Chapter 3. Resolved Issues
3.1. BPMN2 1.4.0.Final
- Bug 516959 - update pom.xml - upgrade tycho-version 0.26.0
- Bug 504045 - Cannot save Diagram after moving a Task from Lane to Canvas
- Bug 514579 - license differs from EPL license text
- Bug 516607 - Copy/Pase of a Participant results in a duplicated Participant element
- Bug 516847 - Wrong color schema in Linux GTK
- Bug 517258 - Property Dialog should not reset last position and size
- Bug 517869 - [release] soa.bpmn2-modeler 1.4.0
3.2. Drools 7.0.1.Final
- DROOLS-1511 - NullPointerException when running sample projects
3.3. SwitchYard 2.4.0.Final
- SWITCHYARD-3012 - Create separate SwitchYard Help plug-in
- SWITCHYARD-3011 - SwitchYard editor doesn’t work in Oxygen
- SWITCHYARD-3009 - Update the version of Fuse to 10.0.0
- SWITCHYARD-2991 - Warn users if they use depricated SY 1.x