
1.3. Router Schema in a Spring XML File

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The router schema—which defines the XML DSL—belongs to the following XML schema namespace:

Specifying the schema location

The location of the router schema is normally specified to be, which references the latest version of the schema on the Apache Web site. For example, the root beans element of an Apache Camel Spring file is normally configured as shown in Example 1.2, “ Specifying the Router Schema Location”.

Example 1.2.  Specifying the Router Schema Location

<beans xmlns=""

  <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
    <!-- Define your routing rules here -->

Runtime schema location

At run time, Apache Camel does not download the router schema from schema location specified in the Spring file. Instead, Apache Camel automatically picks up a copy of the schema from the root directory of the camel-spring JAR file. This ensures that the version of the schema used to parse the Spring file always matches the current runtime version. This is important, because the latest version of the schema posted up on the Apache Web site might not match the version of the runtime you are currently using.

Using an XML editor

Generally, it is recommended that you edit your Spring files using a full-feature XML editor. An XML editor's auto-completion features make it much easier to author XML that complies with the router schema and the editor can warn you instantly, if the XML is badly-formed.
XML editors generally do rely on downloading the schema from the location that you specify in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute. In order to be sure you are using the correct schema version whilst editing, it is usually a good idea to select a specific version of the camel-spring.xsd file. For example, to edit a Spring file for the 2.3 version of Apache Camel, you could modify the beans element as follows:
<beans xmlns=""
Change back to the default, camel-spring.xsd, when you are finished editing. To see which schema versions are currently available for download, navigate to the Web page,
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