Chapter 3. Resolved Issues
3.1. Fuse Tooling 9.2.0.Final
- FUSETOOLS-2378 - Rename Fuse Tooling Remote Archetype Catalog as it supports Fuse 6.2.1-
- FUSETOOLS-2377 - Support Camel 2.18.x version corresponding to FIS 2.0 patch
- FUSETOOLS-2372 - Use FIS 2.0 first patch image by default
- FUSETOOLS-2357 - Provide support to Fuse 6.3.0 R2
- FUSETOOLS-2356 - Sometimes ResourceException in log when checking for CamelContentType
- FUSETOOLS-2351 - Improve implementation of hashCode/equals of Camel JMX Node to avoid usage of connection (and freeze of several seconds with slow connection)
- FUSETOOLS-2336 - Hystrix EIP not available in palette
- FUSETOOLS-2317 - Provide Graphical remote debug of Camel routes for route provided by JMX navigator over RMI
- FUSETOOLS-2316 - Provide graphical remote debug of Camel routes using palette
- FUSETOOLS-2328 - Rest DSL - apiContextPath marked as error: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'apiContextPath' is not allowed to appear in element 'restConfiguration'.
- FUSETOOLS-2327 - CXF code first template is not available
- FUSETOOLS-2325 - Project from "SpringBoot on Openshift" template is created with errors
- FUSETOOLS-2320 - Improve Camel debug connection interaction and status in Debug view
- FUSETOOLS-2319 - ClassCastException in LayoutDiagramFeature.mapDiagramToGraph
- FUSETOOLS-2318 - Provide graphical remote debug of Camel routes using JolokiaJMX
- FUSETOOLS-2315 - DataFormat global configuration - JAXB Error "attribute 'objectFactory' is not allowed to appear in element 'jaxb'"
- FUSETOOLS-2314 - Marshal/Unmarshal component doesn’t display properties
- FUSETOOLS-2307 - Breakpoints not displayed for remote Camel Context
- FUSETOOLS-2304 - NullPointerException in SetEndpointBreakpointFeature.getContextFile
- FUSETOOLS-2303 - ResourceException below CamelNatureTester.isCamelNatureDefined (thrown in Resource.checkExists)
- FUSETOOLS-2302 - NullPointerException in CamelLocalLaunchPropertyTester.retrieveMavenModel
- FUSETOOLS-2301 - ResourceException below CamelFilesFinder.findFiles (thrown in Resource.checkExists)
- FUSETOOLS-2299 - NullPointerException in CamelDebugTarget.breakpointRemoved
- FUSETOOLS-2298 - FileNotFoundException below CamelContextFileTab$2$1$1.add (thrown in FileInputStream.open0)
- FUSETOOLS-2297 - Missing Border for JMX Password field in Local Camel Context launch configuration JMX Tab
- FUSETOOLS-2296 - NullPointerException in CamelModelNotificationService.calculateRelatedPictogramElements
- FUSETOOLS-2292 - Broken synchronization between Details and Advanced tab in Properties view
- FUSETOOLS-2287 - Stack in log when stopping a camel route when some breakpoints are defined on it
- FUSETOOLS-2281 - Content Assist does not work in XML source tab of Camel Editor for Camel Blueprint based routes
- FUSETOOLS-2280 - Default value for javatype="char" is not displayed in properties view, the field is left blank
- FUSETOOLS-2218 - The & char is not displayed in tooltips
- FUSETOOLS-2187 - Add missing options for Marshall component to Camel Editor Properties view
- FUSETOOLS-2179 - don’t show content of target/* in Camel Contexts
- FUSETOOLS-2172 - Do not log a warning 'Start search of Camel Java Route'
- FUSETOOLS-2082 - Lots of errors when working with invalid camel route
- FUSETOOLS-1938 - Breakpoint hit style is kept on diagram after resuming execution
- FUSETOOLS-1831 - NullPointerException in UpdateCommand.updateFigure
3.2. SwitchYard 2.3.1.Final
- SWITCHYARD-2999 - SwitchYard editor sets the editor as dirty everytime you open switchyard.xml
- SWITCHYARD-2995 - Cannot edit authentication details at REST reference binding
- SWITCHYARD-2907 - NPE when activating the SY design editor after modifying the version of a capability