false | Boolean | | Sets the java mail options. Will clear any default properties and only use the properties provided for this method. The option is a java.util.Properties type. | Properties | | | To use a custom org.apache.camel.component.mail.JavaMailSender for sending emails. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mail.JavaMailSender type. | JavaMailSender | |
camel.component.mail.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | Specifies whether Camel should map the received mail message to Camel body/headers/attachments. If set to true, the body of the mail message is mapped to the body of the Camel IN message, the mail headers are mapped to IN headers, and the attachments to Camel IN attachment message. If this option is set to false then the IN message contains a raw javax.mail.Message. You can retrieve this raw message by calling exchange.getIn().getBody(javax.mail.Message.class). | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.mime-decode-headers | This option enables transparent MIME decoding and unfolding for mail headers. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.move-to | After processing a mail message, it can be moved to a mail folder with the given name. You can override this configuration value, with a header with the key moveTo, allowing you to move messages to folder names configured at runtime. | String | |
camel.component.mail.password | The password for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String | |
camel.component.mail.peek | Will mark the javax.mail.Message as peeked before processing the mail message. This applies to IMAPMessage messages types only. By using peek the mail will not be eager marked as SEEN on the mail server, which allows us to rollback the mail message if there is an error processing in Camel. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.reply-to | The Reply-To recipients (the receivers of the response mail). Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. | String | |
camel.component.mail.session | Specifies the mail session that camel should use for all mail interactions. Useful in scenarios where mail sessions are created and managed by some other resource, such as a JavaEE container. When using a custom mail session, then the hostname and port from the mail session will be used (if configured on the session). The option is a javax.mail.Session type. | Session | |
camel.component.mail.skip-failed-message | If the mail consumer cannot retrieve a given mail message, then this option allows to skip the message and move on to retrieve the next mail message. The default behavior would be the consumer throws an exception and no mails from the batch would be able to be routed by Camel. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.ssl-context-parameters | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. The option is a type. | SSLContextParameters | |
camel.component.mail.subject | The Subject of the message being sent. Note: Setting the subject in the header takes precedence over this option. | String | | | Sets the To email address. Separate multiple email addresses with comma. | String | |
camel.component.mail.unseen | Whether to limit by unseen mails only. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.use-inline-attachments | Whether to use disposition inline or attachment. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mail.username | The username for login. See also setAuthenticator(MailAuthenticator). | String | |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.binary-content | Defines whether the content of binary parts in the MIME multipart is binary (true) or Base-64 encoded (false) Default is false. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the mime-multipart data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.headers-inline | Defines whether the MIME-Multipart headers are part of the message body (true) or are set as Camel headers (false). Default is false. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.include-headers | A regex that defines which Camel headers are also included as MIME headers into the MIME multipart. This will only work if headersInline is set to true. Default is to include no headers. | String | |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.multipart-sub-type | Specify the subtype of the MIME Multipart. Default is mixed. | mixed | String |
camel.dataformat.mime-multipart.multipart-without-attachment | Defines whether a message without attachment is also marshaled into a MIME Multipart (with only one body part). Default is false. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 31. Master
Only consumer is supported
The Camel-Master endpoint provides a way to ensure only a single consumer in a cluster consumes from a given endpoint; with automatic failover if that JVM dies.
This can be very useful if you need to consume from some legacy back end which either doesn’t support concurrent consumption or due to commercial or stability reasons you can only have a single connection at any point in time.
31.1. Using the master endpoint
Just prefix any camel endpoint with master:someName: where someName is a logical name and is used to acquire the master lock. e.g.
In this example, there master component ensures that the route is only active in one node, at any given time, in the cluster. So if there are 8 nodes in the cluster, then the master component will elect one route to be the leader, and only this route will be active, and hence only this route will consume messages from jms:foo
. In case this route is stopped or unexpected terminated, then the master component will detect this, and re-elect another node to be active, which will then become active and start consuming messages from jms:foo
Apache ActiveMQ 5.x has such feature out of the box called Exclusive Consumers.
31.2. URI format
Where endpoint is any Camel endpoint you want to run in master/slave mode.
31.3. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
31.3.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
31.3.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
31.4. Component Options
The Master component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
service (advanced) | Inject the service to use. | CamelClusterService | |
serviceSelector (advanced) | Inject the service selector used to lookup the CamelClusterService to use. | Selector |
31.5. Endpoint Options
The Master endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
31.5.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
namespace (consumer) | Required The name of the cluster namespace to use. | String | |
delegateUri (consumer) | Required The endpoint uri to use in master/slave mode. | String |
31.5.2. Query Parameters (3 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern |
31.6. Example
You can protect a clustered Camel application to only consume files from one active node.
// the file endpoint we want to consume from String url = "file:target/inbox?delete=true"; // use the camel master component in the clustered group named myGroup // to run a master/slave mode in the following Camel url from("master:myGroup:" + url) .log(name + " - Received file: ${file:name}") .delay(delay) .log(name + " - Done file: ${file:name}") .to("file:target/outbox");
The master component leverages CamelClusterService you can configure using
ZooKeeperClusterService service = new ZooKeeperClusterService(); service.setId("camel-node-1"); service.setNodes("myzk:2181"); service.setBasePath("/camel/cluster"); context.addService(service)
Xml (Spring/Blueprint)
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean id="cluster" class="org.apache.camel.component.zookeeper.cluster.ZooKeeperClusterService"> <property name="id" value="camel-node-1"/> <property name="basePath" value="/camel/cluster"/> <property name="nodes" value="myzk:2181"/> </bean> <camelContext xmlns="" autoStartup="false"> ... </camelContext> </beans>
Spring boot
camel.component.zookeeper.cluster.service.enabled = true = camel-node-1 camel.component.zookeeper.cluster.service.base-path = /camel/cluster camel.component.zookeeper.cluster.service.nodes = myzk:2181
31.7. Implementations
Camel provides the following ClusterService implementations:
- camel-consul
- camel-file
- camel-infinispan
- camel-jgroups-raft
- camel-jgroups
- camel-kubernetes
- camel-zookeeper
31.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using master with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-master-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.master.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.master.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.master.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the master component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.master.service | Inject the service to use. The option is a org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelClusterService type. | CamelClusterService | |
camel.component.master.service-selector | Inject the service selector used to lookup the CamelClusterService to use. The option is a org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelClusterService.Selector type. | CamelClusterService$Selector |
Chapter 32. MLLP
Both producer and consumer are supported
The MLLP component is specifically designed to handle the nuances of the MLLP protocol and provide the functionality required by Healthcare providers to communicate with other systems using the MLLP protocol.
The MLLP component provides a simple configuration URI, automated HL7 acknowledgment generation and automatic acknowledgment interrogation.
The MLLP protocol does not typically use a large number of concurrent TCP connections - a single active TCP connection is the normal case. Therefore, the MLLP component uses a simple thread-per-connection model based on standard Java Sockets. This keeps the implementation simple and eliminates the dependencies on only Camel itself.
The component supports the following:
- A Camel consumer using a TCP Server
- A Camel producer using a TCP Client
The MLLP component use byte[]
payloads, and relies on Camel type conversion to convert byte[]
to other types.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mllp</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
32.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
32.1.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
32.1.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
32.2. Component Options
The MLLP component supports 30 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
autoAck (common) | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of a MLLP Acknowledgement MLLP Consumers only. | true | boolean |
charsetName (common) | Sets the default charset to use. | String | |
configuration (common) | Sets the default configuration to use when creating MLLP endpoints. | MllpConfiguration | |
hl7Headers (common) | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of message headers from the HL7 Message MLLP Consumers only. | true | boolean |
requireEndOfData (common) | Enable/Disable strict compliance to the MLLP standard. The MLLP standard specifies START_OF_BLOCKhl7 payloadEND_OF_BLOCKEND_OF_DATA, however, some systems do not send the final END_OF_DATA byte. This setting controls whether or not the final END_OF_DATA byte is required or optional. | true | boolean |
stringPayload (common) | Enable/Disable converting the payload to a String. If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated converted to a String. If the charsetName property is set, that character set will be used for the conversion. If the charsetName property is not set, the value of MSH-18 will be used to determine th appropriate character set. If MSH-18 is not set, then the default ISO-8859-1 character set will be use. | true | boolean |
validatePayload (common) | Enable/Disable the validation of HL7 Payloads If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated (see Hl7Util.generateInvalidPayloadExceptionMessage for details on the validation). If and invalid payload is detected, a MllpInvalidMessageException (for consumers) or a MllpInvalidAcknowledgementException will be thrown. | false | boolean |
acceptTimeout (consumer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) while waiting for a TCP connection TCP Server Only. | 60000 | int |
backlog (consumer) | The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to the backlog parameter. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused. | 5 | Integer |
bindRetryInterval (consumer) | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to wait between bind attempts. | 5000 | int |
bindTimeout (consumer) | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to retry binding to a server port. | 30000 | int |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to receive incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. If disabled, the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions by logging them at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | true | boolean |
lenientBind (consumer) | TCP Server Only - Allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. In some environments, it may be desirable to allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. | false | boolean |
maxConcurrentConsumers (consumer) | The maximum number of concurrent MLLP Consumer connections that will be allowed. If a new connection is received and the maximum is number are already established, the new connection will be reset immediately. | 5 | int |
reuseAddress (consumer) | Enable/disable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. | false | Boolean |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| InOut | ExchangePattern |
connectTimeout (producer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) for establishing for a TCP connection TCP Client only. | 30000 | int |
idleTimeoutStrategy (producer) | decide what action to take when idle timeout occurs. Possible values are : RESET: set SO_LINGER to 0 and reset the socket CLOSE: close the socket gracefully default is RESET. Enum values:
| RESET | MllpIdleTimeoutStrategy |
keepAlive (producer) | Enable/disable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. | true | Boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
tcpNoDelay (producer) | Enable/disable the TCP_NODELAY socket option. | true | Boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
defaultCharset (advanced) | Set the default character set to use for byte to/from String conversions. | ISO-8859-1 | String |
logPhi (advanced) | Whether to log PHI. | true | Boolean |
logPhiMaxBytes (advanced) | Set the maximum number of bytes of PHI that will be logged in a log entry. | 5120 | Integer |
readTimeout (advanced) | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used after the start of an MLLP frame has been received. | 5000 | int |
receiveBufferSize (advanced) | Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
receiveTimeout (advanced) | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used when waiting for the start of an MLLP frame. | 15000 | int |
sendBufferSize (advanced) | Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
idleTimeout (tcp) | The approximate idle time allowed before the Client TCP Connection will be reset. A null value or a value less than or equal to zero will disable the idle timeout. | Integer |
32.3. Endpoint Options
The MLLP endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
32.3.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
hostname (common) | Required Hostname or IP for connection for the TCP connection. The default value is null, which means any local IP address. | String | |
port (common) | Required Port number for the TCP connection. | int |
32.3.2. Query Parameters (26 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
autoAck (common) | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of a MLLP Acknowledgement MLLP Consumers only. | true | boolean |
charsetName (common) | Sets the default charset to use. | String | |
hl7Headers (common) | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of message headers from the HL7 Message MLLP Consumers only. | true | boolean |
requireEndOfData (common) | Enable/Disable strict compliance to the MLLP standard. The MLLP standard specifies START_OF_BLOCKhl7 payloadEND_OF_BLOCKEND_OF_DATA, however, some systems do not send the final END_OF_DATA byte. This setting controls whether or not the final END_OF_DATA byte is required or optional. | true | boolean |
stringPayload (common) | Enable/Disable converting the payload to a String. If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated converted to a String. If the charsetName property is set, that character set will be used for the conversion. If the charsetName property is not set, the value of MSH-18 will be used to determine th appropriate character set. If MSH-18 is not set, then the default ISO-8859-1 character set will be use. | true | boolean |
validatePayload (common) | Enable/Disable the validation of HL7 Payloads If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated (see Hl7Util.generateInvalidPayloadExceptionMessage for details on the validation). If and invalid payload is detected, a MllpInvalidMessageException (for consumers) or a MllpInvalidAcknowledgementException will be thrown. | false | boolean |
acceptTimeout (consumer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) while waiting for a TCP connection TCP Server Only. | 60000 | int |
backlog (consumer) | The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to the backlog parameter. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused. | 5 | Integer |
bindRetryInterval (consumer) | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to wait between bind attempts. | 5000 | int |
bindTimeout (consumer) | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to retry binding to a server port. | 30000 | int |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to receive incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. If disabled, the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions by logging them at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | true | boolean |
lenientBind (consumer) | TCP Server Only - Allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. In some environments, it may be desirable to allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. | false | boolean |
maxConcurrentConsumers (consumer) | The maximum number of concurrent MLLP Consumer connections that will be allowed. If a new connection is received and the maximum is number are already established, the new connection will be reset immediately. | 5 | int |
reuseAddress (consumer) | Enable/disable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. | false | Boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| InOut | ExchangePattern |
connectTimeout (producer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) for establishing for a TCP connection TCP Client only. | 30000 | int |
idleTimeoutStrategy (producer) | decide what action to take when idle timeout occurs. Possible values are : RESET: set SO_LINGER to 0 and reset the socket CLOSE: close the socket gracefully default is RESET. Enum values:
| RESET | MllpIdleTimeoutStrategy |
keepAlive (producer) | Enable/disable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. | true | Boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
tcpNoDelay (producer) | Enable/disable the TCP_NODELAY socket option. | true | Boolean |
readTimeout (advanced) | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used after the start of an MLLP frame has been received. | 5000 | int |
receiveBufferSize (advanced) | Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
receiveTimeout (advanced) | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used when waiting for the start of an MLLP frame. | 15000 | int |
sendBufferSize (advanced) | Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
idleTimeout (tcp) | The approximate idle time allowed before the Client TCP Connection will be reset. A null value or a value less than or equal to zero will disable the idle timeout. | Integer |
32.4. MLLP Consumer
The MLLP Consumer supports receiving MLLP-framed messages and sending HL7 Acknowledgements. The MLLP Consumer can automatically generate the HL7 Acknowledgement (HL7 Application Acknowledgements only - AA, AE and AR), or the acknowledgement can be specified using the CamelMllpAcknowledgement exchange property. Additionally, the type of acknowledgement that will be generated can be controlled by setting the CamelMllpAcknowledgementType exchange property. The MLLP Consumer can read messages without sending any HL7 Acknowledgement if the automatic acknowledgement is disabled and exchange pattern is InOnly.
32.4.1. Message Headers
The MLLP Consumer adds these headers on the Camel message:
Key | Description |
CamelMllpLocalAddress | The local TCP Address of the Socket |
CamelMllpRemoteAddress | The local TCP Address of the Socket |
CamelMllpSendingApplication | MSH-3 value |
CamelMllpSendingFacility | MSH-4 value |
CamelMllpReceivingApplication | MSH-5 value |
CamelMllpReceivingFacility | MSH-6 value |
CamelMllpTimestamp | MSH-7 value |
CamelMllpSecurity | MSH-8 value |
CamelMllpMessageType | MSH-9 value |
CamelMllpEventType | MSH-9-1 value |
CamelMllpTriggerEvent | MSH-9-2 value |
CamelMllpMessageControlId | MSH-10 value |
CamelMllpProcessingId | MSH-11 value |
CamelMllpVersionId | MSH-12 value |
CamelMllpCharset | MSH-18 value |
All headers are String types. If a header value is missing, its value is null.
32.4.2. Exchange Properties
The type of acknowledgment the MLLP Consumer generates and state of the TCP Socket can be controlled by these properties on the Camel exchange:
Key | Type | Description |
CamelMllpAcknowledgement | byte[] | If present, this property will we sent to client as the MLLP Acknowledgement |
CamelMllpAcknowledgementString | String | If present and CamelMllpAcknowledgement is not present, this property will we sent to client as the MLLP Acknowledgement |
CamelMllpAcknowledgementMsaText | String | If neither CamelMllpAcknowledgement or CamelMllpAcknowledgementString are present and autoAck is true, this property can be used to specify the contents of MSA-3 in the generated HL7 acknowledgement |
CamelMllpAcknowledgementType | String | If neither CamelMllpAcknowledgement or CamelMllpAcknowledgementString are present and autoAck is true, this property can be used to specify the HL7 acknowledgement type (i.e. AA, AE, AR) |
CamelMllpAutoAcknowledge | Boolean | Overrides the autoAck query parameter |
CamelMllpCloseConnectionBeforeSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be closed before sending data |
CamelMllpResetConnectionBeforeSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be reset before sending data |
CamelMllpCloseConnectionAfterSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be closed immediately after sending data |
CamelMllpResetConnectionAfterSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be reset immediately after sending any data |
32.5. MLLP Producer
The MLLP Producer supports sending MLLP-framed messages and receiving HL7 Acknowledgements. The MLLP Producer interrogates the HL7 Acknowledgments and raises exceptions if a negative acknowledgement is received. The received acknowledgement is interrogated and an exception is raised in the event of a negative acknowledgement. The MLLP Producer can ignore acknowledgements when configured with InOnly exchange pattern.
32.5.1. Message Headers
The MLLP Producer adds these headers on the Camel message:
Key | Description |
CamelMllpLocalAddress | The local TCP Address of the Socket |
CamelMllpRemoteAddress | The remote TCP Address of the Socket |
CamelMllpAcknowledgement | The HL7 Acknowledgment byte[] received |
CamelMllpAcknowledgementString | The HL7 Acknowledgment received, converted to a String |
32.5.2. Exchange Properties
The state of the TCP Socket can be controlled by these properties on the Camel exchange:
Key | Type | Description |
CamelMllpCloseConnectionBeforeSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be closed before sending data |
CamelMllpResetConnectionBeforeSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be reset before sending data |
CamelMllpCloseConnectionAfterSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be closed immediately after sending data |
CamelMllpResetConnectionAfterSend | Boolean | If true, the Socket will be reset immediately after sending any data |
32.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using mllp with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mllp-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 31 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.mllp.accept-timeout | Timeout (in milliseconds) while waiting for a TCP connection TCP Server Only. | 60000 | Integer | | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of a MLLP Acknowledgement MLLP Consumers only. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.backlog | The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to the backlog parameter. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused. | 5 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.bind-retry-interval | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to wait between bind attempts. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.bind-timeout | TCP Server Only - The number of milliseconds to retry binding to a server port. | 30000 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to receive incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. If disabled, the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions by logging them at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.charset-name | Sets the default charset to use. | String | |
camel.component.mllp.configuration | Sets the default configuration to use when creating MLLP endpoints. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.mllp.MllpConfiguration type. | MllpConfiguration | |
camel.component.mllp.connect-timeout | Timeout (in milliseconds) for establishing for a TCP connection TCP Client only. | 30000 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.default-charset | Set the default character set to use for byte to/from String conversions. | ISO-8859-1 | String |
camel.component.mllp.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the mllp component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. | ExchangePattern | |
camel.component.mllp.hl7-headers | Enable/Disable the automatic generation of message headers from the HL7 Message MLLP Consumers only. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.idle-timeout | The approximate idle time allowed before the Client TCP Connection will be reset. A null value or a value less than or equal to zero will disable the idle timeout. | Integer | |
camel.component.mllp.idle-timeout-strategy | decide what action to take when idle timeout occurs. Possible values are : RESET: set SO_LINGER to 0 and reset the socket CLOSE: close the socket gracefully default is RESET. | MllpIdleTimeoutStrategy | |
camel.component.mllp.keep-alive | Enable/disable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.lenient-bind | TCP Server Only - Allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. In some environments, it may be desirable to allow the endpoint to start before the TCP ServerSocket is bound. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.log-phi | Whether to log PHI. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.log-phi-max-bytes | Set the maximum number of bytes of PHI that will be logged in a log entry. | 5120 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.max-concurrent-consumers | The maximum number of concurrent MLLP Consumer connections that will be allowed. If a new connection is received and the maximum is number are already established, the new connection will be reset immediately. | 5 | Integer | | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used after the start of an MLLP frame has been received. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.receive-buffer-size | Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.receive-timeout | The SO_TIMEOUT value (in milliseconds) used when waiting for the start of an MLLP frame. | 15000 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.require-end-of-data | Enable/Disable strict compliance to the MLLP standard. The MLLP standard specifies START_OF_BLOCKhl7 payloadEND_OF_BLOCKEND_OF_DATA, however, some systems do not send the final END_OF_DATA byte. This setting controls whether or not the final END_OF_DATA byte is required or optional. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.reuse-address | Enable/disable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.send-buffer-size | Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value (in bytes). | 8192 | Integer |
camel.component.mllp.string-payload | Enable/Disable converting the payload to a String. If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated converted to a String. If the charsetName property is set, that character set will be used for the conversion. If the charsetName property is not set, the value of MSH-18 will be used to determine th appropriate character set. If MSH-18 is not set, then the default ISO-8859-1 character set will be use. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.tcp-no-delay | Enable/disable the TCP_NODELAY socket option. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mllp.validate-payload | Enable/Disable the validation of HL7 Payloads If enabled, HL7 Payloads received from external systems will be validated (see Hl7Util.generateInvalidPayloadExceptionMessage for details on the validation). If and invalid payload is detected, a MllpInvalidMessageException (for consumers) or a MllpInvalidAcknowledgementException will be thrown. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 33. Mock
Only producer is supported
Testing of distributed and asynchronous processing is notoriously difficult. The Mock, Test and Dataset endpoints work great with the Camel Testing Framework to simplify your unit and integration testing using Enterprise Integration Patterns and Camel’s large range of Components together with the powerful Bean Integration.
The Mock component provides a powerful declarative testing mechanism, which is similar to jMock in that it allows declarative expectations to be created on any Mock endpoint before a test begins. Then the test is run, which typically fires messages to one or more endpoints, and finally the expectations can be asserted in a test case to ensure the system worked as expected.
This allows you to test various things like:
- The correct number of messages are received on each endpoint,
- The correct payloads are received, in the right order,
- Messages arrive on an endpoint in order, using some Expression to create an order testing function,
- Messages arrive match some kind of Predicate such as that specific headers have certain values, or that messages match some predicate, such as by evaluating an XPath or XQuery Expression.
There is also the Test endpoint which is a Mock endpoint, but which uses a second endpoint to provide the list of expected message bodies and automatically sets up the Mock endpoint assertions. In other words, it’s a Mock endpoint that automatically sets up its assertions from some sample messages in a File or database, for example.
Mock endpoints keep received Exchanges in memory indefinitely.
Remember that Mock is designed for testing. When you add Mock endpoints to a route, each Exchange sent to the endpoint will be stored (to allow for later validation) in memory until explicitly reset or the JVM is restarted. If you are sending high volume and/or large messages, this may cause excessive memory use. If your goal is to test deployable routes inline, consider using NotifyBuilder or AdviceWith in your tests instead of adding Mock endpoints to routes directly. There are two new options retainFirst, and retainLast that can be used to limit the number of messages the Mock endpoints keep in memory.
33.1. URI format
Where someName
can be any string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
33.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
33.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
33.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
33.3. Component Options
The Mock component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
log (producer) | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
exchangeFormatter (advanced) | Autowired Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. | ExchangeFormatter |
33.4. Endpoint Options
The Mock endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
33.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (producer) | Required Name of mock endpoint. | String |
33.4.2. Query Parameters (12 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
assertPeriod (producer) | Sets a grace period after which the mock endpoint will re-assert to ensure the preliminary assertion is still valid. This is used for example to assert that exactly a number of messages arrives. For example if expectedMessageCount(int) was set to 5, then the assertion is satisfied when 5 or more message arrives. To ensure that exactly 5 messages arrives, then you would need to wait a little period to ensure no further message arrives. This is what you can use this method for. By default this period is disabled. | long | |
expectedCount (producer) | Specifies the expected number of message exchanges that should be received by this endpoint. Beware: If you want to expect that 0 messages, then take extra care, as 0 matches when the tests starts, so you need to set a assert period time to let the test run for a while to make sure there are still no messages arrived; for that use setAssertPeriod(long). An alternative is to use NotifyBuilder, and use the notifier to know when Camel is done routing some messages, before you call the assertIsSatisfied() method on the mocks. This allows you to not use a fixed assert period, to speedup testing times. If you want to assert that exactly n’th message arrives to this mock endpoint, then see also the setAssertPeriod(long) method for further details. | -1 | int |
failFast (producer) | Sets whether assertIsSatisfied() should fail fast at the first detected failed expectation while it may otherwise wait for all expected messages to arrive before performing expectations verifications. Is by default true. Set to false to use behavior as in Camel 2.x. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
log (producer) | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | boolean |
reportGroup (producer) | A number that is used to turn on throughput logging based on groups of the size. | int | |
resultMinimumWaitTime (producer) | Sets the minimum expected amount of time (in millis) the assertIsSatisfied() will wait on a latch until it is satisfied. | long | |
resultWaitTime (producer) | Sets the maximum amount of time (in millis) the assertIsSatisfied() will wait on a latch until it is satisfied. | long | |
retainFirst (producer) | Specifies to only retain the first n’th number of received Exchanges. This is used when testing with big data, to reduce memory consumption by not storing copies of every Exchange this mock endpoint receives. Important: When using this limitation, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return the actual number of received Exchanges. For example if we have received 5000 Exchanges, and have configured to only retain the first 10 Exchanges, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return 5000 but there is only the first 10 Exchanges in the getExchanges() and getReceivedExchanges() methods. When using this method, then some of the other expectation methods is not supported, for example the expectedBodiesReceived(Object…) sets a expectation on the first number of bodies received. You can configure both setRetainFirst(int) and setRetainLast(int) methods, to limit both the first and last received. | -1 | int |
retainLast (producer) | Specifies to only retain the last n’th number of received Exchanges. This is used when testing with big data, to reduce memory consumption by not storing copies of every Exchange this mock endpoint receives. Important: When using this limitation, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return the actual number of received Exchanges. For example if we have received 5000 Exchanges, and have configured to only retain the last 20 Exchanges, then the getReceivedCounter() will still return 5000 but there is only the last 20 Exchanges in the getExchanges() and getReceivedExchanges() methods. When using this method, then some of the other expectation methods is not supported, for example the expectedBodiesReceived(Object…) sets a expectation on the first number of bodies received. You can configure both setRetainFirst(int) and setRetainLast(int) methods, to limit both the first and last received. | -1 | int |
sleepForEmptyTest (producer) | Allows a sleep to be specified to wait to check that this endpoint really is empty when expectedMessageCount(int) is called with zero. | long | |
copyOnExchange (producer (advanced)) | Sets whether to make a deep copy of the incoming Exchange when received at this mock endpoint. Is by default true. | true | boolean |
33.5. Simple Example
Here’s a simple example of Mock endpoint in use. First, the endpoint is resolved on the context. Then we set an expectation, and then, after the test has run, we assert that our expectations have been met:
MockEndpoint resultEndpoint = context.getEndpoint("mock:foo", MockEndpoint.class); // set expectations resultEndpoint.expectedMessageCount(2); // send some messages // now lets assert that the mock:foo endpoint received 2 messages resultEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
You typically always call the method to test that the expectations were met after running a test.
Camel will by default wait 10 seconds when the assertIsSatisfied()
is invoked. This can be configured by setting the setResultWaitTime(millis)
33.6. Using assertPeriod
When the assertion is satisfied then Camel will stop waiting and continue from the assertIsSatisfied
method. That means if a new message arrives on the mock endpoint, just a bit later, that arrival will not affect the outcome of the assertion. Suppose you do want to test that no new messages arrives after a period thereafter, then you can do that by setting the setAssertPeriod
method, for example:
MockEndpoint resultEndpoint = context.getEndpoint("mock:foo", MockEndpoint.class); resultEndpoint.setAssertPeriod(5000); resultEndpoint.expectedMessageCount(2); // send some messages // now lets assert that the mock:foo endpoint received 2 messages resultEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
33.7. Setting expectations
You can see from the Javadoc of MockEndpoint the various helper methods you can use to set expectations. The main methods are as follows:
Method | Description |
To define the expected message count on the endpoint. | |
To define the minimum number of expected messages on the endpoint. | |
To define the expected bodies that should be received (in order). | |
To define the expected header that should be received | |
To add an expectation that messages are received in order, using the given Expression to compare messages. | |
To add an expectation that messages are received in order, using the given Expression to compare messages. | |
To add an expectation that no duplicate messages are received; using an Expression to calculate a unique identifier for each message. This could be something like the |
Here’s another example:
resultEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceived("firstMessageBody", "secondMessageBody", "thirdMessageBody");
33.8. Adding expectations to specific messages
In addition, you can use the message(int messageIndex)
method to add assertions about a specific message that is received.
For example, to add expectations of the headers or body of the first message (using zero-based indexing like java.util.List
), you can use the following code:
There are some examples of the Mock endpoint in use in the camel-core
processor tests.
33.9. Mocking existing endpoints
Camel now allows you to automatically mock existing endpoints in your Camel routes.
How it works
The endpoints are still in action. What happens differently is that a Mock endpoint is injected and receives the message first and then delegates the message to the target endpoint. You can view this as a kind of intercept and delegate or endpoint listener.
Suppose you have the given route below:
@Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:start").routeId("start") .to("direct:foo").to("log:foo").to("mock:result"); from("direct:foo").routeId("foo") .transform(constant("Bye World")); } }; }
You can then use the adviceWith
feature in Camel to mock all the endpoints in a given route from your unit test, as shown below:
mocking all endpoints
@Test public void testAdvisedMockEndpoints() throws Exception { // advice the start route using the inlined AdviceWith lambda style route builder // which has extended capabilities than the regular route builder AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "start", a -> // mock all endpoints a.mockEndpoints()); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:start").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:log:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // additional test to ensure correct endpoints in registry assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:start")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("log:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:result")); // all the endpoints was mocked assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:start")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:log:foo")); }
Notice that the mock endpoints is given the URI mock:<endpoint>
, for example mock:direct:foo
. Camel logs at INFO
level the endpoints being mocked:
INFO Adviced endpoint [direct://foo] with mock endpoint [mock:direct:foo]
Mocked endpoints are without parameters
Endpoints which are mocked will have their parameters stripped off. For example the endpoint log:foo?showAll=true
will be mocked to the following endpoint mock:log:foo
. Notice the parameters have been removed.
Its also possible to only mock certain endpoints using a pattern. For example to mock all log
endpoints you do as shown:
mocking only log endpoints using a pattern
@Test public void testAdvisedMockEndpointsWithPattern() throws Exception { // advice the start route using the inlined AdviceWith lambda style route builder // which has extended capabilities than the regular route builder AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "start", a -> // mock only log endpoints a.mockEndpoints("log*")); // now we can refer to log:foo as a mock and set our expectations getMockEndpoint("mock:log:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // additional test to ensure correct endpoints in registry assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:start")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("log:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:result")); // only the log:foo endpoint was mocked assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:log:foo")); assertNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:start")); assertNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:foo")); }
The pattern supported can be a wildcard or a regular expression. See more details about this at Intercept as its the same matching function used by Camel.
Mind that mocking endpoints causes the messages to be copied when they arrive on the mock.
That means Camel will use more memory. This may not be suitable when you send in a lot of messages.
33.10. Mocking existing endpoints using the camel-test
Instead of using the adviceWith
to instruct Camel to mock endpoints, you can easily enable this behavior when using the camel-test
Test Kit.
The same route can be tested as follows. Notice that we return "*"
from the isMockEndpoints
method, which tells Camel to mock all endpoints.
If you only want to mock all log
endpoints you can return "log*"
using camel-test kit
public class IsMockEndpointsJUnit4Test extends CamelTestSupport { @Override public String isMockEndpoints() { // override this method and return the pattern for which endpoints to mock. // use * to indicate all return "*"; } @Test public void testMockAllEndpoints() throws Exception { // notice we have automatic mocked all endpoints and the name of the endpoints is "mock:uri" getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:start").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:log:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World"); template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // additional test to ensure correct endpoints in registry assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:start")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("direct:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("log:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:result")); // all the endpoints was mocked assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:start")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:direct:foo")); assertNotNull(context.hasEndpoint("mock:log:foo")); } @Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:start").to("direct:foo").to("log:foo").to("mock:result"); from("direct:foo").transform(constant("Bye World")); } }; } }
33.11. Mocking existing endpoints with XML DSL
If you do not use the camel-test
component for unit testing (as shown above) you can use a different approach when using XML files for routes.
The solution is to create a new XML file used by the unit test and then include the intended XML file which has the route you want to test.
Suppose we have the route in the camel-route.xml
<!-- this camel route is in the camel-route.xml file --> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <to uri="direct:foo"/> <to uri="log:foo"/> <to uri="mock:result"/> </route> <route> <from uri="direct:foo"/> <transform> <constant>Bye World</constant> </transform> </route> </camelContext>
Then we create a new XML file as follows, where we include the camel-route.xml
file and define a spring bean with the class org.apache.camel.impl.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy
which tells Camel to mock all endpoints:
<!-- the Camel route is defined in another XML file --> <import resource="camel-route.xml"/> <!-- bean which enables mocking all endpoints --> <bean id="mockAllEndpoints" class="org.apache.camel.component.mock.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy"/>
Then in your unit test you load the new XML file (test-camel-route.xml
) instead of camel-route.xml
To only mock all Log endpoints you can define the pattern in the constructor for the bean:
<bean id="mockAllEndpoints" class="org.apache.camel.impl.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy"> <constructor-arg index="0" value="log*"/> </bean>
33.12. Mocking endpoints and skip sending to original endpoint
Sometimes you want to easily mock and skip sending to a certain endpoints. So the message is detoured and send to the mock endpoint only. You can now use the mockEndpointsAndSkip
method using AdviceWith. The example below will skip sending to the two endpoints "direct:foo"
, and "direct:bar"
adviceWith mock and skip sending to endpoints
@Test public void testAdvisedMockEndpointsWithSkip() throws Exception { // advice the first route using the inlined AdviceWith route builder // which has extended capabilities than the regular route builder AdviceWith.adviceWith(context.getRouteDefinitions().get(0), context, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // mock sending to direct:foo and direct:bar and skip send to it mockEndpointsAndSkip("direct:foo", "direct:bar"); } }); getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:foo").expectedMessageCount(1); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:bar").expectedMessageCount(1); template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // the message was not send to the direct:foo route and thus not sent to // the seda endpoint SedaEndpoint seda = context.getEndpoint("seda:foo", SedaEndpoint.class); assertEquals(0, seda.getCurrentQueueSize()); }
The same example using the Test Kit
isMockEndpointsAndSkip using camel-test kit
public class IsMockEndpointsAndSkipJUnit4Test extends CamelTestSupport { @Override public String isMockEndpointsAndSkip() { // override this method and return the pattern for which endpoints to mock, // and skip sending to the original endpoint. return "direct:foo"; } @Test public void testMockEndpointAndSkip() throws Exception { // notice we have automatic mocked the direct:foo endpoints and the name of the endpoints is "mock:uri" getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:foo").expectedMessageCount(1); template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // the message was not send to the direct:foo route and thus not sent to the seda endpoint SedaEndpoint seda = context.getEndpoint("seda:foo", SedaEndpoint.class); assertEquals(0, seda.getCurrentQueueSize()); } @Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:start").to("direct:foo").to("mock:result"); from("direct:foo").transform(constant("Bye World")).to("seda:foo"); } }; } }
33.13. Limiting the number of messages to keep
The Mock endpoints will by default keep a copy of every Exchange that it received. So if you test with a lot of messages, then it will consume memory.
We have introduced two options retainFirst
and retainLast
that can be used to specify to only keep N’th of the first and/or last Exchanges.
For example in the code below, we only want to retain a copy of the first 5 and last 5 Exchanges the mock receives.
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:data"); mock.setRetainFirst(5); mock.setRetainLast(5); mock.expectedMessageCount(2000); mock.assertIsSatisfied();
Using this has some limitations. The getExchanges()
and getReceivedExchanges()
methods on the MockEndpoint
will return only the retained copies of the Exchanges. So in the example above, the list will contain 10 Exchanges; the first five, and the last five.
The retainFirst
and retainLast
options also have limitations on which expectation methods you can use. For example the expectedXXX
methods that work on message bodies, headers, etc. will only operate on the retained messages. In the example above they can test only the expectations on the 10 retained messages.
33.14. Testing with arrival times
The Mock endpoint stores the arrival time of the message as a property on the Exchange
Date time = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP, Date.class);
You can use this information to know when the message arrived on the mock. But it also provides foundation to know the time interval between the previous and next message arrived on the mock. You can use this to set expectations using the arrives
DSL on the Mock endpoint.
For example to say that the first message should arrive between 0-2 seconds before the next you can do:
You can also define this as that 2nd message (0 index based) should arrive no later than 0-2 seconds after the previous:
You can also use between to set a lower bound. For example suppose that it should be between 1-4 seconds:
mock.message(1).arrives().between(1, 4).seconds().afterPrevious();
You can also set the expectation on all messages, for example to say that the gap between them should be at most 1 second:
Time units
In the example above we use seconds
as the time unit, but Camel offers milliseconds
, and minutes
as well.
33.15. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using mock with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mock-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.mock.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mock.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the mock component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets a custom ExchangeFormatter to convert the Exchange to a String suitable for logging. If not specified, we default to DefaultExchangeFormatter. The option is a org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter type. | ExchangeFormatter | |
camel.component.mock.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mock.log | To turn on logging when the mock receives an incoming message. This will log only one time at INFO level for the incoming message. For more detailed logging then set the logger to DEBUG level for the org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint class. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 34. MongoDB
Both producer and consumer are supported
According to Wikipedia: "NoSQL is a movement promoting a loosely defined class of non-relational data stores that break with a long history of relational databases and ACID guarantees." NoSQL solutions have grown in popularity in the last few years, and major extremely-used sites and services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. are known to use them extensively to achieve scalability and agility.
Basically, NoSQL solutions differ from traditional RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) in that they don’t use SQL as their query language and generally don’t offer ACID-like transactional behaviour nor relational data. Instead, they are designed around the concept of flexible data structures and schemas (meaning that the traditional concept of a database table with a fixed schema is dropped), extreme scalability on commodity hardware and blazing-fast processing.
MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL solution and the camel-mongodb component integrates Camel with MongoDB allowing you to interact with MongoDB collections both as a producer (performing operations on the collection) and as a consumer (consuming documents from a MongoDB collection).
MongoDB revolves around the concepts of documents (not as is office documents, but rather hierarchical data defined in JSON/BSON) and collections. This component page will assume you are familiar with them. Otherwise, visit
The MongoDB Camel component uses Mongo Java Driver 4.x.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mongodb</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
34.1. URI format
34.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
34.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
34.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
34.3. Component Options
The MongoDB component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
mongoConnection (common) | Autowired Shared client used for connection. All endpoints generated from the component will share this connection client. | MongoClient | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
34.4. Endpoint Options
The MongoDB endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
34.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
connectionBean (common) | Required Sets the connection bean reference used to lookup a client for connecting to a database. | String |
34.4.2. Query Parameters (27 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
collection (common) | Sets the name of the MongoDB collection to bind to this endpoint. | String | |
collectionIndex (common) | Sets the collection index (JSON FORMAT : \\{ field1 : order1, field2 : order2}). | String | |
createCollection (common) | Create collection during initialisation if it doesn’t exist. Default is true. | true | boolean |
database (common) | Sets the name of the MongoDB database to target. | String | |
hosts (common) | Host address of mongodb server in host:port format. It’s possible also use more than one address, as comma separated list of hosts: host1:port1,host2:port2. If hosts parameter is specified, provided connectionBean is ignored. | String | |
mongoConnection (common) | Sets the connection bean used as a client for connecting to a database. | MongoClient | |
operation (common) | Sets the operation this endpoint will execute against MongoDB. Enum values:
| MongoDbOperation | |
outputType (common) | Convert the output of the producer to the selected type : DocumentList Document or MongoIterable. DocumentList or MongoIterable applies to findAll and aggregate. Document applies to all other operations. Enum values:
| MongoDbOutputType | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
consumerType (consumer) | Consumer type. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
cursorRegenerationDelay (advanced) | MongoDB tailable cursors will block until new data arrives. If no new data is inserted, after some time the cursor will be automatically freed and closed by the MongoDB server. The client is expected to regenerate the cursor if needed. This value specifies the time to wait before attempting to fetch a new cursor, and if the attempt fails, how long before the next attempt is made. Default value is 1000ms. | 1000 | long |
dynamicity (advanced) | Sets whether this endpoint will attempt to dynamically resolve the target database and collection from the incoming Exchange properties. Can be used to override at runtime the database and collection specified on the otherwise static endpoint URI. It is disabled by default to boost performance. Enabling it will take a minimal performance hit. | false | boolean |
readPreference (advanced) | Configure how MongoDB clients route read operations to the members of a replica set. Possible values are PRIMARY, PRIMARY_PREFERRED, SECONDARY, SECONDARY_PREFERRED or NEAREST. Enum values:
| PRIMARY | String |
writeConcern (advanced) | Configure the connection bean with the level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for write operations to a standalone mongod, replicaset or cluster. Possible values are ACKNOWLEDGED, W1, W2, W3, UNACKNOWLEDGED, JOURNALED or MAJORITY. Enum values:
writeResultAsHeader (advanced) | In write operations, it determines whether instead of returning WriteResult as the body of the OUT message, we transfer the IN message to the OUT and attach the WriteResult as a header. | false | boolean |
streamFilter (changeStream) | Filter condition for change streams consumer. | String | |
password (security) | User password for mongodb connection. | String | |
username (security) | Username for mongodb connection. | String | |
persistentId (tail) | One tail tracking collection can host many trackers for several tailable consumers. To keep them separate, each tracker should have its own unique persistentId. | String | |
persistentTailTracking (tail) | Enable persistent tail tracking, which is a mechanism to keep track of the last consumed message across system restarts. The next time the system is up, the endpoint will recover the cursor from the point where it last stopped slurping records. | false | boolean |
tailTrackCollection (tail) | Collection where tail tracking information will be persisted. If not specified, MongoDbTailTrackingConfig#DEFAULT_COLLECTION will be used by default. | String | |
tailTrackDb (tail) | Indicates what database the tail tracking mechanism will persist to. If not specified, the current database will be picked by default. Dynamicity will not be taken into account even if enabled, i.e. the tail tracking database will not vary past endpoint initialisation. | String | |
tailTrackField (tail) | Field where the last tracked value will be placed. If not specified, MongoDbTailTrackingConfig#DEFAULT_FIELD will be used by default. | String | |
tailTrackIncreasingField (tail) | Correlation field in the incoming record which is of increasing nature and will be used to position the tailing cursor every time it is generated. The cursor will be (re)created with a query of type: tailTrackIncreasingField greater than lastValue (possibly recovered from persistent tail tracking). Can be of type Integer, Date, String, etc. NOTE: No support for dot notation at the current time, so the field should be at the top level of the document. | String |
34.5. Configuration of database in Spring XML
The following Spring XML creates a bean defining the connection to a MongoDB instance.
Since mongo java driver 3, the WriteConcern and readPreference options are not dynamically modifiable. They are defined in the mongoClient object
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:mongo="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <mongo:mongo-client id="mongoBean" host="${mongo.url}" port="${mongo.port}" credentials="${mongo.user}:${mongo.pass}@${mongo.dbname}"> <mongo:client-options write-concern="NORMAL" /> </mongo:mongo-client> </beans>
34.6. Sample route
The following route defined in Spring XML executes the operation getDbStats
on a collection.
Get DB stats for specified collection
<route> <from uri="direct:start" /> <!-- using bean 'mongoBean' defined above --> <to uri="mongodb:mongoBean?database=${mongodb.database}&collection=${mongodb.collection}&operation=getDbStats" /> <to uri="direct:result" /> </route>
34.7. MongoDB operations - producer endpoints
34.7.1. Query operations findById
This operation retrieves only one element from the collection whose _id field matches the content of the IN message body. The incoming object can be anything that has an equivalent to a Bson
type. See and
from("direct:findById") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findById") .to("mock:resultFindById");
Please, note that the default _id is treated by Mongo as and ObjectId
type, so you may need to convert it properly.
from("direct:findById") .convertBodyTo(ObjectId.class) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findById") .to("mock:resultFindById");
Supports optional parameters
This operation supports projection operators. See Specifying a fields filter (projection). findOneByQuery
Retrieve the first element from a collection matching a MongoDB query selector. If the CamelMongoDbCriteria
header is set, then its value is used as the query selector. If the CamelMongoDbCriteria
header is null, then the IN message body is used as the query selector. In both cases, the query selector should be of type Bson
or convertible to Bson
(for instance, a JSON string or HashMap
). See Type conversions for more info.
Create query selectors using the Filters
provided by the MongoDB Driver. Example without a query selector (returns the first document in a collection)
from("direct:findOneByQuery") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findOneByQuery") .to("mock:resultFindOneByQuery"); Example with a query selector (returns the first matching document in a collection):
from("direct:findOneByQuery") .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.CRITERIA, constant(Filters.eq("name", "Raul Kripalani"))) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findOneByQuery") .to("mock:resultFindOneByQuery");
Supports optional parameters
This operation supports projection operators and sort clauses. See Specifying a fields filter (projection), Specifying a sort clause. findAll
The findAll
operation returns all documents matching a query, or none at all, in which case all documents contained in the collection are returned. The query object is extracted CamelMongoDbCriteria
header. if the CamelMongoDbCriteria header is null the query object is extracted message body, i.e. it should be of type Bson
or convertible to Bson
. It can be a JSON String or a Hashmap. See Type conversions for more info. Example without a query selector (returns all documents in a collection)
from("direct:findAll") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll") .to("mock:resultFindAll"); Example with a query selector (returns all matching documents in a collection)
from("direct:findAll") .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.CRITERIA, Filters.eq("name", "Raul Kripalani")) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll") .to("mock:resultFindAll");
Paging and efficient retrieval is supported via the following headers:
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Expected type |
| Discards a given number of elements at the beginning of the cursor. | int/Integer |
| Limits the number of elements returned. | int/Integer |
| Limits the number of elements returned in one batch. A cursor typically fetches a batch of result objects and store them locally. If batchSize is positive, it represents the size of each batch of objects retrieved. It can be adjusted to optimize performance and limit data transfer. If batchSize is negative, it will limit of number objects returned, that fit within the max batch size limit (usually 4MB), and cursor will be closed. For example if batchSize is -10, then the server will return a maximum of 10 documents and as many as can fit in 4MB, then close the cursor. Note that this feature is different from limit() in that documents must fit within a maximum size, and it removes the need to send a request to close the cursor server-side. The batch size can be changed even after a cursor is iterated, in which case the setting will apply on the next batch retrieval. | int/Integer |
| Sets allowDiskUse MongoDB flag. This is supported since MongoDB Server 4.3.1. Using this header with older MongoDB Server version can cause query to fail. | boolean/Boolean | Example with option outputType=MongoIterable and batch size
from("direct:findAll") .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.BATCH_SIZE).constant(10) .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.CRITERIA, constant(Filters.eq("name", "Raul Kripalani"))) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll&outputType=MongoIterable") .to("mock:resultFindAll");
The findAll
operation will also return the following OUT headers to enable you to iterate through result pages if you are using paging:
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Data type |
| Number of objects matching the query. This does not take limit/skip into consideration. | int/Integer |
| Number of objects matching the query. This does not take limit/skip into consideration. | int/Integer |
Supports optional parameters
This operation supports projection operators and sort clauses. See Specifying a fields filter (projection), Specifying a sort clause. count
Returns the total number of objects in a collection, returning a Long as the OUT message body.
The following example will count the number of records in the "dynamicCollectionName" collection. Notice how dynamicity is enabled, and as a result, the operation will not run against the "notableScientists" collection, but against the "dynamicCollectionName" collection.
// from("direct:count").to("mongodb:myDb?database=tickets&collection=flights&operation=count&dynamicity=true"); Long result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:count", "irrelevantBody", MongoDbConstants.COLLECTION, "dynamicCollectionName"); assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
You can provide a query The query object is extracted CamelMongoDbCriteria
header. if the CamelMongoDbCriteria header is null the query object is extracted message body, i.e. it should be of type Bson
or convertible to Bson
., and operation will return the amount of documents matching this criteria.
Document query = ... Long count = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:count", query, MongoDbConstants.COLLECTION, "dynamicCollectionName"); Specifying a fields filter (projection)
Query operations will, by default, return the matching objects in their entirety (with all their fields). If your documents are large and you only require retrieving a subset of their fields, you can specify a field filter in all query operations, simply by setting the relevant Bson
(or type convertible to Bson
, such as a JSON String, Map, etc.) on the CamelMongoDbFieldsProjection
header, constant shortcut: MongoDbConstants.FIELDS_PROJECTION
Here is an example that uses MongoDB’s Projections
to simplify the creation of Bson. It retrieves all fields except _id
and boringField
// route: from("direct:findAll").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll") Bson fieldProjection = Projection.exclude("_id", "boringField"); Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:findAll", ObjectUtils.NULL, MongoDbConstants.FIELDS_PROJECTION, fieldProjection);
Here is an example that uses MongoDB’s Projections
to simplify the creation of Bson. It retrieves all fields except _id
and boringField
// route: from("direct:findAll").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll") Bson fieldProjection = Projection.exclude("_id", "boringField"); Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:findAll", ObjectUtils.NULL, MongoDbConstants.FIELDS_PROJECTION, fieldProjection); Specifying a sort clause
There is a often a requirement to fetch the min/max record from a collection based on sorting by a particular field that uses MongoDB’s Sorts
to simplify the creation of Bson. It retrieves all fields except _id
and boringField
// route: from("direct:findAll").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=findAll") Bson sorts = Sorts.descending("_id"); Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:findAll", ObjectUtils.NULL, MongoDbConstants.SORT_BY, sorts);
In a Camel route the SORT_BY header can be used with the findOneByQuery operation to achieve the same result. If the FIELDS_PROJECTION header is also specified the operation will return a single field/value pair that can be passed directly to another component (for example, a parameterized MyBatis SELECT query). This example demonstrates fetching the temporally newest document from a collection and reducing the result to a single field, based on the documentTimestamp
.from("direct:someTriggeringEvent") .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.SORT_BY).constant(Sorts.descending("documentTimestamp")) .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.FIELDS_PROJECTION).constant(Projection.include("documentTimestamp")) .setBody().constant("{}") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=local&collection=myDemoCollection&operation=findOneByQuery") .to("direct:aMyBatisParameterizedSelect");
34.7.2. Create/update operations insert
Inserts an new object into the MongoDB collection, taken from the IN message body. Type conversion is attempted to turn it into Document
or a List
Two modes are supported: single insert and multiple insert. For multiple insert, the endpoint will expect a List, Array or Collections of objects of any type, as long as they are - or can be converted to - Document
. Example:
from("direct:insert") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=insert");
The operation will return a WriteResult, and depending on the WriteConcern
or the value of the invokeGetLastError
option, getLastError()
would have been called already or not. If you want to access the ultimate result of the write operation, you need to retrieve the CommandResult
by calling getLastError()
or getCachedLastError()
on the WriteResult
. Then you can verify the result by calling CommandResult.ok()
, CommandResult.getErrorMessage()
and/or CommandResult.getException()
Note that the new object’s _id
must be unique in the collection. If you don’t specify the value, MongoDB will automatically generate one for you. But if you do specify it and it is not unique, the insert operation will fail (and for Camel to notice, you will need to enable invokeGetLastError or set a WriteConcern that waits for the write result).
This is not a limitation of the component, but it is how things work in MongoDB for higher throughput. If you are using a custom _id
, you are expected to ensure at the application level that is unique (and this is a good practice too).
OID(s) of the inserted record(s) is stored in the message header under CamelMongoOid
key (MongoDbConstants.OID
constant). The value stored is org.bson.types.ObjectId
for single insert or java.util.List<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
if multiple records have been inserted.
In MongoDB Java Driver 3.x the insertOne and insertMany operation return void. The Camel insert operation return the Document or List of Documents inserted. Note that each Documents are Updated by a new OID if need. save
The save operation is equivalent to an upsert (UPdate, inSERT) operation, where the record will be updated, and if it doesn’t exist, it will be inserted, all in one atomic operation. MongoDB will perform the matching based on the _id
Beware that in case of an update, the object is replaced entirely and the usage of MongoDB’s $modifiers is not permitted. Therefore, if you want to manipulate the object if it already exists, you have two options:
- perform a query to retrieve the entire object first along with all its fields (may not be efficient), alter it inside Camel and then save it.
- use the update operation with $modifiers, which will execute the update at the server-side instead. You can enable the upsert flag, in which case if an insert is required, MongoDB will apply the $modifiers to the filter query object and insert the result.
If the document to be saved does not contain the _id
attribute, the operation will be an insert, and the new _id
created will be placed in the CamelMongoOid
For example:
from("direct:insert") .to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=save");
// route: from("direct:insert").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=save"); org.bson.Document docForSave = new org.bson.Document(); docForSave.put("key", "value"); Object result = template.requestBody("direct:insert", docForSave); update
Update one or multiple records on the collection. Requires a filter query and a update rules.
You can define the filter using MongoDBConstants.CRITERIA header as Bson
and define the update rules as Bson
in Body.
Update after enrich
While defining the filter by using MongoDBConstants.CRITERIA header as Bson
to query mongodb before you do update, you should notice you need to remove it from the resulting camel exchange during aggregation if you use enrich pattern with a aggregation strategy and then apply mongodb update. If you don’t remove this header during aggregation and/or redefine MongoDBConstants.CRITERIA header before sending camel exchange to mongodb producer endpoint, you may end up with invalid camel exchange payload while updating mongodb.
The second way Require a List<Bson> as the IN message body containing exactly 2 elements:
- Element 1 (index 0) ⇒ filter query ⇒ determines what objects will be affected, same as a typical query object
- Element 2 (index 1) ⇒ update rules ⇒ how matched objects will be updated. All modifier operations from MongoDB are supported.
By default, MongoDB will only update 1 object even if multiple objects match the filter query. To instruct MongoDB to update all matching records, set the CamelMongoDbMultiUpdate
IN message header to true
A header with key CamelMongoDbRecordsAffected
will be returned (MongoDbConstants.RECORDS_AFFECTED
constant) with the number of records updated (copied from WriteResult.getN()
Supports the following IN message headers:
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Expected type |
| If the update should be applied to all objects matching. See | boolean/Boolean |
| If the database should create the element if it does not exist | boolean/Boolean |
For example, the following will update all records whose filterField field equals true by setting the value of the "scientist" field to "Darwin":
// route: from("direct:update").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=update"); List<Bson> body = new ArrayList<>(); Bson filterField = Filters.eq("filterField", true); body.add(filterField); BsonDocument updateObj = new BsonDocument().append("$set", new BsonDocument("scientist", new BsonString("Darwin"))); body.add(updateObj); Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:update", body, MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true);
// route: from("direct:update").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=update"); Maps<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>(2); headers.add(MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true); headers.add(MongoDbConstants.FIELDS_FILTER, Filters.eq("filterField", true)); String updateObj = Updates.set("scientist", "Darwin");; Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeaders("direct:update", updateObj, headers);
// route: from("direct:update").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=update"); String updateObj = "[{\"filterField\": true}, {\"$set\", {\"scientist\", \"Darwin\"}}]"; Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:update", updateObj, MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true);
34.7.3. Delete operations remove
Remove matching records from the collection. The IN message body will act as the removal filter query, and is expected to be of type DBObject
or a type convertible to it.
The following example will remove all objects whose field 'conditionField' equals true, in the science database, notableScientists collection:
// route: from("direct:remove").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=remove"); Bson conditionField = Filters.eq("conditionField", true); Object result = template.requestBody("direct:remove", conditionField);
A header with key CamelMongoDbRecordsAffected
is returned (MongoDbConstants.RECORDS_AFFECTED
constant) with type int
, containing the number of records deleted (copied from WriteResult.getN()
34.7.4. Bulk Write Operations bulkWrite
Performs write operations in bulk with controls for order of execution. Requires a List<WriteModel<Document>>
as the IN message body containing commands for insert, update, and delete operations.
The following example will insert a new scientist "Pierre Curie", update record with id "5" by setting the value of the "scientist" field to "Marie Curie" and delete record with id "3" :
// route: from("direct:bulkWrite").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=bulkWrite"); List<WriteModel<Document>> bulkOperations = Arrays.asList( new InsertOneModel<>(new Document("scientist", "Pierre Curie")), new UpdateOneModel<>(new Document("_id", "5"), new Document("$set", new Document("scientist", "Marie Curie"))), new DeleteOneModel<>(new Document("_id", "3"))); BulkWriteResult result = template.requestBody("direct:bulkWrite", bulkOperations, BulkWriteResult.class);
By default, operations are executed in order and interrupted on the first write error without processing any remaining write operations in the list. To instruct MongoDB to continue to process remaining write operations in the list, set the CamelMongoDbBulkOrdered
IN message header to false
. Unordered operations are executed in parallel and this behavior is not guaranteed.
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Expected type |
| Perform an ordered or unordered operation execution. Defaults to true. | boolean/Boolean |
34.7.5. Other operations aggregate
Perform a aggregation with the given pipeline contained in the body. Aggregations could be long and heavy operations. Use with care.
// route: from("direct:aggregate").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=aggregate"); List<Bson> aggregate = Arrays.asList(match(or(eq("scientist", "Darwin"), eq("scientist", group("$scientist", sum("count", 1))); from("direct:aggregate") .setBody().constant(aggregate) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=aggregate") .to("mock:resultAggregate");
Supports the following IN message headers:
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Expected type |
| Sets the number of documents to return per batch. | int/Integer |
| Enable aggregation pipeline stages to write data to temporary files. | boolean/Boolean |
By default a List of all results is returned. This can be heavy on memory depending on the size of the results. A safer alternative is to set your outputType=MongoIterable. The next Processor will see an iterable in the message body allowing it to step through the results one by one. Thus setting a batch size and returning an iterable allows for efficient retrieval and processing of the result.
An example would look like:
List<Bson> aggregate = Arrays.asList(match(or(eq("scientist", "Darwin"), eq("scientist", group("$scientist", sum("count", 1))); from("direct:aggregate") .setHeader(MongoDbConstants.BATCH_SIZE).constant(10) .setBody().constant(aggregate) .to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&collection=notableScientists&operation=aggregate&outputType=MongoIterable") .split(body()) .streaming() .to("mock:resultAggregate");
Note that calling .split(body())
is enough to send the entries down the route one-by-one, however it would still load all the entries into memory first. Calling .streaming()
is thus required to load data into memory by batches. getDbStats
Equivalent of running the db.stats()
command in the MongoDB shell, which displays useful statistic figures about the database.
For example:
> db.stats(); { "db" : "test", "collections" : 7, "objects" : 719, "avgObjSize" : 59.73296244784423, "dataSize" : 42948, "storageSize" : 1000058880, "numExtents" : 9, "indexes" : 4, "indexSize" : 32704, "fileSize" : 1275068416, "nsSizeMB" : 16, "ok" : 1 }
Usage example:
// from("direct:getDbStats").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=getDbStats"); Object result = template.requestBody("direct:getDbStats", "irrelevantBody"); assertTrue("Result is not of type Document", result instanceof Document);
The operation will return a data structure similar to the one displayed in the shell, in the form of a Document
in the OUT message body. getColStats
Equivalent of running the db.collection.stats()
command in the MongoDB shell, which displays useful statistic figures about the collection.
For example:
> db.camelTest.stats(); { "ns" : "test.camelTest", "count" : 100, "size" : 5792, "avgObjSize" : 57.92, "storageSize" : 20480, "numExtents" : 2, "nindexes" : 1, "lastExtentSize" : 16384, "paddingFactor" : 1, "flags" : 1, "totalIndexSize" : 8176, "indexSizes" : { "_id_" : 8176 }, "ok" : 1 }
Usage example:
// from("direct:getColStats").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=getColStats"); Object result = template.requestBody("direct:getColStats", "irrelevantBody"); assertTrue("Result is not of type Document", result instanceof Document);
The operation will return a data structure similar to the one displayed in the shell, in the form of a Document
in the OUT message body. command
Run the body as a command on database. Useful for admin operation as getting host information, replication or sharding status.
Collection parameter is not use for this operation.
// route: from("command").to("mongodb:myDb?database=science&operation=command"); DBObject commandBody = new BasicDBObject("hostInfo", "1"); Object result = template.requestBody("direct:command", commandBody);
34.7.6. Dynamic operations
An Exchange can override the endpoint’s fixed operation by setting the CamelMongoDbOperation
header, defined by the MongoDbConstants.OPERATION_HEADER
The values supported are determined by the MongoDbOperation enumeration and match the accepted values for the operation
parameter on the endpoint URI.
For example:
// from("direct:insert").to("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=tickets&operation=insert"); Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:insert", "irrelevantBody", MongoDbConstants.OPERATION_HEADER, "count"); assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
34.8. Consumers
There are several types of consumers:
- Tailable Cursor Consumer
- Change Streams Consumer
34.8.1. Tailable Cursor Consumer
MongoDB offers a mechanism to instantaneously consume ongoing data from a collection, by keeping the cursor open just like the tail -f
command of *nix systems. This mechanism is significantly more efficient than a scheduled poll, due to the fact that the server pushes new data to the client as it becomes available, rather than making the client ping back at scheduled intervals to fetch new data. It also reduces otherwise redundant network traffic.
There is only one requisite to use tailable cursors: the collection must be a "capped collection", meaning that it will only hold N objects, and when the limit is reached, MongoDB flushes old objects in the same order they were originally inserted. For more information, please refer to
The Camel MongoDB component implements a tailable cursor consumer, making this feature available for you to use in your Camel routes. As new objects are inserted, MongoDB will push them as Document
in natural order to your tailable cursor consumer, who will transform them to an Exchange and will trigger your route logic.
34.9. How the tailable cursor consumer works
To turn a cursor into a tailable cursor, a few special flags are to be signalled to MongoDB when first generating the cursor. Once created, the cursor will then stay open and will block upon calling the
method until new data arrives. However, the MongoDB server reserves itself the right to kill your cursor if new data doesn’t appear after an indeterminate period. If you are interested to continue consuming new data, you have to regenerate the cursor. And to do so, you will have to remember the position where you left off or else you will start consuming from the top again.
The Camel MongoDB tailable cursor consumer takes care of all these tasks for you. You will just need to provide the key to some field in your data of increasing nature, which will act as a marker to position your cursor every time it is regenerated, e.g. a timestamp, a sequential ID, etc. It can be of any datatype supported by MongoDB. Date, Strings and Integers are found to work well. We call this mechanism "tail tracking" in the context of this component.
The consumer will remember the last value of this field and whenever the cursor is to be regenerated, it will run the query with a filter like: increasingField > lastValue
, so that only unread data is consumed.
Setting the increasing field: Set the key of the increasing field on the endpoint URI tailTrackingIncreasingField
option. In Camel 2.10, it must be a top-level field in your data, as nested navigation for this field is not yet supported. That is, the "timestamp" field is okay, but "nested.timestamp" will not work. Please open a ticket in the Camel JIRA if you do require support for nested increasing fields.
Cursor regeneration delay: One thing to note is that if new data is not already available upon initialisation, MongoDB will kill the cursor instantly. Since we don’t want to overwhelm the server in this case, a cursorRegenerationDelay
option has been introduced (with a default value of 1000ms.), which you can modify to suit your needs.
An example:
from("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=cancellations&tailTrackIncreasingField=departureTime") .id("tailableCursorConsumer1") .autoStartup(false) .to("mock:test");
The above route will consume from the "flights.cancellations" capped collection, using "departureTime" as the increasing field, with a default regeneration cursor delay of 1000ms.
34.10. Persistent tail tracking
Standard tail tracking is volatile and the last value is only kept in memory. However, in practice you will need to restart your Camel container every now and then, but your last value would then be lost and your tailable cursor consumer would start consuming from the top again, very likely sending duplicate records into your route.
To overcome this situation, you can enable the persistent tail tracking feature to keep track of the last consumed increasing value in a special collection inside your MongoDB database too. When the consumer initialises again, it will restore the last tracked value and continue as if nothing happened.
The last read value is persisted on two occasions: every time the cursor is regenerated and when the consumer shuts down. We may consider persisting at regular intervals too in the future (flush every 5 seconds) for added robustness if the demand is there. To request this feature, please open a ticket in the Camel JIRA.
34.11. Enabling persistent tail tracking
To enable this function, set at least the following options on the endpoint URI:
option totrue
option to a unique identifier for this consumer, so that the same collection can be reused across many consumers
Additionally, you can set the tailTrackDb
, tailTrackCollection
and tailTrackField
options to customise where the runtime information will be stored. Refer to the endpoint options table at the top of this page for descriptions of each option.
For example, the following route will consume from the "flights.cancellations" capped collection, using "departureTime" as the increasing field, with a default regeneration cursor delay of 1000ms, with persistent tail tracking turned on, and persisting under the "cancellationsTracker" id on the "flights.camelTailTracking", storing the last processed value under the "lastTrackingValue" field (camelTailTracking
and lastTrackingValue
are defaults).
from("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=cancellations&tailTrackIncreasingField=departureTime&persistentTailTracking=true" + "&persistentId=cancellationsTracker") .id("tailableCursorConsumer2") .autoStartup(false) .to("mock:test");
Below is another example identical to the one above, but where the persistent tail tracking runtime information will be stored under the "trackers.camelTrackers" collection, in the "lastProcessedDepartureTime" field:
from("mongodb:myDb?database=flights&collection=cancellations&tailTrackIncreasingField=departureTime&persistentTailTracking=true" + "&persistentId=cancellationsTracker&tailTrackDb=trackers&tailTrackCollection=camelTrackers" + "&tailTrackField=lastProcessedDepartureTime") .id("tailableCursorConsumer3") .autoStartup(false) .to("mock:test");
34.11.1. Change Streams Consumer
Change Streams allow applications to access real-time data changes without the complexity and risk of tailing the MongoDB oplog. Applications can use change streams to subscribe to all data changes on a collection and immediately react to them. Because change streams use the aggregation framework, applications can also filter for specific changes or transform the notifications at will. The exchange body will contain the full document of any change.
To configure Change Streams Consumer you need to specify consumerType
, database
, collection
and optional JSON property streamFilter
to filter events. That JSON property is standard MongoDB $match
aggregation. It could be easily specified using XML DSL configuration:
<route id="filterConsumer"> <from uri="mongodb:myDb?consumerType=changeStreams&database=flights&collection=tickets&streamFilter={ '$match':{'$or':[{'fullDocument.stringValue': 'specificValue'}]} }"/> <to uri="mock:test"/> </route>
Java configuration:
from("mongodb:myDb?consumerType=changeStreams&database=flights&collection=tickets&streamFilter={ '$match':{'$or':[{'fullDocument.stringValue': 'specificValue'}]} }") .to("mock:test");
You can externalize the streamFilter value into a property placeholder which allows the endpoint URI parameters to be cleaner and easier to read.
The changeStreams
consumer type will also return the following OUT headers:
Header key | Quick constant | Description (extracted from MongoDB API doc) | Data type |
| The type of operation that occurred. Can be any of the following values: insert, delete, replace, update, drop, rename, dropDatabase, invalidate. | String |
| A document that contains the _id of the document created or modified by the insert, replace, delete, update operations (i.e. CRUD operations). For sharded collections, also displays the full shard key for the document. The _id field is not repeated if it is already a part of the shard key. | ObjectId |
34.12. Type conversions
The MongoDbBasicConverters
type converter included with the camel-mongodb component provides the following conversions:
Name | From type | To type | How? |
fromMapToDocument |
constructs a new |
fromDocumentToMap |
fromStringToDocument |
uses |
fromStringToObjectId |
constructs a new |
fromFileToDocument |
uses |
fromInputStreamToDocument |
converts the inputstream bytes to a |
fromStringToList |
uses |
This type converter is auto-discovered, so you don’t need to configure anything manually.
34.13. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using mongodb with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mongodb-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.mongodb.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.mongodb.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mongodb.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the mongodb component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.mongodb.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.mongodb.mongo-connection | Shared client used for connection. All endpoints generated from the component will share this connection client. The option is a com.mongodb.client.MongoClient type. | MongoClient |
Chapter 35. Netty
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Netty component in Camel is a socket communication component, based on the Netty project version 4.
Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy development of networkServerInitializerFactory applications such as protocol servers and clients.
Netty greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server.
This camel component supports both producer and consumer endpoints.
The Netty component has several options and allows fine-grained control of a number of TCP/UDP communication parameters (buffer sizes, keepAlives, tcpNoDelay, etc) and facilitates both In-Only and In-Out communication on a Camel route.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-netty</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
35.1. URI format
The URI scheme for a netty component is as follows
netty:tcp://[?options] netty:udp://remotehost:99999/[?options]
This component supports producer and consumer endpoints for both TCP and UDP.
35.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
35.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example, a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml
), or directly with Java code.
35.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
35.3. Component Options
The Netty component supports 73 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
configuration (common) | To use the NettyConfiguration as configuration when creating endpoints. | NettyConfiguration | |
disconnect (common) | Whether or not to disconnect(close) from Netty Channel right after use. Can be used for both consumer and producer. | false | boolean |
keepAlive (common) | Setting to ensure socket is not closed due to inactivity. | true | boolean |
reuseAddress (common) | Setting to facilitate socket multiplexing. | true | boolean |
reuseChannel (common) | This option allows producers and consumers (in client mode) to reuse the same Netty Channel for the lifecycle of processing the Exchange. This is useful if you need to call a server multiple times in a Camel route and want to use the same network connection. When using this, the channel is not returned to the connection pool until the Exchange is done; or disconnected if the disconnect option is set to true. The reused Channel is stored on the Exchange as an exchange property with the key NettyConstants#NETTY_CHANNEL which allows you to obtain the channel during routing and use it as well. | false | boolean |
sync (common) | Setting to set endpoint as one-way or request-response. | true | boolean |
tcpNoDelay (common) | Setting to improve TCP protocol performance. | true | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
broadcast (consumer) | Setting to choose Multicast over UDP. | false | boolean |
clientMode (consumer) | If the clientMode is true, netty consumer will connect the address as a TCP client. | false | boolean |
reconnect (consumer) | Used only in clientMode in consumer, the consumer will attempt to reconnect on disconnection if this is enabled. | true | boolean |
reconnectInterval (consumer) | Used if reconnect and clientMode is enabled. The interval in milli seconds to attempt reconnection. | 10000 | int |
backlog (consumer (advanced)) | Allows to configure a backlog for netty consumer (server). Note the backlog is just a best effort depending on the OS. Setting this option to a value such as 200, 500 or 1000, tells the TCP stack how long the accept queue can be If this option is not configured, then the backlog depends on OS setting. | int | |
bossCount (consumer (advanced)) | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default bossCount parameter from Netty, which is 1. User can use this option to override the default bossCount from Netty. | 1 | int |
bossGroup (consumer (advanced)) | Set the BossGroup which could be used for handling the new connection of the server side across the NettyEndpoint. | EventLoopGroup | |
disconnectOnNoReply (consumer (advanced)) | If sync is enabled then this option dictates NettyConsumer if it should disconnect where there is no reply to send back. | true | boolean |
executorService (consumer (advanced)) | To use the given EventExecutorGroup. | EventExecutorGroup | |
maximumPoolSize (consumer (advanced)) | Sets a maximum thread pool size for the netty consumer ordered thread pool. The default size is 2 x cpu_core plus 1. Setting this value to eg 10 will then use 10 threads unless 2 x cpu_core plus 1 is a higher value, which then will override and be used. For example if there are 8 cores, then the consumer thread pool will be 17. This thread pool is used to route messages received from Netty by Camel. We use a separate thread pool to ensure ordering of messages and also in case some messages will block, then nettys worker threads (event loop) wont be affected. | int | |
nettyServerBootstrapFactory (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom NettyServerBootstrapFactory. | NettyServerBootstrapFactory | |
networkInterface (consumer (advanced)) | When using UDP then this option can be used to specify a network interface by its name, such as eth0 to join a multicast group. | String | |
noReplyLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If sync is enabled this option dictates NettyConsumer which logging level to use when logging a there is no reply to send back. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
serverClosedChannelExceptionCaughtLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException then its logged using this logging level. This is used to avoid logging the closed channel exceptions, as clients can disconnect abruptly and then cause a flood of closed exceptions in the Netty server. Enum values:
| DEBUG | LoggingLevel |
serverExceptionCaughtLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an exception then its logged using this logging level. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
serverInitializerFactory (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom ServerInitializerFactory. | ServerInitializerFactory | |
usingExecutorService (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to use ordered thread pool, to ensure events are processed orderly on the same channel. | true | boolean |
connectTimeout (producer) | Time to wait for a socket connection to be available. Value is in milliseconds. | 10000 | int |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
requestTimeout (producer) | Allows to use a timeout for the Netty producer when calling a remote server. By default no timeout is in use. The value is in milli seconds, so eg 30000 is 30 seconds. The requestTimeout is using Netty’s ReadTimeoutHandler to trigger the timeout. | long | |
clientInitializerFactory (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom ClientInitializerFactory. | ClientInitializerFactory | |
correlationManager (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom correlation manager to manage how request and reply messages are mapped when using request/reply with the netty producer. This should only be used if you have a way to map requests together with replies such as if there is correlation ids in both the request and reply messages. This can be used if you want to multiplex concurrent messages on the same channel (aka connection) in netty. When doing this you must have a way to correlate the request and reply messages so you can store the right reply on the inflight Camel Exchange before its continued routed. We recommend extending the TimeoutCorrelationManagerSupport when you build custom correlation managers. This provides support for timeout and other complexities you otherwise would need to implement as well. See also the producerPoolEnabled option for more details. | NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager | |
lazyChannelCreation (producer (advanced)) | Channels can be lazily created to avoid exceptions, if the remote server is not up and running when the Camel producer is started. | true | boolean |
producerPoolEnabled (producer (advanced)) | Whether producer pool is enabled or not. Important: If you turn this off then a single shared connection is used for the producer, also if you are doing request/reply. That means there is a potential issue with interleaved responses if replies comes back out-of-order. Therefore you need to have a correlation id in both the request and reply messages so you can properly correlate the replies to the Camel callback that is responsible for continue processing the message in Camel. To do this you need to implement NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager as correlation manager and configure it via the correlationManager option. See also the correlationManager option for more details. | true | boolean |
producerPoolMaxIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cap on the number of idle instances in the pool. | 100 | int |
producerPoolMaxTotal (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cap on the number of objects that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout) at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit. | -1 | int |
producerPoolMinEvictableIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the minimum amount of time (value in millis) an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor. | 300000 | long |
producerPoolMinIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the minimum number of instances allowed in the producer pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. | int | |
udpConnectionlessSending (producer (advanced)) | This option supports connection less udp sending which is a real fire and forget. A connected udp send receive the PortUnreachableException if no one is listen on the receiving port. | false | boolean |
useByteBuf (producer (advanced)) | If the useByteBuf is true, netty producer will turn the message body into ByteBuf before sending it out. | false | boolean |
hostnameVerification ( security) | To enable/disable hostname verification on SSLEngine. | false | boolean |
allowSerializedHeaders (advanced) | Only used for TCP when transferExchange is true. When set to true, serializable objects in headers and properties will be added to the exchange. Otherwise Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
channelGroup (advanced) | To use a explicit ChannelGroup. | ChannelGroup | |
nativeTransport (advanced) | Whether to use native transport instead of NIO. Native transport takes advantage of the host operating system and is only supported on some platforms. You need to add the netty JAR for the host operating system you are using. See more details at: . | false | boolean |
options (advanced) | Allows to configure additional netty options using option. as prefix. For example option.child.keepAlive=false to set the netty option child.keepAlive=false. See the Netty documentation for possible options that can be used. | Map | |
receiveBufferSize (advanced) | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during inbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | int |
receiveBufferSizePredictor (advanced) | Configures the buffer size predictor. See details at Jetty documentation and this mail thread. | int | |
sendBufferSize (advanced) | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during outbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | int |
transferExchange (advanced) | Only used for TCP. You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, fault body, In headers, Out headers, fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
udpByteArrayCodec (advanced) | For UDP only. If enabled the using byte array codec instead of Java serialization protocol. | false | boolean |
workerCount (advanced) | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default workerCount parameter from Netty (which is cpu_core_threads x 2). User can use this option to override the default workerCount from Netty. | int | |
workerGroup (advanced) | To use a explicit EventLoopGroup as the boss thread pool. For example to share a thread pool with multiple consumers or producers. By default each consumer or producer has their own worker pool with 2 x cpu count core threads. | EventLoopGroup | |
allowDefaultCodec (codec) | The netty component installs a default codec if both, encoder/decoder is null and textline is false. Setting allowDefaultCodec to false prevents the netty component from installing a default codec as the first element in the filter chain. | true | boolean |
autoAppendDelimiter (codec) | Whether or not to auto append missing end delimiter when sending using the textline codec. | true | boolean |
decoderMaxLineLength (codec) | The max line length to use for the textline codec. | 1024 | int |
decoders (codec) | A list of decoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | List | |
delimiter (codec) | The delimiter to use for the textline codec. Possible values are LINE and NULL. Enum values:
| LINE | TextLineDelimiter |
encoders (codec) | A list of encoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | List | |
encoding (codec) | The encoding (a charset name) to use for the textline codec. If not provided, Camel will use the JVM default Charset. | String | |
textline (codec) | Only used for TCP. If no codec is specified, you can use this flag to indicate a text line based codec; if not specified or the value is false, then Object Serialization is assumed over TCP - however only Strings are allowed to be serialized by default. | false | boolean |
enabledProtocols (security) | Which protocols to enable when using SSL. | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | String |
keyStoreFile (security) | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | |
keyStoreFormat (security) | Keystore format to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to JKS if not set. | String | |
keyStoreResource (security) | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
needClientAuth (security) | Configures whether the server needs client authentication when using SSL. | false | boolean |
passphrase (security) | Password setting to use in order to encrypt/decrypt payloads sent using SSH. | String | |
securityProvider (security) | Security provider to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to SunX509 if not set. | String | |
ssl (security) | Setting to specify whether SSL encryption is applied to this endpoint. | false | boolean |
sslClientCertHeaders (security) | When enabled and in SSL mode, then the Netty consumer will enrich the Camel Message with headers having information about the client certificate such as subject name, issuer name, serial number, and the valid date range. | false | boolean |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. | SSLContextParameters | |
sslHandler (security) | Reference to a class that could be used to return an SSL Handler. | SslHandler | |
trustStoreFile (security) | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | |
trustStoreResource (security) | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
useGlobalSslContextParameters (security) | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | boolean |
35.4. Endpoint Options
The Netty endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
35.4.1. Path Parameters (3 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
protocol (common) | Required The protocol to use which can be tcp or udp. Enum values:
| String | |
host (common) | Required The hostname. For the consumer the hostname is localhost or For the producer the hostname is the remote host to connect to. | String | |
port (common) | Required The host port number. | int |
35.4.2. Query Parameters (71 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
disconnect (common) | Whether or not to disconnect(close) from Netty Channel right after use. Can be used for both consumer and producer. | false | boolean |
keepAlive (common) | Setting to ensure socket is not closed due to inactivity. | true | boolean |
reuseAddress (common) | Setting to facilitate socket multiplexing. | true | boolean |
reuseChannel (common) | This option allows producers and consumers (in client mode) to reuse the same Netty Channel for the lifecycle of processing the Exchange. This is useful if you need to call a server multiple times in a Camel route and want to use the same network connection. When using this, the channel is not returned to the connection pool until the Exchange is done; or disconnected if the disconnect option is set to true. The reused Channel is stored on the Exchange as an exchange property with the key NettyConstants#NETTY_CHANNEL which allows you to obtain the channel during routing and use it as well. | false | boolean |
sync (common) | Setting to set endpoint as one-way or request-response. | true | boolean |
tcpNoDelay (common) | Setting to improve TCP protocol performance. | true | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
broadcast (consumer) | Setting to choose Multicast over UDP. | false | boolean |
clientMode (consumer) | If the clientMode is true, netty consumer will connect the address as a TCP client. | false | boolean |
reconnect (consumer) | Used only in clientMode in consumer, the consumer will attempt to reconnect on disconnection if this is enabled. | true | boolean |
reconnectInterval (consumer) | Used if reconnect and clientMode is enabled. The interval in milli seconds to attempt reconnection. | 10000 | int |
backlog (consumer (advanced)) | Allows to configure a backlog for netty consumer (server). Note the backlog is just a best effort depending on the OS. Setting this option to a value such as 200, 500 or 1000, tells the TCP stack how long the accept queue can be If this option is not configured, then the backlog depends on OS setting. | int | |
bossCount (consumer (advanced)) | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default bossCount parameter from Netty, which is 1. User can use this option to override the default bossCount from Netty. | 1 | int |
bossGroup (consumer (advanced)) | Set the BossGroup which could be used for handling the new connection of the server side across the NettyEndpoint. | EventLoopGroup | |
disconnectOnNoReply (consumer (advanced)) | If sync is enabled then this option dictates NettyConsumer if it should disconnect where there is no reply to send back. | true | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
nettyServerBootstrapFactory (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom NettyServerBootstrapFactory. | NettyServerBootstrapFactory | |
networkInterface (consumer (advanced)) | When using UDP then this option can be used to specify a network interface by its name, such as eth0 to join a multicast group. | String | |
noReplyLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If sync is enabled this option dictates NettyConsumer which logging level to use when logging a there is no reply to send back. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
serverClosedChannelExceptionCaughtLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException then its logged using this logging level. This is used to avoid logging the closed channel exceptions, as clients can disconnect abruptly and then cause a flood of closed exceptions in the Netty server. Enum values:
| DEBUG | LoggingLevel |
serverExceptionCaughtLogLevel (consumer (advanced)) | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an exception then its logged using this logging level. Enum values:
| WARN | LoggingLevel |
serverInitializerFactory (consumer (advanced)) | To use a custom ServerInitializerFactory. | ServerInitializerFactory | |
usingExecutorService (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to use ordered thread pool, to ensure events are processed orderly on the same channel. | true | boolean |
connectTimeout (producer) | Time to wait for a socket connection to be available. Value is in milliseconds. | 10000 | int |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
requestTimeout (producer) | Allows to use a timeout for the Netty producer when calling a remote server. By default no timeout is in use. The value is in milli seconds, so eg 30000 is 30 seconds. The requestTimeout is using Netty’s ReadTimeoutHandler to trigger the timeout. | long | |
clientInitializerFactory (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom ClientInitializerFactory. | ClientInitializerFactory | |
correlationManager (producer (advanced)) | To use a custom correlation manager to manage how request and reply messages are mapped when using request/reply with the netty producer. This should only be used if you have a way to map requests together with replies such as if there is correlation ids in both the request and reply messages. This can be used if you want to multiplex concurrent messages on the same channel (aka connection) in netty. When doing this you must have a way to correlate the request and reply messages so you can store the right reply on the inflight Camel Exchange before its continued routed. We recommend extending the TimeoutCorrelationManagerSupport when you build custom correlation managers. This provides support for timeout and other complexities you otherwise would need to implement as well. See also the producerPoolEnabled option for more details. | NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager | |
lazyChannelCreation (producer (advanced)) | Channels can be lazily created to avoid exceptions, if the remote server is not up and running when the Camel producer is started. | true | boolean |
producerPoolEnabled (producer (advanced)) | Whether producer pool is enabled or not. Important: If you turn this off then a single shared connection is used for the producer, also if you are doing request/reply. That means there is a potential issue with interleaved responses if replies comes back out-of-order. Therefore you need to have a correlation id in both the request and reply messages so you can properly correlate the replies to the Camel callback that is responsible for continue processing the message in Camel. To do this you need to implement NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager as correlation manager and configure it via the correlationManager option. See also the correlationManager option for more details. | true | boolean |
producerPoolMaxIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cap on the number of idle instances in the pool. | 100 | int |
producerPoolMaxTotal (producer (advanced)) | Sets the cap on the number of objects that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout) at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit. | -1 | int |
producerPoolMinEvictableIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the minimum amount of time (value in millis) an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor. | 300000 | long |
producerPoolMinIdle (producer (advanced)) | Sets the minimum number of instances allowed in the producer pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. | int | |
udpConnectionlessSending (producer (advanced)) | This option supports connection less udp sending which is a real fire and forget. A connected udp send receive the PortUnreachableException if no one is listen on the receiving port. | false | boolean |
useByteBuf (producer (advanced)) | If the useByteBuf is true, netty producer will turn the message body into ByteBuf before sending it out. | false | boolean |
hostnameVerification ( security) | To enable/disable hostname verification on SSLEngine. | false | boolean |
allowSerializedHeaders (advanced) | Only used for TCP when transferExchange is true. When set to true, serializable objects in headers and properties will be added to the exchange. Otherwise Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
channelGroup (advanced) | To use a explicit ChannelGroup. | ChannelGroup | |
nativeTransport (advanced) | Whether to use native transport instead of NIO. Native transport takes advantage of the host operating system and is only supported on some platforms. You need to add the netty JAR for the host operating system you are using. See more details at: . | false | boolean |
options (advanced) | Allows to configure additional netty options using option. as prefix. For example option.child.keepAlive=false to set the netty option child.keepAlive=false. See the Netty documentation for possible options that can be used. | Map | |
receiveBufferSize (advanced) | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during inbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | int |
receiveBufferSizePredictor (advanced) | Configures the buffer size predictor. See details at Jetty documentation and this mail thread. | int | |
sendBufferSize (advanced) | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during outbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | int |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
transferExchange (advanced) | Only used for TCP. You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, fault body, In headers, Out headers, fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | boolean |
udpByteArrayCodec (advanced) | For UDP only. If enabled the using byte array codec instead of Java serialization protocol. | false | boolean |
workerCount (advanced) | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default workerCount parameter from Netty (which is cpu_core_threads x 2). User can use this option to override the default workerCount from Netty. | int | |
workerGroup (advanced) | To use a explicit EventLoopGroup as the boss thread pool. For example to share a thread pool with multiple consumers or producers. By default each consumer or producer has their own worker pool with 2 x cpu count core threads. | EventLoopGroup | |
allowDefaultCodec (codec) | The netty component installs a default codec if both, encoder/decoder is null and textline is false. Setting allowDefaultCodec to false prevents the netty component from installing a default codec as the first element in the filter chain. | true | boolean |
autoAppendDelimiter (codec) | Whether or not to auto append missing end delimiter when sending using the textline codec. | true | boolean |
decoderMaxLineLength (codec) | The max line length to use for the textline codec. | 1024 | int |
decoders (codec) | A list of decoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | List | |
delimiter (codec) | The delimiter to use for the textline codec. Possible values are LINE and NULL. Enum values:
| LINE | TextLineDelimiter |
encoders (codec) | A list of encoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | List | |
encoding (codec) | The encoding (a charset name) to use for the textline codec. If not provided, Camel will use the JVM default Charset. | String | |
textline (codec) | Only used for TCP. If no codec is specified, you can use this flag to indicate a text line based codec; if not specified or the value is false, then Object Serialization is assumed over TCP - however only Strings are allowed to be serialized by default. | false | boolean |
enabledProtocols (security) | Which protocols to enable when using SSL. | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | String |
keyStoreFile (security) | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | |
keyStoreFormat (security) | Keystore format to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to JKS if not set. | String | |
keyStoreResource (security) | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
needClientAuth (security) | Configures whether the server needs client authentication when using SSL. | false | boolean |
passphrase (security) | Password setting to use in order to encrypt/decrypt payloads sent using SSH. | String | |
securityProvider (security) | Security provider to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to SunX509 if not set. | String | |
ssl (security) | Setting to specify whether SSL encryption is applied to this endpoint. | false | boolean |
sslClientCertHeaders (security) | When enabled and in SSL mode, then the Netty consumer will enrich the Camel Message with headers having information about the client certificate such as subject name, issuer name, serial number, and the valid date range. | false | boolean |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. | SSLContextParameters | |
sslHandler (security) | Reference to a class that could be used to return an SSL Handler. | SslHandler | |
trustStoreFile (security) | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | |
trustStoreResource (security) | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String |
35.5. Registry based Options
Codec Handlers and SSL Keystores can be enlisted in the Registry, such as in the Spring XML file. The values that could be passed in, are the following:
Name | Description |
| password setting to use in order to encrypt/decrypt payloads sent using SSH |
| keystore format to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to "JKS" if not set |
| Security provider to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to "SunX509" if not set. |
| deprecated: Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption |
| deprecated: Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption |
Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with |
Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with |
| Reference to a class that could be used to return an SSL Handler |
A custom |
| A list of encoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. |
A custom |
| A list of decoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. |
Read below about using non shareable encoders/decoders.
35.6. Sending Messages to/from a Netty endpoint
35.6.1. Netty Producer
In Producer mode, the component provides the ability to send payloads to a socket endpoint using either TCP or UDP protocols (with optional SSL support).
The producer mode supports both one-way and request-response based operations.
35.6.2. Netty Consumer
In Consumer mode, the component provides the ability to:
- listen on a specified socket using either TCP or UDP protocols (with optional SSL support),
- receive requests on the socket using text/xml, binary and serialized object based payloads and
- send them along on a route as message exchanges.
The consumer mode supports both one-way and request-response based operations.
35.7. Examples
35.7.1. A UDP Netty endpoint using Request-Reply and serialized object payload
Note that Object serialization is not allowed by default, and so a decoder must be configured.
@BindToRegistry("decoder") public ChannelHandler getDecoder() throws Exception { return new DefaultChannelHandlerFactory() { @Override public ChannelHandler newChannelHandler() { return new DatagramPacketObjectDecoder(ClassResolvers.weakCachingResolver(null)); } }; } RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { from("netty:udp://") .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Poetry poetry = (Poetry) exchange.getIn().getBody(); // Process poetry in some way exchange.getOut().setBody("Message received); } } } };
35.7.2. A TCP based Netty consumer endpoint using One-way communication
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { from("netty:tcp://") .to("mock:result"); } };
35.7.3. An SSL/TCP based Netty consumer endpoint using Request-Reply communication
Using the JSSE Configuration Utility
The Netty component supports SSL/TLS configuration through the Camel JSSE Configuration Utility. This utility greatly decreases the amount of component specific code you need to write and is configurable at the endpoint and component levels. The following examples demonstrate how to use the utility with the Netty component.
Programmatic configuration of the component
KeyStoreParameters ksp = new KeyStoreParameters(); ksp.setResource("/users/home/server/keystore.jks"); ksp.setPassword("keystorePassword"); KeyManagersParameters kmp = new KeyManagersParameters(); kmp.setKeyStore(ksp); kmp.setKeyPassword("keyPassword"); SSLContextParameters scp = new SSLContextParameters(); scp.setKeyManagers(kmp); NettyComponent nettyComponent = getContext().getComponent("netty", NettyComponent.class); nettyComponent.setSslContextParameters(scp);
Spring DSL based configuration of endpoint
... <camel:sslContextParameters id="sslContextParameters"> <camel:keyManagers keyPassword="keyPassword"> <camel:keyStore resource="/users/home/server/keystore.jks" password="keystorePassword"/> </camel:keyManagers> </camel:sslContextParameters>... ... <to uri="netty:tcp://"/> ...
Using Basic SSL/TLS configuration on the Jetty Component
Registry registry = context.getRegistry(); registry.bind("password", "changeit"); registry.bind("ksf", new File("src/test/resources/keystore.jks")); registry.bind("tsf", new File("src/test/resources/keystore.jks")); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { String netty_ssl_endpoint = "netty:tcp://" + "&keyStoreFile=#ksf&trustStoreFile=#tsf"; String return_string = "When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say," + "For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today."; from(netty_ssl_endpoint) .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getOut().setBody(return_string); } } } });
Getting access to SSLSession and the client certificate
You can get access to the
if you eg need to get details about the client certificate. When ssl=true
then the Netty component will store the SSLSession
as a header on the Camel Message as shown below:
SSLSession session = exchange.getIn().getHeader(NettyConstants.NETTY_SSL_SESSION, SSLSession.class); // get the first certificate which is client certificate cert = session.getPeerCertificateChain()[0]; Principal principal = cert.getSubjectDN();
Remember to set needClientAuth=true
to authenticate the client, otherwise SSLSession
cannot access information about the client certificate, and you may get an exception peer not authenticated
. You may also get this exception if the client certificate is expired or not valid etc.
The option sslClientCertHeaders
can be set to true
which then enriches the Camel Message with headers having details about the client certificate. For example the subject name is readily available in the header CamelNettySSLClientCertSubjectName
35.7.4. Using Multiple Codecs
In certain cases it may be necessary to add chains of encoders and decoders to the netty pipeline. To add multpile codecs to a camel netty endpoint the 'encoders' and 'decoders' uri parameters should be used. Like the 'encoder' and 'decoder' parameters they are used to supply references (lists of ChannelUpstreamHandlers and ChannelDownstreamHandlers) that should be added to the pipeline. Note that if encoders is specified then the encoder param will be ignored, similarly for decoders and the decoder param.
Read further above about using non shareable encoders/decoders.
The lists of codecs need to be added to the Camel’s registry so they can be resolved when the endpoint is created.
ChannelHandlerFactory lengthDecoder = ChannelHandlerFactories.newLengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(1048576, 0, 4, 0, 4); StringDecoder stringDecoder = new StringDecoder(); registry.bind("length-decoder", lengthDecoder); registry.bind("string-decoder", stringDecoder); LengthFieldPrepender lengthEncoder = new LengthFieldPrepender(4); StringEncoder stringEncoder = new StringEncoder(); registry.bind("length-encoder", lengthEncoder); registry.bind("string-encoder", stringEncoder); List<ChannelHandler> decoders = new ArrayList<ChannelHandler>(); decoders.add(lengthDecoder); decoders.add(stringDecoder); List<ChannelHandler> encoders = new ArrayList<ChannelHandler>(); encoders.add(lengthEncoder); encoders.add(stringEncoder); registry.bind("encoders", encoders); registry.bind("decoders", decoders);
Spring’s native collections support can be used to specify the codec lists in an application context
<util:list id="decoders" list-class="java.util.LinkedList"> <bean class="org.apache.camel.component.netty.ChannelHandlerFactories" factory-method="newLengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder"> <constructor-arg value="1048576"/> <constructor-arg value="0"/> <constructor-arg value="4"/> <constructor-arg value="0"/> <constructor-arg value="4"/> </bean> <bean class="io.netty.handler.codec.string.StringDecoder"/> </util:list> <util:list id="encoders" list-class="java.util.LinkedList"> <bean class="io.netty.handler.codec.LengthFieldPrepender"> <constructor-arg value="4"/> </bean> <bean class="io.netty.handler.codec.string.StringEncoder"/> </util:list> <bean id="length-encoder" class="io.netty.handler.codec.LengthFieldPrepender"> <constructor-arg value="4"/> </bean> <bean id="string-encoder" class="io.netty.handler.codec.string.StringEncoder"/> <bean id="length-decoder" class="org.apache.camel.component.netty.ChannelHandlerFactories" factory-method="newLengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder"> <constructor-arg value="1048576"/> <constructor-arg value="0"/> <constructor-arg value="4"/> <constructor-arg value="0"/> <constructor-arg value="4"/> </bean> <bean id="string-decoder" class="io.netty.handler.codec.string.StringDecoder"/>
The bean names can then be used in netty endpoint definitions either as a comma separated list or contained in a List e.g.
from("direct:multiple-codec").to("netty:tcp://{{port}}?encoders=#encoders&sync=false"); from("netty:tcp://{{port}}?decoders=#length-decoder,#string-decoder&sync=false").to("mock:multiple-codec");
or via XML.
<camelContext id="multiple-netty-codecs-context" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:multiple-codec"/> <to uri="netty:tcp://"/> </route> <route> <from uri="netty:tcp://,#string-decoder&sync=false"/> <to uri="mock:multiple-codec"/> </route> </camelContext>
35.8. Closing Channel When Complete
When acting as a server you sometimes want to close the channel when, for example, a client conversion is finished.
You can do this by simply setting the endpoint option disconnect=true
However you can also instruct Camel on a per message basis as follows.
To instruct Camel to close the channel, you should add a header with the key CamelNettyCloseChannelWhenComplete
set to a boolean true
For instance, the example below will close the channel after it has written the bye message back to the client:
from("netty:tcp://").process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); exchange.getOut().setBody("Bye " + body); // some condition which determines if we should close if (close) { exchange.getOut().setHeader(NettyConstants.NETTY_CLOSE_CHANNEL_WHEN_COMPLETE, true); } } });
Adding custom channel pipeline factories to gain complete control over a created pipeline.
35.9. Custom pipeline
Custom channel pipelines provide complete control to the user over the handler/interceptor chain by inserting custom handler(s), encoder(s) & decoder(s) without having to specify them in the Netty Endpoint URL in a very simple way.
In order to add a custom pipeline, a custom channel pipeline factory must be created and registered with the context via the context registry (Registry, or the camel-spring ApplicationContextRegistry etc).
A custom pipeline factory must be constructed as follows
A Producer linked channel pipeline factory must extend the abstract class
. -
A Consumer linked channel pipeline factory must extend the abstract class
. -
The classes should override the initChannel() method in order to insert custom handler(s), encoder(s) and decoder(s). Not overriding the
method creates a pipeline with no handlers, encoders or decoders wired to the pipeline.
The example below shows how ServerInitializerFactory factory may be created
35.9.1. Using custom pipeline factory
public class SampleServerInitializerFactory extends ServerInitializerFactory { private int maxLineSize = 1024; protected void initChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = ch.pipeline(); channelPipeline.addLast("encoder-SD", new StringEncoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); channelPipeline.addLast("decoder-DELIM", new DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(maxLineSize, true, Delimiters.lineDelimiter())); channelPipeline.addLast("decoder-SD", new StringDecoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); // here we add the default Camel ServerChannelHandler for the consumer, to allow Camel to route the message etc. channelPipeline.addLast("handler", new ServerChannelHandler(consumer)); } }
The custom channel pipeline factory can then be added to the registry and instantiated/utilized on a camel route in the following way
Registry registry = camelContext.getRegistry(); ServerInitializerFactory factory = new TestServerInitializerFactory(); registry.bind("spf", factory); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { String netty_ssl_endpoint = "netty:tcp://" String return_string = "When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say," + "For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today."; from(netty_ssl_endpoint) .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.getOut().setBody(return_string); } } } });
35.10. Reusing Netty boss and worker thread pools
Netty has two kind of thread pools: boss and worker. By default each Netty consumer and producer has their private thread pools. If you want to reuse these thread pools among multiple consumers or producers then the thread pools must be created and enlisted in the Registry.
For example using Spring XML we can create a shared worker thread pool using the NettyWorkerPoolBuilder
with 2 worker threads as shown below:
<!-- use the worker pool builder to help create the shared thread pool --> <bean id="poolBuilder" class="org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyWorkerPoolBuilder"> <property name="workerCount" value="2"/> </bean> <!-- the shared worker thread pool --> <bean id="sharedPool" class="" factory-bean="poolBuilder" factory-method="build" destroy-method="shutdown"> </bean>
For boss thread pool there is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBossPoolBuilder
builder for Netty consumers, and a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyClientBossPoolBuilder
for the Netty producers.
Then in the Camel routes we can refer to this worker pools by configuring the workerPool
option in the URI as shown below:
<route> <from uri="netty:tcp://"/> <to uri="log:result"/> ... </route>
And if we have another route we can refer to the shared worker pool:
<route> <from uri="netty:tcp://"/> <to uri="log:result"/> ... </route>
and so forth.
35.11. Multiplexing concurrent messages over a single connection with request/reply
When using Netty for request/reply messaging via the netty producer then by default each message is sent via a non-shared connection (pooled). This ensures that replies are automatic being able to map to the correct request thread for further routing in Camel. In other words correlation between request/reply messages happens out-of-the-box because the replies comes back on the same connection that was used for sending the request; and this connection is not shared with others. When the response comes back, the connection is returned back to the connection pool, where it can be reused by others.
However if you want to multiplex concurrent request/responses on a single shared connection, then you need to turn off the connection pooling by setting producerPoolEnabled=false
. Now this means there is a potential issue with interleaved responses if replies comes back out-of-order. Therefore you need to have a correlation id in both the request and reply messages so you can properly correlate the replies to the Camel callback that is responsible for continue processing the message in Camel. To do this you need to implement NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager
as correlation manager and configure it via the correlationManager=#myManager
We recommend extending the TimeoutCorrelationManagerSupport
when you build custom correlation managers. This provides support for timeout and other complexities you otherwise would need to implement as well.
You can find an example with the Apache Camel source code in the examples directory under the camel-example-netty-custom-correlation
35.12. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using netty with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-netty-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 74 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.netty.allow-default-codec | The netty component installs a default codec if both, encoder/decoder is null and textline is false. Setting allowDefaultCodec to false prevents the netty component from installing a default codec as the first element in the filter chain. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.allow-serialized-headers | Only used for TCP when transferExchange is true. When set to true, serializable objects in headers and properties will be added to the exchange. Otherwise Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | Boolean | | Whether or not to auto append missing end delimiter when sending using the textline codec. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.backlog | Allows to configure a backlog for netty consumer (server). Note the backlog is just a best effort depending on the OS. Setting this option to a value such as 200, 500 or 1000, tells the TCP stack how long the accept queue can be If this option is not configured, then the backlog depends on OS setting. | Integer | |
camel.component.netty.boss-count | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default bossCount parameter from Netty, which is 1. User can use this option to override the default bossCount from Netty. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.boss-group | Set the BossGroup which could be used for handling the new connection of the server side across the NettyEndpoint. The option is a type. | EventLoopGroup | |
camel.component.netty.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.broadcast | Setting to choose Multicast over UDP. | false | Boolean | | To use a explicit ChannelGroup. The option is a type. | ChannelGroup | |
camel.component.netty.client-initializer-factory | To use a custom ClientInitializerFactory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.ClientInitializerFactory type. | ClientInitializerFactory | |
camel.component.netty.client-mode | If the clientMode is true, netty consumer will connect the address as a TCP client. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.configuration | To use the NettyConfiguration as configuration when creating endpoints. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyConfiguration type. | NettyConfiguration | |
camel.component.netty.connect-timeout | Time to wait for a socket connection to be available. Value is in milliseconds. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.correlation-manager | To use a custom correlation manager to manage how request and reply messages are mapped when using request/reply with the netty producer. This should only be used if you have a way to map requests together with replies such as if there is correlation ids in both the request and reply messages. This can be used if you want to multiplex concurrent messages on the same channel (aka connection) in netty. When doing this you must have a way to correlate the request and reply messages so you can store the right reply on the inflight Camel Exchange before its continued routed. We recommend extending the TimeoutCorrelationManagerSupport when you build custom correlation managers. This provides support for timeout and other complexities you otherwise would need to implement as well. See also the producerPoolEnabled option for more details. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager type. | NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager | |
camel.component.netty.decoder-max-line-length | The max line length to use for the textline codec. | 1024 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.decoders | A list of decoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | String | |
camel.component.netty.delimiter | The delimiter to use for the textline codec. Possible values are LINE and NULL. | TextLineDelimiter | |
camel.component.netty.disconnect | Whether or not to disconnect(close) from Netty Channel right after use. Can be used for both consumer and producer. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.disconnect-on-no-reply | If sync is enabled then this option dictates NettyConsumer if it should disconnect where there is no reply to send back. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the netty component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.netty.enabled-protocols | Which protocols to enable when using SSL. | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | String |
camel.component.netty.encoders | A list of encoders to be used. You can use a String which have values separated by comma, and have the values be looked up in the Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with # so Camel knows it should lookup. | String | |
camel.component.netty.encoding | The encoding (a charset name) to use for the textline codec. If not provided, Camel will use the JVM default Charset. | String | |
camel.component.netty.executor-service | To use the given EventExecutorGroup. The option is a io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutorGroup type. | EventExecutorGroup | |
camel.component.netty.hostname-verification | To enable/disable hostname verification on SSLEngine. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.keep-alive | Setting to ensure socket is not closed due to inactivity. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.key-store-file | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | |
camel.component.netty.key-store-format | Keystore format to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to JKS if not set. | String | |
camel.component.netty.key-store-resource | Client side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
camel.component.netty.lazy-channel-creation | Channels can be lazily created to avoid exceptions, if the remote server is not up and running when the Camel producer is started. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.maximum-pool-size | Sets a maximum thread pool size for the netty consumer ordered thread pool. The default size is 2 x cpu_core plus 1. Setting this value to eg 10 will then use 10 threads unless 2 x cpu_core plus 1 is a higher value, which then will override and be used. For example if there are 8 cores, then the consumer thread pool will be 17. This thread pool is used to route messages received from Netty by Camel. We use a separate thread pool to ensure ordering of messages and also in case some messages will block, then nettys worker threads (event loop) wont be affected. | Integer | |
camel.component.netty.native-transport | Whether to use native transport instead of NIO. Native transport takes advantage of the host operating system and is only supported on some platforms. You need to add the netty JAR for the host operating system you are using. See more details at: . | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.need-client-auth | Configures whether the server needs client authentication when using SSL. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.netty-server-bootstrap-factory | To use a custom NettyServerBootstrapFactory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBootstrapFactory type. | NettyServerBootstrapFactory | | | When using UDP then this option can be used to specify a network interface by its name, such as eth0 to join a multicast group. | String | | | If sync is enabled this option dictates NettyConsumer which logging level to use when logging a there is no reply to send back. | LoggingLevel | |
camel.component.netty.options | Allows to configure additional netty options using option. as prefix. For example option.child.keepAlive=false to set the netty option child.keepAlive=false. See the Netty documentation for possible options that can be used. | Map | |
camel.component.netty.passphrase | Password setting to use in order to encrypt/decrypt payloads sent using SSH. | String | |
camel.component.netty.producer-pool-enabled | Whether producer pool is enabled or not. Important: If you turn this off then a single shared connection is used for the producer, also if you are doing request/reply. That means there is a potential issue with interleaved responses if replies comes back out-of-order. Therefore you need to have a correlation id in both the request and reply messages so you can properly correlate the replies to the Camel callback that is responsible for continue processing the message in Camel. To do this you need to implement NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager as correlation manager and configure it via the correlationManager option. See also the correlationManager option for more details. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.producer-pool-max-idle | Sets the cap on the number of idle instances in the pool. | 100 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.producer-pool-max-total | Sets the cap on the number of objects that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout) at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit. | -1 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.producer-pool-min-evictable-idle | Sets the minimum amount of time (value in millis) an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor. | 300000 | Long |
camel.component.netty.producer-pool-min-idle | Sets the minimum number of instances allowed in the producer pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. | Integer | |
camel.component.netty.receive-buffer-size | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during inbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.receive-buffer-size-predictor | Configures the buffer size predictor. See details at Jetty documentation and this mail thread. | Integer | |
camel.component.netty.reconnect | Used only in clientMode in consumer, the consumer will attempt to reconnect on disconnection if this is enabled. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.reconnect-interval | Used if reconnect and clientMode is enabled. The interval in milli seconds to attempt reconnection. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.request-timeout | Allows to use a timeout for the Netty producer when calling a remote server. By default no timeout is in use. The value is in milli seconds, so eg 30000 is 30 seconds. The requestTimeout is using Netty’s ReadTimeoutHandler to trigger the timeout. | Long | |
camel.component.netty.reuse-address | Setting to facilitate socket multiplexing. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.reuse-channel | This option allows producers and consumers (in client mode) to reuse the same Netty Channel for the lifecycle of processing the Exchange. This is useful if you need to call a server multiple times in a Camel route and want to use the same network connection. When using this, the channel is not returned to the connection pool until the Exchange is done; or disconnected if the disconnect option is set to true. The reused Channel is stored on the Exchange as an exchange property with the key NettyConstants#NETTY_CHANNEL which allows you to obtain the channel during routing and use it as well. | false | Boolean | | Security provider to be used for payload encryption. Defaults to SunX509 if not set. | String | |
camel.component.netty.send-buffer-size | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during outbound communication. Size is bytes. | 65536 | Integer |
camel.component.netty.server-closed-channel-exception-caught-log-level | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException then its logged using this logging level. This is used to avoid logging the closed channel exceptions, as clients can disconnect abruptly and then cause a flood of closed exceptions in the Netty server. | LoggingLevel | |
camel.component.netty.server-exception-caught-log-level | If the server (NettyConsumer) catches an exception then its logged using this logging level. | LoggingLevel | |
camel.component.netty.server-initializer-factory | To use a custom ServerInitializerFactory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.netty.ServerInitializerFactory type. | ServerInitializerFactory | |
camel.component.netty.ssl | Setting to specify whether SSL encryption is applied to this endpoint. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.ssl-client-cert-headers | When enabled and in SSL mode, then the Netty consumer will enrich the Camel Message with headers having information about the client certificate such as subject name, issuer name, serial number, and the valid date range. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.ssl-context-parameters | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. The option is a type. | SSLContextParameters | |
camel.component.netty.ssl-handler | Reference to a class that could be used to return an SSL Handler. The option is a io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler type. | SslHandler | |
camel.component.netty.sync | Setting to set endpoint as one-way or request-response. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.tcp-no-delay | Setting to improve TCP protocol performance. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.textline | Only used for TCP. If no codec is specified, you can use this flag to indicate a text line based codec; if not specified or the value is false, then Object Serialization is assumed over TCP - however only Strings are allowed to be serialized by default. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.transfer-exchange | Only used for TCP. You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body. The following fields are transferred: In body, Out body, fault body, In headers, Out headers, fault headers, exchange properties, exchange exception. This requires that the objects are serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at WARN level. | false | Boolean | | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. | File | | | Server side certificate keystore to be used for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from different systems. | String | |
camel.component.netty.udp-byte-array-codec | For UDP only. If enabled the using byte array codec instead of Java serialization protocol. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.udp-connectionless-sending | This option supports connection less udp sending which is a real fire and forget. A connected udp send receive the PortUnreachableException if no one is listen on the receiving port. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.use-byte-buf | If the useByteBuf is true, netty producer will turn the message body into ByteBuf before sending it out. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.using-executor-service | Whether to use ordered thread pool, to ensure events are processed orderly on the same channel. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.netty.worker-count | When netty works on nio mode, it uses default workerCount parameter from Netty (which is cpu_core_threads x 2). User can use this option to override the default workerCount from Netty. | Integer | |
camel.component.netty.worker-group | To use a explicit EventLoopGroup as the boss thread pool. For example to share a thread pool with multiple consumers or producers. By default each consumer or producer has their own worker pool with 2 x cpu count core threads. The option is a type. | EventLoopGroup |
Chapter 36. Paho
Both producer and consumer are supported
Paho component provides connector for the MQTT messaging protocol using the Eclipse Paho library. Paho is one of the most popular MQTT libraries, so if you would like to integrate it with your Java project - Camel Paho connector is a way to go.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-paho</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
36.1. URI format
Where topic is the name of the topic.
36.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
36.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
36.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings.
In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
36.3. Component Options
The Paho component supports 31 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
automaticReconnect (common) | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | boolean |
brokerUrl (common) | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
cleanSession (common) | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | boolean |
clientId (common) | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
configuration (common) | To use the shared Paho configuration. | PahoConfiguration | |
connectionTimeout (common) | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | int |
filePersistenceDirectory (common) | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
keepAliveInterval (common) | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | int |
maxInflight (common) | Sets the max inflight. please increase this value in a high traffic environment. The default value is 10. | 10 | int |
maxReconnectDelay (common) | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | int |
mqttVersion (common) | Sets the MQTT version. The default action is to connect with version 3.1.1, and to fall back to 3.1 if that fails. Version 3.1.1 or 3.1 can be selected specifically, with no fall back, by using the MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 or MQTT_VERSION_3_1 options respectively. | int | |
persistence (common) | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. Enum values:
| MEMORY | PahoPersistence |
qos (common) | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | int |
retained (common) | Retain option. | false | boolean |
serverURIs (common) | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
willPayload (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String | |
willQos (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | int | |
willRetained (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | boolean |
willTopic (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use a shared Paho client. | MqttClient | |
customWebSocketHeaders (advanced) | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. | Properties | |
executorServiceTimeout (advanced) | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | int |
httpsHostnameVerificationEnabled (security) | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
socketFactory (security) | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. | SocketFactory | |
sslClientProps (security) | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. | Properties | |
sslHostnameVerifier (security) | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier | |
userName (security) | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String |
36.4. Endpoint Options
The Paho endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
36.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
topic (common) | Required Name of the topic. | String |
36.4.2. Query Parameters (31 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
automaticReconnect (common) | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | boolean |
brokerUrl (common) | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
cleanSession (common) | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | boolean |
clientId (common) | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
connectionTimeout (common) | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | int |
filePersistenceDirectory (common) | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
keepAliveInterval (common) | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | int |
maxInflight (common) | Sets the max inflight. please increase this value in a high traffic environment. The default value is 10. | 10 | int |
maxReconnectDelay (common) | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | int |
mqttVersion (common) | Sets the MQTT version. The default action is to connect with version 3.1.1, and to fall back to 3.1 if that fails. Version 3.1.1 or 3.1 can be selected specifically, with no fall back, by using the MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 or MQTT_VERSION_3_1 options respectively. | int | |
persistence (common) | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. Enum values:
| MEMORY | PahoPersistence |
qos (common) | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | int |
retained (common) | Retain option. | false | boolean |
serverURIs (common) | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
willPayload (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String | |
willQos (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | int | |
willRetained (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | boolean |
willTopic (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use an existing mqtt client. | MqttClient | |
customWebSocketHeaders (advanced) | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. | Properties | |
executorServiceTimeout (advanced) | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | int |
httpsHostnameVerificationEnabled (security) | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
socketFactory (security) | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. | SocketFactory | |
sslClientProps (security) | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. | Properties | |
sslHostnameVerifier (security) | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier | |
userName (security) | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String |
36.5. Headers
The following headers are recognized by the Paho component:
Header | Java constant | Endpoint type | Value type | Description |
CamelMqttTopic | PahoConstants.MQTT_TOPIC | Consumer | String | The name of the topic |
CamelMqttQoS | PahoConstants.MQTT_QOS | Consumer | Integer | QualityOfService of the incoming message |
CamelPahoOverrideTopic | PahoConstants.CAMEL_PAHO_OVERRIDE_TOPIC | Producer | String | Name of topic to override and send to instead of topic specified on endpoint |
36.6. Default payload type
By default Camel Paho component operates on the binary payloads extracted out of (or put into) the MQTT message:
// Receive payload byte[] payload = (byte[]) consumerTemplate.receiveBody("paho:topic"); // Send payload byte[] payload = "message".getBytes(); producerTemplate.sendBody("paho:topic", payload);
But of course Camel build-in type conversion API can perform the automatic data type transformations for you. In the example below Camel automatically converts binary payload into String
(and conversely):
// Receive payload String payload = consumerTemplate.receiveBody("paho:topic", String.class); // Send payload String payload = "message"; producerTemplate.sendBody("paho:topic", payload);
36.7. Samples
For example the following snippet reads messages from the MQTT broker installed on the same host as the Camel router:
from("paho:some/queue") .to("mock:test");
While the snippet below sends message to the MQTT broker:
from("direct:test") .to("paho:some/target/queue");
For example this is how to read messages from the remote MQTT broker:
from("paho:some/queue?brokerUrl=tcp://") .to("mock:test");
And here we override the default topic and set to a dynamic topic
from("direct:test") .setHeader(PahoConstants.CAMEL_PAHO_OVERRIDE_TOPIC, simple("${header.customerId}")) .to("paho:some/target/queue");
36.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using paho with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-paho-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 32 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.paho.automatic-reconnect | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
camel.component.paho.clean-session | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.client | To use a shared Paho client. The option is a org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient type. | MqttClient | |
camel.component.paho.client-id | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
camel.component.paho.configuration | To use the shared Paho configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.paho.PahoConfiguration type. | PahoConfiguration | |
camel.component.paho.connection-timeout | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.custom-web-socket-headers | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. The option is a java.util.Properties type. | Properties | |
camel.component.paho.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the paho component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.paho.executor-service-timeout | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.file-persistence-directory | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
camel.component.paho.https-hostname-verification-enabled | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.keep-alive-interval | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.max-inflight | Sets the max inflight. please increase this value in a high traffic environment. The default value is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.max-reconnect-delay | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.mqtt-version | Sets the MQTT version. The default action is to connect with version 3.1.1, and to fall back to 3.1 if that fails. Version 3.1.1 or 3.1 can be selected specifically, with no fall back, by using the MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 or MQTT_VERSION_3_1 options respectively. | Integer | |
camel.component.paho.password | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
camel.component.paho.persistence | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. | PahoPersistence | |
camel.component.paho.qos | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | Integer |
camel.component.paho.retained | Retain option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.server-u-r-is | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
camel.component.paho.socket-factory | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. The option is a type. | SocketFactory | |
camel.component.paho.ssl-client-props | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. The option is a java.util.Properties type. | Properties | |
camel.component.paho.ssl-hostname-verifier | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. The option is a type. | HostnameVerifier | |
camel.component.paho.user-name | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
camel.component.paho.will-payload | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String | |
camel.component.paho.will-qos | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | Integer | |
camel.component.paho.will-retained | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho.will-topic | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to The byte payload for the message. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). Whether or not the message should be retained. | String |
Chapter 37. Paho MQTT 5
Both producer and consumer are supported
Paho MQTT5 component provides connector for the MQTT messaging protocol using the Eclipse Paho library with MQTT v5. Paho is one of the most popular MQTT libraries, so if you would like to integrate it with your Java project - Camel Paho connector is a way to go.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-paho-mqtt5</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
37.1. URI format
Where topic is the name of the topic.
37.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
37.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
37.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
37.3. Component Options
The Paho MQTT 5 component supports 32 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
automaticReconnect (common) | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | boolean |
brokerUrl (common) | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
cleanStart (common) | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | boolean |
clientId (common) | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
configuration (common) | To use the shared Paho configuration. | PahoMqtt5Configuration | |
connectionTimeout (common) | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | int |
filePersistenceDirectory (common) | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
keepAliveInterval (common) | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | int |
maxReconnectDelay (common) | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | int |
persistence (common) | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. Enum values:
| MEMORY | PahoMqtt5Persistence |
qos (common) | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | int |
receiveMaximum (common) | Sets the Receive Maximum. This value represents the limit of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that the client is willing to process concurrently. There is no mechanism to limit the number of QoS 0 publications that the Server might try to send. The default value is 65535. | 65535 | int |
retained (common) | Retain option. | false | boolean |
serverURIs (common) | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
sessionExpiryInterval (common) | Sets the Session Expiry Interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time that the broker will maintain the session for once the client disconnects. Clients should only connect with a long Session Expiry interval if they intend to connect to the server at some later point in time. By default this value is -1 and so will not be sent, in this case, the session will not expire. If a 0 is sent, the session will end immediately once the Network Connection is closed. When the client has determined that it has no longer any use for the session, it should disconnect with a Session Expiry Interval set to 0. | -1 | long |
willMqttProperties (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The MQTT properties set for the message. | MqttProperties | |
willPayload (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The byte payload for the message. | String | |
willQos (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). | 1 | int |
willRetained (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | boolean |
willTopic (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use a shared Paho client. | MqttClient | |
customWebSocketHeaders (advanced) | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. | Map | |
executorServiceTimeout (advanced) | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | int |
httpsHostnameVerificationEnabled (security) | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
socketFactory (security) | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. | SocketFactory | |
sslClientProps (security) | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. | Properties | |
sslHostnameVerifier (security) | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier | |
userName (security) | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String |
37.4. Endpoint Options
The Paho MQTT 5 endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
37.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
topic (common) | Required Name of the topic. | String |
37.4.2. Query Parameters (32 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
automaticReconnect (common) | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | boolean |
brokerUrl (common) | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
cleanStart (common) | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | boolean |
clientId (common) | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
connectionTimeout (common) | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | int |
filePersistenceDirectory (common) | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
keepAliveInterval (common) | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | int |
maxReconnectDelay (common) | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | int |
persistence (common) | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. Enum values:
| MEMORY | PahoMqtt5Persistence |
qos (common) | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | int |
receiveMaximum (common) | Sets the Receive Maximum. This value represents the limit of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that the client is willing to process concurrently. There is no mechanism to limit the number of QoS 0 publications that the Server might try to send. The default value is 65535. | 65535 | int |
retained (common) | Retain option. | false | boolean |
serverURIs (common) | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
sessionExpiryInterval (common) | Sets the Session Expiry Interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time that the broker will maintain the session for once the client disconnects. Clients should only connect with a long Session Expiry interval if they intend to connect to the server at some later point in time. By default this value is -1 and so will not be sent, in this case, the session will not expire. If a 0 is sent, the session will end immediately once the Network Connection is closed. When the client has determined that it has no longer any use for the session, it should disconnect with a Session Expiry Interval set to 0. | -1 | long |
willMqttProperties (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The MQTT properties set for the message. | MqttProperties | |
willPayload (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The byte payload for the message. | String | |
willQos (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). | 1 | int |
willRetained (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | boolean |
willTopic (common) | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
client (advanced) | To use an existing mqtt client. | MqttClient | |
customWebSocketHeaders (advanced) | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. | Map | |
executorServiceTimeout (advanced) | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | int |
httpsHostnameVerificationEnabled (security) | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | boolean |
password (security) | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
socketFactory (security) | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. | SocketFactory | |
sslClientProps (security) | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. | Properties | |
sslHostnameVerifier (security) | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. | HostnameVerifier | |
userName (security) | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String |
37.5. Headers
The following headers are recognized by the Paho component:
Header | Java constant | Endpoint type | Value type | Description |
CamelMqttTopic | PahoConstants.MQTT_TOPIC | Consumer | String | The name of the topic |
CamelMqttQoS | PahoConstants.MQTT_QOS | Consumer | Integer | QualityOfService of the incoming message |
CamelPahoOverrideTopic | PahoConstants.CAMEL_PAHO_OVERRIDE_TOPIC | Producer | String | Name of topic to override and send to instead of topic specified on endpoint |
37.6. Default payload type
By default Camel Paho component operates on the binary payloads extracted out of (or put into) the MQTT message:
// Receive payload byte[] payload = (byte[]) consumerTemplate.receiveBody("paho:topic"); // Send payload byte[] payload = "message".getBytes(); producerTemplate.sendBody("paho:topic", payload);
But of course Camel build-in type conversion API can perform the automatic data type transformations for you. In the example below Camel automatically converts binary payload into String
(and conversely):
// Receive payload String payload = consumerTemplate.receiveBody("paho:topic", String.class); // Send payload String payload = "message"; producerTemplate.sendBody("paho:topic", payload);
37.7. Samples
For example the following snippet reads messages from the MQTT broker installed on the same host as the Camel router:
from("paho:some/queue") .to("mock:test");
While the snippet below sends message to the MQTT broker:
from("direct:test") .to("paho:some/target/queue");
For example this is how to read messages from the remote MQTT broker:
from("paho:some/queue?brokerUrl=tcp://") .to("mock:test");
And here we override the default topic and set to a dynamic topic
from("direct:test") .setHeader(PahoConstants.CAMEL_PAHO_OVERRIDE_TOPIC, simple("${header.customerId}")) .to("paho:some/target/queue");
37.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using paho-mqtt5 with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-paho-mqtt5-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 33 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.automatic-reconnect | Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the connection is lost. If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server. It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | The URL of the MQTT broker. | tcp://localhost:1883 | String |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.clean-start | Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects. If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained: Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted. The server will treat a subscription as durable. If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted The server will treat a subscription as non-durable. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.client | To use a shared Paho client. The option is a org.eclipse.paho.mqttv5.client.MqttClient type. | MqttClient | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.client-id | MQTT client identifier. The identifier must be unique. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.configuration | To use the shared Paho configuration. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.paho.mqtt5.PahoMqtt5Configuration type. | PahoMqtt5Configuration | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.connection-timeout | Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server to be established. The default timeout is 30 seconds. A value of 0 disables timeout processing meaning the client will wait until the network connection is made successfully or fails. | 30 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.custom-web-socket-headers | Sets the Custom WebSocket Headers for the WebSocket Connection. | Map | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the paho-mqtt5 component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.executor-service-timeout | Set the time in seconds that the executor service should wait when terminating before forcefully terminating. It is not recommended to change this value unless you are absolutely sure that you need to. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.file-persistence-directory | Base directory used by file persistence. Will by default use user directory. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.https-hostname-verification-enabled | Whether SSL HostnameVerifier is enabled or not. The default value is true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.keep-alive-interval | Sets the keep alive interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small ping message, which the server will acknowledge. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing in the client. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.max-reconnect-delay | Get the maximum time (in millis) to wait between reconnects. | 128000 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.password | Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.persistence | Client persistence to be used - memory or file. | PahoMqtt5Persistence | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.qos | Client quality of service level (0-2). | 2 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.receive-maximum | Sets the Receive Maximum. This value represents the limit of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that the client is willing to process concurrently. There is no mechanism to limit the number of QoS 0 publications that the Server might try to send. The default value is 65535. | 65535 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.retained | Retain option. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.server-u-r-is | Set a list of one or more serverURIs the client may connect to. Multiple servers can be separated by comma. Each serverURI specifies the address of a server that the client may connect to. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS. For example: tcp://localhost:1883 ssl://localhost:8883 If the port is not specified, it will default to 1883 for tcp:// URIs, and 8883 for ssl:// URIs. If serverURIs is set then it overrides the serverURI parameter passed in on the constructor of the MQTT client. When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails. Specifying a list of servers that a client may connect to has several uses: High Availability and reliable message delivery Some MQTT servers support a high availability feature where two or more equal MQTT servers share state. An MQTT client can connect to any of the equal servers and be assured that messages are reliably delivered and durable subscriptions are maintained no matter which server the client connects to. The cleansession flag must be set to false if durable subscriptions and/or reliable message delivery is required. Hunt List A set of servers may be specified that are not equal (as in the high availability option). As no state is shared across the servers reliable message delivery and durable subscriptions are not valid. The cleansession flag must be set to true if the hunt list mode is used. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.session-expiry-interval | Sets the Session Expiry Interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time that the broker will maintain the session for once the client disconnects. Clients should only connect with a long Session Expiry interval if they intend to connect to the server at some later point in time. By default this value is -1 and so will not be sent, in this case, the session will not expire. If a 0 is sent, the session will end immediately once the Network Connection is closed. When the client has determined that it has no longer any use for the session, it should disconnect with a Session Expiry Interval set to 0. | -1 | Long |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.socket-factory | Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings. The option is a type. | SocketFactory | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.ssl-client-props | Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a custom SocketFactory has been set. The following properties can be used: One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS. Underlying JSSE provider. For example IBMJSSE2 or SunJSSE The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12 The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. Type of key store, for example PKCS12, JKS, or JCEKS. Key store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method: password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords. The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as keyStoreType. Trust store provider, for example IBMJCE or IBMJCEFIPS. A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: IbmX509 or IBMJ9X509. Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: PKIX or IBMJ9X509. The option is a java.util.Properties type. | Properties | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.ssl-hostname-verifier | Sets the HostnameVerifier for the SSL connection. Note that it will be used after handshake on a connection and you should do actions by yourself when hostname is verified error. There is no default HostnameVerifier. The option is a type. | HostnameVerifier | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.user-name | Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.will-mqtt-properties | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The MQTT properties set for the message. The option is a org.eclipse.paho.mqttv5.common.packet.MqttProperties type. | MqttProperties | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.will-payload | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The byte payload for the message. | String | |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.will-qos | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2). | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.will-retained | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. Whether or not the message should be retained. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.paho-mqtt5.will-topic | Sets the Last Will and Testament (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details. The topic to publish to. | String |
Chapter 38. Quartz
Only consumer is supported
The Quartz component provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the Quartz Scheduler 2.x. Each endpoint represents a different timer (in Quartz terms, a Trigger and JobDetail).
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-quartz</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
38.1. URI format
quartz://timerName?options quartz://groupName/timerName?options quartz://groupName/timerName?cron=expression quartz://timerName?cron=expression
The component uses either a CronTrigger
or a SimpleTrigger
. If no cron expression is provided, the component uses a simple trigger. If no groupName
is provided, the quartz component uses the Camel
group name.
38.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
38.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
38.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
38.3. Component Options
The Quartz component supports 13 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
enableJmx (consumer) | Whether to enable Quartz JMX which allows to manage the Quartz scheduler from JMX. This options is default true. | true | boolean |
prefixInstanceName (consumer) | Whether to prefix the Quartz Scheduler instance name with the CamelContext name. This is enabled by default, to let each CamelContext use its own Quartz scheduler instance by default. You can set this option to false to reuse Quartz scheduler instances between multiple CamelContext’s. | true | boolean |
prefixJobNameWithEndpointId (consumer) | Whether to prefix the quartz job with the endpoint id. This option is default false. | false | boolean |
properties (consumer) | Properties to configure the Quartz scheduler. | Map | |
propertiesFile (consumer) | File name of the properties to load from the classpath. | String | |
propertiesRef (consumer) | References to an existing Properties or Map to lookup in the registry to use for configuring quartz. | String | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
scheduler (advanced) | To use the custom configured Quartz scheduler, instead of creating a new Scheduler. | Scheduler | |
schedulerFactory (advanced) | To use the custom SchedulerFactory which is used to create the Scheduler. | SchedulerFactory | |
autoStartScheduler (scheduler) | Whether or not the scheduler should be auto started. This options is default true. | true | boolean |
interruptJobsOnShutdown (scheduler) | Whether to interrupt jobs on shutdown which forces the scheduler to shutdown quicker and attempt to interrupt any running jobs. If this is enabled then any running jobs can fail due to being interrupted. When a job is interrupted then Camel will mark the exchange to stop continue routing and set java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException as caused exception. Therefore use this with care, as its often better to allow Camel jobs to complete and shutdown gracefully. | false | boolean |
startDelayedSeconds (scheduler) | Seconds to wait before starting the quartz scheduler. | int |
38.4. Endpoint Options
The Quartz endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
38.4.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
groupName (consumer) | The quartz group name to use. The combination of group name and trigger name should be unique. | Camel | String |
triggerName (consumer) | Required The quartz trigger name to use. The combination of group name and trigger name should be unique. | String |
38.4.2. Query Parameters (17 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
cron (consumer) | Specifies a cron expression to define when to trigger. | String | |
deleteJob (consumer) | If set to true, then the trigger automatically delete when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true. | true | boolean |
durableJob (consumer) | Whether or not the job should remain stored after it is orphaned (no triggers point to it). | false | boolean |
pauseJob (consumer) | If set to true, then the trigger automatically pauses when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true. | false | boolean |
recoverableJob (consumer) | Instructs the scheduler whether or not the job should be re-executed if a 'recovery' or 'fail-over' situation is encountered. | false | boolean |
stateful (consumer) | Uses a Quartz PersistJobDataAfterExecution and DisallowConcurrentExecution instead of the default job. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
customCalendar (advanced) | Specifies a custom calendar to avoid specific range of date. | Calendar | |
jobParameters (advanced) | To configure additional options on the job. | Map | |
prefixJobNameWithEndpointId (advanced) | Whether the job name should be prefixed with endpoint id. | false | boolean |
triggerParameters (advanced) | To configure additional options on the trigger. | Map | |
usingFixedCamelContextName (advanced) | If it is true, JobDataMap uses the CamelContext name directly to reference the CamelContext, if it is false, JobDataMap uses use the CamelContext management name which could be changed during the deploy time. | false | boolean |
autoStartScheduler (scheduler) | Whether or not the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
startDelayedSeconds (scheduler) | Seconds to wait before starting the quartz scheduler. | int | |
triggerStartDelay (scheduler) | In case of scheduler has already started, we want the trigger start slightly after current time to ensure endpoint is fully started before the job kicks in. Negative value shifts trigger start time in the past. | 500 | long |
38.4.3. Configuring file
By default Quartz will look for a
file in the org/quartz
directory of the classpath. If you are using WAR deployments this means just drop the in WEB-INF/classes/org/quartz
However the Camel Quartz component also allows you to configure properties:
Parameter | Default | Type | Description |
You can configure a |
| File name of the properties to load from the classpath |
To do this you can configure this in Spring XML as follows
<bean id="quartz" class="org.apache.camel.component.quartz.QuartzComponent"> <property name="propertiesFile" value="com/mycompany/"/> </bean>
38.5. Enabling Quartz scheduler in JMX
You need to configure the quartz scheduler properties to enable JMX.
That is typically setting the option "org.quartz.scheduler.jmx.export"
to a true
value in the configuration file.
This option is set to true by default, unless explicitly disabled.
38.6. Starting the Quartz scheduler
The Quartz component offers an option to let the Quartz scheduler be started delayed, or not auto started at all.
This is an example:
<bean id="quartz" class="org.apache.camel.component.quartz.QuartzComponent"> <property name="startDelayedSeconds" value="5"/> </bean>
38.7. Clustering
If you use Quartz in clustered mode, e.g. the JobStore
is clustered. Then the Quartz component will not pause/remove triggers when a node is being stopped/shutdown. This allows the trigger to keep running on the other nodes in the cluster.
When running in clustered node no checking is done to ensure unique job name/group for endpoints.
38.8. Message Headers
Camel adds the getters from the Quartz Execution Context as header values. The following headers are added:calendar
, fireTime
, jobDetail
, jobInstance
, jobRuntTime
, mergedJobDataMap
, nextFireTime
, previousFireTime
, refireCount
, result
, scheduledFireTime
, scheduler
, trigger
, triggerName
, triggerGroup
The fireTime
header contains the java.util.Date
of when the exchange was fired.
38.9. Using Cron Triggers
Quartz supports Cron-like expressions for specifying timers in a handy format. You can use these expressions in the cron
URI parameter; though to preserve valid URI encoding we allow +
to be used instead of spaces.
For example, the following will fire a message every five minutes starting at 12pm (noon) to 6pm on weekdays:
from("quartz://myGroup/myTimerName?cron=0+0/5+12-18+?+*+MON-FRI") .to("activemq:Totally.Rocks");
which is equivalent to using the cron expression
0 0/5 12-18 ? * MON-FRI
The following table shows the URI character encodings we use to preserve valid URI syntax:
URI Character | Cron character |
| Space |
38.10. Specifying time zone
The Quartz Scheduler allows you to configure time zone per trigger. For example to use a timezone of your country, then you can do as follows:
The timeZone value is the values accepted by java.util.TimeZone
38.11. Configuring misfire instructions
The quartz scheduler can be configured with a misfire instruction to handle misfire situations for the trigger. The concrete trigger type that you are using will have defined a set of additional MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_XXX
constants that may be set as this property’s value.
For example to configure the simple trigger to use misfire instruction 4:
And likewise you can configure the cron trigger with one of its misfire instructions as well:
The simple and cron triggers has the following misfire instructions representative:
38.11.1. SimpleTrigger.MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_NOW = 1 (default)
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be fired now by Scheduler.
This instruction should typically only be used for 'one-shot' (non-repeating) Triggers. If it is used on a trigger with a repeat count > 0 then it is equivalent to the instruction MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_RESCHEDULE_NOW_WITH_REMAINING_REPEAT_COUNT.
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to 'now' (even if the associated Calendar excludes 'now') with the repeat count left as-is. This does obey the Trigger end-time however, so if 'now' is after the end-time the Trigger will not fire again.
Use of this instruction causes the trigger to 'forget' the start-time and repeat-count that it was originally setup with (this is only an issue if you for some reason wanted to be able to tell what the original values were at some later time).
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to 'now' (even if the associated Calendar excludes 'now') with the repeat count set to what it would be, if it had not missed any firings. This does obey the Trigger end-time however, so if 'now' is after the end-time the Trigger will not fire again.
Use of this instruction causes the trigger to 'forget' the start-time and repeat-count that it was originally setup with. Instead, the repeat count on the trigger will be changed to whatever the remaining repeat count is (this is only an issue if you for some reason wanted to be able to tell what the original values were at some later time).
This instruction could cause the Trigger to go to the 'COMPLETE' state after firing 'now', if all the repeat-fire-times where missed.
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to the next scheduled time after 'now' - taking into account any associated Calendar and with the repeat count set to what it would be, if it had not missed any firings.
This instruction could cause the Trigger to go directly to the 'COMPLETE' state if all fire-times where missed.
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to the next scheduled time after 'now' - taking into account any associated Calendar, and with the repeat count left unchanged.
This instruction could cause the Trigger to go directly to the 'COMPLETE' state if the end-time of the trigger has arrived.
38.11.6. CronTrigger.MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_ONCE_NOW = 1 (default)
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the CronTrigger wants to be fired now by Scheduler.
Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the CronTrigger wants to have it’s next-fire-time updated to the next time in the schedule after the current time (taking into account any associated Calendar but it does not want to be fired now.
38.12. Using QuartzScheduledPollConsumerScheduler
The Quartz component provides a Polling Consumer scheduler which allows to use cron based scheduling for Polling Consumer such as the File and FTP consumers.
For example to use a cron based expression to poll for files every 2nd second, then a Camel route can be define simply as:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=quartz&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?") .to("bean:process");
Notice we define the scheduler=quartz
to instruct Camel to use the Quartz based scheduler. Then we use
options to configure the scheduler. The Quartz scheduler requires the cron option to be set.
The following options is supported:
Parameter | Default | Type | Description |
| To use a custom Quartz scheduler. If none configure then the shared scheduler from the component is used. |
| Mandatory: To define the cron expression for triggering the polls. |
| To specify the trigger id. If none provided then an UUID is generated and used. |
| To specify the trigger group. |
| The time zone to use for the CRON trigger. |
Remember configuring these options from the endpoint URIs must be prefixed with scheduler
For example to configure the trigger id and group:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=quartz&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?&scheduler.triggerId=myId&scheduler.triggerGroup=myGroup") .to("bean:process");
There is also a CRON scheduler in Spring, so you can use the following as well:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=spring&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?") .to("bean:process");
38.13. Cron Component Support
The Quartz component can be used as implementation of the Camel Cron component.
Maven users will need to add the following additional dependency to their pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-cron</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Users can then use the cron component instead of the quartz component, as in the following route:
from("cron://name?schedule=0+0/5+12-18+?+*+MON-FRI") .to("activemq:Totally.Rocks");
38.14. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using quartz with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-quartz-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 14 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Whether or not the scheduler should be auto started. This options is default true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.enable-jmx | Whether to enable Quartz JMX which allows to manage the Quartz scheduler from JMX. This options is default true. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the quartz component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.quartz.interrupt-jobs-on-shutdown | Whether to interrupt jobs on shutdown which forces the scheduler to shutdown quicker and attempt to interrupt any running jobs. If this is enabled then any running jobs can fail due to being interrupted. When a job is interrupted then Camel will mark the exchange to stop continue routing and set java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException as caused exception. Therefore use this with care, as its often better to allow Camel jobs to complete and shutdown gracefully. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.prefix-instance-name | Whether to prefix the Quartz Scheduler instance name with the CamelContext name. This is enabled by default, to let each CamelContext use its own Quartz scheduler instance by default. You can set this option to false to reuse Quartz scheduler instances between multiple CamelContext’s. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.quartz.prefix-job-name-with-endpoint-id | Whether to prefix the quartz job with the endpoint id. This option is default false. | false | Boolean | | Properties to configure the Quartz scheduler. | Map | | | File name of the properties to load from the classpath. | String | | | References to an existing Properties or Map to lookup in the registry to use for configuring quartz. | String | |
camel.component.quartz.scheduler | To use the custom configured Quartz scheduler, instead of creating a new Scheduler. The option is a org.quartz.Scheduler type. | Scheduler | |
camel.component.quartz.scheduler-factory | To use the custom SchedulerFactory which is used to create the Scheduler. The option is a org.quartz.SchedulerFactory type. | SchedulerFactory | |
camel.component.quartz.start-delayed-seconds | Seconds to wait before starting the quartz scheduler. | Integer |
Chapter 39. Ref
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Ref component is used for lookup of existing endpoints bound in the Registry.
39.1. URI format
Where someName is the name of an endpoint in the Registry (usually, but not always, the Spring registry). If you are using the Spring registry, someName
would be the bean ID of an endpoint in the Spring registry.
39.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
39.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
39.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
39.3. Component Options
The Ref component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
39.4. Endpoint Options
The Ref endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
39.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required Name of endpoint to lookup in the registry. | String |
39.4.2. Query Parameters (4 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
39.5. Runtime lookup
This component can be used when you need dynamic discovery of endpoints in the Registry where you can compute the URI at runtime. Then you can look up the endpoint using the following code:
// lookup the endpoint String myEndpointRef = "bigspenderOrder"; Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("ref:" + myEndpointRef); Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer(); Exchange exchange = producer.createExchange(); exchange.getIn().setBody(payloadToSend); // send the exchange producer.process(exchange);
And you could have a list of endpoints defined in the Registry such as:
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <endpoint id="normalOrder" uri="activemq:order.slow"/> <endpoint id="bigspenderOrder" uri="activemq:order.high"/> </camelContext>
39.6. Sample
In the sample below we use the ref:
in the URI to reference the endpoint with the spring ID, endpoint2
You could, of course, have used the ref
attribute instead:
<to uri="ref:endpoint2"/>
Which is the more common way to write it.
39.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using ref with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-ref-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.ref.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.ref.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.ref.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 40. REST
Both producer and consumer are supported
The REST component allows to define REST endpoints (consumer) using the Rest DSL and plugin to other Camel components as the REST transport.
The rest component can also be used as a client (producer) to call REST services.
40.1. URI format
40.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
40.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
40.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
40.3. Component Options
The REST component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
consumerComponentName (consumer) | The Camel Rest component to use for (consumer) the REST transport, such as jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | |
apiDoc (producer) | The swagger api doc resource to use. The resource is loaded from classpath by default and must be in JSON format. | String | |
componentName (producer) | Deprecated The Camel Rest component to use for (producer) the REST transport, such as http, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | |
host (producer) | Host and port of HTTP service to use (override host in swagger schema). | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
producerComponentName (producer) | The Camel Rest component to use for (producer) the REST transport, such as http, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
40.4. Endpoint Options
The REST endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
40.4.1. Path Parameters (3 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
method (common) | Required HTTP method to use. Enum values:
| String | |
path (common) | Required The base path. | String | |
uriTemplate (common) | The uri template. | String |
40.4.2. Query Parameters (16 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
consumes (common) | Media type such as: 'text/xml', or 'application/json' this REST service accepts. By default we accept all kinds of types. | String | |
inType (common) | To declare the incoming POJO binding type as a FQN class name. | String | |
outType (common) | To declare the outgoing POJO binding type as a FQN class name. | String | |
produces (common) | Media type such as: 'text/xml', or 'application/json' this REST service returns. | String | |
routeId (common) | Name of the route this REST services creates. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
consumerComponentName (consumer) | The Camel Rest component to use for (consumer) the REST transport, such as jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | |
description (consumer) | Human description to document this REST service. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
apiDoc (producer) | The openapi api doc resource to use. The resource is loaded from classpath by default and must be in JSON format. | String | |
bindingMode (producer) | Configures the binding mode for the producer. If set to anything other than 'off' the producer will try to convert the body of the incoming message from inType to the json or xml, and the response from json or xml to outType. Enum values:
| RestBindingMode | |
host (producer) | Host and port of HTTP service to use (override host in openapi schema). | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
producerComponentName (producer) | The Camel Rest component to use for (producer) the REST transport, such as http, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | |
queryParameters (producer) | Query parameters for the HTTP service to call. The query parameters can contain multiple parameters separated by ampersand such such as foo=123&bar=456. | String |
40.5. Supported rest components
The following components support rest consumer (Rest DSL):
- camel-servlet
The following components support rest producer:
- camel-http
40.6. Path and uriTemplate syntax
The path and uriTemplate option is defined using a REST syntax where you define the REST context path using support for parameters.
If no uriTemplate is configured then path option works the same way. It does not matter if you configure only path or if you configure both options. Though configuring both a path and uriTemplate is a more common practice with REST.
The following is a Camel route using a path only
from("rest:get:hello") .transform().constant("Bye World");
And the following route uses a parameter which is mapped to a Camel header with the key "me".
from("rest:get:hello/{me}") .transform().simple("Bye ${}");
The following examples have configured a base path as "hello" and then have two REST services configured using uriTemplates.
from("rest:get:hello:/{me}") .transform().simple("Hi ${}"); from("rest:get:hello:/french/{me}") .transform().simple("Bonjour ${}");
40.7. Rest producer examples
You can use the rest component to call REST services like any other Camel component.
For example to call a REST service on using hello/{me}
you can do
from("direct:start") .to("rest:get:hello/{me}");
And then the dynamic value {me}
is mapped to Camel message with the same name. So to call this REST service you can send an empty message body and a header as shown:
template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", null, "me", "Donald Duck");
The Rest producer needs to know the hostname and port of the REST service, which you can configure using the host option as shown:
from("direct:start") .to("rest:get:hello/{me}?host=myserver:8080/foo");
Instead of using the host option, you can configure the host on the restConfiguration
as shown:
restConfiguration().host("myserver:8080/foo"); from("direct:start") .to("rest:get:hello/{me}");
You can use the producerComponent
to select which Camel component to use as the HTTP client, for example to use http you can do:
restConfiguration().host("myserver:8080/foo").producerComponent("http"); from("direct:start") .to("rest:get:hello/{me}");
40.8. Rest producer binding
The REST producer supports binding using JSon or XML like the rest-dsl does.
For example to use jetty with json binding mode turned on you can configure this in the rest configuration:
restConfiguration().component("jetty").host("localhost").port(8080).bindingMode(RestBindingMode.json); from("direct:start") .to("rest:post:user");
Then when calling the REST service using rest producer it will automatic bind any POJOs to json before calling the REST service:
UserPojo user = new UserPojo(); user.setId(123); user.setName("Donald Duck"); template.sendBody("direct:start", user);
In the example above we send a POJO instance UserPojo
as the message body. And because we have turned on JSon binding in the rest configuration, then the POJO will be marshalled from POJO to JSon before calling the REST service.
However if you want to also perform binding for the response message (eg what the REST service send back as response) you would need to configure the outType
option to specify what is the classname of the POJO to unmarshal from JSon to POJO.
For example if the REST service returns a JSon payload that binds to
you can configure this as shown:
restConfiguration().component("jetty").host("localhost").port(8080).bindingMode(RestBindingMode.json); from("direct:start") .to("rest:post:user?");
You must configure outType
option if you want POJO binding to happen for the response messages received from calling the REST service.
40.9. More examples
See Rest DSL which offers more examples and how you can use the Rest DSL to define those in a nicer RESTful way.
There is a camel-example-servlet-rest-tomcat example in the Apache Camel distribution, that demonstrates how to use the Rest DSL with SERVLET as transport that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat, or similar web containers.
40.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using rest with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-rest-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 12 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | Whether to enable auto configuration of the rest-api component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | The swagger api doc resource to use. The resource is loaded from classpath by default and must be in JSON format. | String | | | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean | | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for (consumer) the REST transport, such as jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Whether to enable auto configuration of the rest component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Host and port of HTTP service to use (override host in swagger schema). | String | | | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for (producer) the REST transport, such as http, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Deprecated The Camel Rest component to use for (producer) the REST transport, such as http, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String |
Chapter 41. Saga
Only producer is supported
The Saga component provides a bridge to execute custom actions within a route using the Saga EIP.
The component should be used for advanced tasks, such as deciding to complete or compensate a Saga with completionMode set to MANUAL.
Refer to the Saga EIP documentation for help on using sagas in common scenarios.
41.1. URI format
41.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
41.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
41.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
41.3. Component Options
The Saga component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
41.4. Endpoint Options
The Saga endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
41.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
action (producer) | Required Action to execute (complete or compensate). Enum values:
| SagaEndpointAction |
41.4.2. Query Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
41.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using saga with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-saga-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.saga.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.saga.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the saga component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.saga.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 42. Salesforce
Both producer and consumer are supported
This component supports producer and consumer endpoints to communicate with Salesforce using Java DTOs.
There is a companion maven plugin Camel Salesforce Plugin that generates these DTOs (see further below).
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-salesforce</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Developers wishing to contribute to the component are instructed to look at the file on instructions on how to get started and setup your environment for running integration tests.
42.1. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
42.1.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
42.1.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
42.2. Component Options
The Salesforce component supports 90 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
apexMethod (common) | APEX method name. | String | |
apexQueryParams (common) | Query params for APEX method. | Map | |
apiVersion (common) | Salesforce API version. | 53.0 | String |
backoffIncrement (common) | Backoff interval increment for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. | 1000 | long |
batchId (common) | Bulk API Batch ID. | String | |
contentType (common) | Bulk API content type, one of XML, CSV, ZIP_XML, ZIP_CSV. Enum values:
| ContentType | |
defaultReplayId (common) | Default replayId setting if no value is found in initialReplayIdMap. | -1 | Long |
fallBackReplayId (common) | ReplayId to fall back to after an Invalid Replay Id response. | -1 | Long |
format (common) | Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls, either JSON or XML, defaults to JSON. As of Camel 3.12, this option only applies to the Raw operation. Enum values:
| PayloadFormat | |
httpClient (common) | Custom Jetty Http Client to use to connect to Salesforce. | SalesforceHttpClient | |
httpClientConnectionTimeout (common) | Connection timeout used by the HttpClient when connecting to the Salesforce server. | 60000 | long |
httpClientIdleTimeout (common) | Timeout used by the HttpClient when waiting for response from the Salesforce server. | 10000 | long |
httpMaxContentLength (common) | Max content length of an HTTP response. | Integer | |
httpRequestBufferSize (common) | HTTP request buffer size. May need to be increased for large SOQL queries. | 8192 | Integer |
includeDetails (common) | Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report, defaults to false. | Boolean | |
initialReplayIdMap (common) | Replay IDs to start from per channel name. | Map | |
instanceId (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID. | String | |
jobId (common) | Bulk API Job ID. | String | |
limit (common) | Limit on number of returned records. Applicable to some of the API, check the Salesforce documentation. | Integer | |
locator (common) | Locator provided by salesforce Bulk 2.0 API for use in getting results for a Query job. | String | |
maxBackoff (common) | Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. | 30000 | long |
maxRecords (common) | The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for a Bulk 2.0 Query. The request is still subject to the size limits. If you are working with a very large number of query results, you may experience a timeout before receiving all the data from Salesforce. To prevent a timeout, specify the maximum number of records your client is expecting to receive in the maxRecords parameter. This splits the results into smaller sets with this value as the maximum size. | Integer | |
notFoundBehaviour (common) | Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API. Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the default. Enum values:
| EXCEPTION | NotFoundBehaviour |
notifyForFields (common) | Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE. Enum values:
| NotifyForFieldsEnum | |
notifyForOperationCreate (common) | Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperationDelete (common) | Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperations (common) | Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version 29.0). Enum values:
| NotifyForOperationsEnum | |
notifyForOperationUndelete (common) | Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperationUpdate (common) | Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
objectMapper (common) | Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing/deserializing Salesforce objects. | ObjectMapper | |
packages (common) | In what packages are the generated DTO classes. Typically the classes would be generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. Set it if using the generated DTOs to gain the benefit of using short SObject names in parameters/header values. Multiple packages can be separated by comma. | String | |
pkChunking (common) | Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs PK chunking automatically, if necessary. | Boolean | |
pkChunkingChunkSize (common) | Chunk size for use with PK Chunking. If unspecified, salesforce default is 100,000. Maximum size is 250,000. | Integer | |
pkChunkingParent (common) | Specifies the parent object when you’re enabling PK chunking for queries on sharing objects. The chunks are based on the parent object’s records rather than the sharing object’s records. For example, when querying on AccountShare, specify Account as the parent object. PK chunking is supported for sharing objects as long as the parent object is supported. | String | |
pkChunkingStartRow (common) | Specifies the 15-character or 18-character record ID to be used as the lower boundary for the first chunk. Use this parameter to specify a starting ID when restarting a job that failed between batches. | String | |
queryLocator (common) | Query Locator provided by salesforce for use when a query results in more records than can be retrieved in a single call. Use this value in a subsequent call to retrieve additional records. | String | |
rawPayload (common) | Use raw payload String for request and response (either JSON or XML depending on format), instead of DTOs, false by default. | false | boolean |
reportId (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report Id. | String | |
reportMetadata (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for filtering. | ReportMetadata | |
resultId (common) | Bulk API Result ID. | String | |
sObjectBlobFieldName (common) | SObject blob field name. | String | |
sObjectClass (common) | Fully qualified SObject class name, usually generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. | String | |
sObjectFields (common) | SObject fields to retrieve. | String | |
sObjectId (common) | SObject ID if required by API. | String | |
sObjectIdName (common) | SObject external ID field name. | String | |
sObjectIdValue (common) | SObject external ID field value. | String | |
sObjectName (common) | SObject name if required or supported by API. | String | |
sObjectQuery (common) | Salesforce SOQL query string. | String | |
sObjectSearch (common) | Salesforce SOSL search string. | String | |
updateTopic (common) | Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using the Streaming API, defaults to false. | false | boolean |
config (common (advanced)) | Global endpoint configuration - use to set values that are common to all endpoints. | SalesforceEndpointConfig | |
httpClientProperties (common (advanced)) | Used to set any properties that can be configured on the underlying HTTP client. Have a look at properties of SalesforceHttpClient and the Jetty HttpClient for all available options. | Map | |
longPollingTransportProperties (common (advanced)) | Used to set any properties that can be configured on the LongPollingTransport used by the BayeuxClient (CometD) used by the streaming api. | Map | |
workerPoolMaxSize (common (advanced)) | Maximum size of the thread pool used to handle HTTP responses. | 20 | int |
workerPoolSize (common (advanced)) | Size of the thread pool used to handle HTTP responses. | 10 | int |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
allOrNone (producer) | Composite API option to indicate to rollback all records if any are not successful. | false | boolean |
apexUrl (producer) | APEX method URL. | String | |
compositeMethod (producer) | Composite (raw) method. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
rawHttpHeaders (producer) | Comma separated list of message headers to include as HTTP parameters for Raw operation. | String | |
rawMethod (producer) | HTTP method to use for the Raw operation. | String | |
rawPath (producer) | The portion of the endpoint URL after the domain name. E.g., '/services/data/v52.0/sobjects/Account/'. | String | |
rawQueryParameters (producer) | Comma separated list of message headers to include as query parameters for Raw operation. Do not url-encode values as this will be done automatically. | String | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
httpProxyExcludedAddresses (proxy) | A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should not be used. | Set | |
httpProxyHost (proxy) | Hostname of the HTTP proxy server to use. | String | |
httpProxyIncludedAddresses (proxy) | A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should be used. | Set | |
httpProxyPort (proxy) | Port number of the HTTP proxy server to use. | Integer | |
httpProxySocks4 (proxy) | If set to true the configures the HTTP proxy to use as a SOCKS4 proxy. | false | boolean |
authenticationType (security) | Explicit authentication method to be used, one of USERNAME_PASSWORD, REFRESH_TOKEN or JWT. Salesforce component can auto-determine the authentication method to use from the properties set, set this property to eliminate any ambiguity. Enum values:
| AuthenticationType | |
clientId (security) | Required OAuth Consumer Key of the connected app configured in the Salesforce instance setup. Typically a connected app needs to be configured but one can be provided by installing a package. | String | |
clientSecret (security) | OAuth Consumer Secret of the connected app configured in the Salesforce instance setup. | String | |
httpProxyAuthUri (security) | Used in authentication against the HTTP proxy server, needs to match the URI of the proxy server in order for the httpProxyUsername and httpProxyPassword to be used for authentication. | String | |
httpProxyPassword (security) | Password to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
httpProxyRealm (security) | Realm of the proxy server, used in preemptive Basic/Digest authentication methods against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
httpProxySecure (security) | If set to false disables the use of TLS when accessing the HTTP proxy. | true | boolean |
httpProxyUseDigestAuth (security) | If set to true Digest authentication will be used when authenticating to the HTTP proxy, otherwise Basic authorization method will be used. | false | boolean |
httpProxyUsername (security) | Username to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
instanceUrl (security) | URL of the Salesforce instance used after authentication, by default received from Salesforce on successful authentication. | String | |
jwtAudience (security) | Value to use for the Audience claim (aud) when using OAuth JWT flow. If not set, the login URL will be used, which is appropriate in most cases. | String | |
keystore (security) | KeyStore parameters to use in OAuth JWT flow. The KeyStore should contain only one entry with private key and certificate. Salesforce does not verify the certificate chain, so this can easily be a selfsigned certificate. Make sure that you upload the certificate to the corresponding connected app. | KeyStoreParameters | |
lazyLogin (security) | If set to true prevents the component from authenticating to Salesforce with the start of the component. You would generally set this to the (default) false and authenticate early and be immediately aware of any authentication issues. | false | boolean |
loginConfig (security) | All authentication configuration in one nested bean, all properties set there can be set directly on the component as well. | SalesforceLoginConfig | |
loginUrl (security) | Required URL of the Salesforce instance used for authentication, by default set to | String | |
password (security) | Password used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It’s easy to get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it as it is deemed less secure than other flows. Make sure that you append security token to the end of the password if using one. | String | |
refreshToken (security) | Refresh token already obtained in the refresh token OAuth flow. One needs to setup a web application and configure a callback URL to receive the refresh token, or configure using the builtin callback at or and then retrive the refresh_token from the URL at the end of the flow. Note that in development organizations Salesforce allows hosting the callback web application at localhost. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | SSL parameters to use, see SSLContextParameters class for all available options. | SSLContextParameters | |
useGlobalSslContextParameters (security) | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | boolean |
userName (security) | Username used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It’s easy to get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it as it is deemed less secure than other flows. | String |
42.3. Endpoint Options
The Salesforce endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
42.3.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
operationName (producer) | The operation to use. Enum values:
| OperationName | |
topicName (consumer) | The name of the topic/channel to use. | String |
42.3.2. Query Parameters (57 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
apexMethod (common) | APEX method name. | String | |
apexQueryParams (common) | Query params for APEX method. | Map | |
apiVersion (common) | Salesforce API version. | 53.0 | String |
backoffIncrement (common) | Backoff interval increment for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. | 1000 | long |
batchId (common) | Bulk API Batch ID. | String | |
contentType (common) | Bulk API content type, one of XML, CSV, ZIP_XML, ZIP_CSV. Enum values:
| ContentType | |
defaultReplayId (common) | Default replayId setting if no value is found in initialReplayIdMap. | -1 | Long |
fallBackReplayId (common) | ReplayId to fall back to after an Invalid Replay Id response. | -1 | Long |
format (common) | Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls, either JSON or XML, defaults to JSON. As of Camel 3.12, this option only applies to the Raw operation. Enum values:
| PayloadFormat | |
httpClient (common) | Custom Jetty Http Client to use to connect to Salesforce. | SalesforceHttpClient | |
includeDetails (common) | Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report, defaults to false. | Boolean | |
initialReplayIdMap (common) | Replay IDs to start from per channel name. | Map | |
instanceId (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID. | String | |
jobId (common) | Bulk API Job ID. | String | |
limit (common) | Limit on number of returned records. Applicable to some of the API, check the Salesforce documentation. | Integer | |
locator (common) | Locator provided by salesforce Bulk 2.0 API for use in getting results for a Query job. | String | |
maxBackoff (common) | Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. | 30000 | long |
maxRecords (common) | The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for a Bulk 2.0 Query. The request is still subject to the size limits. If you are working with a very large number of query results, you may experience a timeout before receiving all the data from Salesforce. To prevent a timeout, specify the maximum number of records your client is expecting to receive in the maxRecords parameter. This splits the results into smaller sets with this value as the maximum size. | Integer | |
notFoundBehaviour (common) | Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API. Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the default. Enum values:
| EXCEPTION | NotFoundBehaviour |
notifyForFields (common) | Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE. Enum values:
| NotifyForFieldsEnum | |
notifyForOperationCreate (common) | Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperationDelete (common) | Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperations (common) | Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version 29.0). Enum values:
| NotifyForOperationsEnum | |
notifyForOperationUndelete (common) | Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
notifyForOperationUpdate (common) | Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
objectMapper (common) | Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing/deserializing Salesforce objects. | ObjectMapper | |
pkChunking (common) | Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs PK chunking automatically, if necessary. | Boolean | |
pkChunkingChunkSize (common) | Chunk size for use with PK Chunking. If unspecified, salesforce default is 100,000. Maximum size is 250,000. | Integer | |
pkChunkingParent (common) | Specifies the parent object when you’re enabling PK chunking for queries on sharing objects. The chunks are based on the parent object’s records rather than the sharing object’s records. For example, when querying on AccountShare, specify Account as the parent object. PK chunking is supported for sharing objects as long as the parent object is supported. | String | |
pkChunkingStartRow (common) | Specifies the 15-character or 18-character record ID to be used as the lower boundary for the first chunk. Use this parameter to specify a starting ID when restarting a job that failed between batches. | String | |
queryLocator (common) | Query Locator provided by salesforce for use when a query results in more records than can be retrieved in a single call. Use this value in a subsequent call to retrieve additional records. | String | |
rawPayload (common) | Use raw payload String for request and response (either JSON or XML depending on format), instead of DTOs, false by default. | false | boolean |
reportId (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report Id. | String | |
reportMetadata (common) | Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for filtering. | ReportMetadata | |
resultId (common) | Bulk API Result ID. | String | |
sObjectBlobFieldName (common) | SObject blob field name. | String | |
sObjectClass (common) | Fully qualified SObject class name, usually generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. | String | |
sObjectFields (common) | SObject fields to retrieve. | String | |
sObjectId (common) | SObject ID if required by API. | String | |
sObjectIdName (common) | SObject external ID field name. | String | |
sObjectIdValue (common) | SObject external ID field value. | String | |
sObjectName (common) | SObject name if required or supported by API. | String | |
sObjectQuery (common) | Salesforce SOQL query string. | String | |
sObjectSearch (common) | Salesforce SOSL search string. | String | |
updateTopic (common) | Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using the Streaming API, defaults to false. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
replayId (consumer) | The replayId value to use when subscribing. | Long | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
allOrNone (producer) | Composite API option to indicate to rollback all records if any are not successful. | false | boolean |
apexUrl (producer) | APEX method URL. | String | |
compositeMethod (producer) | Composite (raw) method. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
rawHttpHeaders (producer) | Comma separated list of message headers to include as HTTP parameters for Raw operation. | String | |
rawMethod (producer) | HTTP method to use for the Raw operation. | String | |
rawPath (producer) | The portion of the endpoint URL after the domain name. E.g., '/services/data/v52.0/sobjects/Account/'. | String | |
rawQueryParameters (producer) | Comma separated list of message headers to include as query parameters for Raw operation. Do not url-encode values as this will be done automatically. | String |
42.4. Authenticating to Salesforce
The component supports three OAuth authentication flows:
For each of the flow different set of properties needs to be set:
Property | Where to find it on Salesforce | Flow |
clientId | Connected App, Consumer Key | All flows |
clientSecret | Connected App, Consumer Secret | Username-Password, Refresh Token |
userName | Salesforce user username | Username-Password, JWT Bearer Token |
password | Salesforce user password | Username-Password |
refreshToken | From OAuth flow callback | Refresh Token |
keystore | Connected App, Digital Certificate | JWT Bearer Token |
The component auto determines what flow you’re trying to configure, to be remove ambiguity set the authenticationType
Using Username-Password Flow in production is not encouraged.
The certificate used in JWT Bearer Token Flow can be a selfsigned certificate. The KeyStore holding the certificate and the private key must contain only single certificate-private key entry.
42.5. URI format
When used as a consumer, receiving streaming events, the URI scheme is:
When used as a producer, invoking the Salesforce REST APIs, the URI scheme is:
42.6. Passing in Salesforce headers and fetching Salesforce response headers
There is support to pass Salesforce headers via inbound message headers, header names that start with Sforce
or x-sfdc
on the Camel message will be passed on in the request, and response headers that start with Sforce
will be present in the outbound message headers.
For example to fetch API limits you can specify:
// in your Camel route set the header before Salesforce endpoint //... .setHeader("Sforce-Limit-Info", constant("api-usage")) .to("salesforce:getGlobalObjects") .to(myProcessor); // myProcessor will receive `Sforce-Limit-Info` header on the outbound // message class MyProcessor implements Processor { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message in = exchange.getIn(); String apiLimits = in.getHeader("Sforce-Limit-Info", String.class); } }
In addition, HTTP response status code and text are available as headers Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE
42.7. Supported Salesforce APIs
The component supports the following Salesforce APIs
Producer endpoints can use the following APIs. Most of the APIs process one record at a time, the Query API can retrieve multiple Records.
42.7.1. Rest API
You can use the following for operationName
- getVersions - Gets supported Salesforce REST API versions
- getResources - Gets available Salesforce REST Resource endpoints
- getGlobalObjects - Gets metadata for all available SObject types
- getBasicInfo - Gets basic metadata for a specific SObject type
- getDescription - Gets comprehensive metadata for a specific SObject type
- getSObject - Gets an SObject using its Salesforce Id
- createSObject - Creates an SObject
- updateSObject - Updates an SObject using Id
- deleteSObject - Deletes an SObject using Id
- getSObjectWithId - Gets an SObject using an external (user defined) id field
- upsertSObject - Updates or inserts an SObject using an external id
- deleteSObjectWithId - Deletes an SObject using an external id
- query - Runs a Salesforce SOQL query
- queryMore - Retrieves more results (in case of large number of results) using result link returned from the 'query' API
- search - Runs a Salesforce SOSL query
- limits - fetching organization API usage limits
- recent - fetching recent items
- approval - submit a record or records (batch) for approval process
- approvals - fetch a list of all approval processes
- composite - submit up to 25 possibly related REST requests and receive individual responses. It’s also possible to use "raw" composite without limitation.
- composite-tree - create up to 200 records with parent-child relationships (up to 5 levels) in one go
- composite-batch - submit a composition of requests in batch
- compositeRetrieveSObjectCollections - Retrieve one or more records of the same object type.
- compositeCreateSObjectCollections - Add up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveSObjectResult objects.
- compositeUpdateSObjectCollections - Update up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveSObjectResult objects.
- compositeUpsertSObjectCollections - Create or update (upsert) up to 200 records based on an external ID field. Returns a list of UpsertSObjectResult objects.
- compositeDeleteSObjectCollections - Delete up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveSObjectResult objects.
- queryAll - Runs a SOQL query. It returns the results that are deleted because of a merge (merges up to three records into one of the records, deletes the others, and reparents any related records) or delete. Also returns the information about archived Task and Event records.
- getBlobField - Retrieves the specified blob field from an individual record.
- apexCall - Executes a user defined APEX REST API call.
- raw - Send requests to salesforce and have full, raw control over endpoint, parameters, body, etc.
For example, the following producer endpoint uses the upsertSObject API, with the sObjectIdName parameter specifying 'Name' as the external id field. The request message body should be an SObject DTO generated using the maven plugin. The response message will either be null
if an existing record was updated, or CreateSObjectResult
with an id of the new record, or a list of errors while creating the new object."salesforce:upsertSObject?sObjectIdName=Name")...
42.7.2. Bulk 2.0 API
The Bulk 2.0 API has a simplified model over the original Bulk API. Use it to quickly load a large amount of data into salesforce, or query a large amount of data out of salesforce. Data must be provided in CSV format. The minimum API version for Bulk 2.0 is v41.0. The minimum API version for Bulk Queries is v47.0. DTO classes mentioned below are from the org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.bulkv2
package. The following operations are supported:
bulk2CreateJob - Create a bulk job. Supply an instance of
in the message body. -
bulk2GetJob - Get an existing Job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2CreateBatch - Add a Batch of CSV records to a job. Supply CSV data in the message body. The first row must contain headers.
parameter is required. -
bulk2CloseJob - Close a job. You must close the job in order for it to be processed or aborted/deleted.
parameter is required. -
bulk2AbortJob - Abort a job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2DeleteJob - Delete a job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetSuccessfulResults - Get successful results for a job. Returned message body will contain an InputStream of CSV data.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetFailedResults - Get failed results for a job. Returned message body will contain an InputStream of CSV data.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetUnprocessedRecords - Get unprocessed records for a job. Returned message body will contain an InputStream of CSV data.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetAllJobs - Get all jobs. Response body is an instance of
. If thedone
property is false, there are additional pages to fetch, and thenextRecordsUrl
property contains the value to be set in thequeryLocator
parameter on subsequent calls. -
bulk2CreateQueryJob - Create a bulk query job. Supply an instance of
in the message body. -
bulk2GetQueryJob - Get a bulk query job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetQueryJobResults - Get bulk query job results.
parameter is required. AcceptsmaxRecords
parameters. Response message headers includeSforce-NumberOfRecords
headers. The value ofSforce-Locator
can be passed into subsequent calls via thelocator
parameter. -
bulk2AbortQueryJob - Abort a bulk query job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2DeleteQueryJob - Delete a bulk query job.
parameter is required. -
bulk2GetAllQueryJobs - Get all jobs. Response body is an instance of
. If thedone
property is false, there are additional pages to fetch, and thenextRecordsUrl
property contains the value to be set in thequeryLocator
parameter on subsequent calls.
42.7.3. Rest Bulk (original) API
Producer endpoints can use the following APIs. All Job data formats, i.e. xml, csv, zip/xml, and zip/csv are supported.
The request and response have to be marshalled/unmarshalled by the route. Usually the request will be some stream source like a CSV file,
and the response may also be saved to a file to be correlated with the request.
You can use the following for operationName
createJob - Creates a Salesforce Bulk Job. Must supply a
instance in body. PK Chunking is supported via the pkChunking* options. See an explanation here. - getJob - Gets a Job using its Salesforce Id
- closeJob - Closes a Job
- abortJob - Aborts a Job
- createBatch - Submits a Batch within a Bulk Job
- getBatch - Gets a Batch using Id
- getAllBatches - Gets all Batches for a Bulk Job Id
- getRequest - Gets Request data (XML/CSV) for a Batch
- getResults - Gets the results of the Batch when its complete
- createBatchQuery - Creates a Batch from an SOQL query
- getQueryResultIds - Gets a list of Result Ids for a Batch Query
- getQueryResult - Gets results for a Result Id
- getRecentReports - Gets up to 200 of the reports you most recently viewed by sending a GET request to the Report List resource.
- getReportDescription - Retrieves the report, report type, and related metadata for a report, either in a tabular or summary or matrix format.
- executeSyncReport - Runs a report synchronously with or without changing filters and returns the latest summary data.
- executeAsyncReport - Runs an instance of a report asynchronously with or without filters and returns the summary data with or without details.
- getReportInstances - Returns a list of instances for a report that you requested to be run asynchronously. Each item in the list is treated as a separate instance of the report.
- getReportResults: Contains the results of running a report.
For example, the following producer endpoint uses the createBatch API to create a Job Batch. The in message must contain a body that can be converted into an InputStream
(usually UTF-8 CSV or XML content from a file, etc.) and header fields 'jobId' for the Job and 'contentType' for the Job content type, which can be XML, CSV, ZIP_XML or ZIP_CSV. The put message body will contain BatchInfo
on success, or throw a SalesforceException
on error."salesforce:createBatch")..
42.7.4. Rest Streaming API
Consumer endpoints can use the following syntax for streaming endpoints to receive Salesforce notifications on create/update.
To create and subscribe to a topic
from("salesforce:CamelTestTopic?notifyForFields=ALL¬ifyForOperations=ALL&sObjectName=Merchandise__c&updateTopic=true&sObjectQuery=SELECT Id, Name FROM Merchandise__c")...
To subscribe to an existing topic
42.7.5. Platform events
To emit a platform event use createSObject
operation. And set the message body can be JSON string or InputStream with key-value data — in that case sObjectName
needs to be set to the API name of the event, or a class that extends from AbstractDTOBase with the appropriate class name for the event.
For example using a DTO:
class Order_Event__e extends AbstractDTOBase { @JsonProperty("OrderNumber") private String orderNumber; // ... other properties and getters/setters } from("timer:tick") .process(exchange -> { final Message in = exchange.getIn(); String orderNumber = "ORD" + exchange.getProperty(Exchange.TIMER_COUNTER); Order_Event__e event = new Order_Event__e(); event.setOrderNumber(orderNumber); in.setBody(event); }) .to("salesforce:createSObject");
Or using JSON event data:
from("timer:tick") .process(exchange -> { final Message in = exchange.getIn(); String orderNumber = "ORD" + exchange.getProperty(Exchange.TIMER_COUNTER); in.setBody("{\"OrderNumber\":\"" + orderNumber + "\"}"); }) .to("salesforce:createSObject?sObjectName=Order_Event__e");
To receive platform events use the consumer endpoint with the API name of the platform event prefixed with event/
(or /event/
), e.g.: salesforce:events/Order_Event__e
. Processor consuming from that endpoint will receive either org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.PlatformEvent
object or org.cometd.bayeux.Message
in the body depending on the rawPayload
being false
or true
For example, in the simplest form to consume one event:
PlatformEvent event = consumer.receiveBody("salesforce:event/Order_Event__e", PlatformEvent.class);
42.7.6. Change data capture events
On the one hand, Salesforce could be configured to emit notifications for record changes of select objects. On the other hand, the Camel Salesforce component could react to such notifications, allowing for instance to synchronize those changes into an external system.
The notifications of interest could be specified in the from("salesforce:XXX")
clause of a Camel route via the subscription channel, e.g:
from("salesforce:data/ChangeEvents?replayId=-1").log("being notified of all change events") from("salesforce:data/AccountChangeEvent?replayId=-1").log("being notified of change events for Account records") from("salesforce:data/Employee__ChangeEvent?replayId=-1").log("being notified of change events for Employee__c custom object")
The received message contains either java.util.Map<String,Object>
or org.cometd.bayeux.Message
in the body depending on the rawPayload
being false
or true
respectively. The CamelSalesforceChangeType
header could be valued to one of CREATE
More details about how to use the Camel Salesforce component change data capture capabilities could be found in the ChangeEventsConsumerIntegrationTest.
The Salesforce developer guide is a good fit to better know the subtleties of implementing a change data capture integration application. The dynamic nature of change event body fields, high level replication steps as well as security considerations could be of interest.
42.8. Examples
42.8.1. Uploading a document to a ContentWorkspace
Create the ContentVersion in Java, using a Processor instance:
public class ContentProcessor implements Processor { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message message = exchange.getIn(); ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); ContentWorkspace cw = getWorkspace(exchange); cv.setFirstPublishLocationId(cw.getId()); cv.setTitle("test document"); cv.setPathOnClient("test_doc.html"); byte[] document = message.getBody(byte[].class); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String enc = mapper.convertValue(document, String.class); cv.setVersionDataUrl(enc); message.setBody(cv); } protected ContentWorkspace getWorkSpace(Exchange exchange) { // Look up the content workspace somehow, maybe use enrich() to add it to a // header that can be extracted here ---- } }
Give the output from the processor to the Salesforce component:
from("file:///home/camel/library") .to(new ContentProcessor()) // convert bytes from the file into a ContentVersion SObject // for the salesforce component .to("salesforce:createSObject");
42.9. Using Salesforce Limits API
With salesforce:limits
operation you can fetch of API limits from Salesforce and then act upon that data received. The result of salesforce:limits
operation is mapped to org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits
class and can be used in a custom processors or expressions.
For instance, consider that you need to limit the API usage of Salesforce so that 10% of daily API requests is left for other routes. The body of output message contains an instance of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits
object that can be used in conjunction with Content Based Router and Content Based Router and Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to choose when to perform queries.
Notice how multiplying 1.0
with the integer value held in body.dailyApiRequests.remaining
makes the expression evaluate as with floating point arithmetic, without it - it would end up making integral division which would result with either 0
(some API limits consumed) or 1
(no API limits consumed).
from("direct:querySalesforce") .to("salesforce:limits") .choice() .when(spel("#{1.0 * body.dailyApiRequests.remaining / body.dailyApiRequests.max < 0.1}")) .to("salesforce:query?...") .otherwise() .setBody(constant("Used up Salesforce API limits, leaving 10% for critical routes")) .endChoice()
42.10. Working with approvals
All the properties are named exactly the same as in the Salesforce REST API prefixed with approval.
. You can set approval properties by setting approval.PropertyName
of the Endpoint these will be used as template — meaning that any property not present in either body or header will be taken from the Endpoint configuration. Or you can set the approval template on the Endpoint by assigning approval
property to a reference onto a bean in the Registry.
You can also provide header values using the same approval.PropertyName
in the incoming message headers.
And finally body can contain one AprovalRequest
or an Iterable
of ApprovalRequest
objects to process as a batch.
The important thing to remember is the priority of the values specified in these three mechanisms:
- value in body takes precedence before any other
- value in message header takes precedence before template value
- value in template is set if no other value in header or body was given
For example to send one record for approval using values in headers use:
Given a route:
from("direct:example1")// .setHeader("approval.ContextId", simple("${body['contextId']}")) .setHeader("approval.NextApproverIds", simple("${body['nextApproverIds']}")) .to("salesforce:approval?"// + "approval.actionType=Submit"// + "&approval.comments=this is a test"// + "&approval.processDefinitionNameOrId=Test_Account_Process"// + "&approval.skipEntryCriteria=true");
You could send a record for approval using:
final Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>(); body.put("contextId", accountIds.iterator().next()); body.put("nextApproverIds", userId); final ApprovalResult result = template.requestBody("direct:example1", body, ApprovalResult.class);
42.11. Using Salesforce Recent Items API
To fetch the recent items use salesforce:recent
operation. This operation returns an java.util.List
of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.RecentItem
objects (List<RecentItem>
) that in turn contain the Id
, Name
and Attributes
(with type
and url
properties). You can limit the number of returned items by specifying limit
parameter set to maximum number of records to return. For example:
from("direct:fetchRecentItems") to("salesforce:recent") .split().body() .log("${} at ${body.attributes.url}");
42.12. Using Salesforce Composite API to submit SObject tree
To create up to 200 records including parent-child relationships use salesforce:composite-tree
operation. This requires an instance of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.composite.SObjectTree
in the input message and returns the same tree of objects in the output message. The org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.AbstractSObjectBase
instances within the tree get updated with the identifier values (Id
property) or their corresponding org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.composite.SObjectNode
is populated with errors
on failure.
Note that for some records operation can succeed and for some it can fail — so you need to manually check for errors.
Easiest way to use this functionality is to use the DTOs generated by the camel-salesforce-maven-plugin
, but you also have the option of customizing the references that identify the each object in the tree, for instance primary keys from your database.
Lets look at an example:
Account account = ... Contact president = ... Contact marketing = ... Account anotherAccount = ... Contact sales = ... Asset someAsset = ... // build the tree SObjectTree request = new SObjectTree(); request.addObject(account).addChildren(president, marketing); request.addObject(anotherAccount).addChild(sales).addChild(someAsset); final SObjectTree response = template.requestBody("salesforce:composite-tree", tree, SObjectTree.class); final Map<Boolean, List<SObjectNode>> result = response.allNodes() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(SObjectNode::hasErrors)); final List<SObjectNode> withErrors = result.get(true); final List<SObjectNode> succeeded = result.get(false); final String firstId = succeeded.get(0).getId();
42.13. Using Salesforce Composite API to submit multiple requests in a batch
The Composite API batch operation (composite-batch
) allows you to accumulate multiple requests in a batch and then submit them in one go, saving the round trip cost of multiple individual requests. Each response is then received in a list of responses with the order preserved, so that the n-th requests response is in the n-th place of the response.
The results can vary from API to API so the result of the request is given as a java.lang.Object
. In most cases the result will be a java.util.Map
with string keys and values or other java.util.Map
as value. Requests are made in JSON format and hold some type information (i.e. it is known what values are strings and what values are numbers).
Lets look at an example:
final String acountId = ... final SObjectBatch batch = new SObjectBatch("38.0"); final Account updates = new Account(); updates.setName("NewName"); batch.addUpdate("Account", accountId, updates); final Account newAccount = new Account(); newAccount.setName("Account created from Composite batch API"); batch.addCreate(newAccount); batch.addGet("Account", accountId, "Name", "BillingPostalCode"); batch.addDelete("Account", accountId); final SObjectBatchResponse response = template.requestBody("salesforce:composite-batch", batch, SObjectBatchResponse.class); boolean hasErrors = response.hasErrors(); // if any of the requests has resulted in either 4xx or 5xx HTTP status final List<SObjectBatchResult> results = response.getResults(); // results of three operations sent in batch final SObjectBatchResult updateResult = results.get(0); // update result final int updateStatus = updateResult.getStatusCode(); // probably 204 final Object updateResultData = updateResult.getResult(); // probably null final SObjectBatchResult createResult = results.get(1); // create result @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> createData = (Map<String, Object>) createResult.getResult(); final String newAccountId = createData.get("id"); // id of the new account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Result").get("id") final SObjectBatchResult retrieveResult = results.get(2); // retrieve result @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> retrieveData = (Map<String, Object>) retrieveResult.getResult(); final String accountName = retrieveData.get("Name"); // Name of the retrieved account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Account").get("Name") final String accountBillingPostalCode = retrieveData.get("BillingPostalCode"); // Name of the retrieved account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Account").get("BillingPostalCode") final SObjectBatchResult deleteResult = results.get(3); // delete result final int updateStatus = deleteResult.getStatusCode(); // probably 204 final Object updateResultData = deleteResult.getResult(); // probably null
42.14. Using Salesforce Composite API to submit multiple chained requests
The composite
operation allows submitting up to 25 requests that can be chained together, for instance identifier generated in previous request can be used in subsequent request. Individual requests and responses are linked with the provided reference.
Composite API supports only JSON payloads.
As with the batch API the results can vary from API to API so the result of the request is given as a java.lang.Object
. In most cases the result will be a java.util.Map
with string keys and values or other java.util.Map
as value. Requests are made in JSON format hold some type information (i.e. it is known what values are strings and what values are numbers).
Lets look at an example:
SObjectComposite composite = new SObjectComposite("38.0", true); // first insert operation via an external id final Account updateAccount = new TestAccount(); updateAccount.setName("Salesforce"); updateAccount.setBillingStreet("Landmark @ 1 Market Street"); updateAccount.setBillingCity("San Francisco"); updateAccount.setBillingState("California"); updateAccount.setIndustry(Account_IndustryEnum.TECHNOLOGY); composite.addUpdate("Account", "001xx000003DIpcAAG", updateAccount, "UpdatedAccount"); final Contact newContact = new TestContact(); newContact.setLastName("John Doe"); newContact.setPhone("1234567890"); composite.addCreate(newContact, "NewContact"); final AccountContactJunction__c junction = new AccountContactJunction__c(); junction.setAccount__c("001xx000003DIpcAAG"); junction.setContactId__c("@{}"); composite.addCreate(junction, "JunctionRecord"); final SObjectCompositeResponse response = template.requestBody("salesforce:composite", composite, SObjectCompositeResponse.class); final List<SObjectCompositeResult> results = response.getCompositeResponse(); final SObjectCompositeResult accountUpdateResult = -> "UpdatedAccount".equals(r.getReferenceId())).findFirst().get() final int statusCode = accountUpdateResult.getHttpStatusCode(); // should be 200 final Map<String, ?> accountUpdateBody = accountUpdateResult.getBody(); final SObjectCompositeResult contactCreationResult = -> "JunctionRecord".equals(r.getReferenceId())).findFirst().get()
42.15. Using "raw" Salesforce composite
It’s possible to directly call Salesforce composite by preparing the Salesforce JSON request in the route thanks to the rawPayload
For instance, you can have the following route:
from("timer:fire?period=2000").setBody(constant("{\n" + " \"allOrNone\" : true,\n" + " \"records\" : [ { \n" + " \"attributes\" : {\"type\" : \"FOO\"},\n" + " \"Name\" : \"123456789\",\n" + " \"FOO\" : \"XXXX\",\n" + " \"ACCOUNT\" : 2100.0\n" + " \"ExternalID\" : \"EXTERNAL\"\n" " }]\n" + "}") .to("salesforce:composite?rawPayload=true") .log("${body}");
The route directly creates the body as JSON and directly submit to salesforce endpoint using rawPayload=true
With this approach, you have the complete control on the Salesforce request.
is the default HTTP method used to send raw Composite requests to salesforce. Use the compositeMethod
option to override to the other supported value, GET
, which returns a list of other available composite resources.
42.16. Using Raw Operation
Send HTTP requests to salesforce with full, raw control of all aspects of the call. Any serialization or deserialization of request and response bodies must be performed in the route. The Content-Type
HTTP header will be automatically set based on the format
option, but this can be overridden with the rawHttpHeaders
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
request body |
| Body of the HTTP request | ||
rawPath |
| The portion of the endpoint URL after the domain name, e.g., '/services/data/v51.0/sobjects/Account/' | x | |
rawMethod |
| The HTTP method | x | |
rawQueryParameters |
| Comma separated list of message headers to include as query parameters. Do not url-encode values as this will be done automatically. | ||
rawHttpHeaders |
| Comma separated list of message headers to include as HTTP headers |
42.16.1. Query example
In this example we’ll send a query to the REST API. The query must be passed in a URL parameter called "q", so we’ll create a message header called q and tell the raw operation to include that message header as a URL parameter:
from("direct:queryExample") .setHeader("q", "SELECT Id, LastName FROM Contact") .to("salesforce:raw?format=JSON&rawMethod=GET&rawQueryParameters=q&rawPath=/services/data/v51.0/query") // deserialize JSON results or handle in some other way
42.16.2. SObject example
In this example, we’ll pass a Contact the REST API in a create
operation. Since the raw
operation does not perform any serialization, we make sure to pass XML in the message body
from("direct:createAContact") .setBody(constant("<Contact><LastName>TestLast</LastName></Contact>")) .to("salesforce:raw?format=XML&rawMethod=POST&rawPath=/services/data/v51.0/sobjects/Contact")
The response is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Result> <id>0034x00000RnV6zAAF</id> <success>true</success> </Result>
42.17. Using Composite SObject Collections
The SObject Collections API executes actions on multiple records in one request. Use sObject Collections to reduce the number of round-trips between the client and server. The entire request counts as a single call toward your API limits. This resource is available in API version 42.0 and later. SObject
records (aka DTOs) supplied to these operations must be instances of subclasses of AbstractDescribedSObjectBase
. See the Maven Plugin section for information on generating these DTO classes. These operations serialize supplied DTOs to JSON.
42.17.1. compositeRetrieveSObjectCollections
Retrieve one or more records of the same object type.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
ids | List of String or comma-separated string | A list of one or more IDs of the objects to return. All IDs must belong to the same object type. | x | |
fields | List of String or comma-separated string | A list of fields to include in the response. The field names you specify must be valid, and you must have read-level permissions to each field. | x | |
sObjectName | String |
Type of SObject, e.g. | x | |
sObjectClass | String | Fully-qualified class name of DTO class to use for deserializing the response. |
Required if |
42.17.2. compositeCreateSObjectCollections
Add up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveSObjectResult objects. Mixed SObject types is supported.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
request body |
List of | A list of SObjects to create | x | |
allOrNone | boolean | Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the creation of any object fails (true) or to continue with the independent creation of other objects in the request. | false |
42.17.3. compositeUpdateSObjectCollections
Update up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveSObjectResult objects. Mixed SObject types is supported.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
request body |
List of | A list of SObjects to update | x | |
allOrNone | boolean | Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the update of any object fails (true) or to continue with the independent update of other objects in the request. | false |
42.17.4. compositeUpsertSObjectCollections
Create or update (upsert) up to 200 records based on an external ID field, returning a list of UpsertSObjectResult objects. Mixed SObject types is not supported.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
request body |
List of | A list of SObjects to upsert | x | |
allOrNone | boolean | Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the upsert of any object fails (true) or to continue with the independent upsert of other objects in the request. | false | |
sObjectName | String |
Type of SObject, e.g. | x | |
sObjectIdName | String | Name of External ID field | x |
42.17.5. compositeDeleteSObjectCollections
Delete up to 200 records, returning a list of DeleteSObjectResult objects. Mixed SObject types is supported.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
| List of String or comma-separated string | A list of up to 200 IDs of objects to be deleted. | x | |
| boolean | Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the deletion of any object fails (true) or to continue with the independent deletion of other objects in the request. | false |
42.18. Sending null values to salesforce
By default, SObject fields with null values are not sent to salesforce. In order to send null values to salesforce, use the fieldsToNull
property, as follows:
42.19. Generating SOQL query strings
contains helper methods to generate SOQL queries. For instance to fetch all custom fields from Account SObject you can simply generate the SOQL SELECT by invoking:
String allCustomFieldsQuery = QueryHelper.queryToFetchFilteredFieldsOf(new Account(), SObjectField::isCustom);
42.20. Camel Salesforce Maven Plugin
This Maven plugin generates DTOs for the Camel.
For obvious security reasons it is recommended that the clientId, clientSecret, userName and password fields be not set in the pom.xml. The plugin should be configured for the rest of the properties, and can be executed using the following command:
mvn camel-salesforce:generate -DcamelSalesforce.clientId=<clientid> -DcamelSalesforce.clientSecret=<clientsecret> \ -DcamelSalesforce.userName=<username> -DcamelSalesforce.password=<password>
The generated DTOs use Jackson annotations. All Salesforce field types are supported. Date and time fields are mapped to java.time.ZonedDateTime
by default, and picklist fields are mapped to generated Java Enumerations.
Please refer to for details on how to generate the DTO.
42.21. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using salesforce with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-salesforce-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 91 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.salesforce.all-or-none | Composite API option to indicate to rollback all records if any are not successful. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.apex-method | APEX method name. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.apex-query-params | Query params for APEX method. | Map | |
camel.component.salesforce.apex-url | APEX method URL. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.api-version | Salesforce API version. | 53.0 | String |
camel.component.salesforce.authentication-type | Explicit authentication method to be used, one of USERNAME_PASSWORD, REFRESH_TOKEN or JWT. Salesforce component can auto-determine the authentication method to use from the properties set, set this property to eliminate any ambiguity. | AuthenticationType | |
camel.component.salesforce.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.backoff-increment | Backoff interval increment for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. The option is a long type. | 1000 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.batch-id | Bulk API Batch ID. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.client-id | OAuth Consumer Key of the connected app configured in the Salesforce instance setup. Typically a connected app needs to be configured but one can be provided by installing a package. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.client-secret | OAuth Consumer Secret of the connected app configured in the Salesforce instance setup. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.composite-method | Composite (raw) method. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.config | Global endpoint configuration - use to set values that are common to all endpoints. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig type. | SalesforceEndpointConfig | |
camel.component.salesforce.content-type | Bulk API content type, one of XML, CSV, ZIP_XML, ZIP_CSV. | ContentType | |
camel.component.salesforce.default-replay-id | Default replayId setting if no value is found in initialReplayIdMap. | -1 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the salesforce component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.fall-back-replay-id | ReplayId to fall back to after an Invalid Replay Id response. | -1 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.format | Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls, either JSON or XML, defaults to JSON. As of Camel 3.12, this option only applies to the Raw operation. | PayloadFormat | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-client | Custom Jetty Http Client to use to connect to Salesforce. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceHttpClient type. | SalesforceHttpClient | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-client-connection-timeout | Connection timeout used by the HttpClient when connecting to the Salesforce server. | 60000 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.http-client-idle-timeout | Timeout used by the HttpClient when waiting for response from the Salesforce server. | 10000 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.http-client-properties | Used to set any properties that can be configured on the underlying HTTP client. Have a look at properties of SalesforceHttpClient and the Jetty HttpClient for all available options. | Map | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-max-content-length | Max content length of an HTTP response. | Integer | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-auth-uri | Used in authentication against the HTTP proxy server, needs to match the URI of the proxy server in order for the httpProxyUsername and httpProxyPassword to be used for authentication. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-excluded-addresses | A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should not be used. | Set | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-host | Hostname of the HTTP proxy server to use. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-included-addresses | A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should be used. | Set | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-password | Password to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-port | Port number of the HTTP proxy server to use. | Integer | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-realm | Realm of the proxy server, used in preemptive Basic/Digest authentication methods against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-secure | If set to false disables the use of TLS when accessing the HTTP proxy. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-socks4 | If set to true the configures the HTTP proxy to use as a SOCKS4 proxy. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-use-digest-auth | If set to true Digest authentication will be used when authenticating to the HTTP proxy, otherwise Basic authorization method will be used. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.http-proxy-username | Username to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.http-request-buffer-size | HTTP request buffer size. May need to be increased for large SOQL queries. | 8192 | Integer |
camel.component.salesforce.include-details | Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report, defaults to false. | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.initial-replay-id-map | Replay IDs to start from per channel name. | Map | |
camel.component.salesforce.instance-id | Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.instance-url | URL of the Salesforce instance used after authentication, by default received from Salesforce on successful authentication. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.job-id | Bulk API Job ID. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.jwt-audience | Value to use for the Audience claim (aud) when using OAuth JWT flow. If not set, the login URL will be used, which is appropriate in most cases. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.keystore | KeyStore parameters to use in OAuth JWT flow. The KeyStore should contain only one entry with private key and certificate. Salesforce does not verify the certificate chain, so this can easily be a selfsigned certificate. Make sure that you upload the certificate to the corresponding connected app. The option is a type. | KeyStoreParameters | |
camel.component.salesforce.lazy-login | If set to true prevents the component from authenticating to Salesforce with the start of the component. You would generally set this to the (default) false and authenticate early and be immediately aware of any authentication issues. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.limit | Limit on number of returned records. Applicable to some of the API, check the Salesforce documentation. | Integer | |
camel.component.salesforce.locator | Locator provided by salesforce Bulk 2.0 API for use in getting results for a Query job. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.login-config | All authentication configuration in one nested bean, all properties set there can be set directly on the component as well. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceLoginConfig type. | SalesforceLoginConfig | |
camel.component.salesforce.login-url | URL of the Salesforce instance used for authentication, by default set to . | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.long-polling-transport-properties | Used to set any properties that can be configured on the LongPollingTransport used by the BayeuxClient (CometD) used by the streaming api. | Map | |
camel.component.salesforce.max-backoff | Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. The option is a long type. | 30000 | Long |
camel.component.salesforce.max-records | The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for a Bulk 2.0 Query. The request is still subject to the size limits. If you are working with a very large number of query results, you may experience a timeout before receiving all the data from Salesforce. To prevent a timeout, specify the maximum number of records your client is expecting to receive in the maxRecords parameter. This splits the results into smaller sets with this value as the maximum size. | Integer | |
camel.component.salesforce.not-found-behaviour | Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API. Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the default. | NotFoundBehaviour | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-fields | Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE. | NotifyForFieldsEnum | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-operation-create | Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-operation-delete | Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-operation-undelete | Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-operation-update | Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0). | Boolean | |
camel.component.salesforce.notify-for-operations | Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version 29.0). | NotifyForOperationsEnum | |
camel.component.salesforce.object-mapper | Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing/deserializing Salesforce objects. The option is a com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper type. | ObjectMapper | |
camel.component.salesforce.packages | In what packages are the generated DTO classes. Typically the classes would be generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. Set it if using the generated DTOs to gain the benefit of using short SObject names in parameters/header values. Multiple packages can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.password | Password used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It’s easy to get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it as it is deemed less secure than other flows. Make sure that you append security token to the end of the password if using one. | String | | | Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs PK chunking automatically, if necessary. | Boolean | | | Chunk size for use with PK Chunking. If unspecified, salesforce default is 100,000. Maximum size is 250,000. | Integer | | | Specifies the parent object when you’re enabling PK chunking for queries on sharing objects. The chunks are based on the parent object’s records rather than the sharing object’s records. For example, when querying on AccountShare, specify Account as the parent object. PK chunking is supported for sharing objects as long as the parent object is supported. | String | | | Specifies the 15-character or 18-character record ID to be used as the lower boundary for the first chunk. Use this parameter to specify a starting ID when restarting a job that failed between batches. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.query-locator | Query Locator provided by salesforce for use when a query results in more records than can be retrieved in a single call. Use this value in a subsequent call to retrieve additional records. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.raw-http-headers | Comma separated list of message headers to include as HTTP parameters for Raw operation. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.raw-method | HTTP method to use for the Raw operation. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.raw-path | The portion of the endpoint URL after the domain name. E.g., '/services/data/v52.0/sobjects/Account/'. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.raw-payload | Use raw payload String for request and response (either JSON or XML depending on format), instead of DTOs, false by default. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.raw-query-parameters | Comma separated list of message headers to include as query parameters for Raw operation. Do not url-encode values as this will be done automatically. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.refresh-token | Refresh token already obtained in the refresh token OAuth flow. One needs to setup a web application and configure a callback URL to receive the refresh token, or configure using the builtin callback at and then retrive the refresh_token from the URL at the end of the flow. Note that in development organizations Salesforce allows hosting the callback web application at localhost. | String | | | Salesforce1 Analytics report Id. | String | | | Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for filtering. The option is a type. | ReportMetadata | |
camel.component.salesforce.result-id | Bulk API Result ID. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-blob-field-name | SObject blob field name. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-class | Fully qualified SObject class name, usually generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-fields | SObject fields to retrieve. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-id | SObject ID if required by API. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-id-name | SObject external ID field name. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-id-value | SObject external ID field value. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-name | SObject name if required or supported by API. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-query | Salesforce SOQL query string. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.s-object-search | Salesforce SOSL search string. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.ssl-context-parameters | SSL parameters to use, see SSLContextParameters class for all available options. The option is a type. | SSLContextParameters | |
camel.component.salesforce.update-topic | Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using the Streaming API, defaults to false. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.use-global-ssl-context-parameters | Enable usage of global SSL context parameters. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.salesforce.user-name | Username used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It’s easy to get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it as it is deemed less secure than other flows. | String | |
camel.component.salesforce.worker-pool-max-size | Maximum size of the thread pool used to handle HTTP responses. | 20 | Integer |
camel.component.salesforce.worker-pool-size | Size of the thread pool used to handle HTTP responses. | 10 | Integer |
Chapter 43. Scheduler
Only consumer is supported
The Scheduler component is used to generate message exchanges when a scheduler fires. This component is similar to the Timer component, but it offers more functionality in terms of scheduling. Also this component uses JDK ScheduledExecutorService
. Where as the timer uses a JDK Timer
You can only consume events from this endpoint.
43.1. URI format
Where name
is the name of the scheduler, which is created and shared across endpoints. So if you use the same name for all your scheduler endpoints, only one scheduler thread pool and thread will be used - but you can configure the thread pool to allow more concurrent threads.
The IN body of the generated exchange is null
. So exchange.getIn().getBody()
returns null
43.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
43.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
43.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
43.3. Component Options
The Scheduler component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
poolSize (scheduler) | Number of core threads in the thread pool used by the scheduling thread pool. Is by default using a single thread. | 1 | int |
43.4. Endpoint Options
The Scheduler endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
43.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (consumer) | Required The name of the scheduler. | String |
43.4.2. Query Parameters (21 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
poolSize (scheduler) | Number of core threads in the thread pool used by the scheduling thread pool. Is by default using a single thread. | 1 | int |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
43.5. More information
This component is a scheduler Polling Consumer where you can find more information about the options above, and examples at the Polling Consumer page.
43.6. Exchange Properties
When the timer is fired, it adds the following information as properties to the Exchange
Name | Type | Description |
The value of the |
| The time when the consumer fired. |
43.7. Sample
To set up a route that generates an event every 60 seconds:
The above route will generate an event and then invoke the someMethodName
method on the bean called myBean
in the Registry such as JNDI or Spring.
And the route in Spring DSL:
<route> <from uri="scheduler://foo?delay=60000"/> <to uri="bean:myBean?method=someMethodName"/> </route>
43.8. Forcing the scheduler to trigger immediately when completed
To let the scheduler trigger as soon as the previous task is complete, you can set the option greedy=true
. But beware then the scheduler will keep firing all the time. So use this with caution.
43.9. Forcing the scheduler to be idle
There can be use cases where you want the scheduler to trigger and be greedy. But sometimes you want "tell the scheduler" that there was no task to poll, so the scheduler can change into idle mode using the backoff options. To do this you would need to set a property on the exchange with the key Exchange.SCHEDULER_POLLED_MESSAGES
to a boolean value of false. This will cause the consumer to indicate that there was no messages polled.
The consumer will otherwise as by default return 1 message polled to the scheduler, every time the consumer has completed processing the exchange.
43.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using scheduler with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-scheduler-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.scheduler.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.scheduler.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.scheduler.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the scheduler component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.scheduler.pool-size | Number of core threads in the thread pool used by the scheduling thread pool. Is by default using a single thread. | 1 | Integer |
Chapter 44. SEDA
Both producer and consumer are supported
The SEDA component provides asynchronous SEDA behavior, so that messages are exchanged on a BlockingQueue and consumers are invoked in a separate thread from the producer.
Note that queues are only visible within a single CamelContext. If you want to communicate across CamelContext
instances (for example, communicating between Web applications), see the component.
This component does not implement any kind of persistence or recovery, if the VM terminates while messages are yet to be processed. If you need persistence, reliability or distributed SEDA, try using either JMS or ActiveMQ.
The Direct component provides synchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a message exchange.
44.1. URI format
Where someName can be any string that uniquely identifies the endpoint within the current CamelContext.
44.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
44.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
44.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
44.3. Component Options
The SEDA component supports 10 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Sets the default number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | int |
defaultPollTimeout (consumer (advanced)) | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | int |
defaultBlockWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | boolean |
defaultDiscardWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | boolean |
defaultOfferTimeout (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, where a configured timeout can be added to the block case. Utilizing the .offer(timeout) method of the underlining java queue. | long | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
defaultQueueFactory (advanced) | Sets the default queue factory. | BlockingQueueFactory | |
queueSize (advanced) | Sets the default maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). | 1000 | int |
44.4. Endpoint Options
The SEDA endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
44.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required Name of queue. | String |
44.4.2. Query Parameters (18 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
size (common) | The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). Will by default use the defaultSize set on the SEDA component. | 1000 | int |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | int |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
limitConcurrentConsumers (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to limit the number of concurrentConsumers to the maximum of 500. By default, an exception will be thrown if an endpoint is configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this option off. | true | boolean |
multipleConsumers (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If enabled, you can use SEDA for Publish-Subscribe messaging. That is, you can send a message to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. | false | boolean |
pollTimeout (consumer (advanced)) | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | int |
purgeWhenStopping (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to purge the task queue when stopping the consumer/route. This allows to stop faster, as any pending messages on the queue is discarded. | false | boolean |
blockWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | boolean |
discardIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should discard the message (do not add the message to the queue), when sending to a queue with no active consumers. Only one of the options discardIfNoConsumers and failIfNoConsumers can be enabled at the same time. | false | boolean |
discardWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | boolean |
failIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should fail by throwing an exception, when sending to a queue with no active consumers. Only one of the options discardIfNoConsumers and failIfNoConsumers can be enabled at the same time. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
offerTimeout (producer) | Offer timeout (in milliseconds) can be added to the block case when queue is full. You can disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. | long | |
timeout (producer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. You can disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. | 30000 | long |
waitForTaskToComplete (producer) | Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options are supported: Always, Never or IfReplyExpected. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last value, IfReplyExpected, will only wait if the message is Request Reply based. The default option is IfReplyExpected. Enum values:
| IfReplyExpected | WaitForTaskToComplete |
queue (advanced) | Define the queue instance which will be used by the endpoint. | BlockingQueue |
44.5. Choosing BlockingQueue implementation
By default, the SEDA component always intantiates LinkedBlockingQueue, but you can use different implementation, you can reference your own BlockingQueue implementation, in this case the size option is not used
<bean id="arrayQueue" class="java.util.ArrayBlockingQueue"> <constructor-arg index="0" value="10" ><!-- size --> <constructor-arg index="1" value="true" ><!-- fairness --> </bean> <!-- ... and later --> <from>seda:array?queue=#arrayQueue</from>
Or you can reference a BlockingQueueFactory implementation, 3 implementations are provided LinkedBlockingQueueFactory, ArrayBlockingQueueFactory and PriorityBlockingQueueFactory:
<bean id="priorityQueueFactory" class="org.apache.camel.component.seda.PriorityBlockingQueueFactory"> <property name="comparator"> <bean class="org.apache.camel.demo.MyExchangeComparator" /> </property> </bean> <!-- ... and later --> <from>seda:priority?queueFactory=#priorityQueueFactory&size=100</from>
44.6. Use of Request Reply
The SEDA component supports using Request Reply, where the caller will wait for the Async route to complete. For instance:
from("mina:tcp://").to("seda:input"); from("seda:input").to("bean:processInput").to("bean:createResponse");
In the route above, we have a TCP listener on port 9876 that accepts incoming requests. The request is routed to the seda:input
queue. As it is a Request Reply message, we wait for the response. When the consumer on the seda:input
queue is complete, it copies the response to the original message response.
44.7. Concurrent consumers
By default, the SEDA endpoint uses a single consumer thread, but you can configure it to use concurrent consumer threads. So instead of thread pools you can use:
As for the difference between the two, note a thread pool can increase/shrink dynamically at runtime depending on load, whereas the number of concurrent consumers is always fixed.
44.8. Thread pools
Be aware that adding a thread pool to a SEDA endpoint by doing something like:
Can wind up with two BlockQueues
: one from the SEDA endpoint, and one from the workqueue of the thread pool, which may not be what you want. Instead, you might wish to configure a Direct endpoint with a thread pool, which can process messages both synchronously and asynchronously. For example:
You can also directly configure number of threads that process messages on a SEDA endpoint using the concurrentConsumers
44.9. Sample
In the route below we use the SEDA queue to send the request to this async queue to be able to send a fire-and-forget message for further processing in another thread, and return a constant reply in this thread to the original caller.
We send a Hello World message and expects the reply to be OK.
@Test public void testSendAsync() throws Exception { MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:result"); mock.expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); // START SNIPPET: e2 Object out = template.requestBody("direct:start", "Hello World"); assertEquals("OK", out); // END SNIPPET: e2 assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); } @Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { // START SNIPPET: e1 public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:start") // send it to the seda queue that is async .to("seda:next") // return a constant response .transform(constant("OK")); from("seda:next").to("mock:result"); } // END SNIPPET: e1 }; }
The "Hello World" message will be consumed from the SEDA queue from another thread for further processing. Since this is from a unit test, it will be sent to a mock
endpoint where we can do assertions in the unit test.
44.10. Using multipleConsumers
In this example we have defined two consumers.
@Test public void testSameOptionsProducerStillOkay() throws Exception { getMockEndpoint("mock:foo").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); getMockEndpoint("mock:bar").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World"); template.sendBody("seda:foo", "Hello World"); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); } @Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("seda:foo?multipleConsumers=true").routeId("foo").to("mock:foo"); from("seda:foo?multipleConsumers=true").routeId("bar").to("mock:bar"); } }; }
Since we have specified multipleConsumers=true on the seda foo endpoint we can have those two consumers receive their own copy of the message as a kind of pub-sub style messaging.
As the beans are part of an unit test they simply send the message to a mock endpoint.
44.11. Extracting queue information
If needed, information such as queue size, etc. can be obtained without using JMX in this fashion:
SedaEndpoint seda = context.getEndpoint("seda:xxxx"); int size = seda.getExchanges().size();
44.12. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using seda with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-seda-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.seda.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.seda.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.seda.concurrent-consumers | Sets the default number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.seda.default-block-when-full | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.seda.default-discard-when-full | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.seda.default-offer-timeout | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, where a configured timeout can be added to the block case. Utilizing the .offer(timeout) method of the underlining java queue. | Long | |
camel.component.seda.default-poll-timeout | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.component.seda.default-queue-factory | Sets the default queue factory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.seda.BlockingQueueFactory<org.apache.camel.Exchange> type. | BlockingQueueFactory | |
camel.component.seda.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the seda component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.seda.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.seda.queue-size | Sets the default maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). | 1000 | Integer |
Chapter 45. Slack
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Slack component allows you to connect to an instance of Slack and delivers a message contained in the message body via a pre established Slack incoming webhook.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-slack</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
45.1. URI format
To send a message to a channel.
To send a direct message to a slackuser.
45.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
45.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
45.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
45.3. Component Options
The Slack component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
token (token) | The token to use. | String | |
webhookUrl (webhook) | The incoming webhook URL. | String |
45.4. Endpoint Options
The Slack endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
45.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
channel (common) | Required The channel name (syntax #name) or slackuser (syntax userName) to send a message directly to an user. | String |
45.4.2. Query Parameters (29 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
token (common) | The token to use. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
conversationType (consumer) | Type of conversation. Enum values:
| PUBLIC_CHANNEL | ConversationType |
maxResults (consumer) | The Max Result for the poll. | 10 | String |
naturalOrder (consumer) | Create exchanges in natural order (oldest to newest) or not. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
serverUrl (consumer) | The Server URL of the Slack instance. | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
iconEmoji (producer) | Deprecated Use a Slack emoji as an avatar. | String | |
iconUrl (producer) | Deprecated The avatar that the component will use when sending message to a channel or user. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
username (producer) | Deprecated This is the username that the bot will have when sending messages to a channel or user. | String | |
webhookUrl (producer) | The incoming webhook URL. | String | |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
45.5. Configuring in Sprint XML
The Slack component with XML must be configured as a Spring or Blueprint bean that contains the incoming webhook url or the app token for the integration as a parameter.
<bean id="slack" class="org.apache.camel.component.slack.SlackComponent"> <property name="webhookUrl" value=""/> <property name="token" value="xoxb-12345678901-1234567890123-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/> </bean>
For Java you can configure this using Java code.
45.6. Example
A CamelContext with Blueprint could be as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="" default-activation="lazy"> <bean id="slack" class="org.apache.camel.component.slack.SlackComponent"> <property name="webhookUrl" value=""/> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:test"/> <to uri="slack:#channel?iconEmoji=:camel:&username=CamelTest"/> </route> </camelContext> </blueprint>
45.7. Producer
You can now use a token to send a message instead of WebhookUrl.
from("direct:test") .to("slack:#random?token=RAW(<YOUR_TOKEN>)");
You can now use the Slack API model to create blocks. You can read more about it here
public void testSlackAPIModelMessage() { Message message = new Message(); message.setBlocks(Collections.singletonList(SectionBlock .builder() .text(MarkdownTextObject .builder() .text("*Hello from Camel!*") .build()) .build())); template.sendBody(test, message); }
45.8. Consumer
You can use also a consumer for messages in channel.
from("slack://general?token=RAW(<YOUR_TOKEN>)&maxResults=1") .to("mock:result");
In this way you’ll get the last message from general channel. The consumer will take track of the timestamp of the last message consumed and in the next poll it will check from that timestamp.
You’ll need to create a Slack app and use it on your workspace.
Use the 'Bot User OAuth Access Token' as token for the consumer endpoint.
Add the corresponding history (channels:history
or groups:history
or mpim:history
or im:history
) and read (channels:read
or groups:read
or mpim:read
or im:read
) user token scope to your app to grant it permission to view messages in the corresponding channel. You will need to use the conversationType option to set it up too (PUBLIC_CHANNEL
, IM
The naturalOrder option allows consuming messages from the oldest to the newest. Originally you would get the newest first and consume backward (message 3 ⇒ message 2 ⇒ message 1)
You can use the conversationType option to read history and messages from a channel that is not only public (PUBLIC_CHANNEL
, IM
45.9. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using slack with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-slack-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 6 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.slack.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.slack.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.slack.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the slack component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.slack.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.slack.token | The token to use. | String | |
camel.component.slack.webhook-url | The incoming webhook URL. | String |
Chapter 46. SQL
Both producer and consumer are supported
The SQL component allows you to work with databases using JDBC queries. The difference between this component and JDBC component is that in case of SQL the query is a property of the endpoint and it uses message payload as parameters passed to the query.
This component uses spring-jdbc
behind the scenes for the actual SQL handling.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-sql</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The SQL component also supports:
- a JDBC based repository for the Idempotent Consumer EIP pattern. See further below.
- a JDBC based repository for the Aggregator EIP pattern. See further below.
46.1. URI format
This component can be used as a Transactional Client.
The SQL component uses the following endpoint URI notation:
sql:select * from table where id=# order by name[?options]
You can use named parameters by using :`#name_of_the_parameter` style as shown:
sql:select * from table where id=:#myId order by name[?options]
When using named parameters, Camel will lookup the names from, in the given precedence:
from message body if its a
- from message headers
If a named parameter cannot be resolved, then an exception is thrown.
You can use Simple expressions as parameters as shown:
sql:select * from table where id=:#${exchangeProperty.myId} order by name[?options]
Notice that the standard ? symbol that denotes the parameters to an SQL query is substituted with the # symbol, because the ? symbol is used to specify options for the endpoint. The ? symbol replacement can be configured on endpoint basis.
You can externalize your SQL queries to files in the classpath or file system as shown:
And the myquery.sql file is in the classpath and is just a plain text
-- this is a comment select * from table where id = :#${exchangeProperty.myId} order by name
In the file you can use multilines and format the SQL as you wish. And also use comments such as the – dash line.
46.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
46.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
46.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
46.3. Component Options
The SQL component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
dataSource (common) | Autowired Sets the DataSource to use to communicate with the database. | DataSource | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
usePlaceholder (advanced) | Sets whether to use placeholder and replace all placeholder characters with sign in the SQL queries. This option is default true. | true | boolean |
46.4. Endpoint Options
The SQL endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
46.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
query (common) | Required Sets the SQL query to perform. You can externalize the query by using file: or classpath: as prefix and specify the location of the file. | String |
46.4.2. Query Parameters (45 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
allowNamedParameters (common) | Whether to allow using named parameters in the queries. | true | boolean |
dataSource (common) | Autowired Sets the DataSource to use to communicate with the database at endpoint level. | DataSource | |
outputClass (common) | Specify the full package and class name to use as conversion when outputType=SelectOne. | String | |
outputHeader (common) | Store the query result in a header instead of the message body. By default, outputHeader == null and the query result is stored in the message body, any existing content in the message body is discarded. If outputHeader is set, the value is used as the name of the header to store the query result and the original message body is preserved. | String | |
outputType (common) | Make the output of consumer or producer to SelectList as List of Map, or SelectOne as single Java object in the following way: a) If the query has only single column, then that JDBC Column object is returned. (such as SELECT COUNT( ) FROM PROJECT will return a Long object. b) If the query has more than one column, then it will return a Map of that result. c) If the outputClass is set, then it will convert the query result into an Java bean object by calling all the setters that match the column names. It will assume your class has a default constructor to create instance with. d) If the query resulted in more than one rows, it throws an non-unique result exception. StreamList streams the result of the query using an Iterator. This can be used with the Splitter EIP in streaming mode to process the ResultSet in streaming fashion. Enum values:
| SelectList | SqlOutputType |
separator (common) | The separator to use when parameter values is taken from message body (if the body is a String type), to be inserted at # placeholders. Notice if you use named parameters, then a Map type is used instead. The default value is comma. | , | char |
breakBatchOnConsumeFail (consumer) | Sets whether to break batch if onConsume failed. | false | boolean |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
expectedUpdateCount (consumer) | Sets an expected update count to validate when using onConsume. | -1 | int |
maxMessagesPerPoll (consumer) | Sets the maximum number of messages to poll. | int | |
onConsume (consumer) | After processing each row then this query can be executed, if the Exchange was processed successfully, for example to mark the row as processed. The query can have parameter. | String | |
onConsumeBatchComplete (consumer) | After processing the entire batch, this query can be executed to bulk update rows etc. The query cannot have parameters. | String | |
onConsumeFailed (consumer) | After processing each row then this query can be executed, if the Exchange failed, for example to mark the row as failed. The query can have parameter. | String | |
routeEmptyResultSet (consumer) | Sets whether empty resultset should be allowed to be sent to the next hop. Defaults to false. So the empty resultset will be filtered out. | false | boolean |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
transacted (consumer) | Enables or disables transaction. If enabled then if processing an exchange failed then the consumer breaks out processing any further exchanges to cause a rollback eager. | false | boolean |
useIterator (consumer) | Sets how resultset should be delivered to route. Indicates delivery as either a list or individual object. defaults to true. | true | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
processingStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | Allows to plugin to use a custom org.apache.camel.component.sql.SqlProcessingStrategy to execute queries when the consumer has processed the rows/batch. | SqlProcessingStrategy | |
batch (producer) | Enables or disables batch mode. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
noop (producer) | If set, will ignore the results of the SQL query and use the existing IN message as the OUT message for the continuation of processing. | false | boolean |
useMessageBodyForSql (producer) | Whether to use the message body as the SQL and then headers for parameters. If this option is enabled then the SQL in the uri is not used. Note that query parameters in the message body are represented by a question mark instead of a # symbol. | false | boolean |
alwaysPopulateStatement (advanced) | If enabled then the populateStatement method from org.apache.camel.component.sql.SqlPrepareStatementStrategy is always invoked, also if there is no expected parameters to be prepared. When this is false then the populateStatement is only invoked if there is 1 or more expected parameters to be set; for example this avoids reading the message body/headers for SQL queries with no parameters. | false | boolean |
parametersCount (advanced) | If set greater than zero, then Camel will use this count value of parameters to replace instead of querying via JDBC metadata API. This is useful if the JDBC vendor could not return correct parameters count, then user may override instead. | int | |
placeholder (advanced) | Specifies a character that will be replaced to in SQL query. Notice, that it is simple String.replaceAll() operation and no SQL parsing is involved (quoted strings will also change). | # | String |
prepareStatementStrategy (advanced) | Allows to plugin to use a custom org.apache.camel.component.sql.SqlPrepareStatementStrategy to control preparation of the query and prepared statement. | SqlPrepareStatementStrategy | |
templateOptions (advanced) | Configures the Spring JdbcTemplate with the key/values from the Map. | Map | |
usePlaceholder (advanced) | Sets whether to use placeholder and replace all placeholder characters with sign in the SQL queries. | true | boolean |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
46.5. Treatment of the message body
The SQL component tries to convert the message body to an object of java.util.Iterator
type and then uses this iterator to fill the query parameters (where each query parameter is represented by a # symbol (or configured placeholder) in the endpoint URI). If the message body is not an array or collection, the conversion results in an iterator that iterates over only one object, which is the body itself.
For example, if the message body is an instance of java.util.List
, the first item in the list is substituted into the first occurrence of # in the SQL query, the second item in the list is substituted into the second occurrence of #, and so on.
If batch
is set to true
, then the interpretation of the inbound message body changes slightly – instead of an iterator of parameters, the component expects an iterator that contains the parameter iterators; the size of the outer iterator determines the batch size.
You can use the option useMessageBodyForSql
that allows to use the message body as the SQL statement, and then the SQL parameters must be provided in a header with the key SqlConstants.SQL_PARAMETERS
. This allows the SQL component to work more dynamically as the SQL query is from the message body. Use templating (such as Velocity, Freemarker) for conditional processing, e.g. to include or exclude where
clauses depending on the presence of query parameters.
46.6. Result of the query
For select
operations, the result is an instance of List<Map<String, Object>>
type, as returned by the JdbcTemplate.queryForList() method. For update
operations, a NULL
body is returned as the update
operation is only set as a header and never as a body.
See Header Values for more information on the update
By default, the result is placed in the message body. If the outputHeader parameter is set, the result is placed in the header. This is an alternative to using a full message enrichment pattern to add headers, it provides a concise syntax for querying a sequence or some other small value into a header. It is convenient to use outputHeader and outputType together:
from("jms:order.inbox") .to("sql:select order_seq.nextval from dual?outputHeader=OrderId&outputType=SelectOne") .to("");
46.7. Using StreamList
The producer supports outputType=StreamList that uses an iterator to stream the output of the query. This allows to process the data in a streaming fashion which for example can be used by the Splitter EIP to process each row one at a time, and load data from the database as needed.
from("direct:withSplitModel") .to("sql:select * from projects order by id?outputType=StreamList&outputClass=org.apache.camel.component.sql.ProjectModel") .to("log:stream") .split(body()).streaming() .to("log:row") .to("mock:result") .end();
46.8. Header values
When performing update
operations, the SQL Component stores the update count in the following message headers:
Header | Description |
The number of rows updated for |
The number of rows returned for |
Query to execute. This query takes precedence over the query specified in the endpoint URI. Note that query parameters in the header are represented by a |
When performing insert
operations, the SQL Component stores the rows with the generated keys and number of these rows in the following message headers:
Header | Description |
CamelSqlGeneratedKeysRowCount | The number of rows in the header that contains generated keys. |
CamelSqlGeneratedKeyRows | Rows that contains the generated keys (a list of maps of keys). |
46.9. Generated keys
If you insert data using SQL INSERT, then the RDBMS may support auto generated keys. You can instruct the SQL producer to return the generated keys in headers.
To do that set the header CamelSqlRetrieveGeneratedKeys=true
. Then the generated keys will be provided as headers with the keys listed in the table above.
To specify which generated columns should be retrieved, set the header CamelSqlGeneratedColumns
to a String[]
or int[]
, indicating the column names or indexes, respectively. Some databases requires this, such as Oracle. It may also be necessary to use the parametersCount
option if the driver cannot correctly determine the number of parameters.
You can see more details in this unit test.
46.10. DataSource
You can set a reference to a DataSource
in the URI directly:
sql:select * from table where id=# order by name?dataSource=#myDS
46.11. Using named parameters
In the given route below, we want to get all the projects from the projects table. Notice the SQL query has 2 named parameters, :#lic and :#min.
Camel will then lookup for these parameters from the message body or message headers. Notice in the example above we set two headers with constant value
for the named parameters:
from("direct:projects") .setHeader("lic", constant("ASF")) .setHeader("min", constant(123)) .to("sql:select * from projects where license = :#lic and id > :#min order by id")
Though if the message body is a java.util.Map
then the named parameters will be taken from the body.
from("direct:projects") .to("sql:select * from projects where license = :#lic and id > :#min order by id")
46.12. Using expression parameters in producers
In the given route below, we want to get all the project from the database. It uses the body of the exchange for defining the license and uses the value of a property as the second parameter.
from("direct:projects") .setBody(constant("ASF")) .setProperty("min", constant(123)) .to("sql:select * from projects where license = :#${body} and id > :#${exchangeProperty.min} order by id")
46.12.1. Using expression parameters in consumers
When using the SQL component as consumer, you can now also use expression parameters (simple language) to build dynamic query parameters, such as calling a method on a bean to retrieve an id, date or something.
For example in the sample below we call the nextId method on the bean myIdGenerator:
from("sql:select * from projects where id = :#${bean:myIdGenerator.nextId}") .to("mock:result");
And the bean has the following method:
public static class MyIdGenerator { private int id = 1; public int nextId() { return id++; }
Notice that there is no existing Exchange
with message body and headers, so the simple expression you can use in the consumer are most useable for calling bean methods as in this example.
46.13. Using IN queries with dynamic values
The SQL producer allows to use SQL queries with IN statements where the IN values is dynamic computed. For example from the message body or a header etc.
To use IN you need to:
prefix the parameter name with
( )
around the parameter
An example explains this better. The following query is used:
-- this is a comment select * from projects where project in (:#in:names) order by id
In the following route:
from("direct:query") .to("sql:classpath:sql/selectProjectsIn.sql") .to("log:query") .to("mock:query");
Then the IN query can use a header with the key names with the dynamic values such as:
// use an array template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:query", "Hi there!", "names", new String[]{"Camel", "AMQ"}); // use a list List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); names.add("Camel"); names.add("AMQ"); template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:query", "Hi there!", "names", names); // use a string separated values with comma template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:query", "Hi there!", "names", "Camel,AMQ");
The query can also be specified in the endpoint instead of being externalized (notice that externalizing makes maintaining the SQL queries easier)
from("direct:query") .to("sql:select * from projects where project in (:#in:names) order by id") .to("log:query") .to("mock:query");
46.14. Using the JDBC based idempotent repository
In this section we will use the JDBC based idempotent repository.
Abstract class
There is an abstract class org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jdbc.AbstractJdbcMessageIdRepository
you can extend to build custom JDBC idempotent repository.
First we have to create the database table which will be used by the idempotent repository. We use the following schema:
We added the createdAt column:
The SQL Server TIMESTAMP type is a fixed-length binary-string type. It does not map to any of the JDBC time types: DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP.
When working with concurrent consumers it is crucial to create a unique constraint on the columns processorName and messageId. Because the syntax for this constraint differs from database to database, we do not show it here.
46.14.1. Customize the JDBC idempotency repository
You have a few options to tune the org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jdbc.JdbcMessageIdRepository
for your needs:
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
createTableIfNotExists | true | Defines whether or not Camel should try to create the table if it doesn’t exist. |
tableName | CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED | To use a custom table name instead of the default name: CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED. |
tableExistsString | SELECT 1 FROM CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED WHERE 1 = 0 | This query is used to figure out whether the table already exists or not. It must throw an exception to indicate the table doesn’t exist. |
createString | CREATE TABLE CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED (processorName VARCHAR(255), messageId VARCHAR(100), createdAt TIMESTAMP) | The statement which is used to create the table. |
queryString | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED WHERE processorName = ? AND messageId = ? |
The query which is used to figure out whether the message already exists in the repository (the result is not equals to '0'). It takes two parameters. This first one is the processor name ( |
insertString | INSERT INTO CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED (processorName, messageId, createdAt) VALUES (?, ?, ?) |
The statement which is used to add the entry into the table. It takes three parameter. The first one is the processor name ( |
deleteString | DELETE FROM CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED WHERE processorName = ? AND messageId = ? |
The statement which is used to delete the entry from the database. It takes two parameter. This first one is the processor name ( |
The option tableName
can be used to use the default SQL queries but with a different table name. However if you want to customize the SQL queries then you can configure each of them individually.
46.14.2. Orphan Lock aware Jdbc IdempotentRepository
One of the limitations of org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jdbc.JdbcMessageIdRepository
is that it does not handle orphan locks resulting from JVM crash or non graceful shutdown. This can result in unprocessed files/messages if this is implementation is used with camel-file, camel-ftp etc. if you need to address orphan locks processing then use org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.jdbc.JdbcOrphanLockAwareIdempotentRepository
. This repository keeps track of the locks held by an instance of the application. For each lock held, the application will send keep alive signals to the lock repository resulting in updating the createdAt column with the current Timestamp. When an application instance tries to acquire a lock if the, then there are three possibilities exist :
lock entry does not exist then the lock is provided using the base implementation of
. - lock already exists and the createdAt < System.currentTimeMillis() - lockMaxAgeMillis. In this case it is assumed that an active instance has the lock and the lock is not provided to the new instance requesting the lock
- lock already exists and the createdAt > = System.currentTimeMillis() - lockMaxAgeMillis. In this case it is assumed that there is no active instance which has the lock and the lock is provided to the requesting instance. The reason behind is that if the original instance which had the lock, if it was still running, it would have updated the Timestamp on createdAt using its keepAlive mechanism
This repository has two additional configuration parameters
Parameter | Description |
lockMaxAgeMillis | This refers to the duration after which the lock is considered orphaned i.e. if the currentTimestamp - createdAt >= lockMaxAgeMillis then lock is orphaned. |
lockKeepAliveIntervalMillis | The frequency at which keep alive updates are done to createdAt Timestamp column. |
46.14.3. Caching Jdbc IdempotentRepository
Some SQL implementations are not fast on a per query basis. The JdbcMessageIdRepository
implementation does its idempotent checks individually within SQL transactions. Checking a mere 100 keys can take minutes. The JdbcCachedMessageIdRepository
preloads an in-memory cache on start with the entire list of keys. This cache is then checked first before passing through to the original implementation.
As with all cache implementations, there are considerations that should be made with regard to stale data and your specific usage.
46.15. Using the JDBC based aggregation repository
is an AggregationRepository
which on the fly persists the aggregated messages. This ensures that you will not loose messages, as the default aggregator will use an in memory only AggregationRepository
. The JdbcAggregationRepository
allows together with Camel to provide persistent support for the Aggregator.
Only when an Exchange has been successfully processed it will be marked as complete which happens when the confirm
method is invoked on the AggregationRepository
. This means if the same Exchange fails again it will be kept retried until it success.
You can use option maximumRedeliveries
to limit the maximum number of redelivery attempts for a given recovered Exchange. You must also set the deadLetterUri
option so Camel knows where to send the Exchange when the maximumRedeliveries
was hit.
You can see some examples in the unit tests of camel-sql, for example
46.15.1. Database
To be operational, each aggregator uses two table: the aggregation and completed one. By convention the completed has the same name as the aggregation one suffixed with "_COMPLETED"
. The name must be configured in the Spring bean with the RepositoryName
property. In the following example aggregation will be used.
The table structure definition of both table are identical: in both case a String value is used as key (id) whereas a Blob contains the exchange serialized in byte array.
However one difference should be remembered: the id field does not have the same content depending on the table.
In the aggregation table id holds the correlation Id used by the component to aggregate the messages. In the completed table, id holds the id of the exchange stored in corresponding the blob field.
Here is the SQL query used to create the tables, just replace "aggregation"
with your aggregator repository name.
CREATE TABLE aggregation ( id varchar(255) NOT NULL, exchange blob NOT NULL, version BIGINT NOT NULL, constraint aggregation_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE aggregation_completed ( id varchar(255) NOT NULL, exchange blob NOT NULL, version BIGINT NOT NULL, constraint aggregation_completed_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) );
46.16. Storing body and headers as text
You can configure the JdbcAggregationRepository
to store message body and select(ed) headers as String in separate columns. For example to store the body, and the following two headers companyName
and accountName
use the following SQL:
CREATE TABLE aggregationRepo3 ( id varchar(255) NOT NULL, exchange blob NOT NULL, version BIGINT NOT NULL, body varchar(1000), companyName varchar(1000), accountName varchar(1000), constraint aggregationRepo3_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE aggregationRepo3_completed ( id varchar(255) NOT NULL, exchange blob NOT NULL, version BIGINT NOT NULL, body varchar(1000), companyName varchar(1000), accountName varchar(1000), constraint aggregationRepo3_completed_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) );
And then configure the repository to enable this behavior as shown below:
<bean id="repo3" class="org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.JdbcAggregationRepository"> <property name="repositoryName" value="aggregationRepo3"/> <property name="transactionManager" ref="txManager3"/> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource3"/> <!-- configure to store the message body and following headers as text in the repo --> <property name="storeBodyAsText" value="true"/> <property name="headersToStoreAsText"> <list> <value>companyName</value> <value>accountName</value> </list> </property> </bean>
46.16.1. Codec (Serialization)
Since they can contain any type of payload, Exchanges are not serializable by design. It is converted into a byte array to be stored in a database BLOB field. All those conversions are handled by the JdbcCodec
class. One detail of the code requires your attention: the ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream
The ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream
has been reused from the Apache ActiveMQ project. It wraps an ObjectInputStream
and use it with the ContextClassLoader
rather than the currentThread
one. The benefit is to be able to load classes exposed by other bundles. This allows the exchange body and headers to have custom types object references.
46.16.2. Transaction
A Spring PlatformTransactionManager
is required to orchestrate transaction. Service (Start/Stop)
The start
method verify the connection of the database and the presence of the required tables. If anything is wrong it will fail during starting.
46.16.3. Aggregator configuration
Depending on the targeted environment, the aggregator might need some configuration. As you already know, each aggregator should have its own repository (with the corresponding pair of table created in the database) and a data source. If the default lobHandler is not adapted to your database system, it can be injected with the lobHandler
Here is the declaration for Oracle:
<bean id="lobHandler" class=""> <property name="nativeJdbcExtractor" ref="nativeJdbcExtractor"/> </bean> <bean id="nativeJdbcExtractor" class=""/> <bean id="repo" class="org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.JdbcAggregationRepository"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/> <property name="repositoryName" value="aggregation"/> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> <!-- Only with Oracle, else use default --> <property name="lobHandler" ref="lobHandler"/> </bean>
46.16.4. Optimistic locking
You can turn on optimisticLocking
and use this JDBC based aggregation repository in a clustered environment where multiple Camel applications shared the same database for the aggregation repository. If there is a race condition there JDBC driver will throw a vendor specific exception which the JdbcAggregationRepository
can react upon. To know which caused exceptions from the JDBC driver is regarded as an optimistick locking error we need a mapper to do this. Therefore there is a org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.JdbcOptimisticLockingExceptionMapper
allows you to implement your custom logic if needed. There is a default implementation org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.DefaultJdbcOptimisticLockingExceptionMapper
which works as follows:
The following check is done:
If the caused exception is an
then the SQLState is checked if starts with 23. -
If the caused exception is a
- If the caused exception class name has "ConstraintViolation" in its name.
- Optional checking for FQN class name matches if any class names has been configured.
You can in addition add FQN classnames, and if any of the caused exception (or any nested) equals any of the FQN class names, then its an optimistick locking error.
Here is an example, where we define 2 extra FQN class names from the JDBC vendor.
<bean id="repo" class="org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.JdbcAggregationRepository"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/> <property name="repositoryName" value="aggregation"/> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> <property name="jdbcOptimisticLockingExceptionMapper" ref="myExceptionMapper"/> </bean> <!-- use the default mapper with extraFQN class names from our JDBC driver --> <bean id="myExceptionMapper" class="org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.DefaultJdbcOptimisticLockingExceptionMapper"> <property name="classNames"> <util:set> <value></value> <value></value> </util:set> </property> </bean>
46.16.5. Propagation behavior
uses two distinct transaction templates from Spring-TX. One is read-only and one is used for read-write operations.
However, when using JdbcAggregationRepository
within a route that itself uses <transacted />
and there’s common PlatformTransactionManager
used, there may be a need to configure propagation behavior used by transaction templates inside JdbcAggregationRepository
Here’s a way to do it:
<bean id="repo" class="org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.jdbc.JdbcAggregationRepository"> <property name="propagationBehaviorName" value="PROPAGATION_NESTED" /> </bean>
Propagation is specified by constants of org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
interface, so propagationBehaviorName
is convenient setter that allows to use names of the constants.
46.16.6. PostgreSQL case
There’s special database that may cause problems with optimistic locking used by JdbcAggregationRepository
. PostgreSQL marks connection as invalid in case of data integrity violation exception (the one with SQLState 23505). This makes the connection effectively unusable within nested transaction. Details can be found in the document..
extends JdbcAggregationRepository
and uses special INSERT .. ON CONFLICT ..
statement to provide optimistic locking behavior.
This statement is (with default aggregation table definition):
INSERT INTO aggregation (id, exchange) values (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
Details can be found in PostgreSQL documentation.
When this clause is used, java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()
call returns 0
instead of throwing SQLException with SQLState=23505. Further handling is exactly the same as with generic JdbcAggregationRepository
, but without marking PostgreSQL connection as invalid.
46.17. Camel Sql Starter
A starter module is available to spring-boot users. When using the starter, the DataSource
can be directly configured using spring-boot properties.
# Example for a mysql datasource spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/test spring.datasource.username=dbuser spring.datasource.password=dbpass spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
To use this feature, add the following dependencies to your spring boot pom.xml file:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-sql-starter</artifactId> <version>${camel.version}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${spring-boot-version}</version> </dependency>
You should also include the specific database driver, if needed.
46.18. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using sql with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-sql-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.sql-stored.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.sql-stored.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the sql-stored component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.sql-stored.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.sql.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.sql.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.sql.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the sql component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.sql.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.sql.use-placeholder | Sets whether to use placeholder and replace all placeholder characters with sign in the SQL queries. This option is default true. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 47. Stub
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Stub component provides a simple way to stub out any physical endpoints while in development or testing, allowing you for example to run a route without needing to actually connect to a specific specific SMTP or HTTP endpoint. Just add stub: in front of any endpoint URI to stub out the endpoint.
Internally the Stub component creates VM endpoints. The main difference between Stub and VM is that VM will validate the URI and parameters you give it, so putting vm: in front of a typical URI with query arguments will usually fail. Stub won’t though, as it basically ignores all query parameters to let you quickly stub out one or more endpoints in your route temporarily.
47.1. URI format
Where someUri
can be any URI with any query parameters.
47.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
47.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
47.3. Component Options
The Stub component supports 10 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Sets the default number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | int |
defaultPollTimeout (consumer (advanced)) | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | int |
defaultBlockWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | boolean |
defaultDiscardWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | boolean |
defaultOfferTimeout (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, where a configured timeout can be added to the block case. Utilizing the .offer(timeout) method of the underlining java queue. | long | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
defaultQueueFactory (advanced) | Sets the default queue factory. | BlockingQueueFactory | |
queueSize (advanced) | Sets the default maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). | 1000 | int |
47.4. Endpoint Options
The Stub endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
47.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
name (common) | Required Name of queue. | String |
47.4.2. Query Parameters (18 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
size (common) | The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). Will by default use the defaultSize set on the SEDA component. | 1000 | int |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
concurrentConsumers (consumer) | Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | int |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
limitConcurrentConsumers (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to limit the number of concurrentConsumers to the maximum of 500. By default, an exception will be thrown if an endpoint is configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this option off. | true | boolean |
multipleConsumers (consumer (advanced)) | Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If enabled, you can use SEDA for Publish-Subscribe messaging. That is, you can send a message to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. | false | boolean |
pollTimeout (consumer (advanced)) | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | int |
purgeWhenStopping (consumer (advanced)) | Whether to purge the task queue when stopping the consumer/route. This allows to stop faster, as any pending messages on the queue is discarded. | false | boolean |
blockWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | boolean |
discardIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should discard the message (do not add the message to the queue), when sending to a queue with no active consumers. Only one of the options discardIfNoConsumers and failIfNoConsumers can be enabled at the same time. | false | boolean |
discardWhenFull (producer) | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | boolean |
failIfNoConsumers (producer) | Whether the producer should fail by throwing an exception, when sending to a queue with no active consumers. Only one of the options discardIfNoConsumers and failIfNoConsumers can be enabled at the same time. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
offerTimeout (producer) | Offer timeout (in milliseconds) can be added to the block case when queue is full. You can disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. | long | |
timeout (producer) | Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. You can disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. | 30000 | long |
waitForTaskToComplete (producer) | Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options are supported: Always, Never or IfReplyExpected. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last value, IfReplyExpected, will only wait if the message is Request Reply based. The default option is IfReplyExpected. Enum values:
| IfReplyExpected | WaitForTaskToComplete |
queue (advanced) | Define the queue instance which will be used by the endpoint. | BlockingQueue |
47.5. Examples
Here are a few samples of stubbing endpoint uris
stub:smtp:// stub:
47.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using stub with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-stub-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.stub.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.stub.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.stub.concurrent-consumers | Sets the default number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. | 1 | Integer |
camel.component.stub.default-block-when-full | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.stub.default-discard-when-full | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will be discarded. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread will give up sending and continue, meaning that the message was not sent to the SEDA queue. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.stub.default-offer-timeout | Whether a thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue’s capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, where a configured timeout can be added to the block case. Utilizing the .offer(timeout) method of the underlining java queue. | Long | |
camel.component.stub.default-poll-timeout | The timeout (in milliseconds) used when polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more quickly upon shutdown. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.component.stub.default-queue-factory | Sets the default queue factory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.seda.BlockingQueueFactory<org.apache.camel.Exchange> type. | BlockingQueueFactory | |
camel.component.stub.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the stub component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.stub.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.stub.queue-size | Sets the default maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number of messages it can hold). | 1000 | Integer |
Chapter 48. Telegram
Both producer and consumer are supported
The Telegram component provides access to the Telegram Bot API. It allows a Camel-based application to send and receive messages by acting as a Bot, participating in direct conversations with normal users, private and public groups or channels.
A Telegram Bot must be created before using this component, following the instructions at the Telegram Bot developers home. When a new Bot is created, the BotFather provides an authorization token corresponding to the Bot. The authorization token is a mandatory parameter for the camel-telegram endpoint.
In order to allow the Bot to receive all messages exchanged within a group or channel (not just the ones starting with a '/' character), ask the BotFather to disable the privacy mode, using the /setprivacy command.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-telegram</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
48.1. URI format
48.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
48.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
48.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
48.3. Component Options
The Telegram component supports 7 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
baseUri (advanced) | Can be used to set an alternative base URI, e.g. when you want to test the component against a mock Telegram API. | String | |
client (advanced) | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient. | AsyncHttpClient | |
clientConfig (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. | AsyncHttpClientConfig | |
authorizationToken (security) | The default Telegram authorization token to be used when the information is not provided in the endpoints. | String |
48.4. Endpoint Options
The Telegram endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
48.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
type (common) | Required The endpoint type. Currently, only the 'bots' type is supported. Enum values:
| String |
48.4.2. Query Parameters (30 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
limit (consumer) | Limit on the number of updates that can be received in a single polling request. | 100 | Integer |
sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not poll any files, you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) instead. | false | boolean |
timeout (consumer) | Timeout in seconds for long polling. Put 0 for short polling or a bigger number for long polling. Long polling produces shorter response time. | 30 | Integer |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
pollStrategy (consumer (advanced)) | A pluggable org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | |
chatId (producer) | The identifier of the chat that will receive the produced messages. Chat ids can be first obtained from incoming messages (eg. when a telegram user starts a conversation with a bot, its client sends automatically a '/start' message containing the chat id). It is an optional parameter, as the chat id can be set dynamically for each outgoing message (using body or headers). | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
baseUri (advanced) | Can be used to set an alternative base URI, e.g. when you want to test the component against a mock Telegram API. | String | |
bufferSize (advanced) | The initial in-memory buffer size used when transferring data between Camel and AHC Client. | 4096 | int |
clientConfig (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. | AsyncHttpClientConfig | |
proxyHost (proxy) | HTTP proxy host which could be used when sending out the message. | String | |
proxyPort (proxy) | HTTP proxy port which could be used when sending out the message. | Integer | |
proxyType (proxy) | HTTP proxy type which could be used when sending out the message. Enum values:
| HTTP | TelegramProxyType |
backoffErrorThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls (failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffIdleThreshold (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. | int | |
backoffMultiplier (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. | int | |
delay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. | 500 | long |
greedy (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled, then the ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again, if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | false | boolean |
initialDelay (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (scheduler) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the scheduler will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | 0 | long |
runLoggingLevel (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for that. Enum values:
| TRACE | LoggingLevel |
scheduledExecutorService (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool. | ScheduledExecutorService | |
scheduler (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring or camel-quartz component. Use value spring or quartz for built in scheduler. | none | Object |
schedulerProperties (scheduler) | To configure additional properties when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz, Spring based scheduler. | Map | |
startScheduler (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
timeUnit (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. Enum values:
useFixedDelay (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean |
authorizationToken (security) | Required The authorization token for using the bot (ask the BotFather). | String |
48.4.3. Message Headers
Name | Description |
This header is used by the producer endpoint in order to resolve the chat id that will receive the message. The recipient chat id can be placed (in order of priority) in message body, in the |
This header is used to identify the media type when the outgoing message is composed of pure binary data. Possible values are strings or enum values belonging to the |
| This header is used to provide a caption or title for outgoing binary messages. |
This header is used to format text messages using HTML or Markdown (see |
48.5. Usage
The Telegram component supports both consumer and producer endpoints. It can also be used in reactive chat-bot mode (to consume, then produce messages).
48.6. Producer Example
The following is a basic example of how to send a message to a Telegram chat through the Telegram Bot API.
in Java DSL
or in Spring XML
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <to uri="telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere"/> <route>
The code 123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere
is the authorization token corresponding to the Bot.
When using the producer endpoint without specifying the chat id option, the target chat will be identified using information contained in the body or headers of the message. The following message bodies are allowed for a producer endpoint (messages of type OutgoingXXXMessage
belong to the package org.apache.camel.component.telegram.model
Java Type | Description |
| To send a text message to a chat |
| To send a photo (JPG, PNG) to a chat |
| To send a mp3 audio to a chat |
| To send a mp4 video to a chat |
| To send a file to a chat (any media type) |
| To send a sticker to a chat (WEBP) |
| To send answers to an inline query |
| To edit text and game messages (editMessageText) |
| To edit captions of messages (editMessageCaption) |
| To edit animation, audio, document, photo, or video messages. (editMessageMedia) |
| To edit only the reply markup of message. (editMessageReplyMarkup) |
| To delete a message, including service messages. (deleteMessage) |
| To send a location (setSendLocation) |
| To send changes to a live location (editMessageLiveLocation) |
| To stop updating a live location message sent by the bot or via the bot (for inline bots) before live_period expires (stopMessageLiveLocation) |
| To send information about a venue (sendVenue) |
To send any media type supported. It requires the |
To send a text message to a chat. It gets converted automatically into a |
48.7. Consumer Example
The following is a basic example of how to receive all messages that telegram users are sending to the configured Bot. In Java DSL
from("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere") .bean(ProcessorBean.class)
or in Spring XML
<route> <from uri="telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere"/> <bean ref="myBean" /> <route> <bean id="myBean" class="com.example.MyBean"/>
The MyBean
is a simple bean that will receive the messages
public class MyBean { public void process(String message) { // or Exchange, or org.apache.camel.component.telegram.model.IncomingMessage (or both) // do process } }
Supported types for incoming messages are
Java Type | Description |
| The full object representation of an incoming message |
| The content of the message, for text messages only |
48.8. Reactive Chat-Bot Example
The reactive chat-bot mode is a simple way of using the Camel component to build a simple chat bot that replies directly to chat messages received from the Telegram users.
The following is a basic configuration of the chat-bot in Java DSL
from("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere") .bean(ChatBotLogic.class) .to("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere");
or in Spring XML
<route> <from uri="telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere"/> <bean ref="chatBotLogic" /> <to uri="telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere"/> <route> <bean id="chatBotLogic" class="com.example.ChatBotLogic"/>
The ChatBotLogic
is a simple bean that implements a generic String-to-String method.
public class ChatBotLogic { public String chatBotProcess(String message) { if( "do-not-reply".equals(message) ) { return null; // no response in the chat } return "echo from the bot: " + message; // echoes the message } }
Every non-null string returned by the chatBotProcess
method is automatically routed to the chat that originated the request (as the CamelTelegramChatId
header is used to route the message).
48.9. Getting the Chat ID
If you want to push messages to a specific Telegram chat when an event occurs, you need to retrieve the corresponding chat ID. The chat ID is not currently shown in the telegram client, but you can obtain it using a simple route.
First, add the bot to the chat where you want to push messages, then run a route like the following one.
from("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere") .to("log:INFO?showHeaders=true");
Any message received by the bot will be dumped to your log together with information about the chat (CamelTelegramChatId
Once you get the chat ID, you can use the following sample route to push message to it.
from("timer:tick") .setBody().constant("Hello") to("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere&chatId=123456")
Note that the corresponding URI parameter is simply chatId
48.10. Customizing keyboard
You can customize the user keyboard instead of asking him to write an option. OutgoingTextMessage
has the property ReplyMarkup
which can be used for such thing.
from("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere") .process(exchange -> { OutgoingTextMessage msg = new OutgoingTextMessage(); msg.setText("Choose one option!"); InlineKeyboardButton buttonOptionOneI = InlineKeyboardButton.builder() .text("Option One - I").build(); InlineKeyboardButton buttonOptionOneII = InlineKeyboardButton.builder() .text("Option One - II").build(); InlineKeyboardButton buttonOptionTwoI = InlineKeyboardButton.builder() .text("Option Two - I").build(); ReplyKeyboardMarkup replyMarkup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup.builder() .keyboard() .addRow(Arrays.asList(buttonOptionOneI, buttonOptionOneII)) .addRow(Arrays.asList(buttonOptionTwoI)) .close() .oneTimeKeyboard(true) .build(); msg.setReplyMarkup(replyMarkup); exchange.getIn().setBody(msg); }) .to("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere");
If you want to disable it the next message must have the property removeKeyboard
set on ReplyKeyboardMarkup
from("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere") .process(exchange -> { OutgoingTextMessage msg = new OutgoingTextMessage(); msg.setText("Your answer was accepted!"); ReplyKeyboardMarkup replyMarkup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup.builder() .removeKeyboard(true) .build(); msg.setReplyKeyboardMarkup(replyMarkup); exchange.getIn().setBody(msg); }) .to("telegram:bots?authorizationToken=123456789:insertYourAuthorizationTokenHere");
48.11. Webhook Mode
The Telegram component supports usage in the webhook mode using the camel-webhook component.
In order to enable webhook mode, users need first to add a REST implementation to their application. Maven users, for example, can add netty-http to their pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-netty-http</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Once done, you need to prepend the webhook URI to the telegram URI you want to use.
In Java DSL:
Some endpoints will be exposed by your application and Telegram will be configured to send messages to them. You need to ensure that your server is exposed to the internet and to pass the right value of the camel.component.webhook.configuration.webhook-external-url property.
Refer to the camel-webhook component documentation for instructions on how to set it.
48.12. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using telegram with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-telegram-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.telegram.authorization-token | The default Telegram authorization token to be used when the information is not provided in the endpoints. | String | |
camel.component.telegram.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.telegram.base-uri | Can be used to set an alternative base URI, e.g. when you want to test the component against a mock Telegram API. | String | |
camel.component.telegram.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.telegram.client | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient. The option is a org.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClient type. | AsyncHttpClient | |
camel.component.telegram.client-config | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. The option is a org.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClientConfig type. | AsyncHttpClientConfig | |
camel.component.telegram.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the telegram component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.telegram.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 49. Timer
Only consumer is supported
The Timer component is used to generate message exchanges when a timer fires You can only consume events from this endpoint.
49.1. URI format
Where name
is the name of the Timer
object, which is created and shared across endpoints. So if you use the same name for all your timer endpoints, only one Timer
object and thread will be used.
The IN body of the generated exchange is null
. So exchange.getIn().getBody()
returns null
Advanced Scheduler
See also the Quartz component that supports much more advanced scheduling.
49.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
49.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
49.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
49.3. Component Options
The Timer component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
49.4. Endpoint Options
The Timer endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
49.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
timerName (consumer) | Required The name of the timer. | String |
49.4.2. Query Parameters (13 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
delay (consumer) | Delay before first event is triggered. | 1000 | long |
fixedRate (consumer) | Events take place at approximately regular intervals, separated by the specified period. | false | boolean |
includeMetadata (consumer) | Whether to include metadata in the exchange such as fired time, timer name, timer count etc. This information is default included. | true | boolean |
period (consumer) | If greater than 0, generate periodic events every period. | 1000 | long |
repeatCount (consumer) | Specifies a maximum limit of number of fires. So if you set it to 1, the timer will only fire once. If you set it to 5, it will only fire five times. A value of zero or negative means fire forever. | long | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern | |
daemon (advanced) | Specifies whether or not the thread associated with the timer endpoint runs as a daemon. The default value is true. | true | boolean |
pattern (advanced) | Allows you to specify a custom Date pattern to use for setting the time option using URI syntax. | String | |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used. | false | boolean |
time (advanced) | A java.util.Date the first event should be generated. If using the URI, the pattern expected is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss. | Date | |
timer (advanced) | To use a custom Timer. | Timer |
49.5. Exchange Properties
When the timer is fired, it adds the following information as properties to the Exchange
Name | Type | Description |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
| The time when the consumer fired. |
| The current fire counter. Starts from 1. |
49.6. Sample
To set up a route that generates an event every 60 seconds:
The above route will generate an event and then invoke the someMethodName
method on the bean called myBean
in the Registry.
And the route in Spring DSL:
<route> <from uri="timer://foo?fixedRate=true&period=60000"/> <to uri="bean:myBean?method=someMethodName"/> </route>
49.7. Firing as soon as possible
Since Camel 2.17
You may want to fire messages in a Camel route as soon as possible you can use a negative delay:
<route> <from uri="timer://foo?delay=-1"/> <to uri="bean:myBean?method=someMethodName"/> </route>
In this way the timer will fire messages immediately.
You can also specify a repeatCount parameter in conjunction with a negative delay to stop firing messages after a fixed number has been reached.
If you don’t specify a repeatCount then the timer will continue firing messages until the route will be stopped.
49.8. Firing only once
You may want to fire a message in a Camel route only once, such as when starting the route. To do that you use the repeatCount option as shown:
<route> <from uri="timer://foo?repeatCount=1"/> <to uri="bean:myBean?method=someMethodName"/> </route>
49.9. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using timer with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-timer-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.timer.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.timer.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.timer.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the timer component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean |
Chapter 50. Validator
Only producer is supported
The Validation component performs XML validation of the message body using the JAXP Validation API and based on any of the supported XML schema languages, which defaults to XML Schema
Note that the component also supports the following useful schema languages:
The MSV component also supports RelaxNG XML Syntax.
50.1. URI format
Where someLocalOrRemoteResource is some URL to a local resource on the classpath or a full URL to a remote resource or resource on the file system which contains the XSD to validate against. For example:
The Validation component is provided directly in the camel-core.
50.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
50.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
50.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
50.3. Component Options
The Validator component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
resourceResolverFactory (advanced) | To use a custom LSResourceResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource URI. | ValidatorResourceResolverFactory |
50.4. Endpoint Options
The Validator endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
50.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
resourceUri (producer) | Required URL to a local resource on the classpath, or a reference to lookup a bean in the Registry, or a full URL to a remote resource or resource on the file system which contains the XSD to validate against. | String |
50.4.2. Query Parameters (10 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
failOnNullBody (producer) | Whether to fail if no body exists. | true | boolean |
failOnNullHeader (producer) | Whether to fail if no header exists when validating against a header. | true | boolean |
headerName (producer) | To validate against a header instead of the message body. | String | |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
errorHandler (advanced) | To use a custom org.apache.camel.processor.validation.ValidatorErrorHandler. The default error handler captures the errors and throws an exception. | ValidatorErrorHandler | |
resourceResolver (advanced) | To use a custom LSResourceResolver. Do not use together with resourceResolverFactory. | LSResourceResolver | |
resourceResolverFactory (advanced) | To use a custom LSResourceResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource URI. The default resource resolver factory resturns a resource resolver which can read files from the class path and file system. Do not use together with resourceResolver. | ValidatorResourceResolverFactory | |
schemaFactory (advanced) | To use a custom javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory. | SchemaFactory | |
schemaLanguage (advanced) | Configures the W3C XML Schema Namespace URI. | String | |
useSharedSchema (advanced) | Whether the Schema instance should be shared or not. This option is introduced to work around a JDK 1.6.x bug. Xerces should not have this issue. | true | boolean |
50.5. Example
The following example shows how to configure a route from endpoint direct:start which then goes to one of two endpoints, either mock:valid or mock:invalid based on whether or not the XML matches the given schema (which is supplied on the classpath).
50.6. Advanced: JMX method clearCachedSchema
You can force that the cached schema in the validator endpoint is cleared and reread with the next process call with the JMX operation clearCachedSchema
. You can also use this method to programmatically clear the cache. This method is available on the ValidatorEndpoint
50.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using validator with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-validator-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.validator.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.validator.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the validator component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.validator.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.validator.resource-resolver-factory | To use a custom LSResourceResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource URI. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.validator.ValidatorResourceResolverFactory type. | ValidatorResourceResolverFactory |
Chapter 51. Webhook
Only consumer is supported
The Webhook meta component allows other Camel components to configure webhooks on a remote webhook provider and listening for them.
The following components currently provide webhook endpoints:
- Telegram
Maven users can add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-webhook</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
Typically, other components that support webhook will bring this dependency transitively.
51.1. URI Format
51.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
51.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
51.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
51.3. Component Options
The Webhook component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
webhookAutoRegister (consumer) | Automatically register the webhook at startup and unregister it on shutdown. | true | boolean |
webhookBasePath (consumer) | The first (base) path element where the webhook will be exposed. It’s a good practice to set it to a random string, so that it cannot be guessed by unauthorized parties. | String | |
webhookComponentName (consumer) | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport, such as netty-http. | String | |
webhookExternalUrl (consumer) | The URL of the current service as seen by the webhook provider. | String | |
webhookPath (consumer) | The path where the webhook endpoint will be exposed (relative to basePath, if any). | String | |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
configuration (advanced) | Set the default configuration for the webhook meta-component. | WebhookConfiguration |
51.4. Endpoint Options
The Webhook endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
51.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
endpointUri (consumer) | Required The delegate uri. Must belong to a component that supports webhooks. | String |
51.4.2. Query Parameters (8 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
webhookAutoRegister (consumer) | Automatically register the webhook at startup and unregister it on shutdown. | true | boolean |
webhookBasePath (consumer) | The first (base) path element where the webhook will be exposed. It’s a good practice to set it to a random string, so that it cannot be guessed by unauthorized parties. | String | |
webhookComponentName (consumer) | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport, such as netty-http. | String | |
webhookExternalUrl (consumer) | The URL of the current service as seen by the webhook provider. | String | |
webhookPath (consumer) | The path where the webhook endpoint will be exposed (relative to basePath, if any). | String | |
exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced)) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer (advanced)) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. Enum values:
| ExchangePattern |
51.5. Examples
Examples of webhook component are provided in the documentation of the delegate components that support it.
51.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using webhook with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-webhook-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 9 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.webhook.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.webhook.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.webhook.configuration | Set the default configuration for the webhook meta-component. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.webhook.WebhookConfiguration type. | WebhookConfiguration | |
camel.component.webhook.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the webhook component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.webhook.webhook-auto-register | Automatically register the webhook at startup and unregister it on shutdown. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.webhook.webhook-base-path | The first (base) path element where the webhook will be exposed. It’s a good practice to set it to a random string, so that it cannot be guessed by unauthorized parties. | String | |
camel.component.webhook.webhook-component-name | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport, such as netty-http. | String | |
camel.component.webhook.webhook-external-url | The URL of the current service as seen by the webhook provider. | String | |
camel.component.webhook.webhook-path | The path where the webhook endpoint will be exposed (relative to basePath, if any). | String |
Chapter 52. XSLT
Only producer is supported
The XSLT component allows you to process a message using an XSLT template. This can be ideal when using Templating to generate response for requests.
52.1. URI format
The URI format contains templateName, which can be one of the following:
- the classpath-local URI of the template to invoke
- the complete URL of the remote template.
You can append query options to the URI in the following format:
URI | Description |
xslt:com/acme/mytransform.xsl | Refers to the file com/acme/mytransform.xsl on the classpath |
xslt:file:///foo/bar.xsl | Refers to the file /foo/bar.xsl |
xslt: | Refers to the remote http resource |
52.2. Configuring Options
Camel components are configured on two separate levels:
- component level
- endpoint level
52.2.1. Configuring Component Options
The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.
Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.
Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.
52.2.2. Configuring Endpoint Options
Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.
Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints.
A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.
The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.
52.3. Component Options
The XSLT component supports 7 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
contentCache (producer) | Cache for the resource content (the stylesheet file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the stylesheet file on each message processing. This is good for development. A cached stylesheet can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the clearCachedStylesheet operation. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
autowiredEnabled (advanced) | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | boolean |
transformerFactoryClass (advanced) | To use a custom XSLT transformer factory, specified as a FQN class name. | String | |
transformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy (advanced) | A configuration strategy to apply on freshly created instances of TransformerFactory. | TransformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy | |
uriResolver (advanced) | To use a custom UriResolver. Should not be used together with the option 'uriResolverFactory'. | URIResolver | |
uriResolverFactory (advanced) | To use a custom UriResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource URI. Should not be used together with the option 'uriResolver'. | XsltUriResolverFactory |
52.4. Endpoint Options
The XSLT endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
52.4.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
resourceUri (producer) | Required Path to the template. The following is supported by the default URIResolver. You can prefix with: classpath, file, http, ref, or bean. classpath, file and http loads the resource using these protocols (classpath is default). ref will lookup the resource in the registry. bean will call a method on a bean to be used as the resource. For bean you can specify the method name after dot, eg bean:myBean.myMethod. | String |
52.4.2. Query Parameters (13 parameters)
Name | Description | Default | Type |
contentCache (producer) | Cache for the resource content (the stylesheet file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the stylesheet file on each message processing. This is good for development. A cached stylesheet can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the clearCachedStylesheet operation. | true | boolean |
deleteOutputFile (producer) | If you have output=file then this option dictates whether or not the output file should be deleted when the Exchange is done processing. For example suppose the output file is a temporary file, then it can be a good idea to delete it after use. | false | boolean |
failOnNullBody (producer) | Whether or not to throw an exception if the input body is null. | true | boolean |
lazyStartProducer (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean |
output (producer) | Option to specify which output type to use. Possible values are: string, bytes, DOM, file. The first three options are all in memory based, where as file is streamed directly to a For file you must specify the filename in the IN header with the key Exchange.XSLT_FILE_NAME which is also CamelXsltFileName. Also any paths leading to the filename must be created beforehand, otherwise an exception is thrown at runtime. Enum values:
| string | XsltOutput |
transformerCacheSize (producer) | The number of javax.xml.transform.Transformer object that are cached for reuse to avoid calls to Template.newTransformer(). | 0 | int |
entityResolver (advanced) | To use a custom org.xml.sax.EntityResolver with javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource. | EntityResolver | |
errorListener (advanced) | Allows to configure to use a custom javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener. Beware when doing this then the default error listener which captures any errors or fatal errors and store information on the Exchange as properties is not in use. So only use this option for special use-cases. | ErrorListener | |
resultHandlerFactory (advanced) | Allows you to use a custom org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandlerFactory which is capable of using custom org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandler types. | ResultHandlerFactory | |
transformerFactory (advanced) | To use a custom XSLT transformer factory. | TransformerFactory | |
transformerFactoryClass (advanced) | To use a custom XSLT transformer factory, specified as a FQN class name. | String | |
transformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy (advanced) | A configuration strategy to apply on freshly created instances of TransformerFactory. | TransformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy | |
uriResolver (advanced) | To use a custom javax.xml.transform.URIResolver. | URIResolver |
52.5. Using XSLT endpoints
The following format is an example of using an XSLT template to formulate a response for a message for InOut message exchanges (where there is a JMSReplyTo
from("activemq:My.Queue"). to("xslt:com/acme/mytransform.xsl");
If you want to use InOnly and consume the message and send it to another destination you could use the following route:
from("activemq:My.Queue"). to("xslt:com/acme/mytransform.xsl"). to("activemq:Another.Queue");
52.6. Getting Useable Parameters into the XSLT
By default, all headers are added as parameters which are then available in the XSLT.
To make the parameters useable, you will need to declare them.
<setHeader name="myParam"><constant>42</constant></setHeader> <to uri="xslt:MyTransform.xsl"/>
The parameter also needs to be declared in the top level of the XSLT for it to be available:
<xsl: ...... > <xsl:param name="myParam"/> <xsl:template ...>
52.7. Spring XML versions
To use the above examples in Spring XML you would use something like the following code:
<camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="activemq:My.Queue"/> <to uri="xslt:org/apache/camel/spring/processor/example.xsl"/> <to uri="activemq:Another.Queue"/> </route> </camelContext>
52.8. Using xsl:include
Camel provides its own implementation of URIResolver
. This allows Camel to load included files from the classpath.
For example the include file in the following code will be located relative to the starting endpoint.
<xsl:include href="staff_template.xsl"/>
This means that Camel will locate the file in the classpath as org/apache/camel/component/xslt/staff_template.xsl
You can use classpath:
or file:
to instruct Camel to look either in the classpath or file system. If you omit the prefix then Camel uses the prefix from the endpoint configuration. If no prefix is specified in the endpoint configuration, the default is classpath:
You can also refer backwards in the include paths. In the following example, the xsl file will be resolved under org/apache/camel/component
<xsl:include href="../staff_other_template.xsl"/>
52.9. Using xsl:include and default prefix
Camel will use the prefix from the endpoint configuration as the default prefix.
You can explicitly specify file:
or classpath:
loading. The two loading types can be mixed in a XSLT script, if necessary.
52.10. Dynamic stylesheets
To provide a dynamic stylesheet at runtime you can define a dynamic URI. See How to use a dynamic URI in to() for more information.
52.11. Accessing warnings, errors and fatalErrors from XSLT ErrorListener
Any warning/error or fatalError is stored on the current Exchange as a property with the keys Exchange.XSLT_ERROR
, or Exchange.XSLT_WARNING
which allows end users to get hold of any errors happening during transformation.
For example in the stylesheet below, we want to terminate if a staff has an empty dob field. And to include a custom error message using xsl:message.
<xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body> <xsl:for-each select="staff/programmer"> <p>Name: <xsl:value-of select="name"/><br /> <xsl:if test="dob=''"> <xsl:message terminate="yes">Error: DOB is an empty string!</xsl:message> </xsl:if> </p> </xsl:for-each> </body> </html> </xsl:template>
The exception is stored on the Exchange as a warning with the key Exchange.XSLT_WARNING.
52.12. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using xslt with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-xslt-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.xslt.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.xslt.content-cache | Cache for the resource content (the stylesheet file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the stylesheet file on each message processing. This is good for development. A cached stylesheet can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the clearCachedStylesheet operation. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.xslt.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the xslt component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.xslt.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.xslt.transformer-factory-class | To use a custom XSLT transformer factory, specified as a FQN class name. | String | |
camel.component.xslt.transformer-factory-configuration-strategy | A configuration strategy to apply on freshly created instances of TransformerFactory. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.xslt.TransformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy type. | TransformerFactoryConfigurationStrategy | |
camel.component.xslt.uri-resolver | To use a custom UriResolver. Should not be used together with the option 'uriResolverFactory'. The option is a javax.xml.transform.URIResolver type. | URIResolver | |
camel.component.xslt.uri-resolver-factory | To use a custom UriResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource URI. Should not be used together with the option 'uriResolver'. The option is a org.apache.camel.component.xslt.XsltUriResolverFactory type. | XsltUriResolverFactory |
Chapter 53. Avro
This component provides a dataformat for avro, which allows serialization and deserialization of messages using Apache Avro’s binary dataformat. Since Camel 3.2 rpc functionality was moved into separate camel-avro-rpc
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-avro</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
You can easily generate classes from a schema, using maven, ant etc. More details can be found at the Apache Avro documentation.
53.1. Avro Dataformat Options
The Avro dataformat supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
instanceClassName |
| Class name to use for marshal and unmarshalling. |
53.2. Avro Data Format usage
Using the avro data format is as easy as specifying that the class that you want to marshal or unmarshal in your route.
AvroDataFormat format = new AvroDataFormat(Value.SCHEMA$); from("direct:in").marshal(format).to("direct:marshal"); from("direct:back").unmarshal(format).to("direct:unmarshal");
Where Value is an Avro Maven Plugin Generated class.
or in XML
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:in"/> <marshal> <avro instanceClass="org.apache.camel.dataformat.avro.Message"/> </marshal> <to uri="log:out"/> </route> </camelContext>
An alternative can be to specify the dataformat inside the context and reference it from your route.
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <dataFormats> <avro id="avro" instanceClass="org.apache.camel.dataformat.avro.Message"/> </dataFormats> <route> <from uri="direct:in"/> <marshal><custom ref="avro"/></marshal> <to uri="log:out"/> </route> </camelContext>
In the same manner you can umarshal using the avro data format.
53.3. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using avro with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-avro-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.avro.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the avro data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.avro.instance-class-name | Class name to use for marshal and unmarshalling. | String |
Chapter 54. Avro Jackson
Jackson Avro is a Data Format which uses the Jackson library with the Avro extension to unmarshal an Avro payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an Avro payload.
If you are familiar with Jackson, this Avro data format behaves in the same way as its JSON counterpart, and thus can be used with classes annotated for JSON serialization/deserialization.
from("kafka:topic"). unmarshal().avro(AvroLibrary.Jackson, JsonNode.class). to("log:info");
54.1. Configuring the SchemaResolver
Since Avro serialization is schema-based, this data format requires that you provide a SchemaResolver object that is able to lookup the schema for each exchange that is going to be marshalled/unmarshalled.
You can add a single SchemaResolver to the registry and it will be looked up automatically. Or you can explicitly specify the reference to a custom SchemaResolver.
54.2. Avro Jackson Options
The Avro Jackson dataformat supports 18 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
objectMapper |
| Lookup and use the existing ObjectMapper with the given id when using Jackson. | |
useDefaultObjectMapper |
| Whether to lookup and use default Jackson ObjectMapper from the registry. | |
unmarshalType |
| Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | |
jsonView |
| When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | |
include |
| If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | |
allowJmsType |
| Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | |
collectionType |
| Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | |
useList |
| To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | |
moduleClassNames |
| To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | |
moduleRefs |
| To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | |
enableFeatures |
| Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
disableFeatures |
| Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
allowUnmarshallType |
| If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | |
timezone |
| If set then Jackson will use the Timezone when marshalling/unmarshalling. | |
autoDiscoverObjectMapper |
| If set to true then Jackson will lookup for an objectMapper into the registry. | |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | |
schemaResolver |
| Optional schema resolver used to lookup schemas for the data in transit. | |
autoDiscoverSchemaResolver |
| When not disabled, the SchemaResolver will be looked up into the registry. |
54.3. Using custom AvroMapper
You can configure JacksonAvroDataFormat
to use a custom AvroMapper
in case you need more control of the mapping configuration.
If you setup a single AvroMapper
in the registry, then Camel will automatic lookup and use this AvroMapper
54.4. Dependencies
To use Avro Jackson in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-jackson-avro which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jackson-avro</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
54.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using avro-jackson with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jackson-avro-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 19 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.allow-jms-type | Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.allow-unmarshall-type | If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | false | Boolean | | If set to true then Jackson will lookup for an objectMapper into the registry. | false | Boolean | | When not disabled, the SchemaResolver will be looked up into the registry. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.collection-type | Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.disable-features | Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.enable-features | Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the avro-jackson data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.include | If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.json-view | When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.module-class-names | To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.module-refs | To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.object-mapper | Lookup and use the existing ObjectMapper with the given id when using Jackson. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.schema-resolver | Optional schema resolver used to lookup schemas for the data in transit. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.timezone | If set then Jackson will use the Timezone when marshalling/unmarshalling. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.unmarshal-type | Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | String | |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.use-default-object-mapper | Whether to lookup and use default Jackson ObjectMapper from the registry. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.avro-jackson.use-list | To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 55. Bindy
The goal of this component is to allow the parsing/binding of non-structured data (or to be more precise non-XML data) to/from Java Beans that have binding mappings defined with annotations. Using Bindy, you can bind data from sources such as :
- CSV records,
- Fixed-length records,
- FIX messages,
- or almost any other non-structured data
to one or many Plain Old Java Object (POJO). Bindy converts the data according to the type of the java property. POJOs can be linked together with one-to-many relationships available in some cases. Moreover, for data type like Date, Double, Float, Integer, Short, Long and BigDecimal, you can provide the pattern to apply during the formatting of the property.
For the BigDecimal numbers, you can also define the precision and the decimal or grouping separators.
Type | Format Type | Pattern example | Link |
Date |
| |
Decimal* |
| |
Where Decimal = Double, Integer, Float, Short, Long
Format supported
This first release only support comma separated values fields and key value pair fields (e.g. : FIX messages).
To work with camel-bindy, you must first define your model in a package (e.g. com.acme.model) and for each model class (e.g. Order, Client, Instrument, …) add the required annotations (described hereafter) to the Class or field.
Multiple models
As you configure bindy using class names instead of package names you can put multiple models in the same package.
55.1. Options
The Bindy dataformat supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
type |
| Required Whether to use Csv, Fixed, or KeyValue. Enum values:
| |
classType |
| Name of model class to use. | |
locale |
| To configure a default locale to use, such as us for united states. To use the JVM platform default locale then use the name default. | |
unwrapSingleInstance |
| When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List. | |
allowEmptyStream |
| Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided. |
55.2. Annotations
The annotations created allow to map different concept of your model to the POJO like:
- Type of record (CSV, key value pair (e.g. FIX message), fixed length …),
- Link (to link object in another object),
- DataField and their properties (int, type, …),
- KeyValuePairField (for key = value format like we have in FIX financial messages),
- Section (to identify header, body and footer section),
- OneToMany,
- BindyConverter,
- FormatFactories
This section will describe them.
55.2.1. 1. CsvRecord
The CsvRecord annotation is used to identified the root class of the model. It represents a record = "a line of a CSV file" and can be linked to several children model classes.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
CsvRecord | CSV | Class |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
separator | String | ✓ | Separator used to split a record in tokens (mandatory) - can be ',' or ';' or 'anything'. The only whitespace character supported is tab (\t). No other whitespace characters (spaces) are not supported. This value is interpreted as a regular expression. If you want to use a sign which has a special meaning in regular expressions, e.g. the '|' sign, then you have to mask it, like '|'. | |
allowEmptyStream | boolean | false | The allowEmptyStream parameter will allow to prcoess the unavaiable stream for CSV file. | |
autospanLine | boolean | false | Last record spans rest of line (optional) - if enabled then the last column is auto spanned to end of line, for example if its a comment, etc this allows the line to contain all characters, also the delimiter char. | |
crlf | String | WINDOWS | Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional) - allow to define the carriage return character to use. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s). Three values can be used : WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC, or custom. | |
endWithLineBreak | boolean | true | The endWithLineBreak parameter flags if the CSV file should end with a line break or not (optional) | |
generateHeaderColumns | boolean | false | The generateHeaderColumns parameter allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns | |
isOrdered | boolean | false | Indicates if the message must be ordered in output | |
name | String | Name describing the record (optional) | ||
quote | String | " | Whether to marshal columns with the given quote character (optional) - allow to specify a quote character of the fields when CSV is generated. This annotation is associated to the root class of the model and must be declared one time. | |
quoting | boolean | false | Indicate if the values (and headers) must be quoted when marshaling (optional) | |
quotingEscaped | boolean | false | Indicate if the values must be escaped when quoting (optional) | |
removeQuotes | boolean | true | The remove quotes parameter flags if unmarshalling should try to remove quotes for each field | |
skipField | boolean | false | The skipField parameter will allow to skip fields of a CSV file. If some fields are not necessary, they can be skipped. | |
skipFirstLine | boolean | false | The skipFirstLine parameter will allow to skip or not the first line of a CSV file. This line often contains columns definition |
case 1 : separator = ','
The separator used to segregate the fields in the CSV record is ,
10, J, Pauline, M, XD12345678, Fortis Dynamic 15/15, 2500, USD, 08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = "," ) public Class Order { }
case 2 : separator = ';'
Compare to the previous case, the separator here is ;
instead of ,
10; J; Pauline; M; XD12345678; Fortis Dynamic 15/15; 2500; USD; 08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = ";" ) public Class Order { }
case 3 : separator = '|'
Compare to the previous case, the separator here is |
instead of ;
10| J| Pauline| M| XD12345678| Fortis Dynamic 15/15| 2500| USD| 08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = "\\|" ) public Class Order { }
case 4 : separator = '\",\"'
Applies for Camel 2.8.2 or older
When the field to be parsed of the CSV record contains ,
or ;
which is also used as separator, we should find another strategy to tell camel bindy how to handle this case. To define the field containing the data with a comma, you will use single or double quotes as delimiter (e.g : '10', 'Street 10, NY', 'USA' or "10", "Street 10, NY", "USA").
__ | In this case, the first and last character of the line which are a single or double quotes will be removed by bindy. |
"10","J","Pauline"," M","XD12345678","Fortis Dynamic 15,15","2500","USD","08-01-2009"
@CsvRecord( separator = "\",\"" ) public Class Order { }
Bindy automatically detects if the record is enclosed with either single or double quotes and automatic remove those quotes when unmarshalling from CSV to Object. Therefore do not include the quotes in the separator, but simply do as below:
"10","J","Pauline"," M","XD12345678","Fortis Dynamic 15,15","2500","USD","08-01-2009"
@CsvRecord( separator = "," ) public Class Order { }
Notice that if you want to marshal from Object to CSV and use quotes, then you need to specify which quote character to use, using the quote
attribute on the @CsvRecord
as shown below:
@CsvRecord( separator = ",", quote = "\"" ) public Class Order { }
case 5 : separator & skipFirstLine
The feature is interesting when the client wants to have in the first line of the file, the name of the data fields :
order id, client id, first name, last name, isin code, instrument name, quantity, currency, date
To inform bindy that this first line must be skipped during the parsing process, then we use the attribute :
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", skipFirstLine = true) public Class Order { }
case 6 : generateHeaderColumns
To add at the first line of the CSV generated, the attribute generateHeaderColumns must be set to true in the annotation like this :
@CsvRecord( generateHeaderColumns = true ) public Class Order { }
As a result, Bindy during the unmarshaling process will generate CSV like this :
order id, client id, first name, last name, isin code, instrument name, quantity, currency, date 10, J, Pauline, M, XD12345678, Fortis Dynamic 15/15, 2500, USD, 08-01-2009
case 7 : carriage return
If the platform where camel-bindy will run is not Windows but Macintosh or Unix, then you can change the crlf property like this. Three values are available : WINDOWS, UNIX or MAC
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", crlf="MAC") public Class Order { }
Additionally, if for some reason you need to add a different line ending character, you can opt to specify it using the crlf parameter. In the following example, we can end the line with a comma followed by the newline character:
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", crlf=",\n") public Class Order { }
case 8 : isOrdered
Sometimes, the order to follow during the creation of the CSV record from the model is different from the order used during the parsing. Then, in this case, we can use the attribute isOrdered = true
to indicate this in combination with attribute position
of the DataField annotation.
@CsvRecord(isOrdered = true) public Class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, position = 11) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, position = 10) private String clientNr; }
__ |
55.2.2. 2. Link
The link annotation will allow to link objects together.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
Link | all | Class & Property |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
linkType | LinkType | OneToOne | Type of link identifying the relation between the classes |
Only one-to-one relation is allowed as of the current version.
E.g : If the model class Client is linked to the Order class, then use annotation Link in the Order class like this :
Property Link
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @Link private Client client; }
And for the class Client :
Class Link
@Link public class Client { }
55.2.3. 3. DataField
The DataField annotation defines the property of the field. Each datafield is identified by its position in the record, a type (string, int, date, …) and optionally of a pattern.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
DataField | all | Property |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
pos | int | ✓ | Position of the data in the input record, must start from 1 (mandatory). See the position parameter. | |
align | String | R | Align the text to the right or left. Use values <tt>R</tt> or <tt>L</tt>. | |
clip | boolean | false | Indicates to clip data in the field if it exceeds the allowed length when using fixed length. | |
columnName | String |
Name of the header column (optional). Uses the name of the property as default. Only applicable when | ||
decimalSeparator | String | Decimal Separator to be used with BigDecimal number | ||
defaultValue | String | Field’s default value in case no value is set | ||
delimiter | String | Optional delimiter to be used if the field has a variable length | ||
groupingSeparator | String | Grouping Separator to be used with BigDecimal number when we would like to format/parse to number with grouping e.g. 123,456.789 | ||
impliedDecimalSeparator | boolean | false | Indicates if there is a decimal point implied at a specified location | |
length | int | 0 | Length of the data block (number of characters) if the record is set to a fixed length | |
lengthPos | int | 0 | Identifies a data field in the record that defines the expected fixed length for this field | |
method | String | Method name to call to apply such customization on DataField. This must be the method on the datafield itself or you must provide static fully qualified name of the class’s method e.g: see unit test org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.csv.BindySimpleCsvFunctionWithExternalMethodTest.replaceToBar | ||
name | String | Name of the field (optional) | ||
paddingChar | char | The char to pad with if the record is set to a fixed length | ||
pattern | String | Pattern that the Java formatter (SimpleDateFormat by example) will use to transform the data (optional). If using pattern, then setting locale on bindy data format is recommended. Either set to a known locale such as "us" or use "default" to use platform default locale. | ||
position | int | 0 | Position of the field in the output message generated (should start from 1). Must be used when the position of the field in the CSV generated (output message) must be different compare to input position (pos). See the pos parameter. | |
precision | int | 0 | precision of the \{@link java.math.BigDecimal} number to be created | |
required | boolean | false | Indicates if the field is mandatory | |
rounding | String | CEILING | Round mode to be used to round/scale a BigDecimal Values : UP, DOWN, CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN,HALF_EVEN, UNNECESSARY e.g : Number = 123456.789, Precision = 2, Rounding = CEILING Result : 123456.79 | |
timezone | String | Timezone to be used. | ||
trim | boolean | false | Indicates if the value should be trimmed |
case 1 : pos
This parameter/attribute represents the position of the field in the CSV record.
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 5) private String isinCode; }
As you can see in this example the position starts at 1
but continues at 5
in the class Order. The numbers from 2
to 4
are defined in the class Client (see here after).
Position continues in another model class
public class Client { @DataField(pos = 2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4) private String lastName; }
case 2 : pattern
The pattern allows to enrich or validates the format of your data
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 5) private String isinCode; @DataField(name = "Name", pos = 6) private String instrumentName; @DataField(pos = 7, precision = 2) private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 8) private String currency; // pattern used during parsing or when the date is created @DataField(pos = 9, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 3 : precision
The precision is helpful when you want to define the decimal part of your number.
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @Link private Client client; @DataField(pos = 5) private String isinCode; @DataField(name = "Name", pos = 6) private String instrumentName; @DataField(pos = 7, precision = 2) private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 8) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 9, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 4 : Position is different in output
The position attribute will inform bindy how to place the field in the CSV record generated. By default, the position used corresponds to the position defined with the attribute pos
. If the position is different (that means that we have an asymetric processus comparing marshaling from unmarshaling) then we can use position
to indicate this.
Here is an example:
Position is different in output
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", isOrdered = true) public class Order { // Positions of the fields start from 1 and not from 0 @DataField(pos = 1, position = 11) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, position = 10) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, position = 9) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, position = 8) private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 5, position = 7) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 6, position = 6) private String instrumentNumber; }
This attribute of the annotation @DataField
must be used in combination with attribute isOrdered = true
of the annotation @CsvRecord
case 5 : required
If a field is mandatory, simply use the attribute required
set to true.
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, required = true) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, required = true) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, required = true) private String lastName; }
If this field is not present in the record, then an error will be raised by the parser with the following information :
Some fields are missing (optional or mandatory), line :
case 6 : trim
If a field has leading and/or trailing spaces which should be removed before they are processed, simply use the attribute trim
set to true.
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, trim = true) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, trim = true) private Integer clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, required = true) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4) private String lastName; }
case 7 : defaultValue
If a field is not defined then uses the value indicated by the defaultValue
Default value
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2) private Integer clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, required = true) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, defaultValue = "Barin") private String lastName; }
case 8 : columnName
Specifies the column name for the property only if @CsvRecord
has annotation generateHeaderColumns = true
Column Name
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", generateHeaderColumns = true) public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 5, columnName = "ISIN") private String isinCode; @DataField(name = "Name", pos = 6) private String instrumentName; }
This attribute is only applicable to optional fields.
55.2.4. 4. FixedLengthRecord
The FixedLengthRecord annotation is used to identified the root class of the model. It represents a record = "a line of a file/message containing data fixed length (number of characters) formatted" and can be linked to several children model classes. This format is a bit particular because data of a field can be aligned to the right or to the left.
When the size of the data does not fill completely the length of the field, we can then add 'pad' characters.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
FixedLengthRecord | fixed | Class |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
countGrapheme | boolean | false | Indicates how chars are counted | |
crlf | String | WINDOWS | Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional). Possible values: WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC, or custom. This option is used only during marshalling, whereas unmarshalling uses system default JDK provided line delimiter unless eol is customized. | |
eol | String | Character to be used to process considering end of line after each record while unmarshalling (optional - default: "", which help default JDK provided line delimiter to be used unless any other line delimiter provided) This option is used only during unmarshalling, where marshalling uses system default provided line delimiter as "WINDOWS" unless any other value is provided. | ||
footer | Class | void | Indicates that the record(s) of this type may be followed by a single footer record at the end of the file | |
header | Class | void | Indicates that the record(s) of this type may be preceded by a single header record at the beginning of in the file | |
ignoreMissingChars | boolean | false | Indicates whether too short lines will be ignored | |
ignoreTrailingChars | boolean | false | Indicates that characters beyond the last mapped filed can be ignored when unmarshalling / parsing. This annotation is associated to the root class of the model and must be declared one time. | |
length | int | 0 | The fixed length of the record (number of characters). It means that the record will always be that long padded with \{#paddingChar()}'s | |
name | String | Name describing the record (optional) | ||
paddingChar | char | The char to pad with. | ||
skipFooter | boolean | false | Configures the data format to skip marshalling / unmarshalling of the footer record. Configure this parameter on the primary record (e.g., not the header or footer). | |
skipHeader | boolean | false | Configures the data format to skip marshalling / unmarshalling of the header record. Configure this parameter on the primary record (e.g., not the header or footer). |
A record may not be both a header/footer and a primary fixed-length record.
case 1 : Simple fixed length record
This simple example shows how to design the model to parse/format a fixed message
@FixedLengthRecord(length=54, paddingChar=' ') public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length=2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 3, length=2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 5, length=7) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 12, length=1, align="L") private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 13, length=4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 17, length=10) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 27, length=3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 30, length=5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 35, precision = 2, length=7) private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 42, length=3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 45, length=10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 2 : Fixed length record with alignment and padding
This more elaborated example show how to define the alignment for a field and how to assign a padding character which is ' '
10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare2500.45USD01-08-2009
@FixedLengthRecord(length=60, paddingChar=' ') public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length=2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 3, length=2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 5, length=9) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 14, length=5, align="L") // align text to the LEFT zone of the block private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 19, length=4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 23, length=10) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 33, length=3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 36, length=5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 41, precision = 2, length=7) private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 48, length=3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 51, length=10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 3 : Field padding
Sometimes, the default padding defined for record cannnot be applied to the field as we have a number format where we would like to pad with '0' instead of ' '. In this case, you can use in the model the attribute paddingChar
on @DataField
to set this value.
10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002500.45USD01-08-2009
@FixedLengthRecord(length = 65, paddingChar = ' ') public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 3, length = 2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 5, length = 9) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 14, length = 5, align = "L") private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 19, length = 4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 23, length = 10) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 33, length = 3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 36, length = 5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 41, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0') private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 53, length = 3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 56, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 4: Fixed length record with delimiter
Fixed-length records sometimes have delimited content within the record. The firstName and lastName fields are delimited with the ^
character in the following example:
@FixedLengthRecord public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, delimiter = "^") private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, delimiter = "^") private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 6, length = 10) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 7, length = 3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 8, length = 5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 9, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0') private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 10, length = 3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 11, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
The pos
value(s) in a fixed-length record may optionally be defined using ordinal, sequential values instead of precise column numbers.
case 5 : Fixed length record with record-defined field length
Occasionally a fixed-length record may contain a field that define the expected length of another field within the same record. In the following example the length of the instrumentNumber
field value is defined by the value of instrumentNumberLen
field in the record.
@FixedLengthRecord public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, delimiter = "^") private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, delimiter = "^") private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 6, length = 2, align = "R", paddingChar = '0') private int instrumentNumberLen; @DataField(pos = 7, lengthPos=6) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 8, length = 3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 9, length = 5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 10, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0') private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 11, length = 3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 12, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; }
case 6 : Fixed length record with header and footer
Bindy will discover fixed-length header and footer records that are configured as part of the model – provided that the annotated classes exist either in the same package as the primary @FixedLengthRecord
class, or within one of the configured scan packages. The following text illustrates two fixed-length records that are bracketed by a header record and footer record.
101-08-2009 10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002500.45USD01-08-2009 10A9 RichN ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002700.45USD01-08-2009 9000000002
@FixedLengthRecord(header = OrderHeader.class, footer = OrderFooter.class) public class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2) private String clientNr; @DataField(pos = 3, length = 9) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 4, length = 5, align = "L") private String lastName; @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4) private String instrumentCode; @DataField(pos = 6, length = 10) private String instrumentNumber; @DataField(pos = 7, length = 3) private String orderType; @DataField(pos = 8, length = 5) private String instrumentType; @DataField(pos = 9, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0') private BigDecimal amount; @DataField(pos = 10, length = 3) private String currency; @DataField(pos = 11, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date orderDate; } @FixedLengthRecord public class OrderHeader { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 1) private int recordType = 1; @DataField(pos = 2, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") private Date recordDate; } @FixedLengthRecord public class OrderFooter { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 1) private int recordType = 9; @DataField(pos = 2, length = 9, align = "R", paddingChar = '0') private int numberOfRecordsInTheFile; }
case 7 : Skipping content when parsing a fixed length record
It is common to integrate with systems that provide fixed-length records containing more information than needed for the target use case. It is useful in this situation to skip the declaration and parsing of those fields that we do not need. To accomodate this, Bindy will skip forward to the next mapped field within a record if the pos
value of the next declared field is beyond the cursor position of the last parsed field. Using absolute pos
locations for the fields of interest (instead of ordinal values) causes Bindy to skip content between two fields.
Similarly, it is possible that none of the content beyond some field is of interest. In this case, you can tell Bindy to skip parsing of everything beyond the last mapped field by setting the ignoreTrailingChars
property on the @FixedLengthRecord
@FixedLengthRecord(ignoreTrailingChars = true) public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2) private int orderNr; @DataField(pos = 3, length = 2) private String clientNr; // any characters that appear beyond the last mapped field will be ignored }
55.2.5. 5. Message
The Message annotation is used to identified the class of your model who will contain key value pairs fields. This kind of format is used mainly in Financial Exchange Protocol Messages (FIX). Nevertheless, this annotation can be used for any other format where data are identified by keys. The key pair values are separated each other by a separator which can be a special character like a tab delimitor (unicode representation : \u0009
) or a start of heading (unicode representation : \u0001
To work with FIX messages, the model must contain a Header and Trailer classes linked to the root message class which could be a Order class. This is not mandatory but will be very helpful when you will use camel-bindy in combination with camel-fix which is a Fix gateway based on quickFix project .
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
Message | key value pair | Class |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
keyValuePairSeparator | String | ✓ | Key value pair separator is used to split the values from their keys (mandatory). Can be '\u0001', '\u0009', '#', or 'anything'. | |
pairSeparator | String | ✓ | Pair separator used to split the key value pairs in tokens (mandatory). Can be '=', ';', or 'anything'. | |
crlf | String | WINDOWS | Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional). Possible values = WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC, or custom. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s). | |
isOrdered | boolean | false | Indicates if the message must be ordered in output. This annotation is associated to the message class of the model and must be declared one time. | |
name | String | Name describing the message (optional) | ||
type | String | FIX | type is used to define the type of the message (e.g. FIX, EMX, …) (optional) | |
version | String | 4.1 | version defines the version of the message (e.g. 4.1, …) (optional) |
case 1 : separator = 'u0001'
The separator used to segregate the key value pair fields in a FIX message is the ASCII 01
character or in unicode format \u0001
. This character must be escaped a second time to avoid a java runtime error. Here is an example :
8=FIX.4.1 9=20 34=1 35=0 49=INVMGR 56=BRKR 1=BE.CHM.001 11=CHM0001-01 22=4 ...
and how to use the annotation:
FIX - message
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\u0001", type="FIX", version="4.1") public class Order { }
Look at test cases
The ASCII character like tab, … cannot be displayed in WIKI page. So, have a look to the test case of camel-bindy to see exactly how the FIX message looks like ( and the Order, Trailer, Header classes (
55.2.6. 6. KeyValuePairField
The KeyValuePairField annotation defines the property of a key value pair field. Each KeyValuePairField is identified by a tag (= key) and its value associated, a type (string, int, date, …), optionaly a pattern and if the field is required.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
KeyValuePairField | Key Value Pair - FIX | Property |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
tag | int | ✓ | tag identifying the field in the message (mandatory) - must be unique | |
impliedDecimalSeparator | boolean | false | <b>Camel 2.11:</b> Indicates if there is a decimal point implied at a specified location | |
name | String | name of the field (optional) | ||
pattern | String | pattern that the formater will use to transform the data (optional) | ||
position | int | 0 | Position of the field in the message generated - must be used when the position of the key/tag in the FIX message must be different | |
precision | int | 0 | precision of the BigDecimal number to be created | |
required | boolean | false | Indicates if the field is mandatory | |
timezone | String | Timezone to be used. |
case 1 : tag
This parameter represents the key of the field in the message:
FIX message - Tag
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\u0001", type="FIX", version="4.1") public class Order { @Link Header header; @Link Trailer trailer; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1) // Client reference private String Account; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11) // Order reference private String ClOrdId; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 22) // Fund ID type (Sedol, ISIN, ...) private String IDSource; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 48) // Fund code private String SecurityId; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 54) // Movement type ( 1 = Buy, 2 = sell) private String Side; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 58) // Free text private String Text; }
case 2 : Different position in output
If the tags/keys that we will put in the FIX message must be sorted according to a predefine order, then use the attribute position
of the annotation @KeyValuePairField
FIX message - Tag - sort
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\\u0001", type = "FIX", version = "4.1", isOrdered = true) public class Order { @Link Header header; @Link Trailer trailer; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1, position = 1) // Client reference private String account; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11, position = 3) // Order reference private String clOrdId; }
55.2.7. 7. Section
In FIX message of fixed length records, it is common to have different sections in the representation of the information : header, body and section. The purpose of the annotation @Section
is to inform bindy about which class of the model represents the header (= section 1), body (= section 2) and footer (= section 3)
Only one attribute/parameter exists for this annotation.
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
Section | FIX | Class |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
number | int | ✓ | Number of the section |
case 1 : Section
Definition of the header section:
FIX message - Section - Header
@Section(number = 1) public class Header { @KeyValuePairField(tag = 8, position = 1) // Message Header private String beginString; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 9, position = 2) // Checksum private int bodyLength; }
Definition of the body section:
FIX message - Section - Body
@Section(number = 2) @Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\\u0001", type = "FIX", version = "4.1", isOrdered = true) public class Order { @Link Header header; @Link Trailer trailer; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1, position = 1) // Client reference private String account; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11, position = 3) // Order reference private String clOrdId;
Definition of the footer section:
FIX message - Section - Footer
@Section(number = 3) public class Trailer { @KeyValuePairField(tag = 10, position = 1) // CheckSum private int checkSum; public int getCheckSum() { return checkSum; }
55.2.8. 8. OneToMany
The purpose of the annotation @OneToMany
is to allow to work with a List<?>
field defined a POJO class or from a record containing repetitive groups.
Restrictions for OneToMany
Be careful, the one to many of bindy does not allow to handle repetitions defined on several levels of the hierarchy.
The relation OneToMany ONLY WORKS in the following cases :
- Reading a FIX message containing repetitive groups (= group of tags/keys)
- Generating a CSV with repetitive data
Annotation name | Record type | Level |
OneToMany | all | Property |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Default value | Info |
mappedTo | String | Class name associated to the type of the List<Type of the Class> |
case 1 : Generating CSV with repetitive data
Here is the CSV output that we want :
Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 1,2010,35 Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 2,2012,35 Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 3,2013,35 Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 4,2014,35
The repetitive data concern the title of the book and its publication date while first, last name and age are common and the classes used to modeling this. The Author class contains a List of Book.
Generate CSV with repetitive data
@CsvRecord(separator=",") public class Author { @DataField(pos = 1) private String firstName; @DataField(pos = 2) private String lastName; @OneToMany private List<Book> books; @DataField(pos = 5) private String Age; } public class Book { @DataField(pos = 3) private String title; @DataField(pos = 4) private String year; }
case 2 : Reading FIX message containing group of tags/keys
Here is the message that we would like to process in our model :
8=FIX 4.19=2034=135=049=INVMGR56=BRKR 1=BE.CHM.00111=CHM0001-0158=this is a camel - bindy test 22=448=BE000124567854=1 22=548=BE000987654354=2 22=648=BE000999999954=3 10=220
Tags 22, 48 and 54 are repeated.
And the code:
Reading FIX message containing group of tags/keys
public class Order { @Link Header header; @Link Trailer trailer; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1) // Client reference private String account; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11) // Order reference private String clOrdId; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 58) // Free text private String text; @OneToMany(mappedTo = "org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.model.fix.complex.onetomany.Security") List<Security> securities; } public class Security { @KeyValuePairField(tag = 22) // Fund ID type (Sedol, ISIN, ...) private String idSource; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 48) // Fund code private String securityCode; @KeyValuePairField(tag = 54) // Movement type ( 1 = Buy, 2 = sell) private String side; }
55.2.9. 9. BindyConverter
The purpose of the annotation @BindyConverter
is define a converter to be used on field level. The provided class must implement the Format interface.
@FixedLengthRecord(length = 10, paddingChar = ' ') public static class DataModel { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 10, trim = true) @BindyConverter(CustomConverter.class) public String field1; } public static class CustomConverter implements Format<String> { @Override public String format(String object) throws Exception { return (new StringBuilder(object)).reverse().toString(); } @Override public String parse(String string) throws Exception { return (new StringBuilder(string)).reverse().toString(); } }
55.2.10. 10. FormatFactories
The purpose of the annotation @FormatFactories
is to define a set of converters at record-level. The provided classes must implement the FormatFactoryInterface
@CsvRecord(separator = ",") @FormatFactories({OrderNumberFormatFactory.class}) public static class Order { @DataField(pos = 1) private OrderNumber orderNr; @DataField(pos = 2) private String firstName; } public static class OrderNumber { private int orderNr; public static OrderNumber ofString(String orderNumber) { OrderNumber result = new OrderNumber(); result.orderNr = Integer.valueOf(orderNumber); return result; } } public static class OrderNumberFormatFactory extends AbstractFormatFactory { { supportedClasses.add(OrderNumber.class); } @Override public Format<?> build(FormattingOptions formattingOptions) { return new Format<OrderNumber>() { @Override public String format(OrderNumber object) throws Exception { return String.valueOf(object.orderNr); } @Override public OrderNumber parse(String string) throws Exception { return OrderNumber.ofString(string); } }; } }
55.3. Supported Datatypes
The DefaultFormatFactory makes formatting of the following datatype available by returning an instance of the interface FormatFactoryInterface based on the provided FormattingOptions:
- BigDecimal
- BigInteger
- Boolean
- Byte
- Character
- Date
- Double
- Enums
- Float
- Integer
- LocalDate
- LocalDateTime
- LocalTime
- Long
- Short
- String
The DefaultFormatFactory can be overridden by providing an instance of FactoryRegistry in the registry in use (e.g. spring or JNDI).
55.4. Using the Java DSL
The next step instantiates the DataFormat bindy class associated with this record type and providing a class as a parameter.
For example the following uses the class BindyCsvDataFormat
(which corresponds to the class associated with the CSV record type) which is configured with com.acme.model.MyModel.class to initialize the model objects configured in this package.
DataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class);
55.4.1. Setting locale
Bindy supports configuring the locale on the dataformat, such as
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class); bindy.setLocale("us");
Or to use the platform default locale then use "default" as the locale name.
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class); bindy.setLocale("default");
55.4.2. Unmarshaling
from("file://inbox") .unmarshal(bindy) .to("direct:handleOrders");
Alternatively, you can use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry e.g. your Spring XML file:
from("file://inbox") .unmarshal("myBindyDataFormat") .to("direct:handleOrders");
The Camel route will pick-up files in the inbox directory, unmarshall CSV records into a collection of model objects and send the collection
to the route referenced by handleOrders
The collection returned is a List of Map objects. Each Map within the list contains the model objects that were marshalled out of each line of the CSV. The reason behind this is that each line can correspond to more than one object. This can be confusing when you simply expect one object to be returned per line.
Each object can be retrieve using its class name.
List<Map<String, Object>> unmarshaledModels = (List<Map<String, Object>>) exchange.getIn().getBody(); int modelCount = 0; for (Map<String, Object> model : unmarshaledModels) { for (String className : model.keySet()) { Object obj = model.get(className);"Count : " + modelCount + ", " + obj.toString()); } modelCount++; }"Total CSV records received by the csv bean : " + modelCount);
Assuming that you want to extract a single Order object from this map for processing in a route, you could use a combination of a Splitter and a Processor as per the following:
from("file://inbox") .unmarshal(bindy) .split(body()) .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message in = exchange.getIn(); Map<String, Object> modelMap = (Map<String, Object>) in.getBody(); in.setBody(modelMap.get(Order.class.getCanonicalName())); } }) .to("direct:handleSingleOrder") .end();
Take care of the fact that Bindy uses CHARSET_NAME property or the CHARSET_NAME header as define in the Exchange interface to do a characterset conversion of the inputstream received for unmarshalling. In some producers (e.g. file-endpoint) you can define a characterset. The characterset conversion can already been done by this producer. Sometimes you need to remove this property or header from the exchange before sending it to the unmarshal. If you don’t remove it the conversion might be done twice which might lead to unwanted results.
from("file://inbox?charset=Cp922") .removeProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME) .unmarshal("myBindyDataFormat") .to("direct:handleOrders");
55.4.3. Marshaling
To generate CSV records from a collection of model objects, you create the following route :
from("direct:handleOrders") .marshal(bindy) .to("file://outbox")
55.5. Using Spring XML
This is really easy to use Spring as your favorite DSL language to declare the routes to be used for camel-bindy. The following example shows two routes where the first will pick-up records from files, unmarshal the content and bind it to their model. The result is then send to a pojo (doing nothing special) and place them into a queue.
The second route will extract the pojos from the queue and marshal the content to generate a file containing the CSV record.
Spring DSL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <!-- Queuing engine - ActiveMq - work locally in mode virtual memory --> <bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent"> <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost:61616"/> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <dataFormats> <bindy id="bindyDataformat" type="Csv" classType="org.apache.camel.bindy.model.Order"/> </dataFormats> <route> <from uri="file://src/data/csv/?noop=true" /> <unmarshal ref="bindyDataformat" /> <to uri="bean:csv" /> <to uri="activemq:queue:in" /> </route> <route> <from uri="activemq:queue:in" /> <marshal ref="bindyDataformat" /> <to uri="file://src/data/csv/out/" /> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
Please verify that your model classes implements serializable otherwise the queue manager will raise an error.
55.6. Dependencies
To use Bindy in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-bindy which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-bindy</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> </dependency>
55.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using bindy-csv with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-bindy-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 18 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.allow-empty-stream | Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.class-type | Name of model class to use. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bindy-csv data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.locale | To configure a default locale to use, such as us for united states. To use the JVM platform default locale then use the name default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.type | Whether to use Csv, Fixed, or KeyValue. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-csv.unwrap-single-instance | When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.allow-empty-stream | Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.class-type | Name of model class to use. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bindy-fixed data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.locale | To configure a default locale to use, such as us for united states. To use the JVM platform default locale then use the name default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.type | Whether to use Csv, Fixed, or KeyValue. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-fixed.unwrap-single-instance | When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.allow-empty-stream | Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.class-type | Name of model class to use. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the bindy-kvp data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.locale | To configure a default locale to use, such as us for united states. To use the JVM platform default locale then use the name default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.type | Whether to use Csv, Fixed, or KeyValue. | String | |
camel.dataformat.bindy-kvp.unwrap-single-instance | When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 56. HL7
The HL7 component is used for working with the HL7 MLLP protocol and HL7 v2 messages using the HAPI library.
This component supports the following:
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-hl7</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
56.1. HL7 MLLP protocol
HL7 is often used with the HL7 MLLP protocol, which is a text based TCP socket based protocol. This component ships with a Mina and Netty Codec that conforms to the MLLP protocol so you can easily expose an HL7 listener accepting HL7 requests over the TCP transport layer. To expose a HL7 listener service, the camel-mina or link:camel-netty component is used with the HL7MLLPCodec (mina) or HL7MLLPNettyDecoder/HL7MLLPNettyEncoder (Netty).
HL7 MLLP codec can be configured as follows:
Name | Default Value | Description |
| The start byte spanning the HL7 payload. |
| The first end byte spanning the HL7 payload. |
| The 2nd end byte spanning the HL7 payload. |
| JVM Default | The encoding (a charset name) to use for the codec. If not provided, Camel will use the JVM default Charset. |
| If true, the codec creates a string using the defined charset. If false, the codec sends a plain byte array into the route, so that the HL7 Data Format can determine the actual charset from the HL7 message content. |
Will convert |
56.1.1. Exposing an HL7 listener using Mina
In the Spring XML file, we configure a mina endpoint to listen for HL7 requests using TCP on port 8888
<endpoint id="hl7MinaListener" uri="mina:tcp://localhost:8888?sync=true&codec=#hl7codec"/>
sync=true indicates that this listener is synchronous and therefore will return a HL7 response to the caller. The HL7 codec is setup with codec=#hl7codec. Note that hl7codec
is just a Spring bean ID, so it could be named mygreatcodecforhl7
or whatever. The codec is also set up in the Spring XML file:
<bean id="hl7codec" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPCodec"> <property name="charset" value="iso-8859-1"/> </bean>
The endpoint hl7MinaLlistener can then be used in a route as a consumer, as this Java DSL example illustrates:
from("hl7MinaListener") .bean("patientLookupService");
This is a very simple route that will listen for HL7 and route it to a service named patientLookupService. This is also Spring bean ID, configured in the Spring XML as:
<bean id="patientLookupService" class=""/>
The business logic can be implemented in POJO classes that do not depend on Camel, as shown here:
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v24.segment.QRD; public class PatientLookupService { public Message lookupPatient(Message input) throws HL7Exception { QRD qrd = (QRD)input.get("QRD"); String patientId = qrd.getWhoSubjectFilter(0).getIDNumber().getValue(); // find patient data based on the patient id and create a HL7 model object with the response Message response = ... create and set response data return response }
56.1.2. Exposing an HL7 listener using Netty (available from Camel 2.15 onwards)
In the Spring XML file, we configure a netty endpoint to listen for HL7 requests using TCP on port 8888
<endpoint id="hl7NettyListener" uri="netty:tcp://localhost:8888?sync=true&encoders=#hl7encoder&decoders=#hl7decoder"/>
sync=true indicates that this listener is synchronous and therefore will return a HL7 response to the caller. The HL7 codec is setup with encoders=#hl7encoder*and*decoders=#hl7decoder. Note that hl7encoder
and hl7decoder
are just bean IDs, so they could be named differently. The beans can be set in the Spring XML file:
<bean id="hl7decoder" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPNettyDecoderFactory"/> <bean id="hl7encoder" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPNettyEncoderFactory"/>
The endpoint hl7NettyListener can then be used in a route as a consumer, as this Java DSL example illustrates:
from("hl7NettyListener") .bean("patientLookupService");
56.2. HL7 Model using java.lang.String or byte[]
The HL7 MLLP codec uses plain String as its data format. Camel uses its Type Converter to convert to/from strings to the HAPI HL7 model objects, but you can use the plain String objects if you prefer, for instance if you wish to parse the data yourself.
You can also let both the Mina and Netty codecs use a plain byte[]
as its data format by setting the produceString
property to false. The Type Converter is also capable of converting the byte[]
to/from HAPI HL7 model objects.
56.3. HL7v2 Model using HAPI
The HL7v2 model uses Java objects from the HAPI library. Using this library, you can encode and decode from the EDI format (ER7) that is mostly used with HL7v2.
The sample below is a request to lookup a patient with the patient ID 0101701234
MSH|^~\\&|MYSENDER|MYRECEIVER|MYAPPLICATION||200612211200||QRY^A19|1234|P|2.4 QRD|200612211200|R|I|GetPatient|||1^RD|0101701234|DEM||
Using the HL7 model you can work with a ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message
object, e.g. to retrieve a patient ID:
Message msg = exchange.getIn().getBody(Message.class); QRD qrd = (QRD)msg.get("QRD"); String patientId = qrd.getWhoSubjectFilter(0).getIDNumber().getValue(); // 0101701234
This is powerful when combined with the HL7 listener, because you don’t have to work with byte[]
, String
or any other simple object formats. You can just use the HAPI HL7v2 model objects. If you know the message type in advance, you can be more type-safe:
QRY_A19 msg = exchange.getIn().getBody(QRY_A19.class); String patientId = msg.getQRD().getWhoSubjectFilter(0).getIDNumber().getValue();
56.4. HL7 DataFormat
The camel-hl7
JAR ships with a HL7 data format that can be used to marshal or unmarshal HL7 model objects.
The HL7 dataformat supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
validate |
| Whether to validate the HL7 message Is by default true. |
= from Message to byte stream (can be used when responding using the HL7 MLLP codec) -
= from byte stream to Message (can be used when receiving streamed data from the HL7 MLLP
To use the data format, simply instantiate an instance and invoke the marshal or unmarshal operation in the route builder:
DataFormat hl7 = new HL7DataFormat(); from("direct:hl7in") .marshal(hl7) .to("jms:queue:hl7out");
In the sample above, the HL7 is marshalled from a HAPI Message object to a byte stream and put on a JMS queue.
The next example is the opposite:
DataFormat hl7 = new HL7DataFormat(); from("jms:queue:hl7out") .unmarshal(hl7) .to("patientLookupService");
Here we unmarshal the byte stream into a HAPI Message object that is passed to our patient lookup service.
56.4.1. Segment separators
Unmarshalling does not automatically fix segment separators anymore by converting \n
to \r
. If you
need this conversion, org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7#convertLFToCR
provides a handy Expression
for this purpose.
56.4.2. Charset
Both marshal and unmarshal
evaluate the charset provided in the field MSH-18
. If this field is empty, by default the charset contained in the corresponding Camel charset property/header is assumed. You can even change this default behavior by overriding the guessCharsetName
method when inheriting from the HL7DataFormat
There is a shorthand syntax in Camel for well-known data formats that are commonly used. Then you don’t need to create an instance of the HL7DataFormat
from("direct:hl7in") .marshal().hl7() .to("jms:queue:hl7out"); from("jms:queue:hl7out") .unmarshal().hl7() .to("patientLookupService");
56.5. Message Headers
The unmarshal operation adds these fields from the MSH segment as headers on the Camel message:
Key | MSH field | Example |
| `` |
All headers except CamelHL7Context
are String
types. If a header value is missing, its value is null
56.6. Dependencies
To use HL7 in your Camel routes you’ll need to add a dependency on camel-hl7 listed above, which implements this data format.
The HAPI library is split into a base library and several structure libraries, one for each HL7v2 message version:
By default camel-hl7
only references the HAPI base library. Applications are responsible for including structure libraries themselves. For example, if an application works with HL7v2 message versions 2.4 and 2.5 then the following dependencies must be added:
<dependency> <groupId>ca.uhn.hapi</groupId> <artifactId>hapi-structures-v24</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> <!-- use the same version as your hapi-base version --> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>ca.uhn.hapi</groupId> <artifactId>hapi-structures-v25</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> <!-- use the same version as your hapi-base version --> </dependency>
Alternatively, an OSGi bundle containing the base library, all structures libraries and required dependencies (on the bundle classpath) can be downloaded from the central Maven repository.
<dependency> <groupId>ca.uhn.hapi</groupId> <artifactId>hapi-osgi-base</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </dependency>
56.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using hl7 with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-hl7-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.hl7.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the hl7 data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.hl7.validate | Whether to validate the HL7 message Is by default true. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.hl7terser.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the hl7terser language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.hl7terser.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 57. JacksonXML
Jackson XML is a Data Format which uses the Jackson library with the XMLMapper extension to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload. NOTE: If you are familiar with Jackson, this XML data format behaves in the same way as its JSON counterpart, and thus can be used with classes annotated for JSON serialization/deserialization.
This extension also mimics JAXB’s "Code first" approach.
This data format relies on Woodstox (especially for features like pretty printing), a fast and efficient XML processor.
from("activemq:My.Queue"). unmarshal().jacksonxml(). to("mqseries:Another.Queue");
57.1. JacksonXML Options
The JacksonXML dataformat supports 15 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
xmlMapper |
| Lookup and use the existing XmlMapper with the given id. | |
prettyPrint | false |
| To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. |
unmarshalType |
| Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | |
jsonView |
| When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | |
include |
| If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | |
allowJmsType |
| Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | |
collectionType |
| Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | |
useList |
| To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | |
enableJaxbAnnotationModule |
| Whether to enable the JAXB annotations module when using jackson. When enabled then JAXB annotations can be used by Jackson. | |
moduleClassNames |
| To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | |
moduleRefs |
| To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | |
enableFeatures |
| Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
disableFeatures |
| Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
allowUnmarshallType |
| If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. |
57.1.1. Using Jackson XML in Spring DSL
When using Data Format in Spring DSL you need to declare the data formats first. This is done in the DataFormats XML tag.
<dataFormats> <!-- here we define a Xml data format with the id jack and that it should use the TestPojo as the class type when doing unmarshal. The unmarshalType is optional, if not provided Camel will use a Map as the type --> <jacksonxml id="jack" unmarshalType="org.apache.camel.component.jacksonxml.TestPojo"/> </dataFormats>
And then you can refer to this id in the route:
<route> <from uri="direct:back"/> <unmarshal><custom ref="jack"/></unmarshal> <to uri="mock:reverse"/> </route>
57.1.2. Excluding POJO fields from marshalling
When marshalling a POJO to XML you might want to exclude certain fields from the XML output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. First create one or more marker classes.
Use the marker classes with the @JsonView
annotation to include/exclude certain fields. The annotation also works on getters.
Finally use the Camel JacksonXMLDataFormat
to marshall the above POJO to XML.
Note that the weight field is missing in the resulting XML:
<pojo age="30" weight="70"/>
57.2. Include/Exclude fields using the jsonView
attribute with `JacksonXML`DataFormat
As an example of using this attribute you can instead of:
JacksonXMLDataFormat ageViewFormat = new JacksonXMLDataFormat(TestPojoView.class, Views.Age.class); from("direct:inPojoAgeView"). marshal(ageViewFormat);
Directly specify your JSON view inside the Java DSL as:
from("direct:inPojoAgeView"). marshal().jacksonxml(TestPojoView.class, Views.Age.class);
And the same in XML DSL:
<from uri="direct:inPojoAgeView"/> <marshal> <jacksonxml unmarshalType="org.apache.camel.component.jacksonxml.TestPojoView" jsonView="org.apache.camel.component.jacksonxml.Views$Age"/> </marshal>
57.3. Setting serialization include option
If you want to marshal a pojo to XML, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, then you need to set either an annotation on the pojo,
@JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) public class MyPojo { ... }
But this requires you to include that annotation in your pojo source code. You can also configure the Camel JacksonXMLDataFormat to set the include option, as shown below:
JacksonXMLDataFormat format = new JacksonXMLDataFormat(); format.setInclude("NON_NULL");
Or from XML DSL you configure this as
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jacksonxml" include="NON_NULL"/> </dataFormats>
57.4. Unmarshalling from XML to POJO with dynamic class name
If you use jackson to unmarshal XML to POJO, then you can now specify a header in the message that indicate which class name to unmarshal to.
The header has key CamelJacksonUnmarshalType
if that header is present in the message, then Jackson will use that as FQN for the POJO class to unmarshal the XML payload as.
For JMS end users there is the JMSType header from the JMS spec that indicates that also. To enable support for JMSType you would need to turn that on, on the jackson data format as shown:
JacksonDataFormat format = new JacksonDataFormat(); format.setAllowJmsType(true);
Or from XML DSL you configure this as
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jacksonxml" allowJmsType="true"/> </dataFormats>
57.5. Unmarshalling from XML to List<Map> or List<pojo>
If you are using Jackson to unmarshal XML to a list of map/pojo, you can now specify this by setting useList="true"
or use the org.apache.camel.component.jacksonxml.ListJacksonXMLDataFormat
. For example with Java you can do as shown below:
JacksonXMLDataFormat format = new ListJacksonXMLDataFormat(); // or JacksonXMLDataFormat format = new JacksonXMLDataFormat(); format.useList(); // and you can specify the pojo class type also format.setUnmarshalType(MyPojo.class);
And if you use XML DSL then you configure to use list using useList
attribute as shown below:
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jack" useList="true"/> </dataFormats>
And you can specify the pojo type also
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jack" useList="true" unmarshalType=""/> </dataFormats>
57.6. Using custom Jackson modules
You can use custom Jackson modules by specifying the class names of those using the moduleClassNames option as shown below.
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jack" useList="true" unmarshalType="" moduleClassNames=","/> </dataFormats>
When using moduleClassNames then the custom jackson modules are not configured, by created using default constructor and used as-is. If a custom module needs any custom configuration, then an instance of the module can be created and configured, and then use modulesRefs to refer to the module as shown below:
<bean id="myJacksonModule" class=""> ... // configure the module as you want </bean> <dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jacksonxml" useList="true" unmarshalType="" moduleRefs="myJacksonModule"/> </dataFormats>
Multiple modules can be specified separated by comma, such as moduleRefs="myJacksonModule,myOtherModule"
57.7. Enabling or disable features using Jackson
Jackson has a number of features you can enable or disable, which its ObjectMapper uses. For example to disable failing on unknown properties when marshalling, you can configure this using the disableFeatures:
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jacksonxml" unmarshalType="" disableFeatures="FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES"/> </dataFormats>
You can disable multiple features by separating the values using comma. The values for the features must be the name of the enums from Jackson from the following enum classes
- com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature
- com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature
- com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature
To enable a feature use the enableFeatures options instead.
From Java code you can use the type safe methods from camel-jackson module:
JacksonDataFormat df = new JacksonDataFormat(MyPojo.class); df.disableFeature(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); df.disableFeature(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES);
57.8. Converting Maps to POJO using Jackson
Jackson ObjectMapper
can be used to convert maps to POJO objects. Jackson component comes with the data converter that can be used to convert java.util.Map
instance to non-String, non-primitive and non-Number objects.
Map<String, Object> invoiceData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); invoiceData.put("netValue", 500); producerTemplate.sendBody("direct:mapToInvoice", invoiceData); ... // Later in the processor Invoice invoice = exchange.getIn().getBody(Invoice.class);
If there is a single ObjectMapper
instance available in the Camel registry, it will used by the converter to perform the conversion. Otherwise the default mapper will be used.
57.9. Formatted XML marshalling (pretty-printing)
Using the prettyPrint
option one can output a well formatted XML while marshalling:
<dataFormats> <jacksonxml id="jack" prettyPrint="true"/> </dataFormats>
And in Java DSL:
Please note that there are 5 different overloaded jacksonxml()
DSL methods which support the prettyPrint
option in combination with other settings for unmarshalType
, jsonView
57.10. Dependencies
To use Jackson XML in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-jacksonxml which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jacksonxml</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
57.11. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using jacksonxml with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jacksonxml-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 16 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.allow-jms-type | Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.allow-unmarshall-type | If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.collection-type | Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.disable-features | Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.enable-features | Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.enable-jaxb-annotation-module | Whether to enable the JAXB annotations module when using jackson. When enabled then JAXB annotations can be used by Jackson. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the jacksonxml data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.include | If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.json-view | When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.module-class-names | To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.module-refs | To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.pretty-print | To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.unmarshal-type | Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.use-list | To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jacksonxml.xml-mapper | Lookup and use the existing XmlMapper with the given id. | String |
Chapter 58. JAXB
JAXB is a Data Format which uses the JAXB2 XML marshalling standard which is included in Java 6 to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload.
58.1. Options
The JAXB dataformat supports 19 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
contextPath |
| Required Package name where your JAXB classes are located. | |
contextPathIsClassName |
| This can be set to true to mark that the contextPath is referring to a classname and not a package name. | |
schema |
| To validate against an existing schema. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file: or http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character. | |
schemaSeverityLevel |
| Sets the schema severity level to use when validating against a schema. This level determines the minimum severity error that triggers JAXB to stop continue parsing. The default value of 0 (warning) means that any error (warning, error or fatal error) will trigger JAXB to stop. There are the following three levels: 0=warning, 1=error, 2=fatal error. Enum values:
| |
prettyPrint |
| To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. | |
objectFactory |
| Whether to allow using ObjectFactory classes to create the POJO classes during marshalling. This only applies to POJO classes that has not been annotated with JAXB and providing jaxb.index descriptor files. | |
ignoreJAXBElement |
| Whether to ignore JAXBElement elements - only needed to be set to false in very special use-cases. | |
mustBeJAXBElement |
| Whether marhsalling must be java objects with JAXB annotations. And if not then it fails. This option can be set to false to relax that, such as when the data is already in XML format. | |
filterNonXmlChars |
| To ignore non xml characheters and replace them with an empty space. | |
encoding |
| To overrule and use a specific encoding. | |
fragment |
| To turn on marshalling XML fragment trees. By default JAXB looks for XmlRootElement annotation on given class to operate on whole XML tree. This is useful but not always - sometimes generated code does not have XmlRootElement annotation, sometimes you need unmarshall only part of tree. In that case you can use partial unmarshalling. To enable this behaviours you need set property partClass. Camel will pass this class to JAXB’s unmarshaler. | |
partClass |
| Name of class used for fragment parsing. See more details at the fragment option. | |
partNamespace |
| XML namespace to use for fragment parsing. See more details at the fragment option. | |
namespacePrefixRef |
| When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping. | |
xmlStreamWriterWrapper |
| To use a custom xml stream writer. | |
schemaLocation |
| To define the location of the schema. | |
noNamespaceSchemaLocation |
| To define the location of the namespaceless schema. | |
jaxbProviderProperties |
| Refers to a custom java.util.Map to lookup in the registry containing custom JAXB provider properties to be used with the JAXB marshaller. | |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. |
58.2. Using the Java DSL
For example the following uses a named DataFormat of jaxb
which is configured with a number of Java package names to initialize the JAXBContext.
DataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.acme.model"); from("activemq:My.Queue"). unmarshal(jaxb). to("mqseries:Another.Queue");
You can if you prefer use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry such as via your Spring XML file. e.g.
from("activemq:My.Queue"). unmarshal("myJaxbDataType"). to("mqseries:Another.Queue");
58.3. Using Spring XML
The following example shows how to configure the JaxbDataFormat
and use it in multiple routes.
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean id="myJaxb" class="org.apache.camel.converter.jaxb.JaxbDataFormat"> <property name="contextPath" value="org.apache.camel.example"/> </bean> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <marshal><custom ref="myJaxb"/></marshal> <to uri="direct:marshalled"/> </route> <route> <from uri="direct:marshalled"/> <unmarshal><custom ref="myJaxb"/></unmarshal> <to uri="mock:result"/> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
Multiple context paths
It is possible to use this data format with more than one context path. You can specify context path using :
as separator, for example com.mycompany:com.mycompany2
. Note that this is handled by JAXB implementation and might change if you use different vendor than RI.
58.4. Partial marshalling/unmarshalling
JAXB 2 supports marshalling and unmarshalling XML tree fragments. By default JAXB looks for @XmlRootElement
annotation on given class to operate on whole XML tree. This is useful but not always - sometimes generated code does not have @XmlRootElement annotation, sometimes you need unmarshall only part of tree.
In that case you can use partial unmarshalling. To enable this behaviours you need set property partClass
. Camel will pass this class to JAXB’s unmarshaler. If JaxbConstants.JAXB_PART_CLASS
is set as one of headers, (even if partClass property is set on DataFormat), the property on DataFormat is surpassed and the one set in the headers is used.
For marshalling you have to add partNamespace
attribute with QName of destination namespace. Example of Spring DSL you can find above.
is set as one of headers, (even if partNamespace property is set on DataFormat), the property on DataFormat is surpassed and the one set in the headers is used. While setting partNamespace
through JaxbConstants.JAXB_PART_NAMESPACE
, please note that you need to specify its value \{[namespaceUri]}[localPart]
... .setHeader(JaxbConstants.JAXB_PART_NAMESPACE, simple("{}address")); ...
58.5. Fragment
JaxbDataFormat has new property fragment which can set the the Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT
encoding property on the JAXB Marshaller. If you don’t want the JAXB Marshaller to generate the XML declaration, you can set this option to be true. The default value of this property is false.
58.6. Ignoring the NonXML Character
JaxbDataFormat supports to ignore the NonXML Character, you just need to set the filterNonXmlChars property to be true, JaxbDataFormat will replace the NonXML character with " " when it is marshaling or unmarshaling the message. You can also do it by setting the Exchange property Exchange.FILTER_NON_XML_CHARS
JDK 1.5 | JDK 1.6+ | |
Filtering in use | StAX API and implementation | No |
Filtering not in use | StAX API only | No |
This feature has been tested with Woodstox 3.2.9 and Sun JDK 1.6 StAX implementation.
JaxbDataFormat now allows you to customize the XMLStreamWriter used to marshal the stream to XML. Using this configuration, you can add your own stream writer to completely remove, escape, or replace non-xml characters.
JaxbDataFormat customWriterFormat = new JaxbDataFormat(""); customWriterFormat.setXmlStreamWriterWrapper(new TestXmlStreamWriter());
The following example shows using the Spring DSL and also enabling Camel’s NonXML filtering:
<bean id="testXmlStreamWriterWrapper" class="org.apache.camel.jaxb.TestXmlStreamWriter"/> <jaxb filterNonXmlChars="true" contextPath="" xmlStreamWriterWrapper="#testXmlStreamWriterWrapper" />
58.7. Working with the ObjectFactory
If you use XJC to create the java class from the schema, you will get an ObjectFactory for you JAXB context. Since the ObjectFactory uses JAXBElement to hold the reference of the schema and element instance value, jaxbDataformat will ignore the JAXBElement by default and you will get the element instance value instead of the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body.
If you want to get the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body, you need to set the JaxbDataFormat object’s ignoreJAXBElement property to be false.
58.8. Setting encoding
You can set the encoding option to use when marshalling. Its the Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING
encoding property on the JAXB Marshaller.
You can setup which encoding to use when you declare the JAXB data format. You can also provide the encoding in the Exchange property Exchange.CHARSET_NAME
. This property will overrule the encoding set on the JAXB data format.
In this Spring DSL we have defined to use iso-8859-1
as the encoding.
58.9. Controlling namespace prefix mapping
When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping.
Notice this requires having JAXB-RI 2.1 or better (from SUN) on the classpath, as the mapping functionality is dependent on the implementation of JAXB, whether its supported.
For example in Spring XML we can define a Map with the mapping. In the mapping file below, we map SOAP to use soap as prefix. While our custom namespace "" is not using any prefix.
<util:map id="myMap"> <entry key="" value="soap"/> <!-- we dont want any prefix for our namespace --> <entry key="" value=""/> </util:map>
To use this in JAXB or SOAP you refer to this map, using the namespacePrefixRef
attribute as shown below. Then Camel will lookup in the Registry a java.util.Map
with the id "myMap", which was what we defined above.
<marshal> <soapjaxb version="1.2" contextPath="" namespacePrefixRef="myMap"/> </marshal>
58.10. Schema validation
The JAXB Data Format supports validation by marshalling and unmarshalling from/to XML. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file: or http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character.
Using the Java DSL, you can configure it in the following way:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat(); jaxbDataFormat.setContextPath(Person.class.getPackage().getName()); jaxbDataFormat.setSchema("classpath:person.xsd,classpath:address.xsd");
You can do the same using the XML DSL:
<marshal> <jaxb id="jaxb" schema="classpath:person.xsd,classpath:address.xsd"/> </marshal>
Camel will create and pool the underling SchemaFactory
instances on the fly, because the SchemaFactory
shipped with the JDK is not thread safe.
However, if you have a SchemaFactory
implementation which is thread safe, you can configure the JAXB data format to use this one:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat(); jaxbDataFormat.setSchemaFactory(thradSafeSchemaFactory);
58.11. Schema Location
The JAXB Data Format supports to specify the SchemaLocation when marshaling the XML.
Using the Java DSL, you can configure it in the following way:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat(); jaxbDataFormat.setContextPath(Person.class.getPackage().getName()); jaxbDataFormat.setSchemaLocation("schema/person.xsd");
You can do the same using the XML DSL:
<marshal> <jaxb id="jaxb" schemaLocation="schema/person.xsd"/> </marshal>
58.12. Marshal data that is already XML
The JAXB marshaller requires that the message body is JAXB compatible, eg its a JAXBElement, eg a java instance that has JAXB annotations, or extend JAXBElement. There can be situations where the message body is already in XML, eg from a String type.
There is a new option mustBeJAXBElement
you can set to false, to relax this check, so the JAXB marshaller only attempts to marshal JAXBElements (javax.xml.bind.JAXBIntrospector#isElement returns true). And in those situations the marshaller fallbacks to marshal the message body as-is.
58.13. Dependencies
To use JAXB in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-jaxb which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jaxb</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> </dependency>
58.14. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using jaxb with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jaxb-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 20 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.context-path | Package name where your JAXB classes are located. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.context-path-is-class-name | This can be set to true to mark that the contextPath is referring to a classname and not a package name. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the jaxb data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.encoding | To overrule and use a specific encoding. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.filter-non-xml-chars | To ignore non xml characheters and replace them with an empty space. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.fragment | To turn on marshalling XML fragment trees. By default JAXB looks for XmlRootElement annotation on given class to operate on whole XML tree. This is useful but not always - sometimes generated code does not have XmlRootElement annotation, sometimes you need unmarshall only part of tree. In that case you can use partial unmarshalling. To enable this behaviours you need set property partClass. Camel will pass this class to JAXB’s unmarshaler. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.ignore-j-a-x-b-element | Whether to ignore JAXBElement elements - only needed to be set to false in very special use-cases. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.jaxb-provider-properties | Refers to a custom java.util.Map to lookup in the registry containing custom JAXB provider properties to be used with the JAXB marshaller. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.must-be-j-a-x-b-element | Whether marhsalling must be java objects with JAXB annotations. And if not then it fails. This option can be set to false to relax that, such as when the data is already in XML format. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.namespace-prefix-ref | When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping. | String | | | To define the location of the namespaceless schema. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.object-factory | Whether to allow using ObjectFactory classes to create the POJO classes during marshalling. This only applies to POJO classes that has not been annotated with JAXB and providing jaxb.index descriptor files. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.part-class | Name of class used for fragment parsing. See more details at the fragment option. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.part-namespace | XML namespace to use for fragment parsing. See more details at the fragment option. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.pretty-print | To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.schema | To validate against an existing schema. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file: or http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.schema-location | To define the location of the schema. | String | |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.schema-severity-level | Sets the schema severity level to use when validating against a schema. This level determines the minimum severity error that triggers JAXB to stop continue parsing. The default value of 0 (warning) means that any error (warning, error or fatal error) will trigger JAXB to stop. There are the following three levels: 0=warning, 1=error, 2=fatal error. | 0 | Integer |
camel.dataformat.jaxb.xml-stream-writer-wrapper | To use a custom xml stream writer. | String |
Chapter 59. JSON Gson
Gson is a Data Format which uses the Gson Library.
from("activemq:My.Queue"). marshal().json(JsonLibrary.Gson). to("mqseries:Another.Queue");
59.1. Gson Options
The JSON Gson dataformat supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
prettyPrint |
| To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. | |
unmarshalType |
| Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. |
59.2. Dependencies
To use Gson in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-gson which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-gson</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
59.3. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using json-gson with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-gson-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.json-gson.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.json-gson.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the json-gson data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.json-gson.pretty-print | To enable pretty printing output nicely formatted. Is by default false. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.json-gson.unmarshal-type | Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | String |
Chapter 60. Protobuf Jackson
Jackson Protobuf is a Data Format which uses the Jackson library with the Protobuf extension to unmarshal a Protobuf payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into a Protobuf payload.
If you are familiar with Jackson, this Protobuf data format behaves in the same way as its JSON counterpart, and thus can be used with classes annotated for JSON serialization/deserialization.
from("kafka:topic"). unmarshal().protobuf(ProtobufLibrary.Jackson, JsonNode.class). to("log:info");
60.1. Configuring the SchemaResolver
Since Protobuf serialization is schema-based, this data format requires that you provide a SchemaResolver object that is able to lookup the schema for each exchange that is going to be marshalled/unmarshalled.
You can add a single SchemaResolver to the registry and it will be looked up automatically. Or you can explicitly specify the reference to a custom SchemaResolver.
60.2. Protobuf Jackson Options
The Protobuf Jackson dataformat supports 18 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | |
objectMapper |
| Lookup and use the existing ObjectMapper with the given id when using Jackson. | |
useDefaultObjectMapper |
| Whether to lookup and use default Jackson ObjectMapper from the registry. | |
unmarshalType |
| Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | |
jsonView |
| When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | |
include |
| If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | |
allowJmsType |
| Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | |
collectionType |
| Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | |
useList |
| To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | |
moduleClassNames |
| To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | |
moduleRefs |
| To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | |
enableFeatures |
| Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
disableFeatures |
| Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | |
allowUnmarshallType |
| If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | |
timezone |
| If set then Jackson will use the Timezone when marshalling/unmarshalling. | |
autoDiscoverObjectMapper |
| If set to true then Jackson will lookup for an objectMapper into the registry. | |
schemaResolver |
| Optional schema resolver used to lookup schemas for the data in transit. | |
autoDiscoverSchemaResolver |
| When not disabled, the SchemaResolver will be looked up into the registry. |
60.3. Using custom ProtobufMapper
You can configure JacksonProtobufDataFormat
to use a custom ProtobufMapper
in case you need more control of the mapping configuration.
If you setup a single ProtobufMapper
in the registry, then Camel will automatic lookup and use this ProtobufMapper
60.4. Dependencies
To use Protobuf Jackson in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-jackson-protobuf which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jackson-protobuf</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
60.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using protobuf-jackson with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jackson-protobuf-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The component supports 19 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.allow-jms-type | Used for JMS users to allow the JMSType header from the JMS spec to specify a FQN classname to use to unmarshal to. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.allow-unmarshall-type | If enabled then Jackson is allowed to attempt to use the CamelJacksonUnmarshalType header during the unmarshalling. This should only be enabled when desired to be used. | false | Boolean | | If set to true then Jackson will lookup for an objectMapper into the registry. | false | Boolean | | When not disabled, the SchemaResolver will be looked up into the registry. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.collection-type | Refers to a custom collection type to lookup in the registry to use. This option should rarely be used, but allows to use different collection types than java.util.Collection based as default. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.content-type-header | Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.disable-features | Set of features to disable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.enable-features | Set of features to enable on the Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. The features should be a name that matches a enum from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature, or com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature Multiple features can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the protobuf-jackson data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.include | If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, you can set this option to NON_NULL. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.json-view | When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. This option is to refer to the class which has JsonView annotations. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.module-class-names | To use custom Jackson modules com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module specified as a String with FQN class names. Multiple classes can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.module-refs | To use custom Jackson modules referred from the Camel registry. Multiple modules can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.object-mapper | Lookup and use the existing ObjectMapper with the given id when using Jackson. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.schema-resolver | Optional schema resolver used to lookup schemas for the data in transit. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.timezone | If set then Jackson will use the Timezone when marshalling/unmarshalling. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.unmarshal-type | Class name of the java type to use when unmarshalling. | String | |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.use-default-object-mapper | Whether to lookup and use default Jackson ObjectMapper from the registry. | true | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.protobuf-jackson.use-list | To unmarshal to a List of Map or a List of Pojo. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 61. SOAP
SOAP is a Data Format which uses JAXB2 and JAX-WS annotations to marshal and unmarshal SOAP payloads. It provides the basic features of Apache CXF without need for the CXF Stack.
Namespace prefix mapping
See JAXB for details how you can control namespace prefix mappings when marshalling using SOAP data format.
61.1. SOAP Options
The SOAP dataformat supports 6 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
contextPath |
| Required Package name where your JAXB classes are located. | |
encoding |
| To overrule and use a specific encoding. | |
elementNameStrategyRef |
| Refers to an element strategy to lookup from the registry. An element name strategy is used for two purposes. The first is to find a xml element name for a given object and soap action when marshaling the object into a SOAP message. The second is to find an Exception class for a given soap fault name. The following three element strategy class name is provided out of the box. QNameStrategy - Uses a fixed qName that is configured on instantiation. Exception lookup is not supported TypeNameStrategy - Uses the name and namespace from the XMLType annotation of the given type. If no namespace is set then package-info is used. Exception lookup is not supported ServiceInterfaceStrategy - Uses information from a webservice interface to determine the type name and to find the exception class for a SOAP fault All three classes is located in the package name If you have generated the web service stub code with cxf-codegen or a similar tool then you probably will want to use the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. In the case you have no annotated service interface you should use QNameStrategy or TypeNameStrategy. | |
version |
| SOAP version should either be 1.1 or 1.2. Is by default 1.1. | |
namespacePrefixRef |
| When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping. | |
schema |
| To validate against an existing schema. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file: or http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character. |
61.2. ElementNameStrategy
An element name strategy is used for two purposes. The first is to find a xml element name for a given object and soap action when marshaling the object into a SOAP message. The second is to find an Exception class for a given soap fault name.
Strategy | Usage |
QNameStrategy | Uses a fixed qName that is configured on instantiation. Exception lookup is not supported |
TypeNameStrategy | Uses the name and namespace from the @XMLType annotation of the given type. If no namespace is set then package-info is used. Exception lookup is not supported |
ServiceInterfaceStrategy | Uses information from a webservice interface to determine the type name and to find the exception class for a SOAP fault |
If you have generated the web service stub code with cxf-codegen or a similar tool then you probably will want to use the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. In the case you have no annotated service interface you should use QNameStrategy or TypeNameStrategy.
61.3. Using the Java DSL
The following example uses a named DataFormat of soap which is configured with the package com.example.customerservice to initialize the JAXBContext. The second parameter is the ElementNameStrategy. The route is able to marshal normal objects as well as exceptions. (Note the below just sends a SOAP Envelope to a queue. A web service provider would actually need to be listening to the queue for a SOAP call to actually occur, in which case it would be a one way SOAP request. If you need request reply then you should look at the next example.)
SoapJaxbDataFormat soap = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class)); from("direct:start") .marshal(soap) .to("jms:myQueue");
See also
As the SOAP dataformat inherits from the JAXB dataformat most settings apply here as well.
61.3.1. Using SOAP 1.2
Since Camel 2.11
SoapJaxbDataFormat soap = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class)); soap.setVersion("1.2"); from("direct:start") .marshal(soap) .to("jms:myQueue");
When using XML DSL there is a version attribute you can set on the <soapjaxb> element.
<!-- Defining a ServiceInterfaceStrategy for retrieving the element name when marshalling --> <bean id="myNameStrategy" class=""> <constructor-arg value="com.example.customerservice.CustomerService"/> <constructor-arg value="true"/> </bean>
And in the Camel route
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <marshal> <soapjaxb contentPath="com.example.customerservice" version="1.2" elementNameStrategyRef="myNameStrategy"/> </marshal> <to uri="jms:myQueue"/> </route>
61.4. Multi-part Messages
Multi-part SOAP messages are supported by the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. The ServiceInterfaceStrategy must be initialized with a service interface definition that is annotated in accordance with JAX-WS 2.2 and meets the requirements of the Document Bare style. The target method must meet the following criteria, as per the JAX-WS specification: 1) it must have at most one in
or in/out
non-header parameter, 2) if it has a return type other than void
it must have no in/out
or out
non-header parameters, 3) if it it has a return type of void
it must have at most one in/out
or out
non-header parameter.
The ServiceInterfaceStrategy should be initialized with a boolean parameter that indicates whether the mapping strategy applies to the request parameters or response parameters.
ServiceInterfaceStrategy strat = new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(com.example.customerservice.multipart.MultiPartCustomerService.class, true); SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDataFormat = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice.multipart", strat);
61.4.1. Holder Object mapping
JAX-WS specifies the use of a type-parameterized
object for In/Out
and Out
parameters. You may use an instance of the parameterized-type directly. The camel-soap DataFormat marshals Holder values in accordance with the JAXB mapping for the class of the Holder’s value. No mapping is provided for \'Holder
objects in an unmarshalled response.
61.5. Examples
61.5.1. Webservice client
The following route supports marshalling the request and unmarshalling a response or fault.
String WS_URI = "cxf://http://myserver/customerservice?serviceClass=com.example.customerservice&dataFormat=RAW"; SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDF = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class)); from("direct:customerServiceClient") .onException(Exception.class) .handled(true) .unmarshal(soapDF) .end() .marshal(soapDF) .to(WS_URI) .unmarshal(soapDF);
The below snippet creates a proxy for the service interface and makes a SOAP call to the above route.
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.component.bean.ProxyHelper; ... Endpoint startEndpoint = context.getEndpoint("direct:customerServiceClient"); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // CustomerService below is the service endpoint interface, *not* the subclass CustomerService proxy = ProxyHelper.createProxy(startEndpoint, classLoader, CustomerService.class); GetCustomersByNameResponse response = proxy.getCustomersByName(new GetCustomersByName());
61.5.2. Webservice Server
Using the following route sets up a webservice server that listens on jms queue customerServiceQueue and processes requests using the class CustomerServiceImpl. The customerServiceImpl of course should implement the interface CustomerService. Instead of directly instantiating the server class it could be defined in a spring context as a regular bean.
SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDF = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class)); CustomerService serverBean = new CustomerServiceImpl(); from("jms://queue:customerServiceQueue") .onException(Exception.class) .handled(true) .marshal(soapDF) .end() .unmarshal(soapDF) .bean(serverBean) .marshal(soapDF);
61.6. Dependencies
To use the SOAP dataformat in your camel routes you need to add the following dependency to your pom.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-soap</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> </dependency>
61.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using soapjaxb with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-soap-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 7 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.context-path | Package name where your JAXB classes are located. | String | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.element-name-strategy-ref | Refers to an element strategy to lookup from the registry. An element name strategy is used for two purposes. The first is to find a xml element name for a given object and soap action when marshaling the object into a SOAP message. The second is to find an Exception class for a given soap fault name. The following three element strategy class name is provided out of the box. QNameStrategy - Uses a fixed qName that is configured on instantiation. Exception lookup is not supported TypeNameStrategy - Uses the name and namespace from the XMLType annotation of the given type. If no namespace is set then package-info is used. Exception lookup is not supported ServiceInterfaceStrategy - Uses information from a webservice interface to determine the type name and to find the exception class for a SOAP fault All three classes is located in the package name If you have generated the web service stub code with cxf-codegen or a similar tool then you probably will want to use the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. In the case you have no annotated service interface you should use QNameStrategy or TypeNameStrategy. | String | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the soapjaxb data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.encoding | To overrule and use a specific encoding. | String | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.namespace-prefix-ref | When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping. | String | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.schema | To validate against an existing schema. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file: or http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character. | String | |
camel.dataformat.soapjaxb.version | SOAP version should either be 1.1 or 1.2. Is by default 1.1. | 1.1 | String |
Chapter 62. Zip File
The Zip File Data Format is a message compression and de-compression format. Messages can be marshalled (compressed) to Zip files containing a single entry, and Zip files containing a single entry can be unmarshalled (decompressed) to the original file contents. This data format supports ZIP64, as long as Java 7 or later is being used].
62.1. ZipFile Options
The Zip File dataformat supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
usingIterator |
| If the zip file has more then one entry, the setting this option to true, allows to work with the splitter EIP, to split the data using an iterator in a streaming mode. | |
allowEmptyDirectory |
| If the zip file has more then one entry, setting this option to true, allows to get the iterator even if the directory is empty. | |
preservePathElements |
| If the file name contains path elements, setting this option to true, allows the path to be maintained in the zip file. | |
maxDecompressedSize |
| Set the maximum decompressed size of a zip file (in bytes). The default value if not specified corresponds to 1 gigabyte. An IOException will be thrown if the decompressed size exceeds this amount. Set to -1 to disable setting a maximum decompressed size. |
62.2. Marshal
In this example we marshal a regular text/XML payload to a compressed payload using Zip file compression, and send it to an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE.
from("direct:start") .marshal().zipFile() .to("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE");
The name of the Zip entry inside the created Zip file is based on the incoming CamelFileName
message header, which is the standard message header used by the file component. Additionally, the outgoing CamelFileName
message header is automatically set to the value of the incoming CamelFileName
message header, with the ".zip" suffix. So for example, if the following route finds a file named "test.txt" in the input directory, the output will be a Zip file named "" containing a single Zip entry named "test.txt":
from("file:input/directory?antInclude=*/.txt") .marshal().zipFile() .to("file:output/directory");
If there is no incoming CamelFileName
message header (for example, if the file component is not the consumer), then the message ID is used by default, and since the message ID is normally a unique generated ID, you will end up with filenames like
. If you want to override this behavior, then you can set the value of the CamelFileName
header explicitly in your route:
from("direct:start") .setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, constant("report.txt")) .marshal().zipFile() .to("file:output/directory");
This route would result in a Zip file named "" in the output directory, containing a single Zip entry named "report.txt".
62.3. Unmarshal
In this example we unmarshal a Zip file payload from an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE to its original format, and forward it for processing to the UnZippedMessageProcessor
from("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE") .unmarshal().zipFile() .process(new UnZippedMessageProcessor());
If the zip file has more then one entry, the usingIterator option of ZipFileDataFormat to be true, and you can use splitter to do the further work.
ZipFileDataFormat zipFile = new ZipFileDataFormat(); zipFile.setUsingIterator(true); from("file:src/test/resources/org/apache/camel/dataformat/zipfile/?delay=1000&noop=true") .unmarshal(zipFile) .split(body(Iterator.class)).streaming() .process(new UnZippedMessageProcessor()) .end();
Or you can use the ZipSplitter as an expression for splitter directly like this
from("file:src/test/resources/org/apache/camel/dataformat/zipfile?delay=1000&noop=true") .split(new ZipSplitter()).streaming() .process(new UnZippedMessageProcessor()) .end();
62.3.1. Aggregate
This aggregation strategy requires eager completion check to work properly.
In this example we aggregate all text files found in the input directory into a single Zip file that is stored in the output directory.
from("file:input/directory?antInclude=*/.txt") .aggregate(constant(true), new ZipAggregationStrategy()) .completionFromBatchConsumer().eagerCheckCompletion() .to("file:output/directory");
The outgoing CamelFileName
message header is created using, with the ".zip" suffix. If you want to override this behavior, then you can set the value of the CamelFileName
header explicitly in your route:
from("file:input/directory?antInclude=*/.txt") .aggregate(constant(true), new ZipAggregationStrategy()) .completionFromBatchConsumer().eagerCheckCompletion() .setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, constant("")) .to("file:output/directory");
62.4. Dependencies
To use Zip files in your camel routes you need to add a dependency on camel-zipfile which implements this data format.
If you use Maven you can just add the following to your pom.xml
, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-zipfile</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
62.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using zipfile with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-zipfile-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 5 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.dataformat.zipfile.allow-empty-directory | If the zip file has more then one entry, setting this option to true, allows to get the iterator even if the directory is empty. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.zipfile.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the zipfile data format. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.dataformat.zipfile.max-decompressed-size | Set the maximum decompressed size of a zip file (in bytes). The default value if not specified corresponds to 1 gigabyte. An IOException will be thrown if the decompressed size exceeds this amount. Set to -1 to disable setting a maximum decompressed size. | 1073741824 | Long |
camel.dataformat.zipfile.preserve-path-elements | If the file name contains path elements, setting this option to true, allows the path to be maintained in the zip file. | false | Boolean |
camel.dataformat.zipfile.using-iterator | If the zip file has more then one entry, the setting this option to true, allows to work with the splitter EIP, to split the data using an iterator in a streaming mode. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 63. Constant
The Constant Expression Language is really just a way to use a constant value or object.
This is a fixed constant value (or object) that is only set once during starting up the route, do not use this if you want dynamic values during routing.
63.1. Constant Options
The Constant language supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the constant type. | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
63.2. Example
The setHeader
EIP can utilize a constant expression like:
<route> <from uri="seda:a"/> <setHeader name="theHeader"> <constant>the value</constant> </setHeader> <to uri="mock:b"/> </route>
in this case, the message coming from the seda:a endpoint will have the header with key theHeader
set its value as the value
(string type).
And the same example using Java DSL:
from("seda:a") .setHeader("theHeader", constant("the value")) .to("mock:b");
63.2.1. Specifying type of value
The option resultType
can be used to specify the type of the value, when the value is given as a String
value, which happens when using XML or YAML DSL:
For example to set a header with int
type you can do:
<route> <from uri="seda:a"/> <setHeader name="zipCode"> <constant resultType="int">90210</constant> </setHeader> <to uri="mock:b"/> </route>
63.3. Loading constant from external resource
You can externalize the constant and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:"
, "file:"
, or "http:"
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location"
, eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
63.4. Dependencies
The Constant language is part of camel-core.
63.5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using constant with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 64. CSimple
The CSimple language is compiled Simple language.
64.1. Different between CSimple and Simple
The simple language is a dynamic expression language which is runtime parsed into a set of Camel Expressions or Predicates.
The csimple language is parsed into regular Java source code and compiled together with all the other source code, or compiled once during bootstrap via the camel-csimple-joor
The simple language is generally very lightweight and fast, however for some use-cases with dynamic method calls via OGNL paths, then the simple language does runtime introspection and reflection calls. This has an overhead on performance, and was one of the reasons why csimple was created.
The csimple language requires to be typesafe and method calls via OGNL paths requires to know the type during parsing. This means for csimple languages expressions you would need to provide the class type in the script, whereas simple introspects this at runtime.
In other words the simple language is using duck typing (if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck) and csimple is using Java type (typesafety). If there is a type error then simple will report this at runtime, and with csimple there will be a Java compilation error.
64.1.1. Additional CSimple functions
The csimple language includes some additional functions to support common use-cases working with Collection
, Map
or array types. The following functions bodyAsIndex, headerAsIndex, and exchangePropertyAsIndex is used for these use-cases as they are typed.
Function | Type | Description |
bodyAsIndex(type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting the body from an existing |
mandatoryBodyAsIndex(type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting the body from an existing |
headerAsIndex(key, type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting a header from an existing |
mandatoryHeaderAsIndex(key, type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting a header from an existing |
exchangePropertyAsIndex(key, type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting an exchange property from an existing |
mandatoryExchangePropertyAsIndex(key, type, index) | Type |
To be used for collecting an exchange property from an existing |
For example given the following simple expression:
Hello $\{body[0].name}
This script has no type information, and the simple language will resolve this at runtime, by introspecting the message body and if it’s a collection based then lookup the first element, and then invoke a method named getName
via reflection.
In csimple (compiled) we want to pre compile this and therefore the end user must provide type information with the bodyAsIndex function:
Hello $\{bodyAsIndex(, 0).name}
64.2. Compilation
The csimple language is parsed into regular Java source code and compiled together with all the other source code, or it can be compiled once during bootstrap via the camel-csimple-joor
There are two ways to compile csimple
using the
generating source code at built time. -
which does runtime in-memory compilation during bootstrap of Camel.
64.2.1. Using camel-csimple-maven-plugin
The camel-csimple-maven-plugin
Maven plugin is used for discovering all the csimple scripts from the source code, and then automatic generate source code in the src/generated/java
folder, which then gets compiled together with all the other sources.
The maven plugin will do source code scanning of .java
and .xml
files (Java and XML DSL). The scanner limits to detect certain code patterns, and it may miss discovering some csimple scripts if they are being used in unusual/rare ways.
The runtime compilation using camel-csimple-joor
does not have this limitation.
The benefit is all the csimple scripts will be compiled using the regular Java compiler and therefore everything is included out of the box as .class
files in the application JAR file, and no additional dependencies is required at runtime.
To use camel-csimple-maven-plugin
you need to add it to your pom.xml
file as shown:
<plugins> <!-- generate source code for csimple languages --> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-csimple-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${camel.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>generate</id> <goals> <goal>generate</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> <!-- include source code generated to maven sources paths --> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>add-source</goal> <goal>add-resource</goal> </goals> <configuration> <sources> <source>src/generated/java</source> </sources> <resources> <resource> <directory>src/generated/resources</directory> </resource> </resources> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins>
And then you must also add the build-helper-maven-plugin
Maven plugin to include src/generated
to the list of source folders for the Java compiler, to ensure the generated source code is compiled and included in the application JAR file.
See the camel-example-csimple
example at Camel Examples which uses the maven plugin.
64.2.2. Using camel-csimple-joor
The jOOR library integrates with the Java compiler and performs runtime compilation of Java code.
The supported runtime when using camel-simple-joor
is intended for Java standalone, Spring Boot, Camel Quarkus and other microservices runtimes. It is not supported in OSGi, Camel Karaf or any kind of Java Application Server runtime.
jOOR does not support runtime compilation with Spring Boot using fat jar packaging (, it works with exploded classpath.
To use camel-simple-joor
you simply just add it as dependency to the classpath:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-csimple-joor</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> </dependency>
There is no need for adding Maven plugins to the pom.xml
See the camel-example-csimple-joor
example at Camel Examples which uses the jOOR compiler.
64.3. CSimple Language options
The CSimple language supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output). | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
64.4. Limitations
Currently, the csimple language does not support:
- nested functions (aka functions inside functions)
the null safe operator (
For example the following scripts cannot compile:
Hello ${bean:greeter(${body}, ${header.counter})}
${bodyAs(MyUser)?.address?.zip} > 10000
64.5. Auto imports
The csimple language will automatically import from:
import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import*; import org.apache.camel.*; import org.apache.camel.util.*;
64.6. Configuration file
You can configure the csimple language in the
file which is loaded from the root classpath.
For example you can add additional imports in the
file by adding:
import; import*; import static*;
You can also add aliases (key=value) where an alias will be used as a shorthand replacement in the code.
echo()=${bodyAs(String)} ${bodyAs(String)}
Which allows to use echo() in the csimple language script such as:
from("direct:hello") .transform(csimple("Hello echo()")) .log("You said ${body}");
The echo() alias will be replaced with its value resulting in a script as:
.transform(csimple("Hello ${bodyAs(String)} ${bodyAs(String)}"))
64.7. See Also
See the Simple language as csimple
has the same set of functions as simple language.
64.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using csimple with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 65. ExchangeProperty
The ExchangeProperty Expression Language allows you to extract values of named exchange properties.
65.1. Exchange Property Options
The ExchangeProperty language supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
65.2. Example
The recipientList
EIP can utilize a exchangeProperty like:
<route> <from uri="direct:a" /> <recipientList> <exchangeProperty>myProperty</exchangeProperty> </recipientList> </route>
In this case, the list of recipients are contained in the property 'myProperty'.
And the same example in Java DSL:
65.3. Dependencies
The ExchangeProperty language is part of camel-core.
65.4. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using exchangeProperty with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 66. File
The File Expression Language is an extension to the language, adding file related capabilities. These capabilities are related to common use cases working with file path and names. The goal is to allow expressions to be used with the
components for setting dynamic file patterns for both consumer and producer.
The file language is merged with language which means you can use all the file syntax directly within the simple language.
66.1. File Language options
The File language supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output). | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
66.2. Syntax
This language is an extension to the language so the syntax applies also. So the table below only lists the additional file related functions.
All the file tokens use the same expression name as the method on the
object, for instance file:absolute
refers to the
method. Notice that not all expressions are supported by the current Exchange. For instance the component supports some options, whereas the File component supports all of them.
Expression | Type | File Consumer | File Producer | FTP Consumer | FTP Producer | Description |
file:name | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name (is relative to the starting directory, see note below) |
file:name.ext | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file extension only |
file:name.ext.single | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file extension. If the file extension has multiple dots, then this expression strips and only returns the last part. |
file:name.noext | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name with no extension (is relative to the starting directory, see note below) |
file:name.noext.single | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name with no extension (is relative to the starting directory, see note below). If the file extension has multiple dots, then this expression strips only the last part, and keep the others. |
file:onlyname | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name only with no leading paths. |
file:onlyname.noext | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name only with no extension and with no leading paths. |
file:onlyname.noext.single | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file name only with no extension and with no leading paths. If the file extension has multiple dots, then this expression strips only the last part, and keep the others. |
file:ext | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file extension only |
file:parent | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file parent |
file:path | String | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file path |
file:absolute | Boolean | yes | no | no | no | refers to whether the file is regarded as absolute or relative |
file:absolute.path | String | yes | no | no | no | refers to the absolute file path |
file:length | Long | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file length returned as a Long type |
file:size | Long | yes | no | yes | no | refers to the file length returned as a Long type |
file:modified | Date | yes | no | yes | no | Refers to the file last modified returned as a Date type |
date:_command:pattern_ | String | yes | yes | yes | yes |
for date formatting using the |
66.3. File token example
66.3.1. Relative paths
We have a
handle for the file hello.txt
in the following relative directory: .\filelanguage\test
. And we configure our endpoint to use this starting directory .\filelanguage
. The file tokens will return as:
Expression | Returns |
file:name | test\hello.txt |
file:name.ext | txt |
file:name.noext | test\hello |
file:onlyname | hello.txt |
file:onlyname.noext | hello |
file:ext | txt |
file:parent | filelanguage\test |
file:path | filelanguage\test\hello.txt |
file:absolute | false |
file:absolute.path | \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test\hello.txt |
66.3.2. Absolute paths
We have a
handle for the file hello.txt
in the following absolute directory: \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test
. And we configure out endpoint to use the absolute starting directory \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage
. The file tokens will return as:
Expression | Returns |
file:name | test\hello.txt |
file:name.ext | txt |
file:name.noext | test\hello |
file:onlyname | hello.txt |
file:onlyname.noext | hello |
file:ext | txt |
file:parent | \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test |
file:path | \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test\hello.txt |
file:absolute | true |
file:absolute.path | \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test\hello.txt |
66.4. Samples
You can enter a fixed file name such as myfile.txt
Let’s assume we use the file consumer to read files and want to move the read files to back up folder with the current date as a sub folder. This can be done using an expression like:
relative folder names are also supported so suppose the backup folder should be a sibling folder then you can append ..
as shown:
As this is an extension to the language we have access to all the goodies from this language also, so in this use case we want to use the in.header.type as a parameter in the dynamic expression:
If you have a custom date you want to use in the expression then Camel supports retrieving dates from the message header:
And finally we can also use a bean expression to invoke a POJO class that generates some String output (or convertible to String) to be used:
Of course all this can be combined in one expression where you can use the and the language in one combined expression. This is pretty powerful for those common file path patterns.
66.5. Dependencies
The File language is part of camel-core.
66.6. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using file with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 67. Header
The Header Expression Language allows you to extract values of named headers.
67.1. Header Options
The Header language supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
67.2. Example usage
The recipientList
EIP can utilize a header:
<route> <from uri="direct:a" /> <recipientList> <header>myHeader</header> </recipientList> </route>
In this case, the list of recipients are contained in the header 'myHeader'.
And the same example in Java DSL:
67.3. Dependencies
The Header language is part of camel-core.
67.4. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using header with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 68. JSONPath
Camel supports JSONPath to allow using Expression or Predicate on JSON messages.
68.1. JSONPath Options
The JSONPath language supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output). | |
suppressExceptions |
| Whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException. | |
allowSimple |
| Whether to allow in inlined Simple exceptions in the JSONPath expression. | |
allowEasyPredicate |
| Whether to allow using the easy predicate parser to pre-parse predicates. | |
writeAsString |
| Whether to write the output of each row/element as a JSON String value instead of a Map/POJO value. | |
headerName |
| Name of header to use as input, instead of the message body. | |
option |
| To configure additional options on JSONPath. Multiple values can be separated by comma. Enum values:
| |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
68.2. Examples
For example, you can use JSONPath in a Predicate with the Content Based Router EIP.
from("") .choice() .when().jsonpath("$[?(@.price < 10)]") .to("") .when().jsonpath("$[?(@.price < 30)]") .to("jms:queue:book.average") .otherwise() .to("jms:queue:book.expensive");
And in XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <choice> <when> <jsonpath>$[?(@.price < 10)]</jsonpath> <to uri="mock:cheap"/> </when> <when> <jsonpath>$[?(@.price < 30)]</jsonpath> <to uri="mock:average"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="mock:expensive"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
68.3. JSONPath Syntax
Using the JSONPath syntax takes some time to learn, even for basic predicates. So for example to find out all the cheap books you have to do:
$[?(@.price < 20)]
68.3.1. Easy JSONPath Syntax
However, what if you could just write it as: < 20
And you can omit the path if you just want to look at nodes with a price key:
price < 20
To support this there is a EasyPredicateParser
which kicks-in if you have defined the predicate using a basic style. That means the predicate must not start with the $
sign, and only include one operator.
The easy syntax is:
left OP right
You can use Camel simple language in the right operator, eg: < ${header.limit}
See the JSONPath project page for more syntax examples.
68.4. Supported message body types
Camel JSonPath supports message body using the following types:
Type | Comment |
| Reading from files |
| Plain strings |
Message bodies as |
Message bodies as |
Optional If Jackson is on the classpath, then camel-jsonpath is able to use Jackson to read the message body as POJO and convert to |
If none of the above types matches, then Camel will attempt to read the message body as a |
If a message body is of unsupported type then an exception is thrown by default, however you can configure JSonPath to suppress exceptions (see below)
68.5. Suppressing exceptions
By default, jsonpath will throw an exception if the json payload does not have a valid path accordingly to the configured jsonpath expression. In some use-cases you may want to ignore this in case the json payload contains optional data. Therefore, you can set the option suppressExceptions
to true
to ignore this as shown:
from("direct:start") .choice() // use true to suppress exceptions .when().jsonpath("person.middlename", true) .to("mock:middle") .otherwise() .to("mock:other");
And in XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <choice> <when> <jsonpath suppressExceptions="true">person.middlename</jsonpath> <to uri="mock:middle"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="mock:other"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
This option is also available on the @JsonPath
68.6. Inline Simple expressions
It’s possible to inlined Simple language in the JSONPath expression using the simple syntax ${xxx}
An example is shown below:
from("direct:start") .choice() .when().jsonpath("$[?(@.price < ${})]") .to("mock:cheap") .when().jsonpath("$[?(@.price < ${header.average})]") .to("mock:average") .otherwise() .to("mock:expensive");
And in XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <choice> <when> <jsonpath>$[?(@.price < ${})]</jsonpath> <to uri="mock:cheap"/> </when> <when> <jsonpath>$[?(@.price < ${header.average})]</jsonpath> <to uri="mock:average"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="mock:expensive"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
You can turn off support for inlined Simple expression by setting the option allowSimple
to false
as shown:
.when().jsonpath("$[?(@.price < 10)]", false, false)
And in XML DSL:
<jsonpath allowSimple="false">$[?(@.price < 10)]</jsonpath>
68.7. JSonPath injection
You can use Bean Integration to invoke a method on a bean and use various languages such as JSONPath (via the @JsonPath
annotation) to extract a value from the message and bind it to a method parameter, as shown below:
public class Foo { @Consume("") public void doSomething(@JsonPath("$[*].author") String author, @Body String json) { // process the inbound message here } }
68.8. Encoding Detection
The encoding of the JSON document is detected automatically, if the document is encoded in unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE ) as specified in RFC-4627. If the encoding is a non-unicode encoding, you can either make sure that you enter the document in String format to JSONPath, or you can specify the encoding in the header CamelJsonPathJsonEncoding
which is defined as a constant in: JsonpathConstants.HEADER_JSON_ENCODING
68.9. Split JSON data into sub rows as JSON
You can use JSONPath to split a JSON document, such as:
from("direct:start") .split().jsonpath("$[*]") .to("log:book");
Then each book is logged, however the message body is a Map
instance. Sometimes you may want to output this as plain String JSON value instead, which can be done with the writeAsString
option as shown:
from("direct:start") .split().jsonpathWriteAsString("$[*]") .to("log:book");
Then each book is logged as a String JSON value.
68.10. Using header as input
By default, JSONPath uses the message body as the input source. However, you can also use a header as input by specifying the headerName
For example to count the number of books from a JSON document that was stored in a header named books
you can do:
from("direct:start") .setHeader("numberOfBooks") .jsonpath("$", false, int.class, "books") .to("mock:result");
In the jsonpath
expression above we specify the name of the header as books
, and we also told that we wanted the result to be converted as an integer by int.class
The same example in XML DSL would be:
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <setHeader name="numberOfBooks"> <jsonpath headerName="books" resultType="int">$</jsonpath> </setHeader> <to uri="mock:result"/> </route>
68.11. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using jsonpath with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-jsonpath-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 8 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.language.jsonpath.allow-easy-predicate | Whether to allow using the easy predicate parser to pre-parse predicates. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.jsonpath.allow-simple | Whether to allow in inlined Simple exceptions in the JSONPath expression. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.jsonpath.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the jsonpath language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.jsonpath.header-name | Name of header to use as input, instead of the message body. | String | |
camel.language.jsonpath.option | To configure additional options on JSONPath. Multiple values can be separated by comma. | String | |
camel.language.jsonpath.suppress-exceptions | Whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException. | false | Boolean |
camel.language.jsonpath.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.jsonpath.write-as-string | Whether to write the output of each row/element as a JSON String value instead of a Map/POJO value. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 69. Ref
The Ref Expression Language is really just a way to lookup a custom Expression
or Predicate
from the Registry.
This is particular useable in XML DSLs.
69.1. Ref Language options
The Ref language supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
69.2. Example usage
The Splitter EIP in XML DSL can utilize a custom expression using <ref>
<bean id="myExpression" class="com.mycompany.MyCustomExpression"/> <route> <from uri="seda:a"/> <split> <ref>myExpression</ref> <to uri="mock:b"/> </split> </route>
in this case, the message coming from the seda:a endpoint will be splitted using a custom Expression
which has the id myExpression
in the Registry.
And the same example using Java DSL:
69.3. Dependencies
The Ref language is part of camel-core.
69.4. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using ref with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 70. XQuery
Camel supports XQuery to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL.
For example, you could use XQuery to create a predicate in a Message Filter or as an expression for a Recipient List.
70.1. XQuery Language options
The XQuery language supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
type |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output) The default result type is NodeSet. | |
headerName |
| Name of header to use as input, instead of the message body. | |
configurationRef |
| Reference to a saxon configuration instance in the registry to use for xquery (requires camel-saxon). This may be needed to add custom functions to a saxon configuration, so these custom functions can be used in xquery expressions. | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
70.2. Variables
The message body will be set as the contextItem
. And the following variables are available as well:
Variable | Type | Description |
exchange | Exchange | The current Exchange |
in.body | Object | The message body |
out.body | Object | deprecated The OUT message body (if any) |
in.headers.* | Object | You can access the value of with key foo by using the variable which name is |
out.headers.* | Object | deprecated You can access the value of exchange.out.headers with key foo by using the variable which name is variable |
key name | Object |
Any and and any additional parameters set using |
70.3. Example
from("queue:foo") .filter().xquery("//foo") .to("queue:bar")
You can also use functions inside your query, in which case you need an explicit type conversion, or you will get an org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
). You need to pass in the expected output type of the function. For example the concat function returns a String
which is done as shown:
from("direct:start") .recipientList().xquery("concat('mock:foo.', /person/@city)", String.class);
And in XML DSL:
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <recipientList> <xquery type="java.lang.String">concat('mock:foo.', /person/@city</xquery> </recipientList> </route>
70.3.1. Using namespaces
If you have a standard set of namespaces you wish to work with and wish to share them across many XQuery expressions you can use the
when using Java DSL as shown:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", ""); from("direct:start") .filter().xquery("/c:person[@name='James']", ns) .to("mock:result");
Notice how the namespaces are provided to xquery
with the ns
variable that are passed in as the 2nd parameter.
Each namespace is a key=value pair, where the prefix is the key. In the XQuery expression then the namespace is used by its prefix, eg:
The namespace builder supports adding multiple namespaces as shown:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", "") .add("w", "") .add("b", "");
When using namespaces in XML DSL then its different, as you setup the namespaces in the XML root tag (or one of the camelContext
, routes
, route
In the XML example below we use Spring XML where the namespace is declared in the root tag beans
, in the line with xmlns:foo=""
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:foo="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="activemq:MyQueue"/> <filter> <xquery>/foo:person[@name='James']</xquery> <to uri="mqseries:SomeOtherQueue"/> </filter> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
This namespace uses foo
as prefix, so the <xquery>
expression uses /foo:
to use this namespace.
70.4. Using XQuery as transformation
We can do a message translation using transform or setBody in the route, as shown below:
from("direct:start"). transform().xquery("/people/person");
Notice that xquery will use DOMResult by default, so if we want to grab the value of the person node, using text()
we need to tell XQuery to use String as result type, as shown:
from("direct:start"). transform().xquery("/people/person/text()", String.class);
If you want to use Camel variables like headers, you have to explicitly declare them in the XQuery expression.
<transform> <xquery> declare variable $ external; element item {$} </xquery> </transform>
70.5. Loading script from external resource
You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:"
, "file:"
, or "http:"
. This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location"
, e.g. to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
.setHeader("myHeader").xquery("resource:classpath:myxquery.txt", String.class)
70.6. Learning XQuery
XQuery is a very powerful language for querying, searching, sorting and returning XML. For help learning XQuery try these tutorials
- Mike Kay’s XQuery Primer
- The W3Schools XQuery Tutorial
70.7. Dependencies
To use XQuery in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-saxon which implements the XQuery language.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-saxon</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> </dependency>
70.8. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using xquery with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-saxon-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.component.xquery.autowired-enabled | Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. | true | Boolean |
camel.component.xquery.bridge-error-handler | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.xquery.configuration | To use a custom Saxon configuration. The option is a net.sf.saxon.Configuration type. | Configuration | |
camel.component.xquery.configuration-properties | To set custom Saxon configuration properties. | Map | |
camel.component.xquery.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the xquery component. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.component.xquery.lazy-start-producer | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel’s routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean |
camel.component.xquery.module-u-r-i-resolver | To use the custom ModuleURIResolver. The option is a net.sf.saxon.lib.ModuleURIResolver type. | ModuleURIResolver | |
camel.language.xquery.configuration-ref | Reference to a saxon configuration instance in the registry to use for xquery (requires camel-saxon). This may be needed to add custom functions to a saxon configuration, so these custom functions can be used in xquery expressions. | String | |
camel.language.xquery.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the xquery language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.xquery.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.xquery.type | Sets the class name of the result type (type from output) The default result type is NodeSet. | String |
Chapter 71. Simple
The Simple Expression Language was a really simple language when it was created, but has since grown more powerful. It is primarily intended for being a very small and simple language for evaluating Expression
or Predicate
without requiring any new dependencies or knowledge of other scripting languages such as Groovy.
The simple language is designed with intend to cover almost all the common use cases when little need for scripting in your Camel routes.
However, for much more complex use cases then a more powerful language is recommended such as:
The simple language requires camel-bean
JAR as classpath dependency if the simple language uses OGNL expressions, such as calling a method named myMethod
on the message body: ${body.myMethod()}
. At runtime the simple language will then us its built-in OGNL support which requires the camel-bean
The simple language uses ${body}
placeholders for complex expressions or functions.
See also the CSimple language which is compiled.
Alternative syntax
You can also use the alternative syntax which uses $simple{ }
as placeholders. This can be used in situations to avoid clashes when using for example Spring property placeholder together with Camel.
71.1. Simple Language options
The Simple language supports 2 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output). | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
71.2. Variables
Variable | Type | Description |
camelId | String | the CamelContext name |
camelContext.OGNL | Object | the CamelContext invoked using a Camel OGNL expression. |
exchange | Exchange | the Exchange |
exchange.OGNL | Object | the Exchange invoked using a Camel OGNL expression. |
exchangeId | String | the exchange id |
id | String | the message id |
messageTimestamp | String | the message timestamp (millis since epoc) that this message originates from. Some systems like JMS, Kafka, AWS have a timestamp on the event/message, that Camel received. This method returns the timestamp, if a timestamp exists. The message timestamp and exchange created are not the same. An exchange always have a created timestamp which is the local timestamp when Camel created the exchange. The message timestamp is only available in some Camel components when the consumer is able to extract the timestamp from the source event. If the message has no timestamp then 0 is returned. |
body | Object | the body |
body.OGNL | Object | the body invoked using a Camel OGNL expression. |
bodyAs(type) | Type | Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname. The converted body can be null. |
bodyAs(type).OGNL | Object | Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname and then invoke methods using a Camel OGNL expression. The converted body can be null. |
bodyOneLine | String | Converts the body to a String and removes all line-breaks so the string is in one line. |
mandatoryBodyAs(type) | Type | Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname, and expects the body to be not null. |
mandatoryBodyAs(type).OGNL | Object | Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname and then invoke methods using a Camel OGNL expression. | | Object | refer to the foo header |
header[foo] | Object | refer to the foo header | | Object | refer to the foo header |
headers:foo | Object | refer to the foo header |
headers[foo] | Object | refer to the foo header |[bar] | Object | regard foo header as a map and perform lookup on the map with bar as key | | Object | refer to the foo header and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression. |
headerAs(key,type) | Type | converts the header to the given type determined by its classname |
headers | Map | refer to the headers | | Object | refer to the foo property on the exchange |
exchangeProperty[foo] | Object | refer to the foo property on the exchange | | Object | refer to the foo property on the exchange and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression. | | String | refer to the JVM system property | | String | refer to the system environment variable | | String | refer to the system environment variable |
exception | Object |
refer to the exception object on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions ( |
exception.OGNL | Object | refer to the exchange exception invoked using a Camel OGNL expression object |
exception.message | String |
refer to the exception.message on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions ( |
exception.stacktrace | String |
refer to the exception.stracktrace on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions ( |
date:_command_ | Date | evaluates to a Date object. Supported commands are: now for current timestamp, exchangeCreated for the timestamp when the current exchange was created, to use the Long/Date object header with the key xxx. to use the Long/Date object in the exchange property with the key xxx. file for the last modified timestamp of the file (available with a File consumer). Command accepts offsets such as: now-24h or or even now+1h30m-100. |
date:_command:pattern_ | String |
Date formatting using |
date-with-timezone:_command:timezone:pattern_ | String |
Date formatting using |
bean:_bean expression_ | Object |
Invoking a bean expression using the language. Specifying a method name you must use dot as separator. We also support the ?method=methodname syntax that is used by the component. Camel will by default lookup a bean by the given name. However if you need to refer to a bean class (such as calling a static method) then you can prefix with type, such as |
| String | Lookup a property with the given key. If the key does not exists or has no value, then an optional default value can be specified. |
routeId | String | Returns the id of the current route the Exchange is being routed. |
stepId | String | Returns the id of the current step the Exchange is being routed. |
threadName | String | Returns the name of the current thread. Can be used for logging purpose. |
hostname | String | Returns the local hostname (may be empty if not possible to resolve). |
ref:xxx | Object | To lookup a bean from the Registry with the given id. |
type:name.field | Object |
To refer to a type or field by its FQN name. To refer to a field you can append .FIELD_NAME. For example, you can refer to the constant field from Exchange as: |
null | null | represents a null |
random(value) | Integer | returns a random Integer between 0 (included) and value (excluded) |
random(min,max) | Integer | returns a random Integer between min (included) and max (excluded) |
collate(group) | List | The collate function iterates the message body and groups the data into sub lists of specified size. This can be used with the Splitter EIP to split a message body and group/batch the splitted sub message into a group of N sub lists. This method works similar to the collate method in Groovy. |
skip(number) | Iterator | The skip function iterates the message body and skips the first number of items. This can be used with the Splitter EIP to split a message body and skip the first N number of items. |
messageHistory | String | The message history of the current exchange how it has been routed. This is similar to the route stack-trace message history the error handler logs in case of an unhandled exception. |
messageHistory(false) | String | As messageHistory but without the exchange details (only includes the route stack-trace). This can be used if you do not want to log sensitive data from the message itself. |
71.3. OGNL expression support
When using OGNL then camel-bean
JAR is required to be on the classpath.
Camel’s OGNL support is for invoking methods only. You cannot access fields. Camel support accessing the length field of Java arrays.
The Simple and Bean language now supports a Camel OGNL notation for invoking beans in a chain like fashion. Suppose the Message IN body contains a POJO which has a getAddress()
Then you can use Camel OGNL notation to access the address object:
simple("${body.address}") simple("${body.address.street}") simple("${}")
Camel understands the shorthand names for getters, but you can invoke any method or use the real name such as:
simple("${body.address}") simple("${body.getAddress.getStreet}") simple("${body.address.getZip}") simple("${body.doSomething}")
You can also use the null safe operator (?.
) to avoid NPE if for example the body does NOT have an address
It is also possible to index in Map
or List
types, so you can do:
To assume the body is Map
based and lookup the value with foo
as key, and invoke the getName
method on that value.
If the key has space, then you must enclose the key with quotes, for example 'foo bar':
simple("${body['foo bar'].name}")
You can access the Map
or List
objects directly using their key name (with or without dots) :
simple("${body[foo]}") simple("${body[]}")
Suppose there was no value with the key foo
then you can use the null safe operator to avoid the NPE as shown:
You can also access List
types, for example to get lines from the address you can do:
simple("${body.address.lines[0]}") simple("${body.address.lines[1]}") simple("${body.address.lines[2]}")
There is a special last
keyword which can be used to get the last value from a list.
And to get the 2nd last you can subtract a number, so we can use last-1
to indicate this:
And the 3rd last is of course:
And you can call the size method on the list with
Camel supports the length field for Java arrays as well, eg:
String[] lines = new String[]{"foo", "bar", "cat"}; exchange.getIn().setBody(lines); simple("There are ${body.length} lines")
And yes you can combine this with the operator support as shown below:
simple("${} > 1000")
71.4. Operator support
The parser is limited to only support a single operator.
To enable it the left value must be enclosed in $\\{ }. The syntax is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue
Where the rightValue
can be a String literal enclosed in ' '
, null
, a constant value or another expression enclosed in $\{ }
There must be spaces around the operator.
Camel will automatically type convert the rightValue type to the leftValue type, so it is able to eg. convert a string into a numeric, so you can use >
comparison for numeric values.
The following operators are supported:
Operator | Description |
== | equals |
=~ | equals ignore case (will ignore case when comparing String values) |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equals |
< | less than |
⇐ | less than or equals |
!= | not equals |
!=~ | not equals ignore case (will ignore case when comparing String values) |
contains | For testing if contains in a string based value |
!contains | For testing if not contains in a string based value |
~~ | For testing if contains by ignoring case sensitivity in a string based value |
!~~ | For testing if not contains by ignoring case sensitivity in a string based value |
regex | For matching against a given regular expression pattern defined as a String value |
!regex | For not matching against a given regular expression pattern defined as a String value |
in | For matching if in a set of values, each element must be separated by comma. If you want to include an empty value, then it must be defined using double comma, eg ',,bronze,silver,gold', which is a set of four values with an empty value and then the three medals. |
!in | For matching if not in a set of values, each element must be separated by comma. If you want to include an empty value, then it must be defined using double comma, eg ',,bronze,silver,gold', which is a set of four values with an empty value and then the three medals. |
is | For matching if the left hand side type is an instance of the value. |
!is | For matching if the left hand side type is not an instance of the value. |
range |
For matching if the left hand side is within a range of values defined as numbers: |
!range |
For matching if the left hand side is not within a range of values defined as numbers: |
startsWith | For testing if the left hand side string starts with the right hand string. |
starts with | Same as the startsWith operator. |
endsWith | For testing if the left hand side string ends with the right hand string. |
ends with | Same as the endsWith operator. |
And the following unary operators can be used:
Operator | Description |
++ | To increment a number by one. The left hand side must be a function, otherwise parsed as literal. |
— | To decrement a number by one. The left hand side must be a function, otherwise parsed as literal. |
\n | To use newline character. |
\t | To use tab character. |
\r | To use carriage return character. |
\} | To use the } character as text. This may be needed when building a JSon structure with the simple language. |
And the following logical operators can be used to group expressions:
Operator | Description |
&& | The logical and operator is used to group two expressions. |
The logical or operator is used to group two expressions. |
The syntax for AND is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue && ${leftValue} OP rightValue
And the syntax for OR is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue || ${leftValue} OP rightValue
Some examples:
// exact equals match simple("${} == 'foo'") // ignore case when comparing, so if the header has value FOO this will match simple("${} =~ 'foo'") // here Camel will type convert '100' into the type of and if it is an Integer '100' will also be converter to an Integer simple("${} == '100'") simple("${} == 100") // 100 will be converter to the type of so we can do > comparison simple("${} > 100")
71.4.1. Comparing with different types
When you compare with different types such as String and int, then you have to take a bit care. Camel will use the type from the left hand side as 1st priority. And fallback to the right hand side type if both values couldn’t be compared based on that type.
This means you can flip the values to enforce a specific type. Suppose the bar value above is a String. Then you can flip the equation:
simple("100 < ${}")
which then ensures the int type is used as 1st priority.
This may change in the future if the Camel team improves the binary comparison operations to prefer numeric types to String based. It’s most often the String type which causes problem when comparing with numbers.
// testing for null simple("${header.baz} == null") // testing for not null simple("${header.baz} != null")
And a bit more advanced example where the right value is another expression
simple("${} == ${date:now:yyyyMMdd}") simple("${header.type} == ${bean:orderService?method=getOrderType}")
And an example with contains, testing if the title contains the word Camel
simple("${header.title} contains 'Camel'")
And an example with regex, testing if the number header is a 4 digit value:
simple("${header.number} regex '\\d{4}'")
And finally an example if the header equals any of the values in the list. Each element must be separated by comma, and no space around.
This also works for numbers etc, as Camel will convert each element into the type of the left hand side.
simple("${header.type} in 'gold,silver'")
And for all the last 3 we also support the negate test using not:
simple("${header.type} !in 'gold,silver'")
And you can test if the type is a certain instance, eg for instance a String
simple("${header.type} is 'java.lang.String'")
We have added a shorthand for all java.lang
types so you can write it as:
simple("${header.type} is 'String'")
Ranges are also supported. The range interval requires numbers and both from and end are inclusive. For instance to test whether a value is between 100 and 199:
simple("${header.number} range 100..199")
Notice we use ..
in the range without spaces. It is based on the same syntax as Groovy.
simple("${header.number} range '100..199'")
As the XML DSL does not have all the power as the Java DSL with all its various builder methods, you have to resort to use some other languages for testing with simple operators. Now you can do this with the simple language. In the sample below we want to test if the header is a widget order:
<from uri="seda:orders"> <filter> <simple>${header.type} == 'widget'</simple> <to uri="bean:orderService?method=handleWidget"/> </filter> </from>
71.4.2. Using and / or
If you have two expressions you can combine them with the &&
or ||
For instance:
simple("${header.title} contains 'Camel' && ${header.type'} == 'gold'")
And of course the ||
is also supported. The sample would be:
simple("${header.title} contains 'Camel' || ${header.type'} == 'gold'")
71.5. Examples
In the XML DSL sample below we filter based on a header value:
<from uri="seda:orders"> <filter> <simple>${}</simple> <to uri="mock:fooOrders"/> </filter> </from>
The Simple language can be used for the predicate test above in the Message Filter pattern, where we test if the in message has a foo
header (a header with the key foo
exists). If the expression evaluates to true then the message is routed to the mock:fooOrders
endpoint, otherwise the message is dropped.
The same example in Java DSL:
from("seda:orders") .filter().simple("${}") .to("seda:fooOrders");
You can also use the simple language for simple text concatenations such as:
from("direct:hello") .transform().simple("Hello ${header.user} how are you?") .to("mock:reply");
Notice that we must use $\\{ } placeholders in the expression now to allow Camel to parse it correctly.
And this sample uses the date command to output current date.
from("direct:hello") .transform().simple("The today is ${date:now:yyyyMMdd} and it is a great day.") .to("mock:reply");
And in the sample below we invoke the bean language to invoke a method on a bean to be included in the returned string:
from("direct:order") .transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator}") .to("mock:reply");
Where orderIdGenerator
is the id of the bean registered in the Registry. If using Spring then it is the Spring bean id.
If we want to declare which method to invoke on the order id generator bean we must prepend .method name
such as below where we invoke the generateId
from("direct:order") .transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator.generateId}") .to("mock:reply");
We can use the ?method=methodname
option that we are familiar with the Bean component itself:
from("direct:order") .transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator?method=generateId}") .to("mock:reply");
You can also convert the body to a given type, for example to ensure that it is a String you can do:
<transform> <simple>Hello ${bodyAs(String)} how are you?</simple> </transform>
There are a few types which have a shorthand notation, so we can use String
instead of java.lang.String
. These are: byte[], String, Integer, Long
. All other types must use their FQN name, e.g. org.w3c.dom.Document
It is also possible to lookup a value from a header Map
<transform> <simple>The gold value is ${header.type[gold]}</simple> </transform>
In the code above we lookup the header with name type
and regard it as a java.util.Map
and we then lookup with the key gold
and return the value. If the header is not convertible to Map an exception is thrown. If the header with name type
does not exist null
is returned.
You can nest functions, such as shown below:
<setHeader name="myHeader"> <simple>${properties:${header.someKey}}</simple> </setHeader>
71.6. Setting result type
You can now provide a result type to the Simple expression, which means the result of the evaluation will be converted to the desired type. This is most usable to define types such as booleans, integers, etc.
For example to set a header as a boolean type you can do:
.setHeader("cool", simple("true", Boolean.class))
And in XML DSL
<setHeader name="cool"> <!-- use resultType to indicate that the type should be a java.lang.Boolean --> <simple resultType="java.lang.Boolean">true</simple> </setHeader>
71.7. Using new lines or tabs in XML DSLs
It is easier to specify new lines or tabs in XML DSLs as you can escape the value now
<transform> <simple>The following text\nis on a new line</simple> </transform>
71.8. Leading and trailing whitespace handling
The trim attribute of the expression can be used to control whether the leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed or preserved. The default value is true, which removes the whitespace characters.
<setBody> <simple trim="false">You get some trailing whitespace characters. </simple> </setBody>
71.9. Loading script from external resource
You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:"
, "file:"
, or "http:"
. This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location"
, e.g. to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
71.10. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using simple with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 72. Tokenize
The tokenizer language is a built-in language in camel-core
, which is most often used with the Split EIP to split a message using a token-based strategy.
The tokenizer language is intended to tokenize text documents using a specified delimiter pattern. It can also be used to tokenize XML documents with some limited capability. For a truly XML-aware tokenization, the use of the XML Tokenize language is recommended as it offers a faster, more efficient tokenization specifically for XML documents.
72.1. Tokenize Options
The Tokenize language supports 11 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
token |
| Required The (start) token to use as tokenizer, for example you can use the new line token. You can use simple language as the token to support dynamic tokens. | |
endToken |
| The end token to use as tokenizer if using start/end token pairs. You can use simple language as the token to support dynamic tokens. | |
inheritNamespaceTagName |
| To inherit namespaces from a root/parent tag name when using XML You can use simple language as the tag name to support dynamic names. | |
headerName |
| Name of header to tokenize instead of using the message body. | |
regex |
| If the token is a regular expression pattern. The default value is false. | |
xml |
| Whether the input is XML messages. This option must be set to true if working with XML payloads. | |
includeTokens |
| Whether to include the tokens in the parts when using pairs The default value is false. | |
group |
| To group N parts together, for example to split big files into chunks of 1000 lines. You can use simple language as the group to support dynamic group sizes. | |
groupDelimiter |
| Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | |
skipFirst |
| To skip the very first element. | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
72.2. Example
The following example shows how to take a request from the direct:a endpoint then split it into pieces using an Expression, then forward each piece to direct:b:
<route> <from uri="direct:a"/> <split> <tokenize token="\n"/> <to uri="direct:b"/> </split> </route>
And in Java DSL:
from("direct:a") .split(body().tokenize("\n")) .to("direct:b");
72.3. See Also
For more examples see Split EIP.
72.4. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using tokenize with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-core-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 147 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
---|---|---|---| | Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul. | String | | | The seconds to wait for a watch event, default 10 seconds. | 10 | Integer | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Connect timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The data center. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Sets the password to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Read timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | The Consul agent URL. | String | | | Sets the username to be used for basic authentication. | String | | | Write timeout for OkHttpClient. | Long | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | The domain name;. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The transport protocol of the desired service. | _tcp | String | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The password to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The path to look for for service discovery. | /services/ | String | | To set the maximum time an action could take to complete. | Long | | | To set the discovery type, valid values are on-demand and watch. | on-demand | String | | The URIs the client can connect to. | String | | | The user name to use for basic authentication. | String | | | Sets the API version when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Certificate Authority data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Certificate data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore algorithm, such as RSA when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore data that are loaded from the file when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Client Keystore passphrase when using client lookup. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Sets the DNS domain to use for DNS lookup. | String | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | How to perform service lookup. Possible values: client, dns, environment. When using client, then the client queries the kubernetes master to obtain a list of active pods that provides the service, and then random (or round robin) select a pod. When using dns the service name is resolved as name.namespace.svc.dnsDomain. When using dnssrv the service name is resolved with SRV query for .…svc… When using environment then environment variables are used to lookup the service. By default environment is used. | environment | String | | Sets the URL to the master when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the namespace to use. Will by default use namespace from the ENV variable KUBERNETES_MASTER. | String | | | Sets the OAUTH token for authentication (instead of username/password) when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the password for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Name to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Sets the Port Protocol to use for DNS/DNSSRV lookup. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | Sets whether to turn on trust certificate check when using client lookup. | false | Boolean | | Sets the username for authentication when using client lookup. | String | | | Sets the Ribbon client name. | String | | | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | | | Enable the component. | true | Boolean | | The namespace. | String | | | The password. | String | | | Set client properties to use. These properties are specific to what service call implementation are in use. For example if using ribbon, then the client properties are define in | Map | | | The username. | String | |
camel.hystrix.allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size | Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-enabled | Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-error-threshold-percentage | Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). | 50 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-closed | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-force-open | If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed();. | false | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-request-volume-threshold | Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.circuit-breaker-sleep-window-in-milliseconds | The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. | 5000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.hystrix.core-pool-size | Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int). | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. | 20 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-strategy | What isolation strategy will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. | THREAD | String |
camel.hystrix.execution-isolation-thread-interrupt-on-timeout | Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-enabled | Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.execution-timeout-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. | 1000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.fallback-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.fallback-isolation-semaphore-max-concurrent-requests | Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. | 10 | Integer | | Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.keep-alive-time | Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit). | 1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.max-queue-size | Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). | -1 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.maximum-size | Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-health-snapshot-interval-in-milliseconds | Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. | 500 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-bucket-size | Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-enabled | Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 6 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-percentile-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.metrics-rolling-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.queue-size-rejection-threshold | Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. | 5 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.request-log-enabled | Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. | true | Boolean |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-key | Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. | CamelHystrix | String |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-buckets | Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10 | Integer |
camel.hystrix.thread-pool-rolling-number-statistical-window-in-milliseconds | Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. | 10000 | Integer |
camel.language.constant.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the constant language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.constant.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.csimple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the csimple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.csimple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the exchangeProperty language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.exchangeproperty.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.file.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the file language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.file.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.header.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the header language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.header.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.ref.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the ref language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.ref.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.simple.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the simple language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.simple.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.tokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the tokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | | | Sets the delimiter to use when grouping. If this has not been set then token will be used as the delimiter. | String | |
camel.language.tokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.automatic-transition-from-open-to-half-open-enabled | Enables automatic transition from OPEN to HALF_OPEN state once the waitDurationInOpenState has passed. | false | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.circuit-breaker-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker instance to lookup and use from the registry. When using this, then any other circuit breaker options are not in use. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.config-ref | Refers to an existing io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig instance to lookup and use from the registry. | String | |
camel.resilience4j.configurations | Define additional configuration definitions. | Map | |
camel.resilience4j.enabled | Enable the component. | true | Boolean |
camel.resilience4j.failure-rate-threshold | Configures the failure rate threshold in percentage. If the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 50 percentage. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.minimum-number-of-calls | Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed. Default minimumNumberOfCalls is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.permitted-number-of-calls-in-half-open-state | Configures the number of permitted calls when the CircuitBreaker is half open. The size must be greater than 0. Default size is 10. | 10 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-size | Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. slidingWindowSize configures the size of the sliding window. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. The slidingWindowSize must be greater than 0. The minimumNumberOfCalls must be greater than 0. If the slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the minimumNumberOfCalls cannot be greater than slidingWindowSize . If the slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, you can pick whatever you want. Default slidingWindowSize is 100. | 100 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.sliding-window-type | Configures the type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed. Sliding window can either be count-based or time-based. If slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize calls are recorded and aggregated. If slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED, the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default slidingWindowType is COUNT_BASED. | COUNT_BASED | String |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-duration-threshold | Configures the duration threshold (seconds) above which calls are considered as slow and increase the slow calls percentage. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.slow-call-rate-threshold | Configures a threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a call as slow when the call duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold Duration. When the percentage of slow calls is equal or greater the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls. The threshold must be greater than 0 and not greater than 100. Default value is 100 percentage which means that all recorded calls must be slower than slowCallDurationThreshold. | Float | |
camel.resilience4j.wait-duration-in-open-state | Configures the wait duration (in seconds) which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open. Default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | Integer |
camel.resilience4j.writable-stack-trace-enabled | Enables writable stack traces. When set to false, Exception.getStackTrace returns a zero length array. This may be used to reduce log spam when the circuit breaker is open as the cause of the exceptions is already known (the circuit breaker is short-circuiting calls). | true | Boolean | | The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API (such as swagger) If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. | String | | | Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API. The route will by default use an auto assigned route id. | String | | | To use an specific hostname for the API documentation (eg swagger) This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation (swagger). For example set property api.title to my cool stuff. | Map | | | Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs. | false | Boolean | | Sets the binding mode to use. The default value is off. | RestBindingMode | | | Whether to enable validation of the client request to check whether the Content-Type and Accept headers from the client is supported by the Rest-DSL configuration of its consumes/produces settings. This can be turned on, to enable this check. In case of validation error, then HTTP Status codes 415 or 406 is returned. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used. | String | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use. | Map | | | Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using. This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server. | String | | | Allows to configure custom CORS headers. | Map | | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are: json.out. xml.out. For example a key with value xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations. | Map | | | Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. The default value is false. | false | Boolean | | Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use. | Map | | | The hostname to use for exposing the REST service. | String | | | If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using. | RestHostNameResolver | | | Name of specific json data format to use. By default json-jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses. | String | | | Sets the location of the api document (swagger api) the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document. This requires adding camel-swagger-java to the classpath, and any miss configuration will let Camel fail on startup and report the error(s). The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url. | String | | | Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer. | String | | | The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported. The default value is http. | String | | | Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. | false | Boolean | | Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting. The default value is true. | true | Boolean | | Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance. | String | | | Deprecated Sets an CamelContext id pattern to only allow Rest APIs from rest services within CamelContext’s which name matches the pattern. The pattern name refers to the CamelContext name, to match on the current CamelContext only. For any other value, the pattern uses the rules from PatternHelper#matchPattern(String,String). | String | | | Deprecated Sets whether listing of all available CamelContext’s with REST services in the JVM is enabled. If enabled it allows to discover these contexts, if false then only the current CamelContext is in use. | false | Boolean |
Chapter 73. XML Tokenize
The XML Tokenize language is a built-in language in camel-xml-jaxp
, which is a truly XML-aware tokenizer that can be used with the Split EIP as the conventional Tokenize to efficiently and effectively tokenize XML documents..
XML Tokenize is capable of not only recognizing XML namespaces and hierarchical structures of the document but also more efficiently tokenizing XML documents than the conventional Tokenize language.
Additional dependency
In order to use this component, an additional dependency is required as follows:
<dependency> <groupId>org.codehaus.woodstox</groupId> <artifactId>woodstox-core-asl</artifactId> <version>4.4.1</version> </dependency>
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-stax-starter</artifactId> </dependency>
73.1. XML Tokenizer Options
The XML Tokenize language supports 4 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
headerName |
| Name of header to tokenize instead of using the message body. | |
mode |
| The extraction mode. The available extraction modes are: i - injecting the contextual namespace bindings into the extracted token (default) w - wrapping the extracted token in its ancestor context u - unwrapping the extracted token to its child content t - extracting the text content of the specified element. Enum values:
| |
group |
| To group N parts together. | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
73.2. Example
See Split EIP which has examples using the XML Tokenize language.
73.3. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using xtokenize with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-xml-jaxp-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 3 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.language.xtokenize.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the xtokenize language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.xtokenize.mode | The extraction mode. The available extraction modes are: i - injecting the contextual namespace bindings into the extracted token (default) w - wrapping the extracted token in its ancestor context u - unwrapping the extracted token to its child content t - extracting the text content of the specified element. | String | |
camel.language.xtokenize.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 74. XPath
Camel supports XPath to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL.
For example, you could use XPath to create a predicate in a Message Filter or as an expression for a Recipient List.
74.1. XPath Language options
The XPath language supports 10 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
documentType |
| Name of class for document type The default value is org.w3c.dom.Document. | |
resultType |
| Sets the class name of the result type (type from output) The default result type is NodeSet. Enum values:
| |
saxon |
| Whether to use Saxon. | |
factoryRef |
| References to a custom XPathFactory to lookup in the registry. | |
objectModel |
| The XPath object model to use. | |
logNamespaces |
| Whether to log namespaces which can assist during troubleshooting. | |
headerName |
| Name of header to use as input, instead of the message body. | |
threadSafety |
| Whether to enable thread-safety for the returned result of the xpath expression. This applies to when using NODESET as the result type, and the returned set has multiple elements. In this situation there can be thread-safety issues if you process the NODESET concurrently such as from a Camel Splitter EIP in parallel processing mode. This option prevents concurrency issues by doing defensive copies of the nodes. It is recommended to turn this option on if you are using camel-saxon or Saxon in your application. Saxon has thread-safety issues which can be prevented by turning this option on. | |
preCompile |
| Whether to enable pre-compiling the xpath expression during initialization phase. pre-compile is enabled by default. This can be used to turn off, for example in cases the compilation phase is desired at the starting phase, such as if the application is ahead of time compiled (for example with camel-quarkus) which would then load the xpath factory of the built operating system, and not a JVM runtime. | |
trim |
| Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
74.2. Namespaces
You can easily use namespaces with XPath expressions using the Namespaces
helper class.
74.3. Variables
Variables in XPath is defined in different namespaces. The default namespace is
Namespace URI | Local part | Type | Description |
in | Message | the message | |
out | Message | deprecated the output message (do not use) | |
functions | Object | Additional functions | |
env | Object | OS environment variables | |
system | Object | Java System properties | |
Object | the exchange property |
Camel will resolve variables according to either:
- namespace given
- no namespace given
74.3.1. Namespace given
If the namespace is given then Camel is instructed exactly what to return. However, when resolving Camel will try to resolve a header with the given local part first, and return it. If the local part has the value body then the body is returned instead.
74.3.2. No namespace given
If there is no namespace given then Camel resolves only based on the local part. Camel will try to resolve a variable in the following steps:
that has been set using thevariable(name, value)
fluent builder -
if there is a header with the given key -
if there is a property with the given key
74.4. Functions
Camel adds the following XPath functions that can be used to access the exchange:
Function | Argument | Type | Description |
in:body | none | Object | Will return the message body. |
in:header | the header name | Object | Will return the message header. |
out:body | none | Object | deprecated Will return the out message body. |
out:header | the header name | Object | deprecated Will return the out message header. |
function:properties | key for property | String | To use a . |
function:simple | simple expression | Object | To evaluate a language. |
and function:simple
is not supported when the return type is a NodeSet
, such as when using with a Split EIP.
Here’s an example showing some of these functions in use.
74.4.1. Functions example
If you prefer to configure your routes in your Spring XML file then you can use XPath expressions as follows
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="" xmlns:foo=""> <route> <from uri="activemq:MyQueue"/> <filter> <xpath>/foo:person[@name='James']</xpath> <to uri="mqseries:SomeOtherQueue"/> </filter> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
Notice how we can reuse the namespace prefixes, foo in this case, in the XPath expression for easier namespace based XPath expressions.
74.5. Stream based message bodies
If the message body is stream based, which means the input it receives is submitted to Camel as a stream. That means you will only be able to read the content of the stream once. So often when you use XPath as Message Filter or Content Based Router then you need to access the data multiple times, and you should use Stream Caching or convert the message body to a String
prior which is safe to be re-read multiple times.
from("queue:foo"). filter().xpath("//foo")). to("queue:bar")
from("queue:foo"). choice().xpath("//foo")).to("queue:bar"). otherwise().to("queue:others");
74.6. Setting result type
The XPath expression will return a result type using native XML objects such as org.w3c.dom.NodeList
. However, many times you want a result type to be a String
. To do this you have to instruct the XPath which result type to use.
In Java DSL:
xpath("/foo:person/@id", String.class)
In XML DSL you use the resultType attribute to provide the fully qualified classname.
<xpath resultType="java.lang.String">/foo:person/@id</xpath>
Classes from java.lang
can omit the FQN name, so you can use resultType="String"
Using @XPath
@XPath(value = "concat('foo-',//order/name/)", resultType = String.class) String name)
Where we use the xpath function concat to prefix the order name with foo-
. In this case we have to specify that we want a String
as result type, so the concat function works.
74.7. Using XPath on Headers
Some users may have XML stored in a header. To apply an XPath to a header’s value you can do this by defining the 'headerName' attribute.
<xpath headerName="invoiceDetails">/invoice/@orderType = 'premium'</xpath>
And in Java DSL you specify the headerName as the 2nd parameter as shown:
xpath("/invoice/@orderType = 'premium'", "invoiceDetails")
74.8. Example
Here is a simple example using an XPath expression as a predicate in a Message Filter:
from("direct:start") .filter().xpath("/person[@name='James']") .to("mock:result");
And in XML
<route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <filter> <xpath>/person[@name='James']</xpath> <to uri="mock:result"/> </filter> </route>
74.9. Using namespaces
If you have a standard set of namespaces you wish to work with and wish to share them across many XPath expressions you can use the
when using Java DSL as shown:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", ""); from("direct:start") .filter(xpath("/c:person[@name='James']", ns)) .to("mock:result");
Notice how the namespaces are provided to xpath
with the ns
variable that are passed in as the 2nd parameter.
Each namespace is a key=value pair, where the prefix is the key. In the XPath expression then the namespace is used by its prefix, eg:
The namespace builder supports adding multiple namespaces as shown:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", "") .add("w", "") .add("b", "");
When using namespaces in XML DSL then its different, as you setup the namespaces in the XML root tag (or one of the camelContext
, routes
, route
In the XML example below we use Spring XML where the namespace is declared in the root tag beans
, in the line with xmlns:foo=""
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:foo="" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <filter> <xpath logNamespaces="true">/foo:person[@name='James']</xpath> <to uri="mock:result"/> </filter> </route> </camelContext> </beans>
This namespace uses foo
as prefix, so the <xpath>
expression uses /foo:
to use this namespace.
74.10. Using @XPath Annotation for Bean Integration
You can use Bean Integration to invoke a method on a bean and use various languages such as @XPath
to extract a value from the message and bind it to a method parameter.
The default @XPath
annotation has SOAP and XML namespaces available.
public class Foo { @Consume(uri = "activemq:my.queue") public void doSomething(@XPath("/person/@name") String name, String xml) { // process the inbound message here } }
74.11. Using XPathBuilder without an Exchange
You can now use the org.apache.camel.language.xpath.XPathBuilder
without the need for an Exchange
. This comes handy if you want to use it as a helper to do custom XPath evaluations.
It requires that you pass in a CamelContext
since a lot of the moving parts inside the XPathBuilder
requires access to the Camel Type Converter and hence why CamelContext
is needed.
For example, you can do something like this:
boolean matches = XPathBuilder.xpath("/foo/bar/@xyz").matches(context, "<foo><bar xyz='cheese'/></foo>"));
This will match the given predicate.
You can also evaluate as shown in the following three examples:
String name = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "<foo><bar>cheese</bar></foo>", String.class); Integer number = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "<foo><bar>123</bar></foo>", Integer.class); Boolean bool = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "<foo><bar>true</bar></foo>", Boolean.class);
Evaluating with a String
result is a common requirement and make this simpler:
String name = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "<foo><bar>cheese</bar></foo>");
74.12. Using Saxon with XPathBuilder
You need to add camel-saxon as dependency to your project.
It’s now easier to use Saxon with the XPathBuilder which can be done in several ways as shown below
- Using a custom XPathFactory
- Using ObjectModel
74.12.1. Setting a custom XPathFactory using System Property
Camel now supports reading the JVM system property javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
that can be used to set a custom XPathFactory to use.
This unit test shows how this can be done to use Saxon instead:
Camel will log at INFO
level if it uses a non default XPathFactory such as:
XPathBuilder INFO Using system property javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory: with value: net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl when creating XPathFactory
To use Apache Xerces you can configure the system property
74.12.2. Enabling Saxon from XML DSL
Similarly to Java DSL, to enable Saxon from XML DSL you have three options:
Referring to a custom factory:
<xpath factoryRef="saxonFactory" resultType="java.lang.String">current-dateTime()</xpath>
And declare a bean with the factory:
<bean id="saxonFactory" class="net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl"/>
Specifying the object model:
<xpath objectModel="" resultType="java.lang.String">current-dateTime()</xpath>
And the recommended approach is to set saxon=true
as shown:
<xpath saxon="true" resultType="java.lang.String">current-dateTime()</xpath>
74.13. Namespace auditing to aid debugging
Many XPath-related issues that users frequently face are linked to the usage of namespaces. You may have some misalignment between the namespaces present in your message, and those that your XPath expression is aware of or referencing. XPath predicates or expressions that are unable to locate the XML elements and attributes due to namespaces issues may simply look like they are not working, when in reality all there is to it is a lack of namespace definition.
Namespaces in XML are completely necessary, and while we would love to simplify their usage by implementing some magic or voodoo to wire namespaces automatically, truth is that any action down this path would disagree with the standards and would greatly hinder interoperability.
Therefore, the utmost we can do is assist you in debugging such issues by adding two new features to the XPath Expression Language and are thus accessible from both predicates and expressions.
74.13.1. Logging the Namespace Context of your XPath expression/predicate
Every time a new XPath expression is created in the internal pool, Camel will log the namespace context of the expression under the org.apache.camel.language.xpath.XPathBuilder
logger. Since Camel represents Namespace Contexts in a hierarchical fashion (parent-child relationships), the entire tree is output in a recursive manner with the following format:
[me: {prefix -> namespace}, {prefix -> namespace}], [parent: [me: {prefix -> namespace}, {prefix -> namespace}], [parent: [me: {prefix -> namespace}]]]
Any of these options can be used to activate this logging:
Enable TRACE logging on the
logger, or some parent logger such asorg.apache.camel
or the root logger -
Enable the
option as indicated in the following section, in which case the logging will occur on the INFO level
74.13.2. Auditing namespaces
Camel is able to discover and dump all namespaces present on every incoming message before evaluating an XPath expression, providing all the richness of information you need to help you analyse and pinpoint possible namespace issues.
To achieve this, it in turn internally uses another specially tailored XPath expression to extract all namespace mappings that appear in the message, displaying the prefix and the full namespace URI(s) for each individual mapping.
Some points to take into account:
The implicit XML namespace (
) is suppressed from the output because it adds no value -
Default namespaces are listed under the
keyword in the output - Keep in mind that namespaces can be remapped under different scopes. Think of a top-level 'a' prefix which in inner elements can be assigned a different namespace, or the default namespace changing in inner scopes. For each discovered prefix, all associated URIs are listed.
You can enable this option in Java DSL and XML DSL:
Java DSL:
XPathBuilder.xpath("/foo:person/@id", String.class).logNamespaces()
<xpath logNamespaces="true" resultType="String">/foo:person/@id</xpath>
The result of the auditing will be appeared at the INFO level under the org.apache.camel.language.xpath.XPathBuilder
logger and will look like the following:
2012-01-16 13:23:45,878 [stSaxonWithFlag] INFO XPathBuilder - Namespaces discovered in message: {xmlns:a=[], DEFAULT=[], xmlns:b=[,]}
74.14. Loading script from external resource
You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:"
, "file:"
, or "http:"
. This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location"
, eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
.setHeader("myHeader").xpath("resource:classpath:myxpath.txt", String.class)
74.15. Dependencies
To use XPath in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-xpath which implements the XPath language.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-xpath</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> </dependency>
74.16. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using xpath with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-xpath-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 9 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.language.xpath.document-type | Name of class for document type The default value is org.w3c.dom.Document. | String | |
camel.language.xpath.enabled | Whether to enable auto configuration of the xpath language. This is enabled by default. | Boolean | |
camel.language.xpath.factory-ref | References to a custom XPathFactory to lookup in the registry. | String | |
camel.language.xpath.log-namespaces | Whether to log namespaces which can assist during troubleshooting. | false | Boolean |
camel.language.xpath.object-model | The XPath object model to use. | String | |
camel.language.xpath.pre-compile | Whether to enable pre-compiling the xpath expression during initialization phase. pre-compile is enabled by default. This can be used to turn off, for example in cases the compilation phase is desired at the starting phase, such as if the application is ahead of time compiled (for example with camel-quarkus) which would then load the xpath factory of the built operating system, and not a JVM runtime. | true | Boolean |
camel.language.xpath.saxon | Whether to use Saxon. | false | Boolean |
camel.language.xpath.thread-safety | Whether to enable thread-safety for the returned result of the xpath expression. This applies to when using NODESET as the result type, and the returned set has multiple elements. In this situation there can be thread-safety issues if you process the NODESET concurrently such as from a Camel Splitter EIP in parallel processing mode. This option prevents concurrency issues by doing defensive copies of the nodes. It is recommended to turn this option on if you are using camel-saxon or Saxon in your application. Saxon has thread-safety issues which can be prevented by turning this option on. | false | Boolean |
camel.language.xpath.trim | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. | true | Boolean |
Chapter 75. Openapi Java
The Rest DSL can be integrated with the camel-openapi-java
module which is used for exposing the REST services and their APIs using OpenApi.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-openapi-java</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
The camel-openapi-java module can be used from the REST components (without the need for servlet)
75.1. Using OpenApi in rest-dsl
You can enable the OpenApi api from the rest-dsl by configuring the apiContextPath
dsl as shown below:
public class UserRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // configure we want to use servlet as the component for the rest DSL // and we enable json binding mode restConfiguration().component("netty-http").bindingMode(RestBindingMode.json) // and output using pretty print .dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true") // setup context path and port number that netty will use .contextPath("/").port(8080) // add OpenApi api-doc out of the box .apiContextPath("/api-doc") .apiProperty("api.title", "User API").apiProperty("api.version", "1.2.3") // and enable CORS .apiProperty("cors", "true"); // this user REST service is json only rest("/user").description("User rest service") .consumes("application/json").produces("application/json") .get("/{id}").description("Find user by id").outType(User.class) .param().name("id").type(path).description("The id of the user to get").dataType("int").endParam() .to("bean:userService?method=getUser(${})") .put().description("Updates or create a user").type(User.class) .param().name("body").type(body).description("The user to update or create").endParam() .to("bean:userService?method=updateUser") .get("/findAll").description("Find all users").outType(User[].class) .to("bean:userService?method=listUsers"); } }
75.2. Options
The OpenApi module can be configured using the following options. To configure using a servlet you use the init-param as shown above. When configuring directly in the rest-dsl, you use the appropriate method, such as enableCORS
, host,contextPath
, dsl. The options with
is configured using apiProperty
Option | Type | Description |
cors | Boolean | Whether to enable CORS. Notice this only enables CORS for the api browser, and not the actual access to the REST services. Is default false. |
openapi.version | String | OpenApi spec version. Is default 3.0. |
host | String | To setup the hostname. If not configured camel-openapi-java will calculate the name as localhost based. |
schemes | String | The protocol schemes to use. Multiple values can be separated by comma such as "http,https". The default value is "http". |
base.path | String |
Required: To setup the base path where the REST services is available. The path is relative (eg do not start with http/https) and camel-openapi-java will calculate the absolute base path at runtime, which will be |
api.path | String |
To setup the path where the API is available (eg /api-docs). The path is relative (eg do not start with http/https) and camel-openapi-java will calculate the absolute base path at runtime, which will be |
api.version | String | The version of the api. Is default 0.0.0. |
api.title | String | The title of the application. |
api.description | String | A short description of the application. |
api.termsOfService | String | A URL to the Terms of Service of the API. | | String | Name of person or organization to contact | | String | An email to be used for API-related correspondence. | | String | A URL to a website for more contact information. | | String | The license name used for the API. |
api.license.url | String | A URL to the license used for the API. |
75.3. Adding Security Definitions in API doc
The Rest DSL now supports declaring OpenApi securityDefinitions
in the generated API document. For example as shown below:
rest("/user").tag("dude").description("User rest service") // setup security definitions .securityDefinitions() .oauth2("petstore_auth").authorizationUrl("").end() .apiKey("api_key").withHeader("myHeader").end() .end() .consumes("application/json").produces("application/json")
Here we have setup two security definitions
- OAuth2 - with implicit authorization with the provided url
- Api Key - using an api key that comes from HTTP header named myHeader
Then you need to specify on the rest operations which security to use by referring to their key (petstore_auth or api_key).
.get("/{id}/{date}").description("Find user by id and date").outType(User.class) .security("api_key") ... .put().description("Updates or create a user").type(User.class) .security("petstore_auth", "write:pets,read:pets")
Here the get operation is using the Api Key security and the put operation is using OAuth security with permitted scopes of read and write pets.
75.4. JSon or Yaml
The camel-openapi-java module supports both JSon and Yaml out of the box. You can specify in the request url what you want returned by using /openapi.json or /openapi.yaml for either one. If none is specified then the HTTP Accept header is used to detect if json or yaml can be accepted. If either both is accepted or none was set as accepted then json is returned as the default format.
75.5. useXForwardHeaders and API URL resolution
The OpenApi specification allows you to specify the host, port & path that is serving the API. In OpenApi V2 this is done via the host
field and in OpenAPI V3 it is part of the servers
By default, the value for these fields is determined by X-Forwarded
headers, X-Forwarded-Host
& X-Forwarded-Proto
This can be overridden by disabling the lookup of X-Forwarded
headers and by specifying your own host, port & scheme on the REST configuration.
restConfiguration().component("netty-http") .useXForwardHeaders(false) .apiProperty("schemes", "https"); .host("localhost") .port(8080);
75.6. Examples
In the Apache Camel distribution we ship the camel-example-openapi-cdi
and camel-example-spring-boot-rest-openapi-simple
which demonstrates using this OpenApi component.
75.7. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using openapi-java with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel.springboot</groupId> <artifactId>camel-openapi-java-starter</artifactId> <version>{CamelSBProjectVersion}</version> <!-- Use your Camel Spring Boot version --> </dependency>
The component supports 1 options, which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
camel.openapi.enabled | Enables Camel Rest DSL to automatic register its OpenAPI (eg swagger doc) in Spring Boot which allows tooling such as SpringDoc to integrate with Camel. | true | Boolean |