Management CLI Guide

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3

Instructions and command examples for using the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform management CLI to configure, use, and administer JBoss EAP.

Red Hat Customer Content Services


This document provides general information about the JBoss EAP management CLI. It includes many examples that demonstrate how to use the CLI to administer and configure Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. The Configuration Guide, Configuring Messaging, and other JBoss EAP documentation provide additional CLI command examples and detailed instructions for using the management CLI to accomplish specific administration tasks.

Chapter 1. Management CLI Overview

The management command-line interface (CLI) is a command-line administration tool for JBoss EAP.

Use the management CLI to start and stop servers, deploy and undeploy applications, configure system settings, and perform other administrative tasks. Operations can be performed in batch mode, allowing multiple tasks to be run as a group.

Many common terminal commands are available, such as ls, cd, and pwd. The management CLI also supports tab completion.

Chapter 2. Getting Started with the Management CLI

The management CLI is included with the JBoss EAP distribution. Once you launch the management CLI, you can connect to a running server instance or managed domains to perform management operations.

2.1. Launch the Management CLI

You can launch the management CLI by running the jboss-cli script provided with JBoss EAP.

$ EAP_HOME/bin/

For Windows Server, use the EAP_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat script to launch the management CLI.

See Connect to the Server for details on launching the management CLI and connecting to the server in one step using the --connect argument.


The jboss-cli scripts set the property to true. This setting is important if you are using the IBM JDK to prevent authentication issues when using SSL configured by Elytron.

Be sure to set this property if you are using the IBM JDK and using another method to start a CLI session, for example, programmatically using the classes available in EAP_HOME/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar.

For a complete listing of all available jboss-cli script arguments and their purposes, use the --help argument or see the Management CLI Startup Arguments section.

2.2. Connect to the Server

You can connect to a running standalone server or managed domain by using the connect command.


The default host and port configuration is localhost:9990. If the server is listening on a different host and port, then these need to be provided to the connect command.


You can also launch the management CLI and connect to the server in one step using the --connect argument (and the --controller argument if necessary).

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect --controller=

In JBoss EAP 7.3, to connect using the http-remoting protocol, use:

connect http-remoting://

2.3. Getting Help

The management CLI provides several ways for you to get help with using the management CLI.

  • View general help on using the management CLI.


    This provides detailed help with launching, navigating, and generating operation requests.

  • View help for a particular command or operation:


    This provides the usage, description, and arguments for the particular command or operation.

    For example:

    • View help for the patch command:

      help patch
    • View help for the apply action of the patch command:

      help patch apply
    • View help for the Elytron key-store resource add operation:

      help /subsystem=elytron/key-store=?:add
  • View the list of available commands in the current context:

    help --commands

    Commands that require a connection to either a standalone server or domain controller do not appear in the list unless the connection has been established.

See the Management CLI Commands section for a listing of management CLI commands.

2.4. Quit the Management CLI

You can quit the management CLI by entering the quit command.


2.5. Run in Non-Interactive Mode

You can issue management CLI commands without launching and interacting with the management CLI. This is useful for processing batches of commands and executing commands from scripts. You can either pass in the commands or pass in a file that contains commands to the jboss-cli startup script.

Pass in Commands

You can use the --command argument to provide a single CLI command to execute. The management CLI will terminate once the commands have completed.

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect --command="/interface=public:read-attribute(name=inet-address,resolve-expressions=true)"

The output from each command provided is displayed as it executes.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => ""

You can also use the --commands argument to provide a comma-separated list of CLI commands to execute.

Pass in a File of Commands

You can use the --file argument to pass in a text file of CLI commands to execute, with each command on a separate line in the file.

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=/path/to/cli_commands.txt

The output from each command in the file is displayed as it executes.

Example Output

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => "NORMAL"


You can include comments in a CLI script to aid understanding and maintenance. Comments are denoted by a pound sign (#) at the beginning of the line. While executing the script, JBoss EAP ignores the comments you included.

You can use the --echo-command argument to include the prompt and command with the output. This can be useful when resolving failures by matching the output to the command that was executed.

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=/path/to/cli_commands.txt --echo-command

The command and its output are displayed as it executes.

Example Output With Command Echo

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] :read-attribute(name=running-mode)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => "NORMAL"
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] ls /deployment

Chapter 4. Creating and Executing Requests

JBoss EAP configuration is presented as a hierarchical tree of addressable resources, each offering their own set of operations. Management CLI operation requests allow for low-level interaction with the management model and provide a controlled way to edit server configurations.

Operation requests use the following format:


An operation request consists of three parts:

The address specifies the resource node on which to perform the operation. NODE_TYPE maps to an element name and NODE_NAME maps to that element’s name attribute in the configuration XML. Each level of the resource tree is separated by a slash (/).
operation name
The operation to perform on the resource node. It is prefixed with a colon (:).
The set of required or optional parameters that vary depending on the operation. They are contained within parentheses (()).

Construct an Operation Request

  1. Determine the address

    You can reference the XML configuration files (standalone.xml, domain.xml, or host.xml) to assist in determining the required address. You can also use tab completion to view the available resources.

    Below are several common addresses for resources at the root (/) level.

    • /deployment=DEPLOYMENT_NAME - Deployment configurations.
    • /socket-binding-group=SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP_NAME - Socket binding configurations.
    • /interface=INTERFACE_NAME - Interface configurations.
    • /subsystem=SUBSYSTEM_NAME - Subsystem configuration when running as a standalone server.
    • /profile=PROFILE_NAME/subsystem=SUBSYSTEM_NAME - Subsystem configuration for the selected profile when running in a managed domain.
    • /host=HOST_NAME - Server configuration for the selected host when running in a managed domain.

    The below address is for the ExampleDS datasource.

  2. Determine the operation

    The available operations differ for each type of resource node. You can use the :read-operation-names operation on a resource address to view the available operations. You can also use tab completion.

    Use the :read-operation-description operation to get information on a particular operation for a resource.

    The below operation (once the appropriate parameters are included) will set the value of an attribute for the ExampleDS datasource.

  3. Determine the parameters

    Each operation has its own set of available parameters. If you attempt to perform an operation without a required parameter, you will receive an error message that the parameter cannot be null.

    Multiple parameters are separated by commas (,). If an operation does not have any parameters, then the parentheses are optional.

    Use the :read-operation-description operation on a resource, passing in the operation name, to determine the required parameters for that operation. You can also use tab completion to list the available parameters.

    The below operation disables the ExampleDS datasource by setting its enabled attribute to false.


Once entered, the management interface will perform the operation request on the server configuration. Depending on the operation request, you will receive output to the terminal that contains the outcome and the result or response of the operation.

The following response from disabling the ExampleDS datasource shows that the operation was successful and requires a reload of the server in order to take effect.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "response-headers" => {
        "operation-requires-reload" => true,
        "process-state" => "reload-required"

You can use the read-attribute operation to read the value of the ExampleDS datasource’s enabled attribute.


The following response shows that the operation was successful and that the value of enabled is false.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => false,

4.1. Display Resource Values

You can use the read-resource operation to view a resource’s attribute values.


You can specify parameters to provide complete information about child resources, recursively. You can also specify parameters to include runtime attributes, resolve expressions, and include aliases. Use read-operation-description(name=read-resource) to see the description of all available parameters for read-resource.

The following example reads the attributes for a deployment. It includes details such as the deployment name, whether it is enabled, and the last time it was enabled.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "enabled" => true,
        "enabled-time" => 1453929902598L,
        "enabled-timestamp" => "2016-01-27 16:25:02,598 EST",
        "name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "owner" => undefined,
        "persistent" => true,
        "runtime-name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "subdeployment" => undefined,
        "subsystem" => {
            "undertow" => undefined,
            "logging" => undefined
Include Runtime Attributes

The include-runtime parameter can be used to retrieve runtime attributes.

The following example reads the attributes for a deployment. In addition to persistent attributes, it also includes runtime attributes, such as the deployment status and the last time it was disabled.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "disabled-time" => undefined,
        "disabled-timestamp" => undefined,
        "enabled" => true,
        "enabled-time" => 1453929902598L,
        "enabled-timestamp" => "2016-01-27 16:25:02,598 EST",
        "name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "owner" => undefined,
        "persistent" => true,
        "runtime-name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "status" => "OK",
        "subdeployment" => undefined,
        "subsystem" => {
            "undertow" => undefined,
            "logging" => undefined

You can also use the not operator (!) when passing in boolean parameters. For example:

  • :read-resource(include-runtime=false) can be entered as :read-resource(!include-runtime)
  • :read-resource(include-runtime=true) can be entered as :read-resource(include-runtime)
Read Child Resources Recursively

The recursive parameter can be used to retrieve attributes recursively from child resources.

The following example reads the attributes for a deployment. In addition to the resource’s own attributes, it recursively returns the attributes for its child resources, such as the undertow subsystem configuration.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "enabled" => true,
        "enabled-time" => 1453929902598L,
        "enabled-timestamp" => "2016-01-27 16:25:02,598 EST",
        "name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "owner" => undefined,
        "persistent" => true,
        "runtime-name" => "DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
        "subdeployment" => undefined,
        "subsystem" => {
            "undertow" => {
                "context-root" => "/test",
                "server" => "default-server",
                "virtual-host" => "default-host",
                "servlet" => undefined,
                "websocket" => undefined
            "logging" => {"configuration" => undefined}
Exclude Default Values

The include-defaults parameter can be used to show or hide default values when reading attributes for a resource. This is true by default, meaning that default values will be shown when using the read-resource operation.

The following example uses the read-resource operation on the undertow subsystem.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "default-security-domain" => "other",
        "default-server" => "default-server",
        "default-servlet-container" => "default",
        "default-virtual-host" => "default-host",
        "instance-id" => expression "${}",
        "statistics-enabled" => false,
        "buffer-cache" => {"default" => undefined},
        "configuration" => {
            "filter" => undefined,
            "handler" => undefined
        "server" => {"default-server" => undefined},
        "servlet-container" => {"default" => undefined}

The following example also uses the read-resource operation on the undertow subsystem, but sets the include-defaults parameter to false. Several attributes, such as statistics-enabled and default-server, now display undefined as their value instead of the default value.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "default-security-domain" => undefined,
        "default-server" => undefined,
        "default-servlet-container" => undefined,
        "default-virtual-host" => undefined,
        "instance-id" => undefined,
        "statistics-enabled" => undefined,
        "buffer-cache" => {"default" => undefined},
        "configuration" => {
            "filter" => undefined,
            "handler" => undefined
        "server" => {"default-server" => undefined},
        "servlet-container" => {"default" => undefined}
Resolve Expressions

The resolve-expressions parameter can be used to resolve the expressions of the returned attributes to their value on the server.

Attributes with expressions as their values use the format ${PARAMETER:DEFAULT_VALUE}. See Property Replacement in the Configuration Guide for more information.

The following example reads the attributes for a deployment. The instance-id attribute shows its resolved value (test-name) instead of the expression (${}).

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "default-security-domain" => "other",
        "default-server" => "default-server",
        "default-servlet-container" => "default",
        "default-virtual-host" => "default-host",
        "instance-id" => "test-name",
        "statistics-enabled" => false,
        "buffer-cache" => {"default" => undefined},
        "configuration" => {
            "filter" => undefined,
            "handler" => undefined
        "server" => {"default-server" => undefined},
        "servlet-container" => {"default" => undefined}

4.2. Display Resource Descriptions

You can use the read-resource-description operation to a description about a resource and its attributes.


You can specify parameters to provide complete descriptions about child resources, recursively. You can also specify parameters to include details of the resource’s operations and notifications. Use read-operation-description(name=read-resource-description) to see the description of all available parameters for read-resource-description.

The following example displays the attribute details for a buffer cache.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "description" => "The buffer cache used to cache static content",
        "attributes" => {
            "buffer-size" => {
                "type" => INT,
                "description" => "The size of an individual buffer",
                "expressions-allowed" => true,
                "nillable" => true,
                "default" => 1024,
                "min" => 0L,
                "max" => 2147483647L,
                "access-type" => "read-write",
                "storage" => "configuration",
                "restart-required" => "resource-services"
            "buffers-per-region" => {
                "type" => INT,
                "description" => "The numbers of buffers in a region",
                "expressions-allowed" => true,
                "nillable" => true,
                "default" => 1024,
                "min" => 0L,
                "max" => 2147483647L,
                "access-type" => "read-write",
                "storage" => "configuration",
                "restart-required" => "resource-services"
            "max-regions" => {
                "type" => INT,
                "description" => "The maximum number of regions",
                "expressions-allowed" => true,
                "nillable" => true,
                "default" => 10,
                "min" => 0L,
                "max" => 2147483647L,
                "access-type" => "read-write",
                "storage" => "configuration",
                "restart-required" => "resource-services"
        "operations" => undefined,
        "notifications" => undefined,
        "children" => {}

See Resource Attribute Details to learn more about the fields returned for attributes.

4.3. Display an Attribute Value

You can use the read-attribute operation to view the current value of a single attribute.


The following example displays the log level for the root logger by reading the level attribute.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => "INFO"

One advantage of using the read-attribute operation is the ability to expose the current runtime value of an attribute.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => ""

The resolved-address attribute is a runtime attribute. This attribute is not displayed when using the read-resource operation on the public interface unless you pass in the include-runtime parameter. And even then, it is displayed with the rest of the resource’s other attributes.

You can also use the include-defaults and resolve-expressions parameters. See Display Resource Values for details on these parameters.

4.4. Update an Attribute

You can use the write-attribute operation to update the value of an attribute for a resource.

:write-attribute(name=ATTRIBUTE_NAME, value=ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)

The following example disables the deployment scanner by setting the scan-enabled attribute to false.

{"outcome" => "success"}

The response from the operation request shows that it was successful. You can also confirm the result by using the read-attribute operation to read the scan-enabled attribute, which now shows as false.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => false

4.5. Undefine an Attribute

You can set the value of an attribute to undefined. If this attribute has a default value, that will be used.

The following example undefines the level attribute for the root logger.


The default value for the level attribute is ALL. You can see that this default is used when performing the read-resource operation.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "filter" => undefined,
        "filter-spec" => undefined,
        "handlers" => [
        "level" => "ALL"

To view the resource without the default values being read, you must use set the include-defaults parameter to false. You can now see that the value of level is undefined.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "filter" => undefined,
        "filter-spec" => undefined,
        "handlers" => [
        "level" => undefined

4.6. Display Operation Names

You can use the read-operation-names list the available operations for a given resource.


The following example lists the available operations to perform on a deployment.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [

Use the read-operation-description operation to display an operation description.

4.7. Display an Operation Description

You can use the read-operation-description operation to display a description of a certain operation for a resource. This also includes parameter descriptions and which parameters are required.


The following example provides the description and parameter information for the add operation on a system property.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "operation-name" => "add",
        "description" => "Adds a system property or updates an existing one.",
        "request-properties" => {"value" => {
            "type" => STRING,
            "description" => "The value of the system property.",
            "expressions-allowed" => true,
            "required" => false,
            "nillable" => true,
            "min-length" => 0L,
            "max-length" => 2147483647L
        "reply-properties" => {},
        "read-only" => false,
        "runtime-only" => false

4.8. Add a Value with Special Characters

Occasionally when creating management CLI requests, you may need to add a value that contains special characters. Certain special characters, such as those used in the syntax of a management CLI request, must be entered in a particular manner.

In many cases, but not all, enclosing the value in double quotes ("") is sufficient. If you are unsure whether your special character was accepted properly, be sure to read the attribute or resource after adding the value to verify that it was saved correctly.

See the sections below for information on how to process the following special characters.


By default, whitespace is trimmed from values added through the management CLI. You can include a space in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("") or braces ({}), or by escaping it using a backslash (\).

/system-property=test1:add(value="Hello World")
/system-property=test2:add(value={Hello World})
/system-property=test3:add(value=Hello\ World)

This will set the value to Hello World.

Quotation Marks

You can use a single quotation mark (') in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("") or by escaping it using a backslash (\). The following examples set the value of system properties to server's.


You can use a double quotation mark (") in a value by escaping it using a backslash (\). Depending on the location of the quotation mark in the value, you might also need to enclose the value in double quotes (""). The following example sets the value of a system property to "quote".


You can use a comma (,) in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("").


This will set the value to Last,First.


You can include parentheses (()) in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("") or braces ({}), or by escaping the parenthesis using a backslash (\).


This will set the value to one(1).


You can include braces ({}) in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("").


This will set the value to {braces}.


You can include brackets ([]) in a value by enclosing the value in double quotes ("").


This will set the value to [brackets].

Diacritic Marks

Diacritic marks, such as ñ, ř, or ý, can be used when adding a value using the management CLI.


However, do not enclose the value in double quotes (""). This can cause the diacritic mark to be replaced with a question mark (?). If the value has whitespace that needs to be maintained, instead enclose the value in braces ({}) or escape the space with a backslash (\).

/system-property=test2:add(value={Dos años})
/system-property=test3:add(value=Dos\ años)

This will set the value to Dos años.

4.9. Specify Operation Headers

You can specify operation headers to control certain aspects of how an operation executes. The following operation headers are available:


Whether to restart runtime services that require a restart in order for the operation’s changes take effect. This defaults to false.


Using the allow-resource-service-restart=true header can disrupt end-user request handling until the required services have been restarted.

The maximum time in seconds that the operation should block at any one point in its completion process before the operation is rolled back. This defaults to 300 seconds.
The list of RBAC roles that should be used when making access control decisions instead of those from the roles normally associated with the user invoking the operation. Note that this can only be used to reduce permissions for a caller, not to increase permissions.
Whether persistent configuration changes should be reverted if applying the changes to runtime services fails. This defaults to true.
The rollout plan for a managed domain deployment. For more information, see the Using Rollout Plans section of the JBoss EAP Configuration Guide.

Example: Deploy an Application Using an Operation Header

deployment deploy-file /path/to/DEPLOYMENT.war --headers={allow-resource-service-restart=true}

Example: Remove a Resource Using an Operation Header

/subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=test:remove() {allow-resource-service-restart=true}

Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple operation headers.

4.10. Use if-else Control Flow

The management CLI supports if-else control flow, which allows you to choose which set of commands and operations to execute based on a condition. The if condition is a boolean expression which evaluates the response of the management command or operation specified after the of keyword.


The use of nested if-else statements is not supported.

Expressions can contain any of the following items:

  • Parentheses to group and prioritize expressions
  • Conditional operators

    • and (&&)
    • or (||)
  • Comparison operators

    • equal to (==)
    • not equal to (!=)
    • greater than (>)
    • greater than or equal to (>=)
    • less than (<)
    • less than or equal to (<=)
    • match regular expression (~=)

The match regular expression (~=) operator is provided as Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

The below example uses the match regular expression (~=) operator to check whether the value of the features system property contains jgroups.

if (result ~= ".*jgroups.*") of /:resolve-expression(expression=${features})
  echo Configuring JGroups

The below example attempts to read the system property test. If outcome is not success (meaning that the property does not exist), then the system property will be added and set to true.

if (outcome != success) of /system-property=test:read-resource

The condition above uses outcome, which is returned when the CLI command after the of keyword is executed, as shown below:

    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "JBAS014807: Management resource '[(\"system-property\" => \"test\")]' not found",
    "rolled-back" => true

The below example issues the appropriate management CLI command to enable the ExampleDS datasource by checking the launch type of the server process (STANDALONE or DOMAIN).

if (result == STANDALONE) of /:read-attribute(name=launch-type)
    /subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS:write-attribute(name=enabled, value=true)
    /profile=full/subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS:write-attribute(name=enabled, value=true)

Management CLI commands with if-else control flow can be specified in a file, with each command on a separate line in the file. You can then pass the file to the jboss-cli script to be executed non-interactively using the --file parameter.

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=CLI_FILE

4.11. Use try-catch-finally Control Flow

The management CLI provides a simplified try-catch-finally control flow. It consists of three sets of operations and commands corresponding to the try, catch, and finally blocks. The catch and finally blocks are optional, but at least one of them should be present and only one catch block can be specified.

The control flow begins with execution of the try batch. If the try batch completes successfully, then the catch batch is skipped and the finally batch is executed. If the try batch fails, for example,, the try-catch-finally control flow will terminate immediately, and the catch batch if it is available will be executed. The finally batch will always execute at the end of the control flow whether the try and catch batches succeeds or fails to execute.

There are four commands that define the try-catch-finally control flow:

  • try command starts the try batch. The try batch continues until one of catch or finally command is encountered.
  • catch command marks the end of the try batch. The try batch is then held back and the catch batch is started.
  • finally command marks the end of the catch batch or the try batch and starts the finally batch.
  • end-try is the command that ends either the catch or finally batch and runs the try-catch-finally control flow.

The following example either creates or re-creates a datasource and enables it:




4.12. Use for-done Control Flow

The management CLI supports for-done control flow, which allows you to iterate over a collection returned from an operation and execute commands on each item in the collection. You can use for-done statements with the management CLI in interactive or non-interactive mode. for-done statements use the following syntax:

  • The VARIABLE_NAME can be used in the COMMANDS_TO_EXECUTE using the syntax $VARIABLE_NAME.
  • The OPERATION must return a collection.
  • The COMMANDS_TO_EXECUTE is a list of commands to execute, with each command on a separate line.

The following example iterates over all deployments and displays whether each is enabled or disabled.

for deploymentName in :read-children-names(child-type=deployment)
  if (result == true) of /deployment=$deploymentName:read-attribute(name=enabled)
    echo $deploymentName is enabled.
    echo $deploymentName is disabled.

Enter done --discard if you want to discard the current for block without executing the commands.


The use of for-done statements while in batch mode, or nesting them inside other for-done statements, is not supported.

4.13. Query a Resource

The JBoss EAP management CLI provides the query operation to query a resource. You can use the :read-resource operation to read all attributes for a resource. If you want to list only selected attributes, you can use the :query operation.

For example, to see the list of name and enabled attributes, use the following command:


The following response shows that the operation was successful. The name and enabled attributes are listed for the jboss-modules.jar deployment.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "name" => "jboss-modules.jar",
        "enabled" => true

You can also query across multiple resources, for example, list the name and enabled attributes of all deployments, using a wildcard:


The following response shows that the operation was successful. The name and enabled attributes of all deployments are listed.

     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => [
             "address" => [("deployment" => "helloworld.war")],
             "outcome" => "success",
             "result" => {
                 "name" => "helloworld.war",
                 "enabled" => true
             "address" => [("deployment" => "kitchensink.war")],
             "outcome" => "success",
             "result" => {
                 "name" => "kitchensink.war",
                 "enabled" => true
             "address" => [("deployment" => "xyz.jar")],
             "outcome" => "success",
             "result" => {
                 "name" => "xyz.jar",
                 "enabled" => false

The :query operation also filters relevant objects. For example, to view the name and enabled attribute values for deployments with enabled as true.


The following response shows that the operation was successful. The name and enabled attribute values for deployments with enabled as true are listed.

     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => [
             "address" => [("deployment" => "helloworld.war")],
             "outcome" => "success",
             "result" => {
                 "name" => "helloworld.war",
                 "enabled" => true
             "address" => [("deployment" => "kitchensink.war")],
             "outcome" => "success",
             "result" => {
                 "name" => "kitchensink.war",
                 "enabled" => true

4.14. Redirect Output

Instead of printing output from a management CLI operation to the terminal, you can redirect the output to a file or to another command.

Redirect Output to a File

Use the > operator to redirect output from a management CLI operation to a file on the file system.

Example: Write read-resource Output to a File

:read-resource > myfile.txt

Use the >> operator to redirect output from a management CLI operation and append it to a file on the file system.

Example: Append read-resource Output to a File

:read-resource >> myfile.txt

Redirect Output to a Command

Use the | operator to redirect output from a management CLI operation to the grep command to search output for a regular expression match. Currently, grep is the only supported command for the | operator.

Example: Search Output from the server.log File

/subsystem=logging/log-file=server.log:read-log-file | grep Deployed
        "2018-03-06 09:48:02,389 INFO  [] (management-handler-thread - 5) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed \"jboss-helloworld.war\" (runtime-name : \"jboss-helloworld.war\")",


It is not supported to use the grep command more than once in the same command.

Chapter 5. Using the Management CLI with a Managed Domain

You can use the management CLI to configure and manage both standalone servers and managed domains. The JBoss EAP documentation usually shows examples of management CLI commands for a standalone server configuration. If you are running a managed domain instead, you often need to adjust the command. The following sections describe how to change standalone server management CLI commands for a managed domain configuration.

Specify the Profile for Subsystem Configuration

The management CLI commands for standalone server subsystem configuration begin with /subsystem=SUBSYSTEM_NAME. For managed domain subsystem configuration, you must specify which profile’s subsystem to configure by starting the command with /profile=PROFILE_NAME/subsystem=SUBSYSTEM_NAME.

Example: Read the Logging Subsystem Configuration (Standalone Server)


This example shows how to read the configuration of the logging subsystem for a standalone server.

Example: Read the Logging Subsystem Configuration (Managed Domain)


This example shows how to read the configuration of the logging subsystem for a the default profile in a managed domain.

Specify the Host for Core Management and Runtime Commands

Some core management and runtime commands for a managed domain require you to specify the host that the command applies to by starting the command with /host=HOST_NAME.

Example: Enable Audit Logging (Standalone Server)


This example shows how to enable audit logging for a standalone server.

Example: Enable Audit Logging (Managed Domain)


This example shows how to enable audit logging for the master host in a managed domain.


Some commands require the host as an argument, for example, reload --host=HOST_NAME. If you do not specify a host for these commands, an error message notifies you that the --host argument is required.

Specify the Server for Core Management and Runtime Commands

Some core management and runtime commands for a managed domain require you to specify the host and server that the command applies to by starting the command with /host=HOST_NAME/server=SERVER_NAME.

Example: Display Runtime Metrics for a Deployment (Standalone Server)


This example shows how to display runtime metrics for a standalone server deployment.

Example: Display Runtime Metrics for a Deployment (Managed Domain)


This example shows how to display runtime metrics for a managed domain deployment that is deployed to the server-one server on the master host.

Chapter 6. Configuring the Management CLI

Certain aspects of the management CLI can be customized in its configuration file, jboss-cli.xml. This file must be located either in the EAP_HOME/bin directory or in a custom directory specified with the jboss.cli.config system property.

The following elements can be configured in the jboss-cli.xml file.

The default protocol to use when controller addresses are supplied without one. The default is remote+http. If port 9990 is used and no protocol is specified, the protocol will automatically default to remoting unless you set the use-legacy-override attribute to false.

Configuration of the controller to which to connect if the connect command is executed without any parameters. If the management CLI is started with the argument --controller= or controller=, then the value specified in the argument overrides the default-controller definition from the configuration.

  • protocol - Protocol name of the controller. If one is not provided, the value of default-protocol will be used.
  • host - Host name of the controller. The default is localhost.
  • port - Port number on which to connect to the controller. The default value is 9990.

You can define connection controller aliases in the jboss-cli.xml file. For example:

<!-- The default controller to connect to when 'connect' command is executed w/o arguments -->
<!-- CLI connection controller aliases -->
    <controller name="ServerOne">
    <controller name="ServerTwo">

The name attribute of controller element should be used as a value to --controller= argument. For example, --controller=ServerTwo.

Whether to validate the parameter list of operation requests before sending the requests to the controller for execution. The default is true.

The configuration for the CLI command history log.

  • enabled - Whether or not the history is enabled. The default is true.
  • file-name - The file name in which the history will be stored. The default is .jboss-cli-history.
  • file-dir - The directory in which the history is to be stored. The default is the user’s home directory.
  • max-size - The maximum number of commands stored in the history file. The default is 500.
Whether to resolve system properties specified as command argument (or operation parameter) values before sending the operation request to the controller. The default is false.
The time in milliseconds allowed to establish a connection with the controller. The default is 5000.

The configuration for the keystores and truststores used for SSL.


Red Hat recommends that SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.0 be explicitly disabled in favor of TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 in all affected packages.

  • vault - The vault configuration. If neither code nor module is specified, the default implementation will be used. If code is specified but not module, it will look for the specified class in the Picketbox module. If module and code are specified, it will look for the class specified by code in the module specified by 'module'.
  • key-store - The keystore.
  • key-store-password - The keystore password.
  • alias - The alias.
  • key-password - The key password.
  • trust-store - The truststore.
  • trust-store-password - The truststore password.
  • modify-trust-store - If set to true, the CLI will prompt the user when unrecognized certificates are received and allow them to be stored in the truststore. The default is true.
Whether to write informational and error messages to the terminal. The default is false.
Whether the management-related commands and attributes should be filtered for the current user based on the permissions the user has been granted. For example, if true, tab completion will hide commands and attributes that the user is not allowed to access. The default is true.
Whether to include the prompt and command in the output for commands executed in non-interactive mode. The default is false.
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a command to complete. A value of 0 means no timeout. By default, there is no timeout.
Whether to display operation responses in pure JSON format. By default, operation responses are displayed in DMR format.

Whether to print the CLI log output in color based on the log message output type. The available colors are black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white, and yellow.

  • enabled - Whether or not the color output is enabled. The default is true.
  • error-color - Defaults to red.
  • warn-color - Defaults to yellow.
  • success-color - Defaults to default, which is the terminal’s default foreground color.
  • required-color - Defaults to magenta.
  • workflow-color - Defaults to green.
  • prompt-color - Defaults to blue.
Whether the management CLI should pause after a page of output has been displayed, which allows you to browse and search the output. If this option is set to false, the entire output is printed immediately. The default is true.

6.1. Property Substitution

JBoss EAP supports the use of preset element and property expressions in the management CLI. These expressions will be resolved to their defined values during the execution of the command.

You can substitute expressions for the following properties:

  • the operation address part of the operation request (for example, node types or names)
  • operation name
  • operation parameter names
  • header names and values
  • command names
  • command argument names

By default, the management CLI performs property substitution for every line except for argument or parameter values. Argument and parameter values are resolved in the server at runtime. If you require property substitution for argument or parameter values to occur in the management CLI and have it send the resolved values to the server, complete the following steps.

  1. Edit the management CLI configuration file: EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.xml.
  2. Set the resolve-parameter-values parameter to true (the default is false).


This element only affects operation request parameter values and command argument values. It does not impact the rest of the command line. This means system properties present on the command line will be resolved during the parsing of the line regardless of what the value of resolve-parameter-values element is, unless it is a parameter/argument value.

System property values used in management CLI commands must have already been defined in order to be resolved. You must either pass in a properties file (--properties=/path/to/ or property value pairs (-Dkey=value) when starting your management CLI instance. The properties file uses a standard KEY=VALUE syntax.

Property keys are denoted in your management CLI commands using the ${MY_VAR} syntax, for example:


See Configuring the Management CLI for other jboss-cli.xml configuration options.

6.2. Creating Aliases

You can define aliases for the CLI commands and operations during a CLI session using the alias command.

The following example creates a new CLI command alias named read_undertow to read the resources in the undertow subsystem using the alias command:

alias read_undertow='/subsystem=undertow:read-resource'

Alias names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

To test the creation of read_undertow alias, type the alias name in the management CLI:


The result will be:

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "default-security-domain" => "other",
        "default-server" => "default-server",
        "default-servlet-container" => "default",
        "default-virtual-host" => "default-host",
        "instance-id" => expression "${}",
        "statistics-enabled" => false,
        "buffer-cache" => {"default" => undefined},
        "configuration" => {
            "filter" => undefined,
            "handler" => undefined
        "server" => {"default-server" => undefined},
        "servlet-container" => {"default" => undefined}

To view a list of all available aliases, use the alias command:


The result will be:

alias read_undertow='/subsystem=undertow:read-resource'

To remove an alias, use the unalias command:

unalias read_undertow

The aliases are stored in the .aesh_aliases file within the user’s home folder.

6.3. .jbossclirc Configuration File

JBoss EAP contains the runtime configuration .jbossclirc file, which helps you to initialize the environment when a new session is launched. This file is located in EAP_HOME/bin/ directory. The example provided in the file can be used as a template for user-specific environment setup. The .jbossclirc file is ideal for storing global CLI variables.

The content of the .jbossclirc file is a list of CLI supported commands and operations. This file is executed when a new management CLI session is launched but before the control is given to the user. If there are system properties specified with --properties argument, then the .jbossclirc file is executed after the properties have been set.

Example .jbossclirc File
set console=/subsystem=logging/console-handler=CONSOLE

When using the --connect or -c argument, .jbossclirc is executed before the client is actually connected to the server.

The following locations will be checked for the presence of the .jbossclirc file in the following order:

  1. If the system property jboss.cli.rc is defined, its value will be considered a path to the file.
  2. User’s working directory as defined by the user.dir system property.
  3. The EAP_HOME/bin directory.

6.4. Using Variables

Using the Set Command

You can define a certain path of the server model to a variable using the set command. For example:

set s1=/host=master/server=server-one

This is useful in a managed domain as you can include references to host and profiles using variables to easily replicate scripts on different servers. For example:


The variables are referenced using $.

Using the Unset Command

You can remove the variable by using the unset command:

unset prod_db
Using the jbossclirc File

To use the variable across CLI session, you can include these variables in the .jbossclirc file. This file is located in the EAP_HOME/bin/ directory.

For example:

set s1=/host=master/server=server-one
set s2=/host=master/server=server-two

Now, restart the management CLI and issue a set command to check the available variables:


The output will be:


The variables may appear in any part of a command line and resolved during the command line parsing phase. In this example, the prod_db variable will be resolved to a datasource:

Using the Echo Command

Use the echo command to check the value of a variable:

echo $prod_db

The output will be:


The following general examples show where the variables may appear and that the entire command line may consist of variables:

$cmd --$param=$param_value

The variables help you in CLI scripting.

Chapter 7. Management CLI Command History

The management CLI features a command history functionality that is enabled by default in the application server installation. The history is kept both as a record in the volatile memory of the active CLI session, and appended to a log file that saves automatically in the user’s home directory as .jboss-cli-history. This history file is configured by default to record up to a maximum of 500 CLI commands. The history file location and maximum history entries can be customized in the EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.xml file.

The history command by itself will return the history of the current session, or with additional arguments will disable, enable, or clear the history from the session memory. The management CLI also features the ability to use your keyboard’s arrow keys to go back and forth in the history of commands and operations.

View the Management CLI Command History

Display the CLI command history stored in memory since the management CLI startup or the history clear command.


Clear the Management CLI Command History

Clear the history of CLI commands from the session memory and from the .jboss-cli-history file saved to the user’s home directory.

history --clear

Enable the Management CLI Command History

Record CLI commands in the session memory and in the .jboss-cli-history file saved to the user’s home directory.

history --enable

Disable the Management CLI Command History

Do not record CLI commands in the session memory or in the .jboss-cli-history file saved to the user’s home directory.

history --disable

Chapter 8. Management CLI Logging

You can capture output and other management CLI information in a log file. By default, management CLI logging is disabled. You can enable it and configure other logging settings using the EAP_HOME/bin/ file.

Configure Management CLI Logging

  1. Edit the EAP_HOME/bin/ file.
  2. Uncomment or add the following line to enable logging.

    # uncomment to enable logging to the file
  3. Change the log level from OFF to the desired level, such as INFO or ALL.

Once you restart the management CLI, output will be logged to the EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.log file.

For information on configuring other settings in a logging properties file, see the Configuring section of the JBoss EAP Development Guide.

Chapter 9. Batch Processing

Batch processing allows multiple operation requests to be grouped in a sequence and executed together as a unit. If any of the operation requests in the sequence fail, the entire group of operations is rolled back.


Batch mode does not support conditional statements.

  1. Enter batch mode with the batch management CLI command.


    Batch mode is indicated by the hash symbol (#) in the prompt.

  2. Add operation requests to the batch.

    Once in batch mode, enter operation requests as normal. The operation requests are added to the batch in the order they are entered.

    You can edit and reorder batch commands. You can also store a batch for processing at a later time. See Batch Mode Commands for a full list of commands available for working with batches.

  3. Run the batch.

    Once the entire sequence of operation requests is entered, run the batch with the run-batch command.


    The entered sequence of operation requests is completed as a batch and prints the result to the terminal: The batch executed successfully.

Batch Commands in External Files

Frequently-run batch commands can be stored in an external text file and can be loaded either by passing the full path to the file as an argument to the batch command or executed directly by being passed as an argument to the run-batch command.

You can create a batch command file by using a text editor and placing each command on its own line.

The following command will load the myscript.txt file in batch mode. The commands from this file can then be edited or removed. New commands can be inserted. Changes made in this batch session do not persist to the myscript.txt file.

batch --file=myscript.txt

The following will immediately run the batch commands stored in the file myscript.txt

run-batch --file=myscript.txt

The entered sequence of operation requests is completed as a batch.

Chapter 10. Embedding a Server for Offline Configuration

You can embed a JBoss EAP standalone server or host controller process inside the management CLI process. This allows you to configure the server without it being visible on the network. A common use of this feature is for initial configuration of the server, such as managing security-related settings or avoiding port conflicts, prior to the server being online.

This direct, local administration of a JBoss EAP installation through the management CLI does not require a socket-based connection. You can use the management CLI with the embedded server in a way that is consistent with interacting with a remote JBoss EAP server. All of the standard management CLI commands that you can use to administer a remote server are available.

Start an Embedded Standalone Server

You can launch a standalone server locally using the management CLI to modify standalone configuration without launching an additional process or opening network sockets.

The following procedure launches the management CLI, starts an embedded standalone server, modifies configuration, and then stops the embedded server.

  1. Launch the management CLI.

    $ EAP_HOME/bin/
  2. Launch the embedded standalone server.

    Passing in the --std-out=echo parameter prints the standard output to the terminal.

    embed-server --std-out=echo
  3. Perform the desired operations.

  4. Stop the embedded server.


    This stops the embedded server and returns you to your management CLI session. If you want to exit the management CLI session as well, you can use the quit command.

Specifying the Server Configuration

By default, the embedded server will use the standalone.xml configuration file. You can use the --server-config parameter to specify a different configuration file to use.

embed-server --server-config=standalone-full-ha.xml
Starting in Admin-only Mode

By default, the embedded server is started in admin-only mode, which will start services related to server administration, but will not start other services or accept end-user requests. This is useful for the initial configuration of the server.

You can start the embedded server in the normal running mode by setting the --admin-only parameter to false.

embed-server --admin-only=false

You can also change the running mode using the reload command.

reload --start-mode=normal
Controlling Standard Output

You can control how to handle standard output from the embedded server. By default, standard output is discarded, but you could find the output in the server log. You can pass in --std-out=echo to have server output appear with the management CLI output.

embed-server --std-out=echo
Boot Timeout

By default, the embed-server command blocks indefinitely waiting for the embedded server to fully start. You can specify the time to wait in seconds using the --timeout parameter. A value less than 1 will return as soon as the embedded server reaches a point where it can be managed by the CLI.

embed-server --timeout=30
Starting with a Blank Configuration

When starting an embedded server, you can specify to start with an empty configuration. This is useful if you want to build the entire server configuration using management CLI commands.

embed-server --server-config=my-config.xml --empty-config

This command will fail if the file already exists, which helps to avoid the accidental deletion of a configuration file. You can specify to remove any existing configuration by passing in the --remove-existing parameter.

embed-server --server-config=my-config.xml --empty-config --remove-existing

Start an Embedded Host Controller

You can launch a host controller locally using the management CLI to modify domain and host controller configuration without launching additional processes or opening network sockets.

An embedded host controller does not start any of its servers. Additionally, you can not use the --admin-only parameter when starting an embedded host controller. It will always be launched as if it is in admin-only mode.

The following procedure launches the management CLI, starts an embedded host controller, modifies configuration, and then stops the embedded host controller.

  1. Launch the management CLI.

    $ EAP_HOME/bin/
  2. Launch the embedded host controller.

    Passing in the --std-out=echo parameter prints the standard output to the terminal.

    embed-host-controller --std-out=echo
  3. Perform the desired operations.

  4. Stop the embedded host controller.

Specifying the Host Controller Configuration

By default, the embedded host controller will use domain.xml for domain configuration and host.xml for host configuration. You can use the --domain-config and --host-config parameters to specify different configuration files to use.

embed-host-controller --domain-config=other-domain.xml --host-config=host-slave.xml

Depending on which alternative configuration file you use, you may need to set certain properties when launching the management CLI. For example,

$ EAP_HOME/bin/ -Djboss.domain.master.address=
Controlling Standard Output

You can control how to handle standard output from the embedded host controller. By default, standard output is discarded, but you could find the output in the host controller’s log. You can pass in --std-out=echo to have host controller output appear with the management CLI output.

embed-host-controller --std-out=echo
Boot Timeout

By default, the embed-host-controller command blocks indefinitely waiting for the embedded host controller to fully start. You can specify the time to wait in seconds using the --timeout parameter. A value less than 1 will return as soon as the embedded host controller reaches a point where it can be managed by the CLI.

embed-host-controller --timeout=30

Non-Modular Class Loading with the Management CLI

Using the EAP_HOME/bin/ script to launch the management CLI uses a modular class loading environment. If you use the EAP_HOME/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar to run the management CLI in a non-modular class loading environment, you will need to specify the root JBoss EAP installation directory.

  1. Launch the management CLI.

    $ java -jar EAP_HOME/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar
  2. Start the embedded server, specifying the root installation directory.

    embed-server --jboss-home=/path/to/EAP_HOME

    To embed a host controller, use the embed-host-controller command.

    The embedding logic will set up an appropriate modular class loading environment for the server. The module path for the modular class loader will have a single element: EAP_HOME/modules.

No matter which way you launch the management CLI, the embedded server will run in a modular class loading environment.

Chapter 11. How to…​

The following CLI commands and operations provide basic examples on how to accomplish certain tasks. For detailed instructions, see the appropriate section of the Configuration Guide, Configuring Messaging, or other JBoss EAP documentation.

Unless specified otherwise, the examples apply when running as a standalone server. Use the --help argument on a command to get usage for that command. Use the read-operation-description to get information on a particular operation for a resource.

11.1. Add a Datasource

data-source add --name=DATASOURCE_NAME --jndi-name=JNDI_NAME --driver-name=DRIVER_NAME  --connection-url=CONNECTION_URL

11.2. Add an Extension

Example: Add a New Extension to a Configuration


11.3. Add a JMS Queue

jms-queue add --queue-address=QUEUE_NAME --entries=JNDI_NAME

11.4. Add a JMS Topic

jms-topic add --topic-address=TOPIC_NAME --entries=JNDI_NAME

11.5. Add a Module

module add --name=MODULE_NAME --resources=PATH_TO_RESOURCE --dependencies=DEPENDENCIES

Additional resources


Using the module management CLI command to add and remove modules is provided as Technology Preview only. This command is not appropriate for use in a managed domain or when connecting to the management CLI remotely. Modules should be added and removed manually in a production environment. For more information, see the Create a Custom Module Manually and Remove a Custom Module Manually sections of the JBoss EAP Configuration Guide.

Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

11.6. Add a Server

Example: Add a New Server to a Host in a Managed Domain


11.7. Add a Server Group

Example: Add a New Server Group in a Managed Domain

/server-group=SERVER_GROUP_NAME:add(profile=PROFILE_NAME, socket-binding-group=SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP_NAME)

11.8. Add a System Property


11.9. Clone a Profile

Example: Clone a Profile in a Managed Domain


11.10. Create a Hierarchical Profile

Example: Create a New Profile That Inherits from Other Profiles


11.11. Deploy an Application to a Managed Domain

Example: Deploy an Application to All Server Groups

deployment deploy-file /path/to/DEPLOYMENT.war --all-server-groups

Example: Deploy an Application to One or More Server Groups

deployment deploy-file /path/to/DEPLOYMENT.war --server-groups=SERVER_GROUP_1,SERVER_GROUP_2

11.12. Deploy an Application to a Standalone Server

deployment deploy-file /path/to/DEPLOYMENT.war

11.13. Disable All Applications

deployment disable /path/to/DEPLOYMENT.war

You can use the deployment disable-all command to disable all the deployments.

deployment disable-all

11.14. Display the Active User

Example: Command to Display the Current User


Example: Output for the Current User

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {"identity" => {
        "username" => "$local",
        "realm" => "ManagementRealm"

11.15. Display the Contents of an Attachment

You can use the attachment display command to display the contents of an attachment returned from a management operation. This applies to any management operation that returns the attached-streams response header.

For example, the following operation returns the server.log file attached as a stream.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => "f61a27c4-c5a7-43ac-af1f-29e90c9acb3e",
    "response-headers" => {"attached-streams" => [{
        "uuid" => "f61a27c4-c5a7-43ac-af1f-29e90c9acb3e",
        "mime-type" => "text/plain"

You can use the attachment display command to display the contents of the stream returned from this operation to the console.

attachment display --operation=/subsystem=logging/log-file=server.log:read-attribute(name=stream)

This outputs the contents of the server.log file to the console.

ATTACHMENT 3480a327-31dd-4412-bdf3-f36c94ac4a09:
2019-10-18 09:19:37,082 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.8.6.Final-redhat-00001
2019-10-18 09:19:37,366 INFO  [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.4.5.Final-redhat-00001
2019-10-18 09:19:37,380 INFO  [org.jboss.threads] (main) JBoss Threads version 2.3.2.Final-redhat-1
2019-10-18 09:19:37,510 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-1) WFLYSRV0049: JBoss EAP 7.3.0.GA (WildFly Core 10.0.0.Final-redhat-20190924) starting

11.16. Display Schema Information

To show the schema information for the :product-info command:


To display the schema version, execute an ls command at the management CLI root and look for the management-*-version values:


11.17. Display System and Server Information

Example: Command to Display the System and Server Information


Example: Output for the System and Server Information

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [{"summary" => {
        "host-name" => "HOST_NAME",
        "instance-identifier" => "INSTANCE_ID",
        "product-name" => "JBoss EAP",
        "product-version" => "7.3.0.GA",
        "product-community-identifier" => "Product",
        "product-home" => "EAP_HOME",
        "standalone-or-domain-identifier" => "OPERATING_MODE",
        "host-operating-system" => "OS_NAME",
        "host-cpu" => {
            "host-cpu-arch" => "CPU_ARCH",
            "host-core-count" => CORE_COUNT
        "jvm" => {
            "name" => "JAVA_VM_NAME",
            "java-version" => "JAVA_VERSION",
            "jvm-version" => "JAVA_VM_VERSION",
            "jvm-vendor" => "JAVA_VM_VENDOR",
            "java-home" => "JAVA_HOME"

Similarly, for a managed domain, you can display the information for a particular JBoss EAP host or server:


11.18. Enable All Disabled Deployments

deployment enable DEPLOYMENT.war

You can use the deployment enable-all command to enable all the deployments.

deployment enable-all --server-groups=other-server-group

11.19. Get the Command Timeout Value

Example: Display the CLI Command Timeout Value

command-timeout get

The value returned is in seconds. A value of 0 means no timeout.

11.20. Reload a Host Controller

reload --host=HOST_NAME

11.21. Reload a Host Controller in Admin-only Mode

reload --host=HOST_NAME --admin-only=true

11.22. Reload All Servers in a Server Group

Example: Reload All Servers in a Certain Server Group in a Managed Domain



To reload the servers in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.23. Reload a Server

Example: Reload a Server in a Managed Domain



To reload the server in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.24. Reload a Standalone Server


To reload the server in admin-only mode, pass in the --start-mode=admin-only argument. To reload the server in a suspended state, pass in the --start-mode=suspend argument.

11.25. Remove an Extension

Example: Remove an Existing Extension


11.26. Remove a Module

module remove --name=MODULE_NAME

Using the module management CLI command to add and remove modules is provided as Technology Preview only. This command is not appropriate for use in a managed domain or when connecting to the management CLI remotely. Modules should be added and removed manually in a production environment. For more information, see the Create a Custom Module Manually and Remove a Custom Module Manually sections of the JBoss EAP Configuration Guide.

Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

11.27. Reset the Command Timeout Value

Example: Reset the Command Timeout to the Default Value

command-timeout reset default

Example: Reset the Command Timeout to the Value Provided by the CLI Configuration

command-timeout reset config


The value provided by the CLI configuration can be set in either in the EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.xml file or passed in with the --command-timeout argument when starting the management CLI.

11.28. Restart All Servers in a Server Group

Example: Restart All Servers in a Certain Server Group in a Managed Domain



To restart the servers in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.29. Restart a Server

Example: Restart a Server in a Managed Domain



To restart the server in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.30. Save the Contents of an Attachment

You can use the attachment save command to save the contents of an attachment returned from a management operation to a file. This applies to any management operation that returns the attached-streams response header.

For example, the following operation returns the server.log file attached as a stream.

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => "f61a27c4-c5a7-43ac-af1f-29e90c9acb3e",
    "response-headers" => {"attached-streams" => [{
        "uuid" => "f61a27c4-c5a7-43ac-af1f-29e90c9acb3e",
        "mime-type" => "text/plain"

You can use the attachment save command to save the contents of the stream returned form this operation to a file.

attachment save --operation=/subsystem=logging/log-file=server.log:read-attribute(name=stream) --file=log-output.txt

This saves the contents of the server.log file to EAP_HOME/bin/log-output.txt.

11.31. Set the Command Timeout Value

Example: Set the Maximum Time to Wait for a CLI Command to Complete

command-timeout set TIMEOUT_VALUE

The value is set in seconds. A value of 0 means no timeout.

11.32. Shut Down a Host Controller

Example: Shut Down a Host Controller in a Managed Domain

shutdown --host=HOST_NAME

11.33. Shut Down the Server

Example: Shut Down a Standalone Server


11.34. Start All Servers in a Server Group

Example: Start All Servers in a Certain Server Group in a Managed Domain



To start the servers in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.35. Start a Server

Example: Start a Server in a Managed Domain



To start the server in a suspended state, pass in the start-mode=suspend argument.

11.36. Stop All Servers in a Server Group

Example: Stop All Servers in a Certain Server Group in a Managed Domain


11.37. Stop a Server

Example: Stop a Server in a Managed Domain


11.38. Take a Configuration Snapshot

Example: Take a Snapshot of the Current Configurations


11.39. Undeploy All Applications

Example: Undeploy All Applications from a Managed Domain

deployment undeploy * --all-relevant-server-groups

Example: Undeploy All Applications from a Standalone Domain

deployment undeploy *

11.40. Undeploy an Application from a Managed Domain

Example: Undeploy an Application from All Server Groups with That Deployment

deployment undeploy DEPLOYMENT.war --all-relevant-server-groups

Example: Undeploy an Application from a Specific Server Group

deployment undeploy DEPLOYMENT.war --server-groups=SERVER_GROUP_NAME

11.41. Undeploy an Application from a Standalone Server

deployment undeploy DEPLOYMENT.war

11.42. Update a Host Name

Example: Update the Name of a Host in a Managed Domain

reload --host=EXISTING_HOST_NAME

The host must be reloaded in order for the changes to take effect.

11.43. Upload an Attachment

You can upload a local file as an attachment to management operations that accept file streams. For example, the following management CLI command uses the input-stream-index option to upload the contents of a local file to an exploded deployment.

/deployment=DEPLOYMENT_NAME.war:add-content(content=[{target-path=/path/to/FILE_IN_DEPLOYMENT, input-stream-index=/path/to/LOCAL_FILE_TO_UPLOAD}]

For more details on uploading files to a deployment, see the Add Content to an Exploded Deployment section of the Configuration Guide.

11.44. View a Server Log


Appendix A. Reference Material

A.1. Management CLI Startup Arguments

The following table lists the arguments that can be passed into the jboss-cli script to launch the management CLI.

Table A.1. Management CLI Arguments


Specifies to which address the CLI is going to be bound to. If none is provided then the CLI will choose one automatically as needed.


Specifies a single command or an operation that should be executed in the CLI session. The CLI will terminate the session immediately after the command or the operation has been executed.


The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a command to complete. A value of 0 means no timeout. By default, there is no timeout.


Specifies a comma-separated list (must not contain whitespace) of commands and operations that should be executed in the CLI session. The CLI session will terminate after the last command has been executed or if a command fails.

--connect, -c

Instructs the CLI to connect to the controller on start-up. This avoid having to issue a separate connect command later.


The default controller host, port, and protocol to connect to when the --connect option is specified upon startup or when the connect command is issued in the management CLI without arguments. The default host is localhost, the default port is 9990, and the default protocol is remote+http. Alternatively, a controller alias containing the host, port, and protocol information can be supplied.


Include the prompt and command in the output for commands executed in non-interactive mode.


Disables prompts for security-related input in non-interactive mode. If an input is required to proceed, the CLI process will terminate abruptly with an error.


Specifies the path to a file which contains commands and operations (one per line) that should be executed non-interactively. The CLI will terminate after the last command has been executed or if a command or operation fails.


Launches a GUI that is built on top of the command-line interface. This GUI is not a supported way to interact with the JBoss EAP management CLI and should only be used to view configuration and help build CLI commands.

--help, -h

Displays the help message.


Disable CLI output and prompt colors.


Disables the local authentication mechanism which allows the CLI to demonstrate that it is being executed locally to the server being managed through an exchange of tokens using the file system.


Disables output paging, which is when the management CLI pauses after a page of output has been displayed, allowing you to browse and search the output. When this option is specified, the entire output is printed immediately.


Displays operation responses in pure JSON format. By default, operation responses are displayed in DMR format.

--password, -p

Specifies the password for authentication while connecting to the controller. If the argument is not specified and authentication is required, then the user will be prompted to enter the password when the connect command is issued.


Specifies a path to a properties file that contains property value pairs to define system properties. The properties file uses a standard KEY=VALUE syntax.


Resolve system properties specified as command argument values or operation parameter values before sending the operation request to the controller.


Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait for a connection to succeed. The default is 5000.

--user, -u

Specifies the user name if the controller requires user authentication. If the argument is not specified and authentication is required, then the user will be prompted to enter the user name when the connect command is issued. Local authentication is automatically disabled if a user is specified.


Displays the application server version and environment information.

A.2. Management CLI Batch Mode Commands

This table provides a list of commands that can be used with the management CLI to work with batches.

Table A.2. Management CLI Batch Mode Commands
Command NameDescription


Removes all the existing command lines from the currently active batch.


Discards the currently active batch and exits batch mode.


Edit a line in the current batch by providing the line number to edit and the edited command. For example: edit-batch-line 2 data-source disable --name=ExampleDS.


Postpone or store a current batch. Using this command without arguments creates an unnamed heldback batch. To return to this heldback batch, simply type batch again at the CLI command line. There can be only one unnamed heldback batch.

You can optionally provide a name under which to store the batch by using the holdback_name argument. To return to the named batch, pass the heldback_name to the batch command.

Use the batch -l command to see a list of all heldback batches.


Lists all commands in the currently active batch.


Re-order the lines in the batch by specifying the line number you want to move as the first argument and its new position as the second argument. For example: move-batch-line 3 1.


Removes the batch command at the specified line. For example: remove-batch-line 3.


Runs the currently active batch. If the batch executed successfully, the batch will be discarded and the CLI will exit batch mode.

A.3. Management CLI Commands

The following table lists management CLI commands and their purposes. For more usage and argument details, use the --help argument on a specific command.

Table A.3. Management CLI Commands


Define an alias with the format NAME=VALUE. When no arguments are specified, the list of aliases are displayed.


Starts batch mode by creating a new batch. If there is an unnamed held back batch, it will be reactivated. If there are named held back batches, reactivate by specifying the heldback_name.


Changes to the specified path.


Clears the screen.


Allows you to add, remove, and list existing generic type commands. A generic type command is a command that is assigned to a specific node type and which allows you to perform any operation available for an instance of that type. It can also modify any of the properties exposed by the type on any existing instance.


Connects to the controller on the specified host and port using the specified protocol when the management CLI was launched. If not specified, the default host is localhost, the default port is 9990, and the default protocol is http.


Manages connection factories in the messaging-activemq subsystem.


Displays information about the current connection to the server.


Manages datasource configuration in the datasources subsystem.

deployment deploy-file

Deploys an application. Use wildcard (*) to deploy all the applications.

deployment disable

Disables a pre-existing deployment.

deployment enable

Enables a pre-existing deployment.

deployment info

Displays information about an individual deployment or about multiple deployments.

deployment undeploy

Undeploys an application with the specified name.


Manage deployment overlays. If no arguments are specified, all existing deployment overlays are listed.


Outputs the specified text to the console.


Builds a DMR request for the command or operation passed in as the argument and echos in its toString() format.


Displays the help message. Can be used with an argument to display help information for a particular command or operation. Use the --commands argument to display a list of available commands.


Displays the CLI command history in memory and displays a status of whether the history expansion is enabled or disabled. Can be used with arguments to clear, disable and enable the history as required.


Starts if-else control flow.


Displays information about the installed JDBC drivers.


Manage JMS queues in the messaging-activemq subsystem.


Manage JMS topics in the messaging-activemq subsystem.


Lists the contents of the node path. Use the -l switch to print the result one per line.


Add and remove modules. Note that this command is provided as Technology Preview only.


Apply or roll back a patch to the server.


Prints the full node path of the current working node.


Terminates the command line interface.


Prints the value and, depending on the arguments, the description of the attribute of a managed resource.


Displays the description of a specified operation, or lists all available operations if none is specified.


Sends the :reload operation request to the server/domain controller and waits for the controller to close the connection and then it returns the control back to the client.


Manage stored rollout plans.


Runs the currently active batch while in batch mode. While not in batch mode, can use with the --file argument to execute the contents of the file as a batch.


Initializes variables with the given names with the specified values.


Sends the :shutdown operation request to the server/domain controller and waits for the controller to close the connection.


Starts a try-catch-finally control flow.


Remove the specified alias.


Removes an existing variable with the specified name.


Prints the application server version and environment information.


Manages XA datasource configuration in the datasources subsystem.

A.4. Management CLI Operations

The following table lists management CLI operations that are available at the root level (/). The actual available operations for a particular resource will vary per resource and also depend on the operating mode (standalone server or managed domain).

Operations are invoked using a colon (:). The available operations for a resource can be exposed by using the read-operation-names operation or by using tab completion after a colon. Operation descriptions can be displayed by using the read-operation-description operation. For example:

Table A.4. Management CLI Operations
Operation NameDescription


Adds a namespace prefix mapping to the namespaces attribute’s map.


Adds a schema location mapping to the schema-locations attribute’s map.


Clean contents that are no longer referenced from the content repository.


Deletes a snapshot of the server configuration from the snapshots directory.


Adds previously uploaded deployment content to the list of content available for use, replace existing content of the same name in the runtime, and remove the replaced content from the list of content available for use.


Add an entry to a list attribute.


Clear all entries from a list attribute.


Get an entry from a list attribute.


Remove an entry from a list attribute.


Lists the snapshots of server configurations saved in the snapshots directory.


Clear all entries from a map attribute.


Get an entry from a map attribute.


Add an entry to a map attribute.


Remove an entry from a map attribute.


Returns a summary of the current server installation.


Query a resource.


Displays the value of an attribute for the selected resource.


Displays the value of attributes for the selected group.


Displays the names of all the attribute groups under the selected resource.


Displays the names of all children under the selected resource with the given type.


Displays information about all of a resource’s children that are of a given type.


Displays the type names of all the children under the selected resource.


Displays the current configuration in XML format.


Displays the details of an operation for the given resource.


Displays the names of all available operations for the given resource.


Displays a resource’s attribute values along with either basic or complete information about any child resources.


Displays the description of a resource’s attributes, types of children and operations.


Reloads the server by shutting all services down and restarting.


Reloads all servers currently running in the domain.


Removes a namespace prefix mapping from the namespaces attribute map.


Removes a schema location mapping from the schema-locations attribute map.


Replace existing content in the runtime with new content. The new content must have been previously uploaded to the deployment content repository.


Accepts an expression as input (or a string that can be parsed into an expression), and resolves it against the local system properties and environment variables.


Accepts an expression as input (or a string that can be parsed into an expression) and resolves it against the local system properties and environment variables on all servers in the domain.


Takes a set of interface resolution criteria and finds an IP address on the local machine that matches the criteria, or fails if no matching IP address can be found.


Restarts all servers currently running in the domain.


Resumes normal operations in a suspended server.


Resumes processing on all servers in the domain.


Shuts down the server with a call to System.exit(0).


Starts all configured servers in the managed domain that are not currently running.


Stops all servers currently running in the managed domain.


Suspends server operations gracefully. All current requests will complete normally, however no new requests will be accepted.


Suspends all servers in the domain. All current operations will finish and no new operations will be allowed.


Takes a snapshot of the server configuration and saves it to the snapshots directory.


Sets the value of an attribute of the selected resource to undefined.


Indicates that the deployment content in the included byte array should be added to the deployment content repository. Note that this operation does not indicate the content should be deployed into the runtime.


Indicates that the deployment content available at the included input stream index should be added to the deployment content repository. Note that this operation does not indicate the content should be deployed into the runtime.


Indicates that the deployment content available at the included URL should be added to the deployment content repository. Note that this operation does not indicate the content should be deployed into the runtime.


Checks whether a resource with the specified address exists.


Validates that an operation is valid according to its description. Any errors present will be shown in the operation’s failure-description.


Returns the identity of the currently authenticated user.


Sets the value of an attribute for the selected resource.

A.5. Resource Attribute Details

The read-resource-description operation displays a resource’s attributes and the details about the attribute. The following table lists the possible fields that might be returned, depending on whether it is relevant for the attribute.

Table A.5. Resource Attribute Details


Whether an attribute can only be read, can be read and written, or is a metric. Valid values are read-only, read-write, and metric. A metric is a read-only attribute, where the value is not stored in the persistent configuration and can change due to activity on the server.


The list of valid values.


Defines an exclusive relationship between attributes. If this attribute’s value is set, the attributes listed in the alternatives field should be undefined, even if those attributes state that they are required.


Indicates that this attribute’s value specifies the dynamic portion of the name of the specified capability provided by another resource. This indicates the attribute is a reference to another area of the management model.


The default value to use for the attribute if a value is not provided.


The text description of the attribute.


Whether this attribute is deprecated. It also provides the version that it was deprecated in and reason for the deprecation.


Whether the attribute’s value can be an expression.


The maximum value of a numeric attribute.


The maximum length of an attribute of type STRING, LIST, or BYTES.


The minimum value of a numeric attribute.


The minimum length of an attribute of type STRING, LIST, or BYTES.


Whether it is allowed for the attribute to not have a defined value. An attribute can be undefined either because it is not required or because it is required but has alternatives and an alternative is defined. This field helps users easily understand whether they need to account for the possibility of an undefined value.


Whether the attribute must have a defined value. If true, a value must be defined or an alternative must be defined. If false, the value may be undefined.


Indicates that, if this attribute has a defined value, the attributes defined in this list must also have a value.


Defines which services must be restarted upon execution of a write-attribute operation. This field allows the following values.

  • no-services - No services must be restarted.
  • all-services - All services must be restarted.
  • resource-services - Some services associated with the resource must be restarted.
  • jvm - The entire JVM must be restarted.


Whether the attribute’s value is stored in the persistent configuration file or only exists as long as the resource is running. The value can be either configuration or runtime.


The type of the attribute’s value. The allowed values are BIG_DECIMAL, BIG_INTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTES, DOUBLE, INT, LIST, LONG, OBJECT, PROPERTY, and STRING.


Defines additional type information for attributes of type LIST or OBJECT. A value-type of INT for a LIST attribute is analogous to a Java List<Integer>. A value-type of STRING for an OBJECT attribute is analogous to a Java Map<String, String>. If all elements in an OBJECT attribute are not of the same type, the value-type represents a fully-defined complex object that defines that object’s fields and values.


The unit of the attribute’s value, if appropriate.

Revised on 2022-02-01 13:01:48 UTC

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