
Apache HTTP Server Connectors and Load Balancing Guide

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Red Hat JBoss Core Services 2.4.57

For Use with Red Hat JBoss Core Services 2.4.57

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Install and configure load-balancing solutions that use the mod_jk and mod_proxy_cluster HTTP connectors along with other modules that Red Hat JBoss Core Services provides.

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Chapter 1. HTTP connectors

Red Hat JBoss Core Services (JBCS) includes two different HTTP connectors that the Apache HTTP Server can use to load-balance HTTP requests to a set of back-end servlet containers:

  • The Apache Tomcat connector (mod_jk) supports the load balancing of HTTP requests to a set of servlet containers, while maintaining sticky sessions and communicating over the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP).
  • The JBoss HTTP connector (mod_proxy_cluster) is a more advanced load balancer than mod_jk. The mod_proxy_cluster connector provides all the functionality of mod_jk and additional features such as real-time load-balancing calculations, application life-cycle control, automatic proxy discovery, and multiple protocol support.

JBCS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) provide separate distributions of the Apache HTTP Server. You can use the JBCS distribution of the Apache HTTP Server to connect to back-end application servers by using the mod_jk, mod_proxy_cluster, or mod_proxy connector as a proxy.

Consider the following guidelines:

  • From RHEL 7 onward, the JBCS and RHEL distributions of the Apache HTTP Server provide identical mod_proxy modules.
  • On RHEL versions 7 and 8, only the JBCS distribution of the Apache HTTP Server provides the mod_jk and mod_proxy_cluster connectors.
  • From RHEL 9 onward, the JBCS and RHEL distributions of the Apache HTTP Server also provide identical copies of the mod_jk connector and the mod_proxy_cluster connector.
  • Installing a JBCS distribution of the Apache HTTP Server from an archive file or from RPM packages by using the groupinstall option also automatically installs the mod_jk and mod_proxy_cluster connectors.
  • Installing the RHEL 9 distribution of the Apache HTTP Server does not automatically install the mod_jk and mod_proxy_cluster connectors. In this situation, you can manually install the appropriate mod_jk or mod_proxy_cluster package by using RHEL Application Streams. For more information, see Mod_jk installation and Mod_proxy_cluster installation and upgrade.

The Apache HTTP Server Connectors and Load Balancing Guide describes how to install and configure the mod_jk and mod_proxy_cluster connectors that JBCS provides. This guide also includes a working example for basic load-balancing with mod_proxy_cluster.


Most file and directory paths shown in this guide are for an archive installation of JBCS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For other platforms, use the correct paths for your respective installation, as specified in the Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server Installation Guide.

Chapter 2. Load balancing with the Apache Tomcat connector (mod_jk)

The Apache Tomcat Connector, mod_jk, is a plug-in that allows the Apache HTTP Server to forward web requests to a back-end servlet container. The mod_jk module also allows the Apache HTTP Server to load-balance requests to a set of servlet containers, while maintaining sticky sessions.

2.1. Mod_jk installation

Red Hat JBoss Core Services (JBCS) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) provide separate distributions of the Apache HTTP Server. The Apache HTTP Server distribution that you install determines whether installation of the mod_jk connector is automatic or requires a manual step. Depending on your installed distribution of the Apache HTTP Server, the installation path for the mod_jk module and configuration files also varies.


The JBCS Apache HTTP Server supports the use of mod_jk on all supported operating systems. The RHEL Apache HTTP Server supports the use of mod_jk on RHEL 9 only.

2.1.1. Installation of mod_jk when using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP Server part of a JBCS installation automatically installs the mod_jk module.

You can follow the procedures in the Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server Installation Guide to install the JBCS Apache HTTP Server for your operating system. For more information, see the Additional resources links.

Consider the following guidelines for a mod_jk installation when using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server:

  • The module is installed in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/modules directory.
  • The mod_jk.conf.sample,, and configuration files are located in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • The mod_jk.conf.sample file includes a LoadModule directive for the mod_jk module.

JBCS_HOME represents the top-level directory for a JBCS installation, which is /opt/jbcs-httpd24-2.4.

2.1.2. Installing mod_jk by using RHEL Application Streams

If you install the RHEL 9 distribution of the Apache HTTP Server from an RPM package by using Application Streams, RHEL does not automatically install the mod_jk package. In this situation, if you want to use the mod_jk connector, you must install the mod_jk package manually.


  • You have installed the Apache HTTP Server on RHEL 9 by using Application Streams.


  • Enter the following command as the root user:

    # dnf install mod_jk


  • To check that the mod_jk package is successfully installed, enter the following command:

    # rpm -q mod_jk

    The preceding command outputs the full name of the installed package, which includes version and platform information.

Consider the following guidelines for a mod_jk installation when using RHEL Application Streams:

  • The module is installed in the /usr/lib64/httpd/modules directory.
  • The mod_jk.conf.sample,, and configuration files are located in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • The mod_jk.conf.sample file includes a LoadModule directive for the mod_jk module.

2.2. Apache HTTP Server load-balancing configuration when using mod_jk

You can configure the Apache HTTP Server to use the mod_jk connector to load-balance requests to a set of servlet containers. This setup includes the configuration of back-end worker nodes.

Depending on whether you installed mod_jk through Red Hat JBoss Core Services (JBCS) or by using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Application Streams, consider the following guidelines:

  • JBCS provides example configuration files for mod_jk in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d/ directory.
  • RHEL provides example configuration files for mod_jk in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

The example configuration files for mod_jk are named mod_jk.conf.sample,, and To use these examples instead of creating your own configuration files, you can remove the .sample extension, and modify the file content as needed.


You can also use the Load Balancer Configuration tool on the Red Hat Customer Portal to generate optimal configuration templates quickly for mod_jk and Tomcat worker nodes. When you use the Load Balancer Configuration tool for Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57, ensure that you select 2.4.x as the Apache version, and select Tomcat/JWS as the back-end configuration.


Red Hat JBoss Core Services 2.4.57 does not support the tunneling of non-upgraded connections to a back-end WebSockets server. This means that when you are configuring the ProxyPass directive for the mod_proxy_wstunnel module, you must ensure that the upgrade parameter is not set to NONE. For more information about mod_proxy_wstunnel, see the Apache documentation.

2.2.1. Configuring the Apache HTTP Server to load mod_jk

You can configure the Apache HTTP Server to load mod_jk, by specifying configuration settings in the mod_jk.conf file. Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the configuration file varies.

You can also perform the following optional configuration steps:

  • In addition to the JkMount directive, you can use the JkMountFile directive to specify the configuration file for a mount point. The configuration file contains multiple URL mappings for Tomcat forwarding.
  • You can configure the Apache HTTP Server that is functioning as the load balancer to log details of each worker node that handles a request. This can be useful if you need to troubleshoot your load balancer.



  1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  2. Create a new file named mod_jk.conf and enter the following configuration details:

    # Load mod_jk module
    # Specify the filename of the mod_jk lib
    LoadModule jk_module modules/
    # Where to find
    JkWorkersFile conf.d/
    # Where to put jk logs
    JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
    # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
    JkLogLevel info
    # Select the log format
    JkLogStampFormat  "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"
    # JkOptions indicates to send SSL KEY SIZE
    JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
    # JkRequestLogFormat
    JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
    # Mount your applications
    JkMount /application/* loadbalancer
    # Add shared memory.
    # This directive is present with 1.2.10 and
    # later versions of mod_jk, and is needed for
    # for load balancing to work properly
    JkShmFile logs/jk.shm
    # Add jkstatus for managing runtime data
    <Location /jkstatus/>
        JkMount status
        Require ip

    Ensure that the LoadModule directive references the mod_jk native binary that you have installed.


    The JkMount directive specifies the URLs that the Apache HTTP Server can forward to the mod_jk module. Based on the configuration for the JkMount directive, mod_jk forwards the received URL to the correct servlet containers.

    To enable the Apache HTTP Server to serve static content (or PHP content) directly, and only use the load balancer for Java applications, the preceding configuration example specifies that the Apache HTTP Server sends only requests with the URL /application/* to the mod_jk load balancer.

    Alternatively, you can configure the Apache HTTP Server to forward all URLs to mod_jk by specifying /* in the JkMount directive.

  3. Optional: To use the JkMountFile directive to specify the configuration file for a mount point, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

      • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
      • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
    2. Create a file named
    3. Specify the URL that you want to forward and the worker name.

      For example:

      # Simple worker configuration file
      # Mount the Servlet context to the ajp13 worker

      The required syntax is in the format: /URL=WORKER_NAME

      The preceding example configures mod_jk to forward requests for /application to the JBoss Web Server Tomcat back end.

    4. In the mod_jk.conf file, enter the following directive:

      # Use external file for mount points.
      # It will be checked for updates each 60 seconds.
      # The format of the file is: /url=worker
      # /examples/*=loadbalancer
      JkMountFile conf.d/
  4. Optional: To enable Apache HTTP Server logging, perform either of the following steps:

    • Include %w in your JkRequestLogFormat directive, as shown in the preceding step about mod_jk.conf settings.
    • Log the name of the mod_jk worker that you want to use, by including %{JK_WORKER_NAME}n in your Apache HTTP Server LogFormat(s).

2.2.2. Configuring worker nodes in mod_jk

You can configure multiple worker nodes to handle the requests that the Apache HTTP Server forwards to the servlet containers, by specifying settings in the file. Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the configuration file varies.

The example in this procedure shows how to define two mod_jk worker nodes in a weighted round-robin configuration that uses sticky sessions between two servlet containers.



  1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  2. Create a file named
  3. Enter the following configuration details:

    # Define list of workers that will be used
    # for mapping requests
    # Define Node1
    # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
    # Define Node2
    # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
    # Load-balancing behavior
    # Status worker for managing load balancer

    In the preceding example, ensure that you replace host, port, and secret settings with values that are relevant for your environment.


    The secret property is required when using the Tomcat AJP Connector. You can specify the secret property for a worker node or a load balancer in the file. For example:


    In the preceding example, replace <WORKER_NAME> and <YOUR_AJP_SECRET> with values that are relevant for your environment.

2.2.3. Configuring JBoss Web Server to work with mod_jk

By default, JBoss Web Server is configured to receive Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) traffic from the mod_jk connector. On the JBoss Web Server host, the AJP connector is configured by default in the JWS_HOME/tomcat<VERSION>/conf/server.xml file.

However, to use a worker node with mod_jk, you must perform the following additional configuration steps:

  • On the JBoss Web Server host, in the server.xml file, you must configure a unique value for the jvmRoute attribute in the Engine of each worker node.
  • On the Apache HTTP Server host, in the file, you must specify the secret property for a worker node or a load balancer. Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the file varies.


    The secret property is required when you use the Tomcat AJP connector.


  1. On the JBoss Web Server host, to configure a unique value for the jvmRoute attribute in the Engine of each worker node:

    1. Open JWS_HOME/tomcat_<VERSION>_/conf/server.xml file.
    2. Enter the following details:

      <Engine name="Catalina" jvmRoute="node1" >

      Ensure that the jvmRoute attribute value matches the worker name that you specify in the file on the Apache HTTP Server host.

  2. On the Apache HTTP Server host, to specify the secret property for a worker node or a load balancer:

    1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

      • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
      • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
    2. Open the file.
    3. Ensure that the secret property is specified in the following format:


      Ensure that you replace <WORKER_NAME> and <YOUR_AJP_SECRET> with values that are appropriate for your environment.


      If you set a secret on a load balancer by using the ProxyPass directive, all members of the load balancer inherit this secret. For example:

      <Proxy balancer://mycluster>`
          BalancerMember ajp://node1:8009 route=node1 secret=YOUR_AJP_SECRET
          BalancerMember ajp://node2:8009 route=node2 secret=YOUR_AJP_SECRET
      ProxyPass /example/ balancer://mycluster/example/ stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid

Chapter 3. Load balancing with the JBoss HTTP connector (mod_proxy_cluster)

The mod_proxy_cluster connector is a reduced-configuration, intelligent load-balancing solution that allows the Apache HTTP Server to connect to back-end JBoss Web Server or JBoss EAP hosts. The mod_proxy_cluster module is based on technology that the JBoss mod_cluster community project originally developed.

3.1. Mod_proxy_cluster key features and components

The mod_proxy_cluster module load-balances HTTP requests to JBoss EAP and JBoss Web Server worker nodes. The mod_proxy_cluster module uses the Apache HTTP Server as the proxy server.

Key features of mod_proxy_cluster

The mod_proxy_cluster connector has several advantages over the mod_jk connector:

  • When the mod_proxy_cluster module is enabled, the mod_proxy_cluster Management Protocol (MCMP) is an additional connection between the Tomcat servers and the Apache HTTP Server. The Tomcat servers use MCMP to transmit server-side load figures and lifecycle events back to the Apache HTTP Server, by using a custom set of HTTP methods.
  • Dynamic configuration of Apache HTTP Server with mod_proxy_cluster allows Tomcat servers that have mod_proxy_cluster listeners to join the load-balancing arrangement without the need for manual configuration.
  • Tomcat servers perform the load calculations rather than rely on the Apache HTTP Server. This makes load-balancing metrics more accurate than other connectors.
  • The mod_proxy_cluster connector provides fine-grained application lifecycle control. Each Tomcat server forwards web application context lifecycle events to the Apache HTTP Server. These lifecycle events include informing the Apache HTTP Server to start or stop routing requests for a specific context. This prevents end users from seeing HTTP errors because of unavailable resources.
  • You can use Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) transports with mod_proxy_cluster.

Mod_proxy_cluster components

On the proxy server, mod_proxy_cluster consists of four Apache modules:


The Shared Memory Manager module shares real-time worker node information with multiple Apache HTTP Server processes.

The Cluster Manager module receives and acknowledges messages from worker nodes, including node registrations, node load data, and node application life cycle events.

The Proxy Balancer Module handles request routing to cluster nodes. The Proxy Balancer selects the appropriate destination node based on application location in the cluster, the current state of each of the cluster nodes, and the Session ID (if a request is part of an established session).

The Proxy Advertisement Module broadcasts the existence of the proxy server via UDP multicast messages. The server advertisement messages contain the IP address and port number where the proxy server is listening for responses from worker nodes that want to join the load-balancing cluster.

3.2. Mod_proxy_cluster installation and upgrade

Red Hat JBoss Core Services (JBCS) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) provide separate distributions of the Apache HTTP Server. The Apache HTTP Server distribution that you install determines whether installation of the mod_proxy_cluster connector is automatic or requires a manual step. Depending on your installed distribution of the Apache HTTP Server, the installation path for the mod_proxy_cluster modules and configuration files also varies.


The JBCS Apache HTTP Server supports the use of mod_proxy_cluster on all supported operating systems. The RHEL Apache HTTP Server supports the use of mod_proxy_cluster on RHEL 9 only.

3.2.1. Installation of mod_proxy_cluster when using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP Server part of a JBCS installation automatically installs the mod_proxy_cluster module.

You can follow the procedures in the Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server Installation Guide to install or upgrade to the latest JBCS Apache HTTP Server release for your operating system. For more information, see the Additional resources links.

Consider the following guidelines for a mod_proxy_cluster installation when using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server:

  • The,,, and modules are installed in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/modules directory.
  • The mod_proxy_cluster.conf.sample configuration file is located in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • The mod_proxy_cluster.conf.sample file includes a LoadModule directive for the mod_proxy_cluster module.

JBCS_HOME represents the top-level directory for a JBCS installation, which is /opt/jbcs-httpd24-2.4.

3.2.2. Upgrade of mod_proxy_cluster from an earlier JBCS release

The mod_cluster-native package that JBCS provided in 2.4.37 and earlier releases is renamed mod_proxy_cluster in JBCS 2.4.51 or later. As part of this change, the mod_cluster.conf file that was available in 2.4.37 and earlier releases is also renamed mod_proxy_cluster.conf in JBCS 2.4.51 or later. JBCS handles the upgrade of your existing mod_proxy_cluster configuration in different ways depending on whether you installed JBCS from archive files or RPM packages.

Upgrades of mod_proxy_cluster configuration when installed from RPM packages

If you are upgrading an existing JBCS installation that you installed from RPM packages on RHEL 7 or RHEL 8, consider the following guidelines:

  • If you are upgrading from JBCS 2.4.37 or earlier, JBCS retains your existing mod_cluster.conf file during the upgrade. In this situation, the upgraded JBCS 2.4.57 deployment includes both your existing mod_cluster.conf file and a default mod_proxy_cluster.conf file. If you subsequently want to migrate to using mod_proxy_cluster.conf instead, you can manually update the default mod_proxy_cluster.conf file to suit your setup requirements.
  • If you are upgrading from JBCS 2.4.51, JBCS retains your existing mod_proxy_cluster.conf file during the upgrade. In this situation, the upgraded JBCS 2.4.57 deployment includes both your existing mod_proxy_cluster.conf file and a default mod_proxy_cluster.conf.rpmnew file.
Upgrades of mod_proxy_cluster configuration when installed from archive files

If you are upgrading an existing JBCS installation that you installed from archive files, consider the following guidelines:

  • If you are upgrading from JBCS 2.4.37 or earlier, you do not need to take any action apart from extracting the 2.4.57 archive files. JBCS 2.4.57 does not include a default mod_cluster.conf file, so your existing mod_cluster.conf file remains in place during the product upgrade. In this situation, the upgraded JBCS 2.4.57 deployment includes both your existing mod_cluster.conf file and a default mod_proxy_cluster.conf file. If you subsequently want to migrate to using mod_proxy_cluster.conf instead, you can manually update the default mod_proxy_cluster.conf file to suit your setup requirements.
  • If you are upgrading from JBCS 2.4.51 or an existing release of JBCS 2.4.57, you must first copy your existing mod_proxy_cluster.conf file to a temporary location. JBCS 2.4.57 includes a default mod_proxy_cluster.conf file, which automatically overwrites your existing mod_proxy_cluster.conf file during the product upgrade. After you extract the latest 2.4.57 archive files, you can then copy your backup of the existing mod_proxy_cluster.conf file to the correct location to overwrite the default file.

3.2.3. Installing mod_proxy_cluster by using RHEL Application Streams

If you install the RHEL 9 distribution of the Apache HTTP Server from an RPM package by using Application Streams, RHEL does not automatically install the mod_proxy_cluster package. In this situation, if you want to use the mod_proxy_cluster connector, you must install the mod_proxy_cluster package manually.


  • You have installed the Apache HTTP Server on RHEL 9 by using Application Streams.


  • Enter the following command as the root user:

    # dnf install mod_proxy_cluster


  • To check that the mod_proxy_cluster package is successfully installed, enter the following command:

    # rpm -q mod_proxy_cluster

    The preceding command outputs the full name of the installed package, which includes version and platform information.

Consider the following guidelines for a mod_proxy_cluster installation when using RHEL Application Streams:

  • The,,, and modules are installed in the /usr/lib64/httpd/modules directory.
  • The mod_proxy_cluster.conf.sample configuration file is located in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • The mod_proxy_cluster.conf.sample file includes a LoadModule directive for the mod_proxy_cluster module.

3.3. Apache HTTP Server load-balancing configuration when using mod_proxy_cluster

In the Apache HTTP Server 2.1 and later versions, mod_proxy_cluster is configured correctly for the Apache HTTP Server by default. For more information about setting a custom configuration, see Configuring a basic proxy server.

Example configuration file for mod_proxy_cluster

Depending on whether you installed mod_proxy_cluster through Red Hat JBoss Core Services (JBCS) or by using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Application Streams, consider the following guidelines:

  • JBCS provides an example configuration file for mod_proxy_cluster in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d/ directory.
  • RHEL provides an example configuration file for mod_proxy_cluster in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

The example configuration file for mod_proxy_cluster is named mod_proxy_cluster.conf.sample. To use this example instead of creating your own configuration file, you can remove the .sample extension, and modify the file content as needed.


You can also use the Load Balancer Configuration tool on the Red Hat Customer Portal to generate optimal configuration templates quickly for mod_proxy_cluster and Tomcat worker nodes. When you use the Load Balancer Configuration tool for Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57, ensure that you select 2.4.x as the Apache version, and select Tomcat/JWS as the back-end configuration.

Guidelines for using mod_proxy_cluster

Consider the following guidelines for using the mod_proxy_cluster connector:

  • When you want to use the mod_proxy_cluster connector, you must enable the mod_proxy module and disable the mod_proxy_balancer module.
  • If you want mod_proxy_cluster to use the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), you must enable the proxy_ajp_module.
  • Use AJPSecret your_secret to provide the secret for the AJP back end. If your_secret does not correspond to the value configured in the back end, the back end sends a 503 error response for any request that is sent through the proxy.

Red Hat JBoss Core Services 2.4.57 does not support the tunneling of non-upgraded connections to a back-end websockets server. This means that when you are configuring the ProxyPass directive for the mod_proxy_wstunnel module, you must ensure that the upgrade parameter is not set to NONE. For more information about mod_proxy_wstunnel, see the Apache documentation.

3.3.1. Configuring a basic proxy server

You can configure the Apache HTTP Server to function as a proxy server that forwards requests and responses between web clients and back-end web servers. You must configure a proxy server listener to receive connection requests and responses from the back-end worker nodes. When you want to configure a load-balancing proxy server that uses mod_proxy_cluster, you must also configure a virtual host for the management channel.



  1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  2. Open the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file.
  3. To create a Listen directive for the proxy server, enter the following line in the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file:


    In the preceding example, replace IP_ADDRESS with the address of the server network interface that the proxy server uses to communicate with the worker nodes, and replace PORT_NUMBER with the port that the proxy server listens on.

    Ensure that the port is open for incoming TCP connections.

  4. To create a virtual host, enter the following details in the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file:

       <Directory />
          Require ip IP_ADDRESS
       KeepAliveTimeout 60
       MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
       ManagerBalancerName mycluster
       AdvertiseFrequency 5
       EnableMCPMReceive On

    In the preceding example, replace IP_ADDRESS and PORT_NUMBER with the address of the server network interface and port number that you have specified for the Listen directive.

    This address and port combination is only used for mod_proxy_cluster management messages. This address and port combination is not used for general traffic.

For more information about starting the Apache HTTP Server service, see the Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server Installation Guide. Disabling server advertisement

The proxy server uses UDP multicast to advertise itself. The AdvertiseFrequency directive instructs the server to send server advertisement messages every 10 seconds by default. Server advertisement messages contain the IP_ADDRESS and PORT_NUMBER that you specify in the VirtualHost definition. Worker nodes that are configured to respond to server advertisements use this information to register themselves with the proxy server. If you want to prevent worker nodes from registering with the proxy server, you can optionally disable server advertisement.


When UDP multicast is available between the proxy server and the worker nodes, server advertisement adds worker nodes without requiring further configuration on the proxy server. Server advertisement requires only minimal configuration on the worker nodes.



  1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  2. Open the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file.
  3. Add the following directive to the VirtualHost definition:

    ServerAdvertise Off

    If server advertisements are disabled, or UDP multicast is not available on the network between the proxy server and the worker nodes, you can configure worker nodes with a static list of proxy servers. In either case, you do not need to configure the proxy server with a list of worker nodes. Logging worker node details

When you configure a load-balancing proxy server that uses mod_proxy_cluster, you can optionally configure the Apache HTTP Server to log details of each worker node that handles a request. Logging worker node details can be useful if you need to troubleshoot your load balancer.



  1. Go to the Apache HTTP Server configuration directory:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
  2. Open the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file.
  3. Add the following details to your Apache HTTP Server LogFormat directive(s):

    %{BALANCER_NAME}e ::
    The name of the balancer that served the request.
    The name of the worker node that served the request.

3.3.2. Configuring a JBoss Web Server worker node in mod_proxy_cluster

When you use mod_proxy_cluster, you can configure a back-end worker node as a JBoss Web Server Tomcat service that operates in non-clustered mode only. In this situation, mod_proxy_cluster can use only one load metric at any specific time when calculating the load-balance factor.


JBoss Web Server worker nodes support only a subset of mod_proxy_cluster functionality. Full mod_proxy_cluster functionality is available with JBoss EAP.


  1. To add a listener to JBoss Web Server, in the JWS_HOME/tomcat<VERSION>/conf/server.xml file, add the following Listener element under the other Listener elements:

    <Listener className="org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.standalone.ModClusterListener" advertise="true" stickySession="true" stickySessionForce="false" stickySessionRemove="true" />
  2. To give the worker node a unique identity, in the JWS_HOME/tomcat<VERSION>/conf/server.xml file, add the jvmRoute attribute and value to the Engine element:

    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="worker01">
  3. To configure STATUS MCMP message frequency, modify the org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.status-frequency Java system property.

    For example:


    JBoss Web Server worker nodes periodically send status messages that contain their current load status to the Apache HTTP Server balancer. The default frequency of these messages is 10 seconds. If you have hundreds of worker nodes, the STATUS MCMP messages can increase traffic congestion on your Apache HTTP Server network.

    You can configure the MCMP message frequency by modifying the org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.status-frequency Java system property. By default, the property accepts values that are specified in seconds multiplied by 10. For example, setting the property to 1 means 10 seconds. In the preceding example, the property is set to 6, which means 60 seconds.

  4. Optional: To configure the firewall for proxy server advertisements, complete either of the following steps to open port 23364 for UDP connections on the worker node’s firewall:

    • For RHEL:

      firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=23364/udp
    • For Windows Server using PowerShell:

      Start-Process "$psHome\powershell.exe" -Verb Runas -ArgumentList '-command "NetSh Advfirewall firewall add rule name="UDP Port 23364" dir=in  action=allow protocol=UDP localport=23364"'
      Start-Process "$psHome\powershell.exe" -Verb Runas -ArgumentList '-command "NetSh Advfirewall firewall add rule name="UDP Port 23364" dir=out action=allow protocol=UDP localport=23364"'

      When a proxy server uses mod_proxy_cluster, the proxy server can use UDP multicast to advertise itself. Most operating system firewalls block the server advertisement feature by default. To enable server advertisement and receive these multicast messages, you can open port 23364 for UDP connections on the worker node’s firewall, as shown in the preceding examples.

3.3.3. Configuring a worker node to operate with a static list of proxy servers

Server advertisement allows worker nodes to discover and register with proxy servers dynamically. If UDP multicast is not available or server advertisement is disabled, you must configure JBoss Web Server worker nodes with a static list of proxy server addresses and ports.


  1. Open the JWS_HOME/tomcat<VERSION>/conf/server.xml file.
  2. To define a mod_proxy_cluster listener and disable dynamic proxy discovery, add or change the Listener element for ModClusterListener.

    For example:

    <Listener className="org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.standalone.ModClusterListener" advertise="false" stickySession="true" stickySessionForce="false" stickySessionRemove="true"/>

    Ensure that you set the advertise property to false.

  3. To create a static proxy server list, update the proxyList property by adding a comma-separated list of proxies in the following format: IP_ADDRESS:PORT,IP_ADDRESS:PORT

    For example:

    <Listener className="org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.standalone.ModClusterListener" advertise="false" stickySession="true" stickySessionForce="false" stickySessionRemove="true" proxyList=","/>

3.4. Mod_proxy_cluster character limits

The mod_proxy_cluster module uses shared memory to keep the nodes description. The shared memory is created at the startup of Apache HTTP Server, and the structure of each item is fixed.

When you define proxy server and worker node properties, ensure that you adhere to the following character limits:

PropertyMaximum character limitDescription

Alias length

100 characters

Alias corresponds to the network name of the respective virtual host; the name is defined in the Host element.

Context length

40 characters

For example, if myapp.war is deployed in /myapp , /myapp is included in the context.

Balancer name length

40 characters

This is the balancer in the <Listener> element.

JVMRoute string length

80 characters

JVMRoute in the <Engine> element.

Domain name length

20 characters

This is the loadBalancingGroup in the <Listener> element.

Hostname length for a node

64 characters

This is hostname address in the <Connector> element.

Port length for a node

7 characters

This is the port property in the <Connector> element. For example, 8009 is 4 characters.

Scheme length for a node

6 characters

This is the protocol of the connector. Possible values are http, https, and ajp.

Cookie name length

30 characters

This is the header cookie name for the session ID. The default value is JSESSIONID based on the org.apache.catalina.Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME property.

Path name length

30 characters

This is the parameter name for the session ID. The default value is JSESSIONID based on the org.apache.catalina.Globals.SESSION_PARAMETER_NAME property.

Session ID length

120 characters

A session ID is in the following type of format: BE81FAA969BF64C8EC2B6600457EAAAA.node01

Chapter 4. Configuration example for load-balancing with mod_proxy_cluster

You can configure JBCS to use the mod_proxy_cluster connector for load-balancing in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.

When you want to configure a load-balancing solution that uses mod_proxy_cluster, you must perform the following tasks:

4.1. Setting up JBCS as a proxy server

When you configure JBCS to use mod_proxy_cluster, you must set up JBCS as a proxy server by specifying configuration details in the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file.


  1. Go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d/ directory.
  2. Create a file named mod_proxy_cluster.conf.
  3. Enter the following configuration details:

    LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/
    LoadModule cluster_slotmem_module modules/
    LoadModule manager_module modules/
    LoadModule advertise_module modules/
    MemManagerFile cache/mod_proxy_cluster
    <IfModule manager_module>
      Listen 6666
      <VirtualHost *:6666>
        <Directory />
          Require ip
        ServerAdvertise on
        <Location /mod_cluster_manager>
          SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
          Require ip

    As shown in the preceding example, the mod_proxy_cluster package requires that you set the MemManagerFile directive in the conf.d file to cache/mod_proxy_cluster.


    The preceding example shows how to set up JBCS as a proxy server that is listening on localhost.

4.2. Configuring a Tomcat worker node

When you configure JBCS to use mod_proxy_cluster, you must configure a Tomcat worker node by adding a Listener element to the server.xml file.



  1. Open the JWS_HOME/tomcat<VERSION>/conf/server.xml file.
  2. Add the following Listener element:

    <Listener className="org.jboss.modcluster.container.catalina.standalone.ModClusterListener" advertise="true"/>

4.3. Defining iptables firewall rules example

When you configure JBCS to use mod_proxy_cluster, you must define firewall rules by using iptables.



  • Use iptables to define a set of firewall rules.

    For example:

    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 5 -p udp -d -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "mod_proxy_cluster traffic"
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 6 -p udp -d -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "JBoss Cluster traffic"
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 9 -p udp -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "cluster subnet for inter-node communication"
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 10 -p tcp -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "cluster subnet for inter-node communication"
    /etc/init.d/iptables save

    The preceding example shows to define firewall rules for a cluster node on the subnet.

Appendix A. Mod_proxy connector modules

The mod_proxy connector comprises a set of standard Apache HTTP Server modules. These modules enable the Apache HTTP Server to act as a proxy/gateway for sending web traffic between web clients and back-end servers over different types of protocols.

This appendix describes the modules that the mod_proxy connector uses.

A.1. module

The module is a standard Apache HTTP Server module that enables the server to act as a proxy for data transferred over the AJP (Apache JServe Protocol), FTP, CONNECT (for SSL), and HTTP protocols. The mod_proxy module does not require additional configuration. The identifier for the mod_proxy module is proxy_module.

Additional resources

A.2. module

The module is a standard Apache HTTP Server module that provides support for Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) proxying. By using the mod_proxy_ajp module, the Apache HTTP Server acts as an intermediary for sending AJP requests and responses between web clients and back-end servers. AJP is a clear-text protocol that does not support data encryption.

The mod_proxy module is also required if you want to use mod_proxy_ajp. The identifier for the mod_proxy_ajp module is proxy_ajp_module.

Additionally, the secret property is required when using the Tomcat AJP Connector. You can add the secret property to the ProxyPass settings by using the following command:

ProxyPass /example/ ajp://localhost:8009/example/ secret=YOUR_AJP_SECRET


If you set a secret on a load balancer, all of its members inherit this secret.

The mod_proxy_ajp module does not provide any configuration directives.

Additional resources

A.3. module

The module is a standard Apache HTTP Server module that provides support for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) proxying. By using the mod_proxy_http module, the Apache HTTP Server acts as an intermediary for forwarding HTTP or HTTPS requests between web clients and back-end servers. The mod_proxy_http module supports HTTP/1.1 and earlier versions of the HTTP protocol.

The mod_proxy module is also required if you want to use mod_proxy_http. The identifier for the mod_proxy_http module is proxy_http_module.

The mod_proxy_http module does not provide any configuration directives. Along with the configuration that controls the behavior of the mod_proxy module, the mod_proxy_http module uses a series of environment variables that control the behavior of the HTTP protocol provider.

Additional resources

A.4. module

The module is a standard Apache HTTP Server module that provides support for Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2.0 (HTTP/2) proxying. By using the mod_proxy_http2 module, the Apache HTTP Server acts as an intermediary for forwarding HTTP/2 requests between web clients and back-end servers.

The mod_proxy_http2 module supports client requests that use HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 as a communication protocol. However, the mod_proxy_http2 module requires that all communication between the Apache HTTP Server and the back-end server uses HTTP/2 only.

For client requests that have the same back-end destination, the Apache HTTP Server reuses the same TCP connection whenever possible. However, even if you want to forward multiple client requests to the same back end, the Apache HTTP Server forwards a separate HTTP/2 proxy request for each HTTP/1.1 client request.

The mod_proxy module is also required if you want to use mod_proxy_http2. The identifier for the mod_proxy_http2 module is proxy_http2_module.

The mod_proxy_http2 module does not provide any configuration directives.


The mod_proxy_http2 module is an experimental Apache feature that requires use of the libnghttp2 library for the core HTTP/2 engine.

Appendix B. Mod_jk connector module

The Apache Tomcat Connector, mod_jk, is a web server plug-in that the Apache Tomcat project provides. The Apache HTTP Server can use the mod_jk module to load-balance HTTP client requests to back-end servlet containers, while maintaining sticky sessions and communicating over the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP). The mod_jk module is included in the Apache HTTP Server part of a JBoss Core Services installation.

The mod_jk module requires that you create both a mod_jk.conf file and a file on the Apache HTTP Server host. The mod_jk.conf file specifies settings to load and configure the module. The file specifies back-end worker node details. You must also configure some settings on the [JWSShortName] host to enable mod_jk support.

Appendix C. Mod_proxy_cluster connector modules

The mod_proxy_cluster connector is a reduced-configuration, intelligent load-balancing solution based on technology that the JBoss mod_cluster community project originally developed. The mod_proxy_cluster connector enables the Apache HTTP Server to act as an advanced load-balancer for forwarding traffic to back-end applications running on JBoss Web Server or JBoss EAP hosts. The mod_proxy_cluster connector provides all the functionality of mod_jk and additional features such as real-time load-balancing calculations, application life-cycle control, automatic proxy discovery, and multiple protocol support.

This appendix describes the modules that the mod_proxy_cluster connector uses.


You can configure the mod_proxy_cluster connector by using the configurable directives for mod_proxy, such as ProxyIOBufferSize.

C.1. module and directives

The cluster manager module,, receives and acknowledges messages from nodes, including worker node registrations, worker node load data, and worker node application life cycle events.

LoadModule manager_module modules/

Configurable directives for

Configurable directives in the <VirtualHost> element are as follows:

Allows the VirtualHost to receive mod_cluster management protocol (MCMP) messages. Add one EnableMCPMReceive directive to the Apache HTTP Server configuration to allow mod_proxy_cluster to operate correctly. EnableMCPMReceive must be added in the VirtualHost configuration at the location where advertise is configured.
Defines the maximum size of MCMP messages. The default value is calculated from other Max directives. The minimum value is 1024.
Toggles the additional display on the mod_cluster-manager main page. The default value is off, which causes only version information to display on the mod_cluster-manager main page.
Toggles permissions for commands using mod_cluster-manager URL. The default value is on, which allows commands.
Toggles the reduction of information displayed on the mod_cluster-manager page. Reducing the information allows more nodes to display on the page. The default value is off, which allows all the available information to display.
Defines the location for the files in which mod_manager stores configuration details. mod_manager also uses this location for generated keys for shared memory and lock files. This must be an absolute path name. It is recommended that this path be on a local drive, and not an NFS share. The default value is /logs/ .
The maximum number of contexts that mod_proxy_cluster will use. The default value is 100.
The maximum number of worker nodes that mod_proxy_cluster will use. The default value is 20.
The maximum number of hosts (aliases) that mod_proxy_cluster will use. This is also the maximum number of load balancers. The default value is 20.
The maximum number of active session identifiers stored. A session is considered inactive when no information is received from that session for five minutes. This is used for demonstration and debugging purposes only. The default value is 0, which disables this logic.
The name of the load balancer to use when the worker node does not provide a load balancer name. The default value is mycluster.
When set to on, nodes, aliases, and contexts are persisted in files. The default value is off.

When set to on, session identifiers are checked to ensure that they are unique and have not occurred before. The default is on.


Setting this directive to off can leave your server vulnerable to replay attacks.

SetHandler mod_cluster-manager

Defines a handler to display information about worker nodes in the cluster. This is defined in the Location element:

<Location $LOCATION>
  SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
  Require ip

In this situation, $LOCATION was also defined as mod_cluster_manager.

Consider the following guidelines when accessing the $LOCATION that is defined in the Location element in your browser:

  • Transferred corresponds to the POST data sent to the worker node.
  • Connected corresponds to the number of requests that had been processed when this status page was requested.
  • Sessions corresponds to the number of active sessions. This field is not present when Maxsessionid is 0.

C.2. module and directives

The Proxy Balancer Module,, handles the routing of requests to cluster nodes. The Proxy Balancer selects the appropriate node to forward the request to based on the application location in the cluster, the current state of each of the cluster nodes, and the Session ID (if a request is part of an established session).

LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/

Configurable directives for

You can also configure the following directives in the <VirtualHost> element to change the load balancing behavior.


Defines how load balancers are created in the Apache HTTP Server virtual hosts. The following values are valid in CreateBalancers:

  • 0: Create load balancers in all virtual hosts defined in Apache HTTP Server. Remember to configure the load balancers in the ProxyPass directive.
  • 1: Do not create balancers. When using this value, you must also define the load balancer name in ProxyPass or ProxyPassMatch.
  • 2: Create only the main server. This is the default value for CreateBalancers.

Defines whether to check that the defined Alias corresponds to the ServerName. The following values are valid for UseAlias:

  • 0: Ignore alias information from worker nodes. This is the default value for UseAlias.
  • 1: Verify that the defined alias corresponds to a worker node’s server name.
Defines the interval in seconds between the proxy calculating the status of a worker node. The default interval is 5 seconds.
ProxyPassMatch; ProxyPass

ProxyPass maps remote servers into the local server namespace. If the local server has an address such as, the following ProxyPass directive converts a local request for into a proxy request for

ProxyPass /requested/

ProxyPassMatch uses regular expressions to match local paths to which the proxied URL should apply.

For either directive, ! indicates that a specified path is local, and a request for that path should not be routed to a remote server. For example, the following directive specifies that gif files should be served locally.

ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.gif)$ !

Defines whether to forward the original URL path to the back end without modifications.

The default value is Off. When the UseNocanon directive is set to Off, the proxy can forward modified URLs to the back end. However, if the back-end application expects the original URL path that the client requested, the modified URL path can lead to unexpected issues.

When you set the UseNocanon directive to On, the proxy can forward the original URL path to the back end without any modifications. In this situation, the proxy behavior depends on whether you also define a context and a ProxyPass directive for the requested URL in the mod_proxy_cluster.conf file. A context is also known as a virtual host definition.

Consider the following guidelines when you set the UseNocanon directive to On:

  • If you define a context for the requested URL but you do not define a ProxyPass directive for this URL, the proxy uses the UseNocanon directive.
  • If you define both a context and a ProxyPass directive for the requested URL, and the ProxyPass directive includes the nocanon flag, the proxy uses the nocanon flag and ignores the UseNocanon directive.
  • If you define both a context and a ProxyPass directive for the requested URL, and the ProxyPass directive excludes the nocanon flag, the proxy ignores the UseNocanon directive.

If you do not define a context for the requested URL, mod_proxy_cluster returns a 404 error.


Defines the response status code that the server sends to the client when a ProxyPass or ProxyPassMatch directive does not have a matching context.

The default value is 404, which means that the server sends a Not Found error response by default.

In JBCS 2.4.51 or earlier, when a ProxyPass or ProxyPassMatch directive did not have a matching context, the server sent a 503 Service Unavailable response by default. If you want to preserve the default behavior that was available in earlier releases, set the ResponseStatusCodeOnNoContext directive to 503 instead.


If you specify a value other than a standard HTTP response code, the server access log shows the specified value but the server sends a 500 Internal Server Error response to the client.

C.3. module and directives

The Proxy Advertisement Module,, broadcasts the existence of the proxy server via UDP multicast messages. The server advertisement messages contain the IP address and port number where the proxy is listening for responses from nodes that wish to join the load-balancing cluster.

The mod_advertise module must be defined along with the mod_manager module in the VirtualHost element. In the following example, the identifier for the mod_advertise module is advertise_module:

LoadModule advertise_module modules/

Configurable directives for

The mod_advertise module is configurable by using the following directives:


Defines how the advertising mechanism is used.

The default value is Off. When set to Off, the proxy does not advertise its location.

When set to On, the advertising mechanism is used to tell worker nodes to send status information to this proxy. You can also specify a host name and port with the following syntax: ServerAdvertise On http://HOSTNAME:PORT/. This is only required when using a name-based virtual host, or when a virtual host is not defined.


Defines the multicast address to advertise on. The syntax is AdvertiseGroup ADDRESS:PORT, where ADDRESS must correspond to AdvertiseGroupAddress, and PORT must correspond to AdvertisePort in your worker nodes.

If your worker node is JBoss EAP-based, and the -u switch is used at startup, the default AdvertiseGroupAddress is the value passed via the -u switch.

The default value is If a port is not specified, the port defaults to 23364.

The interval (in seconds) between multicast messages advertising the IP address and port. The default value is 10.
Defines a string that is used to identify mod_proxy_cluster in Apache HTTP Server. By default, this directive is not set and no information is sent.
Defines the URL that the worker node should use to send information to the proxy server. By default this directive is not set and no information is sent.
Defines the address and port over which to send multicast messages. The syntax is AdvertiseBindAddress ADDRESS:PORT. This allows an address to be specified on machines with multiple IP addresses. The default value is

C.4. module

The module is a shared memory provider for creating and accessing a shared memory segment in which the data sets are organized in "slots".

The mod_cluster_slotmem module does not require any configuration directives.

C.5. Additional resources (or Next steps)

Appendix D. file for mod_jk

If you want to use the mod_jk connector, you must create a JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf/ file on the Apache HTTP Server host to define the back-end worker nodes. The worker nodes are servlet containers that you can map to the mod_jk load balancer. The file specifies the location of the servlet containers and how to load-balance calls across these servlet containers.

This appendix describes the layout and content of the file.

Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the file varies:

  • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, the file is in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, the file is in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.


    The RHEL Apache HTTP Server supports the use of mod_jk on RHEL 9 only.

D.1. overview

The file contains a global properties section and a worker properties section.

Global Properties
This section contains directives that apply to all workers.
Worker Properties
This section contains directives that apply to each individual worker.

Each node is defined using the worker properties naming convention. The worker name can only contain lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and specific special characters (_, /).

The structure of a worker property is worker.WORKER_NAME.DIRECTIVE.

The constant prefix for all worker properties.
The arbitrary name given to the worker. For example: node1, node_01, Node_1.
The specific directive required.

D.2. directives

The file directives are divided into global, mandatory, connection, and load-balancing classifications.

Global directives for

Specifies the list of worker names that mod_jk uses. The workers in this list are available to map requests to.


A single node configuration which is not managed by a load balancer must be set to worker.list=WORKER_NAME.

Mandatory directives for

Specifies the type of worker, which determines the directives applicable to the worker. The default value is ajp13, which is the preferred worker type to select for communication between the web server and Apache HTTP Server.

Other values include lb and status.

For detailed information about AJPv13, see the Apache Tomcat Connector - AJP Protocol Reference.

Connection directives for

The hostname or IP address of the worker. The worker node must support the ajp13 protocol stack. The default value is localhost.

You can specify the port directive as part of the host directive by appending the port number after the host name or IP address. For example: or

The port number of the remote server instance listening for the defined protocol requests. The default value is 8009, which is the default listen port for AJPv13 workers.

Specifies the conditions under which connections are probed for their current network health.

The probe uses an empty AJPv13 packet for the CPing, and expects a CPong in return, within a specified timeout.

You specify the conditions by using a combination of the directive flags. The flags are not comma-separated. For example, a correct directive flag set is worker.node1.ping_mode=CI.

C (connect)
Specifies the connection is probed once after connecting to the server. You specify the timeout using the connect_timeout directive, otherwise the value for ping_timeout is used.
P (prepost)
Specifies that the connection is probed before sending each request to the server. You specify the timeout using the prepost_timeout directive, otherwise the value for ping_timeout is used.
I (interval)
Specifies that the connection is probed during regular internal maintenance cycles. You specify the idle time between each interval using the connection_ping_interval directive, otherwise the value for ping_timeout is used.
A (all)
The most common setting, which specifies that all directive flags are applied. For information about the \*_timeout advanced directives, see the Apache Tomcat Connector - Reference Guide.
Specifies the time to wait for CPong answers to a CPing connection probe (see ping_mode). The default value is 10000 (milliseconds).
Load balancing directives for

Specifies the load-balancing factor for an individual worker, and is only specified for a member worker of a load balancer.

This directive defines the relative amount of HTTP request load distributed to the worker compared to other workers in the cluster.

A common example where this directive applies is where you want to differentiate servers with greater processing power than others in the cluster. For example, if you require a worker to take three times the load than other workers, specify worker.WORKER_NAME.lbfactor=3.

Specifies the worker nodes that the load balancer must manage. The directive can be used multiple times for the same load balancer, and consists of a comma-separated list of worker names as specified in the file.

Specifies whether requests for workers with SESSION IDs are routed back to the same worker. The default is 0 (false). When set to 1 (true), load balancer persistence is enabled.

For example, if you specify worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=0, each request is load balanced between each node in the cluster. In other words, different requests for the same session can go to different servers based on server load.

If you specify worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=1, each session is persisted (locked) to one server until the session is terminated, providing that server is available.

Appendix E. Worker node configuration reference for mod_proxy_cluster

E.1. Worker node configuration

Configuration values are sent to proxies under the following conditions:

  • During server startup
  • When a proxy is detected through the advertise mechanism
  • During error recovery when a proxy’s configuration is reset
Table E.1. Proxy Configuration Values for Tomcat



Specifies whether subsequent requests for a given session should be routed to the same node, if possible.



Specifies whether the Apache HTTP Server proxy should remove session stickiness if the balancer is unable to route a request to the node to which it is stuck. This property is ignored if stickySession is false.



Specifies whether the Apache HTTP Server proxy should return an error if the balancer is unable to route a request to the node to which it is stuck. This property is ignored if stickySession is false.



Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a worker to become available to handle a request. When all the workers of a balancer are unusable, mod_proxy_cluster will retry after a while (workerTimeout/100) to find an usable worker. A value of -1 indicates that the Apache HTTP Server will not wait for a worker to be available and will return an error if no workers are available.



Specifies the number of times the Apache HTTP Server proxy will attempt to send a given request to a worker before aborting. The minimum value is 1: try once before aborting.



Specifies whether packet flushing is enabled or disabled.



Specifies the time to wait before flushing packets. A value of -1 means wait forever.



Time to wait (in seconds) for a pong answer to a ping.



Specifies the soft maximum idle connection count. The maximum value is determined by the Apache HTTP Server thread configuration (ThreadsPerChild or 1).



Specifies the time (in seconds) idle connections persist, above the smax threshold.



Specifies the time (in seconds) mod_proxy_cluster waits for the back-end server response before returning an error. mod_proxy_cluster always uses a cping/cpong before forwarding a request. The connectiontimeout value used by mod_proxy_cluster is the ping value.



Specifies the name of the load-balancer.



Specifies the load balancing among jvmRoutes within the same load balancing group. A loadBalancingGroup is conceptually equivalent to a mod_jk domain directive.

E.2. Proxy and proxy discovery configuration attributes for mod_proxy_cluster

The following tables contain attributes and information about proxy and proxy discovery configuration attributes for mod_proxy_cluster.

Table E.2. Proxy discovery configuration attributes for mod_proxy_cluster
AttributePropertyDefault Value





















10 seconds (in seconds)



20 seconds (in milliseconds)


When nodeTimeout is not defined, the ProxyTimeout directive, Proxy, is used. If ProxyTimeout is not defined, the server timeout (Timeout) is used (120 seconds by default in the JBCS httpd.conf). nodeTimeout, ProxyTimeout, and Timeout are set at the socket level.

Table E.3. Proxy configuration attributes for mod_proxy_cluster
AttributePropertyDefault Value
























10 (seconds)



-1 (uses the default value)



-1 (uses the default value)







E.3. Load configuration for Tomcat

You can configure the following additional properties for load metrics when you want to use mod_proxy_cluster with Apache Tomcat.

Table E.4. Load Configuration for Tomcat
AttributeDefault ValueDescription



The class name of an object that is implementing org.jboss.load.metric.LoadMetric



The capacity of the load metric defined via the loadMetricClass property



The number of historic load values that must be considered in the load balance factor computation



The factor by which the historic load values decrease in significance

Appendix F. Multi-processing modules (MPMs)

Red Hat JBoss Core Services includes a variety of multi-processing modules (MPMs). You can use these MPMs to customize how the Apache HTTP Server responds to incoming requests.


MPMs are mutually exclusive. You may only enable and use one MPM at any specific time.

F.1. MPMs overview

Multi-processing modules (MPMs) are available for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Windows Server. On RHEL, the default MPM varies depending on the operating system version.


The prefork MPM implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server. The prefork MPM uses a single control process, which launches child processes that listen for and service incoming connections. A single process handles a specific request, which ensures that each request is isolated and does not affect any other requests.


The prefork MPM is the default MPM on RHEL 7.

The worker MPM implements a hybrid multi-process, multi-threaded server. Each child process creates a fixed number of server threads, which allows the server to handle a large number of requests with fewer system resources.

The event MPM is based on the worker MPM. The event MPM allows additional requests to be served simultaneously by delegating some processing work to the listener threads, which frees up the worker threads to serve new requests.


The event MPM is the default MPM on RHEL versions 8 and 9.

MPMs for Microsoft Windows
The winnt MPM is the only MPM that is available for Windows systems. The winnt MPM uses a single control process, which launches another process that creates threads for incoming requests.

F.2. Switching the MPM

The server selects the MPM based on the LoadModule directives in the 00-mpm.conf file on the Apache HTTP Server host. You can select a specific MPM by removing the comment character (#) from the LoadModule directive for that MPM in the 00-mpm.conf file.

Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the 00-mpm.conf file varies:

  • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, the 00-mpm.conf file is in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.modules.d directory.
  • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, the 00-mpm.conf file is in the /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d directory.

Depending on the operating system version that you are using, consider the following guidelines:

  • On RHEL versions 8 and 9, the event MPM is selected by default. For example:

    # event MPM: A variant of the worker MPM with the goal of consuming
    # threads only for connections with active processing
    # See:
    LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/

    The event MPM is multi-threaded and designed to provide optimized performance. If you are using RHEL version 8 or 9, switching to another MPM such as prefork might lead to performance issues.

  • On RHEL 7, the prefork MPM is selected by default. For example:

    # prefork MPM: Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
    # See:
    LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/

    If you are using RHEL 7, consider switching to another MPM such as worker or event to avoid possible performance issues.


For illustrative purposes, the following procedure describes how to switch from the prefork MPM to the worker MPM.


  1. Go to the directory that contains the 00-mpm.conf file:

    • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, go to the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.modules.d directory.
    • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, go to the /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d directory.
  2. Edit the 00-mpm.conf to add a comment (#) character to the LoadModule directive for the prefork MPM.

    For example:

    # prefork MPM: Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
    # See:
    #LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/
  3. In the same 00-mpm.conf file, remove the comment (#) character from the LoadModule directive for the MPM that you want to switch to. These lines are located immediately below the prefork MPM.

    For example, to load the worker MPM, remove the comment (#) character from the LoadModule directive for the worker MPM:

    # worker MPM: Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid
    # multi-threaded multi-process web server
    # See:
    LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/


  • To verify that the MPM is configured correctly, enter the following command:

    $ sbin/apachectl -V

    The preceding command displays the current MPM.

    For example:

    Server MPM:     worker

F.3. MPM performance settings

For each type of MPM, you can configure various settings to optimize the MPM performance.

Types of MPM performance settings

MPM performance settings specify the following types of criteria:

  • Initial number of server processes to create at startup
  • Minimum and maximum number of idle threads or server processes
  • Maximum number of threads or server processes available to handle requests
  • Maximum number of requests an individual server process can handle
  • Number of threads each server process creates (worker and event MPMs only)
  • Upper limit for the maximum number of server processes that can start during the lifetime of the server (prefork MPM only)
Configuration file for MPM performance settings

In JBCS 2.4.51 or later, you can configure MPM performance settings in the mpm.conf file. Depending on the Apache HTTP Server distribution that you are using, the location of the mpm.conf file varies:

  • If you are using the JBCS Apache HTTP Server, the mpm.conf file is in the JBCS_HOME/httpd/conf.d directory.
  • If you are using the RHEL Apache HTTP Server, the mpm.conf file is in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.

In JBCS 2.4.37 or earlier releases, the conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf file contained the MPM performance settings. From JBCS 2.4.57 onward, the conf.d/mpm.conf file contains these settings.

If you are upgrading from JBCS 2.4.37 or earlier, ensure that you configure the conf.d/mpm.conf file for your upgraded 2.4.57 installation to match any customized settings that you previously configured in conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf. Otherwise, your upgraded JBCS 2.4.57 installation automatically uses the default settings in the conf.d/mpm.conf file, which might lead to unexpected performance issues.

For more information about the available performance settings and associated default values, see the conf.d/mpm.conf file in your Apache HTTP Server installation.

Additional resources

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