Chapter 3. Resolved Issues
3.1. BPMN2 1.4.2.Final
- Bug 521998 - NPE in DIUtils.findBPMNEdge
- Bug 521993 - NPE in CustomTaskDescriptor.getImageId
- Bug 489487 - Missing type definition for DataItemsPropertySection in plugin.xml ?
- Bug 521770 - NPE - ReconnectBaseElementFeature.preReconnect
- Bug 522448 - NullPointerException below DefaultPasteBPMNElementFeature.setId
- Bug 522324 - ClassCastException in Bpmn2ModelerFactory.getInstance
- Bug 522262 - NullPointerException in ModelUtil.generateUndefinedID
- Bug 522258 - ClassCastException in DefaultPasteBPMNElementFeature.copyConnection
- Bug 522014 - ClassCastException in BoundaryEventPositionHelper.canMoveTo
- Bug 522589 - NullPointerException in ReconnectBaseElementFeature.preReconnect
- Bug 522669 - NullPointerException in JbpmModelUtil.getElementParameters
- Bug 522764 - SWTException below DesignEditor.updateTabs
- Bug 522768 - NullPointerException in ListAndDetailCompositeBase.addDomainListener
- Bug 525237 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException below ManhattanConnectionRouter.calculateRoute
- Bug 525246 - NullPointerException in AnchorUtil.getAnchorContainer
- Bug 525282 - IndexOutOfBoundsException below GatewayDetailComposite$SequenceFlowsListComposite$1.selectionChanged
- Bug 525285 - NullPointerException in StyleUtil.findDiagram
- Bug 525779 - NullPointerException in DIUtils.createDiagram
- Bug 525835 - SWTException below ListAndDetailCompositeBase.setVisible (thrown in Widget.checkWidget)
- Bug 497647 - Cannot set value of Grid Width and Height to 0 through preferences page
- Bug 497744 - Disallowed characters are not shown correctly
- Bug 521428 - NPE in MoveDataFeature.postMoveShape
- Bug 521419 - NPE in DIUtils.getDiagram
- Bug 521399 - NPE in DefaultBPMN2EditorDiagramBehavior.selectPictogramElements
- Bug 521393 - NullPointerException in ModelHandler.createLane
- Bug 520662 - Very long vertical sub-processes are cropped in the editor
- Bug 521120 - IllegalStateException below Bpmn2Preferences.keyExists
- Bug 506598 - [BPMN2 Modeler] in list of Message definitions is shown message id instead of name
- Bug 506624 - [BPMN2 Modeler] The property 'text.limit' is not applied to all text fields
- Bug 513903 - NPE when opening preference pages and no default tool profile set
- Bug 518980 - On Entry and On Exit Scripts not shown for User Tasks
- Bug 519325 - BPMN2-Modeler exception thrown - caught by AERI
- Bug 500899 - NPE dropping element from palette in empty diagram
3.2. Drools 7.5.0.Final
- DROOLS-2122 - Error when drl file is opened with in project with runtime classes
3.3. SwitchYard 2.4.1.Final
- SWITCHYARD-3021 - Update the warning about using SY 1.x
3.4. Teiid Designer 11.1.1.Final
- TEIIDDES-3051 - "Intialisation [sic] produced an exception" when starting Server
- TEIIDDES-3072 - "JDBC Connection uses SSL" checkbox will not save on the Teiid Instance tab of Server configuration
- TEIIDDES-3120 - .vdb with JDG data source, with NATIVE defined, throws exception
- TEIIDDES-2872 - Add GEOMETRY datatype to MxdConstants as a new choice for extending column & parameter types
- TEIIDDES-3088 - Add capability to update a import from VDB Source Model
- TEIIDDES-3106 - Add edit to source model name when data source is JDG
- TEIIDDES-2939 - Add module dependencies to support JDG 7.1 when Pojo is reversed engineered
- TEIIDDES-3044 - Add new Model Editor tab
- TEIIDDES-2962 - Add search capabilities to the VDB Definition screens
- TEIIDDES-3132 - After hitting cancel in Set Data Source JNDI name dialogue alert with empty message is displayed
- TEIIDDES-3037 - Allow VDB user defined properties to have underscore(_) or period in the name
- TEIIDDES-3098 - Cannot set JNDI name
- TEIIDDES-3081 - Change file importer logic to expose the file procedures
- TEIIDDES-2493 - Check for spaces in the parent directory Flat File connection importer
- TEIIDDES-2795 - Check if URL contains empty spaces
- TEIIDDES-3139 - Connection profile name for JDG7 is missing
- TEIIDDES-3148 - Connection view doesn’t show refresh button properly
- TEIIDDES-3155 - Consider Search Window on Model Explorer
- TEIIDDES-2092 - Consolidate Data Source connection management into a single view
- TEIIDDES-3036 - Create POJO doesn’t generate anything when one of the columns has a column type biginteger
- TEIIDDES-3129 - Create Web Service model from remote WSDL with digest authentication doesn’t work
- TEIIDDES-3099 - Data sources cannot be created
- TEIIDDES-2888 - Default value is not correctly parsed
- TEIIDDES-3068 - Deploy Button for VDB
- TEIIDDES-3123 - Deploy XML VDB takes a long time.
- TEIIDDES-3138 - Designer is putting the return parameter in the wrong position on a REST invokeHttp procedure
- TEIIDDES-3130 - Designer manually created REST War errors with large resultset
- TEIIDDES-3117 - Dynamic VDB is not generated properly for UDF function
- TEIIDDES-3091 - Error attempting to load a Model Object Editor Page plugin
- TEIIDDES-3042 - Error during import DDL which contains udf function
- TEIIDDES-3118 - Error using option to generate xml from VDB
- TEIIDDES-3092 - Extension models imported from runtime are not properly setting the namespace URL
- TEIIDDES-3153 - Fix various Model Extension issues with import/export DDL and vdb.xml formats
- TEIIDDES-3049 - Generate Dynamic VDB dialog 2 steps approach could be 1
- TEIIDDES-3048 - INSERT in source model with JDG as data source returns a Handling Results Sets problem dialog
- TEIIDDES-3101 - Import using Teiid Connection does not work
- TEIIDDES-3024 - Import/Export ddl problem with Indexes
- TEIIDDES-2683 - Importing Excel file using Teiid Connection does not import extension properties
- TEIIDDES-3015 - Importing Flat File with "-" character in one column of the header
- TEIIDDES-3114 - In new model editor, no tool tips for buttons
- TEIIDDES-3154 - Index keys not created for quoted columns names
- TEIIDDES-3053 - Issue with trying to perform Preview Data
- TEIIDDES-2985 - Missing Procedure settings in dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-3134 - Missing message for selection validator
- TEIIDDES-3140 - Missing message for unsupported connection profile
- TEIIDDES-3142 - Missing native metadata tag with overriding infinispan translator
- TEIIDDES-3143 - NPE after click on Create POJO
- TEIIDDES-3102 - NPE after deploy incorrect VDB
- TEIIDDES-3108 - NPE in DiagramEditor update Diagram Controller
- TEIIDDES-3127 - Need to update JDG Connection Profile for the new infinispan-hotrod translator
- TEIIDDES-3131 - Notes area doesn’t have scrool panel
- TEIIDDES-3151 - OData4 specific MXD is not found
- TEIIDDES-3161 - Occasional Widget Disposed exception exiting Designer
- TEIIDDES-2959 - Overriding translator isn’t set automatically to source model in the VDB
- TEIIDDES-3136 - PK’s are not imported from JDBC source when import FK’s is turned off
- TEIIDDES-3071 - SQL transformation editor rewrites TRIM() function incorrectly most of the time
- TEIIDDES-3105 - Salesforce and file bad translators
- TEIIDDES-3125 - Set operations and parenthesis
- TEIIDDES-3040 - Source function in a virtual view, it expects an Object type as the result
- TEIIDDES-3107 - Source model for file is not generated properly
- TEIIDDES-2990 - Strange behaviour with multi-sources in dynamic VDB
- TEIIDDES-3084 - Support modeling of a JDG 7.1 data source using new translator/connector
- TEIIDDES-3149 - Teiid Connection Importer - JNDI name must begin with the java:/ prefix
- TEIIDDES-3146 - Teiid Execution plan locks up Teiid Designer
- TEIIDDES-3115 - Teiid Server Editor page missing with EAP 7.x server definition
- TEIIDDES-3135 - The System Catalog is out of date with the System tables exposed in a VDB
- TEIIDDES-3046 - Unable to preview data of file-based data source when the JNDI name already exist on the server runtime
- TEIIDDES-3056 - UnsupportedOperationException clicking a source model function category in Function Builder
- TEIIDDES-2289 - Usability: Add option on VDB editor to deploy VDB
- TEIIDDES-3178 - Cannot generate WAR with insert procedure with parameters
- TEIIDDES-3152 - VDB does not have MXD based properties
- TEIIDDES-3100 - Warning UDF window appears with every change in the wizard
- TEIIDDES-3144 - Warning dialog for udf function in vdb appears every time
- TEIIDDES-3145 - Warning dialog is shown differently according to platform
- TEIIDDES-3133 - When JDG is used as a data source, there are not translator overrides to create
- TEIIDDES-3113 - When creating VDB where new infinispan-hotrod translator, missing native metadata tag
- TEIIDDES-2919 - When multiple resource-adapters are defined for the same type, incorrect info is seen in Teiid Conn. Impoter
- TEIIDDES-3095 - When view is selected to be materialized, can the user choose which extension properties to use
- TEIIDDES-3055 - non-integer VDB version missing validation warning
- TEIIDDES-2818 - preview on view that uses another view that is materialized fails
- TEIIDDES-3124 - problematic DEFAULT String literal values when export/importing a VDB
- TEIIDDES-2965 - translator override gets overwritten on synchronize all