Chapter 1. Start Developing with JBoss Developer Studio
1.1. About Start Developing
Start Developing is a step-by-step tutorial that introduces JBoss Developer Studio to new users. It aims to give you a taste of developing applications with JBoss Developer Studio. The tutorial here demonstrates how to create a web application, TicketMonster, that includes typical enterprise functionality by using JBoss Developer Studio.
In guiding you through the tutorial steps, a number of assumptions are made about your system. You must ensure you system complies with the assumptions before proceeding to complete the tutorial. For information, see Section 1.3, “Tutorial Assumptions”.
The information in this tutorial is minimal. It describes one way of completing each step in the tutorial; in fact, there may be several alternatives for each step in the tutorial. For more information about alternative ways to complete tasks, see the Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0 documentation available on the Red Hat Customer Portal.