
8.5. Invoking Session Beans

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8.5.1. Invoke a Session Bean Remotely using JNDI

This task describes how to add support to a remote client for the invocation of session beans using JNDI. The task assumes that the project is being built using Maven.
The ejb-remote quickstart contains working Maven projects that demonstrate this functionality. The quickstart contains projects for both the session beans to deploy and the remote client. The code samples below are taken from the remote client project.
This task assumes that the session beans do not require authentication.


Red Hat recommends that you explicitly disable SSL in favor of TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 in all affected packages.


The following prerequisites must be satisfied before beginning:
  • You must already have a Maven project created ready to use.
  • Configuration for the JBoss EAP 6 Maven repository has already been added.
  • The session beans that you want to invoke are already deployed.
  • The deployed session beans implement remote business interfaces.
  • The remote business interfaces of the session beans are available as a Maven dependency. If the remote business interfaces are only available as a JAR file then it is recommended to add the JAR to your Maven repository as an artifact. Refer to the Maven documentation for the install:install-file goal for directions,
  • You need to know the hostname and JNDI port of the server hosting the session beans.
To invoke a session bean from a remote client you must first configure the project correctly.

Procedure 8.8. Add Maven Project Configuration for Remote Invocation of Session Beans

  1. Add the required project dependencies
    The pom.xml for the project must be updated to include the necessary dependencies.
  2. Add the file
    The JBoss EJB client API expects to find a file in the root of the project named that contains the connection information for the JNDI service. Add this file to the src/main/resources/ directory of your project with the following content.
    # In the following line, set SSL_ENABLED to true for SSL
    # Uncomment the following line to set SSL_STARTTLS to true for SSL
    remote.connection.default.port = 4447
    # Add any of the following SASL options if required
    Change the host name and port to match your server. 4447 is the default port number. For a secure connection, set the SSL_ENABLED line to true and uncomment the SSL_STARTTLS line. The Remoting interface in the container supports secured and unsecured connections using the same port.
  3. Add dependencies for the remote business interfaces
    Add the Maven dependencies to the pom.xml for the remote business interfaces of the session beans.
Now that the project has been configured correctly, you can add the code to access and invoke the session beans.

Procedure 8.9. Obtain a Bean Proxy using JNDI and Invoke Methods of the Bean

  1. Handle checked exceptions
    Two of the methods used in the following code (InitialContext() and lookup()) have a checked exception of type javax.naming.NamingException. These method calls must either be enclosed in a try/catch block that catches NamingException or in a method that is declared to throw NamingException. The ejb-remote quickstart uses the second technique.
  2. Create a JNDI Context
    A JNDI Context object provides the mechanism for requesting resources from the server. Create a JNDI context using the following code:
    final Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
    jndiProperties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
    final Context context = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
    The connection properties for the JNDI service are read from the file.
  3. Use the JNDI Context's lookup() method to obtain a bean proxy
    Invoke the lookup() method of the bean proxy and pass it the JNDI name of the session bean you require. This will return an object that must be cast to the type of the remote business interface that contains the methods you want to invoke.
    final RemoteCalculator statelessRemoteCalculator = (RemoteCalculator) context.lookup(
        "ejb:/jboss-ejb-remote-server-side//CalculatorBean!" + 
    Session bean JNDI names are defined using a special syntax. For more information, see Section 8.8.1, “EJB JNDI Naming Reference” .
  4. Invoke methods
    Now that you have a proxy bean object you can invoke any of the methods contained in the remote business interface.
    int a = 204;
    int b = 340;
    System.out.println("Adding " + a + " and " + b + " via the remote stateless calculator deployed on the server");
    int sum = statelessRemoteCalculator.add(a, b);
    System.out.println("Remote calculator returned sum = " + sum);
    The proxy bean passes the method invocation request to the session bean on the server, where it is executed. The result is returned to the proxy bean which then returns it to the caller. The communication between the proxy bean and the remote session bean is transparent to the caller.
You should now be able to configure a Maven project to support invoking session beans on a remote server and write the code invoke the session beans methods using a proxy bean retrieved from the server using JNDI.

8.5.2. About EJB Client Contexts

JBoss EAP 6 introduced the EJB client API for managing remote EJB invocations. The JBoss EJB client API uses the EJBClientContext, which may be associated with and be used by one or more threads concurrently. The means an EJBClientContext can potentially contain any number of EJB receivers. An EJB receiver is a component that knows how to communicate with a server that is capable of handling the EJB invocation. Typically, EJB remote applications can be classified into the following:
  • A remote client, which runs as a standalone Java application.
  • A remote client, which runs within another JBoss EAP 6 instance.
Depending on the type of remote client, from an EJB client API point of view, there can potentially be more than one EJBClientContext within a JVM.
While standalone applications typically have a single EJBClientContext that may be backed by any number of EJB receivers, this isn't mandatory. If a standalone application has more than one EJBClientContext, an EJB client context selector is responsible for returning the appropriate context.
In case of remote clients that run within another JBoss EAP 6 instance, each deployed application will have a corresponding EJB client context. Whenever that application invokes another EJB, the corresponding EJB client context is used to find the correct EJB receiver, which then handles the invocation.

8.5.3. Considerations When Using a Single EJB Context


You must consider your application requirements when using a single EJB client context with standalone remote clients. For more information about the different types of remote clients, refer to: Section 8.5.2, “About EJB Client Contexts” .

Typical Process for a Remote Standalone Client with a Single EJB Client Context

A remote standalone client typically has just one EJB client context backed by any number of EJB receivers. The following is an example of a standalone remote client application:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        final javax.naming.Context ctxOne = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
        final MyBeanInterface beanOne = ctxOne.lookup("ejb:app/module/distinct/bean!interface");

Remote client JNDI lookups are usually backed by a file, which is used to set up the EJB client context and the EJB receivers. This configuration also includes the security credentials, which are then used to create the EJB receiver that connects to the JBoss EAP 6 server. When the above code is invoked, the EJB client API looks for the EJB client context, which is then used to select the EJB receiver that will receive and process the EJB invocation request. In this case, there is just the single EJB client context, so that context is used by the above code to invoke the bean. The procedure to invoke a session bean remotely using JNDI is described in greater detail here: Section 8.5.1, “Invoke a Session Bean Remotely using JNDI” .
Remote Standalone Client Requiring Different Credentials

A user application may want to invoke a bean more than once, but connect to the JBoss EAP 6 server using different security credentials. The following is an example of a standalone remote client application that invokes the same bean twice:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // Use the "foo" security credential connect to the server and invoke this bean instance
        final javax.naming.Context ctxOne = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
        final MyBeanInterface beanOne = ctxOne.lookup("ejb:app/module/distinct/bean!interface");
        // Use the "bar" security credential to connect to the server and invoke this bean instance
        final javax.naming.Context ctxTwo = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
        final MyBeanInterface beanTwo = ctxTwo.lookup("ejb:app/module/distinct/bean!interface");

In this case, the application wants to connect to the same server instance to invoke the EJB hosted on that server, but wants to use two different credentials while connecting to the server. Because the client application has a single EJB client context, which can have only one EJB receiver for each server instance, this means the above code uses just one credential to connect to the server and the code does not execute as the application expects it to.

Scoped EJB client contexts offer a solution to this issue. They provide a way to have more control over the EJB client contexts and their associated JNDI contexts, which are typically used for EJB invocations. For more information about scoped EJB client contexts, refer to Section 8.5.4, “Using Scoped EJB Client Contexts” and Section 8.5.5, “Configure EJBs Using a Scoped EJB Client Context” .

8.5.4. Using Scoped EJB Client Contexts


To invoke an EJB In earlier versions of JBoss EAP 6, you would typically create a JNDI context and pass it the PROVIDER_URL, which would point to the target server. Any invocations done on EJB proxies that were looked up using that JNDI context, would end up on that server. With scoped EJB client contexts, user applications have control over which EJB receiver is used for a specific invocation.

Use Scoped EJB Client Context in a Remote Standalone Client

Prior to the introduction of scoped EJB client contexts, the context was typically scoped to the client application. Scoped client contexts now allow the EJB client contexts to be scoped with the JNDI contexts. The following is an example of a standalone remote client application that invokes the same bean twice using a scoped EJB client context:

public class MyApplication { 
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // Use the "foo" security credential connect to the server and invoke this bean instance
        final Properties ejbClientContextPropsOne = getPropsForEJBClientContextOne():
        final javax.naming.Context ctxOne = new javax.naming.InitialContext(ejbClientContextPropsOne);
        final MyBeanInterface beanOne = ctxOne.lookup("ejb:app/module/distinct/bean!interface");
        // Use the "bar" security credential to connect to the server and invoke this bean instance
        final Properties ejbClientContextPropsTwo = getPropsForEJBClientContextTwo():
        final javax.naming.Context ctxTwo = new javax.naming.InitialContext(ejbClientContextPropsTwo);
        final MyBeanInterface beanTwo = ctxTwo.lookup("ejb:app/module/distinct/bean!interface");

To use the scoped EJB client context, you configure EJB client properties programmatically and pass the properties on context creation. The properties are the same set of properties that are used in the standard file. To scope the EJB client context to the JNDI context, you must also specify the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property and set its value to true. This property notifies the EJB client API that it must create an EJB client context, which is backed by EJB receivers, and that the created context is then scoped or visible only to the JNDI context that created it. Any EJB proxies looked up or invoked using this JNDI context will only know of the EJB client context associated with this JNDI context. Other JNDI contexts used by the application to lookup and invoke EJBs will not know about the other scoped EJB client contexts.
JNDI contexts that do not pass the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property and aren't scoped to an EJB client context will use the default behavior, which is to use the existing EJB client context that is typically tied to the entire application.
Scoped EJB client contexts provide user applications with the flexibility that was associated with the JNP based JNDI invocations in previous versions of JBoss EAP. It provides user applications with more control over which JNDI context communicates to which server and how it connects to that server.


With the scoped context, the underlying resources are no longer handled by the container or the API, so you must close the InitialContext when it is no longer needed. When the InitialContext is closed, the resources are released immediately. The proxies that are bound to it are no longer valid and any invocation will throw an Exception. Failure to close the InitialContext may result in resource and performance issues.

8.5.5. Configure EJBs Using a Scoped EJB Client Context


EJBs can be configured using a map-based scoped context. This is achieved by programmatically populating a Properties map using the standard properties found in the, specifying true for the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property, and passing the properties on the InitialContext creation.

The benefit of using a scoped context is that it allows you to configure access without directly referencing the EJB or importing JBoss classes. It also provides a way to configure and load balance a host at runtime in a multithreaded environment.

Procedure 8.10. Configure an EJB Using a Map-Based Scoped Context

  1. Set the Properties

    Configure the EJB client properties programmatically, specifying the same set of properties that are used in the standard file. To enable the scoped context, you must specify the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property and set its value to true. The following is an example that configures the properties programmatically.
    // Configure  EJB Client properties for the InitialContext
    Properties ejbClientContextProps = new Properties();
    // Property to enable scoped EJB client context which will be tied to the JNDI context
    ejbClientContextProps.put("org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context", “true”);
  2. Pass the Properties on the Context Creation

    // Create the context using the configured properties
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(ejbClientContextProps);
    MySLSB bean = ic.lookup("ejb:myapp/ejb//MySLSBBean!" + MySLSB.class.getName());
Additional Information

  • Contexts generated by lookup EJB proxies are bound by this scoped context and use only the relevant connection parameters. This makes it possible to create different contexts to access data within a client application or to independently access servers using different logins.
  • In the client, both the scoped InitialContext and the scoped proxy are passed to threads, allowing each thread to work with the given context. It is also possible to pass the proxy to multiple threads that can use it concurrently.
  • The scoped context EJB proxy is serialized on the remote call and then deserialized on the server. When it is deserialized, the scoped context information is removed and it returns to its default state. If the deserialized proxy is used on the remote server, because it no longer has the scoped context that was used when it was created, this can result in an EJBCLIENT000025 error or possibly call an unwanted target by using the EJB name.

8.5.6. EJB Client Properties


The following tables list properties that can be configured programmatically or in the file.

EJB Client Global Properties

The following table lists properties that are valid for the whole library within the same scope.

Table 8.1. Global Properties
Property Name Description
Name of the client endpoint. If not set, the default value is client-endpoint
This can be helpful to distinguish different endpoint settings because the thread name contains this property.
Boolean value that specifies whether the SSL protocol is enabled for all connections.


Red Hat recommends that you explicitly disable SSL in favor of TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 in all affected packages.
The fully qualified name of the implementation of org.jboss.ejb.client.DeploymentNodeSelector.
This is used to load balance the invocation for the EJBs.
The timeout for the EJB handshake or method invocation request/response cycle. The value is in milliseconds.
The invocation of any method throws a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException if the execution takes longer than the timeout period. The execution completes and the server is not interrupted.
The timeout for the background reconnect tasks. The value is in milliseconds.
If a number of connections are down, the next client EJB invocation will use an algorithm to decide if a reconnect is necessary to find the right node.
Boolean value that specifies whether to enable the scoped EJB client context. The default value is false.
If set to true, the EJB Client will use the scoped context that is tied to the JNDI context. Otherwise the EJB client context will use the global selector in the JVM to determine the properties used to call the remote EJB and host.
EJB Client Connection Properties

The connection properties start with the prefix remote.connection.CONNECTION_NAME where the CONNECTION_NAME is a local identifier only used to uniquely identify the connection.

Table 8.2. Connection Properties
Property Name Description
A comma-separated list of active connection-names. Each connection is configured by using this name.
The host name or IP for the connection.
The port for the connection. The default value is 4447.
The user name used to authenticate connection security.
The password used to authenticate the user.
The timeout period for the initial connection. After that, the reconnect task will periodically check whether the connection can be established. The value is in milliseconds.
Fully qualified name of the CallbackHandler class. It will be used to establish the connection and can not be changed as long as the connection is open.
Integer value specifying the maximum number of outbound requests. The default is 80.
There is only one connection from the client (JVM) to the server to handle all invocations.
Boolean value that determines whether credentials must be provided by the client to connect successfully. The default value is true.
If set to true, the client must provide credentials. If set to false, invocation is allowed as long as the remoting connector does not request a security realm.
Disables certain SASL mechanisms used for authenticating during connection creation.
JBOSS-LOCAL-USER means the silent authentication mechanism, used when the client and server are on the same machine, is disabled.
Boolean value that enables or disables the use of plain text messages during the authentication. If using JAAS, it must be set to false to allow a plain text password.
Boolean value that specifies whether the SSL protocol is enabled for this connection.


Red Hat recommends that you explicitly disable SSL in favor of TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 in all affected packages.
Interval to send a heartbeat between client and server to prevent automatic close, for example, in the case of a firewall. The value is in milliseconds.
EJB Client Cluster Properties

If the initial connection connects to a clustered environment, the topology of the cluster is received automatically and asynchronously. These properties are used to connect to each received member. Each property starts with the prefix remote.cluster.CLUSTER_NAME where the CLUSTER_NAME refers to the related to the servers Infinispan subsystem configuration.

Table 8.3. Cluster Properties
Property Name Description
The fully qualified name of the implementation of org.jboss.ejb.client.ClusterNodeSelector.
This class, rather than org.jboss.ejb.client.DeploymentNodeSelector, is used to load balance EJB invocations in a clustered environment. If the cluster is completely down, the invocation will fail with No ejb receiver available.
Integer value specifying the maximum number of outbound requests that can be made to the entire cluster.
Integer value specifying the maximum number of outbound requests that can be made to this specific cluster-node.

8.5.7. Remote EJB Data Compression

Previous versions of JBoss EAP included a feature where the message stream that contained the EJB protocol message could be compressed. This feature has been included in JBoss EAP 6.3 and later.


Compression currently can only be specified by annotations on the EJB interface which should be on the client and server side. There is not currently an XML equivalent to specify compression hints.
Data compression hints can be specified via the JBoss annotation org.jboss.ejb.client.annotation.CompressionHint. The hint values specify whether to compress the request, response or request and response. Adding @CompressionHint defaults to compressResponse=true and compressRequest=true.
The annotation can be specified at the interface level to apply to all methods in the EJB's interface such as:
import org.jboss.ejb.client.annotation.CompressionHint;

@CompressionHint(compressResponse = false)
public interface ClassLevelRequestCompressionRemoteView {
    String echo(String msg);
Or the annotation can be applied to specific methods in the EJB's interface such as:
import org.jboss.ejb.client.annotation.CompressionHint;

public interface CompressableDataRemoteView {

    @CompressionHint(compressResponse = false, compressionLevel = Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION)
    String echoWithRequestCompress(String msg);

    @CompressionHint(compressRequest = false)
    String echoWithResponseCompress(String msg);

    String echoWithRequestAndResponseCompress(String msg);

    String echoWithNoCompress(String msg);
The compressionLevel setting shown above can have the following values:
The compressionLevel setting defaults to Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.
Class level annotation with method level overrides:
public interface MethodOverrideDataCompressionRemoteView {

    @CompressionHint(compressRequest = false)
    String echoWithResponseCompress(final String msg);

    @CompressionHint(compressResponse = false)
    String echoWithRequestCompress(final String msg);

    String echoWithNoExplicitDataCompressionHintOnMethod(String msg);
On the client side ensure the org.jboss.ejb.client.view.annotation.scan.enabled system property is set to true. This property tells JBoss EJB Client to scan for annotations.
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