
Securing applications and management interfaces using multiple identity stores

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Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0

Guide to securing JBoss EAP management interfaces and deployed applications by combining multiple identity stores such as the filesystem, a database, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a custom identity store

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Guide to securing JBoss EAP management interfaces and deployed applications by combining multiple identity stores such as the filesystem, a database, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a custom identity store.

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Chapter 1. Configuring identity stores

1.1. Creating an aggregate realm

1.1.1. Aggregate realm in Elytron

With an aggregate realm, aggregate-realm, you can use one security realm for authentication and another security realm, or an aggregation of multiple security realms, for authorization in Elytron.

For example, you can configure an aggregate-realm to use an ldap-realm for authentication and aggregation of a filesystem-realm and an ldap-realm for authorization.

An identity is created in an aggregate realm configured with multiple authorization realms as follows:

  • Attribute values from each authorization realm are loaded.
  • If an attribute is defined in more than one authorization realm, the value of the first occurrence of the attribute is used.

The following example illustrates how identity is created when multiple authorization realms contain definitions for the same identity attribute.

Example aggregate realm configuration


In the example, the configured aggregate-realm references two existing security realms: "exampleLDAPRealm", which is an LDAP realm, and "exampleFilesystemRealm", which is a filesystem realm.

  • Attribute values obtained from the LDAP realm:

    telephoneNumber: 0000 0000
  • Attribute values obtained from the filesystem realm:


Resulting identity obtained from the aggregate realm:

telephoneNumber: 0000 0000

The example aggregate-realm uses the value for the attribute mail defined in the LDAP realm because the LDAP realm is referenced before the filesystem realm.

1.1.2. Examples of creating security realms required for an aggregate realm

The following examples illustrate creating ldap-realm and filesystem-realm. You can reference these security realms in an aggregate-realm. Creating an ldap-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.

For the examples in this procedure, the following LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is used:

dn: ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: Users

dn: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: user1
sn: user1
uid: user1
userPassword: passwordUser1
telephoneNumber: 0000 0000

dn: ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Roles

dn: cn=Admin,ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: Admin
member: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org

The LDAP connection parameters used for the example are as follows:

  • LDAP URL: ldap://
  • LDAP admin password: secret

    You need this for Elytron to connect with the LDAP server.

  • LDAP admin Distinguished Name (DN): (cn=admin,dc=wildfly,dc=org)
  • LDAP organization: wildfly

    If no organization name is specified, it defaults to Example Inc.

  • LDAP domain:

    This is the name that is matched when the platform receives an LDAP search reference.


  • You have configured an LDAP identity store.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Configure a directory context that provides the URL and the principal used to connect to the LDAP server.



    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create an LDAP realm that references the directory context. Specify the Search Base DN and how users are mapped.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm, or aggregate-realm. Creating a filesystem-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a file system-based identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Create a filesystem-realm in Elytron.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Add a user to the realm and configure the user’s role.

    1. Add a user.




      {"outcome" => "success"}

    2. Set roles for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:add-identity-attribute(identity=<user_name>,name=<roles_attribute_name>, value=[<role_1>,<role_N>])


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:add-identity-attribute(identity=user1, name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"])
      {"outcome" => "success"}

    3. Set attributes for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:add-identity-attribute(identity=<user_name>,name=<attribute_name>, value=[<attribute_value>])


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:add-identity-attribute(identity=user1, name=mail, value=[""])
      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:add-identity-attribute(identity=user1, name=website, value=[""])

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm, or aggregate-realm.

1.1.3. Creating an aggregate-realm in Elytron

Create an aggregate-realm in Elytron that uses one security realm for authentication and aggregation of multiple security realms for authorization. Use the aggregate-realm to create a security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and deployed applications.


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have created the realms to reference from the aggregate realm.


  1. Create an aggregate-realm from existing security realms.


    /subsystem=elytron/aggregate-realm=<aggregate_realm_name>:add(authentication-realm=<security_realm_for_authentication>, authorization-realms=[<security_realm_for_authorization_1>,<security_realm_for_authorization_2>,...,<security_realm_for_authorization_N>])


    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create a role decoder to map attributes to roles.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  3. Create a security domain that references the aggregate-realm and the role decoder.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You now can use the created security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and applications. For more information, see Securing management interfaces and applications.

1.2. Creating a caching realm

1.2.1. Caching realm in Elytron

Elytron provides caching-realm to cache the results of a credential lookup from a security realm. The caching-realm caches the PasswordCredential credential using a LRU or Least Recently Used caching strategy, in which the least accessed entries are discarded when maximum number of entries is reached.

You can use a caching-realm with the following security realms:

  • filesystem-realm
  • jdbc-realm
  • ldap-realm
  • a custom security realm

If you make changes to your credential source outside of JBoss EAP, those changes are only propagated to a JBoss EAP caching realm if the underlying security realm supports listening. Only ldap-realm supports listening. However, filtered attributes, such as roles, inside the ldap-realm do not support listening.

To ensure that your caching realm has a correct cache of user data, ensure the following:

  • Clear the caching-realm cache after you modify the user attributes at your credential source.
  • Modify your user attributes through the caching realm rather than at your credential source.

Making user changes through a caching realm is provided as Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

1.2.2. Creating a caching-realm in Elytron

Create a caching-realm and a security domain that references the realm to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


An ldap-realm configured as caching realm does not support Active Directory. For more information, see Changing LDAP/AD User Password via JBossEAP CLI for Elytron.


  • You have configured the security realm to cache.


  1. Create a caching-realm that references the security realm to cache.





  2. Create a security domain that references the caching-realm.




    {"outcome" => "success"}


  • To verify that Elytron can load data from the security realm referenced in the caching-realm into the caching-realm, use the following command:




        "outcome" => "success",
        "result" => {
            "name" => "user1",
            "attributes" => {"Roles" => ["Admin"]},
            "roles" => ["Admin"]

You now can use the created security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and applications. For more information, see Securing management interfaces and applications.

1.2.3. Clearing the caching-realm cache

Clearing a caching-realm cache forces Elytron to re-populate the cache by using the latest data from the security realm, which Elytron is configured to cache.


  • A caching-realm is configured.


  • Clear the caching-realm cache.





Additional resources

1.3. Creating a distributed realm

1.3.1. Distributed realm in Elytron

With a distributed realm, you can search across different identity stores by referencing existing security realms. The identity obtained is used for both authentication and authorization. Elytron invokes the security realms in a distributed realm in the order that you define them in the distributed-realm resource.

Example distributed-realm configuration


In the example, the configured distributed-realm references two existing security realms: "exampleLDAPRealm", which is an LDAP realm, and "exampleFilesystemRealm", which is a filesystem realm. Elytron searches the referenced security realms sequentially as follows:

  • Elytron first searches the LDAP realm for a matching identity.
  • If Elytron finds a match, the authentication succeeds.
  • If Elytron does not find a match, it searches the filesystem realm.

By default, in case the connection to any identity store fails before an identity is matched, the authentication fails with an exception RealmUnavailableException and no more realms are searched. You can change this behavior by setting the attribute ignore-unavailable-realms to true. If the connection to an identity store fails when ignore-unavailable-realms is set to true, Elytron continues to search the remaining realms.

When ignore-unavailable-realms is set to true, emit-events is by default set to true, so a SecurityEvent is emitted in case any of the queried realms is unavailable. You can turn this off by setting emit-events to false.

1.3.2. Examples of creating security realms required for a distributed realm

The following examples illustrate creating ldap-realm and filesystem-realm. You can reference these security realms in a distributed-realm. Creating an ldap-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.

For the examples in this procedure, the following LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is used:

dn: ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: Users

dn: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: user1
sn: user1
uid: user1
userPassword: userPassword1

dn: ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Roles

dn: cn=Admin,ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: Admin
member: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org

The LDAP connection parameters used for the example are as follows:

  • LDAP URL: ldap://
  • LDAP admin password: secret

    You need this for Elytron to connect with the LDAP server.

  • LDAP admin Distinguished Name (DN): (cn=admin,dc=wildfly,dc=org)
  • LDAP organization: wildfly

    If no organization name is specified, it defaults to Example Inc.

  • LDAP domain:

    This is the name that is matched when the platform receives an LDAP search reference.


  • You have configured an LDAP identity store.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Configure a directory context that provides the URL and the principal used to connect to the LDAP server.



    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create an LDAP realm that references the directory context. Specify the Search Base DN and how users are mapped.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm or aggregate-realm. You can also configure a caching-realm for the ldap-realm to cache the result of lookup and improve performance. Creating a filesystem-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a file system-based identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Create a filesystem-realm in Elytron.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Add a user to the realm and configure the user’s role.

    1. Add a user.




      {"outcome" => "success"}

    2. Set a password for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:set-password(identity=<user_name>, clear={password=<password>})


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:set-password(identity=user2, clear={password="passwordUser2"})
      {"outcome" => "success"}

    3. Set roles for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:add-identity-attribute(identity=<user_name>, name=<roles_attribute_name>, value=[<role_1>,<role_N>])


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:add-identity-attribute(identity=user2, name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"])
      {"outcome" => "success"}

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm, or aggregate-realm.

1.3.3. Creating a distributed-realm in Elytron

Create a distributed-realm in Elytron that references existing security realms to search for an identity. Use the distributed-realm to create a security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have created the realms to reference in the distributed-realm.


  1. Create a distributed-realm referencing existing security realms.


    /subsystem=elytron/distributed-realm=<distributed_realm_name>:add(realms=[<security_realm_1>, <security_realm_2>, ..., <security_realm_N>])


    /subsystem=elytron/distributed-realm=exampleSecurityRealm:add(realms=[exampleLDAPRealm, exampleFileSystemRealm])
    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create a role decoder to map attributes to roles.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  3. Create a security domain that references the distributed-realm and the role decoder.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You now can use the created security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and applications. For more information, see Securing management interfaces and applications.

1.4. Creating a failover realm

1.4.1. Failover realm in Elytron

You can configure a failover security realm, failover-realm, in Elytron that references two existing security realms so that in case one security realm fails, Elytron uses the other as a backup.

A failover-realm in Elytron references two security realms:

  • delegate-realm: The primary security realm to use.
  • failover-realm: The security realm to use as the backup.

Example failover-realm configuration


In the example, exampleLDAPRealm, which is an ldap-realm, is used as the delegate realm and exampleFileSystemRealm, which is a filesystem-realm is used as the failover-realm. In the case that the ldap-realm fails, Elytron will use the filesystem-realm for authentication and authorization.


In a failover-realm, the failover-realm is invoked only when the delegate-realm fails. The fail-over realm is not invoked if the connection to the delegate-realm succeeds but the required identity is not found. To search for identity across multiple security realms, use the distributed-realm.

1.4.2. Examples of creating security realms required for a failover realm

The following examples illustrate creating ldap-realm and filesystem-realm. You can reference these security realms in a failover-realm. Creating an ldap-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.

For the examples in this procedure, the following LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is used:

dn: ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: Users

dn: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: user1
sn: user1
uid: user1
userPassword: userPassword1

dn: ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Roles

dn: cn=Admin,ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: Admin
member: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org

The LDAP connection parameters used for the example are as follows:

  • LDAP URL: ldap://
  • LDAP admin password: secret

    You need this for Elytron to connect with the LDAP server.

  • LDAP admin Distinguished Name (DN): (cn=admin,dc=wildfly,dc=org)
  • LDAP organization: wildfly

    If no organization name is specified, it defaults to Example Inc.

  • LDAP domain:

    This is the name that is matched when the platform receives an LDAP search reference.


  • You have configured an LDAP identity store.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Configure a directory context that provides the URL and the principal used to connect to the LDAP server.



    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create an LDAP realm that references the directory context. Specify the Search Base DN and how users are mapped.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm or aggregate-realm. You can also configure a caching-realm for the ldap-realm to cache the result of lookup and improve performance. Creating a filesystem-realm in Elytron example

Create an Elytron security realm backed by a file system-based identity store to secure the JBoss EAP server interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Create a filesystem-realm in Elytron.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Add a user to the realm and configure the user’s role.

    1. Add a user.




      {"outcome" => "success"}

    2. Set a password for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:set-password(identity=<user_name>, clear={password=<password>})


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:set-password(identity=user1, clear={password="passwordUser1"})
      {"outcome" => "success"}

    3. Set roles for the user.


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=<filesystem_realm_name>:add-identity-attribute(identity=<user_name>,name=<roles_attribute_name>, value=[<role_1>,<role_N>])


      /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFileSystemRealm:add-identity-attribute(identity=user1, name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"])
      {"outcome" => "success"}

You can now use this realm to create a security domain or to combine with another realm in failover-realm, distributed-realm, or aggregate-realm.

1.4.3. Creating a failover-realm in Elytron

Create a failover security realm in Elytron that references existing security realms as a delegate realm, the default realm to use, and a failover realm. Elytron uses the configured failover realm in case the delegate realm fails. Use the security realm to create a security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces or the applications deployed on the server.


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have created the realms to use as the delegate and failover realm.


  1. Create a failover-realm from existing security realms.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Create a role decoder to map attributes to roles.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  3. Create a security domain that references the failover-realm and the role decoder.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You now can use the created security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and applications. For more information, see Securing management interfaces and applications.

1.5. Creating a JAAS realm

1.5.1. JAAS realm in Elytron

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) realm, jaas-realm, is a security realm that you can use to configure custom login modules in the elytron subsystem for credential verification of users and assigning users roles.

You can use jaas-realm for securing both JBoss EAP management interfaces and the deployed applications.

The JAAS realm verifies user credentials by initializing a, which uses login modules specified in the JAAS configuration file.

A login module is an implementation of interface. Add these implementations as a JBoss EAP module to your server and specify them in the JAAS configuration file.

Example of JAAS configuration file

test { 1
    loginmodules.CustomLoginModule1 optional; 2
    loginmodules.CustomLoginModule2 optional myOption1=true myOption2=exampleOption; 3

Name of the entry that you use when configuring the jaas-realm.
Login module with its optional flags. You can use all the flags defined by JAAS. For more information, see JAAS Login Configuration File in the Oracle Java SE documentation.
Login module with its optional flags and options.
Subject’s principals to attributes mapping and roles association in login modules

You can add attributes to identities obtained from login modules by utilizing a subject's principals. A subject is the user being authenticated and principals are identifiers, such as the user name, contained within a subject.

Elytron obtains and maps identities as follows:

  • Login modules use to represent the user, subject, being authenticated.
  • A subject can have multiple instances of, principal, associated with it.
  • Elytron uses to represent authenticated users. Elytron maps subject to SecurityIdentity.

A subject’s principals are mapped to security identity’s attributes with the following rule:

  • The key of the attribute is principal’s simple class name, obtained by principal.getClass().getSimpleName() call.
  • The value is the principal’s name, obtained by principal.getName() call.
  • For principals of the same type, the values are appended to the collection under the attribute key.

1.5.2. Developing custom JAAS login modules

You can create custom Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login modules to implement custom authentication and authorization functionality.

You can use the custom JAAS login modules through the jaas-realm in the Elytron subsystem to secure JBoss EAP management interfaces and deployed applications. The login modules are not part of a deployment, you include them as JBoss EAP modules.


The following procedures are provided as an example only. If you already have an application that you want to secure, you can skip these and go directly to Adding authentication and authorization to applications. Creating a Maven project for JAAS login module development

For creating custom Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login modules, create a Maven project with the required dependencies and directory structure.



  1. Use the mvn command in the CLI to set up a Maven project. This command creates the directory structure for the project and the pom.xml configuration file.


    $ mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=<group-to-which-your-application-belongs> \
    -DartifactId=<name-of-your-application> \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-simple \


    $ mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=com.example.loginmodule \
    -DartifactId=example-custom-login-module \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-simple \

  2. Navigate to the application root directory.


    $ cd <name-of-your-application>


    $ cd example-custom-login-module

  3. Replace the content of the generated pom.xml file with the following text:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns=""
  4. Remove the directories site and test because they are not required for this example.

    $ rm -rf src/site/
    $ rm -rf src/test/


  • In the application root directory, enter the following command:

    $ mvn install

    You get an output similar to the following:

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 1.404 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-28T13:55:18+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can now create custom JAAS login modules. Creating custom JAAS login modules

Create a custom Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login module by creating a class that implements the interface. Additionally, create JAAS configuration file with flags and options for the custom login module.

In this procedure, <application_home> refers to the directory that contains the pom.xml configuration file for the application.



  1. Create a directory to store the Java files.


    $ mkdir -p src/main/java/<path_based_on_artifactID>


    $ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/loginmodule

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the source files.


    $ cd src/main/java/<path_based_on_groupID>


    $ cd src/main/java/com/example/loginmodule

  3. Delete the generated file

    $ rm
  4. Create a file for custom login module source.

    package com.example.loginmodule;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class ExampleCustomLoginModule implements LoginModule {
        private final Map<String, char[]> usersMap = new HashMap<String, char[]>();
        private Principal principal;
        private Subject subject;
        private CallbackHandler handler;
         * In this example, identities are created as fixed Strings.
         * The identities are:
         *    user1 has the password passwordUser1
         *    user2 has the password passwordUser2
         * Use these credentials when you secure management interfaces
         * or applications with this login module.
         * In a production login module, you would get the identities
         * from a data source.
        public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map<String, ?> sharedState, Map<String, ?> options) {
            this.subject = subject;
            this.handler = callbackHandler;
            this.usersMap.put("user1", "passwordUser1".toCharArray());
            this.usersMap.put("user2", "passwordUser2".toCharArray());
        public boolean login() throws LoginException {
            // obtain the incoming username and password from the callback handler
            NameCallback nameCallback = new NameCallback("Username");
            PasswordCallback passwordCallback = new PasswordCallback("Password", false);
            Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[]{nameCallback, passwordCallback};
            try {
            } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException | IOException e) {
                throw new LoginException("Error handling callback: " + e.getMessage());
            final String username = nameCallback.getName();
            this.principal = new NamePrincipal(username);
            final char[] password = passwordCallback.getPassword();
            char[] storedPassword = this.usersMap.get(username);
            if (!Arrays.equals(storedPassword, password)) {
                throw new LoginException("Invalid password");
            } else {
                return true;
         * user1 is assigned the roles Admin, User and Guest.
         * In a production login module, you would get the identities
         * from a data source.
        public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
            if (this.principal.getName().equals("user1")) {
                this.subject.getPrincipals().add(new Roles("Admin"));
                this.subject.getPrincipals().add(new Roles("User"));
                this.subject.getPrincipals().add(new Roles("Guest"));
            return true;
        public boolean abort() throws LoginException {
            return true;
        public boolean logout() throws LoginException {
            return true;
        * Principal with simple classname 'Roles' will be mapped to the identity's attribute with name 'Roles'.
        private static class Roles implements Principal {
            private final String name;
            Roles(final String name) {
       = name;
             * @return name of the principal. This will be added as a value to the identity's attribute which has a name equal to the simple name of this class. In this example, this value will be added to the attribute with a name 'Roles'.
            public String getName() {
  5. In the <application_home> directory, create JAAS configuration file JAAS-login-modules.conf.

    exampleConfiguration {
    	com.example.loginmodule.ExampleCustomLoginModule optional;
    • exampleConfiguration is the Entry name.
    • com.example.loginmodule.ExampleCustomLoginModule is the login module.
    • optional is the flag.
  6. Compile the login module.

    $ mvn package
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 1.321 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-28T14:16:03+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can now use the login module to secure JBoss EAP management interfaces and deployed applications.

1.5.3. Creating a jaas-realm in Elytron

Create an Elytron security realm backed by Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)-compatible custom login module to secure JBoss EAP server interfaces or deployed applications. Use the security realm to create a security domain.



  1. Add the login module JAR to JBoss EAP as a module using the management CLI.


    module add --name=<name_of_the_login_moudle> --resources=<path_to_the_login_module_jar>


    module add --name=exampleLoginModule  --resources=<path_to_login_module>/custom-login-modules-1.0.jar

  2. Create jaas-realm from the login module and the JAAS login configuration file.





  3. Create a security domain that references the jaas-realm.




    {"outcome" => "success"}

You now can use the created security domain to add authentication and authorization to management interfaces and applications. For more information, see Securing management interfaces and applications.

Chapter 2. Securing management interfaces and applications

2.1. Adding authentication and authorization to management interfaces

You can add authentication and authorization for management interfaces to secure them by using a security domain. To access the management interfaces after you add authentication and authorization, users must enter login credentials.

You can secure JBoss EAP management interfaces as follows:

  • Management CLI

    By configuring a sasl-authentication-factory.

  • Management console

    By configuring an http-authentication-factory.


  • You have created a security domain referencing a security realm.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Create an http-authentication-factory, or a sasl-authentication-factory.

    • Create an http-authentication-factory.


      /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=<authentication_factory_name>:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global, security-domain=<security_domain_name>, mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=<mechanism-name>, mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=<realm_name>}]}])


      /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=exampleAuthenticationFactory:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global, security-domain=exampleSecurityDomain, mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=BASIC, mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleSecurityRealm}]}])
      {"outcome" => "success"}

    • Create a sasl-authentication-factory.




      {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Update the management interfaces.

    • Use the http-authentication-factory to secure the management console.


      /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=http-authentication-factory, value=<authentication_factory_name>)


      /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=http-authentication-factory, value=exampleAuthenticationFactory)
          "outcome" => "success",
          "response-headers" => {
              "operation-requires-reload" => true,
              "process-state" => "reload-required"

    • Use the sasl-authentication-factory to secure the management CLI.




          "outcome" => "success",
          "response-headers" => {
              "operation-requires-reload" => true,
              "process-state" => "reload-required"

  3. Reload the server.



  • To verify that the management console requires authentication and authorization, navigate to the management console at

    You are prompted to enter user name and password.

  • To verify that the management CLI requires authentication and authorization, start the management CLI using the following command:

    $ bin/ --connect

    You are prompted to enter user name and password.

2.2. Using a security domain to authenticate and authorize application users

Use a security domain that references a security realm to authenticate and authorize application users. The procedures for developing an application are provided only as an example.

2.2.1. Developing a simple web application for aggregate-realm

You can create a simple web application to follow along with the configuring security realms examples.


The following procedures are provided as an example only. If you already have an application that you want to secure, you can skip these and go directly to Adding authentication and authorization to applications. Creating a maven project for web-application development

For creating a web-application, create a Maven project with the required dependencies and the directory structure.



  1. Set up a Maven project using the mvn command. The command creates the directory structure for the project and the pom.xml configuration file.


    $ mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=${group-to-which-your-application-belongs} \
    -DartifactId=${name-of-your-application} \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \


    $ mvn archetype:generate \ \
    -DartifactId=simple-webapp-example \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \

  2. Navigate to the application root directory:


    $ cd <name-of-your-application>


    $ cd simple-webapp-example

  3. Replace the content of the generated pom.xml file with the following text:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
      <name>simple-webapp-example Maven Webapp</name>
      <!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->


  • In the application root directory, enter the following command:

    $ mvn install

    You get an output similar to the following:

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 0.795 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-28T17:39:48+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can now create a web-application. Creating a web application

Create a web application containing a servlet that returns the user name obtained from the logged-in user’s principal and attributes. If there is no logged-in user, the servlet returns the text "NO AUTHENTICATED USER".


  • You have created a Maven project.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Create a directory to store the Java files.


    $ mkdir -p src/main/java/<path_based_on_artifactID>


    $ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/app

  2. Navigate to the new directory.


    $ cd src/main/java/<path_based_on_artifactID>


    $ cd src/main/java/com/example/app

  3. Create a file with the following content:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
    import jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
     * A simple secured HTTP servlet. It returns the user name and
     * attributes obtained from the logged-in user's Principal. If
     * there is no logged-in user, it returns the text
    public class SecuredServlet extends HttpServlet {
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
            try (PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter()) {
            	Principal user = req.getUserPrincipal();
            	SecurityIdentity identity = SecurityDomain.getCurrent().getCurrentSecurityIdentity();
            	Attributes identityAttributes = identity.getAttributes();
            	Set <String> keys = identityAttributes.keySet();
            	String attributes = "<ul>";
            	for (String attr : keys) {
            		attributes += "<li> " +  attr + " : " + identityAttributes.get(attr).toString() + "</li>";
            	writer.println("  <head><title>Secured Servlet</title></head>");
            	writer.println("  <body>");
            	writer.println("    <h1>Secured Servlet</h1>");
            	writer.println("    <p>");
            	writer.print(" Current Principal '");
            	writer.print(user != null ? user.getName() : "NO AUTHENTICATED USER");
            	writer.print(user != null ? "\n" + attributes : "");
            	writer.println("    </p>");
            	writer.println("  </body>");
  4. In the application root directory, compile your application with the following command:

    $ mvn package
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 1.015 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-28T17:48:53+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Deploy the application.

    $ mvn wildfly:deploy


You can now secure this application by using a security domain so that only authenticated users can access it.

2.2.2. Adding authentication and authorization to applications

You can add authentication and authorization to web applications to secure them by using a security domain. To access the web applications after you add authentication and authorization, users must enter login credentials.


  • You have created a security domain referencing a security realm.
  • You have deployed applications on JBoss EAP.
  • JBoss EAP is running.


  1. Configure an application-security-domain in the undertow subsystem:




    {"outcome" => "success"}

  2. Configure the application’s web.xml to protect the application resources.


    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
     "" >
     <!-- Define the security constraints for the application resources.
          Specify the URL pattern for which a challenge is -->
                <web-resource-name><!-- Name of the resources to protect --></web-resource-name>
                <url-pattern> <!-- The URL to protect  --></url-pattern>
            <!-- Define the role that can access the protected resource -->
                <role-name> <!-- Role name as defined in the security domain --></role-name>
                <!-- To disable authentication you can use the wildcard *
                	 To authenticate but allow any role, use the wildcard **. -->
            	<!-- The authentication method to use. Can be:
            <realm-name><!-- The name of realm to send in the challenge  --></realm-name>


    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
     "" >
     <!-- Define the security constraints for the application resources.
          Specify the URL pattern for which a challenge is -->
            <!-- Define the role that can access the protected resource -->
                <!-- To disable authentication you can use the wildcard *
                	 To authenticate but allow any role, use the wildcard **. -->


    You can use a different auth-method.

  3. Configure your application to use a security domain by either creating a jboss-web.xml file in your application or setting the default security domain in the undertow subsystem.

    • Create jboss-web.xml file in the your application’s WEB-INF directory referencing the application-security-domain.


        <security-domain> <!-- The security domain to associate with the application --></security-domain>



    • Set the default security domain in the undertow subsystem for applications.




          "outcome" => "success",
          "response-headers" => {
              "operation-requires-reload" => true,
              "process-state" => "reload-required"

  4. Reload the server.



  1. In the application root directory, compile your application with the following command:

    $ mvn package
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 1.015 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-28T17:48:53+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Deploy the application.

    $ mvn wildfly:deploy
  3. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/simple-webapp-example/secured. You get a login prompt confirming that authentication is now required to access the application.

Your application is now secured with a security domain and users can log in only after authenticating. Additionally, only users with specified roles can access the application.

Chapter 3. Configuring audit logging in Elytron

You can use Elytron to complete security audits on triggering events. Security auditing refers to triggering events, such as writing to a log, in response to an authorization or authentication attempt.

The type of security audit performed on events depends on your security realm configuration.

3.1. Elytron audit logging

After you enable audit logging with the elytron subsystem, you can log Elytron authentication and authorization events within the application server. Elytron stores audit log entries in either JSON or SIMPLE formats. Use SIMPLE for human readable text format or JSON for storing individual events in JSON.

Elytron audit logging differs from other types of audit logging, such as audit logging for the JBoss EAP management interfaces.

Elytron disables audit logging by default, however, you can enable audit logging by configuring any of the following log handlers. You can also add the log handler to a security domain.

You can use the aggregate-security-event-listener resource to send security events to more destinations, such as loggers. The aggregate-security-event-listener resource delivers all events to all listeners specified in the aggregate listener definition.

3.2. Enabling file audit logging in Elytron

File audit logging stores audit log messages in a single file within your file system.

By default, Elytron specifies local-audit as the file audit logger.

You must enable local-audit so that it can write Elytron audit logs to EAP_HOME/standalone/log/audit.log on a standalone server or EAP_HOME/domain/log/audit.log for a managed domain.



  1. Create a file audit log.





  2. Add the file audit log to a security domain.






  1. In a browser, log in to your secured application.

    For example, to log in to the application created in Using a security domain to authenticate and authorize application users, navigate to http://localhost:8080/simple-webapp-example/secured and log in.

  2. Navigate to the directory configured to store the audit log. If you use the example commands in the procedure, the directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/log.

    Note that a file called file-audit.log is created. It contains the logs of the events triggered by logging in to the application.

    Example file-audit.log file

    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true,permission=[,actions=,name=]}
    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true}

Additional resources

3.3. Enabling periodic rotating file audit logging in Elytron

You can use the elytron subsystem to enable periodic rotating file audit logging for your standalone server or a server running as a managed domain.

Periodic rotating file audit logging automatically rotates audit log files based on your configured schedule. Periodic rotating file audit logging is similar to default file audit logging, but periodic rotating file audit logging contains an additional attribute: suffix.

The value of the suffix attribute is a date specified using the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter format, such as .yyyy-MM-dd. Elytron automatically calculates the period of the rotation from the value provided with the suffix. The elytron subsystem appends the suffix to the end of a log file name.



  1. Create a periodic rotating file audit log.





  2. Add the periodic rotating file audit logger to a security domain.






  1. In a browser, log in to your secured application.

    For example, to log in to the application created in Using a security domain to authenticate and authorize application users, navigate to http://localhost:8080/simple-webapp-example/secured and log in.

  2. Navigate to the directory configured to store the audit log. If you use the example commands in the procedure, the directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/log.

    Note that a file called periodic-file-audit.log is created. It contains the logs of the events triggered by logging in to the application.

    Example periodic-file-audit.log file

    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true,permission=[,actions=,name=]}
    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true}

3.4. Enabling size rotating file audit logging in Elytron

You can use the elytron subsystem to enable size rotating file audit logging for your standalone server or a server running as a managed domain.

Size rotating file audit logging automatically rotates audit log files when the log file reaches a configured file size. Size rotating file audit logging is similar to default file audit logging, but the size rotating file audit logging contains additional attributes.

When the log file size exceeds the limit defined by the rotate-size attribute, Elytron appends the suffix .1 to the end of the current file andcreates a new log file. For each existing log file, Elytron increments the suffix by one. For example, Elytron renames audit_log.1 to audit_log.2. Elytron continues the increments until the log file amount reaches the maximum number of log files, as defined by max-backup-index. When a log file exceeds the max-backup-index value, Elytron removes the file. For example, if the max-backup-index defines "98" as the max-backup-index value, the audit_log.99 file would be over the limit.



  1. Create a size rotating file audit log.





  2. Add the size rotating audit logger to a security domain.






  1. In a browser, log in to your secured application.

    For example, to log in to the application created in Using a security domain to authenticate and authorize application users, navigate to http://localhost:8080/simple-webapp-example/secured and log in.

  2. Navigate to the directory configured to store the audit log. If you use the example commands in the procedure, the directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/log.

    Note that a file called size-file-audit.log is created. It contains the logs of the events triggered by logging in to the application.

    Example size-file-audit.log file

    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true,permission=[,actions=,name=]}
    2023-10-24 23:31:04,WARNING,{event=SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent,event-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04,security-identity=[name=user1,creation-time=2023-10-24 23:31:04],success=true}

3.5. Enabling syslog audit logging in Elytron

You can use the elytron subsystem to enable syslog audit logging for your standalone server or a server running as a managed domain. When you use syslog audit logging, you send the logging results to a syslog server, which provides more security options than logging to a local file.

The syslog handler specifies parameters used to connect to a syslog server, such as the syslog server’s host name and the port on which the syslog server listens. You can define multiple syslog handlers and activate them simultaneously.

Supported log formats include RFC5424 and RFC3164. Supported transmission protocols include UDP, TCP, and TCP with SSL.

When you define a syslog for the first instance, the logger sends an INFORMATIONAL priority event containing the message to the syslog server, as demonstrated in the following example:

"Elytron audit logging enabled with RFC format: <format>"

<format> refers to the Request for Comments (RFC) format configured for the audit logging handler, which defaults to RFC5424.



  1. Add a syslog handler.


    /subsystem=elytron/syslog-audit-log=<syslog_audit_log_name>:add(host-name=<record_host_name>,port=<syslog_server_port_number>,server-address=<syslog_server_address>,format=<record_format>, transport=<transport_layer_protocol>)

    You can also send logs to a syslog server over TLS:

    Syntax for syslog configuration to send logs over TLS


  2. Add the syslog audit logger to a security domain.





3.6. Using custom security event listeners in Elytron

You can use Elytron to define a custom event listener. A custom event listener processes incoming security events. You can use the event listener for custom audit logging purposes, or you can use the event listener to authenticate users against your internal identity storage.


The ability to add and remove modules by using the module management CLI command is provided as a Technology Preview feature only. The module command is not appropriate for use in a managed domain or when connecting with a remote management CLI. You must manually add or remove modules in a production environment.

Technology Preview features are not supported with Red  Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.



  1. Create a class that implements the java.util.function.Consumer<> interface.

    Example of creating a Java class that uses the specified interface:

    public class MySecurityEventListener implements Consumer<SecurityEvent> {
        public void accept(SecurityEvent securityEvent) {
            if (securityEvent instanceof SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent) {
                System.err.printf("Authenticated user \"%s\"\n", securityEvent.getSecurityIdentity().getPrincipal());
            } else if (securityEvent instanceof SecurityAuthenticationFailedEvent) {
                System.err.printf("Failed authentication as user \"%s\"\n", ((SecurityAuthenticationFailedEvent)securityEvent).getPrincipal());

    The Java class in the example prints a message whenever a user succeeds or fails authentication.

  2. Add the JAR file that provides the custom event listener as a module to JBoss EAP.

    The following is an example of the management CLI command that adds a custom event listener as a module to Elytron.

    Example of using the module command to add a custom event listener as a module to Elytron:

    /subsystem=elytron/custom-security-event-listener=<listener_name>:add(module=<module_name>, class-name=<class_name>)

  3. Reference the custom event listener in the security domain.

    Example of referencing a custom event listener in ApplicationDomain:

    /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=<domain_name>:write-attribute(name=security-event-listener, value=<listener_name>)

  4. Restart the server.

    $ reload

    The event listener receives security events from the specified security domain.

Chapter 4. Reference

4.1. aggregate-realm attributes

You can configure aggregate-realm by setting its attributes.

Table 4.1. aggregate-realm sttributes


Reference to the security realm to use for authentication steps. This is used for obtaining or validating credentials.


Reference to the security realm to use for loading the identity for authorization steps.


Reference to the security realms to aggregate for loading the identity for authorization steps. If an attribute is defined in more than one authorization realm, the value of the first occurrence of the attribute is used.


Reference to a principal transformer to apply between loading the identity for authentication and loading the identity for authorization.


The authorization-realm and authorization-realms attributes are mutually exclusive. Define only one of the two attributes in a realm.

4.2. caching-realm attributes

You can configure caching-realm by setting its attributes.

Table 4.2. caching-realm Attributes


The time in milliseconds that an item can stay in the cache. A value of -1 keeps items indefinitely. This defaults to -1.


The maximum number of entries to keep in the cache. This defaults to 16.


A reference to a cacheable security realm such as jdbc-realm, ldap-realm, filesystem-realm or a custom security realm.

4.3. distributed-realm attributes

You can configure distributed-realm by setting its attributes.

Table 4.3. distributed-realm attributes


Whether a SecurityEvent signifying realm unavailability should be emitted. Applicable only when the ignore-unavailable-realms attribute is set to true. The default value is true.


In case the connection to any identity store fails, whether subsequent realms should be checked. Set the value to true to check the subsequent realms. The default value is false.

When the value is set to true, a SecurityEvent is emitted if the connection to any identity store fails, by default.


A list of the security realms to search. The security realms are invoked sequentially in the order they are provided in this attribute.

4.4. failover-realm attributes

You can configure failover-realm by setting its attributes.

Table 4.4. failover-realm attributes


The security realm to use by default.


Specifies whether a security event of the type SecurityEvent that signifies the unavailability of a delegate-realm should be emitted. When enabled, you can capture these events in the audit log. The default values is true.


The security realm to use in case the delegate-realm is unavailable.

4.5. file-audit-log attributes

Table 4.5. file-audit-log attributes


Specifies if the output stream requires flushing after every audit event. If you do not define the attribute, the synchronized attribute value is the default.


Specifies the audit file encoding. The default is UTF-8. The possible values are the following:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16
  • ISO-8859-1


Default value is SIMPLE. Use SIMPLE for human readable text format or JSON for storing individual events in JSON.


Defines the location of the log files.


Optional attribute. Defines the location of the log files.


Default value is true. Specifies that the file descriptor gets synchronized after every audit event.

4.6. http-authentication-factory attributes

You can configure http-authentication-factory by setting its attributes.

Table 4.6. http-authentication-factory attributes


The HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory to associate with this resource.


The list of mechanism-specific configurations.


The security domain to associate with the resource.

Table 4.7. http-authentication-factory mechanism-configurations attributes


The security factory to use to obtain a credential as required by the mechanism.


A final principal transformer to apply for this mechanism realm.


The host name this configuration applies to.


This configuration will only apply where a mechanism with the name specified is used. If this attribute is omitted then this will match any mechanism name.


The list of definitions of the realm names as understood by the mechanism.


A principal transformer to apply before the realm is selected.


A principal transformer to apply after the realm is selected.


The protocol this configuration applies to.


The realm mapper to be used by the mechanism.

Table 4.8. http-authentication-factory mechanism-configurations mechanism-realm-configurations attributes


A final principal transformer to apply for this mechanism realm.


A principal transformer to apply after the realm is selected.


A principal transformer to apply before the realm is selected.


The realm mapper to be used by the mechanism.


The name of the realm to be presented by the mechanism.

4.7. jaas-realm attributes

You can configure jaas-realm by setting its attributes. All the attributes except entry are optional.

Table 4.9. jaas-realm attributes


Callback handler to use with the Login Context. Security property auth.login.defaultCallbackHandler can be used instead. The default callback handler of the realm is used if none of these are defined.


The entry name to use to initialize LoginContext.


The module with custom LoginModules and CallbackHandler classes.


The optional path to JAAS configuration file. You can also specify the location with java system property or with java security property login.config.url.


If you provide relative-to, the value of the path attribute is treated as relative to the path specified by this attribute.

4.8. module command arguments

You can use different arguments with the module command.

Table 4.10. module command arguments


Use this argument to specify a list of absolute file system paths to reference from its module.xml file. The files specified are not copied to the module directory.

See --resource-delimiter for delimiter details.


Use this argument to create empty directories for resources specified by --resources that do not exist. The module add command will fail if there are resources that do not exist and this argument is not used.


Use this argument to provide a comma-separated list of module names that this module depends on.


Use this argument to specify exported dependencies.

module add --name=com.mysql --resources=/path/to/{MySQLDriverJarName} --export-dependencies=wildflyee.api,


Use this argument to specify the fully qualified class name that declares the module’s main method.


Use this argument if you have defined an external JBoss EAP module directory to use instead of the default EAP_HOME/modules/ directory.

module add --module-root-dir=/path/to/my-external-modules/ --name=com.mysql --resources=/path/to/{MySQLDriverJarName} --dependencies=wildflyee.api,


Use this argument to provide a file system path to a module.xml to use for this new module. This file is copied to the module directory. If this argument is not specified, a module.xml file is generated in the module directory.


Use this argument to provide the name of the module to add. This argument is required.


Use this argument to provide a comma-separated list of PROPERTY_NAME=PROPERTY_VALUE pairs that define module properties.


Use this argument to set a user-defined file path separator for the list of resources provided to the --resources or absolute-resources argument. If not set, the file path separator is a colon (:) for Linux and a semicolon (;) for Windows.


Use this argument to specify the resources for this module by providing a list of file system paths. The files are copied to this module directory and referenced from its module.xml file. If you a provide a path to a directory, the directory and its contents are copied to the module directory. Symbolic links are not preserved; linked resources are copied to the module directory. This argument is required unless --absolute-resources or --module-xml is provided.

See --resource-delimiter for delimiter details.


Use this argument to add the module to a slot other than the default main slot.

module add --name=com.mysql --slot=8.0 --resources=/path/to/{MySQLDriverJarName} --dependencies=wildflyee.api,

4.9. periodic-rotating-file-audit-log attributes

Table 4.11. periodic-rotating-file-audit-log attributes


Specifies if the output stream requires flushing after every audit event. If you do not define the attribute, the synchronized attribute value is the default.


Specifies the audit file encoding. The default is UTF-8. The possible values are the following:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16
  • ISO-8859-1


Use SIMPLE for human readable text format or JSON for storing individual events in JSON.


Defines the location of the log files.


Optional attribute. Defines the location of the log files.


Optional attribute. Adds a date suffix to a rotated log. You must use the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter format. For example .yyyy-MM-dd.


Default value is true. Specifies that the file descriptor gets synchronized after every audit event.

4.10. sasl-authentication-factory attributes

You can configure sasl-authentication-factory by setting its attributes.

Table 4.12. sasl-authentication-factory attributes


The list of mechanism specific configurations.


The SASL server factory to associate with this resource.


The security domain to associate with this resource.

Table 4.13. sasl-authentication-factory mechanism-configurations attributes


The security factory to use to obtain a credential as required by the mechanism.


A final principal transformer to apply for this mechanism realm.


The host name this configuration applies to.


This configuration will only apply where a mechanism with the name specified is used. If this attribute is omitted then this will match any mechanism name.


The list of definitions of the realm names as understood by the mechanism.


The protocol this configuration applies to.


A principal transformer to apply after the realm is selected.


A principal transformer to apply before the realm is selected.


The realm mapper to be used by the mechanism.

Table 4.14. sasl-authentication-factory mechanism-configurations mechanism-realm-configurations attributes


A final principal transformer to apply for this mechanism realm.


A principal transformer to apply after the realm is selected.


A principal transformer to apply before the realm is selected.


The realm mapper to be used by the mechanism.


The name of the realm to be presented by the mechanism.

4.11. security-domain attributes

You can configure security-domain by setting its attributes.



The default realm contained by this security domain.


A reference to an EvidenceDecoder to be used by this domain.


This attribute specifies whether the anonymous identity should be used if outflow to a security domain is not possible, which happens in the following scenarios:

  • The domain to outflow to does not trust this domain.
  • The identity being outflowed to a domain does not exist in that domain

Outflowing anonymous identity clears any previously established identity for that domain.


The list of security domains that the security identity from this domain should automatically outflow to.


A reference to a PermissionMapper to be used by this domain.


A reference to a principal transformer to be applied after the realm has operated on the supplied identity name.


A reference to a principal transformer to be applied before the realm is selected.


A reference to a PrincipalDecoder to be used by this domain.


Reference to the RealmMapper to be used by this domain.


The list of realms contained by this security domain.


Reference to the RoleDecoder to be used by this domain.


Reference to the RoleMapper to be used by this domain.


Reference to a listener for security events.


The list of security domains that are trusted by this security domain.


The list of virtual security domains that are trusted by this security domain.

4.12. simple-role-decoder attributes

You can configure simple role decoder by setting its attribute.

Table 4.15. simple-role-decoder attributes


The name of the attribute from the identity to map directly to roles.

4.13. size-rotating-file-audit-log attributes

Table 4.16. size-rotating-file-audit-log attributes


Specifies if the output stream requires flushing after every audit event. If you do not define the attribute, the synchronized attribute value is the default.


Specifies the audit file encoding. The default is UTF-8. The possible values are the following:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16
  • ISO-8859-1


Default value is SIMPLE. Use SIMPLE for human readable text format or JSON for storing individual events in JSON.


The maximum number of files to back up when rotating. The default value is 1.


Defines the location of the log files.


Optional attribute. Defines the location of the log files.


By default, Elytron does not create a new log file when you restart a server. Set this attribute to true to rotate the log on server restart.


The maximum size that the log file can reach before Elytron rotates the log. The default is 10m for 10 megabytes. You can also define the maximum size of the log with k, g, b, or t units. You can specify units in either uppercase or lowercase characters.


Optional attribute. Adds a date suffix to a rotated log. You must use the java.text.format.DateTimeFormatter format. For example .yyyy-MM-dd-HH.


Default value is true. Specifies that the file descriptor gets synchronized after every audit event.

4.14. syslog-audit-log attributes

Table 4.17. syslog-audit-log attributes


The format in which audit events are recorded.

Supported values:

  • JSON

Default value:



The host name to be embedded into all events sent to the syslog server.


The listening port on the syslog server.


The maximum number of times that Elytron will attempt to send successive messages to a syslog server before closing the connection. The value of this attribute is only valid when the transmission protocol used is UDP.

Supported values:

  • Any positive integer value.
  • -1 indicates infinite reconnect attempts.

Default value:

  • 0


IP address of the syslog server or a name that can be resolved by Java’s InetAddress.getByName() method.


The SSL context to use when connecting to the syslog server. This attribute is only required if transport is set to SSL_TCP.


The RFC format to be used for describing the audit event.

Supported values:

  • RFC3164
  • RFC5424

Default value:

  • RFC5424


The transport layer protocol to use to connect to the syslog server.

Supported values:

  • TCP
  • UDP

Default value:

  • TCP

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